Better Personal Research

In our Focus today, a discussion of how to improve personal decision-support.  See, all of us who are life-long learners sometimes lose focus on the importance of “personal product development.”

Before we tackle that, however, Consumer Prices just out. And yes, they’re up.

In the ChartPack today ventures into financial pugilism as the Future will “duke it out” with Inauguration this coming Monday.

There’s a lot to weigh in here, so let’s start with the anchor..

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17 thoughts on “Better Personal Research”

  1. “Anything that irritates me – even in the slightest – is attacked by research, nowadays.”

    Hey, I resemble that remark.

    Listen up Homegamers, this place just aint seedy enough for my tastes..
    So I am encouraged to provide youse all wit a solution..

    Voila – dr Malones,md latest on youse seedy readers/lurkers and general good citizens health matterz-

    Whats in Ure Cooking Oil ?

    been cooking wit Gold,Oil, Crypto- see SMLR for equity exposure to BTC – better deal than microstrategy offers..imho.

  2. Morning! Got yur rally hats on? Ms. Mkt. (scored by SPX) had a remaining gap to fill from 11/05/24 HI 5,783 which closed with LO on 001/13/25 trading at 5,773. Not into “gap-o-logy” ??? It’s OK but worth watching. Individuals may scoff but trading computers know where they are and put weight on such things.

    Working Toward Dawn…

    I used to rise at 4:45 am to George but that was when E2 was on the HS Swim Team and I drove the morning carpool. Later that turned into 5-something and now, I’m trying to stay horizontal until 6-ish. I seem to need (9) hours of snooze time. Efforts to stretch into night usually fail (often with me roused by the sound of my tablet clunking onto the floor). It’s not worth the fight IMO, the body is self regulating and consumes what it needs (whether in regards food, sleep, or whatever).

    I used to do early morning research but now, in retirement bliss, consider it more recreational than crucial. Our frigid temps cause pause of late. Even my TomCat cringed and walked away when I offered to go out for the morning trot. It’s a spine chilling 13F this day with high in the 18-zone. But, the big yellow ball finally crested the hill to East so we are bathing in solar gain. Water Furnace hasn’t run lately and with luck the thermostat will soon read 66 (a gain from the 65 we park it at in deep winter).

    Our roads are various shades of slick to eel shit. The country (crowned) roads are wicked slick, no plows, no salt or even sand spread. To my surprise both area MI State highways were hardly and better? Even the Indiana Toll Road was an ice rink yesterday. I exited after just one segment to use ordinary South Bend streets on the way to / from a Surgeon consult for Mrs. E. Guy was way cool (knew the Mrs. from having worked together with the Missus, prescribed applying “benign neglect” to her condition). Works for me!

    ATL: when we returned from white knuckling in the 4WD our lake had _no_ ice. By sunset there was 1/4 mile building from the West shore and about 150′ from our side. You could literally watch the cake grow over 10-15 minutes (shoveling). This morning there are nearly 300 surface acres of solid. Except for a std. swimming pool patrolled by migrating waterfowl.

    Note: there were (2) hulking gray shapes near the pool and once light came on my bride laughed and said yep, Eagles (eating the Coots). The big birds will circle and dive on fowl restricted to that small pool and, easy pickins.

    Today? Without promising to do so, I will probably help the grocery shopper go get the weekly provisions. Our preferred (local) food chain offers 10% off on Wednesdays so gas is free in a manner of thinking. But it’s wicked cold so?

    Stay warm all!

    ps – watch the TNX, as always, but also keep an eye on the Buck. King Dollar roared through (5) intervening highs so now may challenge the Oct 2022 highs? The US Dollar is supporting Treasuries as rates drift lower. Now? High Dollar _and_ high market set bond rates. My guess? One will supplant the other. High inflation and lower rates. Book it Danno. None of the above ^ or any past / future idle chat should be consider financial advice. Ahem … retired, hey?

  3. A final Gift to FJB before departing – claiming bragging rights to the vast creation of wealth in the stock market before the DRAWDOWN. If Trump has any clue he should let this pig crash – expose all the creators of false data – clean house and rebuild.

  4. Looks like Bank Settlement day is a winner (stocks up huge, so far) ……. not that it all matters …. another year of gloom and doom, another year of UP markets ………….. seems the trend …. until it ends … good luck all

  5. Senate confirmation hearings today for Pam Bondi to head the DOJ
    if Trump would have choosen a man,,, well they would have to face the sexually accussors, Trump has and Kavanagh and Hegseth,,, but
    ” Q post 2671
    Jan 11, 2019 5:15:03 AM EST
    If a woman is selected as the nominee does that eliminate the wrap up smear re: sexual assault?
    What other tactics might be planned to block and/or force name removal?
    Why is the Senate important?
    Who controls the Senate?
    Enjoy the show.

  6. Speaking of personal research, I wish I had access to this Japanese study before taking COVID mRNA Vaccines in 2021.

    Here is the paper’s conclusion.

    “Conclusions The study observed a higher reported incidence of COVID-19 infection among vaccinated individuals during the pandemic period, which increased with the number of vaccine doses received.”

    This is commonly known as negative efficacy. Congratulations to all those that didn’t take the jab.

    • Bob, I suggest you contemplate visiting Orthomolecular News and possibly subscribing to their newsletter. It is irregularly-published, when something happens in the fields of medicine or medical research which the staff thinks would be of interest to its readership (generally once about every 6-8 weeks.) The site and all information on it are free, and freely accessible.

      • Goldmine, Ray. Thank you so much.

        I also subscribe to JAMA (Journal American Medical Association) and Medscape and follow people like Dr. John Campbell on YouTube.

        Still learning and sharing at 83.

  7. As if we haven’t done enough ‘research’ on the horrendous Covid-19 shots damage, here’s some ‘confirmation bias’ for y’all:

    “Scientists Make an Alarming Discovery About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines”

    Seems those spike proteins that are not supposed to migrate from the shot site actually DO migrate throughout the whole body and do heart and blood vessel damage.

  8. Blue lotus dreams..
    wow I had some crazy dreams last lucid ones though..mostly about sound and frequency.. then some reflection on Human selection

  9. The latest rumor in LA fires is up to possibly 3-6 months to return to homes, because of connecting utilities safely, remediation of contamination and underground fires flaring up (roots?)

  10. “Issue 1178-A
    January 18, 2025” Let’s do the Time Warp Again!

    “More candidates to become a U.S. 41st state, perhaps?” Which 10 states suceeded today? I’ve been gone all day and playing news ketchup!

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