We enjoy contrast. Without it, life is blurry, unclear. Meaningless.
Yet today, we may be working toward the answer to the big “Where we came from” story.
Two important pre-prints have landed. One Evidence for deliberate burial of the dead by Homo naledi | bioRxiv while the other is 241,000 to 335,000 Years Old Rock Engravings Made by Homo naledi in the Rising Star Cave system, South Africa. | bioRxiv.
Until now, some had thought 60,000 years ago, Neanderthals were the start-up point for current human evolution. Now, we can see evidence going back (by the second paper) a third-of a million years.
There are two aspects to the assertions here that command deep thinking.
The first is that it certainly “puts legs under” other authors who have long-held that humans of today are merely the latest “turn” (to put it in modern prototyping context) on the way to a further adaptation of upright apes. With a third of a million years of evolution to fill, there’s suddenly “room” for ancient civilizations to have arisen, failed, and been erased by the hand of Nature.
Specifically, these findings in the UN World Heritage Cradle of Humanity region were remnants in a cave system. If a higher civilization arose from here, and then failed, could that have happened without evidence. I mean, other than the odd pyramid and such left behind?
I’ve been doing a lot of research lately into the mechanisms behind such previous civilizations and there is a technique by which utterly astounding breakthroughs MIGHT have happened and then disappeared without a trace.
Monday I was consuming the book “The Einstein Factor: A Proven New Method for Increasing Your Intelligence.” (Wenger & Poe, 2018 available on Amazon.)
You see, one of the biggest arguments advanced by critics of multiple-civilization theory is there hasn’t been any evidence of a “high enough technology” to rock the world with ancient Indian legends of a war on Earth involving flying machines and so forth (Vimanas). Denied by “science.”
Yet, in their book, Wenger and Poe relate an important story about Albert Einstein and his unique “way of thinking.” He simply looked at the world differently than most.
In the section “Einstein’s ride on a Light Beam” the authors relate this:
“In his last Autobiographical Note, Einstein recalled the first crucial insight that led to his Special Theory of Relativity. It came to him unexpectedly, while he was daydreaming, at the age of sixteen.
“What would it be like,” Einstein wondered, “to run beside a light beam, at the speed of light?”
Normal adults, according to Einstein, would squelch such a question before it was ever formed in their minds or, having formed it, would quickly forget it. Toss the perceived “useless.”
The point is clear: “Normal thinking” rises a kind of “Present mental wave into individual futures.” But occasionally, someone less “on the wave” is able to freeze-frame in the child-like observational realm, and thus achieve important mental breakthroughs. Relativity in this case.
“A normal adult never stops to think about problems of space and time,”
Einstein mused. “These are things which he has thought of as a child. But my intellectual development was retarded, as a result of which I began to wonder about space and time only when I had already grown up.”
We might ask: “What other child-like observational experiences may have found anti-gravity with sound or other overlooked rules of physics that could launch a flaring of technology?”
So that’s our first thinking point.
Spontaneous Humans or Landing Zones?
The second point is that the current research (and the Wenger and Poe book as a set of “better thinking tools” likely will find a place in a new book I’ll be writing on the Peoplenomics side. Working title is “Gods in Training.”
The first couple of chapters are involved in this Big “Where Are We From?” question. See, there are three major frameworks to be considered.
- Consciousness surviving death is all a drug-overdose delusion. DMT overdose on death’s doorstep kind of thing.
- The second case is that consciousness is self-arising when a brain evolves to sufficient horsepower to “host sentience.” Which is the A.I. problem just ahead. At what point (in the internal iterations of thinking) do we achieve sentience?
- The third case (and my focus) is on the evolution of humans (as these old cave folks) is how animals throughout the Universe, become ready for “wandering information packets” (souls) to “land and grow” in the host body/brain.
Frankly, this may seem like miles and miles from turning a quick buck in markets. But this latter is very simple if you can observe and then follow a simple set of derived “rules” of how markets behave.
Human Life is not a single, straight-as-an-arrow experience. It’s more like IQ – not a specific number on the Gaussian IQ normal distribution curve. More a complex topology of thinking. Einstein’s “daydreaming” got physics to a whole new place.
I’d offer that the world around us today is suffering the same “brain lock” that kept “smarter, less dreamy sorts” from figuring out Relativity sooner.
Now – with the timeline of tag-marking humans expanded by several time its previous estimated length, we suddenly have time for a previous Civilization to have made a child-like observational breakthrough, flared into Greatness and then blow themselves up in a final reckoning with competitors.
Which warms us to another lame-ass morning of light news flow and skittery markets. Which, as we told you to expect Monday? “…after some follow-through from Friday’s (insane, baseless) hype-fest, the bottom could fall out. This afternoon?”
And it was so.
Picking Up from There?
A short-term bottom could pop after early weakness today. “Turnaround Tuesday” potentially. The news flow is remarkably blah. The “same-old shit” is a slice of Orange Man Hate in a zillion rewrites of “Indictment Expected” stories. Grand Juries, we’re reminded, can “indict ham sandwiches.”
The war in Ukraine is slogging toward escalation. This as Ukraine accuses Russia of blowing up Kakhovka dam (nbcnews.com).
Histrionics are also rising as Taiwan tensions have taken a naval turn: Navy releases video of U.S. destroyer’s close call with Chinese warship in Taiwan Strait – CBS News. (Close call? When we looked at the video, sorry, it didn’t look that scary. Provocative? Sure. Remember, our idea of a close call on the water is passing with less than a foot between rails on opposite tacks in the Seattle Duck Dodge series years back. If you know the other skipper (D. Krause in this case) it was no big deal closing head-on at just under 14-knots combined boat speeds…)
So, if we seem a bit sanguine about Life on the Rock, it’s because there are larger contexts clarifying than simple wars, greed, and the usual human time sinks.
Useless News 1: Clown Posse
Still being rewritten by human and machines, here’s what the asylum is being served under the pretext of “mattering” today:
Anyone care? (Show of hands?) Chris Christie will announce bid for 2024 Republican presidential nomination.
No? Well, how about Milquetoast, then? Mike Pence files official paperwork to join 2024 US-election race.
On the “nearly rational” Democrat ticket: RKF Praises Elon Musk for Twitter Takeover and ‘Twitter Files’ (businessinsider.com)
And when he’s not watching the wires for a Grand Jury indictment: Trump campaign continues to push false narratives about DeSantis: Here are five examples.
Even More Useless?
Seriously? A third of a million years of semi-human and what else do we get?
Stop the presses and pretend this matters: Prince Harry testifies in UK, while US visa case heads to court.
The Big Illegals Shuffle continues: Gruesome-DeSantis warfare, anyone? California blames Florida for second plane-load of migrants.
Long way to go for Chinese food: Top Chinese, US officials hold ‘candid’ talks amid strained relations.
Crypto Cracking
Much slower than we were modeling, but we think sub $25,000 for BTC – and maybe into the $23,000 zone could be coming. Not too much farther to go with BTC at $25,688.60 as of clicktime.
One of the drivers behind this? Investor’s flock to withdraw assets from Binance following SEC fine (proactiveinvestors.com).
Main point here is that since crypto has sort of led the market lower, any rally late this week might be an opportunity to fade the futures a bit.
Still, no cryptos for us!
Looking Ahead
A week from now the Fed meeting will begin that will lead to a rate announcement a week from tomorrow.
On the Street: American Petroleum oil supplies report may be of interest, but not until market closing time. Hey! A chance to play “Extended Hours Session Roulette?”
Peoplenomics column tomorrow: “Should “Prepping” Become “War Planning?” I held myself to just 4,000 words on topic…
And if you want to put this on a Christmas list for us? Apple unveils a $3,500 headset as it wades into the world of virtual reality.
You mean the “reality” we wake up to isn’t virtual enough? Umm… How about we all go play “tuna round Tuesday?”
Write when you get rich,
On thinking…
Take the ‘negative’ position from the beginning.
As in ‘why can’t I do this’ or ‘why wouldn’t XYZ work’.
Working from that angle you’re already thinking in terms of success and trying to find the negative outcome, instead of trying to ‘build up’ to a success.
Take care and good luck to us all.
I think of the ‘Cargo Cult’ people in the Pacific, island residents who first saw aircraft during WWII and worshipped them to the point that they built full-sized aircraft models out of wood and bamboo hoping to draw the aircraft and their occupants back. Early humans might not have just been influenced by other worldly visitors, they might have been created by them, from time-to-time. Just look at the many myths across the globe, categorized and analyzed by Joseph Campbell in his seminal work, “The Mask of the Gods.” Human myths consistently have central/key themes. Who is to say that ‘the gods’ of the Atlantis, Olympus, the Olmec, Aztec, Maya and Incan people did not originate from such ‘visitors?’ We ‘modern’ humans are the equivalent of the Cargo Cult. Some even claim that humans may well be ‘children of the gods,’ or at the very least, the equivalent of their high school science projects. As info unfolds via former U.S. intelligence and DoD officials, perhaps a ‘big reveal’ might eventually be in order. See:
The Bill Moyers interview with Campbell – Power of Myth is excellent and a real keeper – I watch it annually……..
The petroleum resources we routinely burn are too valuable to squander on fuel. The precious metals we need for technology are too, well, precious. Where are the reverse engineered energy systems? Where are the drive systems needed to mine the asteroid belt? If any part of this narrative is really true, then the Public is being screwed royally by deep state contractors.
It’s interesting that a lot of the UAP and USO sightings, especially on the East coast, are in the military training zones. It’s been postulated that this is because these craft are being tested against current technology to see how they perform and how detectable they are. But, rest assured, any technical generation-jump like that isn’t going to be used for the betterment of Mankind. The idea of a break-away civilization is pretty much a slam dunk given the attitudes revealed over the past several years alone.
“If any part of this narrative is really true, then the Public is being screwed royally by deep state contractors.”
And this would come as a big surprise to whom, exactly? Just swamp business as usual.
Taking my response in another direction.
Back in the 50’s , a man developed a way to get 100mpg out of a 5,000 pound car. With two gallons of gas , he drove to a city and back to prove this. You can easily imagine what happened next. I believe he too was suicided.
Now think about the green agenda. Couldnt be selling all of these EV’s and hybrids with numbers like that. The numbers sold today cant even come close. So think about all of the wars and all of the pollution that we wouldnt have if that technology was released.
There was a documentary made about this called “Gas Hole”. I believe the year was 2010. Well worth watching as a back drop to current times.
I’ll mention also that I had an Uncle who bought a Chevy Chevette. Tin cans. Bragged about 50+ mpg. That was early 70’s while we had the “energy crisis”. Compare that to the 5,000 pound Edsel from above.
They are profitting all the way up the chain until the technology cant be contained nymore.
Reverse engineering ? We cant even get some basic technolgy out like my above.
Its ALL a lie , its ALL being held back.
George, could we have some new pictures of how your indoor garden is looking now that the weather has warmed up? I’m also curious about how big your outside garden is.
My hydroponic garden’s small varieties of tomatoes have overgrown the grow light and have not fruited. The most successful vegetable was kale.
I have been told that it is just too hot to use a greenhouse here in southern Oklahoma.
spank your tomatoes Eleanor…
What did the Russian Sturgeon say when he bumped into the cement wall?
What did the grain traders (short WHEAT) on the CBOT say when said Sturgeon overtopped the dam on the Dnipro river this morning ?
“O F___ me running !” buybuybuybuybuybuybuy
There goes the Black Sea grain deal – eurodopes be eating dirt soonly enough..tickticktick
Strange days indeed hear on the right coast – smoke from Canadian fires up Kbeck ways or is it nova scotia (remote), either way sky looks all messed up. Where did fires come from ? North American Craton is on the move according Dutchsinse. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=north%20american%20craton%20map&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http://www.practicesurvival.com/northamericancrayton.jpg?v=3x90nk25p0sl8p&t=newext&atb=v257-1
Reviewed over and over again recon satellite imagery showing exact moment instantaneous Fire and Smoke appeared-broke out across the Canadian region – some strange scheisse. Smokey Bear is PISSED.
So BOOM Week it is, started nicely with Monday AM sonic boom in district of corruption..who was/is Cash Patel ?
“by way of german intel, lessons learned client state, land of blue dudes railed, wait for next as chyknees soon to be “switched”..a Goose and Gander kinda thing.
Gary -let them eat cake – Gensler now suing Coinbase
interesting strategy – a 2fer..something smells funny again this AM..besides the Canadian smoke.
PS – einstein the plagiarist – was till wrong. See Nik the Serb – dude knew – bet he knew Blockchain was solution to all financial malfeasances, almost as smart as the BCN..almost!
NGO operations or hot ground swell? I believe a lot of the ice melt in Antarctica is related to volcanism under the ice. Hot ground swell that.
Hey Steevo.
Interested in your melt comment.
I havent fully read the articles pertaining to this , but I have heard that one side ( western ? ) of Antarctica is losing ice , but the other side is gaining. Gains have been mentioned by as much as two miles.
I’ll see what I can dig out.
Anyone ?
Okay , I found an article.
First , a side note. I found this site linked from LMH’s web site. They can have some bizarre articles , but they have come through in so many other ways. I think this article was very well written and I have heard similar items being mentioned on a couple of History TV shows. Doesnt mean its right , its simply being reported.
There are more articles than this.
Of course this doesnt fit the narrative so keep this sucker buried MSM !
When someone try’s to tell me that we humans evolved from apes, I tell them, “Maybe your ancestors were monkeys but my ancestors were always men.” – Us with indigenous ancestors don’t believe in that Darwin stuff.
Egyptians go back how far? And finding Egyptian relics globally which have been off limits to public view outside of what is now Egypt. – hieroglyphs show different humanoid beings side by side.
And Hinduism goes back some 65,000 years. – flying cars, nuclear aspects … and green glass in sand.
We search for those ape-like creatures and put their remains on display but, the skeletons of the Giants are quietly whisked away and put out of sight.
History Chanel tells us of “Ancient Aliens” who did impressive things here … had to be Aliens because we were (supposedly) still monkeys at the time. – yeah, we’re just stupid humans. We were NEVER capable of doing any of that high tech shit. Riiiight.
And these don’t look like they were made by monkeys …
And you now can go back to 300,000 years …
Then there’s the really big impressions …
Then there’s the ancient structures and artifacts carved and molded with detail we cant even compare to, today.
And old technology, some as recent as being known in the 17 and 1800s that got suppressed and is slowly being (reinvented) today.
We went to the moon – We didn’t go to the moon – We destroyed the info about HOW to go to the moon – We did. We didn’t. Well, we just can’t anymore … so let’s move on to going to Mars. WTF??
George, we have been so bullshitted, it’s pathetic.
“Nothing new under the sun.” – So true … just reset after reset.
Weather manipulation? Ever see the track of Hurricane Erin that was going to be a direct hit on New York on 9/11/01 ?
Seems to me, the show must go on so it was moved away. Hmm.
Gee, what’s the odds of that?
Sorry for the rant. Maybe someone can figure out how to make that Water Torch you liked. Just don’t tell anyone you have one, if you ever get one. Seems some folks don’t want us to have such cool things unless they get credit for it. Very sad.
Did we go to the moon? Here is an alternative explanation. Of course, it may be disinformation as it was written by a Russian.
We will know when the Chinese land.
the wars of the gods in the vedics..on Gaia there’s a great discussion on it..I cannot find it now but there was a study of mounds.. ancient legends and stories go that it was from the days of Atlantis and was a defense weapon for space ..anyone that gets close to it dies..
now did we go to the moon…years ago a patient I took care of was the head scientist in charge of the Apolo missions to the moon. we would sit out and watch the stars late at night and we discussed many things.. there’s no way that man was lying to me.. now did we fake a few photos..to seem further advanced..probably..
a friend that spent thirty years on the ice..won’t tell me what they found down there.
was it the mythical entrance to the inner earth..I seen photos of a valley in the arctic where guys were swimming in hot springs with ice all around them
( Nice rant Bob…continue please ! )
I’ve always enjoyed Robert Sepeher’s videos in his channel. He’s explored and criticized the “Out of Africa” theory and mindset before but this is his latest video on this subject:
“No single birthplace of mankind, say scientists”
His quote from Plato that appears at the 15:15 minute mark speaks volumes to our condition today.
The apparent fact that sentient varieties of the “Homo” genus appeared in many places across the face of the Earth over time evokes many intriguing questions. I remember a, I think, History Channel series on Yamashita’s Gold in the Philippines in which the searchers questioned a native Filipino that was present during the Japanese occupation in order to direct them to one of the places where the Japanese general buried his stolen treasures. The old man had a face that was very similar to that of an Orangutan. So much so that it couldn’t be missed. The ancient varieties of “Man” that have coalesced (dwindled?) into the present modern list makes me wonder if we aren’t headed toward some kind of choke point in our genetic evolution?
Sepeher’s latest video talks about ancient writings that describe Muhammad as being White along with many people in ancient times that political correctness insists on portraying as being Black or anything BUT White.
Woot woot – how about that spread from da Bandicoot ?
Yes some playas scoffed at the idea Selling AAPL while at same time Buying the Russel 2000 – suggested d’lynn spread couple days ago.
Well lo and behold – that spread is a MONEY MAKER this AM – letting her roll as equity rises higher.
Disclose this – https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/we-are-not-alone-us-has-retrieved-craft-non-human-origin-says-whistleblower-govt-task
“Well smack my ass, and call me Sheik!”
Gillain Anderson? Coot you have good taste LOL.
I thought she was absolutely gorgeous..
Hey G., I read a paper not to long ago that suggested that a highly advanced civilization live on earth 400 million years ago which I found very interesting.
On Einstein, since Roe v Wade and 50 million abortions how many Einstein’s, Mozart’s, Currie’s were never given their chance?
This ought to grab headlines and occlude the Hinman unredacted email release by 6/13 as the Enorgodor achieves incoherent light emissions status at Zaporizhzia.
Looks like that futures gap at the 25K region has been filled for BTC now.
Not Advice . Do your own homework.
Quatermass And The Pit – Mars is dead. (Official Clip)
“Dr. Rony and I are convinced these astropods are not of this earth.”
“So I gather. You’ve been hinting at Mars. Mars is dead. Nothing there but a few scraps of lithium.”
“Five million years ago it may have been very different. Suppose at that time there were living beings on it, with techniques that enabled them to visit the earth, at a time when the most evolved creatures here, are own ancestors, we’re only a type of ape.”
“Go on.”
Quatermass And The Pit (U.S. title: Five Million Years To Earth)
The storyline, which is largely faithful to the original television production, centres on the discovery of a mysterious object buried at the site of an extension to the London Underground. Also uncovered nearby are the remains of early human ancestors more than five million years old. Realising that the object is in fact an ancient Martian spacecraft, Quatermass deduces that the aliens have influenced human evolution and the development of human intelligence. The spacecraft has an intelligence of its own, and once uncovered begins to exert a malign influence, resurrecting Martian memories and instincts buried deep within the human psyche.
G.A. Stewart: There is certainly the physical evidence that the Earth was once the planet of habitation for an advanced space faring culture. These beings were most likely not human or indigenous. There is also evidence that this culture had at least developed interplanetary travel.
An Air Force veteran and former intelligence official has claimed the US government has been collecting intact extraterrestrial craft for decades as part of a UFO retrieval program it has allegedly been trying to keep secret.
David Charles Grusch, 36, told NewsNation he recently turned over “proof” of the alleged covert program to Congress and the inspector general of the Intelligence Community as part of a whistleblower complaint.
“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” Grusch said Monday of the so-called secret program’s alleged activities.
Great column and stellar comments today on one of my favorite subjects. Earth is an old house, and whatever cataclysm occurred to toss out the previous tenants, we may never know, or be allowed to know.
We don’t know and we don’t need to know.
Mankind is in the process of creating its OWN cataclysm and killing us all off. Knowing how a previous version (or versions) of Homo Sap did it is really of no importance. We have become too narcissistic, egotistic, and conceited to either believe previous versions of HuMAN existed, or believe they were intelligent enough that we could learn anything from them…
If you are looking for the future of man you may be looking the wrong direction.
Try Bonhoeffer’s “Theorie von Dummheit.”
Might also look up the comic movie “the Stupid’s.”
Think of Woody Allen’s “Sleeper” turned on its head.
First time I watched it I quit laughing about halfway through.
Current US IQ per NIH is 97.43 and trending down.
Who is breeding fastest?
Jeff D above here mentioned 50MM abortions (more like 60MM).
If current demographics say black people are 14% (330MMx0.14=46.2MM) and the ration I hear is correct of 2 of 3 abortions are black (60MMx2/3=40MM) the black cohort is achieving negative growth and nearing more black people aborted than are currently alive. And people say I am racist for opposing abortion.
So, the Decline cannot be from blacks, but probably from our imported voters. Anyway, the future doesn’t look particularly bright.
I think we are certainly on the glide path to a crash in the worldwide civilization, and the rate of decent is increasing.
shoot Al… I never thought I’d ever make a comment on the dead horse issue of abortion.
the patterns of abortion rates mirror the levels of unintended pregnancy seen across these same groups. Among the poorest women, Hispanics are the most likely to experience an unintended pregnancy. Overall, however, black women are three times as likely as white women to experience an unintended pregnancy; Hispanic women are twice as likely. Because black women experience so many more unintended pregnancies than any other group—sharply disproportionate to their numbers in the general population—they are more likely to seek out and obtain abortion services than any other group. In addition, because black women as a group want the same number of children as white women.
the dead horse abortion issue is being brought back up for I believe two reasons..1. it is a passionate popular campaign issue..brings in votes.. 2. in attempt to make this a race issue not a demographic issue.. if any of the thousands of photos or videos of the perv is true. or the diary entries of daddies bath time pleasures. or the corruption allegations with focuments and bank records can vouch for..the whole situation says. he’s not black . in his grandchild that is not only ignored but the huge attempts to avoid child support. ignoring the child’s blood ties and lack of emotional ties shows the true mental viewpoint on his thoughts on the demographic area the child and mother should remain at.
there’s several hundred if not thousands of studies on this.
the vast majority of the abortions happen due to area and neighborhoods of poverty and lower education levels of those..
young girls taught that their only value is to provide sex to anyone that wants it..they are their owners cash cow..let gang members run a train on the hood that hoe..
in the PNW a few years ago there was a huge investigation on Asian women that once their value providing sex for money was finished the value of their body parts was harvested and sold. I watched a video on this along with the written reports on how one young woman attempted to save her daughter from them she was killed and her organs sold and her daughter was brought into the for sale by the gang members.
a good friend Bob can elaborate on young girls in Africa sold and forced into marriages for as little as 20 dollars. then our own govt. defunding the police protection of our most vulnerable. kids and parents trying to break away from the area they’ve in forced to remain there..sure we can if we get the loans go to school.. but with the high interest charged..they remain where they Belong..
now with the defunding and terrorism of our poorer neighborhoods all with what seems as political support..and opening our borders to illegals sending these individuals to the very vulnerable neighborhoods reaked with crime.
a very bad situation just ask sweden..rape crime all up..no go areas. it’s not a racial issue but a demographic issue all pushed and supported by our present politicians in charge. of course that’s just my opinion..
I use to work at a plant..I thought I could change my future..they had a contest..come up with an idea or change that saved no less than ten thousand a year for the company and you got to go the the country club with the boss.. it was a monthly contest.. I went every month for 12 years. what I should have done..is shoot skeet and join the gun club..
“One Evidence”
People lie and make things up.
How do you/me or the others know an extraterrestrial craft crashed at Roswell? A .gov suit told us so it has to be true. No other evidence is needed. The thought that .gov made it up can’t be true. What about the alien autopsy video. That used to be true. Bldg 7.
Back in the 1980’s 1990’s people were seeing Chupacabras. Now everyone has a yard cam and the Chupacabras are not being seen. C’mon.
When the U.S. was warring in Afghanistan the Kandahar giant rumors were swirling. Some people said U.S. military staff fought the giants of Kandahar. Maybe soldiers did fight ancient giants that were hiding in a cave for 2,000 years. .gov would cover the story up if true.
Military times – it has to be true.
Here be giants — outlandish tales of the military & the Afghan colossi
“Chief among those terrifying encounters was an incident in 2002 with the “Giant of Kandahar,” a “Biblical cryptid” creature that special forces stumbled upon as the giant was doing giant things like cooking giant food and minding his giant business.”
maybe talk to a USN/USAF fighter pilot about autopsy video viewing..
never know what you might hear..
That’s exactly it.
I have always been fascinated by the past. I have never been interested in speculation based on assumptions that were written fifty-sixty years ago by some so-called scientist tripping-out on magic mushrooms. Always came across as wasted skills, time and effort. As our current science gets better and better at discovery and dating the past we are bound to find some very fascinating history that places our current understand of our past time-line is wrong. No big deal folks. We are just finally getting smart enough to realize that we aren’t all that smart.
Knowing that a discovery of a hand print in an ancient cave system blows the modern humanoid time-table out of the water is pretty damn cool. Rewrite the time table., and start looking to fill in the gaps. It doesn’t change what, or who we are. It doesn’t change where we are going, our how we are going to get there.
Yep – I’m interested. Let me know what you find., in the mean time – how do I get more onions and garlic planted in my limited space., and why can’t I get more potatoes to grow? I’ve tried every trick known to man. And.., why can’t we design and build a hydrogen powered generator.., fill the five gallon reservoir with clean water – it separates the hydrogen and uses that as the ‘fuel’ to run the gennie. Why can’t we do that? Instead, we use our technology and build a cat litter box that links to our smart phone. We aren’t all that smart., are we?
I learned not supposed to grow garlic and onions together. AAnd don’t grow garlic same site more than 3 years .
“There are various vegetables that you should not plant with onions. You should not grow peas, beans or asparagus next to onions as they require different conditions and therefore in order for one to thrive, the other will not.
Surprisingly, other onion or allium plants – such as garlic, shallots or leeks – also make a poor companion plant for other onions as they are all vulnerable to onion maggots. These will travel from plant to plant and can quickly decimate a bed.”
Companion gardening. Yeah.., my garlic is nowhere near the onions.
Try growing your onions in containers. I use whatever tubs or pots that are handy filled with your favorite posting mix, not soil. Onions anyway. Never tried garlic but can’t see why you could not do the same.
And my sister has one of those smart cat boxes. ISYN.
speaking about interesting history..
I to love ancient history..I find it interesting. I made the forbidden wine of the first emporer of china and the new wine is a desert wine apricot peach. a replication of an expensive desert wine..
my next one on the list is the beer that was buried with king tut.. then this realitively newer one of Absinth
a recipe from the 1700’s history of the past..now can I make it like a wine instead of a distilled beverage.. we shall see i will scale it down to jyst a couple of gallons..now I am not a professional vintner just a hobby i cannot even judge if its any good or not i would like to imagine that they are palatable… since i am not a big drinker either it takes a while to get it gone or give it away… I do enjoy making it though..
d’Lynn: I have a similar perspective. Getting through the next few months and extending my mobile and sentient life takes priority. Yes, I am interested in the origin of UFOs and whether there was a prehistoric atomic war, but spending time on such speculations distracts from more pressing concerns.
Years ago I wrote some articles on offender monitoring and failed to predict that the end of civilization would result. One of my critics called me a “mindless empiricist.” I took it as a compliment.
Every now and then I start to chase down the more bizarre speculations offered in Peoplenomics and Urban Survival comments. Usually the sources (if I can find any at all) are from cult, unreviewed allegedly scientific articles, or extreme fringe political sources and I end up kicking myself for wasting my time. The folks who hang out here are largely an intelligent lot, but sometimes I wish they’d do a little cross-checking (triangulation) before posting.
By the way, for anyone wishing to extend “mobile and sentient life” a tremendous resource is the recently published “Outlive” by Peter Attia, M.D. In a word, life extension based on science, no B.S. included.
In my younger days, I crewed on a racing (sail) boat. To a landlubber, 14 knots doesn’t seem all that fast, but when you’re on the bow, it’s moving! Those NAVY pukes need to grow some gonads!!
“How about we all go play “tuna round Tuesday?”
Tuna Piano? Or Tuna fish?
So now I feel like I’m a few million years older than I was yesterday. That anti-aging stuff must be really working! Now if I could only remember where I left my OOPARTS.
Last fall, when the Ukrainian government threatened to blow up the Nova Kakhovka dam, the Russians evacuated some of the smaller villages and from the city of Kershon, around 80,000 civilians. All of them, down stream of the dam speak Russian and most have a dual citizenship.
Russia did not blow up the Nova Kakhovka dam, just like they didn’t destroy the Nordstream2 Pipeline.
Last fall, Russia intercepted two U.S. provided HIMARS missiles before they could hit the dam. It appears the Storm Shadow provided by the United Kingdom hit its target.
As for evolving from apes… when and Apex predator, from any species, mutates from another species, it always destroys the inferior species. It is natural selection or evolution, take your pick. If we would have evolved from apes, there would not be any apes left alive, period. Natural selection would have seen to that, what, 300,000 years or more ago…
Did we come from a higher intelligence? Whether God is a being tens of thousands or millions of years beyond us on the evolutionary scale, we were created initially in modern form from a higher intelligence. As you stated, islander who had never seen aircraft thought they were gods. Why would humans 6,000 years ago be any different? Seeing a highly technological species, more advanced then their own… not think of them as gods?
I can’t say for certain – as I have only found three clear photo’s of the dam breach in the Ukraine.., but it appears that the breach started about 20 feet from where I would have placed explosive to force a breach. [ I was asked about a year ago.] Damn close to it.
And you are not rebuilding that dam any time soon.
The Japanese Nikkei [stock market] just hit a 33 year high. I haven’t run any numbers., but this has all the signs of a blow-off top. No one seems interested or concerned that of the market rise this year only 22% has come from Japanese investors., the rest is all international buyers and speculators. Their biggest one day move was when our Debt Ceiling bill was passed by Congress. Fundamentals may be in play here., but no one is mentioning or talking about the Japanese economy.
Good news for Jackson, MS.
“The White House announced Tuesday that the Biden administration will award $115 million to Jackson, Miss., to upgrade the decaying water infrastructure that has led to multiple water crises in recent years.”
The Jackson water plant refurbishment isn’t far from the “Gulf Coast Strategic Highway” I-14 corridor.
CA continues to empty. The Southwest loses the water table. The South rises again.
Seen something this morning I have never seen before..driving to the local walmart.. a string of government busses.. drove by all blacked out you could tell they were armoured.. and each had an auto trailer pulled behind it.. all kinds of them.. blacked out the anti radar coating
They’re white down here. Think this will evolve slowly? They’re all just waiting for the signal.
“$115 million to Jackson, Miss., to upgrade the decaying water infrastructure”
Unless, of course, the $115 million winds up in the pockets of politicians, as previous funds allocated for that purpose have done.
Re: “Chronicle of a Cultural Death Foretold” by 4 Teams
feat. Season 4 – June 2023
The dust has apparently settled on months-past angst at raising the retirement age of French workers due to an alleged threadbare government purse. It would appear though that the troughs have filled sufficiently for consideration of a one-third increase to the French military budget. Give up some high-fives for sci-fi. The future is arriving faster than one can imagine.
Sharply fire up the speakers as DJ George slices choice cuts from the Fab Four’s “Yesterday and Today” album. If you think the world is going crazy, just “Act Naturally”.
george, i been thinking about point of origin for a while. visualizing backwards how systems creat and morph. espcially systems of thought. every redwood tree started as a seed. same with people. very cool topic.
i want to be clear about a few things. then, as predicted, im moving on for a long while. life is becoming excedingly wonderful for me every day. and so im not on the internet much. im in a really golden season in life. savor all of it.
with that,
see you can disagree with me. it is certainly your right to do so. i encourage everyone to think for themselves. im not always right. and there is many gifted people on this site.
in order to understand the future, atleast to me and adjust it, and i am now able to influence it to a degree. i place myself in meditation at different angles of perception.
sometimes when i comment. it is from anothers persepctive. seeing as if i am them looking at what is in the future. writting as if i am them and their thoughts and feelings. i find that as a very useful tool.
hey, J.C. per our conversation ahout the dual spirals. see the direction of the one on the Ukraine Soldiers Helmets, now making the news. the oldest found swasitka or spiral dating back 10,000 B.C was found in the Ukraine. the swastika is also called a “spider”. also-> see hopi legend about grand mother spider who weaves the world.
george, do you remember when i was at the scorpians concert and the super model from the Ukraine gave me a green spider, toy. that she had in her purse since she left her homeland in the ukrain ohhhhhh about 8 months ago? pretty interesting indeed. she saved it for someone and decided to give it to me. after it was in her purse for a very long time.
honestly, my life has never been better. it has been years, since I felt this healthy, happy and generally well. i dont wake up to an alarm, i wake up naturally every day at exactly 12:34 pm. every day i open my eyes and its exactly 12:34 pm. i eat super healthy, i go to the gym 6 days a week, i dont sit in traffic. i breath good clean air, i make way way way more than i spend on bills. there is no homless vagrants here, no trash in the streets. its quiet and i honestly can say, i havent felt this good in many years. i dont miss the city at all. all set to take my pilots license soon. loving life!
so please understand when i write some comments? they are points of veiw other than mine. sometimes, they are general populus points of view. george knows this.
the United States is getting worse. there is no doubt about that. i understand that. and im not so niave to not know, that the Fed bought all the stock in all those companies to prop them up durring the plandemic. so all those companies that are doing all these transgender bull shit advertising etc etc.
well as Rothchild said, “as long as i control a countries monitary system, i care not what puppet sits upon its throne.” aptly applies. even to target and bud light.
and some people are just genrally stupid. i know i am at times as well. hahaha
and stand my moral and spiritual ground on whati said, and i stand against, “anyone supports, and promotes this demasulating Men, degrading women in this country and sexualizing children and tran gender surgeries for children not even old enough to understand how to operate a motor vehicles”
and i call it what it is. that is evil.
and there is a such thing as Rightous Anger. i was pissed for 3 days about that shit.
ive suddied all forms of spirituality. all the religions known and most unknown. from Hebrew,
Muslim, Christian, to Tao, buhdast, and hindi over 25 years of study. from Gnostic to Norse Legend, to Mongolian spirituality, pagan to Aboriginee in austrailia and Epyptain. ive even read almost all the luciferian and satanic stuff
i probably have a double phd in spirituality. i am still a christian. sinner saved by grace. faith in Christ Jesus. THE DUDE. i walk daily with THE DUDE. all the other religions and spiritual practices didnt change that about me. i do love rastifari and native beliefs. if there was no Jesus. id have chose the shaman and native approach. and incoorperate that into my pwn personal beliefs. #1 because the bible doesnt mention much about taking care of our home. the earth and i think that is very important.
you know what all these religions and spiritual beliefs agree on????? no mattet their difference?????. Do not hurt children! Do NOT hurt children! do not hurt children!!!!!!
anyone who hurts children???? has seriously bad joo joo coming!!!! really bad karma coming for hurting children!
no matter the faith. they all agree on that. and i stand my ground against it and anyone who thinks hurting and sexualizing children is okay. and i wont budge. not for money or power, fame or anything.
->> What i said is true. I am on a whole nother level.
I went outside, sat in a lawn chair next to the fence. The Dogs will bark constantly if anyone. Even the owner of the house sits next to the fence the Dogs will bark. When the Dogs start barking all the entire neighborhood dogs start barking. For a 3 block radius.
I sat in the chair and they all started barking. Then all the neighborhood dogs started barking. I sat still and took a deep breath and thought “easy boy. Easy girl. Easy. Shhhhh everything is okay. Im a friend. Easy. Im a friend” and the entire neighborhood stopped barking.
I sat out their smoking. Then the lady of the house came out and said how the fuck did you get not only our dogs not to bark but all the neighborhood dogs to not bark? They bark at me until i yell really loud. They bark at everyone. Then the dogs started barking, and then the entire neighborhoods dogs for 3 blocks started and i laughed.
She went to yell at them and i said dont. Held up my finger, took a deep breath, exhaled slowly and thought again “Shhhhh everything is okay. Im a friend. Easy. Im a friend” and all the dogs in a 3 block radius stoped barking instantly.
She laughed and said that is one cool trick man.
So, i meant what i said. When i think it? It is so. Sometimes instantainously. Sometimes within 3 days and sometimes a little longer.
Its a new car. A very cool new car. Never been able to drive anything like that before.
If ya catch my meaning. I know how to do it, why i can do it and how to do it in different ways. Way different than seeing the future. I can still do that too. It actually makes me better at seeing the future.
How stong can i become at it? I think unlimited.
They tell you, you have all these gifts and abilities. But the is no real tangible instruction manual. Maybe one day, i will write it.
For now, im working with that new thing until i master it. Its not about intense focus. Its like working a muscle in the mind you knew was their but you didnt know was there. And when you discovered it? You understood, you been using it all along. You just didnt know you were. And because you didnt know you had it and were using it all along, you were using it the wrong way. Now that you know how to use it? I am excercising it like a mofo. And getting stronger and stronger.
you know what William Around The Ranch said to me 3 or 4 years ago? “If you think you are someone of great influance, try bossing someone elses Dog around.”
took me 3 years William. but now i can boss the whole neighborhoods dogs around. hahaha.
im changing everything. location, car, phone number, ip, email, etc etc,
not because im afraid. because once again, I am Made New. A New Man. The old has fallen away and the New is so.
and that is the secret to staying forever young. most men my age arr having strokes and started aging rapidly and looking hard. i on the other hand am bench pressing 400lbs, super healthy, happy and feeling like a Million dollars all the time. all the time.
as predicted, my departure.
until we meet again. the world may be spiraling into chaos but that doesnt mean i am. ~ life is what you make it. so make yours good. ~
p.s. i will a new website at the end of summer. and more than lilely do a podcast again. its in the works. that is forsure.
“even to target and bud light.”
o have looked everywhere for a bud lite can with the image of the transvestite on it..ir the gay pride.. my son in law lives bud lite.. and I want to make a gay pride cup out of one of them for his father’s day gift lol lol..
Yes, you’re on another level.
The Power Of Silence – Carlos Castaneda
“I’ve told you over and over that being too rational is a handicap. Human beings have a very deep sense of magic. We are part of the mysterious. Rationality is only a veneer with us. If we scratch that surface, we find a sorcerer underneath.”
“I’ve told you over and over that being too rational is a handicap.”
I don’t know it is magic.. I have a neighbor that is african american.. anyway I overheard someone talking about the two of us visiting together.. so when I seen her the last time I said.. you know they were talking about us.. they were hinting that you bleach your anus.. she said what.. I said yeah.. they said oh there she is talking with that white asshole..
How they knew she bleached her anus.. I will never know.. I sure wouldn’t even have guessed.. she just laughed..
thank you JC.
~ The journey becomes richer, the understanding becomes truth, dreams become realities and today becomes forever. ~
“Spontaneous Humans or Landing Zones?…“Where Are We From?” question… Consciousness surviving death is all a drug-overdose delusion… The second case is that consciousness is self-arising when a brain evolves to sufficient horsepower… third case (and my focus) is on the evolution of humans… how animals throughout the Universe, become ready for… (souls) to ‘land and grow’ in the host body/brain.”
All three of those ideas are looking in the wrong direction. The first proposes survival as a delusion. The second and third (if I’m reading them right) presume the brain and ‘physical’ matter to precede consciousness. This is backwards.
Max Planck said, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.”
To repeat: Matter is derived OUT OF pre-existing consciousness.
Notice the fundamental mythos of how God ‘spoke’ the World into existence:
Psalm 33:6: “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.”
Consciousness came first. Then ‘matter’ (which is not really solid but is energy). And then what did God do? ‘Made’ humankind in His image. Thus… our own consciousness emerges first before our ‘physical’ form.
Spontaneous Humans or Landing Zones? Individualized consciousness within a Grand Matrix and Sea of Energy. The Divine sharing a gift of consciousness/existence with sub-units called humans (and other life forms).
In other words, we came from Nowhere and became Thought (and Light)…
Genesis 1:3: “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”
And what is ‘Light’? It’s not just the thing that comes out of a flashlight. We humans are light beings… the ‘solid’ form we take on is the illusion.
yes George, same thing as the fella who wrote probably the most studied book of phrophacy. Daniel in the Lions Den.
after being schooled as a young the old ways, in babylon. being hand selected by King Neb to be taught.
he learned how to use that part of his mind, and the story goes, when he was placed in the lions den? not a hair on his head was touched.
and those who accused him, after he was placed in the lions den, full of hungry lions, when they went in the lions den? the Lions said nothing better on toast than false prophets! yum!
and yes. i saw the huricane katrina language that i heard an uptick a month ago, come to fruition with that dam that got blown up in the ukrain by the ukrainians. they blames moscow. but we know the truth.
the big probelm is, like the nord stream. eventually Russia will enough of the dumb shit. if that shit was happening to the US in a war? what do you think the US would do at some point?
i had a peculiar notion George. as i said many times Kennedy will take office. the presidency. said that on here 2 years ago. seen that a long while.
the notion i had was, Kennedy is set to take away many votes fron Biden. now, lets say, biden wins the demicratic party. duh. no brainer. and Trump wins the republican party. duh. you know that is whats going to happen.
lets say When Biden is the official Demicrat candiate running against Trump as the Official Rupulican candidate.
what would happen, when Trump picks Kennedy as his running mate. and drags all those demicrat votes over to His side.
its never been done before. now if you got Elon to Endorse it on twitter?
sure to be a win.
the united states of America would be united as one people again.
hmmmmmm quite the ponder.
that is all folks. pay attention. things are in motion.
“the big probelm is, like the nord stream. eventually Russia will enough of the dumb shit. if that shit was happening to the US in a war? what do you think the US would do at some point?”
AMEN Andy.. how many red lines have to be crossed before someone says.. Enough.. the population is pushing for the enough.. Putin is being quite calm about it.. but one day.. I fear there will be enough..
I don’t think that they will attack taiwan.. although I have had a couple of ladies that I deal with that are my sales women ask me if I wanted a girlfriend in the USA.. I said Naw.. the wife won’t cotton to it LOL LOL the thing is.. they set up the Bric’s to take the financial power away from Fiat Money.. knock us down and raise themselves up.. they used greed to do it.. and I think that is what they are.. take down nato and the USA’s power of global finances.. they have our industry.. they own our ports and our major companies in the USA.. they own a great deal of our debt.. in Walmart yesterday.. I noticed that almost a third of the stores shelves are empty..so .. are they cutting back sales.. drop shipments I don’t see it.. the people I do business with get it to me real fast.. no supply problems or shipping issues at least for me from taiwan or china’.. but then I have a good working relationship with them.. have for years.. a couple of orders from india have not gotten here yet.. but then they said june fifteenth.. I got a week left before I contact the company.. a yarn ball roller I ordered for my wife never did come and the baby basinet from Turkey never came because of all the war drama…. with all the issues there with shipping It doesn’t surprise me.. got an instant refund..
I have always assumed that when it lights up it will be Kim in NK.. I may be wrong but he has a few issues over how they tried to kill him and he hates the USA with a passion.. we should have been sending boat loads of food and goods to them when they were really hurting rather than treating them with limitations.. and blocking products.. then that is exactly how the puppet masters have always done it.. take rather than work with.. now that all the puzzle pieces are in place.. the plan is to take the USA down make the currency of the Dollar the pound and the Euro all worthless.. force them to back it with gold again.. ( I say peanuts.. nut bucks.. ) close out shipping and commodities.. just look what taking the eye drops away from china to produce did.. they went to another country without water standards and deaths occured.. the same with our IV solutions.. all made in a country without water standards.. what can go wrong with that huh.. LOL whats the green sludge in my IV.. oh that is important medicine LOL LOL LOL it would only take three days to dry up the stores.. send prices over the hill .. replacement parts for important machines and commodities.. would close us down in no time..
Yes, we’re toast. Prior generations fought and bled for this. Unbelievable.
Like, Totally Orwellian: Nearly A Third Of GenZ Favors ‘Government Surveillance Cameras In Every Household’
Nearly one-third of Generation Z says they’d be just fine with government-installed surveillance cameras in every household under the guise of reducing domestic violence and other illegal activity.
“Would you favor or oppose the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity?” asks a new survey from the Cato Institute. Of the responses, 29% of those aged 18-29 said yes.
When it comes to other age brackets, 20% of millennials (between the ages of 30 and 44) also want everyone watched.
Then, wisdom appears to kick in – as just 6% of Americans aged 45 and older were OK with government surveillance in every home.
Broken down by politics, 19% of liberals and 18% of centrists agreed that our daily lives should be monitored by the government for our own safety, while 9 – 11% of those who identify as conservative, very conservative, or very liberal agreed in what appears to be a “horseshoe” issue that unites both ends of the political spectrum.
Broken down by race, 33% of black Americans said they’re fine with government in-home surveillance, as did 25% of hispanics, 11% of whites, and 9% of asians respectively.
The question was asked as part of the Cato Institute’s survey on American attitudes on the prospect of a ‘central bank digital currency.’ What’s interesting about that is that 53% of Americans who support a CBDC also support in-home surveillance cameras.
“Like, Totally Orwellian: Nearly A Third Of GenZ Favors ‘Government Surveillance Cameras In Every Household’”
Hell in every pocket LOL LOL LOL .. I know for a fact that you can turn on the phones camera’s and your whole life is stored on the cloud.. when my grandson was three.. he took a laptop and turned on the cloud.. even though it had been taken back to factory specs.. I had access to everything.. tracking on their phones.. cameras home cameras.. surveilance cameras.. access to their contacts and their files.. the stored numbers.. everything bank credit card etc.. since he was an IT tech guy he thought I was messing with him..
he had a folder names photos.. I cropped this guy out of the photo and would drop it in there..
he would delete it.. so I would drop it in every few minutes.. or hours..
what is surprising is he never did catch the beavis and butthead videos.. I put in ..
finally I got tired of playing with him and called his son.. told him I was sending it back to destroy it..
He called me up.. and I said.. dam I thought when you kept deleting the guys photo.. what guy.. so I sent him the photo.. he said that is the pervert.. what pervert.. he runs up to my house rings the doorbell then takes off.. LOL LOL LOL LOL every time I dropped it in his photo file his doorbell would ring LOL LOL LOL LOL I said no dummy it was me trying to get you to understand that the cloud is scary..
Heck a popular financial program can’t count.. it will vary from the bank records by a dollar or two.. they have a billion people.. so are they pocketing the buck.. I don’t know I quit using it.. I am anal about that.. and a buck might not be to much for some people it is a massive problem for me.. if they reconcile their bank and see discrepancies.. they don’t consider the small number as an issue.. so what is a dollar.. or two..
Re: Walking the Plank
feat. Dais Over Troubled Waters
It would appear that the White House press pool room podium for the Press Secretary is situated over top of the deep end of FDR’s still-extant but empty swimming pool. Yesterday’s press briefing up on the WH website featured one lengthy press question concerning a House Committee and the very short answer offered in return.
“MS. JEAN-PIERRE: A couple more. Go ahead, Diana.
Q Okay, one question on the House Oversight investigation, please. As you know, on May 10th, they issued a report showing that the Biden family allegedly funneled $10 million into their bank accounts while Joe Biden was Vice President. Members of the committee have said there may be several national security concerns at hand here with their alleged ties to the foreign countries.
Admiral, have you read the report yourself? And do you personally think that there are any national security concerns here?
MR. KIRBY: No and no.
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Go ahead.
Q Thank you, Karine. So nice of you. In a letter to the President, six congressmen requested urgent action to stop human rights abuse by Bangladesh…”
For what it’s worth, I keep forgetting to come to this site without the email notification. its he’ll getting old…