“Mayday, Mayday,” Read All About It

[Reader note: We have discontinued MailChimp notifications of new content.  Only 500-odd people were using it and it was costing almost $350 per year.  We MAY go to “push notifications” – but your input is welcome.]

Will today be “Normal?” 

Remote viewers have their shields up. It is the first of May, after all.  Big doings in Beijing and Moscow as workers of the world celebrate broken economic systems run by an entrenched elite under the guise of Party.

On the other hand, with First Republic facing financial death squads (deets in First Republic (FRC): JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America asked for bids (cnbc.com)) and with still more banks with piles of bad commercial loans (outed in Charlie Munger: US Banks Are ‘full Of’ Bad Commercial Property Loans – WorldNewsEra) we have to wonder how the World saves itself?

The problem (which we’ve written of deeply) is the world has two polar opposites when comes to economics.

  1. The Socialist-Communist model which does a GRAND job of making government too central and powerful in the lives of regular people. But which can’t be beat when comes to pissing away money.
  2. The nominal Free Capitalist model which does perfectly at decentralizing, limiting government size, but often works too well, resulting in a profitable and still somewhat free country.

However, when we threaten too much success, America’s leech peddlers crawl out to apply “the Leeches.”

America’s Hirudo Medicinalis

Externally, leeches have been applied by other countries.  Some examples of  externally applied leeches include:

  • Division of Berlin after WW II – which was just plain stupid of us to accept.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis – analogous to sneaking up on an armed person with bigger guns who’s edgy.
  • The Cold War – which we were prepared to actually win, had it gotten “hot.,”
  • And (strangely) NATO and the United Nations.  On the theory, near as we can figure, that success must be limited and exceptionalism taxed to death, criticized into shame, and wrapped in flags to smother us.

Internally Applied Leeches

Internally, America supports more enemies than ever before.

  • Bigger Government is a leech.  Easily found on the web: “The average for 2021 based on 154 countries was 16.83 percent.”  Also easily found: “Government Spending to GDP in the United States averaged 25.66 percent of GDP from 1900 until 2022,” After reaching 47.66 percent during Covid.
  • But wait – there’s more! These figures do not include transfer payments or Debt. Welfare, Social Security and bond debt. Reveal another leech is our consistent lying to ourselves about Money.  We’re likely in the “real” 35 percent of GDP is government-driven.
  • Democrats want even more control.  Witness the ongoing attacks on the Second Amendment and continued government moves toward a cashless (government permissions) economy.
  • While systemic corruption runs deeper than convenietnt: Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Calendar: CIA Director William Burns, Goldman Sachs’s Top Lawyer, Noam Chomsky – WSJ.

So yeah, a good time to say…

Mayday! Mayday! or May Day?

Is it May Day or Mayday?  Something of a personal choice.  For the latter, Wikipedia fills in some history:

“The “mayday” procedure word was conceived as a distress call in the early 1920s by Frederick Stanley Mockford, officer-in-charge of radio at Croydon Airport, England. He had been asked to think of a word that would indicate distress and would easily be understood by all pilots and ground staff in an emergency.[2][3] Since much of the air traffic at the time was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he proposed the term “mayday”, the phonetic equivalent of the French m’aidez (“help me”) or m’aider (a short form of venez m’aider, “come [and] help me”).[4][5] The term is unrelated to the holiday May Day.

Following tests, the new procedure word was introduced for cross-Channel flights in February 1923.[6] The previous distress call had been the Morse code signal SOS, but this was not considered suitable for voice communication, “[o]wing to the difficulty of distinguishing the letter ‘S’ by telephone”.[6] In 1927, the International Radiotelegraph Convention of Washington adopted the voice call “mayday” as the radiotelephone distress call in addition to the SOS radiotelegraph (Morse code) signal.[7]

A Yahoo News story over here offers the other spelling’s history which:

“…stemmed from ancient celebrations which included Floralia, a Roman festival honoring the flower goddess Flora; Walpurgis Night, which was celebrated by Germanic countries; Beltane, a Gaelic holiday; and Anthesteria, a Greek festival. In some European pagan cultures, it was seen as the first day of summer, while the summer solstice was celebrated as Midsummer.”


Stock market in China was closed today for the Worker’s Day.  May Day holiday travel in China projected to surpass pre-pandemic levels | CNN Business.

And many Chinese will be out taking in a movie that sounds suspiciously like the PLAAF spin on Maverick, Top GunChina Box Office: ‘Born to Fly’ Wins May Day Weekend – Variety.

By the way. tomorrow (May 2, right?) is another big day in aviation history.  Birth date of one Manfred, baron von Richthofen in 1892.  Known more widely as the Red Baron.

Since this is a (so far) trivial Monday and we’re talking the Red Baron: I’m reminded that Snoopy the cartoon pup was first penned October 4, 1950.  Which then (wandering the mind in extensible inquiry mode) reminds us Snoop Dogg’s turning 52 October 20th.  Yo.

Inquiring Minds Monday

If climate is changing and oceans are rising, did they have to pay cash? Connecticut Private Island Sells for $3.5M (therealdeal.com).

Also wondering if professional writers go on strike, would that be such a bad thing?  Hollywood writers, studios stage last-minute talks as strike deadline looms | Reuters

If people are spending lots of BTC and it’s still stuck around $28,560, does that mean people are rolling out of it?  Bitcoin (BTC) Price Stalls Despite Record Transactions (beincrypto.com).  In other words, it’s only good if you can spend it…

And speaking of cryptos and banks, what do you make of FDIC Accuses Cross River Bank Of ‘Unsafe’ Lending Practices | Bitcoinist.com?

Way we figure it, the crypto hype prattles on: Is Bitcoin the Next Global Currency? BRICS Economies Drop USD in Favor of New System – BTC Price of $1M in Sight? Report (ethnews.com)

Yet somehow we’re still not sold on crypto:  Latest Crypto News: Variable Transaction Count On Avalanche C-Chain, April’s Crypto Scams Led To $103 Million Loss (outlookindia.com) and how about Bitcoin Thief Who Stole $5M of the Crypto Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison (businessinsider.com)?

Seems to us investing in crypto is still like investing in the air in Styrofoam. Quite certain that’s wise?

Not that the Dollar is much better: The Air Has Come Out of the Dollar – WSJ.

Off to huff and puff and mow something. Futures are flat. Greed’s taking the day off.  Might be back tomorrow since this is Fed week and rates are likely going higher Wednesday.  For now, European markets and others are closed for May Day.

Write when it’s a putting green,


81 thoughts on ““Mayday, Mayday,” Read All About It”

  1. The best part about this being May 1? Ms. Mkt. managed to “fix” portfolio statements for April. So, she’s free to discern values anew. Poof! Do you have the over or under for May? This week pay no attention to the man (JayPow) behind the curtain. By Wednesday afternoon we won’t be talking about FRC any more.

    Snork: “it’s only good if you can spend it…” That was my point irt crypto as a safe harbour / currency of last resort. Fine if you want virtual money just, it doesn’t work as a currency and, if web and grid go down it can’t be transacted with. So, it’s something else. vive la différence!

    A putting green is too high a bar IMO. But, my yard looks like the fringe around the green. New sewn seed (over-seeding) has come on nicely due to near constant April precipitation.

    “The fruit was so plentiful that young hobbits very nearly bathed in strawberries and cream; and later they sat on the lawns under the plum-trees and ate, until they had made piles of stones like small pyramids or the heaped skulls of a conqueror, and then they moved on. And no one was ill, and everyone was pleased, except those who had to mow the grass.”
    ? J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

    Unsettled WX here-a-bouts. Hope May brings in spring.
    Write when you get liquid,

  2. Explain what you mean by “push notifications”. I thought that they required an app. Is there a Urbansurvival.com/Peoplenomics app?

  3. I continue to believe it is a fools game to try and predict the exact date and time of a world changing disastrous event. I remember people sitting in front of a computer screen on Y2K waiting for it all to end or December 21, 2012 according to some, on the Mayan calendar.

    What every clear thinking individual, which includes most that comment here, knows is that we are in deep doo do as a global species and life altering disaster is staring humanity in the face every day. Like walking a tightrope across the Grand Canyon in a wind storm.

    I remain fascinated by “normalcy bias.” Most people on both sides of the political spectrum will admit something is very wrong and grossly different than it was even 2 years ago and yet refuse to prepare for what is coming. They will most likely be the first to show up at the door of the “prepared” when SHTF.

    Predicting end dates is good for entertainment but……..

    Matthew 24:36. “No one knows the day or the hour.”

    • Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal. Big difference.

      James Johnson, ex-nuke

    • Cannot predict the date for sure, but the way things are going, it seems pretty easy to see the horizon is troubling

    • Observe my good man Bob at – https://t.co/z7tJONIp81

      That is a prime example of a CLEAR THINKING Individual !

      Thank goodness that vile piece of arrogant scheisse aint my president! “That” (whatever it is) is C’s & SF real estate guys president. No worries hear, cackling hyena is next up. Can hardly wait Im so jazzed bout the prospect of Kamela & 1st hubby in WH.


    • “I remember people sitting in front of a computer screen on Y2K waiting for it all to end”

      Yeah, I was one of those people. I didn’t think anything was going to be an issue (worst case IMO: Disable NNTP and wind the computers’ clocks back 10 years) but I was also paid a stupid amount of money to sit on a network and cycle through the KVM for 12 hours.

      I, personally, believe 24:36 applies to a number of situations involving God’s timetable and Man’s angst. You’d be surprised how many people I’ve pissed off over the years by reciting Matthew 24:36 to them… ;-)

      • I didn’t expect it to end..
        when a building is collapsed.. or a tree cut down.. it all is slow motion.. kind of similar to my grandson that wanted to go fishing.. I took him out.. he tossed in his line.. pulled it back and said.. grandpa .. wheres the fish…its a slow moving object.. like the velocity of cash..it happens then speeds up.. the economic death spiral.. C shared a post the other day on the deficit .. if you look back you see it was nothing now it is thirty trillion.. but that isn’t the true deficit.. the true deficit is well over a hundred trillion now.. the hidden vampire figures they never share.. like a gambler will tell you his winnings but fail to show his loses.
        at this point it is so lopsided that the people making ten to fifteen dollars an hour cannot pay back that debt deficit any any way.. it has tanked.. our infrastructure is failing and we are pushing everything we have at a war and wars that only benefit a few hundred people..

    • On that remote viewer:
      Total darkening of the moon won’t be seen on our side of the globe, May 5th:

      Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, or Youngbloods, ‘darkness be my pillow’

      ‘My Pillow’ guy claims he’s had to borrow $10 million to ‘keep the lights on’

  4. WoRR’s Suggestions for Modern Communications Effectiveness;

    1) Often, a simple telephone call will be faster and more efficient than an e-mail. (Crazy, I know; but still true.) (Also! Phoning to confirm an e-mail’s reception kinda defeats the Original Purpose. No?)

    2) Because you are so equipped and CAN make a viddy-o, does not mean that you SHOULD. (Many things are better conveyed in a well-thought out Single Page, Single Line-Spaced typed sheet — even if you need THAT much space.)
    3) If you can’t explain it in a hundred words, or less, than YOU don’t
    really understand it. (Example: E = m C(squared)) Re-think and re-consider.

    4) Mark Twain said, “The difference between almost the right word, and the right word, is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”

    5) Read, and edit, and FIX what you just wrote. Read it aloud if you like: if your tongue stumbles, so will your reader. To work less, or in a slovenly manner, insults your reader.

    6) The English language is worthy of great respect and careful handling. Use it as you would a weapon. Because it is. Keep it pointed downrange at all times.

    Thank you.

    – 73 –

    • NFT’s WoRR, the latest and greatest method for distributing intel/marching orders/plans to your cabal. Leader has and distributes Key only to trusted members.

      Pedo jr – the crack ho does NFT’s hmmmm

      and the orange gollum of greatness just launched (distributed) new NFT’s, gone are days of on line gaming secret boards/messages..its NFT’s.

      Dirty crypto shitting all over the place, digital pigeons.

      • HODL your Native un-staked Tokens offline. When the dust settles, Ill stake with a Legit Financial Institution[ an oxi moron for the moment until the patriots in Congress are successful at wrangling in the agency overreach. IMHO.

    • The relatives want texts, not phone calls, or emails. I’ve gradually come around to the idea. It minimizes the opportunity for whining.

    • “Because you are so equipped and CAN make a viddy-o, does not mean that you SHOULD. (Many things are better conveyed in a well-thought out Single Page, Single Line-Spaced typed sheet — even if you need THAT much space.)”

      Properly compressed, a 28.8 modem will transmit a page of plaintext at an effective speed of 971Kbps, blasting it down a radio pipeline in a fraction of a second. An image, even a small one and compressed to unrecognizabilily, will be many times larger than the plaintext page, and will transmit at an effective speed of 26.4Kbps. A “video,” unless it’s slow-scanned, is made up of between 23.976 and 60.0 images per second, stacked sequentially on one-another. There may come a time when the conservation of bandwidth which was pounded into the heads of old farts like moi, again becomes useful.

      “Read, and edit, and FIX what you just wrote. Read it aloud if you like: if your tongue stumbles, so will your reader. To work less, or in a slovenly manner, insults your reader.”

      I always do. You can tell when I make a post here at 0400 because it will have spelng and occasionally conteckst errors that’re usually not made after the bean hits the brain. Then too, some days, I’m up at 0400, others I’m not hitting the rack until 0500 and I’m goofy-tired…

      • I “allowed” my resume customers to read them aloud before accepting them, it uncovers a lot.

  5. If I undersstand it – if the Fed had to seize FRC without a buyer it would have just about wiped out the FDIC reserve. Based on info at the moment the loss will be about $13BB. But since JP Morgan is a shareholder of the FED isn’t JP really bailing out the FED? and of course FDIC fees will rise at regional banks and i suspect there will be another hidden tax to the citizenry. I’d highly reccommend any remaining depositor at FRC ($92B) to move all of their deposits – so JP can suck wind on this transaction.

      • thanks for sharing that site..
        there is a lot of useful information on there..

    • ” You have to choose between trusting to the natural stability of Bitcoin and the natural stability of the honesty and the intelligence of the members of the government. And with due respect to these gentlemen and women, I advise youse all, as long as the capital system lasts, to vote for Bitcoin.”

      – The Bitcoin Nazi –

  6. ” Big doings in Beijing and Moscow as workers of the world celebrate broken economic systems run by an entrenched elite under the guise of Party.”

    Hmmm.. think about that small paragraph for a moment…
    EVEN the people that get on their knees and worship the demented MORON in chief that is trying to destroy the planet for a piece of paper or a number on a screen should be thinking about this…
    Now I could go on all day long.. but if you still want your corporate profits.. and the value of the dollar to still be on the top of the pile.. then you don’t slap the ones that do it.. Corporates do this all the time.. they talk about those worthless eaters.. treat them like crap.. pay them little or nothing.. give all the juicy benefits to the execs including the bonuses etc.. and then expect the people they despise to keep them on top of that pile.. you have to have a sturdy base.. executives of old.. treated their workers.. with pride they were a member of the company family..one of the best jobs I ever had was also the lowest paying position.. he treated everyone as a family member.. now his kid runs the company now.. but I doubt seriously that the kid does what daddy did.. dad use to come into one of his stores in his chain every thursday.. about two am.. help finish off the work for the day.. and have coffee with the people working..I worked overnights.. we would laugh and you knew he appreciated your work.. how many execs do that today.. my walmart story of the shizt head store manager that loved to rag on a single mother.. she broke down crying while stocking the shelves.. the little old guy next to her asked her what was wrong.. she told him about the shizt head store manager.. and the old guy said oh honey he is definately not Walmart quality.. it was Sam who just stopped in to work overnight no fan fare .. just go in and stock shelves have coffee with the workers..
    My father worked for a multi national company.. I his kid knew the colonel.. to this day I don’t know the guys name.. everyone called him the colonel.. he knew my father mother and all of us kids.. my father was a delivery boy..he took care of everyone that worked for him.. someone had to die before there was an opening.. now we are doing that with the ones that produce our products.. and give our currency value.. maybe as the leader of a nation and the leaders of industry.. they should probably be a little more like an executive of old industry standards and treat them as valued rather that try to piss them off.. and turn our currency into chicken pen bedding..

    “A final exam for life
    Next, the professor said:
    I’ve taught you everything I can teach you about business in the last 10 weeks, but the most important message, the most important question, is this — What’s the name of the lady who cleans this building?”

    It is the same thing in a neighborhood.. once upon a time.. everyone in a neighborhood knew each other.. today how many know who their neighbors are… I DO.. and I know what they enjoy and do for relaxation.. ( except for two of them three blocks away..from what I have seen they could be similar to the Bidens in family activities that they enjoy..and I avoid them )

    • Wore that record flat out when I was a kid. Thanks for bringing it to mind again! – And thank you God for giving us Charles Schultz that was such a huge part of our lives back then. Amen. I wish kids could appreciate his work like we did.

  7. “asked for bids”

    “Bank of America, PNC reportedly in race to acquire troubled First Republic Bank.”

    BoA may get to buy FRB’s portfolio at a discount. There should be a crowd funding site to buy failed banks so we can get in on the action.

    Who wouldn’t buy their mortgage back from FRB for ‘pennies of the $’.

  8. “A Yahoo News story over here offers the other spelling’s history which:

    “…stemmed from ancient celebrations which included Floralia, a Roman festival honoring the flower goddess Flora; Walpurgis Night, which was celebrated by Germanic countries; Beltane, a Gaelic holiday; and Anthesteria, a Greek festival. In some European pagan cultures, it was seen as the first day of summer, while the summer solstice was celebrated as Midsummer.”

    Not to mention The Pagan and satanic Sacrifices and feasts ( I won’t go there in what I have read.. makes me sick to my stomach ) of old.. for the mid solstice holiday..

  9. Generally when I look at the USGS Earthquake list, most are 2.5 in magnitude. Checked today and it appears there’s a little increase In magnitude.

    We often talk about “building tensions” and then a “release of tensions” that follows … in light of that, we might be building up for a bigger quake somewhere.

    Have to wonder if it might build to an (event) or if there will be a “calm before the storm” kind of thing.

    Just my humble opinion.


  10. The banks are being nationalized before our eyes.

    Recall when the Imperial Palace was worth more than all of California. Miami Vice was on the screens. Theme below.

    Last month –

    “Boasting of his state’s robust economic growth, California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently declared that “California’s values and entrepreneurial spirit have powered this ascent to becoming the 4th biggest economy in the world.”

    – Apr 5, 2023

    The transexuals we see on the screens today fit the bill. We’re told CA is ‘rich’ but their banks are bankrupt. We’re being told to believe what isn’t.

    Miami Vice Theme HD



  11. May Day ! – Getting old !
    – Well.., crap. Yesterday I was feeling pent-up., restless and wee bit moody. Went out to do a little work on the speed-bag and heavy bag. I was told by a VA Doc, some, thirty years ago, that I needed to stop working out on the heavy bag, as my hands had taken enough punishment for one life time. I blew that off – but just maybe, he was right.
    After a good warm up on the speed bag., I switched to the heavy bag.., after roughly ten minutes, including knees and elbows, I turned myself loose.., I had just finished one combination, shifted my stance as I started another combo that ends with a left hook – and POP! [ I actually heard it.] .. I didn’t hit the 80 pound bag squarely and either broke or dislocated my little finger.
    .., damn that hurt., and I couldn’t get the bag-glove off to get a good look. So., sheepishly I drove to the clinic,[ the misses wasn’t at home.] with the bag-glove still on…,
    Cut the bag-glove off – x-ray – dislocation [ that had popped back into place, probably when I tried to get the bag-glove off.] – funny looking brace/splint., back home. Threw the pain pill prescription away. Took a couple Tylenol and went back out to have a talk with the heavy bag., and slowly go through what I did.
    Maybe., just maybe, the Doc was right.., and after a little over 27,000 revolution around Ole Sol, I should stop using the heavy bag…, damn ! That sounds rather boring. How do you give up something you have done since you were fourteen? I know ! Maybe I can find a hygiene-challenged miscreant to practice on once a week ?? Nah – the police would catch-on., eventually. Wouldn’t they?
    Note: On “second-thought” – I retrieved the pain-med prescription., had it filled that afternoon, brought it home, vacuum sealed it in a small mylar bag and dropped it into the bottom drawer of the fridge – for future mishaps.
    – Then waited for the misses to get home to regale her in my latest adventure with an x-ray machine. Getting old is so much fun…,

    • Squirreling away prescriptions can be a challenge. Currently I’m getting ready for five months of travel, i.e. I should really have at least six months of Rx on hand. My mail order pharmacy won’t fill more than 90 days at a time. The doc cooperated by sending duplicates to the local pharmacy and the mail order pharmacy. Some say that you should negotiate with the mail order pharmacy, but that has not worked for me in the past. A pharmacist friend tells me to respect expiration dates on all antibiotics, but that many other expiration dates are ultra-conservative, i.e. most drugs retain potency well beyond expiration. But, of course — do your own research on your own drugs.

      By the way, in visiting around 80 countries over a span of 60 years, I’ve never had a border inspection of my medical kit. But the advice from an Eqyptian tour organizer about an upcoming trip is to only carry what you need and carry it in original prescription bottles. My son’s seatmate on a trip to Saudi Arabia dumped Ambien down an airplane toilet on reading that the drug was a “never, never” in that enlightened land. Just saying — life is often unnecessarily complicated and foreign prisons are not luxury hotels.

      • I have heard that Turkey is also getting rather picky., and will confiscate all meds not in their original bottles. i.e. – loading up a seven day pill organizer for a trip. They don’t ask, just simply take. I do not know if that is true – but Turkey does seem to be getting a little weird with tourists lately.

      • Most drugs and supplements are good for many years. Pretty much, the worst that may happen is the water used in pill binding will eventually evaporate and pills will turn to powder. I’ve had several doctors tell me they haven’t lost potency, just form. This is why govt-issued KI is in single pill blister packs.

        Antibiotics can be sketchy. Penicillin and its derivatives (Amoxicillin, et. al.), in pill form, will keep nearly forever, but in liquid form (for IV injection), must be refrigerated and have a definite shelf-life.

        Tetracycline and several of its immediate derivatives degrade into a deadly poison. It is good for 12-18 months (depending upon how stored) but if it’s more than 2yo old, you are literally risking your life to take it.

        This is NOT health or pharma advise, just my opinion WRT how I, alone, conduct myself and keep my supplements.

        Do your own research…

    • “May Day ! – Getting old !
      – Well.., crap. Yesterday I was feeling pent-up., restless and wee bit moody. Went out to do a little work on the speed-bag and heavy bag. I was told by a VA Doc, some, thirty years ago, that I needed to stop working out on the heavy bag, as my hands had taken enough punishment for one life time.”

      Wow OUCH….. I hope your hand heals up.. just so you know.. there are alternative ways to reduce stress and improving ones outlook on life.. reduce anxiety and get a nice warm feeling of well being, without hitting a dam thing using oxitocin.. except the mattress.. a little meditation is another way to reduce stress..






      • Thanks for the “tips”.., appreciate the thought.
        – I do meditate – but it is in the form of a 12 minute Tai Chi program. A shot of bourbon covers any stress. .., and I will soon find a replacement to work off my restlessness – right now I can’t think of anything that will replace a solid jab, upper-cut, followed by a left-hook. A heavy work-out bag has been a constant companion for decades. but, I’ll come up with something…

        • I am officially jealous… I’ve wanted to learn Tai-chi for decades..
          I’ve heard it’s the best morning exercise

    • I was in the 3rd grade when ‘Shotgun Willie’ came out. You can imagine all the giggles because he sang about a man sittin’ around in his underwear (hee, hee, he said underwear).

    • Every study that has been done says to me.. this is one of gods miracle plants.. like the dandelion as well.. if you list the good things about dandelions.. it would fill a pickup with paper.. if you list the good aspects of Marijuana.. ( the old mexican slang name)it would fill up seventeen semi loads of paper..
      those that will use it for recreation are already.. Hemp clothing is not only more durable and wears longer.. but it is eco friendly..
      instead it was made illegal just because some rich man had a pile of sawdust.. the process of turning wood fibers into pulp takes what seven steps.. where turning hemp is a three step process.. so he got his men in office and started the Refer madness.. got it listed as an evil drug..
      My parents use to have cough syrup in the medicine cabinet using MARIJUANA.. then refer madness got them afraid and in went the OPIUM cough syrup.. opiates.. the best thing to destroy your body and mind..
      ( even though everyone anywhere in the USA or world could make their own opiates right from their own yards if they really wanted to.. )
      anyway.. I think that it should be legalized and would argue the fact all day long.. out of a half million people there is seven that would have an adictive issue with it.. those that are addicted to narcotics that use hemp are addicted to other drugs and alcohol already.. and they will get whatever they want when they want.. we here of the fentanyl opiate problem in the USA.. but in states where marijuana is legalized.. that has dropped.. anyway that is my take on it.. let the researchers make the medications needed to treat cancers and so many other health issues.. even the studies recently on antibiotic viral and bacterial infections that once have a suppository of it breaking down the resistant shell around the infection so that the antibiotics can treat and kill the infection.. ( great study.. oh hey it is by an ausy and canadian study.. the smart ones on the planet.. and diet pills.. oh I could litterally go on all year on this one ) Money the business model of the extraordinarily greedy politicians..

      • LOOB. I agree and of course it is legal here in Canuckland. I have successfully used CBD oil for arthritis pain. I have friends that are using THC/CBD for severe pain. None of us have smoked it that I am aware of. Seems that it is the younger generation as I smell the skunk smell anytime I go near an event of any kind anymore.

        There is one developing news story on CBD oil and I highly recommend you and all readers here watch this video by Dr. John Campbell, one of my few remaining go to scientists with integrity. It may save your life if you get COVID.

        Cannabidiol and COVID


        George. Please draw attention to this video. Thanks.

        • ” I have friends that are using THC/CBD for severe pain.”

          that is what I use.. three drops under the tongue instead of an opiate.. and it works wonders.. helps .. I had so much pain and the only thing they could offer was the oxy.. or .. the Roxanol since I have been taking the THC/CBD I have been able to toss the rest away.. thank god.. I don’t smoke and I hate having anything that will make me high.. this works the same way.. just before bed.. and during the day Kratom..does the same thing.. which I am thankful for..
          you hear the negative.. but the negative always surrounds those that do use them for the euphoric properties that have addictive personalities those people are already addicted to other substances and most of the negative things have been found they had other substances in their body at the time…. if people would just read the wonderful research done in canada and the Uk and the world and see the absolutely wonderful positive aspects their minds would be changed in an instant there are thousands of academic studies that have been done and thousands of pages of material proving the positive…. the fear that their children would get it.. well there are laws associated with anyone selling alcohol or cocaine to a child the same with any substance.. no one should drive while taking anything that can sway their cognitive abilities to…
          I loved that video and it should be shared again and again..

  12. “Mild recession is already here,” and, “Further rate hikes will trigger a severe recession. Mark my words.” Elon Musk

    • The other day I noticed a Tim Horton’s hiring sign offering $16.00/hr. That’s better than last Summer’s prevailing $15.00. Times are good.

      • Animals are lazy. Man has cultivated the ability to build stuff which enables us to be even lazier.

        I was in SW Lower Michigan in about 2009. I can’t remember if it was Grand Rapids, Muskegon, or Kalamazoo (but I think it was Kzoo). There was a McDonalds next to a Speedway cstore. I stopped at the Speedway because I needed gas and they had 112 octane racing gas (and I wanted to know if this were normal for this part of the country — answer: “M-131 Dragway,” and “yes,” FWIW). Mickey D’s had a $12 sign out by the road. Whenever the economy shits itself, there’s a mess of newly-unemployed, who remain unemployed until their unemployment compensation runs out. During that economic hiccup, unemployment bennies were extended out past 120 weeks so people who were driving around a lot got to see lots of local businesses who were offering insane pay rates because employees were simply not available. It is really hard to compete when Joe and Jane can drink beer, watch General Hospital, and collect more in bennies than their net incomes from working — kinda like the COVID lockdowns did “on steroids” a dozen years later…

  13. Re: Lighter Moments in Space
    feat. a “Ludi Floralia” mayday


    Uhoh. The CBC radio show, “The Current”, has interviewed an academic from a UK university. Concerns are being expressed that leaps in space journey possibilities are overtaking considerations of “…uncontrolled human conception in space tourism…”. Also, “…If we can’t reproduce — or can’t safely do so — below a certain gravity level, that’s critical to know.”


    Will the future be helped along by:
    the Secure World Foundation which shares a Washington office building with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace?


    Or by words addressing our interesting times going forward by the science fiction author, Cixin Liu, speaking at the UN on Chinese Language Day.


    Don’t turn that dial! Here’s DJ George settling in for an evening that will rock your cradle.
    Star Child Scene

  14. Folks,

    Fore! Is the grass greener on the other side of the pond? A third US President in a month is in the UK headed next for Ireland. “The Daily Mail” posted a video of Scotland’s Son, President Trump, Monday morning arrival at Aberdeen airport along with his eldest son. Mr. Trump graciously exited Trump Force One via the aft door to a waiting 10 car motorcade as bagpipes wailed perhaps in unison at full song with a chorus of jet engine accompaniement. The recently elected muslim First Minister of Scotland was absent. One imagines that he is unavoidably detained while packing for the Coronation this Saturday.

    “Town & Country” has enumerated the scaled back nature of the shindig. While the 1953 occasion hosted one foreign monarch, the upcoming event features 14 foreign monarchs each bringing a partner. Celebrity invitees include “Patsy” from “Absolutely Fabulous” as well as “Mr. Bean”, whose recent drives included the German 6.2 liter 560 hp Mercedes Benz SLS AMG finely crafted automobile. One imagines that the Mini was easier to park.

  15. Beware Crypto Lovers – Martin Armstrong

    ALL cryptocurrency is on the target list for the Biden Administration. We are entering the final stages of the Decline & Fall of Western Civilization. You can see as we progress, they will become more and more aggressive because they can feel their power slipping away. ONLY tangible assets make the transition to the new value on the other side of 2032. NOTHING digital will make that transition.

    Both the United States and Europe will split. That means the rules will be different everywhere, and there will be places without power. No power = no value for any digital currency. Let’s get realistic here.


    • The digital tulips are pretty, and have their place, but was there ever any doubt that the current crypto mania would end in anything other than a Roosevelt-style quashing of the pyramid schemes?
      So many people have lost savings dealing with unregulated crypto brokers. When hedge funds get burned regularly with leveraged government money at risk, then I would expect to see some real enforcement.

  16. Ag Dept. launches investigation into horse farm owner critical of nearby proposed CCP Gotion property

    Green Charter Township resident Lori Brock is concerned about what a 3-million square foot Chinese battery plant may do to her neighboring pristine horse farm. She has sought a state environmental study of the project, which will create battery components for electric vehicle batteries, according to Gotion High-Tech, the Chinese Communist Party-linked company looking to move to the middle of the state with the assistance of $715 million in taxpayer money and incentives.

    But instead of CCP Gotion, it’s Brock who is now under investigation, a development that comes just days after she hosted a rally on her property in opposition to the project.


    Is is just me, or does this seem eerily like the first part of the movie “Erin Brockovich?”

  17. SCOTUS Grants Review of Case That Will Gut the Federal Bureaucracy

    The Court has granted a review of Loper Bright Enterprises vs. Raimondo. In its deliberations, the court will deal with the question of whether to overrule the infamous Chevron Doctrine, a ’70s-era precedent that granted broad powers to the bureaucratic state to interpret vague, often narrow statutes with near zero accountability.


  18. The most important essay you’ll read all year…

    “Conservatives Lost the Culture War and the Trump Agenda Is the Only Path Forward.”

    The essay delivers a powerful message, and it might be the most important article you’ll read this year. The essay is important because it makes the case the Republicans on the national level need to focus on questions of national survival—immigration, trade, foreign policy, and crime.


    • what is funny.. is the republicans are eerily quiet not one of them except maybe Rand Paul and Ted Cruz..you don’t hear anyone really putting up a fuss at all.
      A justice system that looks more like an upholsterer covering over the corruption that is so flagrantly flaunted to the public.. .
      when ole ninety proof was at it.. she cackled at the top of her lungs day and night twenty four seven for four years television programming was doing the same thing with her cackling acusations written in the scripts and even now you hear her clucking away I rarely watch main stream networks.. it is just to horrific and to swayed.. and I fear hearing old ninety proof cackling away at crap that is so flauntingly stupid and avoiding serious issues that do need to be addressed and the bobble heads behind her.. makes me sick and afraid of our future. You also see this nuclear war has become a common fear before that it was the fear that the local soft ball team may lose.. or whether or not we are going to get rain….
      the usa was in serious shape before.. but had some hope of flipping and progressing forward then we get someone that has never held a job except at the feed troughs of the lobbyists and we entered the twilight zone.. what should amaze everyone is DJT has the personality of a flaming narcissist with privilege’s.. and even with that nauseating personality he got voted into office.. that should have been a good indicator at what the people are feeling in despiration.. what was good about ole DJT is he had as big of a heart as he does in ego.. and worked hard made a lot of positive actions for the USA and its people even while being attacked twenty four seven.. then we entered the twilight zone with crap going on so unbelievable that it amazes me.. a candidate telling a hard working farmer he was a lier only to discover that absolutely everything he said was the truth and the lyer was in the stage and also possibly involved with the corruption up to his neck….
      the presidential run we had was what for candidates… we had the wicked witch of the NE ( just ask anyone that was going to give testimony on them and their activities.. oh wait they are all dead) the sluffer of florida that in his job in congress only was there what one third of the twenty six days a year they actually work.. the flaming ego with privilege’s etc.. we didn’t have much of a choice .. but in the end made a really good one with DJT..
      with as much damage as the twilight zone hero did the the US..I doubt that we can flip it at this point.. printed trillions of dollars to fix American infrastructure and did nothing with it then went on a face slapping spree with the ones that kept our currency with some value leaving our currency now in question of having any value.. tossed trillions away on crap that the average person can never replace…. allowed millions of illegals to enter .. Placed us in a potential war scenario that could eliminate mankind from the planet all together to protect the business models of the corrupt.
      I personally believe that we have a pretty grim future ahead of us.. and it really scares the hell out of myself and everyone I have heard talking in hushed conversations at the coffee shops and down the isles.. at the gas stations .. it is the only thing you hear anymore..the terror thoughts of the future of their children.. or if they or their children will still be alive when they get through with it all.. people spending while the currency still has some value as we head towards zimbabwe and Argentina..

      • “what is funny.. is the republicans are eerily quiet not one of them except maybe Rand Paul and Ted Cruz..you don’t hear anyone really putting up a fuss at all.”

        Gee, ya mean the two candidates I favored in 2016 over Trump? Who’da thunk…?

        • those are two of my favorites to LOL LOL LOL.. but we already know that Rand won’t get it.. he is a firm believer in the constitution LOL and so is Ted… I liked him and his boots.. LOL LOL when they were saying that he might be considered a terrorist because he favored texas .. and the emblem he has on his boots..

        • @LOOB

          Cruz was a terrible Presidential candidate, because he didn’t yet understand politics (and he looked scary to some people, before he grew the beard). Should he ever run again, he’ll be much better.

          Most people don’t bother to research stuff.

          Ted Cruz and Mark Levin are the top two living Constitutional Supreme Court scholars, and each has argued dozens of cases in front of the USSC. It’s a fact few know, and fewer would believe, especially given Levin’s “on-air personality.”

        • “Cruz was a terrible Presidential candidate, because he didn’t yet understand politics (and he looked scary to some people, before he grew the beard). ”

          Its like I tell the kids.. never judge someone for how they look… be the blind man..
          You would be surprised at how many young women I have lended a hand to that was attracted to Assholes and shit heads just because of how they looked or how their bank accounts looked..
          Be the blind man treat everyone with dignity and compassion..
          considering that and how those in our administration LOOK good take a great picture… but then you close your eyes and you think.. OMG what a perverted corrupt shithead and loser asshole… so now that people realize what a loser lacking decency and moral ethics that they have been in support of.. maybe this time around they will close their eyes and judge like a blind man would do..

  19. “Is Bitcoin the Next Global Currency? BRICS Economies Drop USD in Favor of New System – BTC Price of $1M in Sight? Report (ethnews.com)
    Yet somehow we’re still not sold on crypto:”

    I to doubt seriously if BC will be adopted .. See from my perspective.. I don’t think this ia a relay race.. the hand full of people that control the masses and the velocity of money.. have worked very hard to keep their control through the chapters of history..

  20. An old copy of the Socionomist, for more optimism/pessimism social mood parallels, page 10, Indian chemical explosion, but positive mood didn’t favor prosecution for Union Carbide. Notice, Mr Irwin Allen, the remark about BP Gulf of Mexico Oil explosion at end of paragraph.


    Out of your claimed 500 readers, nobody but me heard about Sudan evacuation? Your echo chamber is worse than I thought….lol

    • Glenn Beck’s been mentioning it off and on for a little while now. Just all part of the mix.

    • Everyone Heard about the Sudan Evacuation.. but similar to the different ethnic groups clubbing each other to death just for being a member of that one ethnic group. they seize the women and children and sell them off as slaves or wives.. the men and boys they killed….you didn’t hear about the mass masacre’s then.. no one cared.. the only reason this time the govt cares about it.. is it is a point to have in a global military battle. the big thing is no one cared there wasn’t any money or power or resources the string pullers want there…

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