Nancy Safe – World Not So Much

Some genuine “old reporter” chill is in order, here.  So much hype and so little hard news, that I think slowing down for a bit of perspective may be useful.  If nothing else, this may your help your blood pressure, right?

From the top, then: A few years back, I wrote a wonderfully useful book called The Millennial’s Missing Manual.

The book is still available on Amazon for Kindle, but essentially, no one has heard of it.  Which is fine, because it’s a very powerful book – a kind of modern Decoder Ring that explains how much of life comes down to process.  Once you understand process, it’s pretty easy to “rule your own life” and make vast fortunes – if that is your intent.

The matter of “Process” is widely overlooked by todays mainstream media – because it denigrates the immediacy of their offering.  Thus, lowers price and urgency of watching.  Process is also a key factor behind why videos go viral, too.  “Sticking it to Authority” and “getting away with it.”  How many emails have told you “Go see this before it gets taken down“? Or, something simply goes viral because it sets a highwater mark for stupidity or genius; yes, these too will work.

The old, seasoned reporters I used to have an occasional highball with, as a young “cub” in the early 1970s, would never “roll with me” when a “breaking news” story happened to interrupt our drinks at 13 Coins.  Which was kitty corner from the Seattle Times and just across the street from the Associated Press regional bureau at the time.

They’d leisurely finish their drinks while I’d grab my Motorola “luggable” (lunchbox-sized) two-way radio and leave $20 on the table toward the tab as I rushed off to cover Big Breaking News.

Like this Nancy in Taiwan story going around today.  Markets are all wrapped up and futures are down a couple of hundred on fear.  And what does fear do?  It sells things.

Urgency, dear reader:  72-point type. Urgency.  As in ” This Is How China Could Hit Back Over Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit.”

What are you getting at, Old Man?

What we need to remember is PROCESS, kid.  Process rules the world.

Thinking Through War Risk

Is there a risk of World War III breaking out today?  Yes.

But is it likely to be a muddle-through?  More likely.

And the reason?


Big, important, nuclear-armed countries MIGHT be accidentally tricked into instant war. Happened once as a near-miss during the Cold War when a moonrise was mistaken for a mass launch.  *(That’s all you get to hear from me.)  Or, it can happen in a “structured conflict escalation” which was what the Cuban Missile Crisis was all about.  There was time.  Day’s worth.

Is Nancy’s trip big enough to light off WW III?  Well, certainly, but let’s think about process for a minute.

You do know that the President only has limited power to go to war, and that in order to go full-on, long-term, balls to the wall, there must be a Declaration of War and that is not a unilateral thing.  Wars are a process.

If anything happened to Nancy on this trip, who would succeed her – and thus become the second in line for succession?  (Homework project for you – we won’t hand out all the answers.)

But let’s say – because it’s the highest risk outcome – that at least for now,  NOTHING HAPPENS.

Nancy comes home, the Witch Trials Resume, the the Leftocrats pass our bribes to voters ahead of elections (gas tax rebate credit, a real knee-slapper) all the while signifying and gesticulating Virtue and Righteousness singing the Climate Fear Blues (again, see how process builds urgency?).

How Does China React?

Not well.  Not well at all.

The first indication of trouble will come if their Politburo calls an emergency session.  This will be the first signal that the U.S. has overplayed its hand.

The Politburo meetings won’t last too long.  But they will ultimately conclude that the U.S. is playing them.  Then, propaganda ramps up.

The second indicator (following our process map) will be the Politburo calling an extraordinary session (this may not look right, but it would be a ( ?? ) of the People’s Congress (Réndà).  That would be their process map equivalent to the Declaration of War process in the U.S. Congress.

Even at this level, WW III is not something to be taken lightly.  We would likely see an “Emergency Mass Exercise” designed to “wake up” Taiwan to the fact they are a state of China, capitol Beijing and don’t you forget it.

Under cover of outrage – and this is something explained recently on the Peoplenomics subscriber side, China is in a once-in-a-lifetime position where war pencils out.  Here’s what we reported last weekend:

“Starting next (this) week, China’s military will begin inducting the second half of this years “cohort conscripts.”  Though with a semi-voluntary force.

China used to have one big cohort period to staff up the PLA each year.  However, they began having a two-part induction period in 2021.

What this means is – during the overlap period now opening, that they will have 150% of the basic military inductee levels.  125% of those will already be fully trained.  With the other 25% going into basic training.

 2020 was the last “single induction cohort” we’re told.   With 2021 and 2022 having spring and fall inductions.

If China were to decide the time is RIGHT NOW, it would be logistically simple to just keep the 2020 military inductees on active service instead of letting them return to civilian life.

With an economy having more than a few bumps ahead (Evergrande, for example) China may find a war “useful.”

On the military side, they could sustain huge casualties against Taiwan even with the Fleet backup, and STILL be at or above normal strength levels.

At the same time, it would be a de facto economic stimulus – since job growth would expand but without the returning to civilian cohort ready to step in.

This would have the effect of bolstering China’s economy while at the same time giving president Xi a huge lever to pull on “Reunification” ahead of the Party Congress this fall.

Letting the senior cohort loose not only impacts China’s economy by driving potential unemployment higher, but in addition, their remaining military forces will not be as qualified. That’s because the PLA will return to 75% of the junior enlisted force fully trained at any given point in time, with the remaining 25% in basic and advanced training (based on a total junior enlisted strength of four cohorts of conscripts.

If you’re time lining it: Spring year 1, Fall year 1, Spring year 2, Fall year 2.  Do you hold over? Help those job numbers ahead of the Party Meetings this fall?

Might this become a decisive factor in coming weeks?”

China Today

Our discussion of process – and process mapping – is key to understanding the arriving future with greater clarity.  As we read stories like Taiwan tensions eclipse China’s economic slump (, the process map informs us that Taiwan may offer an economic carrot few are aware of.

In the aftermath of Chinese assimilation of Taiwan, we can already see how the jigsaw puzzle begins to stitch up:  US ambassador to Japan warns of Chinese economic coercion | AP News.  That will put our “nuts in the vise” rather quickly from September on.

Coincident indicators are important, too.  Things you might normally skip over, but which to military intelligence types can be crucial in this phase of divining future:  Economic Watch: China’s electricity use mirrors economic recovery-Xinhua (  We assume you know that electricity is key for things like refining that “glow in the dark stuff” and for smelting aluminum for war materiel?

Yes, when we read stories like China has FIVE potential military responses should Pelosi touch down in Taiwan, the sense of urgency is very high and the plugin process mapping is low.

The U.S. is far too ADHD as a country to remain keen on international developments.  China – knowing this from their psychographic studies of our voters – would likely wait a month before doing anything.  When China has done nothing to raise (poor pun here, sorry) Red flags going into Labor Day, the long weekend will be taken as a welcome relief from a summer of stress.

D.C. will have emptied out for the holiday.  Congress will still be in recess.  In fact, they won’t gavel in until September 6 which is September 7th in Beijing.

Two final points to consider:  The Chinese owned Global Times recently reported Don’t say we didn’t warn you – Symposium of China’s top think tank sends classic, pre-war warning to provocative Pelosi.  But people “in the know” didn’t just read that article for face value.  Look closely at the picture at the top.  Recognize those two ships?  Frigates.  China has lots of them.  Ideal for invading Formosa:

  • Type 054A frigate (NATO designation Jiangkai II-class) – 30 in active service, 5 fitting out, 6 under construction.
  • Type 054 frigate (NATO designation Jiangkai I-class) – 2 in active service.
  • Type 053H3 frigate (NATO designation Jiangwei II-class) – 8 in active service.
  • Type 053 frigate (NATO designation Jianghu-class) – 3 in active service (1 Type 053H1, 2 Type 053H1G).

“How many frigates does the U.S. have?”  Ah – second point.

One.  Tied up in Boston Harbor and known to the school kids as Old Ironsides.

We ask you’re indulgence while we consult “The Sum of All Data” and wonder how the tides will be over Labor Day Weekend in China?  Looks to us like the tides that day will be about as good as it gets for an amphibious landing:

Hsin Chu: High – 0303 (14.8′) Low – 0928 (3.9′) High – 1550 (14.3′) Low – 2155 (6.1′)

Keelung:   High – 0124 (4′)      Low – 0815 (2′)    High – 1553 (4.4′)   Low – 2125 (3.5′)

And what about predawn light that morning?  Sunrise will be about 6:15 AM on Taiwan that day.  The New Moon will be on August 27th, so about ideal moonlight for night ops.  New Moon is August 27th.  But it will matter less if it’s cloudy.

Today’s Main Take Outs

Don’t mean to go “all Peoplenomics” on you.  But there are a handful of bullet points to keep in mind:

  • Something COULD go wrong on Pelosi’s visit.  Our money is on well trained forces, though, on both sides.
  • China has a surplus a soldiers that will be halfway through Basic by Labor Day.  The next major (Federal) U.S. Holiday will be November 11th – Veteran’s Day.  Thanksgiving gets a little late.
  • A decline in markets for a few days would set up a rally through the end of August.
  • And no surprise here: Kremlin strongly backs Beijing as Pelosi’s Taiwan trip looms.
  • Process matters.  Even WW III has several embedded steps.

And, In Other News…

Got your blah, blah’s on?

Military planning 101:  Is Russia Planning A Fresh Offensive In Southern Ukraine?  What kind of question is THAT?  Militaries are ALWAYS planning fresh offensives.  I mean gimme a break, for crying out loud.

Border Heat for Biden:  White House defends construction on border wall.  Wait – I thought he was against it, but now with all those military aged males coming in and some being dumped in lefty enclaves of Biden donors….

Harsh punishment: Guy Reffitt, Texas man who brought gun to Capitol on Jan. 6, sentenced to 87 months in prison. We assume you know Texas is an open carry state?  I mean really open.  Don’t tell the Court this, but bringing guns anywhere in Revolutionary times was kinda, oh, you know, normal.

Dow futures down 183 and S&P down 25-something.  BTC $22,868.  Gold was holding around the $1,770 level.

Write when you get rich (or the hysteria breaks),

94 thoughts on “Nancy Safe – World Not So Much”

  1. “If anything happened to Nancy on this trip, who would succeed her – and thus become the second in line for succession? (Homework project for you – we won’t hand out all the answers.)” Patrick Leahy another left wing liberal socialist democratic clown in clowns clothing. Do I win a tube of SPF 10,000 George?

    • Dang it Chuck K,
      A small point but always there: Stop giving the Democrats the benefit of the doubt by referring to them as, “The DEMOCRATIC party! Gives them an unfair advantage in conversations on policy. It is the DEMOCRAT party, not democrat-IC in any way.
      Because of our current education system in public schools (which this complaint addresses) people no longer realize there is a distinction between the two terms.
      Between the two, if a grammatical error is to be made, the Republican party appears to be the more democrat-ic of the two. I vote to stop giving them UN-deserved credence by continuing this mistake.

  2. China seems to know how to draw lines, you don’t cross. If she does visit Taiwan, can’t say she wasn’t told not to … several times.

    A lot of people thought the war in Afghanistan was over. Guess not. Biden left behind Billions in military equipment and some good people but, goes back to assassinate Al Zawahiri.

    If the war in Afghanistan DID end, it’s illogical to go back and kill someone. Kinda think this starts the war all over again. – I thought after wars ended, there were some legal court actions (maybe at The Hague) that were to be initiated. But hell, I’m not a lawyer.

    If Iran is the state sponsor of terrorism, and we just killed a terrorist leader, don’t ya think this escalates things a bit?

    It’s early in the event timeline, and ya know, there’s alway retaliation. And since Biden can’t do anything right, I expect this to turn out not so good too.

    G.A. Stewart wrote, China, Russia and Iran against the US. And he goes on to say …

    “We can narrow Biden’s departure to three possibilities:
    ?1) Hunter Biden’s alleged criminal activity.?
    2) Joe Biden’s health.
    ?3) A military disaster.”

    Bet this assassination is #3.

    Open border, don’t know who and/or what else has come into country …. Hmmm? Don’t mean to sound paranoid but … I’m getting paranoid.

    Lots of folks compare the downfall to feeling like being on the Titanic. I feel more like I’m on the Edmond Fitzgerald, in a storm on Lake Superior.

  3. Catch the 22 second video of Kamala telling world leaders she’s a woman. Link below.

    I’m starting to believe the reptilians are real. It seems Kam is introducing herself to entities that don’t know what she is….. I can’t think of any other reason for a world leader who is a 60 y/o woman with offspring to introduce herself as a woman to other world leaders.

    Kamala Harris announce her pronouns

    • Not hers – they be adopted – in spite of what the retarded leftist philosophies say, a Male simply can NOT produce Offspring..of any kind/species.

      Cackling ho is/was a Dude..dude, dude, Dude looks like a Lady..

      • That would make San Francisco’s first black mayor, Willie Brown bisexual or possibly a homosexual with a fake wife & kids too. If Kam’s a man, Willie is a fake.

        “Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris dated San Francisco’s first black mayor Wilile Brown in the 1990s, while he was still married but separated from his wife”

      • “Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris dated San Francisco’s first black mayor Wilile Brown in the 1990s, while he was still married but separated from his wife”

        I don’t think Herm is saying she doesn’t have ladybits — just that she may have started out in some other manner.

        The quoted sentence is pure spin. Kammy screwed Willie for YEARS, while he was NOT separated from his wife. They made many public appearances together as a “dating couple” and there are many photos extant.

        Willie has had a constant string of concubines throughout his marriage. Kammy got the SanFran and Sacramento jobs gifted to her from him, because Willie could (and still can) produce a million votes on-command. After a dozen years or so, Willie again found someone much younger and more-attractive who could suck an elephant through a straw and Kamala moved on to doing the toes-up act for Montel Williams.

      • “Willie again found someone much younger and more-attractive who could suck an elephant through a straw”

        Hmmm… wouldn’t that be nice.. LOL LOL.. after listening to her cackle on a subject..Now I am not the brightest bulb in the pack but it became obvious to me.. there were other means to her success…

  4. Post-Colonization has spread from Aotearoa over to Australia.

    Indigenous Australian senator calls the Queen a ‘coloniser’ as she’s sworn in

    Indigenous Australian senator, Lidia Thorpe, referred to the Queen as a “coloniser” while being sworn into Australia’s parliament.

    The Senate president stopped the Greens senator for Victoria and asked her to redo the oath of allegiance.

      • Might be.

        Although I haven’t tracked any Soros / Open Borders Nazis to Tasmania, that doesn’t mean the ones in Indonesia couldn’t have opened a field office down under…

    • BTW, she doesn’t look very dark to me. What makes her Indigenous? The indigenous peoples of the Land Down-Under would be direct descendants of the Aboriginal Australian haplotype, and a dark-skinned variant of the Mongoloids who settled Formosa, and much of South China, Indonesia, and SE Asia.

      Ms. Thorpe looks (and sounds) to me like she’s a lot more likely a descendant of the Penal Colony…

  5. Forgot that other place where Empires go to die. After Russia and US burned their hands on the hot stove will China volunteer next ? Doubtful unless something motivates them to move in. Quick stand up some bio labs. LOL. Oh they already have them.

    If you bother to read to the end, you understand why the folks that brought you the Georgia Guide Stones, also brought you the Seed Vault. The word Georgia figures prominently in the article. …

    • China will undoubtedly play a significant role in Afghanistan. They will do it via Belt & Road, not their military. Their treatment of the Afghanis will differ from their treatment of, say the Columbians, because, well, Afghanistan is Afghanistan. With that said:

      Afghanistan is also, conspicuously, the only nation in that entire region, which has not yet signed on to BRI…

  6. George,

    A couple of point of order. It is true that in ‘most instances’ Congress must issue a formal declaration of war, but for situations involving surprise ICBM or SLBM attack upon U.S. territory, possessions, allies or forces, the President may authorize an immediate response in kind. In the case of a suspected ‘surprise’ nuke attack, usually detected via over-the-horizon radar and other early warning satellite systems, the National Military Command Center initiates a redundant ‘flash’ global comms system to convene an immediate emergency meeting with all major nuclear warfighting commands, the Pentagon, alternate command and control sites and, most importantly, the President or his/her authorized successor. After evidence is presented that a suspected surprise nuke attack is imminent, the President may then authorize an immediate appropriate nuclear response, which is communicated by coded message via satellites, UHF, low frequency and commercial assets to insure redundancy and survivability. No Congress needed. It can all happen in 3-5 minutes.

    This kind of zero warning nuclear attack is thought of as part of the Dr. Strangelove Cold War legacy and it is admittedly unlikely. But When under surprise missile and aircraft attack, assumed to be nuclear, the President can indeed authorize an immediate response in kind. That response can be limited or full-blown nuke launch, depending upon the warning data available.

    China is unlikely to start a nuke Armaggedon over Taiwan. So in the likelihood that the PRC would go full-on conventional over their wayward island province, the U.S. Currently has the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group (CSG) in the Philippine Sea. Check out this link for the sea and and naval air power the Ronald Reagan CSG is currently packing.

    Not too far way is the Abe Lincoln CSG, currently in the mid-Pacific, and both Hawaii and Guan host nuke and conventional cruise missile capable submarines that can reach out and touch from a considerable distance. So ‘Merica ain’t as handicapped as some might think. We just need the leadership to stand tall against regional aggressors or respond as necessary if and when required.


    • What if Millie and the african let China know we were on the offensive? Millie said he would let the Chinese know if President Trump started getting ideas, like a good ccp stooge would do.

    • Gentleman, USS AMERICA, USS TRIPOLI, USS REAGAN, USS ABE LINCOLN, all in the Pacific? and I quote Q
      “Q drop 38, Nov 2, 2017
      Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?
      Why is that relevant?
      To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?
      Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
      Think logically about the timing of everything happening.
      Note increased military movement.
      Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.
      Note false flags.
      Follow Huma.
      Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.

      The calm before the storm.” end of quote.

      Will the NG National Guard be called in for the monkey pox emergency declared by some Dem mayors or governors?
      Transition? 25th amendment just around the corner, and is the Camel eligible to be in the office?

      I know, most think Q is a psy-op but I find this stuff interesting, we will see.
      Dan Scavino just posted a photo of a tree with the sun shining through it, tree-son? enemies foreign and domestic? the war is on, un-conventional, not so much as nation against nation, but against controllers.

      • When Slo the Perverted comes on national broadcast and says “the storm is upon us” -I will know the SHHTF !

        until then – more theater, and I gotz A lot more money to take from greedy assholes on I can get more Bcubed” Bitcoin, Bourbon & Budz .
        Aint going into a depression without some kinda supportZ..

        Fav pick – BHP Biliton (BHP) – leads in all its markets and the dividend yields an eyepopping 13% – U be ringing the register every 3 months! KaChing.
        Buying em Cheap, and Stacking em Deep.

    • Thanks for this analysis Jeff. I think George laid it out very well this morning. China will act on their own time and terms.

      Here is what concerns me.

      Nancy decides to visit Taiwan and China threatens serious consequences.
      Nancy can’t back down because USA would appear weak.
      Nancy visits Taiwan.
      China can’t back down because they would appear weak.
      China reacts militarily in some way.
      USA must take action or they would appear weak
      Rinse and repeat!

      “ceramic heast resistant rosary beads” at the ready.

      • I heard Gingrich on the radio yesterday. His commentary:

        Pelosi has to go to Taiwan.

        The Chinese will do nothing, now, but they will respond. When I went, they did the same kind of saber-rattling — they threatened President Clinton, and they threatened me. When I said I was going to Taipei – period, they asked that I travel from Taiwan to Japan, before coming to China. This was the concession we made, because it allowed China to not be “officially embarrassed.” The Asians consider “saving face” or avoiding public embarrassment a principal of their system of honor. I honored the Chinese, they acceded to my Taiwanese visit. Nancy must go, but she also must allow the Chinese to save face…

      • exactly… if she didn’t stop to visit.. we lower our status internationally.. the best option was to not have gone out of our way in the beginning to antagonize everything.. but we did.. now we are in the stage dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t..

      • “When I went, they did the same kind of saber-rattling — they threatened President Clinton, and they threatened me.”

        I would love to go and see their green scaped buildings..and I would love to see the chinese water gardens… see if my idea has any value to it.. of green scaping the cities.. at least they are giving it a try.. I sure would love to see it though.. with all the drama in the world.. they probably wouldn’t understand some old nut job in the wastelands wanting to see how it is working out though… just like my niece on embassy duty.. in russia.. I first told her to take pictures of some of the beautiful gothic buildings.. then changed my mind.. sure wouldn’t want her to be mistaken for some sort of spy just because of an old nutjob uncle.. LOL..

    • Just a little over a year ago, my son was part of a carrier air wing with the Reagan. I’m glad he served, but I definitely feel a whole lot better that’s he’s not out there anymore.

  7. 1945 I had genuinely thought that common folks had learned their lesson, unfortunately it later proved that they are too much addicted to “Pomp & Circumstances.” ;-((

  8. Hal Turner: Where we are right now is simple.
    It seems to go like this:

    Russia: Don’t cross our red lines in Ukraine or we’ll take action.

    US politicians: They’re bluffing. Cross those red lines.

    Russia invades.

    China: Don’t cross our red lines in Taiwan or we’ll take action.

    US politicians: They’re bluffing. Cross those red lines.

    . . . . . . . . . waiting for the result . . . . . .

    • If china stops All their products from coming out way , and calls in their chips , all red china joe can do is abide by their demands. Or be like Japan at the start of WW2.

      • Administration thought is we can embargo and blockade China, and destroy them from within, without firing a shot.

        Administration “thought” considers neither the fact they are Europe’s major manufacturer, nor the fact that because of our Russian embargo, a huge energy corridor has been created between Russia and China.

        “Administration thought” if left unchecked, is going to make us all dead, and do so in such a manner as to make the rest of the world merely shrug its shoulders, then go on about its business.

      • “Administration “thought” considers neither the fact they are Europe’s major manufacturer,”

        Not to mention.. they are OUR source of products as well @Ray.. you have to really hunt to find anything made in USA anymore.. and if you do.. all the components came from there.. speaking of which.. my two liter bottle plugs came today.. yahoo.. long time ago when I was working day labor.. one of my jobs was to help instal the first injection molding for milk jugs.. LOL ( today they are all made in China) well they tore it down.. but the process was pretty simple.. and the plugs are great for storing C reative R esources A round the P roperty.. teaching the little ones how to make a high pressure camp stove of their very own.. and those are perfect to use for alcohol.. or gas.. either or.. we will use alcohol..
        and do you think I could find them anywhere.. I know I have to have a hundred of them darn things..

        if you buy them from china the cost is what two cents a piece for them.. and if you get to the five gallon water bottle plugs they are half buck ..
        two liter size is perfect.. with all the drama.. I really didn’t think I would get them.. but they got here in less than a week..

    • What really could go wrong with Nancy Pelosi flipping Xi and China the BIRD…

      my little grandson was doing that to his sister in her car seat with a sippy cup.. she asked him not to do it.. begged him not to antagonize her.. then she smacked him with that cup.. he started to cry.. that is what I see happening..

      • Other than as a deliberate provocation, what possible reason does nasty Nancy have to go to Taiwan? She’s supposed to be doing her “job” in DC, though she’d do less harm if she just sat in a bar and kept drinking.

  9. “Process matters. Even WW III has several embedded steps.”

    No need to worry about WW III until will be drafted by (responsible?) authority from WASHINGTON. ;-)

  10. I have never seen or read such blabbering rot in my life . You blokes behave like the old maxwell smart show to rig stock market. Yes short now . Won’t be long god will give a bit of fire and brimstone

  11. “The book is still available on Amazon for Kindle, but essentially, no one has heard of it.”

    Like a lot of places.. Amazon has their book club and all of Georges books are available to read.. the cost of the amazon book club is really not much at all.. and if you like to read it is the place to go..
    similar to scribd and other sites.. the cost is minimal .. worth the few bucks to get it ..
    and with over two million books available.. I call it HEAVEN.. on earth..

  12. This joint is getting so staged it’s like a cheap comedy flick. Next they will be showing 50s re runs of nuke tests and photo shop land marks to make Dow go up . That lovely lady Nancy the one george protects , probably having a carton of wine relaxing now ordering some Chinese take away. Hubby is busy trading

  13. A disciple of Darth Malgus failed. The Empire is steadfast.

    Eight months and a week since a disillusioned, armed youth scaled the perimeter walls of Windsor Castle while the Queen partook of Christmas Day breakfast, charges are laid under the Treason Act of 1842. The tabloid “Sun” has posted screenshots of a masked man’s “Snapchat” manifesto issued minutes before the alleged deed was carried out. The well-to-do Anglo-raised Sikh was apparently taking revenge for the Jalianwala Bagh Massacre of 1919 in Amritsar.

    God save the Queen.

  14. “Happened once as a near-miss during the Cold War when a moonrise was mistaken for a mass launch.”

    I remember that.. everyone from my dept was on alert..

    after that.. we did training for riots etc.. and on one tear gas practice.. we were to lop the teargas into a building to simulate getting rioters out in the street..
    One of the guys launched it at the wrong building and sent tear gas into the bank LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL… it was hilarious.. everyone came running out.. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL…
    my favorite story is me going out to take pictures of flowers.. dam nice flower garden.. taking pictures and I was arrested.. taken into the brig.. they thought I must be some sort of threat.. so they called to have someone come and process the photos.. they called my boss.. he said.. the guy that will do the processing is out right now for lunch taking pictures.. ….. SAY what was this guy taking pictures of.. and what is his name.. LOL LOL LOL then he said.. well he is the one that is going to do the processing of the photos.. bring him back with his film LOL LOL… it was funny.. I never took photos of the flower garden around the helo pad again LOL.. but they did have the prettiest flower garden of all .. beautiful stuff..

  15. home made margarine..

    1 cup seed oil (coconut oil is the best in my opinion)
    ½ cup milk (I prefer Cream but you can use whatever milk you wish)
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1 pinch salt
    Yellow food coloring..

    similar to making mayonnaise.. you start out with the oil … in a cup.. put the milk in a blender.. put in the salt.. lemon juice.. start it on high.. then as it is whipping up.. dribble the oil into the blender slowly.. it will whip up into a thick mayonnaise type consistency add the yellow food coloring.. a couple of drops is all it takes…. now take your butter mold..

    fill the sections then put in the refrigerator to cool and harden.. all done.. you can add spices to your margarine to.. or you can freeze it for another day.. its all pretty easy to make.. and you get a really nice butter..

  16. Such a lovely lady Nancy. I remember when she ground her clenched fists into each other in congress standing up. She is certainly an all American old girl.

    • Who would have thought that “cute little saddle bags”
      is in effect “The US of A.” So much for female power!!.

  17. Watched her bird bath speech in Congress . Wow how super intelligent and charismatic. Definitely a charmer . What about the Ukraine? That’s kind of dropped off . Are they packing up the hot tips and now all friends ? Wow thisAI world is a real beauty !! Old Henry Kissinger has changed direction in the Ukraine . Friends with the great leader zelensky now

  18. I’m beginning to think that the common denominator for the Ukraine and Taiwan is that they are the corrupt politicians skim capitals ……..

  19. Last one george know you got plenty more comedy later today . Folks remember the old movie Spartacus ? With Kirk Douglas . They all claimed to be Spartacus when questioned! Now that’s a bit like slo joe . They are popping up everywhere!! I’m jo biden I’m jo biden nah I’m jo biden . I swear I saw 2 press conferences one in the White House and one in Delaware at the same time!!! Wow a Hollywood great remade

  20. It occurs to me someone misspelled the latest pandemic name as “Monkey Pox” by putting an ‘M’ where the ‘D’ should be.
    DONKEY POX… the disease that’s killing America!

    • Ah, the bumper snickers:

      I sent my ass to Washington.

      or in Delaware: “My ass in the Oval”

      On political advertising, something like
      “Trump screwed beautiful women, made a billion, became president. Still think he’s dumb?”

    • No! It is Money Pox (no k). Quick! Get your vaccines everyone. Got to have FEAR to keep the masses frightened.

      Some of the pox photos are really photos of skin with Shingles disease.

  21. Something to consider, there was NO Soviet Union, except STALIN; There was NO 3. Reich, except Hitler!

    Why don’t we drop referring to countries, when in effect it’s all about certain INDIVIDUALS. The same applies today.


  22. Nancy is a fiesty one isn’t she. In some respects her visit is actually a GIFT to the Chinese Government!!

    Nancy seems to be all in favor of WAR … of course not only is SHE too old to personally fight in one, any one of the multiple ones she wants the US to fight at the moment, but she is also female so she ALSO gets the traditional p-ssy pass even when SHE incites the violence, like all women do.

    Reminds me of when she ripped up Trump’s State of the Union speech. Good manners and diplomacy are NOT Nancy’s style. Her ego is greater than even Justice’s Ginsburg’s was. She is going to do what SHE is going to do even if others, including the entire country not her, have to pay the price. (side note: does anyone doubt that in her belly she WANTS – CRAVES to be President before she departs from this earthly existence? knaw on that one for a few minutes …)

    For the Chinese this is an IN YOUR FACE reminder of the Opium Wars, there were two if you don’t remember, which forced the Chinese to allow Opium to be sold in China AND which resulted in China also having to concede physical territory to the Europeans and Americans for special enclaves where Chinese law and rule did NOT apply.

    (the orginal fortunes of the Roosevelts, Bushes, and other now Elite families were originally made via their drug selling businesses in China – probably one reason why Poppa Bush and Sonny Boy Bush both did whatever it took to HELP China, after all that is where their family fortune got started back in the mid 1800’s)

    The Chinese populous as well as their leaders have a LOT of resentment towards those in the West who have SHOVED their military and economic power down Chinese throats for 200 years and this visit is just reminding them of that.

    LOTS of Chinese memories, BAD memories are being dug up by this “visit” to China by Nancy, which as all should know by now was AGAINST the advice of the military and Joe himself (her ignoring Joe makes Joe look like an emasculated old fool … but then sometimes the cloak that hides reality does have to fall away a bit)

    The Chinese people will NOT forget this IN YOUR FACE “WE ARE SUPERIOR TO YOU” visit by the #3 person in the US Government. Unlike when Gingrich went to Taiwan 25 years ago China now has a regional Naval Force to be reckoned with. Stronger in that region than what the US can bring to bear in fact (if you strip away nuclear weapons). In fact for the Chinese leadership this is actually a GIFT since it will cause the Chinese PEOPLE to remember history and the shabby treatment China got for nearly 200 years from the West and be willing to follow their leadership into battle so as to start to right those past wrongs.

    Nancy’s trip probably convinced the Chinese Leadership that they now HAVE to move on Taiwan sooner versus later. It was coming sometime, this is just a reminder that it NEEDS to GET DONE. Get this LAST remanent and reminder of European domination over China GONE!! Hong Kong is now GONE as a European outpost. Macau is now GONE as a European outpost. What is left? Taiwan which is the last Western Outpost. Though officially run by Chinese on CHINESE SOIL it truly is seen as a Western Outpost from the viewpoint of the Chinese.

    WAR is coming to Taiwan … it can no longer be delayed and swept under the rug. Xi has long said “HE” would “solve” the Taiwan question BEFORE “HE” left office. “HE” has repeatedly said “HE” would NOT leave it to his future successors to have to deal with.

    Late summer /fall wars seem to be thing at times. Looks like ANOTHER one is in the offering to get started, as in THIS year. (remember WW1 officially broke out in August … “The Guns Of August” if you recall – and EVERYBODY thought that War would be over by Christmas 1914 at the latest)

    The last question remaining is: WHEN the War starts (NOT “IF”) will it be contained to Taiwan … or will it spill over and grow into something BIGGER and less controllable?

  23. Dude G,

    All y’all gotZ Ure popzcorn ready ?

    Movie review time homedogs- its timely I telll ya. Lords of War – film based on life of V. Bout. wit Nick cage

    The guy who sold/supplied Bush admin and its Israhell assault team headed by Michael Harari -mossad ops chief, with the missile used to attack Pentagon on 9/11, 2001.

    Can you handle more TRUTH ? read on my woolybully baabaas..

    Yes NORAD satellite took video of cruise type missile hitting pentagon. harari took full credit for planning the attack and spoke openly about it during celebration – a breakfast in Bangkok. “Agents” have known this for years.
    Bangkok where Bout was arrested – said he sold “them” a Granit missile.
    Harari and son in Bangkok at a celebration of the 9/11 attack on Sept 12, 2001..Bangkok -ops center – Okla bombing was planned outta here, as was Bali bombing. All Unimpeachable Truth

    You got to ask Ureself – WHO Is/was Bush sr et al & Israhell working for ? And hear along you thought the Allies won WW2


  24. In regards to China’s potential “reaction” to Auntie Nancy’s visit to Taiwan, I believe that some may be focused too much on the “old ways” of waging war. Bombs, guns, and even viruses mean NOTHING when you can cause your enemy’s economy to collapse in a heap. Remember that the ultimate goal of a war is to break your opponent’s WILL and accept YOUR superiority. Pictures of physical destruction sells newspapers. Economic and societal destruction wins wars.

    All they need to do is cut off all microchip and textile exports to the US (or impose a large tariff). We are already on the brink of a disaster with regards to microchip supplies. Our textile industry is little more than a distributor for Chinese sweat-shops. Imagine the ripple effect such a move would have on an economy that is already on the razor’s edge.

    The big boys will be the first to start shutting down production/assembly facilities and laying off large percentages of their labor force. And…. well, you’ve been around long enough to know how that story ends.

    Just a few dimes worth of opinions from a tired and grumpy old man in Englewood.

    • “when you can cause your enemy’s economy to collapse in a heap. Remember that the ultimate goal of a war is to break your opponent’s WILL and accept YOUR superiority.”

      What was it I went to buy yesterday.. it use to be seventy cents a can.. now it is a dollar seventy nine cents a can..
      someone making twelve dollars an hour only has twelve dollars an hour to spend.. the young lady I gave food to with her little one came over and gave me a big hug yesterday.. she was so thankful..
      and the new friend we have living in our spare room gave me one of the best compliments I have ever gotten monday..

      times are tough.. and getting tougher.. money isn’t floating around the six trillion wasn’t used to boost american rebuilding program and the taxes changed.. I actually lost money last year from the new tax changes.. and I am not the only one..
      its coming.. like it or not and there isn’t a thing anyone can do about it at this point.. even if they took out all the loop holes at once and made taxes equal across the board.. I doubt it would help what we face economically..

  25. ‘I Have No Intention Of Stopping’: Belligerent Soros Says He Will Continue Funding Leftist DAs

    Seeing the backlash across the United States against woke city district attorneys, including the ouster of ultra-Left San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin in July, billionaire George Soros, indifferent to Americans’ concerns, vowed to continue supporting them with his vast fortune.

  26. The commie colonization of America

    From California to the New York island, from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf stream waters, the land that used to belong to Americans has been milked and bilked by investors and paid government agents of the People’s Republic of China. The National Association of Realtors reported last week that wealthy Chinese spent $6.1 billion on U.S. real estate in the past year. They’ve captured more than 10% of the market…

    • its the velocity of cash.. if it costs more to get an item.. and to transport an item.. the store owner has to charge more.. the local gas stations loss leader is.. his gas.. he is loosing fifty cents a gallon on the gas.. but he increased the prices of his instore products.. and that is where he makes his money..
      the water on the table.. they started to push the pour water on the table.. they just didn’t keep up with it.. average wage around here is twelve dollars an hour no benefits.
      average rent.. in a decent neighborhood.. twelve hundred a month.. daycare.. those making an hourly wage are cutting back spending..

  27. Armed robber flees in panic when Norco liquor store owner blasts shotgun: ‘He shot my arm off!’

    Dramatic surveillance video captured the moment a Norco liquor store owner used his shotgun to shoot a would-be robber who was armed with a rifle. Footage shows the armed suspect burst into the business and the owner immediately shoot a single blast from his firearm. Cameras outside captured the suspect frantically screaming, “He shot my arm off! He shot my arm off!”

  28. FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Bureau’s ‘Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide’ on ‘Militia Violent Extremists’

    “MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment, due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the right to bear arms.” Under the “Commonly Referenced Historical Imagery and Quotes” section, Revolutionary War images such as the Gadsden Flag and the Betsy Ross Flag are listed. Under the “Common Phrases and References” section of the leaked document, Ashli Babbitt is cited as a person that MVEs consider to be a Martyr.

    ISTM the PTB have hired a children’s fiction writer to generate these things. What’s scary is the bureaucracy has sold this garbage to some of the rank & file, and they’re trying to peddle it to local PDs nationwide..

    • “ISTM the PTB have hired a children’s fiction writer to generate these things. What’s scary is the bureaucracy has sold this garbage to some of the rank & file, and they’re trying to peddle it to local PDs nationwide..”

      I actually have seen that before along with another brochure they handed out at the same time..I don’t think it was called that back then it was a long time ago.. but it is the same paper…I believe back when bush Sr. was in office.. or was it bush jr.. the if you suspect or see something your neighbor is doing then say something and that the middle class Caucasian gun owner was the worst threat to our countries security ..
      they really wanted to get the pres’s daughters diary out of existence.. to many family tails ( oh wait that is why they wanted to get rid of it.. the stories of family tails and personal fun times.. LOL) that are pretty well known by everyone now what they should have done is what they have historically done on other subjects.. discredit it put it out there embellish the stories.. then discredit it. page six news… people would throw it in the trash and not even pay it a second mind.. ..

  29. Purina’s Fancy Feast expands into human cuisine, to open NYC pop-up restaurant

    Meow-ma mia!

    Fancy Feast is expanding into human cuisine, with plans to open a pop-up Italian restaurant in New York City with upscale dishes inspired by its canned dinners of fish, chicken and beef. The pop-up restaurant — branded “Gatto Bianco,” Italian for “white cat” — is poised to serve dishes like Salmon con Pomodorini (salmon with cherry tomatoes), Brasato di Manzo (beef short ribs in red wine) and Lemon Panna Cotta for dessert, according to a menu on Purina’s site.

    Bon Appétit…

  30. Fat 73 on the take they all are even the gold creeps . Shaken moriarty with his 27 yo . F joke . Rate rises good for
    Markets . Short now . Give
    Us a
    Recipe or a antennae up my ass fatso . Sark piss eat pig !!! Bang !!!!

  31. What a joke . All the gurus on the take . What sheet stories tonite ? Nukes ? Nostradamus ? ( stuff planted in cave by Keith Murdoch . G a Stewart clown ) Pelosi ? Potus which one? Moon landing Nevada ? Or the biggie twin tower demolition by acme aka road runner . Hava nagila hava nagila !!!!

    • “”Moon landing”

      One gent that passed by me @Len daquino.. was one of the major scientists involved with the planning and execution of the Apollo missions to the moon was in my care…. we would go out for coffee and sit for hours watching the stars and discussing many things.. ( he would get frustrated that I didn’t have the zest he did for quantum) his books still used in colleges around the world..
      ( he would fall over if he knew I have read his books) nice guy.. and I can tell you.. WE WENT… there isn’t anyway that that man was lying to me on anything.. did they fake a bunch of photos.. probably.. seen and walked on the sound stage they were supposedly photographed at.. total possibility to make it look as if we were more advanced than we were.. but we went.. There are no doubts in my mind.. great guy that left me with wonderful memories of coffee times cherished for my lifetime I had the pleasure of visiting with Dennis McKenna to.. the prof was another wonderful man to visit and debate with…. the scientists favorite expression was.. just think about it.. anything at all.. just think about it.. I to now use that expression to my kids and grand kids.. great expression.. I would go down and buy jamaican blue coffee beans.. fresh roasted and grind them just for our coffee breaks.. oh and some ethiopian.. medium roast.. YES.. good stuff and great memories….

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