A fellow seeker of the “right path” took me to task overnight for the Monday column opening. Where I wrote “There’s not a hell of a lot to yammer about this morning….”
In which he pointed out that Evil is everywhere these days, a Drooler is coming for our guns (and seems fixated on 9 mm for some reason), and the planned – deliberately-created – famine ahead cannot be under-estimated. Especially as a government control mechanism.
All of which is True.
But let’s discuss my context: It’s all a matter of how each of us surfs our Time in Life.
See, even in the middle of the worst war ever, the most horrific stand-off hostage crisis, or the biggest conflagration ever to face the Fire Service – as these are just a few examples – time dilation kicks in. Monday offered a short pause.
First time I really “connected” with the space between the waves (of events) was (*strange story here), on a skid pad at the Skip Barber Racing School in 2001 at Laguna Seca.
Our instructor for the session was teaching us about patience and “being in the moment” during CPR. No, not the heart kind; the letters mean (*while sliding around on a track sometimes over 60-100 MPH that good cornering involves Control of your turn entry point. Then comes the Pause while the vehicle suspension “loads up” as indicated (usually) by the front right or left corner of the vehicle dropping as weight is shifted forward -= first from the hard braking going into a corner, and then additional suspension loading as the developing G-forces build as turn radius sharpens effects on the outside front corners of the vehicle.
And then you wait and judge. And wait.
Depending on your adrenaline, and how much of that martial-arts time dilation is going on, it can seem like a very long time when (to the point finally) it seems like nothing is going on.
In racing, flying, sailing, and I suppose skydiving (I’ll have to ask my son about this sometime) there’s an “expandable moment of waiting” as events unfold on Univers’s time, not human time.
Eventually – semi-detached and relaxed because you’re in the space between waves (of everything from between raindrops to between continental subsidences) this Pause before Next wears thin and then suddenly the moment of action arrives.
In racing, it’s Recovery as the wheel is put over and power applied. In flying it’s when the aircraft rolls into a smooth flare into ground effect.
Investing has its own version of the racing school this sort of “CPR training. ” Although it’s more like RGB. Research, Gamble, Balance.
The big waves are still running, as this fellow seeker pointed out. But then again, aren’t there always Big Waves running?
To be clear, Monday referred to the “Time Between Waves.” I think there was an additional reference to this (maybe not as well articulated) in an older Peoplenomics report “The Moment Before Touch.”
As a whole, this is one of the most important skills a person can acquire, and headspace to honor. From flows the source of Clarity Within Crisis. One of the finest personal strengths to grasp as you collect the secret “change keys” of life.
Keys found in the pause between raindrops; the smallest divisions of the larger storms in Life – always raging.
Raging Dollars, Raging Numbers
Meanwhile – back on the statistical battlefield – a runner has just arrived with this from Census:
- “April exports were $252.6 billion, $8.5 billion more than March exports. April imports were $339.7 billion, $12.1 billion less than March imports.
- The April decrease in the goods and services deficit reflected a decrease in the goods deficit of $19.1 billion to $107.7 billion and an increase in the services surplus of $1.5 billion to $20.7 billion.
- Year-to-date, the goods and services deficit increased $107.9 billion, or 41.1 percent, from the same period in 2021. Exports increased $151.3 billion or 18.8 percent. Imports increased $259.2 billion or 24.3
With this – and the pending inflation data Friday, there’s not too much reason to be wildly bullish – yet.
One Elliott wave take on market action since last November 8th, looks like this:
As is the nature of trend channels, the longer we delay moving to the downside (if that in fact is where we go – and there are alternatives), the further down the trend channel our lower target (orange circle) will slide.
That trend is still above 30,000 which implies there may be enough time for additional rally action. Because that would move the channel down more and get us into that idealized Wave 3 bounce platform down around:
Which hasn’t changed in weeks. But 29,000 on our Aggregate would be graceful. It’s like a “T-CPR” exercise – except this is more along the lines of Trend-Chart, Patience, Reversal.
Inflection points are the action points.
Stories Telling All
Maelstrom of the Waves running now:
Sure – the Clinton Body Count is all conspiracy theory. Well, except now Family of late Clinton advisor Mark Middleton block release of files relating to his suicide. Who was the “…Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times…” But, it’s all a coincidence, don’tcha know?
A less-crazy California in sight? We doubt it. Besides, maybe the CNN story California is about to experience a political earthquake. Here’s why is just a clever left-wing get-out-the-vote reminder.
The Wars are still smoldering: Russia deploys more troops, claims progress in east Ukraine.
Air Show for the NorKs to watch as US, S. Korea fly 20 fighter jets amid N. Korea tensions.
“Moon-walking Biden” expected as White House Again Defends Biden’s Trip to ‘Pariah’ Saudi Arabia. (If you don’t understand moonwalking, its looking like you’re doing one thing, when its really another. Or, as the UrbanDictionary explains “Moonwalking is when an attempt to move on from a past relationship miserably fails and instead you end up going back to your previous boy/girl friend.”
European Union egomaniacs strutting their shit, again. As EU reaches deal to make USB-C a common charger for most electronic devices. Oh, d’uh.
Showboating and gun control: New York Governor Signs 10 Gun Reform Laws After Spate Of Mass Shootings. Which ignores that NY already has tough gun laws and that none of the recent emotionally hot events took place there. NY has put a ton of money into marketing their incursion into constitutionally protected rights. You can see what they think an assault rifle is on this page.
ATR: Capt. Gooding on Squash
We were mighty pleased last weekend when a well-informed source, Capt. Gooding is his nom de plume, offered some great “profile management tips” on the Peoplenomics side of things here.
Today, he’s back. With some great prepping advice on squash of all things, since he has concerns about Squash Zilla growing in the Ure’s raised bed patch:
“Captain Gooding’s Muster Notes for June
June brings the official start of summer in the northern hemisphere. Memorial Day is behind us in the USA, days are long, nights short, and the heat is on outside across the nation. Gardeners who put in early crops are seeing brassicas bolt, and peas are just about done in all but the more northern states.
Alert readers are aware that we are looking at a high probability of food shortages in the coming months. But most Americans don’t have a root cellar in their back yard or under their basement. Most probably don’t have potatoes planted, either (although potatoes really are a fairly easy crop to grow.) But it might be a bit late to get potatoes (except for sweet potatoes) in the ground. In Virginia, for instance, potatoes are traditionally planted around Saint Patrick’s Day (17 March). June seems a bit late.
Captain Gooding would like to offer a suggestion that readers might try out this year: plant some winter squash.
Winter squash aren’t the soft skinned fruits of summer, like zucchinis, patty pans, and yellow crook necks and straight necks, that come in a seemingly endless rush along with the summer heat. While tasty (and somewhat overwhelming), summer squash aren’t very good keepers. They don’t freeze all that well. Not all varietals are much good for drying, and drying squash takes some work. Of course, if you are out of work, you’d have the time to try that, but if you are lucky enough to have a job (or jobs!), then you may not have the time to pursue drying summer squash.
Readers would do well to check out Carol Deppe’s wonderful book The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times (https://www.amazon.com/Resilient-Gardener-Production-Self-Reliance-Uncertain-ebook/dp/B004XOZ7HU) for full details on how to dry summer squash, and which varieties seem to do best.
But Captain Gooding suggests that the single best type of plant that readers should consider this summer are what are known as winter squashes: squashes with very firm, even hard skins. Readers might think this is about pumpkins, but it’s not, really. Pumpkins are a fall squash, with a tough, but medium firm skin. They’ll keep a few months into the late fall, but not much after that. Early Americans grew pumpkins mostly to feed and fatten up their livestock in the late fall and early winter, saving hay for later in the winter months. Chickens love to eat the inner flesh of broken open pumpkins, and most grazing animals will too, usually including the seeds, which ruminants like cattle and sheep are easily able to digest, shells and all. But pumpkins are not winter squash.
Winter squash are the acorn squash, the Hubbard squash, the butternut squash. They will keep for months and months, under ordinary indoor conditions. (Captain Gooding once kept Hubbard squash grown one summer in a back corner on the kitchen counter and they were good well into next spring time.)
Winter squash are usually yellow or orange fleshed, with a firm meat that is best baked or boiled. They make wonderful thick soups, full of the bright colors of the summer sun. They are highly nutritious, too. And that is what makes them such a good food crop. Almost every American could find a place for a harvest of winter squash somewhere in their homes. They do not need root cellar conditions.
And for the most part, winter squash are easy to grow. They are fairly resistant to disease. Their hard shells mean that they are mostly left alone by deer or other animal pests. They cover themselves with a dense blanket of large leaves, and a tangle of usually somewhat hairy stems, and grow quietly, usually unnoticed, under their solar collection system. As fall comes on, the leaves begin to wither and die off, and the squash are revealed. Harvest consists of clipping them off the vines and carrying them home. A bit of work with a garden rake will result in a pile of stems and withered leaves that can be left to dry out, and then burnt to ashes. That keeps away pests that overwinter in the stems, and the ash, when spread, puts a certain amount of nutrients back into the soil.
Squash seeds are easy to save, and many varieties are heirlooms, and thus have viable seed, generation to generation. Of all the home garden food crops that would make a possible big difference in keeping folks adequately fed over a following winter, winter squash are, in Captain Gooding’s opinion, the top of the pile.
And the good news is that they LIKE warm soil. They are a perfect plant to start in June. Those large seeds mean that even very young hands can help parents plant them, too. A string with knots tied at the right intervals can be stretched out over prepared soil, and little hands can plant a seed at each knot. Move the string, plant the next row, and on it goes. Winter squash usually start right out with fairly big leaves, as well, so there is an early visual reward for young farmers to see the fruits of their labor. (Positive feedback is important!) And then, they just get boring and big, and can be forgotten (more or less – watering them is useful in a dry year, but their leafy cover helps retain soil moisture very well, where other plants like tomatoes will suffer more from drought conditions.)
So, there, readers, is Captain Gooding’s advice for June muster – this would be a great year to plant a big batch of winter squash. Hubbard (the large tan squash with the very fat neck) generally seems to be the easiest and most successful of the lot to grow, but there are a good number of varieties to try out. The average hardware store usually will have winter squash seed, so they are easy enough to obtain. (But be sure to spread the separate varieties out in your garden or yard to avoid cross pollination, if you want a reliable harvest.) And check out Carol Deppe’s wonderful book for much more solid information and gardening wisdom!”
One last point (beyond Captain’s Muster) is I ordered a long-stem soil thermometer Monday. Seems I may have to augment the swamp cooler in the greenhouse cobbled on the recording studio. Some of the plants are “self cooking” and we’ve been collecting lots of dope on ideal soil temps.
More in an upcoming weekend report.
Meantime, off to corral some chow and make a food drive-by in town. Before the heat comes on. Only 95 today, but the outlook for Sunday is 103F. We may have to shoot deodorant commercials, or something. Two showers a day weather ahead.
Write when you get rich,
We’ve all heard, “the Aztecs disappeared suddenly”.
No food parts of an animal are wasted. People in Romania still sprinkle animal blood on their eggs for flavoring. Most European countries have blood sausage, blood soup… bone marrow delicacies.
Since we never found the pile of Aztec bones, perhaps they ate each other
Salmonella C..80% of the population – were wiped out in an epidemic named ‘cocoliztli’, meaning pestilence..
There are some theories that say similar to the fall of the Egyptian empire and other civilizations that many aztecs mass relocation. some are still living in the region.
I was talking to a guy who was having a hard time on Saturday. He told me about all his problems, drinking, chasing women, getting divorced, financial etc etc.
I offered to pray with him. He said ok. After we prayed I said, you are going to be just fine. He said how do you know?
I said you know how I can tell the difference between someone who is just whining and wants only attention but not a solution? The difference between the bullshiter and the true seeker?
He said how?
I said when I went to pray for you. The first thing you did was take off your hat and went into almost a form of what the military calls parade rest placing your arms down and infront of you.
When you did that you showed respect and you stopped, and let the solution take charge of your life. You recognized it’d authority.
I’m being romanced to go back to the security gig. I’m thinking about it. After I left, they really want me back. Offering me a very good salary. I asked THE DUDE his thoughts. I wait for his answer. Like Ure waves.
See ya around.
The wave will come but watch it gathering for you at a distance – let it come to you. It must
The Wavemaker decrees all.
Yes. Let it come to me. Very gold. #campingwithstrippers
I went to their New Employee Oreintation to run their back stsge and baracade part time for a few concerts. NEO.
There was this little yoda doll on the desk. And they gave me a bunch of candy. LOL
That is the 3rd time in a year I been to something with NEO on it. I work for a little bit at NEO moving company last year.
Pretty interesting.
But I would have to give up my good buddy the Dozer operator who yells at me atleast 4 times a day and calls me stupid when I dump my 50 ton load in the wrong spot. To wit I reply, a hand jesters blowing kisses at him.
We are moving alot of earth. My off road haul truck holds 50 ton. Did 90 loads in a single day last week. That 4500 ton. In a day. Last week I personally moved 35,000,000 lbs of rock and dirt. I a week.
All things being relative.
So, perhaps I’m back to wearing all black and keeping everyone safe, even from themselves.
Good story, Andy.
Key word, “respect.”
Everything changes. Molecules are in constant motion. Like the farmer who tills the soil, plants, harvests, plows under … repeats. Respect the Farmer, respect the process, grow with purpose.
The Dude knows the difference between the crop and the weeds.
Many are of us have hit frightening lows and exuberant highs. Things fall down around us but, not on us (with right attitude) – gratitude is the surfboard to ride waves.
We need to care and act as the water changes. Accept, and move foreword. – water cycles. Sea to air, to nourishing the crop. Without respect, one might drown.
(Make sense?)
Thank you, Andy, for sharing that moment with us. Much food for thought in so little words.
Up in our neck of the backwoods, we can usually get two potato crops a year, if we plant in April, one set is ready by July-August, then we plant the second batch which we dig in October. Usually they are Yukon golds, so maybe they grow faster, but this year we are trying it with German Butterballs. Squash goes in after the vine borers die off, usually the second week of June. Beans (climbing, not bush) always go in every year and we leave them until frost, then shell them by the woodstove in the snow season. Blue Hubbard is the keeper squash, although the early settlers grew Cushaws, which are hard to find around these parts.
“Body Count is all conspiracy theory.”
Even members of their personal security teams have had serious bouts of depression..
Yet it like the massive amount of questionable activities all covered over like the cats doodle in the cat box by the agencies sworn to protect the public.
The one that got a chuckle is the one that had committed suicide with two different caliber guns..
What surprises me.. your on a team where your friends and colleagues are experiencing the very same issues your working hard to keep out of the limelight.
Or your on a legal team where those that investigate or in the process of giving testimony..
Do you comply and cover over these things out of fear.. even though they are the cats covering over the stinky doodle.how do they stay loyal or comply to them or their questionable activities.the doodle is still there in the box and the cats covering the doodle are really the ones with the power not the doodle or its stink.
Why would they even want to be loyal to them..
What do they offer those that protect and cover over their activities to keep their loyalty..even though the odds are that they are in the exact same vulnerable place…
“What do they offer those that protect and cover over their activities to keep their loyalty”
Remember the end of October of 2016? Jim Comey re-opened the investigation of Hillary Clinton, remember? He didn’t do that because he was honest, but because Huma Abedin’s computer was confiscated by the Federal Court of the Southern District of New York, which was investigating her husband, Anthony Wiener, for sending pictures of his wiener to underage girls.
The prosecutor in charge found a copy of all those E-Mails which had gotten deleted from Hillary’s private server, and was going to make them public, so Comey re-opened the investigation to do damage-control for the Clinton campaign, and bury those E-Mails.
When Huma was asked why she had a copy of Hillary’s E-Mails stashed on her computer, her response was: “They are a life-insurance policy…”
This should be all which should EVER need to be said about “The Clinton Body Count…”
When Huma was asked why she had a copy of Hillary’s E-Mails stashed on her computer, her response was: “They are a life-insurance policy…”
Hmm..that’s no security…
Trump thought the laptop filled with so much deviant behaviors and documents of massive corruption was enough..good lord knows everything was on it and more..
Epstein was convinced his security videos and documents were enough as well.
The new guy lately that was called to give testimony thought he was secure as well..yet he hung himself then shot himself with a shotgun..
Julian Assange thought his collection of emails and documents was enough..his best case scenario is life in prison and he’slooking pretty depressed.
Look at the fake story of satanic pedophile group with thousands of photos videos etc..
None of it was enough.There wasn’tany safety net with them and the ones protecting them are all future targets.
So I am wonder if your coworkers are being targeted and anyone else .. how do they convince the ones with the guns that may be next.. that they are not a future target..
George, you ever get the feeling we are all in some hybrid blend of the Matrix, Star Wars, Willie Wonka, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and The Book of Revelations? I see parts of these all merging together in the world around me. It trips me out. Like all of these are merging into reality.
And I wonder how all this relates to me. What is my role in it all. Because if I can see it. It relates to me.
Hope to God I’m not a flying monkey
“you ever get the feeling we are all in some hybrid blend of the Matrix, Star Wars, Willie Wonka, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and The Book of Revelations?”
Heck @Andy I’ve felt like we’re in the twilight zone for over a year..
It’s not a hybrid.
Each of these, many other movies and television shows, and many F&SF books, are an approximation of someone’s best guess about who we are as a species, and where we’re going.
You are absolutely correct, but looking at the situ from the inside, instead of the outside — Such a view screws with your perspective. Unlike most people, you actually have the ability to move your perspective to outside, thus making the whole picture come into view…
“Hope to God I’m not a flying monkey”
Coming from you, that is uproariously funny! LOL! But if you were a monkey, I would place you as a ‘howler’.
But you’re just Andy.
What a great description of my psychological state!
This, Home Gamers, is all you need to know for the long trade. This will destroy all bank and exchange profiteering models and revenue on a go forward basis. Like killing oil to make way for the electric car, this will kill the NYSE legacy market rails/banks.
It will make a nice segue for the introduction of the BAKKT to take over. got Blockchain?
We grow a large patch of winter squash and pumpkins every year, for the very reason of ‘just in case’. Started 6 years ago or so. Most of them end up going to the animals, but its definitely true that the amount of food generated could sustain a family for quite awhile.
In my time, I’ve met a few First Residents of Turtle Island. They’re a spooky lot — in a good way.
Some say the Great Spirit speaks to all of us frequently — but we rarely are listening. His voice isn’t sound always, but sometimes in metaphorical happenings. Symbols. Sights. Cautionary tales that arrive unexpectedly through unusual channels.
To be quiet enough to hear the voice is one common barrier. Try to spend some “open” time as a human being, and not a human doing. Frenetic “doing” jams the channel.
Take a walk in the woods, leaving your
wristwatch at home, and with your cellphone powered OFF, and you’ll hear the voice.
Disconnect to connect.
Be still, to hear better.
– 73 –
Been more than a few years since retiring from the racing (SCCA national comp license), flying (private) and sailing (mud puddles) and you are absolutely right about the “moment”. The stall at the exact time and place seems to stop time as does the keeled over fine edge on a gusty Texas thin water lake. Racing for real truly has moments when time seems to hang before all hell breaks good or bad …lol. As in life, my fastest qualifying laps without exception, seemed to be my slowest as I climbed out of the car … time seemed to go “slow” before it went into the next level of excited anticipation of right or wrong on the track.
Life has it’s moments and I think it was Steve McQueen who maybe said it best … Racing; everything before and everything afterwards is just waiting …
The moments in time are measured by our breathing in and exhaling out … peaks and valleys … ups and downs
Such is life
Winter squash make an excellent crop, they are tasty and provide calories. We just moved to a more out-of-the-way place in middle Tennessee (south of route 40) and have a longer growing season than we had in NW New Jersey. So far, we’ve put in potatoes, sweet potatoes, and Butternut squash, along with green beans, tomatoes, and some beets. I’d suggest sticking as much as possible with open pollinated varieties so you’ve got a chance to save seeds year to year. One thing to keep in mind though is that various kinds of squash can cross-pollinate if they’re planted near each other, according to Seed To Seed.
” Two showers a day weather ahead.”
Being a rare sunny day again, yesterday I got the power washer out and attacked the foundation slab around the house, and got the black mold off from under the eaves. That was shower #1. Then after splattering the moss off the concrete apron with the power sprayer, I was a splattered mess and needed my indoor shower #2 (with exfoliation scrub, thanks).
The power sprayer is like a ‘magic eraser’ for hard surfaces. It’s so much fun to watch the crap disappear that you don’t notice your arms getting sore… until today.
Picture the classic Thompson submachine gun. Got the picture? Now focus on that pistol grip, out at the far edge of the stock. It is there to keep the muzzle rise to a minimum, but also to limit strain and fatigue.
I’m thinking a hollow wood or plastic pistol-grip handle with a screw or heavy steel wire running through it, fastened to your spray gun barrel just past the rubber grip, with an Ideal screw-type hose clamp, would make that job both easier, and a lot more fun, especially the day after…
We have a barn with old lumber from houses my dad-in-law tore down back in the 70s. Its been in there for decades and is pretty nasty stuff until I hit it with the power washer and let it dry. Lumber from the Depression Era is pretty fantastic stuff when used for interior walls and ceilings. Watching the decades of old paint and junk fall away to reveal the old wood grains makes me want to hose all of it down whether I needed it or not. On about half of it, though, you had to pre-drill a hole to get the finishing nails through it otherwise it could take 3 to 4 nails to punch through.
Just in case you think the great white bird of paradise shit on you today, how about this one.
We had torrential rains last night. I awakened to hear the sump pump in the basement running full tilt to keep up with water flow. I went peacefully back to sleep knowing the pump was doing its job.
Woke up this morning and headed down to the basement. At some point during the night, a coupling on the pipe from the pump had split about half way up the inside wall to the street. Cardboard storage boxes were up on pallets to avoid wet floors. Instead of a flooded basement from floor up, the split coupling had sprayed water out at the 3 foot level across all the stored boxes in the basement full of books, photo albums and other family treasures. Everything soaked from top to bottom and ruined.
I know grown men aren’t supposed to cry but……………….
Dam @Bic… now that is a horrific tragedy…
Books with knowledge and photographs are the treasures of mankind and the future..
I want to cry with you on that loss …
BTDT, and I feel your pain. My “sump pump” is why I keep its plumbing surrounded by tarps, and a pair of waders by my bedroom door…
What a great suggestion @Ray… I will do that right away today with a few boxes of books that I hid from the boss.. thanks for that..
CDC raises monkeypox alert to level 2, recommends masks during travel
The CDC warns that the disease has been most prevalent among ‘men who have sex with men’
The CDC raised its alert level for monkeypox to level 2 on Monday, recommending that travelers wear masks, among other health measures. Monkeypox symptoms begin as relatively flu-like but soon expand to the swelling of lymph nodes and a rash across the body and face. Ultimately, painful lesions form on rash areas, leaving severe scarring.
Here we go again…
Not normally fatal, spread principally by men putting their junk where other men evacuate their bowels, and causes permanent disfigurement, but not physical damage. IMO CDC should advise condom use, not face diapers, but what do I know…?
Male homosexuality has always, demonstrably, according to CDC figures, spread more disease than lesbians’ activities to the tune of it occurring in the 70-plus percentage of occurrences. Obviously less “fluid exchange” going on and, from conversations I’ve had, more of a desire for a good relationship rather than sex. On many levels I can’t blame them given the state of “manhood” today.
June 7, 2022 at 12:19
CDC raises monkeypox alert to level 2, recommends masks during travel
The CDC warns that the disease has been most prevalent among ‘men who have sex with men’
Idiots! No self control, and don’t have enough smarts to realize they are in love with someone’s exhaust pipe vs. someone’s brains. Dirty deal every time… Doesn’t speak too highly of their humanity.
Matthew McConaughey has decided that he’s willing for all of us to “sacrifice” our Constitutional rights for his feelings. There are a lot of people who’d be happy to not be subjected to his acting and political aspirations. Anyone believe Mr McConaughey would be willing to sacrifice his 1st amendment rights for our feelings?
I’m guessing he sacrificed his Right to ever hold an elected office in the State of Texas…
…And nowhere in the trade numbers is the number “87.1” mentioned. I dunno. Maybe I’m just too “20th Century” but for some reason, I feel the actual trade deficit, the difference between outgoing and incoming, should be a significant part (or at least worthy of mention) of a data dump purportedly to be of our “trade deficit.”
“California is about to experience a political earthquake.”
Um, no. Barring a physical earthquake — not gonna happen.
Unless San Andreas erupts in that “11.9” of movie fame, and moves the coastline 40 miles inland, removing the coasties from the planet, California will never allow intelligence or common sense to win out in an election over political ideology or Party allegiance. Hell, they’ve had, something like 780,000 people, the vast majority conservative, leave the State in the past couple years, because the Leftist Californicators are so intolerant of anyone who thinks independently, or thinks differently than they.
The squash vines of Captain Gooding lead one back again to the Newe Worlde grubstake beginnings of Providence, Rhode Island. It seems the Puritan Roger Williams was the first Westerner to describe the Algonquin nation tribes’ raised fruit in his book “A Key into the Language of America” published in 1643.
Apparently famous descendants of Reverend Williams include past VP Nelson Rockefeller, a former mayor of Wasillia, Ak., Sarah Palin, and Michelle Phillips of the psychedelic pop group.
Join DJ Ure in studio heating up the afternoon with “Safe in my Garden” by The Mamas and the Papas.
Sorry, we’ve squashed that requested tune.
It’s gratifying to see that the shootdown business of Arkancide survived the lockdown business of Covid.
You dare short gold now Yankees and your finished . Leave it alone yah facist creeps. Tell those idiots that run the stupid little game . Think we are kidding ? Evil bastards
“It’s all a matter of how each of us surfs our Time in Life… time dilation kicks in… I really ‘connected’ with the space between the waves (of events)… there’s an ‘expandable moment of waiting’ as events unfold on Universe’s time, not human time.”
Life/Existence is a never-ending series of On/Off cycles.
Quantum physics teaches that sub-atomic particles are flashing in and out of existence. Going from The Void… to Flashing into Existence… and retreating then back into The Void. And then back out again…endlessly.
Our lives are a never-ending series of (apparent) On/Off cycles.
We sleep. We wake up. We sleep. We wake up…
We eat. We stop eating. We eat again. We stop eating again.
(And sometimes)… we Love. Then we stop loving. Then we love again… or not.
We are born. We ‘die’. We are born again… somehow… somewhere.. as some ‘thing’.
Thus are, The Gaps. Or should we say… the ‘apparent’ gaps. In quantum ‘time’, and in our normal mundane waking-state experience of living.
Time as ‘a series of events flowing from one direction to another’ has proven to be a fantasy. Time is better thought of a huge Time ‘Block’ in which everything that ‘has occurred’ and ‘will occur’ has in fact already ‘occurred’ in a monumental ‘Now’ moment in which one can travel up, down, left, right… anytime one desires. Or not move at all.
But this Big Time Block itself is also flashing in and of existence. (Man, can a guy get a moment of peace and quiet here?). Well actually, YES.
‘Time Between The Waves’, yes. ‘Time’ between the Flashes, yes.
But within those ‘between’ moments… those ‘gaps’ in the flashes… there is something that does not disappear and reappear. It is Consciousness. The Consciousness of Life. The Consciousness of you and me and everyone else.
Consciousness bridges the ‘gaps’ and the ‘between the waves’ seamlessly… perpetually… dare we say… eternally?
Those so-tiny-they-are-immeasurable portions of microseconds in which ‘We’ are still present and awaiting the Next Flash. And the next. And the next.
Those precious microseconds are where we can re-center ourselves… gather our ‘breath’… glance around… look up and down… gather our thoughts… and gird our loins for the next Flash. When the noise of Life turns from the swirling of energy to the stillness of peace and quiet. Where our Consciousness is freed from the dizzying miracle foam where ‘nothing’ turns to ‘something’.
Since Our Consciousness rules all… we can learn to ‘widen the gap’ periods and expand the peace and quiet sensation that we experience. When a brief moment can seem like an eternity or time itself can even seem to stand still as many who have been in perilous situations have described. And since many people did not train in how to ‘do’ this before hand we can conclude that there is something embedded in our own Consciousness that can throw that switch on for us without our daily-mind approval.
Yes. That Great big On/Off Switch of Life. Set on the wall of Eternal Now.
‘Hey… can somebody please get the Lights?!’
Deagle.com moved it population reduction projection out to 2025 according to Monkey’s latest video, possibly due to Trump’s presidency messing up all the elite’s plans. Looks like the entire Western World is set for 3/4 reduction, more or less, by that time – and Israel especially. Russian and Chinese populations … mmmm not so much. No explanation given.
Not so much the Western World as the English-speaking World. If you can get to a copy of Deagle’s list, go through and see where populations increase, where they decline, and where they fall off precipitously. Ours drops ~70%, but other English-speaking countries, like England and New Zealand, drop over 80% (or did, the last time I looked…)
As of this morning http://www.deagel.com/population is freezing at the cookie warning. Glitch or PTB intervention?
I have no doubt it’s anticipation of the residual effects of The Jab. Edward Dowd’s interview with Greg Hunter goes into detail about it and many other things.
Me thinks Squashzilla as do many plants likes being in that raised bed. Much like being on a pedestal. Ive been using 40lb mineral tubs the past couple years as containers/raised beds. This year I picked up some cloth grow bags in various sizes. I call them my dirt bag garden. Odd but the tubs and dirt bags are doing better than the main garden. My secret container mix no doubt. The highway dept dumped several loads of ground up wood chips down by my turn off. (I need to tell them to stop now) and I have plenty of cow poop and compost to mix with until diesel fuel runs out. Maybe that old feed grinder mixer rusting away at Lester’s could be modded. That would be fun.
Got an email from the greenhouse manufacturer that my order has been pushed back until late Oct. Queue the church lady, “Well isn’t that special? Why you ask?…….. maybe Satan.”
Stay safe. 73
asia now and the sewer of oztralia .. yep !!!!!!!!!!!! you yanks will never stop your evil .. ok goodnite
Target is hurting right now. They are going to cancel orders. Christmas is gonna be a bust…. looks like they are going after $WMT
“Target has announced that it will cut prices and cancel orders for thousands of its products, as part of a frantic effort to clear out billions in backed-up inventory”
“Cornell said that by taking immediate action with the sales and cancellations, Target can fend off further losses by making room for merchandise that customers do want, such as groceries, beauty items, household goods, and back-to-school supplies.”
News you won’t get from the alphabet networks or FOX:
Soros-Backed Investors Buy Dozens of Spanish Language Radio Stations
A group of Hispanic investors with backing from leftist billionaire George Soros have purchased 18 radio stations across 10 cities. The deal was worth roughly $60,000,000. The group was founded by former Obama staffer Stephanie Valencia and campaign veteran Jess Morales Rocketto, who worked for both former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Acquired stations will now form the Latino Media Network (LMN) and will be led by Valencia.
Transgender Pedophile Avoids Prison After Judge Says It Would be Too Difficult to ‘Cope’
A biological male British pedophile who identifies as a transgender woman has avoided punishment after the judge overseeing his case ruled that sending him to prison would make it too difficult to “cope” with the “anxiety” surrounding his transgenderism.
Rumors of Pope Francis resignation intensify amid appointment of new cardinals, unusual trip
The AP reported that “Italian and Catholic media have been rife with unsourced speculation that the 85-year-old Francis might be planning to follow in Benedict’s footsteps who also resigned when he was 85.”
Maybe the College of Cardinals can select someone this time, who’s not a flaming Marxist…?
1,287,595 injuries reported after COVID shots, vaccine injury compensation programs ‘overwhelmed’
VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,287,595 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,532 deaths and 235,041 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022.
Judicial Watch Lawsuit Forces Release of DOJ Memo Declining Criminal Prosecution for Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter
Judicial Watch announced that it received productions of new records totaling 102 pages from the Department of Justice (DOJ) related to the shooting of January 6 protestor Ashli Babbitt that include a memo recommending “that the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia decline for criminal prosecution the fatal shooting of Ashli McEntee [Babbitt],”
Autopsy Shows FBI Agents Executed ‘Domestic Terrorist’ in Michigan Days Before Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Plot was Rolled Out
An autopsy report revealed by the Detroit News has shown that the FBI executed an alleged “domestic terrorist” in Michigan days before they rolled out their phony Whitmer kidnapping plot. 43-year-old Eric Mark-Matthew Allport was shot once in the back and three times in the head as FBI agents confronted him in the parking lot of a Madison Heights steakhouse. The FBI and the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s Office attempted to keep details about the case hidden from the public, but the Detroit News obtained the autopsy report following an appeal.
More Climate Insanity: Prince Charles Wants Cows to Wear Face Masks
Just when you thought climate-change fanatics had reached peak insanity, word comes that none other than the heir to the British throne is backing a plan that would have cows wear special face masks to combat methane emitted by rumination.
Hunter Biden’s Favorite Las Vegas Hooker Got a $20,000 Federal PPP Loan for ‘Female-Owned Sole Proprietorship’ After Joe Biden Took Office
A Las Vegas prostitute who bought crack for and had orgies with Hunter Biden got a $20,000 federal PPP loan right after Joe Biden took office. Cheryl Deboves received $20,207 in a PPP loan for a ‘female-owned sole proprietorship,’ according to the Daily Wire. The hooker’s loan was listed under “Independent Artists, Writers and Performers.”
Nancy Pelosi’s Son Accused Of Physical Assault of A 6-Year Old Before He Used CPS To Get The Girl Taken From Her Mother
Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. was photographed smiling next to a distressed 6-year old girl. Paul Pelosi Jr. stands accused of making the girl distressed by physically touching her. An eyewitness to the scene told NATIONAL FILE that Paul Pelosi Jr. was “yanking” the 6-year old’s body, “causing her to cry, while Paul enjoys it.”
Is it just me, or does Pelosi Junior bear a resemblance to Hunter Biden…?
‘Ballot harvesting’ charges in Arizona tied to ‘2000 Mules’
Though the media exercise blatant disinformation and censorship enforced by the Big Tech giants against the film, “2000 Mules” has been seen by 20 million people. The documentary about the Big Steal of 2020 has been subject to nothing short of official blacklisting – but it is probably the most important film about the most vital subject, one being twisted and squelched by the illegitimate regime of Joe Biden, in American history.
EXCLUSIVE: Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast at a ranch 30 miles from his home
He shot himself in the CHEST with a shotgun, while hanging himself from a tree!!! The dude must have been able to scratch his feet without bending over…
Federal Court Rules Against Employer That Denied Transgender Health Care Coverage
Last week, a federal court in Georgia ruled against an employer that excluded “gender-affirming” medical care from health insurance coverage. The judge ruled it violated federal law. NBC News reported that sheriff’s deputy Anna Lange, a transgender woman, sued in 2019 after being denied health care coverage for a “vaginoplasty” procedure in November 2018.
I would immediately drop all insurance coverage for all employees, and supplement their income by the amount I would have paid for the group insurance. Addadicktomes and whackadickfrommes are not “medically necessary, life-saving care,” despite the judge’s ruling. If the judiciary is going to bastardize medical care, I, as an employer, would simply stop playing the game…
Steve Bannon SUBPOENAS Nancy Pelosi and members of the January 6 committee as he builds his testimony to fight charges for defying a Congressional summons
Steve Bannon has subpoenaed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the nine members of the select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as he prepares to go on criminal trial next month for defying a congressional subpoena. Bannon, who was Trump’s chief strategist, faces two charges of contempt of Congress for refusing to testify or produce documents.
Now THIS could be an amazing bit of strategy. What do y’all want to bet Nasty has a “heart palpitation” whilst on the stand, and has to excuse herself from the proceeding…?