We have told you many times: “In Depressions, the seat of world financial power moves West.”
This has certainly been the case as our Second Depression has begun to unravel. But even here, we must remember that “The Depression” wasn’t referred to as “depression” until a 1934 economics book popularized the term.
There are several “deal points” of the Great Depression to be watching for as our modern replay unfolds.
- First: The Marxist-Capitalism hybrid of China’s will replay many of the U.S. features of Depression.
- Second: The U.S. may – paradoxically – play something akin to the role of Great Britain in this go-round.
- Three: Expect – like all major depressions – this one to result in a global war as the economic displacements (and destruction of savings) globally must take place.
This is not to support the World Economic Forum’s notion of a “Global Reset.” That’s something of an absurdity – by nail-biters who pretend they understand economics. We modestly propose while they have (presently) a seeming grasp of things, the chaos and randomness of such times may not respect the “authority of Big Money.”
People will look out for their own best interests. And so – in coming global war (still 2-4 years ahead) look for a showdown between the Controller Classes (*government, social-engineering tech, finance) with the Producer Class. As I told my children long ago (though it’s like talking to a boulder): The growth industry to come will be unions. More on this in an upcoming Peoplenomics report.
Which is all useful information in “contexting” the morning’s flow of headlines.
Well – EXCEPT – to realize that Bank Runs in the Great (*US) Depression may have their analog in the Chinese Great Depression. Which we may see the beginnings of, right now.
One can almost hear the rhyme of China’s “Belt and Road” in initiatives off of the United Fruit empire between previous World Wars.
“In 1901, the government of Guatemala hired the United Fruit Company to manage the country’s postal service, and in 1913 the United Fruit Company created the Tropical Radio and Telegraph Company. By 1930, it had absorbed more than 20 rival firms, acquiring a capital of $215 million and becoming the largest employer in Central America. In 1930, Sam Zemurray (nicknamed “Sam the Banana Man”) sold his Cuyamel Fruit Company to United Fruit and retired from the fruit business. By then, the company held a major role in the national economies of several countries and eventually became a symbol of the exploitative export economy. This led to serious labor disputes by the Costa Rican peasants, involving more than 30 separate unions and 100,000 workers, in the 1934 Great Banana Strike, one of the most significant actions of the era by trade unions in Costa Rica.[4][5]“
Just in the past two weeks, China has been right up front on Sri Lanka as noted in recent reports like Sri Lanka ‘can’t get out of crisis without China,’ analyst says. Um…how to say this? Economic exploitation never goes out of style?
Here comes Chinese usury, then comes “revolution” and then oh, my, here comes the PLA to “help.” Bananas, anyone? To us, it’s a “historical hoot” that “Exports In 2020, Sri Lanka exported $16.2M in Bananas, making it the 45th largest exporter of Bananas in the world.” Capitalism or exploitation is bananas?
Another U.S. History Lesson Helps
This note from Federal Reserve History (dot org) also bears on the point that stock market declines (China’s began in 2018 when the Hang Seng index peaked) do not lead to instant bank runs. From the U.S. experience, these take a while to ramp-up:
“In the fall of 1930, the economy appeared poised for recovery. The previous three contractions, in 1920, 1923, and 1926, had lasted an average of fifteen months.1 The downturn that began in the summer of 1929 had lasted for fifteen months. A rapid and robust recovery was anticipated. In November 1930, however, a series of crises among commercial banks turned what had been a typical recession into the beginning of the Great Depression.”
To the generalist’s mind, the “deal points” of the modern rhyme begin to line up like this:
- The recently ascended Player (U.S. in previous Depression, China in this one) will have a Major stock market decline. Hang Seng from 2018.
- Confidence in the government will sag and Banks will not have enough money to make good on demands. 1930 is when runs (lite) began coming into view. As the NY Fed notes they ramped up:
- “After a month-long run on American banks, Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed a Bank Holiday, beginning March 6, 1933, that shut down the banking system. When the banks reopened on March 13, depositors stood in line to return their hoarded cash.”
- So, the banking crisis window (China as modern analog) may be expected to last 3+ years.
- China is now – as the U.S. began public works and war preps for WW II – doing a very close “policy parallel” because there are only so many levers – what can be pulled.
All of which is important to understand when reading about these early bank woes in China. Many have arisen because money was borrowed by regular people to have new homes built. When the construction halted on the “wheeler-dealer projects” people went to the Chinese banks for their money back – saying it was a breach of contract to build.
This morning’s headlines tell us China is working the problem on the supply end: China Regulator Vows to Ensure Stalled Home Builds Are Completed – Bloomberg. While also trying to massage the demand end with confident-sounding promises: China to repay more depositors to defuse rural bank scandal | Reuters.
Being a lot less constrained (think posse comitatus in the U.S.) China has gone right to excessive force – which the West is framing in historical terms: Tiananmen Square again? Tanks roll on China streets to protect banks amid protests. With a few more details in Shocking! Tanks surround crisis-hit banks in China to scare protestors.
We don’t mean to put excessive focus on this, but it’s a story that will shape how WW III rolls – in addition to the “feeder wars” now likely to include Israel-Iran and Ukraine-Russia, just to name a couple.
The likely way ahead for the U.S. will be to reprise the role of Great Britain in the last Depression. While the up-and-comer in terms of manufacturing might may be played by China.
In a certain sense, then, Russia may reprise aspects of either Japan (likely) or Mussolini’s Italy (less so).
We’re just sure a dandy time will be had by all.
Buy The Rumor
More strong hands unloading on the weak in markets Wednesday. I confess it was a small $100-class lunch trade, though. The early slog today showed a semi-flat picture before the morning news drop.
After 7:30 AM (Central) today, click here for the latest Unemployment insurance filings. I will be munching on breakfast.
Right after that you can click here for the Philly Fed Manufacturing Index. Just scroll down (after 7:30 AM Central) and look under Recent Releases.
Now, to pick up 6-credits for your Junior Hysterical Financial Press badge, make up a 300-word story even vaguely related and sit back to wait for the job offers from the Corporate Sell-out Media to come rolling in.
Meantime, at the Land Fill
More useless shit than a broken-down sewage treatment plant, I swear. Nose plugs in?
Hunting the Hunter: Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say. Don’t hold your breath. There are two sets of laws in America – should be obvious. Big names and big bucks don’t do as much jail time (if any). Still, we wonder if “Pops” has already pardoned his bad-boy son pre-emptively?
Speaking of U.S. Cronystitutional Govt – let’s start at the top: Joe Biden says he ‘has’ cancer thanks to oil industry — but WH points to skin cancer years ago. Denials ran quickly and fervently: White House denies Biden has new cancer diagnosis after speech flub. The scary part of this – for those of us who have tracked G.A. Stewart’s work over on the Age of Desolation (dotcom) website is that IF our pinnacle of leadership and insight did leak the unmentionable, THEN the dating of Biden Out in August all flows into place. Can you say “President Harris” without a cringe?
Crisis is opportunity, perhaps, from the Chinese standpoint: Biden, Xi Jinping likely to speak in the coming days. Medical treatment offer? We wonder…
China’s Moon Claims make NASA plans kinda silly, as we see it. NASA sets launch dates for its return to the moon with giant, new rocket. But what a cause for nuclear war between the US and China in 2026! Competing moon claims!
A.I. Arms are already being tuned up for independent autonomous human killing: Robot dog with machine gun hints of a dystopian future | Cybernews.
Not as bad as the Dust Bowl – YET. The U.S. is sweltering. The heat wave of 1936 was far deadlier. Click over here later today for the weekly drought map update.
ATR: Bored and Snored
Elaine’s turn for the sleep study (apnea) check last night. Nothing like being awakened by a thrashing bed partner wound up in wiring. Sheesh.
Time to take the machine back to the dispensary – which (you a good detective?) accounts for this morning’s slices of Do-It-Yourself news tracking.
Write when I get a nap, but a double cvheeseburger with the works on the way home!
and again . one thing about fellas like you the degree of doom porn never gives up as long as you get $$$$$$ massive rally dead ahead .. get another gold coin 2 .
Martin Armstrong’s Socrates system is calling for a currency crisis in August – September with extreme volatility beginning then and increasing through next year. All of this is pretty much solidly based on the absolute lack of financial understanding of today’s World leaders – other than Putin and Xi.
Whats that they say? Right on shezzyoull. [2023].
“The Federal Reserve does not intend to proceed with issuance of a CBDC without clear support from the executive branch and from Congress, ideally in the form of a specific authorizing law”
“The Federal Reserve is also building a new interbank settlement service for instant payments, the FedNow Service, scheduled to debut in 2023.”
And we see where Morgan and Goldman got the impetus to launch operations on Terra Luna Celcius USDT and other $ denominated “stable coins” , for all you home gamers these compete with CBDC’s issued by Sovereigns.
“Balances held at nonbank financial service providers are typically supported by specific assets or are backed one-for-one with deposits in a bank account. The public often expects that nonbank money will maintain a stable value and remain readily convertible into both physical currency and bank deposits, but that is not always the case because the assets supporting nonbank money are not risk-free. For example, a decline in the value of a security that backs nonbank money may imperil the nonbank money’s conversion into commercial bank money quickly and at a fixed rate.
Concern that nonbank money will not remain convertible quickly at full one-for-one value may fuel runs on this money. That is, having lost confidence, holders will try to convert out of their nonbank money more quickly and in greater amounts. This puts more pressure on sales of supporting secu-rities or other assets, causing worse losses.
Over the years, many forms of nonbank money have succumbed to these types of runs. Indeed, the global financial crisis in 2008 was in large part a crisis of nonbank money, and nonbank money contributed to financial strains again at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
In reference to appendix C: Note the prominent position of the smartphone.
The appendices are mandatory extra study for all you home gamers looking to buy green bananas right alongside the central bankers and hedgies.
Get thee a clue peeple. Design Pattern:
Buy Dan breaking US oil flows is to electric vehicles wind mills and photvoltaics as a broken ACH settlement system is to ????
Get ready.
There’s no telling what can happen given events coming totally out of left field due to out of control volatility. We’re all dancing in the middle of a mine field. The bad part is, however, which financial institutions will accept cash from home with no paper trail if you want to re-deposit your currency to make a large purchases? There’s a growing tendency to call it all “terrorist” or “drug money” even if your record is clean as a whistle. That’s when things become very local and a lot less will be coming from the mail order entities.
“Now, to pick up 6-credits for your Junior Hysterical Financial Press badge, make up a 300-word story even vaguely related and sit back to wait for the job offers from the Corporate Sell-out Media to come rolling in.”
George. I would like to apply for my badge with this made up analysis of this morning’s statistics from Kamala Harris. Not 300 words but maybe you can get me 2 credits to start.
……the unemployment filings are what the unemployment filings are as long as the unemployment filings are filed.
…..the manufacturing index is an index of manufacturing and will continue to be an index that measures manufacturing.
Now that you bring it up, wouldn’t Yogi Berra have made a better VP. Now sure how a conencted half-clown like Zelensky gets top billing, but then I never understood electing RayGun either.
I loved Star Wars.
Growing crops in darkness.
“the Hang Seng index peaked) do not lead to instant bank runs. From the U.S. experience, these take a while to ramp-up:
Hunting the Hunter: Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say. Don’t hold your breath. There are two sets of laws in America – should be obvious. Big names and big bucks don’t do as much jail time (if any). Still, we wonder if “Pops” has already pardoned his bad-boy son pre-emptively?”
First i believe the velocity of money has to stall.. similar to the covid shut downs .a business has to keep moving people stop spending then the velocity of money ends and the only way the dollar can keep its status is to keep it moving.. the year we went without an income.. the gas station owner told me..we have dropped fifty grand a year.. it was threatening his business..there were five without an income in our three block area..we spent 6 grand a year there that ended..if they spent am equally amount of money there’s the loss.. that flows back..groceries are twice as much for essential.. with the flow being interrupted I assume it moves to unessential product sales..
Gotta push the noodle..to much and it falls apart tittle and it dries up and pulls apart..first inflation then deflation lots of loss leaders to get you down the isle.. during the Reagan recession there were six loss leaders per isle at the store. Estimated 20 dollars of non essentialto cover the loss..which i believe is originally why they regulated essential product and services prices..
For medication costs..do they really need a hundred thousand percent increase in profits from the citizens if the usa than from those of Canada?
On the pedo Perv… and the allegations that the family business was questionable at best.. at worst an ugly stain on our countries morals and ethics ..
I believe that they already said that if any of it comes to a trial in the future..that there was an administrative pardon waiting.. nothing will come from it..if the dollar retains value they will be living in comfort off of the alleged savings hidden in offshore accounts..
I personally doubt there will be any jail time over the worst of the allegations.. now if it was trump.. there would be screaming from the rooftops..lol
kinda sounds like a pretty nice retirement to me..wondering though if the PP come in Xtra Large..
Ahhh, Unions.
Nothing like paying dues, just in case you get busted doing shit the boss don’t like. The Union Steward will protect you … as long as you’ve kissed his/her ass since he/she got the job. (Or kissed they/them or maybe he/she) what ever the case may be.
We say “Union” but as in the past the real term is, “Organized Unions.” Yes, they are (organized) folks … organized mind-think, mafia-istic … dare I say, Thuggish?
Not only do Organized Unions tell you how to do your job, but they tell you a lot of propaganda and who to vote for. They draw Union lines between the Unionized and local handyman and contractor. Also known as “Scabs.” Yeah, they don’t like that Scab Labor, where someone is just trying to make an independent living.
Never forget the time I was helping my girlfriend’s dad put up drywall in a new construction home. One morning some guys walked in, asked if we were Union, and upon our reply of “no.” All hell broke lose!! Lots of broken drywall we had put up and then the blood began to flow … what a mess !!
I was into production work – fast and efficient. The sooner I got done (correctly) the sooner I got paid and off to the next job and $$ check. I’d have a hard time if I were to work at the Union pace … I’d be bored out of my mind. Didn’t seem worth the higher wages and considering “$$ dues” come out of that. – besides, I’m not really a groupie.
I like the Freedom of being Freelance, or close to it. One boss who just appreciates me showing up and doing quality work. Don’t need all the bullshit and threats … I don’t think employers do either but, some just don’t know what they’re getting into. Very sad.
I know I’m preaching to the choir but, this is my experience.
Of all the modern unions the only one who protected union members is the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers’ International Union.
When Kellogg’s demanded tiered wages and the etcs. the union said no and members stuck to no.
The UAW went to permanent two-tiered wage systems two or three bailouts ago. Not to forget taxpayers still have to payout the $F and $GM legacy ICE pensions. I’d anticipate two or three bailouts for them.
Unless of course there’s a new, New Deal and that legacy debt is orphaned.
Organized Unions = MAFIA +++++++++++++
They destroyed the USA more than communism.
choices! Welcome back! Haven’t heard from you in a while.
The only union I ever joined, and I had to hold my nose extra tight, was the Texas Teachers’ Union. Given the experiences of my previous employment I felt I needed some protection if things began to go sideways when I started working in the school system. Paranoia runs deep after years on a battlefield. There were so many emotions flying left and right in my organization that being an at-will employee was downright dangerous. Turns out the membership wasn’t really necessary even though I was laid off when the finances went to heck some years later. It was a fun job while it lasted.
People forget that if it weren’t for unions, workers would still be serfs. Unions CREATED the middle class by demanding livable wages, paid vacations, sick pay, job security, health benefits, safe working conditions, etc. The ONLY reason that non-unionized companies provide any of those benefits now is because they fear being unionized. But even so, the benefits are being slowly eroded by corporate greed. They’d love to retreat to serfdom so they and their stockholders would get richer. The so-called “scabs” who complain vociferously about unions should be reminded that if not for the dues their unionized peers pay, they themselves would no longer get a living wage for their labors. Without unions or the threat of them, employers would once again regard workers as chattel.
However, as with ALL institutions, corruption has set in. Every organization that becomes institutionalized eventually rots from within, be it government, religion, or the infinite number of smaller institutions. They usually begin as good ideas, in theory. But it seems that humans are unable to handle the lure of power, so psychopaths and sociopaths are drawn like flies to positions of power. Unfortunately, unions, as with all institutions, offer such positions. I haven’t followed the general trend of unions for years, so I’m not familiar with the depth of corruption within them.
Regardless, I know whereof I speak when it comes to unions because I came from a union family. My father was a union business agent, my mother and aunt worked in offices of unions, and my brothers were union members. (I was the oddball who went in an academic direction instead.) My father was an original union organizer in Minneapolis, back in the days of bloody battles with police. At the time, he was a driver for the city’s foremost department store, that later morphed into Target. He had a few run-ins with them because of his “extracurricular” activities, one of them being the time they, unusually, loaded his delivery truck before he arrived. He figured they would try to finger him for theft, so he made them unload it and then reload while he watched and could verify every item placed into the truck. Another time, a bigwig called my father to his office and invited him to sit by opening a door to a toilet. This type of crap (literally?) would probably be commonplace today if it weren’t for unions.
He eventually became the secretary-treasurer (aka business agent) of one of the newly-formed unions. Over the years, I heard lots of tales of his interactions with employers and union members. He sometimes had to negotiate for benefits he thought were stupid (such as birthdays off), but that his members wanted him to get them. So it’s not always the leaders who are unreasonable.
It should be obvious from my rant that unions are a touchy subject for me. I grew up during their heyday, with insights most others don’t have, and I find it sad that an institution that has done so much good may have become just another pit of greed. Even if things recover in this country, I think there will still be a need for unions, the ones that operate as they were intended to operate. Humans have not evolved enough to not need this intermediary between workers and employers.
“When the banks reopened on March 13, depositors stood in line to return their hoarded cash.”
“They” prove bank runs are psychological events. FDR had it right, “The only thing we have to fear…”
When the bank runs start here, relax. Just leave your cash in the bank. History shows everyone returns their cash to the bank soon enough.
But…but…I thought China was an economic juggernaut that was going to take control of the world’s economies and make the the Yuan supreme. Now you say they’re crashing?!?.
I suggest that the CCP will bail out their various failing industries in exchange for control, thus ending the capitalist/communist hybrid that’s been responsible for their last few decades of remarkable economic growth. In the end, China will be just another failed commie state – think Russia in the 80’s. Big, broke and stupid, but still incredibly dangerous.
So true . Yeah he sings any song for$$$
I think Mr. Biden looked pretty dapper yesterday on the beach in his suit, tie, and Leslie Neilson shades compared to Mr. Putin’s deplanement onto the red carpet at Tehran’s airport a couple of days ago. “The Mirror” noted Mr. Putin’s non-moving, stiff right arm, and his awkward sideways descent down the airstairs. Now in his defense, they did draw upon a 2015 British Medical Journal report that Mr. Putin was displaying ” gunslinger gait” from KGB weapons training.
Anyhow later on the office of the Iranian presidency released photos of Mr. Putin shaking what appeared to be real hands of dignitaries. The Turkish president and Nato member was there also to participate in the self-styled “axis of good” summit.
A while back Elaine started to get in to the stock market. How’d that work out?
Do you suppose the activity on the sun is causing the extreme heat?
A deep ‘gash’ just passed by on the Sun.
SDO | Solar Dynamics Observatory
The heat isn’t extreme.
“Weather” and “climate” have been monetized.
Accordingly, every rise or drop in temperature, every drop of rain or snowflake, every breeze, is now an EVENT because if it’s not, companies will stop paying millions of ad dollars to IBM.*
* IBM owns The Weather Channel, Intellicast, Weather Underground, weather dot com, and a bunch of other weather-related assets. It is the principal reason storm spotters (like me) can no longer get prescient data in the field, except through narrow (and ever-narrowing) channels at NOAA itself.
Even when someone reports an “all time high” or “all time low,” bear in-mind it’s only “all time” from 1883 to today. Every parcel of climactic data noted or recorded from before that year is ignored and disavowed, so folks don’t know that 1000 years ago Europe was too hot for grapes to grow, so French, German, Spanish, and Italian wines didn’t exist. For hundreds of years, the Vatican served cellar wine to the Cardinals, and English wine to the galleries (England was the preeminent wine producer for all of Europe because the British Isles were the only place with both a growing season and moderate temps.)
Additionally, no one can prove that the climate a thousand years ago isn’t the climate which is “normal” for Earth, and that we’ve been enjoying the relief provided by an abnormal “mini ice age.”
They also can’t prove that we’ve not topped the curve of a climate cycle, and will now drop into another ice age.
Our planetary temperature cycles are wholly-dependent on that big yellow ball orbiting the center of our solar system. The GW or GCC moonbats and fruitcakes as a one, ignore the question of global warming on the other planets and bodies in our solar system. Man-made global warming contributes a maximum of 5/1000 of a percent to Earth’s temperature. It contributes zero to the nearly 5° rise in Venus’ temperature over the past 50 years.
“Do you suppose the activity on the sun is causing the extreme heat?” Of course! What else? :-)))
Welcome back, Mr. C.
Oh, and don’t ya think folks would check for bugs BEFORE installing things like this near sensitive locations … and anywhere else in the country for that matter?
Exclusive: U.S. probes China’s Huawei over equipment near missile silos
Let’s not forget, Huawei seems legit …
Pathfinder Bob,
Thanks for flushing out that msn link about Huawei cell towers potentially poking their antennae in things not of China’s business! May I suggest that the FCC has a multi-billion $ cell tower remediation problem boiling over on the stove? Huawei equipment “rip and replace” contractor estimates based on 180 carrier claims are apparently $3+ billion over Congress budget.
The small family-owned Wyoming carrier mentioned in the msm link seems to have smelled the coffee. It’s handing over its tower assets to a national outfit in the Carolinas which in turn is owned by a private equity firm with a handful of clients based out of a Cleveland suburb.
Anyhow don’t be chagrined while the whales leave slim pickens’ for the little folk, let’s get the full meal deal from DJ Ure dishing up a heaping helping of iconic fare:
Chagrin Falls
The Tragically Hip
Things are heating up in the UK PM stakes since Boris’s parting words “hasta la vista” rang out in the Palace of Westminster. Front-runner Sunak’s Indian wife has now relented to pay 39% UK tax going forward on her dividend income which last year was £11 million. One imagine’s the Stanford U grads will have a chance to chill at their socal luxury digs once things settle down in the UK. No doubt the Duke and Duchess will invite them over for tea and biscuits. Their next door neighbor Russian oligarch is moving out from his mansion which posed as a set for the late Al Pacino’s ‘Scarface” movie, so it’s getting a bit more posh-like in the colony.
… but they still have their QUEEN ;-)
Tell me about people and choices ;-((
Jester it’s High Tea…. Don’t think like a colonist .. LOL.
First: The Marxist-Capitalism hybrid of China’s will replay many of the U.S. features of Depression.
Second: The U.S. may – paradoxically – play something akin to the role of Great Britain in this go-round.
Three: Expect – like all major depressions – this one to result in a global war as the economic displacements (and destruction of savings) globally must take place.
Mr. Ure. You’ve Nailed it. Cover with blockchain and bake in a pre heated oven at 330 degrees. LOL , actually not so funny.
“The scary part of this – for those of us who have tracked G.A. Stewart’s work over on the Age of Desolation (dotcom) website is that IF our pinnacle of leadership and insight did leak the unmentionable, THEN the dating of Biden Out in August all flows into place.”
BULLETIN: President Biden has tested positive for COVID, White House says…
“Can you say “President Harris” without a cringe?”
No, I can not.
I also don’t see her filling out the term. She is, by all accounts, as much of a bitch as Hillary, but far, far less intelligent, and far more stuck on herself. I don’t see her taking orders from Susan Rice, nearly as well as Creepy Joe has, and accordingly, either she, or members of her circle of family & friends will be shortlisted for Arkancide.
If Joe bails, pay strict attention to whoever becomes the VP… and pray for us all (and I don’t just mean U.S. Citizens or CONUS residents…)
sorry to inform – but it is way tooo late in the ballgame 4 wishing away Ure cares and concerns..
failure of the Italian govmint is/was a big temporal marker..at least that is what the satanist at mil. put out in last post -18 months ago.
treacherous twisted pervs reared their twisted heads this week with message to refer back to last 18 months ago..”buckle up and keep your hands inside the carriage” also mentioned something about US citizens coming home NOW, if you cant get home to CONUS now, backup plans will be essential..
Just a thought. We currently have a 1,200 acres brush fire going just over the hill from us. 80% containment as of this morning.
[ Lightening strike ] Fast Forward – if we do fall into a deep depression [ which seems more likely every day ] how are the counties and states going to pay for fighting wild fires ? It is extremely expensive. Especially the big bombers. Eight years ago I remember standing on my roof top with a garden hose, on fire-watch, and cheering as a four prop Canadian retardant bomber made a run on the hillside just two blocks away. Can Counties and States write their versions of debt-checks., to cover the costs of the ground crews and air support? If not., then what?
d’Lyyn, then what?? Well, Biden has increased firefighting funding and raised firefighter’s pay: (That slo creep guy is at it again ain’t he? LOL)
Trump had a poor grasp on firefighting, claimed Finland rakes it’s floors (Finland denies saying that)
Now that Joe has been diagnosed with COVID, we can add Saudi knuckles to the list of transmission concerns. Glove mandates?
Breaking: Creepy Joe has COVID…
As the green hypocrites point to Amazon slash and burn farming which converts rain forest into desert, they ignore the western United states being converted from forests, plains or even bare ground, to pavement and rooftops. Federal lands are treated like tree farms and potential mines and ski resorts while the bigmouths forget the dust bowl lesson. The 1800s land rush came with a misconception that clearing trees would increase rainfall. The advent of the tractor resulted in even the horse pasture becoming bare dirt. A year or two of good farming ended in the dust bowl and depression. The U.S. also used to be covered in forests which were also mostly converted to lumber in the 1800s. It’s amazing that the oldtimers intuited a relationship between vegetation and rainfall; they were just off by 180 degrees. All it takes is a weather cycle to get mother nature in teaching mode. As a medicine man told me years before Al Gore went into the carbon credit business, “Mother Nature is hurting.”
“they ignore the western United states being converted from forests, plains or even bare ground, to pavement and rooftops. ”
Hmm… well @Death Valley Daze I have been saying since I was a teenager.. that we should be greenscaping the cities and placing co2 filters on every lamp post.. its an old RANT of mine.. we are expanding and tearing up good rich farmland at the rate of what is it fifty plus acres a minute..
it takes an estimated fourteen trees to filter the co2 per car and seven per human..
green scaping is the answer.. then in dry area’s do as the desert dwellers have done for thousands of years.. put in air wells.. and cisterns.. but it is what it is.. can’t fix what they don’t want to fix.. from the hanging gardens of babylon to the hanging gardens of china.. the issue is the business model.. it costs money to incorporate that in a design.. asphalt and concrete are simple and cheap..more profit to be made..
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie ?
Buy gold folks . Can’t you see what gurus are paid to do ?
Gee I hope nothing bad happens to you guys . You know
Continual gold shorting 24/7 . May you burn burn burn with mushrooms. Don’t go paranoid on me !!!