How would you like a brand-new home at less than half price? Not only is this possible, but there are people who do this all the time. So this morning, we push around some numbers and show you how you can build your own and make a sweet pile of equity in the process.
There is, however, one underlying educational requirement: You will need some basic woodworking skills. You can pick these up by volunteering to help others who are building property, there are night classes, and even books like David Snell’s book “Building Your Own Home (18th edition)” which makes the point that about a third of all new single-family detached homes are “self-built.”
In today’s world this means a $350,000 home can be self-built for about half that amount – and how would YOU like to step into a new home with $175,000 of equity and a house payment half as large (and about half as long) as others in your ‘hood?
First, though, some fresh data to sniff and then a tackle of the ChartPack as we try to wrap around the insane rally Tuesday.
Caffeine and calculator ready?
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Nice piece of work today G-Pops, should be required reading in ALL middle schools (grade 6-8) across the country… after we re-educate the masses regards basic Maths..1+1=2, 2-1=1..Janet, Grome, Slo
Nobody believes the made up numbers anymore, Hardly anyone believes the made up president/admin/congress.. Its long running joke on US – and I aint laughing..
Good morning. Thanks for the link to Stu’s site. I book marked it.
You know along while back. Before I met you. I did a study on serial killers. Having read most of Anne Rules books, One thing I noticed that Anne didnt was, Dahmer, Bates, Bundy, Ridgeway and uhhhh what is his name? Gates! All got busted durring super hot summers. That is when they got caught. Interested to note that the serial killer known as the zodiac stopped killing right before record summer temperatures same with the jack the ripper. They both stopped the year before record temperatures in the summer. And all those serial killers that got caught. They all got caught durring record temperatures in the summer.
I don’t know why that is. Just noticed it. You know Musk said something in a interview exactly what I said about 10 years ago. It was in his interview with Rogan. But I had said the same exact thing about 10-12 years ago. I know my own words.
Most people are good people, even the best have a little bad in them and the worst have a little good in them. Eveyone is trying to do their best. That is what my observation is. Seeing my “friend” the bad guy the other day. I honestly tried to help him at one point turn to the good side. He said nah. The only thing I’m good at is being the bad guy. Lol. And having not seen him in quite a few years makes me wonder if he was sent to take of me or someone else or was watching over me because he knew someone else was sent to take care of me. Which has happend before and he took them out before they got to me. But I been being good for the most part.
Elon said in his interview 1% of the world is truly good and 1% is truly evil. Eveyone else is a mix of varying degrees. Seeing “the bad man” the other day made me think of how hot it is and how when it’s hot, usually that is when serial killers get caught. That is the one thing they all had in common when they got caught. It was always durring super hot summers. Or shortly after a super hot summer.
The “bad man” isn’t a serial killer Kinda fella he is contract kinda fella. He probably reading these words as I write them now. Because he is good at shit like that and not being traced. I know he watches over me, other than when he experienced his NDEs he saw me on the other side, I think him watching over me gives him redemption. I can’t say for sure. If I’m the guy on the other side he saw. I don’t know. And I don’t know if watching over me gives anyone redemption.
I was also reminded this morning everything can turn on a dime. I’ve seen it before. Many times in my own life. Everything can go to shit and real quick like and everything can turn into abundance and prosperity beyond measure. In a single day. I’ve experienced both several times in my life.
I am baffled by how many Texas license plates I see you, oh. Someone is watching me. I didn’t write that. It auto wrote it. “I see you” hmmmm. Anyway. I’m baffled by how many Texas license plates I see up here. Oh it wrote it right that time. Hmmm. I don’t know what to think about it. I must have seen 30 cars yesterday with Texas license plates yesterday alone. It seems everyone in Texas is moving here. Or on vacation here. Maybe Washington will become a red state next round of votes.
Build a house. That is a great idea. I’ve had several conversations about buying a house lately. I’d rather not have that large of payment. I keep my output really small financially. I could go buy a Porche 911 Turbo but I don’t. I think it’s better to not have that payment and insurance and maintenance fees. Better to stack scratch and live to fight another day, from my perspective. Stay humble and kind. Just because you can make a major purchase? Doesn’t mean you have to. Best to stop and think for a while before doing stuff like that. I’ve done alot of stupid stuff in my life just because I could and later found out. I shouldn’t have. So I sit and think now. Let THE DUDE take the Lead and show me the way.
I’m fucking tired and I thought I was going to have a heart attack yesterday. Not sure why but I delighted in my return to eternity. But I won’t die for a long long time Here. Got a long road to ho. In the end, I will be satisfied with my work. That much I do know. Like the 10 adults and 12 children who stepped off the schooner “exact” and on to what is know now as Alki Beach. 168 years later it became a sprawling metropolis and home to 2.5 million seattlites, the home of Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Starbuck, Boeing, etc etc. Cars, trucks, scooters, electricity, jimmi Hendrix electric guitar, Bruce Lee, tvs, computers, cell phones, sports events holding 68,000 people at one time. Way beyond what anyone who stepped upon the beach that day could fathom beyond their wildest dreams, 168 years ago when they looked at a land filled with trees and things unknown.
Same with the work we do here now. The spiritual work.
So we look for a serial killer to get caught soon, and make the news. As it seems that is a consistent pattern with super hot summers.
Afa Texas and Oklahoma heat. O ffs, as song goes, you supply the last word
“And I will hang around as long as you will let me, darling.
And I never minded standing in the ______. ”
Well, there ya go.
Truly I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate! It is my hope you are as well!
Grabbing gears to greenlake today.
See ya around I’m sure. Don’t forget, “we don’t sweep and shovel out darkness. We simply open the blinds and let the light do what it does.”
The kybalian.
The only youtube video I have ever seen, that didn’t have a single dislike on it. Only likes. Interesting. Out of all the songs I’ve listened to and videos I watched on YouTube. No dislikes. Hmmmm
Seems appropriate
Que: ~ blinded by the light ~
Oh yeah interesting George. Remember when I was being hard pressed to go take that Security job, shown all them boxes with the word success written on them, after I got let in the gate at the Mariners game opener. How I was seeing rapid advancement, all these things that said do it! But instead I went back to driving big rig. And evryone was romancing me so hard to take that job???
2 days ago they hired someone else to fill that spot they really wanted me to take. I still work out there time to time. Just backstage, pass gate and Baracade. Only for the fun of it. I drive. That is what I do. Been at it for a while. Work with the dirt, and quarys and mines.
Interesting to note, the fella they hired for that position, his nickname is Vader because he sounds like Darth Vader when he breaths. He has some respiratory thing.
And if that isn’t a sign for me choosing the right path even though i had been being shown over and over success, dreams come true, advancement etc. Etc. A dream job, hang out with the rich and famous, be discovered! Over and over and over take that security job! . I chose to move dirt and work with the earth instead.
I could have ended up in Darth Vader position. Huh.
Good to know I’m not doing Dart Vaders job. I chose wisely.
Always let THE DUDE take the Lead on things. And there is nothing that pausing for a moment and having a think about it, doesn’t help.
Trippy. I’d honestly rather be “something I can love and understanding” as the saying goes.
Another good one today sir. In my experience building houses, (3 so far), I can honestly say after each one I swore Never Again! Mostly since I was still working side gigs along with the regular job and I had been told that I was not the easiest construction manager to work for since some said I was too picky how things should be done.
We still own House #2 in town where we raised our 3 children and recently installed Son #2 after our tenants decided to move to some really nice senior living facilities.
My medical scare last year had the wife ready to move us back to town but I convinced her not yet. I did promise her that if things got bad enough we would. The daughter tries to tell her “Mom, you don’t want to be a Townie”. So we do have a fallback if needed I suppose.
Hay thefts are being reported. Hate the idea of moving it, AGAIN, to safer areas but it beats the alternative. There goes the fuel budget.
Stay safe. 73
Oh I did see a whole fleet of wild bunnies this morning. Not sure if it’s called a “fleet” or not. But about 30 wild bunnies passed infront of my car this morning. I don’t think I’ve seen that many wild bunnies grouped and traveling together before.
Duely noted
Well, since I married a bunny, lol – I’d say you’re about to be overrun with wild life.
Enjoy the hell out of it!
Side – Hustles [ for seniors ]
I have a few going right now
1] Market trading – doing very well right now., but this will change as the recession hits and be dramatically different in a deep depression. Currently working on ideas and changes to compensate. Been at it too long to just ‘stop’.
2] Shooting instructor [ pistol ] Though I have cut this back as the quality of local clientele has dropped somewhat in recent years. Though my last student was quite good., and being a deputy sheriff I wasn’t ‘too’ concerned with him being a whacko. [ occasional pistol repair – but I don’t have a large parts inventory – so I limit what I will work on.]
3] Monthly poker game. I have never lost. Always come home a winner. [ My dad taught me at the age of ten., with even a short course on which bourbon to order. Blanton’s is still a favorite., but getting very expensive. ] But, I fear this will go penny ante when the recession / depression hits., so I won’t be counting on that very much except for contacts and barter / trade.
4] “The Misses” has a couple small side-deals going., but after 30 years in the banking industry she is done., and not very interested in any kind of hustle. Her ‘job’ now seems to be convincing me that I really don’t need another sub-hilt, Damascus fighting knife., or another order of freeze dried ‘what-ever’. She may be right !
“books like David Snell’s book “Building Your Own Home (18th edition)”
In my life I have built two homes and a few garages.. my dream home has never been been built by me .. sought it ever will.. ( structured earth ship )
My first home total cost with infrastructure was 12000.00..
I had picked up a vhs video of a really cute blonde..she built the house in thirty minutes lol..all the way through I was going yeah I got this lol..permits , and a quick survey.. trenches came in did the footings I was ready to go..the snags I got were skimmed over on the video and nothing mentioned in books.. it was also obvious to make structured floor joists..the cost for each one..was double but worth it to do it that way.
I got the floor laid out and done a pike of wood and a eare 2 days off.
I got up early and went out to begin.. set up my saw horses etc..and a couple cars showed up..the another..50 people even two them members of the broncos. I was shocked.. the biggest surprise was a friend.. he had been planning a guide trip to the wilderness to go salmon fishing with his two brothers.. he saved for years to was his dream vacation..I asked why.. he said.. well I remember one of the worst winter traveling furnace would stay lit two babies and we were freezing..through the blizzard you came trudging with two tires to toss around the chimney.. I wouldn’t miss being here for anything. That touched me..more than he will ever know.. anyway the house went up in two days.. it took me two weeks to do the interior..
I had to sell that house to clear up a hospital bill after our health insurance went bankrupt on our was a surgical bill for one of the kids.
The second house my wife Nd I found a little 16 by 24 she’d that had been converted into a sleeping quarters for an elderly quickly became obvious that all we had was standing room.. a hold that was to young to take on the responsibility of parent we now had a house full.
After one of the worst snowstorms if the century there was 6 in that little space.. it was obvious thatI had to build.. working 2 full time and one part time jobs..the plan was to have a foundation put in gor a 30 by 30 one room schoolhouse that I could have.. 20 foot ceilings.. but the community said no..I had to add on.. the original plan add on then later tear off the old section..
Went to the only banker that would write me a loan.. all I could qualify to get was 25000.00 .two year balloon high interest loan. almost half of that was for the foundation alone..
Hired one of the biggest contractors he required money up front..( don’t do it) that is where I got my ten thousand dollar hammer lol.. they took the money and I had to revise everything..
What do I cut.. second biggest mistake .. I could save almost seven hundred by lowering the pitch of the roof.. with all the drama setbacks etc . I didn’t get started till the 28th of july.. and this time.. it was just me..
One of my day labor vacation relief jobs was framing at a mobile home construction plant..they use a framing table..I could handle a ten foot wall section by myself.. so ten foot framing table was in order.. ( with headers and hurricane bracing ten foot is to heavy for 1)
The other mistake.. don’t let what someone else say upset you…
I was busier than hell.. trying to get this done before snow fall and lack of money because of the concrete guys..the first part of October roof not on ir the trusses.. and two people talking to the boss commenting you know he’ll never get this done … it will take him at least ten years.. I was upset..put up a two foot wall.. no level thinking to myself dam it pick up a hammer… and I slammed that wall in place nailed the snot out of it.. it’s a half inch out of square.. everytime I walk by is my constant reminder..
Then.. time for the electrician.. he has thirty homes to do..backs out.. the same with the plumber. Now I had to figure out both of those . Because of a mistake and improper packing caused me one he’ll of a mess a couple years ago..I didn’t know.. for the electrical a two dollar book at home depot..and an old copy of the code book….
We moved in two weeks before thanksgiving.. not done but a work in progress.. the loss of over a third was a challenge and we had to just stop.. pick those things off one at a time..
The take aways.. if you do.. and there’s a required deposit..set up a scheduled account where the money is theirs but has to be signed out by both parties.. make sure they bond the job .. follow the regulations..
Get proper permits.
I’ve done it living in isn’t anything fancy but its home..
Do your research..
When covid came up and building materials went through the roof..the material costs was 137thousand.. plus infrastructure land etc. Where you can put a house up for 75 if you use earth ship technology
The heat is building as is the sense that we’re all heading nowhere fast. Seems the clutch is bad, slipping too much. Gonna be some real dog days pretty soon…
Let’s talk about leveraging that $2,000 into something meaningful in the short term. My goal is to enjoy my life in what few years I have left, inheritance be damned. Like blackjack – hit, hold, or fold. Maybe it’s time for a refresher on the penny well spent or the compound interest lesson…
Let’s really push it. How about creating derivatives with a personal budget?
Thinking about the stock market, Biden bailed out the pension funds earlier in the month. The good times are rolling.
Net take home pay has never been this bountiful, and bought so little.
Pray for our destruction, so that we can live.
Drunk driving a bus. Ram the trees now and only kill the first eight rows. Wait and more rows of folks have to die.
Don’t worry. It was just gas. I’m not dying anytime soon. LOL even then if I did? I’d come back in about 4 to 10 minutes here time.
Pretty interesting puns tho. A heart attack but it was gas. Hahaha.
I will catch up on peoples hopefully Sunday. I’m working my ass of right now.
Everyone worries about death and I’m like yay! Hahah
Also been seeing alot of language on the landscape aka language of creation talking about “Jones town”.. hmmm that is new.
Keep the residence under a 1000 SF, and build a larger garage or barn. Be careful about installing HVAC on outbuildings, due to tax considerations.
Find someone to counsel on property tax before submitting plans or breaking ground. In some locations, an unattached garage with no HVAC is taxed at a much lower rate.
One neighbor put plumbing and HVAC in a barn. She is being taxed at full residential rate on the whole, enormous structure. Putting an apartment in a structure like a barn backfires here.
Also, concrete is considered a “permanent” building material and in many jurisdictions, property tax is determined not just by the buildings and the land, but also by the square footage of finished concrete on the property.
Some years back, I wanted a basketball court and a HAM shack, and talked to a local paver. I told him “concrete,” he told me “asphalt,” then explained that asphalt is a “temporary building material” and would contribute nothing toward my property’s taxable value, but that I would pay forever, for a 42×50 (half-court) concrete slab. He also told me to either build the shack as a pole building or as a block foundation on a poured footer.
Asphalt has its limits. It won’t sustain a small wheeled forklift the way concrete does. It’s not a great surface for a heavy equipment shop, or even a garage. I suppose it could be built to do so with the right mix, but I’d find out the tax consequence of concrete first. It may be worth the extra cost.
Rules are all over the place. Some areas prohibit a barn/garage structure larger than the house. Others recognize that a garage without HVAC is only useful for storage. Some just don’t care.
The formation on the Daily Chart at 3 (2) is a rising pennant.
In my experience those always go down when they reach the end.
Just my 2 cents worth.
We’ve gone from Net Exporter of Cheap reliable US energy to this……..
Uh oh, didn’t Oilman2 tell us way back when that the cheap oil isn’t there any longer? The KSA camel’s back is broken?
Fear not, the White House schedule today has Mr. Biden aboard AF1 destined to the mothballed coal-fired Brayton Point, Md. power plant switching over to wind power. 804mW output says the ‘Mayflower Wind’ Anglo-French-Spanish consortium!? Sure. Blow me down would say a woked-up Prince Harry, possible future First Gentleman.
Jester, your theory is .
Fascinating. You would have to relinquish your Title and Patents [check]. Would the Queen Mother be sending someone to watch over the new financial system for the City of London??
Check mate.
Had a friend who asked why England stopped warring with US after 1812?
A: Because they really own more of our own banking after being bailed than we.
fyi. Says here Alaska’s got a whole s@*t ton of oil.
The future is electric, buy Dan killing oil, its a shame they had to fabricate such a huge gap between having no energy unless and until substantial availability and adoption of the new electric paradigm has occurred.
Tulips these: Right on schedule. Or is that shezzyoull?
” the dishwasher. The old one has been working fine, but a little rust showed up on the rack recently and Elaine reminded me that we will need a new one, sooner or later.”
the other thing.. make sure you get the extended warranty.. the new ones are not built as sturdy as the old ones.. and make sure that the extended warranty they have a service center close by.. I bought the top of the line stainless steel most expensive model from a hardware store dealer .. had it installed.. only to find out.. that when it was manufactured.. they failed to put in a seal around the door.. it leaked.. a quick call and the big name manufacturer said they would send out a technician.. only to discover the nearest technician they had was three hundred and fifty miles away.. they came down assessed the issue and didn’t have one on the truck.. went back and ordered one.. a month later they drove back down and put it in.. a month later.. the circuit board came out.. this time the technician three hundred and fifty miles away refused to travel to fix it.. it took three months.. they got a technician from chicago.. it was the circuit board.. it took another month and a half before they drove back.. three months later.. the same dam circuit board went out again.. they had one hell of a time getting a technician to assess the issue.. eventually they got someone from just as far away..when I asked what is the deal with this.. well it is a design flaw.. the company this time didn’t want to spend anymore money so they gave me my money back.. I bought the cheapest one they sell at a local appliance dealer with in store technicians..
That sounds shockingly like my adventures with a Maytag Neptune washing machine.
That washer was nearly $1400, 23 years ago. It is the reason that for the past 20 years, I’ve used a (ca. 1980) Kenmore Model 70 I bought off eBay, for $35.
I _didn’t_ get my money back — never got the notice for the class action suit and didn’t learn about it until the filing window had passed.
“That sounds shockingly like my adventures with a Maytag Neptune washing machine.”
Hmm same manufacturer lol lol.
I now only buy from companies that service what they sell..
My 1995 Maytag Washer and Dryer (not Neptune, not sure what that is!), are still working fine.
I would not trade them for a new one of each.
My 1995 Amana Fridge from Montgomery Ward still working perfectly. It is also laid out very well, with the freezer/ice maker on top. I can fit more in that fridge than everyone with those new fangled models.
We moved last year, and I was telling off the ‘hired help’ cause they were being rough with my appliances/machines….do not do that!
Met a plumber, his wife came into an inheritance, she wanted all new: w/d, fridge, dishwasher, and guess what he told me? ALL of them failed within the first year, the fridge and dishwasher failed in six months, he said he wished they had just kept what they used to have.
The new washers don’t fill up enough. If you open the lid, they stop, some you can’t peek in them NOR start the load over, at any stage, because they will empty and start over from the beginning…what a waste of water and detergent.
They are not better, just more difficult.
Just like the toilets.
Just like the lawnmowers.
Just like almost everything the new world order has touched.
I lived in a main, supposedly desirable city, and in my old home my electric bill, even in the hottest of summer months rarely went over $65.00; so these old models were energy efficient as well.
“do away with the dishwasher completely. I know – “How could you???” Well, people do live without them. And so, over the course of a 12-year service life – ”
OTFLMAO… that sounds like my father inlaw… LOL LOL.. their hot water heater burned out.. his response was.. WE DIDN”T HAVE ONE WHEN WE GOT MARRIED… and had mom heat water on the stove LOL LOL LOL… its a convenience we are all use to..
Our dishwasher that we had.. was almost two grand.. extra large capacity stainless.. nice unit.. poor design.. stuff today are not desigend to last.. they are designed to be tossed.. buy new.. the kids spent a grand.. on a washing machine.. the balance springs are worn already.. they have had it two years.. the closest service repair is several hundred miles away.. they did send out the four balance springs.. but then the company decided to hire a company to drive that far for a warranty repair.. they are just sending out a check for what they paid for it.. I have told all the kids to learn appliance repair.. become a plumber.. my issue hear is getting a plumber.. its less work to mate an elephant or pull teeth from a tiger than it is to get a plumber.. you get that.. sure it will be a couple days bull shizt .. become an air conditioning installer repairman.. they make as much as a doctor.. everything is designed to fail.. that is why when I had the dryer fixed the last time I had commented to the repairman about how complex they made simple daddy maintenance jobs.. his response was.. yup that is why I tell everyone to buy spreed queen.. they still make them in the USA and use the old design they have had for year.. I bought the set a week later..
get this LOOB,
when the BCM was building the Belizean getaway digs – we had to decide on a dishwasher or not for new kitchen. Being an NeverAgainVolunteerYourself vet – I already am an accomplished dishwasher- I mean like mad skillets! Anyway I volunteered to be the “dishwasher” – and we forwent a machine.
Every fancy schmancy Nancy up on the beach – put in the latest model with all the bells and whistles -everyone of em.
These rich ass DNB’s dont know squata regards central america/jungle up to the beach line – salt water. Every one I know with a dishwasher down Belize ways is using good ole elbow grease and Dawn now, while they look on in frustration at their expensive ass useless “worksaver”..not to mention what caustic lyes the dishwashing detergent is telling the Septic Tank..
Dont forget – no bitcoin 4 U or G ! ; )
I have washed dishes for almost 30 years, and many years before that in a large family.
I have a dishwasher now (I didn’t for 26 years), but I do not use it.
I have had strangers compliment me on my hands, of all things.
Dishwashing for me, is a like mowing the lawn, I can immediately see the fruits of my labor, look out the window at nature, plan my dishwashing strategy, what am I washing first, second, third.
I love washing dishes.
I wash my dish every day by hand. It only takes a second or two. I also wash the spoon. Most people make really complicated meals that use even more things that need to be washed.
Moved into my late grandfather’s house in 2013 and took ownership at a foreclosure auction in 2015 (long story, but a pox on anyone associated with reverse mortgages). Shortly after his death, a family member claimed the dishwasher was theirs so when we moved in there was an empty space below the counter. It was an ideal location for both trash cans (regular trash can plus a can for the paper trash that gets burned – we only pay for one trash can picked up once a week). In 2020, wife finally got a dishwasher, which meant finding a place for the trash cans.
We’re a household of two, and we have a full load every 2.5 days, which means every three days we run a loaded dishwasher and hand wash the extra stuff that won’t fit. The minimum wash cycle is 120 minutes, and even with heated dry, everything on the upper rack has to be towel dried. There have been times (when the wife is out running errands) when I have pulled out the dish rack and had everything washed and put away within thirty minutes, but don’t tell her that.
I don’t wash dishes when I’m working around the place — haven’t washed ’em in about 2 1/2 weeks, but I’ve also been living off the restaurant that’s 3 miles up the road. I have about a half-sinkful of dishes, and it’s supposed to rain Sunday or Monday. It will take me exactly 8 minutes to wash & rinse, rack them, and hand-dry the stainless & glass, and I am anal about clean dishes.
One of the best things I ever did was jerk the dishwasher out when my oldest was approaching age-7. My kids all know how to wash dishes by hand, and for at least two of ’em, the knowledge has served them well…
“Let me go through this with the eye of a seasoned DIY’er and show you what I think as good a home (actually, quite a bit better) could be build for:”
Wow.. if you can get those materials for that cost now.. GRAB IT….
those prices reflect 1994.. most kit homes today do not come with appliances.. then you have the dirt work.. plumbing.. etc.. lately on million dollar mansions.. they have been using a cardboard sheeting on the outside.. because regular sheeting is so much..
that is a small house two stall garage at todays DIY pricelist… another quarter million for land and infrastructure.. that is the building windows shingles siding etc…. then you have wiring etc.. none of that is included.. but can be for whatever copper or plex is going for.. depends on your code.. and then building permits and all the regulations and prices associated with it.. half mil.. on a DIY home.. and you have to do all the work.. the concrete etc.. all extra.. Now an earth ship home.. you can use sand bags.. or rammed earth.. a lot cheaper.. and even that you would be getting into the hundred thousand dollar range.. depending on what lot costs are.. and if your in the outback.. what is the cost of a septic system or can you get the rural water hookup.. a friend looked at a piece in the country.. just the land and the permission to build there was sixty thousand dollars.. the septic system was another eighteen to thirty thousand.. what is the soil composition etc…
It is all feasible.. I bought a rammed earth press for a few reasons.. I had one sent to a mission that was building a school clinic and worship center.. and one for here at home..
my cost was three hundred fifty a piece for them.. shipping to the mission was nothing.. the shipping to me was twenty five hundred..
1/2 price … unlikely
Here at least you have some really HIGH costs on the front end BEFORE you can even start to build your own.
Land …. no 50% off deal there
Driveway … no 50% off deal there
Electric drop … no 50% off deal there
Well … no 50% off deal there
Septic that is Health Dept APPROVED … no 50% off deal there.
Foundation that is Bldg Dept approved … no 50% off deal there
Around here those items add up to between 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost of the house. If you buy a lot off of a developer that has all that stuff already done to build your house again it adds up to 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of the house.
My son and I have talked about those issues and concluded that around here for the cheapest way to get in you need to find a run down place to effectively tear down/replace – but alas you have to at least leave part of it up for grandfathering in the well and septic since if you totally rip it down VOILA all the new (expensive) standards apply!!
Wells …. when my son priced having a new well drilled because he wanted to change the location of his well he was quoted $10,000 to $15,000 (and in his area it doesn’t have to be deep).
Septic System … the people across his road put in a new one just before the County and City decided they were going to run sewer down the middle of the road and for their APPROVED new septic system it ran $30,000 (now 5 years old may be pricier today). Tap fees for the new semi rural sewage system that is going in he told me were about $20,000 (he is switching over from septic to sewer – better for resale down the road – but got a deal since they are taking part of his property for the road expansion as they put in the sewer so he is getting a FREE tap as part of their negotiated purchase price.
Electric … how many feet do they need to run it in to from the electric out by the road? Local electric utilities here are charging $100 – to $150 per foot … so for most places rural around here you are looking at $10,000 to $30,000. Hilly or wooded areas they are quoting $200+ per foot.
Add it all together, assuming 2 acres at $20,000/acre (farmland here is going for $14,000/acre if you are buying a BIG chunk of land – higher prices for smaller chunks) adds $40,000.
Add it all together and you are looking at $100,000+- up front BEFORE the driveway grading, gravel and drainage pipes, and the foundation work for the property (say another $30,000+-).
Since everything almost always costs over budget say $150,000 total BEFORE you put in a single piece of lumber into the structure.
That fits into the budget I heard a couple of friends of mine talk about last summer who built new homes on their parents old farms … $400,000+-, and they got the land FOR FREE! $150k for the supporting infrastructure, $250k for the house itself.
My son I think hit the nail on the head. The ONLY way to do it economically, at least around here in farm country, is to buy a run down place and “add on” so that all that expensive crap like approved septic, approved well, servicable driveway, electric drop are already INSTALLED and part of the deal. (he thinks once you build the new part of the property about 5 years later you can even get away with TEARING DOWN the old structure not need need a new approved septic and well)
For a $350,000 house then you are talking about saving 1/2 of $200,000, NOT 1/2 of $350,000, in reality probable about saving 1/3 of that $200,000. Still a good savings, but it is going to take you a full year or more to construct the place.
This is why some of us live in the free states. Ohio? CA? NY? NM? Nope. Democrats are all about keeping the working man down – which is why they love labor unions – another sellout to The Man
“Around here those items add up to between 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost of the house. If you buy a lot off of a developer that has all that stuff already done to build your house again it adds up to 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of the house.”
Exactly.. now if your in a real rural area.. five miles away from us..the codes change and no building permit is needed.. a guy I know bought a house in the city decided to put new windows in it and take out the old plaster.. it all went to new code and he never finished it..
I was actually lucky having to add on.. and after it was long enough.. I ended up using the old section of the cottage ..
“but it is going to take you a full year or more to construct the place.”
That totally depends.. I built ours in three months..all while working 2 full time and one part time jobs.. the framing table was the trick..draw out the walls with deminsions and placement the walls were made and numbered..laying the plate took the longest.. one 10 foot wall with 2 windows that sicker was heavy and I didn’t have the umpf to hoist it in place, I ended up helping take some trees down to get their help..roof rafters mow that was a challenge..better if there’s three ..two to walk it one to nail it.. making sure their level and square..
A huge challenge was the sheeting for the roof.. my god to toss a sheet up then place it.. zig zag so there are no sheer areas. A nightmare as one person.. I actually had heat stroke doing the roof that really affects me today in the heat..
I’d live to make a ramned earth home.. luckily my son inlaw is an engineer doing big projects around the country..they just finished something big in marks grandson is a construction engineer if the old man started it.i think that I’d hopefully have help lol..if not from a bunch of college kids.
I hot the block press after having a lucid dream that it would be needed at a later date..
“Electric … how many feet do they need to run it in to from the electric out by the road? Local electric utilities here are charging $100 – to $150 per foot … ”
Not to mention the pole or farmer I know had to run a line almost a quarter of a mile..I forget how many poles he had to buy.. rural water.. or dig a well.. big costs..
Electric at that price your better off going off grid even there there are costs involved..meeting codes..
Out here people do DBC (*direct bury cable) and put a shorty pole for the connection by the road. The rest can be done with a ditch witch and a little tractor work for next to nothing. Then you’re down to wire costs/.
“Out here people do DBC (*direct bury cable) and put a shorty pole for the connection by the road.”
The utility companies here did this a couple of years ago around here.. four foot down.. they had a wedge piece on the one end that they could turn the pipe.. and a guy with a metal detector.. that way to turn the pipe up down or to either side.. all they had to do was twist the pip.. and the angle on the lead end would float up down or to the side.. it was real slick .. they did quarter mile sections at one time.. it was amazing.. the machine they used was about the size of a ditch witch..
when they put the conduit down they did the whole thing in about three hours.. made several turns.. it was pretty slick operation.. of course I was out there to watch.. just two holes the entrance and the exit .. conduit went along with the drill head.. at the end they unscrewed the drill head and with drew the cable it was hooked to.. as they pulled the cable back they snaked the wires.. all one and done.. to the next city block.. in the country they still use the poles.. one gent we had live in our spare room.. had to do four miles of wire.. to get the electric to his farm.. said when they put in a heavier service he just took the tractor and had a spool hooked up to the wheel and wound it up..
You have to cut square footage to cut price. This rules out HOA-inflicted lots, and many urban areas. I favor small, not tiny. Paring down improvements and luxury upgrades reduces cost further. The goal is to provide livable space, not keep up with the J___es.
Acting as general contractor, and subcontracting activities requiring licensing or inspection will cut costs.
I have been moving furniture around to investigate smaller layouts. I could get by with less square footage and still maintain comfort.
You are correct- utilities and comm services usually cost the same regardless of size, largely because the utility and comm companies subsidize the installation. If you reduce the number of utilities, you cut connect costs. I have electricity and water services. Everything else comes through the air.
I would not have 1/2 as a goal, I would go for 1/4, or less. If you are building on a site which can be secured and allows you to take your time, then building for cash out of pocket over a couple of years will bring costs down further. It gives you more time to shop around, and figure out how to do stuff yourself. And if you are sufficiently pitiful, you might get some volunteer help.
Ohhhh shit. I’m soooo dumb sometimes. I just figured it out. One of my ex’s is a former 5 time Dallas cowboy cheerleader. And came in second at the hooters national championship pagent. She turned into stalker when I broke up with her. I thought she was going to screw me to death when we were together. After u broke it off. All my buddies kept telling me to stop complaining about having a former Dallas cowboy cheerleader stalker. Ohhh the owls I saw ‘hooters” and lexi the cheerleader in her cowboy boots and daisy dukes last week.
Ohhhh fuck I thought someone was trying to kill me. It’s either the return of Kel or Lexi or someone else. Ohhh fuck.
I didn’t see her for 7 years. Then the day after my divorce was with a buddy at Walmart and I heard way across the store annnddddyyyy! And it was her. My buddy said wow! Who is that. I said that is my ex. He said Holy Cow! That is your ex? She is a 10. I said ya, she is a former Dallas cowboy cowboy. We talked and she got my number and left. My buddy said wow! She is probably the hottest woman I’ve ever seen. I said ya but she is batshit! He looks at me and says Andy like attracts like and started rubbing all over me. I said what are you doing? Don’t be weird. He said im trying to get some of that batshit off of you and on me so I can have a smoking hot cheerleader obsessed with having sex with me. Hahahah ohhh “we are not hauling Walmart groceries here”.
Oh and what you said on the phone George, about “living forever. ”
Last I was with her, I had a remote in my hand and kept hitting the button pointing it at her. And she said what are you doing? I said trying to put it on pause. She said what? I know that look and we already has sex 3 times today. She said listen to me Andy. I’m from the south. The way we do things down there is It’s my job to make you praise Jesus in the bedroom and it’s your job to say my cooking tastes good. That is how we do it in the south. I said don’t you think going to church 3 times a day is a bit excessive? She looked me right in the eye and said you know my favorite Hymm Andy? I said what is that? She grabbed my croch and said “just a closer walk with thee'” I said oh shit. Hahah
Can I take the killer option instead? Hahahah. **Joking. Man! “Heart attack”. Ohh shit ya. All the pieces just lined up.
I Think i have enough cowboy in me for a. 8 second rride.h hahahha
ahahhaa. I don’t think it’s her. But now I under stand killer and Kelli sounds the same. I’m not good at understanding the language of creation. But I’m getting better at it.
Could be my favorite Seahawks cheerleader. Or lexi or someone else. Ohhhhhh fuck. “All my ex’s live in texas” hahahahahhaahahha
Funny DUDE!
When i see her?
As they say ATR? Giddy up!
Ahem…your post was minutes after my bunnies note, roflol a couple of misguided monks…
Jahahahh I sent you a picture of a Texas license plate. Now I understand! I seen 26 of them by noon today. Hahahahahahhahahhaha
I’m so dumb sometimes. Hahahahhaha
Yes sir! Hahahahahah
Oh my Andy.. what a way to go .
Screwed to death…
Reminded me of a joke..
Man goes into the doctors and says.. if you didn’t want to get a divorce how would you encourage your wife to leave.. the doctor ponders this and rubbing his chin..says sex..lots of non stop sex..if she doesn’t leave you it will wear her down so she gets really sick and she could end up hospitalized.. six weeks goes by .. the doctor concerned stopped by to see how it’s going.. on the porch sat the man all frail and sickly.. out pushing the mower looking fit and healthy was the wife..the doctor comes up to the porch and is it going.. the frail man chuckles and says..just look at her she doesn’t even know she only has a couple of weeks left… lol lol
“I Think i have enough cowboy in me for a. 8 second rride.h hahahha”
Tbe cowboy way.. with your boots and hat on.. as your going to town say… that’s not how the girlfriend and I do it.. then see if you can stay mounted for ten seconds..
Hi George, I came across this interview and thought to share it. Here’s an interview regarding the future state of affairs w cryptos being mentioned, the social credit score and the new financial system. Shocking actually.
George, good ideas here, many of which I’ve been living. One situation that can creep up on people is being asset rich and cash poor. This can happen especially when the economy turns and plans need to change. Awareness is important, as is the side hustle, if you have time for it. Many folks who are “retired” are either very busy already or can’t handle an eight hour day in one spell anymore. BTW, sweat equity can be in anything – cars, trucks, heavy equipment, furniture, jewelry, real estate, etc. I suppose it could even extend to art if you know what you’re doing and can monetize it.
I’ve noticed that you tend to speak in terms of couples. Many of us would like to be coupled, yet a bad mating is often worse than none at all. SS and SS advisers usually talk about couples, yet I think most SS recipients are singles – either because they were single at 65 or they lost their mate. Finding another that’s compatible is somewhere between challenging and a non-starter, depending on the person, so there needs to be the awareness that there’s no backup – people need to find a way to survive and thrive solo. I’m still doing the sweat equity thing because I can’t think of a better way to get necessary exercise. Climbing ladders and mixing concrete all day is probably as good as walking, but as we get older the weather can get harder to deal with, so there are limits. A couple can split work according to abilities – one might be better with people and the other better with mechanicals. When you’re alone, there’s no backup and everything needs to be done by yourself, regardless of whether or not you’re good at it. Not all of us are up to a random partnership for economic purposes alone, and unless you have good people skills, you can be ripe for the picking by the less honorable among us. IMHO, you(George) actually do have a marriage made in heaven, though the challenges that Elaine went through would be a bit much for anyone.
Lastly, if injections were necessary for SS benefits, I’d be losing mine. There are some red lines that can’t be crossed.
How do y’all afford those prices? My well was ~$10/ft, as were water and sewage (not connected — laid to make the place saleable) — $971 for the well, counting pump, ~$14k for the fluoridated water line and its exhaust, 10 years back, but still…
Junior and I built a 10×16 lean-to (4x4s, 2×4 studs & rafters {16″OC}, 3/4″ ply walls and 1/2″ ply sheathing under steel — all pressure-treated) three years ago for under $440 (still have to hang the doors, but it works). I had bought 23 4×5 plywood skids for $10. Some of them are serving as the floor of the lean-to.
This year: I’ve less than $300 in two new greenhouses, and will have another $350 in them by the time I get 300′ of Sch-80 laid, to plumb them (and any of their sibs I choose to buy later on.) They’ll be raised bed, with beds constructed out of pallet wood and set on concrete blocks. I’ve got two dozen black PVC barrels I paid a buck apiece for, to furnish thermal mass and catchment watering. (I bought 31, sold 7 @$10ea which paid for the U-Haul and gas to go get them — see how this works…?)
This stuff isn’t hard. We pay A LOT for convenience. If you live in a socialist central planning paradise it’s difficult to get around the local codes, inspections, & fees. (A friend in Michigan told me he does the work first and has his own licensed inspectors sign off on the work, before he applies for the $100+ apiece permits. That way the county can’t find fault and milk him for repeat visits.)
I simply chose, 40 years ago, not to live in any such place.
Europe is experiencing some problems with their Solar Panels, due to the heatwave. Temps of 104F seem to be having effects.
Helpful info …
Clif just sent out his occasional blurb and the article attached is about China. –
From Wall Street Silver tweet:
“Tanks are being put on the streets in China to protect the banks.
This is because the Henan branch of the Bank of China declaring that people’s savings in their branch are now ‘investment products’ and can’t be withdrawn.”
Coming to a bank near you soon?
We’re half-way there already. Several years ago, the relationship between a bank and a depositor’s money was rewritten. So now, the money you deposit into a bank is considered to be your “investment” in the bank, not an actual deposit. If the bank is losing money, it can take your investment to help cover it’s losses. If it doesn’t need your money, you can withdraw it as usual.
Your all a bunch of animals listening to a bloke on the payroll . Just buy gold Fark the USD real . Fib master is probably sitting on the porch eating pig and sarking piss and you blokes are hypnotised by his 4×2 moose hard training . Get a life buy gold . Send the Fed back to israhell take the body double potus
With yah
Wow another 10 bucks down gold . Hafra boys eatin pig sarken mohinos telling yah it’s all over . Buy more gold . No wonder the fib boy only got one !!! Jerome or nana Yellen comin over to party !!! Hava nagila hava nagila . Real good insertion .
I had an interesting experience yesterday afternoon.. took my mini me to an appointment… down the hall from the clinic is a tattoo parlor..
so the sandwich shop has tables and chairs so that patrons can sit in the hall and have a meal and enjoy the garden type atmosphere.. anyway.. I was sitting out there reading.. and a young lady came out of the tattoo parlor.. long big and tall mans shirt on.. hung down to mid thigh.. but something seemed odd.. hall full of people of course.. as she walked toward me I couldn’t help but stare.. what was it that was out of place is what I was thinking..
then it hit me.. LOL LOL LOL LOL she had on a shirt.. she was naked as she approached she knew I was looking she kind of smiled and then flipped open the shirt.. calmly walked to the exit across the parking lot to her car naked as a jaybird LOL LOL.. my brother inlaw took pictures of a lady in LA that walked around town in body paint.. this was the first time I seen a woman calmly walking along naked.. LOL LOL… a man my age could give ma a heart palpitations LOL LOL no one seemed to noticeexcept me ..
Metoprolol for LOOB! Stat!
Lol lol yes she was cute as could be she walked by she made sure to give me a flash lol totally bald lol lol
Must have been early twenties to.. and smiled when she did it.. lol
First: The Marxist-Capitalism hybrid of China’s will replay many of the U.S. features of Depression.
Second: The U.S. may – paradoxically – play something akin to the role of Great Britain in this go-round.
Three: Expect – like all major depressions – this one to result in a global war as the economic displacements (and destruction of savings) globally must take place.
Mr. Ure. You’ve Nailed it. Cover with blockchain and bake in a pre heated oven at 330 degrees. LOL , actually not so funny.
I have a little macular degeneration that was diagnosed when my daughter who is a doctor had some extensive tests done on my eyes. She just sent me this link
thinking that help may be on the way for me. I wrote back that you had made a light crown and were pleased with the results. She wrote back saying that Aldous Huxley had written a non fiction book on light therapy for his sight.
It’s been a while since I read what you wrote so am hopeful you can refresh my memory. Do you have that info available?
Sitting in the dark waiting for the light.
Thanks D Dog
Check the Peoplenomics Master Index pages and do a ctrl/f and put in the word light.
In there somewhere.
Elaine’s AMD is gone and my corneal hazing has abated a bit – high loads of vit c help, too along with an AREDA2 supplement daily
I do take the Areds2 which the doc said could help in thirty percent of the cases which gives me hope? So far doesn’t seem to be getting worse.
I have been trying to get to your index but have to admit I am not a paying customer of yours but a happy reader for many years. I know you are a very busy guy so thank you for your reply.