As you may know, we keep several “live now” channels up and streaming when news flows and market action is high. Days like, well, today.
We couldn’t help but notice that ultra-liberals of 18 states and the city of San Francisco have already filed a lawsuit to block the Trump administration’s Executive Order on anchor babies.
When explaining why New Jersey was among states signing on to the suit, their attorney general admitted that more than 450-childred a day are born to non-citizens. Oh, and he was oh, so wrapped up in righteous anger about it. California sues Donald Trump over birthright citizenship order.
To us, it looked like another case of “democrats who can’t read.”
You see, when a person is not in the U.S. legally, none of our protections of Citizenship applies. If democrats are interested in healing their Reality Gap, they need to learn to “slow their roll” a bit and read what was in the EO:
“The Fourteenth Amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” That provision rightly repudiated the Supreme Court of the United States’s shameful decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857), which misinterpreted the Constitution as permanently excluding people of African descent from eligibility for United States citizenship solely based on their race.
But the Fourteenth Amendment has never been interpreted to extend citizenship universally to everyone born within the United States. The Fourteenth Amendment has always excluded from birthright citizenship persons who were born in the United States but not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” Consistent with this understanding, the Congress has further specified through legislation that “a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is a national and citizen of the United States at birth, 8 U.S.C. 1401, generally mirroring the Fourteenth Amendment’s text. “
Allow me to amplify: If a foreign person is not here legally, the Trump admin argues that no citizenship is conferred. Simple, and legal, as we read it.
Democrats are trying to “play the race card” by recounting aspects of American history following the Civil War as a hot button. But, the Trump administration has been excruciatingly clear: if you’re not here legally, no protections.
I am frankly disappointed in the ACLU taking up with the (illiterate) states. Because originally, the Union was a stricly Constitutionalist (and Bill of Rights) group. It has, in my view, failed to maintain that clarity of law when comes to illegal border crossers. It’s now more a liberal “cause markting group,” but that’s opinion (and still protected). One who thinks our protections are somehow global!
Still, we harbor concerns that democrats, in addition to being unable to comprehend what the words Border and “legally present” mean, are also doing poorly in math. Where Nature issues two “genders” and anything beyond two is, again in our view, Cause Marketing.
No. Enough.
The Change is done. As we recounted in this morning’s report, time to get on with the Great Rebalancing and rallying around Excellence and Merit. Be on the bus or under it.
It explains, however, why America’s system of “higher ed” is not as respected as once upon a time.
They gotta learn to read and stop spitballing bullshit half-truths on people.
It’s not a bug, George. It’s a feature.
that doesn’t make sense to me GU. the fact that you call them illegal means they’re subject to the laws/jurisdiction, that which makes them here illegally. if they weren’t subject to the jurisdiction, they would not be illegal.
who in the US isn’t subject to its jurisdiction?
also the framers were pretty wise. when you read the constitution sometimes the framers refer to “citizens” and other times “people” or “person”. they knew the difference and when to use which noun. the bill of rights pretty much refers to people. look at the 14th referring to “persons”, while the 15th refers to “citizens”.
the bill of rights applies to all people, citizen and noncitizen alike.
Our clever poster-child for my point writes (in liberasl/circular manner reflective of such thinking): “if they weren’t subject to the jurisdiction, they would not be illegal.” Let’s inspect the evidence chain [again] so that you may rejoin the class.
1. A person who enters the U.S. without prior permission is here illegally.
2. By this illegal action they have renounced jurisdiction of the United States over them.
3. Persons not under the jurisdiction of the U.S. do not enjoy it’s protections.
Here is some chalk; copy it 100 times (like Bart Simpson)
4. Under other circumstances, the conversation would be over. Enemy combatants would be simply shot. Today, bringing in the Fent and dirt weed, illegals have sactuary cities (full of liberal ideologues supporting the unholy mix of illegal entry and drugs) to choose from.
5. No.
I may have asked earlier, but have you considered McAllen, as a hometown? Or a law school in Mexico?
Who is Eligible for Welfare in the United States?
Citizenship and Residence To be eligible for welfare, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted to the country for permanent residence. …
Social Security Number A Social Security number is needed for someone to receive welfare benefits, even for a child. …
Employment, Training and Education Adults often must meet certain work requirements to be eligible. …
Family Obligations … citizens must pay into the program 40 quarters to be eligible to receive benefits…
illegals haven’t worked forty quarters those I know pay zero taxes and the company that does pay taxes those individuals get back every Penney plus ..
loob, Stop pushing your unfounded myths about undocumented workers:
Illegals paid $100 billion in taxes in 2022:
We may see some accounting irregularity. PAYING $100 b in taxes (study? paid for by…???)
What matters is the net.
Even your source labeled the study authors as a left-leaning, nonprofit think tank.
And they didn’t talk about refunds to get a net; rather the top line only was reported.
No, we will try to close the GAAP in your thinking when we can.
gu – you still aren’t making sense. breaking the law is a renouncement of jurisdiction so according to your logic anyone who does anything illegal isn’t subject to jurisdiction. or does renouncement of jurisdiction only apply to illegal entry?
if someone can be arrested, rounded up, charged, locked up, tried and deported they are subject to jurisdiction. if someone is physically somewhere they are subject to jurisdiction, even owning property somewhere makes that person subject to jurisdiction.
“i’m here illegally I can’t be arrested or charged with murder because i’m not subject to the jurisdiction due to my illegal status.” how much success do you think an illegal would have who gets arrested for something to claim that they aren’t subject to the laws of vagrancy, speeding, assault, drug dealing or murder?
the only class of people i can think of who aren’t subject to jurisdiction may be foreign diplomats.
thank for this effort. It increases my taste for vodka dramatically!
(“We couldn’t help but notice that ultra-liberals of 18 states and the city of San Francisco have already filed a lawsuit to block the Trump administration’s Executive Order on anchor babies.”)
there’s only a few things that totally impress is a company that answers its own phones and states willing to say screw it we can deal with it ourselves.. how soon these states forget about that massive spill in ohio..the one that buttleg was to busy to go to ir the government failed to work on .. the state took care of responsibility for the catastrophic accident that affected the water in what 16 stated.
now we hear of these states telling screw you united states we will deal eoth this illegal refugee issue ourselves..
so with the fire damage goint close to a trillion dollars now and their state budgets what almost a hundred billions more than what they take you think the celebrities with hundreds of millions of dollars will just increase the cost of a movie.. the sate will most obviously have to raise taxes since they want to do it their way without federal money… quite impressive after all that’s happening there.. to do it alone .. just like ohio… God I can’t even imagine what rent will be..or personal state taxes…how much emwill utility companies have to charge in rates if they have to pass reconstruction on to the citizens ..phew
A lot of your readers haven’t really been immersed in living and work situations where immigrants are common. Knowing individuals who have their paperwork, and are now legal residents, I am concerned for their adult children who have never known anything but the US, and who believe they are US citizens. How legal do the parents have to be at birth ? How far back do you go ? If a person was born in this country, and their parents are now legal residents of the US, shouldn’t that be good enough?
All of the scrutiny of residence and citizenship is fairly new in the big scheme of things, especially in Texas. Can you irrefutably prove that Ure parents were legal residents when you were born ? Maybe you were told that Ure great-great grand pappy came to this country on a clipper ship. But can you really document and prove that ? Was great-great here legally when great was born ? If not, then are all descendants now illegals? This is starting to sound like Korean families in Japan who have been denied citizenship despite many generations of residence. Oral family history and a few sketchy paper documents would not hold up under today’s standard of scrutiny. You put everyone under the magnifying glass, we all get burned, G_____. This hasn’t been thought out all that well.
Go do some research of your own, and grow a pair of britches!!!
Hi BS’er. Who were you trying to insult? Personally, my comments are from first hand observation, not something I read online. I probably have been screwed out of more job opportunities by quasi-legals being flown in on jumbo jets than most of the rest of you combined.
Ure too has been a victim of this…tread lightly when speaking to direct evidence holders.Old White guys with experience became throwaways when statistical hiring became vogue in 2005, or so…
@George Ure
“Old White guys with experience became throwaways when statistical hiring became vogue in 2005, or so…”
2005 my ass.
Try 1970s.
The local Post Office was advertising for help. Like several hundred others, I submitted an application and got my date for the Civil Service exam. Exam time came around and I scored a perfect 100%. I was jazzed! The Postmaster, who was a friend of my father, called him and asked him to let me down easy, because I had no chance of actually being hired.
Blacks got 10 points for their skin color, women got 10 points for peeing whilst sitting down, veterans got 5 points for having their lungs singed with Agent Orange. The PM told my dad he believed no one with less than 107 points would be hired over the next four years. When Dad told me, I said “I’m completely okay with the veterans’ preference. It should probably be larger, but the others sure sound to me like discrimination.
Two years later I was a (pretty good) recording engineer, a (not very good) imitation Clarence Clemons in a garage band, and the token honky in an all-Black jazz band. I wasn’t making the money and didn’t have the bennies, but I probably had more fun. Musicians tended to be color-blind until somebody dug cRap out of the cemetery of bad art forms, where it had been buried since the late 1920s, and mixed it with Tipper Gore…
(“The local Post Office was advertising for help. Like several hundred others, I submitted an application and got my date for the Civil Service exam. Exam time came around and I scored a perfect 100%. I was jazzed! The Postmaster, who was a friend of my father, called him and asked him to let me down easy, because I had no chance of actually being hired.”)
hmm.. I wonder how the teller in a nearby city got in lol lol.. you almost need an interpreter for her lol lo! lol..
(“Knowing individuals who have their paperwork, and are now legal residents, I am concerned for their adult children who have never known anything but the US”)
that’s the difference… they have papers and have entered the usa legally..
the ones I know that got their green cards.. entered the difference is even though taxes are taken out they all got it all back and free housing. one woman I know got a free house and a free education her kids were born here..she got her degree to be a physician and moved back to her African village as a doctor..her children still live in the house she was given..some of them have kids one is a good friend of my grandson..
the difference is in my opinion ion she came to the usa legally got her free education and received benefits ..if A citizen has to work and pay into the system ten years before they are eligible to receive any benefits then those same rules should be the same for refugees.. pay taxes pay a non citizen worker green card fee and receive no benefits until they become a citizen and have paid in forty quarters.
What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander..
You misunderdtood me. I said they now had papers, I never said they were legal when they crossed. Just how legal do you have to be when the kid drops?
we agree, that it hasn’t been thought out well. lots of other folks are here legally – people on holiday, visa holders, foreign students. so if they give birth here the kid is a US citizen even under trump’s immigration scheme.
something like 10,000,000 immigration petitions get filed annually. it would be impossible to claim that someone who filed a petition isn’t subject to jurisdiction when they are voluntarily submitting to jurisdiction by the filing of a petition.
You have put the ART in RETARTED.
Seriously wrote an entire paragraph of fecal matter. What does that say about the writer ? One who continually drops “cow patties” on this forum should be considered a _____________ .
Even farts in da wind stink..and I should know..
Did you mean to call me “retarded” your ass-clownness?
“Can you irrefutably prove that Ure parents were legal residents when you were born ? Maybe you were told that Ure great-great grand pappy came to this country on a clipper ship. But can you really document and prove that ?”
On both sides.
Dating back to about 1662.
If you can’t, perhaps a dose of genealogy is in order? ‘Makes for a wonderful hobby.
And BTW, Louis L’Amour’s character “Barnabas Sackett” captained the ship the Abigailin his book “To the Far Blue Mountains.” That ship really existed, and my original ancestor sailed from the British Isles to North Carolina on it. There’s a reason many of L’Amour’s later books were tagged as “historical novels” rather than simply as “fiction…”
Some of my latecomer ancestors showed up in port as late as 1740. But the Federales only took over immigration in the late 1800’s, so there are no officious Federal documents for those early arrivals. Everyone coming ashore was illegal, until they got away from port. People came here to be who they wanted to be, not who some royal prick told them they had to be.
My position is, that if someone was born here, and a parent has shown proof of legal residence, then it is a done deal.
“My position is, that if someone was born here, and a parent has shown proof of legal residence…”
On this we agree, except I would contend that the child should be considered a dual-citizen until they reach majority, at which time they should be compelled to choose either A, B, or A+B…
(““My position is, that if someone was born here, and a parent has shown proof of legal residence…””)
????… my genealogy on one side goes back to before the country became an independent nation. on the other side it goes back to I believe the 1800’s….
on the census it says what nationality are you.. since part got here before the revolution.. and the other after.. why can’t I say fifty percent native american? or why can’t I say I amamerican..genetically I’m a Heinz 57 European mix…. just curious..Why can’t the American government cannot accept American birthrights.. or what is the reason for wanting a genetic mix..
Wasn’t Vance’s wife an anchor.
All wives are the anchor of the home..
their job in my opinion is to watch over the men to stop them from doing stupid crap..
If because Usha is married the process her family used is canceled perhaps setup the same path for current illegals to become citizens.
Drive-thru marriages for U.S.citizenship. Everyone needs a spouse. Right?
Going to be a close case a the Supreme Court.
The 3 Democrats will take the expansive approach to the Amendment as will the (most likely) the Chief Justice. The four most conservative members will restrict the right as Pres. Trump believes. That will leave the issue in the hands of Justice Amy Barrett.
Justice Amy Barrett has NOT been as conservative as many had thought she would be when she was appointed so imo she could go either way but will be leaning in the direction of an Expansive Reading of the Amendment. (as would most law school professors, she was one too, … all of those types are INFECTED with the same disease imo)
Um…which disease are you referring to? Liberalism, litigious lawyerism, academic sloth, or illiteracy? thanks in adv. for clarifying@!
‘for example, more than two decades ago, Ireland, the last European country offering unconditional citizenship rights to children born to two foreign parents, amended its constitution to end this practice. ‘
32 Countries still offer Birthright Citizenship:
Birth Tourism pays well:
my curiosity is.. if the tax revenue is not adequate to pay the interest …how do you rebalance it?
take my fan referred to as the buggy2…
loan value is 3 grand!!! or there abouts.. but with the wheelchair modification the cost was 16 grand.. it’s not resealable for that money… that’s the usa.. we pront up on a debt money that there’s no way we can reclaim… and sell bonds at an interest rate that is unsustainable..
in a rent situation or a living situation they use credit cards…each with an interest once maxed out all your paying is on the interest… once that starts doing exactly what the US deficit interest is doing now..
maybe someone with more edjumification than myself can explain how blue sky continues without a base..
just learned that ex did Canda MAID. So beautiful,so talented so skilled. IBM,ORC,Molsons HUResources Boss. Every beach in carribe, Aruba will miss this body. Me too
re: Library
feat: Room 1510
Yesterday as the outgoing #46 First Couple bid a “Welcome Home” to the incoming #47 First Couple, US public staffers at NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) turned on the website presence of Room 1510 housed in a federal storage and reading facility in Prince George County, Md. The building on Adelphi Road is operated by OGIS (Office of Government Information Services). Yes, while there would appear to be no private anchor donors for construction of a magnificent edifice at this moment, the Joseph R. Biden Jr. Presidential Library has its own room (#1510) of unadvertised dimensions. Here is the link to the Presidential Library. The First Couple are pictured, and one imagines images of the Second Couple will be uploaded shortly.
There is a corresponding Wikipedia page active since January 2nd. However it has been vandalized multiple times since by updates of questionable merit.
I would gather that the Adelphi Street name of the reading facility address stems from the 18th century Adelphi Terraces constructed in London in the 1770’s. ‘Adelphi’ meaning ‘brothers’ in Greek referenced the three Scottish brothers who built the development.
An early occupant was a doctor from Edinburgh, James Graham, who is credited as being a pioneer in the field of sex therapy. According to “Wikipedia” he visited Philadelphia and collaborated with colleagues of Mr. Benjamin Franklin. The “Celestial Bed” was developed during this time. Departing before the American Revolution, Dr. Graham returned to London. There at his Adelphi Terrace address the Celestial Bed was located within a Temple of Hymen. The spouse of the 1st Earl of Spencer was a patron. As an aside the 9th Earl of Spencer still resides at their Althorp estate which has been in the family since 1508.
Hymen is the Greek god of marriage and a son of Apollo. Hymen appears as a character in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”. The play is famous for its “all the world’s a stage” soliloquy. However there appears to be a train of thought suggesting that is based upon Petronius’ “Satyricon” of the first century. Characters lament the decay of education and the declining standards going on around them.
“He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.”
– – Harold Wilson
Define “progress.”
There is a recurring theme in the world of politics: the elite get a pass and the little people “pay the price”, and “make the sacrifices”.
The war in Ukraine for example, the people dying; civilians and combatants didn’t get a “cut” of the billions in foreign aid.
In ALL military conflicts it is the individuals without political clout that sacrifice; Israel v. Hamas,
Syria v. the people; the people’s lives and livelihoods are distroyed and the elite get assilume somewhere and keep billions of dollars.
Even here in America, we have an election and there is a complete shift in how government ingages our immigration laws. No charges will be brought against the officials who “aided and abetted” the illegal border crossings; no charges will be brought against any president, vice president, governor, mayor or judge for “aiding and abetting” illegal border crossings.
The “little people” will pay; the citizens who have been negligent and assaulted because of actions and inactions of their government, they have paid and the will continue to pay for the corrupt actions of the government. And those who were encouraged to cross illegally will also pay a price; most did not come here with malicious intent, most were looking for a better life for themselves and their families
My guess is that the J6 people were also encouraged to trespass; those that encouraged the trespass will not be punished.
It appears that is how all governments work
There seems to be a major difference between Liberal and Conservative thinking. When I have a discussion with a Liberal and they have a great idea to make our country better, I always use the statement “and then what?”
Liberal. Let’s defund the police, save money and give it to the homeless.
Conservative. “and then what.” who do you call when someone breaks into your home and threatens your family?
Liberal. We can send a social worker to talk to the intruder and tell him how bad he is being.
Conservative. And if the intruder is armed and dangerous.
Liberal. We can call the police for backup.
Liberal. Let’s protect and give full citizenship to anchor babies of illegal immigrants.
Conservative. “and then what.” Do we send their illegal parent(s) back to where they came from including those that committed serious crimes (rape, murder, etc.) against legal citizens?
Liberal. Of course not, you can’t break up a family.
Conservative. Right. So let’s keep them together and send them both back to where the parent came from. Let them reapply for citizenship like all the other thousands that are doing it legally.
I lived in some places where the Klan was still around when I was a kid. Forty and forty-five years back, I still used to hear a lot of the send’em back talk from bargaining group represented workers in the deep south. That that sort of talk is starting to become fashionable again is disconcerting. I like it even less from people claiming to be Republicans. Trump did the right thing in shutting down the southern border on day one. Sending criminals packing will be the next good move. I hope he keeps a lid on the racial and ethnic retaliation against long-term resident families. I don’t want to see a return to the bad old days. I lived through the tail end of that period in the South, and the cross burners were just angry evil vigilantes looking for an excuse to hurt innocents. I don’t cotton to vigilantes.