Sometimes I feel like a damned politician. In fact, it’s been said (by Coleman Cox in the previous Depression) that “Writer’s aren’t supposed to have money, unless they be writers of checks.”~ 1931 in “As I See It.”
This is not the first time I’ve partly missed the gangplank but got the right boat. I was the leading edge of wireless data in 1982 yet never managed to make a dime on it.
There’s a certain tempering of the Soul going on I suppose.
Though in truth, I had two profitable short-side day trades on index ETFs Monday. No mean feat when the market soared 765 points. Still, it was only lunch money. Had I been on the rallying side with the Bulls, we’d have been in “down payment on a new car” money.
What Went?
There is no “right” or “wrong” to modern “investing” for it is not an investment at all by historical standards. There are no reliable accounting ratios, surety of product, or sales, or accounting principles. We moved into “Whatever works” territory long ago.
Our Aggregate Index has revealed an important – if not stunning – fact about the present Declines.
We are closely tracking how the market fell ahead of the darkest hours of 1929. Let me show you:
The BLUE track is our early morning Aggregate Index. And you can see where axial symmetries seem to appear as we track – day-by-day – our march out to the edge of the financial precipice.
Within each of these two areas of symmetry you’ll find a blue horizontal axis. Then one of the possible vertical axes in green, though there are a couple.
Our simple bottom lines for this morning are two-fold:
- Since August’s high, our day-by-day says the “belly of the Beast” is still directly ahead.
- The axial symmetries reveal that who (or what) ever factors are operating on this market, they’re doing worse than the lead-in to collapse in 1929.
Hold that Thought.
Fed Policy or Global Dynamism?
Monetary policy is like butts. Everyone has one. Just ask ’em and you’ll get an earful.
I don’t recall anyone asking, but here comes the United Nations: U.N. Calls On Fed, Other Central Banks to Halt Interest-Rate Increases. Obviously, the tale of King Canute and the incoming tide is not a transcultural meme. Or, adjunctly, the U.N. is stupid, which we can’t take off the table, either.
We are likely past the point where any type of intervention can be affected. Money Dynamics eat time for breakfast. They knock and ripple and react. Clock runs the whole time.
Change takes time. Months and even Years. You get to a certain point and it’s too late to avoid.
Already, other astute observers (if I can play poseur as one) are saying This stock market strategist says the coming recession could be the biggest ever. ‘I recommend prayer.’ We will go further. Recommending liquidity and the transformation of paper into useable things for the long haul while the magic of online exchange persists.
For now, though, most will see no incenter to behave any differently than 1987, the aftermath of the 2001 collapse (which saw collapse blamed on “terrorism”) and the 2008 end of the Housing Bubble.
It still works. Until it doesn’t – which we still have penciled for the November 2 through Election Day range this time. If you’re in Finance, an Intervention on November 10th and rehab the following Monday might work out. Check with co-workers and family.
Looking Ahead: (Which is where the money is!)
Keep an eye on the JOLTS report from Labor mid-session today. It may give a sense of how the Employment Number Festival will play out. Friday the “officious” numbers arrive. But as of this morning, our “Recovery” still reports fewer people actually working than were in the fall of 2019.
Sorry to burden you with facts. They should really be Outlawed. Too dangerous for rational humans to possess. Thankfully, the Internet, Biden Propaganda Ministry, and the Financial Interests (along with a host of divisive social-loving con artists) are shaming, shunning, slamming and damning us all to a world that will show up anyway.
They’re just the two-bit tin horns who will take credit for Collapse. When – after the fact – they lay on the “I told you so” routine, hand them a box of Kleenex and AstroGlide. We’ll try to be kind to jerk-offs, especially co-opted ones in office and online.
Pitchfork wielding voters will be along soon enough.
Back to the Pleasant Present
(…of the Peasants)
In an astounding use of brain cells, the kind which leave scientists with their jaws agape, we wonder if these people had help figuring this out? Joe Biden Plans To Run For President Again In 2024, According To A Report. Step aside Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, and Mr. Cayce. We are awe inspired. But a competent opponent’s way just got easier, so there is a silver lining.
Liberals, meantime, are still pretending Abortion is on the ballot next month. Word to the wise: It’s not. Doesn’t stop (or even slow) the Left, however. (Who needs facts, right?) They’re pretending everything is a fetus these days. Georgia GOP Senate pick Herschel Walker, abortion ban proponent, reportedly funded girlfriend’s abortion.
Our demands that Justice Kagan resign from the Supreme Court continue unmet. Though she’s the #1 promoter of “illegit Court” theory. Even the Associated Press has thrown in with small mind group think: Supreme Court poised to keep marching to right in new term. One decision in keeping with the Constitution isn’t a march. It’s strong support of State’s Rights. But the Big Central Government crowd just can’t wrap their head around local control of our futures.
Fortunate, Opinion, masquerading as media “fact” is heading for trial. Donald Trump sues CNN for defamation, seeks $475M in punitive damages. Don’t mind us, we’re still waiting for the “bombshell proof” of the golden showers in Moscow. Didn’t see it in the NY Times, yet.
Somebody miss his meds? Biden claims he was raised in the Puerto Rican community. (More than meds are missing.)
Meanwhile, back at the Family Business: Hunter Biden committed ‘fraud’ against business partners, Tony Bobulinski tells Tucker Carlson. Fine line between “fraud” and a democrat talking, though, as we see it. I mean, where is the line, really? Is there even one?
And the War drags on. EU summons Russia’s envoy over annexation of Ukrainian territory. Frankly, we don’t know what would happen if the Russian envoy simply said “Nope, sorry, busy…” But this is high theatrics designed toward what end, we have no idea.
ATR: Greed Over Respect
Not Dead enough for you? Symptoms of Sick Society are everywhere. Especially if you DuckDuckGo Anthony Bourdain’s name as we did here. To normal people (both UrbanSurvival readers) Bourdain died in June 2018. But as I teach in Advanced Media Monetization Lectures (session 3) Bourdain has not yet been sufficiently monetized by media ghouls and thus will join other luminaries who will never be dead enough for the f*cks.
“Never speak ill of the dead” we were schooled. Nor monetizing, either De mortuis nihil nisi bonum. Unless the ill-gotten gains go to heirs.
Am I the only one to notice that Greed has triumphed over Taste and Respect? Or was it not enough caffeine today?
Another day of watching CHMOF (crack-head monkeys of finance) ahead. Dow futures up close to another 400 this morning.
ViseGrip injuries are already apparent. Yet I haven’t been able to wake up back on Reasonable Earth yet.
Write when you get rich,
Kind of surprised you didn’t mention the Musk/Ukraine fiasco.
Zelensky and Musk in row over Ukraine ‘peace plan poll’
Yep, offer a suggestion about a peace plan and asking for others to make suggestions, and you’re a piece of crap for not following with the agenda … even after spending $80 million of your own money to help.
Really makes me wonder (really) why Elon was concerned about potentially dying a mysterious death a while back. Hmmm
It’s easy to play the victim and acquire cool stuff from someone, then once said cool stuff is obtained, to tell the giver to go f*ck himself. – That’s happened to me in my personal life too, and it’s not pleasant. Very sad.
Personally, if I were Elon, I’d pull the plug and reply in kind with a “F*ck You Too.” But that’s just me.
Yes, it’s true: Nice Guys Finish Last.
It’s good to help people but sometimes ya find their problems are driven by having bad Karma. Always discern the truth.
…Lends credence to Tucker Carlson’s opinion that Vlad and Vlod were all set to settle things out of court in February, before elements of the USG (ahem, Vichy, ahum…) told Vlod he couldn’t negotiate until Putin had been 86’d.
No amount of “nice”
Stop spreding bullshit propaganda
Monkey Werx had a piece on how they did it …….. and a synopsis was in the latest Kunstler piece …… repercussions etc
…kinda hard to dispute flight transponder data that fits the timeline. Methane hydrate theory works but the coincidental timing for all the pipelines is suspect.
What will be interesting is if any debris found by the investigating teams ever gets public…
Well that settles it…Once one (and who needs more than one?)of those former *somethings* weighs in on a subject, everything else is just propaganda. Q.E.D. And speaking just for me, the use of gratuitous profanity always trumps the need for evidence or facts. So, yep. I’m convinced. But not necessarily of what you want me/us to be.
no gratuitous profanity hear, just same ole same ole
..9/11 remixed as pipeline terror.
– more too come?
-striking once again, that heavy darkness known in dc circles as ..”the blob”. thx hw,donny, darthcheney
a. blinken on NS&NS2 after attacks, quoted as saying ‘tremendous opportunity”
– just like 9/11, a tremendous opportunity for invasion/bombing/killing/plunder!
have we know respect for neocon authoriTY ?
I dunno. As a military analyst, Col. Macgregor has been more accurate than any other retired brass I’ve seen in the last couple years. My analyses don’t always coincide with his, but he’s much better, and more accurate than someone like Gen. Petraeus, who became a bought & paid-for shill for socialist ideologues, 10 years ago…
Yo G,
The worm has turned on the east coast US, midatlantic. Turned I tell ya, turned. Not been able to get out into woods last couple days due cold ass rains. Key words – cold & ass.
Thats right homegamers, the weather has turned to ass here in the mid-atlantic regions, wet & cold. Current long range forecasts predicting 1st “cold” Fall in 30 years for these parts.
28 years ago – my Son was born during a crossfire ice&snow storm – they made a movie about that storm. Spent 2 nights in hosp as pregnancy had to be induced , over 2 days..roads impassable due Ice.
I have some vivid memories of that storm..from my huge “off the boat” Irish neighbor, 2 sixpacks in, climbing up swaying, ice covered evergreen tree with hand saw in hand, he cut the top off – preventing further ice& wind damage to house. Big huge 6.2 red faced Irishman enjoying himself, swaying back and forth in the windy ice and snow – classic..
– to the surgeon who was way late for the birth – nurse delivered my Son pretty much (90% of work). Needless to say I was none too happy with the performance of this “operation”. The arrogant SOB said to me ‘ “Not to worry so much Mr S. I am the Picaso of the Perineum”. Being a bit of a arrogant SOB my own dam self, at the time, I was happily relieved by those “toxic” comments.
Mini ice age approaches – more signs of its pending arrival this season will be seen and felt..looking for freezing temps to drop on down into CONUS by end October..think you gonna be firing up those parking heaters before Turkey day..gobble gobble, nerk nerk.
? if and when WEFers come out davos beating on Gold, Gold bad see Russia, Gold Mining bad see green, Gold bad.
..confiscation without having to pyzikally take it? – will home gamers have enough where with all (ignore the propaganda) to snatch some up on the cheap??? Or unload any Gold miners now (lil profitortaxloss) and risk waiting for the propaganda to take effect, before buying back at discounted price?
*”In the blink of an eye” overnight, one of these nights soonly – phase shift- wake up next morning – The Game was Changed. cant know presactly when, just know its changing in big S&A kinda wave.
What you’re saying is nigh-on impossible.
Please review the IPPC Memorandum on how Cold Ass is gone due to climate change.
That’s funny. Cold Ass was here in Texas a year ago last February, complete with 19″ of snow and 6 below zero.
If it’s rain, it can’t be TOO cold ass. When it turns to solid water is when you will freeze your ass numb… or off completely. (I grew up in Wisconsin a century ago.)
I find it “interesting” that NordStream was decommissioned just days before the Norwegian pipe went operational. ., and a little curious as to why they took the gas pipeline across the Baltic from Denmark to Poland. Why not take it due south directly into Germany., the single largest market in the Entire E.U. – ? Bad feelings still exist from WWll ? A political / financial bitch-slap to Germany ?
The best I recall from recent history, only a few months.
Poland demanded Germany pay a cool $1,300,000,000,000.00 in WW2 reparations.
Germany said that was “concluded”.
Now Germany buys gas that passes through Poland.
Do you know if the pipeline is still blowing?
“… After the war, Poland was given 40,000 square miles of Eastern Germany, according to the Wall Street Journal. Moreover, approximately 10 million ethnic Germans were forced to relocate by Polish authorities….” (cite below)
umm …. I wonder how much 40,000 Sq Miles of land is worth? @ 640 acres per sq mile that is 25,600,000 acres of land, AND it was very productive land too in that part of Germany (east Prussia).
Say $10,000 per acre (around here good farmland is now in the upper teens, almost double that amount, iffy land is $10,000 per acre so say we use that lower number) that works out to $2,560,000,000,000 (2 Trillion 560 Billion), or about DOUBLE the amount that Poland is asking Germany for.
SO … ignoring the 10 MILLION Germans who were forced to leave net the two numbers out and Poland OWES GERMANY about $1.3 Trillion Dollars, NOT Germany owing Poland $1.3 Trillion Dollars.
Add in say $50,000 for every German forced to leave their historic Prussian lands, which Poland than occupied … and you can add in ANOTHER 10,000,000 x $50,000 for additional reparations OWED by Poland for the POST WAR actions of forcing 10 million Germans to leave and you raise that amount OWED by Poland by another 500,000,000,000 ($500 Billion Dollars)
Overall IF reparations are to actually be paid out then Poland OWES Germany and Germans $1.8 Trillion Dollars after offsetting the amounts War time amounts with the POST WAR ACTIONS BY POLAND.
Of course the Poles in their HATRED of Germans will never agree to paying for the 25.6 million acres of land they TOOK (stole?) from Germany … nor pay for any reparations for the 10 MILLION Germans they kicked off that land … BUT if reparations ARE to actually be paid shouldn’t they go BOTH WAYS??
Hypocrisy abounds when people start asking for Reparations. They want them … but don’t want to pay them.
Welcome to the HATRED that permeates Europe.
Poles HATING Germans …. Ukrainians HATING Russians … is just part and parcel of the multi generational HATREDS that Europeans carry in their genes against each other for centuries upon centuries (which is precisely why WE, the US, should STAY OUT, of these never ending European hatreds).
Based on the incompetence in the field of the previously vaunted Russian Military thus far, it might just be that Occam’s Razor fully supports the methane-hydrates/incompetent maintenance causation that George linked to the other day. Incompetentem in uno; incompetentem in omnibus perhaps?
Incompetence, which caused a catastrophic explosion in a brand new, and empty pipeline?
Occam sometimes cuts both ways.
Russia fought Ukraine to better than a standstill, using 70yo munitions and the dregs of their soldiers against our level-2 technical assets & munitions. (In case you weren’t paying attention, back in March and early April they were carpet-bombing with WW-II bombs strapped to friggin’ MiG-19s!) I suggest you find someone who does not low-rate the Russian Regulars or their military capabilities, from whom to glean insight.
In 1994 I went from St. Petersburg to Moscow by train. Shared the compartment with a retired U.S. railroad engineer who kept saying “We’re gonna derail, we’re gonna derail!” Actually, we didn’t, but it was a rough ride. Based on that experience and the lodging in various cities, I decided that Russia was “a third world country with rockets.” A second trip the same year showed the ill-utilization of labor in stores, probably a vestige of the Soviet era. Three people to do the job of one. An economist companion theorized that it not only reduced unemployment but also provided enough surveillance to keep inventory shrinkage tolerable. I haven’t been back since then, but I continue to watch the news from and about Russia from the perspective of those two trips.
Now I think of Russia as third world with rockets, sheeple, and oligarchs. I’m not making predictions as to how the Ukraine war will end, but the dysfunction on the battlefield surprises me not at all. I continue to worry about being bitten by a cornered rat.
BTW using faux-Latin mixed with Spanish lays a dense pallor of BS over whatever else one may type, and whatever point they may be trying to make.
MarcR, have you ridden the rails in this country lately?
Several years ago, I overheard a pair of young ladies (who probably came from south Asia) commenting on how badly the American train system compared to ‘back home’. Would have liked to argue with them on their low assessment of domestic rail lines/service, but…
Ridden the rails here? Only from West Palm to Miami on a regional line (TriRail, not the new high speed boondoggle). Compares unfavorably to Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands in both equipment and cleanliness. But I didn’t notice screeches and wobbles like I did in Russia. Lots of friends use the Amtrak’s CarTrain from FL to VA. Their stories of delays and mistreatment are legendary.
MarcR, I’ve spent the past 14 months riding a commuter rail in Gnu England, with another 11 years prior to the hiatus (“recent unpleasantness”).
The one derailment I was in was pretty minor, but did get the attention of the NTSB. I forget how much more than two hours late I was getting to work.
I will say that I know a guy who commutes via Amtrak, and I don’t recall him mentioning any derailments.
Something smells rotten in Denmark? Oh, a gas leak… Coinkydoinks abound as Deutche Welle reports from Warsaw the visiting German foreign minister was presented with a letter from her Polish counterpart suggesting Germany would wish to remit reparations of around $1.2 trillion pursuant to the WW2 Nazi occupation.
According to Wikipedia, the originally planned dual Yamal gas pipeline Russia to Poland was only built single after the German Nordstream opportunity materialized. Maybe depending how the current German Polish discord chills out this winter, Mr. Putin may choose to welcome the winner bearing rubles to Moscow for discussions at the Big Table?
Yes, yes, yaessssah.
These people hate de Germans, hate de DNA, hate de high IQ, hate de culture.
Gotsto kill em all.
“sick society”
A while ago it dawned on me that any of us can look up real murder/killing videos. Anything. Some people think children are being sexualized. I think the Internet auto-sexualizes them because they simply have access.
Depending on age as a kid you may have had zero access, then a world famous magazine came about… then 8mm, VHS…. now it’s open access. Perhaps some families have all the software controls on their network, but not all. I read-up on that school-shooter Crombley family. A messed up community really.
Love or hate the Kardashian’s the big one is now worth $1,800,000,000,000. People buy what they sell. They corned the market on Camel Toe Concealers.
“Come like a thief at night” Rhymes w/
Erdo?an threatens Greek islands with invasion ‘at night’
“We can come suddenly, in the middle of the night [..] if you Greeks go too far, then the price will be heavy,” Erdo?an said in a statement seen by Athens as severe escalation.
In the modern era which isn’t a month later:
Sep 30, 2022
US disrupts balance, escalates tensions in Cyprus, East Med: Türkiye
“Pledging to do whatever is necessary amid the latest U.S. moves, he stressed that Türkiye will respond with concrete steps.”
“Also, Türkiye on Thursday reiterated that it will take all measures to protect Turkish Cypriots following the U.S. decision to lift an arms embargo on the Greek Cypriot administration.”
And we now have a timeline to Total destruction of the current SWIFT banking rails, supply chain, and international trade. And that is how we get empty shelves for real as what little products are available chase hard money . Got Blockchain Gold Silver? [ALL ARE BANKERS COINS BTW]
Its now a matter of picking the poison [method/policy] and watching the Von Mises crack up boom in 3,2,1….
I’m all for ‘states rights’ when it comes to many issues, abortion included. OK, I admit I’m not equipped to carry a fetus without some heavy intervention from modern science, and despite my testosterone driven behavior I do get the ‘my body, my choice’ thing, being blessed with my wife and 2 adult daughters. But I do see danger signs for our current social order in the dilemma presented by a mother solely making a decision to terminate a fetus for convenience versus if someone kills the fetus while committing a crime against the mother. The latter is infanticide/murder, the former for many is a mother’s legal right.
IMO we are not far from the sci-fi world of eugenics, where babies are only allowed to reach full term only if they meet a certain set of pre-established social and/or physical criteria, or where mentally and physically challenged babies are eliminated. This site
states 28% of women having abortions in the U.S. are black and 25% are hispanic, while 60% are in their 20s. 75% are poor or of low income. A suspicious mind might equate these statistics with money saving state sanctioned race and poverty control rather than simply a woman’s right to choose, teasing at a eugenics-like process. Less poor kids, less gov’t aid required.
No easy choices, to be sure. I am not against abortion in cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in danger, and I personally support the morning after pill to allow for ‘mistakes’ made between consenting adults in moments of passion, but I also believe birth control is not an unreasonable path for most responsible folks to practice who have access to these methods, e.g. not living in remote regions or poverty stricken locations. But in these scenarios, abortion is less available as well. We are shaping our future with decisions like these. I pray some logic and morality come into play during this difficult process.
“IMO we are not far from the sci-fi world of eugenics”
Which is the purpose of having 50 shades of trannies (instead of the two we had, a generation ago.) Transvestites are into the fantasy. Manufactured transexuals are sterile.
Every person of authority who can convince a child (S)he has been “misgendered” not only gets to get off on sexualizing the child, but eliminates one genetic strain from the human gene pool…
A person can totally see why ole flash bang did a flip floppy on the abortion bill….His life would be stress free today if ole pedo peter ( oh wait.. that is wrong if the laptop is real then that is pedo’s moniker for flash bang on his laptop and cell phone contacts list LOL) had been taken care of in the beginning.. but then His father probably be flippy floppy to..
OK, more factuals to get in the way, Jolts shows biggest drop in 2.5 years (in opening period Pandemic). And this is how available jobs to unemployed ratio gets right-sized:
I’m running Fib ratios to guestimate likely rise (as everyone, led by Hedgies, runs to one side of the boat). Trying to amend fine tip to charting with a wide dia. crayon, yileds: DJ target 30,832 / 31,498?
Sure wouldn’t want to be a Fed. Gov. sent to sell the strong mantra while UK financial sys. nearly broke (or, did break?). Ditto being a voting member at Fed. mtg. Nov 1-2 mere days before the midterm.
Plenty of opportunity comin’ to trade and cash a meal ticket.
Down pmt. on a car? What’s a down pmt?
Breakfast is better than none.
Write when you have time,
Did you ever hear of the Incredible Hulk, “belted by gamma rays”?
“Gamma Radiation is electromagnetic radiation of the shortest wavelength, and is emitted by the Infinity Stones. Gamma radiation was absorbed by Bruce Banner after he used it in his Super Soldier Serum, transforming him into Hulk.”
The Russian sub Belgorod is armed with missiles named Poseidon. Poseidon missiles have Cobalt warheads.
Russian submarine Belgorod (K-329)
Armament 6 Poseidon drones
“The Poseidon warhead can contaminate a large area with radiation. For this purpose, the Poseidon is speculated to be equipped with a cobalt bomb.[22][23] The Poseidon could be a radiological second strike weapon.[24][25]”
It’s gonna hurt us tremendously when we get struck. Whoever sees a Poseidon in action will either hulk-up or die. But don’t get me wrong, our side will win the rebuild.
I think it’ll be a sneak attack.
“Russia, Chinese Warships Spotted near Alaska. On Monday, the U.S Coast Guard issued a release stating that the joint Russian Navy – People’s Liberation Army Navy Surface Action group was sighted sailing approximately 75 nautical miles north of Kiska Island, Alaska, on Sept. 19.”
– 7 days ago
missile s/b underwater drone or torpedo. Many apologies.
geo-strategic attack plans suggest north sea insertion betwixed GB(citlon)& Belguim..btdt.. A two fer! – Ruskies are frugal, very frugal, by necessity.
One deposited along Atlantic coastline.. NYC, and one for DC/Norfolk/LittleCreek area.
Dont think they want to dirty up west coast ports/infrastructure with radiation. Kinzals 4 pinpoint strikes..will be needing to use those ports in future.
Dont forget Yo Fat Kim – king of the norks, who just launched ICBM clocked at mach 12+ over japan – he be doing the ChiComs dirtywork
The last thing I remember, for whatever reason the U.S. told citizens to leave Russia. The final warning for us is the Russian folks evacuating into the Urals. Then we are within 1 week.
Russia may test a Poseidon in the Pacific & a nuke by the Uke.
What is Russia’s Poseidon nuclear torpedo drone, and can it cause a nuclear tsunami?
Russia feared to be planning major nuclear test near border with Ukraine: report
The missile that went over Japan was close to Hawaii? Japan is defenseless.
I think gamma radiation would only last about 5 years. The six Poseidons against the West Coast would wreck us.
Did you ever hear of the space alien base off Malibu?
Assuming there are caves over there and not alien bases, California may get dropped.
An Underwater ‘Alien Base’ Off Malibu
“The missile that went over Japan was close to Hawaii? Japan is defenseless.”
Hmm I am thinking that Japan is Not as defenseless as we assume…This whole mess started because of NATO and USA expansion and parking missiles on the borders of countries that we guaranteed and signe agreements that we wouldn’t expand to..
“Assuming there are caves over there and not alien bases, California may get dropped.”
twenty years ago I told the Boss I wanted to put up Piers OOWS… so when the earth flipped or cali dropped into the ocean.. We could rent out docking spaces.. LOL LOL LOL she thought I was nuts LOL LOL LOL… ( she does not like my humor and will gladdly tell me.. You know your not very funny )LOL LOL
“The final warning for us is the Russian folks evacuating into the Urals. Then we are within 1 week.”
Why would they do that? Russia has nuke-proof bomb shelters underneath its cities, which have a capacity to house more people than the entire Russian population?
Steve, ya gotta get over this infatuation of yours with Poseidon — yer gonna piss Amphitrite off, and then we’ll ALL be in trouble…
LOL I loved that show.. Lou was quite the guy..
Divorce court –
Zelensky signs decree that rejects independence of Crimea, new Russian regions
“A copy of the decree, which was released on the Ukrainian presidential website, stated: “Decrees by the president of the Russian Federation No. 147 of March 17, 2014; No. 71 of February 21, 2022; No. 72 of February 21; No. 685 of September 29, 2022; No. 686 dated September 29, 2022 and any other decisions, acts and agreements that have been passed, issued and made based on and/or in relation to the execution of the said decrees by the president of the Russian Federation shall be recognized as null and void, and therefore have no legal implications.”
With Graham’s bill for a nationwide abortion ban on the hill, yes, abortion is on the ballot. You’re gaslighting. The choice to marry who one wants to and contraception are also on the ballot.
No one votes nationwide, foo. Mcconnel is not up until 2026.
Graham drops that same bill every year or two, and has for, like, the last 15 years.
When you don’t pay attention in class, you -=fail=-
In the future, try to keep up…
Finally an exhibition that we can all enjoy. Some are actual experts on the subject. Tickets are going fast.
What a bunch of CRAP! ;-)
Almost as good as watching MSM news LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL…
we will probably learn something in the process…
LOL LOL LOL I am going to get tickets LOL LOL.. then frame them LOL LOL God I love that one.. LOL LOL LOL…
that is almost as good as the miracle product of the century..
I can hear the boss already.. you got us tickets to WHAT!!!
“I can hear the boss already.. you got us tickets to WHAT!!!”
And the answer is:
“I got us tickets to a real shitshow, honey…”
Please make sure you have your sleeping space staked-out in Fido’s domicile, before you do so…
If you don’t think we are witnessing Kabooki theater to distract from the plan, you may be missing the point of all of this. Trough wars happen dating all the way back to when Tulip bulbs were in vogue. Follow the Money. For you home games that means the existing Sovereign Fiats are all trashed globally, thats because at Bretton Woods the $ was elected to be Keynes Bancor.. This is all a symptom that the $ music [as world reserve/bridge currency] has stopped playing.
Got Blockchain? stones laid – 4 Lyndons “UreAsianBridge”..see belt&rd.
“there is no doubt the american financial oligarchy is losing the hybrid orld war they started against all mankind.That includes all the lives lost as a result of the war that the ameircan and european financial oligarchy organized against Russia in ukraine. Wehave to muster all our forces to fight that evil and the creative legacy of Lyndon LaRouche helps in this”- Sergey Glazyev
steevo, Your mention of “witnessing Kabooki theater” brought to mind a way to evade the MSM. On my DirectTV system I recently discovered the LINKTV channel. It hosts newscasts from around the world including DW (German), Aljazeera English, and the upstart DemocracyNow! channel (USA). Saw an interview with Noam Chomsky on the last channel. Most here probably know his politics, but his appraisal of the future makes the crew here look like were all looking at the future through rose-colored glasses.
Re: “Sometimes I feel like a damned politician” said a writer perhaps having a blast tracking down big waves while surfing. Canada’s newspaper for the collar and tie set, “The National Post”, baleful headline began with “Trudeau’s Plunge…”. Yes, the Prime Minister bungee jumped in Quebec on Sunday (again) with two dependent children in his care. The jump was successful! The PM was shown in graceful descent and received a head dunk in the bracing lake waters below. Interestingly a TV commentator of not short stature remarked that she had made a jump at the same site and not come close to touching the water. For those feeling politically inclined, it may be of interest to note that the PM’s Liberal Party provincial counterparts were doused at the ballot box in yesterday’s Quebec provincial election.
There appears to be convergence over at the official White House schedule calendar. The VP and 2nd Gentleman have been close at hand offering up double star features this past weekend. Clicking the link for remarks delivered Saturday at the Phoenix Dinner leads to a 12/31/1969 unix error? Unusual for the Office, there is not a typical “no official duties” listed for Sunday.
Split hairs, not atoms!
Re: “Sometimes I feel like a damned politician”
You sure couldn’t do any worse.. and probably a lot more for the people..
Just remember to vote … and a vote for me is a vote for………………..NONE OFTHE ABOVE…..
Still 1.7 jobs for every unemployed person (doesn’t include full time bloggers cranking out conspiracy theories):
Retail, Restaurants, Housekeeping job put people back to work during ’30:
Hunter Biden committed fraud against business partners? (not proved in court yet), but Jared’s firm ordered to pay $3.2 million for his malicious treatment of his poor tenants:
Kushner being investigated for $2 billion Saudi investment (makes Hunter’s $5 mill deal look like chump change)
Pitchfork wielding voters? New poll says many still taking a divisive stance (many Capital Rioters already in jail):
Sorry Ray…Look all you like, you won’t find any (Quote) faux-Latin mixed with Spanish (End Quote) in my post. Goggle (or better yet, Qwant) can be your friend…*if* you use it. Word up.
“Uno” is not Latin — it is Spanish.
“Incompetentem” is not a word in Latin. It is “pig-English,” invented to make its speaker sound like they “know Latin” and have more intelligence than a box of rocks, which is probably inaccurate.
Unlike English, Latin uses “Latin structure” where declensions and conjugations must be strictly followed. It has been years since I read, wrote, or spoke Latin, but it was the utter lack of proper syntax in your comment which grated like nails on a chalkboard and compelled me to look it up.
I suggest you figure out how to use your brain, rather than depending on a computer which can not convey nuance, and provides information which is only as good as a programmer or data-entry plebe cares to make it.
The Lincoln Project
THE LINCOLN PROJECT is a five-part docu-series following a veteran group of former GOP operatives and strategists known publicly as the Lincoln Project. The fastest-growing super PAC in America, takes on the task of “saving democracy” and defeating their own party’s sitting president, Donald Trump. While working to accomplish their stated goal of “defeating Trumpism,”
The series will premiere on October 7 at 8 p.m. ET/PT
Amazing! There are hundreds of millions of people, both here and abroad, who lack the deductive ability to figure out there’s a reason the people who hate the United States fear Donald Trump to their core. It annoys me that “The Lincoln Project” is made up principally of “Republicans” because these “Republicans” are to a one, neocons — national socialists — who left the Democratic Party and called themselves “Republicans” simply because they preferred a different kind of socialism than the remaining Democrats.
And this piece of dreck is simply another reason to never spend a dime on Showtime access…
And, hence, the reason Mark dove head first into their midst and still calls himself a Republican while everything he says is indistinguishable from the Democratic platform. The status quo of money flow must continue!
I am sorry Bill in Cali.. I believe that that probably is about as republican as you can get there in the city where you drop your keys you kick them to the corner before you bend over and pick them up LOL.. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL… I didn’t know or realize that the lincoln project was suppose to be conservative.. the whole shameful activities of msm and the democratic party totally reminded me of that nazi program on community engineering .they had way back when.. even had the Jewish community supporting them at the time.. those I know that escaped the ghetto and the camps said as much they didn’t know so they didn’t leave when they should have ..
what wasn’t visible was their darker motives and beliefs..
“When the Nazis seized power in Germany in 1933 they promised to create a new, harmonious society under the leadership of the Führer, Adolf Hitler. The concept of Volksgemeinschaft, lit. ‘the people’s community’, enshrined the Nazis’ vision of society.”
Look how that group discredited the administration.. and then look how they are treating this administration that has done so much that it baffles the mind at how they can ignore it all…same thing just a different name..
LOL. Well who the heck reads George’s blog other than a handful of people and still with a modicum of anonymity? If WB had a conservative bone in his body he could safely expound on it here. Still haven’t heard him say anything that wouldn’t give Gruesome a wet dream.
“I didn’t know or realize that the lincoln project was suppose to be conservative..”
It is in no way conservative.
The members of The Lincoln Project are neoconservatives, which is to say nationalist socialists. If you think of them as far-Left nazis or fascists, you’ll be far closer to the truth than if you regard any of them as being politically right-of-center. Most of them are (or were) “Republican” (note capital “R” — it means something) but none of them are conservative, none of them support the United States Constitution, and none of them believe in the preservation of the United States as an experiment in individual freedom and liberty, nor that Americans should have individual Rights or freedoms.
White House launches last ditch effort to dissuade OPEC from cutting oil production to avoid a ‘total disaster’
The White House is “having a spasm and panicking,” another US official said, describing this latest administration effort as “taking the gloves off.” According to a White House official, the talking points were being drafted and exchanged by staffers and not approved by White House leadership or used with foreign partners.
Some of the draft talking points circulated by the White House to the Treasury Department on Monday that were obtained by CNN framed the prospect of a production cut as a “total disaster” and warned that it could be taken as a “hostile act.”
In case y’all didn’t grasp this, and its implications:
Our Strategic Energy Reserve is nearly empty.
OPEC has decided to cut its production back to “normal output levels.”
Light, sweet, is on track to go to $160/bbl soonly.
Prices have bumped nationwide by 6¢ this week (mine are up 36¢), which doesn’t sound like a lot — give it a minute — crude’s gonna double before year’s end…
Accordingly, despite the tax moratorium not going away until after Election Day, petrol prices are about to go orbital. I anticipate hearing a bunch of bitch & moan stories about people walking to the polls because they can’t afford that nine buck a gallon gas, or can’t find any. (If Biden can’t bully OPEC, he’ll threaten the PetCos. However, if they can not sell at a profit, they’ll stop production.)
The Biden Administration has warned that OPEC nations which cut their crude oil output are committing hostile acts against the United States. IOW, if Saudi Arabia chooses to close their spigot, we then have the legal right, in Biden’s mind, to attack Arabia and appropriate Aramco.
I sincerely hope the never-Trumpers are proud. Because of their efforts to install this immoral, perverse, larcenous, nutcase regime, we have become the most-dangerous rogue state in the history of the world.
Wall St. Posts 3rd Straight Quarterly Loss
The Dow closed the books on its steepest September decline in 20 years on Friday, skidding across the finish line of a tumultuous quarter fraught with historically hot inflation, rising interest rates and recession fears.
All three major indexes ended sharply lower, having quashed a brief rally early in the session.
The S&P and the Dow notched their third consecutive weekly declines, and all three indexes posted their second straight monthly losses.
So, are we in a recession yet, or are we going straight to “depression…?”
The Western ruling class & the rich will do ANYTHING to preserve the U.S. led “rules-based international order”.
ANYTHING includes allowing the Western masses to go broke, hungry & freeze this winter.
ANYTHING also includes risking WW3 with China & Russia.
Here’s why…
This “order” enables the U.S. (and by extension, its Western allies) to control the world’s financial system.
It preserves the USD as the global reserve currency & allows America to print “money” with impunity to fund endless wars of resource extraction & asset privatisation.
Not as dry as it seems. Don’t be afraid to give it a look…
I hear you…
cmon man! this shit show is as fundamental as it gets in World history.
2 famiies -Rothchild & Rockafeller . They control 65% of World Oil, 70-80% World banks.
Jacob and David want/ed Russian Oil& Gas – all of it.
All those “bad” oligarchs the resident ‘jesuits” are always citing – are/ were in reality Rothchild agents/fronts – remember khordovsky and Yukos – Pooters locked him up for tax fraud – he transferred stolen ownership of all yukos shares to Jakob= Scar. PooterZ promptly nationalized the company.. rinse and repeat for the last 40 yrs.
Has alwaysz been about the 2 diabolical families..See WW1, WW2, Vietnam, UN, WEFers..
Its news like that .. and then informing Nato countries to prepare..
so how close are we to another nagasaki…
the difference is.. this time the people standing opposed to nato expansion also have the same capabilities.. Now think about it.. you read that the preparations are in the works.. who flips the switch first.. if they wait.. then they cease to exist.. if they act we cease to exist.. and if either does.. then the people on the planet cease to exist..
remember who we have driving the bus..
“so how close are we to another nagasaki…”
We are considerably closer than we were during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
We are a population steeped in innocence, run by fanatic socialists who believe we can survive a nuclear war and “casualties” can be of an “acceptable number.”
Kinda makes you wonder who owns the crystal ball at Deagel, don’t it…?
I guess Google is not your cup of tea. So let me help…There is a famous legal saying and Latin Maxim (that the lefties invoked in the attempted Kavanaugh lynching). It goes something like this (you insufferable, gormless, bellend): “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus”. You could even look it up. Here, I’ll do it for you.,_falsus_in_omnibus. I was making a play on that LATIN Maxim in my post that you took issue with. Guess you missed that. So, Just who’s tutoring who? BTW so sorry to hear about your loss of color and all (You know your [sic] “Pallor”. Maybe instead of owning yourself with risible language lessons, you should just go outside and get some sun. That will put you in the pink for sure. As for me, I am inconsolable. Hearing that my post above has caused you to become pale has put me under a pall of sorts. Get it? If not, let me be more direct, *dense* language boy…you are hoist on the petard of your own ignorance. Ironic.
Hm. This whole thing got started when someone made a comment about the Russian military, and then used that brush to tar the civilian builders of the NordStream pipelines.
How much does that differ from someone commenting about the past urban violence & and destruction, and then using that brush to tar the readership here? (Just look at the name of the site!)
Your adage has historically been used to criticize an individual. Using it to criticize an entire population smells like a logical fallacy to me, as well as asking for a whole lot of tu quoque replies. (I’d look up some logical fallacies, but I’m on the clock in three minutes.)
Dick…well…Sorta. The whole thing got started (as you say) when someone (Moi) made THIS benign post: (Quote) Based on the incompetence in the field of the previously vaunted Russian Military thus far, it might just be that Occam’s Razor fully supports the methane-hydrates/incompetent maintenance causation that George linked to the other day. Incompetentem in uno; incompetentem in omnibus perhaps? (End Quote). Please note the “Might just be” part. That is a speculation as to *what might be* involving the Russian Army. You may see it as a tarring an *entire population*. But then you would be wrong. The article George previously linked to regarding Methan-hydrates, provides a firm basis for my speculation about the group of Russians in charge of Nord maintenance. The performance of the (previously) vaunted Russian Army in recent weeks (an attendant legion of media reports of their disarray…to include comparisons with the similar inept *initial* performance of the Russian Army in the Great Patriotic War) provide a firm basis for my speculation about that group of Russians. Regardless of what these speculations *smell* like to you, they don’t seem to be illogical. But opinions vary. And, by focusing on your olfactory abilities, you tendentiously miss the point of the post you are responding to. And that point is… for what ever reason…my new Bestie, Ray, used my (as it pertained to him in any way) anodyne post to launch into a series self hilariously owning tutorials on Latin and language. In which he made himself a figure of fun. I fully expect him to continue do so in about 5….4…3…2….