Out of recognition of my personal dopamine addiction tendency to over-trade a bit, we need to begin with the set-up going into a three-day weekend.
This is one I MAY short. Because things will likely be runaway positive next week, or we will slip down the icy slope toward global collapse (and war to follow).
As usual, we begin with a jaundiced glance at the data.
Housing Starts
Lumber prices are down because the prospects of finding enough people to buy homes has darkened. As reader Stephen2 reliably noted in the Comment section of UrbanSurvival.com “30-year Mortgage rates were averaging 6.6% yesterday … that is up from about 2.5% 18 months ago.”
Takes huge cajónes to put up a spec house these days. Because while the Fed is gradually raising rates, we were apparently the only ones with the hearing aids up high enough to hear “Higher for Longer” was the game plan. That’s not good for construction. So, it’s against this background that we unveil the housing starts just out from Census:
This has rippled, as several readers have commented on, specifically in the price of Lumber which (early) was trading down in the $403 range for the 110,000 b/f contract.
We’re finally getting to the ideal building window here in the outback as weather warms (80F possible Monday) for reworking a deck and putting the long-delayed front deck replacement up. We’ll try to rope Elaine’s visiting son into indentures for the Radial Saw Restorer in Chief. More on this in ShopTalk Sunday.
Producer Prices
Second economic hangman out and about today is the Producer Prices report out of Labor: (Big inflation bump!)
The Producer Price Index for final demand increased 0.7 percent in January, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Final demand prices declined 0.2 percent in December 2022 and advanced 0.3 percent in November.
In January, a 1.2-percent rise in prices for final demand goods led the advance in the final demand index. Prices for final demand services also moved higher, increasing 0.4 percent.
The index for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services rose 0.6 percent in January 2023, the largest advance since moving up 0.9 percent in March 2022. For the 12 months ended in January 2023, prices for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services increased 4.5
Final Demand
Final demand goods: The index for final demand goods moved up 1.2 percent in January, the largest increase since rising 2.1 percent in June 2022. Most of the January advance is attributable to a 5.0-percent jump in prices for final demand energy. The index for final demand goods less foods and energy increased 0.6 percent. In contrast, prices for final demand foods fell 1.0 percent.
This is a kind of “looking up the tailpipe” to see what’s coming down the production lines.
Philly Fed #’s
Well, these are a treat, too. Sort of…in a recession’s coming way:
The diffusion index for current activity fell from a reading of -8.9 last month to -24.3 this month (see Chart), its sixth consecutive negative reading and lowest reading since May 2020. Thirty-one percent of the firms reported decreases (down from 33 percent last month), exceeding the 7 percent reporting increases (down from 24 percent); 57 percent of the firms reported no change in current activity (up from 37 percent last month). The index for current new orders declined 3 points to -13.6, its ninth consecutive negative reading, and the current shipments index edged down 2 points to 8.7.
As always on Thursdays, we get the new unemployment filings view, as well. We have highlighted the NSA – not seasonally adjusted (more likely to be lie-free) to get a sense of things:
All in, it is just another trading day. Numbers dropped futures so a downside today is likely in the cards.
War and Ure Shorts
The wars of Europe could go either way. But, in terms of a high-risk window, we figure the 3-day weekend will be one possible war weekend (though it’s early).
Russia Strikes Targeting Ukrainian Civilians Worsen Displacement Crisis | Miami Herald. But this is not the Big story. THAT is embodied in how the EU and NATO are STILL not hearing Russia which simply wants some buffer room from the economic dominatrix crowd of the EU. Stoltenberg Says ‘Time is Now’ For Turkey to Approve Finland, Sweden Joining NATO (voanews.com).
Peoplenomics “I told you so…” We alerted subscribers this week to be on the lookout for reports of these weather (fallout predictor balloons over Ukraine. And NSS, here we go: Russian balloons over Kyiv in new wave of attacks – BBC News.
While there have been “secret talks” going on for at least a week, we are likely in the window where things could break either way. Because if “peace” can be touted in Ukraine, then markets will scream and the yellow-scale “2” in our Elliott work will move to the right in this view:
If you squint, just so, you can see the market negotiating the future for us. I know – whose cockamamie idea was that, right?
Far right side of the chart there are three “trading boxes” of which a light green would simply complete the rally. But there’s a possible larger 2 in play which would be comprised of a rally higher than last summer’s bounce (dark green). The scary one is the red trading box which is where “peace talks” fall apart, the nukes come out, and life returns to the 1800s.
Damn if these are interesting times, huh?
Do You Trust the Gov’t?
Pop quiz: Based on CNN’s report East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment: Roughly 2 weeks after a hazardous train derailment in Ohio town, frustrations mount at meeting over residents’ health concerns.
Correct answer: Bottled or Distilled, keep the dioxin in the lab.
More Lies and Gubermint
We already knew most politicians were sincere world-class liars. But even in such heady delusion, the buzz wears off as George Santos’ Republican Colleague Says He’ll Be Gone Soon: ‘Had Enough’ (newsweek.com). We’ll beLIEve it when we see it.
Ever since the story broke about Santos, we’ve been trying to wrap our heads around liars scoring one another; grand perversion of elective government.
“There’s a sucker born every minute” goes the old saying. I look at Santos and Bitcoin popping through $24,500 overnight and the saying is confirmed.
OR – the same possible pay-off to hackers *(remembers the ground stop?) is being replayed. So if we see an infrastructure failure, yep – someone’s buying BTC for hush money. Coming soon to a grid near you? The mind boggles at the novels and movie rights from such things.
Speaking of ransomware (speculatively) let’s make it real for you: City of Oakland declares state of emergency in wake of ransomware attack | Engadget. Sucksabunch to be a sitting duck, don’t it?
Fine Print
Passings: Raquel Welch, 82. About all I got out of Raquel Welch, “Fantastic Voyage” actress and 1960s icon, is dead at 82 – CBS News was dead, but brief illness of what is the question.
None of Joe Business? Video FBI does more searches in Biden documents probe – ABC. We’re still sorting out which of the recent Oval crime families was worst. (Bidens are leading.)
Questioning seniors in politics: Nikki Haley Calls for Mental Capacity Tests for Politicians Older Than 75. Empty out D.C.?
AI Psychosis alert: Help, Bing’s Chatbot Won’t Stop Declaring Its Love For Me – NYT. If an AI loses its, um, core being, do you call a shrink or a software engineer?
Let’s make children sterile to save the environment details: U.S. Republicans target transgender youth healthcare in legislative push and they want to charge medical types and parents for child abuse for these medical monetization’s. Don’t stick us taxpayers with the bill, capisce?
Censors called out: DirecTV boycotts among other things are falling out as Newsmax is being deplatformed. Sen. Ted Cruz to Newsmax: DirecTV Censorship ‘Indefensible’.
ATR: Lawn Repair
Although the next couple of days will see lows around freezing, the rest of the month is looking “good-ish and warmish” with highs around 80 on tap for next week.
Today, off to the energy emporiums to load up on home-handy-bastard farm supplies: big jugs of propane *(generator and BBQ) and “farm diesel” for the tractor and greenhouse heater. Ethanol free gasoline for the outdoor power equipment.
That’s the easy part of farm work. The harder part is the raking and putting in the grass seed. We’ll try to remember before and after pix.
Have a great day: Prime Rib Thursday out here!
Write when you get rich,
“As always on Thursdays, we get the new unemployment filings view, as well. We have highlighted the NSA – not seasonally adjusted (more likely to be lie-free) to get a sense of things:”
NOW consider that number… the unemployment insurance … IF.. you quit a job.. you are not eligible for benefits..
If… you are let go from a job.. you are not eligible for benefits.. the only time you can get benefits is.. IF.. its allowed by your past employer.. and if they don’t want their standing reduced.. they won’t allow you to have those benefits.. in the health field you see that all the time.. During the annual witch hunt.. they seek employees at the top of the income bracket.. with twenty years or less in job.. then get rid of them in a mannor that there is never a chance of it going back on them and they don’t have to pay out unemployment. if you make it past the twenty five year range.. then you are safe..
One year a top two hundred hospital let all the nurses go.. hundreds at one time.. ( which is how I became friends with my doctors nurse.. we worked together )
before that.. it the positons of nurses aids was voluntary.. I worked for years and didn’t get paid for it.. you went to help out someone you knew who couldn’t take care of their mother or father.. they had one or two on..that did get paid.. but it was voluntary.. they took volunteers from the halfway houses and mental institutions to.. LOL got a great story about that.. LOL
so.. is the number the real number of unemployed.. and that doesn’t take in the amount of people that have fallen off of the rosters that was getting it as well..
during covid.. I knew several kids that did get benefits.. but once they got back to work.. they wanted the money back.. which they had to pay back..
that’s strange because everybody that’s working for an employer are paying unemployment insurance.
so if you do have to file and take unemployed benefits, you’re getting the money back that you already paid into the system. NOT the other way around.
Yes that is what we thought to the year we went without an income…. but you are not allowed to get it… simple direct another business model..
if you quit you are not eligible to get it
If you are let go you are not eligible to get it..
the only ones that do get it are seasonal employees…
at least that is how it is in the wastelands..
that is why the numbers are really misleading
It looks great if you don’t count the unemployed or those that dropped off of the rosters LOL LOL LOL
” we’ve been trying to wrap our heads around liars scoring one another; grand perversion of elective government.”
QUICK ANSWER IS.. ITS THEIR JOB.. He was a grand master and will be a great president some day LOL LOL LOL LOL..
Look at our politicians right now.. they can outwardly lie to you defend the criminal activities they have been alleged to have created and buy the evidence using govt. to cover it for them.. do insider trading all without worry of having to face the consequences that ordinary citizens would be faced with..
Area’s that are predominantly run by military and govt. institutions are the grand mecca of business for the underworld.. anyway that is my take on it..
take the area where they collect our digital conversations in Utah.. it is referred to as the Mecca.. great business there for those selling perversions. I worked at one facility where if a young woman wanted a good job all she had to do was give the boss a little personal attention.. walked into the break room and seen it happening.. I quit but should have stayed..
It’s been 13 days since the Ohio train derailment and Gov. DeWine still hasn’t declared any sort of “State of Emergency” .. so folks are having to ask him to.
Interestingly, when there were only 3 people who tested positive for Covid 19 in the state Ohio, Gov DeWine jumped on a quick “partial State of Emergency” and upped it soon after.
It seems Covid is much more dangerous than all those spilled and burned chemicals combined, in some people’s mind.
Others see it differently, as folks way down in Huntington WV are rerouting to supply water
And they’re testing water all the way to Cincinnati and beyond and yes, traces are being seen and monitored that far away.
I’m sure you’ll be hearing that, that train was NOT properly labeled.
That should serve the folks well in Pennsylvania who are filing boo-ku’s of lawsuits.
Btw, since I mentioned Covid, I’ll just leave this for whoever might need to know … Ever wonder how fat is expelled from the body? It ain’t the way you think is it … read this and find out, you probably won’t wear a mask again.
And … are we at war with UFOs? After I just found out about the “rogue rocket” hitting the moon, my thoughts are, Well, maybe we are.
Me thinks that the pedo joe should pay a personal visit to the train wreck in Ohio. Him and Peter buttplug haven’t shown any concerns about the health of the citizens. Hell,bring cumhola to, I’m sure that there are people of color being affected.
Personally, I want to see the Ohio Legislature convene an emergency session and move the Governor’s official residence to Palestine. The more I see of Mr. DeWhine, the less I cotton to him…
“Questioning seniors in politics: Nikki Haley Calls for Mental Capacity Tests for Politicians Older Than 75. Empty out D.C.?”
Hell I would be happy to see the President Draw a PIG and a clock face..
When a politician asks for my vote , I suggest I would be glad to if they proposed psych and drug tests for all politicians. I get the deer in the headlights.
Politicians, hell! IMO they should give them to the voters. Would it really be an infringement to require that voters prove they’re sane and sober, before they vote these fools back into office…?
Yes, but who designs the tests, and who scores them? Do they require a baseline IQ of at least 100 and a working knowledge of our system of government?
IMHO, there needs to be a way to have a “Vote of Confidence” like they have in parliamentary systems, and also a simple way to recall any politician in elective office for any reason or none at all.
Politicians need to be responsive to voters, not lobbyists!
Unfortunately, there’d be no way to implement an IQ component, nor, based on the Constitution and our laws, should there be. (If we could, it should probably be the Stanford Binét from the ~1960s — before politics was injected into testing.)
A number of (but not all) States have recall procedures for shithead politicians. I don’t know if any have such procedures for national politicians, though. This was one of the “safeguards” we threw out with the 17th Amendment. “Senators” were never intended to represent States. They were intended to represent State Legislatures. They were appointed by the Legislature and could be recalled or fired at any time, by the Legislature.
I’m not going to harp again on the Law of Unintended Consequences at this time, but I will point out that the 17th was popular with the People, who were told they believed they were grown-up enough to vote for their Senate representation, and came to so-believe. I point this out because there are constant drives today to eliminate the Electoral College using that same argument…
Re: Data Dump Thursday
The website of Rt. Hon. PM Trudeau advises that he continues on his working trip today in Nassau, Bahamas. He along with 20 Caribbean leaders are looking for paths to a more prosperous world as well as addressing the Haitian gang conflict.
Thankfully the PM’s last jaunt to the region – Jamaica for a family Christmas holiday – was not materially impacted when the nation declared a state of emergency as gang battles raged in the streets. Perhaps Jamaican PM Holness has raised a toast this week in Nassau celebrating the one year anniversary of his Canadian counterpart invoking the (War Measures) Emergency Act against the trucker convoy.
Re: Hurricane Isaias
feat: PN Portal
History records that Hurricane Isaias made first landfall in the Bahamas on Aug. 1, 2020 while at the same time being the lead-in story for Peoplenomics issue 988 B of that day. Isaias went on to make US landfall adjacent to Cape Fear, region of the recent balloon with alleged weather instrumentation array downing.
Days later was there a missing data dump? An object is reported downed off Bullen Point, named for one of the 1805 Club captains from Cape Trafalgar. Interestingly the publicly released tracking of the pursuit plane was published save for a 15 minute snippet.
Well leaving the frosty great white north behind, perhaps it’s a worth a gander to still take in late summery days at South Pole, Antarctica. Deep beneath the ice surface, the Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory continues its years long search for particles from somewhere else.
By the way, local media is heralding good news from area school boards! Teaching of handwriting skills is apparently not mandatory but simply left to the discretion of individual teachers. Riting has become passé in this new digital world of keyboards and pointing. Wreading remains useful although spelling bee competitions may become a thing of the past. Connect the dots if a legal signature is required – X.
It really irritates me that my 13 year old grandson cannot read my card if I forget and write in cursive. If children can read cursive, they can then read the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Wouldn’t want that to happen!
dumbing DOWN of our Utes . Cursive is gateway to higher orderz of thinking and “spelling” . Youse and yours are no longer allowed access to those areas of thinking, too dangerous.
Who the hell do you think you people think you are ? teaching children cursive..
Get Ure clotz shotz – all of them – so we can project the proper way to behave, the proper way think.. 4 once you have the “black goo” disguised as graphene onboard, our Audio Frequency Holographic Projectors will make the rest..just make sure you be standing amidst 3 cell towers..that way we can insure you are being properly manipulated with some of dem 3D complex wave forms..dundundun
lol, Ohio Gov DeWine has a “charitable foundation” based in Haiti. Maybe he’s hanging out with Trudeau so he’s having issues flying back and forth to talk up the train wreck.
Don’t worry though, he will use it to propel him into the presidential race.
Piling onto the war meme, Russia’s tactical nuke outfitted Northern Fleet is reportedly on the move into the Barents Sea and Atlantic Ocean patrol areas for the first time since the Cold War. Putin is doing some serious saber rattling.
Should Russia suffer additional setbacks in Ukraine, having already expended large portions of its conventional military equipment and battle ready forces, tactical nukes are believed to be an increasingly viable option for the Kremlin. If Vlad lights off a nuke against Ukraine, how the West responds will matter greatly to the future of Eurasia. If a NATO member is targeted, all bets on sane and measured responses by the Western alliance are off the table.
WH, I’m still more inclined to believe that the threat is from below. Boris is keying up their SONAR while navigating the Continental shelf with their boomers off of NYC.
Infrasound from wind turbines is fixed/stationary, I’d expect whales to simply steer clear.
Here’s the Symptom:
I bet they wish they had de-escalated this in the beginning before any of this started when the solution was a simple one. Move our missiles away from their border. assure them that NATO would never allow them to become a member.. and quit their push towards Russia… and made sure there was a golden bridge to de-escalate it after they pushed for this war instead of backing a bear in a corner..
the serious cross roads to this.. is now.. the USA has bankrupted many of the smaller nato countries as well as ours.. put the shadow of doubt on any treaty or agreement we make in the future.. shoved the majority of the european countries in the dark freezing with the loss of natural gas from Nord Stream. Created a multi polar world.. before the USA was the one to go to for guidance.. now will everyone see the USA as the go to for anything.. shoved the earth on the precipice of global annihilation..
and everyone has used up strategic reserves.. made sure that the greed business model that we go by shoved all of the countries that we destroyed to gain access to raw resources to seek agreements and treaties with Russia and China.. we have dumbed down our children sent our industry out side of the USA ..
what is that old saying.. considering all the alleged crimes that have been committed .. and the perverse actions trying to get this war underway.. that isn’t just my opinion but the standard opinion on the street..
what was that old saying..
In Cervantes’ Don Quixote, published in 1612: “The old proverb still holds good, thieves are never rogues amongst themselves.”
this is an ugly and scary situation..
My Grandfather told me, “it’s the things you worry about the most that never happen. It’s the things you don’t that do.” That can be taken two ways and in both cases, I found his wisdom correct.
We keep thinking nuclear bombs but, what if Russia has (something else) ?
After all the wars we’ve been party to and considering who we’ve fought, we really haven’t come up with anything novel that I’m aware of. Russia and China on the other hand, have had time to really think about wars while they have watched and learned from our successes and mistakes.
I keep thinking somebody’s going to pull a rabbit out of a hat and we might see something … I guess, amazing, is the word.
Nobody wants to lose a war and not everyone wants to be “woke” either … so on it goes … until we see either a giant mushroom or a rabbit.
what if they have something else.. hmm.. what do we know.. what do we suspect!
great thought
think about this..
then china..
we live here in the land of the dollar bill..
cue in paperlace..
we live and die for a piece of paper or a number on a piece of paper.. so we sold our ports.. we sold off our industry for the dollar bill..
we have dumbed down our children.. made an educations unaffordable just to keep those wishing to leave the hood in their designated social standings..
those things could be anywhere.. and to think a night dock worker has more moral and ethical values of those in the political leadership is just stupid.. they are struggling worse than ever for the dollar and social standings.. leaving success to those seen as being the chosen ones that lived the life of putting on the ritz..
with our war King.. the latin quote comes to mind..
Quem Iuppiter vult perdere, dementat prius
(Those whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason)
I just hope he can play the kazoo..
I believe it is to late for him to learn how to play a violin..
I strongly suspect the re-arming of the Russian, Atlantic Fleet is to put tactical weapons on OUR borders, not Ukraine’s. The vast majority of Russians, and a significant minority of Ukrainians consider that piece of geopolitical dirt to actually be a part of Russia. WE would not nuke SanFran or Portland, no matter the level of anti-American thought or action emanating from those areas.
Would Putin nuke St. Petersburg? Okay then, why does anyone assume he would nuke Ukraine?
Yo Kemmosabe,
what kinda “grass” seeds you be planting ? Reco you go with feminized seeds – to increase Ure odds of Female Sativas and Indicas. Feminized seeds cost a lil extra, but well worth the premium when talking bout growing Ure own. Texas Shoreline is a proven winner, and would prolly thrive in Ure “green” house..a quick review via Grassroots..
– Texas Shoreline by Grassroots is a legendary strain. Supposedly first appearing in the early 1980s, known as a true “old school skunk.” The Texas Shoreline is rumored to come from the state’s Shoreline amphitheater after the strain made a successful debut there during a Grateful Dead concert. The large buds have tones of greens and bright oranges with a nice sticky touch. The Texas Shoreline buds are fluffy and with a frosting of trichomes.Let’s take a closer look at the trichomes. This batch of Texas Shoreline by Grassroots has 27.77% cannabinoids and a total of 2.2% terpenes.
Sounds like a winna winna chicken dinnah to my eyes!
“an old school skunk” hmmmm
Write when Ure grow some real grass, cause as everybody knows NIEN BITCOINs 4 Du
This is very troubling….
BOB MORIARTY: On the 3rd of February nine western countries either closed their embassies in Turkey or issued travel warnings to their citizens that they should leave Turkey. On the 6th of February a massive 7.8 quake on the Richter scale hit early in the morning with a 7.5 earth quake following twelve hours later. So far the body count between Turkey and Syria is above 41,000 dead with the damage in billions of dollars.
The governments of those nine western countries with the early warning were either incredibly wise or they were incredibly foolish. We don’t know which yet.
Turkey reacted with fury in the belief that somehow the US had triggered the earthquakes with something called HAARP. I have no idea of what HAARP can or can’t do. I don’t even know if it still exists or what capabilities it has. But a Romanian Senator has come out with a blistering video saying it was deliberate.
It still exists, but understand, Russia, China, the UK, and a half-dozen other countries with like research, each have their own version of HAARP, and several of these are considerably more-powerful than Darpa’s HAARP installation.
“Trade the market you have – not the one you want.” Old traders saying from the floor of the CBOE. Still holds true today.
Logically, I’d be rather nervous about investing in any European stock market., but I guess I am looking at it all very differently then they are. The London Stock Exchange, the FTSE100, just set a record high., and most of the European exchanges seem to be doing rather well.
– I held my trade over from yesterday and got out a few minutes ago. Did OK.., but this market., can’t explain it, but it’s looking very odd., the numbers are not matching up., I do believe that the Big Boys are shuttling their portfolio’s and investments around..? Not sure what is going on., but for now, I just gonna watch from the sidelines.
Yep, short term day trading only right now. Many “US” things have been in a large sideways channel on the larger time frames for 3 months now.
My view is up for the major indices, but there is a lot of supply above that has to be chewed through.
Like your grandpa said, (paraphrased) trade what you see, not what you/I/anyone thinks/says.
“Trusting .gov”.
Local .gov decided to hold the meeting in the devastated town so the .gov officials who called the meeting must think the town is a safe place to meet.
Then we have Uvalde to reflect on. .gov actors there let the children die.
Houses are still moving by me. I’ll notice a sign and after a week or two the ‘sold’ sign is out there then another week goes by and the sign is gone.
Looks like ASML”s proprietary litho system design went free range in China by way of an ex employee.
Intel has been trying for years, unsuccessfully, to get going in the 7nm & 5nm chips. The chips may be faster, but mostly energy use is a lot lower. Last I heard, they are illegal to export to China.
The train derailed 2/3. Those who could flee probably headed upwind to Akron.
Motel rooms in Akron can be had for under $100.00 a night with additional $ for pet fees.
Note: sex trade operators/drug subculture dabble in the $100.00 & below rooms so these might not be family friendly. Keep an eye on your catalytic convertor.
Flee fees up to tonight are going on $1,300 just for the room in the low rent district. Some flee’ers would just grab the strongbox and a pistol.
Add clothes, USB charger for the phone, cat food dish. Bills at home are still rolling. The flee’er keeps calling and explaining fear to the boss but she’s in Miami until the coast is clear so doesn’t relate. Fleeing is expense and can force one to lose their means.
Or like many, stay and hope for the best.
Other than typical War fighting one should NOT expect any potential use of additional lighting until AFTER Easter (imo).
Putin got religion … well not Religion of the Oral Roberts’ old tent variety kind, but he GOT religion later in life just the same. As a result he will wait until after the passing of the MOST HOLY DAY in Orthodox Christiandom, Easter, before he would do anything radical (imo of course, but having known a number of people who GOT religion later in life once they are AWAKEND it has a HUGE affect on their behavior).
When is Easter for 2023 then? (below I will quote some Google info)
Easter (Catholic) 2023 – April 9, 2023
Orthodox Easter 2023 – April 16, 2023
Orthodox Easter Day, which takes place on the Sunday after the first full moon after Passover, is a sacred season and the most significant celebration of the Eastern Christian churches or orthodox churches — it will be celebrated on April 16 this year.
Why is Russian Orthodox Easter different?
Many Orthodox churches base their Easter date on the Julian calendar, which often differs from the Gregorian calendar that is used by many western countries. Therefore the Orthodox Easter period often occurs later than the Easter period that falls around the time of the March equinox.
IF Putin has anything so say about it NO additional lighting service will occur until AFTER April 16th. IF any such additional lighting would occur BEFORE then … well I would look towards other sources, Nord Stream’s recent generous benefactors?
The latest from East Palestine …
the more people gather together the more laws they make. complexity ya know.
as we seen during covid big cities around the world exponentially grow, so do the amount of rules made to “help” them.
the one thing love and war have in common is. passion. unbridled passion.
as we look at a map of the world. right hand side is east. left hand side is west. right hand is governed by the left side mind.
left side of Collective Consciousness of eatth controls the east side of the world population language, number skills, reasoning, scientific skills, spoken language, and right-hand control.
Right side of the Collective Consciousness of the Earth controls attention, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. and left hand control.
so we see the emerging love and war them in the collective consciousness of the earth as it relates to the west.
love and war -> attention, memory, reasoning, and problem solving..
growing pains. I suspect in the collective consciousness of earth.
thanks again Bob. you teach me so much. all the time.
Now we see them dissecting the only protection that the poorest of our society has.. with the terrorist activities of BLM and Antifa.. all with the quote.. “Justifiable violence”
the problem was.. the violence the destruction and the looting etc.. didn’t happen in the higher class areas.. but the poorest of neighborhoods where the people living there are considered sub human anyway.. then letting illegals into the country by the millions and where do these people end up.. in those neighborhoods..
so blm targeted their own ethnic race to destroy their homes cause harm to their people.. there was a study done I believe stanford.. on this.. none of it good one of them was deemed acceptable by those that lead us..
I’m not afraid anymore. I didn’t know I was afraid. but this morning I knew in my bones. I’m not afraid anymore. funny how you can live with something so long that you get used to it and it becomes a natural way of life until it’s gone.
like a uhhhhh certain comfort in familiar pain…..
then one morning you wake up and its gone. and…. then you know. I’m free from it. and I didn’t know it was a thing.
I’m not afraid anymore. it’s been removed.
I’m sitting in my car. thinking. I could go back to the house, pack up my shit and drive off intl the sunset. head south. I could. I really could.
I have some options here and there. and there is an unlining current. like the old lady standing behind me at the store, talking to her daughter but I can hear THE DUDE speaking directly to me through her and says, “most people thought I was nuts. you just packed up and drove to another place far away. and I said I didn’t want to keep my of new friends I had yet to meet, waiting any longer to meet me. so I took a leap of faith and good thing I did daughter. because I met your father shortly after I got there. and we made you.”
and I have a good life here. lots of good stuff. and I’m going to sit here and think a little while. I have a beautiful woman here who says we are in a relationship but I said nah we are just friends. lots of good Opertunities as an eagle Flys right over my car while writing this.
if I go? I will tear off my rear view mirror and throw it out the window as I leave town. not look back.
either way. stay or go?
I’m not afraid anymore. and I didn’t know I was. until that fear was removed.
this song moves my soul.
play: ~ my beloved ~
one young lady got into the discussion the other day at an appointment Andy.. she brought the situation around the globe up.. and her thought is it is all going to hell. and she can see it… she just wishes it would hurry up and happen.. get it over with so she doesn’t have to go to bed at night afraid…. let JB go to war and destroy the earth.. get it over with.. once and for all..
Interesting –
An anonymous trader purchased VIX options worth at least $7 million – he is betting the stock market is heading down.
Here, there and damn near everywhere ….
hmmmmm…. speaks of
~ love and war. ~
Kissimmee and Palestine
the “north and the south” book two springs to the mind titled the same. love and war.
of coust the Civil War was not about race or freeing slaves. it was about economics. anchored by cotton.
interesting, thanks Bob.
Feel bad for those in the dioxin zone, I am not in it but am ’bout 150 miles north west, so concerned …
ordered some more seeds for this years garden,
In the NSS News – “The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated”. An article taken from the Epoch Times who got it from Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website. Both of them are behind a paywall but this person put it up on their site –
The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The program was implemented on April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the United States starting January 2023.
Under this program, doctors at clinics and hospitals have been instructed to ask patients about their vaccination status, which is then added to their electronic medical records as a diagnostic code, known as ICD-10 code, so that they can be tracked inside and outside of the medical system.
These new ICD-10 codes are part of the government’s plan to implement medical tyranny using vaccine passports and digital IDs.
The government is also tracking noncompliance with all other recommended vaccines using new ICD-10 codes, and has implemented codes to describe WHY you didn’t get a recommended vaccine. It’s also added a billable ICD code for “vaccine safety counseling.”
Should fit nicely into the upcoming CBDCs. – Bill
I had a doctors visit yesterday.. and they knew what vaccines I have had and which ones I didn’t have yet..
I switched doctors because the doctor I had at the VA is retiring.. and since I don’t want OPIUM based medications he suggested I seek out another physician that was open to the alternatives.. anyway.. they knew which ones I had had and which ones I have not had.. and they asked the reason why I didn’t take the vaccines..
Yes, I had an annual check up to prove I’m still alive this past Monday. I know the question about The Jab came up but they didn’t probe any farther. The PA that’s taken the original guy’s place there seems to be about as understanding as her predecessor so I didn’t feel like I was in a dark room tied to a chair with a bare bulb over me. The only thing she suggested was getting a colonoscopy at my age but I said “Not without insurance!” She agreed.
Our PA is really cool. When they asked me to do a colonoscopy, I said with no waiver? Ended that discussion pronto.
Martin Armstrong reply concerning US telling ALL Americans to leave Russia ASAP
COMMENT: I am an American living in Moscow. We were just told that all Americans should leave Russia ASAP by the US embassy. I think all the governments are now looking at Socrates. Your name is even well known here in Moscow. Maybe you have more influence than you realize.
Look, EVERY intelligence service monitors our forecasts. Everyone knows this is a computer, not my personal opinion. Consequently, they want the cold hard objective facts and the timing. Are they acting because of our timing models? No. If they were, they would back off because our models also show the US will lose this one.
Historically, when such an Embassy advisory is issued, it is because of a conflict that is imminent. Beware in April/May. The Pi Target on Ukraine is April 26th, 2023. We are headed into a period where only the computer can project timing with an objective attitude. Everyone else will preach their desired outcome.
Does the earthquake in Turkey put a halt to their dust-up with Greece??
..punishment for rejecting NATO memberships. See list of NATO countries who pulled their ambassadors out Turkey week prior to earthquake..
BTW, regarding the Romanian tirade: Our High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is not nearly as powerful as Russia’s, China’s, or Britain’s, and is probably less-powerful than France’s. Why does everyone assume we’d rock the gobblers from 14,000 km away, when there are four HAARP facilities (not counting Russia or China) within a couple thousand klicks…?
As to Santos making up everything.
Politicians always have opposition research on their opponent. The company that did Santos fact gathering should be fired and never work again in politics.
Nikki Haley, while in India in 2011, is one of Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’ using her Indian name:
Good luck. I mentioned this the other day, and no-one noticed…
DeSantis just had his chances erased by nice words from Soros:
That is more likely an indicator that Soros is scared spitless of Trump.
Well the motherWEFers have been busy in liberal Hawaii. Legislature is now considering a bill to ban gas stoves in Hawaii !! I guess they didn’t see the mainland rejection… but they keep trying. I watched a goofy female proponent testify this would cut down pollution and lung disease. Go electric. Damn idiots. Many off-grid areas here do not have electric service. And no one seems to understand that electricity is not a FUEL, it is a conduit. Our electricity is fueled by OIL, and we have the most expensive electricity in the nation. $0.55 per kWh here.
What scares me is that our lawmakers are so ignorant and corrupt that they just might pass the damn bill! I can see it now with a future ‘phase out’ dating to pinch off our propane usage here. Sheesh!
Ted Cruz Exposes Biden FCC Nominee Cutting Checks to 12 Senators Voting on Her Nomination
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas grilled Biden’s pick, Gigi Sohn, about giving donations to Democrat senators while her nomination was pending, as well as sweetheart agreements she allegedly took part in
Biden Administration refusing to help in East Palestine disaster
Governor Mike DeWine dropped a truth bomb a few hours ago: he has been in contact with FEMA every day since the disaster in East Palestine unfolded, and the Biden Administration is refusing assistance.
R, so much for your usual ‘hot air’, Biden is giving the Gov federal resources:
Was the East Palestine Train Sabotaged?
The most likely scenario regarding the train that derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, is that something unfortunate happened accidentally. But considering what has taken place since then combined with the evil machinations we’ve been seeing across the country, it makes sense that some have explored the possibility that the train was sabotaged, derailed on purpose, and that the ecological disasters that have ensued was all intentional.
The US Navy’s struggle to keep ships in fighting shape is leading sailors to ‘cannibalize’ more parts from other ships
The result is more ships that are down for maintenance and unable to perform their missions, according to a report submitted to Congress by the Government Accountability Office. The spare parts shortage only exacerbates an already dismal Navy maintenance situation
Do not look now – but the entire nuclear traid is in similar shape. Dont ask air farce about the ICBM leg of triad. Still operating with 1960/70’s tech. A modern iPhone has more computing power then the entire fleet of jerry rigged ICBMs sitting in old silo’s across the west. We are talking FLOPPY Disks still be used to name just one problem plaguing the air farce..
mutually assured destruction my ass. New nuke triad abbreviation = MAF.
America’s premature puberty phenomenon: Girls are now starting the transition as young as SIX
Girls are hitting puberty younger than ever, thrusting them prematurely into a new world of wild mood swings, physical discomfort, and self-doubt. The phenomenon is called precocious puberty, which is being detected more and more in the US.
The article suggests genetics and obesity as possible causes.
However, there is NO MENTION of the growth hormones with which cow and pig critters are pumped full, to get them to market fatter and sooner.
I have seen at least one 1st Grader who was not especially obese, but was an honest “B-cup.”
This ain’t genetics…
Have you seen FRANKENSTEER?
“FRANKENSTEER is a disturbing yet compelling documentary that reveals how the ordinary cow is being transformed into an antibiotic dependent, hormone-laced potential carrier of toxic bacteria, all in the name of cheaper food”.
I haven’t needed to. I’ve been watching this crap since the early 1980s — even worked in a packing plant for a while. The cattle get so mushy from the hormones that they can sometimes not even walk up the chutes. They grow “enhanced” (antibiotic-resistant) bacteria (like MRSA) because they’ve been pumped so full of antibiotics for so long, that when they DO catch a cold, it transmogrifies into a superbug, and if that bug can jump to humans, we have problems.
The hormones make the critters grow to market-size much faster, thus costing the farmer less in feed, and yielding a payoff much sooner. The antibiotics is why we have advisories to cook all animal products “thoroughly,” “completely,” or “well-done.” The longer meat is cooked, the less actual food value it has, as nutrients are destroyed by the cooking process. Hormones, are not destroyed. The growth hormone injected into the cow WILL be consumed by the human who eats that burger. However, the longer it’s cooked, the less likely it is to pass a disease or virus on to a human. Rather than fixing the problem, like every other government agency, the USDA put a Band-Aid on it…
This is why I buy “natural” Amish meat and organic milk & eggs — and I eat my steaks medium rare, with impunity.
I looked up Dr. James Dobson’s videos on “The Strong-Willed Child” the other night because we’ve got a granddaughter for whom I’m thinking of giving a gift certificate to her mother from Exorcisms R Us.
Regarding your observation, Ray, in all of his books that I’ve known about I don’t think this is something Dr. Dobson ever considered otherwise there’d be a title with his name on it called “The Over-Sexed Kid”. Dobson started his career and organization in a very calm, collected (compared to now) social climate. Finding out whether his council works on an active battle ground will be interesting.
Dobson (and Mercola) can’t cover everything at once. I suggest if someone postulated to either, on their radio shows, that “babies with boobies” are consuming a high-level of GH-laced meat and poultry products, they’d investigate…
Makes one wonder what they were feeding the kids in early OT Biblical times when they were marrying them off at 9 and 10 years old.
“Makes one wonder what they were feeding the kids in early OT Biblical times when they were marrying them off at 9 and 10 years old.”
Nothing. Our species compensates. In 1 A.D. a woman’s average life expectancy was ~31. She was typically betrothed by age 7, but whenever actually married, was not hiding any salami until after her 2nd menses, which was usually around age 10. In today’s modern societies, the start of menses would be around 12.6-12.9 years for most girls, were it not for the shit in our food. (It is between age 9.7 and 10.1 for primitive tribes in Africa and SA even today.) Also, if a society suffers a gender-oriented die-off (like when a war removes a third of males from the population) the percentage of males who’re conceived and born will go up, relative female births. This drove the Chinese nuts because in Mao’s culture, women were second class and with birth restrictions, every family wanted a son, and would often kill female babies. So what happened? The rate of females produced by that society went up significantly. Anthropologists have been studying this “anomaly” for years, and have no serious hypothesis as to “why.” They have merely been able to note the anomaly itself (BTW, makes for fascinating reading…)
BTW, the “strong-willed child” is often remediated by having their parents learn the word “NO,” and the proper application thereof.
What I did, and what I tell others to do, is: Tell Junior something (don’t ask, tell! Junior is your child, not your equal) and if compliance is not immediate, do not repeat yourself. Instead, get off your lazy ass, or take off the feed bag or pry your eyes away from the teevee, go to Junior, and compel compliance. Seeing some sperm or egg donor do the “No, no, Johnny” thing over and over and over again, and then get POd because “Johnny” isn’t doing as he’s told is like nails on a chalkboard, to me. Johnny hadn’t learned to do as he’s told. It is unreasonable to expect any animal, let alone a human animal, to follow an instruction before they’ve learned how to follow instructions.
Never argue, nor permit an argument from Junior. You are a parent, not an equal, and arguing with a child lowers a parent to that child’s mental and social level.
I have a niece whom I once had to shove into a corner, perhaps a dozen times, before she figured out she WAS going to stand in that corner for five minutes, and that time was not cumulative. It was a SIL’s kid and it was Christmastime with my wife’s family. The girl was being a holy terror. Neither my wife, nor any of her sisters said a word to me about disciplining that kid, but they all looked on in wonder, as the child was an absolute angel, without being beaten, once she finally earned her way out of that corner. She’s still an angel, now a Southern belle, and adores me more than anyone on the planet, save only her kid (who is also an angel…)
It has been decades since I listened to Dobson’s tapes on strong willed kids so I’d forgotten what was said. If you’d had a kid like what the 3 mothers in the 3 part series starting with this one – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CpXkXAJKL4 – you’d have been wearing the mop bucket for a helmet and using the mop for a lance. Those young mothers were totally unprepared for what they produced and the ones that caused the most trouble were the girls!
It has to do with the amount of fat in a child’s diet. The trend in the west has been going that way since the 1980’s. While in the rest of the world it has remained where it always has been. Our fat rich, hormone soaked diets are doing this to our children
sadly…Even though there are a lot of questions as to why. I personally believe that the changing of our diet.. pumping growth hormones, steroids and antibiotics into the animals that will be the meat we use.. then the biological changes in GMO seeds to stimulate growth and resistance also has been blamed for early onset of puberty.. I believe similar to our infrastructure.. that the cause and effects of the changes is an example of our multi facited system.. like domino’s neatly lined up.. when one starts to tumble over.. they all will begin to tumble in sequence.
as a person living on the bottom… I eat better than most.. the reason.. food is priority number one.. housing and heat.. then the rest.. where the average needs their car.. so car maybe first on the list.. or daycare.. yes it takes a full time job to pay daycare for one.. for two daycare with assistance from the govt.. is fifteen hundred a month.. or roughly eight and a half dollars an hour take home wage.. around here the average wage is between nine dollars an hour to fourteen.. most managers are making thirteen..
those getting subsidies for food.. receive seven dollars and fifty cents per day per child and three dollars and fifty cents per day per adult..sounds like a lot.. a family of four would get about a thousand dollars if they got the full amount.. I budget four dollars and seventy five cents a meal and one dollar and a half a snack and three snacks a day.. roughly 550.00 per person.. fifteen years ago that was between two hundred and fifty dollars and three hundred dollars a person per month.. a trip to the fast food restaurant with a toy.. ten dollars easy..
we live in a fast food environment.. parents working multiple jobs or stuck on federal funds and assistance to survive.. poor diets.. lots of gmo chemical packed food.. most use bulk foods.. lots and lots of pasta and rice..whole grain foods are way more expensive so you see more low cost soda breads… cereal where the cardboard box has more nutritional value in it than the contents.. as our lives change to the busy side.. and our diets keep depleting and there are more chemicals pumped into it.. who knows what the changes in the human body will be.. there has also been a trend with dementia in the elderly and the suspicion that diet and chemicals in the food are some of the chief causes..
this follows through the ages to.. passed down from mother to son and daughter.. take my mother.. going through the depression Milk and proper diet was hard to get.. once a week a famer had some goats.. and everyone in the local church that lived in the neighborhood.. was able to go to their farm and get one quart of milk. each family had a few chickens a hog or a goat a sheep etc.. the sheep they would sheer and trade the wool around.. the women would get together and make quilts for the families from the wool.. the meat would be processed and stored..
anyway I am digressing from my main thought line.. my mother lacked in calcium.. so she got married young.. had children but because of the lack of calcium in her diet.. it affected the bones and teeth of the kids.. my big thing was my teeth the whole first set had to be surgically removed.. the set I have now is the only set I remember.. and they crumble.. just fall apart.. as a child they thought if I ate calcium that it would help strengthen them.. it didn’t work.. and it is nothing to see them just crumble.. I was going to get implants.. dam those are nice just like real teeth.. but.. the cost is almost fifty thousand dollars I just got paid off the seventeen thousand for the last set of dental work and at my age the payoff is not feasible for a man my age.. so I deal with the false temporary set I have.. to get the permanent set of false teeth would be even more again.. so the lack of nutritional value among the poor and elderly is also causing the early onset of various diseases and ailment.. I believe that is why congress passed a law saying no one could go back on seed companies for the effects from genetically modifying them.. other countries won’t allow them in their country.. ( probably because they merged some of the plants with toxic plants so that pests wouldn’t bother them)
anyway that is my opinion on what I see from the bottom of the heap..