NextGen Warstyles

As the Global brinksmanship continues, some useful thinking about Warstyles is due. While it’s said that “generals fight the last war over again” we see with the recent Party Favors War (PFW) that the guests in the Next War will have a considerably different UX (user-experience) than previous encounters.

So much has changed, and more changes are coming.

This is a worthy topic from an investment standpoint, as well.  Because not only will larger civilian populations be held captive using many of the new warstyles, but in addition many of the impacts can be gamed ahead of time and evasive actions mapped.

We are living, to put it in Gamer context” in the “first-look, first-shoot” world we fear so much.

Be of good humor, though.  The market is still likely to open this morning.  And the start of Spring in America is just over a month away.

What could go wrong?

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95 thoughts on “NextGen Warstyles”

  1. Went to Kroger last night to get water … (which will be run through our filtration system cuz we don’t trust that shit either) and noticed the grocery pick up area didn’t have groceries waiting, it was about 30 gallons of water, several separate orders. The water section was about wiped out but we snagged the last 20 gallons of the good stuff that was left. Only water left was deer park. Nobody likes that water … even when there’s a chemical spill up river.

    Got me thinking … why the hell do we have to filter our water the city provides? They say it’s clean. It looks clean … but if you test it, it ain’t clean. Think they just do the bare minimum and we have to finish their job. Maybe I should email the treatment plant to let them know that Amazon has better filters than they do. They really need to step up their game. I’m way ahead of them.

      • It may be worth noting at this time, that every automatic drip coffeemaker is a still. Every time it “clacks,” it has vaporized a teaspoon or so of water, which cools to below boiling before it dribbles out on the coffee.

        Granted, it will only make about a gallon an hour, but that’s faster than the drip through my Berkey, which keeps me (and a few four-legged friends) in drinking water.

        With that said, I think I’d be taking the fam on an off-season vacation for a couple weeks, until DeWhine and ButtJudge finish their visual proctological exams…

        • My big question is what about chemicals.. some don’t get filtered out..
          which is why I went with a saltwater desalination cartridge.. my thought was .. the filtration is fine enough.. but is it fine enough to take out the caustic chemicals..

    • Every town and city along the Ohowihateohiostate River draws their drinking water from the same exact source – remediated sewerage. Every single town along every single waterway (fresh water) in the United Snakes of America draws drinking water from the same source – remediated sewerage, that is dumped back into the river “cleaner” (technically) than it was when drawn. Chlorine dont do any positve squatta for chemicals – they are in there to “make Ure life better”. Cant tell you how many water pollution events I found/investigated and prosecuted in 6 short years as water ways conservation officer. Chemies were alwayz the worst – everything in the stream dies, everything. Dont worry too much – eventually chemies will leaches into local aquifer..

      Got Well Water?

      • Well water is a good point.

        All the smoke particulate sent up from the vinyl chloride fire will be washed down from the sky into the cisterns and rain barrels across the area. All the animals and crop food now have special additives.

        Filters could be installed on the rain catching systems. Good luck to the animals.

        But everyone can’t have a well. And like the folks in Ohio, at any moment we may get the text to “run for your lives”.

  2. Germany trusted NATO.

    As far as we know .gov did the Ohio disaster to work inflation into the economy. There will be a money storm soon. Any business with “Eco” in the name will be E-submitting for consulting/clean-up fees.

    And the RR staff just got billions in bailout. Premium 25% raises all around. We got Ohio.

  3. Petraeus?? …. wasn’t he the one who WON the Afghan War for the US? Or was it the Iraq War? Can’t remember for sure which War he won for the US, maybe it was BOTH!! OH … glad to see his Probation is finally over with. You know even for felons eventually the clock runs on one’s Probation time.

    OK, that was more than a bit Snarky … but in my universe the people who got BOTH of those Wars so wrong aren’t entitled to anything but a passing read with little weight given to their comments. Be like listening to Dick Cheney wax poetically about how wonderful the “Patriot Act” was in strengthening US Democracy and it’s citizens Individual Rights.

  4. First, they recover wreckage … then, “Naa, we didn’t recover anything.”

    And now Biden is creating an interagency team to look up to the sky and ask the age old question … “What the fuck is that ??”

    I think we the people should go into the old government mode and simply deny what ever info they come up with. We’ll just say “You’re crazy” … “Those were Chinese lanterns.” And accuse them of starting conspiracy theories. See how they like that shit.

    Oh yeah, and if one of them get abducted, we’ll call them a liar when they get back.

    But something tells me, it’s gonna be like when we already had the DOD, and Bush started the Homeland Security thing. – never miss an opportunity.

    • AI is some really scary stuff… gpt3 will hold a regular conversation.. and AI is everywhere in control of everything.. your toaster.. and with the ai hive memory it is almost impossible to eliminate.. then lifelike robots.. today there are robots that use flesh like skin moisture and texture just like skin.. there is a girl that was at the hospital.. she has and artificial arm.. and fully functional.. even to the sensation she thought she could feel what she was picking up..
      legs the same way.. robots that can run up stairs at thirty seven miles an hour with full access to the cloud..
      garbage cans hold our whole life in them.. everything is in the garbage.. and the cloud is the garbage can of mankind.. with access to all your electronics.. I had access to my friends camera’s his banking and credit card information his security systems.. I could track him on his cell phone from a tablet that was still connected to the cloud even though it had been wiped clean..
      I believe that it is to late already.. and if the Biden war doesn’t destroy us all.. we will see fully functional robots with life like movements..

  5. Secret negotiations…bwahahaahahaahahah Ure sooo full of scheisse your eyes are brown. Surely after Minsk and merkles addmisssions, no RUSSIAN is going to negotiate with anyone/body from the United Snakes of America.

    There is no question this war is HOT, there is no question there is going to be more industrial “accidents”, there is denial we have been ATTACKING Russia on the daily (bioweapons labs frm the “obongo’s”) since at least the evil polack zbigies time in carter admin- evil sick maniacal hatred of Russia.

    Follow Ure nose – it alwayz knows the color of insanity where ever it flows.frm zbig’s abie normal brain -trashganistan-slovakia-ukraine-syria/turkey ..dude even looked like ahriman!

    You dont/cant negotiate with Darkness and Hatred =the great satan.
    I have seen the enemy and is the United Snakes of America and their masters GBR.
    Only question in my military at this point in the “Game” IS – Who is a bigger threat to my Life and Loved ones ? my government, prolly! or my brothers of the LIGHT – those dastardly Russians ? Imagine “that” from old retired “special” guy living deep behind the front lines…hmmmm

    • In this world of nested Russian Dolls. Congrats on following what is being spoon fed to you.

      Applying URE’sLaw : Everything is a business Model, follow the pivot to follow the money. Close Ure ears, put yourself in charge of the masses, what excuse would you use as cover / scape goat for squandering the all those Paper Chits away? Fog of War.

      Got [the chosen] Blockchain?

  6. Thank you very much, George, for sharing the wisdom and insights of your family members. Loved reading the stories. It is good to prepare the best that we are able. It is also good to have like-minded neighbors. There are some good prognostications of what may come and when, but I think that many folks will not believe such things. Their imaginations will be limited to how they expect the status quo to be maintained. Many young people will not believe that their cell phones could ever be impacted, and their parents will not be prepared to mitigate living without some modern conveniences. They will think that any negative impacts to their current living situations are inconceivable. Panic will ensue, and the people who have made no preparations will not be able to think rationally. I would say that preparations for the unexpected includes having goods stored as well as mental preparedness for what could be. Thanks.

    • Nancy, FWIW I would not be surprised at a first-month 50% death rate for everyone between tweeny and 30. Urban had a pile-on bitch session regarding the Stupid Bowl a few days ago. I refer to athletes, musicians, actors, and other such entertainers as “court jesters.”

      What the “court jester” does is provide escapism for the masses. The better the jester’s escapist drivel, the more money the jester is paid.

      With that said, it should be understood that cellphones, computers, TVs, e-tablets, gaming consoles, and all other such electronic toys provide a much deeper and more pervasive form of escapism than any concert, movie, or sporting event, no matter how intense the hype.

      Most of the 10-30 crowd have never experienced real life, and I believe are incapable of handling the inrush of pure realism without the possibility of attenuation or escape.

      • What a realistic but tragic prospective you have provided, Ray. Thank you. I would also include those folks who are dependent upon certain life needing drugs, like insulin and other such. The book, One Second After, describes that scenario, as well as having a limited diet and more exercise that helps to eliminate the need for some diabetes and blood pressure meds. Sadly, real world situations, like what happens to people during wars and famines, are not taught in schools anymore.

  7. Greetings Mr Wizard,

    a little music for my introduction..

    Can you help a feeble minded citizen with some chemical science ? What do get you get when you burn vinyl chloride and phosgene ? sUrely everyone on urb surv knows the answer, but I will provide for the less informed “ostriches” out there breathing it all in as the clouds pass on by..DIOXIN – as in he largest single dioxin plume in world history..anybody know of a larger release ? Good Luck downwinders, they really do luv you, TRUST me on that…bwahahahaaha

    cue the SOLUTION –

    Got Trust . .. suckas!

    • dont look now, less than a thousand made up digits (green cotton toilet paper) till BTC hits TWENTYFIVE THOUSAND worthless, dirty, cocaine encrusted, crime facilitating, buttwipes..uhm I mean USD

      its a burd, its plane, its a sky dreadnaught, nah just good ole reliable Bitcoin. Joyous and blissful, no?

      party on G, party on.

      • H O D L. Got some paper chits waiting to wipe up the floor with that final spill down to $12K or so. It will be fleeting moment. For Some.

      • “TWENTYFIVE THOUSAND worthless, dirty, cocaine encrusted, crime facilitating, buttwipes..uhm I mean USD”

        the material used in the currency is not suitable to use as tp.. thinking about the drug laced.. would you get high if you used them to wipe with.. oh my god.. now we will have the morons that lick toads ass’s to get high stuffing dollar bills.. what’s in the baggie your huffing .. George Washington’s or abes..

    • Had a close friend consulting to EPA years ago who one day mentioned something to the effect of … that an Oz. of that schiizele could contaminate a whole fresh water reservoir……

      # Islandlife

  8. I grew up in the city of Pittsburgh during the 50s, 60s and 70s, 3 miles as the crow flies south of the 3-Rivers. Steel was king, and steel production needed plenty of coal baked off into coke. The chemicals in the air were bad, but few environmental controls existed regarding how industrial ‘byproducts’ were disposed of. Most liquid manufacturing waste (from quenching the coke and rolled steel) from the steel mills went into the Monongahela River, which joins with the Allegheny to form the Ohio (hence the 3-Rivers nickname). So bad air, and bad water, as the water treatment plants mostly just chlorinated the river water – lead and other heavy metals and pollutants remained. IMO this train disaster, serious as it is, pales in comparison to what I and fellow Pittsburghers endured. I even worked a summer in the blooming mill, where steel ingots are rolled into ‘blooms,’ or long, thick rectangular plates of steel, and several weeks at the coke ovens across the river. I gladly quite for the start of college classes. I then got a 20+ year ‘reprieve’ from the regional pollution by serving Uncle Sam. Today, steel production is dramatically marginalized. Marcellus Shale-gas production and methane cracking are the new ‘steel’ for the region. Those industries dump plenty of gunk into the atmosphere, particularly the new Shell cracking plant on the Ohio. The prevailing winds blow the venting gas and burnoff directly toward the downtown and university areas. This train derailment happened not far from that Shell plant on the Ohio. My late maternal uncle told my brother and I that all that smoke and fumes coming from the steel plants meant that people were working, supporting their families, paying taxes and keeping the nation strong. For better or for worse, things are viewed much differently today. A few local residents near the train site are planning on suing Norfolk Southern, representing every human within a 30 mile radius of the incident (which my place lands within and is downwind from). Back in my youth the whole damn city could have sued J&L and U.S. Steel into bankruptcy, but back then the legal system protected critical industry from ‘frivolous’ lawsuits. Plus, those steel plants provided “good union” jobs and tax $$$ for city infrastructure. The politicians loved big steel, and big steel loved the politicians. Bottom Line (sorry for the ramble): We can’t throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water. The nation needs rail transportation to keep industry and trade solvent. The nation needs manufacturing to remain competitive and a 1st World power. The people need jobs. Regional cities need tax dollars from rail and industry. Tech jobs are showing they cannot support local or national economies. So we must choose, but choose wisely.

    • I grew up downriver on the Ohio in Louisville. My Dad worked at ASRC American Synthetic Rubber; they made synthetic rubber for tires and rocket fuel. As I recall, the plants were lined up next to one another. Union Carbide, Rohm and Haas, ASRC, and several others spewing nasty shit into the air and water. That was progress in the 60’s.
      I had severe sinus problems until we moved across river to Indiana and West of the polluted air and water.
      My heart goes out to the families affected by this derailment. They will suffer for years no doubt.

      • I understand where both of you are coming from. I still remember the windshield wipers melting to the glass, every time we drove through Cleveland.

        However, with that said, it is likely none of us were forced to breathe phosgene or hydrochloric acid — The people downwind from Palestine are…

      • ANDREW ANGLIN: The crash was almost certainly caused by diversity and vaginaism. If you look up Norfolk Southern, the rail company that crashed, it’s all about how many colored people and women they have working for them.

        Obviously, the issue is bigger than that, and there is a helluva lot of corruption that contributed to the destruction of this country. But this society has pushed white men onto fentanyl, porn, video games, and crypto gambling to make room for a brave new future of brown people and women, and this transformation is now unsustainable.

        White men designed these systems. You bring in people to replace white men who had nothing to do with building the things they run and things are going to stagnate, degrade, and then collapse.

    • A little Dioxin here … a little more over there … What’s the BIG DEAL?

      Love Canal wasn’t too bad. Only killed, maimed, and destroyed the lives of a few thousand, Hooker Chemical said “Sorry” and life went about it’s merry way with Hooker Chemical morphing into a division of Occidental Chemical Company.

      (historic note: Occidental Petroleum was also the operator of “Piper Alpha” in the North Sea. That explosions and fire in 1988 only killed 165 men when Occidental REFUSED to shut down the pipelines feeding the fire … since that would cost Occidental MONEY in lost oil and natural gas sales – if they HAD shut it down estimates are the death count would have been under 20, maybe even under the 10 who were caught up in the initial explosion some of whom may have lived. Clearly a company well versed wrt the “money vs. lives destroyed” equation)

      • it’s always about the business model..
        did they ever clean up love canal? and where did they dump the contaminated material..
        I often wonder where they dumped the radio active contaminated dirt I worked day labor to scoop into a bucket of a front end loader..
        the govt. was trying to get the reservations let them bury it there.. told them it was healthy for them..

      • The train wasn’t transporting phosgene, it was transporting vinyl chloride which, when burned, breaks down into phosgene and hydrochloric acid gas…

        • Thank you for educating me. The first time I was around phosgene was in a plastics plant 35 years back. I had to have class room safety training before I was allowed in the gate. I didn’t spend a lot of time there. It was the only facility I have ever been in which purportedly had a 36 hr compressed breathing air supply piped into the control room. I worked with the guy who claimed to have set it up.

  9. Side Note: Lumber futures have dropped 18% in the past five trading days.., supply/demand, interest rates, weakening building permits., all are starting to take their toll…, It [ the price ] could weaken further, as a bottom does not yet appear to be in-place. If you are looking at a Spring building project, you might want to keep an eye on your local lumber yard prices.

    • 30 year Mortgage rates were averagine 6.6% yesterday … that is up from about 2.5% 18 months ago. That might have a bit to do with the fall off in lumber demand, but heck what do I know, I only work with present value and amortization calculations weekly.

  10. George
    I agree with your statement on storing six months of medications that are needed for an individual.
    I disagree on the capability of successfully doing so!
    The Medical/Insurance/Pharmacy Complex frowns on this big time.
    If you can get the prescriptions from your doctor for the quantities needed then you may need to spend many thousands of dollars for a person with serious but manageable illness.
    As an example the insulin for my Lady cost about $1200 for five Lantus long lasting insulin pens. That lasts about a month. But wait, she also takes fast acting insulin when needed. That’s another $1000 or so each month.
    Then there are the 15 or so pills she takes every day. That’s several thousands of dollars every month.
    Then there is the Dexcon6 glucose monitor she wears. It uses 3 sensors every month. Cost? Don’t ask it’s big.
    So you see even if you can get the System to let you buy it you would not be able to afford it!
    Not to mention the storage issues with the insulin.
    There are millions of people in the U.S. with this situation.
    Your advice while logical will happen for only the fortunate few.
    I wish it was otherwise!

  11. Correction – a little further digging., and Lumber has dropped 24% in the past 9 days., bottom of this sudden sell-off looks to be close.

  12. Re: Treasure Island
    feat: X marks the spot


    Artists in search of an inspiring fuzzy isle blob set against tranquil seas would be well served to seek out Mageshima Island in southern Japan on Google maps. Since the last of the locals set sail two score and some years ago from “Treasure Island” into the mainstream, kindly intermediary banking interests holding 99% of the island’s real estate awaited tides of good fortune. Now having netted a good harvest of 400% return on investment following government buyout, the public has been notified that construction began last month on a military navy base dedicated to US aircraft carrier support activities.

    • Re: Goal !!!
      feat. By de’ nyet minder


      A chill may be going down the backs of sports fans in America’s capital. This as the NHL’s Washington Capitals team clinging to a wildcard playoff spot announce star player Ovechkin has left the team. He is off to Russia to deal with a “family matter” and is expected to be away for an “extended period”.

      Yesterday the CBC posted a mini-documentary online, “Ovechkin’s controversial, cozy relationship with Putin”. The piece opened with a 2014 hockey player award ceremony at the Kremlin in timestep with the takeover of Crimea. The pair shook hands warmly and Ovi grabbed a presidential elbow. Viewers were then segued by film to a still of Ovi and signage requesting “save the children from fascism”.

      Folks, if you have Ovi in your hockey pool, this may not be your year to win the grand prize.

      • that “chill” would be puny Humans CNS responding to direct THREAT of ionizing indicates there is a disturbance in the “force” to come, soonly..

        the Russian ether bunny hops too on 4/16/23..number 9, number 9, number 9..

        Lets see the battlefield now..WEFrs/Russia/China/Alphabet Agencies/Iran/NK/Syria and all the other countries United Snakes of America has destroyed vs a zombified woke joke of a once great nation with a woke joke of a military/leadership.

        Our governments (national/state/local) bee “owned” with WEF holding those “chits” – wonder how long before PEEPs realize industrial saboteurs ,politicians and media are ENEMY COMBATANTs?

  13. Fed-induced recessions should have Fed-induced recoveries – which seems to be the mantra for this stock market. The New York Fed’s Recession Probabilities model, which is based on the spread between the three-month and 10-year Treasury yields, is currently at 57%. When the indicator breaches the 50% mark, it has a perfect track record. Recession. Yet it is being completely ignored. If the Fed is serious about its 2% inflation target., recession is guaranteed. Judging by the upbeat direction markets have been moving, investors are behaving like the Fed’s about to ease up on interest rate hikes. Which is exactly the opposite of what The Fed will do.
    “History shows that the Federal Reserve strategies often end in major disappointment ”
    So., where does that leave us? That leaves hanging. Sitting on the edge of the bed in a cheap motel waiting for the guy in the next room to drop his second boot.

    We know it’s coming., we just don’t know when, or how loud.

  14. Speaking of dreams Lindsey Graham turned and is now an advocate of legalizing all the illegals Reagan style, mass amnesty.

    There’s a quote floating around where he basically says he’s working against old-stock Americans.

    “While I continue to support relief for Dreamers, I hope my Democratic colleagues understand we must repair a broken border and address a tsunami of illegal immigration before that is remotely possible,” said Graham. “The Dreamers represent a class of illegal immigrants that have much public support because they were minors brought here by their parents and America has become their home. To provide relief to this population, we must first convince Americans that the unending wave of illegal immigration will stop.”

    Look, eaglets (soon):

    Big Bear Bald Eagle Live Nest – Cam 1

    This live feed is owned and operated by Friends of Big Bear Valley, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

    The nest is located in Big Bear Valley in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California.

    • .., or 1] They have found a way to make money on it., or 2] They are seeking a way to take control of civilian operated infrastructure.

  15. “the battlefield nightmare for NATO continues to unfold The West has a supply chain issue and budgets for deliveries of critical arms are out 2-years and longer. War’s likely to be over by then.”

    Pardon me while I reread my year-old post and attempt to look surprised.

  16. “If that’s not enough specter of nuclear war for you, how about China Warns of Retaliation Against US Entities in Balloon Saga – Bloomberg?”

    That’s no big deal. As I said at the time, we did not shoot down the Chinese balloon until Creepy Joe got permission from the Chinese. The three little balloons are likely all research balloons, one, at least, owned by NOAA (meaning we blew up a half-million dollar instrument pak WE OWNED, with a $440,000 missile WE ALSO OWNED.

    The big deal, and it’s a REALLY BIG DEAL, is Russia re-arming its navy with nukes.

  17. “The hint in that direction came from General Petraeus in a CNN report (Gen. David Petraeus: How the war in Ukraine will end | CNN -longish read) in answer to the question “How does this (war) end?”

    Petraeus is assuming the spin the newsnerds are making to the Western public is accurate.

    I don’t. I’ve used the statement: “The first casualty in any war is truth” several times, in different forms.

    Neither we, nor the Ukrainians or Russians, have accurate information regarding much of anything on the battlefields, except a count of burned-out MVs. The Russians probably have (highly-classified) fairly-accurate counts of their own losses. NOBODY has accurate counts of Ukrainian casualties, nor has anyone an accounting of the AZOVs, either their actions or their casualties.

    Petraeus should know better, and probably does. The fact he’s spewing the Administration’s propaganda because that’s what his audience wanted to hear, means he’s a sellout for a paycheck, and I will from now on consider him an unreliable source.

  18. I believe the population graphs would be much more useful if they were in population count rather than percentage…

  19. “The fall from the Depression’s heady heights in 1929 becomes the crash decline in population growth in 1933 and 1937.”

    Along with the relief of people’s savings, The Depression is generally credited with relieving prurient thoughts — and a huge social boost of morality. The MPPDA introduced the Production Code (no nekkid bodies or profanity) in 1930 and fully implemented it as the “Hays Code” in 1933. Adultery all but ceased, and schoolgirls began keeping that aspirin pill sandwiched between their knees. “Existence” became such an endeavor that at the end of the day, people were “too pooped to pop” and births between marrieds also dropped.

    Ain’t history fun…?

    • My dad was a young man of his 20’s and 30’s throughout the 1920’s … and told me as I grew up in the 60’s that the “Free Love” stuff of the 60’s that was going on, as well as the huge amount amount of infidelity that was going on (think movie The Graduate), were just a repeat of what the 1920’s were. WILD TIMES.

      The big difference as he described it was that in the 20’s the mind altering substances used were mostly ILLEGAL alcohol, though marijuana was around and used – lots of wild hemp bushes everywhere because of it’s heavy cultivation during WW1 so as to make rope so it was readily available in the 20’s, and in the 1960’s marijuana had taken on the position of being the “thumb your nose at authority” mind altering drug for young people to use vs. alcohol.

      From his perspective life just circled back around given time. It was his continual comments and comparisons to how life “Cycles” back around over about a 50 -60 year period that got me interested in how societies, people’s attitudes, and economies, seem to have a regular cyclical “beat” to them, which eventually led me to long wave economics and George’s site and why I have always been fascinated by Martin Armstrong’s work (though he is not always correct). Even eventually ended up with a well thumbed copy of the classic book put out in the late 1940’s or 1950’s from the “Foundation for the Study of Cycles”, which reprints in it a LOT of the great work done on cycles in the 17th and 18th century.

      • ” lots of wild hemp bushes everywhere because of it’s heavy cultivation during WW1″

        I still remember high school and college kids making yearly pilgrimages to NW Indiana, to pick “Indiana ditch weed.” Lake County is a really big county, as far as counties laid out using Thomas Jefferson’s system and survey. It is essentially a suburb of Chicago, and (I assume) harbors a lot of farm land. USDA finally nuked the ditches in the 1970s (Agent Orange?) using crop-dusters…

  20. “Homosexuality, for example, is one sure-fire route to reduce the birth rate…

    …Similarly, the gender change drive is another route into the sterile future.

    Which almost nobody has noticed.

    The human population has been a more-or-less static 5.5% homosexual for 7000 years. Transsexuals and transvestites have been a static 0.5% of the population over that same time period.

    There has been a massive push to indoctrinate children as young as four, into the idea that they can change their sex at will, simply by asking. Children are not told that getting an addadicktome or a whackadickfromme makes a person permanently sterile, which is the only reason I can think of, for this massive, history-defying push.

    FWIW my grandchildren are ALL currently being homeschooled, without a nudge or suggestion from me…

  21. “You will find our coverage becoming very clinical, sterile, less free-ranging, and mainly reprinting government press handouts when things start hitting the rotators. But not yet.”

    You should, perhaps, consider imposing censorship standards, as well. You don’t need someone’s two minutes of irrationality hitting the NSA sieve and directing the Truth Ministry’s attention on you. I suggest you work on this, maybe with our input, so when the time comes, assuming the Internet is not EMP’d into oblivion, no one will be taken aback by new policies (and deleting the U.S. content or moving it behind your paywall…)

  22. “The Life Navigation problem hasn’t changed much in the Ure family. Same strategic issues for almost 100 years. Except in place of Stanley’s “straight-eight Ford” it will be a Kia.”

    I suggest G2 contemplate a straight-eight (or V-8, or the very-reliable 300ci straight 6) Ford, an F250 (in a long-bed if he can find it) of a vintage between 1952 and 1967. It is EMP-proof, right off the line (drop in an original tube radio, retro A/C, and a heater if it doesn’t have one.) They make a hell of a farm truck, and they just go. The GMs are probably as good, and have that awesome “door” on the V-8 distributor cap which makes it so you can set a precise gap with a dwell meter, without taking the cap off, but the Fords are ubiquitous and every single part is available, aftermarket. The straight engines are torquey, and will get north of 20mpg (a 1956 F250 long bed weighs about 3300 pounds, a 2023 F250 long-bed weighs about 7000…) Make sure to get a valve job and have the exhaust valves/seats replaced, so it’ll run on alcohol without burning them up.

    Just sayin’.

    I like Hyundai/Kia vehicles, but if’fn you live in the boonies, ya needs to have one vehicle in reserve which “just runs…”

    • I second the idea of the Ford 300-6! It’s easily maintainable and the bell housing swaps with the small block Ford V-8. You can get a newer engine and drop in a distributor and carb/manifold from an older one. The six is far more maintainable than a V-8 and fits in the engine bay more easily. It’s also in the same CID range as the small block V-8’s. Get a standard shift if possible – the thieves won’t know what to do with it.

      • “Get a standard shift if possible”


        The clutch pack in the old automatics is good for ~40k~150k miles, and if the poo has hit the fan, parts & rebuilds will be unobtainable. The manual transmission is good for millions, and you can buy clutch bits & shelve them for later. (I recommend changing the pressure plate and throwout bearing at least every second driven plate.)

        The world would be a better place if everyone had to learn to drive a 3-on-the-tree…

  23. Historian Who Predicted Fall of Soviet Union Makes Startling ‘World War III’ Remarks – It’s Already Begun

    “It’s obvious that the [Ukraine] conflict, which started as a limited territorial war and escalated to a global economic confrontation between the whole of the West on the one hand and Russia and China on the other hand, has become a world war,” Todd said.

    For both the West and Russia, Todd said, the conflict in Ukraine is now “existential.”

  24. North Korea defector compares woke US ideology, education to regime tactics

    “They were in Manhattan, living in the freest country you can imagine, and they’re saying they’re oppressed? It doesn’t even compute,” Yeonmi Park told The Post of students at her alma mater, Columbia University. “I was sold for $200 as a sex slave in the 21st century under the same sky. And they say they’re oppressed because people can’t follow their pronouns they invent every day?”

    New book out on the 14th — already in-hand…

    • The alternative media is starting to question the Woke narrative more actively in regards to support of corporate and partisan brown-shirt colonialism in the US. I noticed a few graphics embedded in anti-woke articles that were notable:

      Admittedly, the embedded graphics were probably more informative than the articles.

    • Yes.. and it is sad.. I worked with a man.. govt. sponsored from Afghanistan..the govt. paid his rent gave him medical dental etc.. guaranteed him a job with forty hours .. He thought my friend and I should be put to death because we let women bosses tell us what to do.. his whole reason to be in the USA.. was so he could buy twelve wives.. the cost.. less than twenty dollars a piece. He got freed college education Luckily he told the administrator when she cornered him on doing the chores assigned to him.. what was it they said he said.. “YOU UGLY COW. IF WE WERE IN MY COUNTRY I COULD HAVE YOU WHIPPED OR PUT TO DEATH FOR TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT” LOL they let him go.. the US govt.. transferred him to Kansas.. my reaction when they told me.. dam you mean you didn’t hide in the bushes to beat him to a pulp LOL LOL you could have given me a call.. I would have paid ten dollars to watch that.. LOL LOL..
      NOW for an american woman.. I know a young lady.. as a mere child she was forced to be sold for a sex toy.. If she didn’t make X dollars a week she was beaten and threatened for physical harm or a gun.. that is in the USA.. with a USA citizen.. what is wrong with that idea.. she was terrified to give testimony.. so they threw the book at her.. half of her life will be in prison.. she is thirty one just a couple of weeks ago.. I had tried to convince her to escape.. she did try moving.. they found her.. when she is released.. she will be targeted again.. because to get a job will be almost impossible for her.. the only thing she has known since days of innocense is the sex trade..
      wonder why I hate the crime family yet.. they targeted their own family members.. not counting on the thousands of images and video’s he has posted himself to be traded back and forth on the web for eternity.. this young lady’s dream was to be a chef.. all because she was terrified to give testimony.. she has what five years left of her sentance.. she got thirty years.. we talk often.. I make sure she can get some shampoo and a chocolate bar once in a while some yarn for her crochet.. and a few books every month.. this time.. rather than ask her to move to someplace else.. I will offer her shelter and a chance.. if I can swing it.. a culinary school.. run interference if anyone tries to force her back into being a target again.. nice kid.. about the age of my grand kids.. and she didn’t deserve any of it.. she was Prey for the wolves.. and targeted because she was afraid.. they didn’t offer her protective custody and a new identity.. they weren’t that big of a criminal group… and that is all the time in the cities.. the ghetto.. ever heard the term THOT.. ghetto Head.. ( oh yea that was the perve that said that about his Mother in law_) the kids in the hood have very few chances to escape their living environment.. even those giving the call to action are targeting those people that are basically defensless… they have to fight or be killed maimed or beaten daily.. a college education almost non existent and if they do get one.. the loans will push them to the level that they are used to.. the problem was.. take the coal mines.. a coal miners son was expected to follow in dad’s steps and work the mines.. a living.. the odd’s of breaking free from that type cast is hard.. those people living there live and die in poverty.. industry is being dismantled.. from it to.. leaving this whole economic area.. without an industry to fall back into..
      Most of my life I worked three jobs.. never less than two.. the reason .. if you rely on one position there isn’t any security.. as I found out the hard way.. one thing can upset the apple cart..and no there isn’t any free money out there.. I have heard and even read about the moron that got a two billion dollar loan with a bad credit history bad payback.. and he let a ton of elderly nursing homes go while taking all the money paid in.. and then got a huge multi million dollar payout over covid.. LOL so I know there are stupid people in stupid banking positions and areas that do hand money to individuals that have no credit history and are a bad risk investment..
      to break away from the ghetto is tough.. and people asking these people to come to action and destroy their own neighborhoods is true.. you can watch it on the evening news.. here what a great idea it is.. and that the situation is acceptable violence.. but in my mind it is pure stupidity and mindless people will follow.. I hear every two minutes on the evening news.. a blurp about January 6 but not one word on the terrorist activities of BLM and Antifa.. and even now they are trying to destroy the poor ethnic neighborhoods.. you would think these people would be smarter than that.. but hey.. if it is acceptable violence.. but what if that acceptable violence and destruction happened in the Hamptons, or in Beverly Hills, or Martha’s Vineyard.. I am guessing it wouldn’t be as acceptable.. just like the lives of some young woman or boy.. that can be targeted and used as meat to sell on the sex market..
      then take the PNW..
      I can’t find it now.. back before the Pizza scandal and top dignitaries being involved in it.. there was a bunch of investigative reports on dissected human remains off of seattle washington.. that were suspected of being illegal organ harvesting of asian women that no longer had value in the human trafficking area.. it even happens here.. once the big scandal hit and everyone realized there were names involved that would upset the whole country.. it all pretty much vanished..

      • her sentance is thirty years.. she has to serve half before she can be released.. she has been in there a long time now already.. I give her encouragement.. nice kid.. and If I am still alive when she is released.. I will give her every opportunity to make a decent life for herself..

        • This is heartbreaking! I know of other women stuck in prison long term due to naivete and failure to understand the system. They’re an easy score for a corrupt prosecutor. I have a friend who helps them legally to the best of his ability. The system doesn’t like that.

          My hopes and prayers for this girl. I intend that she gets out asap and has real and safe opportunities in her life.

  25. A 1929-like daily 3-phase fractal series decay.
    The 11 day base of the 11/26-27/27-28 day primary decay series in 1929 contained the 1929 peak valuation.
    A possible 11/28/28 day decay fractal starting on 15 February 2022 at the end of a March 2020 33/72/50 week (x/2-2.5x/1.5-1.6x) peak valuation high with the 50 week third fractal defined by nodal valuation lows on 3/14/2022; 5/11/2022/ and 10/13/2022 and a secondary lower high on 2/15/2023. This equates to a 14 March 2022
    43/107-8/86 day :: x/2.5x/2x fractal series with an expected fourth fractal low in 1.5x or 65 days. A 15 February 2023 11/28/28 day decay fractal would complete the 65 day fourth lower fractal. Both timber(in consideration of today’s comments) and Bitcoin are following the similar pattern, consistent with the contracting available money supply and high interest borrowing cost which support all asset valuation prices.

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