Trump’s Stew, Market’s Indecisive, Spring Life Cleaning

There isn’t much going on for the rest of this week.  Trump is in, and going to work, while liberals and the lawfaring industry are predictably pissed.  Balance is back. Merit matters, again. But, our macro problems have yet to be addressed.

We return, for a second, to the matter of SynGro.  That’s Synthetic Growth.  It’s what happens when modern manufacturing can crank out everyone’s basic needs. Plus have enough left-over to fund “human replacements” such as robotics and A.I.

This leads us to the hallways outside the HR Department; wondering if anyone has a plan for Economic Depression Avoidance.  Inside, the HR types face a mini-collapse of empire as President Trump Issues Sweeping Executive Orders Aimed at DEI.

Some of our problems (jails in CA and SA being dumped into the U.S.) are now properly being addressed.  Trump shuts off access to asylum, plans to send 10,000 troops to border.  It will prove to be only the first play in a very long game.  The Lawfaring is about to begin in earnest.

Sure, Trump has a “great from the gate” approval rating, but America’s problems are rooted in two economic non sequitors.

  • First, Only Humans Pay Taxes. But as we have argued many times, why are machines not taxed when they replace human output?  We have forgotten that the Great Depression was, in large part, fueled by the human labor replacement on the Farms of the country by ICE powered tractors and trucks.  We dis-enjoyed more than a decade of business engineering favorable tax treatment; things like depreciation which (also) gives primacy to Machines over Humans.  Did I mention the problem is about to get worse going into the next round of human-replacement with A.I.?  Collapse of the (human) “Educators” is in view, not to mention the collapse of professions like Law and Accounting as large language models reveal Human Replacement 3.0. Tractors replaced farmers, computers replaced office workers, A.I. replaces the intellectual work class.
  • Second is the Paradox of Free Enterprise.  When there is resource and an opportunity for Growth, nothing works like America’s blend of Capitalism.  The problem is when growth takes a hike, the American Business Model (ABM) blows up.  We rollover, or using used car sales terminology, we get “upside down” and the Repo Man commeth. Crypto “schemes” are nothing more than Side Show Don demonstrating the Three Card Monte.  The value is America’s GDP, the second cup has debt-logged FRNs, and crypto is an environmental disaster of wasted energy spent “mining” those lacking mental acuity.  Ya’ll have fun.

While we spent the past week buried in economic research (that “Ebbinghaus-Ure” stuff), the total U.S. public debt (including interest costs) is $158.577 trillion.   In Q3 (the most recent numbers available) we made $29.37 trillion annualized from all our “work.”

The problem is that5 with sign of a balanced budget and with $6.3 trillion (at 4% on total debt+int.) sorry to say, we don’t see a workable answer, yet.

Which is why the democrats rolled with SynGro – opening borders, anchoring babies, and all the steps take by the E.U. when they opened Europe to a similar invasion.  How’s that working out?

Not trying to tell you a Second Depression is coming. Obviously, unless we are smacked upside the head with an overdose of honesty, the delusions can persist.

While They Do?

My consigliere called Wednesday.  “Are we to the Moon, yet?”


Could this perspective be wrong?  Why, sure!  It’s all based on our Aggregated Markets notion that argues there is – at any one point in time – only so much total money in the world.. And it behaves in a consistent manner.

Oh, and that Ebbinghaus-Ure report on Peoplenomics Wednesday?  It’s just our fun new way of turning a sequence of numbers into a “modeled surface view”.  Which earlier today – for the NASDAQ – looked like this:

(C) 2025

It’s an interesting view to watch. But that little hook upper left, is where early Futures were pointing. Leaving us expecting to get an answer soon to the question “Is the bounce over? Have techs kissed a key overhead resistance level?”

Not our monkey and not our bananas. But financial markets have memories and memories do, per Hermann Ebbinghaus, fade over time. Even Great Depressions seem less vicious.

The “What Matters” Sort

OK, math models aside: News ambles on…

We been writing for how long about a Q2 25 vaccination scare 2.0?  Keep an eye on WHO Director-General: “Last Friday, WHO received reports of suspected cases of Marburg virus.”

Say, you don’t think the WHO is running a game on us, do you? WHO Begs Trump to Reverse Withdrawal After Executive Order Cuts Off U.S. Funding.

North L.A. Fires are on the rise, along with lawlessness in fire areas: Over 100 Arrested Amid Los Angeles Wildfires: Looting and Burglary Cases Rise Criminals Exploit Chaos as Los Angeles Wildfires Rage. Doesn’t speak highly of Angelinos, now, does it? But look who they elect…

Will Soros “charities” become a “terrorist organization” target under Trump? We ask because Soros-Backed DA Seeks to Bring Charges Against Jan 6 Prisoners Despite Trump Pardon.

As Trump has signed an order to expel foreign students who protest in the U.S. the terrorist organization label spreads: Trump moves to relabel Yemen’s Houthis as foreign terrorist organization.  You saw where Hezbollah admitted to paying protesters in the US? Fake news costs money, you know.  Oh, and speaking of which…

Gee: Does this mean the Global elites will stop peddling ‘bug spew’? Panicked Klaus Schwab Admits Trump Is Already Reversing the ‘Great Reset’.

Useful health note: Common drug found in most household cupboards could slash dementia risk. Spoiler: Ibuprofen is on the list…

 At the Ranch: Spring Life Cleaning

Inside the last month to 76 years of age, we are always looking for ways to increase enjoyment in Life.  This year, I’ve decided on a program of Life-Cleaning.

The first part of it involves using A.I. more effectively.  Sure, got the basic personal time management nailed with tools like Brisqi.  But I’ve moved into “active theft/borrow” mode when comes to knowledge hacks.  Speed-learning and the like.

For example, my buddy (or 73-years) the Major turned me on to using A.I. to dodo book summaries of key books I want to absorb. But with A.I. the results are quick, no subscriptions, and no waiting.  Just “Give me a detailed summary of the book [title] by author [name]” and hit enter.  Most of the AI’s do this.

We have a copy of Carl Jung’s The Red Book on the coffee table. And I keep meaning to read the damn thing but it’s huge.  Not how I roll (big books and such).  Instead, I can get to the point with AI telling me…

The Red Book is a large, leather-bound folio containing over 400 pages of handwritten text and 53 full-page paintings. It was Jung’s record of his “confrontation with the unconscious,” documenting his self-analysis and self-therapy during a period of intense personal turmoil2.

Context and Composition
Jung began working on the Red Book after his break with Sigmund Freud in 1913. This period coincided with the outbreak of World War I, and Jung retreated from many of his professional activities to deeply explore his psyche1. He initially recorded his visions and experiences in a series of smaller black journals, known as the “Black Books,” before transferring them to the larger Red Book.

The Red Book is a mix of journal entries, mythological narratives, and psychological observations. Jung documented his hallucinations, dreams, and encounters with various inner figures in a prophetic and elaborate calligraphic style. The book explores themes of spirituality, mythology, and the unconscious mind, reflecting Jung’s belief in the collective unconscious and archetypes.

Despite Jung’s intention to publish the Red Book, it remained unpublished during his lifetime. It was only in 2009, with the cooperation of Jung’s estate, that the book was published by W. W. Norton & Co1. The publication included a facsimile edition of the original manuscript, an English translation, and extensive editorial notes.

That didn’t sound very exciting (compared with Dreams, Memories, Reflections, anyway). What WAS more interesting is Amazon says I paid $117 for the book in 2009 (my reading list moves slowly!).  And it’s on sale today for (just?) $196 and change.

In this example (of Life Cleaning) I can look back and say “Never had time to read it, so next life, keep the reading list shorter and more actionable.”  Also, take that “walk-around money” that we all keep and buy $200 worth of shares in  new IPOs.  The ROI will be greater.

Now, having figured how to use A.I. to further my “speed-learning” addiction a bit, the next step is to spend more time working on the personal “40,000-foot view.”

In thinking about Life lately, I’ve ome to the conclusion that I am a “middle cruiser.”  I have a great and powerful grind on.  But I miss the “high and low boundaries” in life.  The high level? Well, that 40,000-foot stuff.  The low level is remembering to vacuum my office weekly.  I seldom get to that.

Another Life Cleaning action point then, is more time at the extremes (high and low) and  less time in the middle. Translation? No more watching the markets all day.  Set alerts and go off to the extremes to work there.

Should be an interesting change. More time spent planning what’s important in life, more time doing it, and less time doing “all that other crap” that gets in the way.  I’ll keep you posted on how it works out. ChatGPT was ghaving web gateway issues at press time…

Warmer than New Orleans?  The promise of warmer temps is here after 23 overnight. There’s the little matter of more than 2-inches of rain coming through next week, too. But, at least it will be warmer.

I’ll pop up a picture from the security network later…may be a pretty sunrise…

Write when you get rich,

84 thoughts on “Trump’s Stew, Market’s Indecisive, Spring Life Cleaning”

  1. Well as usual, I am off topic, but I do wonder if there are any experts here on the internals of deep well submersible pumps:

    Trying to troubleshoot lack of water; might be frozen (it’s been around 3 or 5 F last few days at night, but I have some pipe heating) pipe in odd place, or bad pump.

    So main question is, can an old (probably 1/3 or 1/2 hp Goulds pump, almost 50 years old, about 125’ down) pump be drawing 5.25 amps at 240v and still not be pumping water? That is, is there a failure mode where the motor spins and draws current but somehow isn’t pumping water?

    • Yes but the current would be lower. Recall V*A=P So 5.25 amps at 240 volts is 1260 watts and dividing this by 745 (watts per hp) the pump is drawing? 1.79 HP

      Mt money (while it’s cold) is the pump is running, holding pressure, up to an ice block in the line.

      If you have the same problem after a dayr two above freezing, then a pump bearing becomes the issue.

      For now, though, Ice blockage. Hair dryer and heat tape?

        • Check the joints!!!
          freeze ups are usually start at the joints….Pool noodles and duct tape..if you can find them this time of year…

      • Agreed but also you noted the pump is nearly 50 years old. Cracked check valve, split pipes, etc. Hope you get your well back soon. This time of year is not a good time for that kind of work.

      • Ice block would cause the amperage to go down. Motor isn’t doing any work. Pumping against a dead head (high pressure because of the restriction) surprisingly does not raise the amperage. Only if a pump is moving water will the amperage be normal. (5.5 amps or so) I’ve troubleshooted these kinds of problems this since I was 7 years old. An am-probe is your best friend.

    • had a household well pump stop flowing while drawing power . It had a ‘spring’ type check valve right on the pump discharge, the rotation of the flow cause the check to spin and it failed over time and the disc went up and blocked flow when running, The well puller guy said they should be mounted at least 3 ft above the dicharge of the pumps, I agree with his diaganosis, to prevent spinning

    • RandomMike: we have a well, have been on it forever at both houses, long enough to have changed both houses from existing 1930s version to submersible pumps. These new (well, newer) contraptions work well enough, send more volume to tap but … must be pulled to service. My experience has been every pump pull shows some reason to cough up $5k for a new one down the mine. Sure.

      We have endured a similar deep freeze. Our volume seems off pace and there may be some freezing in the line somewhere above shelter of warm(er) Mother Earth. Q: was this result sudden or gradual? If a slow moving situ I suspect line freeze. Q2: any chance warm(er) clime is expected? Possibly this will fix itself. I would be prepared to swap out a 50 YO pump with no regrets.

      Our system pulls water from the well (pumped to line) to harvest relative heat for the furnace. For the first time ever our Water Furnace was unable to maintain temp. We have two monster forced air heaters and a bunch of small units too. I have employed them during the great freeze while turning down the furnace thermostat.

      My furnace Co. also does all the service. Last visit they installed a module which taps my wifi to speak to them re: furnace condition. If/when I contact them the first diagnostic will look from there at here. My well guy has a place here on the lake, less than a mile away. Prolly check in with him too.

      This weekend we rise to slightly above freezing for a few hours. Possibly I will light the enormous stock of cut/split firewood saved for the horrific possibility our power went down. Well done MEC (Midwest Energy & Communication). Rumbles persist about the grid writ large. Apparently they had enough, barely, to save the sys.

      ATL: every single time the forecast says possibility of snow, we get it, usually a double dose. The curtains are cracked to see outside today and the other side of the lake keeps phasing in and out of view.

      WX statement: Snow. Additional snow accumulations between 2 and 3 inches. Isolated higher amounts possible.

      Yep. I have shoveled twice so far today but my efforts are constantly wiped by the next squall. If Saturday Goldilocks forecast comes true (31F and 11mph from SSW), the DN is coming out. I’m confident about getting in but uncertain about climbing out. Can’t wait. At (70) this will probably be a one-and-done thing like all the others …

      Stay warm, be well.

    • Jeff from Ohio here. Yes, Mike, I’ve been in the water well business for 60 years here in Ohio. 5 amps is about right for a 240 volt half horse. If it wasn’t pumping water it would be less, say 3.8 to 4.2. So, it is pumping water. The next question is, where is it going? A leak? Where? Check your outside faucets on the side of the house. It’s always possible that a frozen pipe even for a brief time could have put enough pressure on the drop pipe (the pipe the pump hangs on) to pop out a weak fitting or some such and the water to just be recirculating inside the well bore. The way to test that is to lift the pump up out of the pitless adapter (3 feet in Ohio) and test the pressure at the top of the pumping piping. Or, at least see if it pumps water there. Be careful about the pitless adapter as there are a bunch of different kinds and some of them require a key to release them. If the drop pipe is full of water, it will weigh close to 75 pounds with the pump on it. Don’t try it yourself. CHECK FOR LEAKS first. That”s probably the problem. My email is Good luck.

      • For the outside faucets..I buy faucet enough then once a week turn the tap on for a couple minutes each hot the cold..

    • Clogged screen or fried bearing? Gould is absolute top shelf (and still Made in USA) but everything mechanical has its lifespan. Not too much can go wrong and not cause the motor to open-circuit in short order. I can’t imagine a submerged pump (or its exhaust) being frozen by temperature — that would require a level of installation incompetence that’s beyond my ken. Rule of thumb here is the pipe stays at 2x the freeze depth (if the frost line is 2′, the pipe is kept below 4′ down, if the frost line is 8′ the pipe is kept below 16′, etc.) so the only place it can freeze is its POE into the building (and that’s typically heat-taped…)

    • RandomMike: without checking for any update, something I have meant to purchase might help you too, for just such an issue as frozen supply lines, wellhead, etc. A propane blowtorch. [link: to Menards version]

      We have lived for 3-4 days with a few cabinet doors open which are always closed. But, at minus double digits? Well. I keep a couple full tanks of propane also for emergency heating (a residential style “salamander” that puts out enormous BTUs.

      Anyway, possibly your real problem arrives with the thaw.
      Best of luck, Egor

  2. (“the Farms of the country by ICE powered tractors and trucks. “)

    The first wood gas machine I seen was in the shelter belt of a friends dads farm.. we use to pretend it was many things in his old machine shed he bad a windmill ..that was when they used wind for electricity.. we have a radio it has short wave stations on was my wife’s grandparents you put a car battery in it..

    mother earth news drove a pickup from one county fair to another.. I once asked my friends dad he said during the war and depression gas was rationed so these were put on they would use trash. two small towns use to have a generator for the old towns all ran by gasification of garbage coal etc. I am sure they are long gone now..the old civil defense community reconstruction book had these all listed.
    I have built a couple of gas stickers easy to make.. one friend of a friend wanted to build one we made it and dam it was nice using plumbing parts.. when he died they offered it back to me but I declined it.. my wife likes parking in the garage..and seriously I can build another without much difficulty..
    the second one it dawned on me.. that the air to gas ratio wasn’t great enough.. just like most we put a turbo charged fan on it and got better gas you suspect that could be why Adolph Hitler’s engineers..oh wait that deal was made in Detroit in the beginning.. maybe that’s why they have patents on it.. maybe that’s why they built turbo chargers into their design..


    oh here’s a link to the red book…

  3. Or a worn pump impeller is allowing water to bypass rather than forcing it up the pipe. A 50-yr-old pump sounds like that might be a problem.

    • I thought that one, too, but it’s drawing too much power. When the impeller is loose or busted, doesn’t take as much pwoer to turn it…an yway, he’ll report back soon enough….

  4. “I can look back and say “Never had time to read it, so next life, keep the reading list shorter and more actionable.” -thats rich!

    You really think you can take Ure Memory/Memories thru Death ?

    Where o where does this belief come from, pray tell? Schrooomages, Peyote, Orange Sunshine on windowpanes, Fenty, Tranq? Seems like you “christed” something..

    Says here that which you describe is IMPOSIBLE…without Help/Knowledge/Guidance and some outside (read ET) intervention.

    Got “GATEWAY” procedures down pat do you ? PHD level graduate from Monroe Inst. ?
    PERPOSTEROUS ! As evidenced by historical body of work.

    Nice try at the make believe, unfortunately Youse need FEAR AND DEPENDANCE for Faith to work as a control mechanism. See ANY/ALL world religions’ for examples..

    Memory thru Death..bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    • I’ve met a couple of people who have been clinically dead and been returned. They tell me yes. I’ll take that over opinions from those never dead with a memory of it, any time. Dr. Ray Moody has said as much, too. Older EMTs and fire too…changes you. Life bcomes school, work camp, and adventure series…every day a chapter.

      • DISCLOSURE is happening right now. By end of year it will become apparent to ALL.

        ALL that Bullscheisse will drop by the wayside – leaving the “believers” GOBSMACKED, mouths agape, drooling.

        Trying to ease the Mental “Issues” that are GUARANTEED to come..

        Oh well, at least the Ether Bunny will along dropping jelly beans, shortly after Cupid shoots some moar of His arrows of Luv.

      • Boy … through the years.. I have seen some pretty amazing things that has me convinced..
        two of my favorites is an exercise bike and a woman that had passed and scared the bell out of me..
        almost everyone working the floors has similar stories.. one of my wife’s favorite stories is pancakes lol lol lol..
        you can feel death in the halls..there’s usually three..


        there’s a couple of hospice nurses that worked the floors.. most of these guys writing there’s no way..they mostly man a desk maybe a clinic floor .. I’ve had some pretty strange experiences and hell my life has had so many strange experiences its often has me questioning why.. and dam if my living through them has me thinking how bizarre I can only imagine what everyone else thinks.. since everyone has issues going on in their lives that no one knows about..
        so rather than telling my life experiences and observations let those two floor nurses experiences … everyone that does personal cares or works hospice Has a story or two or ten lol.. people talking behind doors that no ones in..

        now I can tell you that I have seen many.. but the one I want to go like was a woman. she would read before bed then watch the late show.. and about midnight every night she would ask for a 7-up night she put her call light on and asked for her pop we were really short shifts it was just two of us for a hundred people and I was running my butt off.. I said it will be a few minutes but I will get it as quick as I can..
        she patted my hand and said don’t hurry hunny the late show is really good tonight and went back to reading her bible.
        well luckily the other guy working the floor seen how swamped I was and ran over to help..I could go get it right away..I came back to surprise her.. a smile on her face the bible resting on her chest just like she went to sleep.. that’s how I want to go..

  5. Had this issue with similar setup on my neighbors place. Ure is likely right – and if so, the solution was to enclose the well in a little shack so a high output incandescent bulb or two can keep things above freezing. We did not do it, as winter here is light-duty, but the portion of the line around surface could be warmed with a 110V heater strip like they sell at Lowes – they make them up to 25′ length….

    Old school – to determine if the pump was working, we used the “broomstick device”, which older farts may recall? Break off a broom head and place the rounded end of the stick against your closed ear, so you get bone conduction. When you place the other end of the stick on a running engine block, you can hear everything moving. If you have a bad lifter or other issue, you can move the end of stick around to trace down which cylinder is involved.

    We applied the ‘broomstick device’ to the output pipe and could hear the pump working via vibrations at surface in a 100+ ft deep well. Flip the breaker off and no sound emanating from said pipe. Anyway, there’s pretty good shot its an ice issue within feet of surface.

    • oh yes, would use a 1/2 cue stick back before the youtubes were around to listen to the engines. Its a very cool thing to be able to see with your ears, Im grateful for my eyes but those ears “used” to be real good. come to think of it my eyes are goin as well. How will I ever get around

      • Don’t forget to get you subscription for the blind to penthouse and playboy .. learn brail.. lol lol

    • I agree.. if you have a split check valve and an old pump… I’d rebuild the pump as a backup.. I did that with some vacuum pumps to make sure I had a backup..the older pumps were better quality meant to last a long time.. today we live in a throw away society..

  6. Army & Marines on the border: can we trust Trump?

    The Army (and probably the Marines), encourage illegal aliens to join and in return these literally indentured servants get benefits of citizens (who not in the service) and citizenship. And bring their families!

    Of course this ignores the question of how did they get into the U.S.and not be immediately returned?

    Biden used the military to speed up processing of illegals. Biden did not send them back to their home countries.

    Trump appears to be doing the same thing. He does not appear to be stopping anyone from crossing the border. Evidently he is ‘processing’ them in.

    He is even using the same military bases and compounds and other facilities Biden used to receive the 10,000s of illegals Biden flew into the country. And then flew them into the U.S. interior.

    The good news is he says he has stopped the flights of illegal aliens into the U.S.!

    If he were doing what everyone thought he would be doing on the border, he would order the military and Border Patrol to stop crossing, to capture all who manage to cross the border, get their names and addresses, take their picture, probably DNA, and immediately put them back across the border.

    He has made no mention of the many 10,000s of visa overstayers to become illegal aliens staying the U.S. And like every women who sneaks across can have instant citizen kids with all benefits.

    He has made no mention of having E-Verify apply to all employees or any employee!

    I could go on, but you get the point.

    A big question is why isn’t his Administration having Congress pass most of this type of legislation?

    One guesses the Republicans are not united in correcting the awful immigration mess. Ergo, changes are temporary and often cosmetic.

    Trump needs to Walk the Talk.

    • it has only been 3 days and Trump has done more than Bribems did in 4 yrs,,, give him a fucking break,,, no, the so called republican/RINOs are not united, and, Trump can only request bills, ya know that 3 legged constitution thing
      here he is signing exec orders the day he was swore in,,, the very same day
      at the ElPaso crossing

      • Amen..will there be things I don’t like..absolutely.. the country is pretty screwed huge bold changes has to happen.. I can’t see how they can turn the USA Titanic away from the ice berg with everything that’s been done..but then he and musk are pretty sharp cookies..

    • If one believes Drudge, they have a notable military presence at the El Paso Port of Entry. I was south of the border in the last couple of days and noticed no unusual activity at one of the less traveled Ports of Entry. I spoke to a couple of the BP folks and they both said they’d noticed no difference. Of course, their location had very little of the illegal crossing activity compared to major places like Brownsville, El Paso, and San Diego.

    • Yes , get the point – obviously a MASA supporter..Make America Socialist Again.

      *Dude sets the “Altitudes” – Directs see to it that they are reached/achieved.

      4 years of israHELLi malfeasence in USA governmint and U start bitching after 3 days ?

      you do know where the border is, correct ?

      Have a nice day Dell, gonna need one or two..

    • Vacuum? An office? YGBFKM!

      I use a shop vac often when working on messy projects and a vacuum pump when working on auto A/C. But an office?

      • Lol lol lol..I hear ya.. did the tour of the new grade grand daughter is a therapist there to help learning disadvantaged kids ( she wanted to become an ophthalmologist so she could FIX my eyes lol lol I told her forget that.. aim for the children that are just starting help them be the most they can be..)
        we got to her desk.. lol lol lol lol she said it was left messy well it didn’t look messy neat and orderly no piles of scrap anywhere.. I teased her..where did you learn that trait not from me lol lol clean and orderly desk who heard of such a thing right…

        • Sales Manager at a TV station I once worked at was infamous for the stacked high piles on his desk. Cleaning people were under orders to ‘not touch that room’. When queried, he would peep from behind his desk piles and point to a sign on the wall above:
          “A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind!”

  7. Your place looks good. Very peaceful. I’ve been following a similar path as yours. I have done my best to focus on the most important things and have found that the day-to-day stuff will often mostly take care of themselves. For example; my reminder of keeping up with the cleaning and vacuuming of my “Fortress of Solitude” consists of 2 levels. First is when I find that the vacuum cleaner and a tote containing Windex, Endust and cleaning cloths will appear conspicuously on my desk in front of the main monitor. Another similar tote appears in front of the staging area of the soon to be set up Ham gear. After 2 days if these items are not returned, by moi, to their storage areas I receive a second notice which is a personal visit from a beautiful Queen who advises that I should get busy with the cleaning so the rest of the house can be taken care of. I have found this method to be very successful.
    Stay safe. 73

  8. Yesterday evening was a sweet combination of all that’s good here. Rain came like a white wall, so heavy the Missus got naked in the cockpit and stood under the literal waterfall off the bimini to wash her hair while rainbow formed. There was zero wind and the rain turned the surface into A bead blasted look. Got so inspired I stripped down and dove in. Sunset, rainbow, happy wife, water warmer than the rain, a nice way to get ready for dinner and a good read.
    And those planets! All in a row and getting better each day.
    First light and had to dive in again. No rain, just too glassy smooth to resist.
    Plenty to do today, maybe.
    Six months to 79. Make every day count.
    Had a visit yesterday from the local authorities to check on visas. A small boat with eight armed military, just to remind we are never really free. How dare you float on the water without permission.

  9. “Merit matters, again.”

    Most everyone complains about inflation and everyone takes the COLA.

    Sure, if we were engineers or janitors at Boeing, Intel, Amtrak, (name your own GSE), Freddie/Fannie we’re putting in a hard days work and deserve the .gov cheddar on merit alone. But to the people out here, honestly should Boeing and the other really be in business? Of course!

    Merit, eh?

    • Yes it does.. but the whole country runs on the velocity of cash.. slow that velocity or shut it off.. it’s like a well pump that can’t pump water..
      we know how the business model works.. you buy something for a dollar and sell it for two..if you have a building then you calculate the cost of storage per square foot the cost of the item and what delivery of the product..divide that square footage per year then add up the cost of labor to maintain that square footage the profit you want then add whatever percentage on it that you estimate replacing that product for next year.
      when I dicker for an off season product.. I get an idea what an items wholesale cost is.. how long it has set on the shelf and a rough guess at what labor and space will cost for them to keep it till the next season.. then I will subtract that figure from the retail price.. talk to the department head or store manager and make a ten percent lower than that price bid.. that way if he comes back with a ten percent higher cost.. I will accept it..if not I walk away.. if I truly want it..then I have someone else go buy it or make a different offer but not as low ..
      I got a Christmas tree once my father inlaw went with me.. after we got it he looks at me shocked and said…you should be ashamed of yourself lol lol lol lol..

  10. “Could this perspective be wrong? ”

    I’m not saying you’re wrong or don’t put in hard work building charts.

    How can a fiat system ever pop? Back in 2008 Little Bush said,

    “I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system”

    and words mean things.

    That’s not to say Greenie isn’t right.

    “We can guarantee cash benefits as far out and at whatever size you like, but we cannot guarantee their purchasing power.”

    — Alan Greenspan

    The last time I went inside a gas station and checked candy bar prices ask on the regular size was $2.49. Work harder, right.

      • That same 2.49 candy bar is now closer to three bucks..and dollar tree isn’t cheaper.. look again.. the same size wrapper but the weight of the product..the calculate the cost per ounce or gram..
        A diet bar with thirty percent less calories for the same price is thirty percent less product

  11. Just finished watching the Trump Speech/Question circus at Davos. I see where there was no real choice in the election of which I took no part in; but Trump is so full of shit it’s incomprehensible – he is owned and his interpretations of world events and/or what he has been told are the facts of world events is incredible …………. He’s on a ride right now, how long it lasts I have no clue but I’m simply not expecting much but superficial achievements and mass amounts of more money printing ….

    • Interesting that you say that, because I saw this comment at USA WATCHDOG.

      Gregory Mannarino 01/15/2025
      Greg, I’m beginning to think that you’re “Too stupid to be stupid”.

      If you really are still falling for Trump’s BS, you have the IQ of a chimp!

      Greg Hunter 01/15/2025
      This comment is why I don’t have you on anymore. Did you get vaxed?
      Sounds like you did.

      • OUCH,,, from injection or pointed sharp reply?

        one of those caused coffee to be deposited on my keyboard

    • (“he is owned and his interpretations of world events and/or what he has been told are the facts of world events is incredible “)

      I haven’t watched the speech.. as far as having the wrong interpretations of world events. we have to first consider..what his perspective is from his position in society.
      after visiting with people in society statuses lower than mine I know I don’t have a clue what they are experiencing.. my position reflects what I see and what part of society I live in..Trumps position in society is gold faucets and that of luxury..a utility bill is a non event..
      I remember the realtor from a major city that didn’t have the foggiest clue what was happening and being reported world wide about his own community..that’s trump.. his view is skewed in a different direction..his view of world events revolves around his social class.. not mine..

  12. Thx all for the pumpathy.

    Pump Guy might come out tomorrow.

    Still does nothing to the pressure even with more warming.

    Pump is old, probably will replace even if freezing had something to do with it.

  13. re: “Trump’s Stew”
    feat: olfactory cents

    Yum, set the pot to boil and stir! As New Year dawned, Ukraine state media basted a tasty story which had marinated since the second day of Christmas. A Leipzig-based Ukrainian AN124 had descended into the pre-heated airport attached to Chad’s near global bottom of the third world
    capital. The media outlet published pictures of French soldiers watching the bird gobble back French weaponry in far greater excess of what newer French Air Force not-so-heavy lifters would choke on. The French were evacuating the first of three bases upon the urgent direction of the leader of Chad, a former French colony. Apparently wheeled vehicles were making their self-propelled way via road to a seaport in Cameroon. Then a planned maritime departure promised transport to less warlike climes. French state media “France24” offered a short writeup sans pictures. In the days following, the French President lamented that Chad “forgot to say thank you”.

    Yesterday a Canadian arctic media outlet reported of an unexpected January 17th visitor to a remote airport, Puvirnituq, in unceded Inuit territory in the far reaches of northern Quebec. Puvirnutuq translates to “Putrified” in commemoration of almost the entire population dying of a colonial epidemic long ago leaving too few able-bodied to bury the dead. “The Nunatsiaq News” quoted the town’s Inuit mayor advising of the completely unexpected arrival of the French Air Force Airbus A400M cargo plane (of the type insufficient for Saharan requirements last month). The ” ‘News” advised the plane was from the 25th Air Force Engineering Regiment on a training mission. The regiment is domiciled an hour’s drive from beaches of the French Riviera. Subsequent legs of their journey promised cooperative exercises with Danish and Greenlandic forces. Apparently the Nunavik government’s regional Katavik director of transportation assured locals via email that all was well with the foreign goings-on. Expect more and please carry on. Here is “The Nunatsiaq News” link:

    The Katavik regional director of transportation is a well-educated Nigerian, and recently naturalized Canadian citizen. A publicly available LinkedIn profile sheds light on the possible paths to modern day Troys while offering shoutouts to helpful past Nigerian mentors who had previously made their way on new world Odysseys.

    A perhaps not uncommon thread amongst travellers is the Lagos, Nigeria-headquartered Christ Embassy. Its website lists satellite offices in Europe, Texas, and South Africa. Leader Pastor Chris of some tens of millions of dollars wealth promotes via digital media the group’s “Rhapsody of Realities”, “Atmosphere for Miracles”, and the “LoveWorld” app. Additionally “Wikipedia” offers food for thought regarding past Embassy collaborator Pastor Binny. The latter of Palestinian Eastern Orthodox parentage reached Canadian shores, and acquired eventual US Senatorial comment upon completion of vacation travel in a Gulfstream G4SP. As an aside the jet is powered by two Rolls Royce engines and has a listed top speed of 581 mph compared to a Mr. Gates G650 top end of 611 mph.

    • re: Fusion for the Kitchen Table
      feat: Canadian nuclear fusor


      No wonder President Trump wants to invade Canada! Move over fusion food; nuclear fusors are taking over Canadian kitchen tables.

      A report today by Russia’s “Baza” on Telegram steered me towards a Substack published by a student at the University of Waterloo. Apparently $3,000, a Santa Claus list off eBay, a little help from some friends & AI, and voilà…plasma.

      Maybe I’m behind the times, but here is the Substack link dating back a few days. This is not an endorsement, and respect all laws and safety requirements of your jurisdiction. Judging by previous comments, a number of people are already equipped with pumps…

  14. Let’s sit back & see how Trump works out. Trump doesn’t know what he is doing. I didn’t vote for him, so you deserve what you get (by the way, if you voted for “the woman” or didn’t vote at all you will receive the same outcome as Trump voters). Much such advice is offered.

    How about a little positive free speech. We are all in it together. Their is no right or wrong views, only your opinion of what is right or wrong. Let’s voice our opinions in a nice way, without anger, jealousy, or indifference. Unless you listen to others with compassion and understanding, you will remain in darkness. MAGA is the goal.

    Speaking of darkness, Trump’s pardon released 1,500 or more revolutionaries back on the street. Many with a grudge against you know who’s enemies. Free & clear fo felony convictions so gun ownership is OK. Question: Was this the pardon plan?

    • doesnt know what he is doing ????

      He just got elected President of the United States, a SECOND Time! ure DARKNESS. But he doest know what he is doing ???

      Ures is criminal plea or rather a plea heard from CRIMINALS.. most recently heard from the entire demonratic party-appaRATus.

      Once again I sense a dirty blind Rat.

      Giving all Rattus Novegicus & rattus a very dark name.

    • Four years incarcerated without charges and often in solitary is not in accordance with the guarantee of a swift trial and humane treatment. Some of those folks were instigators and many were unfortunate dupes. Regardless, if our government refuses to follow reasonable laws and constitutional guarantees, they should all be pardoned and cut loose. The bad elements will incriminate themselves soon enough, if they truly are bad. I doubt anyone will get a second pardon.

      • 18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

        18 U.S. Code § 111 – Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees (a) In General.—Whoever—
        (1) forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes with any person designated in section 1114 of this title while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties; or
        (2) forcibly assaults or intimidates any person who formerly served as a person designated in section 1114 on account of the performance of official duties during such person’s term of service,
        shall, where the acts in violation of this section constitute only simple assault, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both, and where such acts involve physical contact with the victim of that assault or the intent to commit another felony, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
        (b) Enhanced Penalty.—
        Whoever, in the commission of any acts described in subsection (a), uses a deadly or dangerous weapon (including a weapon intended to cause death or danger but that fails to do so by reason of a defective component) or inflicts bodily injury, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

        • (“18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”)

          no wonder there were so many that received blanket forgiveness.. seems that see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil were up to their armpits in this.. lol lol

        • All that scheisse is self evident – as youse were a card carrying member of Pedo Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter & Defund The Police, take heed G-enius.

          Since the rocks from out under which Youse and Ures crawled no longer tolerate such slime, wondering where Ure types are going 2 hide now ?

          Me thinks there is no where else left to hide-

          let me help with Visualization of the problems at hand – See Komholas daughter picture next to Baron Trumps’ picture – # Twelve down in Dr Malones Friday FUNnies -

      • I thought they didn’t arrest any of the instigators..I was under the impression that they were overlooked and only the dupes caught up in the herd were arrested.. I watched a video of a woman telling some bozo quit pushing me in..later he claimed he wasn’t there .. he was probably an operative hired to insight the herd..

    • oxymoron speaks with forked tongue.
      claims to be “The Truth” self appointed bullshitter.
      says there is no right or wrong but says Trump doesn’t know what he is doing.
      Trump pardon citizens for just walking through the Capital.
      the darkness is in your eyes.
      how about those murders and rapist that Bribems pardoned? ya don’t see that. could someone turn on a light !!!

      views can be right or wrong or just sideways, but in your mind there is no right or wrong views,,, that is just an opinion by you

      ya sure are bias for a no right or wrong,,,
      “Cognitive dissonance
      mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time”

      no right or wrong is a leftard way of saying his sins are ok,,, like the minor attracted pedophiles, say it is ok to have sex with the liddle kiddies, just touch therapy , lots of rubbing, but just where ya therapy touch them.

      ya @c, I put that liddle link there for you, also, since you like to put me down for using “liddle” as you ignore the real problem with the global pedophile cult.
      reminds me of @truth bathing his FOSTER daughter.

      • (“Trump pardon citizens for just walking through the Capital.
        the darkness is in your eyes.
        how about those murders and rapist that Bribems pardoned? ya don’t see that. could someone turn on a light !!!”)

        I believe all of that was countermeasures tossed out to complicate the incoming administration..similar to one that had all the W’s removed from all the keyboards or the mass shredding and destruction of what the administration was doing..

  15. Well the two Pump Brothers arrived a day early and pulled the pipe off the pitless adapter and saw the pump was operating, pumping water to the top of the well where the pipe entered the earth.

    So they took a little facing off the house, encouraged me to crawl under and actually plug in the heat tape around the vertical tube the pipes travel to the house in, and then sat with a heat gun heating up this vertical assemblage of ceramic, fiberglass, heat tape, and well pipe.

    No results yet but they assure me this is the problem, and the heat tape and a hair drier are working on the pipe as I type.

    And, assuming this works, they will, in warmer weather, install a new McDonald’s submersible pump, better supposedly than Goulds.

  16. 6:19pm, well/pump system is working! Problem was ice in the vertical pipe from ground to the house, 1st time in 50 years, and weather has been worse. Must be a new kind of global cold. Solved by application of heat gun, hair dryer, and heat tape to vertical ceramic pipe tube.

    The heat tape I had on there is minimal and should have worked to some extent as it had a fiberglass blanket. But some idiot had not plugged it in!

    • Get a pool noodle slice it and put it over the heat tape and duct tape it..or box it in and put a twenty watt light bulb in it.. doesn’t take much..

  17. Trump E.O .., just established a crypto-currency board “and” barred banks from establishing crypto-currencies.

    I did not know he was going bar central banks from establishing their own ‘coin’.


  18. Living in an area where property taxes are high due to funding schools and teacher pensions, what do you suppose the odds are of a reduction in those taxes should AI replace educators and therefore, no need to fund pensions?

  19. Three days into Trump’s term, and the low IQers are already three days behind.

    While the folks who’re so stupid they don’t know what they’re thinking (until some libtard with a keyboard or a mic tells them) mouth off and demonstrate their shortcomings, Trump shifted gears from spanking the WEFers to declassifying all the JFK, RFK, and MLK files — then asked that the pen he used be given to RFKjr.

    • The video I seen and recording that pretty .much lays all the alleged conspiracy theories right on target to being one hundred percent true.. it was suspected before now known.. its like a relief to finally know the truth..give the family some peace of mind..
      Area 51… well I hope so I want to know if the things I was told is what I was told…other than that my questions were all answered years ago.

  20. Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Breaks Records

    The beginning of President Donald Trump’s second term has seen his net approval rating reach a historic high. The poll, showed that 54 percent of respondents approve of Trump’s job performance, while 40 percent disapprove.

    According to Rasmussen’s polling, 49 percent of Black voters approve of Trump, while 72 percent of Hispanic voters approve. Some 57 percent of women also approve, and 48 percent of independent voters.

    • Guys and Gals oughta see the way tRUMP is being perceived down here in central america..Belize.

      In general everyone is Thrilled, as a STRONG America strengthens the economy in Belize, largest component being Tourism. Why they even admire his bravado over re-acquiring the Panama Canal Zone, thinking him to be a lil nucking futz. Also Belize Needs workers, so sending all the illeagles back will be a positive for the workforce here in pairadice.

    • Yeah its refreshing to have someone not a polished politician actually in the office working..considering what congress is able to do ( nothing lets table it for another day) its nice seeing someone that reminds me of how our founding fathers were to build our great country..
      will things happen that I won’t like..absolutely.. heck our legislators don’t have a clue what’s in them..I made it through six hundred pages of the Obama are would need a team of Harvard lawyers decipher that mess.. in the end with all the refer to sections that dam thing is probably closer to fifty thousand pages.. no wonder congress don’t want to look at that stuff.. they should write them..then read them in session and come up with an acceptable change for both and everyone vote their conscience.. instead they don’t have a clue what’s in them..

  21. “Question: Was this the pardon plan?”

    Trump promised he would pardon J6 prisoners.
    Majority of the electorate agreed and voted him in.
    Promise made. Promise kept,

    Biden promised he would not pardon his son or other family members.
    Perhaps you believed him and voted for the party.
    Promise made. Promise broken.

    By the way. What is the need to pardon someone who has not committed a crime?

  22. Enter office, attach a swiffer to each shoe, rubber bands work well. Walk,skate the area while doing other projects. Dispose at end of shift. Admire floor and Jack Daniels.

  23. Dear Mr Truth , I agree , lets offer our thoughts in a constructive (“nice”) way with an open mind. Why not actually.
    Let me say again , as I have said before , that I consider BOTH parties and their supporters both elected and otherwise as absolute Whores or , mostly , tag along fools. Our govt is deeply corrupted and now having viewed Trumps appointments (ex: United Nations ambassador) it is clear that he is an Ass Kissing Whore for Israel just as we have had for the past 4 years and the past 34 years and the past 74 years. No real change just a new poster child for the fools.
    It is truly discouraging and I take no joy in saying any of it. I don’t think that your suggestion of a constructive exchange of ideas will get to far and I don’t expect my thoughts here to be well received either but ….. who knows. Once people choose their hero and start panting like teenage girls there is nothing that will allow objective reasoning nor anything like truthful observation. After all , that’s how we got into this mess.
    Nonetheless I have hope for some miracle for our country and our place in the world.
    Best of Luck to all and a Happy New Year I hope.

    • ‘lets be nice as we call those who oppose us as fools to an ass kisser’

      ” that I consider BOTH parties and their supporters both elected and otherwise as absolute Whores or , mostly , tag along fools. ”
      where you for the last 4 yrs? crickets

      ya hope for a miracle, but ignore the one before your eyes, and call him an ass kissing whore.
      did you not witness the attempt on his life as the attempted killer pierced his ear, but for a last second tilt of his head,,,

      Thank you God !

      even the Tories loyal to the King, benefit from the 1776 revolution for Freedom from the oppressors,

      Trump took a stand, to the Davos crowd of oppressors, bold declarations,

      as Kevin is ,,, from a google description
      “Passive aggressive
      Passive-aggressive behavior is characterized by indirect hostility and an avoidance of direct communication. This behavior is often used to avoid confrontation, rejection, or criticism. People who exhibit passive-aggressive behavior may procrastinate, act stubbornly, or give sarcastic responses instead of addressing issues directly.”

      I used to be like you,, till the main stream media turn on him and most of DC went after him. The owners went after him like he was a cattle rustler, stealing their herd, but the reality is Trump is returning power to the people and freeing US from the rustlers, who’s ownership over US is a stolen power,,,federal reserve act, turning the US into an owned corporation, a quasi,semi-ownership with controlled politicians on the government side


  24. Mr. Methane,

    These brief post may not please everyone and sometimes one reads into something that’s not there.

    First time anyone has called a socialists! Got a good chuckle out of that. :)

    I suggest you reread my post.

    For example, you apparently believe illegal aliens –aka mercenaries, indentured servants, should find a place in the military and be rewarded citizenship and more for doing it.

    I find it appalling.

    And as for me, I wouldn’t let anyone cross the border and those that managed to cross must be immediately sent back over the border. Apparently, you think that is wrong too.

    Or the 10,000s of visa overstayers he remains silent about? You apparently think that’s Ok. Not me.

    Or is it innocent misunderstanding? Which I think it is.

Comments are closed.