Before we get started with the news, collapse of civilization, and never-ending excessive government, let’s have a “group moment” and look into the future.
Channeling the Future
The early futures pricing had the Dow and the S&P up. Yet, the dollar was stronger, too. Which often (but not always) means it will “take less dollars” for internationalists to “buy the Dow.” Which makes it appear the market is going down.
Just like wild-eyed inflation makes markets SEEM to go up.
Big-time Financial Blowhards are quick to tout the winning companies that do show significant long-term growth. However, even these comparisons are more than slightly odiferous.
That’s because, over time, the majority of companies fail.
According to Investopedia, when the original (12 stock) Dow average was coined, here’s who was in it: “American Cotton Oil, American Sugar, American Tobacco, Chicago Gas, Distilling & Cattle Feeding, General Electric, Laclede Gas, National Lead, North American, Tennessee Coal and Iron, U.S. Leather, and U.S. Rubber.”
Any of these ring a bell? I don’t know what happened to American Cotton, American Sugar, American Tobacco follow-ons got sued, so they weren’t the kind of companies we’d expect to invest in. Chicago Gas? Distilling and Cattle? General Electric is the first long-term winner by name.
While we might be able to sort-of remember U.S. Rubber which became one of the big tire companies, I think. Even so, looks to me like the odds long-term for the buy and hold crowd runs about 1 in 6.
Having said that, our Aggregate Index USA vs. Rest-of-World oscillator is hinting (based on early futures and early Europe trading) to be ready for a downturn as early as next week.
Toss in the additional risks of holding U.S. anything with Russia saber rattling and Biden talking us into more peril, here’s how it looks to us. (*group moment begins).
“I am channeling a slight up move at the open. I see it peaking withing minutes, but a further peak around 26 minutes into trading. A slight backoff at 45-minutes in, and perhaps a final peak at the end (on the :30) of the first hour of trading today.”
(We pause to chant: “Aum manu pad my banc.”)
“Next, I channel the market beginning its turn at 10:43 AM Eastern. From there, I see a quick sell-off of 300-points into the close. The hoi palloi will have their money off the table by 11 AM, square with the banks by noon, and be on the Long Island Expressway long before working turds like us a unbound from food slavery.”
Quite a specific vision, huh?
“But wait! There’s MORE! I see an alternative day. Competing with the main vision. One that continues this week’s short-squeeze and – as it does – the market soars with only a pause ahead of the European close. Closing on the short-squeeze high, the Big Commercials who sell into the day’s maniacal peak, short the close and make a pile on Tuesday’s lower open after “unexpected events” this weekend.”
Mass Consciousness Vs. Data
As we have *laboriously* explained, there are always alternative futures and often, the size event or energy to change course can be dramatically small.
Balance of Trade
We like this to decrease over time. If it doesn’t, then we are robbing Peter to pay Joe. (Say, you look like Peter!) Here’s how you’ll be robbed over time.
Without putting a pencil to it, most of the decline in the deficit was due to dollar appreciation vs. the Euro and such. Not due to economic genius.
We still don’t make things here, anymore.
Personal Income
Only by Refinancing a Home can you really “get at” any of the big dough most of us leverage our way into, over time.
“Personal income increased $89.3 billion, or 0.4 percent at a monthly rate, while consumer spending increased $152.3 billion, or 0.9 percent, in April. The increase in personal income primarily reflected an increase in compensation. The personal saving rate (that is, personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income) was 4.4 percent in April, compared with 5.0 percent in March.”
Thing is, when legal fictions rule, economic fictions are all part of the Popular Delusion, as Mackay wrote. BTC was $28,975 earlier.
Detached from the Delusion, we grope ahead. Only to discover…
More Hard Famine Talk
Half of America is in drought.
Which people aren’t paying enough attention to, so let’s keyword our way through:
- While grim, it’s not ALL bad because as a Colorado TV station reported “… it shows areas of improvement along the Front Range and eastern plains.”
- However, in Washington (the state) State keeps drought emergency status in parts of 8 counties.
- Meanwhile, stories like Risk of food insecurity threatens record 36% of Brazilian families -study remind us we still have a global and massive “too many people problem.”
- Minneapolis Star-Tribune goes much easier on Joe Blow than they should. But, at least they’re seeing the situation like we do: Sanctions against Russia risk exacerbating global famine, says new analysis.
As we explained yesterday, Walk-Back Joe has the US playing energy sanctions roulette, but Russia energy is still powering Europe. Biden’s advisors are a pack of jackals and fools. But, I repeat myself.
Famine and Climate Debacle Foreseen
Go with me on this for a second: We know that weather patterns change over time. Record Ice at the moment in the Artic, for example. (Or was it Antarctic?)
When I read stories like ‘Time running out’: US, Germany intensify climate change fight, I am appalled at the utter LACK of food contingency and Water Contingency work being done. How many of the climate wankers grow any significant part of their own food?
The media COULD be driving in this (useful if you like to eat) direction. But, instead, we’re rolling serial bullshit festivals whining about (pardon this) shit we can’t change – like telling Autonomous China what to do with coal fire plants.
I mean at some point, the bullshit has to stop and people gotten get to work not on more “powers” and “overreach” and ego stretching. But on the hard, more -practical like water consumption reduction, fertilizer increase – better distribution – and propagating reduced water seed.
Oh, wait. Can’t talk so plainly. Why, such thinking would be:
- Actionable
- Measurable
- Auditable
- Accountable
- Meaningful
- Reasonable
- And – more Scientific
Crap about NYC and Florida underwater are useless. Running out of food in the Depression of 2023 is something a REAL representative government would actually be working on at the high level. Not the slop and meaningless bullshit like Paris Accords. If China’s not in, screw the rest of world, let’s get to work on it in America, huh?
But is “the work” stealing and influencing elections, playing grantsmanship, stifling critical science, stoking political division? Or – as proposed here – a program of measurable deliverables that don’t cost much and have huge ROIs?
Put another way, American needs vegetables and foodstuffs. Instead, we got climate changers.
I want a refund.
You Are Right to Worry
By now, unless you live a totally insular life, you are probably hip to Documents Shed Light on Secret U.S. Plans for Apocalyptic Scenarios.
While the guts of this story is backward-looking, it is still worth the time.
The reality – untouched in most “contingency plans” – is that there are some contingencies where the actual “levers of power” get broken.
This is one of the “unadmitted facts” of contingency planning. Take a triple shot of EMP unleashed on the US by a smaller global player (like Iran). Even though the specific nukes would likely be of post-Soviet inventories, the likely outcome would be a very broken USA. You can’t assert “power” over people without electrical power to spread the word.
I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, worrying about such things. Which is when a cool sip of water and another melatonin under the tongue is useful.
If mushrooms go up anywhere, we’d like something stronger in the way of drugs.
Rip N. Reed’s Desk
Soros clone? Inside Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss’ ‘dark money’ Dem donations.
Don’t bang any monkeys this weekend: Monkeypox: Nine cases identified in seven states including New York says CDC.
Where are the medical bureaucrats when we need ’em? Ask Uganda as Farmers cry out for vaccines as anthrax ravages districts. One plane ride away, friends.
ATR: BBQ, CNC, Argon
Following our own advice, vehicles are full and so are the fridge and both freezers. The hard part now is figuring what to eat first. Gassed up Tuesday.
Might put together a (SainSmart) CNC Genmitsu 3018 Pro and put the 4030 expansion kit on it. Got a number of 3D printer projects in the pipeline.
New loading crane for the pickup should arrive tomorrow (though USPS tracking says that dubious).
And tomorrow, mainly the charts on PN. How to shop used tools special on ShopTalk Sunday. Not sure what to do about ShopTalk Monday, yet.
Off to hotrod the riding mower. Heat’s coming on next week and trying to get the outdoor work done while it’s comfortable.
Have a great weekend, and write when you get rich,
Strangely George, I absolutely agree with you on the food challenge. Where we part ways is the cause. This drought is way bigger than the 30s and is driven by global heating. Monocropping our agriculture from the oligarchs in Cargill etc, coupled with poisoning the land thanks to Monsanto has led to a series of integrated failures of our food systems. The industrial economy is about to be over and your friends the crazy gun nuts will help push it over the edge. So keep the garden growing, though it does look like water problems in your future in TX. But the fuel for your FedX addictions might become disruptive. Financial markets are only one signifier of the collapse. Combine food, energy and government by the oligarchs and you pretty much have an unstoppable implosion. Check out the concepts of DeGrowth as our only possible path out of this mess.
The other day I was at the Big Box garden center. One of the workers struck up a convo.
He’s convinced $WMT will be closed by January. He went on to explain he owned a nearby farm. He and his farmer pals were keeping this year’s wheat crops, instead of selling the grain they’re hoarding.
The farmers are not hoarding. I was raised on a farm and lived my life around are on farms. Most farmers sell just enough grain to pay that years loans back depending on prices. The rest is sold when like any other commodities when the price is right. Is it called hoarding when you make money off your labor and investments?
The farmer guy I spoke to used the term ‘hoarding’. Maybe he wasn’t a farmer at all.
He was very specific and told me when $WMT closes in January and I come to him for food he won’t help me. He explained he has 80 cows and many meat chickens and another set of egg laying chickens. All these animals are for his family and trade between his farmer friends for after the stores close.
He explained that’s why he was working the big box store, he’s not selling the food or animals.
Unless he has a feed lot, one cow-calf “unit” per five acres is the going rule here – four acres per cow if you’re really growing em out – and then supplemental feeding on top.
Even so, that puts us at what, 320 acres. And if he’s running chicken and all such as that, he either hires hands but they would make what he does at $WMT.
To one old coot in the outback, sounds a little tall in the tale.
Our land is adequate for maybe a 3-4 head without doing a LOT of work. Cows ain’t your smartest animals, and having one fall down in the creek ravine would be a stinking mess, so there’s added fence work.
Then trees and brush – followed by a year of mowing every few months to get it whipped into shape for gracing of any real productive sort.
I’d look the feller up and see if he’d let you come visit – maybe to learn how he does it?
Or maybe we’re just too human. Mucking out a coup is an hour, or so per week. Killing the raccoons and possums is another, feeding, and how does he lock ’em down at night? Other wise Mr. Fox and Mr. Coon will be by for snacks.
Follow your sense of smell. Which reads ala feed lot out here.
I highly recommend that you follow your global heating beliefs and your crazy gun nuts blaming, and be the first to DeGrowth. Come on man, do the right thing, practice what you preach.
Without realizing it, you are partnering with the New World Order, aka the oligarchs/Corporations pushing THEIR global warming fear porn and their anti-freedom gun grabbing agenda, so they can more easily control the human herd.
But, I do agree, farms should belong to people, not corporations, they did until the deep state got control of the United States banking. Remember, the rulers of England were our enemy until they got control of our US Constitution’s banking authority. Then they became our ,,, OWNERS. Dust bowl farmers lost their land to the Banks.
When will the left learn, without guns rights, they would not be allow to speak freely, they are a minority in number. We gun owners are a roadblock to those who wish to destroy the US Constitution.
It is easy to march people to FEMA camps, when they don’t have guns. The Aussies down under can testify, they lost their guns and people were put in camps simply because they refused the vaccine!
I have yet to see one or two people outdo a swat team.
This drought is way bigger than the 30s and is driven by global heating.
Don’t worry about that. Eventually Earth will warm back up to its normal temperature and all will be good (except for French Burgundy…)
Does anyone here know who the enemy is?
G.A. STEWART: We are now in the post-Covid-19 Pandemic/Vaccination world where everything must be questioned due to the obvious lies that the public has been told over the last two-years. Do we ask ourselves, are Trump, Biden, and Putin’s ineptness part of this mass charade of engineered plague, engineered shortages, and engineered famine and war? If Chinese bio-weapons laboratories are working with NATO and Ukrainian bio-weapons laboratories, then who is the enemy?
“Does anyone here know who the enemy is?”
Pogo: “We have seen the enemy, and he is us…”
-Walt Kelly
Happy Fish Fry Day G – Gauleiter of Tyler,- or is it just paul joseph G?
Finally have 100 % Fake Everything News. – cause 4 celebration, no ?
As a propaganda master Ureself, must be very proud of Ure president obongo , for giving us this big heaping pile of stinking, rotting fecal matter.
What a glorious year 2012 was when the libetards’ hero(antichrist) got the Smith-Mundt Bill “passed” -buried/hidden in the national defense authorization bill 2013..Allowing/Legalizing – Mandating nazi style Propaganda on US Pop. – exactly how ole Bill Casey said it would..too bad his paddling skillz werent up to the currents of the Chesapeake back bays and rivers..bwahahahahah “lose lips sink ships…”
Lovely situation we find ourselves in this AM – How does 1 Man KILL 19 children ???? Not to mention grandmother +….. How exactly?
Killing a fellow Man/Women is VERY DIFFICULT. Nay – extremely difficult – see miss rate of US soldiers in WWII = > 80% .
No one ever talks about or warns about the horrific toll killing takes on the Human Mind & Soul.
Longevity is greatly reduced (automatic) by the act (s), and Ure mental health is never the same, Never – nothing can erase any of it, no matter how hard you might try and scrub. Therapy helps, some.
How did the shooter disassociate and overcome built in Human defense system of non-lethality. Only two things I am aware of that can accomplish this – Wicked hard ass training and practice or Drugs. Obviously those kinda drugs dont work well under battle field conditions – but when killing unarmed Hispanic Children and Grandmothers ?? Interestingly enough the population of that school seems to be predominantly Hispanic..wonder what the value proposition was that clowns/dvd wing pitched to the zombie in chief. Everything was ready to Go- Prior To the shooting even being broadcast – all Co-Ordinated before hand – hmmmm
Kinda reminds me of the actual $$$ values ford motor company board of directors put on Human life & body parts during the burning & exploding Pinto days.
Takes evil sick bastards..and now we merrily go along with a 2 front War against some hardened ass combatants ? Ukey’s get more money in one redshield-sorass- drooler grant, than Russians spent on entire Military in one year..repeat after G – Everything Is a Business Model – even Ure own imprisoned SOUL .
I understand Pathos, and I understand Logos – When I think about 2nd Admen..there seems to be no logic in anti gun argument..all pathos – what am I missing????
what is in name? that which we call a rose
by any other word would smell as sweet. -Juliet C.
* a most colorful and smelly garden center in Ure neck of the woods g dude..a literal Smellseum, no need Smellavision when you live down the road from David Austin Roses! Holy crap – favorite Rose grower on the my Graham Thomas yellow roses (bush/climbers) look spectacular and smell like heaven, been growing em for over 30 years…road trip!
You don’t seem to understand that shooting people that are not armed and shooting back , and mere feet from the shooter makes it a lot easier to kill.
Good story:
You see this sort of tactic a lot on Sunday evening AMC.
Two thoughts on the drought effecting half of the USA.
First, I know that the University of Alaska now operates the HAARP array, but who or what is funding it. Once removed from control of the U.S. Air Force, it is harder to get data. Not as subject to FOI requests. I did manage to find a donation of several million dollars which was funneled through some private foundations that receive money from George Soros/Bill Gates. Just wondering if someone is “monkeypoxing” the food supply.
Second, item is a bit more off-the-wall. In any system, thermodynamic, when energy is removed from that system it alters the operation of that system. Suppose for a moment that the massive wind farms (California,etc) are removing enough energy from the prevailing westerly wind pattern and west to east movement of weather fronts; that “surprise”, we have changed our climatic pattern for the United States. Far fetched, but on a very local scale; when I had my farm logged 20 years ago it seemed to effect the storm track pattern for several years until the replanted pines got to sufficient size to return things to normal.
Just the ravings of a deranged farm boy from Tennessee.
Enjoy the weekend cookout.
Lloyd Snider
Shop Talk subject for Monday? How ’bout more on your model construction? Many of us at our age (gotcha by a year) put together and painted hot rods, tanks, aircraft, and ships by the dozen. Probably the most popular gift to take to a friend’s birthday party.
The claim that mankind is influencing Earth’s climate is valid, to a degree. However, climate change zealots tend to neglect another major influencer – extra-solar cosmic rays.
Some have argued that since the other planets in our system are demonstrating evidence of atmospheric change, the sun must be to blame. It could be, were it more active that it has been lately. But that decrease in solar energy results in a retraction of the sun’s heliosphere, which permits more cosmic rays to penetrate into the solar system.
Which oddly does place the sun to blame by letting in more galactic cosmic rays. The IBEX satellite was launched earlier in the millennium to monitor our solar system’s boundary with galactic space, which is shifting due to changes in the heliosphere caused by solar emissions. Part of that mission is to measure cosmic rays at the heliopause, or solar system boundary. The Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe, or IMAP, planned for launch in 2024, will continue and expand upon the IBEX mission. NASA invested in these two birds for a reason.
I believe these two satellites are a telltale glimpse into what NASA and objective scientists believe to be Earth’s real climate threat. We can all do our part to not make things worse, but the great unknown expanse of intergalactic space harbors many more potential terminal threats to humanity, from comets and asteroids to cosmic rays and black holes.
We are now in Solar Cycle 25, with solar maximum (most sunspot activity) expected in 2025. We ‘should’ observe less cosmic rays as the solar wind increases and pushes those pesky extra-solar cosmic rays away from and around our planetary system. This is where IBEX and IMAP come into play. So stay tuned, boys and girls, and don’t let Gretta get ya down – we’re not as bad as we’re accused of being and not totally to blame for climate change. We just throw a little gas on the fire from time to time.
WH, You’ll have to reconcile Greta’s claims with NASA’s, they aren’t in denial about ‘human caused’ global warming. (I’ll take a closer look at your NASA article this weekend)
‘record ice…’ G, you forgot to mention ‘LOWEST ice on record, for both arctic and antarctica’, but keep ‘flooding the zone’ with biased/erroneous info, then maybe you’ll ‘own the narrative’…..
According to Ben at Suspicious Observers the order of occurrence for these planetary changes started with Pluto and has been working its way inward toward the Sun. Betelgeuse’s dimming and regaining its original luminescence prior to that was an indicator of the activities of the current galactic wave’s propagation as it was moving our way.
Oil my Maine man – Oil is the key to this whole shooting match.
rumor – big bank titsup – still under the radar..meanwhile in the land of moar make believe..
– the Fed has no chance controlling price of Oil. $200 per barrel will seem like a dream in few more weeks.
The inflation genie gonna ride Oil hard Up, up Up.
Exposure to Oil will be critical to future returns..XOM/CVX/TOT/DVN/USO/BHP/FNV to name a few ways to gain exposure to Oil& Commodities
PM miners seem problematic – as mines in foreign countries look to be at risk of nationalization..and its gone.
oil is a buybuybuybuybuybuy – what R U waiting 4 ? buybuybuy
One more day above the roses – Hot Dam !
Now where are those 30 packs o cold silverbullets? – got some bbq to smoke and dont want end like my boiy Johnny Tarr
* ? Can Mo Donegal bring it home next weekend in the Belmont – if he does – know the coot will be signing and dancing -
“Killing a fellow Man/Women is VERY DIFFICULT. Nay – extremely difficult – see miss rate of US soldiers in WWII = > 80% .”
It’s harder to miss when you’re in a closed room with 21 targets that are not shooting back at you. Not to disparage the US soldiers’ marksmanship, but most of those misses were from the ‘spray and pray’ shooters.
As for the emotional difficulty involved, some people have had all of their compassion extracted and replaced by rage or fear or political ideology. Those broken individuals can be extremely dangerous, simply because human life has lost all value to them.
Prepare for more broken individuals, serial killings increase in Bear Markets:
So much for Texas Law Enforcement. Kids called 911 during the shooting, begging the police for help. The police let them lie there & die. How many kids did the police kill by their inaction? Protocol calls for the police to keep up the attack, no matter the risk until the suspect is dead. This shows you why teachers need to be armed. You can’t rely on the cowards to do their jobs. I am pro gun, but people don’t need AR15’s. If the SHTF, you are dead anyway, just a matter of time until you run out of ammo.
“Protocol calls for the police to keep up the attack, no matter the risk until the suspect is dead.”
No. Police owe no “special duty” to citizens.
AG – The world would be better off without you. Police are trained to act quickly so the shooter is not killing students or teachers. If Police take their oath seriously, they risk their lives in these situations. So “special duty” is you sitting in your own dooty.
“You can’t rely on the cowards to do their jobs.”
‘Ever been shot at? Everyone’s scared. The ones who get the prize are those who can shelve their fear or use it as a motivator, and “Git’er done…” Police are not cannon-fodder. Their job is not to come home in a box. However, anyone who can do nothing, while a bunch of 6,7,8 year old boys and girls are methodically shot to death, maybe needs to be in a different line of work.
You deliberate a plan of action for minutes, maybe even just seconds, before you act. If that’s not sufficient, or gets people killed, the Man in the Field needs better leadership.
We have had a mass-shooting incident at a school within several hundreds of miles of me in any direction, exactly once. The kid shot 2-3 kids and a teacher, before that teacher, other teachers, and the school resource officer, got him. IIRC nobody died. The cops here, game out possible scenarios, and twice per year run them out in live exercises — once during school (with teachers and kids), once with no kiddies around. They run these sims with LEOs from lotsa Counties and at least 8 other States.
There have been mass-murder events at schools, and against children, for over a hundred years. IIRC the worst in the U.S. was in Bath, Michigan, and involved a nutjob and a bunch of dynamite. The worst school shooting I can recall was the Norway shooting, where 76(?) people, the vast majority schoolkids, were offed a few years back, in a “gun-free nation…”
My HS health teacher kept a loaded .38 police special and a bottle of bourbon in the bottom-right drawer of his desk. Every kid (and I assume every teacher) knew they were there. Nobody talked, nobody touched. AFAIK the gun stayed there and was never drawn or carried, until he retired — the bourbon, probably not…
What if the teacher turns her back to her classroom while writing on the blackboard….most teachers spend their whole day that way….
Ridiculous comment. And bye the bye, they Don’t.
Responses show a lack of compassion & the willingness to find excuses for the police not doing their job. What a crew.
I’m simply telling you what the case law is. There is no cause of action against police/fire personnel who refuse to take a bullet for you. Nothing in their oath says that they have to. That’s another reason for the 2A – protect yourself at all times.
That said, many safety personnel DO risk their lives for citizens every day. And for that, I am grateful.
As for the world, I’m afraid it’s stuck with me for a bit longer.
You just don’t get it. Your type of thinking is a result of our moral decay. Excuses for everyone. We have become ballless, neutered. I guess you were never in the military. Our forces attack a situation immediately, they don’t wait for the Border Patrol to do their job. Anyway, what does case law have to do this? Another deflection so you do not have to face the truth.
I know it won’t matter to you, but see
Reality bites, especially when it differs from depictions in movies, tv and police PR.
Rely on the police for protection at your peril.
Unexpected event this weekend?
“…According to, a number of astronomers are optimistic that a new meteor shower may be in the offing this year, and some even assert that meteor storm levels — corresponding to 1,000 shooting stars per hour — could be attained.”
ETA Monday night, Tuesday morning at 1:00 a.m.
ahh well just hold on . bad buggers hurting real bad but hold positions and dig in . may the force be with you
yep as long as america survives we will never see a bull market in gold . made a country from gold shorting
Every darn time a new disease comes along, my wife digs like a gopher to find supplements to counteract the little buggers.
Newest disease = pox.
Latest arrival in our cabinet = Sarracenia Purpurea.
She drives me crazy … in a good way. :)
And happy to report my daughter and her boyfriend (who work for different employers) both got bonuses this week. They ain’t working for corporations, just for good people. – There is hope out there.
I read somewheres that smallpox vaccinations have some deterrence against monkey pox. The old dogs may have the immunity advantage when cheating with monkeys.
“U.S. Rubber which became one of the big tire companies, I think.”
We had a U.S.Rubber tire plant in my hometown as a kid. Hated it when the wind blew our way. Sometime in the 60’s I remember the name changed to UNIROYAL tires. Plant was located at the conjunction of the three railways that converged on our city. Plant still exists today as a hollowed out shell. Some areas leased out to smaller manufacturing and storage areas. Two of those three railways connections are now gone, and surviving railway has changed hands and been bought up by a bigger one.
“New loading crane for the pickup should arrive tomorrow (though USPS tracking says that dubious).”
LOL! Don’t bet on it. I ordered stainless nuts from NY. First Class tracking across the country ok got it as far as the Honolulu distribution center. From there it is normally an overnight hop to my neighbor island for delivery the next day. No package for seven days. Left an inquiry with my carrier to check up on it. Three weeks later the scan shows up as “MISSENT” at Pago Pago, American Samoa. By now I have reOrdered and received my replacement nuts. I expect it will be several weeks more to get it back from Samoa.
But I am ahead of you on the riding mower. New long belts arrived (with spares!) several weeks back and were installed. So I’m making hay when the sun shines here.
“Hated it when the wind blew our way.”
Reminds me of the first few times Mom and Dad drove through Akron. The major manufacturers had scattered factories all over the (not rusty at that time) belt, but I believe they ALL had at least one in Akron, Ohio.
The place is clean as a whistle now, although a nightmare to drive through. The “Tire and Rubber” companies, I believe, have scrubbers on their scrubbers. I could never stand it when I was downwind from a brewery or paper mill, either….
Around here, when the wind was from the north, the paper mill stunk up the whole county. Most folks said, “Yep. Smells like money!” When the paper mill is the biggest employer in the county, folks put up with the stink to get the money.
“American Tobacco” (Lucky Strike, Pall Mall, etc.) was absorbed into Brown & Williamson, which later merged with RJR.
U.S. Rubber is Uniroyal.
Only because of holiday will I take the time….
1. Climate change – have been waiting for 30 years to visit my mother -in-law and Big Al at their beach front homes in B’ham that were to appear 20 years ago according to the predictions of AlGore, Greta, et al. due to sea level rise from global warming that has not occurred. (Data point – nobody will take my offer to swap their soon to be flooded water front home in Nantucket for my place in North Alabama (808 ft altitude) due to impending sea level rise.
2. How about science? Got a psychrometric chart handy? Mine shows that the relation ship of humidity to temperature for dry air is higher temperature = higher humidity. Higher humidity is where rainfall starts. Warm, higher humidity air mixes with colder dryer air and it causes precipitation -i.e.. rain.
3. PV=nRT and psychrometric chart tells me that warm air is less dense than cold air. (Any sailors available to comment on winds v temperature v air pressure?)
4. Anybody got data on temperatures in those drought areas shown? New highs v new lows?
5. I am not concerned about insipient global warming. Global cooling on the other hand does concern me. Things like carbon capture will not address the problem.
6. Anyone that is too concerned about atmospheric CO2 levels I can assist in reducing their immediate CO2 levels with nothing more than an old sock and a roll of duct tape.
7.You might look at
Only because of holiday will I take the time….
1. Climate change – have been waiting for 30 years to visit my mother -in-law and Big Al at their beach front homes in B’ham that were to appear 20 years ago according to the predictions of AlGore, Greta, et al. due to sea level rise from global warming that has not occurred. (Data point – nobody will take my offer to swap their soon to be flooded water front home in Nantucket for my place in North Alabama (808 ft altitude) due to impending sea level rise.
2. How about science? Got a psychrometric chart handy? Mine shows that the relation ship of humidity to temperature for dry air is higher temperature = higher humidity. Higher humidity is where rainfall starts. Warm, higher humidity air mixes with colder dryer air and it causes precipitation -i.e.. rain.
3. PV=nRT and psychrometric chart tells me that warm air is less dense than cold air. (Any sailors available to comment on winds v temperature v air pressure?)
4. Anybody got data on temperatures in those drought areas shown? New highs v new lows?
5. I am not concerned about insipient global warming. Global cooling on the other hand does concern me. Things like carbon capture will not address the problem.
6. Anyone that is too concerned about atmospheric CO2 levels I can assist in reducing their immediate CO2 levels with nothing more than an old sock and a roll of duct tape.
7.You might look at
*. And I must remind you that my Dad, who single handedly debased the coinage of the entire planet, said “there isn’t anyone on the North American continent in the 20th century that is not rich”.
“4. Anybody got data on temperatures in those drought areas shown? New highs v new lows?”
That doesn’t matter. In no place on the globe were temperatures recorded before about 1883. The global warming/GCC religious zealots don’t take into consideration any temperature records not backed by a thermometer whose graduations were set by marking 32°, marking 212°, then marking 180 equally-spaced graduations between the marks. The fact we have (known but anecdotal) data, like the Icelandic/Viking records in Reykjavik, which are utterly exhaustive and extremely thorough, and which extend back for more than 1000 years before those full-scale thermometers became available, is patently-ignored.
GCC is a religion. The faithful worship at the Gorical of Al. Anything said which the Gorical doesn’t tell them, or otherwise confirm, is a lie…
Jeez Ray – Next thing you know, you’ll be telling them our ancestors saw a GREEN LAND or something anything. We’re just now getting over Maunder and of course the data will be drifty. These peeps have PhDs and can’t figure this simple shit out?> We’re all hosed, all is lost, is a sea of pseudo-think!
Global climate shift is driven by deforestation
The Cedars of Lebanon (see was an early victim. Deforestation of the Amazon and Pacific Islands is ongoing.
I actually had one of those hand-graduated thermometers, at one time.
But my ancestors, 35 generations back, had, and farmed a piece of that Green Land which is now under a half-mile of permafrost.
How’m I doing… B-)
Dear Mr. Ure,
I see you noted under the headline ‘Channelling the Future’ that “…because, over time, the majority of companies fail.” Zeus might tell us that companies like cats have 9 lives. Can we consider the case of the now bankrupt Vancouver BC domiciled company
Feronia whose major asset was 3 huge remote palm oil plantations in Zaire? Feronia of course was a Roman goddess of the harvest whose (ides of) November 13th festival was associated with the freeing of slaves.
Let’s back up the DeLorean to the start of the week. The Queen unexpectedly attended the Royal Chelsea Flower Show upon a battery powered “luxury buggy” outfitted with rumble seat for ladies in waiting. Americans might recognize the contraption as a golf cart, and in fact the vehicle was a left-hand drive. Her Majesty was joined by 10 members of her extended family whose names I shall not enumerate here in the interests of brevity. However rest assured the nation is grateful for their service. The royal entourage featured sage tour guidance from the head of the Royal Horticultural Society, hobby farm confidante of the Prince of Wales and recent retiree from the massive Anglo-Dutch consortium Unilever. He had a full-time home gardener when he was working.
Unilever of course traces it’s Anglo-side roots to the great 19th century moral capitalist WH Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme. During the 20th century the company employed colonial overseers of the Belgian Congo to extract value for shareholders out of 3 huge palm oil exporting plantations. Knackered out by Zaire’s civil wars the plantations came into the possession of Feronia in 2009.
By the time of covid, the stagnating plantations had fallen to incompletely fulfilling domestic market needs to help make Zaire a basic food importer. Still, somehow by the last year, 2019, reported by its Canadian auditors on the company website displaying colours of the Ukraine flag, something like $90 million seems to have spirited away. Thankfully the three plantations were bought from bankruptcy by a tripartite entity domiciled in Zaire with ownership positions held by the government of Zaire, and an investment arm fund owned by the United Kingdom. The third leg is overseen from New York by an Amero-Nigerian banker who was considered for a UN appointment during the Obama administration. Purchase price on the website appears as half a million dollars with a “promise” to invest $10 million. Fortunately things have been peaceful at the the three plantations in Zaire since security shot workers protesting alleged dreadful conditions last January.
Well, it’s the weekend and as one can see from the WH public schedule, Chief is again at New Castle. It’s been a busy week. Time to stop and smell the flowers.
God save the Queen!