I was wrong when I thought my book Packing to Die: Suitcase between your ears” was done. It turns out that upon reflection, there is still a chapter missing. Maybe even a missing “next book.”
Which we will rectify today with an additional chapter that will be added to the book (on Kindle) in the coming week, or two.
So in addition to threats to the banking system, Ukraine being on a short (and soon glowing?) fuse, political wonkyspeak of politicians without clue but beyond number, we do keep our focus on things that really matter in today’s report.
A next chapter of Packing to Die. Which hopefully won’t be too relevant or too soon.
Along with market and other sorts of fallout, too. Can the lid stay on until Easter?
We apologize in advance for a 28-page report of >5,700 words. But there’s trouble afoot and much to cover.
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I’m glad you didn’t die George. because on Sunday you were speaking it,
“afterlife when we die – which is coming Wednesday”
im working all day today and tomorrow. work gives me time to think. plus I’m doing my part to prop up the economy and pay taxes to bail out bankers.
it started with my quest to understand the language of creation, remember that back when I was in Palm desert a little over 3 years ago.
afa the new art discovery…..
corresponding with creation using its own language.
more will be revealed, of that I’m most certain.
have a wonderful week dude. much to consider and ponder.
for those who don’t know what move 37 is. it is explained here.
it redefined the future.
it’s a move, that was never considered in 3000 years of playing the oldest board game on earth. how many people played that game over 3000 years? more than the sands of the shores.
it is the unthinkable move.
I’ve been considering that ever since then. what is the unthinkable move. how was it discovered? it was discovered by learning and mastering the game by playing it against itself. not studying those who mastered it before.
everyone else who learned the game learned the game by studying those who mastered the game before them.
the golden spoon. is the unthinkable move.
that is why the eagle said, “well done, Andy”
if you read that article. you will see similar to the words in it as I often say,
“Ok DUDE, Show me the way.”
“for God’s Touch.”
…said Andy, looking for move 78.
Curious. Do you feed your birds during the summer? Or all year? Here at the ranch we start feeding sunflower seeds late fall through spring. Last time we picked up sunflower seeds they were around $25/hundred weight and we can go through 300 lbs a season. The next even more pricey is feeding hummingbirds. Wife reports she will use 10 lbs of sugar in a week at the peak of the season spring through late fall.
We’ll always budget for bird feeding. There is something Zen about watching the feeders.
Stay safe. 73
all year in the wastelands
We feed the birds and ducks around here all Winter and especially Spring time. The Humming bird feeder we keep going all year ’round. [ We have a heated hummer-feeder ]
That is one of the best metaphors of a man or woman who is truly rich.
Kinda like our heated pet mat for the feral pusscats. If you can heat and feed the poor, you really don’t have anything going on worth admiring.
High mark of wealth? Heated hummingbird feeder.
Well done!
I’ve stopped feeding the birds. This is a plenty rich environment for all of them. My favorites are the little yellow ‘saffron finches’ that territorially ‘own’ my lawn. Mostly unfazed by my presence unless I move too close in their direction.
The reason I stopped feeding was the Java Sparrows. When they discover a feeder, they appear in hordes and push aside the more shy feeders. Damn Javas can empty a feeder in a half hour… mostly by throwing it on the ground as they aggressively toss most of the seed. The ground feeders below get some, but is less than pleasant watching a horde of Java sparrows fighting among themselves and throwing away all the feed.
Here it’s Starlings. Nasty Buggers. I am envious of those living down south who can see the Hummingbirds rear round. I could easily spend hours watching them.
We all hear the Near Death Experiences of those who were (near?) death, as if it’s only “Death” if you stay there. Otherwise, it seems to be a close call because they “came back”.
Working in an elder care facility, I spoke with people who were on their death bed, who imparted some incredible revelations about what they were experiencing … as if they were physically here and could see and experience what’s there.
It was fascinating to hear what they said. And having experienced a couple near death experiences myself, it was easy to relate to what they were telling me. And they knew what I was saying to them. – Anyone who hadn’t experienced such a thing, found those conversations difficult to understand … with their beliefs and personal opinions getting in the way. Never cared if anyone challenged those conversations, I just figure … They’ll see. (When THEIR time comes.)
Dreams are real, and this reality is but a dream. Our time here is as fast as the blink of an eye, when compared to the duration of eternity. Pack a neat suitcase … it holds your memories. Cherish the moments.
Sometime, after death there are (signs) that someone has survived physical death. Signs that could be anything, to get you to notice … even leaving little forget-me-nots. Scares the hell out of some people but, I find beauty it things like that.
We all make that change, and transition to our true spiritual selves. We reap what we sow …True Love, never dies.
amen… even in a dementia wing.. you can see it.. as their minds go.. their actions and physical path heads to who they really are inside..
statistics say that one in three have been emotionally damaged.. from working with dementia patients and having heard many of their lifes stories.. I personally believe that that estimated abuse is closer to fifty percent .. maybe higher..
Yes Sir.
And that psycho-babble, as some refer to it, isn’t babble at all. We just can’t understand the words they’re saying. Ask them who they’re talking to, and they reach for Heaven as the look over and into your eyes. – the “death reach”
Some were future-tellers, who told me things about my future and, who knew things about my past that there is no way they could have possibly known.
My father who died of cancer, told me what was going on several rooms down the hall, and said “go look.” – He was right and hadn’t been out of bed for 3 days. He could see through walls.
As a fellow NDE experiencer, “True Love” is what living is all about. Everything else is just frosting on the cake of life.
“Now, imagine the US inflation rate at somewhere north of 20 to 50 percent in a year or two and ask me if they could change the course of politics here?”
Hmmm.. it is already there..
an apartment that use to rent for a hundred and fifty dollars on low income housing is now just shy a grand and instead of the apartment complex taking care of some of the services.. like water and sewer.. they now put it on the people.. they still are paying for garbage service.. but that is a question of time..
Social Security got an eight percent increase.. at the same time.. Medicare went up almost thirteen percent.. my total increase on SS was three dollars and twenty cents.. almost a loaf of bread.. or a half dozen eggs..
Groceries went up more than twenty percent.. and to top it off.. they took the EIC tax credit off the eligibility to those on set incomes..
you have to have a W2… so over fifty million people that were dependent on this to manage the cost of living increases.. now has lost that little bit of revenue.. well great bit.. from the senior citizen dinner.. most of them lost almost half of what they depended on to survive.. over seventy percent of the people today do not have a million dollars in the bank account.. their checking and savings are probably closer to what mine are.. we live payday to payday.. I budget taking the image of future income but the reality is that I should be living day at a time.. which would mean no Credit cards.. don’t buy anything on time.. and only get what you absolutely need.. OH WAIT.. doing that would dry up the noodle quicker wouldn’t it..
I was off.. I said seventy percent.. that was off the cuff figure though.. so sixty three percent..
they are really close to.. three cards per boomer..
people today are using tomorrows cash to get what is needed today..which brings you to many thoughts.. so people are using plastic to get what is needed.. spend it at todays value and pay it off with tomorrows revenue logic.. it doesn’t work that way but I get it.. buy something worth ten grand today and pay it with a happy meal cost tomorrow..
anyway.. the point I was making is.. we are at the twenty percent and above now..
“In handing out money to people who should have lost dough,”
The crowd demanded contract law be changed to save General Motors. Americans are nostalgic and romanticize, “Amtrak is America”, “We need Boeing.”
Adam Smith’s invisible hand is popping the BAG.
“I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system…to make sure the economy doesn’t collapse.” He continued, “I am sorry we’re having to do it.”
– Dec 16, 2008
When the Ukie war started I went to the corner BoA and asked to buy physical Rubles and after the initial quizzes was told they couldn’t get them for me.
Russia is so cut off from the international financial system that the Kremlin thinks Western sanctions have ‘insured’ the country against the banking crisis
“Our banking system has certain connections with some segments of the international financial system, but it is mostly under illegal restrictions from the collective West,” the spokesperson for Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, said Tuesday, according to TASS state news agency. He was referring to sanctions against the country over its invasion of Ukraine one year ago.
“We are, to a certain extent, insured against the negative impact of the crisis that is now unfolding overseas,” Peskov said, per the media outlet.
they might be right to.. first Juan and the ruble are now backed by metals and goods.. the dollar lost its petroleum backing so it is just backed by a promise..
and since most of the countries we rely on for goods and services.. are all in with the juan and ruble.. it wouldn’t take much to bring down the dollar.. then again.. I don’t think they have to.. we have JB and company doing a pretty good job of that already..
Dollar is strong today. In Europe, it is sell the Euro, sell European stocks, buy government bonds, buy dollars, and buy gold, it is presently up €55.82 +3.24%
AS LONG AS WE BELIEVE IT IS GOOD it will be good.. it is when the conversion begins.. at some point.. there will be a negative effect.. the day that the ink and paper costs more to print it..
I wrestle with the same thought that govt and the federal reserve have.. why not borrow money at todays rate.. then pay it off with tomorrows money… since inflation is going faster than the rate of increases.. I made more than eight percent on groceries alone.. beef and chicken fifty percent.. just by buying it at last years prices..
a two dollar happy meal thirty years ago is now ten dollars.. so theoretically I could borrow the money today and pay it off ten years from now with a happy meal income and still get to keep the toy.. we do realize that this won’t work.. but then no one has told the federal reserve.. they are doing that with the bailouts now.. and yet the wage earners income has not kept pace with the plans..
Now is Joe had used the trillions of dollars printed up to do what he said he was going to do with it.. It might have turned over.. created millions of jobs and stabilized the freefall we are presently in..
Instead.. I guess without any one keepting track of it.. no one knows who got it or what they are doing with it.. they sure aren’t rebuilding the infrastructure like they said they were going to do.. they could have secured our grid distributed a solar power system to every home owner in the country and built the solar towers to secure the grid from catastrophic failure.. fixed the roads and the gas and water distribution.. bridges etc.. they didn’t do that unfortunately.. I would like to know .. did he do like he said he was.. and give it to the illegals at a half million a pop.. we will never know..
Now the bailouts of the banks to big to fail and that means print more money and charge the kid making ten bucks an hour for it..
In wrestling with the borrow today and pay it back tomorrow with tomorrow’s defaulted dollar.. I just have to look at the Weimar depression.. or at the laborers of Argentina and Zimbabwe.. they don’t make any more making the purchase of a cup of coffee a major purchase.. loaf of bread only affordable by the insanely wealthy..
the story that my father told me that he was told by his grandpa..two kids inherited a great deal of money..one spent it on women and wine the other putting it in the bank.
the Weimar depression hit and there was a glass shortage the brother that partied had a basement full of bottles.. the other brother had to haul everything he had to buy food..
in greece, Argentina and Zimbabwe.. young women had to trade sex for soup..the elderly had to dumpster dive to drag food out of the trash..
in newspapers there were articles relating to how women could market their services..I believe that is still true..and coming to a country near you..
get this Loobster..SVB bank was a negotiated settlement. Grandma at treasury versus jpowell at fed. Jpowell turned off the golden spigot, while peloser/gruesome and company got to walk away with ill gotten gains. you can guess who grandma “works” for.
Listen to what jpowell has said..against stable coins=synthetic dollars-very similar to offshore dollars. He has no opinion BTC, thinks its like Gold – a complement to dollar.
SVB bank had inordinate amount of loan portfolio in a stable coin project – circle.
jpowell been targeting and killing Stable Coins =synthetic dollars, ever since reappoinment.they tried for Brainard- she of the F-ed up trading approvals at fed bank nyc- DS dream candidate.
DSdollars/davos dollars/offshore dollars are HUGE problem.
= all the monies (trillions) from dod,contractors, alphabet agencies, drug $$ go offshore, get levered up some more, come back onshore only to be levered up even more..the anal grease of the WEFers.
We all cultivate virtue in own/different way..”Virtue is the Foundation”. Tis the fuel that drives process of collecting QI..the vital/natural Source. The How and Why of Divinity..it is said that “Divinity is the Way of All” – I would imagine if not on that kinda path, life is would be a very dense/heavy/low vibration kinda of existance. Like the way of the Christ – easy to preach, extremely difficult to live in this day and age. Thoughts are “things” and good or bad are all thats left when we transition. Those thoughts are like a currency in physical death..
You sir are a “cultivator” – good on You.
– Thanks for being who You Are.
Isn’t that nice?
Barron’s – Switzerland’s Central Bank Says It Will Help Credit Suisse If Needed
“The Producer Price Index for Final Demand decreased 0.1 percent in February, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.”
I was curious why the producer price index always is wrong.. or something totally different than what I see on the ground running around.. then I looked it up.. yes.. its the cost before retail.. and it takes the cost of a durable goods.. which are slower to gain in price..
so now it does make some sense.. as to why it always shows a rosier picture than what it is really like.. KInd of like the unemployment line stats.. if you don’t report those that fell off of the unemployment benefit lines.. then they no longer count as a stat..
“The CPI includes frequently purchased “everyday” goods, such as food and gasoline, and also durable goods, such as cars, furniture, and appliances. Durable goods typically do not increase in price as fast as more frequently purchased goods, and this may lead to an incorrect perception that the CPI is inaccurate.”
Pet laws are changing in FL. .gov is going to sack the pet owners with fees and eventually protective restraints.
“The measure would ban owners from letting dogs put their heads out of the windows of moving vehicles and sit in laps.
Experts say the safety of the act is debatable but, if a window is open enough for a dog to stick its head out, they could potentially jump out.
Sticking their heads out of windows also allows for dogs to get foreign objects in their eyes.
Other aspects of the bill include making it illegal to declaw cats and limiting the time that animals can be tethered outside.”
global homo not going to be happy wit those knew regs. in flalala land. nor will all the rumpwranglers down key west ways be happy bout that..gonna miss seeing the queens driving around their motorcycles w/side car – dog passengers (safety conscious goggle wearers) hanging over the sides. not sure which is funnier – the queens or their queer “doggles” wearing dogs, but rest assured they Both make me laugh when I see/saw em.
Another law maker trying to suck the fun out of living the queer life, nutz.
I won’t comment on the dog stuff, but I’m very glad to see no more declawing of cats in at least that state. If you won’t accept a cat with its fingers, then do without the cat! Declawing is inhumane and deprives a cat of its ability to protect itself or find food. If the owner was required to have his fingers amputated along with his cat’s claws, I doubt there would be much demand for that operation.
“Mainstream will underplay this one as it’s not part of the lefty agenda. But do follow House panel set to review Biden family suspicious bank reports. Hunter’s laptop from hell, anyone? ”
you mean that laptop that hinted at high crimes and crimes against humanity. severe degradation of women and hints of family child abuse and perversion with financial crimes beyond compare to anything in modern history.. or about the thousands of videos and photos of so much phew…. Seriously its almost as bad as the release of the evil witches email’s… and use of illegal servers by politicians to keep control of their actions.. Hmmm…
Nothing is going to happen.. nothing at all they have already hushed it down and it is almost gone away…. and it guarantees a re_election to office in the next election.. Heck even the supposedly good side of govt.. has nothing to say about it.. why.. well let me see.. since the vast majority of money made by politicians comes from the dark pool waters.. their financial and political future is at stake..
so to them it isn’t something for them to talk about.. or do any finger pointing..
Since the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, and subsequent panic.., Bank of America has soaked-up over $15 billion dollars in new deposits as people move from smaller, regional banks to ‘To-Large-To-Fail’ giants. The top three national banks are all reporting the same shift and new deposits frenzy.
and once they have the majority of the money in these behemouths they will nationalize the banking system and introduce the almighty CBDC – ………be careful of what you are wishing for …… or witnessing
really quick. because you jogged my memory yesterday George, mentioning Hitler and glp, and bank of America mentioned somewhere
The first one is a picture of Maria Orsic of the Vril Society.
She led a group of mediums who acted as consultants to Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich and the Nazi Party.
Yes, they are all by the same artist.
They were commissioned in 1997 and put in display at Bank of America’s corporate headquarters in the late 1990s.
it is an image story of the future of the United States.
notice the image of Obama and Trump in the second image.
I know. I rarely forget anything.
the three was posted at glp in 2012.
at link.
uhem 2011
of course that may not be Trump in the second image. it could be me. my mother since has sent me an old picture of when I was a young man wearing the same exact outfit. hahhahaha.
but who knows. very interesting to see them again after all these years.
Ahhh – but to my I, key to entire picture series is The Black Sun Risen..
you see that. it has to be Trump.
I’m not sure the the images are in order.
the first image is AI
the second image shows a black president below the grid aka Obama talking to a female judge who looks alot like Elena Kagan who he appointed as associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. looks just like her. with a the blond fella aka Trump aka- the 5D chess guy wearing the shoes of a working man.
the other image clearly shows a battle of the semester or transgender ism. above the Net aka the internet. it shows a black man against the wall aka racism, a man in a has mat suit and people wearing masks. aka the pandemic. shortly on the other side it shows a revolution or rioting. .and eveyone in that image is skinny. looking like they haven’t ate. except the one soldier wearing desert camo.
the next image is of a sleeping red giant. notice the dude wearing the Asian hat, working the red soil next to it. has to be China. or they are burying China. the other part of that image is of a red sky. looking like fire with a bunch of miner looking dudes with shovels and one single pic. labor dudes.
the last image is of a colonial figure standing on top of a mountain of gold. and one block below him it says reason.
the reason. is the mountain of gold? it shoes the masonic Square. which shows it is was entirely engineered.
I hadn’t seen those images since 2011.
the really weird Part is they are actual paintings that were hung in the BoA cooperate Head quarters Lobby with the title of ‘The future of the Unitied States” way back in the early 90s. prior to the relase of windows XP. which brought most people to the web.
the first time I ever got on the internet was in 1995 with my super fast 386 computer. hahaha. 1996. I think.
it’s very interesting because we can clearly see through hinesite how some of the images fit what has transpired. so far. especially the images of a black president, a femal Justice talking and the chess board lay out and a reference to Trump, 5 D chess. etc etc. the net being the internet.
and the image above it of a man becoming a woman and a woman becoming a man. clearly is the transgender movement. which back in the late 1990s nobody would ever conside that. people back them would say that is dumb. you have a outie you’re a boy. you have an indie you’re a girl.
if anyone said anything different they would be sent to special Ed class for being retarded.
now the special Ed retards from the late 1990s are running the government.
I know. unfukingbelievable!
hmmmm. Interesting to see them now. forgot all about it until a group of dots George presented lined up with the images.
noodle just baked..
i just showed that picture to my wife and asked her who the young man looked like? She replied without a moment hesitation _ _ _ , our Son, the 2nd yr resident/Pediatrics. Uncanny A F!, as if he sat for the painting/artist…
got recall ?
Re: Musée de l’Orangerie
feat. Paris
There are further observations of the paintings you point to from the perspective of anonymous French bloggers. They cast their nets in the waters of the American web in shifting times.
Here’s DJ George spinning up an afternoon fruit platter to cogitate with on deck.
“Oranges on Apple Trees”
coool. thanks man. I don’t speak very good French. accept the kiss. hahaha
I live / operate in two different Time Zones
Yesterday I was involved in a project and checked my watch to see how much time I had lost.., yep – 93 minutes to the closing bell. ., but that is not why I checked the time ! I wanted to know if it was time to check on the two juicy little steaks I had marinading in my secret home-made sauce., need to check-n-flip one more time before placing them on the hot grill of mesquite charcoal??? ..,not when the market closes. [ Yes, I jumped in yesterday – had a stellar morning ! Lunch, Dinner, Drinks and a whole lot of groceries – for a couple of weeks !] I am about as far as you can get from Wall Street and still remain on the same continent.., but there I was, mentally working in ‘their’ time zone.
– Maybe.., I’ve been doing a little too much research and trading lately ?
– The steaks were fantastic, by the way.
You ARE going to share the recipe?
Years of testing a home-made, thick teriyaki sauce. Lots of ingredients – for a single dip, or marinade.
Living in Hawaiian Standard Time, I always have to do time-zone-conversions if I have to call the mainland to do business. The absolute worst was scheduling TV satellite time thru the Hughes satellite desk in NYC. EVERYTHING… all year round… was listed to their “New York Time”. They didn’t list standard or DST… you were left to figure that out yourself, and I royally F**’d a schedule that went thru their DST switch date. Damn self-centered New Yorkers… the world is expected to revolve around them.
We all possess genes/DNA from the parents and the ancestors that created all of us. Those genetic markers are the benchmarks of how we look, feel, live and think to an extent. Isn’t it possible that we don’t have past lives, but are accessing the genetic DNA located at specific locations in our brain on chromosomes in the nucleus of our cells? These cells contain proteins that lead to the expression of a particular physical characteristic or trait such as eye and hair color or even mental capacity and personality type. Could those cell proteins also lead us and help us access memories of those that passed those traits on? We may not be accessing a past life of us, but instead the lives of our ancestors through the passing of their DNA. This explanation is far more practical and easier to grasp and justify than an unproven theory/guess of actually having a past life.
(This topic intrigues me, so I am back for this comment only)
(Great to have you visit!)
The problem (and I have looked at the DNA model) is that it fails to provide a solution to multiple known problems in other domains that are demonstrably linked to waking world. For example, in Dream Realms (and I’m just accidentally stumbling into this) the “remote knowing” isn’t provided for. IoW my DNA would need to have some connection TO both Beaufort NC and also Bristol, ME in order for it to “connect”. The more plausible is that there is a non-local aspect of self (a kind of spiritual “cloud storage” where “non-local mark essence” returns (kinda like a backup file).
Being where you are, this topology of computers and spiritual/consciousness domains ought to fit like a glove.
I’ll admit the DNA and drug part SEEMS to fit. Until you have actually had not one but multiple dreams of future that come to pass later or right away.
As an extension, however, I would not rule out DNA as being a kind of “blockchain” onto which the spiritual self gets entangled at conception and then spends 100 years (plus or minus a party along the way) figuring out that this is an escape room (life) and that there is as backup “in the cloud” and we (poorishly) clone that topology with computers which are in a sense a blasphemy being a kind of idolatry… (just kidding, again, where you are, lol)
Life’s interesting through this lens, my friend. Mine took about 15 years to “boot up” and I have installed many updates and apps into my life over the course of things.
Be well,
Further techno babbling:
The waking world is Mark’s Big World (selling real estate, baking bread, red wine, solid family man)
The Dream World is you spiritual laptop and it synchs with the waking, although it’s a long synch
The Virtual world is Mark’s phone, virtual Mark.
And the Spiritual Mark (or DNA Mark) is your Carbonite or OneDrive…(or Apple’s eqv…
Hypnotic regression has been a area of research by many analysts for quite a few decades now. It’s not difficult to find their reports online.
Many children have been documented as having knowledge of their past lives or at least lives that their spirits/souls are assumed to have experienced. This knowledge and the ability to access it usually disappears just before puberty but can linger well past it in some situations. A television series was produced and can be found on YouTube on this subject.
As far as the continuation of the soul on this Earth plane through successive lives goes the knowledge of previous lives, for any accounts that I can remember, never seem to be within the same genetic lines as the ones the person currently occupies. No genetic connection that I can remember has ever been reported.
Once I sent this I remembered an account of twin girls being reincarnated to the same parents after dying due to illness or accident, can’t remember which. The twin girls, once they began speaking started asking for the toys that they had in their previous incarnation and knowing details about that life so it isn’t impossible to reincarnate to the same bloodline but it’s, much more often than not, rare to do so.
Edgar Cayce’s Grandson was his Grandfather reincarnated.
Don’t be a stranger.
“We may not be accessing a past life of us, but instead the lives of our ancestors ….,”
– That premise / idea has always fascinated me.., and seems to ‘ring true’ for me. It makes a lot of sense. What else is ‘attached’ to our DNA strands that we have not yet discovered?
I think of DNA along the lines of an antenna (or phone lines) that a bird (or soul) lands on. Drawn perhaps to the line entangled is the jismic goo of procreation..
Mark’s post was good if you have time to read it.
My novel ‘Warriors Return’ is based on links to ancestors that are revealed in lucid dreams. I just made the Kindle ebook free starting tomorrow, if anyone here is interested.
Anyone read the ‘DUNE’ novels? The Reverend Mothers could access the memories of thousands of their ancestors.
Most reincarnation stories could easily be ancestral memories instead, just as you suggest. However, a few stories I’ve heard/read suggest otherwise. My first “otherwise” was the woman I met who claimed to remember picking out her parents-to-be for her next life on earth, with the advice of some beings around her. Another incident is a story from one of Dolores Cannon’s wonderful past-life regression books, in which she regressed a man to his life as a grain of wheat. He told her he’d been a grain of wheat in many lifetimes, against the advice of beings who told him he needed to do something else in his next life because he wasn’t learning anything new. But he loved waving in the wind under the sun, so he kept reincarnating as wheat. Whether either of these stories is true is anyone’s guess, but they do illustrate an alternative to, or possibly an addition to, the ancestral memory explanation. I wonder if we’ll ever have enough evidence to favor one explanation over the other.
Long time commentator here.
I actually had a past-life or earlier time period in this current life experience. Here is the TRUE story.
I dreamt that I was in the backseat of a car observing two people in the front seat. One a woman, sitting on the left, the second a man, driving on the right.
She was looking at him with love and excitement, he was thrilled to be with her.
They both looked so in love AND happy.
I was consciousness in the backseat knowing that I was to be one of their children in this life. Or to put it another way, I CHOSE THEM.
And so it happened.
This answer came to me AFTER I asked to know if my parents, or rather my Mother ever loved my Father because they would divorce after many children.
That is the answer that came to me, AND I KNEW that it also provided the PROOF.
They were in England, she was sitting on the left; he was sitting behind the steering wheel driving from the right side of the car.
They were young and in love….it was such an incredible healing remembrance and truly a gift.
Mathematically ? My magic number is 3,847 on the S&P 500. When it closes below that – I will be completely convinced we are on the long slide down. – Note: There is no ‘technical support, or resistance’ at 3,847 – it is just a lot of my-math and charting.
Don’t let the talking-heads panic you. The SVB collapse is ‘not’ like 2008, it is more of a wakeup call for any in management who may have missed “economics 101”.
I agree with you that it is a call, but not that kind.
It’s a call for all perpetrators and evil connoisseurs of corruption, planned collapse, and greed to come and take it, as much as they want, as much as they can for as long as they can, and nothing will EVER happen to them.
Compromised C’s, rinse and repeat, they are closers and fleecers of banks.
Insider selling of stocks.
Distributing bonuses.
Donating millions.
Lying to the shareholders.
Gambling with deposits.
Alerting the insiders.
Et al.
It’s a designed call to fail.
Did you see the list of insiders moving out money ahead of ringing the bell? Do you know how long it takes to move that much money?
It was ART I tell ya, ARTIFICE.
Fait Accompli.
The big bad black Euro swan is circling:
Assets are reputed to be around 700 million, (For comparison Lehman Brothers were estimated to have 639 billion assets, 619 billion before collapsing). No doubt these numbers are subject to significant interpretation and redefinition. The Credit Suisse debt load appears to be much lower than Lehman. But the important point is, a potential collapse of Credit Suisse is a Lehman Brothers level event. Effects on the US equity markets are already quite visible:
Lehman Brothers: 619 billion in DEBT.
I look forward to your next book George. “Packing To Die” is on my bedside reading table and I refer to it often. The concept of your life as a movie that you direct and then get to review at death is powerful. I used it in my recent book “Life Lessons for my Grandchildren.”
What if life is all about making the lives of others better? Your life review is done with you sitting in the chair in the middle of the room and all those you met in life sitting in the gallery and allowed a vote on your existence in the afterlife? Something like the Roman Forum. Thumbs up or thumbs down.
There are times in my life I was a complete …hole. I regret that and I know how those people I hurt would vote. My revelation came when I met an impoverished 8 year old African child dying of AIDS contracted in her mother’s womb and living in a mud shack in complete squalor. When I got up to leave, she whispered 3 words “Jesus Loves Me.” I was never the same.
The “Dude” Andy talks about appears to act in strange ways. Whether you believe in a God or not, there seems to be a force in the universe that impacts and changes our lives when we least expect. It is hard to believe that this force disappears when we sleep or when we leave this mortal body.
How many Pharisees and other “high quality people” thought Jesus was a “—hole” for daring to think for Himself and encouraging others to do so?
Re: Shreddies Serial
feat. Comrade Kim
Joyous news from China! The 50-50 joint venture between American-shuttered SVB Financial and CCP owned Shanghai Pudong Development Bank is “sound”. We are to rest assured that the Hong Kong Monetary Authority “will closely monitor developments”.
For your further reading entertainment, do feel free to peruse the following mentions of apparent money laundering for wmd by Comrade Kim via banks in China including SPDB, various front companies, and “US correspondent banks”.
Don’t forget your afternoon siesta as we traverse these interesting times.
Re: “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”
feat. A to Z
Thanks to the Moscow Bureau of Interfax, word is out that yesterday President Zelensky received the PM of Iceland in Kiev. Ms. Katrin Jakobsdóttir posted keepsake photographs to her Twitter account.
Speaking of Moscow, Mr. Xi has apparently promised to contact Mr. Z. via video link shortly once he has met in person with President Putin in Moscow. One would have thought that a video link from Kiev to The Great Hall of the People in Beijing would have served good purpose last week when Mr. Xi was accepting the mantle of a third presidential term. Maybe wires got crossed in translation.
Re: Iran Rearmament
The English language side of Iran Press News Agency notes the Marine Security Belt 2023 naval drills are underway in the north Indian Ocean. The drills include Iran, Russia and China. The Persian language page has a link from the naval drill story to an SU-35 update from the other day. Iran apparently is a step closer to buying “conventional weapon” SU-35 fighter jets from Russia within the guidelines of UN Resolution 2231. Missile sales to Iran will be UN permitted after next October?
Dim sum?
Steve Bannon-allied Chinese billioniare, arrested for $1 billion fraud:
Payments Made to the Biden Family Reported by Oversight Committee Have Direct Link to the Chinese Communist Party
The firm that paid the Biden family over $1 million is related to the Chinese Communist Party.
Yesterday, the US House Oversight Committee released information revealing that they uncovered, through subpoenas, $1 million to the Biden family from a related party right after that party received a $3 million payment from China.
Had a close call about a year ago.I made it thru but not am not quite the same.Lived a full life ,always called an “under achiever”.School bored me to death since 1st grade.I took a different route than the one every one tried to steer me in and have lived a not easy life but a good one. Never wanted more or took more than i needed for me and mine.I can never recall ever really being afraid and am even calmer in situations that should scare the hell out of me.I nearly crossed over for about the third time in my 60 years.Doctors,who i mostly avoid fixed me up to about 90%.They were surprised how little permanent damage i sustained.Well to the point ,i now dream lucidly from the moment i doze off until the moment i wake.I mean like i live 2 lives now.There has not been one single night i have not had vivid living dreams since my surgery.Upon waking i am a little lost as to where i am for a few minutes.Nothing scary nor profound just me in a different place and time. Not always the same place and people.Some i know or knew and some who i only seem to know in my dreams.I wake rested ,my wife says i snore very little and am usually in a deep sleep within minutes which i never was before.It makes my waking hours more insightful yet it all seems less seious,like i discovered some secret that i can’t quite put my finger on. The first few months it was freaking me out a bit.Now it is my new normal.Not bad nor good just different.
Time to write down those questions to be carried and asked to those behind the veil. Glad you recovered from your medical experiences, what seems well. I would add a gift has been given, not bad nor good, but an opportunity.
I hope you are taking the time to record the dreams. Write them down. Sounds like you may have a story to tell.
Would you please ask a few questions of your new gift, and share them with us?
Your questions, and share if you can.
Thank you.
Investors seek safety from SVB chaos. Safety?
So now these megacap stocks have your cash. How do they keep it safe from the so called SVB chaos?
‘Microsoft, Apple and Meta outperform as investors seek safety from SVB chaos in megacap tech stocks.’
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: So where should you put your money? I said in 2014: “One of the number one questions I get all the time is where do I put my money? If the banks can just take whatever they want now, there will be bail-ins rather than bail-outs. People are afraid. What do you do with the cash? So, people are buying things like real estate and stocks, just trying to get money out of the banking system.” That sentiment is continuing and the latest CPI report even showed that shelter costs are rising at the highest rate since June 1982. Smart money has been trying to escape the banks for years.
I wonder if pedo joe and the communists in congress will back me if I go gambling in Vegas? All those hedge fund managers are saying it’s just not fair that maybe 2 or 3 in ten of these start up loans make money. Is someone holding a gun on them to force them into bad loans. They love it as long as they are making money.
George, are market black swan crash events predictable?
Black swan market crashes are caused by too low of banking interest rates to encourage savings and, oppositionally, to discourage asset overproduction, asset over acquisition, and asset overvaluation. When the asset classes reach peak valuations, a black swan devaluation follows. These devaluations occurred over 1-6 years in 1837, 1929, 1973, 2000, 2007, and 2021(on-going). On a daily basis nonlinearities occurred on 19 Oct 1987 and 6 May 2010.
In 2023 added to the asset overvaluation problem is the consideration of the total US governmental, corporate, and private debt to GDP ratio of 360%. and bad debt, that which cannot be repaid, accentuates asset valuation nonlinearity.
Especially since March 2020 Banks have over-acquired ‘safe’ near zero rate US debt instruments which were kept at a level too low and for too long by the Fed to stimulate economic growth. When the central bank increased interest rates to combat consumer inflation, the value of these debt instruments plummeted.
Do Central Banks use supercomputer models to predict appropriate interest rates which will create a reasonable savings rate and avoid consumer inflation and prevent financial asset bubble triple escalation (production, ownership, and appreciation)? Apparently not.
Observationally, time-based patterns of asset valuation growth and decay exist. The current best fit for global equities is a March 2020 33/72/69 week fractal series occurring under the 3 year central bank umbrella of extraordinary money/credit creation followed by extraordinary QT . The third 69 week fractal is composed of a 10/21-23/24-26/15 week fractal series.
The 24-26 week third fractal low of the above series low would ideally occur on Friday 24 March 2023. This represents (Use the Zombie laden Russell 2000) the end of a 4/9/8/6 week series and a 13 Oct 2023 16/38/37/24 day series.
The first part of this post was very understandable and comprehensible. Unfortunately, though I have some knowledge of fractals, I fail to understand how you manage to use such info to come to any useful conclusions. It would be very helpful for those of us less aware of market fractal analysis if you could elaborate – even a little. Thanks.
An interesting audio..is it real…..
well lots of interesting comments. perhaps I should pay my $40 again.
seee if I can scrounge up some more change off my floor of my car.
off to work, I have the entire next week off. no work. hopefully the poor bankers who need my tax dollars to save them, will make it without my contribution for a week. poor lil bankers. feel bad for them. I’m sure they are living on Ramen noodles, looking at the price of gas thinking, how am I going to fill up the Lamborghini this week.
Remember that George. last year I saw brand new Lamborghini on the side of the road and person with 1 gallon gas can filling it up.
I drove by it in my side dump and thought, that is not something you see every day. a Lamborghini on the side of the road out of gas.
well I must not need to work. DUDE has something else planned. I’m excited to find out what it is.
alright now.
To A. G. Kimbrough:
I started your book. Your premise had potential but the gratuitous sex was uncalled for. I stopped at 41%.
Hmm. Perhaps I should make time to read the book.