Next Week the Fed – Heat’s on – Lost Tool Quest

There’s not a hell of a lot to yammer about this morning.  So let’s!

We could talk about real estate changing hands in eastern Ukraine I suppose:

Russia-Ukraine war: Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk being ‘levelled’, says Luhansk governor, as Russian shelling intensifies.  Real estate values seem to be dropping?

Or, we could talk about the Israelis warming up for Iran-showdown:

Iranian scientist and a senior military officer found dead in mysterious circumstances amid a new wave of tension between Iran and Israel.

Out west, there’s China and Taiwan doing the “strut around the ring” before the Main Card in  2026.  While Taiwan is trying to diversify off-island:  Taiwan Likely to Set-up its Second Biggest Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub in India.  (No point in painting more bull’s eyes on Kaohsiung City, huh?)

While there’s also Turkey playing gobbler to Syria:

Turkey’s Erdogan Capitalizes on Ukraine Crisis as Grip at Home Wavers.”  When domestic support waivers, what does history offer in the way of solutions?  Start a war!

As always, we see Erdogan playing both sides against the middle: Ukraine Cautious as Turkey, Russia Push Black Sea Grain Deal.

And the King of the NorK’s is popping off again:  this time with a multi-missile salvo.  To which, escalate bait has been returned as US, South Korea Fire Missiles to Sea, Matching North’s Launches.

Did we miss any of the “global playground bullies?”

Like I said, it’s just another Monday.  Except?  Fed ahead and…

The Heat’s Coming On #1

For your wallet:

One of the stories that caught our eye from the overnights was Gas prices double since Biden’s presidency began reports the Washington Times.

And such things as fuel prices will be coming for your wallet at the grocery store before summer is out.  The (stupid Brandon) “sanctions” – which Europe isn’t playing, but they’re doing a little so our Drooler doesn’t look the complete Fool) have resulted in a new movement showing up:

But it certainly explains Why Joe Biden ‘I Did That’ Gas Pump Stickers Are Appearing Everywhere.

Not to put too fine a point on the stupid, poorly executed) sanctions, but will the first-order-thinking-locked OBiden handlers even notice? Russia says it’ll have ‘significantly’ more profits from energy exports this year as prices jump on policies from the West.  We pray at some point, either Obama or his marionette look up the word “consequences.”

All of which is amusing (American can suffer through almost anything, as the Clinton, Bush, and Obama presidencies demonstrated).  The TERRIBLE part is that a week from tomorrow the Federal Reserve FOMC session gavels-in.

And here’s the kicker:  the Fed doesn’t give a rip about Food and Energy prices.  Instead, these nincompoops of the elites have decided to base their decisions on Core Inflation.

Und zo….

They will overlook Brandon’s Double at the pumps.  Which for April was:

But we shall have a much cleared view of things Friday with the Consumer Prices report is released by Labor.

That we will be facing move “Bend Over!” isn’t the question.  Some much as it will be “Want us to grab ankles or touch toes, Boss?” Out here in non-D.C. American Tax Subs Land.

The Heat’s Coming On #2

Now we need to talk about armpits. I mean just in case you’re in charge of the deodorant supply chain distro system.  Which AFU because change is inevitable.

The Major had a fine presentation on 5G at the SeaPac ham fest down in Seaside, Oregon over the weekend.  Many compliments for a non-alarmist, but more a lots of data and common sense view.  “Be wise, Economize” was the main take-out.  IoW distance yourself as you can from RF sources.  And get a wireless router you can dial-back the power on.

Yada, yada..

But as he was driving back up to Washington State, he was grousing about how damn cold it has been (and did I mention wet?) in the PNW this year.

Click a thousand miles south?  Here comes liberal media han d-wrining right on schedule California drought is pushing Latino farmers and workers to make difficult decisions.  (Everyone else too, but not on the agenda?)

We are also amused to read Report: California drought will increase CO2 cost of the electricity EVs plug into (

See, “green” is the Big New Thing.  What no one really wants to talk about is our old friend “physics.”  Which (as an inconvenient Truth) reveals it takes the same amount of energy to move 4,000 pounds on equal wheels 500 up an equal-length grade.

It doesn’t matter where the energy comes from – the same amount is used.

Zero energy difference to do the same amount of work.

Which (to an age 73.5 year old) business mind, screams “What we’re really talking about is MARKETING.

EVs run on coal-fired electricity (you’ll pardon me for mentioning) just move the pollution downwind from the power plant.  See how this works?

To which the (road tax dodgers in EVs) shout back about hydro power.  But, once again, the gnarly-minded Ure looks at water levels at places like Lake Mead and wonders “Anyone in Las Vegas still buying EVs?”  (Maybe to run out to the lake to see the latest ganger body pullouts?)

The Vail Daily reasonably figures As record drought persists, West will have to live with less water.   Don’t look now, but even the Great Lakes a looking a bit less, well, greatDropping Lake Michigan levels reveal Chicago’s eroded beaches.

We’ll be watching for the personality breakdowns out West.  When the politics of the stupid me-too’ers collides with the reality of “Hybrids are the answer silly, not pure EV.” You see these emotional breaks when reality smacks down imagined virtue.  Should be informative, at least.

Cruising for a Newsing

Brings back memories of our sailing days aboard the Magic Elf:  Defying limits: Oldest person to sail solo across the Pacific Ocean.  Stories like this drive Elaine and me to wonder “Are we too old to pick up a Liberty 458 and go maritime mobile in the Caribbean?”  (Dreams of a cream conch chowder with fresh Cuban bread at the top of MIA airport dance across memory…)

A Tweet too far, Elon?  Elon Musk posts vulgar tweet about Bill Gates during feud. If you’re not paying attention to history books, we have circled Musk as more of a self-made reincarnation of Andrew Mellon (at least for now) while the Depression career of journalist Upton Sinclair is being reprised by Joe Rogan. With less of a left-wing bent, of course.

Oh, and cancer may have just been cured:  Cancer Trial Using Monoclonal Antibody Finds Remission in Every Patient: Report..  Not all cancers – at least not yet…  But from the  abstract’s conclusions:

“A total of 12 patients have completed treatment with dostarlimab and have undergone at least 6 months of follow-up. All 12 patients (100%; 95% confidence interval, 74 to 100) had a clinical complete response, with no evidence of tumor on magnetic resonance imaging, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose–positron-emission tomography, endoscopic evaluation, digital rectal examination, or biopsy. At the time of this report, no patients had received chemoradiotherapy or undergone surgery, and no cases of progression or recurrence had been reported during follow-up (range, 6 to 25 months). No adverse events of grade 3 or higher have been reported.”

Which really is huge.

ATR:  Lost Technology

I was glancing through a 1940s book this morning – Forty Power Tools You Can Build – and I sighted one of extreme interest:  An electrically-driven filing machine.

Sure, you can get such things on Amazon – but they are air-powered.  And the compressor makes noise and not-exactly a good mix when you get into “maker’s trance” while working on a new whizzy.

Somehow, it is important to at least one reader, how this forensic evidence of when America’s industrial decline set in.  See, previously (pre-CNC) machining (and its half-cousin gunsmithing) was a real art.

There were always edges to be deburred after cutting, and an electrically-driving filing machine was just the ticket.

I found one for sale on eBay but we’re waiting for the seller to get back to me with shipping costs.  I figure a hundred or two to put it on a pallet and head to Texas, but we shall see.

There was a real inflection point in power tools revealed in the study of filing machines and a nearly-related generation of straight-line sanders that are fairly common in auto body shops.

Machines went from crankshaft devices to almost all rotary-based at some point.  Which is why the Vincent Gingery book on Build a Power Hacksaw with a Vise is still on the shelf.

The Gingery’s are legend among home toolmakers.  David (Vince’s dad) passed on in 2004.  But the books are forever and we’re pleased to have a collection.

Bottom line:  Maybe it was because many of us seniors grew up – massively impressed with the sliding motion of massive pistons on steam engine rails – that there’s some kind of “inner resonance” with back-and-forth motion tools, and less so with rotary.

If the fellow with the automatic filing machine won’t ship (unfortunately), I will keep mentally turning-over how the Gingery hacksaw might be adapted to hold a file.  Ideally in the vertical configuration and over a suitable metal table of some kind.

Odd ponder for a Monday morning?  Perhaps.  But no stranger than what passes for news on the downhill run to 2026.

Off to the garden to water Squash-zilla in that raised garden experiment:

If we don’t keep whacking off the runners, you may soon be reading about small towns in rural East Texas being swallowed whole, by our experiment run wild.

Highs here ranging from 97 to 101 for the next week mean hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  Especially the ‘maters.

Dow futures up 270 at click time.  BTC over $31,300 – the Illusion is Safe!  God save the Illusion!

Write when you get rich,

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

66 thoughts on “Next Week the Fed – Heat’s on – Lost Tool Quest”

  1. Is the Majors 5g presentation available anywhere? I would be interested in seeing it.
    Was discssing farm matters with my business partner, aka wife, and when we got to the topic of remote pasture surveillance, wifi trail cams on a mesh network, and reducing our RF spectrum footprint. I have an idea about replacing the routers with good old fashioned commo wire that just so happens to be available at a govt surplus store semi nearby. she came up with an idea of using an ebike to check fences instead of the Polaris. Apparently she saw a video at work of some guy showing off his ebike and how it is so great at saving him money on the homestead. And you’ll like him, he’s a prepper. For pity sake, Um….good thought but no, my 70+ year old ass is not going to ride an ebike across rough pastures or through brush and timber. Hell, Barney the bull barely tolerates the Polaris.

    • Barney has prime rib written all over him, low. Good idea on the eBike – got a link to share?

      Major and I ar kicking around collaborating on an expanded Peoplenomics report or sharing over there. Or, we may do a rational book about the whole matter of psychology, virtue signaling, and common sense in all things electronic…

    • An E-Bike with 5″ or 6″ x 26″ phat tyres might not be bad for such a job. Also surveillance cams using POE (power over ethernet) aren’t complicated, and if’fn you can get ahold of some gummint Cat-5 for cheap, you can bury it a few inches deep along the fencerow and no one will even know it’s there.

      BTW, I built a tool to do just such a cable burial, a few years ago, using a couple worn-out 14″ circular saw blades, an old bicycle fork, and nuts, washers, conduit, and allthread.

      That’s enough information for you to know exactly what I built, and how I built it…

  2. BTC is worth $31,000 dollars this AM, what is God worth ?

    Can you put a value on an Illusion – stupid question, obviously..see all religions putting value on illusions – they are hands down some of the best at this ancient art.
    They even put a value on our Childrens lives and well being…no mattter what you think your kids Life was worth prior to the priestly sexual assaults – the after affects which eventually drove them to commit suicide and or lifetimes of drug/alcohol abuse.

    “One nation under God” – hows that been working out ?
    compare/contrast with
    One nation under BTC…

    yo slo – can you check on my Operation Summer Nazi Love payments -still waiting on my pallets full of USD aid. I can no deposit 30% kickback(10% for big guy) if you dont send the dollaz in the 1st over?

      • At some point. There is going to be a reckoning. This side or the other. For those who it is due? It would be far better to have that reckoning on this side.

        I don’t gripe to THE DUDE much. Maybe once a year. Maybe. I had someone say, dude you are always smiling. I never seen you without a smile. That is because im Truly grateful. 99% of the time.

        Another person said to me this morning. Andy, you are the chosen one! And I laughed and said, IF that was the case? IF I was King for the day? You know the first thing I would do?

        They said buy a sports car? I laughed and said, nope! The first thing I’d do post a list of everyone who went to Epstiens Island on every grocery store front door with their picture, seize all their business and personal holdings and assets, liquidate them and give it to the poor. Starting with Bill Gates. His own wife left him because of his trips to that island. And nobody knows ya as good as the one next ya in bed.

        Like I said, there is a reckoning coming. This side or the other. And it would be much better for those who think the party is never going to end, doing every evil under the sun, if they have that reckoning on this side.

        Make no mistake George, even if this is an illusion? Not everyone will be sitting around having a beer in the afterlife all chuckling. There will be a fucking reckoning.

        You a gambling man George? You willing to make a wager on that?

        I didn’t think so.

        Truly I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate! It is my hope, you make a positive impact on someone’s life without taking credit or telling anyone even them.

      • Ya know George, I was doing my meditation yesterday morning. Listing to OM chanting at 432mhz. Now I been doing active meditation for a while. So I’m pretty good at it. I can slip into it on and off all day.

        You know how when your in meditation, you can get to that place, where you are wide awake and the subconscious mind comes forward and blends perfectly. Where there is no separation of the trees and you. No separation of the grass and you, or the birds or anything in the environment around you. You find that place where everything is interwoven living energy.

        It was pouring down rain outside, and I was in that plCs and as looked down the rain drops danced around me and it looked like music playing.

        You know when you get to get place in meditation when the rain is coming down in bucket. I mean just pouring down! But it’s all in slow motion and you see it bouncing off the puddles all around you. But where you notice, it’s like you are in. Bubble and none of the rain is even touching you. Just splashing on the ground around the outside of that bubble. Like music. But not a drop physically touches you.

        You know that place in meditation George? You been in it I’m sure. I like that place in meditation alot. So serene in that place. I don’t think alot of people ever experience that. Where their senses are so aware, so interconnected to the world around them that the rain itself moves around them when it falls to the ground.

        I love that place man.

        “To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”

        Sun Tzu

        Ya see George, I don’t have to fight my battles in this world with evil men who prey on the innocent and subdue the good people of this plane. All I have to do is end up “randomly” end up in the Elevators and other places to chose my champions for humanity.

        I don’t even have to say a word to them. I just go to that place like yesterday in the rain when standing next to them.

        It’s getting to the point, lately. I can’t even have a thought without it manifesting in some shape or form in the world.

        I saw the drooler president wants to ban 9mm amo and guns. Funny I was just talking about finding that 9mm bullet before it went missing from that fellas gun.

        Maybe I am the chosen one. Maybe I’m not. But if these fuckers running the show, don’t knock that shit off, start behaving themselves? Well they certainly won’t be entering through the passgate, no matter what they offer later.

        Facts, yo!

      • Didn’t ya notice George? I’m sure a few did. I certainly did. When the world got sick with Covid? I got stronger. Alot lot stronger. The more they fuck with this world and humanity and me? The stronger I get. And not just me. It seems the stronger i become Others become stronger. Not sure why that is. Hmmmm.

        Ahhh the Divine paradox.

        Well let’s hope eveyone comes to their senses. There nothing hidden in this world from the other side. There is no secret there. And apocalypse actually means the unveiling from my understanding.

        If I really am the chosen one?

        Let the unveiling begin.

        Let’s all get naked and real. I got nothing to hide.

      • There was once a Hollywood movie made called Ship of Fools .
        Our national leadership has commissioned a reality series which I think should be called A Ship of Greater Fools . It stars dopeheads, doctors, elites, fascists, NAZI’s, paupers, and of course, fools, just like that original film. I would like to stay out of that reality cast.

      • Andy,

        Glad to hear the Teamsters got a new contract to keep on trucking new cars. Thanks for planting seeds in the garden towards preparation of the wreckoning. Lo and behold if should not 5 gradely tomes come recommended for summer reading by Chairman Bill. The first one he notes is by way of suggestion from his eldest daughter. The book concerns stimulating gender considerations and is, thankfully some would say, science fiction. Women develop physical powers of delivering electrical shock to men with potentially deadly results. Anyhow the Matriarchy rules. Sorry if this offends any he/thems of the Patriarchy or non-binary world. The book is authored by a woman. None of the book list titles appear to shed light on family dynamics in a .1% family.

        Without further adieu let’s join DJ Ure about to launch the flipside rotation with a Fab 4 fave waiting room remix, If I Kneaded Someone.

      • By the way, the Chairman’s book recommendations are intended to be read on reader vacation time only. Please do NOT under any circumstances read them on company time.

      • Dear Jester, I flipped a card and got you this morning. The lady I live with has all these decks of old school playing cards. Once and a while when I’m down stairs by the kitchen, I grab a deck, shuffle it once, cut the deck and pull a card.

        This morning I got the Jesture from the pink panther deck. On the side is says joker but it has an image of the pink panther dressed up ad a court jester and says jester underneath his image. I came back on here and there ya are. Being a smooth slooth.

        When i really think about it. Driving giant haul truck is no different than running security and bench pressing 450lbs. Which is what I did last year.

        Sure the venues are different. One is in the gym, one is in the stadiums and one is on a mountain side. But when you really think about it. I’m just moving earth and dirt. The bench press is made from Ore mined from the earth. People are a whirl of water and dirt. And moving 50 ton loads of dirt off a giant excavator is no different.

        And when your running security all your really doing is moving people around. Not sure how much 68,000 fans at a Seahawks game weighs? But that is alot of dirt in 100 years. Because from the dirt we come and the dirt we return. Even Gold is just dirt. It’s just a rare kind of dirt.

        I like the view from my new office much better. They are romancing me to go back to moving people dirt. But it’s alot more peaceful and a much better view from where I’m at now. My phone rings alot less too. And not at all hours of the night.

        I’m being set up on that security gig. I found out through meditation, that if I take that job, I’d advance through the ranks higher and higher because people are retiring. Then i got word ox mouth confirmation about it yesterday. They want me to come back then promote the shit out of me a couple layers up in management. Maybe run the entire security force for Coachella music fest next year.

        Which is all fine and dandy. But I like peaceful and serene. I like the view from my office now. I like having time to have a life ooutside of work.

        Pull the 10 of hearts on the Hawaii deck this morning too.

        And on the naked lady deck I pulled the ace of diamonds. She sure is a pretty on e. Hahha

      • You ever notice how grey Bill Gates skin looks. Both him and Soros have really Grey colored skin. Look alot like senator Palpatine from star wars.

        The only people I see with gray skin like that is meth addicts. They all have Grey skin too.

        Well off to get my load.

        Try to get 36,000,000 lbs of dirt moved this week. About the same as a sold out Huskies game I spose.

      • Speaking of the huskies football. Last year when the had the worst season ever. Even Montana whooped their ass. After the last game, a day or so later. The entire field was covered in thousands upon thousands of crows. Thousands upon thousands of cros.

        How is that for a fucking sign.

        • The Dude was disappointed with the team? Wild, just wild

          PS Help me with some thunderstorms for a nurse’s church picnic Saturday from 4-7PM on what is shaping up as a 103F day… thanks Dude as been asked

      • With regards to that security gig, I was reminded the other day they played music on the titanic until it went down too.

        And I think it’s more important to focus on building a rafts when the ship is taking on water.

        You know how much diesel that rig I’m driving holds? 175 gallons. Good thing I’m driving a diesel Volkswagen. :)

        Now it’s the pink off road shit. But it will still run a car. And when everyone is heading to the gas station and the grocery store? I will be on my way to work. Hahah

    • The most stable position of a catamaran is upside down. Other than that, and having to pay for two of everything (motors, shafts, batteries, props, tanks, rudder bearings etc… they’re nice to live aboard. Motion upwind… meh
      Just one opinion

    • IF you get that one you need to invite ALL of URE best friends (ie: everyone who posts in the comments) for a multi day sail!! The biggest catamarin I have ever sailed on was a Hobi Cat so I don’t feel qualified to pass judgement on if one should be bought … but as for being a passenger on one I would be perfectly FINE with that!!

  3. Aaa yes. Dreams of sailing the Caribbean still float through this beached sailors mind now and again. Hang out near Andros Island as they have Fresh Water, the worlds most important commodity. Did enjoy sailing and fresh seafood. OD’ed on lobster tho. Had to go to town for a burger!

    Very Nice Chart on Prices and Inflation. Easy for understanding even by non-economics. Would love to pass it on to family and friend, with a link to Urbansurvival of course.


  4. Won’t the control box / inverter power system [ power wall ] fry, just like any other large-mass electronic computer system under an EMP ?? Rendering the whole expensive electrical system virtually useless ??
    Carefree sailing in the Caribbean ? May want to rethink that. Pirates of the Caribbean. Violent boarding of private vessels up over 200% since 2019 [since covid started.]

      • Mine too. I sailed the Carib for seven months in a home built Cross trimaran – in the 70’s. Have always wondered why I stopped. Been thinking of doing it again -semi-permanently., [ small catamaran ] until I started looking into it seriously. No thanks. Looks like the entire region will implode once the shipping stops. [ They can’t feed themselves] It will get very ugly.

    • Hope for everyone.

      The return of Barrack!

      Will the Democrats use the Nixon – Ford 1973 method to replace Joe Biden as President with Barack Obama?

      “So if the Democrats want to replace Joe Biden with Barack Obama, they must do so before the end of the mid-term elections on 8 November 2022.

      In 1973, then-President Richard M. Nixon nominated a new Vice President. That was Gerald R. Ford. Ford was appointed Vice President by Congress after the resignation of then-Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. Ford then ascended to the presidency in 1974, after the resignation of President Nixon. This allowed President Ford to use the new amendment to select Nelson Rockefeller as vice president.

      Interestingly, this resulted in a government in which neither the President nor the Vice-President was actually elected to either office.”

      • In reality it resulted in millions of Infant lives violently and viciously DESTROYED in the name of Profits-Commerce. Still going on every minute of every day. Like they always say in Medical profession “No Pain, No Financial Gain” .

      • Obama is not eligible to become President or VP. Once you have served as da Prez for 6-years and a day, you may never hold a job in the immediate COG chain.

        All the Marxist blather in the world won’t change that fact, and there is no way 38 States’ Legislatures will vote to amend the Constitution, to allow such…

  5. Hey WordSlinger:

    Worry not for our Great Lakes (Lake Michigan is 45+/- min W).

    “Don’t look now, but even the Great Lakes a looking a bit less, well, great”

    Sure they are. Whether weather leaves the lakes high or low (they were peak full in 2020, eons ago), it’s 20% of the worlds fresh water. The article you site is from the Chicago/Illinois side and … they have never been particularly good stewards of the beaches (nor much else).

    The 295 acre puddle out front (max depth 96′) of near potable water has been full to the max all spring … heck, for the last several years. Lakes get low and we blame global warming, lakes get high and it’s climate change? Whatever. The Heartland has ample rain, corn already 6″ high.

    Savvy to select a rally-round phrase which describes normal nature. Climate change. Uh-huh. We sailors keep a weather eye. Climate changes. It’s what climate does. You new here?

    Write when you get wet,

    • The Great Lakes go up and down like a YoYo. Back about 2015-2016 they were at an 80 year low (Georgian Bay in particular very very low, lowest level EVER if I remember correctly) and everybody around the lakes were worried, really worried … then by 2021 some of the lakes were at the highest level EVER recorded. I wouldn’t read too much into this year’s numbers since one year’s fluctuations can actually be 2 feet or more.

      The NICE thing about the Great Lakes WATER is that Canada and the US entered into an actual International Treaty (1970’s I think) that PROHIBITTED either country from moving ANY Great Lakes water outside of the Great Lakes watershed … so NO EXPORT of Great Lakes Water is permitted under that RATIFIED International Treaty (ie: Congress’s hands and the Executive Branch’s hands are now TIED!!). Sorry water poor western states … you AIN’T getting OUR WATER!!

      • I wouldn’t bet on it. DC ignores laws already, I wouldn’t put it past them to ignore treaties. They’ve done it in the past. Ask the native americans.

        James Johnson, ex-nuke

  6. Valuation equity and commodity curves from peak to nadir saturation hourly/mimutely levels represent the ongoing summation of the composite supply-demand activity of the asset debt macroeconomic system. In free markets, debt interest valuation curves would represent the ongoing interest rate demanded for the risk in the system. True market debt valuation has been easily distorted by central banks whose ultimate and reasonable purpose is the viabilty continuation of the system.

    Commodity (energy and food) inflation (as you have indicated) dramatically impacting the mass population at the base of the global economic pyramid has forced central banks to ‘transiently’ allow natural debt market valuations to operate min a more natural fashion and self-control that inflation. A recurrent commodity inflation and debt market manipulation and release pattern will occur cyclically over the next 54 years and with greater amplitude under the umbrella of diminishing global energy and food production resources to conclude the 1807 US hegemony 18/36/90/90/54 year great fractal pattern.

    US Ten year notes today are at currently 3 percent with only three trading days within the last month above that level. Expect ‘transient’ nonlinearity of equity and commodity valuations and occurence of that transition in an orderly time-based fractal manner.

  7. Yep this is the last chance today . The other guys mainly nazi facist , same, and USA have destroyed the planet morally , physically and financially for one world government. Only guy in there way is Vlad . Go Vlad f evil

  8. Vaxed veges dropping like flies in a heat haze . Truckloads dieing or getting ready to with ramped 5 g . Zombies are walking around everywhere. No mind no body just skin and dead

    • “Zombies are walking around everywhere. ”

      Well @Len daquino….. I feel I can tell you my secret now…
      I SEE DUMB PEOPLE… the thing is.. they don’t realize how dumb they are..they are walking around everywhere..

  9. Your gone vaxed veges . You don’t know any better with zombie body and pea in head . All obedient as well . See yah later Yankees yah destroyed yourselves

  10. I get it many folks don’t like the government pressure to migrate to BEV. I don’t like it either, if the solution is better for someone they can personally decide to change. However, government is pushing this and it is unlikely that will stop. Most energy companies cannot get loans to develop carbon based sources, so what we have today in wells, and refineries are likely be the last. Also no need to over state the pollution of BEV. In its entire life cycle, mine, build, operate, recycle, even with coal based power (which many locations have already reduced), the BEV produces less carbon then ICE they are just far more efficient in turning the energy into work. I just hope the early adopters are enough to bring the prices into a range I am willing to buy. It seems most people buying BEV are very satisfied with the tech. Lots of torque and pickup, less maint. I am not yet convinced of longevity (12-20 years), but we will see.

    • The problem with all of this is that it’s an effort to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. It has nothing to do with carbon, Co2 or pollution. Those are just the excuses. This is part of the effort to rearrange the financial and power structure of the world. There is no climate emergency and carbon isn’t a pollutant.

      • “This is part of the effort to rearrange the financial and power structure of the world.”

        I have a stupid question..
        The federal reserve doesn’t even back the dollar with a Texas chili fart..
        Neither does the UK back the pound ..or the EU the euro…. the Bitcoin isn’t even a piece of paper or hunk of zinc..

        So… how do they rearrange nothing with nothing ? To have nothing to be the one controlling something?
        I do realize that in order me to have or acquire something I have to have a lot of numbers that are nothing to gain the something.. but it baffles me..

    • But carbon is neither a pollutant nor a “greenhouse gas,” and is absolutely essential for carbon-based life to exist. The IEA, if it were honest, would compare the effects of ICE exhaust NOx and particulates to the persistent, deadly pollutants found in NiMH and Lithium batteries, and solar panels.

      They are either lazy, stupid, or have a political agenda…

      • “They are either lazy, stupid, or have a political agenda…”

        I vote for all of the above.

      • “They are either lazy, stupid, or have a political agenda…”

        I vote for all of the above.”

        I vote the same and add a corrupt and deviant behaviors to the list @Olfart

      • “I vote for all of the above.”

        Privately, so do I, but I don’t generally admit it because I still have hope that I can educate the religious zealots who get on their knees for the Gorical of Al…

  11. “Don’t look now, but even the Great Lakes a looking a bit less, well, great: Dropping Lake Michigan levels reveal Chicago’s eroded beaches.”

    Lake level is cyclical.

    Bodies of water have a steep slope (we call this a “drop-off.”) They are surrounded by a beach and a vegetation- or tree-line (these are the plants which will drown and die if they are underwater for a protracted period of time, not the “beach grass” or other water-friendly plants.)

    The drop-off is the lowest level the water EVER reaches at the low point of the lake-level cycle. The tree-line marks the highest level the water EVER reaches, at high-point. The “shelf” runs from the tree-line to the drop-off (the beach is a part of the shelf), and the period in its water cycle determines how much beach “exists,” at any point in time. Michigan lakes run on a 60-62 year cycle. They were at a high-point in 1928 and 1992, and a low point in 1958.

    I remember walking several miles of that Lake Michigan beach with my folks, in the dunes somewhere between Hart and Ludington, in about 1957. the “erosion” was such that there was a “cliff” (probably 6-8 feet, but it looked huge to a mini-me) between the shore and “beach,” which in wetter times would’ve been underwater.

    Dropping water levels are revealing nothing out of the ordinary…

  12. “as fuel prices will be coming for your wallet at the grocery store before summer is out.”

    It’s already starting to…
    What’s funny is cruise prices have dropped significantly.. my sibling has been cruising a lot lately.. at a price even I could afford at this time and with fuel prices through the roof..

    “Off to the garden to water Squash-zilla in that raised garden experiment:

    If we don’t keep whacking off the runners, you may soon be reading about small towns in rural East Texas being swallowed whole, by our experiment run wild.”

    It could make a great movie…lol
    Here’s a cult classic .. just imagine squash..
    Oh if you see bugs like look like oversized wasps.. keep an eye out for your squash dying.. it’s a squash moth.. to kill their larva that they lay on the plant you hold a flashlight behind the vine.. you can see the larva through the stem..take a tooth pick and run it through the larva…

  13. If the fellow with the automatic filing machine won’t ship (unfortunately), I will keep mentally turning-over how the Gingery hacksaw might be adapted to hold a file.

    Bear in-mind a file is directional. Dragging the tool toward you ruins the cutters, so a “filing device” would have to lift on its return stroke or it’d only be of value when loaded with a sanding board…

      • Naw, just a crank driving a piston that’s pivoted. It’ll stroke down, then tilt up on the backstroke.

      • “An electrically-driven filing machine.”

        It’s to bad I didn’t know you needed one.. heavier than they look..
        At one point I had envisioned myself filing and sharpening saw blades.. I bought one of those and the monster saw blade sharpener and carbide tooth replacement sets..
        My dream was to do that in retirement.. then a few years ago when I didn’t think I would be around.. I traded it for my new roofing materials and the insulation to fluff up what settled.

  14. “A Cure for Cancer”?? LOL! Watch how fast this information gets buried, covered up, denied, and disposed of. Can’t be upsetting that profitable medical sacred cow. I dare you to track the progress of this thing… if you can ever find it again.

    “Squashzilla”… you should see mine. Beyond the bed and taking over the lawn on all sides. It is becoming hard to distinguish from the wild jungle vines attempting to take over the fence on the other side.
    At the fence on the other side of the yard, seeds from the compost pile have sprouted and now there is a large healthy bittermelon vine taking over that fence. Used a lot in filipino cooking here.

    • “Watch how fast this information gets buried, covered up, denied, and disposed of. ”

      What’s that..can’t find it anywhere lol lol lol.. JK
      That’s the truth… that is when the new drug .. bendoverspreadem comes out lol lol. Or the old famous imgunabustyourgrippersboy gets a new light..
      A few years ago they came out with one..the cost us was ten grand but you could get it in Canada for thirty and generic for ten bucks…
      You don’t mess with medicines cash cows

  15. Nothing going on in the news George? I don’t hardly ever pay attention to the news, I pay attention to the world around me.

    You search the web for info, then you should know,


    Feb 5th: Wisconsin River Meats processing facility destroyed by fire in Mauston, Wisconsin.
    Feb 15th: Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
    Feb 22nd: Shearer’s Foods Food processing plant explodes in Hermiston, Oregon.
    Feb 22nd: Fire destroys Deli Star Meat Plant in Fayetteville, Illinois.
    March 17th: Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas.
    March 19th: Walmart Food Distribution center catches fire in Plainfield, Indiana.
    March 24th: Major Fire at McCrum Potato Plant in Belfast, Maine.
    March 29th: Maricopa Food Pantry burns down 50,000 pounds of Food destroyed in Maricopa, Arizona.
    March 31st: Rio Fresh Onion factory damaged by fire in San Juan, Texas.
    April 13th: Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire.
    April 14th: Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.
    April 19th: Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
    April 21st : plane crashes into and destroys General Mills Factory near Atlanta, Georgia
    4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant
    7/25/21 Memphis Kellogg plant
    8/13/21 JBS beef plant
    8/24/21 Patak Meat Company
    7/30/21 Tyson River Valley ingredient plant
    10/21/21 Darigold plant
    11/15/21 Garrard County food plant
    11/29/21 Maid-Rite Steak Company
    12/13/21 San Antonio food processing, West side Foods
    1/7/22 Hamilton Mountain poultry processing
    1/13/22 Cargill-Nutrene feed mill. Lacombe, La
    1/31/22 Winston-Salem fertilizer plant
    2/3/22 Wisconsin River Meats
    2/3/22 Percy dairy farm
    2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company
    2/16/22 Indiana Louis-Dreyfus soy processing plant
    2/18/22 Bess View Farms
    2/19/22 Lincoln premiere poultry
    2/22/22 Shearer’s Foods potato chip plant
    2/28/22 nutrient AG Solutions
    2/28/22 Shadow Brook Farm & Dutch girl Creamery
    3/14/22 Wayne Hoover dairy farm
    3/16/22 Walmart Distribution Center
    3/16/22 Nestle hotpockets
    3/28/22 Maricopa AZ food plant
    3/30/22 Maine Pentecost McCrum potato chip plant
    4/1/22 Rio onion processing plant
    4/13/22 East Conway Beef & Pork
    4/13/22 Taylor Foods processing plant

    4/13/22 Gem State Processing
    4/14/22 Salinas food processing plant
    4/18/22 Azure standard organic foods
    4/21/22 General Mills plant
    All gone.

    And it’s all putins fault? That and the drought is the reason for the coming famin? You really think that dude?


    This is a systematic and very methodological produced famine.

    Pay attention everyone!

    They put them solar powered tri-pod cameras in every store parking lot when covid started. And they remain there.

    There is only one place that I have ever not seen them in the parking lots. That is in rural Alaska. Rural Alaska is also the only place I have seen pallets of. .223 at the hunting stores. And pallets of other calibers.

    I can get on the web and find this info out in less than 20 minutes. And You said, “There’s not a hell of a lot to yammer about this morning”


    We go back quite a while now. Maybe Ure: “Ure , ( see Ment and Th , state of being ; act of ; the thing that” according to The Manual of Etymology, section III, III . SUFFIXES . ANGLO – SAXON AND LATIN – according to Act of Congress , in the year 1879 , by ELDREDGE & BROTHER , in the Office of the Librarian of Congress , at Washington

    Ain’t so much Ure anymore.

    Things have changed. I give ya alot of room Mr Ure…. I know you do me as well, much onliged, don’t forget I have photographic memory. And I don’t have to be on this site to know what is being said,

    But when you say shit like,

    “There’s not a hell of a lot to yammer about this morning”

    I say, Ure not being true to the Act of Congress Anglo Saxon Definition for the Suffex, your last name represents, and….you are not paying attention man.

    I don’t even have to go on the web very much, but when I do, I can find alot to yammer on about.

    Fuck the mass murder cycle.. and fuck the motor powered bicycle. I just gave you the cycle you should be paying attention too.

    And your not. And that is a disservice to you, ure name and your readers.

    That is all I will say about it..

    Have a good week. At the rate that other cycle which is the mass destruction meet and other food processing plants around the US…. how long after this winter do you think it’s going to take all those plants to get back up and running? 2 or 3 years…. you think the average human can wait that long. And how many Meat packing plants are left? How fast are they being destroyed by “industrial fire accident” and “happenstance”.

    I will remind you of Rule #1 of the NSA handbook sir, “There is no such thing as coincidence.”

    • Andy dont know about you being the chosen one but i have lived for 40 years around and in the woo woo world. I have thought for some time that you are probably a star child. If you ever get around a group of them you might recognize yourself.

    • Fear not, Andy. He knows.

      So do I.

      So do several dozen other hangers-on here.

      We’re also aware that once it enters the packing plant, United States companies no longer own the majority of American beef and pork. ‘Next time you buy a Nathan’s Famous hot dog or an Eckrich bologna sandwich, understand the profit is going to China, not New York City.

      Abbott, an Illinois company, owns the infant formula market, but virtually the entire remainder of the baby food market is owned by Swiss companies.

      What more can the folks who see it coming do, besides tell others to grow their own? We can’t make anyone believe us, or for that matter, keep them from thinking we’re nutjobs, and we can’t give them the common sense they never developed because they’re products of the government education system.

      Hell, I bought my ex-wife a greenhouse a few weeks back. I did it specifically because I knew she and her sister would grow food. I’m hoping that, where neither of our children have taken clue-1 from my actions or commentary, they might acquire one if they see their mom growing her dinner…

      • Ray, as always, you have succinctly explained why “THEY” HAVE GONE AFTER ABBOTT.

        And listen to ‘their’ excuses. Biden didn’t know last year there was a problem nor earlier this year. The FDA had no plan or explanation for leaving Abbott closed. No bad formulas were traced to Abbott; just RUMORS.

        Ahh, ahh, ahh….it just goes on and on and on and on….

        The goal is to bring the formula in from other countries. Who the HELL knows what is in that Formula cause it sure hasn’t been FDA TESTED!!!! Which, of course, is part of the Agenda. I noticed the Border Women babies don’t get no formula from other countries!!!!

        Poor women having babies that need formula and now are at the mercy of the mercenaries!!!!

        Start Spreading The Truth: In the style of the song by Frank Sinatra.

        Start spreading the Truth
        I’m starting today
        I want to be a part of it
        The Truth The Truth

        These vagabond lies
        Are longing to stop
        Right through the very heart of it
        NYTimes NYTimes

        I wanna wake up in a city
        That Tells the Truth
        And find I’m king of the hill
        No longer a sheep

        These little town lies
        Are being blown away
        I’ll make a brand new start of it
        In old WAPO

        If I can tell the TRUTH there
        I can tell it anywhere
        It’s up to you
        NYTimes, WAPO & WSJ

        The Truth The Truth

        I want to wake up in a city
        That never lies
        And find I’m a number one
        Top of the list
        King of the hill
        Teller of TRUTH

        These little town lies
        Are being blown away
        I’m gonna make a brand new start of it
        By Telling The Truth

        And if the Truth can make it there
        It’s gonna make it EVERYWHERE
        It’s up to you AMERICA

      • Ray, I have to add to my comment:

        From the article: “A baby-formula manufacturing plant was closed — by the federal government — in Sturgis, Michigan, after four infants who consumed products made there got sick, and two died, of a bacterial infection.”

        SEE, 2 INFANTS DIED. Plant shut down.

        How many tens of thousands of people have died from the non-vaccines???

        HOW many Pregnant Women? How many fetuses????

        How many hundreds of thousands, if not millions INJURED from the non-vaccines?



  16. GOP lawmaker reintroduces bill that would cut US ties to the UN and related entities, including the World Health Organization

    Republican Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama has reintroduced legislation that would completely sever America’s ties with the United Nations. The measure would extricate the U.S. from the U.N. and related entities such as the World Health Organization, cut U.S. funding to the globalist organizations, and end American participation in any agreements with the international bodies.

  17. Eh eh pieces of yankee sheet eh eh dogs . What you got tonite animals !!! Ahhhh wooooo. Bark yah dogs . Burn big

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