“The time has come”, the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes – and ships – and sealing wax – Of cabbages – and kings- And why the sea is boiling hot – And whether pigs have wings.”
From an earlier Jabber-Writer.
Today, in lieu of news, some useful thinking points.
Understand, many people have “the news on” because they…well… as Elaine said at cocktails last night “It’s like people have this void in their thinking – they know something ought to go there, so they put “news” there to fill it up.”
Not a bad observation. Except, in modern/digital parlance, we’re beginning to wonder if this is the mental “Overseer’s Hole.”
In other words, humans have been buying, selling, ordering, killing, conscripting OTHER people virtually forever. “You gonna be my bitch now…” was likely first uttered by a Caveman of indeterminate race.
Fast-forward 100,000 years, which we divide by 25 to get programmable generations of humans, and we have to ask whether 4,000 DNA turns under stress could leave most people with a “hole in their head.” Something we plug something into (a convenient cause or belief). It’s where our human “Lead-Me” font module gets plugged in.
Election results show we don’t pick our “plug-ins” for leadership worth a damn. But it was a keen cocktail hour musing – and kudos to Elaine for articulating it.
You know when you “get a song stuck in your head?” German’s call this an Ohrworm (translation: earworm). And it’s the same genetic programming, seems likely.
Perhaps the only people who should be voting are those with songs and that old Toyota jingle stuck in there. Crowd out the garbage, lol.
Google Shows Leadership
Next topic is similarly related to sales, marketing, and holes in people’s heads.
Slowly, humans are restoring a global mass consciousness via the Internet, though it has been a slow process. Rebuilding of the Tower of Babel would be, of course.
We have long hated the fact that there are simply topics that don’t lend themselves to monetary control by a handful of self-aggrandizing financial engines – the Global Corporations.
Example topics began long ago – such as running Trump out of office – the desperate push to get you vaxxed, and now what (in Nostradamus’ view) could be a several-years long war in eastern Europe – Turkey a year from now.
Google has just done something BRILLIANT with its Adsense advertising partners, advising them that:
Brilliant!!! F**king AWESOME move by Google. Because it tends to take down the money-angle of news a notch.
The internet is awash in content-monetizers. They don’t add much (if any) value. They exist to capitalize on the efforts of others and monetize it with clever ads (read: click-bait!). Increasers of polarization, follow?
How far Google will take this newly-claimed (consciously, or otherwise) leadership role remains to be seen.
But, when you take monetization of fringe sites down a notch, the public discourse can only improve in overall quality, not the least of which would be an expected decline in polarization.
Well done, Google!
We hope this will be extended into other areas of “news overdose.”
Another Media Story
Our Houstonian News Tipster Linda contributed another media-related thought:
“I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Is radio in a second golden age? Here’s what the first looked like.”
Had to happen: People are back to listening (and podcasts are radio, right?) so yes, another sign of the web maturing is that Radio makes its rightful return.
Ure’s on Radio again. Next Tuesday night into Wednesday…with George Noory on Coast-To-Coast-AM: Death Taboos / Alien Abduction Cases | Coast to Coast AM.. Spoiler: I’m not doing the abductions part, lol.
We’ll focus on my most recent book Packing to Die which is available paperback and for Kindle on the Zon.
Ure’s Wheat Experiments
One of our readers reminded me recently that bread flour made in ‘Merica is not good for you because of GMO content. “Ought to try some European flour if you want really great bread.”
Thursday, Justin the UPS dude, dropped off 11 pounds of Polselli Double Zero Italian flour. I’ll let you know if it makes a difference. Which we could infer by just re-reading Wheat Belly, but it’s been too long to remember all the fine points.
Sourdough starter will be smell and taste-tested, as well, while we look for differences. OK, and a pizza if we must…
Beard Tuning
A Really Weird Anti-Aging Idea
Hit me like a rock this morning while shaving. I shaved (Norelco, electric) and noticed that my shavings were a lot whiter than usual. Normally, go off to a very dark brown.
“OK, Ure, what did you change in your diet?”
Whereupon the past couple of days of food and beverage was reviewed, and the main suspects were related to sugar and fruit.
So. the nearly nuts, but not quite idea is that if you assume a younger person has a darker hair color (before going gray zone), one of the easiest ways to “tune your diet” is to eat in a manner that keeps your beard darkest.
Now that I’m onto this (should have been obvious long ago) idea, it’s like walking around growing a kind of personal nutrition litmus flakes.
(Elaine, never surprised by my silliness, has been using her fingernails as her built-in diagnostic in plain sight. Works for her…which is how born in ’43 looks more like born in ’63, She’s been using a product called BioSil for years and when she runs out, the nails get softer so, yes dear, reordered this morning.)
You get enough of these little hints and tricks, and then optimize an anti-aging vitamin stack and its pretty clear, we can live a lot longer through diet, weight management exercise and self-litmus indicators. Not good from a Social Security standpoint which is central in my next Novel Ancient Children which will be along as typing speed and workloads allow.
Beard Tuning – by God, I like it. I’m working on that as book material. Let’s all watch and see how long before the marketing Charlatans steal that idea…
As long as we’re doing rounds, how about…
Another Covid Report
Science is still debating the effectiveness of Covid vaccinations which were based on a gen-1 or gen-2 virus, and we’re now genetically hundreds of miles distant.
And if it all morphs badly? What happens if half of Congress dies? Even Congress isn’t sure. : NPR.
As always, we do not offer advice, on such matters, but with the blaring headlines today, such as “Covid in D.C.: What to know about the risks of Omicron and BA.2″ comes word of another action step here in the Outback.
I’ve been on a pretty-serious diet now, for several weeks. Weight is down to 215, and at present rates my BMI will drop out of Obese and into simply Overweight in the next week or two – and stay there. Plan is to get into the Normal range before Summer’s out.
Point is – that not just with Covid, but with a multiplicity of other diseases such as heart, lung, and so on – it was just time to “do it.”
With president Biden – and many others mentioning it – famine training (*once absurd sounding, but our thinking is evolving) might be something you wish to consider.
And, at my age (73) any objections to the calorie restricted diet as an approach to anti-aging, could be swept away by military events.
By the way, another “self-tuning trick” – on a hunch I added a lot of sourdough from our own starter – and that seemed to help weight loss, a fair bit also. Thinking it over, got me looking at the book Super Gut: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight might get onto the reading list. Though at the present decline rate (2-3 lbs/week) not in that much of a hurry.
Geezer Musings
Misleading ads persist despite our protests. Why, again Thursday, I saw a “Women’s Apparel Half Off” ad pop in a sidebar. So I clicked, but no, ALL of the models had their clothes on, not a one of ’em had ’em half off… (rim shot)
NATO soldier-gathering just won’t quit: Russia-Ukraine war: NATO chief says Finland welcome to join allies. Why? Finland has had a long and good (did I mention stable) border for how long?
Meantime, the press completely missed the humor in Vlad Putin promising a Russia from “Vladivostok to Portugal” this week. The humorous part was? It’s EXACTLY opposite of what the EU sot Jean-Clown Juncker said over a decade back. And which EU megalomaniacs have been yammering about in their plenaries since at least 2012. An example may be seen in CoE-Russia : Macron + Jagland for saveguarding a PanEuropean Area from Lisbon to Vladivostok (eurofora.net). Of course, most people won’t grok the wink, but people who think Putin dumb could be in for a rudity.
RT – speaking of Russia – carries a worthwhile: Macron names his priority for second term. Spoiler alert: Energy Sovereignty. Political leadership can’t seem to understand that in the energy-humans-climate circle, the easiest variable to push around is population. Maybe LBGTQRS is an arising response to climate. I mean since Q couples don’t reproduce (*directly) we have another avenue of inquiry back to “Who’s pulling all the strings, here?” Of course, I also wish we had a president who understood the energy-growth-climate-human mess. I expect we’ll get an actual president in 2024.
It ain’t that hard to figure out dept: Recession signals: These unusual indicators may be worth monitoring (cnbc.com).
Market to Rally On
The turn higher at mid session Thursday came a little slower than we expected. Yet with virtually no news, the market is bound to head higher at the open today.
This kind of rally is filed mentally next door to “It feels so good when you stop whipping me…”
Dow Futures were up 143 and up almost 15 on the essen pea… (run that through Babel to German.)
What we need to focus on is the area under the Biggest 2 in the chart above.
As you know, in our little solve for X world, we figure that if you see a small Elliott wave 1 down, you can estimate the size of decline in over 50% of cases.
Opening up our BrainAmp spreadsheet, the decline today leads to what in coming weeks?
Well…We did a small one down: from 39,674.47 to 38,756.25 – got it? Plug in the numbers and bippity bobbity boo!
If you look at the Wave 3 Yellow Box (where we put actuals) the early futures put us around 38,384, which is likely a minor (ii) rally of the 3 that will drop us to 37,940 and change in coming weeks if this wild-man’s spreadsheet notions work out.
That would actually be “good” news, because that particular stacking of waves would mean our low will be more like 33,000 instead of 29,000 for the entire wave forming from the Nov. 8, 2021 high.
A week from now is Options expiration (equities). Last expiration was March 18 and our Aggregate Index was rolling 38228.34. With futures at 38,743 and change, a decline of 500 points next week would come close to zeroing everyone out. More (and a dozen charts, as always) in Peoplenomics tomorrow
We shall see. Greenly, I’m hoping. A strong close today, but less than 39,342, might sucker me back to the short side next week. Last one worked out OK. But spending all day in front of a computer screen to gin up more paper?
Naw…your whole life is prolly under 7,300 days at this point before planetary collapse comes along. What’s the point of paper in here, again?
Off to play in the gardens and whip up some sourdough pancakes. Someone’s gotta do it…
(and figure out why two whipping references in the column this morning…a whipping to come may be a news plug-in forthcoming soon…I fear…)
Write when you get rich,
“It’s like people have this void in their thinking – they know something ought to go there, so they put “news” there to fill it up.”
AMEN… she hit it on the noggin to.. then there is the FEAR of what is going to be placed in that Void son on goes the news to see if your going to be dragged into the vortex of crap..
I loved the book alice in wonderland.. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/11/11-0.txt
I just don’t want to be dragged down the deep hole of misery..
The wife (a bread acoholic ) and I noticed the differences in wheat while taking cruises. European wheat seemed softer and easier to digest.
Locally our wheat comes from Mexico and is easier on our digestive systems than the USA brands of wheat. Same with our tortillas.
I lost weight by reducing carbs and doing what is called ‘intermittent fasting”. Not too difficult as I was looking at long term health, which means I can take care of people instead of people taking care of me.
Still No meds at the same age age as your lovely wife.
“One of our readers reminded me recently that bread flour made in ‘Merica is not good for you because of GMO content. “Ought to try some European flour if you want really great bread.”
You have to go to the colonies..
They raise Non GMO wheat.. the hard white is great for pasta.. ( I love to grind some rice to add to the flour)
the Red is great for bread..
of course they are selling it at prime price.. a fifty pound bag of NON GMO runs about fifteen bucks.. It was Seven dollars and change .. the price has doubled I did order an extra fifty pound bag.. but the price on that is thirty….
the problem with that.. is cross mutation.. non gmo fields have had studies done only to discover that the genes from GMO fields miles away has crossed over to their fields…
I sincerely doubt that any wheat can be found at all to be tested that hasn’t had a gene transfer..
Much of the Hybrid Seed Corn sold in N. America is grown on an island in the middle of Lake Erie, Pelee Island. The reason, as you might suspect, is the near total lack of cross pollination from other varieties.
The island has some good farmland, is fairly decent size, but most of the farmers do NOT live there in the winter unlike the smaller but more populated American Islands in the lake to the south which are well occupied year round. It is just too isolated being in the middle of the lake and being Canadian.
HOWEVER … it has long been my suggestion to my Canadian Friends that since Pelee Island IS the most southern inhabited part of Canada they need to push their winter tourist industry there as an alternative to Canadian taking their money out of the country and going all the way south to Florida or Texas.
If they did that Canadians could “beach it” in “The South Of Canada”, kinda like Europeans going to “The South of France”, and would never have to leave the country when winter arrived!!
I am sure they could bring the Canadian Ice Breaker over to keep the harbor open for the ferries for those Canadian winter tourists who just have to go South in the Winter, or maybe the Americans would lend the Canadians their’s that they keep in Cleveland.
I can see the advertising now!!
“Be sure to bring your sunscreen for your vacation trip. The sun is super powerful when you go to the beach during our prime vacation time … it is not just shining directly on you but it is also reflecting off of the snow!!”
“Much of the Hybrid Seed Corn sold in N. America is grown on an island in the middle of Lake Erie, Pelee Island. The reason, as you might suspect, is the near total lack of cross pollination from other varieties.”
Phew.. all they grow around here is GMO crops.. that is why the bee guy won’t drop any hives here.. when I visited with him.. he said it was a toss up on whether or not they would survive and he won’t jeopardise his bees.. He would take care of hives if I bought the hives and the bees.. ( I was going to get a couple hives for the grandkids in their future farmers group)
but I decided on getting either bumble bees.. or mason bees…
I decided on the Mason bees the cost is low.. if they all die off they are cheap enough to get more of..
It only takes one bee.. so I got the mason bee condo..
and a bunch of mason bees.. in a week or so I will put the house out and the bees..
last year we didn’t get a thing at all until one bumble bee showed up.. then everything went nuts..
One gent stopped by and asked what I would do.. they putin hydroponic systems for large ranches etc.. anyway I said.. put bee’s with each greenhouse setup you have.. the bee guy was telling me that some parts of California etc.. they won’t put the bee’s down either .. because of the same reason.. he can’t afford to loose his lively hood.. so places with either chemical resistant crops and GMO they hate to drop them.. I had read that they are trying to genetically alter the DNA of bees so that they can survive crops that are now poisonous to them.. so far I am not sure if they have succeeded or not..
Stephen 2,
Vivé the republic! I would be remiss even if a lone voice in the wilderness to not say that a crowning glory of Pelee Island is the Monarch Butterfly, state insect of Texas. Each September sees majestic gatherings of the creatures on the island prior to continuing their perilous migration flights to over-winter in Mexico. I should think the snowbirds barricaded within gated compounds at destination would find the butterfly arrival and presence beneficial to mind and soul.
Well, on that compelling note, let’s get back to reminiscing endless fields of orange groves as one recollects the touching sign-off by Radio Disney on December 31, 2020:
“Thanks for listening!”
Maybe this is a first step but I will believe that when I see it. Can’t give any atta boys to Google since IMO they along with a majority of the media outlets are directly responsible for the mess we find ourselves in today. Second only to those who blindly follow along to whatever BS they are Spewering. Most folks are easily led and controlled by what they are fed via the “media”. I prefer to remain somewhat ignorant and uninformed.
Should be easy to understand by just looking at the commodities forecasts to see we are in for some sever shortages coming due to current world events but no, more important than that is Will Smith’s Oscar fate, or who is wokest. Fertilizer components, cereal grains, oil and gas, and some pharmaceuticals are not being produced or shipped. Need some help figuring out what that may mean in about 6 or 8 months? Turn off the damn TV and try reading Mind Mapping by Kam Night. Great way to organize your thoughts and figure out the best path forward.
Good luck to all. 73
Perry, calling Perry Mason…hello? hello…
Knock knock
Whos there ?
Ure new Owner
Ure new Owner Who?
Vaxx selling Pharmaceutical Companies, thats who.
What, U no likey where this is going ? Too late babas, U all never listen to warnings Given hear on the these pages meant to help U Deal wit Life.
Check with Ure consiglieres’, atty’s and other legal scum for details of US Law and Regulations regarding OWNERSHIP of any Entity/HUMAN BEING with which their DNA has been CHANGED….
Quick look surprised ! bwahahahahahah
the “Herd” is finally starting to come under CONTROL .
” a product called BioSil for years and when she runs out, the nails get softer so, yes dear, reordered this morning.)”
My Wife is nuts about that stuff to… LOL…
Retained Value: 0.00
Overall Loss: 100%
– Seriously ? BrainAmp just had a melt down?
“And if it all morphs badly? What happens if half of Congress dies? Even Congress isn’t sure. : NPR.”
As I recall, Mr Clancy addressed this issue in one of his books… and I *think* it’s called “an election”…
Hea ! the concept of a free and clear election is MYTH – DNE at least in/on this Planet..
-Not criticism – clearing of decks/cobwebs.
In USA the Last Presidential Election 2020 = A COUP DE E’TAT .
More Glaring Proof – splain this scheisse .https://www.zerohedge.com/political/reuters-fact-checks-biden-being-ignored-obama-and-democrats.
Auntie Em? Uncle Henry?
“Ms. Gale , U as sure shit aint in rock chalk jayhawk Kansas no moar” -dW
…Depends on which half.
“Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Complete Prophecies of World War III,
G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 840
“The great one of Hungary, he will go into the bark [the Church]” the war between NATO and Russia will come to Hungary and Hungary’s leader will go to the Vatican to seek peace“The Black [King]”, “For three years he will keep his people arrayed” means that the NATO and Russian armies will faceoff on the border of Hungary and the rest of Europe for three- years.”
You know.. I got thinking about that.. and the post on Stu’s site.. I sure hope you don’t mind me making reference to your age of desolation site.. but to convey what I was curious about and have everyone know what I was referring to..
“It will show us up to the year seventeen [1617-2022],
Of the pursuit of fire anger, hatred and envy [nuclear weapons],
Under the olive tree [Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty] for a long time hidden,
The Crocodile [Egypt] has hidden on the land,
That which was dead, will then be alive. [State of War between Israel and Egypt].”
The question or musing is.. Wasn’t Syria once a part of the Egyptian empire? and if so.. could it be that with all the present activity there.. that this has already started!
Egypt has not had an empire since before the Roman Empire. So it seems unlikely that Nostradamus would treat Syria, which in his time was under the influence of the Ottoman Empire as being part of Egypt. Hungary is a different issue. Hungary’s borders have changed since Nostradamus’ era. If you look at a map today in order to get to present day Hungary from Russia you have to go through another country. In fact not just any country, a NATO country.
Thanks for asking. There is always a Nostradamus’ twist. That very well could be. However, “That which was dead, will then be alive” suggests the Israel-Egypt wars and then Peace Treaty, and then wars again.
Throw in Israel’s support of Ukraine (strangely enough) and the current Palestinian attacks going on right now in Israel. This might be some type of False-Flag involving nuclear weapons.
If we fall back on the Book of Revelation, we know that it is Israel that opens up the book “to loose the seven seals”.
Revelation 5:5 (King James)
And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
In the Berlin Lead Tube Prophecies, the prediction for the year 1979 was “The Death of Judah”. Israel did not die in 1979, but on March 26th, 1979 it did sign the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.
And then in Nostradamus Sixain XXXIV, “The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable, To committing the heinous and execrable deed.”
So, I look at the whole picture, and these are the puzzle pieces with the same common topic, so they seem to fit.
BTW, speaking of Biosil. Today was the day when my stitches were taken out and I asked the Nurse Practitioner and her assistants about it. And they all took it in powdered form, LOL. So, that is what the professionals are saying.
This is not medical advice LOL.
“speaking of Biosil. Today was the day when my stitches were taken out and I asked the Nurse Practitioner and her assistants about it. And they all took it in powdered form,”
that is how my wife gets it to LOL…. she loves the stuff.. thanks for answering that question.. It had me curious.. and hopefully I will have enough time to get the Mead of RA and the first emporers wine made.. the first emporers wine will take a couple of months.. the dandelion wine is awesome.. I like citrus and that has a summer shandy type flavor.. which trips my trigger..
How is the password issue coming?
“Throw in Israel’s support of Ukraine (strangely enough) ”
I know.. isn’t that a funny Oxymoron LOL LOL… Jewish leaders are in favor of the NAZI party LOL LOL LOL
“It’s like people have this void in their thinking – they know something ought to go there, so they put “news” there to fill it up.”
I think Elaine is on the right track but I would add this. Most TV “news” channels now are “opinion” not news channels. People select TV news channels that reinforce their bias. I doubt that anyone who watches MSNBC has spent 5 minutes watching FOX news and vice-versa.
We have long since lost any middle ground in the news. Pick a political side, then pick your opinion channel. It will confirm your bias. I no longer watch either or any.
Totally off this topic but I did read the morning news that Russia bombed the shit out of a railroad station in Ukraine that was evacuating
women and children trying to escape the Russian bombing already done to their homes. I asked myself “are their no rules at all in war?”
Be careful in automatically “buying” the “company line” that it was the Russians who did that. One rocket didn’t totally destroy itself when it hit and the Russians having now seen pictures of it “claim” that is not a type of rocket that they use anymore, an old model long retired.
Did Russia fire those 2 rockets? maybe
Did Ukrainians fire those 2 rockets so as to try to get Nato to actually enter the War? maybe
One thing you can be sure about is that the US Military knows EXACTLY where those rockets came from … but I will bet you $100 that the US Military will NEVER tell us.
If you go back into your brain’s history bank you may dimly recall that back in the early 1960’s the CIA and US Military concocted up a plan to carry out an attack on the US that WOULD KILL Americans and use the PROOF that they “found” as indicating the attack came from Cuba so as to justify a US invasion of Cuba. Forget the name of the plan/project, but as I dimly recall it went to Kennedy for approval, having already been approved by the CIA and Military, and he shot it down. (maybe George can help me with the name of the plan/project). This is NOT conspiracy stuff, the actual documents about what happened with that plan that would have killed Americans were declassified several years ago.
After watching all the PR put out by both sides it is clear to me that No Side is telling the truth in this War. Yep, even the US. The US just walked back it’s claim from a couple of weeks ago that Russia was moving up Chemical Warfare devices, admitted that they had “made it up” during their briefings yesterday.
Use discernment wrt anything and everything you read, see, or are told about this War. EVERYBODY is LYING their asses off (and the Ukrainians truly DO want Nato in the War … and for WW 3 to start. Trying everything under the sun to get Nato involved, which is why I wouldn’t put it past them to kill some of their own people if they think that will help them to accomplish that goal – after all that kind of action would be just a copy of what the CIA and DoD wanted to do to Americans in the early 1960’s)
Stephen 2,
If what you say is true and Ukrainians are slaughtering their own women and children and blaming it on the Russians, there is an evil force far worse than Russian slaughter at work.
Some days I am ashamed to be a human!
“One thing you can be sure about is that the US Military knows EXACTLY where those rockets came from … ”
So does Russia… they actually said where they had been launched from..
Since it looks like the US is pushing for a war with russia.. I doubt that we would ever hear anything about where they came from from by our military leaders.Heck our whole network news is so screwed up anymore that you can’t tell what is real and what isn’t.. .
What worries me.. is the USA and NATO keep sending in more and more weapons to escalate this and push the agenda ..
with news stories like this one..
floating around amd Putin is not stupid and he is being forced into a corner ..My fears are that there will come a time when either he or Xi in china will say hey what is going on here with all this instigation of war and supplying high tech weaponry and pushing the war along.. …Are they are trying to keep this escalated by provoking this.. and If china is allied with china will they do the same thing the US is doing and supply arms or assistance .. or with the US now starting to push the limits with Taiwan again.. will either or both of them decide to go rogue on the USA and take out the instigators by moving the war to our borders…. So far the USA sits unaffected geographically thank god.. and Xi is still trying to be the big boy in the room pushing for a peaceful ending to this horrible situation.. .. but with China and Russia being two of the major
Nuclear powers.. not some third world country filled with farmers armed only with rakes and plows .. they may say enough and start making moves militarily within our borders… I had assumed that was what they were leading up to before this all escalated this far.. when Putin was asking the US and NATO to move the nukes off of their borders and give a written guarantee that they would not push further into their territory… as we kept refusing then events were happening that looked like the appearance of a poison pawn trap being set up.. and then when china converted container ships into military and adopting the clubK system I was almost sure they would send a few of them to surround the country or even be moved into the country and distributed…. that we were in for it.. especially with the idiots shuffling illegals by the hundreds of thousands across the border and settling them all over and no trace of where they moved to….then wait till we get involved with the pawn and ship enough resources out both manpower and equipment .. then slam it on another front like Taiwan where we would get involved to.. while busy with the multiple front take us from within.. with an army smuggled in during the dead of night by our very own administration.. Lucky for us.. they didn’t take that route.. but wow it sure did look that way..I can tell you that sure scared me.. Thank god they hadn’t gone to the lengths to do that….
None of this is any good.. and all of it is scary..
“One rocket didn’t totally destroy itself when it hit and the Russians having now seen pictures of it “claim” that is not a type of rocket that they use anymore, an old model long retired. ”
That doesn’t mean a lot, since Russia has used Ukraine to dispose of a lot of archaic Soviet ordinance and materiel. However, the recovered rocket fragment has “…for the children…” painted or chalked on it, which makes me think it is Ukrainian and gone awry, or intentionally fired by Azholes.
” The US just walked back it’s claim from a couple of weeks ago that Russia was moving up Chemical Warfare devices, admitted that they had “made it up” during their briefings yesterday. ”
However, they didn’t explain that Russia has not had any chemical weapons for a number of years now, and that both the UN and US verified their disposal of same.
“Some days I am ashamed to be a human!”
after some of the things I have seen.. I won’t allow any chop up missy movies on.. they are not played in this house.. we have a PG home..
I see the desensitization of our youth on MSM television and it appalls me.
“in the early 1960’s the CIA and US Military concocted up a plan to carry out an attack on the US that WOULD KILL Americans and use the PROOF that they “found” as indicating the attack came from Cuba”
Stephen 2.. I totally believe that is was operation Bingo…
having read a bunch of the stuff from then.. I totally believe that we should have stopped boycotting them long ago.. I sure would love to see the country.. beautiful people and great climate .. I believe like then it would be a wonderful vacation spot..
The Problem is that while monetization of Cuba would have been good for SOME it would not have worked out for the people who matter and are in the Death industries.
Can’t have all that wealth and happily ever-aftering going to the Plebes, now, can we?
People with gunfire and monetary control hate upstarts – and ensure they fail a) to continue their dominance and b) to keep regular folks like us out of their club.
Goodness? Freedom? No sir, much baser plays are afoot.
The atrocities being attributed to Russia by the news (MSM) have been shown to be either unverifiable or events that happened in other wars in other countries. Seemingly reliable reports from those living in the Ukraine claim that it’s the Ukrainian military, particularly the nazi Azov battalion, who are actually committing these war crimes. For instance, the Bucha massacre wasn’t reported until several days AFTER the Ukrainian military had moved into the area, which was several more days after Russia had already left the area, so its attribution to Russia doesn’t even make sense. But it’s exactly the way the Azov battalion has been operating for years.
Oh, come on. Surely you believe the folks in Bucha and the Azov “cleanup squad” left those bodies out to bake in the sun for 5 days, don’t you?
“morning news” – Dude BIC, WTF? the “news” is Ure ENEMY. Seem like a beaten dog…keep coming back to be “smacked” again, again,and again.
The pocyclypse is upon Us, bad information/misleading information designed to control and herd, PREYING on Ure emotions…
Everything being reported by western media is provocations/proaganda -100%.. msm are ACTIVE Combatants, as Are con-gress..Remember that – when the “time” comes..soonly.
Dark vs Light – that is the fundamental crux of current situation. Ure govt, USA government, NATO represent/support and defend “Darkness” on planet Earth.
Russia is Her soul Light right now in a very dark world…2 Paths – I personally would never “guide up the path” the msm is selling.
Caution – Viewer/Buyer Beware.
My local Sam’s Club has a pasta machine on sale for $40 less than Amazon so I picked one up. It can grind up meat, make vegetable or fruit juice, slice or shred vegetables, and make a frozen fruit dessert. I made 3 different types of pasta yesterday and the process was pretty fast. A pound of pasta takes 2 1/2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, and a tablespoon of oil, plus a little water. That’s pretty cheap.
I used to buy Blue Bird flour on reservations when I traveled to Arizona. Lovely ,extremely fine flour.
What better start on a day of Frigg than to cast the nets of clairvoyance followed by a threshing of wheat from chaff in the fields. It appears that certain happenings this past Odin’s day did not extend beyond the borders of “Deutsche Welle” and mentioned not by Thor’s day. Eight hundred police fanned out in 11 of 16 German states against three extreme-right nazi groups. Flashes of lightning forewarn an approaching stormfront? Let us seek shelter; there be Valkyries about?
Well, back to the travelling Maidan of Peace seeking Soviet weapon systems from Greece…
Friday nights used to mean politically incorrect fracas courtesy of The Smothers Brothers has now seemingly evolved into slapstick Ukrainian montages of sickly routines by an outlandlish banderista in camo.
Days after Cyprus warmed to US requests that Cyprus send Soviet armaments to Ukraine, and one day after offending Greek parliamentarians, Mr. Zelensky has today managed to offend the Cypriot legislators in a video address. He failed to recognize Cypriot sensitivities towards Turkish matters. To add insult to injury, when the Cypriot leader tried to respond to Mr. Zelensky’s ill-received remarks, the connection was lost. Apparently the Ukrainian foreign minister does not know why. It’s something technical.
Oh, one moment…paging Mrs. Nuland…paging Mrs. Nuland, please contact operations control immediately, thank you!
for hair , skin, teeth, nails, and gardens ,, and sprinkle on pets for ticks and fleas
$25 for #25
could it be a BioSil replacement?
19 – 5 Fasting
George about 12 months ago I read how it takes the liver 12 hours to empty out its stored energy. By fasting over this 12 hours and beyond the body has to burn fat starting the 13th hour. I try to do a 19 -5 fast. When I get up I do not eat, nor do I eat until 16:00 hours. From 16:00 to 21:00 I eat my one meal of the day. I generally eat from 16:00 to 17 ;00 and then sip on cab to around 21:00. I have a glass of water and go to bed around 21:30.
I am 5′ 11″ and My weight when I started this was 182lbs. Now I am at 168 to 170. That is a 7.7% weight loss. What I like is that in the 5 hours one eats you can eat anything.
Mark “Red Dog”
Biotin, or the same marketed as “Hair, Skin & Nails” does wonders for the wife & I. It’s a noticeable effect for increased hair growth, thickness, and you will notice nails are harder and grow faster.
Meantime, just had a session with the doc yesterday who doesn’t believe in vitamins….at all. But then, six months ago he also raised hell about my refusing the clot shot; now he doesn’t mention anything Covid! Strange, eh?
Well France’s Energy independence by 2030 is actually not a stretch. Why our taxpayer dollars have to fund the production prototype in France via the various cap and spend and financial carbon loading schema and not be a project built by us speaks to the regulation load and multi agency fee grabs that block innovation. Something Trump railed against with his platform of deleting three regulations for every one new regulation introduced. Its easy to see how the skimmers would not be happy with their skim operations being reduced.
Unless I’m missing a nuance, that demonetization blurb from Google sounds like it’s merely a re-wording of their previous policy; that is, they will demonetize everything that doesn’t conform to what THEY want us to believe. Nothing to rejoice about!
My take is anyone saying Putin has some valid points regarding Ukraine is condoning the war.
Insightful transcom wisdom.
Not at all — just acceding to its inevitability. Ukraine is Russia’s Cuban Missile Crisis, except where the Soviets backed down 60 years ago, we have both refused to do so, and dared Russia to do anything about it.
The Ukrainian War has almost nothing to do with Ukraine. It is a proxy war being fought between the U.S. and Russia. Ukraine’s bit of the war is the Azov units, which are neoHitleresque nazis and conduct themselves like NAZI SS battalions. Putin’s dislike of Zelensky stems from Z’s political and financial support for these animals.
” Maybe LBGTQRS is an arising response to climate. I mean since Q couples don’t reproduce (*directly) we have another avenue of inquiry back to “Who’s pulling all the strings, here?” ”
Nature self regulates to a certain degree. Take coyotes for example. A female coyote will go up on a rise a howl at night. If numerous howls come back, she will not come into “heat”. If the female coyote does not hear any howls back, she will begin to ovulate.
We are nearing/are at already the “carrying capacity for the planet. My buddy has hypothesized that the increase in “non-breeding” human relationships is similar to that of the coyotes.
I have never heard that before.. but it makes sense.. what was it two or three years the earth out grew its ability to feed everyone..
the earth has what 1.5 Hectors of farm land per person.. and uses what was it 8.1… China and North Korea are the ones that have really come along with this.. china is green scaping.. more and more.. China aims to spend 34 percent of its $586 billion on green projects.. while the USA current budget is $8.14 billion, 0.2 percent for the same purpose..
what we should be focusing on is green scaping our cities and securing our grid by diversification and repairs of our vital infrastructure..
From what I have read we focus our resources for others instead of ourselves.. which is why we have one of the worst healthcare systems on the planet.. If you have the money.. you can get good healthcare.. if not.. you don’t.. you may die before you get the care you need..
I just talked with someone that basically told me that the doctor suspects cancer.. but they can’t do the tests because of the funding.. I said go to canada or mexico.. but go to a reputable doctor.. one friend teaches at GWU .. in Georgetown.. he went to brazil to get the surgery he needed.. anyway these are all old rants of mine.. put CO2 filters on lamp posts in the cities.. and in parks picnic area’s.. to compensate for the loss of tree’s.. where our interest is in other area’s that will not help the people of our country.. anyway that is just my opinion.. an old one to. I have been ranting about that since I began shaving LOL…
Radio’s Golden Age … is it Returning?
As a long time Ham it bothers me that there has been NO movement by the FCC to implement digital radio, not the “do it if you want” of 20 years ago which was a complete failure, but a mandatory switch to the newer hyper compressed with redundancies built in, modes that have now been developed.
With Digital Radio even AM radio sounds as good as our current FM radio with NO FADING like AM currently has particularly at night … and has a MUCH longer reach. (due to the data redundancies built into the transmission signal)
In addition to the benefit of a much higher quality signal multiple signals can be simulcast using the same transmission, much like with today’s digital TV where the over the air signal can have a main channel and several sub channels all being sent via the same transmission.
Parts of Europe have already totally switched to Digital Radio for the AM band frequencies, a couple (Norway – Sweden?) for even the FM band frequencies, and the reviews as to the signals rave about it.
Lastly … as shown by the Russian /Ukrainian situation where most of Russia can no longer get Western News because all the different countries news agencies switched to the internet for ditribution (BBC, VOA, DW, etc. etc.) which Russia has cut off, Short Wave radio news can still be received in Russia … except that it is only Religious Broadcasters have remained in the broadcast medium of broadcasting to Russia!!
SW broadcasts have even a bigger argument for going Digital since by going Digital it would virtually eliminate the fading issue wrt to the broadcasts which is a HUGE issue in receiving SW broadcasts. There is even a newer TV standard so that a low resolution TV broadcast can be simulcast with the newer super compressed stereo radio signal (90×120 @ 8fps – think the early days of video via the internet with Real Video).
The US should FORGET about finalizing their shut down of all of it’s VOA’s broadcasting, moving to pushing all of it’s VOA stuff out via the internet, and move to Digital SW broadcasting and have designed and built an inexpensive radio for 3rd world consumers that only costs $30 or so but can receive and decode digital stereo SW and INCLUDE in it a small B&W TV screen (ala the old very inexpensive pocket TV’s of old) that uses inexpensive LCD’s for their screen (very
low power consumption).
They could even include a digital transcript of what was being said and include that in the signal … along with an ability to digitally translate both the text and voice into a number of different languages within the unit. (ala every broadcast could nominally be in English but could be simultaneously heard and read in say 30 different languages)
The US and other nations need to forget their super fascination with the Internet and understand that the Internet can be SHUT DOWN by other countries in a flash. They NEED to build MORE SW transmitters, NOT keep shutting them down!!
There is NO profit in commercial SW broadcasting, unfortunately … so this is one area where the government has to take the lead “IF” they wish to be able to continue to communicate with the World when other governments decide to SHUT OFF their country’s access to receiving that information.
*The broadcast technology is now THERE.
*The ability to make very very inexpensive receivers is now THERE
(they are considerably LESS complex and cheaper to make than even the lowest end smart phone – yep even if you put in a built in translator)
*The quality of the digital broadcast signal is now at least the quality of a good FM signal, often better, AND they can also embed Text and a TV transmission into the same signal.
Alas … I don’t see any chance our government will do anything of the kind. It is too owned by Corporate Interests and there is NO PROFIT in producing and distributing programing such as that traditionally produced by the VOA or BBC or DW etc. etc.
Amen. All of what you say is possible… but will likely not be implemented. So in the end, it will again be ‘us hams’ who carry the emergency communications. “When all else fails, Ham Radio works!”
Here’s the thing. You could send these ships to Golcuk Turkey and they would be completely refurb’d patched, rust free and modernized. Indeed, the pen is mightier than bullets, looking how quickly defensive lethal force tools of the US are being broken like pipelines?. The only armed forces I know of that cut the handles on whisk brooms down to about 12” in length was the Turks. There they were all hunched over sweeping the decks. When asked, the liaison said If they are hunched over looking closely at the deck they won’t miss any dirt. Fascinating place. There’s a reason most standing armies avoid Turkey after the dust up in WW1. Perhaps when the Pooh Team fleet wishes to exit the Bosphorus with their toys that’s when the Turkey shoot in the straits starts like picking off fish in a barrel.
Max bullsheet!!!! Yay !!!
Unless things have changed in the last two years, we don’t have any genetically-modified wheat.
What we have is “Roundup-enhanced” wheat, because the wheat farmers poison off their wheat fields to make it so the grain can be harvested, all at the same time. Be advised: It is plausible that we are doing the same with oats and barley (although I haven’t checked.) Y’all aren’t eating GM bread, you’re eating poisoned bread. “Bread intolerance” is from your body reacting to the poison, not from rejecting the grain. Celiac, lactose intolerance, and peanut allergy were exceedingly rare in 1950; yeast intolerance was even more rare. They’re all common now, and contrary to the paid medical community, I believe it’s because of “modern farming methods.”
Bucha chronology:
Summarizing the Bucha massacre psyop:
1) 30 MAR: Russian troops leave Bucha
2) 1 APR: Mayor of Bucha declares no Russian troops in town
3) 2 APR: Ukrainian media reports Azov going on “revenge cleansing” op
4) 3 APR: Videos emerge of “massacre” done by Russia where civilians wear pro-Russian white armbands
Propaganda? Ukrainian MP Claims Russian Soldiers Burned Swastika Into Woman’s Belly
Russia asks U.N. Security Council to discuss Bucha ‘provocation’
April 3 (Reuters) – Russia has requested that the United Nations Security Council convene on Monday to discuss what it called a “provocation by Ukrainian radicals” in the town of Bucha after Kyiv accused Russian troops of killing civilians there.
Russia called for an emergency UN Security Council meeting to discuss the Bucha allegations, which the UK has rejected.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov blasted the UK for blocking an independent investigation into the so-called “massacre” in Bucha.
‘They Are What They Are, They Were Defending Our Country’: Zelensky ‘Brushes Off’ Reports of Azov Battalion Committing Atrocities
When Fox News’ Bret Baier asked President Zelensky on Friday about reports of Azov Battalion committing atrocities, Zelensky appeared to brush them off by saying, “They are what they are, they were defending our country. The Conservative Treehouse reported that Fox News cut the above clip out of the interview they uploaded to YouTube and FoxNews.com
Um, Russia hates nazis. Who features nazi combatants?
Why didn’t the Mayor of Bucha mention the dead bodies on April 1st, when he announced the Russians had left the area?
When Russia moved to request an independent investigation into Bucha, why did the UK twice block the request?
“Why didn’t the Mayor of Bucha mention the dead bodies on April 1st, when he announced the Russians had left the area?”
Hmmm…. That sounds a lot like Pres. Trump announcing that we would start pulling out of Syria in a week and Assad said.. Dam the USA for wanting to leave our country and the only answer he could come up with to get the USA to keep our troops there was dumping chemical weapons on his people to get us to stay..
I have seen way to many news coverages and heard the people accounting how the Ukrainian Army would pull guns on them to keep them there or use schools and children as shields..
That was the one thing that bothered men in the special forces that I knew.. that many places they had to go into.. the grown men would sit behind the lines in protection and send out children with guns and bombs.https://wjla.com/news/nation-world/isis-other-terrorist-groups-increasingly-turning-children-into-suicide-bombers . In Nam they would strap bombs on little kids. Suicide bombers are always women and children.. they give the grieving families a few bucks and tell the kids that they will get seventy four virgins or whatever to get them to agree.. tell em how proud everyone will be over what they do.. yet none of the older guys would do it..I am willing to bet they would say.. that would mean we will die sort of thing where a child has no value to them just like BLM and antifa tearing up poorer neighborhoods.. those people have no value to them except to further the agenda they have. https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=2270473&page=1
.. sort of similar to .. we all have a pretty good idea who is doing the string pulling.. yet they do command from a point where it won’t involve them .. send in someone else to do it and get their neighborhoods destroyed.. like BLM and Antifa.. you didn’t see the wealthy neighborhoods being rioted on where raping pillaging and killing property destruction etc.. it happened in the already high crime neighborhoods.. then got them to pull any protection they had out of there giving the gangs the rule of the street..
What truly scares me is it is one thing to do it on the sly.. but We keep sending in military equipment and making threatening gestures and comments publically like the puppet masters We do it from far away so that it won’t affect us or our country but cheerlead on the war.. this whole thing from what I have read could have been avoided.. Like the PRO Russia people being mascaraed .All in all Its ok if your dog shizts in someone elses back yard but if they shizt in yours then you have to deal with it.. My fear is that since all MSM news makes It pretty obvious that we are the cheerleaders to this mess I am afraid that eventually someone is going to say enough of your interferance already.. your the one pushing the agenda letting your dog shizt in our backyard and they decide to send a little of that stuff back to us.. Then China.. what we are doing the exact same thing to them to.. dam.. what a mess.. NORTH KOREA.. was and is the only one that seen this right away.. ( well except for a few other muslim countries that said they would send in warriors posing as refugees into our country) and kim came right our and said.. hey go ahead I will make sure your our first target.. so like a little dog growling.. we don’t mess with them because little dogs will bite and no one wants the dog to shizt in their own backyard….
“Hmmm…. That sounds a lot like”
Except that was a CIA black op, run to back Trump down and keep the U.S. military in-theatre in Syria.
I commented at the time that there was no logical reason for any of the players (Russia and Syria, but also al Qaeda, ISIS, Iran’s proxy terrorists, and a bunch of smaller IS-related groups) to loose an NBC (chlorine-bomb, wasn’t it?) weapon in Syria or deploy one against civilians.
Assad is the brightest of the Middle East despots. There is no way he would’ve used a chemical weapon on Syrians (let alone three) because it would create a PR nightmare at the U.N., and because it was unnecessary — Assad was controlling the Soros-sponsored insurgents/revolutionaries just fine, without any need to resort to a WMD attack.
It was in every local players’ interest that the U.S. leave the area, and a nice, juicy, untraceable chemical attack would be the only thing which would reverse Trump’s policy and make him make us stay…
If something was “so,” or was “wrong” or was “a lie” last month or last year, or 20 years ago — IT STILL IS!
“Truth” and “lies” don’t change. What changes is our opinion through the propaganda blitz of people whose interests may not coincide with your (or my) survival or ability to flourish. You can control this “brain poisoning.” Please give yourself permission to do so…
It’s not a void in their thinking, Elaine, it is a lack of nourishment for the brain. They go to the news to get The NEWS, instead they get indoctrinated, BRAINWASHED, proppedupagandized, things are left out, information isn’t for sure or is unavailable or no follow up.
News drags on from one thing to another, but nothing is ever sewn up.
No public corrections are ever made across the board as loudly, boisterously, or in the magnitude and multitude of the biggest lies spread hourly for years; for ears to hear!!!
Now, it’s are you on the Blue Team or Red Team? Then their are the websites to suit those teams; both of them lie. In the middle, lies the TRUTH, not at the extremes, in the middle with the non MSM sites!!!
When a brain has seen so much and nothing makes sense.
When a heart has taken so much and nothing makes sense.
When a spirit has watched so much and nothing makes sense.
When the mind of the brain has witnessed too much that doesn’t make sense.
When the soul has searched for truth and it can rarely be found.
So, when a person’s brain has grown so weary of the lack of nutrients, it decides to make a change, and then OFF it goes. The SEARCH begins!
And keep learning: http://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/Lib30801.htm
Further to your mention of French President Macron’s electioneering, there is a current msm headline kicking around about the right-wing challenger, Marie Le Pen’s party still paying off its loan from Russia after the last election. Payments stretch out to 2028 or some suchlike. Nothing against Le Pen per se, but I guess no Western Bank wanted to deal, so…..
The link below dates back to 2018 but offers a credible sounding step-by-step of how things progressed. You’ll see at one point that allegedly a European, the Russian Orthodox church, and a US Treasury person combined talents to get the loan brokered. One thing which is kind of strange is that the name of the Russian oligarch behind the deal doesn’t appear to be on the current US OFAC sanctions list.
Can you imagine if Le Pen somehow pulls a rabbit out of the hat in the first round of voting on Sunday and clears 50% for a win? The Patriarch will be dancing in Red Square! The WH may wish to keep operators standing by the red phone.
I have a peoples’ French red by Château Canada from Cubzac-les-Ponts cooling for when the drama unfolds.