Reliving 1929: Scariest Chart – Ever!

We’ll get right to the chart our subscribers see updated twice a week.

This is based on work we have doggedly pursued since 2000 when the Internet Bubble was imploding.  After which, a funny thing happened.  The stock-sellers on Wall Street simply glossed over $5-7 TRILLION in losses.  The bait-and-switchers began talking about “blue chips” and “greater profits from offshore products.”

One thing led to another, and the market bounced back from the 2001-2003 lows.  Which were covered-up by “terrorism.”  Which tilled the financial earth for a Housing Bubble that collapsed and bottomed in 2009.  Since then, we had been on a dandy Up, Up and Away!  Until. that is, we peaked around November 8, 2021.

Since then, we have been in an orderly massive sell-off.  Which allows us to compare the 1920-run into the Great Depression.  And the 2009-run which, it seems to us, is heading for the same outcome in 2023.  Have a look for yourself:

Reading this comparison is not particularly difficult.  The reason you don’t see people warning of our present direction is that financial markets learned from the Internet Collapse:  Don’t talk about Aggregate financial performance.  Keep people focused on a single index.  Plausible deniability to keep the illusion alive kind of thing.

Yes – the time base is different.  It is taking longer to Replay 1929 now than back-when because of faster communications.  Paradoxically, as shown in Youssefmir, Huberman, and Hogg’s brilliant work on Bubbles circa 1998.

Recall in the 1929-1934 period, newspapers were only publishing stock prices on a daily basis in either the morning or late afternoon editions.  Today, quotes are instantaneous.   As a result, price excursions are semi-bounded as information asymmetry is relatively lower.


You probably haven’t had time – yet – to get to reading “Asymmetric information, firm investment and stock prices” published in 2010 in China Finance Review International (PDF) Asymmetric information, firm investment and stock prices.   But there’s a hint in there that what Ure’s been writing about for almost 25-years is indeed possible.

“The key findings of the paper are: managers are learning from the market when they make investment decisions; the asymmetric information has a significant negative impact on the investment sensitivity to stock price; and the asymmetric information has a significant positive impact on the stock price sensitivity to investment.”

Granted, this presumes more than a passing acquaintance with Tobin’s Q but you can remedy that with a quick gander at Wikipedia.

Which – if you’ve really got the coffee going – may lead you to realize what Ure’s nonstop bashing of Bitcoin is all based on.  Listen up here – because Tobin’s Q (also Kaldor’s v) is the ratio of the present valuation of an asset divided by its replacement cost.

In Theory, Anyway…

…economists hadn’t previously had to “stare-down” a mega bubble.  But, in grand economic Super Cycle work,

Bitcoin is the poster child for the freeing of Tobin’s Q from all bounds of Reality.

That’s because the nominal “asset pricing” of BTC is what?  $19-thousand and change.  While the replacement cost (to make up a number) is essentially zero.  Which then leads to a nice, orderly collapse like this:

As long as we’re discussing trend channels (and since you haven’t read Gilbert Raff’s book like I suggested) let me do the 1-minute lecture in how to make kick-ass charts like this for your own analysis.  Ready?

  • Use a screen capture program to grab the basic chart of (anything).
  • Draw a line from the obvious high (or low) from point “a”
  • Extend the line down so it “kisses” the data at point “b”
  • Now extend the line all the way down (*or up as the data dictates) to the right margin.
  • Next, copy the trend line.
  • Slide the copy to where it will “kiss the data” low spot between “a” and “b”
  • Done!

This is a nonmathematical way of doing things.  Yes, you can get to the same result using slopes and functions, but seriously?  Life is about getting answers, not taking a heavier course load in math.

Don’t take that as a slam on math – there are places where Math Matters.  In fact, I was just talking with a colleague via email Sunday about “Fields and Waves” about some of the occult electrical formulae in Chapter 5 page 240 here which bore directly on the issue we were talking about, namely:

“Cascaded feedline match, simple explanation being, cable impedance mismatch at antenna input produces a standing wave all the way back to the source.  This standing wave will cycle between Zmax, and Zmin the Max/Min being a function of impedances involved.”

Which was a real genius suggestion as an alternative to antenna balun design which we were talking about in the ShopTalk Sunday column. Except cascading feedlines at HF frequencies gets messy because of the wire lengths involved.

Oops!  Runaway ADHD again.

Back to point:  Use your cerebral cortex onboard graphics processor as your mental default over math whenever you can.  It strengthens visualization skills.  Unless you like long division, too.

Could the Future Still Work?

Well, sure, of course.

It’s just that based on the early futures this morning, the odds have “thinned a bit” compared to the Friday close.

At the far-right side – where the small yellow 4 is – represents where the likely open will hover.  Then we have a crap shoot tomorrow when the Case-Shiller Housing number comes in.

My guess is it will be better than expected – but we don’t make recommendations – instead doing all of this site for “entertainment purposes.”

Still, it won’t be because of any miracles being dispenses to the democrat Idiot Class.  It will arise because of the time lag in the Housing data report.

A home lists, then someone “buys” but then it goes to closing and then there’s a lag for recording and then… Well, that’s hysteresis for you and that may lead to a rally tomorrow, but that’s one reason we’re taking time off from day trading for a while – lowering stress levels, and yada, yada, yada.

Headlines on Parade

Enough of this ghoulish markets halved by Christmas talk.  Let’s go fishing with clickbait, shall we?

Marshall McLuhan would be proud of this student for getting five-minutes of fame.  Maryland student arrested over social media threats to blow up high school, teacher’s home: police.  We’d wager this was NOT  the brightest kid in the class.

Climate Pandering Monitor report:  Some places are too wet:  Pakistan warns “monster monsoon” season worsened by “climate catastrophe” could leave a third of the country underwater.  Some places are too dry: Drought, high costs bring U.S. berry giants to Canada’s maple syrup land.  We still hold its weather – unless you will accede to the Dust Bowl in the 1930s being “climate change” too?

Even the Washington Post is tracking in The great drought and the great deluge, all at the same time.  Like our Burn Ban here in Texas – at the same time several inches of rain fell.

Remember that Twilight Zone episode with the gremlin tearing off parts of an airliner?  Try this one: An Alaska Air flight carrying 176 passengers made an emergency landing after reports of an unusual vibration and metal flying off the plane’s engine, report says.

Democrats have a fox volunteering to count chickens in the henhouse:  U.S. intelligence chief to conduct risk assessment of recovered Mar-a-Lago materials.  She was formerly a CIA dep. dir. under Obama, too. Like we can’t, for the life of us, imagine what she’ll find, lol.

Back to leeches and blood lettings, shall we?  New omicron-specific COVID booster expected to be approved before trial data is in.  We’re seeing a gap larger that 3-standard deviations away from “evidence-based medicine” with the ongoing reshuffling CDC.

ATR:  The Weak Ahead

Our Houston Bureau Chief tells us it’s a bumbershoot day down that way.  Here at the tree ranch, only a 40 percent chance of rain today.  But the rest of the week is looking soggy, for sure.  Coincidentally, a bid to reroof our home is expected this afternoon…

Jobs Numbers are coming: brace yourself and keep your own “lying eyes” open.

The ADP Employment report is due out Wednesday.  The Challenger Job Cuts will be along Thursday.  Which means Friday, the Democrat’s Hallelujah Choir will chime in as Sloppy Joe’s results come in.

In advance of all the hype, here’s to only number that really matters:  U.S. Dept. of Labor database snip:

In our non-stop efforts to disabuse you of bullshit, please refer to the black box in 2019 and notice it is larger than the most recent (last month’s) actual number of people working.

With this, can you remember even ONE report about jobs being down compared with pre-plandemic report (other than here, of course!).  No?  Didn’t think so.  The Media Commisariat would have done marvie under Stalin, too.

Write when the cynicism meds kick-in,

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

41 thoughts on “Reliving 1929: Scariest Chart – Ever!”

  1. Blah, blah, Bitcoin, blah blah..still NO BTC 4 G!

    Done burnt the coffee(years ago), melted the coffee pot, burnt down the Kitchen, cindered the House, ..and still cant see the FLAMES, let alone smell a dam thing..remarkable.

    – “We” know who just keeps ‘throwing pies” at the genius magic that is BTC..

    Like the old guy from movie UP, you are physically surrounded by Bitcoinerz and Minerz.
    In fact You paid RiotBlock chain over $9 million in ERCOT credits to shutdown their BTC mining operations during last historic heatwave..kinda making You a two-faced buzzard.. let me guess Ure bringing home a baby bumble bee for dinna tonight. “uh nonono bitcoin nope not nonono”

    While you were busy throwing PI’s at Bitcoinz, Bitcoinerz & Minerz, the man who’s last name signifies courage, Musk, has come up with a new phone that is simply amaze ballz in its high tech features..”artificial” telepathic -communications via Nueralink insert, changes color too..
    Prolly be just like his electric cars – “10 year throwaways”

    Got Fossil Fuels?..good luck this winter -WABs ( woke ass bitches), cold & hungry blows big baby chunks, BIG !

    • BTC Maxamillist. You of all peeps know that BTC has had only three Septembers in its history where it’s closed with a gain. Powder dry for filling bags during the Autumn Sales Season.

      “On May 22, 2010, Jeremy Sturdivant (above) traded two large pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoins from Laszlo Hanyecz — a transaction that would come to inspire the annual Bitcoin Pizza Day celebration.”

      Only to be surpassed by ? Ron Wayne.

      Everyone please sell now. lol. I’m ready to shop a sell off down to $7K – $12K range.

      The ETH change should serve as a catalyst..

      Not financial advice do your own research

    • Gee whiz, I go on a 3 day backcountry trip without my cellphone, and the crypto world loses its trowel bag. Perhaps the editor of ‘Urban would recommend a healthy digestion of fibrous zero arguements from Bishop George Berkeley’s 1734 work, “The Analyst”?

      Thankfully according to The White House official schedule, no one is losing their hair. In fact the the President has completed official duty for the day thus far transiting from Delaware home to the WH.

      Meanwhile Ukrinform has already told us that Mr. Zelensky had video-conferenced with fellow comedian Jimmy Fallon regarding “options for cooperation” in the Ukrainian War. Maybe it’s time to call in jumping-through-the-hoops diplomat Dennis Rodman for a 3 pointer attempt?

      Let’s rejoin DJ Ure in studio getting set to cue the buzzer.

      • The editos at Urban would still go backcountry. You still have a satphone and an hour or two of time for backwoods emergencies when things go dark, do you not? Or is such not allowed in TrueDopes Winnipego?

      • George,
        The still-legal satphone and gps were fine although our group leader navigated from her waterproof maps. I’m definitely going to add a Kelly Kettle into my inventory which fires up when the campfire won’t.

        Perhaps you can do an updated interview for the audience when G2 sits down long enough? I’m curious what he packs along when he’s mobile on his own time away from the creature comforts of civilization.

        Yes, it seems like Elon is corraling us little people into his marketplace. Interestingly this month the US announced the shift of military communications control from Army to Space Force. And I don’t think that the latter is centered on Starlink…

  2. September, which begins on Thursday, is historically the worst month of the year for the stock market.
    However., Stocks rallied in each of the three Septembers prior to the pandemic..
    But here’s a potentially ominous sign: This is a midterm election year. The Dow has fallen in 11 out of the last 18 pre-midterm Septembers going back to 1950. That’s 60% of the time.
    .., as the saying goes – don’t count on past performance to dictate future results.
    BUT., The Fed’s next meeting about rate hikes is on September 21., & Congress will be back in session. “and” ..,and I personally believe that the Elliot Wave is pointing to the beginning of a Wave Three down., considering the 1,000 pt drop on Friday and the Dow opening this morning down 250 – it looks to be correct.

  3. “We’d wager this was NOT the brightest kid in the class.”

    I must be NAIVE or something..Becaue I cannot even imagine WHY some one would even consider doing something as horrible as that…
    Maybe thats a future politician in the making.

  4. “We still hold its weather – unless you will accede to the Dust Bowl in the 1930s being “climate change” too?”

    I HATE CLIMATE CHANGE…. heck it happened again today.. yesterday was hot and muggy.. today it is cool and cloudy LOL LOL LOL messes with my joints big time..
    when it is hot muggy and the mosquito’s are biting is when I feel the least amount of effects of climate change.. told the boss.. well hun.. we have to find the most miserable spot on the planet and move there..does an equator rain forest sound appealing LOL LOL LOL

    • I resemble that remark! Trust me… 130 inches of rainfall annually causes a lot of growth. It sucks if you’re mobility limited. Arthritis in my hip joint now. Aaarrgh!

      • I hear ya Hank.. I am in such misery.. the weather changes suck big time… they use to think it was some weird gout.. but NOPE.. not that LOL

      • Hips I can deal with… today it is my hand and wrist on one hand.. the elbows.. the little finger on the other hand.. my hips and my big toe.. and ankle.. AaaaRRGGH

  5. “Write when the cynicism meds kick-in,”

    Dam I wondered what was in those pills… seems I am a cynic all the time lately LOL… and a pessimist as well.. I can’t see one good thing any of the droolers are doing in DC…

  6. The article ’bout berries in Canada. There are already several hundred acres greenhouse strawberries in around here, as well as medical and recreational cannabis. 10,000 foreign temporary workers do much of the hard work. Tomato, peppers, cukes lettuce, flowering plants and all else they grow in greenhouses with water straight out of Lake Erie. The County recently put a ban on new permits for new greenhouse as the infrastructure hasn’t been able to keep up to the thousands of greenhouse acres already production. Guelph BSc Aggie.

  7. I’m curious if the monks who levitated boulders used some form of audio standing wave to affect local gravity…?

  8. “In our non-stop efforts to disabuse you of bullshit, please refer to the black box in 2019 and notice it is larger than the most recent (last month’s) actual number of people working.”

    Come on George…talk about spin…compare apples to apples. From July 2019 to July 2022, jobs are up this year. You can’t compare October 2019 to July 2022. October is when retailers/Amazon/deliveries ramp up for the holiday rush…Of course there will be more employed in October. What BS are you trying to sell us here? Wait until the jobs reports come out in October 2022 and compare those to October 2019…2022 WILL be stronger… I will guarantee it!

    • Sure I can. I did and it’s still a gruesome fact that Bidenistas don’t like to hear.
      In terms of employment – we have pissed away 2 2/1 years on politics and vaccines…no net new employment.

  9. The Fed is political – they will raise rates and then say they need to pause to assess the consequences of the tightening they performed – it will last until after the Hitler regime is reelected.

    • Given that all the ballot choices are now brown shirts in various disguises, I’m not sure why an impending election would influence the Fed.

  10. “Write when the cynicism meds kick-in” Love it!

    Have a great day, Ure.

    For those who missed this the last time it was posted, here is the MIT open class Blockchain course taught by ex Obama CFTC chair and now Biden’s SEC chair. It’s an interesting overview of the future ‘they’ hope you have. It’s up to you to change that future:

    *Please note that session 18 is missing. I was able to locate the class notes on it and it appears there was a guest so some proprietary items may have been spoken about:

  11. George concur with your assessment.

    For the current credit cycle starting in March 2020, peak average day high valuations of Bitcoin and the Wilshire in USD both occurred on 11/8/2021. Peak valuations of both entities represent the maximum composite amount of credit/asset valuation of the asset-debt system, given the credit/money supply manufactured by the central banks, which are and will be constrained by associated commodity inflation affecting the base population. .
    Peak commodity inflation (CRB). valuation occurred on 6/10/2022 with a likely secondary peak valuation today 29 August 2022.

    As of today the Wilshire has dropped about 20 percent and Bitcoin about 70 percent from their respective 8 November 2021 peak highs.

    A low in bitcoin is expected in October 2022 completing a 7/17/10 month fractal starting March 2020 with a final secondary low (higher or lower low to the October 2022 low) at about the March 2020 7/17/17 month mark. From 6/17/2022 Bitcoin in USD is following a 25/50 of 53/ 50-53 day :: x/2x/2x decay fractal placing the x/2x/2x low on 23 October 2022 +/- 2 days.

    The valuation of Natural gas which is now liquified by the US and Canada for European energy consumption replacing Russian piped natural gas, has increased ten fold from August 2021 for the European market. Natural gas on the US commodity market has increased from 1.65 in March 2021 to 9.45 as of today. From 5 July 2022 it is following an 8/18/16 day growth fractal.

    Expect nonlinear valuation declines for both the Wilshire and Bitcoin over the next 2-3 trading days.

  12. “peaked around November 8, 2021”

    I was looking at Moore’s Law and noticed the West began to crash just after the boundary of Moore’s Law was reached, some say ML stopped in 2019. This explains the 2022 CHIPS Act.

    Farmers need bailout, manufactures need bailout and now chips need bailout.

    Chips became a fully developed market. Like farming developing 100 years ago or manufacturing 50 year ago. Once ‘organic’ growth ends fully developed markets seem to need bailout to keep functioning and are handed off to Government Dole.

    End Of Moore’s Law – What’s Next For The Future Of Computing
    -December 19, 2019

    “Why Is It Coming To An End?

    Moore’s Law, predicting the development of more robust computer systems (with more transistors), is coming to an end simply because engineers are unable to develop chips with smaller (and more numerous) transistors. Computer chips need new developmental architectures implemented into them in order to be as efficient if more transistors are to be utilized. While the creation of more powerful computers is regarded as the most important aspect of a computer system, energy efficiency and device lifetime is just as important, requiring more effective utilization of large numbers of transistors, especially when it comes to large cloud data centers which power large portions of online web applications.”

    • Quantum computing is next. Merging the two technologies (high performance + quantum) into a seamless solution continues the journey, like comparing an electric vehicle to a gasoline vehicle and MPGe, you have to think about this technology in terms of the high performance computing equivalents in petaflops that would be required to solve one these probabilistic optimization problems. A dwav systems computer with 2048 q gates has more computing power than the fastest high performance computing platforms out there and far fewer “gates”.

  13. Appreciate the “investment” advice but for me participating in Bitcoin is not about making gains. It is about 2 things, 1 to have a currency that is not controlled and debased by government. Bitcoin has no central management, sure government can attempt to manipulate with regulations laws, but it has the unique ability to stand alone from people that take advantage of being able to print money. 2 for some inflation protections. As our western governments have no intention to slow their debasement, I have some bitcoin as a hedge. I don’t have proper protection mechanisms for protecting physical assets, so using the blockchain to track and verify my asset holding is useful. There is not 0 barrier to entry for crypto that is well built. The most important is a mindset that people trust in the mechanisms and are willing to place some of their labor value into those exchanges. So far BC is far ahead of all other crypto in the value stored in its blockchain.

    If BC doesn’t turn out to be the answer, I will keep participating in other ideas, to return this ownership of a currency to the individuals instead of the corrupt political leaders.

    I guess we can all keep complaining about the Fed and Banks, yet take no actions to change the landscape.

  14. Yep, roll those vaccines out without testing completed … shortages that will cause starvation … deplete energy and cause some death … wars … no worries !! Let’s have a look inside a Housekeeping Closet of the (future?)

    This might be a handy tool for cleaning “things” up …

    Damn, who needs Science Fiction when we have … SCIENCE !!!

    God help us.

  15. Do you still read Drudge?

    The lead,

    Trump Encourages FBI Agents to Go ‘Nuts’ and Not ‘Take it Anymore’ Over Mar-a-Lago Raid

    Legend has it Charles Manson told some folks to go ‘nuts’. Charlie caught the rap for their deeds that day. Funny how that works.

  16. RE: Twilight Zone, airplanes and ‘gremlins,’ aka “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet,” (aired in 1963) was a classic Rod Serling episode starring then relatively unknown actor William Shatner, who sees a mysterious, hideous creature on the wing of an inflight airliner while cruising at altitude. In that episode, the gremlin-like ‘creature’ was ripping the cowlinga from the tops of jet engines while the jet liner was screaming along at altitude. Shatner was the only passenger who saw what was going on. He goes bats*t crazy, and is restrained by the surrounding passengers. Shatner subsequently swipes an armed police officer’s revolver, opens the emergency exit door, and shoots the gremlin-creature. He is taken away upon landing, however, the post flight inspection reveals unexplained damage to the aircraft’s jet engine cowlings. BTW, the incredible John Lithgow played the Shatner role in the movie version of “The Twilight Zone.”

  17. The Covid stats look better, and yet, wave 14 (by my count) has hit the office with two down already this week.
    In another month, the talking heads will start bellowing about the end of life as we know it, but the Covid has already come and gone, like in the previous revs since rev 2, which was cold and deadly.

    • Incubation time on this round MAY be around a couple of weeks. I had a slight fever and felt like crap Friday the 14th but it only lasted 24 hours. This was followed, however, by something that acted like chest congestion but wasn’t productive even when I stayed on Guaifenesin for more than a week – exactly the procession of symptoms when I got the ‘Rona the very first time. I eventually took the last dose of “horse paste” that’s been sitting next to my computer all this year and felt much better after that.

      This followed with the grandkid coming down with the same symptoms last Friday but no congestion from what we can tell. School’s started and everyone’s trading germs so who’s to say what it was. We just let the fever ride and she slept it off. She usually has these weird off-and-on fevers that last for days but this time it was just the one day. Several others in school were out that day, too.

      Take your pick – lung maladies or myocarditis. One’s a “maybe” the other’s a “probably in the long run” in that order.

  18. Now this is ridiculous here.. we all remember what BLM and Antifa did to destroy billions of dollars worth of damage to cities infrastructure etc.. the destruction the upheaval and violence.. the rapping pillaging etc.. all that seemed to be sanctioned..and even now is refered to as an honorable thing that they did…

    NOW THIS on climate..

    BLM is taken so what would they call themselves.. ESLM.. or why not just ORGASM… Orgasms matter.. LOL… so what now scientists that are funded by the puppeteers will be destroying cities and pillaging raping and marching on if we do not do the climate thing they want.. give me a break… What in the heck is wrong with everyone..

    fighting for peace is like F@@king for chastity… now climate marcers are going to go as the orgasms for climate change.. LOL
    this is all just ridiculous if you ask me..

  19. It is my opinion it will be tragic the collapse . My method of choice WD gann . Hyperinflation will rule after September . No gold till prints below 150 on hui . A catastrophe is coming . After that we go forward . TheFED is finished . Markets are finished . After the storm go out and plant your seeds . But for now hide

  20. George,
    One thing no one is talking about is “Blackrock” going in with “Coinbase”. Blackrock has there master AI program “ALADDIN” which they will use to assimilate the blockchain. ALADDIN is also tied into Mastercard, State Street Bank, Vanguard, and many other institutions. Will Blockchain assimilation be the CBDC? How powerful is ALADDIN?

  21. well it isn’t a secret that I am all for greenscaping.. the subject of hydroponics came up.. I love hydroponics and aqua ponics aireo ponics etc.. the thought was retrofitting apartment dwellings.. Now going nebucanezar on cities would be beautiful.. and I still say that any apartment dweller could raise their own garden no matter what floor they are on.. it is all dependent on whether or not the contractors went code.. or if they cut costs.. around the wastelands.. all apartments high rise etc.. have a five by ten foot sitting porch..big enough for a couple of chairs and a grill.. OH wait and big enough for a complete garden..
    Like Nebucanezar and the aztec’s.. and inca’s.. tiering.. the mayans and aztecs used rafting.. but tiered drawer garden.. hangs on the railing.. with a self leveling tilt .. that way the apartment dweller can still prune and care for the plant.. the plants are all self leveling..and each five foot row can be brought in to care for..
    since it is self watering.. and the plants are grown into a jell rather than soil.. in the southwest.. in prehistoric times.. we had the Chaco and Hohokam Systems of irrigation.. My thought is gravity.. the garden hangs over the railing.. the five gallong water container.. the feed hoses.. that plug into the hydroponic system.. and as water is used.. the water is replaced.. you save water and use it beneficially..
    My green bean garden.. was way big enough to feed a neighborhood.. of green beans.. all in a three foot by three foot area..
    of course the vertical weight distribution would not be an issue.. the horizontal would IF.. the contractor cut costs and didn’t go code on his building.. or creatively manipulated his interpretation of code.. and cut corners.. ( I lowered the pitch of my roof to save a couple hundred bucks.. and boy do I know it now LOL… My fat Azz won’t fit up there like it did when I was thirty years younger LOL
    Light bar.. the idea of the light bar is to not only give adequate lighting.. but also to use as a base for the next level.. that is in the sprouting and juvinile stage of the plant growth..
    the anasazi indian had a unique way of gardening.. in a lot of ways it was the same way they did the water gardens of china and mesopotamia ..

    what has been suggested is during the climate change.. ( yest the cycle not the lets push a carbon tax on everyone) that the water dried up enough to push the people into moving on to the water.. where storing the water in jell you don’t loose it.. water is never gone.. just transformed.. the same with the mayan culture etc..
    my thought was to have the kids.. way back.. when NASA had the contest up.. to have them send up a small system into the high flying balloon then in the shuttle.. but I got sick and it never got finished.. the kids couldn’t read my mind.. and I like now was so miserable that I can only describe it..
    the big issue I had.. was BEE’s.. pollinators..
    which is where this little gem comes in.. no need to mess with the bee’s.. as an observatory bee hive.. the bee’s are all self contained in the garden system.. with the lighting set .. the bee’s would retreat to their hives during the times that the person works on it.. NOW.. in an apartment.. you don’t need a big hive.. only a very small one.. so mason bee’s comes to mind.. ( no honey though) the lighting.. all solar powered similar to the walk way lights.. and if you made my thousand year battery.. Your set.. LOL

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