Biden’s Three-War Monte, Side of Guns, Drought, Collapse

Let’s see how well we can summarize what has been an ugly political opera this week remembering that old Joe South song from my rock ‘n roll pass: Games People Play.

Three-War Monte is the aware person’s war metaphor for the old carnie game:

“…also known as Find the Lady and Three-card Trick – is a confidence game in which the victims, or “marks”, are tricked into betting a sum of money, on the assumption that they can find the “money card” among three face-down playing cards. It is very similar to the shell game except that cards are used instead of shells.”

Except, here in early tribulation goings, we have three wars forming up.  My consigliere calls these the “precursor wars” to the Big One in 2026 which will involve China.

More recently, though, reader Andy’s astute “fall of Mabus” in prophecy perhaps referring to (a dyslexic) fall of Map US (e.g. fall of CONUS) provides worrisome harmony.

Here’s how the sideshows are lining up today.

#1 Trick:  Winning by Losing

Ukraine is nominally at war; real people – good ones – are being killed.  On both sides.  While the Ukrainians have the media support of the US corporate-owned, and while their information sellers have featured enough “children dying” daily to bring tears to even the most cynical eyes, things aren’t adding up.

How so?  CNN reports “20% of Ukraine is under Russian control, President Zelensky says.”

The Showman in Chief totally blew it with energy sanctions on Russia.  As of this morning (*early) Triple A was pegging gas nationally at $4.761 while Diesel was sailing along at $5.591.  Europe has a case of the energy waffles.

Capitalism to the Rescue!  Here comes OPEC+ alliance boosts oil production as energy prices soar ( just in time.

If you’re still not sure how this works?  Russian energy will still flow – it will be trans-shipped into other countries. Re-papered and then re-sold.  Sweet money game!

OPEC will sell us more.  And Middle East Oil Kingdoms (MEOK’s) will jack up prices to whatever the market will bear.

The ancient sage geopolitical analyst Mic Jagger outlines the process musically in the too hip tune Highwire which was a little too direct for popularity in our Age of Hysteria.

“We sell ’em missiles, we sell ’em tanks
We give ’em credit, you can call the bank
It’s just a business, you can pay us in crude
You love these toys, just go play out your feuds
Got no pride, don’t know whose boots to lick
We act so greedy, makes me sick sick sick”


Trick #2:  Iran-Israel

(Dudes with Feuds)

I’m sure you saw the report that Iran now has enough 50% enriched uranium to make at least a crude weapon.  But, it would likely take 48,5 kgs worth.  Hundred pound piles of “burning canned sunshine” is somewhat more difficult to light off than MIRV-ready 90% plus heavy metal.

What’s underway now – and may be until this all blows up in late summer – is the PR game.  Put on your “I Believe!” hat and read Israel Prefers Diplomacy on Iran but Could Act Alone, Bennett Tells IAEA Chief.” (You would expect him to say what?)

Remember who screwed the pooch on this was Barack Obama – with pallets of cash to Tehran – which helped to fund not only Iran’s international terrorism agenda but also helped pay for uranium refining equipment which ain’t free, either.  And since Obama’s third term is the Slo Joe, should be pretty obvious what our favorite street-corner socialist is up to.  Talking one game and shooting another.

Trick #3: Biden as “China’s Doll”

Aging is a bitch.  Especially when – in lieu of reaction speeds and continuity of thought – the test seems to be on walking things backward.

A couple of days ago, the Bidenista handlers got Slo to say that the US would back Taiwan.  Or words, close enough to piss-off China, to that effect.

So now we’re reading a U.S. Updates Fact Sheet, Again, Says Does Not Support Taiwan Independence.

Too late, though, China’s already pissed.  And buffing up their flexingChina Tests Military’s Combat Readiness After Joe Biden’s Taiwan Pledge.

I can’t count the number of times democrat do-overs have come back to bite America’s forward progress.  Idiotically defending borders of Iran, Israel, Ukraine, and Turkey while – at the same time – stupidly failing to seal our southern Border.  It’s just nuts.

Open Borders and a lot of money – under the table, even more undocumented than the jumpers – is the balance being worked, eh?  US extradites ex-Mexican governor to face corruption charges.

Yet here this week, what happened to the Durham case?  We are so corrupt here, too.

Trick #4: Bonus War: Syria

Where, once again, we see read duplicitous double-talk from the Foggy Bottom (state) types in stories like U.S. envoy says won’t allow Syria to be Russian ‘bargaining chip’ on Ukraine.

In a grandmaster level game, that’s the U.S. screaming “Get your hand away from that Rook.” 

All the while holding a pawn in reserve (Erdogan in Turkey) who has more ambition than brains but seems to desire his own local version of the Henry Hub when Leviathan fields come online. Of course, Erdogan would likely be run out of Erath, Louisiana in a heartbeat.  Cajun/coon-ass folk we know don’t tolerate fools or pretentious pricks.

Dem Distractions: Side of Guns

A local ( talk show host actually came out and said it last night:  Saying in so many words “Reason you don’t hear as much about the Oklahoma shooting this week was the (alleged) perp was Black.”

A bridge too far to gin up the “white (never capitalized!) supremacist” bogeyman.  Still, the dem’s charge on guns is game-on.

Pags has also been hearing from people like? TED NUGENT: ‘No Guns is NOT a Possibility’ | Joe Pags.

Also note: Pags has the balls to report WATCH: NY Dem Vows to Abolish Filibuster, Expand Supreme Court to Enact Gun Control Laws.

In fact, if you flip over to the NY Times you can find the mush-head sales literature for just such things dems have plans to foist on the lazy citizenry.

Clean the House (and Senate) in 2022 of both parties.

I would offer to summarize that for you, but the Times lately has become a paywalled monster running stories like Biden Will Urge Lawmakers to Pass Gun Laws in Speech on Mass Shootings.

We are simply asking questions the National Media Sellouts haven’t the stones to utter:

  • What – if any – drugs was the Uvalde shooter on?
  • Where did he get the money to buy his guns because those are way out of the price range for a Mickey D’s worker.

But alas, :”It is what it is” for those of us in the Thinking Middle.

(We having fun yet this morning?)

Some Truth About Jobs

Number of jobs called in today’s federal employment report:

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 390,000 in May, and the unemployment rate remained at 3.6 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Notable job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, in professional and business services, and in transportation and warehousing. Employment in retail trade declined.

Number of jobs estimated into existence by the C.E.S. Birth/Death Model.

…May CES Model added 809,000 jobs….

Our only other remarks this morning will be limited to seeing how we have had exactly ZERO growth in overall employment (despite maybe another half-million people coming in, jumping borders and refugees) since 2019:

Ever talk to a crackhead?  How everything (kinda-sorta) makes sense, but it doesn’t?  NLS data is a lot like that.

The number of people working this month (per the database) was 321,000.  When the headline slop claims 390,000 one has to wonder.  Who’s dumb enough to buy that shit?  Especially with the CES model making up over 800,000???

Markets unfooled, down 100 on the Dow and 25-ish on the EssenPee.

The Washington Special Ed kids are likely thinking ” Hey!  If enough people show up here, we will have the world’s largest economy – again.

Sadly, this kind of thinking, hoping, and wishing is unlikely to save us from China’s nuclear weapons build-out.   And their other tech leads including: New Chinese AI Can Possibly Detect Hypersonic Missiles in 15 Seconds! Experts Say Even Mach 5 Rockets Can’t Evade It.

But, this is what you get when CONgrease forgets the basics of being a nation (balanced budget, strong defense, equality for all) and diverts money into social programs to buy-off voter blocks.  Whatever.


Picture story:

Totally unsurprising: California is rationing water amid its worst drought in 1,200 years.

20-years ago – when we decided to settle in East Texas, the annual rainfall averages were important to us.  This year – in spite of the sucky drought map – we have 17.44 in the gauge versus 18.77 a year-ago – year to date, per the TylerTexasWeather site.

The drought gradient west of us is abrupt and steep.  Crappy food prices are only part of the problems you be facing this fall, but those will need to be reckoned with twice and maybe three-times a day.

Quippable and Clipable

Post toasting:  Depp-Heard verdict is the defeat of the toxic #MeToo Movement ( Idiocy heals slowly, though.

StudyFinds as some useful actual data:  Good deeds cure bad behavior: Study sheds light on how to change dark personalities. And maybe there is some health benefit to the two glasses of vino promptly at 4 PM daily around here: Older adults who regularly drink alcohol have a better quality of life before and after surgery.  (Don’t look now, but may apply to sex, as well.  Hmmm.)

New in the Evidence pile:  Acute cardiac side effects after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: a case series – PubMed ( Meantime, good news about sperm counts in 4BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine and semen: what do we know? – PubMed (  (Not that we worry so much, both being born in the 40s and all…)

Speaking of hysterias:  Looks like the new Maverick- Top Gun release on Amazon will be after the Fourth of July holiday:  When is Top Gun: Maverick coming to DVD and Blu-ray? ( July 12 is a bet.

ATR:  Seaside Ham Radio Note

My buddy the Major will be giving an in-depth presentation of the dangers of 5G and beyond at the Seaside, Oregon.  SEA-PAC as it’s called is the ARRL Northwest regional convention.

EMF, 5G, and Your Health – Be Wise, Economize – will be in the on from 13:00 to 13:50 in the Riverside C room.  (Besides the Major, also look for Dr. John who is planning to be there should any complex medical questions come up about 5G.  Yes, there are doctor-hams.

The short version of all this is that if radio (as a technology) were launched with today’s levels of environmental cautions, we would still be a wire-based culture.

Problem is?  Lot of data in the Major’s presentation is being actively suppressed by the radio-dependent tech sector.

For example, with famine in the wings, we ought to all be really concerned about honey bees, right?  So the paper Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure of Western Honey Bees – PubMed ( would make sense as a background read.

Now, here’s the part that summarizes the whole trend in radio frequency design at this point: going to higher frequencies is often NOT a good thing:

“Our analysis shows that a relatively small shift of 10% of environmental incident power density from frequencies below 3 GHz to higher frequencies will lead to a relative increase in absorbed power of a factor higher than 3.”

Sleep disturbances, the role of so-called “Smart” home power meters, changes in dream patterns, fatigue, nausea…well, let’s just say there’s an impressive piece of work coming out at SEA-PAC this weekend.

Our personal bottom line (since we’ve been hams together since 1963 – or was it ’64?)-  is that ham and commercial radio need to reduce power levels.  Lately, all my ham radio work has been at 100 watts, or less. Lots at 5-watts.  And this is on the relatively “safe” HF (lower high frequency) bands.

If you have a 2-meter handheld?  Minimum power to hit the desired repeater makes sense.  Which, from here in the office, is the 1-watt setting on a Kenwood F6 handheld.

The two linear amplifiers at the ready on the operating desk (a Thunderbolt and an SB-220) haven’t even had filaments turned on in six-months.  Wire antennas, manual keys, and low power make ham radio a lot more competitive.  Anyone can point an 8-element beam up 80-feet at Europe and running  1,500 watts pick off contacts with half of Europe in an afternoon.

Same principle around the home:  If you can turn off a router at night, might be a good long-term health move to consider.  The Major rewired his house with new CAT+ wiring and only uses a router (one with a low power setting option) only when needed.

Radio is here to stay.  And despite a strong medical case for much lower exposure limits, the manufacturers are likely to keep spreading more power, higher and wider.

Just like a personal commitment to a lower carbon profile, so too a commitment to a low RF absorption profile makes intuitive sense.

We may even “go dark” on two of our three networks here, during sleep hours.  And maybe put in a smart power meter RF screen towards the sleeping areas.

Meanwhile, the “cook your head to talk” machines are being questioned since the industry cover-up of radio exposure will collapse over time. An International Collaborative Animal Study of the Carcinogenicity of Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Radiation: Considerations for Preparation of a Global Project – PubMed ( is coming.  The truth takes time to be revealed.

Of course, out here in the woods (where 5G is not economic) we’ll just live in the Radio Dark Ages and be thankful, at that.

Write when you get rich, or take yourself off defrost,

60 thoughts on “Biden’s Three-War Monte, Side of Guns, Drought, Collapse”

  1. You nailed it again George. Enjoyed the read.

    Lying Joe Biden and all his Congressional Slime Bag buddies wanting our guns – there is something in the hand of a teenager or adult deadlier than a gun and it is not protected by the 2nd Amendment.

    According to The National Safety Council:
    -Cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year.
    -Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving.
    -1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
    -Texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk.

    According to a AAA poll:
    – 94 percent of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% ADMITTED to doing it anyway (they lie).
    -21 percent of teen drivers involved in fatal accidents were distracted by their cell phones.
    -Teen drivers are 4x more likely than adults to get into car crashes or near-crashes when talking or texting on a cell phone.

    -Texting and driving leads to 11 teenagers dying or being disabled every day. Other reputable sources state that teen deaths and disabilities from cell phone use while driving are much much higher.
    -Texting and driving are as bad as drinking four beers. Texting is as bad as drunk driving.

    NHSTA states:
    -In the United States, 660,000 drivers use their cell phones at any given moment.
    -‘Distracted driving’ caused 3142 deaths in 2019 according to NHSTA (that’s your government-always late to the dance with statistics)
    -In 2019, there were 566 nonoccupants (pedestrians, bicyclists, and others) killed in crashes involving a distracted driver. (U.S. DOT)

    Do we have the United States Congress doing ANYTHING about restricting cell phones? Hell no, because cell phones can and do track you! See the movie “2000 Mules” if you don’t believe it. In one week, we have 77 teenagers die or being disabled from cell phone use while driving. In one week, a lot more kids die from cell phone use in cars than died from bullets in Uvalde and all other mass shootings combined last year.

    In West Texas, nearly every rollover accident death of a teen is attributable to using a cell phone, going off the road, and over correcting. Same with head-on collisions on a two-lane highway. Cell phone was in use. But the people in charge of tracking you and me in the 3 letter agencies would never want anything to interfere with their ability to track us whether the phone is ON or OFF. What about a kill switch on the phone when the car is moving? It is a no brainer. You want to use it kid or idiot continually sitting there when the light turns green, pull off the road and put it in park!!

    Now let’s look at some other statistics as reported by NewsMax:
    -92% of mass shootings since 2019 have occurred in “Gun Free Zones”.
    -Shootings in places that have restricted guns (unconstitutionally) like Chicago, LA, and NYC are conducted by criminals daily which kill people. 7 killed and 45 wounded by guns in Chicago memorial weekend.
    -Other crimes are a result of criminals knowing law abiding citizens with guns are not present. Like smash and grab in L.A. and other lib cities with lib mayors and lib DA’s.
    – There is no such thing as a Gun Show Loophole-just another lie for dumb libs to believe.

    Rather than fixing something that really kills our youth and every other age person like cell phone use in vehicles, the dictators in D.C., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries would rather take away your ability to defend yourself from people that want to kill you with a gun or knife or machete, or invade your residence or business with multiple people.

    Babbling Biden, sent $60 Billion down a dark hole, the Ukraine, for the cokehead Ukranian President to blow or handout or steal without any accountability. That money could have built double air lock bullet proof doorways on every school in America with enough left over to hire armed guards with body armor at every school to protect that one entry way, and still have enough left over to finish the wall stopping all the illegal criminals coming into our country.

    The con artists in Washington D.C. always have legislation waiting to con the public and give themselves more power…One week after 9/11 we had “The Patriot Act” that created secret courts and wiretaps and tracking along with many other mandates to take away your freedoms. They have changed ‘Global Warming’ to ‘Human Caused Climate Change’ to build their lies to further control you and grab your land. And now they change the restrictive gun control laws they have been secretly working on for a year that chips away at the 2nd Amendment to the more acceptable lying nomenclature: “Gun Safety Laws.” Fidel Castro Trudeau had the pistol and magazine dictate ready and waiting, and all the little robots behind him clapped when he announced it. The little Commie Marxist is a dictator and should be removed from office after what he did during the trucker protests and now with guns.

    The RINO John Cornyn, our supposed Republican Texas Senator, in concert with McConnell and all the other RINOs and DemoRats have had gun legislation ready and waiting for over a year. We are building a coalition in Texas to make sure Cornyn is retired when he comes up for election if he DARES mess with our rights to protect ourselves with weapons with lots of bullets in the magazines that are not the Rainbow Bullshit type of bullets in a helmet band being advertised during GAY PRIDE month from the once proud U.S. Marines. God help us for all the politically INCORRECT lies that are being forced on our kids and military. Where is Pershing, Jefferson, Jackson, and Teddy Roosevelt when you need them?

    We want our AR15’s with 30 round mags, and our 9mm pistols with 17 round mags to protect us from the criminal invasion in the 10’s of thousands coming in daily from the southern border, thanks to you Biden and all the commie Marxists in your administration. These illegal bastards break into homes, barns, cars, and steal anything that isn’t bolted down. Not all of them of course, but there are many that will kill you with knives AND the guns that they bring with them and they don’t wear a sign saying ‘Bandito’. They are MS13, Mexican Mafia, Haitian gangs, drug cartels, and Islamic radicals who have sworn death to Americans and include saboteurs. Wonder why so many food processing plants are being blown up or shut down from fires, or diseases? These illegals and criminals are being shipped all over America.

    Try calling 911 and see how long it takes for armed cops to show up to protect you or your business against an armed invader or gang thereof. Try it when it is happening all over town. Save your time because you would already be dead! A gun is an equalizer against multiple invaders.

    Never forget all the countries that took away guns before genocide was committed in the millions in those countries…. the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, China, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Cambodia, Uganda, Guatemala, and many others.

    FYI Senile Joe Biden. The 2nd Amendment was written to provide the citizenry with the same type of weapons AND ammunition as those in the government have so we can defend our freedoms against dictators. You want genocide. Take the guns away from law abiding citizens and leave them in the hands of despots and dictators. Be sure and convey that to your puppet masters Biden that are there behind the scenes trying to dictate your every move except when you go off script—Barack Hussein Obama, Soros, the globalists and U.N., and all of yours and Hunter’s Commie and Marxist buddies in China.

    And BTW LYING Joe Biden, a 9mm will not blow the lungs out…it will just go through them. And AR15 does not stand for Assault Rifle, it was short for ArmaLite, the manufacturer, you idiot. And the military version had a switch to go full automatic, whereas the Civilian version has to have the trigger pulled each time otherwise known as a semi-automatic. You wouldn’t know the north end of a south-bound jackass if it was staring you in the face. Such a pathological liar since you first entered Congress and told all those lies about law school!!

    • Another huge AMEN..WTHS..
      what you forgot was network television and the entertainment industry that not only desensitization of our youth to a variety of criminal acts but glorifies its actions through their programming..
      A society that has been designed for profit to the point its taken out the mature adult guidance and left our most vulnerable to network programming..and gangs that get and distribute their weapons from outside the legal methods..
      How many times a day do you hear about our govt. Promoting war and sending billions of dollars of guns overseas to be distributed to anyone at any age that wants one..

      • Don’t forget video games:

        Date created: 2000
        Violent Video Games can Increase Aggression

        May be more harmful than violent television and movies because of the interactive nature of the games

        WASHINGTON – Playing violent video games like Doom, Wolfenstein 3D or Mortal Kombat can increase a person’s aggressive thoughts, feelings and behavior both in laboratory settings and in actual life, according to two studies appearing in the April issue of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Furthermore, violent video games may be more harmful than violent television and movies because they are interactive, very engrossing and require the player to identify with the aggressor, say the researchers

      • Loob…you are so right on. All the C networks are Propaganda tools. People are sitting in their living rooms buying all the BS coming from these networks. They all have the buzz statement for the day…all trying to lead the population. And the idiots out there don’t realize, like you said, that our government is the biggest arms dealer in the world. Not my government anymore, they stole it. I refuse to call Biden President.

      • Since I can’t make it to SEA-PAC, will your presentation be posted anywhere for further enjoyment?


    • Well said
      Thre are many differences between a civilian model AR 15 and an M4 or M16 beyond the full auto function. Anyone taking a civilian model AR15 into combat will have an unwanted short tour. At this rate of lunacy, we may see that sooner than you may think.
      Stay safe everyone. 73

      • Military company made mine. Sabre Defense Industries.

        Lunacy is correct. Everyone on the left seems to have lost it. Like all commie revolutions, you are either with them or they want to eliminate you. Not gonna happen if all patriots stick together. They can steal elections, lie, try to take away the Constitution, create false flags, but there are those that see through them before they happen.

        Have a great weekend.

      • Exactly.. and anything can be used as a weapon … like salt and a snickers bar…( most would wonder why would you waste a perfectly good candy bar.. ) but you could..
        No one at all is talking about these kids we all considered outcasts and bullied and made fun if.. it was blind rage of a teenagers immaturity thought and reasoning..
        Not the gun..

      • Thanks Ray….more of us than you realize. Sometimes it is better to stay undercover until time to spring the traps. Let’s hope it is soon.

    • Thank you WTHS, after reading G’s site today I have lots to say but you covered everything and then some.
      One of the Texas shooters ar was a Daniel defense priced at 1900.00$, this kid had about 4000$ worth of guns and ammo, who paid for that? Something else has been bothering me that I haven’t seen anyone mention is who is behind the camera that was recording him entering the school, it wasn’t a stationary security camera because it zoomed in. Looks like another ALOWED to happen event.
      Side note re: Cali drought. 4.5 inches of rain here this year, we don’t get summer rains so thats it till October at best. Last year was about 8.5 inches, average here is 12 inches per year, no new reservoirs in the last 20 years. ALOWED to happen water crisis.
      Liars, killers and thieves
      Every GD one them…

  2. Canada’s largest province, Ontario, had an election yesterday. Conservatives won a huge majority. The socialist party finished a distant second and the Liberal party did not even get enough votes to obtain official party status. In political terms, it was a huge conservative wave. In WWE terms, it was a smackdown.

    Every voter on election day and in pre-poles had to provide hard copy ID. The poles closed at 9 pm and by 9:23 pm, a conservative majority was predicted. Confirmed by 11 pm.

    What went right?

    During the whole COVID pandemic, Conservative leader Doug Ford was the antithesis of Joe Biden. He was in front of the microphone almost every day, explaining what he was doing and most importantly not pointing any fingers but taking full responsibility for his actions. “The buck stops here” was his mantra.

    During his campaign, he ran on building jobs and creating employment for people that want to work. No handouts.

    Is there perhaps a message here for the Liberal Feds in Canada and the USA?

  3. The 2022 Midterms are about the same topics as 50 years ago, and it’s a GAS.

    Gun Control Act of 1968.
    Abortion – 1973
    Stimmies – 1972 (Nixon expanded SSI, Foodies, Indexed SS, started Revenue Sharing and Block Grants….)

  4. G – you want The TRUTH!?

    They said “all you all cant handle the truth!” – tough titties – suck it up , buttacups..

    Truth – is a bitch and bee stranger than any fiction you will ever read..esoteric ed – its whats for 2nd breakfast..

    “The Hologram”
    -basically interfering waves of energy -beamed at angles from outside the construct. Otherwise how would there be an equinox where the entirety of planet, flat or round, experience 12 hour days twice a year on same date.
    “Soul” not of the Hologram. It is non-Waveform of unknown quality that knows no space and time. It is not from this dimension but neither are they, nor are we. It is their food…”we should prolly poison it”.

    Hungry yet? more splainin..

    Physical bodies created by the hologram construct are built as Sensors so that the physical can be experienced by the observer- pain and sorrow are their food, fear and loathing, all negative emotions = Loosh, this is what they feed on and Earth is a farm for it. DNA is used to build sensor units- its a containment program. The rules within DNA and Fourier- transform wave forms outside of the sensor unit interact to produce backstory, history, jamming and restriction upon capability of observer.

    Covid distracted world pop from the Forced International Collapse. All sources of food on the planet under attack. 2 largest global producers of fertilizer now conveniently at war with each other.
    Geo engineered drought and other weaponized weather will continue to destroy..not just Humans gonna starve- all living things.

    As you contemplate the enormousness of OUR/YOUR ages old dilemma – Slavery and worse and begin to realize everything was put in place (belief systems) to control and or obfuscate Ure true reality hear on planet EARTH – you should slowly come to the realization that you are going to have to Defend and FIGHT – for Ure very Soul.

    – Once and if you get “there” – remember what was said in secret gospel of Thomas by JC..

    -“never let the left hand know what the right hand is doing.” – words to LIVE by.

  5. I’m glad WTHS chose to post today. I was actually planning on a long-ish post saying close to the same thing. Well done, my friend.

    Here’s what I basically wanted to say:

    It should be completely obvious to EVERYONE at this point that we are clearly under attack. This has been going on for years, but it’s out in the open now. It’s a war on ALL systems. Food, water, shelter, social, political, financial, and cultural. The collapse of Western Civilization and its replacement with a slave system is the goal and we may be past the point of no return. However, their window of opportunity must be closing, because this group, whoever they really are, are frantically going for broke. In a way, this gives me a small glimmer of hope because it might mean there’s a side that we don’t see fighting FOR all that is good and true. It might also mean that the ‘good guys’ are winning…or it might just mean that we already lost.

    I suppose we’ll know soon enough.

    • Yep….

      “Open Borders and a lot of money – under the table”

      Ever get curious … WHATS NOT BEING DISCUSSED ANYMORE” that was important..

      • Thanks LOOB…I appreciate your comments. What’s not being discussed is so right on. Why within 2 weeks did McConnell, Cornyn and three others go to Ukraine, then Jill Biden, then Pelosi’s group. Then here comes another $40B. Cutting up the pie? Pure Evil!!! If it was about saving Ukraine, it would have been done by video conference. Crooks.

    • MAJ13
      Suggest a closer “look” at the Russian special operation in Ukraine.
      ???WTF am I refering too ?
      The spiritual side of this winner take ALL war is where you can find truth and what is really going on..

      Behold the Z

      Why is it/was it painted on Russian tanks,trucks, battle vehicles, everything that moves ?? Wonder why even the see-ers on this site have no clue..hmmmm Please, allow me to shed some light on the matter..

      The Z represents the RETURN..turn it on its Side = half a Swastika -Turning to the RIGHT. (important detail that)

      Adolfs turned to the Left – the RETREAT or abandonment. He was doublecrossed, f-ed over by the corp. fascists(sponsors) – just as USA has been..hello dead bush(Schreff) the evil and lil soon to be dead bush the evil moron.

      Question should be – Who or What is Returning..

    • Thanks my friend. I am glad you posted. You are right on the button. Evil v. Good. It is coming to a head real soon and earth shall shake and tidal waves will wipe out a lot of bad places. Good will overtake the evil. Keep the faith.

  6. Saw an interesting youtube video earlier about bees. Although we spend a lot of time cultivating honey bees, they are not the ideal pollinator for most species. I didn’t know many flowering plants have a synergistic relationship with a pollinator, many times, a different species of bee.
    As we cultivate the honeybee, for yummy reasons, we may also me mistakenly crowding out the more efficient pollinators.

    • JD, point of fact is that the europeon honey bee is not native to the Americas, imported species, great honey providers. Here in the mid-atlantic there are plenty of other native pollinators for my little garden.

    Jews for Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JFPO) have maintained since their founding that GCA 68 was lifted intact from the NAZI’s weapons law of 1938 including a side-by-side printing of the two showing that the wording is often verbatim repeated. They point out that Sen. Thomas Dodd (D-Conn), the author, was a prosecutor at the Nuremburg trials and had retained a copy of the German law.

  8. Pall over America? The Great Paul, England’s largest bell, tolled to mark the weekend of festivities celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. While the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, lately of Malibu, attended St. Paul’s Cathedral services, the Queen booked off due to “discomfort” and watched on the television while the Duke of York was excused due to a positive covid-19 test. Fine drama indeed. Of course a smiling, resplendent Her Majesty appeared on the balcony at Buckingham Palace with a four generation display of The Firm’s notables who matter. That will be the photo-op which history records. The rest is window dressing.

    Meanwhile, two and a half hours after the job report report drops on ‘Urban, it’s a bustling morning over at the WH as Potus delivers remarks on the jobs report per the public schedule. As for Friday afternoon? See you back on Monday to pick up where we all left off.

    Okay, let’s rejoin DJ Ure in studio whisttling a battering ram against sacred cows. Here’s Sir Paul with “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey”.

  9. “So now we’re reading a U.S. Updates Fact Sheet, Again, Says Does Not Support Taiwan Independence.”

    If I were Taiwan, I would have instantly banned export of all chips. No cars, no computers, no farm tractors, no smart missiles… no no nuthin’!

  10. “Bonus War: Syria”

    Current “bonus war” is BOSNIA

    (where we’ve snuck in two battalions of combat soldiers in the past week or so…)

  11. “Capitalism to the Rescue! Here comes OPEC+ alliance boosts oil production as energy prices soar ( just in time.”

    That half-mil barrels ain’ta gonna do much.

    The price increase was baked-in last year (as I said it was) when the Administration cranked up the presses and increased the money supply by 31.6%, virtually overnight.

    We could have 200,000,000bbls/day of OPEC crude rollin’ in, and petrol would still be five bucks at the nozzle, as it will be $7/gal in August (as I said last summer) and likely $10/gal by years’ end. The price of fuels (and food, and everything else) is what it is, and about to be much higher, because of currency dilution, not amount of available oil.

    Creepy Joe tapping the reserves and flossing with OPEC’s short-hairs will not, and CAN NOT cut the price of petrol, not even a penny, because the problem is not a supply issue.

    It is a devaluation issue.

    Please don’t let the talking heads convince y’all otherwise, because it just ain’t so.

  12. G
    Here is a real example of why we need the 2nd amendment.
    This really happened, no one was going to help them during the riot.
    They kept business and families safe from the rioters, and did so with very little fan fare.
    Courage and the 2nd amendment saved a lot of lives that day.

    The military finally came to relieve them, but they did what they had to do.

  13. “Biden Will Urge Lawmakers to Pass Gun Laws in Speech on Mass Shootings.”

    This is the same guy who said two days ago that a 9mm round would blow a lung completely out of a shot human, right?

    The only thing Creepy knows less about than guns is “truth…”

  14. “Totally unsurprising: California is rationing water amid its worst drought in 1,200 years.”

    So, who was around 1200 years ago to record the rainfall totals?

  15. Yep you all nailed it today . Yep herr schwab and the facists have gone to another level of evil . Right in your face destruction of the world we knew . A new world of dystopian control and economic death

  16. It’s true, “for every good idea, there’s someone saying it’s not.”

    After the (delay) at the Texas school shooting, arming teachers is a pretty damn good idea. Unfortunately, some folks are so afraid of guns they’d (I guess) prefer becoming a potential target is such situations. No Heroes in that bunch.

    I personally prefer kids be protected by teachers while getting educated.

    • I have no fear of a legal gun owner.. I believe in the second amendment but personally am not a huge gun owner..there are so many disturbing things about this incident and absolutely none of it has to do with legal gun owners…not one word is spoken about the senseless murders of preschool children gunned down by gangs of other ethnic groups or gang violence.. the defunding and lack of support to the only protection that millions need..

      • They still have them in PA, and I saw where a school in Indiana had a shooting team. If they have a team, there must be other teams against which to compete, right?

  17. As per the democrats, back in 1970, 18 year olds were mature and responsible and deserved the vote. Today in 2022 the are immature and not responsible enough to own a rifle. OK, does this mean the democrats now also want to repeal the 26th amendment? Fair is fair

  18. file under: Counter measures to those that would buy up supply and stimulate shortages. Competitors do it all the time in tech with components as BAU to block production. Seems like this practice has made it to COTS availability for “operations”. May you all live interesting times. Seems like game consoles would be a got alpha trial before applying the algos to food and medicine. Coming soon to your theater of operations. Whats the magic user profile that gets unlimited, un-throttled access?

    Feels like we are watching the beginning of the next phase of devolution[ rationing and famine]. Got preps?

  19. Tropical storm warning for parts of Florida, Cuba, Bahamas
    The National Hurricane Center in Miami said the storm once known as Agatha in the Pacific Ocean will be known as Alex in the Atlantic Ocean basin. [ and is heading for southern Florida.]

  20. Secrets revealed –
    “Police charge big pharma boss with falsifying his Covid vaccination status”
    “Police allege that Sousa-Faro arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccination and paid thousands of dollars to have his name added to Spain’s immunization register, as confirmed by police sources and reported by El Periodico de Espana.”

    The Elites know and don’t care about the “Untermensch”. Does anyone have any doubt the Air Head in Chief is getting anything more?

    Oasis Outdoors in Uvalde was where Ramos bought his guns and ammunition but this article doesn’t say how much he spent. The news had originally said he bought some 350 rounds of ammo but this article says it was 1,600 which would cost almost as much as one of the rifles. That would be 80 20 round boxes or it could have been cases of surplus ammo. 200 round boxes of Winchester 5.56 at Academy is advertised at $139.99 which comes out to $1119.32 for 1,600 rounds right now. The boy spent a crap ton of money for sure.

    • Honestly, don’t care where he got the guns or ammo, except for the handgun.

      I want to know where he got the money with which to buy them. BTW he quit his job at Wendy’s, some time back.

      I also want to know why someone blocked the side-door open just before Ramos arrived, and allegedly made the initial 911 call after he got inside the building.

  21. As per the democrats, back in 1970, 18 year olds were mature and responsible and deserved the vote. Today in 2022 the are immature and not responsible enough to own a rifle. OK, does this mean the democrats now also want to repeal the 26th amendment? Fair is fair
    AND as to cell phones, time to get out the tin foil hats. Not a joke , build a farrady cage around your head. If you really need the rads find a jet jocky that will turn on his forward looking radar while you stand in front to the plane. I was forced into 4 G but I WILL NOT go to 5 G. Remember the days that if you wanted to talk to the XYL you would hit a repeater with a phone patch?? –… …– … — —

  22. You guys were right as gasoline continues to climb in value.

    Yesterday I topped-off @ $4.79/gal. Today the same place is selling move-fluid for $5.09/gal.

    Next stop $6.50?

    • Don’t know how many of you out there are within the range of the Stripes convenience stores but I’d take their offer of .20 off per gallon up to 50 gallons seriously. I filled the tank in my wife’s Expedition for almost .10/per gallon less than what Sam’s was charging members this past week. It’s a pain to do, though, as you have to leave your ID at the counter, push “Pay Inside” and then they figure the discount at the register. Worth it, though!

  23. regarding Uvalde, did you catch the story about an Army reconnaissance plane flying in directly before and then leaving directly after the shooting?

  24. 20 years ago I noted that the news stories looked like the tv shows from 5 years prior, and the gap was closing.

    Now the situation is reversed. The insanity of the American culture has passed the imagination of the script writers, and they struggle to keep up.

    If someone 20 years ago wrote a script about what is happening today, it would have been considered a horror movie, not for the faint of heart.

    Observing what is happening today may make you seem wise, but doing nothing in the face of what you see (refuse to see) coming will assure your demise.

    I predict USA population in 2025 to be less than 100 million, and at least half of the survivors will be foreign born. They aren’t letting them into the country just to kill them!

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