Breaking Insanity: Too Scary to Contemplate

With the WEF promoting their global corporate-communism style agenda – buzz worded as “stakeholder capitalism (where corporations extend the evil concepts of the Citizens United case worldwide), the failure of the Ultra Rich con to ramp Covid into Global Governance under corporate auspices failing, the next Big Fear Sell is edging toward nuclear war.

Someone’s gotta take the fall with the paper collapses.

Since the Biden administration has weaponized international trade (via Sanctions), we expect in coming days that Russia will crank up its energy control powers by reducing natural gas flows to the West (blaming Ukraine).  And pay attention to this one: N.Medvedev: No more Russian politeness – The Anglo-Saxons behave like thieves and fraudsters!

Besides natural gas to Europe, Russia can play a longer game with disastrous results for the U.S.  Russia has greater than 50 percent of global market share in the critical industry of making fuel rods for nuclear power plants.

We would remind that although the “Uranium One” investigation didn’t find any specific wrongdoing, the Obama administration (and what’s her foundation) was at the helm as America fuel rod manufacturing offshored.  Since then, the liberal the attack on American coal production has only gotten MORE serious.

Limited exchange nuclear war?  We don’t see that in Russian doctrine anywhere.

Like a good Mystery? In Nord Stream Mystery, Baltic Seabed Provides a Nearly Ideal Crime Scene – DNyuz  What about “It’s done“?  Who do you, Truss?

“Where the Hell is EPA?”

Environmental whacko’s putting sulfur particles into the atmosphere on a wholesale basis?  Sound like a bad movie plot?

Well, maybe.  Until you read the M.I.T. Technology Review where we noticed “A startup says it’s begun releasing particles in the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate.”  The words “permit” or “permission” do not appear in the article.

If America had a real government, people might already be in jail by now for illegally dispersing a pollutant.


The same government spending billions protecting Ukraine borders, but not America’s, is turning a blind eye to this travesty so far, as well.  

The incompetence is breathtaking.  Literally.

Runaway warming idiocy even as Update: Buffalo blizzard death toll rises to 28, more snow on the way.

A Lying Congressman?

Aw, come on.  Don’t go looking all surprised-like:  Rep.-elect George Santos admits fabricating key details of his bio (  Some of it surfaced in the NY Times, but they tend to go ultra-gentle on democrat misdeeds.

Deadbeat tenant, too.  Marvelous, just marvelous.

You know, we’ve wondered before about this:  How stupid are the people in Gotham?

Same Answer as before:  Very!

But he’ll fit right in on the Hill…

Texas Gets BIGGER

New from Census:

By crossing the 30-million-population threshold this past year, Texas joins California as the only states with a resident population above 30 million. Growth in Texas last year was fueled by gains from all three components: net domestic migration (230,961), net international migration (118,614), and natural increase (118,159).

And flee sketchy States while you can!

Eighteen states experienced a population decline in 2022, compared to 15 and DC the prior year. California, with a population of 39,029,342, and Illinois, with a population of 12,582,032, also had six-figure decreases in resident population. Both states’ declining populations were largely due to net domestic outmigration, totaling 343,230 and 141,656, respectively.

The press release is a nice companion read to a Steinbeck novel.

Much more – including the list of anti-aging protocols in the post from earlier today which is next…


12 thoughts on “Breaking Insanity: Too Scary to Contemplate”

  1. Wow george you are really batting big . Stuff you have been putting down the last couple of innings . For us poor free reading types it’s a pleasure . Keep it comin well done . I would tell you otherwise if it wasnt

  2. Insanity?

    MARTIN ARMSTRONG: Anyone who cannot see what is taking place here is blind. The West NEEDS war to terminate the monetary system as it stands today. They are looking for a war with Russia and China so they can call Bretton Woods II and craft their digital currency managed by the IMF and install their one-world government administered by the United Nations. We will completely lose all freedom and any right to vote whatsoever. Keep in mind that in ALL parliamentary systems, the people never vote for who shall be the head of state. That is unique to the United States. They want to eliminate that ability, Our computer has been warning that we will soon end the right of Americans to vote for a President.

  3. Well . Tonite is huge . Tonite is huge . Even the great kern who
    I have adopted with gann has posted . I’m not really religious but there is something , I have been dead twice , come back . But anyway please some celestial force rid the world of this evil . Gold is freedom all else is American hell

  4. George,

    I meant to ask you about this.

    “Elaine and I catch ourselves falling into old people music now and then. We fight it and try to listen to a half-hour of Top-40 every week.”

    Old people music?

    Would that be for example, The Benny Goodman Orchestra, or Led Zeppelin?

    Or both?

    • LOL good one JC. Strange as it may sound, putting down my Zamphir flute, lol, likely both.

      To it is sacrilege to put the Stones in the old foget soundtrack…

    • Harummph, young’un. I just bought both The Glenn Miller Story and The Benny Goodman Story.

      I won’t listen to rap, because it’s “old people’s” crap from the 1920s, but I will listen to Big Band from the ’30s and ’40s, and I’ve developed a real appreciation for Jimmy Stewart. I don’t even remember The Benny Goodman story but I’m okay with Steve Allen, too.

  5. “Limited exchange nuclear war? We don’t see that in Russian doctrine anywhere.”

    That’s right. “Nuclear war” is the last page of the book of “us.” For some reason, our war gamers and war planners have lost the concept that, when folks get into a fight, neither (or none) fights to lose.

    Russia has neither the people nor the quantity of materiel required to fight a conventional war against NATO. What Russia DOES have is 80% of the world’s nukes, and two delivery systems we can’t stop, unless we have a space-based laser that’s ballsy enough to punch through the exosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere, and hit a bullet (or a thousand) that’s traveling at 10,000 mph. Even if we could, we can’t stop Poseidon. Speaking of, I wonder how well a bunch of old people will fare, locked in a DUMB that’s under water…?

    If we force Russia into a fight, 95% of all the Leftists in the United States will die, and the other 5% will likely find God before they meet Him.

    • Ray you are exactly aligned with my opinion-with a dash sick comedy,
      thank you.
      I sign off with a quote from Mark the Twain
      “Suppose you were an Idiot and member (parliament) of congress.
      Oh I repeat myself.”

      • I’ve noticed that lefties are rather prickly this season. I am noticing a lot of resentment and angst which accompanies having too much idle time, and no audience for it.

  6. ” starting a war on a major religious holiday can be dicey. “You know, we’ve wondered before about this: How stupid are the people in Gotham?”

    First having been around special forces and known people in special forces.. they always go in during a holiday.. always.. they get a vacation before the operation but come holiday.. they are gone.. where and doing what.. no one rarely knows.. they don’t tell..
    “Abusive relationships are extremely complex situations and it takes a lot of courage to leave. Abuse is about power and control. When a survivor leaves their abusive relationship, they threaten the power and control their partner has established over the survivor’s agency, which may cause the partner to retaliate in harmful ways.”

    through the years I have helped people in abusive relationships.. like an alcoholic.. the abuser will always be an abuser.. he may be able to curb it.. but it is still there.. the same thing with a hoarder etc..
    People tend to stick with someone even though they know they are bad.. the first thing they do if someone tries to change the narative. discredit the one they are trying to gain control over..
    I have seen it many times.. the guy beats a woman half to death then puts an ad in the paper making her look like the bad one.. rape victims end up becoming the ones that caused the rape..

    So my opinion is people are not stupid.. just what kind of crap they know and what would be their replacement.. I hear all the time.. from everywhere.. did you look at the shizt we have to vote for.. doesn’t matter you have dumb and dumber for our choices..
    so stick with dumb let dumber run along till next time..
    the war..
    what people are not considering is.. the old contest rules.. YOU HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN…. and Congress only works twenty six days a year.. most govt. employees work half of the time that a regular hourly wage earner work.. so they are not present.. or give two cents worth on what is going on.. just belly up to the trough ..

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