40 More Years from AI?

Can we now model our life’s future with AI?  Yes, seems so – we have just done it.  When I wrote my recent book “Doctor Between Your Ears – Practicing Practical Longevity” – I didn’t have any way to validate all of our operating assumptions as we cobbled up an integrated approach to life extension.

However, with the dawn of consumer-accessible AI platforms, we are starting to glimpse at protocols with off the shelf vitamin supplements that hold the possibility of dramatic lifespan – and healthspan – improvements.

This is particularly important to me because I seem to have parted ways with a long-time friend who didn’t take kindly to my strong beliefs in supplements as a path to age extension coupled with a high level of skepticism of mRNA beta testing on large populations.

The data – and we’re mindful that AI can be really off-base sometimes – suggests that there is a path for Elaine and me to live out another 40-50 years.  With me at 76 and Elaine on short-final to 82, those are almost freaky results.

Like “Optimized Healthspan with Protocol: 127 years ? Final Healthspan with Lifestyle Improvements: 145 years.”

Needless to say, I’m starting to like my new AI modeling skills. So, this morning – after we get through the charts – we will not only show you how we got there so you can do some modeling on your own.

This is not medical advice.  But, it’s got some real Fountain of Youth potential and we’re at an age where a drink or two of that elixir has definite appeal. OK, a few hours banging GPT isn’t a slog through Florida’s jungles, but fewer poison arrows?

Before we do that, there’s this inflation report just out to deal with…

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47 thoughts on “40 More Years from AI?”

  1. How much punishment are you handing out to your liver and kidneys George taking even a small portion of what you have listed? When your times up its up!

  2. I hope you are able to make amends with your friend. Lost friends leave a space that’s hard to fill.

    Stay safe. 73

  3. I like a little cinnamon, 3 shakes in 16oz coffee, a squirt of vanilla and some honey,, just one tumbler allowed per day with cinnamon.
    Had to watch my cinnamon intake when I was on the rat poison as an anticoagulant, so when I got off the warfarin, I started a little cinnamon as a preventative. I have always had a fondness for the spice.
    from google,
    “Cinnamon Blood Thinners
    Cinnamon is considered a natural blood thinner due to its anticoagulant properties. It can help prevent blood clots from forming and may reduce blood cholesterol and insulin resistance, which can stabilize blood sugar and maintain LDL levels.
    However, cinnamon contains naturally occurring coumarin, a blood thinner, which can pose a risk for some patients, especially when used in conjunction with other anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapies.
    Long-term usage of cinnamon as a blood thinner should be approached with caution and under medical supervision.”

    Now where is my plate sized cinn roll? all that white flour and sugar is not so healthy, but I am just a man with a bit of a sweet tooth.

    • Yo tobD,

      I would like 2 offer youse a healthy alternative to Ure plate sized cinn roll, how about a nice heathy, mature Cinnamon Girl ?

      “I could be happy the rest of my life”


  4. ” my strong beliefs in supplements ”

    Supplements do work. If a person is in tune with their bod, they’ll notice results.

    ” a few hours banging GPT isn’t a slog ”

    While anyone can, you did. Good, work! I’ll be reading all of today’s report.

      • 30 years after a mild heart attack, I’m going on 81, and taking a pile of supplements & Meds for BP, Dibetis, and eye issues. Thanks for all your research, which is going to have me doing a hard look at what supplements I should be taking. I’ve been a fan for a long time, but you’ve knocked it out the park today.

  5. Been taking 5-10k D3 per day for years. Last time I checked couple months ago D3 blood level was mid-normal range despite significant supplementation. Research D3 it is clear bioavailability / uptake / ? are highly variable and if serious about getting a functional dose worked out – one needs to check levels. Of course YMMV. Like Mr. Ure I am Danish (and Polish).

  6. (“Well, seems consumers will get bent over in this, so look surprised: Homeowners insurance rates to rise in California.”)

    I was making huge cuts off of spending..rates surging on every point..the cola we got was actually a decrease with all the increases..
    everyone.. huge cuts in everything across the board.. then the new policy came out and increased to just about where it was before..called the daughter ( our agent ) and said honey find deeper cuts or cancel all policies.. we will see next week how the new cuts will be..now what we are going through is common over seventy million are faced with this.
    seventy million .. I’m not sure how much that will affect the economy..but we are not buying anything but milk and eggs.. I see the difference in the carts of shoppers.. parking lots of restaurants and theatres..huge changes now this is a reality very remote are in comparison to more populated areas..

    • Loob – listen to the attached video of Elon and tRUMP discussing current status of the United States of BUREAUCRACY from oval ofc. as one of Elons’ kids plays a SUPPORTing roll.

      *DEATH to the PEDOS, prison for the rest of the scumbagz.


      China/Russia moar Democratic than United States of Pedophilia, aint that right flaming Peloser Paul? As for uncle Jon..from The making of Brigette by Candance Owens..Mothers dont let Ure Boys grow up to be flamin Faggots like Barrack “Macron” Obama or Trans like Moochelle, heaven forbid.

      PS – if youse move to Texas – Ure college education will be PAID 4 , by those ohhh so generous Texans(gotz 2 register as an illegal), but hell they will prolly put you up in some nice luxury digs.

    • Looking out of the box : sad news is the reported insured losses are a tithe of guestimated total loss. One rather expects all Corporate Line and Residential Carriers to exit the California market. Then where will the People be? Ahem, about right where they are now. Minor amounts of commercially insured risk and loads on FAIR, the California “last resort” insurer of property.


      Absent Commercial participation the residents of the state (owners, tenants, etc.) are left holding the bag, current and future, as a collective. But they won’t store rain / melt water or conduct controlled burns to reduce spread. And, insist on non indigenous palms, etc.

      We really ought to help people in places like E Palestine, OH and those spread along the E coast states who also lost everything in hurricanes. But we are hard pressed about helping the left coast. Stay tuned for fireworks. Err, virtual works that is.

      Big storm rolling in. I drove into the city to buy flowers for my Valentine. The kitchen is now full of tulips. Mrs. E did something for me while I was gone. Hardy girl she is lugged in a bunch of firewood! I added to her piles and am resigned to a day+ indoors.

      Stay warm all!

      ps – it’s fine, probably good, to watch what you eat. As to mathematically calculating dollars per (10) year gainer? Uhh, good luck with that. Really! If trying to keep a TomCat alive I suggest Tomlyn High calorie nutritional gel. Search on / See the Zon. NVA (no veterinary advice) intended or expressed. Your Cat may vary …

      • The storms are MISSING us again, darn.

        This winter is turning out to be like last winter, to south of us by 50 miles they get hammered. To the north of us by 50-75 miles they get hammered. What do we get? Cold days with heavy cloud cover and NO SNOW, just cold rain sometimes (even when snowing south of us)!

        Enjoy the beauty of a real winter!! I personally enjoy the beauty and the solitude of being snowed in for a day (or three).

    • Over the weekend when driving across the state to attend a grandchild’s Bday party I went past the National HQ of the largest trucking company that is based in the state… and OMG, they had HUNDREDS of tractors parked at their HQ location. (Last I checked a couple of years back they had nearly 20k tractor units total)

      Even during the worst of the previous downturns I have never seen that many tractors parked.

      Maybe because of the new emission laws that took affect on Jan 1 in Cal (and maybe elsewhere) they are bringing older tractors into their main location for disposal as they replace them with new units but the sheer number of tractors parked at their main location caught me totally off guard. (they always have 50 to a couple of hundred out front for sale as they turn their inventory but this was WAY beyond that)

      I know freight rates are WAY down at the moment, but this company has survived every trucking downturn over the last 50 years and is still run by the founder and his sons so I doubt that they are leveraging themselves higher than they did in the past.

      May mean nothing … but on the other can could be an indication of what is happening underneath the surface in the REAL economy, not the made up Washington Numbers economy.

  7. When people tell me:”You should have bought a house 40 years,I tell them that you should have been megadosing on vitamins 40 years ago.”
    I was taking animal feed preservative in the 80’s.It’s preserved me fairly well.

  8. Hey, George!
    Have you done any research on effects of synthetic vitamins? D3 and B vitamins especially. For example, there seems to be no natural supplement source of D3. You can only gulp so much salmon and egg yolk – not enuff for therapeutic effects desired. Only available type is synthetic cholecalciferol. Debunkers say no concern warranted for taking Chinese produced rat poison, but then supplements are a huge source of unregulated revenue. Taking an obscene amount of supplements has kept me going to age 75 with no meds, but not sure if that is just good genes in spite of excess vits.

  9. Interestingly a guy on X asked Grok a question (not a simple question) to which Grok responded. He then asked Grok to point out any mistakes or corrections to the answer. Grok responded with a number of errors in the response. He then asked Grok based on the mistakes and discrepancies to provide the real answer – which was entirely different than the original answer. Garbage in – Garbage out – AI will never be the independently thinking vehicle people dream it will be …….

  10. Going a bit off topic… but ya gotta hear this. Wife has afib and has had several very costly trips through the USA ER system and hospital to clear edema built up through mistakes in nutrition and lifestyle. We are now moored in a tight little bay in the South Pacific and have been really doing well… until the mosquito bite/s from Hell and gave her the dreaded Dengue fever. Can only use tylenol to drop the nasty highh temp and then she took Ivermectin for a couple days that seemed to help, but her breathing became more restricted as time passed because the Dengue goes after your organs, especially the heart, and at 75, she had no cope even though we keep a good regimen of supplements and eat very clean.
    So she gave it up and called inn the hospital card and we got a friend with a boat to ferry us across the lagoon to the small town on the other island close by that has the government centers and the hospital.
    The locals are totally free in the hospital system but we had no idea what the cost would be for the uninsured. Living was more important than money, of course.
    She’s done well and seven days later rode the fast boat home to the quiet Bay and is recuperating in a clean shoreside home with AC. Easing back in slowly.
    Here it comes. When you register, there is a large bulletin board that lays out EVERY cost. Clear as day.
    ER treatment with EKG and CT scan, IVs, fluids, quick intervention pharmaceuticals, considerate care. Six days in a large clean private room, air con, bath, shower, back door opened into a garden with some chickens running around. All modern equipment. Two more EKGs, another CAT scan, two visits by a most wonderful cardiologist with a super modern sonogram, daily visit by a beautiful female doctor who came twice a day (only one, not like the parade of who knows who with no connection), friendly staff, bland but good food, O2 for the first four days. Had to bring your own pillow, top sheet, towel, soap, dental stuff, but that was easy.
    Pause and take a guess? 2400 USD equivalent. Venture a guess at cost for similar in Berkeley, CA? We had ‘insurance’ and still paid 1200$. Must have cost the citizenry close to 20K.
    Big Insurance, Big Pharma, Big Hospital surely do need reform in a big way. I suppose the upfront removal of millions of illegal users of the system might possibly bring price down, but there needs to be a general realization that health care doesn’t need to cost so much, especially if a small island in the South Pacific, where everything generally costs double, can provide such quality care and good result so reasonably. We do have US based medical insurance and will make a claim, but even if it is not accepted, that spend for the life of my wife is perfectly fine.
    Corporate medicine is the spawn of the Devil.
    Sorry for the rant.

    • Thank you for the update. I am amazed that in such a small place they had all that modern equipment as well as the educated staff to run it, but good for them and good for you. Best wishes for your wife’s full recovery and for a good continuation of your wonderful voyage.

      I have only had to go to the hospital once while traveling (Switzerland) and found the cost unbelievably cheap, so cheap I never submitted a claim to my insurer (free or mostly free for Swiss citizens, others need to pay before leaving). Have had a number of friends over the years that have also had medical issues while traveling overseas, some serious, and again the cost outside of the US has been on the order of 1/5 to 1/10 of what it would cost in the US (or even 1/20 for minor events) (be careful about Mexico though …. all the stories are that many of the hospitals there make “Milking The Americans” into a favorite pastime game). I do always buy travel health insurance with evacuation coverage when I leave the country (if you have a contagious disease the airlines will NOT allow you to travel on their plane to get home) … fwiw some friends who travel all the time tell me that a YEARLY policy is actually not very expensive if you travel a lot or spend a considerable length of time outside of the US

      Enjoy you voyage!

    • you’re correct if a little island in the south pacific can do it, why not the richest most powerful country on the planet? in costa rica i paid $80 for a dental cleaning given by the dentist, not a hygenist, best cleaning i’ve ever had. a full head cat scan was $150. single payer with supplemental insurance is the only way to go.

      in our daily lives we look to cut out the middleman and buy direct. yet here in the US we allow insurance companies to act as the middleman and take a slice of healthcare costs for administration and profits.

      check out all of the countries that mandate paid parental leave. actually, i’ll make it easier by listing all of the countries on the planet that don’t mandate paid parental leave: the United States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_leave

      • That sounds great. It would be nice to have a quality medical system where I could pay cash. Our medical system is fubar. I read an article, a few actually about the 3rd leading cause of death in America being medical errors. Thats a crazy stat and if true then just another rip off of the American citizen. The fraud and waste its a sign of greed and carelessness which if the medical industry is the same I could see the stat being true. We need some work in the medical area for certain

  11. Nice work Chief,

    Glad to see someone digging into the “deets” regards Supplementation.
    One major area of Exercise that should be mentioned in any Longevity conversation is Oral Sex.

    Firstly – I am available for “in body” research for any & all Ladies interested in researching/testing the awesome health benefits Women get from ingesting Male Sperms.

    The benefits are too numerous to list here, suffice to say the bennies are both Physical and Psychological.

    “lets get on those organs” -BDG/TakeaWalkOnTheMildSide-https://youtu.be/L8rvGg2VZZQ?si=KYrusHe4k27wA2nB

  12. Would you like a downloadable supplement schedule that optimally integrates timing & dosing for each supplement?’
    You said:
    yes, please
    Did you actually add – “please” – ??
    I have often wondered lately if being courteous to an A.I. in some way could actually change their response to a question? Possibly in the way they respond ? And., if you use the same A.I. would they eventually start to recognize you ? If they do indeed start to recognize you and label you “Courteous George” would that small step change the protocols for their answers based on their perceived intellect level [ IQ ] of your previous questions? [ Do they keep track of your previous questions? Do they keep track once they “recognize ” you? ]
    I am making a few assumptions here – but it is something I have asked myself a few times.
    Do I treat this software program as an equal [ being courteous ].., or as an electronic slave [ doesn’t really matter ] ?

  13. It would take an AI’s AI to decipher all those drug interactions, with themselves, you, etc. And with what you had consumed if you didn’t take them, and how they changed your digestion.

    Frankly I think all that would sicken you and reduce lifespan.

    Just whistlin’.

  14. Longevity
    I have and still do, equate longevity with health. Being healthy, fit, mobile and generally “feel-good” is a very important aspect of “living longer”. To me, it is “the” most important aspect.
    What is the point of dragging-out your life span if you are a physical, or mental wreck? [You have to work on your mental health aspects, also.]
    Your deep-search and results on supplements is fascinating, to be sure., lots to review and learn from all of that.., but for me? It’s just too much. Cellular degeneration is going to happen, no matter how much, or how many different ‘sups you take. You can fight ‘time’., but you can not, ever win. But being “healthy” during that fight is important. Thus, supplements.
    I take supplements., and I am coming up on my yearly review.., birthday – Mid-March. And will add and/or adjust as needed/required. [ 5×8 Moleskine notebook. – getting a little worn around the edges – but I prefer it to a computer based log/journal.]
    I am already taking so many ‘sups that I am sick of it. I do however, feel that they are doing their job. So, I continue and will do so. But adding another six, or eight, or so ?? Not too sure I could that., mentally. And just what am I doing to my liver and kidneys with the shock of all the supplements I am taking and then adding a number of the ones you laid out in your report?
    It’s a quandary, that’s for sure.

  15. re: Old Tom Parr
    feat: aka an Edward C.

    Alright, so which AI tipped off the Artful Doger to run searches for sesquicentarians? Here is an “X” file link regarding the inquiry. ‘The truth is out there’?

    “Wikipedia” offers an outline of alleged 152 year old Old Tom Parr’s visit to see King Charles I in 1635.


    The visit prompted quick publication of a biography titled “The Old, Old, Very Old Man” by John Taylor at this ‘Archive’ link:


    Mr. Parr’s autopsy report of sorts by William Harvey, physician to the King, can be found at the end of “About the Origin and Nature of Blood” from 1669 by Dr. John Betts. Here’s another ‘Archive’ link:


    • re: Tic-Tac-Toe
      feat: solve for X


      Yesterday’s walk through Oslo’s DaNoVo Gardens, building hq to a USAid recipient, was a breath of fresh air. Our next stop on the garden tour will be Moscow.

      This segment of ‘Urbansurvival Street’ can be sung along to ‘Pat-a-Cake, Baker’s Man’ found in “Mother Goose’s Melody” of circa 1765, if you wish. Others may prefer to start with an A of Apostle Andrew. His journeys about the Black Sea remain firm in the Russian faith, and he even has a cross named after him.

      Sadovo-Samotechnaya (Self Flowing/Gravity Garden) Street, Moscow hosts structures of a bygone Stalinist era. While London Soho’s Carnaby Street was the place to be in 1966, Sadovo-Samotechnaya Street offered cover as a Western enclave of propriety despite allegedly housing a Cambridge Apostle.

      This past weekend, representatives of authority visited the ‘Alibi Club’ on Sadovo-Samotechnaya Street along with embedded Russian media outlet “Shot”. Room images included a print of Marilyn Monroe looking out over a red bed beside a hot tub. Nearby behind a translucent curtain screen, a letter X stood against a wall lit in red, white, and blue. Here is a link to the Russian media report:


    • re: T-Cubed
      feat: Gaza Romani; la tromperie


      Oops, I overlooked a couple of things about the Russian Telegram link message. Three of the three cubed detainees are identified as Cuban while the others’ ethnicity goes unmentioned. Also perhaps with reference to USAid, the words ‘???????? ?????????????’ (condom packages) are pixelated.

      Imagining the Roman Treasure, does one of the twelve minor prophets, Amos (‘carried by God’; lucky #3) from Teqoa in the West Bank, fit the puzzle? (He apparently preached in his day against widening income disparities?)

      Book of Amos 1:6-7
      ‘This is what the Lord says:
      “For three sins of Gaza, even for four, I will not relent. Because she took captive whole communities and sold them to Edom (Jordan?),
      I will send fire on the walls of Gaza that will consume her fortresses.”…’

    • seems like a move away from single use plastics would be a good thing, aye? good place to start would be a president instructing federal facilities to move away from single use plastics towards recyclable or natural materials.

      president marine biologist says, “Trump said Monday that he thinks “it’s OK” to continue using them. “I don’t think that plastic is going to affect the shark very much as they’re eating, as they’re munching their way through the ocean,’’ he said at a White House announcement.


    • A lot of research being done on this now and some interesting statistics.

      For example, these studies show.

      1. Most of the plastic particles show up in the lungs, not other body parts (gut, kidney, brain, blood) i.e. the particles are mostly inhaled, not ingested.

      2. Most of the particles in the body are PVC, found in almost every area of our lives including car interiors and home furnishings.

      3. Although less than from plastic bottles, plastic particles are found in tap water. The particles are ubiquitous and can pass through water treatment plants.

      Ever notice the white film on the inside of your car windshield.


      “The white film on the inside of a car windshield is usually caused by off-gassing from the plastic and vinyl materials inside the car. This process releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which then condense on the glass”

      Probably need to be more concerned about sitting inside a hot vehicle than drinking water from a plastic bottle in the cup holder.

      Here is one good article. Lots more are out there.


  16. The optimist in me says “Sounds great.”

    The pessimist in me says “Won’t do much good if supplements become unavailable due to:

    1) WWIII
    2) Civil War 2
    3) General Economic and Societal Breakdown

    Right now, it’s all I can do to store enough food, supplements, fuel, etc. for maybe 3 years. That’s just about the furthest I can see at this point.

    Yeah, I’m off grid with solar power (small generator to top off the batteries occasionally), solar powered well and a small garden that I try to expand at least a little each year. Winters can be brutal here, which is why I keep hitting a wall at three years when planning for a future without resupply.

    Oh, yeah, wildfire season. I won’t get started on that one.

    Wo ist mein Segelboot. Ich will mein Segelboot.

  17. As mentioned above using LOTS of supplements does raise a question in my mind about Liver Stress since many drugs and supplements utilize the liver for entering the body.

    It is for that reason, liver stress, that I have avoided my Doctor’s recommendation for nearly 10 years now to go onto a Statin cholesterol drug and also avoid as much as possible Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and
    Acetaminophen. All of those are liver metastasized and all put stress on the liver when they are ingested (and if you add ANY alcohol to the mix you are really stressing the liver – ie: do NOT CONSUME even a single alcoholic drink if you are taking any of the above listed pain medicines).

    Having friend who lost their mother many years ago from liver failure caused by Tylenol use combined heavy alcohol use the liver stress issue has been front and center in my mind for the last 30+ years. This concern was compounded a few years back when a Doctor, acquaintance of mine, a surgeon, had his license yanked for a year for his overuse of those OVER THE COUNTER drugs for pain control for a few of his patients AND after listening to two Phd Microbiologists go off on the issue around the campfire one night after the Boy Scouts went to their tents.

    Watch the liver issue. Do NOT overstress it. You only have ONE.

  18. I just paid $1,915 for a months worth of Xeljanz, my RA meds. Supposedly, my maximum drug amount on Medicare is $2,000 a year so I should get 11 months more for free. I hope my insurer is correct with their information. I am grateful to Pfizer for 12 years of free meds when all other drugs failed for me. Fingers crossed that I’m not going to have to pay another $1,915 next month due to some clerical error.

    George, don’t you get heartburn from all those pills?

  19. Your research spit out a list that’s very near what I’m currently taking. My one critique is: Why would anyone who can, not spend the bucks to enjoy the best quality of life they can? You can’t take it with you, and if you’re not around, you also can’t spend it on something else.

    I went through about a month ago and optimized my supplementation by full or empty stomach, and time of day — shifted all “B” vitamins and some of the letter supplements (like NAD+) to first stack — 2 hours before breaking fast. I’m technically taking four stacks now, although the third is just an iron supplement, which I’m not taking very often.

    Nice job, and surprisingly thorough for an AI-bot.

    Thanks for tackling it…

    • working on the tima machine project/design has been a real lesson for this old reporter on how tight you have to frame questions, or the output you get won’t be good.
      But to your point on the costs and benefits and why not?
      Well, the most potential is found in things like rapamycin and here we run into side effects

      Rapamycin side effects
      Sore or inflamed mouth.
      Weakened immune system.
      Anemia and fatigue.
      Constipation or diarrhea.
      Elevated cholesterol or lipid levels.
      High blood pressure.
      Swollen hands and feet.

      Simiplar, even some of the most “safe” are not so safe when used in the combinations or if you miss the skip day parts.
      For example, the curcumin is great but if you have a bleeding disorder and also do the baby aspirin, then that too is a why not.
      Still, there’s also the exercise component which a lot of people skil on waiting for -332 or 915 to come and do the exercise for them, but again, more meds so at some level more risks…
      If you have no idea what Ray and I are talking about see:
      AI Overview
      SLU-PP-332, pan-ERR agonist/Exercise mimetic (TBI3948)
      SLU-PP-332 is an exercise-mimicking drug that may help with weight loss, endurance, and metabolic health. It’s also being studied as a potential treatment for diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart failure, and kidney disease.
      How it works
      SLU-PP-332 activates estrogen receptor-related orphan receptors (ERRs)
      ERRs activate metabolic pathways in muscles, the heart, and the brain
      This increases energy expenditure and speeds up fat metabolism
      Potential benefits
      Weight loss: SLU-PP-332 can help reduce fat mass accumulation
      Endurance: Mice treated with SLU-PP-332 ran 50% further than untreated mice
      Metabolic health: SLU-PP-332 can improve mitochondrial function and cellular respiration
      Kidney protection: SLU-PP-332 may protect the kidneys indirectly
      Safety and further research
      SLU-PP-332 has not caused severe side effects in studies, but more animal testing is needed before human trials.
      SLU-PP-332 is an example of an exercise mimetic, a drug that mimics the health benefits of exercise.
      Or just watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHJMSzjaBK8

      • I try to stay from drugs and stuff that’s genetically modified. I realize Durk and Sandy extolled the virtues of Vasopressin in 1982, but I never did. I’ve always felt that Man has been here for millions of years (yes, I count Neanderthal, cromag, and the Aussie “near man,” which is probably the original haplotype of our species) and naturally eating everything on the supplement list that’s not created by a Chem-E in some pharmco lab. Yeah, I grant that along with the bioflavinoid spectrum, there’s hundreds, perhaps thousands of trace elements in Vitamin-C that aren’t in ascorbic acid. That’s why I’ve been trying to grow lemons, limes, pineapples, and oranges, a thousand miles north of where they like to grow. At the same time, I also acknowledge that scurvy is a dread affliction that can kill you, and ascorbic acid cures it as well, and as quickly as natural Vitamin-C, so until I can produce my own, and be “offgrid” WRT Vitamin-C, I will continue to buy ascorbic acid in kilogram lots, from Bulk Supplements.

        I believe GM “shit” is garbage, and that while its “nutrients” may counterfeit real and natural nutrients, they don’t function the same in the animals that consume them. This irrespective of growth hormone and the myriad biocides, petro-fertilizers, and other chemical insanity we heap into, and on the “food” we eat and the pills we take. How many 6yo girls with boobs or 9yo boys with ‘staches does one have to see, before they figure out there’s something wrong…?

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