More musings into the Princeton EGGs as we ponder the state of congruence and entrainment further.
Of course, a short column because it is the holiday weekend, after all. And I did win the Scotch bet but Tuesday will be another day. Lots of distance to travel before then.
So a few headlines, a ramble into the preconscious projections of future and then on to
Boy Time in the shop in order to have something worth sharing on ShopTalk Monday.
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Well, Ure quite the mind expander, aren’t you? I thought you had misspelled your sign off today. “so mote it be.” Then I looked up “mote” and got into a morning study on “neopaganism.” Still learning at 82.
Hell, I’m not exactly a quick study – I learned from G2 and it’s part of Lodge Language.
I expect – as Australia is now under a thought-control regime – that more Masons there will return to the Old Ways of very selective use of such tipoff terms.,was%20'to%20be%20allowed‘.
I’d known of this statement since my 20’s, though certainly not from anything Masonic. I believe it’s used by many occult and esoteric traditions. I’ve even used it myself in prayer and manifestation intentions. It actually feels as though it has power.
Wrong side of the cave this morning, Kemosabe ?
Bright and Happy Heart ? Yeah thats a friggin joke!
Interesting experiment/opportunity here on Urb Surv with Ure colored Ballz. You could set up 2-3 distinct dates & times for group meditation – To change the Color of the Ball.
Have specific Color “In Mind” for each experimental time period. Max time for Group Meditation would be something like 5-10 minutes…a very long time for Untrained/practiced.
* have found reciting a Mudra, any will do, greatly helps clearing mind of “noisy” thoughts in the beginning. Just focusing on a particular colored ball for 5 -10 minutes with Ure Eyes closed should be more than enough.
Imagine the “network connections” Urb Surv community can Create – ie Power to the Peace Makers!
..yeah another dreamy Saturday morn, wondering why I dont give a flying F at a rolling doughnut regards anything Banks are doing.
Assets in Hand – bee KING, All else cheap imitations..that is going to include Mining of these days soonly.
Can youse all say, NATIONALIZATION in CA & SA ? Wonder how the commies up north Ottawa way will deal with it?
Speaking of Canada and Ice Hockey, it is with very heavy Heart that the Tri-State area of PA/NJ?DE mourns the loss of Johnny Hockey and his younger Brother Matty, in a drunk driver incident involving the Gaurdreau brothers on Bicycles a night ago. 2 really GREAT Men, a terrible loss for Ice Hockey family.
? P & V for prebreakfast this AM?
Responsive George 5.0:
To: “Bright and Happy Heart ? Yeah thats a friggin joke!
Reply: Happy and ever and chipper as hell. I read every single post you make (and everyone else) and when I detect (splash of rum or racial humor without a deeper point) it reminds me all people have a streak of Zelensky in them at some level. Most keep that baser (lend me a piano?) in check. See, this site is so smart people can gather and be smart. Not like the rest of the herd. You are smart and I hold you (as such) to a higher standard than, oh, say a piano player.
To: “Imagine the “network connections” Urb Surv community can Create – ie Power to the Peace Makers!
Reply: The mere act of reading here makes power. there is a correlation between readership (up or down) trends and market direction. I just haven’t traded it yet. The idea of peacemakers? I will leave that to the War Party so that their karma may be returned, in kind, many-fold..
To: “Assets in Hand – bee KING, All else cheap imitations. That is going to include Mining of these days soonly.
Reply: If you can’t eat or drink, or get out of the rain in an asset, is it an asset, grasshopper, or just an illusion pretending to be an asset?
To: ” 2 really GREAT Men, a terrible loss for Ice Hockey family.
Reply: Amen
To: “? P & V for prebreakfast this AM?
Reply: Piss and Vinegar is who I am. So is Photo-Voltaic. Live lightly so that others may piss and moan.
Respect the Tribe and the Tribe respects you, warrior. Share that Big brain, not the lil one. Or we will take up for a piano and a plane ticket.
“To: ” 2 really GREAT Men, a terrible loss for Ice Hockey family.
Reply: Amen”
Words can’t describe the hurt many of us in Canada are feeling for the loss of this young man and his brother. Small in stature but large in heart with a skill set well beyond many of his hockey peers. I had the privilege of watching Gaudreau perform several times in person including a game in Calgary where he had 6 points, all in the end where I sat.
Winning championships, scoring titles, most gentlemanly player, helping teammates on and off the ice and donating spare time to charities, he did it all in his 31 years. Killed, along with his younger brother Matt, also a hockey star and decent human, by a drunk driver, the day before their sister’s wedding.
If professional sports individuals would model their life after this young man and his brother, the sports world would be a much better place.
RIP Johnny Hockey and thanks for all you did.
In more pleasant hockey news;
that sorta talk will get ya head of the line privilages at neuralink.
had wonderful time last night at the beach with a Gorgouse Blonde From Keiv named Melena.
My Balls are All Golden.
Que: Big Balls
(” does this mark some (for now) hidden decision of NATO to attack Russia, or does this mean a major turning point where Russia “wins”)
I think it was Lindsey Graham that spilled the beans.. or passed them as noxious gas..they have to..
the dollar is failing the interest on the debt is in over drive and our administration is spending like hell is on fire. As we sought riches for big buck bullies pocket book we neglected our own. outsourced industry..sold off farmland and opened our borders.. as we destroyed other countries for the richest.. they have come in behind us apologizing for our arrogant disregard for them their country and their traditions.
( years ago a guy in the military would walk up to every woman or girl and ask them for sex..he was let down a lot but he was also the luckiest guy I ever seen.. now the o e coming behind him and apologizing for his arrogance and disregard for their dignity..he was way luckier and had had a lot more luck..the women the guy insulted only wanted their personal value of being a woman seen.) you see that in bars a lot. one woman is seeking connection she in turn brings in a few of her friends to filter the users.
that’s what they did. so all these weaker countries tries joined hands against the big one that forces their way upon them.
they are using The greed of big buck billy to gain dominance.
now we have overwhelmed our system used up our strategic reserves made our infrastructure vulnerable exposed our weaknesses.. NATO and the USA are the owners of that old car that you still owe money on that has little things you cut the car loose..or do you keep tossing money into it..
of course this is just my opinion but hey.. it makes sense to me..
“years ago a guy in the military would walk up to every woman or girl and ask them for sex”
Heard similiar story long ago from Ret. Navy Captain!
He was something else.. if she was with her husband ..he would say you wouldn’t mind if your wife fill in the blank..if the woman said no then he would say how about your daughter…
what was stranger is out of every ten two would agree..
years later my first wife was something else..and a guy from work and I were having lunch. he said your only problem is your to prove his point a woman was riding her bicycle by he started to visit with her and he asked her..yup right there in the park.
so I do get how lucky some are with the ladies..they don’t care about them just what they will give them.. and that’s it. if your rich..then they will openly toss themselves at them..
I would like to think I have moral and ethical guidelines and see value in each as an individual. not just for the dinky doodling
Masters & Johnson quantified this:
Four women in 10 will accede to oral, one in 10 will get in a pile. I have no idea where this data was collected. It was certainly never collected anywhere I frequented…
So what was it that he did right?
Was it the uniform?
8.2% of military women report being sexually assaulted (raped):
Military rape law did not begin until late 1980’s:
Lindsay Graham only spills the beans on things that are already widely disseminated info. That Ukraine was a resource war was discussed on this website at the onset of hostilities.
That is true… none of it was a secret.. Ukraine was the most corrupt country on the planet.
provided what fifty percent of the grain and natural resources.
to many illegal activities to list.. yes i believe that its that long..
in the end its all about the business model
The Che moist of the usual political bullshit..
nothing will come from any of it.. why do I suspect that..
no one stayed in DC to deal with any of it..the border is still open. flights of illegals is still going on, the family business is still in operation even with mount Everest of evidence.
they will put Trump in prison give him a long enough sentence where his secret service protection will be pulled..
at least I believe before congress left for the summer that they got that provision included allowing them to pull the protection.. the absolute best we can see is that we are no lo get the main financial controller.. and we end up like Zimbabwe.. a depression worse than the weimar.
while they bring over millions in anticipation that they will remain in power ..
when the avalanche begins to fall it will gain speed. the stock price fall of dollar general is a pretty good indicator. the canary in the coal mine.
You have to take note though.., Dollar General stock price debacle is all based on the company’s recent sales and forecasts – which points directly at the consumer.., the low income consumer – and according to the CFO of Dollar General the consumer is not spending – they are cutting back – significantly. “Which has dramatically impacted our bottom-line., and future sales forecasts.”
This flies directly in the face of the governments take on consumer spending – which stated that spending is up, across the board, for consumers. [ ., and subsequently keeping a recession at bay.]
This the third retailer that has revised their bottom line and future sales forecasts from weak consumer spending.
So.., which is it? We’re doing just fine and a recession is not in the works., or we are being lied to by the government figures and retail sales are actually dropping., and the consumer is not spending as much as they report……. ??????
The story that the administration is going to give the poor and elderly a stimulus every month until the election has me wondering.. would they truly believe that this administration cares about them? or would they see through the curtain. it would temporarily hike up spending.. Reagan gave cheese and peanut butter..Bush senior gave rebates all with the same intention.. and it worked but only temporarily..
Yesterday afternoon an islander who has become trusting of us approached in his boat, lots of fishing gear, and i asked how his day was. He said they had a good time but no fish. Also included an invite to his nearby home to have a dinner. It was loud and friendly, three languages tossing around. It was a melding of the simple things that make a true community.
At one point he said to me, “Even if I don’t catch fish, I catch friends.”
We are blessed to be among these folks who will hardly feel the collapse, because they have community and do for each other freely and with love.
When I left to row us home I had tears in my eyes that made the brilliant star filled sky hazy.
Now it’s raining and blowing 25.
Happy ‘Labor’ day. Rest should be on the menu.
OK, now we know you’re not stateside – where is this anchorage?
C’mon George. We hardly know. GPS is broken, charts died from mold and roaches, sextant got dropped, clock don’t work, sun goes up, sun goes down, and all I hear from old friends who have been around for years here is STFU. Let others get here on their own.
My reason for communicating is to remind folks that our planet is 75% water and in general no one on the continents seem to care much about the tiny places so getting floating is the the answer to possibly surviving all the sheise that gets mentioned here and in other spaces. I was a user of HalfPastHuman when there was only 275 of us, and kept print outs of all the ALTA reports and yellow lined them years later for confirmation. Some develop a flight plan, I developed a float plan.
It’s way better to forget about where we might be and take some action on a float plan because it may come a time when nowhere on dirt is good. It’s easy. Older good boats are cheaper than used cars, sailing is stupid simple, and there are at least 750 islands accessible in the Pacific where if you prove to be a decent, helpful human, the inhabitants might let you take water and food. It’s not rocket science.
I love your place, George. In the case of getting on the downwind highway, a guess is as good as anything because pulling the hook and moving on is just that easy. We are where we are, every moment, much like you who knows how to live that way for best results.
Niue calls, maybe Vavau. Home is where the anchor drops .
The Dot – ” just not on television, yet”
I looked up a few events and noticed the bumps proceed events so I would speculate the event hasn’t happened. When I noticed the bump in front of Trump’s July incident I looked up the LV shooting date. No bumps.
10/2017 –
At first glance the Trump incident involved a former high-level .gov official while LV did not. There’s too many other differences to list.
An emotional high-energy event currently taking place is the introduction of Biometrics over in Europe, but this is not clear. It’s called the “Exit Entry System” EES. I know the system was to come online this year and may be starting this weekend over there.
“Start of Entry/Exit System for Short Stay Travelers”
“From the autumn, travellers from the UK and other non-EU countries will have to go through a new digital border system called the Entry/Exit System (EES), which is being brought in by the EU.
This will involve having your photograph and fingerprints taken.”
People probably get highly emotional standing in queues waiting to get photographed & fingerprinted.
They may be getting highly emotional due to outrage at the new system. If I had put another trip to Europe on my bucket list, I’d now puncture the bucket.
who was it that asked about Spiritual Warefare? That is more than likely my greatest study in the last ohhh 30 year. i probably have a triple phd on the subject.
if you took a snap shot of the last 4 years of my life, I have lives more lives, done more things that mostly people only experiance once in a life time, in just the last 4 years.
all that finds its root cause and source within the spiritual realm and is experiance in the material realm after it is created first in the spiritual realm.
the material waves or ripples (life happenings) are the result of the spiritual pebble cast into the eternal primordial pond.
if that makes sence. i experiance miracles daily. sometimes hundreds of them daily. i could fill the world with true stories of real life experiances that are so mind reality bending they sound ficticious. but they are real true to life experiances.
ya see its not just about learning or experiances. and its not just about Good verses Evil. its not just about Karma or Grace. its not just the go pro life video. we are just spirtual beings having a Human Experiance. Its not just about Big Money and Hot Blondes. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it is.
its about creating a lasting effect. its about growing a tree of life in spiritual garden.
we all ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. and its up to us to work with the spiritual forces to grow our own Tree of Life.
weaving an elaberate tapestry of infinite butterfly effects hung on the wall of the Kingdom of Heaven. a Gift to the All Mighty Infinite Creator. this is what i made with the tools ya gave me. what do ya think?
i came to earth, i took the tools ya gave me and the ability to create in the spiritual realm, while in material form, and this is the result of my lifes work.
That is the Crown of Life.
all things material first are developed in the inmaterial.
we see countless examples of this everything from Georges 3D printer making material stuff that first started with thought within Georges Mind
i mean look at my life. in the last 4 years i hung out with 1/4 Of the Nations wealth in Palm Desert. stood in the Dry Well as the living water all that wearing Chuck Taylor All Star Converse shoes, had a website and podcast, dated an Exact Look alike as I Dream of Gene a former playboy centerfold wearing Electric Lime Green Vans, ran around backstage and worked Pass Gate at over a thousand big production shows and concerts, hung out with super star rock legends wearing blue suede pumas, slept of the most beautiful women in the world, drove trains and giant tonka trucks within a dynamic living expression of the Merkaba in the Valley Of Enoch, went to rodeos, ended up at the Fed Meeting in Jackson Hole and the Billionairs retreat in Sun Valley wearing Justin Cowboy Boots, which took me to scaled replica of The City Of the Gods at Eagle Mountain Ranch where i am now selected to go be a federal agent for US Border Patrol wearing Green and Gold Pumas. and now im wearing Checkerd Vans and Green And Yellow Nikies and Blue suede Kampus shoes.
in all that i experiance countless miracles and participated in countless miracles for others which created super natural butterfly effects (more than the sands of the shores i assure you) in their lives and the lives around them. beyond the spectrum to grasp of my fininte mind, but i will see them all, when return to Infinite Mind.
did you know i have lived out all 78 cards in dyamic expression i just the last 4 years. every single one of them. i have seen every single one in a living expression in my life.
that is not biblical thing. however, i have seen every single one of them and experianced every single picto graph in living expression. pretty wild.
all in just a little over 4 years.
all that starts in the spiritual realm first. when you see the streak by the color and kind of shoes i wore along the path you will recognise them as threads woven the tapestry. a bazillion spiritual foot prints or points of light, heart beats and breaths if you will. weaving my tree of life with the spiritual tools while in material form.
and the crown of creation which exists in the spiritual realm is encrusted in gems, emeralds, safires, diamonds and even greater than these i mined in this material realm using spiritul tools.
you know how i live the way i do? i talk with THE DUDE every day. i dont wake up and say thank you for another day of life. i used too. i wake up and say, Thank you for another day of creation.
its different and more impactful. i am creating a whole spiritual universe while im in material form with THE DUDE. The Tree of Life. An elaborate tapestry, The Crown of Life. The Rightous Robe. a dwelling beyond the wildest imaginations ever had on this earth.
some see my works here in the material realm and some stuff is only between the creator and me.
sometimes its good to fight evil. and i have had my share of battles. sometimes its good to show mercy. sometimes its good to be an extention of Grace. sometimes its good to forgive. its always good to be good. its always good to be Loving. pray often. ask little and little you will recieve. and ask much and much will be given to you.
spiritual warefare? the enemy would have consumed this entire world when Obama was president if it wasnt for those of us weaving the spiritual tree of life in the dark soil of material world.
ya see they cant see it. the enemy. they dont know, they think they do. they dance around it. there is a Tsunami of infinite living breathing spiritual butterfly effect released in this world.
the enemy thinks matrial tools can stop all the spirital works. when all material things and actions are first formed in the spiritual realm. if they werent? they wouldnt be in material form.
that is how my life has been what its been in the last 4 years? pretty amazing actually. its all material visual effects and experiances of Spiritual work done first.
the material realm is formed in the spiritual.
and when i pass from this world many years from now? i will rest against the tree of life i grew, in my royal robe i weaved, wearing my Brilliant Crown of Life and Eat the fruit there of.
Hypothetically speaking, a trans-temporal Dude who insisted on running things hands-on would pick his champions with a high success rate. Go where you are supposed to go, do what you are supposed to do, and be the man your sponsor demands.
look at Christs example. look at how Big His Tree of Life is.
see the divine paradox is, those who take from you in the material realm give to you their portion in the spiritual realm.
so when they fuck ya over, use your words for their design etc etc they cast their gems and treasures, they take from their tree of life and add it to yours.
look at Jesus Christ example. they whipped him and beat and hung him on a cross. and 2000 years later He has over 2 Billion people on the planet giving to His Tree of Life.
they think they are so clevar. but what they are doing is giving away eternity for instant gratification in the material realm. they cut down their tree of life cast all their treasures to others for a spot light a teleprompter and a podium
and when their life is over, they choose to come back and try try again because they are spiritually bankrupt when arrive at the other side and see what they grew.
tend to your own garden.
okay, that is enough from me.
~ Chop wood and carry water ~
i am open to recieve. i open to recieve. i am open to recieve.
ya see the reason for the amnesia of past lives, when you are born into this world is it is a gift. its an act of grace. mercy.
everyone is afforded a clean slate when they choose to come back and try try again.
forget about the mistakes you made where you traded your spiritual wealth for a bowl of soup.
start fresh and new. grow something that is living and eternal.
we gave ya the teachings of the Masters who all grew Trees of Life and wove elegant royal robes and wear the most majestic crowns of life.
the Holy Bible and many other things.
here are a few tools, hope, faith and love. and dont forget, your seed is your soul.
should you be successful in this endevor,
as Christ said,
they will be like the angels in heaven.
ya see George. i never joined the lodge. i have been to it a few times. i understand what everything represents in it.
its material image, or representation of the manifold of Heaven.
some here have a duplex with covered parking. I have a Spiritual Home in The City of The Gods. My other Ride is The Cheriot of God.
In my spiritual Home there is a well of Living Water. a Tree of Life. hung on the walls of my home are the elaborate living pantings, expressions of the 78 tarot cards. and a million smiles, countless sunsets and sun rises are found in my spiritual Home.
the furniture in my house is made miracles.
i have the sun, the moon, all the planets in my spirital home. many doors and where i dream, is in the Temple outside of chains, globes, and root races.
I have Spiritual treasures as vast as 1/4 of the Nations wealth, all the power of the Fed and Billionares in my spiritual home.
my spiritual reputation in Heaven and the aplause i recieve when i walk through that passgate is as great if not greater than all the singing and dancing and applause of a thousand concerts and shows.
the big difference between what you get in this world and what i have stashed in the spiritual world is. time in this world is 60 to 100 years if you are fortunate. the time you spend in the spiritual world is, eternal.
i know what im building. i know what it represents. i know what it means. i know it feels like winning the spiritual jackpot lotto daily.
every day im knocking it out of the park. hitting Home Runs! so to speak.
no matter what paths ya chose in life, you always end up back where ya started. on the other side. where your retirement is, or isnt. depending on what ya grew with your soul.
and if ya sold your soul? you are ass out.
if a man aught to be a member of the lodge, he should atleast understand that much about what it means to be a member.
i never joined the lodge. i do understand much.
have good time with the boy.
This home of yours have a tax bill? ;-)
Speaking of Social Security I asked my 90+ y/o uncle how it was back before SS was created (1935), he’s pushing 100 so was there. This was during the Depression days, Detroit.
He indicated in the times before SS the older people who didn’t have any money and could work no more moved in with their kids, usually a daughter and that’s where they lived until they died. He indicated it wasn’t uncommon for people to have a parent(s) living in a back bedroom. He also explained it wasn’t uncommon for houses to be overcrowded and multiple adults would use bedrooms. Adults would sleep in shifts so there just wasn’t room for parents/grandparents who couldn’t produce – garden/clean/take care of the kids.
The houses who didn’t have room/money for parents/grandparents would put these folks into Eloise – the poorhouse.
“Established in 1839, Eloise Asylum was initially built as a psychiatric hospital for the mentally ill. Over the years, it evolved into a complex encompassing various medical facilities, including a tuberculosis sanatorium and a poorhouse.”
“Eloise was originally the Wayne County Poorhouse when it was built in 1832 and grew to more than 75 buildings across 900 acres. In addition to the general hospital, it had its own police and fire, dairy and pig farm, bakery, even a school for the kids who ended up there.”
He went on to explain that as a child before he really knew what was happening he was taken one time along on a trip to visit someone in Eloise This uncle recalls Eloise was a mess and as they were leaving the Eloise workers were confrontational telling his group to take this person they visited home and care for them there. This uncle says he can’t recall exactly who they visited or why but remembers the person didn’t look right.
He explained as SS was coming online the people who did save a little, got to remember this was coming off the Depression days, lived in hotels/tenements with one bathroom per floor, or in a single family house where the upstairs attic was converted into a flat. Basically squeezed in anywhere because the people who did have spare room needed the money.
He says everything changed after the war, but not right away. Jobs, and yada yada. People moved out.
Where I grew up in the midwest, county seat town of about 8,000, there was a “old folks home” where people who had worked but had no money in their older age could go to live. Usually it was populated by farmers and no Blacks were allowed to live there, nor drunks etc., only the good working people who had fallen on hard times.
It was county run and county paid for and for our county it was out from the edge of town by about mile. It was basically run as a farm with a small dairy, chickens, some cows, pigs and of some land for crops but due to the infirmities of the residents I doubt that they were allowed to use the mechanical equipment.
Went there a few times with my dad, he needed to talk to people he had know for life who lived there. Built kinda like an old style hotel with shared rooms, men and women in different wings, with multiple people per room he told me. There were a few rooms for married people he told me but not enough for every married couple. Downstairs was the the communal congregating area as well as the kitchen and dining areas.
I am sure it was different everywhere but our’s was a nicely built brick structure with two full front stories and it looked like a full basement, partial walkout in back for storage. HUGE porch ran along it’s front with all sorts of chairs to sit in as well as there being chairs scattered across the nice kept lawn leading up to it. A couple of large barns out back of course.
The county paid for it and maintained it and while not grand was a solid place to live for those who had fallen on hard times and could no longer work. No room there if you could still work.
The county also maintained a Children’s Home for the orphans … or children who’s parents could not afford to keep them. Out of town on the other side of town, again by about a mile. That was a true working farm. The grade school the orphans went to was the one I attended and there was never any problem at school with any of them as I can best recall, though low self confidence was a trait all of them seemed to have.
At least in our area, and as best as I can determine in our entire state, there was a sense that the community had to take care of those who fell into those categories (as well as the mentally ill) and a LOT of money was spent doing that in congregational settings. There was a strong religious undercurrent to it all … that every person who could be turned into a productive member of society should be and if society totally knocked them down there was at least enough there that they could eat and have some roof over their head (general relief funds also existed and were paid … nothing like today but enough so nobody was going to starve though where they could afford to live may be unheated in the winter unless they could scrounge up some coal for the pot belly stove in the middle of the room)
Both are now long gone.
Same here. Additionally, we had the Methodist Home, the Lutheran Home, and a couple other Church sponsored and run homes.
I never have paid much attention to precog aspects of EGG excursions, so I am not really pulling an anticipatory pucker.
I do have to wonder how many cumulative epiphanies does it take to put a red dot on the coherence counter?
Looking at 8/30/2024 global headlines, there is nothing that jumps out at me as a novel outlier. And yet, The EGGs are stirring.
Suppose that with Labor Day coming up, a few hundred million suddenly have the epiphany that the holiday that used to be for some other poor bastard is now for them, and they are so screwed.
Observer frames of reference mean everything.
one has to cast their mind upon the plane of Cosmic Consciousness to comphrend such things.
and many are too lazy and too destracted to do that.
most just see me as middle aged fella sitting out in the porch, having a smoke and drinking coffee.
and all the while, im contemplting things they may never understand. why? because i asked for much. and much is given to me.
so they take their applause now, their singing and their dancing. their scotch and their burgers which aint even 2 all beef paties anymore. they are a mile long list of ingrediants and hardly any real beef these days. they trade their eternal wealth for temporary fame and everything they cant take with them.
and im busy setting the table in my eternal home.
someone said to me one time on GLP, the powers that be hammer you. they lie, vheet and steal from you. they fuck with you non stop. and you just laugh.
why dont you fight back? you are so powerful!
i said who am i to stop them from making me wealthy beyond measure.
everything they take from me in the finite, they render to me in the eternal. they are unknowingly throwing their vast spiritual fortunes upon me in the spiritual realm. they think they are getting away with it because they know not what they do.
that is why i smile and laugh.
all paths lead to the other side. nobody here gets out alive.
whats in your wallet?
Keep it up Andy. This old dude cannot write much any longer, but I am still able to digest every word. I do enjoy reading your diatribes because I understand where you are coming from. I wish you well and that holds true for every other contributor. Be well !!!
Speaking of political campaigning INFLATION ought to be the only subject rather than the unimportant garbage that is currently presented.
One point I would like to add the G2’s decision.., which is none of my business………
Going to Texas gets him the hell out of Washington !
Days After RFK Jr. Declares War On Big Food, Time Mag Gaslights Readers On Junk Food
How it’s going: Just days after Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vocal critic of ultra-processed foods, endorsed former President Donald Trump to promote the “Make America Healthy Again” agenda, Time Magazine—a publication not to be taken seriously—published this…
Tulsi Gabbard Reveals The Real Reason Behind Endorsing Trump: ‘This Is Personal For Me’
The choice in this election is very clear and the differences between President Trump and Vice President Harris couldn’t be more stark. Frankly, to put it simply, the choice for the American people is a choice with Donald Trump, a man who values peace, prosperity, and freedom. He has a record that proves that. And Vice President Kamala Harris, whose record shows an increasingly tyrannical government undermining our freedoms.
Trump Warns Zuckerberg And Anyone Who Illegally Interferes In Election Will Be Jailed For Life
Donald Trump has warned that Mark Zuckerberg and anyone else who illegally interferes in the election will be jailed for life if he wins the presidency. The claim appears in a new book written by Trump called Save America that is due to be published next week.
The Constitution bans “ex post facto” laws. (Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.) Only way to “jail for life” would be to abandon the Constitution — which Trump has already done and offered to do in other respects. Here is a comment from the American Constitution Society website:
“But President Trump’s assault on our constitutional structures extends well beyond his rhetoric. The examples are legion, but here are just a few: He has misused the military for his own domestic political purposes. He has illegally reprogrammed federal funds to achieve his own policy objectives. He has politicized independent agencies for his own ends. He has openly violated federal law, most notably in the areas of immigration and environmental protection. He has strong-armed state and local governments to fall in line with his priorities by threatening, without statutory authorization, to withhold federal funds. The list could go on and on.”
bull shit source here is their story from their site
“About ACS
The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS) is the nation’s foremost progressive legal organization, with a diverse nationwide network that includes nearly 200 student and lawyer chapters, and progressive lawyers, students, judges, scholars, elected officials, and advocates.
Our mission is to support and advocate for laws and legal systems that redress the founding failures of our Constitution, strengthen our democratic legitimacy, uphold the rule of law, and realize the promise of equality for all, including people of color, women, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and other historically excluded communities.
We envision a multi-racial, representative democracy that includes:
A judiciary that reflects the diversity of the public it serves, vindicates fundamental freedoms, protects democratic guardrails, upholds the rule of law, and interprets the U.S. Constitution through the lens of history and lived experience;
Democratic institutions that advance equity and justice, uphold the rule of law, and guard against the abuse of power; and
A robust and diverse legal civil society that actively promotes progressive legal transformation and redress of the founding failures of our Constitution and of our laws and legal systems.
ACS is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-partisan organization, which does not support or oppose candidates or political parties. Donations to ACS are tax deductible.”
OH so they don’t oppose political candidates, BUT they are anti-Trump
more libtard bull shit,,, they hate the
US Constitution and seek to eliminate it through one step at a time to modify it until it is completely neutered!
fact checker , a self given title that is UNdeserved, sort of like @truth
but what do I know, as I AM the retard from Newhart Show that is ANTI,, PEDO +
the ACS likes the LBGTQ+,,, the + is baby fuckers
The ACS use a lot of wordsmithing but don’t list any actual crimes or laws broken,,, as they accuse Trump of “President Trump’s assault on our constitutional structures” , as they are trying to actually do what they accuse. It is described in their statement!
“that actively promotes progressive legal transformation and redress of the founding failures of our Constitution ”
try harder,, cry harder
3 mins of Dave Chappelle explaining Trump
Sorry, you just invalidated this ‘nym, too.
Go back to your Soho friends. They are so worthless as to have time to listen to this demonstrably false TDS dreck, and they don’t care if their grandkids become forced laborers or sex slaves.
We do…
“The Constitution bans “ex post facto” laws. (Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.)”
Yet these same folks want to force people who legally purchased firearms/accessories to face criminal penalties if they fail to surrender them on demand. It was legal when purchased, and you pass REGULATIONS (not even laws) to make it unlawful to own.
Nikki Haley’s comment to Trump: ‘Quit Whining’, the American people are smart, treat them like they are smart (44 second mark):
dear @c,,, we don’t take advice from the loser
because some do,,, it is that we don’t,,, but she can follow US if she is of a true heart, but not as a leader or advice giver,,, she is a low vote gatherer, and that is a FACT
I’ve noticed that every time G____ runs off a lying progressive social justice vigilante troll, another springs up to replace, like this new FC’er.
I have to wonder where the money for these paid trolls is coming from. Did the DOJ start doling out payola grants to lefties like they did under Obama’s DOJ, until the incoming Sessions dropped the AG hammer on the DOJ funding extremist street violence ?
How soon until busloads of leftist operatives and arsonists start showing up in urban commercial centers and targeted communities? So far the only notable target has been the DNC convention, and the firebugs apparently missed the bus.
And by the way, election tampering is already illegal. A non-CA, non-NY, non-DC interpretation of existing statute is not ex post facto.
It’s funny that the other list of charges levied against Trump by the new FC’er sound like a resume for the Obama and Biden gangs, and I’m not really a big Trump apologist; I just don’t like to see the progressives going unchallenged with their elitist propaganda BS.
“I’ve noticed that every time G____ runs off a lying progressive social justice vigilante troll, another springs up to replace”
Or the same one, with a different ‘nym.
He’s never going to ban someone like Mark or “C” because they are paid subscribers. (Frankly, I don’t blame him.)
The troll is here because of we, the “gallery.”
When those present who reply to these emotionally-troubled and mentally-deficient bandwidth-wasters figure out that if they simply stop replying to the troll, the troll will either grow up or stop trolling, George’s comment area will improve greatly. Until that time, I simply skip any post I identify as coming from someone who gets off by causing disruption rather than discourse.
I can preach it, but that doesn’t mean people will learn:–jrtrTtfiiU8eWGst87bQ&oe=66D6C612
A satirical ad warning of the dangers of TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome, is going viral.
The video was put out by Nicole Shanahan, who is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate. The two joined forces with Trump last week with Kennedy warning that Democrats have abandoned freedom.
Do not watch with your mouth full…
Understand, Nicole Shanahan is a multi-millionaire high-powered Liberal Democrat “lawyer to the tech elite” from silly-con valley. She is also a producer / developer / creator of movie shorts and PSAs on certain Leftist issues. She is also a “Liberal Democrat” (like RFK, Gabbard, and Dershowitz) NOT a Leftist nutjob.
She also had a “come to Jesus” moment when she got put on a witness stand a week or so ago and got to experience Stasi-style interrogation for hours, regarding her relationship to Donald Trump (which didn’t exist until RFK came over to the Light, coincidentally, a little more than a week ago.)
I believe SHE, not RFK or Tulsi, is going to be the difference in the coming election.
“Hell hath no fury”
And she is not only a “woman scorned,” she’s an extremely bright and resourceful woman of many means and talents, who just got stepped-on by a jack-boot and treated like cow dung, and she’s really, really pissed…