NY Fed Data Collapse – A Warning from Fractals

OK, we are stuck “between realities” lately in the stock market.

We saw disappointment in earnings recently; so much so that one fin-writer remarked “…the Recession may already be here…” But not down on Main Street.

Well, at least until TODAY.

NY Fed Data Freefalls

Empire State Manufacturing survey:

“Business activity fell sharply in New York State, according to firms responding to the May 2023 Empire State Manufacturing Survey. The headline general business conditions index dropped forty-three points to -31.8. New orders and shipments plunged after rising significantly last month. Delivery times shortened somewhat, and inventories contracted. Both employment and hours worked edged lower for a fourth consecutive month. Prices increased at about the same pace as last month. Capital spending plans turned sluggish. Looking ahead, businesses continued to expect little improvement in conditions over the next six months.

Make no mistake, this is a VERY bad number and the fact that the (17-minute delayed) release of the whole report indicates to those of us out in the woods this was a “gimme” to the commercials.  We reckon few “average investors” clock the actual release times.

Meanwhile,  Fed’s Bostic casts doubt on rate cuts this year even if there’s a recession (cnbc.com).  Level-headed thinking, as we figure it.  But, no pause in the hype.  Paul Tudor Jones says the Fed is done raising rates, stocks to finish the year higher from here (cnbc.com).

Stock up on Depends for tomorrow morning.  Retail Sales figures are due and we’re not particularly hopeful.  Depends, though…

Looking At Markets

Our “starting the week” take is that while there may be a “pop” at the open, as people who left the market to avoid “weekend risk” will buy at the open today getting “back in it.”

Yet, when we look – even with this morning’s stronger Futures pricing – there are still great downside concerns. Because in our Elliott Wave and trend channel view of things, we have still not decided what to do with the circled area in the lower right.

One choice?  The markets could soar higher and thus “filling the trading box” (that ghostly outline).  Which would fulfill the “Elliott rule” that the second impulsive wave (higher in this case) cannot be the smallest.  Problem is? Right now it is the smaller.

The Other Choice:  This is the big-bad bogeyman.  This is where we rally at the open today and then something happens in the next 24-hours and the market begins collapse in earnest. Retail failure? We could take out recent lows and all hell breaks loose.

Reality Disconnected

Our view is that the Biden Administration should be placing far more emphasis on shutting down the Second Mexican War invasion along the southern border, and stop blame-shifting on Whites and conservatives in stories like Biden calls white supremacy greatest terrorism threat as 2024 race heats up.  Having nothing else in his quiver, Biden’s off to lah-lah land with Wokees and demobots who march to whatever dog whistle they here.

They are not alone.  The other corrupt party is whistling up a storm, too. Trump’s dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip to openly hate women | Salon.com may sound extreme, but as media revenue falls, shrillest is richest.  When media is not shrill or bashing hard-enough? Vice Media bankruptcy: Deal reached with creditors Fortress Investment Group, Soros Fund Management and Monroe Capital | Fortune.  So, Soros has a Vice? Fricking great.

Out here in the nominal Real world?  

We have a border failing and ludicrous happy talk like Biden ‘optimistic’ on debt talks with Republicans.  All the while, America’s competition isn’t getting any less: EU bumps up 2023, 2024 growth and inflation forecasts | Forexlive.

An immediate concern – since it’s the canary in the coal mine – is the continued ebullience of the over-priced stock market.  As noted in a Comment this morning, The Economic Fractalist is whispering about our odd parallel with Japan’s plight from its 1989 all-time highs:

“The Nikkei is putting in its terminal day gapped lower high valuation Monday 15 May 2023. This is its terminal lower high valuation peak. It peaked at 29629.47, over 9200 lower than its absolute peak on 29 December 1989 at about 38915. Inflation adjusted, its current value is much, much lower.

Shave off 33 years and we were relatively young guys in 1989.

Is it America’s turn to have a 20-30 year period before the November 8 2021 Wilshire is exceeded, (not adjusted for inflation)?”

The problem with such logical and cogent thinking is the Prop Crews are running around making it appear this is not a horror movie.  Rather than “let the chips fall where they may” the Biden-Powell Fed has been anxious to bail out the rich and indenture the working class.  Postponing the Day of Reckoning into the future, once again.

Bitcoin, which has been front-running stock indexes, has only rallied to $27,420 and utter collapse this week to $23,000 levels, can’t be ruled out.

Welcome to Monday.

Bank on More Trouble

We need to zoom-in a bit every day on the Commercial Real Estate banking failures in the wings.  It’s not going away anytime soon.  Such things can be “papered over” for 3-4 years, sometimes.

I would draw your attention to the American Banker summary: 10 weeks of tumult: How the banking crisis of 2023 has unfolded.

Thing is, we have a “which parallel track are we on?” problem.

See, while the Economic Fractalist eyes Post-Peak Japan after 1989, our consigliere is more concerned about the rhyme with the (good-old) American S&L Debacle and collapses from 1987 on and which ultimately fueled the 1990-1992 recession.

To spin the Double Mint gum commercials: “Double your pleasure, double your runs…”

Data and history notwithstanding, we think Slo Biden’s 50-100 scheme won’t work:  Halve the worker discretionary incomes and then increase inflation by 100 percent.  Nothing could go wrong, right?

When you see reports on the future of some banking sectors touting a CAGR of 9.43%  as in Retail Banking Market 2023 | Research Trends 2030 – MarketWatch  you gotta ask yourself, what is 9.43 percent over six years? 71.7 percent.  And if it’s 7-years? 87.9 percent.

In other words, our “halving incomes” and “doubling inflation” ain’t exactly funny.

In the Shorts

If we’re winning so much, why is there still fighting?  Putin’s Reportedly Had to Ban His Top Officials from Quitting as Ukraine War Falters.

Oh!  Look who’s in the bleachers watching!  With Taiwan in Mind, China Observes Attack Helicopter Operations in Ukraine – The Diplomat

Because? (Come on, you don’t really need too much prompting, do you?)  Latest PLA threats in focus as Taiwan kicks off annual Han Kuang war games with computerised simulations | South China Morning Post (scmp.com).

Bottom Line #1:  Same shit in the news flow as Friday.

Well, except for the DC butt-covering festival tempo:  Democrat Uses Fox News Host’s Words to Push Back on Hunter Biden Question.  Dems are saying the GOP should focus more on “income of average Americans.”  But why?  The Average American isn’t a crooked lawyer passing money to a president.  (We repeat (and maybe sign this):  Both parties are deaf to America and dumb in response.  We’ve been secretly working on a new movie script starring the U.S. House, the Senate, and the White House.  Working title is “Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest.”  Gives honest clowns and comics a bad name.

Chipping at Babal’s foundations: CrowdStrike finds new ransomware-as-a-service group targeting VMWare ESXi servers (5 tips to fight back) (databreaches.net)  Everything’s a business model, as we constantly remind you.

ATR: Mother’s Day Follow-ups

Two “yo-moma” tales.

The first?  Best Celebrity Moms: Top 20 Real & Fictional Heads Of The Household In America – Study Finds. Morticia Addams was #11 but we’ve made a note to recheck results Wednesday.  (Sorry – writer’s strike…)

The second tale?

G2 and I made a run to the “dispensary” to refill the Scotch IV bags Saturday morning.  On the way back, I ran into a dollar store to pick up some dry cat food.

At the counter, a little girl was playing with her dad’s phone – pretending to take pictures of the check-out clerk –  a nice lady of 30-something.  So the clerk asks…

“Are you taking my picture for Mother’s Day?”

No, silly.  I’m taking it for Father’s Day.”

“Oh, is that right?  When is Father’s Day?”

I dunno….

Well, standing there, I just had to jump in and be helpful.

“Here’s an easy way to remember when Father’s Day is:

“Every-other weekend.”

(If you have to think about it, get back into the coffee line.)

Write when you get rich,


52 thoughts on “NY Fed Data Collapse – A Warning from Fractals”

  1. Were there “days of darkness back there?

    Evil do’ers musta got WarNews247. The rumor mill speculates Lukashenko was poisoned.

  2. “If we’re winning so much, why is there still fighting?”

    Great lyrics in the late Gordon Lightfoot song “Sundown”

    “Sometimes I think it’s a sin
    When I feel like I’m winning, when I’m losing again”


  3. Hola Jorge,

    May13th,1846 – a day which will live in infamy. President Polk & Congress declare WAR – The Beaner – American War! Seems Mexico not happy bout Texans snaking in on the Rio Grande River area -https://youtu.be/qUDMzhlefMs -some things never change.

    With February 2nd, 1848 Treaty of GaudalupeHidalgo..Cali and New Mexico are ceded to USA for $15 million dollars. In todays dollars that would be something like 1/2 Billion or more. Not a big deal in todays world of Mouse Click Money/MMT.

    And zo this mornings genius project for a New America entails giving Cali back to Mexico for the original amount in 1846 dollars , in Gold.

    Shop note – tried the “GU technique” recently with moaningly good results ..”screw to the right side and let things wriggle into place” .

    * It is wise to take precautions when lifting and or working with large, heavy pieces of “equipment”.

  4. Salon.com smells of fish bait,,, the cat fish kind, that stinks like ,,,
    here is a 37 sec clip of E Jean Carrol’s social posts, what a slut, a stinky smelly skank, she is ugly and stinks also, that is why she has makeup and perfume. Her so called rape was a ‘fantasy’ made up in her own little sick demented mind.

  5. So, next weekend is Father’s Day? And every alternating weekend after? I’ll take it. Jealous you get to hang with G2. Our #1 called yesterday and made his Mom happy. I did my best but often explain Mrs. Egor is _not_ my Mom so …

    No conviction on direction as we open the casino for the week. Short / mid-range I don’t see a higher high but accept the possibility. I mean world peace could break out or sumpin. Otherwise? Watch the action around SPX 4050 (double tap 04/26 and 05/04 was met by some big buyer with deep pockets and real staying power). Break 4050 and we revisit lows.

    Clue: are the highs 02/02 and 05/01 a double top? The charts draw themselves …

    After a few uncomfortable episodes where people had trouble defining what is a “woman” it’s to be hoped on one day per year (or alternating weekends), it’s the roughly half of humans capable of being a Mom. Biggest job on the planet.

    Write when you get trend,

  6. …and in my dream: turning —

    I am standing in my very small backyard on Kahuawai Street in Waipahu on Oahu. It’s a bit after 07:30, and very quiet this Sunday morning; and to the northwest, I can hear numerous aircraft engines.

    Not to worry, though. There’s a large airport just to my southeast.

    It’s a perfect day, clear and warm, with only light breezes. I can smell breakfast being made just inside.

    It’s all OK. All is well.

    • And as you are listening to 590 Kcs on the AM radio, that old RCA transmitter is providing the homing signal for those planes to find Oahu…
      (I saw that old transmitter before it was scrapped.)

  7. SEOUL, May 15 (Yonhap) — A 4.5 magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast city of Donghae on Monday, the weather agency said, but no damage has been reported.

    The quake occurred in waters about 59 kilometers northeast of Donghae, located 182 km east of Seoul, at 6:27 a.m., according to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).

  8. As of Monday morning;
    If you combine the market value of all the 1,917 stocks held in the Russell 2000 small-cap index, it comes up a few billion dollars short of Apple’s current market value.

    • Kurtosis?
      Confirms the occasional market story that 5 companies are driving 95% of all market activity. They’re going up and giving a false impression of an improving economy while the rest are hanging on or failing.

      • Agreed. Saw a chart from Investors Daily showing the top 20 stocks [ all meg-corps companies] and how those twenty account for nearly all of the upward pressure in the NASDAQ and S&P 500.

    • Yo d’

      SellSellSell SHORT AAPL and BuyBuyBuy LONG Russel2000 Spread

      4 Fun AND profitZ! AAPL @$172/RUS @ 1761..10/1 baby.

      Especialy love GROSS Profits, but since I bee retired from Corp Sales gig, only make Cap Gains now a daze…I know woe is moi.

  9. Re: Drought – food for thought
    feat. ‘devils on horseback’


    Ten days after a CBC interview with a Sudanese-Canadian rebel sympathizer, Mother Corporation has released a carefully worded article. It seems a refugee to Canada of 20 years past has returned to Sudan as an aide to the rebel commander of the RSF (Rapid Support Force).


    A perusal of Wikipedia for what it’s worth indicates that the RSF has arguably racist Arabic nomadic roots. Drought created tensions and subsequent alleged participation in various Saharan regional conflicts. Recent years have seen possible RSF crimes against humanity and a supply chain linking back to Russia’s Wagner Group.

    No wonder the “refugee’s” former university chancellor and his former lawyer – both pillars of the ruling federal Liberal Party – are somewhat reticent in their remarks to the CBC.

    Standby, hot days in the city are coming up! Turn up the air-con and tunes for a Nooner with DJ George. Here he is ready to rock your sonar from Tom Petty’s Damn the Torpedoes album –
    “Don’t Have to Live Like a Refugee”.

    • Re: “Between Realities”
      feat. a ‘congenital optimist’


      A beach house cycling President Biden yesterday declared himself before assembled press to be a “congenital optimist”. (No southern border visit is planned so as to avoid disruptions.) Therefore buoyed by such high spirits did I read today’s White House month 18 fact sheet release of Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law successes! The Texas folder for instance reflects a $12 million “Investing in America” contribution to The City of El Paso. The funds are purposed for the construction of pedestrian walkways at El Paso’s city-operated Ysleta bridge border crossing with Mexico. This is to aid in the reduction of carbon gas emissions by assisting those crossing the border utilizing “…foot, bike…or transit…”.

  10. A little off subject , when the pedo joe gives medical advice that is harmful , no one calls him on it . Now millie vanillie is giving financial advice. He’s not even a good soldier , more or less a financial expert.

  11. It’s all going to end…

    “For Gurdjieff, the decline and disappearance of civilizations is tied to the “disequilibrium between ‘knowing’ and being”: “In the history of humanity there are known many examples when entire civilizations have perished because knowledge outweighed being, or being outweighed knowledge.” Are we not in a world where knowing far surpasses being?


  12. Well., my “Third Thursday Poker Game” is coming up. 12th Anniversary. “Ladyfingers” says she has a special party planned for all of us. The retired doctor, who has been a part of the game for six years now sent an email to everyone saying that this would be his last game, as he has not left the table a winner in over a year now. I’ll see what I can do to wipe him out as early as possible. I really dislike bitchy little whiners. He touted himself an excellent poker player – but he is just too emotional., constantly screws himself with his betting and off-the-cuff comments on his cards.
    About an hour after his email, “Ladyfingers” emailed me saying that she has a replacement already, and that she has wanted to play for a few years now, but there has never been an opening. We all have to agree to the replacement – one of our rules., but sounds good to me…., as long as she knows how to play ‘poker’ and can afford to loose. I don’t want to be responsible for hurting someone’s retirement account. Who knows., maybe she is better than me.., nah ! I do hope that she is at least equal. I can’t imagine “Ladyfingers” would promote someone who is going to get stomped on.
    How is your Thursday stacking-up ??

  13. “The Air Force’s hypersonic scramjet missile aced it’s final test.”
    – This was reported by China’s news agency., six hours before the Air Force made their announcement.
    – “Military secrets are the most fleeting of all.” Commander Spock

    • Patriot shot down hypersonic Russian missile (ready, set, aim, your target moves faster than one mile per second)


      Sorry Vlad, our calculators still work great.

      Border crossings down 50% under Biden, sorry Biden haters,

      Trump let large numbers of immigrants sneak in:

      • I personally sure don’t hate him or anyone…
        I don’t think anyone else here hates the family either.
        (I am ashamed of the democratic party and how they are acting and I often question why what happened to the party I once believed was for the people….)
        I think they should all have a public position though for the corruption that they have already uncovered as residents in our prison system.. but then I think hey they shouldn’t because we essentially created who and what they are by allowing them to be openly corrupted.. and as a young man that had never held any real working position..how else would he know how to act.. we created him.. his deviant lifestyle did not necessarily fall from the tree he was born into but created by the lifestyle we gave them in a city so full of graff and deviance.( I have personally seen that done to a step child of my ex. by her deviant family.. the child deserved a chance.. I failed in trying to give him that..)
        I won’t get in a car being driven by someone with severe dementia either.. I just want to arrive where I am heading in the same shape I am when I leave to go there..
        What many forget is .. we the people created these individuals that we put all our faith in.. we keep voting them into positions of power and we allow them to be openly corrupted..if they couldn’t get the job done before.. why do we keep assuming that they can get it done the next time.. you wouldn’t hire s dishwasher if he didn’t want to wash dishes or even show up for work.. we do that all the time hell keep him in govt work he would starve to death if he went out to work anywhere else.. be a homeless person on the sidewalk with a tin cup and a sign on cardboard saying.. unemployed govt worker needs to feed family any donation will be appreciated……
        Now I am willing to bet that you are not a racist or if you are you aren’t as big of a racist as his speeches keep painting everyone.( now if you live in a big city with a high crime rate.. my guess is you like I would do if I lived in an area of hate and violence.. would carry of gun or a pepper spray etc.. as some form of deterrence ) . starting a race war in this country is not necessarily a good thing especially when the targeted areas are their very own area’s that are already impoverished and victimized. the real war is poverty and the lack of education and adult supervison of the youth.. the problem with that is those people that live in the poorest neighborhoods.. white black hispanic oriental it doesn’t matter what ethnic background they are from they are targeted because of the lack of adult supervision the lack of education and victims of poverty .. the people living in those neighborhoods are all living with a limited education underpaid and poor hit from all sides long hours the kids are left to television and the local gang networks to raise them while their parents struggle to keep food on the table….. and they only hear the speech.. two chickens in every pot.. blah blah blah hate your white neighbor.. not once did they question why their neighborhoods were the ones in the targeted area by those in power for destruction and placing themselves into a more volatile situation.. and who is it that has so much money that they can promote this crap.. being done in their neighborhoods.. deepening the divide and placing each and every one of them in a position to be victimized even more than they were and pushing them further away from their neighbors.. that is evil in my way of thinking.. why not have those demonstrations in the neighborhoods.. where the people that can make those changes that would affect their life work and live.. HEY someone tried that and they put up razor wire and bring up how horrible it is to do that daily on every network station.. Then to send illegal refugees to those neighborhoods where the people that say hey yes lets do it.. live.. well that.. doesn’t go over very well…. so they send them to the neighborhoods without the protection to not only try to exist but be victims as well impoverished and slaves to the elite…
        Govt. workers work hard.. and to them they feel as if they are just as busy as the average wage earner.. My sister still doesn’t talk to me because I pointed that out to her and if she really wanted to make her point then by god quit let them know.. I know I regret every day for letting my ethics get the better of me when I had a job in a govt. position. the money was amazing and the benefits are way beyond what anyone working gets…. she has a great position with the federal govt.. but she is only working half the time.. has the golden goose health care.. and the golden goose retirement and more time off to do crap than anyone working a real position..
        Now destroying the dollar, pound and euro.. that is not very wise.. the void that is being created will eventually come back like a rubber band..

        • replying to the southfront org post:

          Conspiracy quagmire, pseudoscience, that’s how South Front rates:

          loob, TLDR (too long didn’t read) why not organize your thoughts into paragraphs, maybe it won’t sound like unintelligible ramblings with no point, except that you have lots of time to bore your reader….

  14. “The Nikkei”
    Topped on Sept 13th 2021 at 30,670.10 – it did gap-up this morning to 29,629.34 – but that is still over one thousand points below its most recent multi-year high.
    It still has room to work its way upward, for weeks.

  15. Todd Bensman on Glenn Beck today talking about his information gathering on the border situation. Starts about 20:44. https://www.glennbeck.com/st/podcast

    Thousands storming the border from Matamoras to Brownsville were shut down by use of pepper balls and physical boundaries. Bensman talks about Abbott’s actions, what has worked, why it’s a bit late. Now we have hundreds of Egyptians, Sudanese and Mauritanians trying to come through and why. Also 15,000 Haitians North of Matamoras and about 80 Afghanis on the Terror Watch List this fiscal year alone have been apprehended.

    Biden’s Open Borders Invasion: Illegal Alien Tracking Map Shows Movement of the Masses of Illegals Across the US – 71% End Up in Republican Districts
    Texas is being obliterated in front of our eyes.

    • – It is time to place severe economic sanctions on Mexico until they stop this invasion of our homeland. Thousands of illegals marching openly across their country – and they do nothing about it. Try entering Mexico illegally and watch what happens to your American-ass.

      • Abbott tried that and a blockade and Amlo whined and got his way while POS Bribem condemned it. You think this pretend administration is even going to consider that? This is all beginning to play out like a revised chapter in “One Second After”. OUR country in free-fall while the Titanic band on Wall Street plays on. IS ANYONE PAYING ATTENTION YET, G-DAMMIT!

    • Simple solution: Bus them ALL to “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary States.”

      If any alphabet agency puts them on a bus or plane, tail it with a like mode of transportation, until it stops, then “transfer” the invaders to your MOT and send to Dover — Speaking of, I wonder what it’d cost to buy every house in Mr. Biden’s neighborhood? I’m guessing for a paltry few million, the neighborhoods surrounding his home and lakefront estate could be converted into alien encampments. The single biggest reason the invasion is a problem is the alleged “news organizations” which allegedly inform the public regarding the “news of the day” categorically refuse to carry more than a few seconds of the invasion at one time, and they fill it with foreground propaganda speech or even agitprop. This is one of the few things FOX hasn’t sold out on yet, but I expect them to, in the not too distant future (probably about the time they 86 Hannity and Jeanine Pirro).

      It would be difficult for ABCCBSNBCNYTWaPoLATetc. to ignore the “migrant problem” with a half-million of ’em camped in Creepy Joe’s front yard…

  16. US Fed data collapse???
    How about a collapse of the Federal law enforcement,
    FBI and Dept of Justus,,, Just out,,,
    “Special Counsel John Durham released a damning final report Monday after more than three years investigating the Russia collusion probe, declaring the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it opened up the Crossfire Hurricane probe of President Donald Trump’s campaign in the summer of 2016.

    “Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,” Durham wrote in a 300-plus page report sent to Congress and others and obtained by Just the News. DOJ was slated to make the report public later Monday.

    The prosecutor faulted the FBI and Justice Department for failing to follow their own standards and allowing a probe to persist, including the surveillance of an American citizen without basis under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
    “Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we concluded the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” Durham wrote.”


    WHO ? come on , who can or will prosecuted these treasonous traitors at the highest levels of UNelected officials?
    Not the dept itself, or it would have been done by now, that leaves Gitmo and the Military tribunals, hang them high so everyone gets a good view.
    Maybe we should review the exc orders Commander in Chief Trump gave while he was in office, about foreign election interference and confiscation of wealth for those involved in human trafficing.
    I bet the same group of evil doers will be in both crimes, some domestic in partnership with foreigners

    Come on Joe, where ya going with all that money in your hands?
    Is the evidence starting to become an avalanche, yet?

    While we are at it,,, just remove the border to complete the destruction of this Nation, father mucking traitors.

    Trump keeps campaigning 2024, but I think that is just a distraction to keep him out of the picture when the shit hits the fan, public appearance of separation from the arrests is important.
    But what the hell do I know?, just what Q has clued in the past.
    We are now in that future, ya ya most here think I am nuts for reading the Q posts, but Nosty is OK, some seek astrology or remote viewers.
    Seems to me that Q has alerted more folks the satanic influence in our world than any other source in our times.
    The fan has to be getting close at hand, the current stink is becoming untolerable. Hit the ‘on’ switch!!! 7.2kv breaker

    • Maybe Durham could work on voter fraud next. It won’t undo past outrages, it might slow it down in the next national election.

  17. ure funny. i might have seen her, at supercross races over in salt lake this weekend. hahhaa.

    that is a nice city and stadium. see the mountains around it.

    interesting they have bee hives on all their interstates. bees love me. just had a big fat bumble bee land on me while typing this.

    yes i underatand. planes, trains and autombiles. ha ha ha.

  18. “Trump’s dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip to openly hate women”

    I don’t recall hearing any of that. ISTM like Salon picked Amanda Marcotte to write that up because she’s a never-Trumper / all-things-Biden, pro child-fucker pervert with no concept of truth, morality, or reality, who extrapolated the Trump town hall using her personal biases, then extrapolated her extrapolation to write that op-ed. Her last seven articles, and many before, have all been Trump hit-pieces. On the three before these last seven, she deviated from her TDS to put out a hit piece on Carlson, one on RFKjr, and one on Greg Abbott.

    “So, Soros has a Vice? Fricking great.”

    Why not? He already has a piece of nearly every English or Spanish-language RTV station in CONUS (and a couple Spanish-language stations in PR).

    If we’re winning so much, why is there still fighting? Putin’s Reportedly Had to Ban His Top Officials from Quitting as Ukraine War Falters.

    Someone should archive all these articles, edited for combatant bias, then present the ones which prove out as misinformation, to demonstrate which “media” outlets are really “propaganda” outlets. Ukraine might actually be winning, but based on what little verifiable evidence is available, I strongly doubt it. From my POV, Russia is doing a damnfine job of sucking the military capacity out of the EU, UK, and US, and doing it slowly enough that we haven’t had a “day in infamy” moment to shock (what’s left of) our industry into a “war footing…”

  19. i will tell you george, speaking of Mrs Addams or in my case Ms Adams. when we walked into super cross, thrme free all access passes wouldnt load on my phone. 10 minute delay to enter. i just said, im right where im supposed to be. im being delayed to be right where im supposed to be. my buddy said, i like how you think. lol.

    i finally get my passes up, scan them and 3 minutes later i bump into an 11. one of the most beutiful women ive ever seen. cant be an eleven. the scale only goes up to 10.

    she bumpes into me again. we are very crowded area. very nice rack. has a tatoo of a lion on one shoulder blade and on the other the sun. long black hair. she turns and says sorry as she bumps me again. i put my hand in my pocket on my wallet.

    there is 4 kids infront of us. i said all these yours? she laughed said only one is. im not having anymore kids. that is jusr for fun now. i said i like how you think. she smiles and sticks out her hand. says her full name. last name is adams.

    i looked passed her and there was a cemetary. i said nice to meet you morticia. my name js Andy. she laughed and said that is my nicname. how did you know? i pointed and said your laat names adams, there is a cemetary right there. maybe it was the long black hair that was a give away. she laughed.

    i said if we meet again, we will call it destiny. have a wonderful time at the races. she said deal. you too.

    the hot chick scale only goes to 10. but there are 10’s and there are 10’s.

    my buddy said what is it with you. she was all over you!

    i shrugged, pulled an oreo cookie out of my pocket, took a bite and said, they think im an angel or something.

    good eye seer george. good eye.

    have a wondeful week.

    • the ten you seen Andie is the Shell… Never judge anyone by the shell they have..
      That is how our present administration stayed in the vicinity of the trough in DC… he took a good photo.. they judged him by his shell.. and we all know here how ugly that shell is on the inside.. kind of like buying an apple only to open the apple and see it is not only rotten but bug infested..
      Always be the blind man.. a blind man doesn’t care if you are wearing the latests fashions they don’t care about the thickness of your wallet.. they can only judge you for how you treat them and how you treat others..

      • first, Its Andy, not Andie. Andie is the female version of my name. I am a Man. not even remotley transgender or female.

        i was wearing a local bank t-shirt i got for opening up a local bank account (pretty cool some banks still do that stuff), thrashed wrangler jeans, a luis vetan belt (i found one morning at 3am in seattle at a gas station i call it the belt of truth, as in the armor of God) and dusty justin cowboy boots, and my king ranch ballcap on backwards.

        didnt matter to her what i was wearing.

        i understand your point.

        however, dont forget, i read the world around me like a book. all the time. it tells me everything about everything. even you. im also right where im supposed to be. all the time. all the time. if you havent figured that much about me LOB. i dont know what to tell you. i have given you thousands of examples on this site alone of me being exactly where i needee to be to help someone.

        george mentioned today, “absolute power, corrupts absolutely”. i strongly disagree.

        power -> reveals character.
        same with
        Massive Amounts of money ->> reveals character.

        Jesus had absolute power and nothing was even remotly corrupt about Him.

        same with krishna, zorosta, buda etc etc.

        i use my power to help others find their way, help them to discover what is in them, they didnt know was in them. i participate in miracles that create ripple miracles and flow into others lives. i use my light to light the candles of others.

        I am Very Powerful.
        I am the way maker.
        i am the promis keeper.
        I am the miracle worker.
        I am The Light in the darkness.

        so others will do as i do.

        and….im in harmony with the entire world. all the time.

        she was pleasant, had a good energy to her. it was all orchistrated by THE DUDE that i would meet her. id screw the hell out of her. that is a fact.

        i didnt ask her for her number because i went to go to see my friend Bill who runs super cross. i went to see some racing and have some fun. i took a fella down on his luck, just lost everything in a divorce, and needed to have some fun and someone to help him forget about his pain for a while.

        after the races, he said, i havent had that much fun in a long time, i havent smiled this much in a couple years. thank you. i said you bet man. it was good to hang out.

        very nice suprize.

        i saw him today, he is still smiling. good for him.

        now, if i run into that Ms Adams with the long black hair, nice rack and perfect legs and ass again? im sure, we will have a good time. im not really to worried about it to be honest LOB.

        ask George about his eye sight now. after having to go to the ~ vision doctor ~. if you really think about what i said? Georges eyes look good to me.


        I live in harmony with all that is.
        I, Andy, am One with the Infinite Mind of God.

      • the reason i put my hand in my pocket and on my wallet. is because that is how pick pockets work in large crowds.

        she wasnt one, but im not a fool.

        im happy she wasnt a pick pocket. good for her.

        dont forget who you are LOB. dont forget, there is still good women in this world. even super pretty ones.

        right now,


    • Andy,

      Apparently a house on Elm Street as well as College Hall at the University of Pennsylvania were inspirations for the Addams Family Mansion. The architecturally-acclaimed Charles Addams Fine Arts Hall rests on the university campus.

      Yesterday’s “Daily Mail” offers a glimpse of the First Family in attendance over the weekend at the U of Penn. A grand-daughter of the President graduated with a fine arts diploma. The newspiece included a ‘devil’s in the details’ minor study of the First Son’s “Animal House” hijinks.

  20. p.S. never knew there was a cemetary next to the Stadium in Salt Lake City, Ut. strange place to build a stadium next to a giant cemetary.

    • At least the neighbors don’t complain about the noise and crowds at the statium.

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