Listening for the Tumblers

Trying to “crack the safe” in the investment world, are you?  Years ago, an outfit that made saw-sharpening and locksmithing gear, Foley-Belsaw – had a dandy locksmithing course. Turned out, it was a lot more feel and less touch than cartoons had made it seem to a young feller.

Point is, in really unlocking investments, there is a lot more time than brains involved, at some long-term market inflection points.

Odds seem pretty good we’re in such a period right now.  Which we will dig into with the ChartPack this morning as we diagnose the harsh Jerome Powell remarks – and resulting nosebleed (which becomes an epistaxis after med school) on Wall Street Friday.

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62 thoughts on “Listening for the Tumblers”

  1. The market is crashing because bailout 2022 has ended. Another Freebie Season has come to a close. But do the freebies still work?

    Computers changed the world. Back in analog days .gov could unleash huge quantities of money. Marshall Plan level tsunamis of liquidity and G.I. Bill levels of free. Ida Mae Fuller level lotto wins.

    (Ida May Fuller worked for three years under the Social Security program. The accumulated taxes on her salary during those three years was a total of $24.75. Her initial monthly check was $22.54.)

    Years would pass as the cash rained through the economy. Today not so much.

    Last week 24 oz canned beef was $8.something @ the $WMT. Last night I made the rounds and the price is now $9.88 a can. Yep, bought them all.

    The alogs are pricing in the August bailouts before the cash even hits the street.

    • I’ve been squirreling away freeze dried beef. Yep, even more expensive than the canned stuff… but with a storage life of 25+ years I’m looking at future value. We can grow fruits and vegetables, but for protein… what U gonna do? … crickets? I also have the world’s largest fish pond just a couple miles down the road, but I expect that to be heavily used and scarce also.

  2. It was just a hunch., nothing more., but I had a feeling that Powell was going to bitch-slap Biden., so just before the close on Thursday I placed two ‘bets’. Options. [ tight stops.] Powell delivered a back-hand across the administration’s mouth and I made out like a bandit on Friday. Monday? I’ll wait ’til Sunday night before I make any other “hunches”.

    • “Powell was going to bitch-slap Biden., ”

      We call them kind of feelings fantasize but if it was going to be real….I wonder if that would be pay per view..or would that just be on regular television..

  3. LOB –

    24 OZ cans of shredded/ground beef are now $9.88 per 24oz can. Almost $6.66 a pound.

    How much do you think a jar of canned beef costs you to make? Does that include jars/lids/the pressure cookers and etcs.?

  4. “BUT the Fed doesn’t want to “get real with people” in meaningful ways in advance of the election in November. So while the 401(k) values may decline a bit, the real bites won’t be felt until year-end or as the Second Depression becomes apparent in 2023.”
    Now, we can ask: “Is using economic depression as a “crisis” to down-scale 360-million people a good idea?”

    considering that.. I was visiting with a single mother of 4 kids.. well she is married but he moved out and no support.. because he couldn’t deal with the economic stress… she has been waiting for her tax return.. that they still haven’t processed.. she has to move out of her apartment and is going to live in a small camper that her best friends mom is going to let her use.. ( yes a small camper with small children .. don’t know where she will park it..) of course she doesn’t qualify for any of the give away programs either.. and can’t get any child support.. I take that back he bought a small pack of diapers three months ago..
    I slipped her a little money.. that is two young women in a week..
    anyway.. I was visiting with the young womans aunt.. who is a friend.. and is a nurse.. she is horrified at what she is going through but unable to help at all either.. the medical facility she works for is doing the same thing my wifes facility is doing.. and cutting hours of the hourly wage earners.. she hasn’t worked in three months now.. ( we were to have four days this month and next month luckily she was able to get a four more days of work) the aunts husband’s job is doing the same thing.. cutting hours of the hourly employees.. only keeping the executives on staff and salaried employees working longer hours..
    Now this is from the bottom.. and if the bottom feeders of society labor are all in the same pickle.. the young woman next door with one child that is only getting eight hundred a month and paying a thousand for low income rent.. how can they say the bottom will vote for anyone in office.. ( oh she to is still waiting on her tax return) sort of like my trying to change someones address with the department of Social Security….. I do believe that they got upset because I had friend that works high up for (redacted) LOL drop them a call and they picked the phone up for (redacted) LOL first ring ..LOL LOL LOL… still haven’t gotten the address changed.. the young woman with four kids.. its the same thing.. call get put on hold for a day then told to call back during business hours.. my sister got an appointment right away.. but she goes to church and is friends with one of the women in the department.. .. but .. wouldn’t they still need the votes from those at the bottom to keep the position.. and if those on the bottom are suffering the way I see they are.. why would they vote for them ..I know I am not voting for anyone that has an office now..

    • Your stable of single moms seem to be multiplying like cats. Are they willing to work in some capacity? They are your labor pool. Manage them better or they’ll drown you.

      “why would they vote for them”

      People don’t want change. Chris Christie is on TV saying he would prosecute Trumpster. LOL Chris was a contender, before he wasn’t but could be again. Republicans would vote for the guy. Lesser of two evils. That’s the way it works.

      • “Are they willing to work in some capacity?”

        Yes they are all willing to work.. the niece was let go in NYC because she attended a funeral.. and is actively applying for positions..of course no unemployment.. if you quit your not eligible if your let go your not eligible as well.. unemployment insurance is basically for seasonal help. The mother of 4 starts on Wed..but it’s 12 dollars an hour rent is due in less than a week.. daycare will be around 4 grand a month.. 3 grand with daycare assistance.. low income housing .. they are on that already rent is 1150.00 plus utilities.. the neighbor .. she gets 12 an hour her low income rent plus utilities is 795.00.. she gets three 6 hour shifts a week..her sister is babysitting
        The aunt to the mother of 4 is a nurse .. they cut hours because of the increase in operation expenses..her husband he works for a car dealership..not sure which.. they to are cutting hours on hourly wage earners and juggling days for sales reps.. I am not sure what his position is… the teller at the bank..went from 40 to 32 hours a week..
        The local mom and pop grocery store.. because there’s been a lot of refugees moving into that neighborhood..crime has exploded.. they have had to let go the help they had and close at dusk..
        At one plant I worked at..sales are down.. they are beginning to cut across the board..
        The trend I see is operating expenses increase they are forced to make adjustments elsewhere..
        The single and low income are hurt the worse.. families are being torn apart..and it’s starting to expand exponentially..

      • Lol… Joe says he’s going to win in a landslide.. that all the people love him lol lol.. now that’s a wet dream fantasy..

  5. The people that talk about a depletion of lithium are shortsighted. It’s the future and WILL be the relief the world needs in this time of near recession….Now, the facts….25 pounds of lithium are needed for an average electric vehicle. 85,000 tons of lithium are mined each year and that number is growing…That’s 170 million pounds of mined lithium each year….so that’s enough lithium to electrify 6.8 million electric cars. Those lithium battery packs in electric cars have a lifespan of nearly 10 years. No fuel renewal for each car like gas….I have over 65,000 miles on my 4 year old Tesla and not a mile of battery depletion. Yes, mining lithium can be dirty…but less so than coal and about on par with gas…But…it’s not an ongoing, must replenish when used resource. Unlike coal and gas…which when used…disappears into our air we breathe (cough, cough) lithium has a long, long, long lifespan.

    Let’s talk about ICE cars… It takes one 42 gallon barrel of oil to make 19 gallons of gas. That’s on average about 1 WEEK worth of gas. SO, each and every human that drives a car uses 52 barrels of oil each and every year. Take that times 1.4 billion cars on the road on planet Earth and it takes nearly 73 billion barrels EACH AND EVERY YEAR to fuel the world to drive cars. The world produces 32.5 billion barrels a year. As a bonus (sic)Refining that gas spews 1.22 metric tons of carbon dioxide into the air…driving a car releases 1.7 billion tons of GHG’s..mostly carbon dioxide into the air each year…Talk about depletion Peak resources and the downside of ongoing, unstoppable pollution each and every mile an ICE car is driven.

    By the way, for all of you naysayers, a Tesla uses less electricity than most home appliances if you charge at home. Plus, based on demographics of people buying Tesla’s, there is a higher chance that those owners have solar installed in their home, or charge at work at a company that does. Also, as electrics become more ubiquitous, more and more states and regions will switch to more renewable power generation technologies. Everything mentioned here about electric cars, renewable energy and all the subsets and downline companies that support it, also produces more jobs exponentially. Infrastructure building produces 10X more jobs than maintenance of the same old, same old technologies.

    The goal is to get to 100 million electric cars worldwide by 2030…by the end of this year we will reach 150,000 tons of lithium mined each year which will get us enough to fuel 100 million cars…Of course, by then we will test and produce more efficient battery technologies that will reduce the amount of needed resources…So, the fears of lithium shortages is way pre-mature…In the meantime…We need to be more dependent on lithium, less dependent on fossil fuels…not the other way around. Plus, the countries that have the highest resources of lithium (Chile, Bolivia, Argentina and the U.S.) don’t have the issues that oil countries have.

    • The site reports:

      California utilities partly own and import power from several power plants in Arizona and Utah. In addition, California’s electricity imports include hydroelectric power from the Pacific Northwest, largely across high-voltage transmission lines running from Oregon to the Los Angeles area.

      So you’re going to take more power that there isn’t enough of to put into cars that are heavier than ICEs? Then give the ev owners no gas taxes and not paying into federal highway funds… yep, they’re sure special, alright.

      • I forgot about that G… taxes on the wife’s car almost trippled.. because of lost revenue for roads that’s gotten off of gas sales

      • So you are for more taxes all of a sudden? Seems your type would like any type of opportunity to not have to pay taxes like gas.

        • Making up “special classes” is not what egalitarian types around here subscribe to.
          If you drive on a public road (whether an EV or 56=Chevy) they should all be “tax equal” or the equal protection under law is violated. Likewise, reverse discrimination to “make up” for a past we didn’t participate in is yet-another anti-equality. And genders? How many we up to now?
          Equality doesn’t mean special privilege. It means exactly what the word EQUAL says. On the road, in the schools, in government and so forth. If the public is involved in a stakeholder way, Equality rules.
          (Don’t look for this in curriculum nowadays…SPECIAL is the ruling paradigm now…especially out your way.)

      • “Mark
        August 27, 2022 at 23:51
        So you are for more taxes all of a sudden? Seems your type would like any type of opportunity to not have to pay taxes like gas.”

        It wasn’t all of a sudden.. it was put in the business model.. tax money goes for roads etc.. if that is missing.. you can’t just create it out of thin air… OH WAIT.. our Present congress and administration is doing just that.. Maybe they should lower it.. LOL those with hybrids and electric cars will pay an increased yearly tax or plate fee..
        If taxes are then further reduced.. with the loss of what quarter a gallon.. well it is eighteen cents per gallon.. and fifty two tanks of gasoline per year.. per person.. or roughly two hundred bucks.. give or take per person a year loss in federal tax and what two hundred fifty million cars.. if they were all electric..that loss of tax revenue has to be gained by other means..
        the old one hundred pennies in a dollar.. like it or not.. until congress gets through with the dollar bill there will always be one hundred pennies to a dollar..,those%20for%20traditional%20motor%20vehicles.

      • “Mark
        August 27, 2022 at 23:51
        So you are for more taxes all of a sudden? Seems your type would like any type of opportunity to not have to pay taxes like gas.”

        OH and a little tidbit.. give a half years interest off on school loans.. yea… yipee.. big thrill.. ( well to the stupid ones that think this is a big deal it will be.. but all in all it isn’t even a years interest on the school loans.. ) you have to take into consideration that as well.. over twenty percent of those …..NOT……. making eighty thousand a week.. have not gotten their tax returns for last year… there doesn’t seem to be any sight of it in the future either.. and for the men that make the eighty thousand per week kind of wages it really isn’t a big thing.. BUT.. for the hourly wage earner making fifteen dollars and under per hour.. the electric company doesn’t have a sense of humor.. and those people need the money to pay those bills.. spread this out on a pyramid of wealth.. and what does that indicate.. if they loose the money can’t spend the money and don’t earn the money.. mom and pop businesses are all in a bind.. most smaller companies are cutting hours of wage earners to compensate for loss of revenue.. this picture if you really look at it gets pretty dam ugly.. all because a bunch of people that only work half as much time as a regular hourly wage earner cannot get the job done.. and who do they come to.. the ones making the money.. you have to have revenue.. to keep the rent paid and the power on… maybe we should send another hundred billion to the most corrupt country in the world again.. or maybe a trillion so what who cares its only numbers right..

    • Just took a 4,000 mile road trip of the West over 12 days. Get back to me when that same trip will be possible in any battery powered car. But be quick, I’m 68 and don’t have decades to wait for that level of freedom/utility. Until then I will not be in the market for an electric car. JAC

    • “Unlike coal and gas…which when used…disappears into our air we breathe (cough, cough) ”

      I personally support coal..and with a small change in design of the burn chambers it burns clean.. I made that change with my multi fuel stove.. I would like to see someone make pellets using the waste.. 3 parts sawdust 1 part coal dust.. and market it..nice hot fire but not to hot to shut down the electronics..
      Cars.. the boss loves her prime..
      But consider the costs.. and wait period…I was getting my brakes fixed.. ( the new mechanics are computer oriented he had never done brakes.. put them in wrong had to take it in to an old mechanic)
      Anyway..I was looking at a car that 2 years ago cost new 22 thousand..and change..the price now almost 50 thousand.. the salesman and I were visiting and he said getting cars is almost impossible..a year out on most new cars and used cars are in high demand..with prices skyrocketing and the bill just signed in making sure there’s a ten percent increase in unity costs..not even considering the I crease in their operation expenses…wages stalled and exploding costs.. if you’re making more per house that means the one buying is paying more.. then I would be like most hourly wage earners living in cardboard boxes and campers.. there is still only 100 cents in a dollar

    • “By the way, for all of you naysayers, a Tesla uses less electricity than most home appliances if you charge at home”

      An 85 Kilowatt battery to fully recharge probably takes a 100 kilowatt hours since there are losses to account for. A four ton air conditioner running 24 hours straight is about equal. That is not “most appliances” please get your story telling straight..

      BSEE, PE, MBA…

      • Most working people recharge at night, so unless you have some sort of power banking scheme with the power provider (who will probably not be the local power company), the solar generation angle doesn’t play out either. The cost of a battery storage systems large enough to service an electric car rivals the cost of the vehicle,
        Very few people have the location and the property to support a wind turbine that would produce enough power to reliably recharge an electric vehicle battery overnight. Hydroelectric opportunities are rare and regulated heavily.
        Now, if you are retired, working from home, or on graveyard shift, the solar power angle might work out. But chances are that if you are in those categories I just mentioned, you may not be in a financial position to install a 10 KW solar array, or buy a 50K electric vehicle for a questionable ROI.
        Also note that you probably will need to maintain an internal combustion based vehicle for road trips, and abnormal circumstance.
        Last, I would advise that including technical credentials on an anonymous post with engineering content potentially puts your post under jurisdiction and scrutiny of 50+ engineering boards run by municipal OC gangsters, who think a lot like Mark. Anonymity is conditional.

    • numbers of gas in a BBl of oil have no set numbers Some sweet crude can be used without any other contents as it is a real light crude its end point is naphtha. Other crudes have NO light ends in it and its use is Bunker fuel or used in a cracker to retrieve diesel or kerosene. Some crudes are sweet and have no Sulphur other crudes are Sour containing amounts of Sulphur and other corrosive chemicals Fractionating towers have to have a content mix of light and heavy crudes that contain a mix of straight run naphtha kerosene and diesel with a heavy crude for the final cut used for bunker or cracker fuel. Other type of crude has a base of asphalts which is used for paving roads. you might want to do some research before using numbers of which you have no knowledge

      • Mark is a salesman, not a scientist or engineer.

        When faced with facts, he will take one swing, on his way out the door. In future posts, previously-stated facts never figure into his narrative, because he’s a salesman.

    • This egalitarian agrees with you George. What will happen of course, is that the “save the planet” folks will just keep raising gas taxes on ICE vehicles to pay for the lost gas taxes from EVs. The intent being to make ICE vehicles unaffordable to drive and force everyone to move to EVs.

      The roads will still have to be paved but not with asphalt of course since hydrocarbon production will have been eliminated and roads will now be paved with ………ummm…….cement, at about 3 x the cost of asphalt.

      Where will the taxes come from to pave the roads that are now 3x the cost. I guess increased taxes on the same people that are now being taxed to pay off student loans of other peoples kids who went to school and took on debt but didn’t graduate or graduated and didn’t find a job. Low paying jobs of course now being taken by illegal immigrants and well below the dignity of a college graduate.

      Alternatively, toll stations on every road in America to collect high road taxes from all EVs. In pre-electronic days, it would have meant manned (or wommaned) toll booths which would have given employment to the graduates in gender studies or drop outs whose loans we are paying off but I digress.

      Can’t wait for electric airplanes and cruise ships.

      • Yessiree Bob – As soon as you create any special “class” you are on the road to Perdition. Equality means EQUAL in all ways. Even the “progressive income tax” is a scam because it creates “special people” who pay very little, if any, income taxes. Cleverly sold to keep more upper income people from having disposable to compete with the ultra rich. Everyone’s working an angle – even from the top.

      • “The roads will still have to be paved but not with asphalt of course since hydrocarbon production will have been eliminated and roads will now be paved with ………ummm…….cement”

        I say use…… EARTHCRETE….
        LOL … you know Bob I am almost going to give my age old rant of solar power towers and greenscaping LOL LOL LOL LOL…
        the reason I suggest earthcrete is.. its dependability.. long lasting..

        cheaper to put in to.. not even considering the ease of repair and maintain.. like the willow tree and an oak tree.. being flexible to the expansion and contraction will maintain the road.. where a ridgid concrete will split and break up.. requiring more maintenance..

      • then to be honest… I will never know for sure if my thought is right or not.. I would love to build the house I dream of.. or a solar tower and air well.. I can make a small airwell.. they are easy and work good.. but is it viable as a source of water production with the energy it uses to work…I bought a thing almost twenty years ago.. all it is is a plastic dome with a lip.. the idea was to toss it on the ground.. the water is evaporated and drains down into the channel.. simple.. I would love to make a solar tower.. or see one to be finished my way just to see if I am right or… JFOS… and a roadway.. simple.. clay sand mix.. put your gravel bed lay a fiberglass mesh then layer the roadway… at the end.. you compact your earth crete.. and then seal.. if I am right you could even use junk mail.. in this idea..
        I have a signed copy of his book and a few others as well..
        I have always wanted to do a house.. but alas.. that takes those green things which I am a bottom feeder and it will never happen.. I did send an earth block press to a mission to build school clinic church etc.. and one to myself.. but it sits at the back of the shop..
        the thought I have is by placing a mesh between layers on an earthcrete road.. that that would give more stability.. take as an example the colosseum and the bindings used.. the same with adobe bricks.. where straw gives the horizontal support.. anyway..its just a thought…. like making paper mache.. add lime to the mix.. and you have something flexible and water proof.. add the polyvinyl acetate to the mix…

      • Naw, the “fuel tax” will be added to everyone’s electric bill.

        “Can’t wait for electric airplanes and cruise ships.”

        I can’t wait for everyone to start running around naked. Any idea how many of our items of apparel can not be made without petroleum…?

      • Isn’t concrete created from burning limestone with super abundant natural gas?

        One poster on my wife’s FB feed put up a bill for replacing the battery in a Chevy Volt – $28K. Heck, the injectors in my ’05 F-350 diesel was “only” about $3K and it runs like new. It even started when the outside temperature was 6 (yeah – S-I-X) degrees during that little chill we had last year without plugging in the block heater. I parked it one lot down to get it out from under the big liveoak on the street because I was afraid of another big limb falling. That put it out of reach for all the extension cords we have. Couldn’t believe it when it started right up.

      • Electric drives have been on ships since the WW II era. They are not used on most ships due to overall low efficiency. Apparently, some cruise ships still use’em:

        And yeah, I understood you were being sarcastic. The point I am making is that whether electric drives are a blast from the past or the wave of the future is not a sure thing. Hydrogen fueled vehicles burn clean. Fuel density and storage is the issue there, just like with all the alternatives to fossil fuels.

    • The delusional thinking the backwards crowd has with any new technology astounds me. Face it folks…electric cars WILL be the future. They are groundbreaking technology. When my wife and I travel and have to rent an ICE,we feel like we are riding a horse. Such an inefficient way to travel. And for that person that said I can’t go coast to coast in an electric. Yes I can and yes My son has…without any real issues. The charging network is pretty robust these days.

      And as far as me not paying gas taxes. That’s so short sited and another excuse from the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” clan of clowns. How about adapt to change? Ever hear of that mindset?. Electric cars are 100% trackable…it’s a great safety feature, but also can be used for usage…so I can see a future where we get taxed on a tiered usage…which is fair. Back when I had to drive a dinosaur fuel powered car, the more I used the more gas tax I paid…so there’s no difference. Easy solution.

      This is what I hate about conservatives. They only want to denigrate and find the problems and never want to work on an always available solution that enables us to make all of our lives better. My Tesla makes my life simpler, better and way more efficient. From the onboard driver assist technology and easy to use media options to the simple way I can charge at home or at the office without hassle. Even if I have to use a Tesla supercharger, they are all located in the parking lots of grocery or restaurants locations, so I can shop, eat while I safely charge. I dont have to be near or in my car when I charge…unlike filling a tank of gas.

      Ask anyone that drives an electric, whether it is a Tesla, Rivian, the new, exciting popular Ford Mustang (the favorite of my sons generation) or the others from VW, KIA, BMW, Audi and more, plants worldwide are shifting their production lines to electrics. It has now reached an economy of scale. Far, far less parts, easy to assemble and yes…short term, it will cost the world jobs…just like every other technology from computers, recording industry, streaming, etc put their analog predecessors out of business. Adapt to change…just like we have been doing for centuries.

      • First, electric cars are NOT new technology. Over 100-years, right? The market made a good decision on ICE based on relative advantage then, and a few of those things have changed. If we lived in a city and an EV would get us everywhere we wanted, not opposed to it.
        But the real magic of Tesla is its weight. Detroit hasn’t been as clever for a simple reason – no economic incentives.
        However, with the age of online car buying here, there are advantages to consumer direct selling, no doubt. But you think that’s new?

        For some – like rappers – recording at home has been great. But if you really want THE SOUND you do post in Burbank or Nashville, plain as that. We’re still waiting for the breakout tv series on YT but the Why Files and Hecklefish is close. But where is the David Spader level of talent? Where would Richard Burton have been with a GoPro world?

        Difficult questions.

        As a co-gen site, maybe someday a few electrons herded out here will keep Mark’s car going.

      • “Even if I have to use a Tesla supercharger, they are all located in the parking lots of grocery or restaurants locations, so I can shop, eat while I safely charge. I dont have to be near or in my car when I charge…unlike filling a tank of gas.”

        Mark. Can I assume that there is nothing of value in those chargers or connectors to your vehicle? I know that there is very little smash and grab thieving going on in your area but might be worth getting a window seat in the restaurant.

      • Face it, dude, I’ve been experimenting with electric cars since 1970.

        They are not a panacea.

        They are not even an answer, unless we want to build a couple thousand more nuclear power plants.

        They will be just fine, for urban/suburban dwellers — until they’re not. When “they’re not” will be when daily drivers number about 11 million.

        Enjoy the ride while you can…

      • The pie-in-the-ski world (little “w”) your head lives in totally ignores the problems we’re faced with immediately ahead as described by George and so many others. The conceited, garbage-headed elitists you pal around with are intentionally going to starve as much of the World’s population to death as they can (in addition to the bio-weapon they’ve already unleashed, the “cure” of which you berated everyone here for not accepting) far sooner than we would have done it ourselves just to impose your dominance on everyone you look down upon for the sake of your own ego. The great technological revolution will be subverted and mis-used to achieve what Adolf Hitler, Mao, Stalin and every other megalomaniacle dictator dreamed of as was written on the Georgia Guidestones before they were intentionally, and with malice, destroyed. Schwab, Soros and the rest are merely the latest iteration of that age-old fault in human nature.

        Yes, technology evolves and some filters down to us Untermenchen you so loath over time but basic human nature has yet to change. Your kind will always need us to do your dirty jobs with dirty energy and sweat while you happily keep us out of sight and pat yourselves on the back for being so highly evolved. Your kind hasn’t changed in thousands of years and yet you still delude yourselves while your vaunted cities – San Francisco in particular – self destruct around you.

      • “I can’t go coast to coast in an electric. ”

        Interesting I thought tesla motors pushed free charging stations..I’m still waiting for the charge that plugs into a tesla fast charger..tesla fast chargers are least around here.
        Now I will shift gradually to battery..that’s why we got one to tell the kids that we support solar wind and new technologies..except for nuclear I am for all technologies.i the sands of time shift.jusy as.the horse and buggy drifted away so will fossil fuel powered autos..we need to adapt..

      • Ford Hikes Mustang Mach-E Price By As Much As $8,000

        It was just days ago we wrote about how Ford was hiking the price of its F-150 EV by almost exactly the same amount offered as an EV subsidy in the Biden administration’s new “Inflation Reduction Act”.

        While some argued that the price hikes came days before the Act was signed by President Biden, and therefore weren’t definitive proof that Ford was just price gouging the government’s latest handouts, we think that argument has now officially been put to rest, with Ford now also increasing Mustang Mach-E EV prices between $3,000 and $8,100, depending on Model.

        The company is “also increasing shipping costs by $200 on all models,” according to Automotive News’ Michael Martinez.

        The company says the new price reflects “significant material cost increases, continued strain on key supply chains, and rapidly evolving market conditions,” according to The Verge. They provided a breakdown of the increases by model type:

        Select RWD Standard Range: $46,895 ($43,895)

        Select eAWD Standard Range: $49,595

        California Route 1 eAWD Extended Range: $63,575 ($52,450)

        Premium RWD Standard Range: $54,975 ($48,775)

        Premium eAWD Standard Range: $57,675

        GT Extended Range: $69,895 ($61,995)

        The kicker is that the Mach-E may not even be eligible for the new tax credit until 2024, due to requirements that 40% of the vehicle’s components are made in North America or by a US trading partner, the report says.

      • “Mark. Can I assume that there is nothing of value in those chargers or connectors to your vehicle?”

        the copper… other than that not to much… on the prius.. the charger locks into place and won’t come out.. I don’t get much information.. Heck I don’t even know if I could change the radio station on the wifes car.. LOL LOL LOL…. said something like I would make a mess in her car LOL LOL LOL so unless it is to be serviced.. ( daddy chores) I don’t even sit in it LOL LOL LOL now the buggy.. another story.. LOL LOL

        • Mest be a genetic thing, LOOB: Elaine is much the same way about her old Lexus. I can use it – unless I am chauffeuring her. Otherwise, “You got a truck…”

      • “due to requirements that 40% of the vehicle’s components are made in North America or by a US trading partner,”

        we ran into that.. with wind turbine.. all wind turbine components are mostly made outside the USA.. the steel to the we got around it was.. they had to put assembled in the USA on the box and literature etc…..

      • @LOOB

        “Interesting I thought tesla motors pushed free charging stations.”

        Tesla charging stations are $45 a hit, in Las Vegas, for a 70% refill.

        Rockefeller made many times as much money as Ford. REAL MONEY is made by the fuel-supplier, not the vehicle manufacturer…

    • My regular ride is 25 years old, 365K miles, and gives me 40 miles/gallon. It was given me by a friend when its age and mileage made her nervous. It needed some minor work and that cost me less than $100.00 in parts. I’ve driven it for the last 10 years on long trips and short, most often over mountains. It will easily go fast enough to hit three digits if I let it. It has working everything and the original engine and drive train. I’ll be changing the control arms/ball joints some time soon and I picked up a new set for $5.00 each plus shipping. That’s a part day job – not the biggest waste of my time. It’s old enough that I can hack and play with the car as I choose to, and I do. My heavy hauler cost $1000.00 and required nothing more than a new center link. I only drive it when I must, but sadly, I have to pay insurance on it as it sits most of the time. There’s no EV available that can accomplish my mission profiles, and there’ no charging station within 80 miles that I know of. EVs are possibly good for city/suburban commuting(maybe), but here in the sticks they’re not really useful. They also cost magnitudes more than my vehicles do and they can do far less.

      • “My regular ride is 25 years old, 365K miles, and gives me 40 miles/gallon.”

        on the buggy.. she gets twenty seven to thirty .. at one point I was getting thirty two miles per gallon.. but then it is all in who is driving it..
        If the wife or kids drove it.. they would get twenty..I am not in a rush when I drive I want to enjoy my ride.. so I would probably be road raged in a big city.. LOL LOL

  6. Sadly, This Study will most likely be ignored …

    BUT, if someone does decide to cut some fiscal spending, I doubt it will have the positive effect for the good of all, that it should. – wrong cuts don’t heal correctly. Agenda goes on. Be interesting (and probably hurtful) to see what spending might get cut. Hmmm

    Ya know, we humans are (supposedly) able to reverse engineer technology from a crashed UFO. If that’s true, and all the miracle technology of today, is a Copy, not a true invention.

    There’s a huge difference between a real Artist and, one who uses copy paper and claims to be an Artist. – it’s cheating.

    We use to recognize individuals for their talents and contributions to humanity. – life has become whimsical while we don’t hear the tea kettle whistling as the water boils away. And that’s dangerous as hell. Too preoccupied. Hidden talents, remain hidden.

    Use to be much easier back in the day, when life was simple. Now we’ve seen the rise and fall-ing of technology. Like cornbread, when it’s gone, there ain’t no more. – Nothing left to trade … or is the biggest trade ever, just up the road?

    Picking locks, to trade. WOW!!

    Kindest regards Brother.

    • ,”BUT, if someone does decide to cut some fiscal spending”

      Hmm I personally don’t think they can at this point @Pathfinder Bob..
      I believe It’s flipped over the tipping point..the boss said someone was telling her there was another stimulus coming.. noodle push to get votes.. yet over 10 million still haven’t gotten their tax returns yet..
      At the most vulnerable time to..
      The country may be printing up money to toss at special friends.. fund wars etc. But the people are hurting worse than ever.. at least that’s the view from the bottom..viewing our congress playing the current game I f Democrat Jinga with our country’s economic future..

      • Isn’t it interesting how a Jinga tower is built, then one by one the pieces are removed … the tower falls at the top from where a particular piece, (is cut) from the tower … but the foundation still stands will little damage. Sadly, I think we are those top pieces …

        Also interesting that no matter how unstable the tower becomes, someone continues to remove a piece, because well, that’s how it’s played. – teaches to accept destruction.

    • “Too preoccupied. Hidden talents, remain hidden. ”

      One thing which gripes me about “Indeed” and “Zip Recruiter,” and other such headhunter and job-search sites is they find someone who’s qualified to do the job you need done. This is great in the short term, but it does not allow one to grow or learn, or employees to discover their hidden talents.

  7. Make WEF a conspiracy THEORY again!

    (a little play on words that assumes they are currently a conspiracy. you’re welcome to borrow it. Need to stop reading here and go work on a vehicle. hope everyone has a great weekend!)

  8. Hey George. Could you do an article about hydroponic gardening? Someone suggested I try growing stuff inside. I don’t really know what I need. It looks like you need new grow pods each time you plant and probably special liquids. Some of the “gardens” are higher than others. Is height important? Should I buy one with a light or just rely on window light? Do you recommend a specific book? Are you still doing this kind of gardening? Thanks George.

    • Our MAIN failure here with hydroponics was sun placement. Food out was minor but the fiber of plants was totally amazing. One large WalMart blue storage tub with 4 6″ tomato pots growing put out 45- pounds of leafy matter – and about 3 small cherry tomatoes, lol. so plan on lots of sun AND prune the living hell out of all plants. I’m reading a book on that now because I “don’t like to cut ’em back” and this – in turn – keeps them from really producing.

      We live, we learn…

      • You may have been feeding too much nitrogen. You may need more potassium and phosphorous. If you had blossoms but not much fruit the issue could also be pollination.

      • Ours was BEE’S the bee co.pany refuses to drop his bees around here..the GMO crops kills his bees.. one gent that is now making huge systems for big farms and ranches stopped by for any suggestions I had in his greenhouses.. I suggested bee hive per system.. the a lighting system so that the bees would follow their regular patterns..

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