The Wave Count We Hope is Wrong

There is a chance now, that within a year, stock prices will have fallen to half of present levels – and maybe lower.  The pieces are just now sliding into place.  But, when you consider some of the data – and the flow of world events – it has become an undeniable possibility.

This isn’t to suggest you run out and dump stocks. For me, though, it was one of those realizations that matters.  A kind of “eyes wide shut” as we look at growing odds of TEOTWAWKI within a couple of years – or less.

A starting point is a note from a well-informed source.  Another reason for hair to stand on end.

Along with the ChartPack – which is where the really bad news of the week has sprung from.

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67 thoughts on “The Wave Count We Hope is Wrong”

  1. I feel fortunate to have a mentor, advisor, guru or whatever you wish to call it/them. Dad’s been gone for quite a while but we still chat now and then. Quite a bit lately. And then there’s Earl.

    Picked up a new (used) Polaris last week after trading off the old 4 wheeler. Spent the past week getting maintenance issues taken care of and setting up its logbook. UPS dropped off a rifle rack I ordered for it so Friday afternoon the project was installing that. After supper I took the machine out for a shakedown ride to see if anything might come loose.

    Stopped by the big pond where Barney, my bull likes to sit back and keep watch over his ladies. He,dad and I chatted for a few minutes. I was looking for thoughts on some plans for the next couple years. I told Barney don’t worry old buddy, you’re not going anywhere. One thing I like about Barney is he is a good listener. I got what I thought was his answer when he turned his head towards me and grunted, or farted, not sure which. Turned out he was looking across the pasture at Earl, wearing a brand new MFA cap, 89 years young, hobbling across the pasture with what turned out to be a padded lunch sack. I drove over, picked him up and we came back to my thinking spot. He told me my wife called his wife and said I was down here talking to Barney again so she told him to come check on me. He picked up the sack and said “I brought us a little something” and pulled out 2 well chilled long neck bottles of Schlitz beer. I thought it looks like I’m also testing out the drink holders. He said not to say anything to June about the beers since he is still in trouble for buying that damn cellphone. As he tipped his beer back I said, you know Diana is probably watching us through my binocs so don’t blame me if you get spanked for drinking beer this close to bedtime. He tried to hide the bottle in his lap and I had to laugh. Had a good talk and made some plans. Left some apples for Barney and dropped Earl off at his pickup. As he started to drive off he said I was the only rancher he knew who gave apples to a bull.

    Couldn’t think of any place I would rather live than here. Hoping everyone is in a similar place and is ready to defend it.

    The Bob Heil pine board project is on the schedule for the fall/winter. Stay safe. 73

    • “Couldn’t think of any place I would rather live than here. Hoping everyone is in a similar place and is ready to defend it.”

      Amen @Jim in MO Amen… I live in such a place.. love to sit out on the veranda and watch the sun come up and go down.. watch ole rocky the squirrel play with his mate and little ones.. or tork off momma bird..
      people say that animals don’t have feelings.. but I beg to differ.. they are more human than a lot of humans.. I use to have a photo of ole rocky with his mate.. his little paw around her shoulder as they shared an ear of corn.. LOL cutest thing ever.. or boo the rabbit.. peanuts offspring.. lives in the backyard… or to just sit and pick the shapes out of the clouds.. most enjoyable times ever.. god bless and thank you for your memories and have a wonderful day ..

  2. It’s a sad world we’re on, and even sadder in some places. – what people are eating these days is quite disturbing … I won’t post videos of that, cuz it makes me sick to look at it.

    “African governments have largely avoided taking sides in the European conflict, and have refused to join Western condemnation and sanctions.

    Africans “don’t want to be pressured to pick a side” in a repeat of the Cold War, but “need to know the facts”, Thomas-Greenfield said.”

    And what if they do “pick a side,” would these people’s lives become any better?

    Starving for Sanctions. It’s not worth it.

  3. well project today is .. grand kids coming over tomorrow night to be here until their parents come back from vacation..
    SO.. this is saturday.. cinnamon roll day.. and I will make up some home made twinkies for the kids..

    2 cups heavy cream
    2 Tbsp. powdered sugar (or more if you like it sweeter)
    1/4 cup of olive oil
    1 Tsp of lemon juice
    1 tbsp of vanilla extract
    1 1/2 tsp of knox gelatin
    1 1/2 tsp of cold water..

    put the cream in the blender on whip.. add the other stuff as it is blending up to a heavy froth.. the water and gelatin to mix to gether to add to it.. .. then when the twinkies are done.. take your frosting filler and fill the twinkies.. have fun.. oh you can use this like a frosting to.. instant cool whip.. for your pies etc.. if you like fruit flavored one.. then blend up some strawberries and sugar with it.. or blueberries etc.. your the boss and its your taste that matters.. a little more sugar in mine but hey I am a lover of sweet things LOL

      • Absolutely.. CD..
        1 -1 1/2 cup milk warm room temperature
        ½ cup granulated sugar divided
        1 TBS Active dry yeast
        2 large eggs room temperature
        6 TBS butter melted
        1 tsp vanilla extract
        1 tsp of baking powder
        4 to 5 cups all-purpose flour ( use bread flour)
        1 tsp salt
        1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

        start off by proofing your yeast.. a couple of tbsp of sugar and a few tbsp of milk.. let it go in to a dark place..
        once it gets frothy.. ( oh you can use a chinese yeast cake for the yeast. I use brewers yeast..)
        then mix the ingredients.. (I have a toaster oven.. I will put a pan of water on the stove bring it to a boil.. then place it in the toaster oven set at 160 degrees for five minutes..)
        mix the ingredients.. then work it.. with a mixer it goes faster.. but by hand beat it.. twist it.. work it..
        then set it in your bowl.. take out the pan of water that was boiling.. and place the bowl in the warm moist toaster oven.. let it rise to double the size.. then beat it down again..
        Now its time to roll it out on a floured surface roll it out to about a half inch.. quarter to a half.. then take some butter and brown sugar and cinnamon heat up the butter mix with the cup of brown sugar and two tbsp of cinnamon and make your inside coating.. lay the sugar cinnamon mix across the rolled out dough.. leave a half inch on all sides uncoated.. take one egg and beat it .. then a brush and brush the edge roll it up.. the egg will help the dough stay together at the ends.. now cut it in equal portions.. about two inches each.. lay them in a greased pan and put it in the warm toaster oven.. let rise..
        to frost it.. I just buy the cream cheese frosting for cakes.. bake it at 350 till brown on top..
        You can freeze these rolls to.. but don’t freeze them for to long.. not over a month.. and to raise .. take the pan of boiling water put it in the toaster oven put the temp at 160 degrees again take them out and put the pan of rolls in to raise.. the warm moist environment speeds up the raising..

  4. All but a smidgeon of Texas is covered by drought condition. As of Thursday, I’m in an extreme drought zone, and headed for exceptional drought by Fall, unless this weather pattern breaks substantially.
    There are probably as many cactus as trees on my property, but you only notice the cactus in the dry years. Heat-wise, we are trailing just behind 1980 and 2011 for 100 degree days. Fortunately, the high temps have stayed under 110.
    I slacked off on gardening this season. That turned out to be a good move for sweat equity ROI.
    My father’s childhood memories of the family moving around during the summer never made sense until I took into account living with shallow wells and stored run-off water in the pre-grid Texas heat. When the shallow wells and cisterns go dry, and the neighbors with springs are not cooperating, it’s time to go visiting.
    Everything in Texas politics is about water, and all other matters are just window dressing.
    One of Ure other readers mentioned that heat will make you miserable, but cold kills fast. Lack of clean potable water will get you year ’round. I know where I can get water in modest amounts if the district can’t deliver. I can purify enough water to stay alive, but the time and effort involved would be a major issue. I think some variant on a bio-sand purifier would be needed for an extended grid-down event.
    An abrupt return to a pre-grid existence in urban Texas would end badly for most, and quickly. I wonder how long it would take me to build a dug-out or sod cabin to escape the blistering heat?

    • Leamington Ontario received 4 inch rain yesterday morning.
      I’m 10 miles down the road and 3/10 inch.
      87 yesterday high, feel like 97, 90 % humidity.
      Summer in south Canada.
      best regards,
      Vic S

    • “I wonder how long it would take me to build a dug-out or sod cabin to escape the blistering heat?”

      ‘Might be a good time to read up on $50 houses…

      • I have always wanted an earth bermed house.. years ago I knew the mother of a social worker.. anyway the kids got a farmhouse to move.. and they started with a walk out basement.. started to run out of money so they just put a roof on it and finished off the inside.. the loved it so much they never did move a house on top.. a patio that is beneath the sod with a pool etc.. they have a dome over the top and can enjoy and garden year round.. years later.. I ran into a gent.. that decided he wanted to do that.. built a house and the thing was beautiful.. except he didn’t dig down.. but built the house then put dirt and drainage around it the temperature was the same year round.. he did have to put in an air exchanger though.. around the holidays when a lot of baking was being done the house would get to warm… anyway..I love the concept.. If I had the money I would do it in a heartbeat…
        there use to be a place in Centralia illinois that sold pre fab underground houses.. once the foundation was up the whole house would go up in eight hours..

      • ???? why couldn’t a person do that with a mobile home… now you cannot pile dirt on top of a mobile home.. but you could build a containment around the mobile home put a roof on it.. then berm it..
        iceland etc.. has a long long history of earth sheltered homes.. and a mobile home has the most efficient utilization of space .. so build a wall around it.. put a roof over it..

  5. “China ‘convinced it needs to hit US with Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack’ to win war over Taiwan, expert warns.
    And we mentioned on the UrbanSurvival side recently that the Chinese are loaded with frigates while the U.S. has none, save old Ironsides tied up in Boston. That’s the kind of “hole in the arsenal” Chinese leadership looks to exploit.”

    Think about that for just a few moments.. what would be the biggest surprise of all……while everyone is watching the air.. committing more and more to battles all around the world.. israel now.. taiwan ukraine syria.. etc.. before there was one country that would go against the rulings of the power brokers.. now they are all uniting.. get the USA and NATO countries to divide and go for the gusto all over the place use their reserves commit with more money and resources and then leave their homelands unsecure and weak.. we have neglected our infrastructure since what truman put all of our money into wars and endeavors to benefit those that don’t even live in the USA or pay taxes here…. and for what.. a number on a sheet of paper.. to keep their extracurricular enterprises alive and well right from the art of war.. divide the enemy , pose weak when you are strong…. when I read about the mark of the beast.. could it be the dollar.. the sell your soul for a number.. what was the first and second law of god..
    You shall have no other God’s before me.
    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.

    we sold off our ports of entry..

    What a surprise it would be to discover the Pearl Harbor event happens from within…

    of course that is just a few.. I believe that almost all of our industries in the USA that are still producing in the USA are owned by bigger companies and individuals outside our borders..I know a lot of banks do just that.. sell off mortgages to big investors buying up loans…. including grain exports .. and food processing plants.. we do have the best politicians and laws that money can buy.. and the laziest.. they hardly ever go to work.. don’t read a thing of what they vote on.. will even give you a hundred arguments why they shouldn’t

    As an old NASA scientist once told me.. ” JUST THINK ABOUT IT”
    Maybe I am just paranoid.. like the kids believe.. but I see things all lining up for one HELL of a time for us here at home and Beavis and butthead are driving the car..

    • “China ‘convinced it needs to hit US with Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack’ to win war over Taiwan, expert warns.“

      Al Qeada might be convinced of an attack, also. MSM worries about abroad, I worry about here.

      Guess those 81 million who supposedly voted for Biden thought his Unity platform was a good thing … they didn’t consider the possibility of his Uniting everyone against us. Sheesh !!

      • “Al Qeada might be convinced of an attack, also. MSM worries about abroad, I worry about here.”

        I agree .. totally amen.. just one look at what BLM and Antifa did in the matter of a few days.. totally destroyed cities.. defunded police protection.. heck there are cities in the PNW that are so bad from all the damage.. that no one wants to live there.. destroyed whole neighborhoods.. violence and various other crimes.. now with millions being brought across and supported without any vetting process being performed.. that is some scary crap there.. even though they came from countries where they openly told everyone that was how they would infiltrate the USA.. then look at the crime in other countries that did the same thing.. phew.. I think they were all stupid.. if you or I had tried to do some of this crap.. we would be facing real serious charges..

    • The Chicoms might want to check with the Japanese to see how that whole Pearl Harbor thing worked out. Hell hath no fury like the USA scorned.

      • Um, the USA was home to fully half of the world’s manufacturing in 1941, and the majority of finished goods. We’re home to less than a quarter of manufacturing, today, and virtually no finished goods…

        Know who does the world’s manufacturing and finished goods today…?

      • “Hell hath no fury like the USA scorned.”

        You are sort of right @Another George..america has a history of coming together in the sight of adversity.. The difference is like @Ray pointed out.. we let greed disassemble out manufacturing abilities.. but then look at ole Adolph.. we manufactured most of their equipment to.. and he was able to build manufacturing right away.. almost conquered the world with little or no oil.. ran his a lot of equipment off of injected water alcohol hydrogen mix.. and alcohol.. the difference there.. was he had trained people to pass on the lessons they have learned doing the jobs.. we do not.. we have Engineers.. LOL like the two year project to get my leaking power steering hose fixed.. they work via computer .. with little or no practical experience in the job itself.. a piece of paper.. or the guy that worked in a lab had thirty years experience.. didn’t know how the job is done.. My boss.. that ran a cabinet shop but didn’t have a clue how a cabinet went together.. that is what we have now.. we pushed and worked it so that all of the practical knoweledge went to those that had a piece of paper and not to those that had the job skills.. so kids today like the girl that had graduated four years of nursing .. they gave her to me said show her the job.. after fifteen minutes she said.. this isn’t what I went to school for.. I asked.. what did you think the job was.. sitting in an office with books all around me.. honey you just threw away a quarter million dollars on nothing this is the job..
        the other aspect is.. the manufacturing we do still have are owned by china.. and the skilled labor comes from china.. and for us to rebuild we have to buy equipment from china..

  6. Yep, there’s always a chance. Maybe this time.
    Consider whether we’re in an age where market crashes and recoveries happen much faster than before. Why not? Everything else does.
    The effects of technology (algos and HST) and pharmaceuticals, especially anti-anxiety drugs (market crashes used to be called “panics”) cannot be ignored. Just food for thought on a rainy Saturday.

  7. Likely everybody on this Old Macdonald’s Farm called Earth recollects the prophetic words of the bovine “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. A brief turning of the msm pages in the ‘sty did appear to suggest that the majority of Ukraine grains (corn?) has historically served as animal feed and to a much lesser extent for direct human consumption. According to Bloomberg for instance, interruption in flows of non-gmo Ukraine grains into Europe offers a unique window of opportunity for GM grain producers in the USA and Brazil to pick up the slack…

    Toss some whole grain slices in the trusty ‘Urban toaster, and let’s join DJ Ure on mobile at the spam brunch scanner deep fryer:
    “Bovine 1 from Tower, you are cleared for takeoff.”

    We now return you to the official White House schedule:
    “On Saturday, the President has no public events scheduled.
    The White House”

    Give a hoink, folks.

    • The BBC has an interesting report out about the movement of Ukrainian grain under the new international IJC agreement. The “first” ship that went out last week, cargo ship Rizoni, destined to Tripoli Lebanon is “delayed” for unknown reasons according to the Ukraine embassy in Beirut as quoted by the BBC. Interesting, at this moment, public marine ais beacons show Rizoni is stationary just outside Turkish/Syrian territorial waters. The nearest ports appear to be Latakia or Tartus. Tripoli is further away.

      The BBC report also notes that 4 more ships are loaded and on their way to IJC inspection in the Bosphorus with release pending success with the Rizoni. At least one of the four newly loaded ships pending inspection is reported by the BBC to be destined to China.

      What kind of deal has Ukraine and Nato made with Ukraine grain???

    • Re the 4 ships with Ukraine grain –
      Further to the above UPI reports 1 shipload is going to Italy, 1 to Turkey, 1 to China, and 1 to Iran via Istanbul.

  8. The “strike” was yesterday – 4 peeps injured, 2 of em didnt make it thru the night.

    Signs – they be everywhere as we approach the 10th??

    8/10 seen that date before, dont know what it is about ???

    too much fun, for a casual observer.

    got Orvilles lightly salted ?

  9. Falling stock prices… It’s fraud. America has become fraud nation. Is it better to go along with the fraud?

    The former Sears staff along with the bag, (Boeing – Amtrak – GM), should have been smacked by Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand decades ago. Instead like drowning rats they’ll cling to our coats and take us all down. Why would they stop the fraud?

    A year or two back New York City got huge bailouts for their pensions.

    The ‘opposite and equal reaction’ is:

    New York City stores are locking up Spam and other foods amid shoplifting surge

    “Drugstores in parts of New York City are on high alert amid a rise in shoplifting and are increasing security measures to stop theft. Cans of Spam, a cooked pork product that retails for $3.99 per 12-ounce tin, appeared to be encased in an antitheft container at a Duane Reade store in Manhattan, according to a customer who shared an image of the loss-prevention device on Twitter. ”

    Man made famine is here and will get worse. A famine initiated by the West and Western leadership.

    We know people will eat bugs. They won’t have a choice by 2025.

  10. the boss thinks I am nuts.. but I love k cups.. for quick cup of coffee…
    the problem is.. dam its expensive.. to I was them out take the top off.. let them dry..
    take your punch get some aluminum foil.. cut out my new tops..
    then fill the cups..
    take my induction sealer..
    fill the cups then zap the new top on them.. cost goes from fifty cents a cup to about a dime..
    you can do that with the disposable cups to.. I zap a top on that way juice can be stored individually.. in the fridge..
    the boss hates my list of kitchen gadgets and gets real nervous when New one is out ..

  11. “The political allure of fascism – the blending of state and businesses to the ends of the autocrats and the plutocrats collectively, and bugger the common man – is perhaps the strongest, most addictive drug known to man.”

    The reason I say “Fascism is the most-attractive of all systems of governance — until it isn’t” is because it seemingly gives the “leadership class” a pathway to endless power over their proles, AND seems to give the proles & peasants everything they need to survive and be happy. The failings of fascism are:

    1) it is incredibly resource-intensive — it “eats” civilizations and resources, thus requiring a never-ending supply of “new” people and material,

    2) it demands utter fealty, and

    3) it requires a “State villain” as a means of directing attention and deflecting criticism.

    If Hitler had fought an Eastern war and conquered the Russian republics, and used “global warming” instead of “Jews” as his villain, the 3rd Reich would probably have ruled the world in his lifetime.

  12. “You may have forgotten: Trump talked missile strike with Xi over chocolate cake (”

    Nope, and if’fn anyone remembers, at the time it happened, I stressed how important it was that Trump CASUALLY mentioned to Xi over dessert that he’d just ordered an attack.

    The deal about that is STILL the lackadaisical, almost bored way Trump delivered the news to Xi, not the news, itself…

  13. “High cost of lying: Alex Jones ordered to pay $45.2M more over Sandy Hook lies | AP.”

    Not the “high cost of lying.”

    The high cost of having an opinion which differs from that of the mainstream. The “lesson” of Alex Jones is:

    “Don’t DARE have an opinion which differs from the one the government and the news anchors feed you.”

    I don’t like Alex Jones. I do like the news his staffers provide though, because it’s often information on stuff upon which the “mainstream” doesn’t report. With that said, it is not Jones’ statements regarding Sandy Hook that’re important, but the precedent his trial sets for people in the future, who have opinions which differ from whatever the PTB tell us our opinions “should be.”

    • “$42.5M”

      You should write out numbers to show ridiculous they are.

      Recently .gov approved the PACT Act which increases VA budget by about $400,000,000,000.00.

      This is in addition to the $301,400,000,000.00 request for funding that was already requested.

      Next year the VA will get $701,400,000,000,00. (Almost a cool ‘Trill, $0,

      There are about 17,400,000 U.S. veterans.

      $701,400,000,000 / 17,400,000 = about $40,310.34 per unit.

      • Except U know, it will not work that way. The money will get et up, along the way, and what’s left, won’t be enuf.

    • Hopefully he and other learn to not slander others without evidence. It was beyond stupid for him to slander these parents after what was unimaginable loss (even if he didn’t believe it). All the media including the new media need to hold their tongues until they have data (on the record data) especially before attacking private citizens. There should be a price to pay before making the decision that getting clicks and ad revenue supersedes the truth.

      • “All the media including the new media need to hold their tongues until they have data”

        Yeah, like that will EVER happen.

        Once upon a time, there was integrity and honor in Journalism. The WHPC didn’t report on the peccadilloes of Da Prez, and something spoken in confidence by a political or military leader was kept in confidence until word came to release it.

        Like most other “Once upon a times,” that is now the stuff of fairy tales, and barring an all-out war which initiates wholesale charges of “treason” wherever deserved, and a military tribunal to dispatch people convicted of same, I don’t see honor ever returning to the profession.

        Alex Jones was a good investigative journalist at one time. Then he got bit by the CFR/TC/Bilderberg bug and over the past 25 years or so has gradually lost the ability to discern fantasy and reality. About him, I really couldn’t care less. However, everyone whose brain can function independent of our nanny-government will eventually come to regret this judgement.

    • No, it’s the high cost of not showing up for the liability phase of the trial. By defaulting, he basically admitted that what the families alleged was true, making him red meat for the penalty phase. And in the process, they nailed him for ANOTHER lie, making a criminal perjury charge possible. The hits just keep on coming. No Show Jones. What a piece of work!
      BTW, NSJ: amounts owed for intentional torts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Just ask Rev. Al. And libel/slander IS an intentional tort.

    • Jones one of the first to utter, Joe Biden will be removed One Way or another Other (GA Stewart, you are parroting his echo chamber)

      His own lawyers sent all of his phone texts (including Jan6th) to the Plaintiff’s attys, now Jan 6 committee will see them:

      Majority of the Jury finds Trump Guilty!

  14. .
    Aug. 6 (UPI) — The Japanese city of Hirohima on Saturday paused to remember the 77th anniversary of the U.S. nuclear attack that killed an estimated 140,000 people and ended World War II.

    • Deeply regrettable. But better than a homeland invasion that would have killed 10 million all-told.

      Moral: don’t SCREW with America. You have NO idea of what they’ll do. They’re dangerous when sufficiently pissed off.

      “Don’t bring none,
      won’t BE none.”

  15. “Dems buying of rich donors: Wealthy Americans escape tax hikes in bill but will face beefed-up IRS.”

    Yeah, right.

    Those armed and SWAT-trained IRS agents aren’t going after Mr. Gates, they’re going after you and me. If you, or your company, is on a list at Forbes or Fortune, you’re exempt. If’fn you’re between number 501 and number 300,000,501 then “sorry about your luck — now pay us.”

    • Retired person with no writeoffs, filed taxes 4+ months ago ,my $40 refund has yet to show up. AOC owes $10000 back taxes ,no problem.

    • the county is doing that to.. they are raising everyones home taxes.. about thirty percent or more.. those I have talked to are getting a thirty percent tax hike.. I have a tough time paying taxes now LOL… takes a huge chunk of our income to pay them…

    • Exactly. Remember, they first wanted $80 BILLION, now they got, what is it $124 BILLION???

      That’s to go after what’s left of the working people of America.

      It will not go after the illegals using false social security numbers, and getting thousands of dollars back at tax time.

      It will not go after the illegals with their IRS number that file for 10 kids each tax year, and hundreds of those IRS refunds go to the same address.

      It will not go for the other minority tax cheats that plague the system.

      It will not go to close down for ever, the old and dead social security numbers; those will stay wide open.

      Not one penny will go to making America better; it will only be spent on making America suffer.

      It is going to go after Mr. and Mrs. America (Ms. China Feinstein) and whip them into a fearsome frenzy trying to recoup off the backs of the working classes under $400k a year; yeah, you are working class if you make less than $400k, that’s why they always use that number, you just don’t know it.

      God help us from the Stasi IRS.

      • “It will not go after the illegals using false social security numbers, and getting thousands of dollars back at tax time.”

        The IRS is a system to make sure that CITIZENS pay their fair share.. the fifty thousand pages of loop holes are so that those at the top don’t have to pay their fair share and illegals are not citizens. Laws don’t pertain to those in the political arena.. they are meant to keep control over the citizens of our country.. So a suggestion is don’t you try to do any insider trading or skip out on any of your tax bill.
        don’t forget Brandon wanted to give each illegal refugee a half million.. then we printed up six trillion to fix our country.. now we all know that there are no huge infrastructure issues going on.. the economy is out of control.. prices are soaring at the grocery store and the gas pump.. so who was watching over that six years of national budget that was printed up at one time.. what was it used for.. who is monitoring it all..

      • @ LOOB

        “The IRS is a system to make sure that CITIZENS pay their fair share.. the fifty thousand pages of loop holes are so that those at the top don’t have to pay their fair share”

        There’s 78,000 pages now, and they are only called “loopholes” by people who wish to spur class envy amongst us.

        They are the TAX CODE, nothing more, nothing less, and really wealthy people pay tax accountants and lawyers millions of dollars every year to ensure they comply with the entire tax code, whilst at the same time only paying the amount of taxes that they owe (which by definition IS their “fair share.”)

        Politicians who instigate class envy by claiming rich folk “don’t pay their fair share” have the ability to change the tax code, to compel the wealthy amongst us to pay whatever they deem fair. If you believe our oligarchs aren’t paying enough money in taxes, you should lobby your congresscritter, whose predecessors wrote the tax code you believe rich people are exploiting, and who has the ability to rewrite it.

      • “If you believe our oligarchs aren’t paying enough money in taxes, you should lobby your congresscritter, ”

        I believe in the flat tax… take poverty level.. and the standard per person deduction.. then ten percent..
        What needs to be done is not so much the tax’s being increased.. but the amount we spend on military interventions.. If a country or an oligarch wants us to go into a country to steal from them.. then they should be paying since I was a young boy.. our military intervention and equipment costs have been around thirty trillion dollars.. not even counting the money that goes into keeping our peace keepers trained and ready to go…. the way it is now.. thsose instigating the problems don’t even live here.. those pulling the strings rarely get their countries involved.. the don’t shit in your own nest theory.. instead why not have us do it..we become the target they sit at home playing both sides of the coin.. that way no matter what.. they win..
        the other thing is IF.. you was to go to our legislators…. when did they actually do something for the people.. no stop the war spending pull back and protect our borders.. Ron Paul had that platform.. pull back quit the needless spending on stuff that we shouldn’t be involved with in the first place.If it was a family setting we aren’t even the nosey neighbor or parent type..instead we are that crazy great great hillbilly cousin that wants to run everyones life because we think our way is better just to get what they have.. If you were to contact your legislators.. well how many billions was spent on seven hundred people that spend less time than a part time dish washer does in one month that gets a hundred times more work out of..
        It will never be changes.. and none of us can do anything but keep voting out those in power.. the way the election system is.. you cannot even change that.. you have one set coming up for an election leaving a section that is alreay corrupt in charge to train those coming in….

  16. Hey george I watch weather satillite every day noticed in the last month and a half storms from alaska were not making it to canada or washington or oregon they were heading back out to sea then I started zooming in on satellite and saw somthing never saw before the small clouds around storms were like sparkling or blinking watch it on the goes 18pacus satillite

    • I don’t have my loop or hard copies.. but from what I see my guess is that is equipment and ice position… similar to sun dogs..

  17. Move over BooBoo, another book with Yogi’s name in it jumped off the shelf to me at the library:
    “Sound Medicine – How to Use the Ancient Science of Sound to Heal the Body and Mind” by Kulreet Chaudhary, MD. This daughter of Indian immigrants to SoCal and neurologist has returned to India it seems to practice modern ways integrated with ancient Siddha texts.

    At the sound of the gong tune in and channel DJ Ure on the dial. Plug into the incense fragrance as the Light Crown element warms up and soldiers on into Tool Time.

    Today’s royal nugget is courtesy of the “Daily Mail” owned by billionaire and English peer The Viscount of Rothemere exempt UK tax by French birth, and whose Fernie Park estate was refuge to dogs of the well-to-do during the London Blitz. Now it is stated poker-faced as completely disconnected from the sale of prince Andrew’s Berkshire estate for £3 million over asking to the son-in-law of the dictator of Kazakhstan that Fergie has purchased a “picturesque” home in Mayfair, London. The £5 million price tag will likely permit the selling Duke of Westminster (net worth £10billion) cover a few sundry bills of his own. Is it any wonder with such drama that the Sussexes fled to Montecito to plant their own royal family in America?

  18. Wave count:

    We have not completed 5 down to my eyes. Every bottom so far has been in 3 and turned into a flat on the way back up, which in each case, has failed to bottom in 5 creating a vicious circle of nested zig-zags, all corrective and overlapping waves.

    I’m pretty sure our timing matches. I have down until mid to late 2023, up to Oct 2025, down to March 2028. That could mean one if two things (if the timing is right):

    The giant W3 expected next will be followed by a 4 then a 5 completing the first down segment. If that whole thing is a 4th wave, we make new all time highs in 2025. If it is only an A wave, the B will be a partial retrace to highs in 2025. Either way, the market comes down sharply afterward to 2028.

    Now for this wave itself, examine the fib extensions from the top of the wave in January.

    For the S&P500:

    100% — 3634, which is the current June low.

    162% — 3280.
    262% — 2650, above the covid highs
    423.6% — 1706, which would just happen to hit the lower line of a megaphone pattern in late 2023. That is what the 1929 crash looked like — a broadening top and bottom.

    Most pullbacks in this uptrend stopped at either 100% or 162%, which is why we got a strong rally, but as I said (if I’m right) it bottomed in 3, and you can’t have that unless it’s an ending diagonal or terminal pattern which we dont have, so another leg down, at least to the 162% level is in the cards.

    In 2000, the correction stopped at a 262% extension from the top wave. In 2008, it went through full 423.6%. Time is more important than price, so where we are Dec 2022, March 2023, June 2023, and Oct 2023 should give us the expected target.

  19. On that time travel thing:ödinger%27s_cat

    Classic example:

    All quite real phenomena. Of course so was electricity before commercial application and wide spread acceptance.

    my fav: Fake new explained

    You see, when you control the mass conscience of the sleeping tee veers you get mass conscience

    The Donald woke everyone up, and to the real woke ones, home gamers know the media has been usurped by those with an agenda to cut merica down for personal gain at .01% levels.

  20. A couple weeks back I mentioned a house up the street from me went on sale. No ‘sold’ sign yet so I cheated and looked it up.

    The list date was 7/22 and the pending date is 7/26. One weekend.

    • Doesn’t mean anything. Realtors around here never post a “For Sale” sign until they have at least one offer that’s likely to close. It’s a marketing psyop: Realtor posts sign, hangs “SOLD” sign on it within a couple days, everyone “sees” how quickly the realtor gets results, and they remember. When they need to sell, that particular realtor moves to the top of their call list.

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