Blithering Heights: Deep Work

I apologize for not approving comments Monday – I was simply so immersed in AI working on tomorrow’s Peoplenomics report,  that I literally lost track of time.

OK, so what’s so interesting?  Well, there are two articles in the works.  The first one – tomorrow – is titled  “40 More Years from AI.” In it, I show you how to model 32 over-the-counter supplements to massively extend both lifespan (how long you live) and healthspan (how long it’s still worth living). Spoiler: The high-end is up to 55 years but the schedule’s a bitch.

Obviously, there was a lot of collegial email bouncing around on my “research” list.  Which includes a fair number of docs and high-end biz types.  Anyway, more on both the extreme protocol and its implications tomorrow.

Deep Work, if you haven’t read it, is Cal Newport’s book. “Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” is the subtitle.  While it verges on stupid for me to get up 6 or 7 days a week and write for three hours, it supports my early life programming to be a workaholic, over-achieving, White protestant, work addicted male. Which has the knock-on of screwing up any chance of breaking 80 in golf and running a marathon.

But retirement should have goals.  If you’re still young (under 70) an odd thing happens to people with the “fixed goals” mindset.  They tend to die in the end zone.  By moving your personal goal posts as you sneak up on them, you can maintain your drive and motivation better. Run a bit farther.

Alternatively, of course, you can also set brand new goals – why, that’d work too.  The people I’ve known over umpteen years that don’t have deep heart-committed goals generally go to the couch to wait for the Grim Reaper. To our way of thinking, that’s the Loser’s option.

Once in a while, I allow myself the freedom to descend deep into the research. World “out here” gets blocked. Time stops (which explains the comment constipation episode) and one question leads to another, to another, to an email, to a new line of inquiry and next thing you know Elaine’s knocking on the office door: “You OK? Dinnertime…”  “Um, sure, uh…be right with you…Do you know what the monthly cost of Rapamycin is?”

Back on the Home Planet

Markets are braced for bad news.  Jay Powell, Fed Boss, is up the Hill today to fetch a pail of support for  his reign at the Fed.  Already, as some readers have pointed out, Ron Paul’s name is being floated to become next Fed chief, but one step at a time.

The balancing act today (and in the mirror stand-up tomorrow) will be convincing that inflation is back and the end of rate cuts is now past and from here, onward and upward to deal with the soaring deficit.  The gory deets in Fed’s Powell heads to Congress with good data in hand but rising uncertainty. Which will piss off the Developer-in-Chief.  So if Powell swipes the Everclear for the Wall St. punch bowl, expect Trump to use the political lingo for


Remember that tomorrow is Bank Settlement day – which comes along every-0ther week, so volatility is kinda baked in the cake.

Markets: Mirror Channel Troubles

No particular secret how the Markets are doing.  As usual, the bull-bear tug of war is about higher or lower from the Monday close.

While this looks fairly simple (yes, we may be trying to turn down), there is the matter of the “mirror channel” facing us.

You have to be into charts to see this, so I’m going to walk you through it.  You begin with a simple line chart of whatever you are playing, S&P, Keno, or the NASDAQ (it’s all a gamble),  And the first line you draw (cleverly labeled “1” in the chart below).  You connect the first “bottom” with the subsequent eyeball that would seem to well-describe subsequent bottoms of trend on the way up.

Line #2 is a simple copy and paste of this line, but then bringing it to the top of the trend to where it seems to fit and make sense up in your visual cortex.  Line #3 is another copy, but this time placed as close as eyes permit to the same spacing below the trend.  Like so:

Now to me, the interesting part of line 3 is that it is about to go above the red 85-day moving average line as the decline approaches.  As Peoplenomics readers will remember, this is our line in the sand for sending widow and orphan money to the lifeboats.

What my visual cortex flashes is a potential to drop all the way down to the mirror trend line and from there a “kiss of death” to the underside of that and collapse at the end of the month into the blood and guts of what will be mini wave 3 down.  At the macro level, thinking in terms of a decline over the next month or two (maybe three), a summer rally for the macro 2 rally, and then utter collapse (wear a Depends) this fall.  Again, this is never financial advice, just ways to think about when not to play in the street.

Doesn’t mean there isn’t money to be made:  Gold hit $2,968 but silver’s still having a go at the $33 handle.  Bitcoin was $98,161 earlier, but if you find value in (nothing, except made-up numbers) you likely already know that. Because what Eric Hoffer wrote in the classic book The True Believer (Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements) quite likely applies to you if you have a crypto wallet.

To wrap up this visit back “on planet” we are living in a ‘forbidden zone’ where cheap and easy resources to expand have been largely consumed. So now we have to cast off a Western capitalist expansion-only business model and find something that will also handle downscaling (my next book title, by the way)  and resource depletion.  A fine time will be had in that Berserker’s Mixup with Money when it gets here.  For now, we’re in the prelims.


Surprised us that it wasn’t stronger:

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index fell by 2.3 points in January to 102.8. This is the third consecutive month above the 51-year average of 98. The Uncertainty Index rose 14 points to 100 – the third highest recorded reading – after two months of decline.”

Consumer prices tomorrow. Fire extinguishers are suggested in the event your hair inadvertently spontaneously combusts… As I explained in the Monday column, markets are starting to aggressively price inflation in and that may give Powell an opening today to scare the pants off the bulls. End of Free Money is coming into view.

ATT: All Things Trump

One of these days, it will dawn on one of the “geniuses” of network television that a public “government channel” might make sense.  Though the Fox News Now is pretty good.  There we were treated (after the Deep Work session) with DJT shocking the world again.  (Let me count the ways…)

Elon Gets it Wrong

We have a possible “tier 2” problem which the Trump administration is missing.  The big picture read-in is that America has to change its modus operandi to  a revenue system that will operate through good times and bad with political “hands off.”

Instead, VP JD and Elon seem to want to keep the old, hyperinflating, broken system on life support and into therapy.  Which is how Elon might be able to justify taking out a non-profit AI.

As you read through the details in Elon Musk-Led Investor Group Submits Bid to Buy OpenAI be aware that we have always (since we were cobbling together the foundations of the internet and wireless in the early 1980’s) held that access to data should be free.  In other words, for all of us cooperating in keeping the world in one piece (sort of) and spinning, we should all have very democratic information access.  The problem is when you put dollars in, now you’re talking about paywalling the future.  And frankly, that doesn’t sit well.

Perhaps Musk will come to his senses and acknowledge that corporate control of AI is akin to starting another religion and possibly dangerous.

Democracy built on Data says internet and extensible tools like access to the god-like powers of AI should be an open/public endeavor, like fire and police departments are.  Neither of which has worked well as for profits, if I recall the experiments.  Oh, let’s have that AI (that Musk’s colleagues are trying to abscond with) answer the question:

South Fulton, Tennessee (2010, 2011) – A subscription-based fire department let homes burn down because owners hadn’t paid the fee, sparking national outrage.

19th-Century American Fire Brigades – Competing private fire companies often fought over fires instead of putting them out, leading to widespread property damage.

Private Policing in New Orleans (French Quarter Task Force, 2015-2020s) – Funded by a billionaire, the program faced sustainability issues and concerns about prioritizing business districts over residents.

Pinkerton Detective Agency (19th-20th Century) – Hired for private security and strikebreaking, the agency was involved in violent confrontations, including the deadly Homestead Strike (1892).

Camden, NJ (Early 2000s) – Private policing initiatives failed to reduce crime, leading to the dissolution of the city police force and replacement with a public county force.

We propose that Musk (or, more importantly Boss Trump) reconsider the notion that Private Enterprise is always best.  The short list above doesn’t even get into the matter of “for profit prisons” and other sketchy notions.

We like, use, and enjoy ChatGPT and in any takeover, we would hope it could be spun away from corporate control even though there’s a “risk of going Wikipedia” in its administration.  For now, it rocks so don’t steal it.  Tantamount to “stealing God” for researchers who need it.

Related: Vice President JD Vance urges Europe to go light on AI regulations –  Too cozy to make the call?

JUST IN:  Elon Musk Leads $97.4 Billion Bid to Take Over OpenAI | The Epoch Times was followed by Sam Altman says OpenAI is ‘not for sale’ after Elon Musk-led group’s $97.4 billion bid to control it.  (Whew!)

Like with the invention of radio and television, government has no plan or long term goals or strategy for coping with AI. And look what a freaking boondoggle the regulation of telecom turned into. Now imagine that for AI as DeepSeek’s AI model ‘the best work’ out of China: Google DeepMind CEO. Yessir, history repeats itself, though with a chip change and software updates this time… Hot Patch due in the 2029 congress with corp AI’s are running the world.

Long Range Weather

Should be a decent year for global crops, if the weather holds and if the Ukraine mess doesn’t expand.  In the meantime, though, keep an eye on the peak of Solar Cycle 25 which is now forming.

Been pretty good, though a bit noisy on the ham bands.  Meanwhile Spring is trying to amble out our way, but confidence in avoiding one last frost is still low around the ranch. *(Which consists of wife Elaine, a dozen feral cats, and a gun range that always needs mowing…)

Also looking ahead at Earth changes: “10,000 Billion Gallons”: A New Ocean Is Forming in Africa. Still, we’re all supposed to have been swimming from climate-driven ocean rise in here, so don’t hold your breath.

News not Views

Thanks, Joe Friday, “Just the facts, ma’am…

Kash in or Kash out? Rapid Response 47 on X: “NEW: “On behalf of the more than 377,000 members of the Fraternal Order of Police, @Kash_Patel has our full support and confidence to be the next Director of the FBI.” Stand by for another epic clash between popularity and stupidity on the left.

Attention Wrecking Ball crew: Clean up in the public broadcasting aisle, stat: PBS’s Slanted Exploration of the Controversy of DEI in AmericaMarxism:  the gift that keeps on screwing.

When comes down to it, DEI is leftist bullshit.  We know this because? Trump Cabinet Pick Lori Chavez-DeRemer May Be Most At Risk Of Not Getting Confirmed.  Hispanic surname and female? What do they want?

Here, let me be Ure Drooler Schooler: Biden Spent $10M On Making Mice TRANS, Rep Mace Uncovers INSANE Democrat Spending On Gender Ideology – Dedicated Issues

How checkbook democracy runs: Elon’s DOGE Makes FEMA Illegal Alien Discovery as Noem Cleans Up Helene Cases.

At the Ranch: Ure Waiter

One of the little side ventures out of all the research into tomorrow’s Peoplenomics report on use of AI for plotting life extension plans, has been moving to the serious side of intermittent fasting.  As you may know, that’s going on a 16:8 schedule.  Where you fast for 16 hours and then enter an eating window 8 hours long.

In theory, this means I can’t eat until 10:30 this morning, but that’s where I got into mixing keto with fasting.  And when I ran that idea past the AI:

“Yes, you can fudge the time edges a bit if you’re strict about keeping your body in ketosis. The key to intermittent fasting (IF) is keeping insulin levels low for an extended period, and keto already supports that by minimizing carbs.

Here’s what you can get away with:

    • Starting or ending your eating window slightly earlier/later (e.g., shifting by 30-60 minutes) without major impact.
    • Consuming small amounts of fat (like MCT oil, butter, or bone broth) outside your window—this won’t spike insulin significantly.
    • Extending your fast some days if you feel good—especially since keto makes fasting easier.

What to avoid:

    • Grazing or snacking outside your eating window.
    • Carb-heavy meals breaking your fast (even in your window).
    • Protein-heavy “snacks” outside your window, since excess protein can trigger gluconeogenesis (raising blood sugar).

Since you’re aiming for long-term weight loss to 170 lbs, consistency matters more than perfect timing. If slight shifts help you stay on track, it’s totally fine—just watch how your body responds!”

AI is just grand, provided you take the time to use well bounded and thought-out questions.

Write when I can eat,

31 thoughts on “Blithering Heights: Deep Work”

    • Canaries done stopped Singing..

      RutRow Houston- We gotz a Problem -from PSU Ag Dept. via local Bee Company -

  1. Word-slinger : I and my fellows were on the low carb pre-Atkins thing before it was a known. All the other diets are follow-on to that. Irony: we were swimmers eating dense lean burgers (no bun) before swim meets. That was in the ’70s. By the time E2 was on a HS swim team the science had inverted and … we loaded kids with carbs (pasta and such) …

    I’m not inclined to be a zealot about anything in life. Live longer? Not sure it’s worth the pain and sacrifice. I’ve enjoyed my time here, will try to saturate in what’s left and hope to go out quietly and quickly in the end. But, you be you.

    “Spring is trying to amble out our way, but confidence in avoiding one last frost is still low around the ranch”

    Uh-oh, frost you say? I’d go strip the grocery stores! That’s probably underway here as we are forecast to receive 5-6″ of snow tomorrow with round 2 coming in over the weekend. I smoked all the firewood inside the house and garage on SuperBowl Sunday (note: the game and commercials were equally duds IMO). Wood to-do with Padawan on the morrow.

    Charts? I’d add one more line connecting lows and consider that an intermediate support zone. If (when) we break that trend it’s likely everyone starts blaming The Donald. The new Team will do what they can to support the markets and economy but, if choosing between the Bond mkt and Stock mkt I suggest saving the former.

    Today and tomorrow Fed Head JayPow speaks at length. It’s his first run before the New Crew. Guy has looked desperate to escape the podium the last few Fed weeks and I expect more of the same. Unless he decides to yell “fire” in which case the testimony could get heated.

    ATL: we _so_ enjoyed being with friends (all the best show up at lake parties) last weekend. Tonight we attend dinner with (3) lake couples. This started as a monthly card party and has evolved into quite a bash. Husband host is a sailor bud (former newspaper Editor). Wonder what’s cookin’?

    Write when you get spring.

    ps – George, instead of chattering about AI it’s OK to admit you fell asleep at your desk. We won’t tell yur Missus!

    • Yo ATL- E,

      Have you never seen or heard of the TV series/Show The Soprano’s ? I would imagine youse seen several episodes or clips from show. Anyway,in it they show how the Mob does it – with Guy who owns the Sporting Goods Store, the same model the orange Don (Don Don)is following here in the Cleptocracy that is USA.

      Has already maxxed out the CREDIT (UST mkt’s)- soonly will be time to gut the place (USA) and steal everything, Back.

      bubba/cankles and satanist whore = clinton cartel up next in audit looksee..Cry Havoc, and let Slip the “Spiders”!

      Go DOGE, GO!

      getting DOGEY wit it!

  2. It is gratifying to get ure nose into a project and lose sense of time.
    I figured ure were busy with something important to you,
    good exersize for the readers to skip a meal/feedback , for when it is gone.
    I am grateful, for what I have

  3. RE: the joys of AI, this sobering piece has a chart embedded listing the top 20 Apps sucking in your personal info for uses often unknown.

    I guess it makes sense, as nothing in this world is absolutely free or comes without strings attached. Humans want to be ‘in the know,’ so we surrender happiness for data hungry ‘app-iness.’ Businesses want to make money. Apps enable that capability. This data-based relationship comes at what is turning out to be a fairly steep price – freely surrendering not only our personal data but our privacy along with it. I think I’ll go dust off some of my Aldous Huxley works.

    • The slobbering thought…. is the cutting room floor is only at the beginning right I discussed with the head of the electric company last spring at the annual meeting.. how will it affect the local economy..
      they raise rates the end of this month..the increase last spring everyone should have gotten a nickel an hour increase..instead they cut an hour a week from their income.. a vicious circle..
      the young kids don’t hardly remember.. the grandkids have never experienced it..
      younger generation you always see the young ladies saying were are all the nice guys.. yet when the meet a muppy ( muppy man puppy..the one that will stand beside you through thick and thin, help when you need it, lift you when your down, , work long hors to provide the things you need) the old genetic instincts come into play and they go the other way.. I tell the girls that if they see a buy that trips their triggers …RUN… he’s not interested in being a caring mate he’s there for only one thing.. then will move on..
      things with the financial aspect is actually going back to the days gone by..
      oh my there’s a song..

      • LOL, it’s not just the “young” women today. I clearly remember the time in 1985, when I was working in the QC lab for a freeze dried food company. (don’t ask which one)

        I was the only man physically present in the lab when the women started complaining about how “all the good men are either taken or are gay.” I piped up and mentioned how all the interesting women I met turned out to the lesbians. For some reason, they all seemed offended.

        • Lol lol lol lol sounds familiar ..worked at one place there was a real creep every woman there slept with him every one.. I once asked a co wor!er at lunch.. we would go to a local monument park and eat our lunch.. I had a bad first marriage.. rotten .. I felt like a yoyo.. long story I asked he said..your only problem is that your to nice and giving. they don’t like that.. ancestral instincts tell them the opposite.. anyway he said here watch..a young married woman was riding by on her bicycle he started visiting with her..joking around everything pleasant and he says well I only have fifteen minutes before I have to go to work..if we are going to fool around and waste it.. she gave him oral sex right there.. I don’t even know if he got her name or not.. I totally believe that’s where the old saying comes from good guys finish last.. Heck Andy has told us how many times similar adventures he’s had..the exact same situation..he won’t stick around for them he has his journey..most of the girls today are like daughters best friend met a man works three jobs to be able to do the things they want.. she said he’s definitely not my she now has another guy that wants her to support him his money is his as long as she gives him what he needs.. every man she has been hurt by is exactly the same way.. a muppy is a guy that is in the friend zone lol lol or he’s like my brother lol lol
          its how it is anymore.. been like that thousands of years..
          and it will never change..

        • The ones I have known that turned lesbian.. they only was interested in the bravo tango and bravo tango doesn’t care about their needs they ended up with other women.. DC is huge lesbian city.. huge..

    • Warhammer : a good article, thanks for the link (you aren’t getting paid to share this, right?). Well said at the start “If something is free, you’re the product being sold”

      I’m proud to mention there are only three of the twenty “invasive apps” in use by me or my bride, two being Amazon and they Shirley know all about us based on our purchase history. Orwell, in Nineteen Eighty-Four, warned of Mass surveillance. He couldn’t foresee by the new Millennium we would share the Intel voluntarily (even publishing the data for all to see).

      Like dLynn mentioned, reducing digital footprint has always been a study in our virtual presence. I have studiously avoided most though for decades staying off social media was required due to my employment. Now? Why change now? Heck, my Samsung S25 Ultra has neat circle-to-search capability but … it uses AI and so nope.

      I don’t see adverts. Google hasn’t got much from occasional email traffic (lesser accounts). I have loads of photos of my Grandling but never share them online. Why would I? This has also prompted good discussion with E2 and his bride but … they live in a new world.

      I have the same mobile number since … before Verizon was Verizon (and in fact with the Company before that). Think: bagphone. Got to choose my number from a fanfold prinout the size of a NY phone book. Few businesses have my cell #. Bus. gets the landline. Paying for the landline is the price I pay, willingly.

      You can’t hide but you can reduce your footprint.
      Or not.

      • I only have two — Amazon and Google Maps.

        I also have Opera (built-in VPN), DDG, Brave, Vivaldi, Tor, Yandex and Startpage (these last two install as browsers, not search engines) and Proton Mail…

  4. Although AI has merit in a minor use only it will become out of control and as we/you will see (IF WE LIVE LONG ENOUGH) at some point it will be a HORRID experiment in reality gone BAD to humanities demise.
    WHY, because they won’t put the correct restrictions and it WILL alter itself and go rouge at some point. LOL fact not fiction.

  5. “Extending your fast some days if you feel good—especially since keto makes fasting easier.”

    I’ve extended the fasting from 16 to 18 hours, (at 16 I would eat even though I didn’t feel hungry, at 18 I do) and 3 days of 24 hours fast, yes, that’s extreme, and for some reason it leaves me feeling aggressive. Started a week ago.

    I’m not overweight but I want to reduce body fat percentage.

  6. (since we were cobbling together the foundations of the internet and wireless in the early 1980’s) held that access to data should be free.)

    internet..phew ..well the expense of internet is most definitely not free…lol lol
    one of the little things on the cutting room floor..I am pretty sure seventy million other people are making similar reductions..
    along with the consideration of.. why spend a couple hundred a month to have endless crap calls seeking everything from savoring the whales…lol lol.
    the company we get our cable through had equipment cable tv..we have prime and That is enough.. everyone was wailing and gnashing of teeth on no tv.. I said do what I did when young or your great grandparents.. read a book.. books are always better.. but it proved we can survive once again without cable internet..

  7. Potato pancake lefsa…

    2 cups of mashed potatoes
    2 cups of flour
    1 tsp. salt
    1 tsp of sugar
    1/4 cup of oil
    first put the leftover mashed potatoes in a bowl with the flour. incorporate them till the flour and potatoes is completely mixed together.
    put in the salt and sugar and oil mix that in..
    then add water until its a thick batter like pancake mix..
    start the griddle and put about a third of a cup and grill it make sure its distributed around about ten inches thin tortilla fashion. the starch in the potatoes will get translucent that’s normal.. you may have to flip it a few times until it starts to brown .. snack away..we like it with butter and cinnamon sugar..
    the old traditional way to make lefsa is A lot harder and a dough that needs a dough press.. same thing just easier and faster..

  8. Maybe A.I. will decide we (hoomuns) are desireable or even necessary to itself; that its best interests are served by taking good care of us.

    Maybe it will decide our creativity may very well protect it from future possbible enemies, and decide it wants to aid and guard us.

    It could happen.

    • I’ve said it before, we are going to end up like The Krell.

      The Krell are an extinct race of advanced beings of the planet Altair IV in Forbidden Planet. A human called Dr. Morbius was the only researcher to ever study the extinct Krell.

      The Krell had reached an incredibly advanced stage of technological and scientific development, able to reproduce matter down to the nuclear level. They were able to construct a 33,000 km3 underground machine that could turn thoughts into reality and project that anywhere on the planet, giving a physical form and life to their Id.

      Morbius eventually discovered that in a single day and night, 2,000 centuries ago, the entire Krell race disappeared. All above-ground evidence of their civilization had vanished. When combined with the power of their vast machine, the unbridled emotions of their Ids were let loose to eradicate the entire Krell race.

    • Not senior morning – “TheGlitch” is here in big way, effecting rinos & dems alike. Obiden was poster boy, prior too, it was the OG killary canklesorass glitching out on da regular. Might it be a prion disease?

      Today a whole new group greedy, lying, zero morals azzHOLES are suffering same fates..cocaine Mitch has had several episodes of late, and just yesterday another Dem frm CT glitched out in mid-speech on floor of Connedgress -

      This might explain what is going on wit Ure’s brain that he cant understand Bitcoin and the Blockchain.

      They go together like Burds of a winning feather..HELLO!

      So will be forced the hard way.

      ..proving once again Previous past Actions Proves Future Performance. How many times did G grab the Hot Stove before he finally Learned ? Betcha at least 7 or 8 times, No Doubt…duh-oooh!

  9. Opinion:
    I think that it is going to be a long time before we see inflation rates back below 3%. The way it looks right now., we should slowly edge up to 4%, or slightly more, during this coming year.
    The Federal Reserve’s much toted target of 2% inflation is unrealistic and I believe unattainable now. Yet Jerome stated to the Senate that “The Fed” : We are in no hurry to adjust rates.”
    Powell is a lot smarter then “little-ole-me” when it comes the national finance and the economy.., and has access to data that very few see [ so I’ve been told ] and though I may not be “in a hurry”., I’m pretty sure I would be ready to pull the trigger. However., with all the Team-Trump raids, threats, pauses, tariffs and freezes – a quarter point change in rates could be a huge can of worms right now.
    Damned if you and damned if you don’t.
    I firmly believe that “The Fed” cause nearly all of this chaos – it will be interesting to see just how they are going to ‘try’ and fix it.

  10. re: “Flight Risk”, 25/01/25
    feat: ‘Blithering Heights’

    Hindsight is 25/25 vision. Director Mel Gibson’s latest fly-by-seat-of-pants movie apparently isn’t receiving rave reviews. However the accountants look to be on course to be able to pop some Canadian sparkling Baby Duck once all the pennies are counted. Here is the movie’s link to its second “Flight Risk” trailer. Please disregard the delayed Oct. 18th release date.

    • an even better Mel pic and one that is required viewing for any one down here in the Yucatan/Central America, of Mayan descent or just interested, I recommend Apocalypto -

      Decent jungle survival skills are depicted, including how to use a Bullet Ant in emergency first aid.

  11. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the Fed will never launch a Central Bank Digital Currency while he is in charge.

    Powell’s comments nixed the possibility of the controversial payment system being developed during his term, which is set to last until May 2026.

    This could possibly be one of the main reasons that Trump wants him out as Fed Chair.

  12. Ron Paul was never given a real chance to shine, but his ideas were sound common sense. Not sure how much he could do now. I had, at one time, really hoped his son, Rand, might prevail where his father was shut out, but I don’t think Rand is strong enough to fight that battle now. Timing is everything.

  13. “Which is how Elon might be able to justify taking out a non-profit AI.

    As you read through the details in Elon Musk-Led Investor Group Submits Bid to Buy OpenAI be aware that we have always held that access to data should be free.”

    You might want to read this through again. Sam Altman intends to paywall OpenAI and ChatGPT.

    Musk developed OpenAI to be forever free and accessible to all (hence the “Open” in its name.) His consortium is trying to buy OpenAI to keep it free, not to lock it up. He f*ed up when he leaped to cars & rockets and left the dev lead to Altman. Now, Elon gets to choose between giving Altman a stupid amount of money to get his creation back, or building a better mousetrap and driving Altman into bankruptcy.

    Personally, I’d choose the latter, because I believe Musk has a better supporting cast than he did when he started on OpenAI, and Altman is a psychopathic jerk (but that’s just my opinion.)

    From wackypedia:

    “In 2024, following the temporary removal of Sam Altman and his return, many employees gradually left OpenAI, including most of the original leadership team and a significant number of AI safety researchers. OpenAI also planned a restructuring to operate as a for-profit company. This restructuring could grant Altman a stake in the company.”

    Sometimes you have to read twice, to properly identify the heroes and villains…

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