Trump’s Day 1 – Markets Begin Sorting

In some aspects, it was an All-Day Circus. By historical measures, it was unprecedented. Over the course of the week, markets will begin the “rebalancing project” of America’s Future, a good place to begin our discussion.  Because most of the mainstream is obsessing over Trump issues sweeping pardon of supporters charged in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack | AP News.  (And Trump did report the outgoing party puppet destroyed many documents in the case… Oh, and you did see Mike Benz on X: “the real reason Biden pardoned Mark Milley… spoiler was for J6 involvement…)

The Great Rebalancing

That’s because the “Business Model of Politics” has just been upset. It will take time – several months likely – to reset its “balance point.”

Two examples of this make this clear.

  1. Energy Prices: The first thing we did today was hit the FinViz site to look at the “energy complex” and voila!  It’s down.

The reason for energy to fall on Trump’s Day One is the signing of an executive order reversing much of Joe Biden’s plan to reduce and end drilling access to federal lease lands.  A kind of “FU” to the incoming party.  Except, Trump was ready.

Not that lawsuits won’t follow, but with a Trump majority – which could be reinforce during this term in the Oval – odds are rising that access to Energy won’t be impeding America’s growth.

But this bring me to the second point.

2. De-emphasis of DEI and ESG programs will send huge ripples.

That’s because an entire wing of the Synthetic Growth Model is being cutoff and cauterized.  Revisionist history writers will have a harder time getting published. Because as employment prospect dim in the fields of sexual and racial divisionism, the academics will have a harder time justifying growth in their departments.

I mean think about the impact in Medicine: Gender-change surgery training may now fade as a growth spot in medical schools.  And what about the gender-related prosthetica industry?  Yes, there is one, if you happen to look.

It will ripple out into every publicly traded company, too.  The Human Resources portfolios will shrink.  The cost-components of “social justice” will collapse. And that will serve to reduce prices.

But – noble as these Trump policies are (which we believe in as part of the broader move back to “Making things” instead of jawboning and claiming to be “Special” – there is a downside. As HR lightens up, as the “woke joke” is shit-canned, we have to remain true to Constitutional frameworks that sanctify Equality.

Thus, the great news is that Competence is back. Merit is back. Excellence has returned to vogue.

It’s going to piss a lot of people off – people who control money, media that spews out hate, but America has a real chance now to stop bullshitting ourselves and get back to being Number One.

We may well look at the first six months of Trump – in the rearview this fall – look back and call it The Rebalancing Period.

Gender #31 special interests will, though, have to shelve their marketing lies to school children. And to soak up some of those who will be turned out from the DEI-ESG industries?  There’s still plenty of work to be done.  With deportation of felonious illegals, though, there may be some job openings.

Being of a particular color or a gender, an age, a religion, or “DEI” hire never was what really mattered.

There was a joke among First Responders that (until this week) asked:

“If you’re having a heart attack, what’s more important: the race, gender, age, or religion opf the medic?  OR their total mastery of emergency medicine deliver right now?”

We are on the verge of making the right choice again.

The List

Over on the White House website, you can scroll through the EO’s and begin rebalancing your thinking. As these will to some extent, or another, impact all of us, here’s the early this of items on the WH site:

  2. Restoring Names That Honor American Greatness
  3. Designating Cartels And Other Organizations As Foreign Terrorist Organizations And Specially Designated Global Terrorists
  4. Reforming The Federal Hiring Process And Restoring Merit To Government Service
  5. Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing
  6. Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government
  7. Establishing And Implementing The President’s “Department Of Government Efficiency”
  8. America First Policy Directive To The Secretary Of State
  9. Protecting The United States From Foreign Terrorists And Other National Security And Public Safety Threats
  10. Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential
  11. Protecting The American People Against Invasion
  12. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Global Tax Deal (Global Tax Deal)
  13. Organization of the National Security Council and Subcommittees
  14. Reevaluating And Realigning United States Foreign Aid
  15. Temporary Withdrawal of All Areas on the Outer Continental Shelf from Offshore Wind Leasing and Review of the Federal Government’s Leasing and Permitting Practices for Wind Projects
  16. Declaring a National Energy Emergency
  17. Restoring Accountability for Career Senior Executives
  18. Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture
  19. Restoring The Death Penalty And Protecting Public Safety
  20. Putting People Over Fish: Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California
  21. Securing Our Borders
  22. Protecting The Meaning And Value Of American Citizenship
  23. Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program
  24. Unleashing American Energy
  25. Clarifying The Military’s Role In Protecting The Territorial Integrity Of The United States
  26. America First Trade Policy
  27. Memorandum to Resolve the Backlog of Security Clearances for Executive Office of the President Personnel
  28. Declaring A National Emergency At The Southern Border Of The United States
  29. Holding Former Government Officials Accountable For Election Interference And Improper Disclosure Of Sensitive Governmental Information
  30. Restoring Accountability To Policy-Influencing Positions Within the Federal Workforce
  31. Withdrawing The United States From The World Health Organization
  32. Application Of Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act To TikTok
  33. Granting Pardons And Commutation Of Sentences For Certain Offenses Relating To The Events At Or Near The United States Capitol On January 6, 2021
  34. Putting America First In International Environmental Agreements
  35. Delivering Emergency Price Relief for American Families and Defeating the Cost-of-Living Crisis
  36. Hiring Freeze
  37. Regulatory Freeze Pending Review
  38. Return to In-Person Work
  39. Ending The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
  40. Restoring Freedom Of Speech And Ending Federal Censorship
  41. Initial Rescissions Of Harmful Executive Orders And Actions

And while we’re at it:

  1. The Inaugural Address
  2. Flying The Flag Of The United States At Full-Staff On Inauguration Day
  3. President Trump Designates Chairmen and Acting Chairmen
  4. President Trump Announces Acting Cabinet and Cabinet-Level Positions
  5. President Trump Announces Sub-Cabinet Appointments
  6. President Trump Announces Cabinet and Cabinet Level Appointments
  7. President Trump’s America First Priorities

Got to say: Trump went big on this.  We expect the blow-back to begin any old time.  Law-faring is an industry, too, you know.  And Law Schools have to keep filled, as well…

While markets were generally up in the early going, we always like to look back when a presidential cycle turns and compare markets from the past.  Here, for example, is how the Aggregate Index did in the opening days of Joe Biden in 2021:

Which we can them compare with Trump(1) in early 2017:

So in Trump (1) the market was up a bit from Inauguration to Feb 1.  Down some in Biden’s case.  No, this is not meaningful but ask me in a couple of weeks as today’s data comes in.

Other Items

Still a whole world out there: News marches on.

Trump’s first day was causing echoes around the world. Here are a few:

BTC at click time was still comfortably over $104,000 though, so “tumble” might be a bit strong.

Yeah, whatever….

Not as Noteworthy

Still can’t trust ’em: Semafor Davos Daily: Trump looms over Davos | Semafor

The U.S. is leading the world in something: Infographic: Countries With the Most Pension Wealth in 2025.

And (STUDY) Glyphosate linked to preterm births, low birth weights | Sharyl Attkisson is worth a read.  I mean, like if you eat, or something…

At the Ranch: Chilling

Damn cold but very little snow.  I mean like eighth of an inch maybe…. (1/16th, then?):

Off to walk the trash out, munch a leftover hunk of bacon-wrapped filet, and then fine-tune tomorrow’s Peoplenomics report.  Tomorrow’s will be on Ebbinghaus-Ure and next weeks I call out Microsoft on environmental policies…

Let’s see how the market does today…should be interesting.

Write when it warms up…

53 thoughts on “Trump’s Day 1 – Markets Begin Sorting”

  1. ya man,, I AM so up ,,, like Elon,, fired up happy
    Katrina And The Waves – Walking On Sunshine (Lyrics)
    ya, weird, an old man dancing down the hallway headed for a second cup and have this song blasting, as the sun is just peaking over the eastern horizon.

    • Fauci and his pardon,,, well he is a piece of garbage, but now he can not pled the 5th if Congress calls

      but I am still in the ‘what if’ mode what if Biden’s election is declared ‘fraud’? still could happen !
      does fraud vitiate everything? 4yrs of ‘$#*!’

      hell if I know but pull up a chair

      • (“Fauci and his pardon,,, well he is a piece of garbage, but now he can not pled the 5th if Congress calls”)

        you know now that the world leaders know all about the dark depths of depravity there was that was planned and implications that those directing the world’s insanity for riches.. phew.. how would he live out the rest of his life peeking over his shoulders.. they used a biological designed and alegidly patented as a weapon to basically kill millions world wide..
        we had read of the Dr. mengele
        now we have what appears to be a potential model of a modern war criminal..
        even if the usa doesn’t do a thing.. how many members of other countries leaders suffered and died from their actions..
        I remember one story about a guy that was poisoned with plutonium in his tea for opposing the leader..
        him getting the pre emptive pardon maybe wasn’t a very good idea..

      • “Fauci and his pardon,,, well he is a piece of garbage, but now he can not pled the 5th if Congress calls”

        And Congress WILL call. Rand Paul has a serious hard-on for Fauci and is dying to get him under oath in a witness chair.

        “what if Biden’s election is declared ‘fraud’?”

        Get off the conspiranut drugs. It doesn’t matter, because the Constitution has no provision for gross fraud. The authors assumed Congress would always do right by the American People, and elections would be, at least in good faith, mostly honest. Biden was da Prez, period.

        However, if Creepy Joe is brought up on charges and found to be legally non compos mentis, THAT might bring into question the legality of his pardons.

        Sharyl Attkisson, Lara Logan, and Catherine Herridge are, along with John Solomon and Peter Schweizer, the current top shelf of investigative journalists. Catherine has been at Gitmo for several days now. I have no idea what she’s up to, but she’s invested too much time to just be copping some rays…

  2. “Write when it warms up…”

    Well it has warmed up to minus 22 C (minus 7 F) so far this morning.

    So cold here, the local pet store is running a special on penguins today.

    • BIC: That’s the spirit! Unless inclined by nationality (metric inspired) to me it’s a _bad_ thing to quote cold in C since it “seems” colder. Same beef with the morons sent out in cold by media who amplify severity by announcing “windchill” version. Those dudes are in >thou$and dollar parkas and their coat doesn’t care about the wind. Neither does your coat, nor mine. Exposed skin is a rudder thing …

      WordSplainer: “It’s going to piss a lot of people off – people who control money, media that spews out hate, but America has a real chance now to stop bullshitting ourselves and get back to being Number One.”

      The faker mighty media grifters are allowed to be pissed off. And you and me. I have been mightily miffed while enduring the backwards mantra machine these last 3+ years so adopt a wry smile and nod. Yep. Pissed? Get back to me in four years …

      The Donald has a vastly better chance this go but may well fumble due to proclivity towards being a showman instead of dealing substance. Energy doesn’t get fixed in a day. But, the folks at DOE need to get on it, stat. Every day. It’s the sum of a lot of days doing legit development stuff that, in the end, makes life better.

      Note ^ they had new sites to roll on D1. Impressive. Sell the nuts-and-bolts of energy. Explain how many every day products, including necessities, contain petroleum. Then explain how you’re going to make it better. You (we) may not fix it but … we can make it better.

      Fast Permit and Put to lease auction (3) development tracts in ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) to Oil Conglomerates, these to include immediate Space Race build of access roads to establish primary wellhead nodes. Roads need to be spun up now, in deep winter, then drill during the short summer into end of time. Heck, we might even refill the built and paid for pipelines, hey? Alaskans want this. Drill baby. Reload the SPR to stabilize price for the production chain along with clear terms to bankers / lenders. Let’s Roll.

      Every alt. route can be done too, simultaneously, but that Huge foray would pay. While in the state locals (native Indians and nutter Euro converts) said it was like Beverly Hillbillies.

      “… Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed
      A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
      And then one day he was shootin at some food,
      And up through the ground come a bubblin crude.

      Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea. …”

      There is vast store of fuel and mineral wealth in the USA but we don’t tap it. We can do “all the above” and see what works! That is the way this works. We can do this. We must try. Want Cobalt, and nickel? Allow planned stalled projects in the Iron Mountains of the North dig in. We will do it better than indentured slave kids in Africa and … feed those kids to boot.

      Early on the actions of the prior Admin. threw wrenches in the works, spanners in the systems. Witness the fact that … didn’t work. Let’s do something else. Ahem, do it now. Flowchart what can get done immediately and do it yesterday. The rest can take time but there’s a pent up will to grasp better times and the fish stinks (*) from the head down. It’s about Policy.

      Write when it gets warm. Pfew, could be this weekend if meaning metric is above freezing. It was -3F when I rose. Dazzling sun on fresh fallen snow tricks one given it’s now just 1F as I type. CraCra but true, today features an exploratory road trip, just a piddly 5 miles to a Burg with USPS. Tonight will be the coldest night of the New Year.

      But … we’re better at it now.
      Stay warm alles,

      ps – will we go out to see the Grand Conjunction? Film at 11

    • there was a story here about one of the cops he was headed to a nearby town he seen his van just before Christmas weaving back and forth so he pulls it over in the van there was a guy with six penguins in the back of his van he tells man he tells a guy in the van he says what nail are you doing. those belong at the zoo you should take him to the zoo well let the guy go and just before right around New Year’s Eve he sees that van and what the hell I think is running erratically again so it pulls it over and in there is sex Penguins again and he tells the guy I thought I told you to take him to the zoo. he said I did tonight we’re going to the movies. that’s just a joke

    • Must be nice. Still double-digits below zero Fahrenheit, still have no furnace, and now I have a raging cold. This is twice in a row. I’m starting to think there’s no upside to hanging with the grandbabies, in wintertime…

      • Time to break out the tilleys..
        that’s to much I have several
        you can make an awesome heater out of a sock and a couple of bean cans.. an window cut paint can.. or a couple of pie tins and a cookie pan ( I won’t hurt the cookie sheet lol)
        there’s one use a gallon paint can works amazing two bean cans and make a mantle.. A smaller can with a sock on it..fuel goes in the bottom can smaller can goes in mantle with a can on top into the bottom can larger heat sink with holes in it over the top all of it into the window cut paint can or pie pan and reflector around it..
        home made emergency can use Crisco candles in it as well
        hope that helps ..of course you can get elaborate use flue pipe and longer similar to a smudge pot. or you can use a ammo can and make one with a fan in it.. I have a Tilley for every room just in case.. you keep that stuff around especially if you’ve ever had to try and get what heat there is in an unheated hallway so your family doesn’t freeze..

  3. We saw Obama’s fundamental transformation, now we’re watching Trumps fundamental restoration.

    Rather than starting yet another bureaucracy called “External Revenue”, why not just change the name and focus of IRS and drop the “Internal”. Make it simply Revenue Service and put those 87,000 new agents to work collecting tariffs?

    • that of is putting the cart before the Horse.

      Patience is a virtue..Peeps need to be “persauded”..thus ALL the pys-ops.

      they will get there soon enough..

      * Something to really fry some ASS around here – BTC bout to be a TAX Free zone..wootwoot – lets hear it 4 Crash Bandicoot !

      • they need to legalize hemp..for those that use it for recreation tax it ..allow the tens of thousands of other products be produced..
        if the cartel spends billions to keep congress from legalizing it..then they are making a profit somewhere.. one in three use it for recreational purposes..we spend billions in legal fees and encarceration costs every year .by legalizing it cuts out those expenses and increases the taxes taken in.
        we talk about the coming need for building materials while outlawing a way for a sustainable resource to produce building material all across the country.. hemp ( aka marijuana) is a source of cheap sustainable construction materials ..the insulation both fiber and foam is flame the retardent..there fuel that can be made medications made..I believe it’s God’s miracle plant.. it also eats radiation and are you concerned about global warming well there again gods miracle plant hemp can absorb twice as much CO? compared to trees, with approximately one hectare of hemp estimated to sequester between eight to 22 tonnes of CO? in a year.
        yet it was made illegal because of toilet on wood fiber compared to hemp as toilet paper..hemp is more durable and would not digest as readily as wood fiber..

    • instead of dissing obama, you should look at the data. you could compare 1/20/2009 to 1/20/2017. i’d suggest looking at key metrics like: the dow, unemployment, mortgage rates, household income and the fed deficit for that eight year time period. obama inherited the great recession from GWB and left a roaring economy for DJT. i’d trade the GWB’s or DJT’s economy any day of the week for obama’s.

  4. bbbbbBOOYAH ! $TRUMP meme coin rocks the socks off of traders around the globe. HUUUUUUGE gains ! Gonna have to trade the shit outta of this Shitcoin……….for a while..

    Funny thing bout trading $TRUMP – its illeagal for US citizens via current SEC bullscheisse Regs.
    IS that irony or what ? Well it certainly is Volatility – lots O Volatility!

    Think about this Bubbaloueies”, the $TRUMP was 1st shitcoin not launched on Etherium network..rather it was launched on Solana. This pretty much renders ETH useless going forward.
    With the Donalds ‘ 50% ownership – he is now valued in #25 worlds richest, and will be getting richer every month as they release/sell MOAR. Over frigging night ! What a BEAST this cat is…

    Masterclass in turning Power into Wealth was just given.

    But Wait, theres MOAR!
    4 the thinking Women out there will immediately discern a fundamental shift in how American politics and Campaigns are Financed going forward – total transparency of where and who the MONEY is coming from. Whatwhatwhat!

    After redefining what SEC is and does/doesnt do, and abolishing the old Agency..Everybody will issue/have a Meme Coin/Shitcoin – and that is how they will finance their political campaigns going forward.

    Imagine that SCHEISSE – total TRANSPARANCY in Campaign Finance, and that dear Peanut Gallery is really going Frost Herr Ures’ Cajones- subzero like.

    Trading $TRUMP has been like “raining Money” you eventually get tired of “bending over and picking it all up”…but I cant STOP, cant Sleep DAMMIT – its raining MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cherry on top ? You bet . Out Fishing in Reef Sunday – not only did we Slam Yellow Tail Snappers, Mutton Snappers, Long Tail Jacks, and 2 Kings, but We saw our 1st Leatherback Turtle..all Black. Lost a huge Barracuda early on 1st hookup of day though..
    BUT we ran into a pod of Porpoise/Dolphins soon thereafter and they came to play!
    Never saw anything like it before, cept at Seaworld.

    Capt turned the boat in circles and the Dolphins started Jumping the wakes we were creating – like 100% was a magical experience for all concerned (4 Fisherpeeps, 1 Crew/1 Capt). Back at Marina cleaning and fileting – we were throwing scraps to flock of Frigate birds who were diving and swooping us to Catch the proffered scraps – another 1st and kinda fun..big black birds you look for overhead when out one water looking for fish, they are great sign/indication of schooling Fish.

    Stay Warm and write some moar as you get RICHER – before the ultimate turn. No Shitcoin/mem coin in History has Ever increased in price Versus BITCOIN after initial/1st year high. $TRUMP coin Will hit that High this year, then downhill from there. Beware the reason they are called SHITCOINS.

    “Fish On !”

    • BCN,
      The Inauguration ceremonies certainly reeled ’em in! Never mind the dolphins, what about the whales? The head of News Corp was there with his 5th spouse, a retired Russian biologist. Has it really been 31 years since a Russian author threw Elaine’s organizer out the limo window, and George Costanza rescued a cetacean in distress on “Seinfeld”? Mr. Zukerburg was almost unrecognizable in a button-up shirt and tie. The swearing-in image of President Trump will be etched into the history books. As framed, Mr. Musk holds centre court position. The Apple head was there but I don’t recollect mention of his opposite from Microsoft.

      In the lead up to Inauguration day, Mr. Gates did share with msm that he had met last Friday with President(-elect) Trump at Mar-a-Lago. It seems their three hour dinner and discussion about global health matters went swimmingly well. I don’t know what tunes were playing or the menu options. Hopefully that wasn’t a Moby Dick tale now that the WHO has been tossed overboard.

      Don’t worry, folks, DJ George not only has it on disk who let the dogs out. Shut the door and let’s dive into a selection from “The Who Sell Out” album-
      “I can see for miles”.

    • 72 degrees w/Breeze was Low last night..brrr my Papays be getting chilly.

      Might have to pull on long pants tonight.

      …Nah just pulling Ures leg.

      Need Heat ? Buy $TRUMP coin and start trading 3x,5x or 8x if you can get it. Time to Buybuybuybuybuybuy

    • Ladies and Gentlemen (there are only 2 sexes) we have a winner. IMO every 10 degrees really matter. +5 to -5 isn’t huge but it hurts more. I have been out in -20s but that was a blur. Half of the (10) day forecast has Highs peeking above freezing. It’s a treat. Stay warm Chuck K, Best Regards, Egor

    • you must reside near the wastelands…that was our Temps to..luckily we only had a 12 mile an hour breeze.. when it’s thirty and forty mile an hour it gets quite chilly and you can’t fire up the grill..

  5. all the gloom and doom “suggested” prior to Trump, never happen … then again, I never thought it would … no WWIII (yet), no Biden remaining in office, no market crash … and on and on …………….. seems how this story goes ….. but heck, anything can happen … be safe all

    • What is really going on?

      Is it a cosmic game of chess and/or poker being played by higher entities?

      When does it end?

      Who wins? Who loses?

      • First, my deepest respects and compliments for your vast body of work.
        Since I was a small kid, persisting in the back of my mind has always been the idea –more than just an idle concept, but less than a true “belief” — that Earthly existance is “School for Forever,” and Only One Main Choice has to be made by all — whether to support Good or Evil.

        So, in that view, the answer to your rhetorical question is: “We all win, and we all lose. The Choice is The Thing.”

        Do all the doings of living, make The Choice along the way, and see what happens in the last reel.

    • if…he can flip it. I will be amazed..the deficit is what almost doubled since he was in the last time… they have to come up with another three trillion just to get us by till june.

      • C’mon Man!

        See BITCOIN and National Crypto Reserve..

        ..dropping crumbs so that youse can get in Front of the “Roller”

        2 equities micro strategy, semler scientific, 2 etf’s blackrock & fidelity, or the BEST method – SELF Custody. Nibble Ure way up to a whole BTC by buying Fractions of a Bitcoin or “Satoshies”. for the hard wallet, Coinbase for easy registration, funding, and Purchase of Crypto – there is only one that is WORTHY and that I Recommend.

        All other “coins” are pure speculation.

        Lets Fucking Go Loob, LFG!

        ..before you even attempt to self martyr Ureselve – BULLSCHEISSE!
        Its is simply fear – GOOD, move forward and keep moving..

        * the dred pirate Robert has been PARDONED !

  6. 9°F for high today. Don’t know the centigrade but d@mn COLD. Just a little snow cover, maybe couple inch, enough to cover my garlic and winter wheat field to protect from the damn COLD!
    Watched parts of your President’s inauguration and before and afters and makes me want to vacation on the Gulf of America’s coast somewhere. But not until we get past this damn COLD. Saw snow way down there on TV, they got more than us snow total, wow.

    • re: democracy in action

      The results are in; Ukraine’s training academy for army officers has a new leader! Students and military service personel voted on the Army+ online app, and the President went with the majority!

      The Lt. General with 15 years experience as the academy head was let go last month due to student and parent complaints allegedly concerning military discipline, food quality, and vacation allotments. His replacement is a 40 year old colonel hailing from the 18th century Hetman quasi-state region. His most recent post was as leader of an 18-strong fleet of French-supplied howitzers whose technology is being phased out from the French forces.

      • Folks,
        Speaking of democracy, the President of Ukraine addressed the WEF at Davis by video. He posted remarks accordingly on his Telegram channel. Apparently Europe should knock the USA out of the #1 slot in the global pecking order?

        His channel also has the photo-op yesterday of the President meeting in person with the speaker of the Lithuanian legislative body, Saulius Skvernelis. The visitor’s ‘education and work’ paragraph in “Wikipedia” offers a detail of his police enforcement action taken with regards to the alleged molestation of a four year old child by a judiciary member. A wider web search from that will connect dots to decisions made by the US immigration arm of the Biden Administration.

    • Like closing the Barn doors, AFTER the Horses done bolted.

      Imagine if you can all the TONS of Cocaine shipped into USA every Month, every MONTH.

      It comes in via Tractor Trailer, Sub/Boats, Border crossing “Coyotes”, ect.

      ? Can you imagine the all the Heavy Weapons that have been brought into USA over our O’Bidened Borders ?

      * Talkin HEAVY WEAPONS – da F you think the .mil drones were/are looking for????

      Bout to get a Taste of OUR (deepstate pedos) Own medicine. I just wonder if the Patient (USA) can handle it…personally I doubt it.


      Is that bird, a plane, or incoming ordinance?

  7. ” Competence is back. Merit is back. ”

    I think you’re over analyzing. Constituents are fair weather.

    Looks like Crypto is the way to fly. Ride ’til we die.

  8. it appears democrats didn’t use alien tech to prevent trump from taking office so the secret cabal of devil worshiping pedophile democrats could keep biden in office.

    • that was 2020 – G enius, bot.

      Be hear NOW in the Ever present NOW!

      Shouldnt you be working on “being all you can be” ?

      What happened ?

      • nope, it was this election cycle. comments specifically referring to dems using alien tech before 1/20 to prevent trump from taking office.

        how about another great prediction, biden setting off nukes or starting a war to declare martial law to prevent trump from taking office?

        y’all are never ending sky screamers, been visiting this site since 2007. the one never ending theme is one predicted doom to the next with not one ever playing out as predicted. and y’all are just saying next prediction without ever learning a thing.

        a cabal of devil worshipping democrat pedophiles. lol.

        you got your trump and melania coins yet? the trump bible? trump watch? trump sneakers? all those magas ripped off by DJT stock IPO? or bannon’s save the wall fraud fund, that trump pardoned? you’re a naked sheep standing in the cold and you don’t even know that the reason you’re shivering is because you’ve been fleeced, g enius.

        • There’s a difference between a ‘prediction’ (saying ‘it’s gonna happen’) and a speculation of ‘what if…’ a worst case scenario that MIGHT happen. I think most of us here are greatly relieved that the worst-case speculations did NOT happen.
          But that don’t matter to the willful blind. Carry on.

        • Sheeples exist for the fleecing. You continue to sound like a Stalinist sheeple. Don’t be a sheeple (or a Stalinist).

          I noticed Trump pardoned the Qanon Shaman. According to the media, his response was “NOW I AM GONNA BUY SOME MOTHA FU*KIN GUNS!!! I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!”

          Biden pardoned scores of drug dealers and even a few genocidal bureaucrats. I can imagine they are all lined up at gun stores too, only with attorneys to make prepared statements, and limos to drive them home.

          So why would you think that partisan’s represent your personal salvation? Buy a gun. Lock your doors. Halleluiah and God bless our leader’s pointed heads.

        • (”
          Sheeples exist for the fleecing. You continue to sound like a Stalinist sheeple. Don’t be a sheeple (or a Stalinist).”)

          Interesting you brought that up.. A history and philosophy professor that did a lot of research into what you just pointed out..
          alexander tyler of the university of edinburgh philosophical studies
          had This to say..”For those of us who love our country and our culture, the pain is real. By God’s grace, many fair flowers have come from Western culture as it grew over the past millennium. Whatever its imperfections (and there were many), great beauty, civilization, and progress emerged at the crossroads of faith and human giftedness. But now it appears that we are at the end of an era. We are in a tailspin we don’t we seem to be able to pull ourselves out of. Greed, aversion to sacrifice, secularism, divorce, promiscuity, and the destruction of the most basic unit of civilization (the family), do not make for a healthy culture. There seems to be no basis for true reform and the deepening darkness suggests that we are moving into the last stages of a disease. This is painful but not unprecedented.”

          the destruction of the moral and ethical foundation of a civilization opens the doors to potential tyrants like Stalin and Hitler etc. Trump surprised me in 2016. I personally believe he loves our country and truly wants to see it survive.. Did the Biden administration take it beyond correction..time will tell.. may Christs love see him succeed..

    • Forget it. I’m not pointing at anyone. I call them them screeching monkeys but it’s the Pied Pier effect/bandwagon.

      Recall back there when TikTok was banned for several reasons. The bandwagon screeched along. But now TikTok isn’t bad. The band plays on and screech a different tune.

      Leftist TikTik content creators were crying when TikTok went dark because that’s how they earn money to pay payments. When the General Motors staff went home crying until the bailouts came, well those crying Leftists were somehow different. Intel or Boeing don’t even cry. They just get.

      And there’s transition to the music. As example If the piper complains about Obama, it’s the now. If the pipe doesn’t complain, it’s the past and should be left there. But that will change.

      It’s all fair weather. Human psychology.

  9. It will be +15 or so here in the Hotlanta area tonight. I just went through the drawers and closets and finally took a large black trash bag full of my late wife’s coats, jackets, and sweaters to Goodwill. I hope several folks can appreciate them. I should have done it before, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I can’t believe she will have been gone three years three weeks from now. GF

    • i feel for you. they probably still smell like her. :'( it’s a horrible task to pack up the affairs of the dead.

      • I can’t dwell on this; but I will say cats are much more scent-based than most of us think.

        They’re not “bloodhound-sensitive,” but they are extremely sensitive.

        A small piece of un-done laundry lying about reminds them of missing humans.

        ‘Nuff said.

      • Amen…..
        I still have my fathers note recorder..he would put his shopping list on it.. every once in a while ill put a battery in it and listen to his voice..

    • My belated condolences also.

      Tough to lose a good life partner, now at the age I am seeing that happen more and more among people I know. Good for the “recycling” though. At this time of year they will be greatly appreciated by whoever ends up with them.

  10. Me thinks Trump should EO a toll ,maybe 25%, of all money leaving the country via ILLEGALS. They get away with sending money out the country , but if the government catches you with say $10 thousand while leaving the country , it’s confiscated.

    • Two reason.

      – The illegals would sink their loot into Crypto/gold and carry it back.
      = The FED needs the $ to be used abroad. Use is the value.

  11. Rumor is U.S. Treasury opened an official XRP account,. Speculation is the U.S. Treasury is gonna be tokenizing all assets using the XRP blockchain.

    Other rumors swirl about BoA.

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