A Not Much “Labor” Day

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.  I got up Sunday, put in the ground screw anchors for my next little deck-building adventure and then did my ham radio antenna engineering work. Everything was sailing along great and then I walked into the house from the screen porch.  At which time I smashed my left foot into a free-weight that Elaine had left on the floor.

From that point on I was hobbling.   My “next to the big toe” is now pointed a bit strangely and my foot is still sore this morning.  But, what’s even odder is me sleeping in.

I woke up at 1 AM – wrang out the kidneys and went back to bed.  If this wan’t a holiday, the auto-brain alarm would have gotten me up (like it always does) about 4 AM.  Not today, however.

Which gets me to wondering, “Why did I oversleep?”  I’ve got three candidates.

  1. Dinner last night.  One glass of wine, a large bowl of split pea soup (which I’d been simmering all day) and ate with fresh out-of-the-oven French bread. Too many carbs?
  2. Smashed foot.  Maybe my body just decided to extend sleep to work on biological repairs. My foot feels better, the toe is less bent.  Yeah, maybe.
  3. But what about Earthquake Tireds? You know – a lot of sensitive people get laid-back by the Earth’s electromagnetic fields before Earthquakes.  And yeah, this is when we are in position where we have a holiday – and quakes often happen around holidays.

Is there a quake pending?  A number of small quakes in Southern California don’t look abnormal. Dead quiet off the Strait of Juan de Fuca. And scanning the globe the most interesting was a M 6.4 – 57 km S of Panguna, Papua New Guinea (usgs.gov) but that’s not even up into the sevens…

Something pending?  Or is George just getting lazy?  Time will tell. Limping and lazy may be the best answer.

(Let me know with a post if you have the EQT’s (earthquake tireds) as a Comment….)

Oh, and the scanning showed only one meaningful “earthquake” story overnight: Earthquake: Anti-Mass Migration Populists Win Big in European State Elections. (thenationalpulse.com). Europe is already in collapse from their open border’s mania with Sweden (among others) having no-go areas where majority law enforcement won’t go.

The liberal American press won’t tell you this is how the Second Invasion of Europe is working out.  Instead, the soft-soaping reads like ‘Europe’s long rightward lurch continues’ as Germany’s AfD projected to win – Raw Story.  Put on your “White hating liberal” framework and have some more Kool-Aid.

Market Drops

Wild-eyed gambler long-term put auctions didn’t do well at the US market close Friday.  But there’s hope for a big decline this week.

Today, the European markets are down in England, France, and Germany when I checked.

Asia was sleeping – a small change in like the Nikkei 225 – which closed at 38,700 overnight.  No end of the world there…

Bitcoin was down to the $58,450 range.  It hasn’t been over $70,000 since June.

Yes, I won the Scotch bet on no new Aggregate Index high before Labor Day.  But, since my consigliere will be delivering the bottle in person come Thanksgiving, there’s still the little matter of no war – no martial law – and with Elections coming up, that becomes a rather strange betting parlor.

The War Pending Discussion

We have circled the period from the 19th of this month through the first couple of weeks in October as a “high risk period” for China to “reunite with Taiwan.”  The weather will be right – Xi has met with Putin to coordinate, and the odds seem high that they have been working on coordination of how the West will be slammed with an Asian end of American Imports which could be devastating.

We may not be the only ones to see the potential for this – we’re in the time of year when the weather may cooperate – but the reason for seeing concern is? Taiwan president says China should take back Russian land if it wants territorial integrity

We also see that the Russians and Chinese are not about to fall into direct conflict over Manchurian (or Mongolian) resources yet.  If anything, when Putin says ‘Some Of My Younger Family Members Speak Chinese…’: Vladimir Putin’s Message To Kids, it harks to our discussion (a few years back) over whether American children should learn Spanish (for the immigration angle) or Chinese (for the control of world angle).  Still a tough call.

Headlines and Dread Lines

War in Ukraine isn’t slowing down. But when the Western press coverage goes quiet, that’s normally when the Russians are making headway.  Russia strikes Kyiv with barrage of drones and missiles on first day of school year | ITV News. When I told you a month (or three?) back that the globalists were trying to kick off global war before election day in America it sounded kind of nuts.  But here we are now reading Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election – The Burning Platform and seems a good bet.

Boeing craftsmanship questions swirl as Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It – Plagued Spacecraft Is Scheduled To Return to Earth in a Week Without Its Crew

Old enough to remember “equal rights under the law?” Yep, the good old days.  Liberals in the Golden Fleecing state have gone whole-hog with the new racism as Marxist California Allows illegal immigrants to receive up to $150,000 for homes (rumble.com).

Worth Your Time

Reading This healthy diet may reduce Alzheimer’s sign in the brain (knowridge.com)

And California’s attack on Free Speech goes into high gear as California to Ban Deepfakes, Regulate AI – HotAir.

At the Ranch: Breakfast and Work

Next chapter in my “longevity book” is due this week on the Peoplenomics side of the house.  So, after (more split pea soup with ham) breakfast, I’ll be on to that.

Cookery today is spaghetti in a ragu sauce and simmered all day so the meat is fall-apart tender.  Stew meat works great.

And warm and humid weather (and the sore toe) argue waiting for cooler weather before tossing the deck up.

Write when you get rich,


77 thoughts on “A Not Much “Labor” Day”

  1. EQT here in Alabama too. V hot, V humid yesterday. some short showers. that makes me drowsy anyway. 100 local T, reported high 90s.

  2. “Limping and lazy” HA!
    Been there and done that so many times and I have worn out so many T-shirts!
    Now relaxed and counting toes.

  3. “Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It – Plagued Spacecraft Is Scheduled To Return to Earth in a Week Without Its Crew”

    Starliner is whimpering; it knows it won’t make it down ok.

    Does seem you focus on carbs a bit, they sure are attractive tho, I just got some store French bread and it was super.

    • Here’s a scenario to ponder:
      Starliner lands uneventfully and they replace a couple of pesky helium gaskets.

      The “stranded” crew reurns on a Dragon — and burns up, killing all aboard. (May God forbid! — We’re only scenario-izing here… )

      Suddnly, NASA / Boeing don’t look quite as stupid, and The Upstart is dealt a blow.

      • Helium is one of the most damnable materials to contain! It just doesn’t like confinement at all, especially when there’s a near vacuum on the other side.

        I do get concerned about these things, though there’s nothing to be done about it by us peons beyond prayer and intention. I’d like to see Boeing recover its stature in aviation and possibly space, but I do want to see SpaceX stay strong too.

        Starship 5 will launch this month or next, depending on when they get FAA clearance. Hopefully all will go well, though they are trying the first midair catch maneuver ever. It should be worth a watch!

        Regarding the space station crew: There seems to be no standby capsule available for an instant exit in event of a catastrophic event. I suppose that’s one of the hazards of the current state of the art.

        • Midair catch is an old technology used by old spy satellites that would eject and deOrbit a cannister of real film. I witnessed one off Oahu years ago as a C-130 was circling offshore. Soon I saw a small parachute deploy high above. The C-130 was dragging a fine ‘fishing net’ and flew right over the top of the parachute and snagged it all in the net, and reeled it in. Amazing piloting skills.

    • “Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It”

      It’s a rat, trapped in the electrical conduit…

  4. Hi

    Radio talk. I am looking for a nice receiver. I just want to listen in

    Would the Eton Elite 750 be a good choice with a 100′ long wire antenna. I can run the antenna on the ground east to west or I can move it up about 30′ into the pine trees running east to west

    I currently have a pl-660 which I like but was wanting to have something with a little more ummph

    My last time with a radio was when I was about 10 I ran a cb antenna up on my roof and would listen and chat with truckers as they passed by on the highway
    Now im a bit older now and wouldnt mind playing about a bit


    • This is a tough question.
      On the one hand, the Eton (and other shortaves) are OK – especially if you toss 50-feet of wire out a window and haul it up 15-feet, or so. BUT they are not really great at some things, while being good at others.
      For example, the Eton 750 which has FM, air band, and longwave. Honestly, there’s not much on long wave otehr than beacons and on air band, that is only interesting if you are a non-pilot or want the current ATIS weather from the local airpoint. It’s also expensive.

      For put shortwve listening, a $150 radio like the Si4732 ATS-25MAX Decoder ii SDR Radio Receiver,Portable 4.17 Version All Band Shortwave Radio,Adds CW RTty Decoding Function,WiFi will do better in many ways, not the least of which is the built-in CW docoder, though these are cranky. On Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3X2sfAI

      (Lots) more money – but a radio you can “grow into” would be an Icom 718 – which is a 100 watt hf ssb ham radio and it has a dandy shortwave and AM receiver. They run about $850 https://www.gigaparts.com/icom-ic-718-version-2-100w-hf-base-station-transceiver.html?utm_term=sku-zic-718-v2&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxNW2BhAkEiwA24Cm9GH4uKVKxWdeVa9ObgZV98B2S5lqcES1c0lDXy5s0XoN-j-WEvwwfRoCBMoQAvD_BwE

      Those would be my preferences over an Eton 750 – I bought one from Amazon some years back and it failed out of the box, so back it went.

      But the choice is purely “What am I looking for?” Something with a decoder built-in for Morse and teletype in addition to the broadcast-30 MHz bands? Or, if airplanes and weather matter more, than the Eton would be the better choice.

      If you want to actually talk to people an Icom 718 would be a great starter radio. While the Icom 7300 is even better, it’s also a LOT more expensive.

      Our bottom line would be to sit back with a cup of coffee, close your eyes, and try to imagine the kind of radio input you want and then adjust your buying plans accordingly.

      • What sort of functionality do you get from the USB interface on the Si4732 ATS-25MAX ?
        PC software ?
        Can you get FM stereo through the USB ?

        Antennas tend to be magnets for EMP. There is a decent USB surge protector out there:


        Transtectors are always a bit pricey, but functionality is good, and durability is super.

        The 120 VAC power cord should have a dedicated surge protector to stop back feeds from anything tied to an antenna. There are cheaper options than a Transtector for this function:


        • Best I can figure from poking around, the only thing you can get out of the usb port on the ATS25 Max is a telnet listing of stations tuned, using 4COM Putty. Charging can be done with a USB adapter, so 120VAC surge protection is the only thing needed. It still looks to be useful as a minimalist low-power self-contained rig. Not a substitute for a full SDR rig, but a lot less support equipment needed, and potentially useful in a low-power environment.
          With all the paranoia talk I am hearing from you guys, you’ve inspired me to start my quarterly consumer battery charging, which goes on for quite a while.

      • To me, the ETON receivers are like Rolls-Royce pickup trucks — I’d rather have a Ford.

        ALL these radios benefit greatly from an external speaker — and best in a wooden box

        I have a LOT of these — one to each radio:
        (Don’t pay over $20. $10 is about “street.”)

        MUCH nicer on the ears… (Compu-speakers mostly suck Big Time. They sound very “plastikky.)

        Start with a simple wire antenna. Improve over time, as indicated. Start simple.

        73 & happy listening.

    • I got an Eton 750 at a local hamfest about 3 yrs ago semi-new (never been used in a 16-wheeler) for $225. It is fine and fun and has human size knobs. Big screen for old eyes. Gets CW and SSB OK with a little work. ALMOST feels US or German.

      I take it out away from interference and fool with it now and then. Gets away with the whip but really just needs a 20ft wire, a long wire would overload it.

      You will like it for a long time.

      25 yrs ago at the same hamfest and for the same $, I got a Sony 2010. Now THAT was a receiver! I heard Art Bell on 75m after he finished his show, Nevada to VA 5AM 3800 kc or so.

      • “I got an Eton 750 at a local hamfest about 3 yrs ago…

        …ALMOST feels US or German.”

        I got mine before Universal packed it in. Nice little radio. I’d bought an Elite 800 a couple years earlier — picked it up for about 90 bucks (with a broken whip) and thought I was getting a bargain. It’s killer on a straight wire, but not to icom or Kenwood standards, and the antenna which would make it portable is several hundred dollars. The 750 and 800 are both Grundig radios – German engineered and fine tools, for what they are.

        Grundig dumped, and sold or gave its radios to Eton, Sangean, and Tecsun some years ago. If you search for “Grundig 750 Satellit” or “Tecsun S-2000” you’ll find the same radio as the “Eton Elite 750,” possibly for less money…

        • When you put this antenna up, George, make sure it runs north-south. Long end to the north if you can manage it. See, a regular dipole will have its radiation broadside to it, but only on it’s primary frequncy. The OCFD antennas radiate off their ends. And when you take an OCFD – get it up 40-50 feet and point it, ideally, 20 degrees east of due north (depending on part of the country) you will get maximum gain lobes into Europe. Which – if you have never done it before, is a lot of fun to talk to.

  5. Concerning the anti-Alzheimers MIND diet and, more generally, the Mediterranean diet: the positive results continue on Alzheimers, cancer, heart disease and diabetes. But a reasonable alternative hypothesis is that they work because of what is not eaten: sugars and simple carbohydrates. Looking at the work of Michael Greger and Peter Attia has convinced me that insulin resistance is the villain. I’m in the process of moving from marginal diabetes to a normal glucose and A1c via a keto diet of less than 30 grams of carbs per day. So far, I’m not there but progress is definite.

  6. Not much going on, well let us bash it around a bit
    sore toe, did ya red light it?
    Jeremy Bash is married to Dana Bash of CNN anti-Trumper fame,,, he is a fellow letter-signer
    “Morell’s colleague at Beacon Global Strategies, fellow letter-signer Jeremy Bash, is identified in the second table as an “independent contractor” as well — serving as a “contractor/green badge” holder from April 2, 2019, through April 1, 2022, with a brief gap before receiving a new deal beginning in August 2022.”
    he is one of the ’51 spies who lied’ about the Hunter lap top being russian disinfo
    small frickin world or is it a CONSPIRACY

    OH WELL,I still gotta get under the old trailer house and belly craw to finish belly insulation repair and then do the last 4 ft of new skirting w/2″ foam backing to finish up. been a dirty summer time job, I am glad it is about over in time to start chopping and splittin wood,, ok ok , I ain’t choppin, I got a Stihl and a honda powered splitter
    Hey tree cutter down guy , please bring me 3 trailer loads of tree wood, up 12 ft long and as big around as they come down to Earth, nothing smaller than 4″ diameter, last yr $130 a trailer load ,, my gas bill was very managable last yr for a leaky trailer house,,, this yr will be much better!
    Time to run the old gas out of the generator and put new gas with StarTron
    all that wood cutting and HAULing keeps my blood circulating,,, stay healthy my fellow Americans
    as the All American sings Gospel hyums and Disney tunes
    Zippity do dah is a disney tune,,, and
    “life’s railway to heaven,,, amazing rhythm aces”
    it get a little fast tempo as ya get into the song.
    this week we had a huge old time steam loco pass through town, as it tours the country

  7. “Tom Campbell´s My Big TOE (Theory of Everything) is a revolutionary scientific model explaining why the physical universe emerges from consciousness – and how this gives purpose and meaning to our existence.”


    courtesy of Ray, back in the day.

  8. George
    Interesting that “sailing’ along was part of your morning. Tough to leave that aspect behind. Maybe you were “sailing” when you should’ve been paying more attention to the solid ground?
    I find it so interesting how many parallels there are in our lives.
    I also broke the same toe smashing into the wife’s suitcase left in a spot with the wheels in the path. Had to taape the bugger to the other toes for a week or so until the purple went away. Also resulted in a ‘rest’ period while normally I had been working dawn till dark building the boat. Does our body just do its own thing when it needs it and we aren’t paying attention?
    I won’t get into all the other paths we walked without knowing each other face to face, but trust me, there are many. I would love to share a beer in the cockpit and have a gam to catch up but Texas and water under the keel aren’t in the future.
    Today’s just a normal day here. There is work to be done and food must be found.
    Revel in your toe’s ability to get you off your feet and take a well earned rest.

    • honestly what that tells me when i have similar experiances to georges toe bang.

      I need to slow my roll. im missing something. i need to re-adjust my focus. because something is being presented im not seeing because im too busy being distracted. or in too much of a hurry.

      and if i dont slow my roll, the gout gets my attention later.

      i never get sick. when i feel it coming on? it reminds me im running to hard. and i have learned most of the time all i need to do is give myself permission to rest. when i do that? my health returns 10 fold and the answer comes to me.

      that is what i mean by “I receive. i receive. i am open to receive.”

      because i dont know everything. and it gives the green light to the answer to make its way to me. and it always does.

  9. Earthquake tired, all day Saturday here in Alabama, however energy began to return when rains showers began. Yesterday very unusual start with excess tiredness, but again after a shower, energy returns. Could be the action of rain falling even though the humidity was still excessive here in central Alabama.

  10. On the iff chance you broke your tie, tape it to your big toe for a few days (unless you habitually wear flip-flops). that may help with pain too. if you went to the doctor, that’s what they’d do for you. good luck.

  11. i was talking to wize old man yesterday in place i created with 2 others 27 years ago. called The Meeting. it was built with time and effort, lots of prayers with my first wife, old man Al and myself. the reason it was called The Meeting was we didnt know what to call it, but every sunday Old Man Al would say, you going to The Meeting? so we called it that.

    Old Man Al was an interesting Character. He drove a 1974 Lincoln Contental and was Jewish Fella who ran the books for the Chicago Mob for decades. and moved to this little tiny town to retire and change his ways. He never said much about it other than, i never was a rat and i got 8 to 10 years left, so i figured id better retire and do something else with time i had left. he passed away 10 years later. Having played a major role in creating The Meeting. which has stood for 27 years now and is still going on without any of participation. pretty cool.

    i was talking with This Wise old man, i known a long time about the last 4 years of my life. and where to go next? i said im home and i dont wanna leave. i lived here for 20 + years. owned 7 different houses, met both my ex wives and a few fiance’s here, had several kids, owned several different buisness. was a gaming agent, truck driver, pipe layer, did sheet rock and even sold cars once upon a time here. i have owned so many fancy cars and big trucks here. i play the part of the Handsome boyfriend, the good husband, the asshole and kept up with the jones more than a few times. i built hot rods in the garage and raced my 1970 Dodge Challenger with 440 six pack right out there on that old farm road at sunset against a late 80’s 5.0 mustange and 70 and a Half split bumper Camero and smoked them all.

    i grew up in Alaska but this is always home for me.

    i got this border patrol gig if n i want it. its time to shit or get off the pot. i just home and i got all my poop in a group here. and i told him about the last 4 years of my life. how id traveled and seen and done so much. i kinda just wanna go do a regular dumptruck driving job, live where i live, go to church and maybe go find a 4th wife (if n ya count the stipper i married in vegas, which we were never legally married, but the we did the formalities)

    He looked at me and said Andy you are a regular Navin Johnson. i said whaaaat? He said oh yeah you remember when Navin got his name in the Phone book and said Loook! my name is in the phone book! i am somebody! then he joined the carnaval, invented that thing to keep your glasses from falling off. made a shit load of money, set a bunch back home, bought a bunch of groovy stuff and a big house. then one day everyone went cross eyed from his invention, he lost everthing. at the end he says, Im leaving, i dont need anyone. i just need this Lamp, This thermus! and this chair.

    and when he headed back to his familys simple cabin in the woods and discoverd it wasnt a simple cabin anymore. it was a really nice one. and everyone was happy he came home. and so was he.

    yes sir. Andy you are a regular Mavin Johnson.

    i said, I was born a poor black child. and about fell over laughing. the old wize man looked over and said, He hates these cans! he hates these cans! he hates these cans!

    then says, so what are ya gonna do? you gonna carry on or are ya going to stay home with your family where you are loved unconditionally.

    i smiled and thanks man. good to see ya. he smiled said good to see ya too. stick around Andy. its good to have ya back.

    now i gotta get. i said where ya off too? he said make some money to send back home. my friend Patty has promised me a blow job.

    and he road off on his bicycle.

    Happy Labor day. berth pangs?

  12. A one minute video describing a game any of us can play at home for free.

    “….Werewolf was invented by a Russian sociology student to prove that an uninformed majority often loses against an informed minority. This illustrates how hidden information can influence and manipulate group decisions.”

    Student Invented a Game that Reveals How the Rich Control the Poor


  13. re: A.I.M.P bridge
    feat: Limp Bizkit dual reality

    I wish you rapid healing with the foot. Care to take a closer look at some weeds? Here is a wild pitch for you to consider. Around the time you should have been waking this morning, the YouTube algorithm offered me as top-of-list a cover of Pete Townsend’s “Behind Blue Eyes”. It’s done by the band Limp Bizkit. If we working stiffs took a time out from our own stubbed toe problems, we could gain an appreciation from the song lyrics as to how the elites must feel having to run the world? The AI bridge on this version runs from around the 2:30 to 3:00 mark. Not to go totally overboard with coinkydoinks, but the YT channel’s image features a rectangular shape not entirely unlike the new Autonomy logo. Apparently “anker” translated from Danish and German can mean “anchor”? Okay let’s get back to terra firma. Here’s a YT link to the Limp Bizkit lyrics video.

    • re: “Fantasy Island”; 9/11
      feat: “the plane, the plane”


      “CNN” video informs the public of the seized Dassault Falcon jet, T7-ESPRT, said to be used by former bus driver Maduro of Venezuela. Plane spotting enthusiasts have publicly tagged sightings of the San Marino registered plane over the last year in Brasilia, Havana and Beijing. Here is a public record going back to the plane’s early years through this link. Just scan to “esprt”.


      The plane started out with an interesting back story that pieces together on Wikipedia. The first owners were variations on the Sid Richardson Carbon and Gasoline Company of Texas. Mr. Richardson started the company in 1935 specializing carbon black. I had no idea what that was, but apparently it’s to do with vehicle tires. By the 90’s when the Dassault jet appears, the family-run company was being led by a great nephew namesake of the founder, Sid Bass. His second wife was an Iranian-American socialite. Her step-father was a noble tracing his lineage back to the 8th century and whose Qajjar tribe ruled Iran from 1789 to 1980. His cousin was the wife of the last Shah of Iran. Anyhow back to America and the Texas oil barons had become the largest shareholders of Disney. Again according to Wikipedia, post 9/11 reversals, perhaps margin calls, reduced their hold over the imagineers. However in proper Disney fashion, I think the family was able to restore their billions in subsequent years, so I’ll close for now with that fairytale ending.

      • FYI: Carbon black is pure, exceedingly finely-powdered carbon dust. It is sold in 100 pound bags to rubber manufacturers.

        “Rubber,” at least the rubber we see in use, is made up of a number of raw rubbers, some natural, some synthetic, which are mixed together in certain ratios or proportions, then melted and fused in a giant, heated mixer, to form various “finished rubber” compounds. The finished rubbers are then melted and molded into useful things — like tires, or steering wheels, or shoe soles. These raw rubbers naturally vary in color from pure white to the shade of amber or light honey.

        Until the mid-1920s, rubber car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, and cart tires were white or light amber (“gum rubber”) in color. At that time, rubber manufacturers began to add carbon black to the vast majority of industrial rubbers, before finishing. This made rubber black, but the carbon added a huge amount of strength and durability to the rubber, as well.

        I worked for a time in a rubber mill. I have mixed the rubbers and “poured black.” Pouring black sucks. It was not my regular job, but when I’d get volunteered to do it, I would go home, remove my completely black clothes which were formerly a white T-shirt and tight-wove work pants or Levi jeans, remove my (formerly white) completely black underwear and socks, and shower head-to-toe with a bottle of dishwashing liquid (which wouldn’t get me clean, but followed the next morning with a bath done with more Dawn and a bristle brush would make me acceptable at my Mom’s breakfast table.)

        I WORKED my way through college.

        Did I mention that pouring black sucked…?

  14. since we know what Elon’s alter ego is?

    and the 1%’rs are out to save We The People from the criminals created from its failed government policies.

    my question of the day is, Who is God’s Champion?

    it only takes One to stop them all.

    i watched this fella on Alex Jones. im not a big fan of reverand Jones. the expert said, His Computer model ran 6 differnt world trajectories and came back with all the same results. the United States falls and is shattered into 4 different countries. with a combination of Texas to Florida being one. new enlgand t michigan being one, the bible belt mid west being one and the west coast being another california to washington. the largest section idaho, wyoming, etc joining the bible belt. all around sometime in 2025. no matter who wins the election. and all 6 modles have Trump Winning. with 2 models as close as race as a 1.5% margin. he said comparatively Obama won by a half percent. he said all the other 4 have Trump winning by 65% or greater. but no who wins, the US will go full shit show making the Great Depression look like afternoon picnic.

    he did say there was the potential of anomolly. a Miracle. and that is what it will take. baring the miracle. some time in 2025 the united states will be a group of 4 seperate countries according to his Computer Run, now using A.I.

    he said some people say the US isnt that old. look at rome! and he said yes! Rome stood for a long time. but it had many revolutions and civil wars in the time it stood. its a pretty normal cycle. the thing is when the us goes into civil war, other countries will wait until it goes on for a while then try to capitolize on it by moving in.

    hmmmm…. probably why Trump wants to Build its own version of an Iron Dome.

    pretty interesting shit. he sure does make a convincing argument. he also said most of new york is now in florida. he said there has been a mass migration of people from wall street out of new york to florida. he said with A.I and the internet? the years of traders screaming on the floor waving pieces of paper around are over. a man could make millions sitting in his lawn chair wearing flip flops while on his deck.

    so my question is. who is Gods Champion? and what is the Anomolly that can create the Miracle to change everything?

    there has to be one. because there is the other.

    out of everything found inside pandoras box,

    there was Hope.

    • A,

      “the United States falls and is shattered into 4 different countries.”

      I heard that was supposed to happen already. That should be a past event. CERN?

      Here is a 1980’s map from Gordon-Michael Scallion, a futurist.

      “In the 80’s he claims to have had a spiritual awakening that helped him create very detailed maps of future world, all stemming from a cataclysmic pole shift. ”


  15. I can confirm a 718 has a very nice and well-mannered easy-to-use reciever. Available, used, for well under $500 from any good dealer who handles Icom. (Usually with some sort of dealer no DOA warrenty.

    An older tube-based receiver is a good bet, too. Many possibilities for not many dollars. Most are easy to use and are very good performers.

    Receivers IN transcreivers are usually pretty good, and nothing says you have to use the transmitter.

    If you know a local ham, most can hook you up with local guy with an old “excess” radio for a few bux.

    If you KNOW you want a license one day, then you can save a step by getting a transceiver with “2 to 30” plus broadcast band coverage. There are many such around, both new and used. A “BFO” for CW and SSB is a must.

    Digital stuff is still repidly developing.

    For one modenist candidate. (I think George has one.)
    There are many related items. I might get one of these myself.

    Me? I like an actual volume knob, and a main tuning knob. “Mousing around” for the most basic functions will make you crazy.

    A transceiver has more re-sale velue if you decide you hate the activity down the road.

    Personally, I find most digital receivers “hard” to listen to. Their audio sounds “harsh” to my ears many times.

  16. George
    While we are talking ‘influence’, check out Joe Rogan’s fascinating interview with Tom O’Neill.
    I was there. In that Free clinic to find out why it hurt to pee, spoke with Dr David Smith, hung out in the Frederick St house (total madness), lived in the same neighborhood as Mario Savio in Berkeley (FSM) and so much more. Now I feel extraordinarily fortunate not to have gotten FBI’d back then.
    Or did I?
    Rogan/O’Neill interview.
    Tom will never say ANYTHING he can’t prove.

  17. Putin just touched down in Mongolia – and Mongolia is a member of the ICC – which has issued an arrest warrant for Putin.

    • Arresting a diplomat, especially a HoS is an Act of War. If they were to do something along those lines, I suspect the most-local Russian and Chinese forces would both saunter by to explain the error of their ways.

      And a 10kt suitcase would eventually walk itself to the basement of the Hague…

  18. Attempted humor
    Kamala Harris is highly skilled in international diplomacy., she can cackle fluently in seven different languages.

  19. Business Insiders – this morning
    The Sahm rule states:
    When the three-month moving average of the national unemployment rate is 0.5 percentage point or more above its low over the prior twelve months, we are in the early months of recession.
    As of August 24th The Sahm Rule has been triggered. Since the early 1970s, the indicator has never been triggered outside of a recession. [ 11 triggers – 11 recessions ]
    In 1959 and again in 1969 the Sahm Rule also triggered – however, the recession did not start for another 6 and 8 months respectively. The recession did happen., but these two are considered ‘outside’ of the Sahm Rule parameters., and are thus considered “inaccurate”.

  20. A very vivid / lucid and violent dream last night. I won’t regale you with the sordid details., but it was nasty – one of the few that have ever woke me up from a deep sleep. And I woke-up ready to fight. I got up – went and wrote it all down. I hope this doesn’t happen and that the event was not really related to me – that I was somehow just caught up in it. Sort of a “forced to watch” possibility.
    However., first thing this morning I ordered another ammo can of 9mm & 45acp & 7.2 – just in case.

    • ‘Hope your dream is just that. I ordered another case of .308s last night – out of the blue – just got this feeling in my gut…

    • You gotta fill us in a bit more on the forced to watch what, exactly and more importantly, what kind of baxckground – urban big town, small??>? Inquiring dreamers want to know

  21. There are only two weeks left in math buddy’s timetable. [Phd in Chaos theory.] He would be the first to admit that he has been wrong before – but not very often.
    – The two weeks left in his prediction is for “something” very big to happen. That “something” he considered to ‘probably’ be the use of a nuclear bomb. What ever it is about to happen causes huge international changes and chaos throughout the U.S.
    – .., and – as he put it – “The first steps to WW3.”
    – This puts the time table to about now – and the 16th. [ If I have the number correct.]
    I emailed him a couple of days ago about this, for a refresher – but he is currently ‘lost’ in a math project [ that he can’t tell me about ! ] and probably won’t see the email for awhile. When you are deep into a theoretical math project – you lose all track of time – it simply no longer exists – which is why I don’t “help-out” very much anymore – I’m a total wreck for weeks.

    • DISGRACED Former Protectees Act (H.R. 8081)
      that could be a huge deal and make his prediction come true.
      put Trump in Rikers island then pull his protection detail..all before anyone comes back to work.

      • loob, Be careful what you wish for…I see Trump selling gold plated ankle monitor replicas while campaigning from the confines of Mar-a-How-Low -Can-You-Go…

        Germany’s far right party captured roughly 30% of vote in 2 of the smaller states, Saxony 4 million. Thuringer 2 million, Germany’s total population 82 million, meaning 2.4% of Germany voted far right. Notice Saxony and Thuringer have the bottom GDP rankings. Interesting coincidence, also same region where

        AfD used manipulative AI to generate images on Facebook and Instagram, German court already ruled that AfD can be surveiled by German Intelligence Agency:

        • Oh you are right though we cannot have a system that is completely run on one side.. congress was set up with the different viewpoints so that both sides could sit and discuss write the bills then read the bills and cut out the graff and make a bill that would be acceptable by both sides..that is what they teach high school and grade school kids to that is long gone now..
          I am just a nobody just some old schmuck Democrat in the wastelands that likes to read and I hate the thought of either of them in office. things appear so bad that it is actually comical to watch.
          I do think trump would do his best but feel that so much damage has been done from this one administration that it is way beyond the tipping point..
          I am like many today totally dependent on the system one of those that is cast aside in society . the free homes for illegals is a biggie alone the cloward piven strategy of sixty eight will and already has destroyed our country…
          from what I have read I truly believe that we are in a very fragile and horrible position, all the generals and all the analysts have been saying it for years and I believe that they have just given up.
          they I believe they would get more done by talking to the mop handle than our political leaders at this point. (reminds me of when I was young and wanted to see the heated debates of congress in session as they discussed the bills being proposed… I got up in the balcony waiting for the action to begin..for three hours I sat there what I seen was there was five paper shufflers at the front and a janitor leaning on his cleaning cart reading a book or magazine .. there wasn’t anything remotely similar to what they teach kids in school going on. )
          Think about it for one moment…No one in DC cared enough to stick around even though they knew that if any of what the analysts that they spend millions on writing their studies have any credibility at all and if what they have written in those studies has any merit at all.. it makes them just as vulnerable if not more so than the people..Yet in the face of this mount Everest of issues that will affect them as well it was still business as usual.. the floor of congress still used as a sex playground for the ones that are to man the offices while they are out on important holiday . integrity of position in my opinion is long gone.. now its what is in it for me. it started out as the grand illusion that they could make a difference but ended up as a movie script..


          you didn’t see anyone on either side stick around dc they ran off for the summer holiday .with everything that is going on on every front we are out on. with millions still coming across the borders getting paid and even new homes while veterans of our country that ended up in devistated position sleep in cardboard boxes or dumpsters thrown aside.. Yet they left.
          during our first beginnings the people that worked in congress would stay around and work the problems our country faced 24/7 until they got it figured out. not today. its off to play..
          in my perspective that says this is political alignment. a popular dead horse issue that they will drag around to get votes just like the abortion issue, a dead horse issue that has come up every election since I was a little boy. they will drag it around to get voted back into the job where they do nothing at all and get all the benefits then table the issue until the next election..
          I truly believe that They are not going to let trump back in office..
          Nothing Kamala says makes any sense whatsoever.
          I use to think how bad could it be if they dropped Joe and put in Kammy then I heard her talk… I was here today tomorrow I will be there.. omg..
          Then consider that they have spent ten years and billions of dollars in attempting to destroy trump. Most people that spend that kind of money for something they expect something for their investment.. and I am betting that the enemies surly don’t want trump to be in office as well.
          Think about that a minute.. the enemy would never have been able to accomplish what they have done in the past four years if we had really had an administration in office that truly cared for this country instead we have someone with extremely questionable business model with deviant lifestyles one with an easily corruptible family business.
          As a country that wants to see America taken off of the pile. I believe they would want a weaker president one that is easily controlled..
          I personally roll my eyes when I hear Kammy cackling on tv.. I thought when Trump first got into office.. OMG what now..a narcissist in the seat.. it was the guy that use to host face the nation that I loved to watch that said something that made me think.. he was talking about trumps inauguration party after being sworn in.. and he said that all the dignitaries and people from around the globe at his party.. and he goes and thanks the people that were working as servers and cooks.. and sat down to ask their opinions.. he said.. when have you ever heard of anything like that ever happening.. and he was able to see subliminal in the news coverage.. which most people don’t even know what a sub is and I don’t know if trump knew it was a sub, but he knew something was wrong with it.. then excusing himself as he passed a cleaning lady.. that is when I thought shoot maybe he is the right guy a simple pardon me for disrupting your work is a lot means a lot.. and he did do more for the country than anyone else that has sat in the seat since I have been paying attention all while being attacked non stop day and night.
          My guess is putting Kammy up and into the job is obviously a joke that one of those that is running this country from afar with a sick sense of humor decided hey there you go she’s the one for the American people. We should put someone that is so obviously NOT presidential material give her the job.. the one where when something goes terribly wrong you have the perfect person to take the fall for it why not her .. heck it amazes the hell out of me that she had the success she had had in California in the positions she has held.

  22. i have my answer.

    i talked to old cowboy joe yesterday. he said i found an old 1929 New York Times news paper in some old stuff after i gave him my two news papers. i will give it to ya tommorrow to have a look see.

    I will decline the Border Patrol position tommorow.

    then y’ all can call me Edwin Castro,

    i live on a massive mountain ranch with 50 head of cattle, 100 arabian horses, 50 apple trees, 12 plumb trees, 30 blue berry bushes, and miles of grape vines. around me is countlese herds of cattle and egg layers.

    here at the ranch we have uncontaminate well water the septic tank was just cleaned, and was originally designed for a 400 unit hotel. the owner said he got a deal on it and thought it a thousand times bigger than my needs but only have to get it pumped once every 25 years. i bought the boiler for the hotel too and had it installed as well. so there is never any shortage of hot water.

    My locality is a field of Diamonds, Saphires, Emeralds, Rubies and a place of Pure Beauty.

    as they after the cards been counted cribbage

    and thats a go!

    heading to see if pattys sister has any work for me? :)

      • ya know after that last comment George, i walked out on my gondella to have a smoke and a cup of coffee. i looked down in the pasture and saw that obnoxious donkey we got, (who wakes the whole place up making noise at 3am) rolling around on its back, with its legs in the air, making noise in a giant pile of horse manure.

        huh. that is odd. never seen that before. wonder what that means.

        to answer your question, someone else. that is a young mans job. i already served my country.

        if Christopher Reeve taught me anything. its one thing to play superman in the movies its another running around playing marco polo in real life.

        ya dig?

        • Animals roll in crap, urine, vomit, or rotting meat from some other animal’s kill, to disguise their scent. It is a defense mechanism. You might want to see what that donkey’s intuition is telling him, since the coyotes are obviously not what he’s afraid of…

      • now that damn donkey which is now all covered in shit has its head stuck in the fence.

        and their is a bunch of cyotes out over yonder watching it.

        and the all the horses are standing around eating apples off tbe ground all watching it and whinieying.


        ya cant even make this stuff up.

        i get better info sitting on my turret drinking coffee while having a smoke than all the legacy media combined in a day.

      • the blonde ranch hands went out there with the 3030 and shot a couple cyotes and chased the others off.

        the mexican and the female ranch hand got the donkeys head loose from the fence, took it over a small pen, hooked a bit in its mouth and took the hose to it.

        i went down there and was laughing. they were all laughing and one said, oh this stupid little donkey is done for a while. we’ll just get it all washed off and it can stay locked the pen for a good while. it doesnt need to be out there running around doing stupid shit anymore. i said what happened to the other donkey that was here a long while back?

        they said it commited suicide doing stupid shit caught its leg in a hole out after it broke out past the the pasture fence. it fell in a hole and broke it. we tried to rescue it but it died.

        the damn thing thinks its a horse. donkeys are good for some stuff but they aint no million dollar horse.

        i said ya know that Donkeys Bray reminds me of VP Harris. they all threw their hats laughing and said now thats funny! one of em said She thinks she is a horse too. we were all laighing then cowboy joe says to the donley, just cause ya roll in a pile of horse shit doesnt make ya a horse.

        i said just cause ya got a big pile of trojens doest mean your gonna win the kentucky derby.

        we all had a good laugh.

        hahahahaa. ya cant even make this shit up George.

        Ranch Life is good.

        i dont need to be running in new mexico to be a Border Patrol Agent. everything i need is right here and right now.

        mindful of the Earl Nightengale story about the fella who sold his ranch going looking for diamonds.

        now the rio grande is a nice river to die in as much as any.

        but if he would have just stayed home and looked around? he would have seen he was already living on one of the largest diamond field in the world.

        well, i best busy get about my day

        Check Please!

        • Careful,

          – I got a bag of Topaz Crystals, big, chunky and CLEAR. Old gemologist dude got em in Africa while on a “looksee” for local town/tribes people. They thought all those big chunky crystals were DIAMONDs..

          Wrong, but they are really nice – and make spectacular cut Stones. Unfortunately I dont cut cyrstals(Lap), so they sit inside a Brass box shaped like a Turtle (Chinese) on one of the display shelves in my subterranean (basement) office.
          Turtles are a Sign of Longevity. As are Mountains, in ancient Chinese culture.

          been collecting Turtles as long as I can remember..1st one was an Onyx Turtle – gift from one of parents best friends..still collecting em to this day..

          Touche Away! -https://youtu.be/usmJXGzjXBY?si=0Kxqvq1k7mZQixGD

        • my grand daughter loves topaz touche… I am a rose quartz guy myself.. carry one in my pocket all the time..

      • would ya look at that, George,

        the green flag dropped

        in less than 10 hours after i decided not to go to US Border Patrol?

        A new amazing job fell in my lap, a new place to live o move into nicknamed Eden.

        moving in tommorrow. makes sense going from The City of the Gods to Eden

        And a new girlfriend, i been crushing on a while cooked me dinner. she is amazing.

        all in less than 10 hours.

        i am open to recieve.

        THE DUDE smiles.

      • after i sat and really thought about it.

        what THE DUDE actually did was cut all my out put (bills) in half and Trippled my income for the next year and a half. id just had to give up the gondella and move a little ways away.

        i said, ya no problem.

        with the world the way it is???

        trippling my financial income on top of reducing my bills by 50%.

        thats a good trade.

        O.K. Cool. thanks!

        im open to recieve.

        • Good luck in your new adventure. Increased income and reduced expenses yields good times. A new union gig showing up on labor day weekend sounds right.
          Watch your entertainment, transport and travel expenses, and set up a savings account of some kind, then put money in it every paycheck, plus 401K if you can. Most employer allow you to direct deposit to multiple accounts.
          Interest payments are big drag on the bottom line. It is best to save up and pay cash for capital goods.

      • I am curious.. Why do they need border patrols at all.. the borders are open and if they can’t walk across they have airplanes to fly them in.. since the guys working at fast food shops and sacking groceries are suppose to buy them all new homes.. housing new starts should be going up big time

  23. Attention — those “sort of” intereted in radio, but not necessarily committed to Getting A Ham License.

    Long distance AM radio, shortwave, ham, other stuff…

    Even if you’re only mildly intereted in MAYBE “doing something” with radios…

    You could do yourself a solid by getting this book.
    (Get the paper version — it’s a keeper.)


    It’s NOT a “License Manual” (Those are mostly pretty unreadably horrible and cosmically DULL.). (I would not call it “light & breezy; but it’s informative without being cast out of humorless lead.) It touches many subjects, usefully.

    It’s a wide-interest spectrum over-view of the field, with lots of specifics. Call it a “briefing.”

    I’m sure you’ll like it if you have any interest at all in radio. Most definitely NOT “just for hams.”


  24. Extreme “tireds”: Here in mid-Atlantic region, I slept a extra 2 hrs yesterday and 3 hrs today, despite which, both days I’ve had a bad case of the “tireds.” I don’t know if it’s earthquake-related or not. The shifting of the seasons/changing of the color of sunlight always affects my sleep patterns a little…but not as drastically as what’s happened in the past two days.

  25. Did a little more digging around, to see if any agency, or corp has mentioned it and found this on the Sahm Rule.
    The creator of the Sahm Rule says her Recession Rule is wrong this time.
    “It’s not a recession but the risks are there,” warned Claudia Sahm, the creator behind the recession indicator – Sahm Rule., which was triggered in August.

    – So.., the indicator that has not been wrong [ 11 out of 11 ] is wrong “this time”.
    – I read her statement., a couple of times and am still unsure of why she says it’s wrong this time around. She says that we are not in a recession, but the risks are there.., and that’s about it for explanations.
    – Do we listen to her math model – or to her ?

    • Her language tells me she may be ‘pressured’ to say the right thing for ‘the narrative’, but still she warns…

    • When I come across this, I dig into the author’s past until I can divine their political and personal prejudices. I guess I read too much Agatha Christie and Conan Doyle when I was a preteen and it wrecked me for life, but I’ve believed since childhood, that if someone’s conclusion doesn’t follow their personal logic, or doesn’t take into account and explain ALL the datapoints, the conclusion is incomplete, inaccurate, or in error, and should not be made public. Ergo, she’s ignoring data and to comprehend why (assuming her method is proprietary and her equations can’t just be replicated), one must be able to figure out if she’s doing it intentionally or carelessly (of if she has found a mathematical fallacy to her, previously-accurate method…)

      • Hank & Ray
        I agree. I took a logics course while in college and the professor referenced Sherlock Holmes many times – which I thoroughly enjoyed.
        From that class and my theoretical courses I devised a ten-point questionnaire when it comes to analyzing – well., just about anything related to the human condition.
        One point that stood out from what she stated – Just who was she talking too !? Surely it wasn’t the research analysts.., they have her formula right in front of them – and it’s been bullet proof.., so just who was she trying to side-step ? Was she actually defending ‘others’ ?
        Math doesn’t lie – People lie about the math.
        I will go with the math model.

  26. Look, remember when i threw the ace of swords card at that wasp in my bedroom?

    The Turkish men then stick a white bag over his head.

    “The US Embassy in Turkey has subsequently confirmed the American personnel are safe after the incident, “We can confirm reports that U.S. service members embarked aboard the USS Wasp were the victims of an assault in Izmir today, and are now safe,”


    as i said, the maifestation in the material world is the effect of the work first done in the spiritual realm.

    just because im out on my deck sitting in silence, drinking coffee and smoking, doesnt mean im not busy doing the work.

    its happening. its happening. its happening.

    I am open to receive.

    • OTFLMAO.. you know when I read that about the playing card being tossed at the wasp. LOL and how it shows up as a positive..
      It reminded me of the scene in Rabbit test where the grandpa is in the toilet.. runs out gets everyone to run in there and look at his turd how it was pointing out of the water pointing to the sky … a true symbol that good things were coming…
      maybe there is something about symbols like that.. its good that they are ok..

  27. Well I got the ‘tireds’ but I think it’s because I’m running the Air Conditioner. Hurricane remnants pass, but bring up this sticky south air and humidity. So about this time of year we run the A/C for a few days to dry out the air in the house mainly. And knock-out sleep with a clear, dry nose. Did the Costco run over the mountain yesterday, cashed my rewards certificate , stocked up, and escaped for less than $100 at checkout… unheard of at Costco. So it’s a holiday. Good excuse for a lazy day nap.

  28. Not sure if you’re aware of the increased US military presence and joint training here in Oz. This news piece from Sep 2 popped up just after I’d had another of my “alien” dreams.

    ” A bird of ill omen is in the skies over Australia. Three black, bat-shaped US B-2 Spirit stealth bombers have made a surprise visit Down Under. And they’re here because of rapidly deteriorating relations with China.

    The United States air force stealth bombers appeared out of nowhere at Royal Australian Air Force Base Amberley in Queensland last month. They’ve since taken to Australian skies in a series of joint exercises.

    The US Defence Department says the mission was to demonstrate its “credible bomber force that enhances security and stability of our allies and partners”.

    The nuclear-capable stealth aircraft were last in Australia in 2022. But increasing tensions between China, India, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines have prompted the US air force to up the tempo of its training operations in the region.”

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