No. We will not tell you here how to build a differential trading model, though on for subscribers, sure.
Instead, we will only give you the Big Picture based on early Futures prices today. The grim news today is that IF the market closes at the early futures pricing, THEN we are increasingly likely to behold a pretty good downside over the next few weeks.
Our Elliott wave view explains that early futures will break the rising trend channel we have been in:
This isn’t to say that we expect the market will close below the trend channel, nor will we make any claims for the second derivative for excursions from the differential trends. BUT we will go so far as to SUSPECT publicly that the dreaded yellow scale 3 may be appearing.
Shrovetide Pancakes
If that’s the case, the Comments Stephen2, who is holding out for after Easter for first use of nukes in UKR based on the religiousity of Vlad Putin, may have been led astray by the “secret talks” hope.
But what of this coming Tuesday?
Sets Monday up as a potential “Nuke today, absolve tomorrow with a side of pancakes.”
While it is likely true that peace talks are ongoing, the indications of Brinksmanship actually going over the brink (into nuclear weps lite) is much higher in the short term.
Status of talks is not good – based on the shadows cast by stories like United States tells citizens: Leave Russia immediately | Reuters this week. To us this infers those “secret talks” are not going well, at all.
HUGE CAVEAT: Our yellow scale 3 could evaporate instantly if there is a false peace over Ukraine. Keep an eye on G.A. Stewart’s The Age of Desolation website for updates. Since the false peace notion permeates Nostradamus’ writings. Stu’s piece on UFOs is of interest, particularly in his recent rare birds context. And now a “balloon club” appears set to take the fall? Hobby Club’s Missing Balloon Feared Shot Down By USAF | Aviation Week Network. Gimme a break.
The rare birds? Will the TR3B’s come out after the first nukes?
But Let’s Talk Pancakes
OK, so the scent of War is still in the air. Putin knows the longer he waits, the more horsepower the West will have in theater. So while the media may miss it, even with his religious leanings, the day after President’s Day is Shrove Tuesday. Also known as Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras kicks off in NOLA Tuesday.
What is this period about? The Wikipedia read-in goes like this:
The tradition of marking the start of Lent has been documented for centuries. Ælfric of Eynsham‘s “Ecclesiastical Institutes” from around 1000 AD states: “In the week immediately before Lent everyone shall go to his confessor and confess his deeds and the confessor shall so shrive him as he then may hear by his deeds what he is to do [in the way of penance]”.[8] By the time of the late Middle Ages, the celebration of Shrovetide lasted until the start of Lent.[9] It was traditional in many societies to eat pancakes or other foods made with the butter, eggs and fat or lard that would need to be used up before the beginning of Lent. Similar foods are fasnachts and paczki.[10] The specific custom of British Christians eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday dates to the 16th century.
Nuke Monday, absolved by Tuesday. A possibility from our most unorthodox thinking.
Down Trends Have Rallies
As it dawns on the market that “stuff” could be hitting the fan shortly, this overpriced pig of a stock market could drop not hundreds but THOUSANDS of points in the “big number” indices like our Aggregate Index which in the preopen today was 34,129.27.
Recall that in our Macro View, this indicator could be heading down (barring a trend change) somewhere in here – See wave III possibilities:
Only bettering the Feb. 2 close would change our minds.
Mechanical Trading?
Living, as we do, in a world of differential trend crossings and such, days like Thursday are what we look forward to. The small trading money stash returned a bit more than lunch money. Like lunch, several bottles of dom, plus parking, tips, and valet.
The longer picture for America remains less enjoyable. Which is why I spend time out back on the 100-meter range. Can’t trust government to govern by the Constitution as much as in the past.
War’s going badly, government lies too often (drink what Ohio water?). Frankly, we should be seeing government officials on the news being forced to drink downstream Ohio water, if it’s so “safe.” Things like that piss me off.
Egomaniacs in both elective and bureaucratic positions are far too inclined to rule by decree. Leading by example is frowned on by the neutered children of today. I know. Not my steamboat, not my wheelhouse. Your zoo, your monkeys. Good luck.
Hype # Dejour
How about some trade pricing data, huh? Side of that and a shot-of-Jack is a hell of a Friday kickoff:
Prices for U.S. imports fell 0.2 percent in January and have not recorded a monthly advance since June
2022. Overall, U.S. import prices declined 4.9 percent from June 2022 to January 2023. Despite the recent
declines, the price index for U.S. imports advanced 0.8 percent over the past year. The 12-month increase in
January was the smallest over-the-year rise since import prices fell 0.3 percent from December 2019 to
December 2020.
Fuel Imports: Import fuel prices declined 4.9 percent in January following a 4.4-percent drop the previous
month. Lower petroleum and natural gas prices contributed to the January decrease. The price index for
import petroleum fell 4.5 percent in January, after declining 7.3 percent in December. Import petroleum
prices have not recorded a 1-month advance since June 2022.
Will pre-holiday hype save the day? Big rally into the close might tempt us back into another “lunch money short” over the weekend.
Blue in the News
The hypothecated ransom payment to the next round of hackers must be nearly complete. As BTC was down to $23,888 and change when we looked this morning. Google which used to post BTC pricing on a simple query no longer does that. Change of ‘tude toward cryps?
Democrats have blown up Ohio votes and surrounding states as Biden admin turns down Ohio’s request for disaster assistance after toxic derailment. All while making Ukraine a super fund site. Bullshit of the highest order, unless you’re a tottering old socialist, of course.
Liar’s Club 2.0: Busted: Yet another Republican congressman’s resume has Santos-like gaps – Raw Story. Why isn’t the Hunter Laptop more in view. One-sided news coverage in this bananas republic, anymore.
Here’s how Resource Wars work: The Russo-Western Battle for Influence in Africa ( The aware know China got their first, built their rail supply lines years ago. West is late to the party, again.
Was it here or on Peoplenomics I mentioned “Higher for Longer” is the smart bet now as inflation becomes “sticky”? Sticky inflation, resilient economy puts 50 basis point Fed rate hike in play – InsuranceNewsNet
ATR: Foodie Friday
Prime Rib came out perfect last night. Even the cats (feral, outdoors) got some tasty treats.
Today, Ure’s culinary monster will be a 12-pound turkey. Sized for a nice dinner this evening and enough leftovers for SST Sandwiches Sunday before our guest heads back to the chilly north.
Holiday forecast is calling for 76F here Monday and 79 Tuesday. Coupled with the calendar lookahead and there’s a small chance that we’ll have had our last freeze. Time to get the first garden planting of the year done.
And rebuild the sourdough starter for Shrove pancakes.
Write when you get rich,
Someone or some people may have just won the Celestial Lottery as NASA has confirmed a half ton meteor has come down around McAllen, TX. If anyone here has it on their property you’d better make sure no one runs off with it or talks you out of it as those are quite valuable. I’d love to find something like that on our ranch. It may be a harbinger of things to come, though. Hope the rock doesn’t have “Wormwood” carved in its side.
The furor over congressional resumes misses the real issue. Being a lying liar makes the partisan office holder like all the rest of the good old boys and girls who pack the Party controlled ballots. This isn’t to say there aren’t exceptionally talented representatives, but if you weed out all the professional middle-men Party grifters with padded resumes, you won’t have a quorum left. Most of the qualifications of our representatives is media spin. And being rich is not an indication of personal competency at anything.
Glad to see you are putting a large yellow 3 lower right. Robert (and the EWT / cycles folk) would be proud (as am I). Our count is identical. Today is a $1.8T OpEx with a 3 day weekend behind. Interesting there’s finally media on the 0DTE (-0- days to expiration) options contract mania. The kids are all over memes and 0DTE.
ATL: winter returned last eve, light snow covering minor ice (as if ice is ever minor) and a gray day today (day #23 -0- solar gain for those keeping score at home). Lake skinned over again but will likely break up afore long.
A really good read is at ZeroHedge today irt what we spawned with ZIRP (zero interest rate policy). The JayPow legacy is locked. Many think it will be for fighting “transitory” inflation. Nyet. It’s that they caused it.
I am eternally puzzled by the jobs situ. Where did the missing men go (25-45 YOs) and how many jobs are multi-part-time causing overcount? An engineer cashing SEVEN checks? Really?
Write when you get Valet,
Are you sure Shrove Tuesday is next week in Russia? Easter is a week later in Russia than it is in the west. Lent is supposed to be 40 days before Easter.
Fred from SC
NO, not sure, now that you mentioned it!
.gov really does work against us. We have to help ourselves.
It’s hard to determine truth but I’ve seen videos of Ohio folks throwing stones into their streams and that rainbow chemical sheen appears.
How’s the water situation?
If we can burden G with more work….. G could be a central point who we Paypal credits too and he buys water off $AMZN and has it dropped shipped to the Ohio poster (PB?) and burden them with water.
$420 isn’t bad if Prime offers free shipping.
Member’s Mark Purified Bottled Water 24 cases (16.9 oz. bottles, 40 pk.)
purified water not going help the DIOXIN situation. It is a forever chemical – that ALWAYS kills it host, ALWAYS.
Normal handling/treatment of those nasties is to Congregate and Collect in one spot.
Not DISPERSE it over thousands of miles.- that IS a CRIME. Aint that right petey buttplug? Thats why the maveloent clown p. buttplug bee laughing so hard at the situation.
No matta Mother Nature, she will naturally collect all of it into centralized location – its what she does..after it passes thru and damages/kills all living things in its path.
Local stores might be sold out of water?
Yep. They’re looking for a line on the budget.
“Biden administration official: ‘What East Palestine needs is much more expansive than what FEMA can provide'”
Great thought
Actually there are people sending supplies in. Just regular folks putting together what they can and then taking it there.
Be careful with your dates for Lent. This year, the western church observes Easter on April 9, with Ash Wednesday on Feb 22. BUT the Russian Orthodox Church observes the holidays one week later – Orthodox Easter is on April 16 and Ash Wednesday on Mar 1. Putin will observe the holidays based on the Orthodox calculation. The difference is that the Orthodox churches calculate the dates based on the Julian calendar, while the western church uses the Gregorian calendar.
It would be sooo cool if TR3B’s decloked over the Kremlin and CCP headquarters!
Kinda like that Klingon Bird of Prey in Star Trek III.
Our enemies would S*** in their pants!!
Just wishing.
And …. the reverse if they discovered it was our GREED that caused all of the aflictions in the world.. we would be doing the same thing..
I read a book once on the watchers and them stepping in to stop the insanity of mankind.. what was the quote in the bible..
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.”
-Matthew 5:3-11 (ESV)
see when a child dying says.. “Jesus Loves me” it is a comfort.. and a truth.. to push war for evil is not good..
“whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matt. 25:40)
where are the schindlars in todays society..
Here is a great story about a jewish boy..,prison%2C%20and%20come%20to%20You%3F
I have heard stories of first hand accounts from those that have survived.. met one from auschwitz one that liberated the prisoners from auschwitz and a guard of auschwitz.. ( he didn’t share any stories.. his family hated him.. who knows what he did he passed on with his actions hidden from sight)
Yeah, the piano player would be having a coke jag at our expense. Pedo joe would be asking for his 25%.
Now it’s Pedo DeSantis too, Trump says De Santis was grooming high school girls with booze
“Mark Twain once said, is a nation without a distinct criminal class “with the possible exception of Congress”
that’s an old article..the list has way exceeded this ..they are more open about their activities..
I am not sure if this even covers the congressional banking scandle.. fro. way back when or the insider trading and enough other things that it would fill a book..all deemed fake..
they are above the laws everyone else has to abide by.. example of absolute power
The Executive Committee meeting was short Wednesday after discussions regarding the current livestock market prices, diesel fuel, feed costs and the general state of the country. My Consigliere asked me as we got up to leave what my plans were today. I said Lock and Load. The rest of the Committee answered Amen.
Stay safe. 73
We went over $5 a gallon for diesel last weekend. $5.01., a two cent increase in two days.
? 4 Mr. Wizard,
A mind exercise and a question..If we shoot at/down an inter dimensional craft, will there be ANY physical evidence left over in this dimension to examine ?
My feeble brain is telling me NO, same brain that is telling me to buybuybuy BTC, so there is that.
How much lunch money would Ure have made if he had bought BTC at or near the bottom ? Whas that like 47% ROI ?
Solly Cholly – only the best tasting crypto gets to be BCNkissed. write when U get some -hahahahahahah
OK UFOs are everywhere. If memory serves I believe Clif mentioned last year the UFO op was coming before the Big Collapse :
Got Blockchain?
I’m very concerned that “Plan 9 From Outer Space” has been activated!
Reminder that the people neglecting the East Palestine Train Derailment and other chemical and oil spills, supposedly had your health as their top priority over the last 3 years due to a virus with a very high survival rate.
The same people telling us to buy an EV, solar Panels, get rid of our gas stoves, and to reduce our personal carbon footprint, all in the name of their Green Agenda to save the environment.
No one like’s hypocrites.
And it seems the only secure documents, are Epstein’s.
Interesting how the more people realize that “we” are the carbons they are trying to get rid of, the more the nonsense makes sense … and we get closer to nuclear destruction.
Sucks when all the lies start catching up.
Yup, Just one free radical molecule of Dioxin is terminal to its host over time.
The problem here is that agencies have become centers for profiting off of the companies, individuals, and public as first priority over serving their charter. There’s no profit in clean up from their perspective unless someone else is paying. That is the pessimistic view.
The pragmatic view. Well, they are just waiting for funding from Fed Gov to start cleanup. Hows that new Congress budget resolution going?
NO money left except to pay interest on servicing the existing debt you say?
The derailment itself? Some claim it was a wheel bearing fire based on webcam videos. You think any of that was Adobe’d?
I’d file this under food processing plant fires and substation transformers OOS.
The noise and distraction is about to get louder as BTC heads to $30K. Whether we get one final opportunity to top up bags at the $12K level prior to the Cambrian Fintech Event or not, a whole new paradigm is at our doorstep [including a digital form of Keyne’s Bancor].
Got Buggy Whips?
Not advice do your own homework LOL.
“Sucks when all the lies start catching up.”
you have to give them a chance to cover it all over.. make the view change..
what was it I overheard a congressman say..” just give them a 1,2,3 speech..they are all dumb as sheep and will believe anything you tell tbem”
“Status of talks is not good – based on the shadows cast by stories like United States tells citizens: Leave Russia immediately | Reuters this week. To us this infers those “secret talks” are not going well, at all.”
Hmm.. did you really think it would….. for the USA and NATO to give into any of the demands would mead defeat.. and after bankrupting many of the small countries causing prices to soar beyond resonable means..then depleting their emergency defense reserves and shoving them into frozen territory by blowing up the Nord stream pipeline that they were totally dependent on.. then the USA and NATO would loose confidence in our resolve to stay with the game plan…
It would promote the multi polar world.. there wasn’t ever a golden bridge allowed for either side to de-escalate this situation either..
we haven’t moved our missiles off of their border.. we keep shoving more in.. the further the bear gets shoved into a corner the more their people want him to react.. they love their country and do not want the One world govt that those pulling the strings want.. hell look what the cause and affects have been on the USA..and other countries that have gone that route.. the decline in morals and ethics for money..
the more we keep pushing this war the worse it will get.. the best answer is the winning answer..
I personally would rather see the world leaders working to solve some of the planets ills.. good lord we could even repair and rebuild our infrastructure..
you ever make those Jalapeño Poppers George?
I swear to God I’m about to start a whole new 12 step fellowship. The Granite Falls Shell Gas Station Jalapeño Poppers Anonymous!
GFSGSJPA. I just can not go into town without getting some to snack on. So Yummy! hahahaa
when I was having a conversation with Bob yesterday it occurred to me that the mount shasta can not be the root Chakra of the earth. because the day starts overt there in Japan area. that has to be the root Chakra area. I flipped a map and looked at it. to my way of thinking. the crown Chakra is around Hawaii aka paradise.
got me to thinking that is the meaning behind the Yin Yang symbol. being that the day starts in Japan and ends around Hawaii area and those the poles. the root and the crown Chakra as sunlight of the spirit aka day moves across the globe.
then it got me to wondering about how the Ukraine is right about where the Manipura Chakra and how all that affects the collective consciousness of mankind. where the turmoil is on the earth. and what that represents in healing not just humanity but the earth.
because that has to be part of the picture. on a different scale.
well im off to the State Wrestling Championships today. working. still not sure what I’m going to do. bills are paid and I have work today. little bit of money in my bank account. life is good.
I’m starting to think I’m getting to old for some stuff. like being the chosen one. yeah I think I’m to old for that.
I watched cable TV last night. first time in a long time. I clicked on fox news and thought these people look so plastic. tucker Carlson looks like a fake person. like some kinda cgi fake shit. I watched for 5 minutes then I thought wow, people really watch this shit every day. it’s so dumb.
then I switched channels and saw a show called “Paris in love” so I thought maybe it’s a romantic comedy or something. it’s actually a show based on Paris Hilton getting married. I watched that for 10 to 15 minutes and I thought. fuck, I’d just like to drive a monster truck right through that whole scene. these people are so far out of touch with reality it just makes me sick. I can’t even believe people actually live like that. it was probably the most out of touch with reality, reality show I’ve ever seen in my life. blows me away How fucking retarded they are.
I mean I have my moments of being retarded. but what the f did I actually watch. probably the most ego drivin out of touch with reality stupid show I’ve ever seen in my life.
and that is why I don’t watch TV much. it just that stupid. people watch that stuff, daily. blows my mind.
happy Friday, I am marked safe from being a part of Paris Hiltons life.
thank THE DUDE for that!
if all the money the Hiltons have turned me into someone like that? I’d rather be a farmer.
play: ~ joy of my life
Chris Stapleton
it’s been idk 8 years since I watched cable TV. it by far the stupidest invention mankind has ever come up with. are we that put of touch with reality as a species? wow!
one things forsure, I love my life and all the weird little coincidence and synchronicity and blow your mind being in the right place at the right time moments, cool miracles and all that, just walking with THE DUDE way way way way more than Paris hiltons life. she was talking about having ptsd from her 10th grade teacher yelling at her. bwhahahahhaha! give me one day with ya up in the mountain quarys. hahahhahahahhaha my teacher yelled at me. it was a dark moment in my life. “if anyone touches my $84,000 wedding cake? I’m going to beat them up.” shut the front door.
bring the great reset now! the rich people are retarded! save humanity from them! fack.
no more cable TV for another 10 years. haha. dumb! all of it. hahaa
I don’t envy her at all. at all. I’m grateful.
Dude – you just need to go King Burger and aks Bon Qui Qui for Ure order.
U Bee be right as rain once you do.
que qui qui
Peace out – “you know what I want”
that is hilarious.
Best F’in post I have understood from you, by me, ever, Andy.
Thanks, KK
Andy … you have to try Bad Boys..
jalapeño peppers cut open seeds removed and stem..cheese and a small piece of chicken wrapped with bacon then grilled or baked in an oven..they are done when the bacon is crispy..
now you take a rotisserie chicken..take the meat off of the bones lightly chop the meat.. one onion and one pepper sweet red or green..dice it..put the pepper and onion in a fry pan a little peanut oil and fry till the onions start to carmelize.. add the chicken and some kraft Asian salad dressing mix it all together take leaf lettuce put a tbsp of the chicken mix and wrap the lettuce like a small burrito..enjoy ..
Apparently IDKS regards Chakras, as I understand there way more that extend out and above Human body – to solar system, to milky way, and farther..cosmic like.
What I do know fo sho is the Earths’ spine IS the Andes in South Murhica..Ecuador/Chile/Peru – down there in the Restricted Areas/zones can be found the secret passageways – underground..deep underground. Rumor has it – similar passageways are to be found under the big stone heads on Easter Island..Inner Earth=Enki’s Abzu..home of the underground reptiles/Nagas or in ancient summerian the armagi.
I carry a Rose Quartz stone I have for years and years…. our drinking water goes through a cartridge filled with rose quartz stones.. G’s light crown theory is an ancient one.. kingdoms and kings all had a set of crown jewels.. each a chakra stone .. precious stones.. and the energy they emit.. my mom had different crystals in the windows.. as a child I use to marvel at the spectrum of light the sun would cast on the floor as it shown through them..
each of my kids and grandkids were encouraged to pick a stone that spoke to them.. they all have except my mini me.. he has just about everyone of them LOL..
a hole pile of them his whole dresser top is is special rocks LOL LOL..
well I won’t dump a bunch of studies done on light crowns and the effects of the wave spectrums on the human body.. I will leave that up to G to explain.. I totally want one though.. a light crown would be awesome.. what would it unlock.. I totally love my rose quartz.. and yes our household is probably the mellowist around.. no drama Llama here..
“the crown Chakra is around Hawaii aka paradise.”
Nice! I wouldn’t disagree. Mauna Loa, the largest volcano on the planet, is also at the hyper dimensional point of 19.5 degrees latitude. Hawaii just oozes earth energy.
“I’m starting to think I’m getting to old for some stuff. like being the chosen one. yeah I think I’m to old for that.”
Have you ever read Richard Bach’s ‘ILLUSIONS’… the adventures of a reluctant messiah…?
I agree, most if not all TV sucks. After a 40 year career working behind the scenes, I cannot watch TV either.
I agree… with the hundred of murders,rapes,violence per hour..
I like curiosity stream, hallmark, up tv..Disney plus,
what is on our te!e is in can be watched by any age group.. hack em up and lets rape suzy Or bash someone crap will not be on our television..
yes I have read that book. I’m being “compelled” to travel. South to California and to Arizona. but I haven’t budged yet. it’s in the language around me and getting more and more prevalent. more than a few people have straight said to me, you should go where the sun shines. Take a leap of faith.
I even Had a very gifted psychic say I would and do a Fire ceremony with a Shaman. and she has been 100% in everything she has said to me. most accurate personal psychic I’ve ever met. so much so she is going to school to be a forensic psychic for cold case files for the FBI. and the FBI is paying for her education. she has solved several cold case files that were over 25 years old.
she said I’d be moving for work. south. the sunshine.
I haven’t moved yet.
someone said to me yeah but Paris Hilton Is hot. and she has alot of money. you would do her. and if anyone could it would be you. you have this magic that woman just love. and the Bees. I said after watching 15 min of that show. anyone like that is ugly to me.
I don’t give a fuck about her Belair home or pink Bently or any of that crap. it’s all fake. it’s all a photo shoot. lame. cheep.
I know a girl right now that lives in her car couple days a week. she works 2 jobs. her kids stay with her elderly grand PA while she works her ass off. because she lost her place when one got sick. she had to take care of her kid and couldn’t work for a little while and lost her apartment. that chick is so beautiful. I might even make a go with her. that is reality. she smiles, says well it will all work out. I got work, a good car and hustle. ateast my kids are safe. she ain’t on drugs, she ain’t doing criminal shit. she busting her ass and saving her money and all that to get a new apartment. she is always smiling every time I see her. she is beautiful.
not Paris Hilton with her stupid wasteful spending and fake tan, fake eye lashes and lip filler and stupid little dogs, whining about some shit that happend in 10th grade. while she is looking at a $87,000 wedding cake. that is ugly. gross.
I tell ya what. these stats wrestling Championships are freaking awesome. I certainly wouldn’t mess with the 125lb girl from walla walla. she walked right out there and whooped some ass. twice. fuck around and Find out. little red head with braces. just an ass kicker. even the boys watched her and said damn! freckle faced red head in a pony tail. all weighing in at 125lbs. kicks ass. hahahaha so awesome!
I love competition like that. I notice the female wrestlers it seems don’t leave any question if or not they gave it all they got. I saw this one girl from sedro wolly highschool stand up after she got the pin, the ref raised her hand and she barfed. that is going for it and giving it all you got.
it’s good to be young. that is forsure. “The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.”
gives me a little hope for our future.
sorry about the rant on Paris Hilton. it just shocked me. made me sick to my stomach that people even think that is cool. there is alot of people who truly struggling in this world now. and what the world needs now is people helping others. not $87,000 wedding cakes. even if you can afford one.
I could be the richest man in the world. but you would never know it. I probably am the richest man in the world compared to Paris and all her darling friends. I got scars because I gave it all I got in life and I didn’t leave any question of or not that whether my hand got raised in Victory or not. I gave it all I got.
and when I leave this world, I left it a better place than it was had I not been Here. I changed peoples lives. for the better.
that makes me way more rich.
see ya.
“Paris Hilton Is hot. and she has alot of money. you would do her”
I would not give two shits for the whole bunch of “socialite reprobates”: Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Britney Spears, and the Kardashian/Jenner girls. I don’t find any of them attractive (striking, yes; attractive, no), and that doesn’t even consider their insufferable attitudes.
“Hot” girls are women who can take care of themselves. There is no “high-maintenance” female on the planet who is also hot.
Nashali Alma ( ) is super, smokin’ hot. When I was at the Notre Dame – Northwestern game some years ago and it was -17 at kickoff, the Notre Dame cheerleader who was on the sideline in her skirt — she was both hot, and a real woman. (I actually thought about finding her at halftime and asking if her mother were single.)
No matter how staggeringly beautiful she is, the snowflake who overflows her Tik-Tok onto Facebook so as to share her pathos with a wider audience is not, and never will be hot…
Kylie Whitaker ?
This book is out of print, but it is on Kindle for $5:
Loompanics was the publisher, and it it is about as good as anything they put out.
If you ever built your own home, or have contemplated it, this is a good read.
One thing that puzzles me Andy, is why you don’t base somewhere outside the metropolitan areas where the cost of living is more reasonable, and then go into town as needed for work or play.
OK, maybe Rancho Costa Nada might be a little too frugal for even me, but having a place that’s paid for with low upkeep, that you can go to when things in the big city turn ugly works for semi-nomadic lifestyles. The prime directive is that everything has to be done for cash out of pocket. Water is the biggest issue. If you have uncontaminated potable water available at a site, then most everything else can be worked around.
“I know a girl right now that lives in her car couple days a week. she works 2 jobs. her kids stay with her elderly grand PA while she works her ass off. because she lost her place when one got sick. ”
yeah there’s no mercy in this world.. A young ethnic mother that is a neighbor.. noticed her car hadn’t moved in over a week so I gave her a call yesterday.. she has been sick with covid.. ( she thinks she had a seizure with it to but was delirious..) I cannot imagine how she did it with an active 2 year old.. asked if she needed anything.. she was hesitant to ask.. so I dropped off some groceries for her and picked up a couple of toys and a coloring book and crayons for the big man of the house..
I know what she makes it wouldn’t surprise me to see her living in her car either..
“Nashali Alma ( ) ”
Now that is a Woman I admire.. and you are right @Ray she is as beautiful as well as resilient..
the sad part of that.. I probably would have buzzed him in to..
ya ray! I agree. it’s like bitch you ain’t nobody. you just grew up privileged in bell air. and your Daddy has money. so what! what have you honestly done with your life. be pretty? pretty is easy to cone by. just being pretty is not enough.
. you know I was hanging out with the bee girl. she is half hawian half white. I like her. honestly, I’m kinda am done with that genre of women. all my last 4 girlfriends and my ex wife and the one I almost married 3 years ago. are all the same build. looking like they fell out of a magazine. 2 of of them former playboy centerfolds. one a Victoria secret runway model and one a juicy contour runway model. the one aloha girl was an onstage dancer for a famous rock and roll group. one is on the Harley Davidson Calander 4 years in a row. one of my exs won the national Hooters beauty pagent and one was 4 time Dallas cowboy cheerleader.
I’m kinda wanting to date a normal woman. I know my buddies laugh. so your bitching about all these beautiful woman wanting to marry you. stfu! hahahah Cadillac problems. yeah yeah yeah.
working a Hispanic show tonight. mariachi Bands. so fun!!! excited to see what THE DUDE has instore.
to answer your question N____. I’m doing that now. I live way up in the mountains where you have a better chance of getting a hold of someone on the CB than the cell phone.
and I follow THE DUDEs lead. I go where HE sends me. and when I do? I’m in the right place at the right time. all the time. even when I think I’m not.
with that,
I am flexible and flowing.
I move forward with confidence and joy, knowing that all is well in my future.
ya see N____. I should come up with a plan and get THE DUDE on board.
except one thing. THE DUDE has a plan and Im with HIM on stuff.
I was going to work a Hispanic concert, that was the plan and at the last minute, I got switched up to the NW Jazz concert. OK, jazz it is. show me the way DUDE.
as I walk in the security entrance back stage. a beautiful red headed young lady, who looks like a porcelain doll in a beautiful flowing dress. so beautiful. just like a porcelain doll. comes up to me and says, oh my God! what is your name?????! I said Andy. thinking ok, here we go. and laughing to myself inside.
she said Andy I need you to help me! I smile and said, yes Mam, how can I help? she said im on stage in 15 min, I forgot my heels in in my car. then she lifts her longish dress a little and she wearing purple crocks. one has a little palm tree on it. I can’t wear these on stage. she hands me her car keys and says they are in the back seat. red heels. please get them for me. I said I will go get them. although I think the purple crocs are a nice touch. she just looks at me blinking. I said yes mam, I will go get your heels. so I run out in the parking lot and hit the panic button on the remote. find out which car. silver jeep. grab her red heels out of the back seat and run back in. as I walk in the place she kicks her purple crocs off, slips on her red heals. steps in close kissed me on the cheek and said thanks Andy! you’re a life saver. then runs out on stage.
then I get sent over to hang out at will call. to make sure the ticket money is safe.
see, I had completely different plans to go work a Hispanic mariachi show. as you can see, DUDE has other plans. and DUDE said, jazz music is where it’s at tonight Andy. got purple crocks and red heals to deliver to a beautiful red head that looks like a porcelain doll.
and I’m say ok DUDE! purple crocks with a little palm tree, red heels, a beautiful girl in a flowing black dress, a silver jeep and Jazz. sounds good to me.
saving the world. one person at a time.
Being on land will be the bugaboo. There are a hundred brewing conflicts inside our Republic of 330MM gathered souls, and billions more who seem itching to war.
If i can make a comparison, i would say “Who is John Galt?” Might be replaced with “Who was Vito Dumas?” And how his example is so much more relevant in these days of nearly unimaginable surveillance.
Are any of us ready to toss the dock lines and go Dumas?
It took a long while to populate 25% of this orb with 8 billion souls, while 75% of it remains ‘lightly traffic’d ‘.
There is currently an interesting growth in the number of young people who have gotten into small boats and cast off, alone. I am hopeful they will adopt the old , non-electronic means of navigation, simply because the ‘system’ may not always work, especially if there is disagreement among the various dirt people.
Those who have gone Dumas also express feelings of contact with the DuDE as being a part of their chosen path to freedom.
Finding the dirt when you live in waterworld is double edged… there can be food, friends, and love… or there can be THEM waiting to treat you like an outlaw and worse. No boat is an island, the turtle inside still needs the products of dirt. We may have to choose our landings wisely. Cook, Magellan, obviously didn’t expect to die on land. It should always be the sea that takes a sailor.
And thank you, George, for what you are doing. Ure legion.
“the scent of War is still in the air. Putin knows the longer he waits, the more horsepower the West will have in theater. So while the media may miss it, even with his religious leanings, the day after President’s Day is Shrove Tuesday. Also known as Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras kicks off in NOLA Tuesday.”
I thought about that a long time ago..
“The Poisoned Pawn Variation is any of several series of opening moves in chess in which a pawn is said to be “poisoned” because its capture can result in a positional loss of time or a loss of material.”
We are shoving everything into the pawn.. to protect it.. so in a war move..
we rush to save the pawn.. when we should have let it go.. we are using our emergency reserves.. so.. we get more mobilized and more horsepower in theatre.. we are taking that power from someplace else.. leaving the king open to seizure..
Who isn’t using their valued this whole chess move..
look how many are ready.. we have not been very nice to the countries we have invaded since I can remember.. we forced our lifestyle down their throats.. we lost wars against people only using pitch forks and sithes .. the same ones that swore vengeance.. we have cause undo stress and misery to anyone opposed to our way of life.. then when i read that several million dollars was donated to the one family.. and they pushed to open the borders to the illegal refugees gave them transportation and set them up even offered to give each of them a half million seed money to get them started..
then printed up trillions of dollars in the thought they would get it from the kid sacking groceries or flipping burgers..
where did it all go it sure didn’t go into fixing our infrastructure.. Ohio would have the funds available to fix this spill if it did.. not to mention the bridges roads etc etc etc.. our infrastructure is failing.. heck wants to go green .. with those extra trillions.. they sure could have.. could have given every home owner a solar power system and built the solar towers not to mention fix the water and gaslines.. the lewis and clark pipeline would be finished not sitting in limbo.. No where did that go.. and if we move all of our ships to defend one country.. what about the others.. just let Kim in NK go.. he is itching to.. heck they wanted to take him out.. and he is a little country.. and would fight the biggest and baddest of them all.. told all the string pullers he has their homes on targets.. first strike targets.. their neighborhoods and countries should enjoy what they push.. this lights up that is how it will light up.. NK goes for whomever.. Iran goes live.. it will all be a light up at one time.. we would be like keystone cops and leave our country totally vulnerable..
and those small countries that gave a few million to the perv.. well I believe since that is exactly how they said they would strike within.. they will be going ..
What you are about see may never happen… but to this anxious age in which we live it presents a fearsome warning…
Our story begins with…
Thank you, and with huge gratitude for the comedic break from the megalomaniac current events of my daily briefings.
Especially liked Hero shots of Monet painting(Lady with Umbrella)featured thru-out. “Too much Fun”
Cue: Commander Cody and The Lost Planet Airmen
What scares if your being targeted by a bully and his do you react..ray said the other had to show strength or be beat up or worse.. that’s true.. you fa e the bully head on.even if you get your butt god head on with the leader of the pack..give him all you have..if you win or loose he will never tackle you..the reason..its the same thing with Kim in North Korea.. what if you won.. those pulling the strings have never in modern history had this happen to them or their areas..
now who is the o e pushing this.. no matter what happens now it will be seen as a loss..
more is at stake here than what some carrier politician has considered..
I’ll take “How do NGO’s prefund using tax dollars” for a thousand. LOL
50 years ago, I was a production engineer for a polymer manufacturing plant. We worked daily with large quantities of monomers like vinyl chloride, styrene, butadiene and acrylonitrile to make plastic resins like PVC and ABS. Safety measures were extremely tight and even small leaks from tanks were dealt with quickly and efficiently to prevent any contamination of surrounding land and water. These are noxious and dangerous chemicals until converted into the final plastic for use in piping, telephone housings, etc.
What is happening in East Palestine, Ohio is beyond the pale. I have held back from commenting because I thought the situation would have been handled with the urgency and seriousness it deserves. The government and Norfolk Southern have completely failed these people. It boggles the mind that illegal aliens were put in $500 a night hotel rooms in NYC (which they trashed) and these hard working decent American families are told to sit tight in a chemical disaster zone.
It is instructive to read a material safety data sheet for vinyl chloride, let alone the other hazardous chemicals spilled into the land and waterways of East Palestine and surrounding area.
For God’s sake Biden, Buttigieg, FEMA, help these hard working, tax paying decent American families!
I believe its all about their social class.. if what I read once upon a time is true and money was donated to the family business that would explain the difference in attitude.. the average upper income in that are is between thirty and fifty grand a year.. A poor area.. now IF that was the Hamton’s or Martha’s vineyard, Beverly Hills.. attitudes would change..
similar to love canal and me working day labor scooping hot dirt .. no one disclosed the risks.. agent orange.. great weed killer..A tsp. in a spray bottle.. almost killed the apple tree.. they didn’t let the soldiers know.. just part of society that it is acceptable to loose..
when a tornado and a flood wiped out my niece everyone was told help is on the way with FEMA.. the wealthy got help the poor..well she got 20 bucks and a good luck..the same with Katrina..
A gentleman that lived in our spare room..he lost it all in Katrina when an oil platform catastrophic event happened and he had to give testimony..he was black called by the industry he loved became homeless his problem is he had the dream the money,position,the education and prestigious position.. he couldn’t bear losing it all..
who do they value and who doesn’t have value..
“similar to love canal and me working day labor scooping hot dirt .. no one disclosed the risks..”
Yes.. I would have anyway.. they offered five dollars an hour.. day labor.. for a few days of work.. I just wish they had been more up front with us.. one of the guys is still around he is the uncle for the roto rooter guy.. heck I wouldn’t have sat on the edge of the ditch and ate my bologna sandwiches..and drank my coffee had I known.. I would have blown myself off and went and ate someplace else LOL LOL. It would have been nice to know how much radiation I took in.. a meter would have been nice.. maybe a dust mask.. and a tyvek suit..
they only tell you what they want you to know.. if we hadn’t asked when they were giving us a cold beer we still would’t know..
Lines of separation in society are the widest I have ever seen. Takes millions now to be considered “middle class”, son of bitch! thought I was doing pretty friggin good.
Those lines of separation are too wide now and WILL break in a very nasty conflagration. That IS the whyfor with uber richies’ desire for underground sanctuaries..not real zombies, but hungry/tired and pissed off enough, they will seem like hoards of em.
It is my personal dream(swinging gibbetts) to pull the rope over sorass and squabs foul faces – soulless assholes. I just gotta bee there first..
We R coming for U lil klausy and grigory – and the rest of your nasty nest of vile reptiles (WEFrs).
Keep in mind – in times of “troubles” there are No Rules . Judging by Ure govmints actions and inactions, “they” are already operating as if times of troubles are HEAR .
R Ure Eyes still wide shut ?
“Keep in mind – in times of “troubles” there are No Rules . Judging by Ure govmints actions and inactions, “they” are already operating as if times of troubles are HEAR .
R Ure Eyes still wide shut ?”
Hmm. the old saying smoke em if you have em..
what was it a couple years ago.. our debt..outpaced income.. we are upside down economically and with unending wars we dive deeper..
gander at the assets and liabilities Einstein said “compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe. He said, “Compound interest is the 8 th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.”
since our liabilities is more than assets the spiral will deepen exponentially..
in simpler terms at present..we will never survive without a reset..
the story my father was told about the Weimar depression was of two boys..both split their inheritance.. the one partied and blew the money..the other put it in the bank..the depression hit and it took wheelbarrow s full to buy a loaf of bread.. the son that partied..there was a shortage of glass bottles and his basement was full..
if the economic troubles price increases etc. don’t affect you won’t have any idea of its affects it has on those it does..
my limitations by economic standards are hard but not as hard as somebody living the next scale down the ladder..
when the spiral finally affects those that can’t see will come seemingly over night.. the shock so great that many can’t fathom the fall..
those that do make changes now while they can..will weather the fall easier..
“It boggles the mind that illegal aliens were put in $500 a night hotel rooms in NYC (which they trashed) and these hard working decent American families are told to sit tight in a chemical disaster zone.”
They are of the wrong political party.
That part of Ohio voted almost 70/30 for Trump.
Trivia question of the day: Who are the three biggest shareholders in Norfolk-Southern, Disney (ABC), Comcast (NBC), and Paramount (CBS)?
Hint: It is the same three, for all four.
BIC, You forgot the link to what happens to pre cursor VC meets precursor Flame.
There’s a picture placard I couldn’t imagine seeing anyone wanting to frame and hang on the wall at home. Or maybe I do?
The Big Island is getting drought relief today. What we locally call a ‘Kona Low’ has parked west of the island chain and is drawing up massive amounts of tropical moisture from the south. Almost 5 inches of rain overnight in my district, and it is forecast to continue thru Saturday night or later. Our Hawaii version of a winter blizzard. Lots of flooded roads. Travel not recommended. Hunkered down with scuba gear.
“Kona low”..thought that was what you called the situation when your stash of Kona Gold runs out?
They never seem to last very long, as a new high from Maui Wowie or Kauai Electric will prolly be along shortly..
Got sticky puna buddaz?
When millions could be effected and millions of people are pissed off because after 2 and a half weeks we want answers, some truth and some help for those folks … simply break out the word, “DISINFORMATION”
Stock Market Data tid-bit:
No prior S&P 500 bear market in history has made a new low after making 18 consecutive closes above its 200-day average. Today will mark 20 days above it’s 200 DMA.
That’s a cool statistic.
“Since the false peace notion permeates Nostradamus’ writings”
We have already had the ‘False Peace’ – Do You Think Putin/Russia Will Fall For It Again?????
False Peace 2014 – 2022 Thru Minsk Agreement
Russia Says It Has No Honest Negotiating Partner – Surrounded By NATO.
Remarks by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and ex-French President Francois Hollande that the Minsk Agreements served to win time for Kiev to prepare for ‘War’ are “Documented Betrayal”. 31 DEC 2022
Romania Senator Diana Lovanovici Speaking in the Parliament on the Uses of HAARP Technology in Turkey by NATO. 8 February 2023
Hersh describes the destruction of the North Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea by U.S. Government Forces. 15 February 2023
“That Many Nations Would Disappear From the Face of the Earth – That Russia Would Be the Instrument of Chastisement From Heaven For the Whole World.” Sister Lucia of Fatima 1957
Thank You JohnF,
Very well understood, and stated.
But the Holy Mystery is still not comprehensible.
“We have already had the ‘False Peace’ – Do You Think Putin/Russia Will Fall For It Again?????
False Peace 2014 – 2022 Thru Minsk Agreement
Russia Says It Has No Honest Negotiating Partner – Surrounded By NATO.”
If everything that has previously been agreed to in true faith..has only been a lie for their own personal gain.
Would you trust them ever again. all through history its been the same..
after the French Indian war as a peace offering we gave blankets infected with small pox to gain the lands and riches we desired.
the same with the vast majority of our good faith treaties.
I use to have the what if disability policies to..only to discover they are in business to make money not pay out money.. each of us pays out a huge amount of income..( somewhere around a dollar to five dollars a hour take home income) for home owners insurance..but in the event of a catastrophic event they hire somebody to evaluate what they will give you for your goods that you paid for them to replace in the event of a catastrophic event..
during hurricanes where major loss is seen those policies like our good faith treaties have no value..
ask me if I trust any insurance company..not in a new York minute..its the business plan of stuff big buck billies pockets nothing more..the paper chase..
I’m betting none of the countries we went in to help trusts us at anything we say or do..
File this story under “Shredding the Constitution” (specifically the First Amendment):
Apparently the FBI has decided that people who want to stick to the format of Christian worship that was standard for over 1,000 years are somehow now “White Supremacists”. Perhaps we need to tweak Neimoller’s quote from “First they came for the Socialists” to “First they came for the Catholics”. Clearly the FBI has become the enforcement arm of a certain political party and is targeting the more conservative groups. If they want to target those who prefer the old form Latin Mass, then is targeting of other religions far behind? For example, Orthodox Jews, Conservative Christians, then moving on to less conservative groups and finally on to anyone who even attends religious services of any kind. Suggestion: If you go to religious services at all, leave your phone home, it is tracking you, just a thought.
If Your not Black.. your a white supremacist.. even if your five black officers working in a neighborhood and have a Caucasian boss a d you do great harm .. its the Caucasian boss’s fault..
ethnic leaders and terrorist organizations like BLM and Antifa are telling the citizens living g in ethnic neighborhoods.. come to action destroy ,violence, rape and pillage their own neighborhoods to show these white supremacists just how much they hate them..
Ohio little r “republican” Gov Marxist Mike DeWine is bought and paid for so the big guy is going to try to make him look like a hero “fighting” for Ohioans. Knowing Mike, and, yes, I do know Mike personally, well, enjoy the following:
I worked on the edge of the political game, survived and walked away before they corrupted me so this stuff has always interested me.
Ran a US House campaign. Have been on city council in the town OH Gov DeWine claims as his own. It used to be a conservative college town, but a D is mayor now mainly because no one else wanted to be. Dead place compared to the satan worshiping town next door that DeWine actually grew up in. Helped a friend win his county commissioner races and then become a state rep. Sat on the state exec committee for a political party, blah, blah, blah. Knew every mayor in the county, wrote part of the speech that helped Wright Patt Air Force Base keep from losing jobs and then actually adding jobs when the feds tried to close part of it down, knew all the county commissioners, sadly my friend the Sherriff died from a heart attack 15 months ago. yep, I cried. Oh, was on the county central committee, regional planning committee, blah, blah, blah. I could have moved onward and upward in it all, but looked around and found I didn’t have the desire to lie to everyone and that I had feelings and wasn’t narcissistic enough.
That’s my background, now back to DeWine: his people threatened to remove our public school superintendent’s education license so even with 96%, per the survey, of the parent’s support they mandated masks. Horrible situation. Some really stupid educated people out there. I ended up drawing the line at them holding vax clinics at the private college and the public school marketing the clinics to their students. Ended up calling the super, school board members (I knew them all, have been friends with most of them for over 25 years, my kids went to school/church w their kids) and the university president “COWARDS for encouraging their customers to get the deathVax. Why are you willing to kill your customers?”
DeWine is a horrible marxist republican. the media loves him. He used the deaths of a family in southeast Ohio as a stepping stone to becoming governor – he used the situation to get himself on all the radio talk shows and tv news and in the newspapers leading up to the election. I wouldn’t be surprised if he uses the train wreck to try to run for pres. He’s a wiley sick little dude. Best friends with John McCaine, besties with Hillary while Bill was in office when DeWine and McCaine worked with her to lay the ground work for the HillaryCare/ObamaCare system/experiment that Romney did in Massachusetts.
I wouldn’t be surprised if DeWine/pac paid for a third R to run in the most recent primary to cut the other guy out of any chance of winning. Funny thing is that Ohio unelected him for US Senate a while back because, like Romney, we couldn’t tell the difference between him and his D “competitor.” That campaign money dried up early and fast that year!
However, this past year he took around $800k from the Ohio R central committee that was supposed to go to the winner of the primary…he took it several months before the primary and used it during the primary. Dirty people. One of his sons is on the Ohio supreme court…not so supreme. He tried to take over the OH R central committee and got smacked down for it. Others were successful in infiltrating it for them later.
He has an off shore foundation in Haiti (where he hung out with the clintons) that he uses the proceeds from to bribe the Cedarville high schoolers and their parents into liking him…via 4 year college scholarships. He stooped so low when he was a US Senator that he bought up property around the Little Darby preserve and then tried to get Congress to approve his amendment for the feds to buy the land from him and make it part of the national park system. I was laughing when WLW in Cincinnati played the sound byte of his amendment getting voted down.
He always ran on ‘fixing the backlog of rape kit processing” at the Ohio criminal investigation agency to get the women’s vote. Just like a sad little man to prey on women for their vote who had already been preyed upon.
And…he bought up a few hundred thousand doses of HydroxyChloroquine with taxpayer $ and then had his self-appointed Ohio Board of Pharmacy ban it. 24 hours later he reversed “their” decision while acting all “uh, well, duh, uh,” like he’s stupid – he’s NOT, he blamed it on the board. Hello, every OH governor appoints the members of that board when they enter office. People were so angry with him. Then he closed down bars at 10pm because apparently at 10:01pm they would suddenly get the vid that they had not gotten after being there for several hours. So stupid. The OH House and Senate finally worked up the guts to remind him they had the powers and he did not. His “health” person quit after that because Ohio opened back up and barely survived economically no thanks to him. Still wondering where those doses ended up. He probably sent them to Haiti where you can buy them over the counter with no prescription (used for malaria just like chlorine dioxide is).
Ha, ha…and he got boo’d at a T rally at the Dayton airport. So funny. What a piece of trash he is. Also funny is one of his daughter’s recently ran for county prosecutor and lost so hugely! It was awesome. The incumbent’s slogan: “Stop the DeWine Dynasty.” I had the dad of a neighbor so mad at me about his love for DeWine and just not understanding anything real about the guy…he came to me 15 months ago when he found out we were moving and said he now understood because of how De Whine handled the vid and destroyed the economy on purpose. The guy was actually sad we were leaving. His daughter, son-in law and kids were the best neighbors ever! There’s so much more to all this marxist mike stuff.
Someone in town put up a huge banner on the main drag in town that said, “Resign Marxist Mike DeWine.” It was awesome!!! That was me who did that. Ended up getting the city called on me…hmm, wonder who made that happen. Had a little fight over it. Found out the city was telling people with T flags to remove them, but the city had no bite to their threats and written 30 day notice, etc. In fact, at first, they said we had to get a permit and then we could keep the banner. Then they did some fancy voting stuff and said we couldn’t have it and they would come and take it down by force after 30 days, but I never signed for the certified letter because I knew what it was for so they had no service. lol, what a joke. Jerks. I didn’t give a crap because we got lucky and sold our business and were moving anyway. I think the people in town probably think we were threatened so we left, but I did all this after we had the new place under contract.
Well, that was a fun trip down memory lane. Must admit that I had a good time on the sidelines with him at a high school football game once…probably the only thing an actual real conservative in Cedarville had in common with that marxist.
Maybe I’ll tell you sometime about what happened when I called the county board of election and was threatened with “if you pursue this we’re going to refer you to the county prosecutor.” You know, the dude everyone just voted for a few months before instead of DeWine’s kid. I considered going to the prosecutor and having him investigate the boe and get the threatening person fired. Flip it on them. That would have been fun, but wasn’t the solution to what was going on.
I don’t miss the edge of the political life. Just miss the analysis and generating ideas/options and advising and being investigative. Sadly, I wouldn’t know who to trust today and don’t really care to get back into it.
hope you enjoyed it the read.
Enjoy your weekend.
(this of course is all my opinion, but other than the “he probably sent them to Haiti” joke part, I think I can show evidence for most everything i’ve said.)
Glad you posted this! It’s interesting to see behind the scenes, especially with your humor added.
Thanks. I had no background on DeWhine before this East Palestine debacle, and I trust your insight more than anything I’d be likely to dig up (which I wouldn’t bother with, without reason.) Your comment hasn’t change the opinion I formed last week, regarding him…
I saw “Trump 2024” and “Stop the Bullshit” flags & banners all over both Michigan and Ohio, within months of November, 2020. Most of the Michiganders I saw looked like they would shoot you and drop your carcass in the local lime pit, if you criticized their yard art…
Nancy Pelosi scheduled her daughter’s film crew for J6. That daughter refutes J6 narrative, says no insurrection, DC courts too biased for fair trials.
The video is here:
Alexandra is a Democrat who’s more closely-aligned politically in the vein of JFK rather than Bernie. She has not (yet) lost her mind or her ability to have an intelligent conversation. She is far from conservative, but she’s also far from a mindless parrot…
Yes.. like that video.. I quit believing that it was an insurrection when I seen some of the messages sent out by Antifa and blm asking members to go to january 6 but wear maga hats on backwards.. and then a video showing many of the main characters you see on every mainstream news cast daily.. all in a room going over a script on how it would play out.. one even switched sides..unfortunately that was taken down before I could copy it and save it..
then a texas congressman questioning the alphabets on their involvement in this..
on top of it.. congressional calendar had them all out on recess or holiday.. so why were they all there.. they aren’t there on a regular working day.. why were they there that day.. If the only time anyone shows up for work is when they vote in a new raise for themselves.. and they take the majority of the year off.. WHY .. were they there on a normal holiday day off.. you go to the capital on a day in session and what you will see is five or six jokers shuffling papers at the front and maybe one or two.. the day I was there only a janitor standing in the middle of the room doing something not janitorial..
cashbox , get a grip on reality:
Trump faces $10 million wrongful death lawsuit over policeman dying due to riots (his death was not ‘staged’):
More than 450 have pleaded guilty to Jan 6 charges, 13% from extremist groups who Trump calls ‘fine people’ there’s a lot of ‘extras’ in Pelosi’s movie that couldn’t beat their charges lol!
c , it is wonderful that you are fed by the wholly owned corporate news media, that only have their masters’ best interest at heart
Pub Svc – record number of voters in USA voted for this situation in 2020, happy with Ure results yet ? Lets review just the current food situation first, shall we..
“Burn baby burn, the federal government stands idly by as North Americas food supply is attacked.
1/11/21 A fire that destroyed 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville
4/30/21 A fire ignited inside the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Monmouth, IL
7/25/21 Three-alarm fire at Kellogg plant in Memphis, 170 emergency personnel responded to the call
7/30/21 Firefighters on Friday battled a large fire at Tyson’s River Valley Ingredients plant in Hanceville, Alabama
8/23/21 Fire crews were called to the Patak Meat Production company on Ewing Road in Austell
9/13/21 A fire at the JBS beef plant in Grand Island, Neb., on Sunday night forced a halt to slaughter and fabrication lines
10/13/21 A five-alarm fire ripped through the Darigold butter production plant in Caldwell, ID
11/15/21 A woman is in custody following a fire at the Garrard County Food Pantry
11/29/21 A fire broke out around 5:30 p.m. at the Maid-Rite Steak Company meat processing plant
12/13/21 West Side food processing plant in San Antonio left with smoke damage after a fire
1/7/22 Damage to a poultry processing plant on Hamilton’s Mountain following an overnight fire
1/13/22 Firefighters worked for 12 hours to put a fire out at the Cargill-Nutrena plant in Lecompte, LA
1/31/22 a fertilizer plant with 600 tons of ammonium nitrate inside caught on fire on Cherry Street in Winston-Salem
2/3/22 A massive fire swept through Wisconsin River Meats in Mauston
2/3/22 At least 130 cows were killed in a fire at Percy Farm in Stowe
2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
2/15/22 Nearly a week after the fire destroyed most of the Shearer’s Foods plant in Hermiston
2/16/22 A fire had broken at US largest soybean processing and biodiesel plant in Claypool, Indiana
2/18/22 An early morning fire tore through the milk parlor at Bess View Farm
2/19/22 Three people were injured, and one was hospitalized, after an ammonia leak at Lincoln Premium Poultry in Fremont
2/22/22 The Shearer’s Foods plant in Hermiston caught fire after a propane boiler exploded
2/28/22 A smoldering pile of sulfur quickly became a raging chemical fire at Nutrien Ag Solutions
2/28/22 A man was hurt after a fire broke out at the Shadow Brook Farm and Dutch Girl Creamery
3/4/22 294,800 chickens destroyed at farm in Stoddard, Missouri
3/4/22 644,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
3/8/22 243,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in New Castle, Delaware
3/10/22 663,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, MD
3/10/22 915,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Taylor, IA
3/14/22 The blaze at 244 Meadow Drive was discovered shortly after 5 p.m. by farm owner Wayne Hoover
3/14/22 2,750,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Jefferson, Wisconsin
3/16/22 A fire at a Walmart warehouse distribution center has cast a large plume of smoke visible throughout Indianapolis.
3/16/22 Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas
3/17/22 5,347,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Buena Vista, Iowa
3/17/22 147,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Kent, Delaware
3/18/22 315,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
3/22/22 172,000 Turkeys destroyed on farms in South Dakota
3/22/22 570,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
3/24/22 Fire fighters from numerous towns are battling a major fire at the McCrum potato processing facility in Belfast.
3/24/22 418,500 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
3/25/22 250,300 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Franklin, Iowa
3/26/22 311,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
3/27/22 126,300 Turkeys destroyed in South Dakota
3/28/22 1,460,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Guthrie, Iowa
3/29/22 A massive fire burned 40,000 pounds of food meant to feed people in a food desert near Maricopa
3/31/22 A structure fire caused significant damage to a large portion of key fresh onion packing facilities in south Texas
3/31/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Osceola, Iowa
3/31/22 5,011,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Osceola, Iowa
4/6/22 281,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
4/9/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/9/22 208,900 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/12/22 89,700 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
4/12/22 1,746,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Dixon, Nebraska
4/12/22 259,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Minnesota
4/13/22 Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire
4/13/22 Plane crashes into Gem State Processing, Idaho potato and food processing plant
4/13/22 77,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/14/22 Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.
4/14/22 99,600 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/15/22 1,380,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Lancaster, Minnesota
4/19/22 Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
4/19/22 339,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/19/22 58,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Montrose, Color
4/20/22 2,000,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Minnesota
4/21/22 A small plane crashed in the lot of a General Mills plant in Georgia
4/22/22 197,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/23/22 200,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/25/22 1,501,200 chickens destroyed at egg farm Cache, Utah
4/26/22 307,400 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
4/27/22 2,118,000 chickens destroyed at farm Knox, Nebraska
4/28/22 Egg-laying facility in Iowa kills 5.3 million chickens, fires 200-plus workers
4/28/22 Allen Harim Foods processing plant killed nearly 2M chickens in Delaware
4/2822 110,700 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
4/29/22 1,366,200 chickens destroyed at farm Weld Colorado
4/30/22 13,800 chickens destroyed at farm Sequoia Oklahoma
5/3/22 58,000 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Beadle S Dakota
5/3/22 114,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Lyon Minnesota
5/7/22 20,100 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
5/10/22 72,300 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
5/10/22 61,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/10/22 35,100 Turkeys destroyed Muskegon, Michigan
5/13/22 10,500 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
5/14/22 83,400 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/17/22 79,00 chickens destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/18/22 7,200 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/19/22 Train carrying limestone derailed Jensen Beach FL
5/21/22 57,000 Turkeys destroyed on farm in Dakota Minnesota
5/23/22 4,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/29/22 A Saturday night fire destroyed a poultry building at Forsman Farms
5/31/22 3,000,000 chickens destroyed by fire at Forsman facility in Stockholm Township, Minnesota
6/2/22 30,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
6/7/22 A fire occurred Tuesday evening at the JBS meat packing plant in Green Bay.
6/8/22 Firefighters from Tangipahoa Fire District 1 respond to a fire at the Purina Feed Mill in Arcola
6/9/22 Irrigation water was canceled in California (the #1 producer of food in the US) and storage water flushed directly out to the delta.” (1)
need to know where you have been, so you can get an idea where you are going..
How much for that bushel o Wheat?
“Pub Svc – record number of voters in USA voted for this situation in 2020, happy with Ure results yet ? ”
some that comment on here.. think he is the best thing that ever hit the streets. ( maybe they just have an MM fetish.. who knows.. and frankly I don’t care if they toss their kids at them or if they are even willing to be known as ghetto head.. ) .. No matter what he has been alleged to have done its ok.. granted DJT does have a narcissistic attitude but then he did have bragging rights he did more being fought the whole way than anyone else in my lifetime.. now I am afraid it is to late…. .. and no matter how many photos and documents that have risen up its all being buried…. kind of like those in office saying that the violent actions and all the destruction .. the pillaging destruction of infrastructure and violence deaths and rapes.. was all ” justifiable violence” from the terrorist actions of BLM and Antifa …it doesn’t make any sense to me no violence like that is justified…. you have the guys that did the crime doing time.. so why destroy a neighborhood that depends on the protection.. I never could fathom that.. say al I we are going to march tonight.. mind if we burn your house down and rape your wife and daughter.. I always fantasized about her.. this would be the perfect time..
My mail delivery person was talking about the possible famine.. I looked over and said.. I tell you what I will do.. when it hits.. I will eat your dog and you can eat mine.. they got this odd look and said.. no one is touching my dog LOL LOL LOL oh well I offered..
“How much for that bushel o Wheat?”
Nostradamus Quatrain II-75
The voice of the rare bird heard,
Over the cannon breathtaking coinciding,
So high will the bushel of wheat rise,
That man will be eating his fellow man.
exactly.. in history.. grain was the riches of man.. gold was for decoration..
I am going to guess that when the spaniards landed and wanted their riches.. that the aztecs thought they were referring to corn.. not gold.. LOL LOL
DeSantis backed by George Soros?
Nikki Haley a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader?
WEF is the World Economic Forum run by Klaus Schwab, Davos elites, etc who are trying to destroy your world and tell you you will “own nothing and like it.”
Soros is the Jew who helped his Catholic Nazi godfather take Jewish people’s estates after they were shot or hauled off to be gassed. If interested, you can find more on this by doing a quick internet search for the ” George Soros Interview 60 Minutes [FULL] ” video or click here:
Anyway, Nikki Haley was a WEF’r in India using her Indian name before suddenly appearing on the scene in SC.
Regarding DeSantis, Soros wants him over Trump per what he states on the video.
“Regarding DeSantis, Soros wants him over Trump per what he states on the video.”
Of course he does. Like Mike Pence, Ron has been to Congress and “knows how things work.” Trump is an America-loving disruptor who doesn’t know “how things work” but knows “politics” is dirty and needs to be cleaned up. This is why the nazis, communists, and other TDS-afflicted Americans hate and fear him. Soros doesn’t intimidate or scare Trump, and if he were to come back into the White House, one of the first things he would do is shackle Vichy Nuland and send her back to the dungeon, before she can spark the US/Russia war she’s been working so hard over the past 17 years, to make happen.
Soros believes he can buy or bully DeSantis. He knows he can’t buy or bully Trump…
That doesn’t mean DeSantis is dirty, by any means, just that Soros believes he would have an easier time manipulating DeSantis than he would, Trump…
Also, there’s a huge difference between “backed by,” and “preferred over…”
Believe me, there are dozens of Republicans Soros would prefer over DeSantis — He would just rather have DeSantis than Trump.
Well that would mean Pooh Team would have to split in two, and war with Gee, zing, ping, I can’t see The Dude thinking that genocide of the Uyghurs is ok. Nor of Caucasians,regardless of the weapon of delivery method eh hm syringe. Of course there’s also numerous infractions in every countries history including Stalin’s you ess ess are. Glass houses that.
Lets get on with the reset.
Earth-orbiting satellites have just detected a major X2.2-class solar flare. The blast caused a deep shortwave radio blackout on Earth and launched a tsunami of plasma in the sun’s atmosphere. A CME is almost certainly emerging from the blast site, but we don’t yet know if it is heading for Earth. Stay tuned to for updates.
Coronal Mass Ejection… CME… arrival due Monday. Expect geomagnetic storming.
Looks like K9YO has the honor of being the first ham balloon shot down by the Air Force. Send a QSL to the pilot?
Re: Asylum
feat. Inmates in Charge
The managing director of the IMF had a somewhat important announcement the other day. Ukraine needs an estimated $40 to $48 billion to get through 2023. “Donor nations” sought.
As if on cue, the US Senate Appropriations Committee offered up the “The Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023” valued at $47 billion. The Committee’s nonchalance concerning its apparent largesse was best conveyed in their advice to readers that “(they are) rejecting the Administration’s request to throttle down support for the Ukrainian war effort”.
However the President has not left the building. This evening’s official White House schedule reports that Mr. Biden is screening the film, “Till”, in the East Room. The drama recounts a 1955 murder and producers include Whoopi Goldberg. The blockbuster has seen $10 million at the turnstiles against a budget of $20 million.
‘Till we comment again, good night.
“When everything starts to fall apart, it’s safe to say the elite won’t stick around for the day of reckoning.”
Hobby Lobby and other “conservative” Evangelicals are behind huge ad campaign using Jesus to promote illegal migrants and LGBTQ agenda…
Many of you may not realize this, but Hobby Lobby and other so-called “conservative” Evangelicals are behind the new “He Gets Us” and “Jesus Was a Refugee” ads that are blowing up. These ads use the Bible and Jesus to validate and even promote the chaos at the border and also to appeal to the LGBTQ/trans communities.
No, they don’t use the Bible and Jesus to validate anything. I’m far from a Bible scholar, but even I can say without reservation that these ads ABUSE the Bible and Jesus. Mary and Joseph, not refugees. Neither are the people invading the U.S.
TikTok Mom Gives Ridiculous Explanation About Why She Began Transitioning Her Son to a Female When He Was Only TWO
When her child was one and a half years old, he apparently wanted to play dress up with his older sister and wanted his fingernails painted. So what did the parents do? They decided the ultimate test for their toddler would be to put him on a tee ball team to see if he would want to play. Since their kid didn’t like to play tee ball and didn’t like wearing the uniform, they decided that he was definitely a girl.
I didn’t know that.. thanks for sharing..
I love hobby lobby…and I buy a lot of stuff there..
Jesus wasn’t a refugee.. LOL he was a NOMAD because according to religious law at the time he should have been put to death on his birth and his mother stoned to death for having a baby out of wedlock ..
So they became nomads to avoid being convicted of crimes against the religious leaders..
christ was killed because he wasn’t faithful enough..his only sin was that of being born to a virgin and doing good deed on a day of sabbath.. Mary was a Temple Virgin.. According to Dr. David Marshall She was consecrated as a Temple virgin at the age of three and lived in the temple precincts till the age of fourteen ( Now this age is questionable since I read the historical accounts of the temple virgins and according to those historical records.. she left when she was between the age of twelve and thirteen… rather than have them discover that she had gotten pregnant and be stoned to death.The normal age to be released from being a temple virgin was the age of fourteen.. I won’t debate that since I don’t have that book in front of me and doubt I could obtain it at any book store.. it was one I read at the LOC that had been translated )
Similar to stories that have been shared of NUN’s and children that worked as alter boys and girls etc.. and the church.. temple virgins had been taken advantage of by the religious leaders.. (the thought for consideration is that there are some ancient religious rituals that even today are performed included one called Thighing.. which could have been the reason Mary became pregnant. but then we would get into a religious debate on the ethics of religious ceremonies that have been adopted from Pagan rituals.. .its all in what you believe..remember they still to this day marry young girls off at the age of 6 in some of these countries today. and women and children are still seen as property.. according to the religious laws of girl child marriage it was not suggested to penetrate and use the method of thighing until puberty..sick huh )
The last time I was in, I wanted to check out the heavy posterboard, but like with any hardware or hobby store, I checked out everything on my way to the posterboard. I was checking out the X-Acto knives when I noticed they attached a floorwalker to me. (I have worked all facets of security, not just video surveillance. Floorwalkers today aren’t nearly as good as they were 40 years ago, when I occasionally was one.) As I worked my way into the model department, the store manager came out of the security booth and asked me what I was looking for, and if she could help. For some reason I made them nervous, which pissed me off, since I’m a rather unassuming old man and don’t even gawk at little girls or guys with manbuns.
I ended up picking out a heavy (2.5mm) posterboard, for which they wanted $8 a sheet, then taking a mental picture of the UPC tag and leaving the store. I bought 40 sheets of that posterboard the same day from Dick Blick and had it shipped to me, for less than $2/sheet.
That was over two years ago. I haven’t been back. I don’t care how “Christiany” a store is. If they can’t live the teaching, they’re false “profits” and they can GFS.
LOL LOL LOL LOL was you crouching in the isles LOL LOL
I never worked security.. a good friend did.. he had use to be a border guard.. quit.. nice guy.. they would stay in and watch us cleaning crews at night average of once a month.. well one of the security guards was fired from one place.. he wouldn’t leave the womens dressing room alone.. and they had a lot of complaints.. anyway one night I just couldn’t get anything done.. someone kept calling a phone.. it was an inside phone.. so it had to be someone inside.. well the other guy came in and I said.. lets go catch this guy.. so working in a building all alone you know where everything is.. you hear everything.. so we went and caught him.. he took an empty box and put it on his head LOL LOL LOL thinking that would hide him LOL LOL and the other guy that was with him was jumping in the isles like a rabbit LOL so the guy jumping like a rabbit told everyone about him and the box.. they razzed him.. god they teased him.. they rotated between stores.. in three month rotation.. the two rotations before his turn.. everyone said.. dang.. we maybe went a tad far with him.. he has it in for you.. well it was spring and there was a bike chained up outside the building.. the building manager got so tired of this bike he came up to me and said.. I want that thing gone.. I don’t care what you do with it.. hell take it home and give it to your kid.. but get rid of it.. so I cut the lock and put the bike in the security office.. the girl who owned it was on vacation came back and her bike was gone.. so she turned it in to security when he first got there.. he went to the manager and the manager told him.. hell I told the maintenance man to give it to his kid..
I came to work.. several police cars.. security met me at the door.. said they need to see you in the security office.. must have been fifteen cops and detectives.. ( he was an off duty cop to and everyone knew the score he wanted me to look bad because they teased him) so I go in and asked.. whats up.. he said yes.. got a report of an expensive bike being stolen outside that was chained up.. Do you know anything about this.. absolutely.. I sure do .. why what do you want to know.. so what happened to this stolen bike.. well the store manager instructed me to cut the lock and get rid of that dumb bike.. YES and where is that bike now.. OH YOU HAVE IT its right beside you LOL LOL LOL now he has all his cop friend razzing him.. and all the security guards everyone teased this poor guy.. the next time around.. god everyone is telling us about this guy having it in for maintenance.. he gets there.. and dam it.. someone is in the building.. you could hear them coming up the conveyor.. we backlit all the one ways.. and set all the sensors.. so we knew where this joker was at all times.. It bothered us that they would waste that kind of money on watching us.. so if that ahole was on one side of the isle we were on the other side of the isle.. we left puddles at the end of isles so we knew by his foot prints which direction he was heading.. if he was eating a candy bar inside a clothing rack.. we made it so he could’t chew it.. he had to hold that dam thing in his mouth while we worked around that sh.. if finally got the better of us because this was going on for some time.. and damit we aren’t crooks so why do this just because they razzed him over some stupid crap.. so went into the store manager’s office and said.. dam it if you don’t want us here.. then tell us we were hunting for a job when we got here..
that night we left a puddle and we were on this sh’s tail the whole night.. a three floor building and we knew where and what he was up to.. could see him in the one ways with his binoculars.. we left a huge puddle .. the guy slipped and knocked over a whole end cap.. that morning as we were sweeping the side walk he was limping in and I asked.. how do you feel.. I hurt like hell.. I was thinking dam it I hope it almost killed ya..
that was on a friday.. I had the weekend off.. came in on monday and there were cops again and they said the manager wants to talk to you guys.. so we go up.. and they looked kind of sheepish.. and said.. has there been someone in the store watching you guys.. NOOOO NOT AT ALL he has been quiet as a mouse.. yes dam it and we are fed up with it.. so what if he looked like a food.. LOL IT WAS A REAL BURGLER THE WHOLE TIME… LOL LOL we were playing cat and mouse with a real crook.. LOL the guy was stalking the place and the security was in the hospital LOL they walked out of there with at that time was close to a quarter million of cocaine and other narcotics from the pharmacy area..
today that same amount would be worth several million I am sure..
they never did prove who it was.. but the husband of one of the office workers was killed in a large city where they moved doing the same thing at a department store she worked at there..
another time we had someone break in.. and stole every size ten and above womens underwear.. every single pair.. nothing else with gold and jewels right next to it..
One time we had a cop see us in cleaning and a ladder next to the building.. that the air conditioning guys left.. he crawed up figured we snuck in by a vent.. and crawled in and got stuck.. had to have the fire department come and get him out of there LOL LOL LOL..
some cute stories from the old days.. LOL LOL
I will have to tell you about a guy that couldn’t read but third grade level work.. big hairy sweaty smelled.. and had more girl friends than you could imagine LOL LOL
we were going to collect his sweat and bottle it LOL LOL..
LB, Most remember Prophet Issa (Jesus) as performing many miracles and speaking of a Kingdom of Heaven, which you can’t get to if you are obsessed with prurience.
LooB, Most remember Prophet Issa (Jesus, Peace Be Upon Him) as performing many miracles and speaking of a Kingdom of Heaven, which you can’t get to if you are obsessed with prurience.
Also Ray, you aren’t allowed to hate gays without caring for illegals, ‘inconvenient bible fact’
Big business (Midwest slaughterhouses) loves using underage illegals (using stolen Soc Sec #’s), maybe these Republican owned businesses will encourage E-Verify! NOT!
The Meat Industry’s donations are 80% Republican:
That is what we teach C…and Christ was one amazing man that taught laws that were widely against the religious leaders of the day..
we in turn were able to incorporate many pagan holidays and old religious ceremonies into Christianity..,Solstice%20…%206%20Lammas%20Day%20%E2%80%94%20Lughnasadh%20
what is dangerous about non vetted illegal refugees is they live the Quran and Torah.. we teach a verse…
Now I don’t care if somebody comes to the USA to work and raise a family..come legally. get none of the benefits ,housing,food,medical,dental, etc. that was set aside for citizens until they become citizens. pay our taxes and a non resident tax and pay for their own education the same way citizens do..follow our laws and learn our language.
“Also Ray, you aren’t allowed to hate gays without caring for illegals, ‘inconvenient bible fact’”
…But you obviously are.
OpenAI content moderation system is programmed to “seek and destroy” conservatives, especially men…
Much to nobody’s surprise the OpenAI content moderation system is basically programmed to “seek and destroy” conservatives, especially men. So, what exactly is this moderation system? Well, in short, it’s a program that will quickly detect so-called “hate speech” violations, and potentially flag them for deboosting or deplatforming. It’s a much more streamlined and efficient way for the regime to silence any dissenters.
FOX News Filing Shows DOMINION Voting Systems Executives Including Eric Coomer Knew Its Voting Systems Had Major Security Issues, Was Hacked, and Was “Riddled with Bugs”
Dominion Voting Systems is in big trouble after the filing by FOX News in its case with Dominion yesterday. FOX News uncovered through its discovery in the case that Dominion’s own employees expressed serious concerns about the security of its machines. Dominion Voting Systems sued FOX News for CHF 1,490,221,176.47 in a defamation lawsuit in March 2021. The AP reported on the suit in a very nasty and biased report.
wont bee long now before we all get to hear; “He’s Baaaaaaack!”
The Orange Gollum of Greatness hissowndamself, the legend in its own mind.
Imagine all the histrionics, the horror about to be played out in the district of malfeasance, by the all the denizens of “da fetid swamp” . Should be some fine drama indeed.
dont forget “Close Ure eyes, what ever happens, dont look”
California’s Predicted Fiscal Firestorm Has Arrived
California’s fiscal wildfire is here. The flames surround the Democrat super majority-run legislature. Democrats’ profligate spending, greed, and lack of imagination on how to run America’s most populous state have been disastrous. An investment research group says California’s “tax policy is killing the Golden Goose in the Golden State.” And that’s not the only problem. Governor Gavin Newsom sent billions of Joe Biden’s specially printed, inflation-causing Covid money to voters for “inflation relief” before his latest election. He teed up “free” kindergarten for four-year-olds, and gave out “free” healthcare to illegal aliens.
One of the biggest landlords in Los Angeles just defaulted on $755 million in loans for two sky scrapers as remote work keeps offices vacant
Brookfield Corp., parent of the largest office landlord in downtown Los Angeles, is defaulting on loans tied to two buildings rather than refinancing the debt as demand for space weakens in the center of the second-largest US city. The values of comparable office buildings have broadly dropped, according to the Barclays analysts. Office vacancies have increased across the country since the pandemic made working remotely more routine.
Kinda makes me wonder if our resident real estate typhoon will come crawling back to Saint Louis? After the Cali real estate market shit itself, nearly 45% of California’s wealthiest residents moved out of the State over the past two years, and Newslum spending hundreds of billions more than Cali. has in revenue, the UMC that’s left are going to have to be taxed into destitution…
I actually thought he might have moved.. a couple of his past posts said something to the effect that there was a home in Texas..
I am still trying to convince the boss we need to move to texas.. get a small acreage.. put half in coffee trees and half in grapes.. the best of both worlds.. lots of sun.. put up solar and an earth bermed home.. with a green house.. use the thermal chimney in an envelope home.. heck cheap cooling and heating close enough to go buy reasonably priced medications rather than the inflated US medications..
Wholesome Indiana school embarrasses violent, failing DC and Baltimore schools in this viral video… losers apoplectic…
A video showcasing a school in Indiana has gone viral. It highlights a large, beautiful, clean, safe-looking high school called “Carmel High.” Several Carmel students take us on a tour of their lovely high school, which includes a “fresh market” cafeteria, massive pool, a state of the art gym, in-house radio station, and a yearbook facility that makes the New York Times look mediocre.
I’ve been to a number of Indiana schools. Carmel (pronounced like the candy confection) is neither the biggest, the nicest, or the safest. Carmel is an Indy suburb (I almost bought a 383 foot radio tower there a couple years ago. The tower went for $100. It would’ve cost me $10k to get it down and home…), and Carmel Clay (that school’s actual name) isn’t even the biggest, nor are Carmel parents the wealthiest in Metro Indy. The kids and parents are a little snooty, but I’ve seen worse. There’s comparatively not a lot spent on the kids there, but I’ve noticed in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, that the money spent by a school corporation per student seems to be inversely-proportional to the intelligence aptitude and academic success of the kids attending school in that corporation. MY school had radio and TV stations, an 1800 seat auditorium, and an Olympic pool, back in the 1960s, and it was a poor school in a poor part of a poor town. Indiana used to be basketball crazy and I attended a regional cheerleading competition at the high school gym in New Castle some years ago, which seated around 14,000 at the time, so the Carmel gym isn’t impressive, either. Yet the article says people are impressed. Still, it IS a nice school. Go figure…
Amen… then you go to cities and see their schools.. they look like prisons …and staff that don’t care about the students..
‘Been to a number of schools like that. Often the staff does care, and care deeply, but their hands are tied by their school boards, and they end up, not caring about their job. They DO still care about the kids. There’s simply nothing they can do.
The hell of it is, the bastards on the school boards have faces for politics, and keep conning the voters into putting them back in-charge of da kiddies. (Now, I’m thinking specifically about a couple schools in the Greater Cleveland ‘burbs, where shop teachers and janitors who helped me load breathtakingly expensive machinery I bought for less than salvage value of the cast iron, cried real tears as they helped load the stuff I’d bought.)
BTW, Carmel is an UMC city and it probably takes 250 grand to buy into its post WW-II matchbox ghetto (if it even has one. Bear in-mind there’s a lot of $20k houses in Indianapolis — it ain’t da coast). I’ve never been inside Carmel Clay HS, but watching the vid, I noticed they had functioning wood and metal shops, and an automotive shop — all those things the Cleveland kids no longer have… And this in a stereotypical “preppy” school where one might expect every grad to go to college.
This is what happens when teachers from the inner city schools come out to the burbs to teach. Real life lessons..
Yesterday.. an aide for a home health care agency stopped by had lunch with us.. anyway her biggest concern is her kids.. she has a boy that is six years old and is almost five foot tall already.. he was being bullied in kindergarten that she moved … Now that school is going to close and he will have to go back to that school.. he doesn’t want to go back to school.. If he goes there.. she doesn’t want him to hate the other kids either which is what will happen.. I said I would have a talk with the principle.. ( my mini me was being bullied by a group of older kids.. I told the daughter she had better keep on it or if she didn’t let grandpa know I would gladly take over that one.. we don’t want a collumbine just because some moronic teachers and principles are inefficient and negligent in doing their jobs.. then they should all be fired and new teachers hired that can do the job..needless to say.. it did get handled..besides the lack of adult presence at home the lack of adult supervision in the schools is television and games and local gangs raise our children today.. thank you deregulation and outsourcing industry.. ) she is terrified at it.. I suggested she go in with her child and have a talk with the ones in charge.. if that doesn’t end it .. then get a lawyer to be present.. for their negligence in their jobs..Home teach.. they do have computer classrooms to at some schools to keep kids that are being terrorized at school separated from those that run the hallways..