“Markets don’t go down forever” is a commonly used financial saying. Usually offered as condolences by some still well-off by-stander with no skin in the game. Empathy is easy when no tuition is due.
We’re up only a bit over 9 percent this month. And we haven’t been trading the past two days. (Maybe next week.) Still, the charts appear (and this is not trading advice) to be moving in the direction we predicted months back, although events have been very slow getting here.
In our Aggregate Index work, the blue arrow is gone, but you can still see the market unwinding toward the top of the long-term green trend channel here:

The two next logical steps to this likely Major 3 down will be either a) a fake out rally back above the 85-day moving average line next week, or we will go down to the green upper trend channel and then rally just ahead of the Fed pronouncements on the 18th.
We don’t particularly care which way it goes.
The One Ugly Secret We’ll Share
You would think after more than 50-years of financial (and other) reporting, there would be one piece of “ground truth” that I see people missing. There is and I’m going to give you a Ure Axiom for your book.
“Markets can go to heaven or hell and you can make just as much money, either way. The trick comes down to only getting one thing right: The direction to be traded.”
In other words, like the Professor of Chance taught me in Las Vegas back in 1970, “If you’re going to make important money, you have to wager important money.” Do this enough times – until you get a good grubstake – and then push back from the table. We have been, thereby, living happily ever after for more than 20-years in th woods.
I don’t know if I have met a “poor person” yet who wasn’t risk-averse or outright lazy. But happiness doesn’t fall out of the sky on most people. You have to mine it, refine it, wine it, and dine it. This is the time of day when The Truth about people becomes apparent. If they can’t leap out of bed and get after it, the payoff tables quickly turn against them.
Somehow that’s revelatory.
Jobs Data
IF you insist on working for someone else, this will matter more than if you put some effort into creating “Your own brand to ride for…” Here’s the latest thrill of the shills:
“Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 142,000 in August, and the unemployment rate changed little at 4.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in construction and health care.
In the Labor Database this morning, the number of people getting jobs in the latest month was actually a lot stronger than the headline – 268-thosuand. (No rate drop?)
And the CES Birth-Death Model (estimating jobs in and out of existence) claimed… (these are in thousands) for any increase this month was – all in estimated jobs!
Next week shapes up in an orderly way. No real big breaking news in the planned headlines for Monday. But a war here, a war there, and that could end up in a brick wall somewhere. Tuesday the NFIB optimism read is out. There could be some action Wednesday when the new inflation numbers roll – this will be the last official numbers before Rate Day a week from next Wednesday.
As of this morning, by the way, there’s still a 61 percent majority expecting the rates to hold. We have no idea whether the Fed will lower rates – the final decision might not be in yet, but after next Wednesday, we should see things crystalize around the central tendency. And then the market will piss away the next several trading days doing either a “buy the rumor to sell the news” or “sell the rumor and buy the news.” At this macro head-tripping level, I’m inclined to expect some “buy the rumor” because (on the off chance they lower) it will set of an economic decline which will bleed into the next year.
We should still be two weeks out from super-elevated risk of first use of nukes by anyone. But we wouldn’t put it past the neocons – lapdogs of the Owners – to attempt a false flag horror show in the coming two or three weeks. That’s because there needs to be a credible scapegoat installed so that people will accept that it was nukes – not a completely hypothecated global financial system – blowing up that caused all the global misery…
Speaking of Hypothecates
Barfcoins were trying to claw back over $57,000 after falling to the $55,380 level overnight.
If you are still a True Believer, has a look at US Bitcoin ETFs hit 7-day losing streak, outflows surpass $1 billion (cryptobriefing.com) if you’re still on the sauce rom last night.
Still need some “hair of the dog?” How’s about Is This Why Bitcoin’s Price Continues to Decline? (cryptopotato.com).
Pitiful Parents Department?
We don’t like to be judgy, but just notice two parents making headlines over their children’s behavior in these:
- U.S. president’s son Hunter Biden convicted for evading tax, faces 17 years’ imprisonment. Will Daddy Joe pardon him? Or will it be president Harris who does that
- And there may be something to all to learn in How Georgia School Shooting Suspect Colt Gray’s Father Missed All the Warning Signs (thedailybeast.com).
The (alleged) will be in Federal court shortly.
The Meh Files
(Bring your own hecklefish. I don’t need one – I’m married…)
Not sure if this is a cartography error, or what: South Korea, Japan ‘ready to stop North Korea hiding behind Russia’. then there’s North Korea and the 13 Disappearing Submarines.
Guts Medicine solidifies as the next Big thing as Parkinson’s may begin in the gut, study says, adding to growing evidence.
And hey, anything to go viral, am I right? 93-Year-Old Great-Grandmother Allegedly Beaten to Death with Hatchet by Two 13-Year-Old Girls – The Published Reporter
Around the Ranch: Death of the Desktop
I sent a note up to my consigliere Thursday – with links to the two “mini computers” we have rolled over into for everything major around here. One of them is this one (the Big One) while this is the small (and cheap under $200) version.
Near as I can figure it, I’ll never buy another Desktop. The reason is really two-fold. First is that desktops are bulky and ungainly. But the real point is flexibility. There are so many things that you can do with a USB 3.2 port that it means the desktop has become almost obsolete.
We still have one in the music studio, but the only reason there is I have the 1394 firewire to go into the mixer console. But even here, the world is in process of rolling over into 3.2 for everything. With a Desktop, once you put in an optical drive, for example, you’re done. But if you want a second drive, well, then the USB ports come into play anyway. Plus, the power supplies are simple with a lot of the smaller minicomputers. I don’t like having to pay $100 plus for a PSU when I can get the same thing from a small one-size-fits all block with a voltage switch on it.
Point I’m getting to is that for a lot of applications, the small minicomputers are a great solution and are definitely worth a look. Especially when you can find BIG multiple terabytes drives on the cheap.
Yagi, Brisqi, and Frisky
Ham radio corner: Say, here’s a monster Yagi with an amazing turning radius for you: Super Typhoon Yagi threatens southern China, Vietnam.
Might get the new K4TR “Senior” W5GI up this weekend. The antenna gets good reviews and we covered the SWR view of the “junior” in a ShopTalk article back when? (Toward bottom of page). I’m looking forward to getting the 40-meter gain so I can talk with my friend Michael up in the East Bay.
Brisqi? Up early this morning getting the next few days of work planned out in Brisqi. Mentioned it to you before, but it’s a kan-ban style to do list and event he free version of quite excellent (Ash has done a fine job on it). Brisqi – Offline-first Personal Kanban App
Frisky: Went in for my follow-up blood pressure check. 132/70 and the heart was still beating occasionally. Today, the blood pressure will be challenged again – going on a grocery run.
Hungry: Leftover spaghetti and meat sauce – which is one of the best meals out there. Enough carbs to power the day but also enough protein to keep you going. No sugar, other than the noodles.
Shopping days are a fun break from the kitchen work for us. When the bread is fresh from the bakery, the deli meats just sliced, pickles topped up, and some pre-made chicken noodle soup, we like to have this one “Sandwich night” every couple of weeks. Hard to beat soup and sandwiches.
Off to rock the weekend – write when you get rich. And don’t forget that $500!
An older sibling got Covid a few weeks back. She thought it was allergies until Doc made her take a test on an unrelated office visit. I told her she is now free to move about the country.
I believe everyone should do what works for them. Still, I much prefer a full-on desktop. I prefer the larger monitor(s), the desktop hides down in a desk cubby rather than up on the desk, the cooling air moving through it I feel is better utilized with the higher-end components I use, and a full-size keyboard and mouse feel much better to me. I also use wired peripherals instead of wireless when possible to save on batteries and desktops have lots of built-in ports without needing another box for ports only. There are so many sites/apps that push you to use the iPhone and such, but, when possible, I go to the desktop from ease of use and reading a large screen. Maybe I’m the luddite here? :)
Nothing wireless here either, Phil – and an HDMI doesn’t care what it’s plugged into. In my case a Vizo MAX QlED but suit yourself…
G: “on the off chance they lower”
Meaning the Fed? Oh, they _will_ cut. They have to. FedHead JayPow has telegraphed the first cut. He’s so damned predictable so will probably go .25 though .50 is catching an even bid (where it matters, on Wall St.). We could discuss what’s the correct move but this _is_ coming, Fed. last chance move to save their vaunted soft landing.
Good luck with that. Really.
Puzzle pieces are on the move and some fairly dramatic vol. may be incoming. Dislocations appear random but, methinks powerful forces aka: PPT (President’s Working Group) are throwing elbows to shape markets. The Fed. will play their part.
Jay Powell has two mandates and employment is wobbling. Per discussion here, it’s not the first bite of the apple, it’s the revisions (capped off by whacking >800,000 from the fictional roles). Every month …
The third, and probably operative mandate, is legacy. These are mostly the same folks who overused “transient” and have reverted to full face saving mode. Economic engineering underway.
Please remain seated until the ride comes to a complete halt.
Sail racing vernacular: keep in the middle of the course.
Talk about old dogs..”barfcoin”..proving one again FUD is as FUDster G writes. La Mancha man been out of tune since the very beginning…How not to gain Wealth – Ure killing it!
4 those who may be interested in Investing and making MONEY, no not you Wishful Thinkers – that scheisse has NEVER worked, like ever, but hay Hope springs eternal, so keep on praying.
*Believers never back test – I wonder why that is?
The below link takes you the “Land of Opportunity”, but you must posses some kinda of Vision, as the Eyes nose the flavor of prophets wherever they may grow..in this case on the Block Chain…https://link.mail.beehiiv.com/ss/c/u001.GAf-sdlc-s8Yz_ZKgVPWpTpRnKvlwNyn364WvuGElcMF5V-ajIyIAnjEZQIYNdDJt39Ju63x85DZU-4iTFW0UCcWBysmmmWlwNu9uQnVdRcnafLiTG3gQ-cx5LGqpyxcOvunxOKhFAb1mJw4g4FFLB6vUCxXwcK2o7vvJmgjAoC9Xyxp225XudXvRb6-4pON4I0tc9SBIOGZJ3bp6CrDNE7upZpKthLQ7OBRDqP0JXEZNUKPFeTs6NGxcdUn4YCjB3nS9tfpPRl02CL-xlL0-d6TrndxL0S81X4M40P5YpiNQdhi5w42MFuzNDu31Fnj0aWk8rYgwchiGLCuBTpiY6ERBWMagvU4qThxkv00gr9IlHa6GTY5A-WjYgUVM7oYzJQG9c8Qk7kUpyTNMxidAtC16WFfA3jmRjiRhwrIEb2CWyHhc_kDR1-NE36iyacG2dR73Hj9vZ53w2iuzWwjWKlbgB7sbgPCoDCmN_sHgPz9zXMExDx3T4Ro2WPKS9r_ooQcseOYr2FyGJZ5itjRvJFdznRMnxzec46cGqLUPELSzJwt4D2Gt6sxGZqe_HMyjUu_SN31T_kzs2rxluvhSGlLXujCYRWw7ahsIBD21Ya02ohSwoX4Ctd6vuEp-1Hcf9o3pq9ayo0s-VEmre4HYGHU6UwTKx0FTXV170IBgSqZwzrPi6PndFjbhCzB4Vnec9QIILRTpb0uf-Pjd71yeYF_oRj4yLX6GwAAZUM3twY/49j/6d9yhybUSSyagh3dneYUag/h0/h001.NWnL_AtAkK8qayzYQJ0V0LFJrOeNyCJHQGTjMq4rA7k
Ask Ureself this Question – Why Does the FBI prefer Criminals who Use BTC versus $100 bills ? WHY Pray tell, plain as the nose on Ure face.
..some moar light please mr bcn..think Block Chain..its TRANSPARENT…duh oooh!
U do know what you can do with Ure durty dollars ?
BCN suggests Wallpapering the hall Bathroom with em, Ure design cues may vary..
That’s right kiddies – mail all those boxes of paper FRN to me right away! Before that have even more value next year!
We had the BTC all time high hit prior to the halving event [ first time since inception] and we have not had that 50% midcycle bullmarket pullback that BTC is famous for before launching the moon shot. That Pullback would be to ~$32K. I have some dry powder for that day if it comes, and with a ten year outlook. I may never sell my select crypto holdings, rather lease it back to the bank in a custody arrengement. Ill happily tax up to that. All that being said, BTC isnt at the manipulation point [yet] that precious metals have achieved, though we are getting closer as the banksters have run our of exchanges to pillage Mt Gox, FTX,Luna Coin, Bank of NY, govt dumping et sl. LOL.
What you have to monitor with a wallstreet market maker mindset, is watching certain crypto you tubers discussing their trading positions online for the specialists to naked short, or pump long [opposite of sixpack’s daytrader dot com positions]. Again, It’s all about being on the right side of the trade [I like to cite Buffet’s Time Diversity here].
I dont bother trying to time this thing for all of the above games, you arent going to win againsts Alladin A.I. or any of the other AI platforms out there shaving pennines on 1M unit quantity trades. However Buy Bitcoin and hold it for 4 years, put it in a hardware wallet and wait, something magical appears.
Lets see here, Buy = one BTC on Jan 30, 2017….
I would have invested ~$1K and be up ~$58K. Seein’s how weve been talkin about this since 2017, at least.
Or perhaps 4 years back 9/6/2020.
I would have invested ~$10K and be up ~$48K. Seein’s how weve been talkin about this since 2017, at least.
The bank doesnt like it because the second mortgage is paid off and the primary is next LOL. Filled with Gratitude.
Let’s stick to Occam’s razor Friday, and the 3 rules of BTC as cited by British HODL:
Keep sitting on your hands and enjoy the show LOL.
All markets are captured and manipulated. Directly HODLing the asset, as Micheal Saylor [CEO Microstrategy suggests] in a private wallet, and you can sit out the diatribe, the opinionated talk,[Oxford comma] and enjoy that you were in it early [like all the specialists were, buying and holding green bananas from down on the Embarcadero OTC before the media hype cycle].
Got Blockchain?
(Lets see here, Buy = one BTC on Jan 30, 2017….
I would have invested ~$1K and be up ~$58K. Seein’s how weve been talkin about this since 2017, at least.)
Back in the seventies.. there was a game called the money game.. you bought a square.. when all the squares on the pyramid were full.. you bought a lower square it split and two more pyramids were formed withe the two on the bottom.. Ok.. I did good on it.. but it was just a square.. eventually people got wise and they outlawed the game.. there wasn’t a thing being sold except the image that you would eventually get the capital of the pyramid..
what kept me from buying bit coin when I first heard about it.. they weren’t even worth a nickle.. everyone kept telling me it was a bank.. but seriously.. where was the bank.. and its ties to dark web activities.. I would rather invest at the bank and I know that they loaned the money out to a neighbor or the local merchant to buy goods etc.. the fact that it was totally untraceable and the thought that I might have invested in some scheme that would benefit some horrible event just was not something I condone in real life and would never condone for profit.. I would rather go to mcdonalds and get me a bag of french fries and some of the sweet and sour sauce yumm.. and know that I helped the company pay for that young man or woman serving me wages.. just my opinion.. I would never own any of it..
‘The Time Tunnel’ actor James Darren passes away at 88…
madow & cheney..a pair made in the Kur-gal (4th Di.)
Demonics, malogenes, or just dudes that look kinda like Women?
Obviously dumber than rocks, a real shame, as majority of Women I know are very Sharp witted and looking.
Nothing about that clip is “real” – nothing, not the actors, not the set, not the subjects discussed – 100 % pure unadultered bullscheisse.
Duel Diagnosis – Traitorous Cranial Rectalitus (Traitors) w/head up ass)
Treatment : 1 Cigarette, 1 Blindfold, 1 .22 cal bullet, Per.
Please notice that when Ure gets “judgy” he doesn’t attack appearances (manly or other)
Nor does he mention high speed lead in the periphery. And he even goes light on conspiracy. Realizing that people (Brother Alex, for example) have been financially cauterized for such intrusions into what Clif calls the “narradigm.”
With hand on the yellow flag – no violence toward people should ever be inferred. (At least at such a wimpy caliber!). If you are going to threaten someone who is not as bright as we, please conform to national policy and cite use of 15 kt and larger devices. The smaller calibers are a liability issue. Above 15 kt it is state policy.
Please also notice the design contradiction between dems and their silly “gun control” while fomenting global war at larger calibers.
Thank you – thank you very much
George has left the building
Re NAC from a page at Peakprosperty wherein you are mentioned:
“info from Dr. William Davis’ book Super Gut that I wasn’t aware of and seems important.
In the book he recommends NAC short term for it’s capacity as a biofilm disruptor in his SIBO/SIFO protocols (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth).
However, he also says: “Biofilm disruption is, however, an unhealthy practice outside the few days it’s used in purposeful eradication of SIBO. I cringe when I hear that some people are taking NAC as part of an effort, for instance, to preserve brain health b/c of NAC’s ability to enhance the brain antioxidant glutathione – all the while they are also disrupting the mucus lining of their GI tract, a potentially dangerous practice over the long term.”
Disrupting the sensitive mucus lining of the GI tract means that microbes come into direct contact with the intestinal wall and their metabolic breakdown products can enter the bloodstream or even gain entry to the intestinal wall…”
(“I don’t know if I have met a “poor person” yet who wasn’t risk-averse or outright lazy.”)
Well up until recently I have never been lazy.. lately I have been taking my time doing things.. but taking the risk.. with money tight and hard to come by.. I hate taking the chance on the market direction its like buying that winning lottery scratch ticket.. working at a seven eleven type station it didn’t take long to realize that the seventh ticket was a two dollar winner.. if you didn’t hit it on the seventh then the fifteenth ticket was a five dollar winner.. if it didn’t hit on that one.. then it was a sure thing that a big ticket was coming up someplace in the pile..
we would count what was being sold and then both of us would chip in to buy the seventh etc..
made money.. but it was a GAMBLE… like the money game.. back in the seventies.. as long as it kept moving you would come out ahead.. those at the bottom eventually would be losers.. we are those at the bottom of the pyramid now.. seeing how my boss gambled on the markets in the seventies and eighties.. and lost millions of dollars.. and a farmer that had prime sections of land where he lost it all playing the markets.. he thought he had it whipped..
Then a few years ago.. an old friend called me he was so into the markets.. he wanted me to go in with him.. well when microsoft first came out and the shares were under ten dollars.. we both wanted to buy what we had in microsoft and cisco.. great companies but we couldn’t find a broker that would invest our measly five grand.. ( we would have been millionaires if we had..) or putting the portion that they take out of your check every payday for social security.. ( my share paid in if I had just had it invested in savings bods would have been millions of dollars) anyway.. he and his wife went out for breakfast.. he forgot to take the limits off.. and he came back to discover he was sixty seven thousand dollars richer.. he was so excited.. I said.. I would take that and just forget about playing it for a while.. instead he went on.. and I hadn’t heard from him in a few years then one day his son calls me up and says.. would you have a talk with dad.. he had lost his home the farm they owned his retirement everything.. he lost it all in his eagerness to make money gambling..
well I had a talk with him and he was eventually able to buy a home again and get a loan.. and he is retiring in three weeks. now he can’t afford the increasing taxes and expenses on his retirement funds so he is going to buy a camper and move around the country.. I tried to talk him out of that to.. but it is what it is.. I cannot afford to take the chance on losing what little bit we have.. otherwise I would love to play the markets.. its not whether or not anyone has the opportunities cross them by we all do.. its being able to take advantage of those opportunities that varies. but then that is just my opinion.. if I had a few coins to toss around.. well I probably would use them for something stupid like assisting someone to get back on their feet. which is what I do when I can now . LOL the biggest reason I will never win the lottery LOL I would build my solar tower and make mobile clinics to hit the smaller communities etc.. LOL
I tend to bet on the American People. After the American Crooks have been thrown out of office and there’s a chance of peace again.
I sure hope your right.. what is surprising is there are more good people than bad overall..
That doesn’t matter. Good people get sucked in by the propaganda as easily as bad people — maybe moreso…
I agree. The “trick” is to get the crooks thrown out of office.
No one here except Mark (who “doesn’t post any more” ;-) likes Pelosi. No one here believes she is a “good” Congressman. However, she will be re-elected until she dies, because her constituents will vote her in.
Because we, as the “voting public,” can spot a suck Congresscritter a mile away, but we can’t spot one that’s right under our nose. We tend to tell ourselves “they all suck, except ours, who brings home the bacon to our district…”
Until we, as voters, make voting choices based on the health of our Nation first, and the pork in our Districts or States second, the bâtards, SOBs, and commies in Congress, will remain in Congress…
Its like our congressman.. when he was a young man seeking to get into office.. he and his wife hit the streets stopped by.. we had him come in for coffee and cookies.. nice young man nice wife .. his vision of what he stood for was an honorable one.. he believed he could help.. he is an old man now and has been in office many years.. after his first term he was voted out of office.. and instantly hired by some big firm that gave him millions of dollars a year.. he got back in after that..
He sold out.. we had another that didn’t even make it three weeks until they were voted out.. before they were bought off.. I try not to vote for anyone that has been in office before.. or currently in office.. the problem is it is allowed to corrupt the politicians.. they get gifts vacations .. remember when they shut down the country because of budget.. the special interest groups took the whole works to some exclusive resort.. NOW another thing I see is.. they aren’t there.. they no longer read the bills or write them .. which is why they are around a thousand pages each.. they aren’t at work long enough to read the crap.. I forced myself to get through six hundred and something pages of the health bill.. it was so confusing and so many redirections that you would have to have a team of lawyers to go through it to know what in the hell it even says.. I believe that is done on purpose.. the fine print .. so make them write the dam thing themselves.. I can guarantee that it won’t be a thousand pages long..more like a paragraph… like the old days.. then make them read the dam thing.. and no absentee voting.. if they aren’t there when it comes up to a vote.. then the majority wins.. show up to work .. punch a time clock.. of course we all know this will never happen.. just like ..LINE ITEM VETO.. that went over only long enough to hit the first bill.. then as shit was being crossed out they ran to the courts to have it thrown out as not being constitutional..
so no more gifts given to congress no insider trading.. and they show up for work punch a timeclock and have to read the bills .. just like they teach every high school and grade school student.. no tabling of bills either.. once it hits the floor.. they go through it vote yae or nae and then it is over.. if they can’t get through it.. then it has to be tossed out and everything maintains as it was originally voted in or out..
(“I agree. The “trick” is to get the crooks thrown out of office.”)
who’s gonna toss em out..trump is the only president that went in and left poorer than when he went in. Congress could give a dam. no one stuck around during holiday to work the problems..and everyone has been working trying to destroy trump ten years of attacks all whilst the brand is still operating our borders are open and they expect the citizens to build them all a new house and pay their way.. while American citizens can’t even get the benefits until they have paid in 40 quarters..
and no one sees the issue. they have our military out on so many fronts and giving hundreds of billions of dollars out in weapons and aid surveillance etc. which red line in the sand will it be to escalate this. all on a war where we are supporting the most corrupt countries on the planet a war that we cannot win..
to reader – ‘john’
– Regarding my trading.
I should also state that I have a dual degree – math & physics – and over the years have developed a couple of my own math formulas for trading. Thus, my occasional comment: “Dancing on my T.I. Scientific calculator”.
.., and I did say that I ‘never’ trade single stocks. That is not completely accurate. I have., on rare occasions, traded options on a single stock. Just not enough times to make a note of it. [ Just made a four day trade on Nvidia that was quite rewarding. – four days is a long time for an option’s trade – in my opinion – but I do make them occasionally.]
The dad, Colin Gray might be hit. If he isn’t prosecuted the laws will be changing for sure. First in MI and now in GA then across the land, right?
Gun ownership is being turned into an insurable liability. The right won’t be infringed but if something happens with a firearm the owner will have to bear responsibility.
Since everything is distilled into dollars how much is a kid who was shot down at school worth? And how does one collect their judgment. That’s going to be an expensive insurance policy.
Hunter Biden, in a last minute effort to avoid another public beating – I mean trial., plead guilty to all the charges in his tax case – on the same day the jury was about to be selected.
The judge accepted the plea.
Biden already faces up to 25 years behind bars in the gun case and is set to be sentenced on Nov. 13.
His tax case sentencing was scheduled for Dec. 16. Those charges carry up to 17 years in prison, though federal sentencing guidelines will likely suggest a shorter sentence.
President Biden has repeatedly vowed not to pardon his son, promising after the gun conviction that he would “continue to respect the judicial process.”
This does not mean that if elected, Harris won’t pardon him. But that would be a very big public and political mistake.
Unless Hunter gets a slap and a fine, Joe will pardon him.
The reason for the guilty plea is it takes a negative Biden Administration vibe which could play for weeks, and reduces it to a one-day news blurb today, and a one day blurb when he’s sentenced. Sentencing will occur about half-way between the Election and the swearing-in. If Trump wins, this plea guarantees that Joe will be able to pardon him before leaving office.
I am willing to bet that there is or will be a clause that forgives any other transgressions against the law.. so no future crimes if they sway towards the big T crimes.. they walk free.. where if it was you or me.. we would spend the rest of our lives in prison..
I’m willing to bet someone on Trump’s legal team will obtain, read, and process the fine points of Hunter’s final agreement, and will make a LOT of noise, should there be any such language in the documents.
Remember no one stayed in DC to work out any of this mountain of issues that the country faces.. they all went home hell the pilot for my congress critters is still sitting home watching old i love lucy shows.. no need to get up or change out of his jammies if no one is going to need him to actually go to work.. and as long as the special interest groups keep paying his wages.. why not stay at home drink coffee..
that has me wondering.. why aren’t any of the members of congress taking a more serious look at what is actually going on.. if there is a hidden army brought over by this administration.. then who is the target..
Ai says..
(Conquering armies often target politicians during a takeover for several strategic reasons:
Control and Stability: Politicians hold significant power and influence over the population. By capturing or neutralizing them, the conquering force can quickly establish control and reduce resistance.
Legitimacy: Installing their own leaders or gaining the support of existing politicians can lend legitimacy to the new regime, making it easier to govern and gain acceptance from the local population and international community.
Disruption of Command: Politicians often have control over military and police forces. Removing them disrupts the chain of command, making it harder for the existing government to organize a counter-offensive.
Psychological Impact: Targeting politicians can demoralize the population and the remaining government forces, leading to quicker surrender and less prolonged conflict.)
its the same reason they target the wealthy and the upper income neighborhoods of society.. when Hussein took over he smoked a cuban cigar as the members of their congress were taken out and eliminated.. the families of the politicians are also a target.. and by every threat analyst out there.. they suspect between three hundred thousand to a million elite warriors have entered.. not even considering these countries emptied out their prisons..
are our politicians so sheltered that they don’t even know what our puppet regimes have done when they took over a country.. for my simple mind its awful confusing..
Two FOMC Board Members have said virtually the same thing in the past couple of days.
“I don’t want to be into a position of cutting rates, then forced to raise them again.” – St Louis Fed-Head
– I guess they have actually looked at what happens when you cut rates when inflation is still on the back-burner of the economic stove.
According to my son, who’s becoming “investment literate” so fast he’s passed me in knowledge, we’re going to tank, whether they cut rates, raise rates a little, a lot, or none at all, the only questions being “how quickly” and “how badly.”
I agree with your son… the… BEST… I see that we can or hope to expect is the demise of the dollar.. or at least it being taken off of the board as the one to lean on.. the Cloward Piven strategy.. and millions of illegals.. buying all of them a new home.. while sending our elderly and poor to the streets.. what I see is the poor struggling to even be able to stay in a low income housing.. shop owners that cannot even afford the electric bills.. medical facilities that cannot stay open.. they cut the support staff to justify the outragious wages of the top executives.. We need the social separation.. we need a low middle and upper social class structure.. but.. we went from having the social class separation to the one of the haves and the have nots.. this doesn’t give anyone a positive view of .. if i do this.. I will be able to be this..
I think of my fathers boss.. he had thousands of employees all around the globe.. great guy.. he was wealthy.. but he did it slowly not all at one time.. saved for the future.. today its the opposite.. my banker and I are friends.. he and I was visiting and he says.. you know I interviewed a kid just out of college.. when I asked him what he wanted for a wage.. the kid came back with double what he made.. when I was working.. they had me train new college grads.. had a four year nursing degree.. student.. we were hitting the halls when she stopped and said.. I didn’t get into this to do this.. I just had to ask.. what do you think this job is about.. she said I am suppose to sit in an office with books all around me.. not do any of this.. she left quit.. threw away a four year degree because the mental image of what you did for the job was not what she anticipated..
Instead animosity is being created rather than in time you can get to this level.. no one truly gives two cents about what someone else has or gets.. the one grocery store I worked at.. they use to take the perks that are donated for the executives and during the xmas party.. they would have a drawing.. the trips the cars the hang gliders.. ( the one I wanted was the totino’s surrey.. dam it was sharp.. had electric assist to..
) today they no longer do that.. which is sad.. everyone thought they had a chance before.. the medical facility the wife works for.. it gets sold every three to five years.. it takes that long for them to realize they aren’t making any money.. they would have to tripple the cost per person to keep it open.. government regulations.. of course government doesn’t realize that they issues they put on the medical and the extended wages.. only creates the issue.. where a government facility everyone pays the price in taxes.. we pay for that now and then have to pay for the service insurances and costs.. its on runaway mode now.. no one wants to fix it either.. I always thought that basic services would be a given then sell policies for specialties.. plastic surgery etc..
Here’s a free A.I. toy that can be used to make video.
It’s a Chinese website so you’ll need Chrome to translate.
back in the day when i was a study of cisco routers and smart switches prior to my discovering Clif, the bots and George and his Greatest Of All Time. the time monks.
my old professor who took me under his wint, and to the lodge a few times, where i eventually declined the offer to join. and He said, well my boy, you dont have to be a member of the lodge to become a master. he said ua just need to understand a few simple priniples and concepts.
he used to keep a stack of one dollar bills in his pocket while on campus and in the spring and the summer, my old professor would drop a dollar bill on tbe ground occasionally and watch the young ladies in mini skirts around campus stop, bend over and pick it up.
he smile at me and said, that young man, is the key to having a healthy relationship, how to make money on the stock market and how all computers work. he put his hand on my shoulder then said, specticals, testicals, watch and wallet.
he was a wize man. may he forever rest in peace.
rise and shine. today is a new day. since i moved, i found the same fortune twice. one in a book about love and one in a book about finance.
everything i want and need is here and now.
i told the eldest i finished my journey. im home and im staying put. everything i want and need is right here and right now.
i said i heard the cyotes and the train whistle last couple days. i know that it is off in the distance but it seems to be getting louder and louder. the cyotes are getting louder and louder. all at the same time of the night. 11pm. i said if them cyotes get any closer, i have a lever action 3030 and will tell them all about Jesus.
he laughed and said your journey is not over. you can have everything you want and need right here and right now.
rest. its okay to enjoy life a while. then he told me a story, his grand mother told him about cyotes and blue birds. pretty funny actually.
and he said dont shoot those cyotes, those cyotes are ya letting ya know, we protecting you. one thing about cyotes, they eat bad spirits, thats why they laugh like drunk dogs. like the crows, they eat everything that is left for dead and take out the worlds garbage.
hmmmm….. yesterday, i had 2 double stack giant bacon cheese burgers. All Beef.
i woke up this morning, first thought,
“Be Still, perhaps if you are still enough, you can hear the everlasting tide of being, fling itself on the shores of forever.”
after coffee and meditation, pet the puppies. we have 4 fresh one month old puppies
all white and one black. they look like wobely little bears.
my friend said while looking at them, hmmmm. someone has a different baby daddy.
then we laughed so hard.
chop wood carry water
~ we are right on schedule. ~
re: “Pitiful Parents”
feat: Gepetto’s Workshop
Yesterday’s the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service concluded not to proceed with charges dating to the late 90’s events against Harvey Weinstein. Here is their news release:
Apparently though he will remain imprisoned in New York thanks to one woman out of dozens whose 2013 allegations had found a conviction whereupon Jane Doe #1 publicly introduced herself to the world.
She is frequently spoken of as an Italian actress, but she actually hails from Russia’s Siberia. She had small roles in a couple of TV series including “Baciati dall’amore” (Kissed by Love). Naples’ mafia meets Milanese law and order. Following that success, the unfortunate incident by the now-incarcerated man had occurred during an Italian film festival show visit to a gradely Hollywood hotel. The establishment’s owner of four generations hospitality experience had already successfully settled questions of questionable operational funding, along with a generous 9 figure contribution to Uncle Sam’s irs fund. He was even descended from an ancestor who supplied amorene in Torcelo, Venice to the great American Ernest Hemingway. Torcelo itself was founded in 452 a.d. by those fleeing the barbarian, Atilla the Hun. The Russo-Italian actress appears to have capped her movie filmography with a small role in the 2016 hit comedy, “The Nice Guys”. Two detectives search in 1977 disco-era LA to solve a Misty Mountains whodunnit.
Her present day public website offers bespoke assemblages of floriography from a Beverley Hills storefront. The establishment’s Italian name politely translates and reflects its purpose as a workshop studio. It also appears to hold place in Italian vernacular as a crude observation to men of uncouth form.
Speaking of workshops, let’s join DJ George who rumour has it jumped into the economic news department once he saw disco was about to take over the studio. But before doing so, Comrades, listen in to a YouTube message from Moscow. It’s Boney M with “Daddy Cool”.
EVERYONE.. had heard about the casting couch.. many of the top paid movie actresses and actors did porn prior to getting their break into show business..
He was just the one to be tossed under the bus..
Bitcoin got bitch-slapped this morning – down over $2,000 but hanging on to $54,000.
I caught the NASDAQ early this morning – just got out when it crossed; down 425. Nice trade – added a lot of aged cheddar to hamburger account. To be “open and transparent” – my T.I. Scientific said it would be down., but I did not expect ‘this much’ of a drop. They sure like to panic., don’t they? I have never understood screaming and panicking – simply shut-up and reload faster.
My “Carnac the Magnificent” is down nearly a thousand points today and still dropping. My chart is being to look rather fugly. Think I need to ‘recalc’ my Elliot Wave on this chart., with a sprinkle of Fibonacci math on the side.
Ding! Blew down through $54K…next stop?
I think the Bitcoin bell rung a couple of weeks back:
“Ray Youssef, CEO of the Bitcoin marketplace platform Noonesapp, made the allegation on the social media platform X, stating, “Binance has seized all funds from all Palestinians as per the request of the IDF. They refuse to return the funds. All appeals denied.””
– Aug 28, 2024
I get the local wallet but what good is local storage if Bitcoin price is in decline?
George, I’m a fan of a full size PC – Workstation class. I like things that are big enough to actually see and lug around. The little PC’s are useful for many, but you still have to put your extra drives somewhere and a plethora of cables to connect everything. I avoid wireless anything when possible. I like at least two large monitors and preferable four or six.
There are Xeon class machines available on the secondary market for relatively low prices with industrial strength hardware. If you avoid anything Microsoft or Adobe, you can have a rather classy machine on the cheap. These machines are great for multi-thread/multi-core operations, but are probably not the absolute best for gaming. I don’t do gaming, though I wouldn’t mind a decent flight stimulator environment.
The downside of a larger machine is power consumption, though it’s a moot point during the winter. During summer, I actually plan when to ventilate the house and I run one more fan for best comfort. Of course, A/C is not something I’ll even consider, except for a dire emergency. I’d considered mining crypto to offset the cost of power, but it’s probably not worth the effort. I’d mainly do it to get hands on with the tech and perhaps accumulate a lesser coin or two just for fun. I doubt I’d ever be able to monetize them effectively.
Happy shopping!
Ditto, desktops have a place as do laptops. I already had 2 of each at home and just moved my (former) work machine, a supercomputer bought 18+/- months ago, home though … there’s been no time to start setup. I am looking forward to the 27″ monitor. Actually, my plan is to use (3) PCs in the home office, the two laptops and one big tower (with paired monitors on arms). The former home machine will go into stasis and become an interactive E-drive (in addition to the other E-drive backups). The 3rd tower is Mrs. E’s gaming machine. I don’t touch that unless as tech support.
Speaking of the Mrs., she’s away so I’m a bach. We took a get-a-way sailing with friends in Rhode Island on their 38′ Morgan. Then after lake festivities for the Holiday I put Grandma on a plane to hang with E2, my DIL and E3 (3 month old Grandling). Money well spent.
I feel a swim and a cocktail coming on.
Best Regards alles,
ps – there is a secret to happiness in the above: OPB (other people’s boats).
” I’m a fan of a full size PC”
I have also lost terabytes of (mostly) data from having armored external drives, shit themselves. Chips are better than mechanical discs, but SSDs and thumbdrives are not immune to failure and, FWIW, I melted a USB-3 interface just yesterday, just by using it in its proper manner…
well all righty then. I just found an old cook book this morning after my last comment.
Titled: A Man, A Can and A Plan.
THE DUDE laughs.
*puts on cheep sunglassess, turns up the radio, and sticks the car in gear, drops the clutch and like the girls who walk Aurora Ave in seattle, peals rubber.
Hi, George,
I recall a cookbook entitled, “Manifold Destiny”, where you place your meal to be baked in aluminum foil and settle it upon your intake manifold. As you drive down the road, your meal is being baked on your engine block. A dear friend, now deceased, had a copy. She swore by it that it indeed worked for her.
Another friend had a copy of a cookbook entitled, “White Trash Cooking”. He loved homemade cornbread in a glass of milk, one of the recipes. The cover is memorable.
LOL LOL I actually gave that one away for xmas one year… LOL LOL
the other one I gave out a few years ago what how to survive a catastropic event LOL LOL LOL LOL it had everything in there.. it was hilarious..
done that many times. i used to work on a directional drill team, putting in fiber networks for BNSF up in the mountains. i pop a whole in a can of soup, and set it on the exhaust manifold of the drill rig and it would be done in a jiffy. the can worked as a good hand warmer, holding it in your leather after.
i know of a fella who had a forman grill that he wired for a cigerette lighter outlet and would cook grill cheese sandwhiches while driving down the road. hahaha.
The other cookbook I gave away with Xmas cards..was the road kill cookbook lol..Lol..
Youngest daughter getting married today. I said how appropriate she was born in 96 and today is September 6, or 9 6.
Marrying an appliance repair / installation guy with his gas ticket, son of airplane head mechanic at airport. Smart guy.
Congrats, that’s a nice walk down the aisle, Pops. Happy day for all and a great and wonderful married life for the young uns.
Yesterday morning before the wedding my new son in law got his call from Ford HR to start production worker at the EnginePlant Sept 23. Great day
.., and on a sad note….,
“Pico”., the gringo hating long haired chihuahua., has died.
When I was there last he jumped up in may lap and went to sleep. This, from a tiny dog thought was convinced he was a lion.., and could devour any-&-all Gringo’s. We had several ‘fights’. , simply because I existed.
I guess he climbed onto my lap as a way to say goodbye to his number one nemesis. He knew his time was near.
I know I will always look for him when I stop for my huevos rancheros.
He was a good looking long haired little-lion. They are really missing him. I think he was 18 years old.
my sincere condolences on your loss.. I know how that feels..
OMG! I lost my little ‘Chico’ this morning also. He was long haired chihuahua/pomeranian with a face like a Star Wars Ewok smiling. Tracing way back to when a nephew brought him to Great Grandma, he’ s been handed down as the elders have passed on. Near as we can figure, he was 18 also.
Sorry to hear that, Hank. I know it’s tough losing a buddy that’s been around so long. Maybe they’ll meet-up somewhere down the road.
Pico and Chico – ride again.
All of North Korea’s subs are diesel-electric and ‘old world’ technology. We can ‘hear’ them half an ocean away.
This fleet of old Soviet era subs is not much of an operational fighting force. How many are actually ‘operational’ is constantly in question.
Their newest sub has had constant problems., and though it is possibly capable of launching nuclear cruise missiles – it has not proven that it can launch – anything.
Perhaps, but Kim Jong Il still managed to put one off the coast of Florida 14 years ago, which we didn’t know was there until some surfers spotted it.
George dreamt that the Deepwater Horizon exploded.
I dreamt that it did so because a Soviet sub demo’d it.
Six weeks later, an NK sub crested its conning tower while sailing north in U.S. territorial waters near the coast between Vero and Cocoa.
(We don’t like to be judgy, but just notice two parents making headlines over their children’s behavior in these:
U.S. president’s son Hunter Biden convicted for evading tax, faces 17 years’ imprisonment. Will Daddy Joe pardon him?)
Hmm you mean the dual standards of law.. oh my guess is there is a real sweetheart deal in it for him.. Trump will do more time.. I totally believe that something nefarious is in the works there to.. they have spent ten years trying to destroy him and billions of taxpayer dollars.. they can’t control him and that they will go after..
I doubt he will ever be allowed to sit in the chair as president again.
as for the perv boy crack addict.. I believe he will walk free.. big indication is with the mount everest of evidence congress still went home.. that only says they were seeking political alliances not actually doing their jobs.
while the USA and NATO seem to see Xi’s and Putins restraints as weaknesses.. and keep pushing forward on their agendas.. eventually we will cross the final red lines placed.. scott ritter had a great post on youtube today..
Loob – for Ure viewing pleasure and enlightenment..OG NSA guy (B.Binney) interview – splains/revels SHIT TONS info..https://www.theinteldrop.org/2024/09/06/is-this-the-most-important-implications-packed-news-report-that-has-never-been-reported-by-u-s-news-media/
Any names Binney mentions from bush era, you need to place a “Von” in front so for instance mueller becomes von mueller (german DVD) See admiral Canaris for background info..
It aint obumma running scheisse in background, he and every other traitorous POS being “run” out of crawford ranch.
Yes that is indeed Head&Shoulders mounted on the wall down there at the ranch.
“Neocon” is approximately equal to Fascist.
“Fascist” is the bastard brother of “communist.”
Bush Administration ~ fascist.
Obama Administration ~ communist.
Both = “socialist.”
i.e. “2 sides of the same coin.”
Don’t get sucked in, by your offshore information dumps, into blaming either, to the exclusion of the other. They are both the “problem.”
Trump is the closest thing we or our children will see to a “cure,” but only if he’s able to get stuff done despite the socialists and foreign agents imbedded in Congress.
Sure thing. Please say hi to mr lazar.for moi..thx
Rurik Skywalker –
So, do you think that THIS DOJ investigation (Russiagate-v2 ) is more-honest and of higher integrity than the one from eight years past?
Lazar might believe the current effort to tie a potential Trump win to Russian propaganda is valid, and a confirmation that media influencers are on the Kremlin payroll — I don’t. (For all I know, there may be influencers on the Kremlin payroll. There certainly are some on both Beijing’s and Washington’s payroll. I really don’t care. I have never seen or heard a podcast from an “influencer” and likely never will. However, with that said, “Russiagate Redux” is a Communist Party USA / Democratic Party political op, and has nothing to do with the Kremlin or Putin.) Lazar is too stupid or biased to see where the preponderance of “bought & paid for” influence in the media lies, so I cannot give him credence for this blog-post. Especially when I KNOW several of his points are not factual.
And BTW, the “investigation” is to lay the groundwork for a claim by commie pols and pundits that “Trump’s Presidency is illegitimate,” thus excusing the hundreds of riots which will occur in 2025, should “The Donald” win.
‘Sound familiar…?
Shining the light sometimes means pointing the flashlight directly into heart of darkness..
rabbi lazar – chabad spiritual leader..
Trumper, rapist Con Man ’34 felonies’ got a sentencing delay, Nov 26th, after the election:
Jan 6 Awards Gala at Trump’s golf course indefinitely postposed, Pence, who was threatened with execution by hanging by the Jan 6 mob, not expected to be a featured speaker:
We trust you remember the difference between rape and seduction?
Have you confused the term rape with sales?
Maybe you haven’t heard about the 13 yr old Epstein and Trump raped…
Just Trump, Epstein and 28 girls at Mar A How Low Can you Go…
dear @c,,, 30 yrs go by then all of a sudden Jane Doe pops ups, just in time to attempt to soil Trump as he is about to win the presidency for a 2nd term that scares the living shit out of the crooked deep state baby fuckers so they accuse Don of their crimes, no evidence just a unknown accuser.
same ol play book.
BUT Ashley left a diary and Hunter left a laptop,,, hard evidence, not gossip
did you review loob’s link? or do you just like to troll?
Vanity Fair, even you realize it is a gossip mag for shallow readership
russia russia russia the 51 intell spies cried about the laptop,, the spies lied,,, you need to examine the spys who have connection to people in lame stream news media, like Dana Bash and her husband
hmm.. you obviously didn’t watch any of his home movies of family members or read either of their books where the message seems to brag about what they were able to do..
“I doubt he will ever be allowed to sit in the chair as president again.”
I would be willing to bet that Mr. Trump has a list of who should be in his cabinet, and at which post, and at least an outline of what should be done, and when. Were something to happen to DJT, I suspect Mr. Vance would be a Trump-on-steroids, only without the diplomacy and restraint Mr. Trump has learned over the nearly 40-year age difference between the two.
Also, please read a bio on Mr. Kennedy’s VP pick. She and Vance are long-time friends with a lot of common professional interests. The “lawfare crowd” gave her a crash course in prejudiced politics a week or so ago (see my post, linked below) and she is a really, really pissed little girl…
BTW, here’s the “PSA” she released after experiencing TDS on the witness stand:
survivor of human trafficking for organs
Bitcoin puking … a bit under 54k when I last looked.
Talk out of the UK is that since Labor won and the talk is a HUGE increase in the Cap Gains tax when they release their budget at the end of Oct people in that now backwater place are BAILING OUT of investments where they have huge gains, including Bitcoin so as to save on the taxes. Looks like Kamala, if she wins, wants to bring that same dynamic to US markets.
As for “Sunny Days” (or nights) the next BRICS meeting is in Russia Oct 22-24. Since Putin could not make the last one, South Africa, due to a pesky issued called an “International Arrest Warrant” I imagine he doesn’t want to be upstaged a second time, if he can at all control it. Now can he control Xi’s timing? or Israel’s? maybe not, but he will try to at least influence Xi. He wants his day in the REAL sun versus the second one, if you get my drift.
Still not sure what will cause my projected fall sell off to get really bad, but looks like it Mr. Market decided to make up shit so as to have an excuse to go down it’s pre-decided adventure. Should be a wild ride before the bottom is hit, if Mr. Market gets his way. Maybe like one of those log plume rides at the amusement park, EVERYBODY gets wet, not just those in the front of the fake log!
philosophically, i don’t believe that unearned income should ever be taxed at a lower rate than the income of people who wake up to an alarm clock, brown bag it and punch in and out for 2,000 hours a year, not including commuting time.
You need to read a few books on economic history. While I agree today, once upon a time there was not enough capital being formed to keep the business base expanding that. And in order to keep money going into core investment, it was taxed at a preferential lower rate in return for leaving their money in place. Hence the long term capital gains rate.
Today, we just make money up on a whim. But once upon a time money was not flowing and it’s that kind of occasion that birthed the long-term gains reduction. Opportunity cost for hot money.
Like almost all other discriminatory preferential taxes, it goes bad over time. Also happens with policy, too but a longer discussion.
Greets, troll!
I actually agree with you.
I, too, don’t believe there should be a disparity in rates.
However, I believe the rate should be “zero…”
this is the story told to me by the Eldest.
“this is a story told to me by my grand mother who was told this story. this story was long before the white men came here on their wagons.
one day a certain coyote
was talking to some blue birds. the coyote said i wish i could fly like you do. the blue birds said you can. go to that catus open it up and rub it all over your body. so the coyote went the catus, opened it up rub it all over himself and it make him all sticky. then the blue birds each took some feathers and and stuck them on the coyote.
the blue birds said to the coyote, go over and jump off the cliff and you will fly. he hesitant coyote, went to the cliff and jumped off. the coyote started to fly.
he flew higher and higher and higher. the coyote saw a many great wonders. then coyote shouted to the earth below, the sun and the moon and the stars now belong to me. im the king of the world.
hearing the coyote’s loud boast. the blue birds each flew up and took their feathers back. the coyote fell and fell and fell. down and down he went.. he fell so far he went beneath the earth. that certain coyote never flew or boasted again.”
i replied,
30% of the Navajo Nation has no running water:
75% of Hopi Nation rely on water wells contaminated with arsenic:
Native voters in AZ helped Biden win:
Arsenic contamination of groundwater is a major problem throughout the southwest. Most urban areas get water pumped in from far away.
(75% of Hopi Nation rely on water wells contaminated with arsenic:)
lol lol lol.. we call that living in the country here.. and radium..
its one reason I have a big water filter setup..the arsenic and radium levels were so high.. they suggested everyone put it on..what they did is changed the safety levels
Remember when I said., just a few days ago., that oil was headed for 70 $ a barrel.., well, it was., and then just blew right past it., and as of an hour ago was down over 2% and trading at $67.60 a barrel. The lowest price in over a year.
“Don’t look at me – I have no idea what is going on.”
Bitcoin couldn’t hold it.., dropped well below $54,000 – now down over $3,000 at $53,457. Wish I could figure out how to trade that etf – when bitcoin makes a move..,
Oh, we call this sudden onset deflation. See where St. State Austin (lol sarc) just doled another $250-million into UKR today?
That seems to coincide with TEF’s analysis timing. I have to wonder how heavily US investment debt is mired in Chinese real estate ?
With this jobs report – “can we trust it?” – it puts a little extra pressure on – The Fed – to cut.
With recent revision in the number of jobs created – 68,000 less per month then actually reported – can the Federal Reserve place any trust in Labor & Statistics numbers? Do they? Or.., are they using them – and if the whole thing blows up in their face they can, literally, blame someone else.
My best guess, right now. The Fed will cut by 25 basis points.
All time tops in employment was 167.6mln in 8/2006. Population at that time was 299mln (counting illegals.)
Current population is ~340mln.
Where should employment be…?
I pay no attention to monthly employment numbers, because they’re “disingenuous…”
Does Deutch bank own anything? Does Greece have funds? I China broke? Is Japan Bank Inc down under? Does 1T deficiet spell releaf or US Treasurery? Is US service economy? Do crops need to be harvested? Does Russia in a 1944 winter sound like a good idea?
Remember when I said., just a few days ago., that oil was headed for 70 $ a barrel.., well, it was., and then just blew right past it., and as of an hour ago was down over 2% and trading at $67.60 a barrel. The lowest price in over a year.
– “Don’t look at me – I have no idea what is going on.”
Bitcoin couldn’t hold it.., dropped well below $54,000 – now down over $3,000 at $53,457. Wish I could figure out how to trade that etf – when bitcoin makes a move – it really makes a move !
re: Smokey the Bear
feat: WiB on 70th St.
Please join me in extending belated Happy Birthday greetings to Smokey the Bear! This past August 9th would have been Smokey’s official 80th. Surely that deserves a star on Hollywood Blvd.
One had to kind of wonder the other day that the world about us has slowly but surely changed. Dark colours of fall are now the fashion. The weekly French magazine “Paris Match” captured an image of a just-released Franco-Russo billionaire Mr. Durov and his Arab-Russo social influencer lady friend. The smiling pair dressed completely in black paraded along the posh Champs-Élysées in Paris accompanied by two minders, one in black and the other in white who held an umbrella with dual grip in proper etiquette of point down, and both of whose countenances remained hidden from camera view.
Like the flu, influence has gone viral about the globe. Today the CBC reported on a female Sino-Canadian social media influencer who has apparently made an Icarus landing. The CBC link follows and it offers interesting food for thought. Canadian legislation apparently is in the works to give guidance on internet influencers.
The CBC article’s expert Dr. Eviane Leidig offers an overview of her EU academic credentials via her own website:
It’s Friday and DJ George has the afternoon off. In lieu please accept a rerun of a YouTube presentation by Dr. Leidig addressing perceived dangers presented by online influencers, especially those of the female gender. The episode begins around the 7:00 minute mark. The channel is under the umbrella of ASEN (Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism). Roots appear to trace to The Fabian Society of George Bernard Shaw and others about 1895. ASEN currently is part of the London School of Economics campus which enjoys the Chancellorship of Anne, Princess Royal.
Long live the King!
(“I don’t know if I have met a “poor person” yet who wasn’t risk-averse or outright lazy.”)
I’m risk adverse as are all you folks preparing for the end of the world on this site and I am lazy because in my work life I found numerous ways to get other folks to do my job, mainly because I knew how to do the job much better than they did and wanted the recognition. I’m now retired and not anywhere near poor and not wasting my energy on accumulating crap to live through the end of a world where death seems preferable. I really appreciate George’s energy in keeping up this site, it is truly an immense indication of his love of journalism and I have enjoyed it for decades. I come here for the political views because basically they are mostly completely opposite of the views and values my WW2 parents and depression era grandparents instilled in me.
Not the end of the world.. it is a possibility .. with all the stupid crap this administration is doing.. they see Xi and Putins restraint as weakness and keeps pushing the war button.. at some point he won’t have a choice but do what their population is asking..Then how many millions can you bring over buy them homes and give them more income that what someone that has paid taxes all their lives for.. ( they have to put in forty quarters of taxs before they can collect on any of them.. ) all from countries that swore vengence by attacking us from within the borders by bringing their army over as refugees.. so did they.. or are they just going to take down the currency knock it off the top of the pile in the economic game of king of the mountain
what I see is the best we can expect is the worst depression in the history of modern civilization.. the demise of the dollar as king of the currencies..
How much can you print before it loses its value.. a loaf of bread twenty years ago that cost me fifty cents is at three fifty now.. I bought dog food yesterday it was one hundred and ninety dollars.. a four dollar meal is now just shy twenty.. look to zimbabwe and Argentina that we are copying..
“But we wouldn’t put it past the neocons – lapdogs of the Owners – to attempt a false flag horror show in the coming two or three weeks.”
The neocons are Leftists, just like the Democrats. The Democrats are the owners. With a “Democratic” Administration currently in power, the neocons are merely lapdogs.
If we go “nuclear,” it will be the “Democrats,” not the “neocons” who pull the trigger, because the Dems hold nearly all the power positions at this point in time…
Former intel official on government UFO program: We are ‘well beyond reasonable doubt’
Former senior intelligence officer Luis Elizondo joins ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ with his inside take on alleged government legacy program involving UFOs.
Elizondo was a skeptic until he saw a UFO pull a 400g maneuver…
Luis Elizondo is the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the Pentagon unit that researched UFOs, now known as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). Prior to AATIP, Elizondo oversaw counterespionage and counterterrorism investigations worldwide for the Department of Defense, and also worked for the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Link to his book (which appears to be kinda popular…)