Odds of WW III Fear Sparking Global Crash

Again, except for Peoplenomics.com reports, I will keep comments relatively short.  There is still much prepping to be done here before the arrival of “NSNW” Year, as we outlined back at Christmas. Yes, that’s right: We nailed future pretty damn well, if I do say so myself, in UrbanSurvival 2022: War Year?

What KIND of War?

War, for those who’ve never deeply studied Gwynne Dyer’s book War : The New Edition, conflict has many drivers, yet always ends up the same: Dead people and broken things all about.

To generalize, America’s overall condition today is very similar to conditions faced by Germany following World War I.

  • We do not specifically have reparations, but in general terms, we are locked into payments to Middle East Oil interests (aided by the SloJoe anti-energy decisions).
  • We are also in a sense paying Reparations to China.  They are harvesting economic growth of industries which both (corrupt) American political parties exported.
  • Next, we have a shrillness in politics.  “Woke” is a non-nationality, spread-spectrum version of National Socialism’s roots under Hitler.  Intolerance and with punishments.  Ask Canadians who are being punished ex post facto by the Trudope Vichy government.
  • Polarization leading to totalitarianism continues to be the Biden administrations only card.  With Covid in decline, Biden has renewed sweeping powers under Renewal of De??termination That A Public Health Emergency Exists (hhs.gov).  Got a rubber stamp handy? Path getting obvious?

Thus, the consequences pile on the “scales of future” as economic collapse to beggar then indenture the whole Global Population.

Then It Gets Worse

Stock market futures early were down more than 700 points.  The Global Economic Con Game, based on the floating craps arrangement of “floating currencies” with no fixed convertibility, is being stress tested by contemporary events in Ukraine.

War will (*unfairly) get the blame in coming weeks.  However, the real culprits are (in no particular order):

  • Massive overpopulation
  • Polarization-based politics
  • Money backed only by future promises to tax
  • Spending more than can be afforded
  • Open borders in the US (but not Ukraine, lol)
  • Payoffs and passthroughs to recent presidents
  • And a 1,200-year Drought which will drive up food supplies.

There are two ways we have been trying to “nudge you” into the “ready to engage future” you’ll shortly need:  First, we wrote extensively in Peoplenomics back in 2006 about “The Coming Protein Cost Explosion.”  And we’ve yammered on about our Veggie Grow Room home addition which may provide an independent food source.  Our many articles on the big solar system here are even more relevant reading How a Russian Invasion Will Affect Gas Prices. Which means all your energy will have this flavor (war-blamed inflation, yum!) sprinkled in.

Even now – while the useless Mainstream whips up the frenzy – try to remember the World War hasn’t lit off yet.  So, just as before WW II in Europe, the smart thing to do would be to grow and store food plus recovery resources.  What tools will a reduced-resource, further-chattelized population need to recover as a cooperative democratic region on the backside of War?

Food, water, shelter, clothing, medicines, knowledge?  All a shitload more important ahead than meaningless racial, gender, and specialness pandering.  We all bleed, breed, and feed – the same. 

If you have an excess affinity toward marketing race, gender or specialness?  You’re an Old Paradigm Defender. Having been personally Divided and Conquered.

“God, is Ure Chipper, or What?”

Just trying to help my brothers and sisters out.

From an economics perspective, this is only the very leading edge of a 10-year shitstorm that has been brewing since 1929.

This chart compares the run-up following WW I to mid Great Depression and compares it with the intervention-driven inflationary blow-off since the bottom of the Housing Bubble collapse in 2009:

Yes, that’s absolutely correct.

  • In our view, the release of the CV-19 (likely bioweapon) in late 2019 was done as much as an economic stimulus as a global population control play.
  • Three “minor wars” are almost certain to be in play now that the chart is suggesting we’ve run out of ways to delay the onset of a ’29-style crash:
    • The Iranians are still spinning rad-juice so Israel will strike.
    • Taiwan WILL go back to Chinese ownership BEFORE American-based fine-pitch semiconductors coming online in late 2024.
    • Russia will demand parity of setbacks of military assets equal to the U.S. setbacks.

These arguably are WHEN, not IF events.

Military View:  MWO vs. NWO

Ukraine is a war about hidden money, natural resources, European Union (with NATO as a proxy) expansionism and scapegoating failed Fed policy and resulting massive tax increases to “pay for the War” and someone’s going to pay back the coincidentally timed Covid budget buster.

Military affairs contributor warhammer has a view ahead. I have a surprising number of LtC/Cmdr/O5 sources, both active and thank you for your service.  When they take time to write (as duties and time permits) I pay really, really close attention.

Unless Putin defies intelligence insights and unexpectedly pulls Russian troops back from the Ukraine, this generation will at best witness the start of a new Cold War, and at worst watch in horror as the expected border transgression ignites and goes ‘hot.’

While most prefer a Cold War II, consider the ramifications to life as we know it.  Of course, NATO and much of the Pacific would side with the Ukraine and, by default NATO’s leader, the U.S.  Still, many countries would side with Russia.  All other current Commonwealth of Independent States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) will fall in with Russia.  Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia will be in Russia’s crosshairs.  Poland joined NATO, but is in a vulnerable situation, as are Afghanistan, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and the Czech Republic.

China, of course, and N. Korea will almost certainly side with Russia.  In the W. Hemisphere, Cuba and Venezuela are current and likely future allies to Russia, with other S. American countries likely to be courted by Putin to join his new militaristic world order.  MWO.

In the Middle East, Syria and Iran seem certain Russian ally candidates.  Turkey is likely to seek the middle ground, but bordering the Dardanelles, it may ultimately serve as more the ally to Russia than neutral party.  Same goes for Egypt.

Expect heavy Russian diplomacy efforts in Africa, a known source for the key rare earth elements necessary for tech development.  The Arctic and Antarctic regions likewise will see keen competition for their under-ice and ocean floor resources.

Social media and hacking our wireless devices and personal computers will become targets in the war for our minds.  Government and corporate websites will be attacked, shut down for days if not weeks.  Banking and investment sites will become fair game.

And then there’s space – not just a big place with no air.  It actually, really is the final frontier, with the moon, asteroids and known planets our steppingstones to the galaxy.  Space already is weaponized to a certain degree.  Expect that to ramp up exponentially during Cold War II.

New Cold War dawning? MWO vs NWO?

Cut to David Byrne of Talking Heads fame:

“same as it ever was!  same as it ever was!  same as it ever was!  same – as – it – ever – was!”

As the Economic Fractalist explained back when:  


War comes.  But so does morning.

Statistics on Charade

GDP up at a 7% annualized rate in Q4 2020 says the economic tout box:

The less stupid people (who read UrbanSurvival) will also see that in the same period (Q4-21) the Federal Reserve was jacking up Monetary Base Growth by 5.9215%.

Being a rural simpleton, redneck, older-geeze, I have to round off the 7% GZDP growth fairytale and back out 5.9% money puffery  Leaves us with non-illusion growth of 1.1 percent.

The source?  Either part of the Biden Leaky Border plan OR a few people actually got back to work after Covid.

U.I. Filings

Since most people blew through benefits long ago, this figure – widely touted in the lame-ass finpress – is about meaningless:

Disregard everything but the (NSA) – not seasonally adjusted (more honest) numbers.


Chicago Fed data seems to us like a kick-up ahead of war…

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) rose to +0.69 in January from +0.07 in December. All four broad categories of indicators used to construct the index made positive contributions in January, and two categories improved from December. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, edged down to +0.42 in January from +0.46 in December.”

After the data *(and shelling), ahem:   “Dow futures are down 818 points.”  (This is more polite than saying in the effing shitter.)

Propping Up the Queen

If you track with the Nostradamus view that the Queen’s death triggers WW III?  Queen holds weekly call with PM as she battles on despite Covid infection – Mirror Online.

We wish her a speedy recovery since the world may depend on it.

Fed-Inducing Collapse?

You look at the monetary base data in the latest Fed Monetary base report out this week:

OK, class:  Essay question.  “When you dry up the monetary base, do stocks go up or down?”

Hint: Down.  Less “sloshing money” dims stock prospects.

In fairness to the Fed, they are in a box canyon.  Well, except for the World War last relight for war to come to end Depression 2 and the Big Print-Over Cover-up.  No one will notice.

In Passing

How did 3 young men (20-22) get radicalized?  West Lafayette man, 2 others charged with conspiring to attack power grids (wrtv.com).  Social media?  And, if recruited? By whom?

We have long believed that at a functional level, government stirs up things like racial conflict in order to orchestrate control.  Seriously, are you just going to fork over 30% of your Life’s work for the love of regulation?

No, government agencies may not explicitly hire, train, and deploy enough fake personas on the web to keep everyone of every color whipped up.  Instead, it’s that asymmetric law enforcement, taxes, public benefits, and education are used as ongoing weapons against its Citizens. Equality at all levels is a myth.

Next time you hear about (color) supremacists, ask “How’d they get started?  Who’s pushing ’em?”

ATR:  Right Again

I don’t usually talk about emails, but one came in yesterday that went to the idea:

“I just finished re-reading your book (Packing to Die: Suitcase Between Your Ears: Before-You-Go Prepping) and you were sure right.  Ahead of events.”

Both this reader, and one in Hawaii caught sight of the story It’s true – life may well flash before your eyes when you die (yahoo.com).

In the book, I explain (ignoring religion conventions) that data suggests we are all “local intel probes” of a larger (more complete) intelligence. The Awesome.

Therefore, the whole point to Life is to get as much captured in your brain bio-recall as you can.  Think of Life as a big-ass, gargantuan, GoPro project.

What’s being confirmed in the is the “exit processes” of the skin bags each of us spirit critters walk around in.  We ain’t surprised.

Because we build an external World from subconscious knowledge, we have only to look around us for a useful thought-model.

What is the “End of Life” like around us?

Georgology data suggests this is very similar to Eject Button Hysteresis.  You know – hit the eject button on the DVD?  Makes noise, stops the disc, then presents itself for removal. There’s now a recording of how the brain does this very same process on both sides of death!

Yes, sure as hell sounds like how Life ends, don’t it?  Of course, no money in that so, of course, preferring praying to work every day, up comes the priestly class.  And where there’s power more leech layers (like banksters) pile on.  From there it’s a quick launch into asymmetric policies, hate marketing and redlining.

Money is, understand, a religion.  And conversely?  Of course.

What part of stupid don’t humans understand?

Write when you get rich,


101 thoughts on “Odds of WW III Fear Sparking Global Crash”

  1. The “War Show’s” on – – The “War Show’s” on!!

    (Right now, this very moment, ask yourself if
    you’ve done everything Preppy-ish that you
    wanted to; because Time Is Nearly UP!!)
    (You may have a few seconds left for simple,
    quick, and easy items.)

    To stay connected:
    3.999 by night, 7.299 by day. Regionally
    self-organized (No “HQ”) Recog is “Business
    Model,” but don’t make it obvious.

    Be ultimately discreet and suspicious.

    • “Putin is fighting Nazis.”

      So, what part of “Soros paid hundreds of Swedish Nazis to go into Ukraine and cause an insurgency” did you not catch, at the time.

      It is the “NAZI claim” which lends credence to Putin’s actions, and makes me think there’s a whole lot going on that we plebes, proles, & peasants ain’t privy to…

      • I think Nazi has become a hollow term.

        Trudeau called some of the Canadian protesters Nazis. Musk called Trudeau, “Hitler”. Hitler led Nazis.

        Some Americans figure the “OK” finger formation is a communication code between Nazis.

        Some Canadians think “Honk honk” is secret code for “Heil Hitler”.

        Putin says he’s chasing Nazis. If he doesn’t kill them they’ll flee to Germany. It’s a full circle.

      • “I think Nazi has become a hollow term.

        Trudeau called some of the Canadian protesters Nazis. Musk called Trudeau, “Hitler”. Hitler led Nazis. ”

        Okay, I’ll give you that. “NAZI” is an incredibly overused term, clichéd by people who haven’t the slightest clue regarding either its source or actual meaning.

        With that said, Soros hired actual NAZIs — Gen-u-ine National Socialist Hitler-worshippers from the Swedish underground to journey to Kiev and attack both the Nationalist and Russian factions to create the discord which enabled Vichy Nuland (through USAID) to send Yanukovych running to Moscow for protection (if’fn you don’t remember, search Maidan…)

        As far as I’ve been able to discover, the NAZI thugs he hired and sent into Belarus last year were also from Sweden, but were different individuals, so it’s entirely likely his original Ukrainian thug hirelings are still in that country.

        BTW, Musk was much more etymologically accurate than Castreau… ;-)

  2. Back to yesterday’s storyline on rotating masses for anti-gravity. About 1963 I ordered a report on how to build an anti-gravity machine. The report came and included an explanation of how the rotating mass would overcome gravity and provide an uplifting force. The explanation included a mathematical formula. My dad was a research engineer at the Atomic Energy Commission site west of Idaho Falls. I showed him the material and how the guy was using the formula incorrectly. He had extracted the middle part of it to prove his point and ignored the opposite reaction in it. Dad agreed and needless to say I was disappointed in the material. Ion engines remained tethered – see Pop Mech pics. When off the earth what is a rotating mass going to push against, itself? Gravity wells that are weak? Some where there is an answer but not these. Yes I’ve seen UFO’s do high speed runs and turns, long held desire to take one apart or at least study it.
    I have to accept that there are boundaries and limits to people and nations. There will come a time when this is available but it looks like not yet.
    Cheers and 73

    • Hello Richard,

      I want to make sure you see my reply here. Thus, I sent it to George.
      I am hopeful he will send it to you directly. And I am posting it here for late readers.

      Hello George,

      I want to accomplish a couple of things here.

      Is to get the following to your reader…or the whole group…as you choose. OK?

      Richard Kern
      February 24, 2022 at 08:23

      Back to yesterday’s storyline on rotating masses for anti-gravity. About 1963 I ordered a report on how to build an anti-gravity machine. The report came and included an explanation of how the rotating mass would overcome gravity and provide an uplifting force. The explanation included a mathematical formula. My dad was a research engineer at the Atomic Energy Commission site west of Idaho Falls. I showed him the material and how the guy was using the formula incorrectly. He had extracted the middle part of it to prove his point and ignored the opposite reaction in it. Dad agreed and needless to say I was disappointed in the material. Ion engines remained tethered – see Pop Mech pics. When off the earth what is a rotating mass going to push against, itself? Gravity wells that are weak? Some where there is an answer but not these. Yes I’ve seen UFO’s do high speed runs and turns, long held desire to take one apart or at least study it.
      I have to accept that there are boundaries and limits to people and nations. There will come a time when this is available but it looks like not yet.
      Cheers and 73

      Richard here is the mother load for what you seek:

      I suggest anyone exploring anti Gravity to start here: https://segsociety.org/

      What you really want to understand is John Searl’s work. See above. and the book below. Then the general search below:


      Website: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Searle+anti+gravity&atb=v186-1&ia=web


      I will publish this in your comments, but I wanted to make sure you do one thing. Send this to him!!

      Roger in Tucson

    • I think I remember something about a story that a researcher used two counter rotating rings of supercooled niobium, rotating at 6000+ rpm to create a microgravity field.

      I think the physics experiment related to a test of an old phd thesis on something called The London Moment when a magnetic field collapses and is replaced by a gravity field. At the time that the London Moment thesis was presented the technology did to exist to prove it. It was simply a mathematical proof, of a supposition included in Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The conclusion was that two counter rotating rings do not produce anti gravity but they do produce gravity.

      I don’t know who wrote the thesis on the London Moment but I sort of half remember that the proof was done by someone or at an institution or building with the name “M. Tajmar”. I know my memory sounds like some I’m some kind of Vegas entertainer.

      I wish I could find the article. I just don’t have that clear a memory of it or where or when I read it. I only remember it at all because one of the suggested uses would be to create a gravity field on a spaceship suggesting that in fact Starships with artificial gravity are possible.

      (What would three superconducting counter rotating rings do?). I have no idea!

  3. Didn’t bill ayers conspire to take down the government? They sure use conspiracy more these days , unless it’s the communists.

  4. Once Again George your spot on and It “IS” refreshing to hear someone who GETS IT, NO, the outcome is not nice but the knowledge of SEEING is the KEY to stay alive and or potential of one to survive. That is IF one thinks it best to survive, which I do, LOL
    Times are only looking worse at the moment. we will see, as in order to get better I think the issues to be fixed are to many to be fixed at this point or in MY future.

  5. Wither the banks G dog ? Once they threw out the 10% reserve requirement a year ago, fraction reserve banking is a lie, a misnomer-No MOAR. Watch the bankz and bankerz as freedom “train” rolls into DC.


    This is exactly why the TBM has been preaching bout getting Ure Cyrptos off the exchanges and into Ure possesion..Hard Wallet = UnConfiscateable.

    “and its gone” – banker-Southpark

    Which by the way UnConfiscatable Conference, in Vegas baby! kicks off March 3rd.https://unconfiscatable.com/ – gift bag chachkeys alone worth the price of admission..be there or be squared.

    Pooters and the Ruskie Military vs Slo & the rainbow warrior US Miltary/Nato? They wanted it Cold to fuel outrages profits from selling WMD’s to anyone, should have listened – guess they just like it HOT. Wonder what kind of INTEL will be uncovered in the Ukraine – think the “big guy” has anything to be sweating about coming out into the Light?

    multiples – pope/president/queen – SSSee Ya , wouldnt wanna bee ya.

    Can you smell it ? it smells frentic…smells like Panic/Opportunity, oh well – No BTC 4 G .

    • That “conference” seems more like an expensive poker party than a strategy session for bithashes! Too bad. I’m not a gambler unless I control the odds.

  6. George

    For an extremely interesting interview of a person who had a Near Death Experience go to YouTube and search for the Art Bell Pam Reynolds 2002 audio.
    It will be worth your time and may change many people’s thinking on the fact that an after life exists.
    By the way George Happy Birthday youngster!!

    • ??? – Too bad NOBODY has ever been Born with Memory or ReCall of an Afterlife let alone a previous Life…7.7 billion current ????

      The only afterlife for “Slave” races is ZAPPING, massive electro magnetic shocks to Ure Ka as it “goes to the light/voices”. Grays with wrap around shades be waiting ala the opening of movie the Matrix..
      So when it returns for another grinding(ground to dust) go around here on prison planet Earth, your Ba will be clueless, weakened and damaged. At which point U be willing to believe what ever is pounded into Ure toddler brain..

      • Vile reptile, gotta smile, your in denial.

        When you say “Too bad NOBODY has ever been Born with Memory or ReCall of an Afterlife let alone a previous Life: your ignorance peeks through. Too many v-tulips?>

        There are savants and children with MANY well documented cases of children with past life memories. Many lo9se them by age 4-6. But there are the gifted kids, too with high end math, language, skills including painting and music and frankly, at levels indicative of massively advanced skills over pleasant current lives.

        You need to rejet the mental carburetor a little bigger. Ure runnin lean.

  7. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
    “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” – MIB
    Anyone for 52 Card Pickup?

  8. Just had a thought … Putin says if the west intervenes, we will see a swift response like we have never seen. – Might not be a good time for so many trucks to go to DC.


    • Pathfinder Bob,

      In contrast, neither Mr. Biden nor Mr. Johnson appear to be in a hurry to distance Russia from the Swift financial network. Had London not financed both sides of the Napoleonic Wars, history books might simply reflect that “Waterloo” is a song as Swedish as a Volvo.

  9. “How a Russian Invasion Will Affect Gas Prices. Which means all your energy will have this flavor (war-blamed inflation, yum!) sprinkled in.”

    Which is annoying as hell. Ukraine lighting off gives Creepy Joe an excuse for the gas prices we’re going to see shortly.

    I anticipated triple-digits and $7/gal, simply based on the manipulations the FED was doing to try to save us from Biden’s policies. The numbers were there — they still are, only with a war piled on-top, and a plethora of opportunity for Joe to screw us harder, petrol could see $20-$24 per gallon, and nationwide rationing.

    Y’all remember we were self-sufficient and a net-exporter of petroleum as recently as 13 months ago, right?

      • “I understand all GM vehicles can be converted to ethanol by checking a box in the advanced diagnostics.?”

        Not true. They will all go E85. Gasoline provides lubricity which, if an ICR lacks, will cause it to eat its pistons. Any gasoline or CNG engine will run on alcohol for a while. When I was a kid I ran my lawn mower for several weeks on rubbing alcohol. I stopped doing that when sparks (which were its piston rings) began flying out the exhaust. This is also the reason old cars require leaded gas. Tetraethyl lead is both a flash-inhibitor and a lubricant. “Upper cylinder lube” is an almost adequate replacement. Engines designed to run on leaded gas will both eat their pistons and burn their exhaust valves, if run on unleaded. Alcohol is even less-slick and burns hotter, so it will do to a modern petrol ICR engine, what unleaded gas will do to your Studebaker. It is probably possible to add soy, sunflower, or castor oil to alcohol to lower its combustion temperature and increase its lubricity but AFAIK no one is doing that kind of research at this time…

        Common alcohols become a gas at around 77°C (170°F) which doesn’t matter, because unless a vehicle has a carburetor or FI designed for natural gas, its fuel has to be liquid when it hits the jets or injectors.

        Still, a “still” is better than nothing. I DO suggest if your leanings are in this direction, that you invest in an oil press and plant some rapeseed…

      • Holy crap! I bought the book 11 years ago, for $3.99. Some people are apparently starting to worry about their daily commute (or something… ;-)

  10. “Taiwan WILL go back to Chinese ownership BEFORE American-based fine-pitch semiconductors coming online in late 2024.”

    As I stated before, this will happen (and be completed) before January of 2023, because the Chinese don’t want to be still fighting a “civil war” (which is how it’ll be billed in the media) when Republicans take over both houses of our Congress.

  11. “Well, except for the World War last relight for war to come to end Depression 2 and the Big Print-Over Cover-up”

    OR….. amplify it……
    We buy our products.. fuel was more than doubled since last year…
    Talked to a jobber two days ago.. he had to give up 2/3 his route because he cannot get supplies..
    Less workers means less work being done ww3 will improve the economic structure in the areas of manufacturing..less than 30 percent of our food comes from local industry..

  12. Good Morning George,

    Regards the discussion of Packing to Die and…

    In the book, I explain (ignoring religion conventions) that data suggests we are all “local intel probes” of a larger (more complete) intelligence. The Awesome.

    Instead of the Awesome, what our genetic progenitors called it “The Creation”. Even today the Pleiadians who are more correctly identified as the Plejaren us the term the Creation to identify the prime source of everything.

    This is a topic of deep consideration and worth all of us pondering on in our meditations, scratching our heads about and doing our best to understand.

    The lady Cosmonaut “Semjase” who contacted Eduard Albert “Billy” Meier the Swiss farmer back in 1975 who is a Plejaren woman, also originally back then as being Pleiadian, shared many deep spiritual insights with Billy, about the Creation.

    Because this period of time is so chaotic it is somewhat difficult to not get in to a stressed state or condition, because of physical safety issues of the body we use here. I have found it useful to spend more time each day viewing the classes in the Consciousness Development Program I am taking created by the IAC.

    When I do their energy exercises which are are designed to enable me to learn to leave my body, I often get to a certain place where I shift my inner awareness to contemplating one of Semjases comments or seed thoughts about the Creation, to lift myself to a higher level/state of awareness.

    Since we all die when we cannot use this aqua-pod body anymore and fear is only fear of not having a body, learning as much as possible about the finer vibration existence we will return to to continue our journey, truly relieves us of the survival stress we experience in our fear of death.

    Something else you and your readers might consider.

    From a practical POV and a body survival POV learning to do astral travel and being able to consciously view everything in both the physical and non-physical worlds has practical value.

    Here in the desert south west, if you are lost in the desert, finding water is super critical to physically survive. Would in not be practical and sensible if you or I were in that situation to be able to simply float out of our body at will and rise up over the desert landscape and consciously search for and find a water tank or water in a stream bed?

    What if you are lost and need to find other humans ASAP? Same answer.

    I hope you and your readers and commenters get some practical value from what I have just shared. Once we are free of the body, we can explore and see exactly what is going on in the world around us, including viewing the war that is unfolding in the Ukraine and other parts of the world.

    The key to our life experience is our awareness.

    BTW I had just started reading Wed’s Peoplenomics. Have to finish that and will do so as soon as I post this. Its my favorite subject, as you well know. ;-)

  13. I thank George for allowing me to chime in from time to time on Urban Survival. I sent what follows as part of another email to George, this one earlier this morning. Along with the political fallout, there’s the glaring national defense aspect to consider regarding any possible response to Putin’s act of aggression:

    “The media is throwing around the WW III term this morning. U.S. industry is not what it was during WWII. Steel mills are rusted or gone and much manufacturing has been relocated overseas. Plus, the entire logistics chain is extremely vulnerable. I wonder if the folks at Davis-Monthan [AFB – the USAF ‘boneyard’] are getting orders to start dusting off some mothballed aircraft this morning? Same goes for the Naval Reserve Fleet dispersed [and in storage] at James River, VA, Beaumont, TX and Suisan Bay, CA?”

    “I have to say that I have an unsettling hunch that our leaders know we are kinetically impotent, and if we start mobilizing our air, land, sea and cyber forces, an attack could hit the nation that would make Pearl Harbor look like a mosquito bite.”

    Summing that morning email to George up, the U.S. and its allies are pretty much all ‘sanctions and angry words.’ I sincerely apologize to all Urban readers who are idealists. I’m a realist by training, taught by history that evil never sleeps, no matter how idealistic and full or peace, love and diversity a people have become. Tyrants will be tyrants. Tyrants despise democracy and consistently exploit all of its inherent faith and glaring weaknesses. If a nation, no matter how peaceful, is not prepared to confront aggression, it will eventually pay a very heavy price for its unbending altruism. Pray for peace! Prepare for war! Hold aggressors accountable!

    May the Force be with us! It’s beginning to look like we’re gonna need it.

    • “With nearly 70% of the world’s end-to-end manufacturing, it took the U.S. about 7mos to retool, to crank up our war machine for WW-II.”


      I believe the “WW-III thing” is just “scaryvision.” Aside from Geraldo, Lara Logan, and possibly Brit Hume, I can’t think of a single actual (unretired) journalist who has any concept whatsoever of war, and none with the balls, except for Logan, to stand with a telephone on a rooftop in Moscow, so we all could hear the beep.

      IMO they’re going to play the ratings game, even if it kills them…

      • BTW Warhammer:

        “kinetically impotent”

        With your permission, I’d like to steal this and use the heck out of it…

    • “I have to say that I have an unsettling hunch that our leaders know we are kinetically impotent…” I used almost this exact phrase this morning in the same context. It’s true.

      You certainly articulated things better than I could have. There have been a few nay-sayers here, especially of the west coast strain, but (officially) sober minds knew better. There were too many converging factors in objective reality too ignore let alone the indicators in prophecy. I wish we had been wrong.

      We are not prepared nor are we in a position for a fight with a modern adversary. With the exception of the U.S., GB and Australia, NATO is a complete clown show in capable of protecting itself. U.S. ‘leadership’ is non-existent. This is the big leagues and they are faking it at best. Expect a lot of big talk, more bad decisions and God help us all after that.

      • “Expect a lot of big talk, more bad decisions and God help us all after that.”

        NOW you’re implying that Creepy Joe is actually in charge?

        “Bluster” was the part of “fighting” I could tolerate least. A fight is always a last resort, but if it’s time to fight, it’s time to fight. Fight-braggadocio and bluster always indicate either a coward or someone who’s “putting on a show.” Every time I hear Biden, or someone on Obama’s staff, bluster, I get a little pisster and a little more fearful. People who don’t know how to do a job are the people who use a flame-thrower to kill a mosquito…

    • Warhammer – Always enjoy reading your insights and opinions. Your knowledge and expertise are appreciated…….
      Unfortunately it’s the same old song — history rhymes/repeats big concern now is with the advancements in technology the past 75 years then end result will be what Hitler failed to achieve as final conquest….
      Anschluss with Austria, (Georgian and Crimean Russians),
      “Reunification” with the Sudetenland Germans, (Donbass Russians),
      Blitzkrieg of Poland, (Putin eyeing Poland and the Baltic States -here’s the WW3 trigger IMO)…
      Hitler failed to acquire the bomb first so he failed. Putin has the most nukes on the planet so not an issue….
      Big problems ahead for the West…..

      • I don’t think Putin intends to go after the Baltics. I think he will tell them to lose the NATO toys, and use Ukraine as an object lesson of the result for not doing so. Russia doesn’t need them, and can take them in a day, at any time, so there’s nothing pressing — UNLESS — the lamestream is correct and he really is trying to reassemble the USSR. Ukraine makes sense; so does Moldova. The Baltics and the rest of the Balkans do not, unless he really is trying to live out a Soviet wet dream.

    • “Tyrants despise democracy and consistently exploit all of its inherent faith and glaring weaknesses.”

      Warhammer. Thank you for your input here. It is appreciated as is that of others that have first hand experience and knowledge in their area of specialty. One of the main reasons I subscribe to this column.

      I learned my hard lessons years ago when I spent 10 years back and forth to East Africa doing water projects. The animal kingdom including those of us supposedly at the top of the chain pounce on weakness. I never saw a Lion taken on a strong animal but if hungry enough would take down an old aging Water Buffalo who had been isolated from the herd even if they knew the meat would be very tough. I never saw a Leopard take out a large Gazelle they could never catch but would methodically isolate an infant or crippled Gazelle from the herd and pounce.

      I sat out a bloody insurrection in the streets from my hotel room in both Nairobi, Kenya and Kampala, Uganda when a group of political enemies saw a weakness in the government leader and decided to strike. Many innocent people were killed but not the government leader or his minions.

      We have such a failure of leadership right now in Canada and the United States, it is painful to watch. They insist on beating up their own citizens and ignoring the fact that the real enemy is watching and pouncing on their weakness and lack of leadership.

      Yes, may the Force be with us! We do need it.

      • Yo Bob,

        The “force” not a wish for – pray for thing.

        The “force” is already With you ..Big secret that..”they” dont ever want anybody to realize.

        You can work it, work with it, Imagine It into Being..eventually using middle point of forehead, between Ure eyebrows..”All forms of energy -material and information are enter your body through your open skin pores. This energy-information is then gathered into the blossoming lotus/waterlily flower via your blood,lymph, bone marrow, and so on. Imagine there is a blossoming lotus flower in base/ lower abdomen. When breathing imagine lotus flower closes on Exhalation capturing all the energy-information, on Inhalation, imagine but not quite imagine, light emanates from flower – shining on internal organs as it absorbs energy-information”…kinda like an energy torus. Dont forget Closing after ALL energy work..just think you are Done – Closed.

        The “Force” aint no Joke – It is very Real, and most painful/difficult to work with outside of the body, a very advanced phenomena.

        *Xin Yan et al., External Qi of Yan Xin Qigong differentially regulates the Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways and is cytotoxic to cancer cells but not normal cells. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology (2006), doi:10.1016/j.biocel.2006.06.002

        published 2006…

    • Warhammer,

      This is funny, over at Greg Hunters’ USA WATCHDOG site, the latest guest made a prediction…

      No Shooting War in Ukraine – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

      Hunter is taking some heat in the comments section, but he is in denial, here’s one example below.

      Chris 02/24/2022 •
      Unfortunately this one didn’t age well. Australian media is reporting Russian missile attacks on 10 cities in the Ukraine.

      Greg Hunter 02/24/2022

      It’s not an invasion and it’s already stopped. You will see. No shooting war.

    • “makes me think there’s a whole lot going on that we plebes, proles, & peasants ain’t privy to…”

      Putin hints that there’s a lot we don’t or won’t know.
      His comment…
      “What I am saying now does not concerns only Russia, and Russia is not the only country that is worried about this. This has to do with the entire system of international relations, and sometimes even US allies.”

      The fact that so many countries have been making alliances with Russia and China over our inability to treat them and their countries with respect..I personally believe that that should have been an indicator that our methods of acquisition of land resources etc. Was not in our best interests.
      An employer if he treats his employees badly soon finds a problem keeping them.. where an employer that treats his employees as valued members of a company family will keep his employees forever..it is a lot like a marriage , you give and take.. be a little blind towards their faults and weaknesses..
      The USA is a lot like a high maintenance girlfriend.. she only wants more..and is never satisfied..through deregulation and the laws being changed to allow open corruption in our political leaders , actually promoted greed and greed pushing greed.

      “If a nation, no matter how peaceful, is not prepared to confront aggression,”

      The big issue. Is i believe that we are not a peaceful nation.. we say that as we position and attack if bribery doesn’t get the job done. Kind of like going to war for peace is similar to F@@king for chastity. We destroy then rebuild. All for riches for a few..

      • It’s not “riches,” it’s “power.”

        Since the Depression, we’ve become paranoid, believing every other nation was after our {something or other.} If we lose wealth or prestige, we lose power, and the jerks in D.C. can not tolerate the thought of losing some of their power.

        Until WW-II British subjects were the people every other nation loved to hate. After WW-II, we supplanted them, as some British territories were “spun off” from the Crown and others, reclassified. Imperial England “died” shortly after the spinoff of India/Pakistan and England’s withdrawal of influence from the “colonies” in the Middle East.

        Hatred for “them what has more” is the easiest form of social hatred to create, and the form that’s hardest to get rid of. “Envy” is really powerful, and the world has hated us now for 70 years. For 70 years we’ve also tried to buy other nations off and kiss their leaders’ asses. The fact this hasn’t worked has only made our D.C. sewer rats more-paranoid.

        There IS a time and a place to fight for peace. We’ve been there twice, in 1775 and in 1860 (IMO had the Civil War not been fought there would’ve been guerrilla incursions for decades, until the South collapsed economically from lack of ability to mechanically manufacture and process resources.)

        However, any such fight requires an unconditional surrender by the vanquished, and a moral and compassionate leadership by the victors… Something the world hasn’t seen since the Japanese were on the main deck of the Missouri.

    • Putin has us by the short hair – the weakness in this President and his administration should now be obvious to everyone. Nothing in the sanctions about energy – Putin should shut off all gas to Europe – And wait for the fallout against the US and NATO. Although stopping the input of Russian Nesting Dolls is crushing – he might as well take back all of the disputed Russian territory he wants – there is nothing to stop him.

    • Warhammer,

      I always seriously appreciate your very insightful and valuable comments.
      I want to warmly thank you for being so thoughtful, and wise in all of your
      comments. You are a gem of a man!

  14. “How did 3 young men (20-22) get radicalized? West Lafayette man, 2 others charged with conspiring to attack power grids (wrtv.com). Social media? And, if recruited? By whom?”


    I’m guessing it’ll be much more-important to find with whom they were chatting, than just get these three lusers off the street. This’ll also indicate whether there was government involvement in their cause (or its failed implementation.)

  15. “Next time you hear about (color) supremacists, ask “How’d they get started?  Who’s pushing ’em?”

    A friend of mine went to the BLM and ANTIFA demonstration here..then left after some joker offered then cash to cause destruction or more if they started a fight..
    Who has that kind of money.. and who would benefit from it..

  16. Who Are These People? Missouri ‘Republicans’ Are Now Pushing New Election Rules that Authorize Drop Boxes and Allow for 6 Weeks of Early Voting

    As the article asks “WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE???” Surely someone knows where they live and can DO something about this? THIS is the danger that exists when everyone gets to have their say in the face of the past year of abject failures. When you’re already over the cliff why does anyone listen to the Lefties at all? When it’s all over and they’re hanging their bodies in the street like Mussolini the reality of it will be the simple fact that WE are the reason it all happened to begin with. There’s a definite reduction of returns on “civility” after a while and we’ve passed that point some time ago.

    Just got a note from J. M. Bullion. Premiums have been reduced by 14.3% for silver bars and 26.1% for Sunshine rounds. Gold product premiums reduced, too.

  17. BTW, I didn’t know until yesterday that Ukraine was rich in nickel and rare-Earths. I started poking around when I heard Marco Rubio on the tube, say Ukraine had no significant oil or gas.

    …Makes me wonder whether the pols are that uninformed, or they’re simply trying to keep US that uninformed?

  18. George, when watching the media video of the attack on Ukraine … notice there are places where missiles have attacked BUT I’ve noticed that there are BONFIRES of wood and trash being burned near (buildings that are untouched) by war but said to be part of the attack. Wtf ??

    • Theatre.

      Just like the newsreel loop which shows the same 2-3 incidents or the same 20 seconds of “crowd” over and over.

      (p.s. You’re not supposed to notice…}

      • so the bonfires are an analog to painting the eve above your door way with the blood of the lamb to avoid the angel of death.

      • “so the bonfires are an analog…”

        Not necessarily.

        They’re more of a “lazy newscaster” background to either generate gravitas for the reporting, or propaganda to support the reporter’s agenda…

  19. “What is the “End of Life” like around us?”
    This morning I woke up and felt my left leg from the knee down PARALYZED. Could I make it (in time) to the bathroom? At that moment in time I have only one thought in mind, and IF the DUDE will be gracious enough to “let it be one more time” before the final call. Fate like this awaits many of US after 90+ though I feels perfectly healthy w/o even need for glasses and/or other medicine than ASPIRIN 1000MG, occasionally.
    Trying to get old — be careful what you wish for.
    Personally, I very much admire GU and his activities but most I’ve heard many times before already and as a consequence it becomes meaningless to me, because people don’t want advice — they want ENTERTAINMENT by whatever means ;-) and GU makes his contribution “business model” style. Kudos!
    So, if this may perhaps be my last post I wish you all a very peaceful and contended future. Amen!

  20. “As the Economic Fractalist explained back when: …”

    Thank you for the easter egg delivered before dinner yesterday.

  21. Monkey’s latest video is all about the F-35. In it he reveals that he worked on the program and his grandfather worked on the F-117 out in Area 51. If this doesn’t add some credibility to this guy’s resume then there’s no point in talking to you. The features of the cockpit and for the pilot is un-friggin’-believable … I guess as long as everything is working right. It’d be interesting to see what fall-back measures are available when something goes wrong.


    • ROTFLMAO…”as long as everything is working right” you funny, Mr bill, you funny.
      Everything Is a Business Model – right ?

      There aint NO MONAY in everything working right . Those F35 flying turds are sitting ducks in air to air combat situations..dead ducks. They are more like Loitering munitions..
      “CM wings?
      Well Ill Be
      MR Ducks”

      -but hey they sure did cost a hole lot of BILLIONz, not impressed, you guyz?

  22. “How did 3 young men (20-22) get radicalized?”
    I hate to be so cynical but over the past year with these items you have to wonder did the FBI or another agency actually recruit and put stuff in motion so they can appear the heroes and convince the rest of us to accept further restrictions on our freedoms because of the radicals.

    • “How did 3 young men (20-22) get radicalized?”

      Thats an easy answer Joe….3 young men.. simple wage earners!
      How was a politician convinced to sneak in millions of military aged illegals in the dead of night? And Possibly a misappropriation of funds to them as well.
      How are agencies sworn to protect those innocent convinced to throw out their morals and ethical values to cover over activities of the privileged and bury or destroy the evidence of their actions..

      I personally don’t believe that young wage earners have a higher set of values than those sworn to represent the average.
      With the right incentives anything can be obtained

    • This may be a real thing; it may be something created by the FBI…

      …And it sucks that we even have such as this to consider. Seriously, do Federal agencies really have to create situations which, when executed, justify their existence?

      • Hi Ray
        IIRC Charles-Hugh-Smith / Of Two Minds has a hypothesis regarding bureaucracies. To paraphrase CHS – as an institution ages it drifts from it’s mission and becomes interested in defending itself / self preservation.

        Perhaps to the point of creating the need in this case?

      • The principal function of any (and every) bureaucracy is self-preservation. No matter the excuse for its creation, before its first booty er, budget call, its focus will have shifted to its survival as a systemic leech, and its functional methodology to a continuing justification for its existence.

  23. Wonderful times.

    Drilling in the US just became profitable
    Russia just lost some customers
    Who will sign any deal with Russia now? India? LOL
    (Chinese) AGW hoax confirmed by Russia seeking warm water
    Russian demographic problems confirmed by grabbing external populations


    Pandemic over
    Vaxx die-off hoax laughably absent
    COVID population control laughably insufficient for any further hand-wringing
    US corporations off-shoring in China, is that even a thing anymore?
    Democrats are distracted by mask fetish
    The Great Sorting picks up steam

    It’s a golden age. Figure out how to profit off it. And while you’re at it, read Art of War before making any guesses about what the fake news media tells you is going on.

    • “Drilling in the US just became profitable”

      That doesn’t matter. Biden isn’t going to allow exploration or drilling, other than that to which Trump allowed and he’s legally compelled to agree to.

      “Russia just lost some customers”

      But Europe also lost it’s energy supply, which WE can not make up.

      “Who will sign any deal with Russia now? India? LOL”

      Why yes, as a matter of fact. Expect Brazil, India, China, and South Africa to make up for any sales Gazprom loses. While you’re at it, expect us to become 2nd rate (and 3rd world) as we go bankrupt and lose “reserve currency” (and IMF viability) status when the (solvent) BRICS members replace and obsolesce the G-7.

      • For a military invasion, there sure isn’t a lot of battle going on. Two days of CNN and nada fighting coverage. I believe Ukraine is a diversion with the intent of drawing the non-military sanctions which are outside of the NATO sphere. If the sanctions are viewed as acts of economic war, the way is now clear to sever ties and try to displace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Unless the Russian president is the Antichrist (an argument could be made that Trump is the “mouthpiece” that precedes the AC’s arrival), I’m sure there are a lot of smart Russian strategists who’ve mapped and gamed this out for Putin. The real threat and end game has to be worth more than the cost of Russia’s live fire exercise.

      • “For a military invasion, there sure isn’t a lot of battle going on.”

        Russia is doing its darnedest to kill as few non-combatants and destroy as little infrastructure as possible. They’ve also only engaged a little over 1/4 of their ground and air troops & materiel (which is driving our pentagonal dudes nuts.)

        I think Putin is trying to prove he can run a blitz like the one we ran in Iraq, maybe not as fast, but a whole lot “cleaner.” However, I’m not getting that “reserve contingent” thing. Holding a third in-reserve is accepted; holding over 2/3 is just weird… I surmise he’s not going to place all his cards on the table, just in case someone else deals themselves in, and there are few (or no) Ukrainians who are not (to some degree) ethnically Rus, so he doesn’t want to just steamroller the countryside, but those are wildassed guesses by me, and have no basis in relevant fact or previous knowledge…

      • “Russia is doing its darnedest to kill as few non-combatants and destroy as little infrastructure as possible”

        I read the people took a vote and asked him to help them with what they seen as a corrupt administration.

  24. It’s Times like these that remind us just how fragile our lives always are.

    We tend to ignore that. We believe we have other, more important concerns all the time. But without our very lives… we have nothing at all on this side of the Great Veil.

    The Fools that sit in seats of power are once again playing with our lives and our Planet and our future. We have hoped and prayed that even though we know them to be mostly inept grifters… that They would retain one tiny bit of common sense to not do something so damned stupid one day to hit the Big Off button and turn our Game of Life to permanent fade-to-black.

    You can only poke at people so long before they poke back. You can only insult people so long before they get really pissed.

    Are All Those Inept Grifters about to prove that Ignorance and Stupidity are terminal conditions? And not just for Them, but for EVERYONE?

    It’s never a bad time to give thanks for BEING alive. And to give thanks that you have been blessed with loved ones to share this Grand Experience with. And to TELL THEM you love and care about them. And to do that NOW.

    Why? In Times like these, we may never get another chance.

    Sooner or later, the bill for Stupidity comes due. It almost got paid back in 1962. We got lucky and cooler heads deferred payment on that bill. But, the interest on that Stupidity bill now has been accruing for another 60 years.

    And damn those guys who created weapons that gave Them the ability to turn our Game of Life OFF.

    Children shouldn’t play with matches. Nor should they ever have been give REALLY BIG MATCHES.

    Best to everyone and may we yet have some Tomorrows worth living.

  25. Wow some really great info here today . Summary . Stay short . Long gold as signal prevails . Sell gold if signal fails . Stay short till indicators warrant closure . No indicator in sight of closure

  26. My resume doesn’t depend on grandpa. Great theater, turned me on to ADSB Exchange, but his analysis is crap.

    There are no white hat prison deliveries. Q is dead. It was all a pysop.

    Time to move on and get ready for the End Game.

  27. “…before the arrival of “NSNW”
    Every time I see that, my mind STILL says “No S#!t, Now What?”
    I’m sure those will be the first words out of my mouth when it happens.

  28. Just read there is no inheiritance tax on estates of 12 million dollars, recalling a 37.5 % and transactorys on everything above 600,000. If my non google, non microsoft identity papers, informations are correct..

  29. I find it a bit perplexing as to why the Russians fought to gain control of the Chernobyl complex on Day 1. What is the status of the Ukraine’s remaining operational nuclear power plants?

    • I wondered that too.

      IIRC some network source suggested last week that Russian troops might sweep south from Belarus, aiming to get past Chernobyl on their way to another useful place (possibly Kharkov, don’t recall the name). If that is their aim, perhaps the Ukrainians set up defenders around/near the plant to stop them, and let them get high doses of radiation in the process.

      If *that* was the Ukrainian plan, it says a lot about what they think of their own troops, who would get considerably more radiation than the newly-arrived Russians.

    • In fact, the Chernobyl region has recovered nicely, and much more quickly than was projected. It isn’t glowing, neither are the people who live there. Because it DOES have that stigma though, it is very sparsely-populated. This makes for easy passage and lots of places where “you could hide an army…”


      • Had the idea that there were still areas with life-shortening radiation levels. Time should have whittled down the sizes of such areas, but I would not bet my life that the entire area was safe.

        Saw recently a claim that during the initial attempts to deal with the problem, Soviet draftees were given a choice: a year (or two?) in Afghanistan, or … TWO MINUTES clearing debris. A fair number of draftees chose the latter, and the source claimed that there are not many survivors.

        A major detail here, which I don’t know, is the half-lives of the radioisotopes spewed out. The 36 years since then will have allowed some of them to decay.

        I just did a web search to get the year of the problem, and note that there are several claims in the media of sudden elevations of radiation in the region (blamed on all the military action kicking up dust, essentially). Guess it’s another ‘watch this space’ deal.

      • Guess I should have been more explicit about the possible numbers of “defenders … to stop [Russians]”. Aside from that, we seem to be in agreement.

        Had the idea that there were still areas with life-shortening radiation levels. Time should have whittled down the sizes of such areas, but I would not bet my life that the entire area was safe. I’ve seen internet claims that a small number of people have returned to the area, but without any info about medical problems.

        I also saw recently a claim that during the initial attempts to deal with the problem, Soviet draftees were given a choice: a year (or two?) in Afghanistan, or … TWO MINUTES clearing debris. A fair number of draftees chose the latter, and the source claimed that there are not many survivors, three decades later.

        A major detail here, which I don’t know, is the half-lives of the radioisotopes spewed out. The 36 years since then will have allowed some of them to decay.

        I just did a web search to get the year of the problem, and note that there are several claims in the media of sudden elevations of radiation in the region (blamed on all the military action kicking up dust, essentially). Guess it’s another ‘watch this space’ deal.

  30. The evening newscast showed a flow of refugees crossing into the EU. Solo young men not chaperoning any babe-in-arm family groupings were well represented. The reporter asked one why he was not staying in the Ukraine (as per the presidential directive). He stated he could better serve his country by sending back financial support, and besides, he didn’t know how to fire a gun. Wowsers, …lucky he wasn’t being interviewed by one of the women reporters the CBC has on the ground in Kiev and Moscow or they might have kicked him in the you-know-where.

    • I saw zero minutes of boob tube yesterday. What I saw the night before was many cars, in Kiev.

      Kiev is a city about the size of Philadelphia or Ottawa. The traffic looked like everyday commuter traffic in any city of that size, where 60-65% of traffic is streaming outbound and the other 35% streaming inbound.

      What the “news” drone was trying to convince me was that this was a panicky exodus. He succeeded about as well as the “mostly peaceful protest” “reporter” standing in front of the burning neighborhood. If’fn yer gonna lie to me, don’t do it whilst there’s video playing which demonstrates that you’re lying.

      As for the coward, THIS is why, on average less than 6% of natives participate in wars (and also what made our “greatest generation” so great. It wasn’t that the Allies won the War; it was because nearly everyone in the U.S. bought-in to the “war effort” thing, on some level.) Hopefully, that turd will have his hovel shot-up and his precious Return of the Jedi iPhone stand destroyed, and his insurance will cover neither…

      • What honestly still brings tears to my eyes was reading a book on the Code Talkers of WWII. When Pearl Harbor was attacked and the news slowly spread through out the rural U.S. a bunch of Indian warriors showed up at the local Sheriff’s office, I think, in New Mexico on horseback with their rifles, ready to go to war. They didn’t have a clue where the heck Pearl Harbor was but, after all the White man had done to them, they were still ready to defend our, THEIR country!

        If we had people like that throughout our society today we wouldn’t have any “Democrats” OR “Republicans” – just simply “Americans” and anyone else would have been run out of town on a rail, tarred, feathered and beat to a pulp.

        • Instead, without honor most of AMERICA has moved to coastal states and did tech start-ups and are only defending the local food emporium and the power stations to keep the games online…Their gender and identities are as flexible as flexible as their patriotism and president.
          Ask me in 10 years if that’s a good thing or bad. If we’re not here, that’s your answer.

      • “a bunch of Indian warriors showed up at the local Sheriff’s office, I think, in New Mexico on horseback with their rifles”

        ‘Twas Navajo, but I don’t remember from which Reservation. The Navajo (and Hopi, and Zuni) know that the Indians the politically inferior call “Native Americans,” in most places only beat the Western Urepeein refugees who first settled the Colonies, by a few hundred years. The Tribal Elders of these have a much better grasp of humanity and life in North America than virtually anyone else, including the intellectual idiots who’ve written books on the subject.

        The “codespeak” was native Navajo. Because the language is both rooted, and evolved along a different path than Urepeein, African, Asian, and Island languages, and because it was a spoken, but not written language, the Japanese could not decipher the language roots.

        FWIW the vast majority of Indian tribes annihilated the ancient tribes whose turf they conquered. The Navajo and Hopi did not, choosing to live “together, but separate” from the ancient tribes. The oldest of Navajo lore speaks of the Old Ones dying out naturally, but doesn’t give any reason for their die-off.

        It was the fact Americans didn’t annihilate the Navajo, which made them worthy of the tribe’s help — It made us “kindred spirits…”

  31. Updated 25 February 2022

    Self-organization of the Wilshire since March 2020 low. This model uses nadir points along the Wilshire trading curve from March 2020 to present.

    For the US markets Expect Nonlinearity Friday 25 February 2022 – or next Monday 28 February 2022.

    Monday 28 February 2022 would complete a 25 day: 5/12/10 decay fractal series starting on 24 January 2021;
    the 25 days in turn completes a 3 December 2021 12/24/25 day decay fractal series.

    From the Oct 4 2021 low this series completes two sequential daily fractal series of 8/21/17 days and 12/24/25 days and composes the final 22-23 week series which completes a 11/22//22-23 week fractal series.

    From the March 2002 low a 9/25/19 week series is followed by the 11/22/-22-23 week series.

    The rise of the US Markets on Thursday 24 February 2022 was because it was an expected growth day 4 of the third growth fractal of a four phase 2/4/4/3 day series composing the terminal 10 days of the 5/12/10 day series.

Comments are closed.