Remedial Econ: War in Wave 3 Down? Retail Sales, Trantifa

Start time:  03:25 AM

Ure is up early because the scent of Money is in the air.  Too early to be certain, so were glued to the “events horizon.” (news flows)

Big Money on the short side of the market may arrive shortly because of where we are in long wave economics.

Where’s that?”

Retail First

Spend it till they end it, friend?

EU Hikes Rates

Then we have this morning’s ECB rate announcement: (Did the Fed it wrong???)

“Inflation has been coming down but is projected to remain too high for too long. The Governing Council is determined to ensure that inflation returns to its 2% medium-term target in a timely manner. It therefore today decided to raise the three key ECB interest rates by 25 basis points.

The rate increase today reflects the Governing Council’s updated assessment of the inflation outlook, the dynamics of underlying inflation, and the strength of monetary policy transmission. According to the June macroeconomic projections, Eurosystem staff expect headline inflation to average 5.4% in 2023, 3.0% in 2024 and 2.2% in 2025. Indicators of underlying price pressures remain strong, although some show tentative signs of softening. Staff have revised up their projections for inflation excluding energy and food, especially for this year and next year, owing to past upward surprises and the implications of the robust labour market for the speed of disinflation. They now see it reaching 5.1% in 2023, before it declines to 3.0% in 2024 and 2.3% in 2025. Staff have slightly lowered their economic growth projections for this year and next year. They now expect the economy to grow by 0.9% in 2023, 1.5% in 2024 and 1.6% in 2025.”

Futures are falling, accordingly.

And let’s bring it on home with the latest new…

Unemployment Filings…UP

Now, what all this shit means is?

Experiential Economics

3-Minutes of Remedial Econ

Short summary of events:

  • I told subscribers in advance I was going short the Fed decision.  The Fed did not disappoint.  Their announcement blew 400 points off the Dow and more than 25 off the S&P 500.  I sold the short position for nice lunch money.
  • Then the market rallied.  With the Dow then down 200 and change in the first good bounce, I re-shorted.  We’ll know by lunchtime how that will work out.  For now: Future’s price in another lunch and maybe dinner with wine, though.
  • The BIG, SCREAMING IN-YOUR-FACE problem is we MAY be on the precipice of WAVE 3 DOWN.

Here’s the Reality of Long Waves (think a decade, or so) in the Economy.  We hold that such waves are not only real, but they are usefully self-similar.  On the Peoplenomics subscriber side ($40/year) we avidly track and report on the American Financial Train Wreck in in progress.

To illustrate, we line up the 1920’s blow-off and collapse with the (since 2009) blowoff with collapse pending.  Looks like this (hopefully you’re not going to puke when you study closely…):

You will see that the 1929 down leg (red) extended into the history books under the title The Great Depression.  No name for what we think will appear over coming months.

Still, using our Aggregate Index model, we nevertheless have posted our target pricing levels periodically.  Since we have done a Wave 1 down (From Nov. 8, 2022) and may have completed our Wave 2 rally (see outlook below), we can pencil out the case where markets can be halved from present levels in the next year (or less).

Remarkably, we have just had two closes within a couple of points of the Fibonacci retracement level for a Aggregate Index Wave 2.

Does this guarantee the rally is over?  Hell no.

But Ure suspects it. So, I’ve ironed the Scrooge McDuck suit and aired out the mothball smell because I might be wearing it again soonly. Like within weeks.

On the charts, Wave 2 has lasted long enough to be considered “complex.” Long duration 2’s can mean short-duration wave 4’s.  The research focus now asks “What will power the possible Wave 3 decline?)  (Check all that may apply…)

  • (___) Russian nuke use
  • (___) American economic chaos, dollar collapse
  • (___) Communist-backed insurgencies spawning CivlWar2 at home
  • (___) Another bioweapon drop
  • (___) Megaquake, solar flare, other geo-events

Today’s Worksheet Updates

See why I get up early?  Gets my blood pressure up faster than a Musk relaunch.

Who’s Selling Out America?

Here’s one list for you: These 20 Republicans saved Adam Schiff from censure over Trump-Russia ‘lies’ | Fox News. We think anyone like Schiff – or anyone who deliberately lies and makes seditious claims – should be removed from office.  And if Members can’t think clearly to get it handled (the mealy-mouth wusses) then voters should.  No chance in Gruesome California, of course. Idjits love idjits.

Short Snorts

This has taken longer than we thought it would.  BTC down to $24,892 o-nite.  Uncle Georgie told you not to touch this shit with a 10-foot pole.  All the way down from $68k I’ve said it over and over.  The Hype continues over my protestations. Crypto Analyst’s Revelation: Ethereum, Binance Coin, and Litecoin on the Verge of Trend Reversals Amid Altcoin Correction – New Opportunities Await (  Also of interest:  ftx: US prosecutors to drop new charges against Bankman-Fried in October trial – The Economic Times (

Consigliere private briefing:  What the gov’t is doing is leaving crypto legal but burning down the on and off-ramps to move money in or out of ’em.  We’re guessing it will come to “Got a wallet? Have an audit...”  Pre-emptive paranoia since Day One on our part. (Delusionally, we call it foresight.)

While we wait for nukes to pop (we’re in no hurry, but it might explain what could halve financial markets between now and New Years…) The European Parliament recognized the terrorist attack on the HPP as a Russian war crime.

Free lunch Oregon continues to amaze. After widely reported Defund the Police (2020) and the predictable piles of shit from homeless, Oregon’s Ducky daft politicos are at it again: Portland camping ban passes council vote 3-1 (  Can someone please explain to Oregon you can’t have everything both ways?

We trust you’re also following the Great Idaho movement? ‘Greater Idaho’ movement to absorb rural counties from Oregon gains momentum ( Lots of Eastern Oregonians don’t want to be tied to the rails of the Marxist Titanic where a key gun rights trial is being aired this week.

Around the Ranch:  Q2 Due

If you pay quarterlies to IRS, you know what pops in the mail today, right?

Home insurance is up >20 percent, too. No inflation here, no Jerry, no here in the REAL FREAKING WORLD.

Going to have to relabel Uretopia to “The Check Republic” one of these days.

Write when you get rich, after-tax.

67 thoughts on “Remedial Econ: War in Wave 3 Down? Retail Sales, Trantifa”

    • deregulation and outsourcing jobs…
      mom and dad both had to take on extra work to compensate for the rising cost of living and low wage jobs.. the lists of essential services cut for the business model..
      there use to be an adult presence in the home now kids grow up alone to make their own choices..television altered programming from family friendly to shows filled with glorification of activities that were considered taboo.. govt. went from in secret under the table deals to the right in your face ..
      our father who art in heaven. hallowed be thy name…
      my xmas gift to friends usually deals with a light of some sort..don’t hide the light of wisdom and heavenly fathers messages to all..but show them brightly to all that can’s not what you have or wear that defines who you are.. but what you do and have faith..

  1. ? -“What will power the possible Wave 3 decline?) (Check all that may apply…) – All of Em, George, all of em.

    clues, numbers and signs..everywhere, understanding can come when silent – no thoughts..

    Can you re imagine Orwells 1984 ?

    1+9+8+4 = 22 a master numbers, a builders number..

    it is on this premise “they” will bring a false sense of reality, but this can be reinstated without consent. Here we build nothing but your own prison, So BUILD THAT WALL/LAW!

    Trump is PAN with his flute and following him you and your country are marching off a cliff..

    If you are following him you and your country are marching off a cliff.
    If you are following him after all that has happened after these last 3 years, Go and march off that cliff I have no sympathy for you.

    Over on other side of same bent coin…topless trans model – “TRANS-MODEL” model is used for transportation..what is transported ?

    Ure state of conscience.

    “Voting means Giving part of Ureself to the jaws of karma – if he/she somehow fucks up, cant blame him//her for what is coming for is on you, not him/her” . -HP

    “its too hot in da hotube!”

    • Well if you can’t get Ted Cruz in there, and I’m pretty sure Texas can’t spare him given how close Butt-hole got last time, the I ask you WHO is going to work for We, The People other than Trump? Kerry Lake? … hmmm …. hmmMMMmmm.

      • See RFK,jr

        Top environmental Lawyer in country, Top Anti Vax Lawyer in country. Majority of his case Wins are non disclosure deals in the case of big Pharma – you know the guys and girls trying KILL you with spike protiens attached Vaccines.

        If not for the people WHO is he working 4 ?

        deepstate FEARZ RFK jr – they obviously dont fear tRump as he is one of theirs.
        So we make him RFK jrs Sec. State, and let him work his deal making magic allover the globe, while entertaining the hell out of us in the process – is a very funny guy.

        • RFK is way ahead in the polls, if you believe them but I don’t for a second believe Trump and Biden are tied at second. Both “The Hill” and “WSAU” were quoting a New Economist and YouGov poll –

          Kennedy says a lot of the right things to tickle the ears of anyone that isn’t wild eyed, drooling WOKE and he’s an “insider” to government. Who knows, his uncle was crazy enough to rattle some sensitive institutions to the point he was eliminated. If he gets in let’s hope he doesn’t AOC or Pocahontas as a running mate.

        • I forgot to say that AOC or “Pocahontas” would be the rhyming candidate to his uncle’s VP, LBJ. History could make a very ugly repeat.

      • hmm.. at this point.. it really doesn’t matter who is in there.. I believe that enough damage has been done the last 2.5 years that we cannot handle it..8 percent interest and an estimated 5 mil per second by every man woman and child to repay our outstanding debts for a five year payoff..then supporting a war that I believe we cannot win..
        the bric’s taking down the dollar and pushing the usa to 4th place in the world.
        I have survived the economic death spiral its a cold dark and ugly spot that we are in..

    • Trump is the Regan genra silly.

      on July 14, 1980, Reagan declared that he would improve the lives of all Americans by “Making America Great Again,” which became his campaign slogan. 

      you can see his campaign pin here.

      speaking of Master numbers. you know, i drive Ore Train #11, i was hotel room number eleven for 11 weeks, working 11 hour days, 6 days a week. not only that. on the back of all the haul road signs so you can see them in the dark, someone went and put two lines in reflective gold tape, making “11” on the back of all the signs. im hauling millions of tons of phosphate -> the alchmey symbol of spirit and light, at night ->>> the unconscious mind in —>>> the valley of Enoch —>>>> surrounded by elevens, which is my fruits.

      you know of course all this shit is being allowed. there is powers beyond this realm that are allowing all this.
      ->>>> “ye shall know them by their fruits.”

      we dont shovel and sweep out darkness. we simply open the blinds and let the light do what it does.

      wouldnt you agree, everything is becoming visble? glaringly so. and there will be no denying whose fruits are whose.

      idaho famouse for potatoes. faith like potatoes. you know why they say that? because it takes 90 days for potatoes to be ripe for harvest after being planted. they grown in the dark. you cant see them but that dosent mean they arent growing. they most cettainly are.

      just because you dont see me ln here much, doesnt mean im not growing.

      11’s, spirit and light, in the dark soil of the night.. faith like potatoes. or stars, points of light. the stuff that dreams are made of.

  2. Belarusian President Lukashenko is a petty dictator with visions of grandeur. When he stated that ‘he’ “wouldn’t hesitate to order these tactical nukes use,” Putin’s puppet seemed to forget that the Russian leader clearly stated the nukes would remain under Moscow’s exclusive control.

    Not that anyone should feel comforted at the prospect of Putin spreading Russian nukes across Eurasia, or their being under the control of his regime, but at least Putin is appearing to adhere to established nuke security protocols.

    Lukashenko needs to understand that via ‘national technical means,’ NATO and the U.S. know exactly, down to the square meter, where these nukes are being shipped and deployed. Oh, and Israel too.

    • I read that one. My husband now reconsiders his opinion regarding all those handy apps, lol. Meanwhile, I’m still looking for hand crank car window rollers.

  3. Explosion in Odessa so powerful, Registered as Earthquake! Possibly a small tactical nuke!
    Whatever exploded took out all webcams and all internet connectivity in Odessa.   Russia possibly use small tactical Nuclear devices!!!
    My guess would be thermobaric.

    • Conventional warhead Russian missile salvos are pummeling Odessa over the past several days. And with media war correspondents all over the region, if it were a nuke, it would be news flashed ASAP.

      A nuke, any nuke, is immediately detected by orbital sensors (aka national technical means) as part of a ubiquitous early warning network. You can be certain that high earth orbit (HEO), low earth orbit (LEO) and geosynchronous orbit (GEO) military satellites are carefully watching not just Ukraine, but other hot spots around the globe. They’ve been doing so for more than half a century, with ever-improving detection and resolution technologies.

      • The characteristics of a nuclear detonation are quite unique, with a distinctive spectrum. Conventional explosives are in thousands of degrees, nukes are in millions. If its above ground they will be immediately detected from space.

        James Johnson, ex=nuke

        • Unfortunately – ALL the rad detectors all over Europe are turned-off and or filtered and “smoothed out” readings. The NRO guys and gurls are NOT able/allowed to share any data .
          These lying assholes (usa/gb/nato) will next try to tell you that it was ANFLO that detonated .

          Rinse -Wash – Repeat. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW until it too late..SARMATED, Belgoroded and Kinzaled – thats just the nukes..

    • Oil refinery and fuel depot. After a series of rockets. Been a major target for some time. Russia just finally got around to doing it right.

  4. Yeah, lots going on …. There goes the lull.

    Did ya catch the LGBTQ state of emergency news?

    Kinda figured some bad weather was in the near future.

    Battle cries … mole hills becoming mountains.

    Guess “gain of function” wasn’t just about viruses.

    Been pondering biological effects of fluoride. Read all the medical info, over the years. Nasty stuff.

    Trying to find the connection between pineal gland and mysticism. Anybody ever prove that? Or is that just a rabbit hole?

    Seems to me, a calloused pineal gland due to fluoride effects reasoning making folks submissive, not inhibiting sooth saying and conjuring up stuff outa nowhere.

    Ask a the wrong question, get the wrong answer … works in someone’s favor, I guess.

    • calloused or calcified ? flouride = industrial by-product- poison. So pritzgers scheme and scam – pay some scientists to report that fluoride protects tooth enamel from decay – and voila a waste stream product incurring expense to commodity earning pure profitz -genius.
      Such was the genius of this plan that Cock Family (koch) stole chapter 1 from the pritzgers book “How to Get Rich on the Peoples-Govmint Back” and concocted a Climate Scam to sell the Sheeps- Their waste stream product =”expense” – coal “fly” ash. It is now sold to Govmint-airfarce, and they spray it aerolized into atmosphere – told its for blocking Sun effects.

      – its really part of a global Alert System for detecting interstellar arrivals but I digress.
      * rabbit hole – kundalini rises naturally as we age. brain exercise reco, like every other muscle that gets exercised..

      if you want the FULL Benefit mystical existence – you need to acivate/engage Ure Solar Plexus.

      Not advice, not suggesting you even consider such a path. That particular path leads to Full ON “tripping ballz” 24/7/365> There is no getting off once engaged, not even sleep will can relieve the situation.
      Once you start “seeing” – everything knows you can “see” and “hear”. Overwhelming at first is putting things mildly, but what the hell, what else has so much potential?
      Like jpl pointing hubble at darkest spot in Universe, they found it contained more stars in that space than anywhere is they had looked..

      • Southbeach, recent studies show that fluoride is dumbing down children, lowering IQ scores. Fluoride first used in POW camps in WWII, making prisoners docile. No rabbit hole, information on the deleterious effects of fluoride has been in the open for many years. Haven’t touched the stuff in 30 years.

      • i live in that relm. its not so bad. its pretty fun. you know alot sooner than most people even know their own thoughts and actions. most of the time. you can look at a sunset and know just by the colors and hughes present, how everyone will be acting that night.

        atleast i can.

        you can sit under a tree, look up, and see tbe colage of om symbols present as the sun shines betweem tbe leaves.

        Bob, just Be Bob. You are really good at it.

        i wouldnt worrie about all that stuff dude. you are more gifted from what i see, than even most gurus on this site.

        solarplexes. yeah i read about that too. but its not just one area schwami. every single cell in your body is a intelligent, feeling living being. and eveyone of those cells is made up of molecules that in and of themselves have a state of consciousness. your entire body is a collective of tiny conaciouness cohabitating together. working in concert together.

        the really big picture is, the understanding that you are not seperate from all things. you are a part of all things. you are all things. when you understand that. the bird in the sky is you and you are it. no different than a cell in your body is seprate from another cell in your body but all part of the same body. then you can see your body as the bird above sees.

        but you gotta start somewhere. doesnt matter if its ‘Your Big T.O.E.’ or the solar plexes.

        • “I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me. My story isn’t pleasant, it’s not sweet and harmonious like the invented stories; it tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves.”

          ? Hermann Hesse, Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend

        • The Bumble Bee flys elgantly through the air from flower to flower, landing with precision.

          Bumble bee dont know the laws of physics and aero dynamics.

          It just flys.

  5. Good work!

    I’d guess the Evil Do’ers continue attacking the $.

    That will cause most Earth folk to align hate against Americans and most Americans hate against them.

    Germany was a heavyweight superpower before the others took their Papiermark. That’s how it happens.

    By me loaves of bread are $1.40/14 oz. That’s more than 10 cent an ounce.

    Hot dogs are 1lb pack for $1.48 or less than 10 cent an ounce (0.0925). Funny how that works.

    • that was before the present administration..
      in 2012 the price of a loaf of cheap soda bread was 65 cents the good bread was 1.20 the premier bread was 2.50 now the soda bread is 5 times.. and rising the candybar that was a quarter is now 3.00..

      • The Mars family thanks you.

        It helps them keep their multiple second (5th?) homes (for different family members) just down the street from Buffet, Gates, and select others at the Yellowstone Club. (when I accidentally almost skied in a guard with an M-16 came out of the shack at the top of the run to stop me)

      • It’s pretty wild that the hot dog is over 10% cheaper than the bread even considering the hot dog needs refrigeration during its shelf life.

        Now I wonder if the bread has more calories than the hot dog.

        • Hot dogs are through the roof.. right now.. with the inflation the way it is.. I will get my dogs at the meat counter at our local packer.. I can watch him make them.. I know what is in it.. but what fillers would they use.. Or better yet.. I will dig out my meat grinder and packer and make my own.. the only reason I don’t is because I am the only hot dog eater in this house.. LOL and five pounds of meat will make more than a years worth for this house..

  6. “Retail First
    Spend it till they end it, friend?”

    that is exactly what is going on now..people at the wage earner level can see what is happening..they are panic buying.. me as well.. I had things planned to acquire in time one at a time.. only to realize that by the time it rolls around the prices would be so far out of reach that it would be better to get it the interest on it..
    someone with a sizable savings has literally seen it vanish by 50 percent in the last 2 years..once the transition is done switching global currency power from the fiat currencies of the world to backed currencies of the Bric will leave it as valuable as the currency of Zimbabwe and Argentina.. a loaf of bread will be like the purchase of a loaf of bread in the Weimar depression..once plastic and credit tightens markets will fall.. money is only good if it’s moving

  7. Watched that trans dance on the Whitehouse lawn last night. Mama Mia. Are those breast transplants clip-on? If so, I assume they were left behind. Two more boobs at the Whitehouse.

    • Hey… he said across the Pacific, too! Yessir, we could use a railroad in the Hawaii-California tunnel. Can you get ‘er done before the elections, Joe??

      • Now seriously you cannot have a railroad.. without a way stop and bicycle paths would be nice to.. what if you want to take a bike ride across the atlantic.. if your gonna do it.. then dam it do it right.. put in a few convenience stores.. you know the basics..
        of course the supplies for the convenience stores would travel by rail since there will be a way stop..

        What is that scene in the movie.. oh yeah ..”build it and they will come”

  8. The house insurance went up 115 % last year and it being forced on non debt owners by “Association” of debtors? Makes ownership threatened and not sensable but to debtors…not rational..

    • As a “non-debt owner” without any financing on my real property, it’s been best to “go bare” without insurance on some properties. I see little reason to spend a lot on “insurance” when losses from fire or weather can be repaired for the price of materials and a bit of time. I’d probably spend more time fighting to get a payout from an “insurance company”, and then finding someone affordable to pay to repair. IMHO, for those who are relatively handy, such coverage is grossly overpriced, unless you know of special circumstances, such as a meth house next door.

      What “Association of Debtors” are you talking about?

    • OK, I think you’re referring to your HOA. If so, they’re way out of line and I wonder if you have a credible lawsuit against them. I’ve always avoided an HOA since my first house, and that was so cheap it was a no-brainer. I ended up becoming the president of that organization for a year, and then VP after that until I moved. If you(or your wife if you have one) are politically savvy, becoming influential in that org might make sense.

    • Thank you.

      I want to send some extra money … just buy more copies and don’t download them?

      • Stephen 2,

        Go to the bottom of the home page, you can order one of the other books, or simply make a donation, or wait for the forthcoming book, ‘Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars 2023’ and buy that.

  9. With Shiff not being censored, the uni-party is at work. Most of con-gress takes care of each other no matter what party they belong to unless they go against the old boy network. That is why I call them the uni-party, they are all one party.

  10. Rooty toot toot – how comes you dont listen to the bandicoot ?

    4 if youse had you would be holding rocket ride tickets to the Moon..on Gaz, Natural Gaz

    ..BOIL and UNG.
    Bottom is in, countdown initiated, we are about at the 5,4,3,2,1 point.
    Both BOIL and UNG underlying up 14% so far this week.

    Call options ? forget it you would be pissed hearing how much was gained. Oh well I can handle the hate – BOIL June 3 Calls up 333% today ! Can I get a YOWZA ?

  11. Well., I figured there would be a small dead-cat bounce from yesterday, . as the powers-that-be realized that The Fed pausing rates for a month would not knock the Earth out of it’s orbit.., .so I bought two in the money options Calls near the close., but I did not expect this much of a move upward. Not complaining., doing quite well., but it seems rather odd that it would take so long for the market to react to what most pundits proclaimed what The Fed would really do. Seems just a bit overblown. About to get out.

  12. Re: Remedial Waves


    France’s AFP news agency has noted a 15 minute address made today to the Swiss parliament direct-to-video by Mr. Zelensky. The largest party, the Swiss People’s Party, boycotted his speech. Mr. Z. encouraged remaining Swiss listeners that they would not be violating Swiss neutrality regulations by sending weapons to Ukraine. Ukraine “is not a territory of war” and “not a conflict zone”…

    In party news, the newest septuagenarian leader today is Mr. Xi. Mr. Putin sent birthday wishes to his “dear friend”. Mr. Kim apparently sent a flower basket two days early.

    Speaking of China, CGTN reports that prior to IAEA final review and approvals, the 1.3 million tonne in total tanks of treated nuclear wastewater at Fukushima are about full. Supposedly release into the ocean began last Monday?

    Meanwhile in Washington this evening, “Flamin’ Hot” will be screened on the WH South Lawn. I don’t know if snacks or beverages will be provided.

    • Re: “The Beyoncé Effect”
      feat. KNTY 4 country’s music on fire


      The BBC is quoting Swedish economists’ explanation for an unexpected bounce in Sweden’s May inflation rate. Apparently the commencement of the Renaissance World Tour by ‘alien superstar’ Beyoncé at the Friends Arena in Stockholm triggered price increases sufficient enough to show on the radar. The modern-day Venus apparently negotiates about the curves of the multi-act extravaganza with ease.

      Let’s join DJ George ready to help us listen in with the final act of the show, “Mind Control”. Here we go, ‘you can’t get no higher than this’ she says. Prepare to be blown away but don’t get stung by the Queen Bey –
      “America Has a Problem.”
      Is there a doctor in the house?

      • i dreamed about her last night. lol she was naked next to me fishing on a boat. i wasnt even sure who she was when i woke up. her and dua lipa (who ive met and know) were both naked on a bayliner with me….fishing. we were all just chatting away, like it was another, normal day out on the lake fishing. oh they were drinking coors. i dont drink. but i didnt mind they were.

        huh. not a big fan of Beyonce. at all. never ever even considered her to be anything. its not like she wrote or sang the same qyality of songs from 20 to 30 years ago.

        weird she was on my boat, driking coors silver bullets, naked and fishing.


        weird dream.

        i could tell ya all the future, but im not saying much about it. thinking and being quiet……. is good.

        good morning george.

  13. All major indices are at new highs for the year.
    The treasuries are still inverted – something is still “not quite right”.
    Powell stated that real estate has bottomed and has moved up ‘slightly’.
    Empire State Manufacturing was expected to come in at -16., but was actually up 6.6%
    “There are more signs of strength, than weakness” -Philly Fed
    .., and all is right with the World.
    So why do I feel like I need to lock-n-load ? How does that line go? – “When the band plays ‘Hail to the Chief’, but they point the cannons at you.” [ Fortunate Son.]

  14. Figures my? Hoa is run by aholes devaluing the property ownership rights and house value when inflation tripled price everywhere else..and threatening ownership with new “rules” and threats of fees and fines up the down promise to pay, control..

  15. Deutsche Bank, [ just after The Fed announcement.,] put U.S. recession at nearly 100 % “The Federal Reserve ‘pausing’ rates makes no sense.” They also predict a ‘Hard Landing’.

  16. Aging lies…
    After I passed 39 I did the ‘Jack Benny’ reply for years… until some astute friend observed that Jack Benny died at ’39’. My latest boost came from a great grand nephew, about age 5, when he was introduced to me for the first time. When he asked my age and I told him 70, he replied “Really? You look about 40.” Granted, he is only five, but… God bless the children.

    I’m back at the Volcano Ranch after the midwest trip to visit family I have not seen in 24 years. A great time was had by all, but man, those people got old! Met a whole new generation of offspring and found two of them share my name now. I’m still recovering from the time & space & culture shock. This multi-time zone travel shocks the body clock. So I was catching up on Urban of the past few days and I owe some replies:

    LOOB (and George), re: Astaxanthin. Here is the Hawaiian made stuff
    Get the 12mg size that the studies were done on. They make a cheaper, weaker version at only 4mg that fooled me at the store with the label that looks the same.

    Rocket Mike: George’s recommendation of the carnosine eye drops for cataracts is right on. You can stave them off for quite some time with that great antioxidant.
    Now for Serrapeptase, I got the strongest stuff I could find.
    I suffer from allergies, and when the weeping mucus becomes overwhelming I take two of these at bedtime. It is absorbed best in the lower gut, so best taken on an empty stomach to get down there without stomach or food delays. Busts up the mucus very well. Also cleans out arteries and the damn fibrin-producing spike proteins if you made the mistake of taking the clot shot and have regrets now.
    Dr. Peter McCullough the COVID expert is now promoting Nattokinase as being the best to dissolve the spike proteins, which one can allegedly acquire from others through ‘shedding’.
    Nattokinase is available OTC at supplements stores everywhere.
    I take ‘Natto’ and Serretio daily now with my pill regime.

    Niece introduced me to an ALDI’S store just for fun, and my jaw was dragging on the floor thru the store. Their marketing model would not work in Hawaii with our long supply chain, but.. OMG… I saw eggs for $1.06/doz !! They are $5.56 for browns, $7.55 for large white prime in Hawaii.

    George, I am still in awe that you stuffed that entire handful of Hawaiian peppers on ONE chicken. Locals cook with one or two added to a dish for heat, but to roast a chicken with dozens of ‘em under the skin is nothing short of a forest fire! I understand that ‘some like it hot’ but…. You have my blessings to use the ‘Volcano Chicken’ moniker for your cookbook. Good thing G2 has firefighting experience. I do hope your seeds sprout well.

    None of this is medical advice… just the ravings of a lunatic.
    I’m going back to bed until I figure out what planet I woke up on.

    • “Niece introduced me to an ALDI’S store just for fun, and my jaw was dragging on the floor thru the store. Their marketing model would not work in Hawaii with our long supply chain, but.. OMG”

      Never say never. ALDI has 2288 stores in 39 States, but over 9000 more in other countries, including 587 stores in Australia…

  17. personnaly, i think this inditement thing with Trump is fucking awesome!

    dangle a carrot out there so to speak. hahaha.

    the one thing it has done the most is:

    its shown everyones hand. every single corrupt person in media, the government etc etc went all in. everyone did. they are all in. pushed every chip they had on the table.

    not only did they show their hand. they are sitting there at the table counting their money in the pot.

    when the dealing isnt done yet. there is still cards to be delt. the game hasnt been called yet.

    reminds me of all those twitter folks last election. they all went all in, counted their money at the table, while it was sitting in the pot.

    until that last card flipped over. which was -> Elon bought twitter. then all those twits that went all in and showed their hand? counted their money at the table before the dealing was done?

    they all got fired and exposed. lost their asses.

    see this going much the same way.

    • Bingo, Andy, you ‘see’ !
      Trump has put his self out there as bait
      the demons must attack, they have no choice but to attack that light shining on their darkest secrets.
      The Guardians are over seeing the trap door,,, SpaceForce
      the game is afoot
      the future is unstoppable, but steerable.
      you steer a train by laying tracks ahead , before ya go.
      Did trump lay down some track with his creation of Space Force, and moving patriotic men into place? You do not hear anything from the MSM about that branch. Shhhhh

      17+,,, the sound of Trump, I hear that train a coming

      • lol

        i drive Ore Trains at night. king of the road. we run pavement. a normal load is 606,000 lbs. the other night i hit the scale at 772,000.

        one things for sure, definently moving some weight.

        each train car is $40,000 in product being delivered to the refinery which usess more electricity than the entire city of vegas. the entire city of vegas. i haul 3 train cars, for 11 loads a night.

        now once the ore is refined? a single rail car is worth about 3.9 Million, each.

        I agree Darrell, its a process.

      • its like this. the other the local fellas went to the foreman and complaned about me. i knew it was coming last week, when they all got quiet on the cb. so i knew it was coming.

        the foreman said, they are a little concerned about a few things. i said yeah. what ia that. he said. and i reminded him, i have over 12 million miles without an accident. never once in 30 years this month had a ding or rolled a truck, or had a fender bender. ive only called in one time late for work in 25 years (saved a ladys life that day) and i have only called in sick one time.

        ive been offered 7 jobs in the last 2 months since ive been here. all over. from Alaska to Arizona. you dont get offered work and calls abput someone gave me your name said you were a good hand. unless you are a good hand. i am a good hand.

        i said, okay. its all good.

        so reassured them. and its good now.

        people are afraid, that is what this all tells me with trump. people act out when they are afraid. people jump on band wagons when they want to be accepted and wanting to be accepted because they are afraid.

        and all them people are afraid of trump. if they werent? they wouldnt make this much effort.

        they most certainly are afraid of trump.

        its entertaining, for sure.

      • I agree with you that the indictments to date have turned up the lights on the bipartisan cockroaches and their associates.

        I’m thinking there will be more indictments of Others, so the Public will have no choice except fresh blood in the end. The outright bribes are being outed first. What has yet to be addressed is the easy foreign loans being handed out to the family gangs for offshore business holdings. That would spread the bribery scandal to bipartisan congressional leadership.

    • “not only did they show their hand. they are sitting there at the table counting their money in the pot.
      when the dealing isnt done yet. there is still cards to be delt. the game hasnt been called yet.”

      What I see is the standard DC pony show for a campaign.. nothing is going to come of this.. not one thing..those that swore to protect the innocent are protecting the corrupt and deviant lifestyles of those that think they are to important to be held accountable..
      Just look at the past.. and the things that have happened that they had investigated.. as soon as they realized who was involved they cleaned it up and made all the investigative reports vanish.. the MSM is doing everything they can to NOT tell about it on the news.. instead they make up news the common redirection..
      It doesn’t matter how many thousands of photos or video’s any of them posted on the internet or on a laptop.. nothing came of Hillary and her illegal server with top secret material on it.. it vanished.. nothing came of the satanic pedophile groups in the usa no matter how horrid their activities were.. in fact one of the CIA had reported this once upon a time.. before he died.. I think it was suicide.. nothing will ever happen it will be a big show until after the election

      • “nothing came of the satanic pedophile groups in the usa no matter how horrid their activities were.. ”

        Y’know, Trump had Secret Service and the military bust those pedo rings in NYC and LA.

        Until you mentioned this, it never occurred to me to ask what happened to either the children, or the pedos.

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