The “Solution to Social Media”

Graceful engineering ideas time – something to FWD to Elon Musk? – as we consider the Surgeon General’s concerns on Social and propose radical solutions. This is as discussion about the Magic Bullet that could save Twitter  for Musk and turn it to a “best of class” concern, again.

No, it’s not turning off your computer; though that might work, too.  Instead, we have a whole different take on social media.  Including a roughed-out website (and some future Peoplenomics articles which may become web pages) to get some software “legs under the idea.

This is one of those horribly obvious fallouts from TRIZ thinking.  Which, frankly we are surprised Elon Musk has not already invented – because it is just so obvious to us.

Anyway, the idea is useful, doable, scalable and changes the whole ballgame for social media.

Which we will lay out right after a few warm-up headlines and the morning ChartPack.

But then we leap into it:  A world obsessed with the climate scam has missed the Global #1 *with a bullet* problem afoot today:  Thought Pollution.  Take it with big enough doses of Woke disease and robots posting and you have an environment where nitrogen and carbon emissions look positively inviting.

So, a side of Budget hype with them eggs, today, pardnah?  Then let’s get real about Social’s role in Thought Pollution.

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54 thoughts on “The “Solution to Social Media””

    • Whoa big fella..I say whoa!

      The KJV was first printed in 1611 – that scheisse been around since at least 1611.

      Hell in Exodus they dont even mention seeing the Mir – that gigantic, glowingly illuminated, white stone mountain on the Giza platau! HELLO .
      yeahyeah they mustta went around it and somehow missed seeing it on their way to the promised land. bwahahaahah

      Not even gonna ask – already know.
      .. like Noahs’ peers standing around marveling at the madman as the storm clouds (Arit-Khern, the Eye of Sound) gathered in the Solar System.

  1. “We think democrats are being “played” in this whole budget crisis.
    What we think is going on is simple: Republicans, wrapped in a flag, fighting an invasion from Mexico, and critical of dems going “too woke” are in a no lose position by having the budget talks go nowhere. They win if funds get frozen.”

    A horse and pony show.. NAHHH.. never be one of those.. LOL dragging dead horses around just to table them..

    Neither side has done one thing to make any difference..No one dancing around before the campaign season.. so what makes the difference now.. my thought is.. they want to keep their jobs.. so they take passionate issues past and present and drag them around the campaign platform .. getting everyone the believe that they are the ones that can make it change..
    the crimes that have been done and are being done .. that are not even news worthy.. are all above the law of the regular citizens

    • We see interviews and petty sideshow antics but, no real enthusiasm or serious conversation and consideration about it all. – just moment changes in viewer blood pressure. – it’s all quite cursory, considering the possible implications.

      Seen more energy at dinner time at a nursing home. Seriously

      • Understand, the Administration has bought into MMT. They don’t really believe they need “permission” from Congress to spend more money, and believe they can print as much as they want to spend, whenever they want to spend it.

        Mr. Biden has also talked up the “14th Amendment” to bypass Congress and raise the debt ceiling via Executive Order. The problem with this is no one in the Administration has bothered to read the next sentence.

        Because there are not enough honest legislators in the Senate, Biden is unimpeachable. If he pulls the 14th Amendment, it would be an impeachable offense. Since he couldn’t be impeached, the House recourse would be to pass a budget which covered only government obligations, and allocated zero dollars for Federal employees or wingnut programs like energy and environmental programs, and the Federal Reserve…

      • I hear ya.. the circus is in town.. and none of them will really do anything at all outright disregard and humilitation of the congress.. what I am curious about is the disregard and public humiliation they have been dealt by an agency that they are the boss over…..

        So.. considering that and the wide spread burying of alleged issues.. .
        What does congress do when publicly an agency that they pass funding for just comes right out and says..oh I am not going to comply with your requests you can just basically you all can KMA we do not have to give you this information… not in those exact words but it is the same thing…. will they get in trouble or go home sheet white in fear from what they just did.Lose their jobs…or pay a fine…
        the video of them saying that didn’t look that way..
        NOW will the public that has seen this disgraceful act contact their congressmen and ask them.. I figured Ted Cruz would come out swinging but even he just backed away..
        and on top of it.. the ones that were investigating the issues.. have all been fired.. the investigation the whole teams gone..
        so .. what does congress do now that they have been publicly humiliated by an agency they fund and control.. or do they control it..

        • “Agencies” and “Departments” are all functions of the Executive Branch. They are all run by this little “top tier” cabal of unelected bureaucrats. These bureaucrats can not be fired. If one does something wrong, like allowing a hundred thousand needless deaths, he will be moved, laterally, into a position with similar pay & responsibilities in a different Agency or Department.

          I strongly suspect the field grunts are for the most part honest & well-meaning. However, the FBI and a bunch of other alphabet agencies are all rotten at the top and the only way to get rid of the sonsabitches who are running the FBI, CIA, HHS, DOE, FDA, etc. is to completely eliminate the Agency or Department and everyone in it. Then re-create the ones that’re actually both necessary and Constitutional (actually very few of ’em) and re-populate them with any “rank & file” who wish to sign onto an impartial Agency, run fairly, where its leadership is “fresh blood” from with its own population, instead of a bunch of incestuous intraagency paper-pushers, and promotion is a policy done from within. Thus (and for example), if the FBI is chosen to be reconstituted, its brass will all be cops, not bureaucrats.

  2. Twitter is the internet’s graffiti wall. Sure there are artists like Banksy and a few others who have redefined public art in the 21 century, but 99.9% of graffiti is nothing but defacement of buildings. Twitter is the same.

  3. “How could A.I. Running America be worse than the two parties now in power?”
    – A.I. has no conscience., it feels no remorse, or guilt. If a powerful enough A.I. program decides that the way to save to world from all the pollution and eco-system mismanagement is, not to try and figure out how to clean it all up., but to eliminate the source of the problem – then humanity is toast. “Yeah, well.., it’s the best, most efficient way to save the entire planet.., you have to go…, no hard feelings !”

      • “An Intel core or Joe Biden – doesn’t seem like such a hard choice, does it?”

        OR is it.. that is a deep one G
        Just why are the people that work for the USA so afraid of that they come right out and say to kiss their ass or suck walley or lick lizzy.. to the people that approve the funding for their jobs rather than supply them with the information..Why did they fire everyone investigating them and the other group.. one gentleman that lived in our spare room.. was a very successful engineer had a satchel full of degrees.He had it all was at the top of his game… he was called in to give testimony and told the truth.. lost his job and everything he had.. couldn’t get a job washing dishes.. so with them outright refusing.. the consequences for giving them the information they needed has to be pretty intense.. notice all the investigators on the bidens and the clintons has been fired.. and the investigations all shut down.. now we see the director and assistant director look totally afraid as they tell congress to kiss their ass..
        Then I think.. if they are that afraid to say anything .. could the repercussions be worse.. pick the lesser of two evils with who is involved in it.. what threats were they given.. or is it because they have covered over even uglier things that were showing up involving those in the investigations….. having been scared before.. I can tell you if your put in a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation.. maybe getting fired for not being able to do your job or spend years in prison for covering over the corruption is the better choice to be made….considering if any of the allegations is true or not.. ( from what the perve posted my guess is there may be a strand of truth to the whole story)

    • “– A.I. has no conscience., it feels no remorse, or guilt…”

      You just described the average Democrat politician.

      • what gets me.. is no one notices.. that the black community was played for fools..
        the your not black.. lets give every black man woman and child millions of dollars.. we know they can’t do that.. the country can’t stay above water now.. and when demonstrations were made.. who were the targets.. the message was your not black.. but they targeted the black communities.. destroy your neighbors home.. chase the only security you have out of your neighborhood..
        sort of like hurt yourself show them they have no power here.. say burn your neighbors home down destroy the local grocer and steal his stuff.. makes sense to me..

        • So, where are the reparations for other ethnic groups whose families were murdered in cold blood for refusing to support Jeffy, Abe, the slavery, or the bloodbath?
          The narrative is so contrived as to be silly. Half the male population in this country died during the civil war years. The large land owners made their fortunes by slaughtering anyone in their way, with a little help from the Blue and the Gray (not to mention, the Home Guard). Abolition was about the only thing done that was honorable during that period, and it was a propaganda afterthought. The reparation narrative is something that leftists with no family history of the period are using in the present day to get stupid people to do their dirty work on behalf of elites. Things haven’t changed that much in 160 years. The spin changes, but the manipulation, mob violence and looting against innocents continues unabated. Free country, my @ss.

      • I remember seeing it on TV after school back in the early 70s. Well made movie for its time but my memory of it gets mixed up with earlier movies like “Fail Safe”.

      • Collossus: The Forbin Project! I remember that one and watched it more than once. It was well made, but I thought no idiot would ever allow the connections made to the ICBM’s and then the opposite side! Sadly, I was obviously mistaken. Idiocy knows no bounds.

        I’d not envisioned social credit scores tied to enforcement mechanisms, even though I’d read a lot about “credits”, currently conceived of as CBDC’s. That, autonomous vehicles and robots, AI running our politicians, bureaucrats, and military hardware – what could possibly go wrong. Perhaps the only solution is a Carrington event.

        • “Perhaps the only solution is a Carrington event.”

          The reasons I’ve planned for over 20 years, on surviving an EMP and thriving afterwards:

          Is it is the closest thing to an Extinction-Level Event we can get, without suffering a truly life-ending or planet-killing ELE.

          It is the most-severe [survivable] event for which it’s reasonable to plan.

          Planning to survive an EMP encompasses the preponderance of the planning and prepping required to survive any other really bad or “near extinction-level event.”

          I believe I mentioned here that I was once a lurker in a livechat with Bill Forstchen. The one thing I remember from that chat was his reply to this: Someone asked him how likely are we to get HEMPed into the scenario envisioned in OSA?

          His reply (quoted as best I can recall): “I figure the probability of the U.S. suffering an EMP attack is about 1:6. However, the probability we’ll suffer another Carrington Event is greater than 1:1. It is GOING to happen. The only question is ‘when.’ ”

          I’m not sufficiently prepared, but I’m more prepared than 99 and 44/100% of PopUS…

          Bring it!

          The sooner, the better…

        • Either that or asteroids, Ray.

          I just bought the replacements for the most sensitive components to my ’86 F-350 – pickup coil in the distributor, the ignition coil and the ignition control module. They’ll all be sealed in a metal trash can lined with cardboard and with foil around the top lip for a tighter seal. This all becomes moot, however, when the gas in the local service stations goes dry or the truck is confiscated (over my dead body) by whoever has assumed authority at that time. With the few vehicles running in THAT SHTF scenario it may last a while, though. I’ve been wondering about the length of time Forstchen’s main character in OSA drives the old Edsel around along with the VW busses in the community. The event must have happened right after the tanks were topped off in the local service station(s).

  4. Re: Cuppa Joe
    feat. wakeup call


    Surfing across the digital waves yesterday evening offered a snippet of CNN politburo thought. An analyst gathered about a coven panel lamented the pending DeSantis announcement on Twitter. “He is going directly to the people and bypassing msm” to paraphrase her concerns. I think I’ve heard words to that effect somewhere before….

  5. From the Fed webpage I look at Monetary Base. That’s the inflation.

    Thinking about Social Media we know ISPs mine data. I don’t know what you search but the ISP knows. Perhaps the companies who use tranny ads have it right. We’ve heard it before, “The spouse was the last to know.”

    I’ve worked with lispy men with feminine mannerisms who are married to burly, homely women. How do I know if they’re OEM. They tell me who the man and woman is and I take it at face value.

    Mr. Beast has a sidekick who is transiting. The drugs are really changing him physically. Now, to me, he looks like a skinny homely woman. If I saw him as female at DMV I wouldn’t know he was formerly a man.

    MrBeast YouTuber Chris Tyson Shares New Photo After Starting Hormone Replacement Therapy

    • Trans people have numbered a pretty-constant two per 1000 for thousands of years now. It is unreasonable to suppose this number would change significantly, if people could get an addadicktomy or a whackadickfrommy at their whim.

      Therefore, something else is driving the push to sterilize and permanently disfigure the population. I have suspicions, but no proof, but a society which conducts itself in this manner cannot survive, and is one I have no intention of ever condoning or supporting. I couldn’t care less if someone’s daughter wants to whack her boobs off and superglue a doubledong into her nether regions. Just don’t ask for my approval and don’t TELL me to not be offended. I find that highly-offensive…

    • Can you imagine making three million a month doing crazy stuff on youtube.. He does give away a lot.. I believe that is why he is so popular..

    • “I’ve worked with lispy men with feminine mannerisms who are married to burly, homely women. How do I know if they’re OEM. They tell me who the man and woman is and I take it at face value.”

      just checked hunny

  6. We all want to live forever (pretty much), but being realistic, what should we be doing if the clock only had 20 years left on it? There has to be more than our kids going through our papers trying to make sense of the mess we left behind.

    • You’re optimistic. Ten years realistically, and 20 if I got really lucky. I’d like to find value in the remaining years, even if it’s simply filling the voids in my life that have been there since I was young. George and Elon both have great dreams for a future they may never see. Being able to live on that level is a great thing if you can do it. It’s possible to conceptualize, but it’s really hard to be motivated without someone else by your side every day and every night.

  7. “Debt talks have stalled., but default is off the table.” Biden Administration.
    – Wonder what they have planned? A little dance around the Constitution?

  8. Hey Gman, love the idea of a solution to social, but in light of pending global conflagration, I wonder if it even really matters anymore?

    In another Urban scoop – Urb. was first place to learn about SEAL delivery vehicles(SDV’s) and Russian gas pipelines.
    SDV shows how old this bustedup warrior is…they are called ASDS nowadays, but back in the early 80’s.
    ..Yeah didnt wanna get orders for Colorado Springs upon graduation…nerp.
    So today we can show exactly Who, When and How nordstream was done, and NO it was not ukey or Russian..geniuses.

    For Ure reading pleasure, better than any action adventure spy thrilla – cause this the genius tactics for War of the deepstate&pedoSlo.

    Who da thunk it ? Better yet – How much longer do think our submarine cables on the Right and Left Coasts will remain secure ?

    rutrow Wraggy, rutrow.

  9. I’m out. 2.2% [ Jumped in a little late – should have been over 4.5%]
    – Good lunch money. Double bacon cheeseburger, double order of onion rings and a Full Sail Ale. No complaints.
    – ……, tomorrow ??

    • I figure a day and a half of rally into late thurs or friday am – then something of a sucker push but no one will want to hold over a 3-day weekend.

      • Sell EVERTHING !!! June 1st T-Bills busting thru 7% yld

        Looks like we got incoming..

        Got a safe harbor/shelter from the Storm? Bet the TEF does.

        * (Fin Shit Storm)

  10. “A recession is coming and it could even start this month.”
    Duke University professor Campbell Harvey – developer of the yield-curve indicator.
    In January, Harvey expressed some uncertainty on whether the inverted curve was sending a reliable signal about a contraction.
    But since then, that doubt has evaporated.
    “A contraction may begin this month and last two or three quarters, we are already slowing., the question is how deep will the recession go.”
    For the past eight inversions, Harvey shows that a recession has always followed.
    The yield curve has remained inverted throughout the year. [At the start of this week, 10-year Treasury’s yielded 3.715% against 5.253% for 3-month bills.]
    Harvey added that a downturn could last two to three quarters and placed the blame squarely on the Federal Reserve’s aggressive rate hikes, calling a recession a “self-inflicted wound” by the central bank.
    “When you sharply invert the yield curve, it puts stress on the banking system,” –
    “I believe that our risk to the banking system is much worse than people believe.”

  11. Folks,

    A “Space News” article from a couple of days past focused on a blindspot at Nasa. The organization claims that “…NATO does not possess its own intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance satellites…”. It will be greatly appreciated if international corporate allies will standardize sharing agreements. Remember everyone, “sharing is caring” in fighting war for peace!

    Let’s find our way to DJ George embedded on this side of sanity at the studio with a wonderful little ditty from Agnes Obel.

    • Nice find
      Jester. Teaming agreements and plan B. Concerning that the planners are putting in added bandwidth. To your point Mr Ure. if its been built and paid for it’s gonna get used.

  12. National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin
    May 24, 2023

    Summary of Terrorism-Related Threat to the United States

    The United States remains in a heightened threat environment. Lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and personal grievances continue to pose a persistent and lethal threat to the Homeland. Both domestic violent extremists (DVEs) and those associated with foreign terrorist organizations continue to attempt to motivate supporters to conduct attacks in the Homeland, including through violent extremist messaging and online calls for violence. In the coming months, factors that could mobilize individuals to commit violence include their perceptions of the 2024 general election cycle and legislative or judicial decisions pertaining to sociopolitical issues. Likely targets of potential violence include US critical infrastructure, faith-based institutions, individuals or events associated with the LGBTQIA+ community, schools, racial and ethnic minorities, and government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement.


    Issued: May 24, 2023 at 2:00 PM ET
    Expires: November 24, 2023 at 2:00 PM ET

    This thing showed up in my inbox this morning. WTF? I generally get crap like this 1-2 days before the MSM — Gives me a chance to go introspective and ask silly questions like “why?” and “why now…”

    Answering those silly little questions makes me think somebody is planning a surprise party for CONUS within the next couple weeks…

  13. George – PN articles – anything more on frequency projects is always welcome. Lots of areas to play in that realm.

  14. A recent analysis from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco suggests consumers still have $500 billion in excess savings built up from during the pandemic.
    I don’t believe this.
    If this is true., then why is consumer credit debt at its highest ever recorded? People are choosing to increase their debt load, with increasing interest rates, rather than use their cash?

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