Shrink’s Rap Friday – Seeking Vladidation

Notwithstanding my complete lack of mental health credentials, I figure with the world gone as “crazy as it has” it’s safe for anyone to “hit the couch” and see who’s nuts.

As reports from the war zone run to Russia’s combat losses in Ukraine exceed 14,000 troops (, our west L.A. *(Century City) [backup] consigliere suggests:

“When your plan is not working, time to arrest your generals. Sort of the Russian version of an incentive program.  Ah, the old ways are always best.   After all, it worked for Joe . . . Stalin, that is.   Once again, Putin proves that he is truly in every way a blast from the past. With a nod to sources…”

A few seconds later, I was reading Are you a ‘dark empath’? Scientists reveal NEW ‘most dangerous’ personality type.  Which may result in my first book in psychology, yet to come.  Which will ask “Is a dark empath really more dangerous than a KGB-officer turned president armed with nuclear weapons and backed into a corner by an expansionist NATO/EU which could implode if they don’t expand their power base?”

Remember the old school physics question?  What happens when an unstoppable force runs into an immoveable object?

We is there.

And the answer set might range from “local fission” to global fusion.

But maybe that’s where all those “double Suns” in the Universe come from.  I mean, surely we can’t be the first?

Insane Markets

Dow set to drop a couple of hundred at the open this morning.  But our long-term trend following eyes the recent strength:  Is a bottom forming?

No “rounded bottoms” comments, please.  We saw a nice run-up for commercials on Index options Thursday so covering at lower prices in equities ought to more than cover lunch.  And maybe a few therapy sessions.]

Consumer goods production as reported in the Fed Industrial Production report (here) showed consumer goods were up 3.5% year on year in this week’s data.  The rest of 10 percent range price inflation is simply debasing the money.  Goods have pretty even utility value.  It’s the money getting watered down that tricks you into thinking PRICES are going up.  Yes, but no….

Covid On the Couch

Another sign of global madness appears in the Covid data.

We’ve been telling you since day one:  Everything’s a Business Model. Which the NY Post gives a boost by reporting Moderna CEO sold $408 million in company stock since pandemic.

In the Heee’s Baack Department, Prince Double-speak – the voice of doom hisself…warns America could face MORE COVID lockdowns if cases tick up again | Daily Mail Online

Even the headline writers have succumbed to the fog of fright.  On reading the Drudge headline AA  to Resume Alcohol Sales Next Month, we were pleased to find remaining acuity at the WSJ where it was clarified American Airlines  – not Alcoholics Anonymous – was involved.  But, you just never know.

Government Malpractice

Almost 2 1/2-years into Covid, we’ve lost our patience (and patients) with the piecemeal propaganda web.

Out of Israel – likely the most vaxxed place on Earth – comes the report Fourth vaccine offers little protection against COVID-19 – study – The Jerusalem Post (

Responsible mainstream stories are now appearing, too, like:” Why some Americans haven’t gotten COVID yet and why it’s not inevitable they ever will: Experts – ABC News..

But yes, it was likely a bioweapon and yes, real.  And yes, 7 in 10 long COVID patients are dealing with memory and concentration problems – Study Finds.  One of G2’s firehouse chums is still getting over paralysis of his arm and hand from nerve damage.  While I haven’t heard from another friend who tested positive a couple of weeks back and has gone non-responsive, triggering worst fears.

Running the Odds

We looked through the death studies out of the UK this morning and we were shocked to read the odds of dying appeared (in our simple-minded read) of these stats to place the odds of dying 15-times higher with a full load of shots:

weekly british covid death numbers

Which says (if you were to speak it):  In the age 80 and over age group, there were 1,584 deaths.  Of these, 3 were not linked in their big  computer records system  Of the 1,581 deaths, only 102 (left arrow) were unvaccinated.  But reading across, 1,230 had a third dose > or – to 14 days before death.

We have been hinting it might roll this way, plain as day on page 43 of this week’s British stats over here.  But, since  a lot of people died early on (those with comorbidities) these horrifying recent results are “watered down”  by the long-term data.

The more detailed tab-out by demographic seem to have been dropped and we aren’t surprised.  Still, by the time you get to data on page 45, you see that 3 (or more) shots seems to be correlated with a reduced risk of dying by a third.

Most frighteningly of all,  there were ZERO deaths under age 18.  Yet, the marketing shills want to keep giving shots to the young…

Population Reduction Play?

The disinflationary impacts of Covid remain to work out.  Obviously, slowing the growth rate of population on the planet should calm stock frenzy tendencies, as lower growth follows.  (War should chill things, too, but doesn’t…)

A recently published abstract on the government’s PubMed website (here) says the effects of Covid – so far – are modest:

“…Female SARS-CoV-2 infection was not strongly associated with fecundability (FR=1.07, 95% CI: 0.87, 1.31). Male infection was associated with a transient reduction in fecundability (FR=0.82, 95% CI: 0.47, 1.45 for infection within 60 days; FR=1.16, 95% CI: 0.92, 1.47 for infection >60 days). These findings indicate that male SARS-CoV-2 infection may be associated with a short-term decline in fertility and that COVID-19 vaccination does not impair fertility in either partner.”

We don’t normally lean over – and stare down – such rabbit holes but it changes our expectations of Future a bit, having just read Signet Jewelers Says Weddings Will Hit a 40-Year High This Year (

Back to News Surfing…

How China rolls in the global war is slowly firming:  Chinese carrier sails through Taiwan Strait hours before Biden-Xi call.  Rather absurdly, the presidential remnant is full-on with bluster. US to ‘impose costs’ on China if it backs Russian aggression, Blinken says.  (No word from Winken or Nod, yet).  We propose Biden spend less time in the Oval and more on Main Street and do aisle check of Wally-World now and then.  The gulf between the rational and the elect is just insane.

With the US National Debt on a fast-track to $31 trillion, Homes Earned More for Owners Than Their Jobs Last Year – WSJ.  Buy the freaking dips works in Housing as any real estate agent will tell you.  However, it would be interesting to see how German home buyers in 1920 did in the long-term having gone through the Weimar inflation.  Any families hold titles through WW II?  One of those “research points to work on” as time permits.  Next life, maybe.

Remaining sane depends on getting a good night’s sleep.  But we were bothered to read For the best sleep, survey finds you should get to bed by 9:39 p.m. (  Is that 9:39 STANDARD or DAYLIGHT time?

Musk’s wrong question:  Elon Musk reveals new prediction for when humans will land on Mars using his Starship rocket (  In  which he predicts humans on Mars in 7-years.  His missing calculation is whether there will be humans on Earth that far out.  I mean, global war window is opening (having done the massive deflation which wars typically follow) and Biden’s low-T meds kicking in to protect the wrong border and all.

Nope.  Color us skeptical.

Reader Note

Change is inevitable.

I decided (after a several years-long test) to go back to having the daily report appear complete on the home page for Urban.  Reason was to eliminate a click for regular readers.

This has slightly altered how the Comments section works:  Click on comments at the bottom of the home page version to post and/or read remarks.

On the other hand, if you click the headline for the daily report, the old – all on one display of content and comments pops up.

Around the Ranch

Cue Bob Dylan (Rainy Day Women) with 2-inches of rain due in here Monday. “Everybody must get stoned…”

Mostly, we’re waiting for the weather to settle down a bit (no more freezes likely). That will begin the annual mowing addition to the weekly schedule around here.

Likely time for the Texas Monsoons (Texoons).  Which is a three month window in East Texas where heavy rain (good for farming) arrives.  It’s bad for body functions (septic tanks fill).  Still, we’ll take rain clouds over war clouds any time, and count our blessings.

We’ve had something of a breakthrough in shop organization this week – more on that and some new tools in the “tool slut” section of ShopTalk Sunday.

Have a great weekend – more on Peoplenomics tomorrow (neat chart outlook section) and ShopTalk Sunday…

Write when you get rich (click Comments to toss out ideas and see if anyone is your mental equal)

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

61 thoughts on “Shrink’s Rap Friday – Seeking Vladidation”

    • Insulted, belittled, and frightened generals stage coups.
      Oillygarks don’t cotton to being pushed around either. Big egos in both cases. Easily peeved.

      I have two predictions.

      1) Pooty gets a bullet in the back of the head by the end of April. The generals, the oillygarks, and some others do it. It is a needful thing. What he’s up to is bad for business — and Everything is a business model.

      2) There is no nook war. Maybe one, or a few “tacticals,” close in,” but no city crushers or trading of cities. No M.A.D. Messy and unprofitable. As WOPR said, “The only way to win is not to play.”

      I’m an optimist: the human species doesn’t wish to suicide, I believe.

      • Interesting predictions.. But .. what would either of those achieve that would have a positive outlook and would the russian people be willing to adopt the lifestyle changes that would be made to create the New puppet regime that would be put in place.. ?

        1. NATO and the USA still have their Nukes on the borders..The way I understand it from what I have read… NATO and the USA refused to do anything to de-escalate the situation long before it became a situation and inflated to this conflict.It isn’t like Russia or China hasn’t mentioned this over and over like a broken record for months and months..I believe that Ukraine has some interesting perks that they offer to the western oligarch community That makes this whole thing seem worthwhile to them enough to justify placing the citizens money and lives on the line to get what they want….

        2. While I anticipate that The Russian Oligarchs would loose their status as Oligarchs once the grand takeover happened. similar to other countries that the NATO and US has destroyed The Russian people would have to accept that they are under NATO and US Rule as their new leader as a new chain of command was put in place with a puppet regime in the New World Order..
        3. It would isolate the Chinese Empire as being the only one left to oppose the lifestyle changes allowing them to setup the one world govt..
        I do believe that Putin and Xi know this.. just from the fact that they are setting up their own currency exchange..
        But then I am just some old foggie in the middle of the wastelands.. My Daddy use to say.. be careful what you wish for because you may just get what you asked for..
        Look how it turned out when we put in Hussein as The puppet leader..

    • Uhm, methinks the Consigliere leads all down a rabbit hole. General out of favor with Vlad? A: Poison. The final promotion. With a side of Stalin.

      Enjoy the wet Tex. We are wet too (actually the ice pack came off our lake yesterday so we are wet water vs. stationary. Frozen mode moves again.

      Remaining sane … But why?
      Right when you get wrong,

  1. Heh – I initially read the “AA to Resume Alcohol Sales Next Month” the same, George. I figured they decided to follow Friedrich Nietzsche‘s mantra of “that which does not kill us makes us stronger!”

    With all that’s presently cooking on this planet, might be a good strategy for Alcoholics Anon to temporarily adopt. They can then market with a twist (of lemon?) – “Join us and your drinking problem will remain anonymous!”

    • “AA to Resume Alcohol Sales Next Month”

      Years back a friend visited who attended AA meetings. (His wife’s insistence) He attended a fairly famous session at “12 Palms” on a world famous beach park. I went down to enjoy the evening park area while he went to the group at the palm circle. I couldn’t help but notice more than a few furtive humans in the shadows and behind trees chugging on a brown paper bag before staggering over the the palms to attend the meeting. I would have to bet that half the attendees were sauced there. Alcohol sales? Everything’s a business model!

  2. The Kremlin website has been unreachable for weeks.

    I posted the links to the face morphing software back there. The other day someone mentioned Putin wearing the same clothes. From yesterday.

    Video of Russian President Vladimir Putin is a deepfake, fact-checkers say

    A video circulating of Russian President Vladimir Putin is a deepfake and has been machine-created to falsely add a voice, Reuters and Lead Stories report.

    • Steve,

      The technology is moving deep fake capabilities closer and closer to anyone with a keyboard. Israeli-owned MyHeritage genealogy website introduced a “Deep Nostalgia” app earlier this year. Algorithms create an animation from a single photo. Sync in the sound and bob’s your uncle.

    • Steve,

      Re: “The Kremlin website has been unreachable for weeks”.

      Ru web addresses are intermittent here as well. Vpn is a workaround. I’m kind of curious how the Russia-Turkey situation is percolating since Ukraine has allegedly been knocking off Russian armour with drones built by the Turkish president’s son-in-law. According to the Kremlin’s log from yesterday, phone dialogue remains active between Russia and Turkey:

      “Telephone conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
      Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

      March 17, 2022 17:35
      Issues on the bilateral agenda were discussed in detail, and the recent talks between the foreign ministers in Moscow and Antalya were characterised as positive. The two leaders reaffirmed their intention to continue developing mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation, including the implementation of strategic projects in the energy sector.

      Various aspects of developments related to the special military operation to protect Donbass were discussed. Vladimir Putin also informed his counterpart about the talks between Russian and Ukrainian representatives.

      Special focus during the conversation was made on humanitarian issues. Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed gratitude for facilitating the evacuation of Turkish citizens from Ukraine and the safe exit of Turkish cargo ships from Azov Sea ports.

      The two leaders agreed to maintain contacts at various levels.”

  3. ? of the day..

    – What if it could be Proven(hard evidence) US DoD/pentagram and cia weaponized COVID19 in ukraine/georgia bioweapons lab???

    Consequences ? How would a Russsian President George D. Ure handle that intel?
    Just gonna turn the other cheek like a good little christian Slave, and let bygones be bygones.
    Anybody think “they” wont let rip the Hammer and Cycle on KM-deepstate apparatchiks/nato ??

    Any other EVIL come out of Ukraine/Georgia in last couple of years Biologic??

    If its EVIL – must involve Google..hmmmmm

    Who was Serena Shim/PressTV ?

    feeling Love and warmth yet?

    ..reported Google Ideas Group (black cia) was Smuggling Sarin frm Georgia & Ukraine to Syria. She was found Murdered October 19th, 2014

    CowinkydinksRUS – Lets Go “whats my Name? ! fully confident in the blithering idiots inability to Lead our Nation in time of Crisis.

    color me proud to be an american, NOT!

    4 whom Does It Toll ?

    • “..reported Google Ideas Group (black cia) was Smuggling Sarin frm Georgia & Ukraine to Syria. ”

      Two little-known fun facts:

      1) Sarin is easy to make.
      2) Sarin has a series of distinct markers, which make every batch traceable to its source. Even the CIA could not copy Soviet sarin and KGB could not copy ours.

      There’d be no need to ever smuggle sarin anywhere, because it’s easy to make it on-site or in-theatre, unless somebody wished to implicate another player in an attack.

      • counter intel propagandizer Ure R..

        Mythological Bullscheisse Raymundo…jiffypop popcorn can be made in a backyard..

        I defy ANYONE to make a batch of Sarin (“just mix 2 chemicles together”) in their backyard, without expensive equipment on hand.

        Ure precious Tango’s @ al ciada/IsrealsSecretIntelligenceService(ISIS)/al nursa cant even manufacture Chlorine or Mustard gas with instructions in hand.

        “Kitchen Demolition” I am somewhat familiar wit – backyard Sarin – Neinneineinein.

        needz 2 check my stash – seems like someone around hear bee waking and baking today..must be march madness”

    • Bullwinkle,

      Sorry to read about the poor outcome for the American reporter working for the Iranian state news agency. Who can forget troops from Russia backed by Chinese ambulance corps removing alleged Western European created chemical weapons from Syria a few years back. Every last drop was repatriated to the waiting American Navy hazmat vessels in the Mediterranean? Possible, considering the London incident of alleged dissident poisoning by polonium around 2006. UK media reported the Russian perps had dumped excess material down the bathroom sink in their hotel. The hotel suite was rendered into a highly radioactive site.

      • Russian perps = Oligarch who wanted to get at Pooters.. convinced his body guard – former kgb ofc., to take Polunium , as a set up for dear ole Pooters. They were somehow convinced that the Antidote – Prussian Blue – would work..It an Antidote. In and of itself – narsty, very narsty. antidaote side affects killed the malfactor.

  4. For me, the old way your site displayed was better. I could quickly and easily view 5 days titles on the same page, and quickly either move to the content, or the comments in one click….Now, I have to struggle to find yesterday’s column, or 3 days ago, and scrolling through Next is slow; even commenting right now, there is no button to show prior or next.

    If I hit Next, I have to keep hitting it or guess at a page number to go back in time. I can’t always read or copy items from your site and the comments, when on my phone. I wait until I get to another computer so as to save, do more research, etc., so George, sorry, but this new VIEW is Murky.

    • I agree with the former style. It’s intuitive and progressive. The current style works, but I still prefer the former one for ease of navigation.

      Good try though. And I do appreciate the checkmark to save name and email for further comments.

    • Agree, previous way to view the website was better.

      People are used to a single click to view a topic and open up the page it is on, that is the way all the news aggregation sites such as Google News and the rest are set up. Your new method is something that I don’t see used anywhere on any other news aggregation site and is clumsy slow and NOT intuitive.

      I doubt a first time visitor would be able to figure out how to go read the comments and may not even realize that there are other days of columns many many pages in since they do NOT show on the opening page.

  5. But George, where are the Ukraine casualities or the evidence of Russia losses in this propaganda and if Russia is getting their ass kicked why is everyone demanding a US no fly zone? Shit does not add up , Ukraine CIA puppet guy is begging for help. I smell fish bait.

    AA is for Quitters, we need a lame stream news media anonymous, night crawlers anyone? how do they taste? I will have another, Mr newstender. Remember the news wants you to replace beef with bugs, Trout Fishing in America, MSM style.
    Dark empath? sounds like George Orwell’s double speak
    “A novel psychological construct”
    the study link in Ure link ^
    George, sorry if I sound like I am bad mouthing you. I am not, it is just I am a Doubting Thomas and always ask, Why. Blind Faith, a good album but a bad personal practice.
    or a song by Stealers Wheel ‘Blind faith”
    “Blind faith was all we had,
    Looking back it all seems kind of sad,
    We just sat around and watched it all go bad.”

  6. We’re all kinda being dragged into the future and with the looks of the present, God only knows where it’s all leading to.

    Turn on the news to see what’s happenin, and think, “awe shit! turn that off” – I just can’t do the bull sh*t.

    So, when I don’t like where I am, I use the old wisdom of Salmon Medicine. Mentally swim back to the place where I was comfortable. – it works.

    Think of some good memories, listen to some “feel good music” and go back.

    I don’t like the feelings I get these days. I prefer happier times. And if I can find some happiness, it helps me to keep busy with a more positive attitude.

    Life starts to flow again.


    • If they say 170,000 they mean 3 million; you can count on it. It might take a few months, but it will happen. The goal is to collapse our border and as far as I can tell, it is right on time.

      Thanks, BBB; Big Bastard Biden.

  7. We bought freeze dried/dehydrated foods from a distributor. Each case has a different meat, beef ( mostly dehydrated soy protein), chicken, and pork(our favorite). Each case has a variety of foods and recipe cards. We made 2 or 3 dinners a week for 3 months using this food. The food comes in smaller cans, not number 10, and lasts for 7 years instead of 20 to 25.

    Most of the recipes made a brown sort of stew. The toddler wouldn’t eat any of it. Adding jalapeno peppers added a nice touch of flavor. The flour was highly salted making the bread or tortillas taste not quite right. No one was willing to eat the rehydrated dried beans. No matter what the ingredients all the meals tasted pretty much the same. After 3 months everyone refused to eat these meals. Keep in mind that we only cooked them 2 or 3 times a week.

    Freeze dried/dehydrated foods are food but strangely textured and highly salted. Don’t expect to ge able to eat your emergency 25 year food on a daily basis for 3 meals a day.

    Granola, dried scrambled eggs, and dehydrated fruit taste good enough that the toddler would eat them but most of the other foods were rejected.

    • “We bought freeze dried/dehydrated foods from a distributor. Each case has a different meat, beef ( mostly dehydrated soy protein),”

      If you buy any freeze dried.. you just paid for one.. I have two of these freeze dryers.. love them…. hamburger.. once you cook it.. then rinse it with boiling water.. then lay it out.. when you freeze dry it toss in your seasonings.. super easy.. and the kids don’t know the difference .. I did raw steaks.. lean meat.. it did ok.. but you have to put it in the water and let it rehydrate.. it is like dried beans.. you soak it overnight.. I take hamburger in one cup measurements.. vacuum pack it.. the put it with a hamburger helper etc.. I was going to do potato chunks this weekend but am being lazy.. the cost looks high it is.. but you toss out that much in left overs.. guaranteed.. this way you have what you like in a meal..
      Retort canning is another way..
      that is my favorite vacuum sealer.. even though I have two commercial ones.. with this.. you take your retort bags.. seal both ends leaving the center open for the snorkel..
      then place it in the vacuum sealer take the air out then quick hit it sealing the snorkel area with the iron..
      good luck.. enjoy.. when canning pack the retort bags vertically and pack them tight.. I usually put a bottle rack on top to keep them from floating to the top..

    • If you buy freeze-dried/dehydrated food as individual items (such as vegetables, fruits, meats, butter/honey/ peanut butter powders, etc.) instead of prepared meals, and then make your own meals according to a recipe or your own taste, you won’t have the problems you mentioned. The final taste will be of your own making and can be adjusted with seasonings if you don’t like it.

      The freeze-dried side dishes that you buy in pouches are usually fairly good and are not nearly as expensive as the same type food sold by the long-term storage food companies. They may not be storable for 25-30 years, but they last much longer than their expiration dates. I cooked a Bear Creek soup that had expired 7 years previously (presumably packaged several years before that) and it tasted just fine–I merely had to cook it a bit longer to get the noodles soft enough.

  8. Don’t mind the change in format, but can’t stand the constant ads.

    As a subscriber, I deserve better.

    Annoyed Ken

    • Use an ad-blocker or the latest version of the Vivaldi browser, which automatically blocks ads on all sites. Vivaldi is also a lot faster than Firefox.

    • The adds support the free site. My main browser is Brave, which blocks adds, but I use edge for this site to help support it.
      Some people would complain if they were hung with a new rope.

  9. What should sprout up this morning on the scroll through headlines on the CBC’s homepage?

    “Seeds please! 21 Canadian sellers to order from for all your planting needs.” It’s presented as part and parcel of the news reports and not an advertisement although I imagine the firms mentioned there-in won’t complain. The seed story is preceded by the “Russians pound Ukrainian capital” and followed by “helping sloths in Costa Rica survive deforestaion”.

    • Trust a Canadian to be awkward and contrary. I like the new format. I think it can better suit the way I have my folders set up.

      One element which has me confused presently is the total pages showing currently as 4,318. If each page represents a day of the calendar, we would be back to May, 2010. However, the earliest ‘Urban report date is July, 2013. Does this indicate that 2+ years of reports have been duplicated in the transfer?

  10. Sorry NC, exposed you to “Magic” and seemly had negative reaction. Fantastic – the reaction is key, as Proves the “magic” is working!

    80 Characters – The Essentials of Qigong Practice.
    Can be thought of as modern version of Lao Tzu ‘s great work, I-Ching, the book of changes and the unchanging truth.
    Like it says in the dedication / “to the Undivided Oneness of the Universe and to those seekers of Truth who chose to be like a mirror reflecting its exquisite, immortal nature.”
    Apologies again NC – by simply reading the first 20 words/Characters, changes are already taking place..and I didnt even have write

  11. Hey George, perhaps as a compromise Ure might consider putting the “comment count” on either the Soap Box or Recent Posts on the right side of current post?

  12. Insane markets ? Ahhhhhaaa ha ha!!! All on the take from the schwabster . Greatest rort ever America . Kick the can guru. Ides gone paddy’s day gone. Maybe the Easter bunny ? What’s up doc ?

  13. Putin will now jail you 15 years for ‘false’ news or protests, claims the ‘West’ is behind the Russian anti-war protestors.. the bite of sanctions is sinking in…morale does suffer when your soldiers can’t justify their actions,

    Putin’s got serious military morale problems, 70% paid $1100/month, the other 30% $25/month (also comprising 30% of his elite units)!! They aren’t even told what they are fighting for, just it’s a ‘Special Operation’

    Interestingly, my page/comments view is still the same.

    Delighted with the commentors’ new self enforced ‘netiquette’ (limit yourself to a few or less posts per day, preventing scroller eyeball strain). I work on a computer screen all day, so am more sensitive to eye strain.

  14. Poor comeback !!! The old med line from the Mensa moose . Never wrong eh . Nah boyz will just have a weekend off .theold insane world gets em all the time . Here pigeon pigeon pigeon. Coo coo . Rather the old mooooo . Need meds . Nah you need crack cocaine

  15. Everybody working for da man da schwabster!!! Coalition of willing !!sheethole Australia sewers Canada and NZ with the central empireUSSA . Everybody guru on the take can kickin . Old Marty’s lost it salty has caved !! Not manipulated !! Sark my salty !! And the Moose’s !!! Moooo take your meds . Demonise Vlad ? In yours . Good on yah Vlad hammer ALL the scum . God bless the sewer system . Up yours

  16. ONLY the MSM and Ukrainian news are reporting that Russia has had huge losses of troops and equipment, implying that Russia is losing the war. It seems to be fake news because reports from alternative sites, non-MSM journalists, and people living in Kiev say completely the opposite. And most of the alleged photos and videos being shown have been proven to be from other years and other countries. I thought covid reporting was an all-time low for the globalists, but the reports on the Russian incursion/liberation/war (or whatever you want to call it) have amazingly been even worse.

  17. Folks, has it really been 54 years since Otis Redding’s “(Sittin’ On) the Dock of the Bay” was topping the charts? Time flies.

    Trying to do our little part here with international goodwill relations and so forth with a drive by of the Kremlin Museums digital dioramas. They remain unblocked on this North American ip.

    Exhibit 1./ an uncomplimentary-looking news sheet on Poland printed in Nuremberg, Germany, circa 1582.

    Exhibit 2./ Ivan the Terrible’s finely covered Bible, circa 1560’s. He was tsar and unifier of Russia. I don’t know if he had blue eyes, but shave off the beard, and hey in the vision of a Soviet sculptor, Ivan for president.

    Later exhibits continue with ornate, skeletal bed frames, but we’ll leave those in the closet for now.

    Well. What else is happening at the museum? The Church of the Deposition of the Virgin’s Robe is closed until month end, Lenten observance maybe? And….oh no…”postponement of the exhibition “The Duel: from trial by combat to a noble crime” involving other European museums “due to the current geopolitical situation”. Cheque mark recorded, thank you.

    The AX-1 public launch count is continuing as planned with 15 days 16 hours remaining.

  18. It’s your content that destroys your rankings,
    Anything against the system brings your rankings way way way down

  19. Please tolerate this one added comment as a favour to inmates of Fortress America.

    I see at least 3 dozen existing global sanctions on the US Dept. of Treasury ofac webpage besides the “Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions” of the present time. (Licences 1 to 19 so far list exemptions to those same Russian sanctions.) Anyhow, talk about shooting America (and the West) in the foot! New embargoes on Boeing aircraft are brought out today to supposedly contain oligarchs like Abramovich with his previously seized Boeing787? He can simply use one of his French Dassaults to get around as quickly. At least he can help the global warming cause by requiring less fuel. Presumably refueling the Dassault while intransit through Nato’s Turkey remains permitted?

    Who is going to pay the Western lessors not receiving income from the hundreds of Boeing jets on lease in Russia? Who is going to pay the Western banks when Boeing aircraft lessors inevitably are forced into bankruptcy?

    One would think the now extraordinarily Boeing-punitive sanctions environment will serve as a further strong disincentive for air carriers and the 1% to look elsewhere than Boeing for new product. Airbus should dispatch a charter special loaded with finest champagne to the Biden WH?

    One final thought if I may regarding the Abramovich now-vacant heritage-listed mansion in Chelsea, London. The neighbors across the street residing at Kensington Palace are two grandsons of King George V and their spouses. PM Boris’ talk of housing refugees from the Ukraine conflict in the oligarch’s vacant mansion is likely a non-starter. One of the duchesses couldn’t even see eye to eye with Megan Markle when she was in town. The other item, possibly the most important one, is that the land under the vacant mansion is leased from the Crown Estate owned by the Queen. The head of state is not being paid in these current sanction conditions. One imagines such a situation will not be permitted to continue indefinitely, and that the Firm has all pertinent parties on speed dial.

  20. isn’t ukrinform just a Ukrainian propaganda rag? According to General Macgregor, things are MUCH different on the ground than the west/ukraine is reporting- aka Russia is close to basically mopping up at this point.

  21. Putin does exactly what the USA did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. and Americans go nuts. I say you are the rats on a sinking ship. Not seeing the evidence because of the propaganda, but going nuts because you can no longer suppress the subconscious survival instinct driving you insane.

    And George, why do you keep acting like/calling them “markets”? Just one more sign of the madness.

    When your enemy is making a mistake, do not interfere!—Lao Tzu

    Russia and China are watching in awe as America has multiple “hold my beer moments, each one compounding the disaster that was guaranteed when they started printing back in 2009. Putin is just biding his time, providing entertainment for those Americans addicted to the teat of the MSM propaganda while their empire dies.

    And George is simply monetizing the end of the empire by commenting on that entertainment.

    Write when you find something in America that has improved in the last decade!

    • There is a website that posts a daily intelligence report (not a news article) that explains exactly what is happening without the obfuscation of western propaganda.

      Read it at your peril.

    • “Putin is just biding his time,”

      Or was he caught off guard with the weapons that were sent to him Expat. ..
      if this was the poison pawn trap as I had originally suspected was going to happen…. then yes he would be waiting for the NATO forces to be totally involved with the pawn and a huge regional battle would be going on then let China take taiwan.. NK start with the south and all the other little countries to split apart the hold while an army of illegal refugees that was snuck into the USA by the administration would take over from within as they had said they would for years and years. You can’t have your cake and eat it to.
      The Army of illegals that was allowed in in other countries with Open borders would do the same thing…. But NONE of this happened at all…. and there were no surprise actions taken while the troops were weakened by being busy someplace else instead a lets wait and see….
      As I see it now.. The USA and NATO forces had enough to cover Taiwan and Ukraine and keep the world in order…
      At this point.. the fifteenth of March is long gone I am not as concerned about it as I was before..

  22. Wow. Been smoking banana leaves or somethin’ down there?
    If you visit the site, don’t forget to pick up some magic crystals or “male-enhancement” vitamins for your bunker. God forbid you have to repopulate the Earth and you suffer a hardware failure.

  23. Edward Snowden tells us what was going on in the back of our minds is true – Snowden Discusses Bitcoin’s Lack Of Privacy

    “Bitcoin is not an anonymous ledger,” said Edward Snowden.

    “You get chain analysis people and whatnot who are doing fairly devious things with it,” he added, discussing companies focused on on-chain analysis.

    Speaking on the privacy of Bitcoin, Snowden stated that “it’s really just private to the public, but it’s public to the prominent, shall we say.”

    Time and distance is an important distinction that is separate from the idea of safety. Possessing safety would assume Bitcoin was capable of hiding identity and traceability perpetually, however, Snowden knew this was not the case, nor was he taking extensive steps to be anonymous, as he explains in the interview.

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