France Plays Babal? More ATS-25 Answers

According to reports out of France early today, the widespread rioting has calmed down.  Only 157-arrests overnight, according to this report: French police arrests fall sharply to 157 during sixth night of unrest (

Still, the French experience raises some troubling questions for us about how modern communications channels allow for “social contagious” – like the outrage over the 17-year-old being killed in France.

The question that popped to mind was whether France (or any country) entering a digitally promoted uprising could be saved?  What would it take?  Internet or at least social media “kill switch”? Turn off power to wide areas of the country?

Outrageous events DO evoke an occasional society-wide response.  But consider the Rodney King case.  As an elderly news reporter, you begin to look at changes over time.  Take the King case, recounted here: When LA Erupted In Anger: A Look Back At The Rodney King Riots : NPR.  Everyone didn’t have a phone or social media account in ’92.

Roll the clock forward – to the George Floyd death. Suddenly things got contagious. Contagion fanned by media. And the polarization provided-for online keeps revealing itself as a risk to World.

In the France24 report, notice 850,000 Euro has already been raised for the police officer’s defense.

What was different?  The King case propagated (via network television) versus the Floyd case which was social. Versus this past week in France. Floyd demonstrations were seemingly everywhere.  So was this latest “French roast.” Yet – curiously (almost suspect) the American media are now on the “roll-out” from the France riots. Media here has gone on to Other.

Scroll down to the chart in the story French Riots Begin to Abate Even as Economic Costs Mount.  There you will see June 28th was the day France “lost control.”  Arrest rates were not keeping up with increased rates of car burnings.  Yet Monday, arrests were well above car burnings – control was flowing back into government hands.

There’s something horrifically cautionary about this.  Is the Internet and social media, along with ubiquity of cellphones. driving us to a global social disaster?

Replaying Babel is a…“Riot”?

The biblical story of the Tower of Babel – to our way of thinking – may be hugely instructive.  The story tells of a time when the whole “world spoke one language” (not Java or ASP yet, silly!). And how that culminated in (Genesis 11:1–9) with this remarkable passage:

“The LORD[b] came down to see the city and the tower, which mortals had built. 6 And the LORD said, “Look, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do; nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. “

I created a thinking technique that’s useful here.  The “Substitution Method of Learning.”  Simply swap out terms.  Notice how things piece together when we relace the LORD term with STATISTICS.

“The STATISTICS came down to the internet and (cell) towers which mortals had built.  And the STATISTICS said, “Look, they are one people and they all code in one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do; nothing that they propose will now be impossible to them.”

The Great Flood (of tech) may be receding. “And the skies parted and the IoT arose…” kind of thing is going on. Scattering surveillance everywhere.  Even as the STATISTICS become sons of A.I.

A God of a sorts, in these modern times.

Cost of Riots

These things ain’t cheap.  Like the gift that keeps giving in a bad way.

It will be weeks before we learn the cost of the France riots.  The costs keep climbing, even after the crowds have dissipated. George Floyd Riots Caused Record-Setting $2 Billion in Damage, New Report Says. Here’s Why the True Cost Is Even Higher – Foundation for Economic Education (

Will the French riots come close?  Likely not.  Food (and services) deserts expand for years after a social outrage events.

In a sense, the French were lucky. The contagion didn’t spread past its national borders.  Remember, France is a small place. Real small. The whole country could be placed inside Texas, and leave room to spare.

There is an eerie question rattling around insider my head.  “What could be the causes or conditions that might spark global outrage driving a Global Social Rebellion (GSR)?  Is there a set of “outrage triggers” that could propagate – Globally – on the web and via texts – that could continue what we generalize as “The Second Crack in Babel”?

Could it happen here?  (Explosive devices detonated, Molotov cocktail thrown at Washington, D.C., businesses – CBS News makes us wonder.)

Fortunately, there was no viral abuse last night to “get legs with.” Still, STATISTICS hint we’re only one viral video from a global ourrage event disaster.  And even a faked video could do it.

Money to Get “Sketchy”

More than 20-years ago I wrote a piece for our Peoplenomics subscribers about the idea of “rechargeable money.”  This was captured on the Internet Archive and can be read here:  Rechareable Money – and why paper money is Out! ( on I wrote that in 2002.  Now, fast-forward…

Why bring it up now?  CBDCs With Expiration Dates, Restrictions Could Target Social Policies, Economist Tells WEF (

This realization (way the hell back when) is why we ONLY look at money as something to be turned into future life supporting goods and services.  Why, even a fool can see that over a sufficiently long time, inflation makes paper/fiat money “worth less” for all.

Now the Clowns and commies of the WEF stripe have sighted a path to hijacking the very fruits of your good, hard work and savings.  Dandy, peachy-keen, huh?

There’s a reason some religions bar charging of interest.  It’s really thievery. Buy-sell is honest in comparison.

Sizing Up the Week

Bitcoin, with two excursions above $31,000 Friday, is about $500 cheaper this morning.  Asia bounced back a bit and small fractional gains are coming from the early European trade.  U.S. stock futures are mixed.

Officially tomorrow is the Independence Day holiday Mail will be arriving (so will Amazon goods!) and banks will be open today.  Parking meters will likely be enforced, too.  But that will vary depending on city.

Peoplenomics will be charts only Wednesday.

September 4th – Labor Day – is the next holiday to be planning. Start counting. 63-days from now.

Going out for Chinese:  United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to visit China from July 6 to 9 dws.  (Did someone just shout Dim sum for some dim?)

Weaker than expected opening for what we figured would be a blockbuster new movie.  ‘Indiana Jones’ fact check: Is the ‘Dial of Destiny’ real history? ( and Box Office: ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Underwhelms With $60 Million Debut – Variety get to the point. We’ll still watch it or maybe even buy the DV.

Note to my skydive instructing son G2: ‘Magical person’: Champion Australian skydiver dies in US accident |   STATISTICS dude.  They are why I don’t own an airplane, shaft-drive Virago, Porsche 930, or sailboat any more.  STATISTICS. Is God as a mathhead.

ATR: ShopTalk Monday?

A number of follow-ups to our ATS-25 prepping HF radio piece Sunday.  (Which if you can read here.)

Q: George, Which model ATS-25 on Azon do you recommend?

A: I haven’t tried them all (which is why there was no Buy It button in the article).  I am always guided on such decisions by reviews. Take the # of 4 and 5 star reviews. Then subtract the 2 and 1 star reviews. With a minimum of 50+ sales.  Again, STATISTICS, lol.

Reader Stephen 2 says for real SHTF you ought to consider two radios in addition to a good receiver:

  • 1) GMRS walkie talkie and GMRS vehicle radios. GMRS Walkie Talkie for the 3-to-5-watt models will have a 1/2-to-2-mile range (depending upon terrain). GMRS Vehicle Radios of the 15-watt variety (imo Midland’s units are the best performance/price) will have a 3-to-8-mile range (with a good antenna).
  • 2) CB Single Sideband (full power). Using CB SSB and a decent (full 84? whip size) antenna you will generally have a solid 10 miles vehicle to vehicle or house to vehicle and if it is in good location 20 miles (knew one guy on a hill in Tenn with a CB beam and he had a solid house to vehicle range of 80 miles).

Then there’s reader C who asked:

“So, for a beginner’s ham radio, does that ATS 25 work on its own, or is it computer dependent (I can use any usb charger, not just the laptop?) I can use it manually with the dials, or it needs a computer screen interface to operate?

Can I use a 3.5 mm jack to plug in speakers?”

Not computer needed.  ATS-25s are fully self-contained.  And I think the ATS-25 headphone jack will drive a speaker.  Won’t the The Grateful Dead‘s “wall of sound, though, for sure.  One of the joys of electronics is getting into “Let’s try this…” mode.  Sometimes, it’s followed by smoke. But no bets, no wins, right?

I made slow but steady progress rebuilding the home electronics workstations Sunday.  Three big-ole Vacuum Tube Volet Meters (VTVMs) will be going up on eBay in a few weeks. Three older style oscilloscopes are also being phased out.  With the new Owon VDS1022I USB PC Virtual Oscilloscope, MIT USB Isolation, 25 MHz Analog Bandwidth.

I’ll likely keep the Tektronix scope, but with the new generation of tiny (and cheap!) spectrum analyzers, change is coming.

The big Rhode frequency standard will stay. Thought for most quickie work, an inexpensive DDS wave form generator is fine. Much faster.  For making precision measurements, though, the Rhode will stay, too.

Simplify is the keyword here.  Easy to say. Hard to walk.

I must have 30-40 back issues of Electric Radio MagazineLike early collections of Home Power Magazine and the earliest of Mother Earth News, the articles are just great and worth revisiting. Especially when a similar electronics problem crops up.  Flip side? It consumes a foot and a half of shelf space…

Dad, too many radios.  Simply. Get minimal. Think Musk.”

“Son, given a choice between a Drake 2B or an SX-117, or a modern “rice box” or a dialed-in SX-101, how do you pick?”

One…maybe two.  Not a dozen.”

Grr…Damn uppity kid. One of the Great Change in Life is when we stop teaching our children all the time and start learning from them a bit. At least once in a while. Not sure this is it though.

Write when you get rich,

65 thoughts on “France Plays Babal? More ATS-25 Answers”

  1. None of you have time for this. Live, laugh, love. Are you tired yet? Tired of the endless diatribe? The Indian sage said “if the world is covered in prickles, what would you do? You could cover the world in leather…….or you could just wear sandals”.

  2. France appeared completely pre-planned and looking for an excuse – the whole country is in riot mode in less than 24 hours and just too conveniently everyone in is black with masks ……… also interesting take on Shanghai meltdown from TEF – coinciding with visit to China by Yellen …….

    • Is it possible that the CIA has something to do with the riots? Macron being punished?

      Isn’t it strange when the leader of a country talks about things such as…

      France brings de-dollarization to Europe by trading in yuan – BRICs

      France Wants To Build “third Superpower” Without U.S. … – i24 News

      BRICS: France Ready To Accept the New Currency? – Watcher Guru

      BRICS: France Could Ditch U.S. Dollar, Argentina & Pakistan Pay …

      Europe Must Reduce Reliance on US Dollar, Says French President …

      • The bigger plot line is that there are a decent enough number of those in masks that are WEF believers creating the perfect opportunity for complete censorship to commence – coming to a backyard near you in the not so distant future …. all pre-planned ……

      • .. on the ground – EU..France wit heavy WEFer support has been importing thousands upon thousands of young Africans – mostly military aged Males, over the past 10 years.

        Average IQ of the African Male in 2023 – right around 70. In modern Western culture 70 is considered mentally impaired in other words “bidened”

        Think about that for a couple minutes – hundreds of thousand of young military aged Men from Africa imported – voluntarily into Western European cities?

        The sissyfied, soyboyed euro males – Presactly like the sissyfied, soy boys living in mcmansions around USA coastal cities, and Austin..

        Classwarfare always targeting the less affluent (oligarchs/agency ops) – think its any different today ? Ask Loob .

        Same exact reaction to the young military aged Brown skinned gangbangers, when they get upset and go off this Summer and start prowling the “inner burbs”, after the selected cities burn. Is Ure city on the list ?

        * Need 2 learn to Kill – or be killed- Aint NoBody, No Saviors coming to save a dam thing..and that dear fellow Humans is our current fate = DAMMED

        • “Need 2 learn to Kill – or be killed”

          The problem, Mr. Heretic, is the people who’re importing all those worker-ant soldiers, own the courts and the prosecutors. If’fn you kill, you will break rocks until you become one. If one of them kills you, they will skate with no incarceration, and likely no record.

          By the time the average American realizes they’re at war, and the enemy is already inside the gates, it will be too late to hang the prosecutor and defend themselves.

  3. I have my eye on that same spectrum analyzer. We’ll see what comes up on prime day. Still, I am also considering a new tablet to use with my SDR. Maybe a better route for what I would use the spectrum analyzer for. I have 2 that are getting along. How did I end up with these things? DO they breed or what?
    I do have some concerns with the less expensive electronics service lives we’re seeing now though. (100 year toaster?) I have a Lenovo all in one pc bought 6 months ago for $300 smackers that suddenly went south. Screen goes dark halfway through boot up. Still waiting to hear from the shop I had to send it to.
    Stay safe. 73

    • “I have a Lenovo all in one pc …that suddenly went south. Screen goes dark halfway through boot up.”

      It is most likely the power supply, but it could be overheating, or (barely) possibly have a filter capacitor issue. Builders use power supplies that are marginal at best, to do the job. When things age, or the user adds a peripheral, power is insufficient, and the computer generates sporadic, and diverse errors, and eventually shits itself on load. If the CPU cooling fan goes away or the heatsink fills with dog hair (like mine does, 1x/year), the protection circuitry will kick in and shut the system down.

      • Your likely correct. Still under warranty so it went in for repair. I bought it for a grandson heading off to college soon. It was cheap so I doubt I will see it again. Sent an email to the warranty center 3 weeks ago. So far……crickets.
        Happy 4th. Think about the ones who fought for a moment. Stay safe.

  4. “Going out for Chinese: United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to visit China from July 6 to 9 dws. ”

    Isn’t it strange that Cami or Buy Dan dont go over and discuss things? Maybe not [draws too much attention], maybe, a message is being delivered on coordination of the financial reset. That one gets a “most likely.”
    the crucial part starts at the 30:00 min mark.

    We should still remember that exchange of value between A.I. nodes is only accomplished efficiently through the use of block chain technology.

    Anyone whose played with self optimizing networks already knows that configurations and feature sets are paired with a system generated blockchain token at the time of their creation, which is used to activate said feature [ substitute your favorite crypto wallet address here to activate or lease said feature/service/API call… thats evolutionary step 2.]

    I think Blinky and Yelling are coordinating directly in China [when they dont use telephonic or email delivery] It means the meassage is being delivered within the safety of a full spectrum a white noise room. What could be so important?

    Get ready Home Gamers. Like they say dont listen to what they say watch what they do.

    BCN I’m looking forward to seeing BTC’s crowning well above 128,000.00 Fed Chits over this halving cycle. Note to all muppets [ a wallstreet term],remember to panic sell when we get the algorythmically defined 50% correction mid cycle on our way to all time highs in ’24 and the subsequent 90% correction resetting the 4 year cycle].

    Not Advice. Do your own homework.

    Got Blockchain? Remember timing is everything.

    This is epic Shizzle.

    • Hmmmm – as epic as gruesome “incumbent” in WH by 2024 election ?
      Have we not been paying attention, class? Two way street hear..
      On moar time for da insiderz..
      ..Slo resigns/medicaled-out, Kam takes place and picks gruesome for VP, Kam resigns/whatever..and voila Piglosi Family capo is in as president going into NextBigSteal 2024

      Cant say Ure not entrained, but U can say U have been entertained..

      Got Optionality ! No, got Options -BITF July 1.50 Calls – ya know the Out of the money calls BCN been pointing at past month?

      Their in the money this AM! How much is the “batmanwatch” ? –

      • May We live in interesting times. You are well aware of the way out for the individual [investor]. I prefer a watch that can give me exchange quotes and the weather. Maybe I’ll wear one on both wrists like Mr. Wonderful.


      • …Or Kammy resigns, when all those cut & dried pedo cases she was handed, and threw out, waltz back into the limelight.

        Kammy likes pedos and recreational drugs.

        She’s also virtually the only person living in the United States today who’s met and hung out with actual slaves (on her grandfather’s plantation.) ALL this stuff was covered up and stashed away years ago so virtually no one knows about it…but it didn’t go away.

  5. Watched the story about 4 apparently co-ordinated deliberate explosions in Washington D.C. yesterday. It was followed by a story about the continuing open border, undocumented illegal aliens entering the country. Couldn’t possibly be a connection, could there?

    • God generally allows people to make serious mistakes to their heart’s content – it’s Free Will. This generally comes with consequences. Other humans and perhaps Guardian Angels might tend to mitigate the damages if the perpetrator is lucky.

      • I find if you are not careful, God will give you exactly what you ask for, Good and Hard.
        The Israelites rejected Mannam and wanted meat.
        God told Moses, “I will send them Quail until it runneth from their nostrils.”
        Thus creating the Good Ole Boy Term, “he had a Snootfull” of whatever.

      • ‘Thing is, every cinema buff watches THX because it was George Lucas’ first film — no one watches it for the message (or they’re too stupid to grok it…)

  6. My beloved daughter decided to visit and work with me yesterday to reorganize and prepare to remove excess crap I’d accumulated over the decades. I know she’s right, but it’s still hard to part with useless stuff. After all, I might actually need a banjo bolt or injector pump from some obsolete thing! What’s lost by keeping it is useful space, and that matters. There’s also a matter of remembering what’s broken inside some old “spare parts”. This is the year I’ll be cleaning up and clearing out. Perhaps I’ll even get some dollars out of it, though the idea of evaporating money is a serious disincentive to bother earning more of it.

    Yesterday’s work alone gave me 300 extra square feet of useful enclosed space! Something to think about.

    • I realized long ago that there are TWO great benefits to having a basement:

      1) A furnished room in the basement is a great place to hang out when Tornadoes are around. We don’t get as many here as in the Tornado Belt but smaller ones hit around us all the time … and once in a blue moon a monster F5 will slide into the area. Equiped with a good couch, TV, and some good lights, and tables and “unfortunately” you will be so comfortable that you will “miss” seeing that wonderfun natual event right out your kitchen or front window :-(

      2) A basement is a great place to “store” stuff that you WILL NEED later. Now how much later is always the question but it is GUARANTEED that over time the time line before it will be needed WILL extend out until it reaches in the mid to higher decades range!! 20 years from now? clearly you better save it!! 40 years from now? your grandkids may need it!! so KEEP IT!! (over time you will find it is difficult to even walk through parts of the basement because of all of the NEEDED FOR THE FUTURE stuff that you have accumulated – but that is NO reason to get rid of that stuff you WILL NEED!!)

      • “you will be so comfortable that you will “miss” seeing that wonderfun natual event right out your kitchen or front window”

        Solution: Fire pole!

        Watch the cyclone until it tries to throw a tree through your window, then do the “Batcave escape” while your white bloomers are still white…

    • “I might actually need a banjo bolt or injector pump from some obsolete thing”

      I guarantee you will, and usually within two weeks of “disposing” of the one you had.

      Murphy lives, and he’s a real bastard…

  7. George
    I fully get the “learn to be a listener first” part as the ATS25 receiver will fill us in on what is happening around the world and around our neighborhood when the networks and cable are gone.
    But to call out for help, or for directions to things, etc, what is there for a similar “transceiver?” A Baofeng unit?
    These are handheld 8 watt. Is that a good starting point?
    I am looking to set up a home base in Birmingham, and a base in Ky, so I can listen, but also to “Call home” if the SHTF. On the road that is 400 mi, but maybe a lot shorter, 250-300 as the crow flies.
    So follow up with an article for the talkie part soon, please.

  8. George
    Oops, I should have asked for this too.
    Back in my school days I was big into “HiFi Stereo” to the point that I was the DJ for all my Rugby teams after match parties (we may not have won all the matches but we never lost a party!).
    At my apartment I had a Radio Shack FM antenna up in the attic with coax run through the utility trace to my living room. My Turner had a ferrite stick that was pointable for the AM, but I had wound a four foot diamond shape loop antenna for the AM and by standing it out in the car port and turning it various directions I could pick up Canadian Stations, whose programing was better than US, for example a Who concert on one of their final tours.
    So, my loop was just made from pictures, do you have any experience in loop antennas for SW, for when you don’t have 20 acres of trees available? I though these may be better for apartment dwellers and people with small lots.

  9. Don’t be surprised if economic growth slows and inflation lingers, causing stocks to drop and a recession to take hold. Bridgewater
    Fed Chief Powell said that inflation will not hit 2 % this year and probably not next year. The Market should be prepared for further rate increases.
    One more rate increase will put over 2,000 banks into a tail-spin, that even the Fed may not be able to pull them out of. – MorganStanley
    “Whoever put anchovies on a pizza should be made an example of.” George Carlin

    • A friend who made pizzas for awhile described them as “stinking, rotten fish”. We were talking about that as he made my pizza. In his mesmerized, automatic construction mindset he accidentally put anchovies on my pizza. Didn’t know it until it came out of the oven to me. I made him make me another one. I agree with Carlin.

  10. Argentina is facing a drastic shortage in the US dollar. The peso has fallen nearly 80% against the greenback since the start of 2020. Banks are now accepting Yuan and Yen to open accounts.
    Indian oil refiners are using China’s yuan instead of the US dollar, to circumvent the trade restrictions, to buy Russian crude.
    Just how convoluted can this get !? Financial Magic

    • Ah yes the Kissinger solution. This gift goes to only one country at a time, it also comes with the Triffin Dilemma.

  11. In 92, we were a different people. This country has changed a lot since then. We had reasonably reliable news, that wasn’t all pushing an agenda. Back then, News was … News – Editorial – Weather – Sports.

    Politics were different then, as well. What’s on the table today, is a cluster F of absurdity and mental confusion. The truth is fact checked as a lie and, lies stir the pot. Not to mention, crisis actors have popped up since.

    Use to be morals, values, strengths and reasonable prosperity, but we’re now presented with dysphoria and fallacies. Remember, we’re in the “new normal” now. And as most of us know, it’s nowhere near anything “normal”.

    Can’t just blame social media for out failing. Many things political and media driven have changed the ambiance that once was.

  12. Saw the Jones movie last night. It was the first time I have been in a theatre since maybe 2019. Seating was assigned, not open seating. Price was $6 for a seat.
    If you are looking for a historical documentary, you will be disappointed. If you are looking for a Jones romp in multiple historical periods, you will be in luck. Best to watch on a wide screen.

    • Three out of five. It was better than the Crystal Skull. As in waayyyy better.

      But it would have gotten a fourth or more star if they had a cameo wth Keanu Reeves showing up saying the following line:

      “Whoa it’s Plato”

      While Indy looks frustrated and confused and while everyone else rolls their eyes and sighs and says,

      “Don’t mind them, it’s just Bill and Ted

    • My celebration yesterday was an indie jones movies.. LOL LOL they played all of them one right after the other.. I was a good romp through a good movie..
      Now will they show a starwars movies all in a row.. phew.. or the hobbit..

    • We went to see Caviezel’s movie last evening. Very moving story of Tim Ballard who quit Homeland Security to rescue kids rather than just take out the pedos. I had thought it would delve into what is going on in America but perhaps Mel Gibson’s 4 part documentary, if it ever gets published, will do that. The one nitpick I have about the movie is the little girl going right back to where she left off just before being abducted. No mention of ongoing trauma that she and her brother will carry throughout life. Perhaps kids are more resilient down in Central America as it’s more of a survive-or-die existence but if this were a story about an American kid they’d be sitting in a corner sucking their thumb for the rest of their lives … … actually that’s what a lot of them are doing even without that experience which keeps the therapists well fed.

  13. “Son, given a choice between a Drake 2B or an SX-117, or a modern “rice box” or a dialed-in SX-101, how do you pick?”

    “Rice Box”… the IC-7300 ! After all, you said the IC-705 was a great radio. It’s the 7300 minus the PA.

    For Big Al Brown, if you want 250 mile coverage, you need a ham license. Hawaii does 40-meter daily nets across the island chain at 300 miles distances utilizing NVIS… near vertical incident skywave. And yes, there are small loop antennas available with a couple foot diameter loops with a high power capacitor tuner that can be used indoors… but your signal will suffer depending upon the building. Outdoor sky exposure is best.

    • “Rice Box”… the IC-7300 ! After all, you said the IC-705 was a great radio. It’s the 7300 minus the PA.”

      Dammit hank, you ain’t cheatin’ fair. You tripped him…

      I’ve heard a number of people describe the 705 as the 7300’s “little brother.” I jumped because, thinking about that ATS made me realize I haven’t built a true emergency field radio in about 15 years, and in looking, realized everything I’d have to add to an Elecraft or Xiegu, or even a Yaesu, was already built into the icom and optimized, so…

        • You get clowns to stop wasting money convincing each other they need to piss away power to make up money and I’ll think about it.
          Otherwise, a pair of 3-500s on 20 CW and a drake 2b/2BQ and 4 elements up over the pole…

    • Hank
      Yes aware of the license, I’m willing to go there.
      Just want to start as cheap as possible, and small footprint, so if I have to throw it all in the Yukon and head for the land out of town it will fit in with other stuff.
      Yeah the loop I built in school 45 years ago worked prettywell in my apartment , but I had the “manager” apartment with a built on carport in back, so I would haul it out there, and twist it around to find interesting stuff, or if I was alerted like the night of the Who concert, I could look at the map and “sort of” aim it.
      Outside it worked great!
      I also had a friend that had an old 1930-40s Tavern Radio that was the times version of a juke box. It had a Tube amp and receiver, a Loop antenna that was glued to the back cover, and a 15″ electro magnet speaker. The whole thing played louder the hotter it got. It would receive about as well as my antenna and wham placed outside his apartment door would provide “block-party” style sound.
      With I had that unit now. It was in a mahogany cabinet and about the size of a small refrigerator.
      Those were the days!

  14. For those still waiting for their ATS25 max to show up. Make a Premtive strike and round up an illuminated magnifying glass to use with the owners manual. You can thank me later! Cheers!

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