Bad Accounting

Ah, the headlines – sounds like government waste.  But today we have a dandy example of weaponized accounting to kick off the neurons.

And, after that, we’ll consider the odds of a major downside Monday which floated to the top of today’s ChartPack.

Now toss lightly with a sprinkling of politics and…gee, looks like the chemistry and water treatment term “settling time” for a change.

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86 thoughts on “Bad Accounting”

  1. An excellent lesson on Economics and Accounting today. Well done. All these folks who keep pointing out the negative side of Trumps policies costs fail to answer the question of what is the cost of continuing on with the current effed up mess? Will it cost money to clean it up? Yes it will but far less than if it is left as it is.
    Sometimes the news is like a bunch of monkeys f%^&ing rolling donuts and beyond reading the headlines is best avoided.
    Stay safe. 73

    • I could have gone a lot deeper on the weaponized accounting liberals smear Trump with.
      But then we would get into a definition of what and aircraft “cycle cost” is (landing gear and tires used one “cycle” per flight” and so on.
      But as I explained to Elaine over breakfast a minute ago, when a C17 only carries 28,000 gallons of fuel and the cost of gulf coast jet a is $2.41 for a total of $67,480, it’s pretty clear the British rag spewing $852,000 trip costs is fullashit. It’s why we left the Crown back in the day – lying squid and all that.
      I did tell her you can make up any number you want, and some lefty liar accountant SOMEWHERE will build a cost allocation model to justify. But out here in the real world, we run on cash. And those federal employees get paid no matter what, so yeah…screw british papers and their sleazy reporting. IMO, no kneeling allowed.

      • y’all are such victims. now victims of british papers sleazy reporting and liberal accountants. Lol. it’s unbalanced “thinking”.

        there’s no smear. there’s no liberal accountants looking to screw trump or you.

        the comptroller of DoD puts out reimbursable rates for aircraft. here’s the list for FY2023, put out more than two years ago.

        all the paper did was multiply the rate by the estimated hours. the whacky accounting is just wanting the cost of fuel to be the cost of running assets.

        do you have anything to prove me wrong? please post a link that the comptroller of the DoD is a liberal accountant.

        simple math gets turned into some conspiracy cabal. grow up and face reality as it is, not as you imagine it to be. in orienteering we call it bending the map, not a good survival strategy.

        • Obviously, you didn’t read the PN report, not being a subscriber.
          BUT, the DoD report IF YOU HAD READ THAT says $22,109 per flight hour. (wet lease, that’s about right…)
          If you were a PN subscriber I would point out that the paper’s cited cost calcs out one freeway exit short of 20,000 statute miles of flying per trip.
          So(proving my point) even using DoD numbers the claim of $852+K is silly per trip.
          But, no more from you on this, or back to the penalty box.
          You did miss a very good discussion of airline economics, though.

        • At $22,000/flight hour that means that the paper was calculating that the plane(s?) would be flying almost 39 hours.

          How much was the Biden Administration paying to FLY INTO the US all of the illegal immigrants they brought into the country that way (with flights in almost daily)?

          Sending good money to get convicted felons out of the country is NOT a bad deal imo since the average felon will commit MORE felonies during his life (mostly not being caught and charged) (if they have been arrested for 3 or more felonies ANYWHERE, even if not convicted, then it is a near 100% certainty that they will be doing more felonies)

        • G et al, Please post a link that Trump can successfully operate a business or govt, ‘In the 1980s, Trump amassed casinos, hotels, an airline, and a 282-foot mega yacht. But his gold-plated bubble popped. By June 1990, Trump was unable to make loan payments on his $3.4 billion in outstanding debts. In total, Trump businesses filed for bankruptcy six times.’

          Catch the next flight to Insanity, don’t adjust your TV screen, you’ve just entered the fiscally unresponsible policies of a Madman:
          ‘Some business leaders are concerned with the economic impact of Trump’s flagship immigration policy. The mass removal policy could impose a staggering one-time cost of $315 billion on the U.S., according to the American Immigration Council. Deporting 1 million people every year could cost up to $88 billion annually.’

    • Agreed Jim in MO : alt costs are hardly ever contemplated. Some local admins. are pushing thought process while others are trapped in a “cleft stick of their own cutting” so … we watch and wait.

      “The biggest problem now is for the Trump administration to stay out of its own way and not overdo the cheerleading”

      Wordslinger : well done on the maths. I have this argument in real time often with lefty friends. We own the planes and they benefit from flight time. Our military pilots are on salary and could all use flight hours. We own gobs of fuel in the SPR (oh, wait, no we don’t). Jet fuel is available to our military. We can do this. Glad to see the “guests” are flying home bare bones vs first class.

      What’s next? [West Wing, best line spoken repeatedly by the pretend President] We are living on Trump Time. Please have seats in full upright position and stow your tray tables until the ride comes to a complete stop (let’s not, stop).

      Note: should neighbors to our south be confrontational about return of _their_ people, well, we don’t really need to land the C-17 Globemasters now do we? Everybody takes their first jump eventually …

      ATL: still chill. Have intel our ice cake is 6″ + so hope to do some sailing.
      Mrs. E thinks I’m going as an Advisor.
      Uhm, no hon …


  2. “And plenty to noodle on in this one: How Consciousness Opens Doors to Higher Dimensions | The Epoch Times”

    Fascinating article. Well worth a read. The brain gamma wave chart at point of death is quite stunning.

    • My best friend … he tried to work the kind of hours I did.. I had had a hunk of bowel removed that was cancerous and it got infected..I was not good I thought I was on the last legs.. still in a wheelchair he would come rescue me for an afternoon..we would go to our favorite restaurant..
      he told me what he was doing..I lectured him look what it has done to me stop it.. then I told him I was planning to check myself in the hospital if I didn’t make it..I wanted him to be a pall bearer…that was Easter saturday..Tuesday morning we were talking and he was getting off his shift..he said I am so tired..and was going to go get a nap before he had to go to work again..
      he had a heart attack in his sleep and died.. I got better almost over night.. his wife had breast cancer shortly after he died and she would tell me he was there with her.. then she left a year or maybe two later.. we talked often she swore he was with her and hadn’t left.. was it just in her mind or did he stick around..
      logic says your gone when your gone.. but..

      • No birth, No death. No coming, No going. No being, No nonbeing. Just concentrate on your hand and you can see those who have left us… your mother, your father, your husband your wife, your friends, your teachers, etc. They have all continued in us & are part of us. We Interbe with all… humans, flowers, the blue sky, the clouds, the rain. If one is left out, there is none.

        • Wow. That’s a profound conclusion after reading the article on George’s site. You are a subscriber and did read the article, right?

  3. Holy Snikies G man, HOLY SNIKIES!

    Have you not seen wit Ure very own Eyes the amount of US Dollars it takes to Buy a single BITCOIN today ? Simply outstanding market outlook for di Bitcoins going forward..talking Daily – yup BULLISH, Weekly – yep Bullish, Monthly ? – there agian bbbBULLISH.

    Can I get witness ? –

    How long before the Feds move to CONFISCATE ?

    Well after signing that new order to RETAIN all Bitcoins Confiscated then/now and in Future – is a very INSIDIOUS “Reg/Law/Directive”..very insidious.

    Like every other Mis-Guided, FUCKED UP Order or Regulation from Fed bureaucracy/DS – This one will Encourage Bad Behavior ..the feds Going After Bitcoin Confiscations..

    Still got a functioning Brain cell or 3 ?

    Then you of course you can See the historical rhyme to the feds Confiscation of Gold back in dark days of von-FDR administration.

    The above scenario IS PRESACTLY Why BCN has been Preaching Private Keys and Self Custody.

    Any and all Bitcoins held in Govt. “Approved” Accounts/Financial Institutions WILL EVENTUALLY be confiscated, I GARAUNTEE IT.
    This Decade or Next I dont know, I only know they will be confiscated by US Govt. eventually..

    Cheers Homegamers!

    • (“after signing that new order to RETAIN all Bitcoins Confiscated then/now and in Future – is a very INSIDIOUS “Reg/Law/Directive”..very insidious.”)

      I wonder …was the one confiscating a pretty girl….
      try my left pocket I keep them in there.. I little deeper reach around fast…lol lol
      well not in that one lets try the other pocket..wink wink…

    • Confiscate, aka steal? If there are no exchanges, the liquidity value of BTC falls sharply. Yes, you can probably still do private trades, presuming you can maintain some level of security and find a viable counterparty, but with the wealth of computing and tracing resources available to governments, especially ours, can such trades remain private? What’s the point of maintaining conceptual objects(hashes) that are essentially illiquid? No doubt you can retire to a foreign land and access these things, providing you have non-US monetary systems available to you. At this point, I’m not sure what long term stores of wealth in any form can be secured sufficiently against a determined set of adversaries. BTC is currently great for transferring presumptive wealth near instantly across borders, but for how long? I’m beginning to admire the grasshopper types that can actually enjoy spending their wealth as they earn it! Nobody can take that experience from them.

      • (“Confiscate, aka steal? If there are no exchanges, the liquidity value of BTC falls sharply”)

        for a pretty girl searching for bit coins in my pocket..omg I would let her.. with my luck..shed resemble foo man chew..
        liquidity…. phew that would depend on how aggressive her search was… you gotta love cartoon coins…

  4. (“Then get a load of this: MASSIVE BREAKING: Putin says the Ukraine war NEVER would have started if the 2020 election wasn’t STOLEN from Trump. Hell of it is, Putin may be right.”)

    hmm I believe he may be right… Putin was on the television articles begging NATO to back the missiles away from their borders.. I remember him discussing it with one television reporter..can’t you see what this could start..
    I played an online game regularly and we had a team chat network. played with people all around the world..years ago.. A gentleman was talking about the citizens being fed up over the corruption in Ukraine.. he told the bunch of us about the genocide of elderly to harvest organs to be sold to rich people for transplants and the village using poor and homeless children for biological testing..then there was a Russian speaking family in his get at the parents the azov army abducted their 4 year old boy ..crucified him in the town square in an attempt to draw the parents out.. then setting him on fire while the majority of the citizens Asked Putin to intervene ..he wasn’t going to..he wanted us to back off.. we sent more..
    I personally believe he was forced to .. what would we do..
    just my opinion but dam he has more patience than I do..

    • re: not kleenex harvesting

      The harvesting investigations in the US, Germany, and Ukraine appear to have lost steam in the early teens. A Ukrainian coroner disappeared and a convicted scalpel-wielding American passed following onset of an inopportune fast-moving illness.

      Interestingly a cutting edge Florida medical enterprise whose roots hail from just north of Nuremburg, Germany allegedly obtained raw materials back in the day from both of the now absent above procurers. The Florida firm was purchased half a dozen years ago by a London investment entity. What one might perceive as connections to a merged Anglo-French bespoke banking conglomerate who happen to service Royal Family accounts must surely be coincidental. Apparently though back in Florida, business is thriving.

  5. (“Individuals with NDEs often describe passing through a tunnel-like expanse with a light at the end before entering the other dimension.
    Ned Dougherty, a former director of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, wrote about his personal tunnel experience in his book, “Fast Lane to Heaven.” In it, he explains that after losing physical consciousness, he was drawn to an immense tunnel. At the distant opening of the tunnel, he saw another universe.”)

    great article on epoch times.. my wife’s story.. pancakes….the stages of death or is it rebirth.. as a caretaker .. there are things we did.. and the aids do.. there was one man he relived the sinking of the titanic in nightmares every night.. he was a little boy and seen his dad die as the boat went I would go in and sit by his bed and comfort him as the nightmares came.. before he passed he had long conversations with his father and didn’t have nightmares..the aid stands vigilant with the person passing making sure their needs are met.. when or if family comes to stand vigilant as the loved one makes the journey.. we provided what the family needed.. one sweet woman was so close.. it was exceptionally hard on the family.. and to get the grandkids some relief the father said..maybe we should go to Perkins for a little bit.. the woman passing says..perkins..Perkins pancakes meant them her color came back and she went from the tunnel to go eat pancakes..lived another year ..the next time she was about to make the journey the father said before they got to her room not one word about pancakes..
    mine was the hundred year old that had definitely made the journey was fussy about her bed then jumped up and chewed my butt for messing up her bed lol she said she was in the upper corner of the room with the angel..lived three more years..
    two of us..the young girl is a hospice nurse now.. we were in report.. both of us didn’t hear anything but a woman walking slow by the door with her walker..who was it.. we don’t know the hall was 300 feet !omg and it echoed no one there as we checked.. do I believe in spirits that didn’t make the journey..yup.. I believe the soul stands vigil over their body …
    I totally get how some believe in reincarnation in a way I believe in reincarnation..

  6. Trump in Los Angeles touring wildfire damage. Watch him drive the Libs crazy by bailing CA wildfire victims out.

    We have to do it. They’re Americans and all that.

    • Now that’s a president!!!!

      Did Buttleg ever go to Ohio.. Ohio had to bail themselves out..

      I wonder if he will make insurance companies actually cover their customers needs..
      people end up poor every dime goes to medical system insurance companies that show record profits and their customers forced to buy the policies.. insurance poor … over half of our income goes out for insurance..
      to flip it..that’s the my wife’s old employer or the employers I have had..they are for proffit.. they can’t make a profit and follow federal guidelines..that’s why the place sells every three to five years it looks good.. but its an illusion..
      people die penniless..

      • LoB,

        Luigi is an Anti-hero.

        Here’s a funny. Basically this lady, Meemaw is feeling bad about her age.

        Dr. John Sturgis: [on the phone] So, there’s no one who can lend you a car?
        Meemaw: There is the church shuttle, but that just feels like it’s the end of the line.
        Dr. John Sturgis: Oh, I wouldn’t say that. There’s all sorts of depressing steps before the end. You’ve got full-time nursing care.
        Meemaw: Bye, John.
        Dr. John Sturgis: Assisted living.
        Meemaw: Bye, John.
        Dr. John Sturgis: Hospice.
        Meemaw: Bye, John.
        Dr. John Sturgis: Life support.
        Meemaw: Bye, John!
        Dr. John Sturgis: Pulling the plug. [chuckles]
        Meemaw: Bye, John.
        Dr. John Sturgis: Then… you make a miraculous recovery!
        Meemaw: Great!
        Dr. John Sturgis: But… the hospital bills leave you destitute!
        Meemaw: Bye.
        Dr. John Sturgis: Bye.

    • Nein, nein, nein

      That is not what he has been messaging. Burned Out, Nothing left, horrific lose of Bitcoins/BitcoinWallets/Hard Drives =HORRIFIC.

      Maybe he will toss “gruesome” some $TRUMP coins – too bad they cant be legally trade in US…yet

      • I have a couple of second or third cousins in LA… both older than myself.. both lost their homes and all their belongings.. both had insurance policies for many decades.. both were told their policies were no good cancelled..
        A neighbor of ours.. she was in her early twenties.. got diagnosed for MS… her husband and she each had group healthcare policies..
        I was learning how to walk again .. still in a wheelchair but working on using a walker.. I would check on her a d she would daily check on me..I was teaching her how to cook.. nice girl..
        she had two little girls.. the insurance companies refused to cover any of the medications or bills.. the whole resubmit your claims and all your medical records type bull shit ..they refused..her husband worked at a big investment company that had the rules that you couldn’t have any credit issues on your records..she was having enough issues that she was early twenties.. a toddler and a baby..and then this..she was afraid of what her medical expenses would have been and her husbands job.. well they took off for a rare weekend trip .. she had a great time.. was tired so I didn’t pester her in making supper for her family.. and my daughter came to take me out to eat.. I came back with emergency vehicles everywhere.. it all seemed hopeless to her the battles over insurance coverage the denial letters and harassment from the bill collectors de.ending money..she ended her life that day…her two girls.. well they both have called me grandpa their whole lives..I swore I’d look after them as my own..hell just about everyone in my life is a rescue.. including three new african american kids that escaped the danger of the hood in seattle that moved to the wastelands that now call me grandpa..
        Through the years I have met so many whose lives have been destroyed.. its sad but its the business model..there’s enough invested to fix it..but then the fix could be as bad or worse .. than the original problem.
        can it be fixed.. I sure don’t know how.. we need Brock from Remote medical to make more journals in the country.. even though they provide needed medical in third world countries they do more in the USA than any other country..

        • Biggest mistake in my life was not realizing how much inflation would affect prices. Taught junior high in Arkansas in the late sixties – Yearly salary $3,500

          Medical Bill last week for a 45 minute Heart Echo Test:
          Total billed $3,737.00 Insurance adjusted -$3,073.60
          Insurance paid -$530.72 MEDICARE ADVANTAGE
          Provider adjusted -$99.51
          Total due $33.17

          Thank God it is only $33.17 and the heart test shows no change from previous test two years ago. Have minor heart damage from Rheumatic Heart Fever at 13 years old. Spent 3 months bedridden for healing rest.

    • Mother in law second husband was a controlling abuser. He died about six years before her, and during her last year slide into dementia and the real bad delusions came she was always justifying her refusal to be happy because HE wouldn’t allow this or that. She passed while in hospice care and we were there along with two lovely ‘assistants’, very skilled in dealing with family grief and the trials of passing.
      When she left us, we oiled her body and dressed her in a fave dress.
      Then, out of nowhere, one of the helpers said, “There is something real bad in here right now. It is dark and strong and is looking for a way to join with her spirit. Very negative.”
      So I gathered the armor and my best big bad bear energy and demanded HE (by name) to leave. Someone opened the door and with my arms spread wide I continued to demand the entity to leave. As I walked past the entry way to the facility, there was two folks, one seated and one behind aa desk. The seated person said, ” What was that? It felt like something hot went by me. Like almost burning hot.”
      I went outside, still pushing and shook it off, like a dog shaking.
      It certainly made the conversation interesting later while in the room with the corpse waiting for it to be taken and actually burned.
      The care-givers both said stuff like ‘this happens all the time’. They put it down to some sort of demonic thing looking for a ride out.
      That’s my one and only regarding odd end of life stuff.
      Lately though been seeing lots of death, lots of suddenlies, even here in paradise, where there was a powerful mandate to get protected. And this place can hardly handle losing population.

      • (“When she left us, we oiled her body and dressed her in a fave dress.”)

        our process was to give the patient one last bath cleaning them up put a fresh gown on them for the mortician.. then sending their clothes with.
        at the VA they have the same last procedures.
        in all the years both as a volunteer and being paid.. I never felt a bad presence except once. only one guy that I actually had to force myself to go through the door..
        I would set them up for brushing their teeth etc..then go get them their favorite morning beverage… many facilities have bathing schedules..all of my patients knew if they wanted more than what the facilities required then let me know.. I ama shower holic..I hate getting sweaty and dirty so its not unusual for me to take several showers a day..
        I refused to ever work pediatrics.. I couldn’t deal with it..children don’t would rip my heart out every day.. the hardest patient .. was a young girl was out with friends and they left the road she was ejected and in a coma..she was the only one that lived.. there’s a wonderful brain trauma center …they took her in and she is still messed up but she can now walk feed herself..she works at Wal-Mart in her chair her job is to wipe down shelves..A nice young lady.. I would cry every time I’d see her my girls were her age at the would tear me apart.

    • I thought he “balled” out those wild-fire libs.

      Nasty, dangerous, lying, side stepping, nincompoops libs!!!

  7. Use prison transport buses to move the criminals being deported to disembarking points closer to the borders. Prisoner transport trains have a bit of a stigma.
    The Feds will need to find a more clandestine was to deport hardened criminals initially, because the countries that sent the criminals here aren’t about to allow the large deportation transport planes to land. Transport ships and amphibious landing craft would probably work. Drop’em off at a resort beach in the middle of the night. After a while, their host country will get the message, and let the planes land. I suppose training the returnees to dive, and use low-flying jump planes for the last leg would work. You just don’t want to drop too near the US border.
    That will also give the armed services and intelligence services a window of opportunity to recruit legionnaires, just like the Ruskies and the French.
    Just leave the local donut shop employees and seasonal ag workers alone.

    • Yo – dont forget the Bean pickers/machine operators picking da Negras and Rojos !

      A strong Man needs his Frijoles in da Burrito’s, Refrieds, Omelets, Casseroles, Salsa..there is Protein in dem there Beans.

      They are also good for Ure Heart, the more You eat, the more you Fart..So eat Ure Beans at every meal.

      * Yes da Clam Chowder makes em louder.

    • Public (U.S.) support for MIL deportation flights will persist as long as mostly violent crooks and gang-bangers are getting the free rides. “Receiving” countries will need to construct “reception centers.” (We may have to fund that.)

      After a lot of crooks and gangers have been given their rides, public support will begin to soften as “da Nooze” outlets begin their tearful hand-wringing guilt trip.

      Deportations will probably peter out after that, leaving most of the “useful” ones here to harvest the lettuce and mow our lawns.A vast new lower working class will have been created.

    • Moving them isn’t the answer.

      Recall that old saying, “don’t feed the bears” when describing welfare mammas. There’s something to that. G, the host, has a little bit of land.

      Think about catching wild cats on the NW quadrant only to dump them on the SE quadrant Vs the Israeli/Palestinian strategy or the European/Native American strategy. Cat life sucks in the SE quadrant so the cats will make their way back. The latter sounds rough and is not for the faint of heart but works.

      “recycling of their human trash”

      Depending where one is in the lifecycle they’ll have different human needs.

      These 3rd world H1s get over here and the H1s at breeding age want a mate so they bring one. They don’t want to be lonely as strangers in a strange land so who can blame them? Next thing they have an anchor baby. Now the anchor baby wants to know their grandparents or the grandparents want to know their grandchildren. The H1 has a little means so flies in the grandparents. They want to stay. I mentioned seeing extended families in Aldi. What’s life without the extended family to the anchor? Now their cousins are over here.

      Some Americans have condos in Honduras s example and they’ll say it’s beautiful, yada-yada. But there’s always the caveat, do not leave or be lured from the resort areas. Beyond the veneer sucks.

      The wild cats will always come back.

        • I knew one like that in the late 80’s. they would catch him send him to Mexico a week later he was back..he had a job they paid him cash ..

      • I quite agree – “moving them is nott the answer.”

        I think organizing them is. Ala Hugo Chavez (sic?) (or maybe someone closer to traditional American work ethic standards. Less of a communist.)

        We’re going to end up with a huge number of (to borrow a PC term) “undocumented guest workers.” ( I do hate such bullshit euphemisms, but that’s what it will be.)

        If they were all included in the American financial and social system — wage earners, tax payers, voters, etcetera — maybe they could be a big boon to things — for everybody’s best interestes.

        Life in the shadows under the table builds no bettter future. It only scrapes by in an unchanging non-upwardly mobile present.

        I don’t want to see people trapped. Can’t we create a path to something like success?

    • It’s amazing that those on the edge of bankruptcy can even have a credit rating, and those with serious actual savings and investments but no credit history are essentially locked out of that system without spending a couple of years literally buying into it. You need to spend money in the correct way, make regular interest payments, and sacrifice some privacy to maintain your “credit rating”.

      • They don’t have phew I wasn’t going to tell my life experiences but if you’ve never experienced it you don’t have a clue..I have fought medical and insurance companies my whole life..many are fortunate and get by without these some have it even worse.. I had a friend visit the other day.. he brought up scrap that happened that I had totally forgotten about.. I said dam even though I lived it it sounded so bizarre tota!my true but dam if it sounds bizarre to me and I lived through it what does it sound like to everyone else…. I had a boss that tossed all of his employees under the wheels of a bus..stock market was going higher and precious metals was going g ballistic times were good..he decided what’s the odds of anything happening medically..he figured what a person maybe sees a doctor once a get routine checkups and he was going to be rich..
        so he took the money that the workers were paying for group health policies and invested it in the sure thing..
        precious metals tanked and the stock market fell.. on top of it the new disc film came out..he was positive it was the new cash machine so rather than outsource the film to another lab..they dumped all the paid for equipment for new faster equipment.. we were processing 2400 rolls of loss broke a day average some days more.. our C-41 film 110 35 and 220 was between five and ten thousand rolls a day.. faster Dodgers and faster film and paper processors would cut time .. if it maintained…
        Then.. it hit… the price of precious metals fell stock market dumped.. film we dropped overnight from five to ten thousand rolls our route was five states.. to about a hundred kids chrome dropped to less than ten.. to make it worse..the kid fell out of a tree imposing himself on a branch sticking the branch through his chest ..they had to fly in a special surgical team .. months in ICU .. the home owners insurance of the place the kids were playing refused to pay over five hundred dollars the health I durable it wasn’t there just a card in the wallet..I made three bucks an hour and The hospital bill .. phew… I couldn’t buy a roll of toilet paper ..that was what almost fifty years ago..the only banker that I can go to was a child when that happened I knew him in school..he is the only banker I can see to get a loan of any first house the only loan I could get for either if my houses was extremely high Interest. short term balloon.. kind of like care credit for the dentist..39% Interest…
        hospitals that are for profit refuse those that need treatments and ask for huge deposits.. the tree incident has followed me my whole life along with the dalkon shield .. my wife now had a stroke when she was in her twenties..they took every dime except five bucks to pay off the cost her health insurance dropped her and didn’t pay it’s how they maintain huge profits..
        I wormed off The hospital bill for my ex wife..didn’t have health insurance she had same day surgery.. ten times the cost of a member of my church same doctor the same day three hours difference.. I resurfaced by hand the surgeons clinic parking lot.. ( I will never do that again) my wife now having experienced the business was office.. she was my charge nurse.. came to help worried about me dying in the hundred degree temperatures doing a job that should have a full crew and equipment.. hard job the surgeon was even concerned he would come out and check on my well being.
        I paid that hospital bill the same way by working the floors in exchange for the surgery..( I had to beg them to allow me that )
        that’s where hell year came from 140 plus hours a week..
        to this day that follows me.. you don’t qualify for any programs or loan programs first time home can’t rent an apartment.. you have to seek out a slum lord.. and pay many times more for what you get.. I’ve been there done that..not feeling sorry for myself either.. each incident was viewed as a learning opportunity.. to keep a quality of life I !earned how to do many things..I swore I would not ever forget where I had been.. and I would be there to help if I could.. its been an exciting and thought provoking experience. every time my mind would move to the self pity I would come across someone whose life was even worse than a trying I had experienced.
        the last time that I started to slip down the dark path I walked into a truck stop a young woman ..quad crying.. she had to steer her wheelchair with her mouth..she was a housekeeping staff member at one of the hospitals on new years eve..on her trip home she was hit by a drunk party goer..he died she lived..his insurance refused to pay her health po!icy at the hospital refused to pay..they took everything she was getting but seventh five cents.. that disgusting phone call telling me what a worthless piece of scrap I was every half hour wasn’t so bad..
        if you got over any of the good sa.Raritan programs..your reminded your a worthless hunk of garbage by the people working at TBE programs.. the guys that lived in our spare rooms ..when they moved him out of the cancer clinic ic..( strange he didn’t have the generous deposit ) he started to cry and he asked me what about me .y life..sorry its the business model. his sister said he’s been trying to get back into the flu if all year..they finally decided to let him get rechecked..

      • They don’t have follows you your whole life..working next to college graduates with huge degrees sacking groceries until they found work..will never list those positions.if an employer sees your wage at .minimum they want offer yo an adequate wage..people flipped employers for the cost of a twelve pack of soda a week.
        they can’t do anything follows you.. insurance companies a have to have them.. its the business will die giving everything to the medical community.. even though you pay in a fortune for the insurance ..what we paid into for the wife’s policy was over the past few years something like about three hundred Dred grand they pay nothing..ten grand deductible..
        citizens pay in a couple three trillion in health insurance premiums only to have them deny coverage..
        now my two cousins affected by the la fire have been told to suck air from their insurance companies.. like they thought the companies had their backs lol lol

      • Many prefer a simple life free from material wealth. A credit rating is not necessary. Let the Banks maintain our fiscal balance, let God maintain our spiritual balance. Your actions of body, speech, & mind are your continuation.

        • I talked at length to a Big Three credit agency’s consultant on this very subject last year, after the credit rating dipped temporarily for no discernable reason. The consultant would have liked to have given his employer and their competitor’s the finger, and spent his time meditating on oneness with the universe, but he also understood that without a favorable credit rating, the chance of him maintaining a job with a living wage was near zero. Employers seem to be able to get at this info without setting off credit report alarm bells, and shy away from bad credit risks. Imagine that- an employer not embracing a debt slave deadbeat.
          In order to derive at least some benefits from the system, one has to play along with the credit snoops to some degree. And wealth is in the eyes of the beholder. Peace and oneness with the universe are substantially easier to achieve with a roof overhead and food in the belly. Being free of material wealth isn’t nearly as romantic or enlightening as it can sound. Been there. Best to think it through before flushing the credit rating. But rather than obsessing on it constantly, sign on with a credit monitoring agency for transcendental financial bliss. And try to stay on a cash basis as much as possible. Harmony and checkbook balance. Ohmmm…

        • (“he also understood that without a favorable credit rating, the chance of him maintaining a job with a living wage was near zero. Employers seem to be able to get at this info without setting off credit report alarm bells”)

          Exactly N_____ if you show you had a job that paid less than what a professional with a PhD made they wouldn’t give them a living wage.. for twelve years I tried to show my value as more than a beginning wage.. I worked at one of the biggest cabinet manufacturers. the boss had a program.. if you could save the company ten grand a year or more with a suggestion..then you went to lunch with the boss to dinner at an exclusive country club..I went every month for twelve years.. even today and I left there 35 years ago..they ask me when I’m coming back.. I gave my all to them worked hard .. when I left my x boss ran into my new boss and told him..if we had realized how hard he was working they wouldn’t ever have let me go..seems no one else wanted to work that hard..
          when the dalkon shield first hit us with medical problems..I was just learning how to biggest mistake was I worked at a government job. the rumors was a young woman willing to please the boss could get whatever job she wanted.. I went into the break room and seen a young woman providing the boss with oral relief. my ethics and moral values ..I quit..ten years later the job I had was a six figure wage.. today..I would sit next to the boss and say next..
          cities with a lot of government facilities has more ladies being trafficked or selling their time than anywhere else..

    • When you coulda, shoulda, woulda bot some Bitcoin 2-3 years ago.. you would be debt free, wit no plastic monkey on Ure back.

      I guess feels better to bitch, moan and complain “woe is Moi”, then to be in control of Ure finances and winning.

      Fear only good in life threating situations – otherwise it is to be avaoided at all costs..See Mr Editors historic FUD from past 6.66 years for examples of very negative coverage.

      If you are what you invest in..then BCN would be a Freedom Fighter and G a Slaver.

      ..Slavers BURN-

      • Lol lol you know I had thought about the what if.. bitcoin was not even worth a penny a piece.. but the way it was done and who had controls stopped wouldn’t be like I haven’t thrown money away on nothing before.. but the thought of its use on the dark web was discouraging..

      • Then again a friend of mine and I tried to buy Microsoft stock while be was still in the fpgarage..we each had 2500.00 no one would do the trade for us.. what we had wasn’t worth it for them to waste their time..

  8. re: “Bad Accounting”
    feat: Zurich Aerognome

    The publicly available Zurich Airport website states they were anticipating up to 1,000 additional aircraft movements over the period of the just concluded WEF confab in Davos. The enterprising airport offers a link where minions with chf40 to chf45 to spare could have invested in a two hour airside tour. Past paying customers attired in hi-vis vests were pictured taking pictures of parked private as well as state-owned jets of the hoi-polloi. The tour list offering page opened with an image of Air Force 2 followed by a stream of lesser powers and ended with an image of Air Force One at Zurich. The latter regrettably was not in attendance this year with a new Boss at the controls.

    I counted 16 tours which would have individually totalled chf660. However the web page itself counted 18 tours that perhaps then would have totalled chf740. Thankfully the marketing department delivered truth not requiring calculation detail with a “Full Madness Tour” pass at only chf650.

    • re: private Chinese Quants
      feat: AI Power

      I read through the tos of the Chinese AI app, DeepSeek. Users are subject to the laws of China. According to “Wikipedia”, DeepSeek is a byproduct of the stock market quant and privately held, “High-Flyer”. They have servers instead of people managing fund money to paraphrase their write up. It looks like there are other similar Chinese quants out there, but “High-Flyer” perhaps is out front with an AI app spinoff.

      TikTok, someone started the timer on a speed chess game? One extra-large diet coke to the Oval Office, stat?

  9. Here’s a goodie. Imagine Leftists doing this to keep Obama.

    Rep. Ogles Proposes Amending the 22nd Amendment to Allow Trump to Serve a Third Term

    Congressman Andy Ogles introduced a House Joint Resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow a President to be elected for up to but no more than three terms. The language of the proposed amendment reads as follows:

    ‘‘No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than three times, nor be elected to any additional term after being elected to two consecutive terms, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.’’

    • Leave the Constitution alone. A convention can open up “cans of worms.”

      You want 3 terms of a future Biden? You really want lots more of Trump, let’s see how this time goes eh?

      You want, let’s “adjust this too, while we are at it?”

      It ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Leave it alone.


      • It IS broken.

        There is no danger of a ConCon “going wild” because it still requires the Legislatures of 38 States to ratify an amendment — same as if one were brought through Congress.

        An Article V Convention is likely the only way to fix some things, like turning career politicians back into the “Citizen Legislators” our founding fathers envisioned.

        There is zero chance that Ogles’ troll could become law. And BTW, that’s all it is — a stupid comment deliberately made to get a rise out of people who take things too seriously. Lighten up and chuckle once in a while…

  10. Iran’s supreme leader forced to wear flak jacket as fears of existential threat grow

    Iran has ordered its proxy forces across the Middle East to exercise caution as the Islamic Republic fears an existential threat following Donald Trump’s return to the White House. Officials have told commanders of Iran-backed militias to avoid provocative actions that could escalate regional tensions. Commanders have also been instructed to maintain defensive positions while avoiding any actions that could be interpreted as aggressive by US forces or regional allies.

  11. Maher blames Democrats for Trump’s popularity: He’s ‘cool now’

    Comedian Bill Maher said Democrats are at fault for President Trump’s “cool” status following his first full week in office. “Here’s how bad the Democrats f***** up: Trump is cool now,” Maher declared during a Friday episode of Max’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.

    “He’s not just the most powerful guy in the world and just made himself like the richest, he’s actually kind of [cool] at 78!” The comedian cited rappers and athletes expressing fondness for the president.

  12. Bolton claims revoked protection part of Trump’s ‘retribution campaign’

    Former national security adviser John Bolton claimed during an interview that the decision to revoke Secret Service protection is part of President Trump’s “retribution campaign” against his current critics. “I think this kind of attitude by Trump shows that what his real motivation was entirely political,” Bolton said during his Friday appearance on NewsNation. “This is part of the retribution campaign.”

    Bolton was hired by Trump for one reason, and one reason only: To intimidate Kim Jong Un until Trump could finagle his way into a face-to-face with the Young Un. When I read this, the picture that popped into my mind was little Johnny, lying on the floor kicking and crying his way through a “terrible twos” temper tantrum. He’s been huffin’ and puffin’ for years to try and get someone to believe he is as important as he believes he is.

    He is not.

    He is a force-multiplying tool with a few very specific uses — something to be used, then tossed back into the tool box for another 20 years.

    Secretary Hegseth’s Message to the Force
    Jan. 25, 2025

    It is the privilege of a lifetime to lead the warriors of the Department of Defense, under the leadership of our Commander in Chief Donald J. Trump. We will put America First, and we will never back down.

    The President gave us a clear mission: achieve Peace through Strength. We will do this in three ways — by restoring the warrior ethos, rebuilding our military, and reestablishing deterrence.

    • it’s embarrassing and dangerous to have hegseth in this position. DoD has 3,000,000 employees and almost a Trillion $ budget. hesgeth has nothing in his background that shows he can be successful running an organization the size of the DoD. then throw in his issues with alcohol, his treatment of women and being forced out of two non profits that he led because of drunkeness and financial mismanagement.

      oh yeah, he promised not to drink any longer. I’ve heard that one before. what could possibly go wrong?

      hesgeth didn’t get the job based on merit. hesgeth is a DEI hire.

      • People might take your criticism more seriously if a_) you spelled Hegseth’s name right and b) admit that almost no one has experience running an organization of 3,000,000 people.
        Other than these minor points, this means Kamala Harris was a DEI hire, too? Same booze and….oh, let’s not. I need a day off

        • An old reporter’s trick to remembering: Just remember the first syllable. Heg. Once you get that far, the seth part will follow.
          This is a case where (being smart) can work against you. Because “subvocalization” of reading – while it slows total throughput – does improve one’s spelling. just a useful hint gleaned from doing radio, not print journalism…

        • nothing you wrote explained why hegseth is qualified, the best for the job or that he will make US safer.

          you didn’t say he doesn’t have a drinking problem
          you didn’t say he didn’t do what he was accused of and why a police report was filed
          you didn’t say he didn’t get let go from the two non profits for excess drinking and financial mismanagement
          you didn’t have a reason why he promised not to drink anymore, like US citizens are an alcoholic’s battered wife
          you didn’t do anything to dispute any of the points i made. meaning you lost the case.

          no one can say why he was the best pick for the job, other than loyalty to trump. many are more qualified than this bad joke of an appointee.

          you’re good at ad hominems though. your logic and reason fail you again. F-. you give me a tough time when you let fly some of the undecipherable gibberish comments that gets posted. i’m wondering if you’re capable of having an rational ,reasonable exchange of ideas with someone that has a different view than you. I don’t think you are.

          me – he wasn’t a good pick because…
          you – you suck.

          no GU, you explain why you disagree or why you believe i am wrong, why someone is a good pick. what about hegseth makes you think he is a good pick that will keep US safer and be able to respond to crises??

        • I didn’t say he was a good pick, did I? No, this is your deal, not mine.
          Would I have “hired him?” m Likely not. But Trump did, Senate confirmed, so anything more is leftwing sour grapes.
          I try not to whine over things I can’t change. It allows me to get a lot done in life.
          Whiners waste time.
          Life is fundamental a race against the clock.

        • bull shit from liddle truth,, there is no battered wife, the accuzation comes from a divorced sister in law who is no longer part of the family, who was married to his brother. pete’s ex sent a letter calling it all bull shit,,,
          “Samantha Deering, Hegseth’s ex-wife, said in an email to NBC News, who first reported the ex-sister-in-law’s claims: “I do not believe your information to be accurate, and I have cc’d my lawyer.”

          She added, “There was no physical abuse in my marriage. This is the only further statement I will make to you, I have let you know that I am not speaking and will not speak on my marriage to Pete. Please respect this decision.”

          TDS rules your tormented mind,, 4 yrs I’ve waited for libtarded tears, thank you
          you are not rational or reasonable in your ideas, so yes , it is difficult to exhange ideas, when you parrot a pissed woman divorced from that family,,, with a grudge

          people Quit drinking all the time, I am just a nobody that quit 11 yrs ago, not even tempted to drink again, but I will buy you a drink in a bar, It does not bother me that folks drink, but when they have a little to much, I leave their presence,,, you have NO indication that he is drinking.
          Nancy was drunk all the time and so is the Kamel, yet you never brought it up,,
          you say Hegseth is DEI, now that is the pot calling the kettle black, when Lloyd Austin is DEI and he pushed more DEI,,, remember when he just up and dissappeared for a few days, now that was embarassing and dangerous

      • I’m not sure if you served, but I did and I disagree.

        We are coming off the leadership of a woke General who delivered the largest military embarrasment in the last 20 years, costing 13 lives needlessly. I served during his tenure and over the prior 30 years, retiring as an O-6.

        We need an outsider perspective, someone with recent combat experience at the lower levels who can refocus our priorities around warfighting and lethality. We have taken a hard turn away from that over the last 20 years. Hegseth may not be the perfect option, but the bar has been set so low recently I would take anyone over the path we were on.

        • The military rank & file support Pete by a nearly 90%-10% margin — might even be higher amongst the special operators. I have no idea what his support is by the brass and I frankly don’t care. Obama eviscerated our command officers, replacing virtually every general or fleet officer who had actual combat experience with leftist politicians wearing stars. Now, TBH I only did the 5-minute exam of Lloyd Austin, but despite his tenures at 3rdID and the 82nd, I could find no point in his career where he was ever in actual danger of either being shot at or needing to personally return fire.

          I personally want a SecDef who has learned how to kill people & break things, and (perhaps more-importantly), when not to. I’m not sure it’s even possible to learn this stuff while piloting a desk or a whiteboard.

        • “Leading the fight from the front, Austin traveled the 500 miles from Kuwait to Baghdad in his command and control vehicle. The division reached Baghdad and secured the city.Austin was awarded a Silver Star, the nation’s third highest award for valor, for his actions as commander during the invasion.”

          also, afghanistan and iraq II

        • @untruth

          “Leading the fight from the front…”

          Thank you for making my point for me.

          You’ve never even been in the vicinity of troops, have you?

          Assuming the wackypedia writeup you copied is even marginally close to true or accurate (which is a stretch with any Soros media), the closest Austin ever came to an angry bullet was when he commanded that company of ARMY RECRUITERS in Indianapolis.

          Long before he ever got to Iraq, he was a permanent chair-polisher. By the time he got to Baghdad, there wasn’t an Iraqi with an AK within 50km of his convoy.

  14. Damn., there are a bunch of bitchy little children on here lately. Very disconcerting and distracting.
    Maybe it is time to block all non paying trolls. Opinions are one thing – Spewing hate and quoting things that you, quite obviously, don’t understand., is another. Or., time for me to leave.
    In-line with a couple of thoughts from a previous post. “What would it cost if we ‘didn’t’ spend the money to stop it?”. Should always figure into any action.
    I have said it before and will repeat myself: I don’t like Trump. Never have. There is an arrogant slime about him, that backs me off and makes me want to check my weapons load. However, he “did” stopped Hillary from becoming President. He “did” stopped Kamala [ et al ] from becoming President[s]. He is part of the price we have to pay to stop the deliberate destruction of this country.
    Whether he can carry it off without blowing it up.., that’s a wait and see. At least now we have a chance. It’s a small one., sure, but at least now the ‘possibility’ does exists.
    It is an action., Trump .., and there will be a price to pay. We would not have survived the Kamala-Cabal presidency – but, did we spend too much to stop it?
    “Stay Frosty !”

    • Thanks — you’e told me, in effect, be harder on whiners – it’s people like you thsat make this site valuable – even to me! thank you. Now about that shot of burbon and smoked salmon while watching the lake this afternoon up there…

      • Smoked oysters on smoked gouda.., on whole wheat crackers.
        All is well. My couple of weeks of being utterly swamped has finally slowed down and I have once again reclaimed the upper hand.
        I know and understand why you loath to cancel/edit/remove other’s posts – makes ethical sense to me.., but there comes a time when those said posts are simply detrimental and unworthy of reading, or comment.
        Hard choice., I understand. But I think we have reached the point of decision. It has gone too far. Deliberately.

    • To add a thought.

      Back in my day , I was friendly ( enlisted so that was wrong ) with a few F-14 pilots. I remember talking about the arrogant label they were carrying on their backs. Its not arrogance , its confidence at a high level they said. At a level most cant comprehend. They asked me if it would be better to go up against a couple of Libyan MiG’s with low self esteem , displays of uncertainty , or come in near Mach speed head on ready to blow someones ass out of the air.

      A lot of the same with Trump. Its part of the package. Bad actors recognize this and must respect it. Read Rays post about the Iranians and how they are expected to act now. Fearful of pissing him off

      Im not disagreeing with you , never have.

      You may not approve of his style , but it is quite effective.

      BTW , I agree , posting only for paid subscriptions. No sock puppets like Mark uses. ( and I have not held one since before Covid.) I keep coming back here because I respect MOST of George’s followers so much more than any news outlets.

      Didnt you ever have a Major or Colonel that was a damn good leader but maybe you hated the son-of-a-bitch ?

      Thanks for reading

  15. 37%
    Nearly two-thirds of Americans do not have enough money in savings to cover the cost of a $500 emergency. Only 37% of Americans have enough savings to pay for a $500 or $1,000 emergency.
    [ Forbes Financial ]

  16. “It’s estimated that 26 million Americans over the age of 50 are living solo, making this the quickest-growing demographic in the U.S.”
    – That’s a market waiting to be tapped with something extremely beneficial to an aging going-it-solo population.

  17. U.S. birth rates dropped by 23% between 2007 and 2022. “Today, the average American woman has about 1.6 children, down from three in 1950, and significantly below the ‘replacement rate’ of 2.1 children needed to sustain a stable population.”
    This does raise a few questions., doesn’t it ?
    Just which ‘women’ are we talking about ? Caucasians, Hispanisc, Blacks.., or those three-toed lizard women from the planet Durakis-Prime?

    • No, I did the research on this a few years back – the falloff (at that time() was highest among White women.
      They want ‘professions’ and don’t want the bother of the children. The POC group was (when I looked) popp-ing kids at the usual and customary rates (and higher).
      I have a little experience: Three offspring, two of which are daughters and neither of which wants/wanted kids. One is an MSW the other career in medical billing…
      Without a single vote on point, America has gone from 85 percent White when I was born to nearly a White minority by the time I check out.
      Socialists do love their apartheid.

  18. BullSCHEISSE!

    Any Discount Broker would of happily taken Ure Money..AFDay!

    Hell I would sell my Mother for a 1/16th on large enough trade back in those early MS days..

    Calling BULLSCHEISSE Loob, BFS!

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