Monkey See – Govvies Do, Late Pundits, CorpWar

Short-form thinking is shorting out.

I’ve written a lot over the past 20-odd years on a problem balled-up as “Information compression distortion.”  (ICD).  Common problem in DSP, graphics and streaming,

Essentially:  When information is over-compressed there is “distortion of message baked-in the cake.

So (other than pointing at most of Twitter and FB) we now have a fresh poster child in this story: Conspiracy theories swirl in China that monkeypox was deliberately leaked by the US.

No, like the contingency plans for dealing with a Global Pandemic prior to Covid being dropped, we have to keep our “minds open, but not so far that our brains fall out.”

Monkey pox is not particularly communicable at present.  Mainly spread by sexual contact:  WHO issues forecast on monkeypox transmission.  The U.S. CDC, following what we see as “issue manipulation via the edges” seems rolling in a familiar way: CDC officials sound alarm for gay, bisexual men as monkeypox spreads.

As far as a 10-second read of the science – it’s sexual congress – not “special” (LBGTQ) groups at risk.  The pattern then?  Oddly, comarketing of gender division, near as we can figure.  Galvanize a subgroup and keep the flames of American division burning brightly.

Notwithstanding, scare headlines about “WHO warns of mass gatherings” has resulted in our canceling plans to attend mass, naked, all-gender sex parties for a while.  Oh damn.

Seriously?  The more rational coverage is seen in WHO on Monkeypox Virus: Won’t Need Mass Vaccinations, Just Practice Safe Sex & Hygiene (

But we wanted to pause, first thing this morning, to notice “the moment” where (as with Covid) the science gets buried in hysterical bullshit and things go down hill from there.


Unless it morphs airborne, of course.

Dopey Joe Watch

After pissing off Xi – and China – by saying the U.S. would defend Taiwan militarily, then pivoting to a “half walk-back”, slow Joe has moved on to “screwing a different pooch” today.

Still the Sunday/Monday gaffe was part of a pattern: White House walks back Biden Taiwan defense claim again.  Third time in nine months by the NY Post’s counting.

Today’s “new pooch”?  Announcing the US is sending troops to Ukraine.   Not in the next half-hour, but Pentagon working on plans to send troops to protect US Embassy in Kyiv.

Even the discredited Henry (domino theory of SE Asia) Kissinger “gets it” (for a change): Henry Kissinger: Ukraine must give Russia territory.

My consigliere and I have a bet on whether the Russians will wait until the M1A2’s start rolling east from Poland before lighting off first-use NSNWs, or whether they will make a “soft path” and play nuclear fricassees  on a Russian border – which would certainly provide more plausible deniability of first “offensive” use – which would then be pandered as “defensive” in nature.

The takeaway?  Joe needs ever-larger distractions and foreign borders to defend to keep ahead of impeachment for failing to fulfill the Oath of Office on topics like the Mexico border and shipping border-jumpers all over America on your dime. In the dark of night.

Then There’s the Market 

How long have I been telling you that we have another 10 percent down (or more) from here before the Second Depression becomes “top of mind” for Jane and Joe Sixpack?  MONTHS.

Did anyone call us?  Looking for a snappy quip or quote?  Nope.

But here come the newcomers – piling on: Stock Selloff to Intensify as Fresh 10% Plunge Looms, Survey Finds.

Let’s “Run the Numbers”

First one is 32,767.  

That’s where our Aggregate Index price on early futures today.

Now, look at our forecast from 2021 as to where all this leads:

If we put in a low at 28,773, I will be delirious.  (I might even get the lunch tab!)

This outlook infers a big summer rally and a deeper wash-out in the fall.

After which, the False Peace will be along prior to the nuke war with China in the 2025-26 area.

This morning, downward futures look like this:

Aggregate wave count possibility
I have been tinkering around with the graph colors because the “standard” color graphs don’t look anything like the charts in my head – which is an occupational disease from being an airline VP. You “see numbers” as charts and they look something like this in behind the eyes somewhere…

Look – Over Your Shoulder!

See how history lines it up?  It’s like looking ahead in a book to see what happens next, isn’t it?

1929-2022 comparison
Do you like the simplified (not color chart) any better? Any clearer to read?

And the middle ascending arrow is about where we are now.  We’re likely to get our 10 percent more down, a strong rally, and then the “shit won’t stop” through 2023.  If you loved Covid, you’ll love the crisis just ahead.

Food growing and a walkable commute, rules.

Wavefront Wanders

Reading the “news” has a purpose.  Though most overlook it.

It’s to “see what’s going on” generally.  Then “judge what could screw-up my Life.”

Thanks to a good workstation, here’s our “worry pickings” of the day.

Biggest Under Covered Story – missing in the Mainstream:  Hillary Clinton Approved Plan of Spreading Allegations Linking Trump to Russian Bank in 2016.  Of course, to read and realize this blows up a whole lot of narrative, but there’s now even more going on: Gowdy: Something Caused The FBI To Investigate Trump Campaign Way Before Sussmann Lied To Them.  Which part of surprised aren’t you?

Bitcoin’s dropped again:  Down to the $29,200 region overnight.  Meanwhile Cryptocrash: ‘I was arrested for knocking on Luna boss’s door’ is a canary or harbinger of more to come, we figure.  As always, we ask “What is the book value (or liquidated asset value, if you prefer) of any of the digi’s?

World War III’s precursor wars are about to expand:  Erdogan: New military operation in Syria ‘soon’.  If this isn’t making sense, allow us to connect some dots for you.

Russia holds sway in Syria.  Huge gas fields (Leviathan) off that whole end of The Med.  With Russia turning off gas to Europe, Israel on north to Berlin become critical gas pipeline right-of-ways.  Seeing it, yet?

Turkey is in NATO and again, not to feed into Putin’s paranoia about the EU/NATO expansionists, but that’s what the map shows.  (Ever wish Nostradamus had left more clues about “world war over energy supplies and routes” so people didn’t have to be as smart as G.A. Stewart is on such things?)

Speaking of Stu’s site (if you’re a subscriber) be sure and read AS PREDICTED HERE: POLAND IS NEXT.  That’s because while Erdogan is talking a big game, judging when he will strike (Russia-backed Syria) seems unlikely to happen before the Poland crisis, so possibly useful timing there, maybe?

Oh-oh…tell me you didn’t say “What POLAND CRISIS”!  (Keep up with the class, please.)

A Supply Chain War in Ukraine leads to Poland.  You can see it by reading (in time-reversed order):  Russia says it struck Ukrainian arms depot storing shells for US-made artillery weapons and the “supply chain” note ahead of it Missiles, helicopters: 20 countries offer new arms for Ukraine.  At some point, Russia will “work up the supply chain further…”  Jot down port-of-entry for arms shipments when you find them.

Biden Lies on Ukraine become more clear:  You may not realize it, but Slow Joe’s turn-off of Oil from Russia has ONLY HIT THE U.S. economy.  Because Europe never bought in to the  BIE (*Biden Idiocy on Energy). The U.S. MSM has kept this pretty-well firewalled, but do observe the soft-shoe routine in how  EU explains absence of Russian oil embargo.  While Joe bends over America – Again!  I mean, to my simple-minded way of thinking,  the choice is:  a) All of Europe are idiots or b) Biden is.  Binary choice.

Rich people who don’t give a shit about little people beyond their economic activity potential club notes: Davos updates and also At Davos, climate debate over role of oil in ‘going green’ are useful. Distractions and misdirection’s by the rich.

Deeper Thinking Dept.

Don’t know if you saw the story, or not.  But take a gander at Florida Social Media Law Unconstitutional: Appeals Court | Time.

There is – as you will see on reading the story – a presumptive error on the part of the Appeals Court.

I would characterize it this way:

  • Corporations are “legal fictions” and should never been allowed standing in any Court case.  It allows crooks to hide without shame.
  • Given the U.S. government itself is also a corporation, though, it’s all part of “the club of financial infidels.”
  • Notwithstanding, legal doctrine should protect the idea that when REAL (non fictional) humans are in a legal dispute over corporate policy, the Officers of the Corporation must be treated severally as humans.  “Fictions” should be barred from legal matters.
  • We consider corporations akin to organized crime. Albiet with lower prosecution and conviction rates.

In case you haven’t figured it out, yet:  Corporations exist for two reasons:  First and foremost is protecting assets of the Rich from legal attacks by the poor.  Secondly, they spread risk and responsibility around.

This is one of those “Great Unspoken Assumptions of Life” (GUAL) that we all walk around with in our heads; uninspected, unchallenged.

Yet if Elaine and I claimed privilege because we formed a “corporation” does that somehow “let corporations behave differently?”  In tax law, you bet!~

Florida’s law was based on reasonable thinking.

When the Court ruled “We hold that it is substantially likely that social media companies — even the biggest ones — are private actors whose rights the First Amendment protects” we argue the point.  And it’s based purely on the idea of Equality.  Private Actors can be sued.  Under Section 230, Marauding Manipulators of Clickland are not held to the same “private actors” standard. Which does include liability.

We might go so far as to reveal that much of what ails the world can be laid at the feet of corporations.  They claim (and are granted) privilege without merit.

If the rich want liability protection?  Let them buy insurance coverage in a free market, not pawn-off an illegal scheme of promoting their Corporation (shells) as having rights superior to everyday, non-border-jumping, single passport, Americans.

But that’s just me.  And the DATA.

Clara Torres-Spelliscy’s book “Corporate Citizen? An Argument for the Separation of Corporation and State” nibbles around the edge of the issue.  More hints are found in “Why you can’t sue some of the biggest companies in the US (”

Torres-Spelliscy’s comments, in an interview with the American Bar Association here, explains how how corporations have replaced the Citizen in America with a singular example:

“Flash forward to 2010 when the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. FEC that corporations have First Amendment political rights to buy ads in all American elections.  If the logical flaw in Dred Scott was mistaking a person (Mr. Scott) for a piece of property, the blunder in Citizens United was mistaking a piece of property (a corporation) for a person.”

We won’t get into this specifically in Peoplenomics tomorrow when we unwrap the AmRev2 project, but it is definitely rattling between the ears with a pile of
“Unspoken assumptions that screw up Life.”  Echo-chambered on social.

ATR: Getting Too Old?

Up early this morning, studying for my regularly scheduled blood test today. I could no doubt drop the BP by 20 points by stopping day trading, though.  There’s a high correlation between BP and Dow momentum, turns out.

Still trying to figure out how to get all my “Pre-Memorial Day” punch list done.

Consider playing Gas Pump Roulette today:  Prices may rise some places a dime – or more – per gallon going into MemDay.

12-hours non-stop working on the AmRev2 project yesterday.  At the end of it, I concluded there’s a reason people retire.

Still trying to figure out how they do that.

Write when you get rich,

64 thoughts on “Monkey See – Govvies Do, Late Pundits, CorpWar”

  1. Hey Check your Email. I just sent you a picture. $43.99 for a bottle of 300, 1000mlg Vitamin C at safeway this morning.

    HOLY COW!!! ALMOST $50 FOR 300 VITAMIN C!!!!!

    60 soft gels of B-12, $19.99

    300 of vitamin E $33.99 a bottle!

    I keep thinking everything is going to turn around. Then I got to the store to get something walk by the vitamins and stopp and did that just say fifty fucking dollars for 1000 Vitamin C?????


    We are all in denial. We are fucked!


    • I’m in the highest wage in the nation Teamsters Union. I make $48.95 an hour. You mean to tell me that one hour of work pays for a bottle of 300 Vitamine C at the store??? Wow!

      I’m probably moving and really soon. It’s alot cheaper to live in a red state and this is just the beginning. Time to grind as many hours as I can, stack, then gtfo!

      • Plan ahead, buy vitamins and supplements online, and take advantage of house brands and sales. Swanson’s Vitamins, Vitacost, Lucky Vitamin and even Amazon are good places to start.

    • “HOLY COW!!! ALMOST $50 FOR 300 VITAMIN C!!!!!”

      Generic Vanilla cream cookies….You cannot buy golden Oreo’s here.. in the individual snack packs.. so I buy the generic vannila creams and then package them up and put in the snack tray..
      I buy five packages a month.. each row you get three snack packs.. cost is one cent for the bag.. and 1.54 for the cookies..
      Went into get the supplies for June.. the cost of the cookies has doubled.. and the bags have gone up just as much.. that is less than one month ..
      when packaging them up.. each snack pack gets six cookies.. just like the golden snack packs in NYC.. ( the only place you can buy them that are now made in Mexico)
      the packages each row was down one cookie.. so the price has actually exceeded the double the price increase..
      NetFlix went up almost three dollars.. a month as well..
      so prices are going up.. they are just being creative in how they increase the cost.. like the bacon I bought at the store.. a while back.. thick cut.. but the pound of bacon was ten ounces.. doubled the cost..of what would normally be a pound of bacon.. the thick cut was now what regular cut use to be.. and it in my opinion is to thin..
      so seriously 34 dollars a bottle is just like everything else.. it has doubled in cost.. I haven’t seen that.. I bought a big bottle three months ago and paid seventeen dollars for it.. now it is 34..
      I believe we will see a lot of that in the near future.. in one week the price of just the normal weekly shopping everything went up thirty seven percent.. now I bought milk yesterday and the cost had doubled plus.. so did the eggs.. eggs are now doubled plus in cost.. I haven’t bought chees.. but butter I was buying Walmart butter at 2.50 per pound it is now five dollars..
      its just getting started.. we will see million dollar loaves of bread before long.. bread to has gone up.. and even if JB doesn’t get us all killed.. we will be another zimbaabwe as the ruble and juan gain because they are backed and the dollar implodes because there are morons in office.. with stupid policies..
      the only option they have is dump more money in the pockets.. or watch the last two and a half years crumble beneath them and their activities..

      • Shit LOB, <<– that is actually funny. Anyway, got an idea after this morning revelation. Since I do have the "gift of hustle".

        I'm going to open a store. Call it, everything is 10, thousand dollars.

        Stick of gum? You bet! Ten thousand dollars please.

        Oh the tooth pick? You bet your ass it's for sale. How much? Everything is $10,000.

        If they complain? I will remind them that, that is a bargain price compared to a year from now.

        Alaska living is looking really good right now. Ain't nobody going to starve up there. 1800 lb moose walking up the deck everytime I was there. And 8-10lb trout in them lakes year round.

        I gotta figure some stuff out. Later guys

      • Your President (he’s NOT mine) is in favor of “Build Back Better”. For that to happen the entire country must be first destroyed – remember Vietnam: ‘the village must be destroyed in order to save it.’
        The Pols showed their true allegiance when they voted 40 Billion for the Nazi-controlled and totally corrupt country of the Ukraine. All those in support of this “aid” are Nazi sympathizers & supporters and in doing so commit felony perjury (one to five in the ‘big house’) for each count of verbal/active support in attempting to illegally change this country (again).
        I think that your President actually wants a “civil war” under which they can mass-murder us without worrying about blowback as we will be unable to resist since we will have no gas for transportation, no food, no electricity, etc.

  2. Henry the K is still alive?!? Who’d a thunk it. I hope he finally got the table shape he wanted.
    I hope the Russkies check the prevailing winds. The first rule of using any weapon is to make sure that it damages your enemy more than you.

      • Mike, he knows it cause he helped craft and create it; he is a 53 Billion Dollars late, and Still Short!!! OH….he’s so smart, after they cream Ukraine, take out parts of Russia, IN-DEBT the USA causing untold damage here and around the world, now he wants peace?!?

        We would call that STUPID; but because it’s a NEOCON agenda, they are SMART!!!!

        NO/as in ZERO admiration for the war monger in chief! He’s the worst of the worst! (Not saying you admire him; he’s the BIGGEST RACIST OF ALL).

      • The Kissinger solution was pure genius. Never, since the use of Salt as currency has such a…………Never mind. LOL.

    • I for one believe there’s a possibility that Russia and China have their club k defense systems within our borders..I also believe the only thing that has stopped this from escalating to full all out destruction is that both putin and Xi are not stupid and would rather than see world wide destruction. they will try to keep it localized.. it will take the usa or England and nato forces to escalate this by making the first move.tben all hell will let loose.. .putin cleaning up the depth of corruption in ukraine and Taiwan to re unify with china..
      My question is…would it be that bad if Taiwan actually reunified with china?.. no war and protection from the chinese fifty miles away.. just like Cuba and Hawaii… we should be protecting and helping cuba.. if Hawaii was being threatened the usa would be there in a heartbeat..
      Instead it was china that held out the olive branch to Cuba while we flipped them the bird.. China is our choice for industry… they own almost three hundred of our most crucial industries that still manufacture in the country not to mention our ports are owned by foreign companies..

      • “… if Hawaii was being threatened the usa would be there in a heartbeat..”

        Umm… you DO know that the military is already entrenched here? Four major bases on Oahu alone… Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force. Nuke storage areas. And a million people. Hawaii would not be ‘threatened’, it would be a prime target. One reason I retired to the boon docks far out in the jungle of the Big Island.

      • “Umm… you DO know that the military is already entrenched here? ”

        SEE… I knew it LOL… we are already there.. protecting a country right off of our borders as it should be….

  3. It’s no wonder they have those surveillance tri-pods at every store since Covid started. They know what is coming. Every day I’m topping my tank off. Holy Cow dude. Holy Cow.

    • I definitely do not want to be near the cities when this shit goes down in maybe 4 or 5 months. I remember buying a bottle of a thousand Vitamin C last year for about $4. Maybe that much. Same brand and everything. Everyone is in denial about inflation and all that.

      It’s only a matter of time, you won’t want to be in the city. Especially when it gets to $100 bottle for 300 Vitamin C.

      Cause people aren’t going to pay that much. People are going to the store, take it and not pay shit.

      Ya time to.move away from the city. As soon as I can.

      • “People are going to the store, take it and not pay shit. ”

        Why not? Freely taking shit sounds outrageous but we’ve all got a favorite example.

        Whoever deconstructed Sears took the loot then dumped the Sears pension plan onto the taxpayers.

        Nancy Pelosi finally lost on a trade. It’s been years since she had a bad day at the chart.

        Someone steals a case of beer and a few steaks along with a jar of vitamin C. Big deal.

        Fine them in proportion to how much the Sackler’s were fined.

      • Andy,

        I would imagine your Teamster credentials allow you free reign across much of the Pacific Empire States. Heck, for all I know you could drive truck into South Union and not even have to roll down your window. TPTB will know from the hummingbird drones that it’s just-in-time Andy with critical deliveries for Jeff that are all that keeps the Amazon world from de-orbiting. Amazonians walking about campus breathing the 14 Principles part on cue allowing Andy to park his torquey diesel belcher in prime spots out front of the Day One tower. So what if the rig is blocking Elon’s fast recharger. Can’t be helped, flashers are on. Jeff always times his elevator ride down to give Andy some browsing time for vit C at the ground floor Go store that doesn’t have a checkout only an app. You just walk out with your stuff. Sure beats the exact change vending machines over in Redmond. Hope Jeff hurries up on that elevator. Bill’s been chomping at the proverbial thoroughbred bit for delivery of his brand new May 2022 book predicting America’s next pandemic.

        Safe travels, Andy.

      • “I definitely do not want to be near the cities when this shit goes down ”

        Or a Delaware resident. Lol lol..but then what’s worse.. slow starvation.. freezing in winter… dying a slow painful death from radiation in a city where tribal laws rule.. as in the movie the escape from NY…Rotting and sick from having been exposed to aides because of your corruption and evil ways..knowing that it would be shared openly with your entire family because of your deviant ways.. or catching a bio warfare viral pathogen ..
        Flash it’s over in a micro second..
        JB by putting Delaware on the list as target 1 maybe just shows he’s a caring loving guy after all..
        I am curious if the population of Delaware has seen an increase of residents exiting the state..

  4. Thoughts of a possible conspiracy theory or maybe an apocalyptic movie. The Monkey Pox thing is beginning to sound like the AIDs problem in the early 80’s.
    Set up, A recent tabletop discussion with a world wide group of unelected political and financial leaders examines a scenario where an engineered monkey pox virus is clandestinely released in a public train station in an unnamed small country to infect a nearby enemy only to get out of control and infect billions worldwide with catastrophic death tolls. Only this time how long will it take before those mysterious cleavage sites in the genetic coding are discovered? Wasn’t there some kind of loose possible connection to the AIDs virus in the Covid Furin cleavage sites? Wait a minute, who was it that was a big player in that AIDs research? Queue Church Lady…..I don’t know,
    maaaaayyyybe………Fou er I mean Satan.
    I scare myself.
    Stay safe 73

    • Dont be scared Jimbo – unless you are of the RUS , and carry genetic markers indicating such affiliation wit that fine group of Slavic peoples.

      This latest gift from jerry/dvd is a particularly nasty bio-weapon – Modified to target ethnic Russians via their DNA .- worked on it in secure/covert biolab underneath Avostal steel plant-Mariopul..getting weapon OUT – explains why Ukies delayed surrendering so long.

      What worries this military minded, aged jungle warrior..rumored 30 french operators captured at Avostal – while at same time rumored french fired Neptune missile(s) which sank Moskva.

      Yes – city of ISIS (Par ISIS-Paris) is within range of Ruskie strategic bombers operating out of Syria.

      So no worries for least until Irina Yarovaya is done.. -co Chairman parliamentary investigation commission on US biological laboratories in Ukraine…in light of evidential clues on construction of SARS-Cov-2 the laboratory in EU-US-China deal, through the “shanghi gang” defeated by the current leaders of ChiComParty, which would then pass thru Moderna Big Pharma funded by Gates and the Pentagon.

      So wont mention former director Gates ngo @ GAVI -which manages covax vax plan against covid in poor countries currently? same dude who became NATO general secretary..”Jenny from the sorass”.

      So much Time, So Little Virtue…Oh My Goodness!

  5. “AmRev2”

    Last weekend I caught a few minutes of the Art Bell show, “Somewhere in Time” on the radio. The show was recorded back in 1996 and they were discussing the coming Civ War 2.

    The coming Civ War was very serious to them, 25 years ago.

    The show had complaints about Clinton running a second time, Janet Reno potentially being a lesbian, everything.

    The week before listeners and host were convincing themselves chupacabras were coming in from Puerto Rico.


    I love that video clip.. what I get a chuckle over.. is just how many OSCARS will be given out to MSM for being able to say what they do without laughing LOL LOL LOL that takes skill and some serious acting ability to read a teleprompter while gagging on an outward laugh LOL LOL—Biden,-Will-US-defend-Taiwan-militarily-against-China:6

  7. Filled up the car w/push-water today. $73.00 + a quart of oil. Prices seem to be plateauing. Only $1.00 more for the tank over last time.

  8. “CDC officials sound alarm for gay, bisexual men as monkeypox spreads” ….

    WOW that is absolute discrimination against the other 69 varieties to say nothing about the virgins and those who are no longer having sex of any sort.

    Whoever at the CDC sent out the warning was obviously a Rabid Republican Neanderthal to not include all the other sexual genders that are out there. EQUALITY FOR ALL!!! EQUAL TREATMENT FOR ALL!!

    Someone should inform the CDC that THAT disease is NOT ALLOWED TO DISCRIMINATE and mostly infect only certain genders and those who engage in certain sexual behaviors … it MUST be NON discriminatory in this day and age of Wokism!!

    Somebody needs to put the Gang of Four, Kamala, Nancy, Chuck, and yep even Joe on the case to get this discrimination issue cleared up. There otta be a LAW!!

  9. Next level war harassment.

    Ukraine is scanning faces of dead Russians, then contacting the mothers

    Ukrainian officials say the use of facial recognition software could help end the brutal war. But some experts call it ‘classic psychological warfare’ that sets a gruesome precedent.

    “Ukrainian officials have run more than 8,600 facial recognition searches on dead or captured Russian soldiers in the 50 days since Moscow’s invasion began, using the scans to identify bodies and contact hundreds of their families in what may be one of the most gruesome applications of the technology to date.”

    Organized, impactful, comprehensive investigations

    • Which is why it’s a nonzero probability that the Russians will line Azov nazis up and hang them row by row, then send the death photos to Kiev with a NAZI label attached to each. Putin is a KGB-trained dick. I can’t believe Zelensky really wants to try and “out-dick” him…

  10. I’m glad I’m old. (77)

    I lived through a few Bad Days, but I enjoyed a lot of America’s Really “Best” Latter Days.

    Born in late 1944, raised through the fifties and sixties, did most of my early career in the sixties and the seventies, hit my best stride through the eighties, nineties, and a chunk into the early 2000s, when we retired in about 2010 — give or take; it wasn’t sudden, we kinda tapered off.

    We’re Living Well –not “Rich,” but reasonably comfortable in the central and civilized parts of North Carolina. We’re happy here.

    We weep for our grandkids. Raised by parents who strongly resemble Brian and Christy from “Last Man Standing,” starring Tim Allen. Their kids fear everything, are humorless, think the world is urgently corroding out from under their feet, and inevitably so, and feel powerless and hopeless to affect it.

    There’s a rich tapestry of screwed-uppedness in the grandkid’s personal affairs I don’t feel needs exposure here — but suffice to say, I pity the path(s) they’ve chosen — they will NOT have a Nice Time in life, it would seem. Lotsa Drama awaits — and they are NOT psychologically equipped to face it

    I have tried, gently, to talk to them about things, but the shields snap up, and the open channels slam shut, the bumper-sticker slogans appear, and one is best advised to just get by and sue for Peace, and Just Back Off.

    The grandkids are a product of numerous VERY questionable teachings, indoctrinations, educations, and confusions. Most revolve around moral relativism, trendy thinking, grossly unscientific or illogical thinking, and the deep influence of all the popular and ephemeral rubbish.

    I am sad for them.

    Maybe after the mushroom crop sprouts, they’ll be able to Build Back Better one day.

    If not, then we’ll know why we can’t find ET on the giant Cosmophone dish scanning the stars.

    ET is not there.

    Too bad.

    • “The grandkids are a product of numerous VERY questionable teachings, indoctrinations, educations, and confusions. Most revolve around moral relativism, trendy thinking, grossly unscientific or illogical thinking, and the deep influence of all the popular and ephemeral rubbish.”


      Except for living in central Canada and not North Carolina (which I have been to and loved), I could have written, almost verbatim, your post today.

      I have 5 grandchildren and have just completed writing my book “Life Lessons For my Grandkids,” with lots of good technical writing tips from our Maestro, George Ure. When I wrote the last chapter I got to thinking “Yeah, life lessons for grandpa but maybe not for grandkids.” I grew up in the same time frame you did, built a couple of businesses, treated employees, suppliers and clients with respect, worked hard, sacrificed, paid my bills on time and generally enjoyed life. I travelled in Africa for 10 years after retirement building clean water systems for kids. I loved the interplay I had with those kids. My life lessons were based on a set of standards that don’t seem to exist today.

      I am really concerned for my 2 youngest grandchildren, both girls and both in their teens. They are very smart and attractive but have been conditioned by a school system that teaches things that are foreign to me. I really love to dialogue with them but realize that they will not even come near the path I walked. Conservative values are foreign to them. They and their friends would vote for the socialist party if they were old enough.

      So the world they will inherit will be not be the one I lived in. Maybe my life lessons are useless to them.


      • “I travelled in Africa for 10 years after retirement building clean water systems for kids. ”

        I love that …. I never made it to the top.. had to struggle my whole life.. but because of those struggles.. I try to help others in theirs.. I have never been to africa.. but have donated CEB presses to build schools,Clinics and churches..
        I do believe the old tale give a man a fishing pole and teach him how to fish..
        how to dig a well and he will have clean water.. so for my gifts.. I go to a few places that do try to make a change..

      • LOOTB. You are one of the ones I respect and look up to on this site. I was very fortunate to have the financial and physical ability to do my work in Africa 20 years ago but charity begins at home. You look after the people around you and that is what is most important!

      • There was a reason I chose, at an early age, not to have children. I sensed early on that by the time I retired, the world would not be a place I would want to put my children into. No regrets on my part, now.

  11. I see the USA defending Taiwan from invasion as presumptively ridiculous as China defending Cuba from an American invasion! The logistics can’t work unless we rely on absolute scorched earth destruction. I’m sure there are smarter military minds than mine, but it seems rather stupid to even mention this. I’ve never understood the value of telegraphing your real intentions unless from a position of overwhelming power.

    • “I see the USA defending Taiwan from invasion as presumptively ridiculous as China defending Cuba from an American invasion!”

      EXACTLY my thoughts as well…… it is what fifty miles off of the chinese border.. and filled with corruption..I believe that We should be the ones protecting Cuba.. and helping them with their issues..but then who am I.. I would love to visit one of the coffee plantations there.. or see the country.. but heck it is what it is..

      “Corruption is very much linked to countries that fall apart, as you see in Libya, Syria,” said Finn Heinrich, research director at Transparency International. “These are not countries where the government is functioning effectively, and people have to take all means in order to get by, to get services, to get food, to survive.”

      Taiwan is what rated at about the same level as we are for medical services for the citizens.. one of the worst.. not as badly corrupted as Ukraine was.. that was at the top of being the worst for corruption..

  12. Get with the groove baby . Shorting is the old way . Buy gold buy gold buy gold and buy more . I’m I love again .

  13. Ukraine is so boring. Won a heap of oscars . Great performance by the great Vladimir. Dopey joe played himself best supporting. The movie tops now .. gold !!!!!

  14. Don’t worry about the Monkey Pox thing – it’s just Aides Redux with a little covid con on the side. If they have the opportunity to spin it into a ‘pandemic’ with lockdowns, masks, and vaccines, they will – but they are moving slow as people have been to the rodeo now and there are not as many naive people – oh, there are still lots of them, but the numbers are dwindling and the tolerance for ‘Karens’ is diminishing.

    But they will make the play if they think they can. They need a scam after the war settles in Ukraine in a few months. Remember, as George has correctly observed, it’s all a business model. The Ukraine War ends when the west loses interest and finds the next great scam. If you are in the EU, the cost to you has already been extracted – and more so over the summer.

    • “If they have the opportunity to spin it into a ‘pandemic’ with lockdowns, masks, and vaccines, they will –”

      YUP.. the magicians slight of hand to get the people focused on that issue rather than what is really going on..
      It is like the abortion issue.. drag it around the campaign stage put some lipstick on it.. get the people all focussed on abortion… while they do something entirely different.. It the people focussed on the state of the union and the decline of the dollar.. the skyrocketing prices.. well it is hard to get votes if you tell them.. I only work two days a month and don’t give two cents about your rising gas and commodity prices.. It is all in how they spin the story.. look we can stop abortions after fifty plus years of debating the issue .. just vote me in…. even though endless wars has killed way more children than abortions.. now look we have monkey pox..

  15. I would love to read Stu’s latest article that “Poland is Next” but he change his password for his recent articles I have tried emailing them multiple times to get the new password I have bought his books multiple times in his last book I bought and go to his site daily to see what is new but without the new password I can’t read anything and it’s getting frustrated and I have not received any emails back from him letting me know what the new password is. I go to your site first George then right after I read your article I go to Stu’s site to see anything new. I’m extremely frustrated and don’t know how to get the new password from Sue if you have idea on how I can get the password I’d appreciate it like in the email I sent Stu I would be even willing to pay for it … again.

    • I agree.

      As a frustrated follower of TheAgeofD. It would be great if the password worked for all platforms.

      But alas, it is what it is apparently. At this time, WE ALL have more important things to do than surf on the net.

  16. The inflation Genie is _way_ out of the bottle after decades of confinement. Now the Bond mkt is leading the Fed while the stock mkt plays catch-up, or ketchup? Watch the TNX and 2/10 spread to know what’s next.

    Leaving the city? Check. We bailed on the mid size midwestern city after 30 years. Note: blue city in red state. Now we are a smidge north of the border in a red township in a blue state. Does it really matter? Nope. A pox on all the parties.

    “I concluded there’s a reason people retire. Still trying to figure out how they do that.”

    A couple clients managed to leave Fortune 100 Cos. then work as a consultant for those same Cos. slaving away 20% of the time for 40% of the remuneration. I’m still trying to replace myself, in a hybrid sense, modeling on that situ.

    Here in the heartland rain is plentiful, crops are in, spring is wobbling towards summer. Everyone is generally happy except those who must mow the lawns. Speaking of, I must away.

    Write when you get liberated,

    • Yeah, I just finished mowing my lawn. Sunny day with no rain… a rarity here in the tropic jungle with 130 inches annually. No water shortage here. Make hay while the sun shines.

      “I concluded there’s a reason people retire. Still trying to figure out how they do that.”

      Linguistics… “retired” simply means “tired again”. You DO know that ‘work’ is a four-letter word, right?

  17. “So (other than pointing at most of Twitter and FB) we now have a fresh poster child in this story: Conspiracy theories swirl in China that monkeypox was deliberately leaked by the US.”


    The CCP knows both that we didn’t leak monkeywarts, and that it’s no big deal. They are playing on the West’s new “permanent panic mode,” as installed (not a typo) by COVID, and they are using the panic our own media is instilling in us over an infection that’s less severe than measles, to manipulate our entire society. “Monkeypox will be “proof of concept” on this manipulation; next will come the surreptitious buy-in to news outlets, just like Soros did 20+ years ago when he used a shell company to purchase Media Matters for America and MoveOn dot Org (both established as propaganda outlets to put a Band-Aid on the Clinton investigations and impeachment — “Can’t we just ‘move on’ — do y’all remember now?) And yes, if he lives long enough, I expect to see a thoroughly entertaining turf-war between Soros and Xi over control of the formerly American news media.

    Bear in-mind that Mrs. X is both staggeringly beautiful and an incredibly talented performer, so she probably knows how to manipulate media…

  18. Wars over fellas !! Yep specialK is alive alright. He runs the show!! Not Soros or schwab or gates . Now F off fools and listen to K . Longevity comes from mother . He looks good . I love gold

    • that longevity comes from the Quill/probe – he is “invested” ..heard he kept one as a pet..”vrilled” or vrilldrilled. Ever see world leaders/politicians/evil pedo pontiffs with black eye ?????

      Of course you have ! that black eye is caused by vrill inserting its ‘probe” into and around Ure eyes optic nerve..causes a lil trauma to surrounding tissue..

  19. Find yourself a comfy couch and prepare to indulge in America’s national amusement this upcoming Memorial Day long weekend. Yes peeps young and old, the studio of 1930’s Mae West fame, now subsidiary to a woman-led $28 billion revenue per year colossus is releasing almost three years behind its original release date the new Tom Cruise blockbuster “Top Gun” remake. Had to wait and let the future show over the target horizon for the rubes? Just as F18 Super Hornets are better than F18 Hornets, the remake is going to bat it out of the Park as 4&5 star advance screenings would seem to indicate.

    No problem that the US Congress axed their Navy’s stealth fighter development 30(?) years ago. Hollywood special effects has the answers and Tom is in Cruise control.

    Okay, so cue Lucasian Skywalker dangerous approach route for masking inferior aircraft technicals enroute to target. Hyped up hearing anecdotal reports of the brand-spanking-new fifth generation Russian SU-57 creating havoc at whim in Ukrainian theatres? Fear not. Keep your eyes on the screen if you dare and watch over Tom’s shoulder. Dogfighting with opponents holding +800 mph and +16000 foot ceiling advantages. No problem. Have your barf bag in hand should your pilot Admiral Tom Cruise opt to pull g forces in excess of hull design. Hollywood. Word.

    Spoiler alert to Zeus: (and his consort on what sounds to be a great date movie)

    …camera segues to Maverick’s P-51 Mustang Tomcat…

  20. “Biden Lies on Ukraine become more clear:  You may not realize it, but Slow Joe’s turn-off of Oil from Russia has ONLY HIT THE U.S. economy”

    Not to mention by his actions of sanctions basically forced putin and Xi to set up their own monetary fund backing the Ruble and Juan with gold and grain..strengthening their currency and weakening the dollar ,pound and euro…

    • “Biden Lies on Ukraine become more clear:  You may not realize it, but Slow Joe’s turn-off of Oil from Russia has ONLY HIT THE U.S. economy”

      Not to mention by his actions of sanctions basically forced putin and Xi to set up their own monetary fund backing the Ruble and Juan with gold and grain..strengthening their currency and weakening the dollar ,pound and euro…

    • “Not to mention by his actions of sanctions basically forced putin and Xi to set up their own monetary fund backing the Ruble and Juan with gold and grain..strengthening their currency and weakening the dollar ,pound and euro…”

      What? You never heard of BRICS? This was in the works all-along, which is why Russia divested itself of nearly all dollar-debt, over the past three years, and China has disposed of over a trillion of it’s formerly-held US Treasuries. Now is simply a good time, place, and means for jump-starting the program…

      • oh I heard about it.. they had been working with the Saudi govt.. and the ECB to use their currency..
        Now from my perspective… when the USA decided to print their way out of debt. and is handing away trillions and billions like it is a glass of water on a war that from my perspective is just to keep their countries corrupt systems intact….in my opinion it became obvious that the dollar and the euro pound etc.. is going to implode similar to zimbabwe’s currency.. even now you see gas prices shooting up.. you want to top the tank every day because the odds are that it will be more tomorrow.. the same with products.. if you use a can of beans today.. best to buy one before you go to sleep because tomorrow it may be more money..
        Nothing is stable at this point in time.. of course congress could undo the de- regulations bringing it all back to the sixties again..and do what trump wanted to do.. Tariff all incoming goods.. and tariff any labor handed out to foreign countries.. but them.. what about the millions of illegals that are being transported across the border and set up by our govt.. that to is money out.. we transport them and set them up pay their way.. and then charge johnny six pack that works at the McDonalds down the street for their care.. if they haven’t gotten his job and doesn’t have to pay any taxes.. I have been in the financial death spiral a few times.. it is not fun.. it is extremely dangerous and once you tip.. it takes a lot to flip it back.. and I can see it right now.. we are in a death spiral of death spirals.. the dollar is spinning down faster than we can even see..
        so is the EURO and the pound..

  21. The dual standards of law and taxes…
    There’s a reason why executives leave everything in the company name..
    Corporation move beyond the borders to not pay taxes as well and individuals move their money to offshore accounts..
    It’s also one good reason that those hiding resources want to keep Ukraine the way it was as the world’s number 1 money laundering center..
    Its always about the business model

  22. Wow there are some smart fellas and Sheila’s here . Yep some of us see it before it happens and we see the truth not the spin story. Now sit back enjoy your gold . And you can get on the fastest shuttle. ASX RRL. Designed and built by me . Still fueling and already up 12 percent. Clear the launch area .we are good for go !!!!

  23. And last one george !! Been up since 1 am . Batchelor for 3 weeks , wife has gone to see sick , dying jabbed relos. So me , the cat 20 years young, music , smoke , coffee and charts . The zone is beautiful!! Final thought . I learnt 25 years ago one thing runs the world. When you learn that you are zoned. I’m going bed now at 5 am. Yep coach flowers is the best

  24. Did State send happy birthday wishes today to Mrs. President Sandu of Moldova? The EU-leaning birthday celebrant by coinkydoink on the day placed her Putin-friendly predecessor into a 72 hour detention according to Deutsche Welle. Apparently video has turned up alleging receipt of bribes from a billionaire Moldovan oligarch who has taken up new residence in Turkey.

    It seems at times that president Sandu has struggled to entirely denounce the WW2 Holocaust activities such as the Odessa Massacre of local folk hero and Hitler collaborator Ion Antonescu.

    Well, back to the party in the Palace of the Republic. Would anyone like cake?

  25. All over the news… PLOT FOILED….

    But now the question… IF .. the present administration is smuggling eighteen thousand a day with his open borders of people from these very same countries that have sworn vengence…. no vetting or investigations etc.. flying them here and there and getting them set up in society giving them funding and all sorts of perks…..

    Then …WHY.. did anyone have to sneak four across the border..
    Its almost like the black man that killed 33 getting a ride in a roll’s Royce.. and no news on it.. but non stop all caucasians are white supremist we need to get everyones gun.. of a Caucasian man …

    dual standards …

  26. Comrades,

    One of the charter planes ferrying Ukrainian refugees from Warsaw to Canada landed today and featured on the evening news. One new male arrivee was interviewed with a translator. He didn’t look to be older than 35 years and claimed to be traveling with his wife and 3 children not seen on camera.

    He said the family had been evacuated from Mariupol by bus to family members in Russia. His settlement option in Russia was to accept transfer to Siberia. So instead they used bus tickets bought by his Russian family to get to Estonia and Latvia, and finally to Warsaw, Poland. From there they had made it onto the Canadian government flight out to Canada. The interviewee’s story struck me as interesting.

  27. Gee sick yankee shite today in markets . Your gone . Fools scum zombie jabbed der der der go up everything . Creeps

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