Yes, we’re figuring things are going seriously off the rails, and we are holding a (painfully expensive so far) short position against the market going into today.  We think it’s way overpriced.

Why?  (CPI)

Well, that’s a good one, ain’t it?  We are at an illogical point, even up through the futures this morning before the CPI data dropped.  Seemed to us that a lot of the run-up in the market Monday would set up a “buy the rumor, sell the news” event around the CPI.

Just now, the data came out.  Sitting down?

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.5 percent in January on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.1 percent in December, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all-items index increased 6.4 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Where you got hurt:

This is exactly what the market was expecting and so we will now see if any FACTS can shake some reality into this market.  Bitcoin was holding under 22,000 this morning so (oddly) they didn’t buy into the hype.

There are serious problems ahead.  NFIB report out this morning.  The deets:

“Owners have a negative outlook expecting better business conditions

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 14, 2023) – The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index increased 0.5 points in January to 90.3, remaining below the 49-year average of 98. Down six points from last month, 26% of owners reported inflation was their single most important problem in operating their business. Owners expecting better business conditions over the next six months improved six points from December to a net negative 45%.

Key findings include:

  • Forty-five percent of owners reported job openings that were hard to fill, up four points from December, remaining historically very high.
  • The net percent of owners raising average selling prices decreased one point to a net 42% seasonally adjusted, too high for 2% target.
  • The net percent of owners who expect real sales to be higher worsened four points from December to a net negative 14%.

Sure doesn’t sound like a strong base to rally from, but then I do get things wrong now and then. I’ve been banking on a down close today since the rally into the close Monday.  Yeah, yeah: “Ure an idiot.”


We have seen the Chinese balloon debacle reach new heights with the announcement that As Mystery Objects Get Shot Down, U.S. Sets Up New Task Force on UFOs.   Meanwhile, Newsweek has a nice set of data points in Full List of Every UFO Spotted Around The World This Year.

So, what are they?

We have a list of possibilities from most likely to AYFKM:

  • Most likely explanation is they are all “weather/intel” balloons.  With the Russians on the verge of blasting nukes off over Ukraine (which we’ll get to in a sec.) every scientific organization in the world is trying to figure out where the fallout will go.  Thus, the appearance of whole fleets of balloons is almost predictable.
  • Second place goes to pure intel mapping missions.  Some of which work best with high “loiter times.”  Because if, for example, you were listening for trunked radio coms of government agencies – which aren’t on all the time – you’d need to monitor and report over big time scales – 8 hours, or longer.  This means that KH-series national recon office tools (and foreign equivalents) are not very good for this mission.  They are steerable and loiter time is not particularly long depending on orbital mechanics.  Wave at Misty for us.
  • Third place goes to super-advanced drones.  This is based in the likelihood that some government (not U.S.) has made a breakthrough in battery power to weight density such that enough energy can be stored to power a surveillance package in a balloon for many days on the one hand, or give hours-duration flight characteristics to more conventional drones on the other.  Which China seems to have figured out given Sensors recovered from downed Chinese spy balloon.
  • Fourth Place goes to UFOs popping in and out of our reality.  As I explain (somewhere) in my book Dimensions Next Door, there is a growing body of evidence that makes things like levitation and dimension-crossing very much a likely matter.  Everything from the Philadelphia Experiment to the later patents on related technologies and even using horns and drums to levitate gets us to the concept of portaling.  And portal openings set up the possibility that we can shoot AT (but not necessarily hit) UAPs. Thing is, stories like 3 Downed Objects Still Unrecovered, Says US Military assume that only DOWN is a possibility.  When a phase shift is a super fast exit strategy if you own dimension-jumping tech.  Which we’ve been evolving since 1943 here in the US…
  • Fifth Option:  At a Cosmic (as in clearance) level, we are in something like the “being mic ‘ed and lit” phase before the world goes into a massive convulsion. I call this the Truman Show option.  As to Who is directing?  Who knows when the curtain call is?  A lot more difficult.

All of which is really interesting.  Especially since we are expecting that the “secret Russian negotiations” over Ukraine will (pardon the entendre) blow up shortly.  At which point Ukraine could be where the mushrooms go up.  And in which case, we might get some timing clues from watching for balloons over Ukraine.  But to get there from China, for example, we would need to pencil out some Jules Verne numbers, but certainly less than around the world in 80-days.  Jet streams are much quicker.


Newsweek has been doing a solid job of war reporting (in addition to their UFO/UAP work).  And we found Russian Politician Says It’s Time to ‘Admit’ Real Reason for Ukraine War (newsweek.com) compelling.

See, from the Russia side, Ukraine isn’t really a country in the first place, since it declared independence in 1991 and then the U.S. dumped in oodles (billions) of dollars to make sure it was Western dominated.  Which is what’s going on now.

For now, all Russia has to do (for the win) will be outstrip the NATO arms delivery plans.  As U.S. and NATO see Ukraine in urgent need of more arms.  Because they’re running low and out.

News Compactor

Let’s crush and bag ’em, shall we?

Before we do, the ONLY good Super Bowl joke was “Because it was played in Arizona, we won’t know the real outcome for another couple of weeks.”

Government likes and cover-ups file is bulging with reported activities in the Ohio train wreck. There were more toxic chemicals on train that derailed in Ohio than originally reported, data shows.  We are somehow not surprised.  Now the lawyering up comes over (yet more) government lies and misdirection’s as Erin Brockovich asks Biden to ‘step up’ as people fall sick and animals drop dead after Ohio train derailment.

Speaking of cover ups being outed: Coronavirus tally: House Republicans launch investigation into origins of COVID and seek information from Dr. Fauci.  What about the mRNA damage?  Who pays for that?

J6 Hysteria looks like it will continue into 2024 at this rate: Pence expected to fight special counsel Jack Smith’s subpoena.

Say, here’s a reasonable runner for ’24: Nikki Haley launches 2024 presidential campaign (nypost.com). Desantis/Haley or other way around?


Longish but damn useful on Peoplenomics tomorrow  are some notes on the ineffectiveness of war as a population control.  Eye opening cut of the data.

We’ll keep it short with our house guest coming in tomorrow afternoon – still more projects than time and I need to fix that.

Write when you get rich,


73 thoughts on “CPI, UFOs, EoW?”

    • Cheap railroads cutting back on maintenance … just like with their elimination of 1/3 of their work force over the last 10 years.

      Railroad maintenance can be delayed for awhile, which makes the short term profits look better, which Wall Strett LOVES. Unfortunately eventually that lack of maintenance eventually shows up on the operations side (track maintenance /car maintenance /engine maintenance) with costly problems resulting, an increase in derailments and their severity being a typical result.

      With the Ohio derailment evidence is that a railcar had a serious axle problem causing an entire axle to glow red since it was so hot – that was that was shown by two separate private security cameras 20 miles before where the train derailed.

      Across the tracks from one of those private security cameras was a RR sensor system what was to pick up that exact problem, which if triggered was supposed to cause the train crew to IMMEDIATELY stop the train and investigate.

      Was that RR sensor system even working? and if not WHY not and how long had it been out of service? Did it flag the crew but the crew were ordered by the Operations Center in Atlanta to “keep on trucking” down the line … since stopping a train mid route and blocking a main line for several hours is VERY EXPENSIVE for the RR?

      When the NTSB report is in I imagine it is going to show that the Cost Cutting and trying to Save every penny they could engaged in by N&S was the ultimate underlying cause of the accident.
      *Axle … poor maintenance caused by maintenance cost cutting
      *RR sensor system, if down … poor maintenance caused by maintenance cost cutting
      *If heat sensor working but train crew was ORDERED to continue on … Operations Center placing $$ ahead of safety with a know SERIOUS issue with the train (if heat sensor triggered report goes to both Operations Center and automatically radioed to train by the unit itself – train is supposed to IMMEDIATELY STOP if that happens)

      • “Across the tracks from one of those private security cameras was a RR sensor system…

        …Was that RR sensor system even working? and if not WHY not and how long had it been out of service? Did it flag the crew but the crew were ordered by the Operations Center in Atlanta to “keep on trucking” down the line…”

        OR were the crew not trained well enough to know how to handle a “hot box?”

        I suspect the sensor was dead. “Hot box” sensors are generally only considered critical in places where wildfires are a serious issue, like the PNW. Who’da thunk a seized bearing or brake could get an axle so hot that it would drop the wheels…

    • Its 2nd Christmas from zombiejo – govt officials bbbbblew up the vinyl chloride tanks to mitigate an even bigger “threat” of large explosion.

      Its Christmas time in Ohio/PA/NY/WV – F R E E Liver cancers, Free lung cancers..Govt. dudes and dudettes so generous they be giving it out in clusters…wait for it.

      Hot Damm ! Cancer Inflation – its the name of the game

      Got Phosgene ? Never mind safety regs – they cost monay, hit to bottom line at norfolfsouthern..cant have that- Our stinking lives arent WORTH that much to corp, as were just resources.

    • Woke equity.

      There are too many train engineers (and airline pilots) who are the wrong gender &or color (also rail engineers and air traffic controllers).

      There are too few non-males and POC who can qualify for these jobs.

      Therefore, airlines, railroads, police, etc., have lowered their hiring standards considerably (in case you didn’t notice Memphis…)

      I can hardly wait for woke equity to reach cardiologists, orthopods, and neurologists…

      • “airlines, railroads, police, etc., have lowered their hiring standards considerably (in case you didn’t notice Memphis…)”

        what happened in Memphis made me very sad… what that supposed reverend did also made me sad.. a call to action..
        excuse me..who’s neighborhoods get targeted in those calls to action..the very neighborhood s that need the protection you won’t see neighborhoods like the Hamilton’s or Martha’s vineyard or Beverly Hills be the areas its the poorer neighborhoods that get the privilege of suffering the horror and damage…. isn’t there enough hate a violence.. the problem is..who will work those neighborhoods.. with the lack of police protection people are taking matters into their own hands..

  1. George, first, of greatest import: Happy Valentines Day to Mrs. Ure (and the merry gang of Ureites).

    Wrote to an associate today: a year ago when inflation was thought “transitory” who would expect futures on bonds and stocks to run while metals and oil sell down? Crazy. Ivan. (Hunt for Red October).

    Given you have held short IMO the retail sales numbers tomorrow are worth hanging around for. Merge with Q earnings numbers (Cos. barely or failing to leap the analyst lower bar …). Stay tuned.

    We are in a rolling recession. Continual “bump and go” landings in a plethora of industries. What’s next? When things make no sense the charts will trump fundamentals.

    Write when you get time,

    • Two thousand Zero Twenty Three..oops, party over!https://youtu.be/uWyEftvBRGc

      been loading up on Oil & PM miners. Oil co. earnings are gangbusters and are on track for further gains.

      Gotta luv inflation..in all it forms, 1st and foremost a budget crippling Tax on our Families..Go go gROME kerPOWel!

      The vicious cycle that is inflation is just STARTing; package sizes, wages, taxes, all input costs, tanker rates, eggs ect. Everything going up – including WAR. Exception – SPY should be trending down around 6-7% from 50DMA..might take month or so..

      -UAP-Ballons are BS, a distraction .
      ? How will NORDSTREAM Pipeline incident be inflated ? mind execise.. US/GBR attacked and destroyed, unprovoked, the most lucrative energy supply pipeline, built and paid for by Russia – Corp energy interests. Way to infuriate two dangerous interests.

      – Remember, once the “bear” has been woken from her deep slumber, there will be no stopping her, till she has had her fill.

      I would imagine a bowl of “O’s” for breakfast/starterz.

      Got Wheelbarrows ?

  2. “ Yes, we’re figuring things are going seriously off the rails,”

    Cue Ozzy …


    More than a dozen train derailments this year, and more since this was published yesterday.


    Seems there’s been quite a few train derailments in recent years and I guess since railroads and unions can’t seem to figure out what to do about it, the unions are asking the federal (experts?) to think for them. Yeah, I see where this is going.


    Meanwhile the toxic cloud is headed to New York …


  3. “Third place goes to super-advanced drones. ”

    The thing with secret weapons is they can only be used once.

    If advanced drones is the case, drones so advanced U.S. military was caught flat footed, the attack has to happen before the estimated time it’ll take the U.S. to reverse engineer/develop countermeasures.

    The assumption is this past weekend ‘evil do’ers’ scanned the planet and located all NATO assets. How long is the info good?

    We’re going to be thumped so hard people won’t care about losing their pensions. “At least were alive”. But that’s where the problems begin.

    • The Sidewinder has what is called an “annual blast fragmentation warhead.” IOW, the warhead is detonated by means of an electronic proximity sensor, meaning it does not need to impact the intended target to initiate warhead detonation. So the missile likely detonated, but the warhead fragments simply failed to neutralize the target. See:


      That all said, the poor pilot no doubt took some serious s**t upon landing. “You couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn” now morphs to “you couldn’t hit a Chinese weather balloon!”

      • “the poor pilot no doubt took some serious s**t upon landing. “You couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn”

        do you need help finding the toilet.. your seeing eye dog will be coming next week.
        oh eagle eye..
        a subscription to large print edition of hilights magazine..
        oh the list this poor guy will have to endure is endless..lol

    • I’m still wondering where the missile went, that missed. PB I’ll put a C-note on Romulan Neutral Zone! It’s as good a guess as any!

    • I wonder that too Bob since I live close to Lake Huron. Checked the back yard for balloon and missile wreckage but haven’t seen any yet. Guess I would just count as collateral damage anyway.

      Ravel Bolero music final stanzas playing loud in my head again.

      Happy Valentine’s Day

      • BIC
        Since you’re in that area, thought I’d mention Mai Tiki Resort. Took the family up there a few years ago. Nothing special, just nice and relaxing.


        At night out on the lake there are red lights that appear and it looks like a barge coming from the south as the lights come on, one by one. They go right past the resort. – explanation is, it’s a mirage from the Canada side of the red lights on a huge wind turbine area. It’s kinda creepy to watch even after the explanation.

        Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours, as well.

        • I believe that resort is on the Michigan side. Looks really nice.

          My location is on the east side of Lake Huron in Ontario not far from the largest nuclear power plant in Canada that supplies 30% of the power to Ontario. You can see why I get concerned about stray missiles!

      • “Ravel Bolero music final stanzas playing loud in my head again.

        Happy Valentine’s Day”


        Thank you for another bullseye observation finding the heart of the matter. You and Egor are thus far the sole of this merry party to launch Cupid’s arrows amidst the clashing din of gravity-defying bric-a-brac screaming at stratospheric heights.

        One imagines DJ George has temporarily left the studio on a dowsing the whereabouts of his dancing shoes project.

      • “We have seen the Chinese balloon debacle reach new heights with the announcement that As Mystery Objects Get Shot Down, U.S. Sets Up New Task Force on UFOs. ”

        I’m guessing this wouldn’t be the best time to do the lawn chair thing..

        • “99 Red Balloons ”

          lounge chair loob… in a rowboat lounger and two big paddles for rowing the lounge chair balloon ride lol lol..
          I guess I will have to stick with the champagne balloon ride by a balloon pilot lol..( my bucket list ) I worked on enough balloons ..from the photos that looked a lot like a 24 ft. weather style balloon..but then there wasn’t anything to give a dimensional Guage.

        • can you just see a small gondola shaped like a small rowboat.. lol lolgloating on the air with balloons filled with helium lol lol lol
          that would be so hilarious…

  4. It’s not like U.S. leadership didn’t anticipate or have proper warning of the events of today. In 1995-6, Air Force 2025 study distilled the ‘most likely’ scenarios that would be facing the U.S. in 30 years time. One of the scenarios was pointedly mandated by the USAF Chief of Staff at the time, General Ron Fogleman:

    “General Fogleman requested exploration of a specific future, “Crossroads 2015,” which arrives ten years before the other scenarios. Here, the US faces economic hard times, and the pace of technological progress has slowed. Russia, its power on the rise, attempts to seize and incorporate independent Ukraine. The US confronts the danger of fighting a major war using those forces developed with the investments of the late 1990s. The choices the US makes in this crisis–whether to strike an isolationist stance or accept the costs of remaining the military leader of Western democracies–has a lot to do with which of the 2025 scenarios becomes more likely.”

    See: https://www.airandspaceforces.com/article/1296study/

    America has a short strategic memory, and big business (chief among them is the defense industry) increasingly drives national strategy and policy. China plays the long game, and nothing goes unnoticed. The PRC has fully embraced the importance of data and information. With AI systems to help coalesce wide swaths of seemingly unrelated information, China strikes a strong position for the 21st Century. The PRC can systematically ID and exploit the loopholes of its economic and military competitors, keeping a ‘long road’ approach, holding its cards close to the vest and not acting with haste or unnecessary drama. Putin and Xi know exactly what they are doing, and that’s what scares me.

    • Military capabilities and capacity generally follows industrial manufacturing capacity with about af 15 year lag, assuming the country WANTS to have military capacity. That is a dynamic that has now held true for the entire history of several hundred years of the Industrial Age. In this regards selling insurance and financial paper products, which seems to be where the US has wanted to head for the last 40 years, is NOT industrial capacity.

      Chinese manufacturing capacity has been in excess of US manufacturing capacity since sometime in the 2000-2007 timeframe, GREATLY outstripping the US’s industrial capacity by the late teens particularly in the basic commodities areas (steel, aluminum, titanium, concrete, etc. where China has 10x to 20x the capacity of the US anymore).

      Russia by this simple 500 year old industrial /military dynamic has been a declining power for the last 30 years just like the US has been (only Russia has declined at a MUCH faster rate than the US has).

      When it comes to War Materials, War Technology, and SMART people to implement them, China is the up and coming power and via the dynamics of history should greatly exceed the US’s military power, baring a major war, sometime in the next 15 years.

      (China’s Navy is now bigger than the US’s, barring only aircraft carriers – which will probably be useful for just a few days of the next major war, and nuclear submarines where it is coming on fast and strong. The US’s strength in that area is now mostly because of “basing” issues, the US Navy has lots of bases away from the home country whereas China does NOT. … btw don’t even ask about ship building capacity or a merchant marine, the US for all intents and purposes NO LONGER has any, while China has the largest in the world!!)

      The US is on track to being a near clone vs China of the situation Russia is now facing vs. NATO in Europe at the moment. (ie: the ONLY field leveler for Russia today, and for the US in 5 years, being nuclear weapons or the next generation of breakthough weapons).

      CHINA is now the US’s principal opponent … NOT Russia!!

      This is something that the old thinking Cold Warriors can’t get their minds around. They are locked into the OLD paradign. A paradign that clearly ended 15 YEARS AGO!!

      The US should have been working to bring Russia in tighter, NOT drive it out into China’s arms., but alas the OLD PEOPLE who remain in charge long after they should have turned the reigns of power over to those 30 years younger CAN’T CHANGE THEIR THINKING to the NEW pardign even though it is staring them right in the face … and is the lesson of history to boot!! (as if that class of people ever read history to begin with – hint, they don’t).

      John McCain was a classic example of this … and had a terrible effect that is still ongoing … on US strategic and domestic policies. McCain was a short term non-strategic thinker if there ever was one. He clearly failed to see that a strong military rests upon the shoulders of NOT the defense industry, but of the entire industrial capacity of the economy. AND when facing a STRONGER opponent, ie: China, one needs to build a coalition of countries together to oppose that STRONGER opponent, NOT drive potential coalition partners AWAY. (could the US and GB have won WW2 in Europe without Stalin and the USSR as distasteful as both were? NOPE!)

      Well … for those of us peon cannon fodder types all we can do is observe from the outside as to the stupidity of those in the leadership class, (and note how the military-industrial complex has so captured military/political leadership class so as to direct policies so they could make big profits without caring about the actual defense of the country).

      (say … just WHEN is that Boeing rocket actually going to carry something to the space station? The government has funded it to the tune of 3x – 4x what Musk got … but it STILL hasn’t been able to be functional, even now MANY years after Musk’s rockets began to perform for the government. That Boeing contract is a perfect example of how the military/industrial companies have managed to “capture” the government so as to pad their bottom lines withOUT producing much of REAL value in the process. Do I need to mention the Littoral Combat ships too? Another multi billion dollar boon doggle that only served to funnel money to well connected Defense Contractors while in reality actually WEAKENING the Navy!!)

      Sheesh … sometimes I wish I was a sheeple and could “believe” the LIES that our government tells us regularly: say …. of course Russia blew up it’s own pipeline. say …. of course Iraq is on the cusp of making a nuclear bomb ….

      • “the US Navy has lots of bases away from the home country whereas China does NOT. ”

        or do they…. from Jr. to DJT.. China and Russia have been signing agreements and assistance treaties all over the globe.. when Joe and his administration thumbed their nose at Cuba thing them to snatch m&m’s off of little willy… when they were asking for help.. China on the other hand said here we are here to help you.. with china’s adapted Club-k drone fighting and missile systems..heck they could be anywhere..including the USA.. just like t he open borders to refugees from countries that swore a caliphate jihad by posing as refugees. and us only checking 1 percent of incoming containers.. those things could be anywhere..I thought it was stupid when we sold our ports.. it scared the hell out of me seeing stories that the family business was taking money from those that don’t have our best interests at heart.. depending on who is willing to stand with them and how long this has been in the works.. t his could possibly be much worse than anyone can imagine in their worst nightmares

      • Stephen 2…Right on re: your analysis.

        A footnote: “IF” those balloons were really Chinese ;), they will win the war of attrition. One $500 balloon (everything is cheaper with Chinese labor) vs. 1 Sidewinder @ $439,000 plus shipping and all the costs for multiple deliveries required to end of product life cycle (or 2 if you miss).

        Plus, you have the Canadian Commie government praising NORAD, and what a great partnership we all have with the Americans while Biden took bows for blowing up a balloon after it had fully transited key military installations in the U.S. Kind of like what can Hunter do for you now China? Surprised they didn’t praise the Mexican government for something, maybe all the gas, as they still dream of the NAU (North American Union).

      • “The US should have been working to bring Russia in tighter, NOT drive it out into China’s arms., but alas the OLD PEOPLE who remain in charge long after they should have turned the reigns of power over to those 30 years younger CAN’T CHANGE THEIR THINKING to the NEW pardign”

        or work ..WITH.. both…then I would be able to visit the beautiful Gothic structures..the beautiful temples and water gardens if china and the great wall..see the museum in egypt.. learn their cultures hear their historical legends etc.
        instead it is what it is.. I will never see any if it..do my glove surfing in the magazines of national geographic

    • G’s linked Newsweek article of yesterday said that a Russian thought Putin started the war to rid Ukraine of Nazis (too bad they can’t figure out what year this is lol)

      We previously helped Stalin fight Nazis/Hitler ($180 billion in today’s dollars)

      Apparently Russia paid a fraction of it back to the U.S. by 1972:

      Check please, Ukraine will have a bill $ to pay to the U.S.:

      Putin’s got serious health problems:

      • Well in Ethiopia, I believe it’s 2014. The Ethiopian calendar is quite similar to the Julian calendar, which was the predecessor to the Gregorian calendar most countries use today.

    • Warhammer,

      Thank you for including the General Fogleman tip. May I note from the perspective of a general reader that I subsequently found the December, 1997 interview – published in 2001 – with Air Force historian Dr. R.H. Kohn and the General concerning the latter’s sudden retirement in 1997 additionally informative.

  5. With the UFO sightings, the simplest explanations is usually the best.
    we have already determined that the first one was Chineese spying. the rest, comming so close to the first, and following more or less the same pattern, says to me they’re connected.

    • I seen a UFO… then it flew overhead and was just a plane heading to the airport.. ruined my day..

  6. Wait for it…
    While waiting, I’d again urge you to read Arthur Firstenberg’s “The Invisible Rainbow.” He details how every roll-out of a new electrified system (telegraph, electric power lines, high-power radio WWI, high-power radar WWII) resulted in a “pandemic” with the very same symptoms as severe C19. Inflammation of kidneys, heart, brain, vascular system; nausea, loss of smell & taste, etc.
    At the beginning of this new normal, doctors in Lombardy IT put out videos declaring this IS NOT a respiratory illness; rather, they said it was oxygen deprivation with identical presentation to severe altitude sickness.
    Hmm…O2 deprivation.
    It’s well documented that five gee, at the higher frequencies, “consumes” O2 as it travels through the air. Operation at those higher freqs is not YET taking place…that we know of. Good luck finding info on-line now; thousands of channels have been taken down and articles buried by algorithms.
    As Firstenberg states, scientists and the medical field established long ago that a small percent of humans are particularly sensitive to changes in the electrification of their environment. He also documents how medical researchers tried to infect healthy people with Spanish flu by having a sick person cough directly into their open mouth. They tried hundreds of times, and various methods, and COULD NOT INFECT A HEALTHY PERSON OR PROVE CONTAGION.
    Another point: the four regions hard-hit by massive numbers of severe C19 when this grand delusion first began happened to coincide with the four regions in the world which had largely completed their five gee roll-out. These were Lombardy IT, NYC, Wuhan CH, and Iran.
    Amazing coincidence. Or maybe a test run of higher frequencies of a new system, with predictable results.
    Just food for thought as we move into the next act of this real-time horror show.


    • Showed the ZeroHedge piece to my wife, the Nurse.
      She immediately sent these back to me …

      1. “What is a natural antiviral for bird flu?
      Green tea acts as an effective natural cure for bird flu. It is rich in antioxidants and contains substances that have strong anti-viral properties. Green tea also restricts the release of the enzyme called neuraminidase, which the bird flu virus requires in order to reproduce. Oct 26, 2016
      zEF https://zeenews.india.com > health
      Avian influenza: Five best natural cures for bird flu! – Zee News”

      2. “What is the best treatment for bird flu?
      Antiviral Drugs Can Be Used to Treat Illness
      CDC currently recommends treatment with a neuraminidase inhibitor for human infection with avian influenza A viruses. Analyses of available avian influenza viruses circulating worldwide suggest that most viruses are susceptible to oseltamivir, peramivir, and zanamivir.
      co https://www.cdc.gov > flu > treatment
      Treatment of Avian Influenza A Viruses in
      People – CDC”

      Not medical advice, just reply info. :)
      She said, Thanks for the warning.

    • May be part of the picture but each of those places cited ALSO had massive amounts of CLOSE human contact occuring, as in cheek to jowl closeness:

      In the studies of NYC infections it was the zip codes where the people HAD to ride the subway everyday to and from work that were the most infected. Lower Manhattan where virtually everybody walked to work, to the store, and to the coffee shops had infection rates that were 1/10 to 1/20th those of zip codes where riding mass transit daily was almost mandatory (I did the research per zip code so I KNOW the ratios).

      Not saying there isn’t something about what you say, but having ridden most large mass transit systems in the US the NYC one definitely is the MOST CROWDED during rush hour that I have ever ridden.

      Wuhan was much like NYC … massive subway riding just like NYC (a friend was living at Wuhan at the time, had lived there for several years so understand that dynamic for that city as well from talking to him after he was back in the US)

      Lombardy IT was in a culture where everytime you meet someone both the males and females hugged each other littorally cheek to the cheek, often time even kissing each other mouth to mouth That was the norm there … so of course the spread was wide and quick.

      Can’t speak directly about Iran … but Tehran does have a subway system that is reportedly very very crowded, even more so than NYC’s. Not sure about the cultural stuff like Italy though.

      There may be some validity to what you say but for NYC, Wuhan, and Lombardy at least typical disease spread vectors can explain the quick spread of the disease in those locations.

      • Excellent points, all.
        I also saw maps early on of the parts of NYC where five gee installation was complete. When overlaid with a map of intense outbreaks the correlation was quite precise. Which is why I first posted here about Firstenberg’s book nearly three years ago when it was first published…seemed to me that God had thrown a life preserver out for those with eyes to see it.
        There’s a reason the Word of God refers to Satan as “the prince of the power of the air,” rather than the prince of electron microscopy or the prince of Level IV biohazard labs. Energy, frequency, can literally shape matter. Crystals forming in structured water when exposed to beautiful music come to mind. Frequencies have long been used to heal, for example in homeopathic medicine, which years ago had advanced to the point that making a remedy was no longer necessary; a homeopath could simply transmit the proper healing frequency to the patient via laser. Likewise, energy can be used to damage and destroy.
        The book is well-research and filled with eye-opening information you won’t hear from MSM, and the topics range far beyond pandemics. Read it. Then, you know…connect the dots.
        Another place to gain understanding: Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s website where he explains what scientists refer to as “exosomes,” and how they are expelled by your body’s cells when you become toxic from exposure to chemicals or certain energy frequencies. While there, consider this:



        This appears to be a couple of years old, but… wow. He goes through the initial “study” done on 3 sick people in CH that sparked this insane psy-op, and uses real science to shred the entire narrative. Astonishing, what they’ve gotten away with.


        Yes, I’m aware that BIN is filled with half-cocked blarmy, but up until two years ago it had considerably more useful info. I read widely; I just don’t save much anymore.

      • lol lol did you read the new studies that say the fabrics used predominantly in women’s clothing holds the virus up to four days.. im waiting to see the federal buildings insist wo.wn strip and wear paper jumpsuits lol lol lol..it took over two months to change an address with social security.. it was a nightmare.. on hold all day long the sorry we are now closed lol..
        I was going to camp on their doorstep..what a joke..and everyone is closed again on monday.. they got angry with me on the changing an address lol..I had a friend call them frome homeland..they picked up first ring..then got irritable that I was creative in getting them to answer the stupid phone..
        but who knows

    • If I remember Stu said UFO show up right before WWlll …it was in one of his articles couple years back if my memory serves me correctly.

    • Don’t know about Stu but I remember Clif High talking about a war with UFO’s and aliens among us. We’d know them by pictures … seeing some slight strangeness. And yep, people have been pointing out strangenesses in pictures and videos …. Masks, stretchy noses, weird eye movements, etc.

      No propulsion ?? Clif used the term, Space Goat Farts. Lol !!

      Maybe this is what he was referring to.

      Who knows, maybe cow farts bad, goat farts good. I’ll leave that up to the experts out in that field. Not exactly my expertise.

    • Thanks for remembering folks. I really appreciate that!

      Here is another link to my view:

      Some thoughts:

      1) UFOs – Seriously doubt ET is going to be shot down by a sidewinder or any missile.
      2) Project Blue Beam – Blogger rubbish. There will be no fake war… Consider the ancient myths and the war of the gods and all of our religious myths. It is all part of the show.
      3) The US has ET technology – From personal conversation with Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
      4) Humans Using ET Technology – My observation to Dr. Mitchell… Bad humans developing ET weapons equals bad ETs. He agreed, his response, “That’s what keeps me up at night.”

      Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Art Bell Show January 5th, 1998
      I think our representative democracy is in danger. …I think events are moving so fast, so very rapidly, that no one is really on top of it, and if we don’t get people mobilized here to demand that we get to the bottom of these issues we’re talking about today… we’re not going to have an opportunity forever.

      I will quote from my books.

      The idea that the technology developed from the crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft would end up being used as a tool for control has burst every Star Trek notion that I have ever had about the world.

      The most important question I asked myself that night in 2004 on the way home was a variation of Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek Prime Directive.

      “Why would an advanced extraterrestrial species, obviously in command of such basic scientific principles as observation and measurement, give highly advanced and deadly technology to an inferior species with a propensity to kill, enslave other members of its species, and at the same time destroy its environment?”

      In the 1960s, a 20th century human being, Gene Roddenberry, had the good-sense to write into the Star Trek mythos that giving deadly technology to an inferior species violated the highest moral code of a space exploring species. Readers should think about that!

      In 1965, did Gene Rodenberry stand on higher moral ground than the extraterrestrials supposedly giving humanity ray guns and spaceships?

      This is all smoke and mirrors. If there is a mass UFO siting worry that the nukes come out next.

      Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:3
      By the means of Satan, Infernal Prince, so many evils will be committed that the entire world will be found undone and desolate.

      Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 55:4
      Before these events many rare birds will cry in the air. Now, now, and sometime later vanish.

      Nostradamus Quatrain II-75
      The voice of the rare bird heard,
      Over the cannon breathtaking coinciding,
      So high will the bushel of wheat rise,
      That man will be eating his fellow man.

  7. “It don’t mean a f-ing thing.” A rather popular saying in Vietnam for a while. And this literal hysteria on the ‘balloons’ ranks right up there. So what !? OK, they are spy balloons.., they gather a few tid-bits of data., a new radio freq., oh, lookie there., a possible new silo…, so what? It doesn’t change a damn thing. And you can’t do a damn thing about it. You still have to get your garden in., restock the wood pile and build an extra support for the shelves in the over-crowded pantry. We will, or we won’t get nuked, sprayed or attacked. Speculation and hyperventilating won’t do a damn thing. Buy some extra seeds and quality fertilizer, and get on with it.

  8. Stagflation is still the most likely macro backdrop for this year, with 83% of banking investors / participants expecting below-trend growth and above-trend inflation.
    – Inflation reported this morning at 6.4%., slightly above expectations., and a virtual guarantee The Fed will raise rates again. At first the market reacted positive to the numbers, all markets went up sharply., then reality set in, and they have since sold off.

  9. Didn’t you or Cliff correlate earthquakes with train derailments a while back? With 3 derailments lately, are we in for a big quake?

  10. The best earthquake coverage, explanation (of propagation) and prediction can be found on a YouTube channel called Dutchsinse. Interesting phenomenon he caught the day of the massive quakes in Turkey…a spiral radar signature emanating from the closest TK weather radar station. Couldn’t explain it, but caught it on video during a live stream.

    • This Romanian Senator has very strong views about the quakes being weapons, reasons, the Ukraine conflict, etc., and sums it all up quite succinctly. https://www.bitchute.com/video/kjV0SFXRcWER/

      Aside: My late friend, Michael Ruppert, once told me about existing weapons that can cause direct-hit earthquakes, such as what happened in Haiti around that time, essentially to clear all the slums from Port au Prince, prime ocean front RE. Some reporters even remarked about the lack of damage outside the city, more like a bomb had been set off in a specific strike zone. Ruppert would not report on this technology because he couldn’t get one single person to go on record about it and would not use anonymous sources.

        • Yes. Don’t know if you ever read his book, Crossing the Rubicon, but he told me it was the most mentally engrossing and exhaustive book he ever wrote. He was already deemed a “conspiracy theorist”, so he always used real sources. He was a really good writer, just as you are. Interesting man, a tormented man, very ego-driven, but for a short time, we were friends. He did all he could and then finally decided to just leave this place. We did have some fun times driving around in the mountains in my jeep, smoking some doobies and listening to his band on his hand-held radio. LOL Mike loved his pot, at least in his later years! One of a kind true human. I feel blessed to have known him. And he ratified a lot of what I already had investigated personally.

  11. Dont look now bunkies – Russia has officially warned depleted uranium ammunition will be considered a nuclear weapon. Leopard2s, Bradley and Marder armored vehicles all use it…dundundun.

    In other more exciting and happy news – crypto is continuing to build inroads into mainstream..”VISA has been testing payments in USDC on Ethereum

    The head of the cryptocurrency division of the credit card giant Visa, Cuy Sheffield, spoke about the company’s new plans for integrating payments with digital assets. As Sheffield revealed during his speech at StarkWare Sessions 2023, Visa will allow its customers to convert cryptocurrencies to fiat money and vice versa.

    “This is one of the areas where we want to develop muscle memory. Just as we can convert dollars into euros during international transactions, we should be able to convert digital tokenized dollars into their traditional fiat counterpart,”

    said Cuy Sheffield, emphasizing that in the near future, the payment corporation will allow the conversion of stablecoins.

    Sheffield did not specify the exact dates for the new service launch, but he assured that Visa had already tested the technology and was satisfied with the result.”-Etherspot & Pillaristas

    Ever wonder WHO owns the Etherium domain name Urban Survival ?


    • “Dont look now bunkies – Russia has officially warned depleted uranium ammunition will be considered a nuclear weapon. Leopard2s, Bradley and Marder armored vehicles all use it…dundundun.”

      they obviously didn’t get the memo that NATO and the USA has determined that that’s NOT a dirty bomb or considered as one because it’s an acceptable low grade radio active material..sheesh..

  12. Today Britain announced the Koh-i-Noor will not be in the crown during coronation.

    Nikki Haley announced.

    I think the Indians will rule after the war. They are building key positions all over the West and it’ll be ‘natural’.

    • The stork doesn’t lie. One imagines the move will curry favor with voters considering Indians now apparently form the largest foreign ethnic group in the UK already outnumbering the 4th place Irish by 2 to 1. (Ukrainians are 56th, Russians are 31st)

      May I tuck in here a little gem by way of a Scottish-Indian born co-founder of “The Daily Caller” and for 8 years-or-so a right hand to USA VP Cheney. A story was picked up from Swiss media stalwart “20 Minutes” whose roots go back to 1893. Apparently last month’s WEF confab attendees in Davos are alleged to have ordered take-out according to a service manager.


      Anyhow, by comparison your SuperBowl and/or Birthday take-out experience would be just like mine – some slices of pizza along with breasts and legs of chicken.

  13. As I recollect the ending of The Revelation had Christ ruling over the Earth for a thousand years which tells me that the only way for Peace to finally have any kind of chance is for Humanity to have a benevolent Overlord. It is patently obvious that we can’t do it ourselves otherwise we would have risen up and gave the current power holders the boot. I hope a thousand years is enough to work the destructiveness out of our genes and minds.

  14. One year US treasury’s are above 5% with over a 125 basis point inversion to the Ten Year Notes at 3.75%. 30 year Mortgage rate are above 6.6% with 93 trillion dollars of US private and public debt and 181 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities involving social security, disability, medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and State liabilities … something bad is about to happen. Available money supply and interest rates controlled by the Federal Reserve and central banks are the determinants of the expanding/contracting QE/QT global asset-debt valuation system. While the absolutely unnecessary carnage of Pitler in Ukraine is real, it is a minor factor in the macroeconomic asset debt system.
    From the CRB’s 2020 low: 28/58(ideal base 23)/46/19 of 34-35 weeks :: x/2-2.5x/2x’/1.5x’. For equity composites: 33//72(ideal base 29)//(10/23/19 of 20/14-16 = 72-74 weeks. Expect nonlinear lows over the next 6 trading days with a final cycle of growth and decay over 14-16 weeks.

  15. “Lock your doors tonight.”~Sen John Kennedy’s concluding words about today’s Senate UFO briefing.

  16. Looks like the UFO circus has broke camp and hit the road. The public emotional reaction is so intense, that no narrative can be reliably controlled or sustained. The chaotic distraction theory is plausible, but Snowden’s version is no more convincing than any other.

  17. “Say, here’s a reasonable runner for ’24: Nikki Haley launches 2024 presidential campaign (nypost.com). Desantis/Haley or other way around?”

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Nikki Haley is owned by Klaus Schwab.

  18. Oh, and just another small comment. There is no way we can avoid supporting the “system” so long as any of us are on line and communicating and paying someone for that privilege. The need to find like-minded humans has become a cyber adventure these days. My own brother and his wife, my only living family, haven’t entered my home for three years, first because of the big Rona scam, and now because I have refused the big jab. I am 77, live alone with my old dog, Diego, and frankly, it is seriously fucked that society has been intentionally so broken down. And it is by intention.

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