The markets – wading through Trump’s “pendency” and the fires blowing up – have been a bit disappointed. But we have our eyes on tomorrow’s market action for a number of reasons.
- Tomorrow is a Bank Settlement day.
- Thursday is Index options
- Friday is stock options
- But above all, tomorrow is Retail Sales
Clinical economists may find this one “informative.” Because in the latest Fed consumer habit report, credit card use was down a good bit. One theory says it’s because of data-gathering and collation schedules. Another offers “in-house” company plans “90-days – to six-months, same as cash) and so forth.
Still, we are mindful that tomorrow’s Retail numbers are coming. And with our expected “rally into mid-week” plus a three-day weekend ahead, Markets could be ending the “buy the rumor” in preparation for further “sell the news” selling later in the week.
Troubling “pre-shock” headlines are already circulating: McDonalds, TGI Fridays & More Get BRUTAL News As New Economy Indicator Spells DOOM For Retail. The newish (though almost unbelievably complex interrelation with Fed credit card use) is there – waiting to be judged after the numbers tomorrow.
In the early futures?, Tiptoes up the bid side. BTC drove up to $97,280, but has started a modest retreat as a click time. Hint of coming bloodshed? And did you see? Supreme Court Ruling Confirms US Securities Laws Apply to Binance Despite No US Office. Wait, do we see crypto carpetbaggers or whales at work?
Fires in “Blow and Grow” Mode
The reports out of SoCal have not improved dramatically overnight. Winds bring potential for ‘fire growth’ across L.A. County this week – Los Angeles Times.
Meanwhile, the politicization of the fires ranges from appalling to stupid, ignorant to outright incompetent.
Three days ago, the (alleged) governor was calling for an investigation of fire hydrants. And – on Michael Berry’s radio show last night – WOAI – the governor’s pitch for “studies and collaboration – with a side of “rolling up sleeves” sounded at least as idiotic as the rest of his free-spending left ideology.
Yet he is not alone. The desperate left is throwing everything it has into the fire fight, including charging “racism” between the lines in stories like Khloe Kardashian, Others Are Coming For L.A. Mayor Bass’ Neck. But While Some Claim Their Critiques Are Valid, Others Call Racism.
The (heavily Soros funded) liberals are using the fires to re-prove (like there was any doubt?) that they are 1) tone deaf and 2) they produce labels more rapidly than most Dymo machines.
To Berry’s point? With little-to-no progress rebuilding Lahaina (smoked in mid 2003) outright lying about the speed of recovery to expect should be a re-callable offense.
On that point, the recall Karen Bass petition had over 134,000 signatures today. (We’re pretty sure there’d be more, if the power was back on in many areas.)
It’s not like Berry (or us) is off-base on this: Former LA County Sheriff Says Bass, Newsom Should Resign For ‘Gross Negligence’ In Deadly Wildfires.
Going viral? Joe Rogan’s mid-summer 2024 forecast:
For dessert, how about the climate blame-shift efforts? BBC Try To Wriggle Out Of Extreme Weather Claims – Watts Up With That?
And yet…the Climate pitch continues: CNN analyst: Americans are NOT making connection between climate & wildfires – Polling shows ‘Americans are really no more worried about climate change than they were nearly 35 years ago’. Maybe because Americans are wising up to liars and panderers? Call us when New York is underwater…
Sounds to us like Blackrock has “gotten over” Climate, too, on reading Reuters Exclusive: Investor Climate Group Suspends Activities After BlackRock Exit.
Other Truths We Knew Were Coming
America’s Future-Hobbler-in-Chief is less than a week from departure. But we expected this to come: Hunter Biden Special Counsel BLASTS Joe Biden in Final Report. We would encourage republicans to immediately begin investigations of democrat lawmakers who waged law-fare and deceitful Russia lies on Trump. Oh, but that would require testosterone and going to the mat with the Deep State. So are we being too harsh? Um… ‘Gratuitous And Wrong’: Special Counsel David Weiss Slams Biden In Final Report. Nope, maybe too charitable.
Perhaps they could call it Tic-Trump? BREAKING: Elon Musk Emerges As A Potential Buyer For TikTok. I’d bid $20, but I don’t know where to mail the bid… By the way, China seems actually considering it.
Trump’s Loyalty Squad
The story is pretty interesting: Trump team questioning civil servants at National Security Council | AP News. I’ve deferred to a learned colleague (with experience in this space) for guidance. Two points in my thinking:
- NSC membership should continue the political restraints of the personnel lending agencies. FBI, State, CIA, etc. From the anti-Trump letter-signings, we suspect it’s all highly politicized.
- NSC appointments should – in our view – be strictly NON-partisan. And a (nonpartisan) group should ensure that politics isn’t played with America’s national interest.
For now, neocons have “educationalized” global partisans and we think a loyalty oath – to the country and nonpartisan execution of their jobs – is not asking too much. But, I’m sure I’ll be corrected by front-row types.
At the Ranch: Maple Syrup and Aerosols
Thank you. (Directed to a reader in Canada, who sent us a couple of containers of gourmet Canadian Maple Syrup.)
In addition to our Bailey’s French Toast – which is every cardiologist’s dream – I love to use Maple Syrup in many unexpected kitchen uses.
For example, many chefs know the trick about adding a tablespoon (or two) of sugar to spaghetti sauce. The sugar dramatically reduces the tendency of the sauce to result in heartburn in the middle of the night. (Going to bed later after sitting up for three hours helps, too. Reduces GERD risk, too.)
I make a pretty good breakfast, couple of times a week, of Chinese pot stickers. Chicken filled. The previous sauce involved finer juice, low-sodium soy sauce, and Japanese Mirin. However, when a friend told me “there’s corn syrup in most Mirin” I went looking for alternatives. Turned out a splash of white wine with just enough maple syrup to his the sweetness profile of Mirin worked great. Splash of balsamic, too.
Last night – off point – Elaine and I made two huge ham and scalloped potato casseroles. Answering the question: “How can two seniors eat a whole spiral cut ham?” Well, us and the KitchenAid are all about cooking Big and Freezing, when ingredients demand.
Smells of Work
Someone asked me in an email a while back, why do I have “Aerosols” up near the top of my (Brisqi) To-Do list, every day?
Glad you asked, because it’s one of the few things I didn’t get deeply into in my latest book (The Doctor Between Your Ears: Practical Longevity).
I would direct you to two papers to pore over. The first is (2019) Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: A Map of the Evidence – PubMed
From the Abstract of this paper:
“Results: We included 26 SRs representing the most recent and comprehensive evidence available. There is moderate-confidence evidence that aromatherapy is beneficial for pain in dysmenorrhea. Aromatherapy is potentially effective for pain in labor/childbirth; blood pressure reduction in hypertension; stress, depression, and sleep in hemodialysis patients; stress in healthy adults; anxiety in perioperative patients; and sleep quality in various populations, with low to moderate confidence in the evidence. For EOs applied topically, there is moderate confidence in the potentially positive effect of tea tree oil for tinea pedis. There is insufficient evidence of efficacy for all other conditions examined.”
The second paper, (2024) Essential oils: a systematic review on revolutionizing health, nutrition, and omics for optimal well-being – PMC included this in the abstract:
“…a significant improvement was observed in the diastolic pressure of patients with metabolic syndrome when supplementing them with cumin essential oil. The antimicrobial properties of coriander essential oil, especially its application in seafood like tilapia, demonstrate efficacy in improving health and resistance to bacterial infections. Cumin essential oil treats inflammation. Parsley essential oil is an antioxidant. Orange peel oil is antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, and pro-oxidative. Lemon essential oil affects mouse intestinal microbiota. Thyme essential oil protects the colon against damage and DNA methylation. Carnosic acid in rosemary oil can reduce prostate cancer cell viability by modifying the endoplasmic reticulum function.”
What to Smell?
Going strictly off the data (in (2012) The effects of lavender oil inhalation on emotional states, autonomic nervous system, and brain electrical activity – PubMed). But there are several other scents that infuse into my office/writing space every morning.
- Freshly baked bread scent. This one is included because of all the religions around the world that include “burnt offerings”. Baked bread scent is inexpensive.
- Strawberry scent: Sure, you know about the “aliens love strawberry icecream” story?
- Then a cedar, pine, or fir scent. Pine fresh: the cultural and medical context of pine scent in relation to health-from the forest to the home – PubMed.
- Last, because of my eye issues: Possible role of frankincense in the treatment of benign essential blepharospasm – PMC,
Longer answer than you were expecting, but it’s a very interesting topic. Remember, odors are a key aspect of the censors wafting scents during religious convocations…
Write when you get rich,
I put a little white chunk of Frankinsense on the top of my (French, pot type) diesel stove now and then. It sublimates away, making the house smell religious.
… So I’m not the only one who likes Frankincense. The other half has 12 yrs of Catholic education and thinks I am nuts for stinking the house up with that “stuff”.
I get same reactions frm Sandlewood burning..
The resin (Frankensense) when inhaled in large quanities will induce a real High..psychotropic ? not really – but borderline..a great “vehicle” to carry Ureself to “outer realms” – or whatever the F we want to quantify “It” as, when practicing magic/rituals/boosted or fortified” Meditation.
Like everything so far RE – Translated in ancient Greek – Septuigent – every instance of Baptism is a Drug ritual and or prescription..what will happen after taking it.
Every single mention of the word “christ” is a DRUG..a Theriac..the burning purple usually. “you must in-christ your eyes so that you may see” (prophesy)frm Septuigent.
All a pedophilia & drug cult…which explains all the crimes against HUMANITY the catholic church has committed over the years..up to present day cathloic priests preying on their young innocent Pupils/Faithful.
F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ SICK “people”.
Frankensense – Drug
Bend for the dude, its the right thing to due for Ure masters. You will know who Ure masters are by those you cannot criticize..hmmm-
NO, no, non, nein. While it is true that there were (are?_) evil people in the Catholic church, the same is true of all belief sects, sadly. At least every one I have investigated. Even true in govt, now that I think about it. And law, too, and medicine…and software empires and out at Martha’s and Chappa….
The Brilliant GATU while hiding love everywhere has also spoiled Creation with evil in a nearly equal measure. Keeps the game going. Hard for the wandering seeks to take it all in and still make sense of it.
Pouring poison is one thing but drinking it in, is another.
Anyone my age may remember this radio show.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows…”
I have never found evil limited to one religious or professional or political group. It seems to be equally spread.
Pb “geez” ,
“SHE” is/was OG Savior. Greeks called Diana, many called her Madea..
Where do you think the whole “Born Again” is Sourced from ?
The “poison” usually entails one or more Snake-Viper venoms.. the purple comes from poisonous/toxic sea snail.
How may times is Purple mentioned in the book?
Da F do think the “verily,verily..must be born again is all about?!?!?!?!?
You gotz to DIE – just like You know Who was in process of when they caught him in the garden with the little boy.
The exact same “process” occurs under influence of hero dose of psychotropic drug like Peyote, you experience a kinda Death. On the other side when you awake, is Hyperspace!
* only experiences is wit “mackerel snapper ” priests.
** I consider that P word worse than that C word.jss
(“NO, no, non, nein. While it is true that there were (are?_) evil people in the Catholic church, the same is true of all belief sects, sadly. “)
exactly…take the 26 tribes of Islam and the 26 different interpretations on the holy Quran.. in each of those tribes as an example even with the various interpretations there are people that are good and bad in each one.. not everyone in the 2500 + sects of Christianity interprets the information the same… its the same with the 2500+ pagan faiths..
among the people in all of these their personal value structures vary per each individual. the whole should not be judged by the actions of the few..
Anyone my age may remember this radio show.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows…”
Greets, Bob. Check this out:
Don’t spend too much time at OTR or you’ll find yourself shopping for terabyte removables… ;-)
Ray. When I was a very young lad, I used to pretend I was Lamont Cranston. Drove my brother and sister crazy when I would investigate them for any petty crimes (swiping, swearing, skipping school, etc.) I always told them “the shadow knows.” LOL.
Jeffery aint selling..yet
Olfactory senses – awesome start, great job introducing the field up to Study. Says hear Sense of Smell is way way underdeveloped, way underdeveloped. In fact most of the really cool science regarding Olfactories” is going on the downlow- subconscious, which is pretty much an occulted area of study. Shout out Loob for the zon link EO making machine thingy…THX. Daughter ordered one for me – while I bees SAFELY out da country currently.
Of course like EVERYTHING else in Science-Engineering – we are severely lacking in MAGIC. Ancients considered it a most important area of Science to Study-Practice.
No Aether, No Qi, No Natural Force, No Life Force = primative thinking..knuckle dragging Apes..actually Adams = beasts of burden in ancient Sumerian.
No worries “beasties” – when the harvesters come – tic Tacs (SSF), just pray to dude for help and salvation – works EVERYtime..bwahahahahahah
as Mr Ure has this dias, I AM in this choir, the sermon is good ‘again’ today, start to finish. I like honey in my chili and spagetti or any dish with a tomato sauce
I sometimes burn a little frankensence on my woodstove, but normally use the vaporizer w/essential oils. I have pine needle oil in the mix but no strawberry.
Q has a delta today, well he has them for every day, delta being on this date, but 1 to 7 yrs ago.
“on Jan 14, 2018 – Donald Trump posted a drop directly to anons on Q’s message board and signed it 4,10,20 — or D,J,T.”,
but that is the Qteam posting,, as Mr President-elect(6 days) only eludes to the Q in many rallies of the now past .
I see Andy’s post to you about ‘Q and George’, I suspect it is Batman talking to Sorass the bad joker
at the very begining you see the Bat signal as post by Scavino, the faithful sidekick
seems we really are in a movie
“NON-partisan” is that a real thing?
Trump’s garbage truck is to be in the inaugural parade, and I am laughing at the implications.
I gotta go fill bird feeders and put out cat food, grab a second cup and see what is good for breakfast, then there is that pile of logs that need chainsawed and split as I have 3 days of nice weather to get ready then a windy day then back below 32 F for daytime highs for about a week, 8 below for Sunday night, normal winter . Ya I got natural gas heat, but I need the exersize and fresh air.
ya, that non partisan thing,
“BREAKING: 80% of federal government managers who voted for Harris said they will resist the efforts of the Trump administration, while just 1% said they will somewhat support him, according to a Napolitan Institute/RMG Research survey.”
but he was just reposting this source
Thanks for the reminder about essential oils. I used to have a diffuser and almost every oil one could imagine. Fell out of the habit, so maybe a cue that I need to get back on that.
As for the brown gold of the north – Maple Syrup. Have you tried Maple Sugar? No, not the candies. Actual sugar made out of Maple. I use it as a substitute is most of my baking these days. If you are creaming sugar and butter for some baking, go 50/50 with regular granulated sugar and maple sugar. You won’t regret it.
Sarah Brightman – Scarborough Fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme…
Maple syrup? is that not enough of a good reason to invite Canada to be number 51? just appealing to your gut instinct.
google told me 70% is from there
we like white sage.. the wife has several different essential oil or incense burners..candles etc.
Scents and aromas can do many things for the human soul. Thankfully all of Southern California has been Saged off in the last week. Shall all evil spirits go elsewhere.
You can cut maple syrup by a minimum of 25% using sugar in boiling water to create a simple syrup, and then mix it when cooled with the maple. You cannot tell the difference and it stretches it a lot. They used to do that up here until the gov got wise and started testing for purity.
When I was a kid, Crescent spices made a mapleine extract. That and 5 lbs of sugar – couldn’t tell the diff. Pappy wasn’t rich but he was motivated and loved waffles.
Try French Toast using Chala bread.
1″ thick slices. Dip ’em, a bit longer
because of the thickness. Plenty
You’ll never go back.
they still make it….
my ex wife’s aunt use to make mulberry syrup… dam that was was her secret recipe that she took to the grave with her..
some hillbilly cousins use to make a sweet molasses syrup that was to die for to..
from Alaska I got a jug of birch syrup from my sister that got it from the natives there..
“governor was calling for an investigation of fire hydrants”
.gov controls the time, money, narrative.
.gov can slack jaw until we’re fatigued then Trump rides in and bails them as hero telling us “They’re Americans and Americans must help Americans.” We know Trump has to do the bail because Biden announced the $770.00. I could be wrong and Trump tells them to suck it. We wait and see. We need the betting website.
Reverting that chunk of land back to forest is a huge economic hit over there. And if the people who had mortgages really didn’t have fire insurance whoever holds the MBSs will (ultimately us) has to pay for them too.
“cooking Big and Freezing, when ingredients demand.”
I’ve been eating tacos made with canned beef. And eating canned fruits and vegetables. What do you posters do with your preparedness foodie supplies after awhile? Options – eat/donate/feed yard animals.
I donated some canned goods to a lady who claims to participate in operating a homeless shelter but I’m suspicious and think she used the foodies for her family instead of feeding homeless people. And I think she re-gave a large, one gallon jar of pickles to one of her friends. I’m watching them….
rotate…..oldest first newest last..
if it’s a canned good and getting close to expiration then freeze dry it..
You’re right about rethinking this food cache. There’s still about 100 cans of beef down in the basement. None of it’s near expiry because I donated that away.
Using the rotation method at one can a week I’ve got to eat the canned beef for the next two years. As replacement purchases are rotated in generally I’ll be eating canned beef for the duration.
Thanks for the tip.
Freeze dry it.. good for thirty years..
I have two freeze dryers.. or retort can..
give Thom a call he will definitely help you get started ..
way back we use to joke about the MRE’s Lasting forever… so a bunch of us kept one of our favorites to keep until we retired.. it sat untouched on a shelf.. as many times as I was tempted.. the thing was over thirty years old.. then I slipped and fell close to thirty feet.. got my ankle busted real well it saved my life by catching in the rung of a ladder … I assumed I had a care team at home.. but my ex packed and left…Anyway there I was.. couldn’t walk .. and looking at that mre… I tossed a pillow at it and it was consumed.. it was still good..
So retort canning .. in I think 95 when the food cans manufacturing changed. we outsourced manufacture and cheapened the lining of the can..they changed the lining in cans from an epoxy To a cheaper lining and thinner tops. with the change in the lining of the can. the food is still good but after time will start taking on the metal taste of the can itself. so retort can.. I have the chamber vac.. great unit but not many people are willing to invest in that expensive of a unit.
the magic seal is totally capable to do the job.
I seal on both sides.. turn it over hit it again.. then pack it on a jar stand in the pressure canned and a rack on top with weights in one bag I put a meter temp prob. similar to canning in cans you have to reach the proper temp for the proper amount of time. so then you pressure can it the reason for the weights and packing the canned tight is the Mylar bags expand and can fail at the side seams. the temp probe in one is to insure your temp has killed the buggies in the pouches..
Here’s thom..great guy super nice tell him his friend from the wastelands sent you lol..
Here’s a video by the extension office in alasAlaska..
What’s nice about retort canning is the flexibility and storability.. I will do meals .. hamburger helper one hamburger pouch in each one ..
tuna.. tuna steak measured and packed in olive oil some salt and spices.. I worked with a woman that canned carp.. dam that was good you couldn’t tell it from tuna..
then dehydration.. heavy oil seeds like peanuts.. those are almost impossible to can up..the best way is to first harvest the oil..then dry nut meat and grind it into a flour then seal it up..
the government peanut butter of the Reagan recession cheese give aways ..was the government reduces the oil content for long term storage..
for retort hamburger I pre cook it.. then pack it and retort can.. according to pressure canning recommended methods..
Your pastural ruminations prompted me to search PubMed concerning matters “olfactory” together with either “cats” or “dogs”. The former returned 459 responses, and the latter 610 responses. I sense an oxymoron in the offing: the above results would appear to be nothing to sniff at.
Unfortunately, the pun police turned their nose up at my call for help. But not before wondering if I was a collie dropout…
My humor stinks, but like Slo, I hide it well.
Last weekend while you were waxing on about lupus, two days ago “CBS Sunday Morning” pictured the US Secretary of State photobombing 9 NATO women foreign ministers. The network program’s hostess celebrated her 77th birthday last Sunday by “interviewing” the SoS noting he had “exactly eight days left as Secretary of State”. It turned out that the interview was based upon the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels which took place more than a month ago on December 3rd and 4th. It looks like the State Department dot gov AI translator has struggled mightily to discern the interrogatives and their corresponding responses in transfer from the English language CBS report onto the State website. The State website result reads somewhat like the Bidenese language. No wonder the President has experienced past verbal faux-pas. Is the same AI software feeding both WH teleprompter and State…?
Here’s a CBS link:
Here’s a State link:
Confused we very are? Maybe the machine is thinking in classical Latin where word positioning was fluid and there was no punctuation.
Guess you got skunked huh George!
re: Season 3 Ep. 47
feat: personel problems
It would appear that the First Lady of Ukraine was a scriptwriter with Kvartel 95 since its 2003 inception around the same time she and the President married. Yesterday and today, lamentations have appeared on the President’s public Telegram channel regarding “personel problems”. Today the PM had relayed word of Air Force dissatisfaction with staff rotation and supply of weaponry.
Yesterday both the armed forces chief and the head of ground forces had met with the President. The premiere training academy of officers to the Ukraine army was lacking a leader. President Zelensky had delegated his Defense Minister to fire the most recent academy head following a Dec. 18th inspection. The dismissed Lt. General had served in the posting since 2009.
The President had determined from reports that indeed discipline was too harsh, the food was sub-par, and students were displeased with handling of vacation entitlements. In short, the students, their girlfriends and/or parents were not happy.
President Zelensky is understandably pleased to publicly announce that the competition for the new Academy leader has been narrowed down to five candidates. Move over Simon Cowell, “America’s Got Talent” et al. Academy students and members of the Ukraine armed forces are invited to avail themselves of the internet-accessible “Army+” app and select their favorite choice for Academy leader. Apparently more than 2,000 votes have been received already!
The Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy is named after True-Believing Zaporizhzhian Hetman of the Cossacks Petro Sahaidachnyi. Apparently he attempted to seize the Russian throne in 1618 from the first Romanov Tsar, Michael I. His family coat of arms includes a latin omega against a background red Mephistopheles-head-shaped shield. He was canonized shortly after the start of the start of 2022 hostilities and became the Patron Saint of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Speaking of TikTok.
Chinese spying, bad. Elon spying, A-OK. The Werewolf game.
My understanding is most TikToke’rs already started moving to Rednote preparing for the TikTok ban. I’m not sure how/if TikTok’ers are moving content.
Elon might be buying an empty bag.
Methylene_Blue A sports dr. and researcher told me about this many years ago during a meeting about energy and healing modalities; pretty amazing re: aging, alzheimer’s and more.