With markets in free-fall, we are again looking back at critical lessons to have internalized right now – like today – before we get into the Replay of 1929 any deeper. There are two main ones that come to mind.
The first has to do with invention. So, in this regard, we’ll be focused on some troubling aspects of the latest U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO.gov) data reports.
The second has to do with thrift. Which seems to be a lost art except for some of the recent arrivals from elsewhere who oftentimes have a better way to pinch a penny than people who’s had too much, for too long, and won’t be able to cope without help.
Toss in a real-life performance report on our new Starlink system (and how to set it up without an IoS or Android device) and then some speculation as to who might be responsible for blowing the Nordstream II pipeline and it will be a grand report, for sure.
Especially when you see how our ChartPack continues to closely track a similar time period in the 1929 debacle.
A few headlines including the Trade and Inventory data just crossing, too… Do we know how to party, or what?
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Yo Nelly,
Ure rolling downhill wit the negativity this AM, the butt hurt RE guy in SF gonna be puking all kinds of progressive rainbow colored fecal matter allover this post..hyperinflation, unstoppable SARMAT’s raining down hell on US/European cities.
?? is not the attack on Nord1&2 pipelines an attack on Germany ?? We prop up and support Uke nazi’s wit bazillions of made up USD and weapons, but attack Germany ?
Loaded LNG ships are literally sitting ducks in the water. Nothing more vulnerable then loaded LNG and or Oil Tankers at sea..sitting ducks. Think “they” got space based laser weapon systems ?
Think there will be retaliation, wonder why Russians once again made a “strange” move agreeing to unbalanced Prisoner exchange – wonder why they sacrificed on the count ?
Cant forget the last line of defense in the European theatre -Man Portable Nukes – Russian invasion/tank deterrence plans – might be strategically “pre-stationed” in various NATO countries. Like Coronado bridge..prewired , so pacfleet not stuck in harbor..or so story goes..
– https://youtu.be/68ugkg9RePc
So again – end of the world as knew it is but one way of thinking, a more positive version of things to come sounds like the beginning of amazeballz nue blue World..https://youtu.be/yYaEBVQnC_A
“And in the Kremlin, do calmer heads prevail? We’ll never know.”
“?? is not the attack on Nord1&2 pipelines an attack on Germany ?? We prop up and support Uke nazi’s wit bazillions of made up USD and weapons, but attack Germany ?”
So who would Germany back.. IF… the USA blew up their winters heating.. and that is viewed as an attack on Germany and the citizens of Germany.. would Germany then switch sides.. Not counting on the other countries that the natural gas lines went to.. if it is Just to corner the market on Natural gas.. to further the business model.. would the countries affected outright by the act of terrorism then be seen as one that NATO and the USA are not operating in their best interests but more of a personal interest that affects their industry..
Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies. · and if the USA is targeting the countries of NATO by destroying the heating supply they rely on then how would they view that.. as an attack on nato countries and their survival .. or an attack on Russia and its property.. this could be very ugly in more ways than one..
this is one confusing situation .. why would you do it if not to further the war agenda..and expand it..
Nah, I think we scared Ol’ Mark off. Something about him being a pussy and he thought we meant he was fonda cats.
WD (Withdrawals and Desperation lol?), and others are suffering a bullying/gaslighting addiction disorder.
Apparently the Orange Skinned Savior’s sermons don’t supply enough manna to get you through your day – you still need a ‘Mark’ or ‘C’ to bash on.
Your echo chamber is THAT boring, full of inane inaccuracies, that you desperately seek a peak at facts and realities denied by your Cult Leader.
“thanks to organized labor”
The 1950s was a different time. Most folks in the 1950’s were born in houses with the assistance of midwives. Today women want a doctor w/anesthesiologists. And they don’t want to squat in the backroom. They want a soft bed in a hospital w/all the fixings like smooth roads to drive on and traffic controls so the trip to the hospital is safe. And when they get home they want Uber Eats and not an empty pot on the stove waiting for her to fill with fooides, which would be full if she didn’t go to the hospital.
Good luck getting the new bundled costs from the same 1950’s check.
We’ve got the legacy Union BAG, Boeing, Amtrak & GM. From the bailout POV unions work for some. The UAW approved tiered wages and offshoring. Unions didn’t help some, but we don’t know who the some were supposed. We do see homeless in Seattle and people pooping on the sidewalks in Kalamazoo.
Pre union – no hospitals/no pooping on sidewalks.
Post union – hospitals/sidewalks full of poop.
“The 1950s was a different time. Most folks in the 1950’s were born in houses with the assistance of midwives. ”
One family that crossed my path was in a deep snow.. I was heading to work and seen this guy riding a bicycle to work.. I stopped and gave him a ride.. anyway.. he hit hard times.. they would eat what the cat dragged in for them.. ( they kept the furs to remind them of where they had been.. ) anyway he delivered three of his kids on the kitchen table by himself no midwife.. LOL his furnace was out.. no car.. the place he rented from towed his car away.. but him delivering his kids on the table.. One is a mechanic one is a social worker and I am not sure what the third one is doing..
He was one of the few that knew it was me.. had to walk him through the process of getting the help he needed..
Unless there’s a known complication, I see no reason for hospital births other than unevaluated fear. I delivered all of my kids at home and the two of us did just fine, other than some humorous moments with town clerks struggling to find the documents to record the birth. Yes, birthing at home involves radical self-responsibility, and it’s fine to invite a midwife if you feel the need. As we go forward in time, we’ll need to manage more and more of our own lives with little help from the outside. Most labor and delivery complications are not emergencies and can be handled without a rush. Those that are true emergencies can have poor results regardless of the environment, though a surgical suite does sometimes have its place. The biggest hurdle is potential legal complications from an intrusive government if you have a poor result. Life isn’t safe, period. That’s why obstetricians carry enormous liability insurance and their customers get to pay for it.
I can’t say anything about pooping on sidewalks since I’ve never done it. It seems gross and unhygenic. Besides, who carries toilet paper(other than FRNs) everywhere you go?
When women made all their clothes in America they frequently had a no collar neckline (easier to make). When they wanted to look fancy they made tatted lace shawls or collar like things that tied in the front. They looked very much like your “long collars”. My grandmother or great grandmother had these so I assume this were depression era accessories.
They’re baaack…..
My wife still likes to sew and make clothes..
I keep telling her to make me Rich Man shirts.. with a reversible collar.. and pockets on both sides.. she asks me why that.. see that way I can just reverse the shirt.. you only have to wash it half as much.. LOL LOL LOL one side gets dirty.. flip it..
taking care of people that was the one thing that use to surprise me.. was semi Wealthy people will buy the props to look rich.. but.. when it gets to the personal stuff.. that isn’t visible to identify them as rich.. they don’t see the value in purchasing it.. I knew a man in the B club.. had a bunch of cabins on jekyll island.. ( mansions) but in his house he had towels and sheets covering the windows because he didn’t want to spend the money to buy curtains.. or furniture.. if someone was going to come visit.. they stage the house for a couple days.. one local decorator had one heck of a time getting the upper crust to pay for the work and furniture. I helped her set up a budget because her husband was having to foot the bill for the freeloaders.. LOL I took a look at the ledger of have not paid and some of the lame reasons they gave and I said come redecorate my house.. I won’t pay you either LOL LOL..
LOL LOL like underwear and socks you would be surprise at how many famous and wealthy people I have taken care of that did not have any or.. the ones they had were rags you would throw away LOL LOL LOL LOL
It was the same with delivering pizzas I delivered pizza’s and I took the wealthiest neighborhood.. LOL LOL couldn’t afford to put gas in my car.. everyone at the shop was taking bets on how long it would take for me to get smart.there is a reason why they add the tip on the bill now… LOL LOL
Bernadette Banner is a seamstress with a masters degree in sewing and costume design. She has an huge YouTube following. Here’s a post on pad stitching for collars and lapels.
If this is the same Bernadette, I watched her clean and renew a sewing machine date from the early days of Singer. It might have been a different brand because at that time, several were vying to be the best machine. Anyhow, this one was unique for the type of stitching it did and she created a Victorian dress with it. She has impressive skills.
There is another scenario.
One way to manage two bullies is to trick them into debilitating each other.
The poor little bullied sap victim survives to get the chicks. Briefcases and glasses geeks with even a small bit of money start to look pretty good when the Strong Men are all busted-up ugly.
Some third parties may profit in strength of position when the U.S and Russkis
are dibilitated. (NOTE: They don’t need to be utterly destroyed, just rendered “busy” recovering to be off the stage and ineffectual.)
Are we (U.S.) the only country with small nook submarines with HUGE WHEELS on their bottoms, and “WALDO” effectors on their front end?
William of the Radio Ranch,
Perhaps your train of thought parallels an old Polish saying: “where two are fighting, a third one wins.”
The pipeline is apparently 260-360 feet underwater:
and so could be reached from a boat or sub with competent divers using trimix or other blended breathing gas. It’s not thousands of feet deep at all. Consequently, it seems that any nation(or even a SPECTRE type organization) could have done this, and we can only await clues from an investigation. I tend to agree that Russia is the least likely suspect.
Seems to me the neocons now neolibs have their own SPECTRE going all over the world right now
There’s a lot of things going on simultaneously on this rock that none of us here is wise enough to foresee the ultimate outcome. I strongly think that many of the main players don’t know either even though they make think that they do. I have my opinions, but they’re not any better than anyone else’s at this point. I do think that we’re going to find out why our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers washed their aluminum foil and saved the bacon grease.
In other news, I am now qualified to give a covid report. The missus and I had a spell of it a couple of weeks back. It was ill-timed, as this is the absolute busiest time of year for me at work. The good news is that it was a little tough for a couple of days with fever, night sweats and a headache, but we both worked the whole time and have made full recoveries. At one point during the worst of it, I had a multi-million dollar contract negotiation. What the other people on the call did not know was that I laid in the floor during the entire call! It went well and we were able to meet our objectives. You gotta’ do what you gotta’ do. We did not take the shot and we have no regrets in that department. I think that pretty much sums it up. End of Report.
Very glad to hear you’re feeling better. I’m not vaccinated either and have ZERO regrets. Antibodies from having the infection is best … in my opinion. Thought I’d send ya this, makes me laugh.
Have a great day and please keep those comments coming !! Your points of view and knowledge are greatly appreciated!!
Thanks, Bob. That’s a funny video and is a perfect example of the ‘logic’ of many people I know!
Maj, glad to hear you & the missus ran the gauntlet and survived. My bride (of 20 yrs) and I caught it from a Gson, but we survived using Ivermectin paste (mixed with Yogurt it’s not bad!), Z-Pac, D3, and Zinc. Took about 3 weeks to completely get through it and all we wanted to do was sleep. We both felt something very unnatural about this coof, and it’s not hard to believe it was manufactured as a genocidal de-population tool. But I think it was a dud and didn’t kill as effectively as they projected, so the “vaccine” was developed to kill off the rest.
We’re purebloods over here.
Thanks! We treated ourselves in pretty much the same fashion. I had already acquired Ivermectin last year. I had some OTC stuff and prescription type. I’d say 3 weeks is about what we experienced, too. Honestly, it’s a very odd collection of symptoms and I agree that it was a manufactured dud. Natural Immunity is the way to go!
Thought I would share:
I have three “Future Footlockers”. Old style, wooden, military footlockers that hold items I may need in the future if the depression lasts longer then items can be replaced. One is for clothing. New work pants, socks, work shirts, a new pair of heavy-duty work boots, deer-skin work gloves.., etc.., etc. It is now PACKED., as I placed a thick wool military combat sweater [ cram-stuff-shoved] and a three pack of heavy weight t-shirts, in yesterday.
Why tell you this? 92% of all clothing sold in this country is made overseas and if/when we go head-first into a depression, it will be worldwide, and those supply chains will break. Leaving you with little to no available replacement for everyday clothing items., possibly for several years.
I don’t worry too much about Summer items., as I am usually bare foot, worn-out blue jeans, t-shirt and my old boonie hat that celebrated it’s 50th birthday last year.
This ‘idea’ might be something for you to consider / think about. .., or not.
I once worked with an African fellow who would pull as much O/T as possible. I asked him about his work ethic and he explained he was buying shoe making equipment from a BK’d Canadian company and sending it back to Africa to help his home town people. The people were broke, needed jobs and shoes.
After the nuclear exchanges if one has a cow eventually they could turn it into shoes while munching on the burgers.
My mother insisted that every one of us kids make slippers or moccasins for dad.. for a Christmas gift..
My father had so many slippers cups and plates made from clay and baked he didn’t know what to do with them all..lol I use to question why she did that.. right now I kind of understand why..
“my old boonie hat that celebrated it’s 50th birthday last year.”
Lol I have one of those.. it’s almost that old as well.. I totally love it..my garden hat
Yeah. And on the next floor down of prep supply is a good sleeping bag and at least two weeks worth of merino wool hiking socks and liners. Extra no-chafe skivvies are a must. Keep extra walking shoes and boots too.
Unless you have major solar equipment, then you need non-electric back-ups. How do you get around and haul stuff home with no fuel and power? Answer- on foot with a pack, pushing a cart, or riding a bicycle with racks and bags.
Next floor- non-electric tools.
Kinda weird post this am
Wait, someone blew up the Nord stream pipeline?
That is a hit on the zero report I wrote. I wrote that 2 years ago I think. It’s on it forsure. I know my own words.
Was it outside of turkey and is the Ukraine being blamed on it? If so that is an exact match of what I wrote.
So who do you think blew-up the pipeline.
If a NATO member blew it up will that member be deemed ‘gone rogue’ & expelled > given a Democratic form of .gov? Hahaha…
The perp may false flag a U.S. pipeline. Snapping the Enbridge Line 5 would wreck a few municipal water systems. Sending dynamite through the intakes over at Niagara or the Hoover would create a mess.
There is still possibility the entire world bands together and demands the U.S. disarm to avoid WW3. Some type of ‘receivership’, if you will.
Never forget, they are out to get us.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A U.S. Coast Guard ship on routine patrol in the Bering Sea came across a guided missile cruiser from China, officials said Monday.
But it turned out the cruiser wasn’t alone as it sailed about 86 miles north of Alaska’s Kiska Island, on Sept. 19.
The Coast Guard Cutter Kimball later discovered there were two other Chinese naval ships and four Russian naval vessels, including a destroyer, all in single formation.
We did.
Folks didn’t pay any attention to Creepy Joe when he said the Russian pipelines would not be allowed to function, if they attacked or invaded Ukraine.
That’s fine… Neither did I.
But I paid attention when Vichy Nuland said the same thing, only a couple weeks later.
SHE has wanted a war between the U.S. and Russia since Clinton was in office. Putin has always sidestepped her maneuvering in the past. This time he may not be able to…
weren’t they trying to get rid of the nordstream pipeline long before this thing with ukraine started.. seems to me that everyone was upset because they built it and wasn’t using the pipeline they had put in years ago..
and was the attack on the nordstream pipeline just a black flag event to get the EU to get escalate the war..
Follow the insurance paperwork – like 911
How much power does the Stardink transceiver use? Estimates I have seen look massive for solar power operation. Only run it on sunny days?
We have adequate solar, trust me
G “reta”, one of dumber things you have said yet on these pages ! or funniest.
stop with the green solar pferdescheibe – not green – super inefficient converting sunlight into electricity #1. #2 solar is just a distributed utility, decentralized as it were. All nrg produced goes back to the grid, Solar gets netted out against Ure usage. Only thing that makes any sense solar is powerwall/battery wall -in NE/colder climes./northern half of World.
Can you smell it yet ? See the flies?
Recycle panels – sure tell me about them not being toxic as all
get out. How much energy is generated during winter storms in dead of winter ? Good luck with that.
The ROI on solar is horrible without pedo joe stimy money.
As for slojoe being a pedo, besides all the video evidence – he said it himself right hear -https://nypost.com/2022/09/23/biden-leaves-viewers-stunned-in-teachers-speech-she-was-12-i-was-30/
Remember Ure first 12 year old ? Didnt think so, being as how U be a quality, stand up, good fure his word, hardworking kinda Family Man.. even if you are rather “horsey” when it comes to bitcoinz..Neighneigh.
By the way in the NE – “trust me” translates in yiddish as FU.js
I had the rest of us in mind when I asked the question.
45-75 watts. This varies depending on uplink and downlink. More use (interactive) will increase power (transmit duty cycle is higher). When you count energy efficiencies, about a single 150-180 watt panel with a MPTP change controller, 200 AHR of battery, and super efficient inverter should do the trick. Long as you don’t mind going dark after 2-4 days of nonstop cloud cover.
“How much energy is generated during winter storms in dead of winter ? ”
It depends @BCN … if you have a ground mount or a roof mount and how much solar you have an also how much tree interference you have…. with the roof mount it is hard to keep them clear on ice.. a ground mount.. no issues.. if it is cleared.. for us the average is 24kw per day during the winter months.. during summer it is 32-37 kw per day.. a good backup battery pack and you are pretty much energy efficient.. we produce way more than we use.. the big issue is after dark.. we could be drawing down a battery bank but since we don’t have that.. we use grid .. if you live in a more southern region.. your good to go..
I want to put up a battery backup.. but the boss says no..
the grid.. in the usa has been designed for profit not efficiency.. if they wanted to keep it secure.. they would become the tree.. support solar wind .. not the big wind but small wind.. the cost of a big turbine could put a ten kw or larger system on every household and instead of getting three mw of power .. they would get 9600mw per hour potential.. building a solar tower at every sub station would be cheaper and secure the system.. were right now what is it three to five high altitude emp and its back to the stone age.. because we sent industry overseas.. the replacement parts were at then years out.. Now that we are going through all the tork off our industrial resources.. it could be never..
BCN… Well my solar PV system is saving me bux$, with my grid cost at $0.55/kwh. “Trust Me”! LOL
“Teaching moments ahead”..yeah like how to know WHEN 2 bug the F out of Ure current location = North America. Whether it its airborne, sea launch, sea detonatation – coastal cities/major cities in USA are on Belogard/Sarmat list. Flyover country will be left alone – strategic needs met in them thar flatlands dont cha know.
Yea gotta ask Ureself how long is gonna take to get myself and family into concrete underground shelter ? How long can U last underground, waiting for the “hotness” to subside – and what will you find when finally crawl outta da hole ?
Who does Russia get along with in western hemisphere ? South/Central America, Mexico – hmmmmm Why be wasting nukes down there ?
?Will shiny saucers finally come on down and help Humanity out ? bwahahahahaahah
Official US govt soft disclosure continues at The Office Director of National Intelligence website yesterday – when they posted their new logo showing a UFO in the image. Was taken down several hours later, but our boy Dutchsinse captured it and shared yesterday. See net archive for the original post or see dutchs’ last post @ https://youtu.be/Z5tYR-w94UQ at about the 24 min mark.
“my old boonie hat that celebrated it’s 50th birthday last year.”
And where would you go…..
The problem is.. belief..belief that you’ll survive.. every…EVERY major study says.. out of 8 billion people maybe half a million survive.. COG .. there won’t be.. it will be thrust back to the stone age
yeah like how to know WHEN 2 bug the F out of Ure current location
Oops.. if you want to get it over with move to Delaware..
It’s like war.. we see war on television.. photos horrible.. but we don’t have war here.. unless you’ve lived it you don’t know.. and if you have time defused the drama of it.. you have memories but your brain lulls the experience..
I am not sure how this relates to my post.., but I’ll fill in the blanks for ya.
I have no delusions of surviving a full blown nuclear exchange.., not too sure I would want too..,
But a depression and hard times.., yeah – we can do that.
The time to bug out was a week ago.
Putin warned.
NATO warned back.
Putin warned a second time, “I ain’t fool’in”. Putin also released the video of China’s #3 reasserting BRIC-world.
NATO blew out the gas line.
Some of us will be collateral damage and the survivors will hang yellow ribbons.
Russia Publicizes Beijing’s Supportive Statement, While China’s State Media Keeps Silent
Here’s one https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.terravivos.com%2Fsecure%2Fvivosxpoint.htm&data=05%7C01%7C%7Ca8a0de43adaf40c8cf1c08da9d7def3b%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637995461451865218%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=680tDii1042sLYagm5Jkba9RnE45Fobx8NaImq5JAWE%3D&reserved=0possibility:
I want to start a “Go Fund Me” account to buy one of these places.
How deep is the pipes at that location?
200’+ – ~450 seems probable.
The implication is that it required a very sophisticated military nation.
The bomb was large, recorded elsewhere.
It didn’t ignite? No O2? Didn’t have safety valves?
It would be very interesting to see what happened. Get a helicopter with good sonar taking pictures.
Get a crew out here with a camera.
Speaking of spidey senses; we hear nothing.
One problem is that they’d need to keep pressure in the pipe to prevent intrusion of salt water until it can be fixed, if it can. If enough salt water gets into the pipe, it’s toast. I’m surprised that they didn’t try some sort of lining to prevent corrosion in case it got flooded – perhaps they did. Divers getting near it would have to deal with the outgassing – not sure how that would work. It’s not too deep – 260-360 feet according to Wiki.
I suspect there’s a technical fix, though I have no idea how that will work. They did cap Deepwater Horizon – eventually. Perhaps those who deal with underwater engineering can comment.
I dunno. The Greek war-site reported: “There is a gas leak at a diameter of 1 km in the Baltic Sea.”
That sounds like a bit much to put a Band-Aid over. Any idea how many individual pipes are in these pipelines…?
Story I read was that the pipe itself is 1.6 inch thick steel, surrounded by 24 inches of reinforced concrete. Difficult underwater fix. Some EU leader was quoted as saying it is forever unusable already.
If the pipeline can be built, it can be bypassed, repaired or replaced. But you are talking about months to years to accomplish. The latest news feeds indicate that a full scale demolition operation is still under way:
Fuel supplies to Germany will not come from the Nord Stream this winter, and not likely any winter in the foreseeable future. I don’t think I would want to be on one of those repair vessels, sailing into a oceanic robotic killing field. Underwater drones can loiter, and take out surface targets just as easily as those submerged.
I would imagine that the German long-term policy to shut down the nuclear plants will be revisited. Meanwhile, the French have the only game going on scale-up fusion generation. I haven’t seen any independent verification to date that would indicate that the flurry in domestic small fusion generator funding propaganda has any workable technology behind it.
It appears a lot is going on.
“Swedish seismologists from Lund University noted that “‘at least 100 kg of TNT (perhaps more) were used to destroy the pipelines.'”
That’s about 220 pounds.
And then there’s this, “GAE”: “What is the Global American Empire (GAE)? An FAQ”, Academic Agent, Forbidden Texts, September 28, 2022.
No that is not correct. Iran was responsible for the attach on the Dome of the Rock. And blamed mossad and leaked documents saying it was them to unite the Muslims in the world against Israel. And Israel whoops Iran’s ass in a conventional war with other nations outcrying. Fuck it’s been a while since I considered the chain of events there and the language abstracts.
Hmmmmmmmmmm. Will Habs a thought about it later.
After the war. And the Dome of the Rock is removed. Isreal become lush and full of life and vegetation. I remember a flash image distinctively detailed of where rhe Dome of the Rock was and all the hills for as far as I could see it was very green and lush with life.
And I’ve been to the Dome if the Rock before. And when I looked from the same spot when I was there is was mostly tan and earth tones. So when I was in deep meditation, like 4 hours deep in meditation, that same image appeared but the Dome of the Rock was missing and the hills weren’t tan and desolate, they were flourishing with trees and vegetation.
And that was right after I saw Nordstream explosion Ukraine. Turkey.
Hmmmmmm well it is what it is.
I only know what I’m shown
Dont understand fascination/desire of the various sects for the DoR. A bunch of dirty, worthless rocks, sand and dirt.
The rump wrangling “warrior” bankers outta the EU dug up the entire site during 1st crusade. All that “magic” treasure was purloined 100s of years ago- aint nothing there but sand/dirt and rock???? How it ended up in USA/GC area is interesting tale intersecting our history and founding of the West..Courage Undaunted -S. Ambrose, tells part of tale – ending describes a murder/sucicide of Merryweather Lewis..how did Jefferson manage to find enough “funds’ to steer a nation thru its birthing process ?
Another thought on the Nordstream mess – Per a geologist neighbor with .mil in his email address, the explosions were thought to be geologic, due to undersea fault lines between Germany and Denmark. The area there abouts is exceedingly deep with fault lines and undersea mountains and accompanying landslides throughout the areas below the lines. Stupid humans thought they could outsmart mother nature.
Guess we shall see if we are given enough time to allow science to prevail rather than itchy trigger fingers.
So glad MAJ13 you are ok!
Thank you!
RR, Zeta Talk would agree with you.
Earth changes: http://www.zetatalk.com
Look under Q&A.
Given the fact Swenden FOUND an abandoned explosive laden drone in close proximity to the Nordstream 2 line I don’t really think so. See my post about it yesterday.
This has some great detail work about the pipe …
Run Forest RUN !!!!
Underwater pipelines can be repaired. My company built the first successful automatic pipewelding system capable of welding pipes to 2000′ water depths in 1985. Subsea’s Otto system has been used many times in the North Sea to make pipeline repairs. The problem in repair of N1 or 2, is how long repairs are delayed. Saltwater corrosion of the pipe ID will start as soon as it is exposed.
If an external explosion crushed the pipeline(s), a repair would require replacement of the entire crushed section. A special diving bell would be lowered beyond one end of the damage, and another at the other end of the damage. Both bells would then be pressurized to force the water out of the bell. Divers would then enter the chamber and cut away the concrete coating on the pipe before using other tools to cut the pipe.
When both ends of the damaged section are cut free, it would be removed. A prefabbed replacement section would then be lowered in place and welded to the pipeline.
This type of repair would entail a massive construction project, require multiple ships, significant specialized hardware, and availability of skilled and qualified personal.
I doubt that such a project could be mobilized in less than 6 months.
All of the pipelines in the North Sea were required to have qualified repair equipment, personal, and procedures available on a standby basis.
Your warning on the LPG tanker threat is real. Those spherical aluminum tanks are up to 150′ in diameter and are up to 7″ thick in their girth. They are designed to not rupture if the tanker is struck broadside by another ship. Again, I was involved in the weld development for the LNG tankers built by General Dynamics back in the 70’s. I think they could be ruptured by an RPG hit in the upper dome. The LPG is heavier than air, and it will float on water.
PS They could send smart pigs from each end of the pipelines to the starts of the damaged sections. The pigs could limit the saltwater intrusion, which won’t start until the pipeline internal pressure is lower than the water pressure at the pipeline depth.
One other point. I doubt if Russia has the necessary repair capability and wonder if others would be willing to supply it.
The pipelines do not carry LNG, only gas under pressure.
@ another George. I will also remind you that “chain smoking harder than the oracles of delphi” Comment was 5 months before Seattle was engulfed by smoke from the foreest fires in Washington state.
And please note, I’m under no obligation or contract to even reply to you. Nor give you any heads up or future inclinations about anything.
I’m always mindful of the little X in the corner or the screen and one simple click and walk away. It’s really that simple.
Now if you deposit a couple hundred million dollars into mu account? I will give a ear to your gripes about the information your receiving from me. A rough neck, Jesus loving, truck driving good fella, who is good natured and a student of life.
If you wanna be a big star in the show? Go for it. I just run back stage security. And If not you night to take the stage, you better have right credentials to be back there. Or I will put you on your fuckin head. I’m really good at that.
So enjoy the show from the nose bleeds or be the star on the stage. Doesn’t make any difference to me.
Much obliged.
All the world is a stage, right Mr Ure? I just run backstage security on the big shows as requested by the big stars when they are in town. Lol
“Speculation: Next Move for Vlad”
If he were going to do this, he’d blow up just one (because like holes in pipelines 30 klicks apart, which happen at the same time) “one” is unfortunate; more than one is deliberate sabotage, and removes the possibility of “plausible deniability” via accident or equipment failure.
You DO know that Vlad is selling LNG to the Middle Easterners, who’ve just contracted to sell it to the Urepeeins, right? This’d kinda make blowing a Polish port (or burgundy) also somewhat counterproductive for the Russians.
Again, Vlad has his hand on the valve. There’s no reason for Russia to destroy hundreds of billions of rubles worth of nearly new equipment, to stop the flow.
WE have no idea how many subs the Russians or Chinese have near U.S. waters. The Russkies have some sort of cloaking tech which renders their ships nearly invisible to our sonar — completely invisible if they decide to park on the ocean bottom.
We also have no idea how many drones the Chinese have, nor a true evaluation regarding their capabilities…
@Bill (posted yesterday)
Explosive-Laden Drone Found Near Nord Stream Pipeline
Article is from 2015
@ others
Please lay off on Mark. Not a troll, though I may disagree with him most of the time. And even C-omrads are right every now and then.
Finally, all this talk about coffee… still can’t do any caffeine since my bout with covid refund if May. No more torture!
Well, it dang sure was. Dry run perhaps? Another article I was reading, maybe on ZH, said the U.S. has pretty much perfected untethered drones that can operate at a considerable distance, as in many kilometers, away from their intended target. I don’t recall any definitive identification of who cut the data lines in the Med and Indian Ocean years ago but it always amazes me how many are employed in the Dept. of Dirty Tricks just on our side … supposedly.
On the other note – “Mark … not a troll”? Seriously? His total unwillingness to recognize reality as long as it enables huge sums to be shoved in his pocket makes him exactly THAT. While he certainly has a grand view of a certain aspect of the economy that could aid this site his unabashed misrepresentation of it all often rises to the level of Biden’s demented mumbling. Aiding and abetting the subversion of a national election while either praising or ignoring all the damage this administration has done and is doing to our country makes him something else. God only knows what else he may be doing with his considerable wealth and influence. As I said a few weeks ago – give the Devil a platform and all he’ll do is promote his agenda.
” I don’t recall any definitive identification of who cut the data lines in the Med and Indian Ocean years ago”
We did it, to cut Iran off from the Internet. I believe officially, the one in the Med was “cut by an anchor line.”
“Plausible deniability…”
I’ve always figured it WAS us, U.S., but didn’t remember seeing any mea culpas out there. If we break something we can always print enough money to fix it so it’ll be interesting to see how the pipeline gets fixed and by whom.
Really quick a joke before I go. Because everyone and everything seems so serious.
Mr Schrodinger went to the Veterinarians clinic to see about a few things.
The Veterinarian came out and said “About your Cat Mr. Schrodinger, we’ve got good news and bad news.
Mr Schrodinger eyes got big as saucers and exclaimed, What Cat?!!! I came here with my Dog!!!
See ya around. I have others to attend too. And a decision to make on which path. Betty or Veronica.
Thank you All for teaching me so much.
An oldie but goodie, from the Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life…
The Looming Extinction of the Working Class
You can’t have a democracy—at least outside of a one-party “people’s” version—without a middle class. Much of the last half millennia is the story of the bumpy rise of an expanding middle class, which successfully replaced ancient aristocratic structures, creating a remarkably innovative economic culture and a vital democratic society. But over the last four decades, this class—which includes artisans, small businesspeople, and skilled workers—has been declining, largely as the result of economic forces but also because of political decisions to adopt policies inimical to those groups’ needs.
or *.pdf of the entire article:
This essay is from the end of August. I scarfed it to send it to my kids. The fact they’ll probably never read it is symptomatic of our current slide into permanent feudal totalitarianism…
Is This the Beginning of the End of the Internet?
Occasionally, something happens that is so blatantly and obviously misguided that trying to explain it rationally makes you sound ridiculous. Such is the case with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’s recent ruling in NetChoice v. Paxton. Earlier this month, the court upheld a preposterous Texas law stating that online platforms with more than 50 million monthly active users in the United States no longer have First Amendment rights regarding their editorial decisions. Put another way, the law tells big social-media companies that they can’t moderate the content on their platforms.
Put another way, it tells big social media companies that they can not moderate the content on their platforms, and retain protections against libel and slander.
I realize this is from The Atlantic, but I’m trying to figure out where this pompous, semi-literate ass who professes to spout big ideas regarding technology and the Internet, has his actual problem with the 5th Circuit ruling.
(Sorry…) When I was surfing EFF, 2600, FSF, and in general, hanging with geeks who wanted to make the world better, and keep the Internet, free, weenies like this were trying to change things from a town square meeting, to a public address by the Fuehrer – no dissent allowed. I didn’t have patience then — I have a lot less now…
Looked into Starlink. Monthly cost is twice what I pay now for CATV delivered internet. Starlink says Hawaii service planned for end of 2022, but it occurs to me it would be worthless for a backup in Hawaii. We are the fiber hub of the Pacific, with lines I know of to Japan, Hong Kong, and mainland USA, and likely others. There is also a robust inter-island fiber backbone for Telco, broadcast TV, and CATV broadband feeds. I know there are multiple internet backbones available at Telco. So if our massive fiber internet complex goes down, will Starlink save us? NO.
Starlinks low earth orbit satellites each only cover a few hundred mile diameter circle on the ground. Hawaii users will require a Starlink Uplink with an internet connection to feed the satellites in the Hawaii region. The satellites in the Hawaii region will not be visible to the mainland US, so no linking from there is possible. Thus, if Hawaii fiber internet links go down… so does all of Hawaii Region Starlink.
I have a bit of LEO satellite experience in the ham bands, having talked to the ISS a couple times, too.
I believe the Hawaii fiber hub is well protected with multiple backups. The investment company that bought the Telco here years back seems to have some murky ties to three-letter organizations. I have no doubts that this is an internet monitoring hub. So if we go dead… so has the world.
i just burned every scrap and book of armstrong i have . ok george i respect you . he can go and %$#@ himself so good , i should have left him locked up . i hope he %^&* in the eternal fires of hell forever . he is the lowest form of ^&*( known ever . what a piece of work .. and anyone please .
Take a blood pressure pill, mate. I never comment (or read for that matter) other people’s predictions/ Learned some important lessons on that – and OK, my outlooks are pretty good.
But does this mean you got burned trading a prediction> not of your own review and from your own heart? (And without a tight stop, anyway?)
nah no burn no listen nobody not even you . rules of gann . he works for the other guys . should have left him inside stir. dirtbag
your all the same every one of you . guru ?
Any nation-state that can send a fishing boat out on the open ocean can probably mount a demolition operation in 100 M of water using commercially available underwater drones. Regional powers have the technology, and can potentially use it far from home with the appropriate cover. The Germans, Ru’s and the US have had more enemies than friends at times, and proliferation of robotic drone technology potentially can turn little players with old grudges into global false flag masters, playing the major bully states off against one another.
I’m still of the opinion that this may be a private organization/actor, and not a nation state. The tech is available to any entity with deep enough pockets, and they don’t have to be all that deep. The name Soros keeps floating around in my mind, though I’m not at all sure it’s his org. This was designed to destroy and balkanize the first world, IMHO, along with many other disruptive actions. Yes, it could well be a rogue agency of some government, but this one is highly deniable, and other than the US or Britain and a couple of others, there are few real suspects with motive.