Can Job Data Stop the Decline?

That gets to be an interesting question, really.  Yes we have some new data, but can a (more or less) local jobs picture turn a world in decline?

Before we get into the U.S. picture, therefore, a word about Elsewhere.  In Asia, the Japanese Nikkei was down almost 400-points and  shade over one percent.  Hong Kong and Australia were up a bit, but some of that money going into Australia may have been “flight to safety” money.  Europe was a mixed bag early with France and the Useless Kingdom down a tad but the Germans were rallying somewhat.

Also, in our Aggregate Index work – this snapshot was taken before any of the numbers hit – it looked like we had started (predictably if your read Peoplenomics) around the 85-day moving average.  Which we like because it feels like a dollar-weighted midpoint between the 50 DMA and 200 DMA that drives a lot of “mechanical” purchasing on Wall St.

Looks like our Aggregate took a bounce off the 85-DMA so the operant question is how high can this bounce go as the week wraps up?

Two Hits of Job Data

Before the numbers today, the CME Fed Watch Tool – which you can look at here, later on to see how the jobs flow impacted things – when the rate decision comes September 18 (13-days from now) – was running 43 percent expecting a rate decrease.

Our thinking is a little more hard-nosed.  Jerome Powell has been saying “No cut until 2 percent” so that if he does lower rates, it will be seen (variously) as him trying to reprise Pinocchio, or as trying to ensure Kamala Harris takes over from Slow.  The ACTUAL problem is that rates are a floating back-alley craps game. And Japan is bound to raise – again – and that will send markets into a panic.  Does Powell do the responsible thing (hold) or does he pander to the Big Money crowd which is looking for rate relief for its bonus (bone-us) numbers?

With all this in mid-swirl, we have two sets of data out.  The first is the ADP Jobs report which will give some idea on hiring.  Here’s how it went:

ROSELAND, N.J. – September 5, 2024 – Private sector employment increased by 99,000 jobs in August and annual pay was up 4.8 percent year-over-year, according to the August ADP® National Employment

Right behind ADP there’s the Job Cuts report from Challenger:

“Job Cuts Announced by US-Based Companies Surge in August 2024; Hiring Falls to Lowest YTD Since Challenger Began Tracking in 2005

U.S.-based employers announced 75,891 cuts in August, a 193% increase from the 25,885 cuts announced one month prior. It is up 1% from the 75,151 cuts announced in the same month in 2023, according to a report released Thursday from global outplacement and business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

For the year, companies have announced 536,421 job cuts, down 3.7% from 557,057 announced through August of last year. Excluding the 115,762 job cuts announced in August of 2020, last month was the highest August total since 2009, when 76,456 layoffs were recorded.

After cuts, the next stop in our unemployment “pipeline” is the weekly U.I. filings report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

If you’re looking for tea leaves, this is a god-awful mess. My personal trading indicators vaguely suggest we could rally into the close tomorrow. But, with the Economic Fractalist looking for a low soon, we might consider a short over the weekend.  Like the old joke goes, “I sure picked a hell of a time to stop drinking…” His discussion in There Are Two identifiable October 2023 Interpolated First and Second Weekly and Daily: x/2-2.5x Fractal series. 5 August 2024 represented the first series low: 8 October 2024 is the second series Global Equity Crash Low | The Economic Fractalist may have you reconsidering the red-eye.

Also, among the “colleague sites” I hope you’ve taken the time with G.A. Stewart’s piece on “Collapse and Revolution.”

The only really useful ideas we can add are two-fold.

First, there is a non-zero chance (in fact, reader D’Lynn has mentioned it) of a nuke being used before month-end.  SHOULD this come to pass, it can screw up financial markets (think force majeure clauses triggering) and we could have a long-term financial market closure. Depending on where, of course.  But remember in our contingency thinking, there is the possibility of nuclear war to prevent the U.S. election, provide for Israel smashing Iran and Russia getting in NATO’s face.  This all collects into a decision on our part to only trade options which are subject to “next day settlement.” With stocks, it’s typically three days, and God forbid you have a weekend in the mix. Just like Agile means something in software, it means something in money movement, too.

That is to say we are not “betting on nukes getting used” but we have three Geiger counters, have reread Kearney, and have plastic sheeting and duct tape. And by the end of this weekend, our IBC tote full of potable water will be cycled and sealed.

In fact, I would mention this morning’s column is being written on a new 55″ QLED UHD screen, though there’s some risk of me being taken as progressively more paranoid.  Maybe a bit…

Sleeplessness Inducers

On the other hand…

We have mentioned many times that if one of the powerplants in the Ukraine war were to meltdown and send radioactivity into Russia, that would likely constitute West/NATO/Ukraine “first use” of a nuke.  We went to bed last night studying UN Nuclear Watchdog Warns Conditions ‘Very Fragile’ at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Power Plant | NTD.

Until recent coverage, it seems like “Old George, paranoid as always.” But in the last few days and in Why is Russia changing its nuclear doctrine amid the Ukraine war? | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera, we notice that yes, a powerplant being deliberately melted down would qualify:

“Under the doctrine, Russia can use nuclear weapons in “response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies”.

For now, in the other threat pile, Iran has chilled a bit while IAEA Chief Eager to Interact with Iran’s New Admin. While this will be cast by many as “good news” it will not be in Tel Aviv.  Because people there understand that Iran is merely talking while they keep the enrichment program going and producing fissionable materials.

Ham Radio Diversionary Note: While checking to see if China was acting up opposite Taiwan overnight, we stumbled on this curious headline which all ham radio operators will understand: Typhoon Yagi causes flooding in Tainan. Hard deciding which (cheap, tech) one-liner to use:  “Does this mean we’re going to have a Typhoon HyGain or Telerex?”  Or “How many dB down were the sidelobes of precip?” Bad tech puns are “logged periodically…” (groans)

Missing Gomorrah II

I’ve been amazed with how the data fills in around the odd remark now and then:  Watch: Moment asteroid lights up night sky in Philippines (

One other “Look, Up in the sky!” reader: Belief in alien visits to Earth is spiraling out of control – here’s why that’s so dangerous.  Loss of central control (which we read as taxing authority) which was laid out in (was it 1963?) in Report from Iron Mountain (on the accessibility and desirability of Peace).  Don’t mind old George. He’s in the rocking chair, still waiting to collect that Peace Dividend from the fall of the Soviet empire.  One villain falls and the new statues go right back in their place. Surprised?


Everything you worried about in elections: Kash Patel Reveals How States Are Rigging Elections Using Illegal Immigrants.

Sayanora $57,000?  Bitcoin prices fall below $57K amid rough September start.

Did you see the memo? Ours must have gotten lost: REJOICE – IT’S OVER – CLIMATE ALARMISM HAS BEEN DEBUNKED – The Burning Platform.

Around the Ranch: Annual Checkup Day

I’ll let you know tomorrow if I’m still alive.  Up all-night studying for my blood tests. (rimshot)

Honestly, a little off the pace today – breaking in a new keyboard and it’s not ready for hypersonic testing yet.

Supposed to rain today. But we were supposed to have small government, secure borders, and minimal foreign entanglements, too.  Don’t know who to believe anymore.

Oh?  yeah…no one.

Write when you get rich,

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

54 thoughts on “Can Job Data Stop the Decline?”

  1. “Supposed to rain today.” – yeah sUre it is, and I got the Crooklyn Bridge for Sale. Being as how youse be a card carrying member of the USD regime, this property would be perfect namesake for Youse, G. Dude –
    Ill let it go cheap..lets say $50,000.00 for Youse cause Ure such a swell guy. Finance terms available at the “loob” rate (29%).

    More unbelievable – this clip of tRUMP riffing on the whole shebangabang…remember in Quantum Tunneling all numbers add up to nothing..Operation Gold Fish -Trust The Plan –

    Hear ya go @c troll – in effort to keep things balanced – hear be CaMANala clip frm same source as above –

    Go ahead and tell this casual observer that USA is NOT Occupied.

    *Considering White/Caucasian = 10% of World Population – who are the racists?

    Maybe wave when youse find some Water – bwahahahahahahahahaah

  2. I don’t always write here, but I always listen and consider. Sometimes I make decisions based on the info here and that gathered elsewhere. Last Friday, I went to cash and I’m considering staying there through the end of September and maybe the year. So, I know you don’t give ‘trading advice’, George, but thanks just the same.

    In geopolitical matters, I am on the watch for something crazy and desperate to happen. The West wants WW3 for several reasons and they mean to have it. Russia and China are too smart to take the bait and by extension Iran and NK. Look for outrageous provocations by the Ukraine and Israel in attempts to provoke a response that can be used to sell open global war to the masses. In the end, I suspect that when the bait is not taken that the same old false flag playbook will be used. These people are not smart and not creative, luckily for them neither is the average plebe who will believe anything as long as it’s not true.

    Finally, on UFOs. George, I couldn’t help but notice the link to the news story about belief in UFOs being ‘dangerous’. A good friend talked about this same story on a podcast that I’ll think you’ll find interesting. Heck, you might already listen!

    • I figure Trump just put his other foot into the grave. During the Lex Fridman Podcast he did a couple days ago,

      ( )

      he offered such gems as completely opening the government’s files on UFOs, unclassifying and publishing all files related to the Kennedy assassinations, and extolling the virtues of medical marijuana (as explained to him by experts in mari-ju-wana research. Trump himself has never even nibbled a brownie crumb.)

      Trump as a Central Figure in new targeting protocols:

      * By picking up RFK he’s scared the medical-government complex and the pharmcos

      * Offering the public the decoder ring for the unabridged Operation Blue Book may put him on the “oxy” side of “military” intelligence

      * Opening wide the JFK files (and RFK, and probably MLK and Malcolm X) is going to condemn a lot of people at a lot of alphabet sub-agencies of DHS – undoubtedly all deceased by now, but with progeny in the various bureaucracies, and who used methods most Americans, to this day, don’t know exist. Some of which may still be in use (like MK-Ultra…) This stuff will not set will with either the FBI or the more-spooky of the other Agencies.

  3. Something that should give American Businesses in China and those exporting to China pause:

    “China detains AstraZeneca staff in data, drug-import probes, Bloomberg News reports”

    AND for those companies that thought China was going to be a HUGE market for them thus allowed them the “Magic Thinking” that exporting our Manufacturing and Technology expertise developed over the last 70 years to China FOR FREE would drive their sales and profits “To The Moon” … note GM’s sales in China are now about 1/3 of what they were at their peak (2018/19) and their China Division is now losing money. (Volkswagon isn’t doing so hot with it’s China profits either – little to none coming back to Germany now)

    • See news on FOIA – Burd Flu gain of Function studies in Chynah – paid for by YOU, ME and Everyone else on board here UrbSurv. gotta LUV cam and slo..GOT TO!

      Love em To Death..

      before twitty flu gets You too.

    • Whoopsie…

      ‘Hard to compete with China’s 2000-some native car manufacturers, when the CCP gives them the complete GM / Tesla / VW / Mercedes / Leyland / BMW (and probably other) patent catalogues and tells them to get busy.

      If you do business with the Devil, you WILL get burned…

      • american companies can’t compete.. the cost of living is so low there that they can undersell foreign countries on everything.. except food.. and seriously I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one either.. they have been incorporating North Korea’s advancement in hydroponics.. while we thought we were hurting North Korea by imposing and trying to starve them out.. they became the leaders in the technology of food production on assembly lines.. China has gone whole hog after the technology.. one of my dream spots to eventually see are the water gardens of china.. seen photos of them.. they are absolutely beautiful.. they have started to impliment green scaping to.. what they can’t go out on they go up with..

        • Our cost of living isn’t why we can’t compete.

          The reason we can’t compete is the obscene pile of regulations with which any manufacturer or producer must comply, before they can roll out the first product. In many industries, the cost of compliance is far greater than the actual cost of production. It was Trump’s reduction of regulations which stimulated manufacturers to consider repatriation and (for companies like Carrier) to scrub their plans to leave. Unfortunately, Congress would have to pass an actual regulation reduction and elimination act for such initiatives as Trump’s to become meaningful enough for the U.S. to recapture a significant portion of its wayward manufacturing base. GM is not going to bring Delco back from Mexico or Cadillac from China, unless they feel the crippling U.S. regulations and unfair business practices are permanently gone.

  4. It is virtually impossible to mathematically predict what a country will do. You can diligently dig through the news reports for what is happening and think you have a good basis for an opinion., but gathering intel on any country is rather fleeting.., because no matter how much intel & information you gather, there is one bus-load of Head-Honchos running the show., and those people do very little talking. They are busy playing chess behind the curtain – with you [ the international audience ] and their own military and their civilians. [ a quick look at Israel will tell you that.]
    Russia sending a Poseidon up the Thames is very doable., impossible to stop and if the numbers are correct – will turn the Useless Kingdom into a neolithic wasteland – never to recover. [ Which would make Putin smile.]
    But – the is no way to predict that will happen. “If this line is crossed – that button will be pushed.” There is no math theory in existence that can give you that answer. To get a handle on it – you have to look elsewhere., somewhere besides theory and math predictions. Science, in any discipline, just doesn’t apply.
    [ “Some people just want to see the world burn.” Alfred Pennyworth.]
    That leaves you with very few choices and out on a limb for making any kind of accurate predictions. A ‘gut feeling’., or ‘dream-vision’ can not be tested – they can not be lab-repeated and proven. “You’ve got a hunch”., it’s nothing more then that.
    Where does that leave you – when looking into the future for what you should be doing – preparing for – and when …? .., where ? ..,completely on your own.

    • Remote View – Military pioneered the work..still OnGoing.

      Science of discerning strongest time line amongst multiples.

      Would I bet on RV-ing results – nerp.

      Can use it like Astrology…that being said – has been incredibly accurate lately, and of course they will tell you they Are working directly with the “good” ET’s..what ever “good” is supposed to mean in that context…

    • Russia has historically had a big ego. The idea in 1900s was their king would outindustrialize europe by Russia being’bigger’. WW1 was ‘bigger’. WW2 was bigger. Shuttle to orbit was bigger, Oil production was bigger, wars overseas was bigger (than vietnam)( idea was combat ready for europe and WARSAW pact). Afganistan was bigger. Arab influence and African influence was bigger, Spys were bigger. Food in stores after Krusckevf visit to Nixon was biggger.
      Current Biden ‘bleed you’ is ‘bigger’…You want a ‘nuc’..I have ‘bigger’.

    • So how does europe respond to russia a ‘one bigger’? Well, 31 nations are now europe… Greece is broke, Turkey is now BRICS and non europe but NATO. Romania is more russia than europe and vetoes 31 nation votes. Fix? one bigger for europe is assassination of leaders and german furher… to bring greater prosperity to europe. After fall wall in 1990 some germans wanted greater germany… they died of unknown causes… Merkel kept boat stable for east german reunification. That took 30 years. About time Russia had enough of liberals and Ukraine (brought to you bey British and nuc returns to Russia after the fall of the wall). So in theory british like russia against german so germany not against british commonwealth. Same game as Hilter…eastern europe… outcome uncertain… King Charles says we love one another, Some time back Turkey learne the hard way that British controlled its currency. British also learned the hard weas on Brit exit. Friend of a friend is a enemy.

    • “It is virtually impossible to mathematically predict what a country will do.”

      That is precisely correct. Nations, civilizations, societies, do not function on a logical level unless they are forced to do so. .AND. .OR. .NOR. etc. are useless, unless one can force a government into making binary decisions. Governmental, and social decisions are typically based on emotion, not logic, and unless rule is centered on a single person (a Monarch, Emperor, or Dictator of unlimited authority), every single person in that society exerts a miniscule, but perceptible influence on every decision made by their governmental authority.

      Have you ever read any science fiction?

      If so, are you familiar with Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation series?”

      If not, I suggest you find the leisure time to read them (they’re not big books. SF novels of that era are typically under 200 pages.) Asimov was one of the brightest humans to ever walk the planet. Along with founding MENSA, he was an accomplished scientist and professor. There are a number of lessons which may be learned from the Foundation and i, Robot trilogies.

      The guidance you seek for the equations you can’t formulate, will be found on Trantor…

      • One of my favorite authors. I used to love listening to him and Ellison bicker at each other.., it was great.
        Did you know that Asimov was a staunch “One Government” supporter ? One governing body to rule and control the world. He figured that was the only way we could come together and venture into space – that standing apart, one country would never succeed.

        • I am an asimove fan as well.. I didn’t know that he was a one govt. supporter.. on saturday mornings there use to be a radio channel and they would read his books and others it was called story time..
          there was one at noon on weekdays to but a different channel.. long before the public channels..
          I would anxiously await getting to listen to them read the books.. after I got over my dyslexia ( well I still have it but manage it well) then I would get his books and read them..

        • “Did you know that Asimov was a staunch “One Government” supporter?”

          Of course. So am I. I am a big proponent of “space exploration and exploitation.” People like Elon Musk and Richard Branson will make inroads, but until there are 10,000 such as they, “Star Trek” can’t happen. Until (nearly) all “Earthers” are on the same page, socially, politically, and economically, we’re stuck on the 3rd Rock, and that page can NOT engender any portion of Marx’ socioeconomic political philosophy.

          At this point in time, Man is not nearly mature enough, socially or philosophically, for oneworld rule. We won’t be for a thousand, ten thousand, maybe a million years, and we can absolutely NOT be, until communism, fascism, and democracy are mere paragraphs, or even just footnotes, in standardized, non-politicized history books.

          All forms of socialism lead to societal stagnation and eventual death by suicide or autosarcophagy. With regard to one world rule, the League of Nations / United Nations and any similar organization which may follow them is a problem, not a solution. Over 80% of the world’s governments are socialist in some form. By patterning a “world legislature” after a unicameral parliament, there is no way for such an organization to progress socially, nor for the societies of Earth, either singularly or collectively, to mature.

      • (“If so, are you familiar with Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation series?”)

        I love Asimov’s books and stories.. as a boy they like the hardy boys got a little mind to wander.. for those that have never read any of it.. heres a link to start getting to know Asimov..

  5. Stunning piece of work by Stu Yesterday ……… Still trying to get my arms around the whole UFO thing – Always thot there were – but the historical stuff civilizations etc will have to consider more thoughtfully – my belief up until yesterday is that it would be used or staged as a diversion – Kudos Stu

  6. re: Eras and “Decline”
    feat: Chiefs vs Ravens

    Hmmm, the Global Conciousness Project dot hit its rock bottom blue shade around 1000 e.s.t. this morning. According to the White House schedule, President Biden would have been downing the Presidential Briefing.

      • Natasha – Boris, we must stop this insanity.

        Boris – Yes my darlink, one Kinzal Dagger coming right up.

        us airbase in krautland would have less than 2 minutes warning from launch to bye bye. Ask the swedes (whole teams) like their entire EW Wing got vaporized 2 nights ago in ukraine..hundreds. PM just resigned this AM – nothing to do with the Slaughter, supposedly.

        Makes me think Deagle was dead ballz accurate – with at LEAST 70% of Americans are already Dead..mindless zombies.

  7. “Collapse and Revolution.”

    It’s going to be a doozy if the U.S.A. collapses because the current fiat system will be dust binned. Everything Western will have to be revalued.

    How much will my house be worth considering the closest grocery store is about a mile. Without wheels I’m in a food desert along with everyone else. Without the Strait of Hormuz $AMZN prime doesn’t work so no help there.

    As the people give-up the suburbs leaving for the density of the city this neighborhood will change to gangland and I’ll be woofed up. Little Ukies everywhere.

    Poor farms could make a comeback. But all the land nearest the city centers was turned into subdivisions so there’s no close farmland to make that work.

    A lot of people are addicted to imported ‘meds’ and I don’t think people can stop those for a year or two while a new supply chain is brought up. A lot of tough decisions or paradigm shifts on the horizon.

    Or the collapse happens, society hands everything over to A.I. and sovereignty to China/NWO to keep the ball rolling.

    • OoW_Steve: Financial collapse at the national banking level and an EMP attack have potential results which aren’t that dissimilar. Collapse in food and energy production and distribution are inseparable issues from financial collapse. Best not to go there.
      Trying to farm at even the subsistence level without machinery and fuel is back-breaking and all-consuming. Meanwhile, the debt payments go unpaid and the leg breakers run wild. We got a taste of that in the ’30’s and in again in the 2008 era. People can plow up their yards and grow gardens, but they won’t, because they have been brought up to disrespect food production lifestyles and people, and have no training. They will either sit with their hands in their laps waiting for a bail out, or will go on a rampage of looting. Urban sophisticates will show their true nature.
      A mile from a grocery store is within easy reach by bicycle. I have a new store going in maybe 6 miles distant, which I have enough endurance to reach by bicycle on a good riding day. I would expect farmer’s markets and trade lots to start popping up in a real extended emergency.

  8. Right after the open this morning I had a very strong urge to short the DJIA.
    However – I try very hard to not bet against my own numbers.., why do all the research if you’re not going to follow it.., ? Dumbass…,
    .., but my gut told me it was not ‘neutral to flat’ – it’s going down.., This time my gut was right – down about 230 points right now.
    oh., well – tomorrow is another cheeseburger in the making.

    • dLynn: permit an anecdotal reply …

      I still race sailboats (last of the year, last in my 60s) weekly. Though armed with the best meteo data possible, and while being a student of geometry, what seems like the best tack sometimes isn’t. If my gut says go, go now, I usually execute. Sometimes ya eat the bear and …

      It’s also legit to ask whether one is trying to win a leg, win a race, or win a Regatta. All the above is a lot. Deciding not to make a trade is equally legit as diving in. It’s a decision. Win the Regatta.

      Ironic, while always hesitant to “out” myself, everything changed the last two weeks. I am no longer in the bus., no longer constrained by rules of old, yet think to mention we (royal we) never give FA.

      May we live in interesting times.
      We do …

      ps – the Dow is too narrow for my taste.

      • You have good taste in “narrows” but now let’s talk sailing, old pard. The important stuff.

        My experience – sailing more or less full time on a big boat for just under 11-years, is that if you “own the beat” you will own the leg. If you own the leg, you can own the race. If you own just one more than half the races, you own the season.
        You sailing attitude is an oddity to me. Excellence under sail comes down to “go fast and you can, while remembering on the sheets “when in doubt let it out…:” because if there’s one thing I learned going head-to-head closing at 15 knots in the Duck Dodge (rules and more at it’s that “lake racers” (pond scum) tend to over sheet like crazy. Heel angle highest is never best VMG (to mark)
        Fish and chips at the Sloop ( and bigger water, if you please.
        Technical question: Have you got your marks in a handheld GPS and do you fly VMG or just gut it to windward?

    • Agreed. My financial advisor called this morning wanting to set up our fall meeting. Usually, we just show up and after what Diana calls the snorefest he takes us out to a schmancy steak house for lunch. This year he tells me the tax team and the CPA will meet with us at the same time. What no Lunch at Fogo De Chao? He says we’ll probably go to Applebees or get something sent in. That bad huh? Last year I gave him a new Stetson. This year it’s a framed movie poster of the Wild Bunch with Ben Johnson, the greatest western actor in the history of films. He has this weird idea The Magnificent Seven is better. Yulk Brenner, Puuuulease. Next year maybe he will get a bag of peanuts and we’ll get a boloney sandwich.

    • d…you are very active in the markets, wondering if you would share some of your favorite trading etf’s, options etc? Yeah, I need a cheeseburger…thanks

      • I’m sure he will respond, but ETFs are not particularly good trading instruments, in my view (I know, you didn’t ask, but…)
        You can make a hell of a lot more money – and with similar risks, maybe higher safety in ETFs if you’re slow, but options clear cash in one day not 3, if you understand how options work.
        there, D’lynn – I let the cat out of the bag…(which might explain why I’m up 9 percent for the month on one trade and have taken the past couple of days off trading…)

      • I do not trade ETF’s.., nor single stocks.., nor futures.., I trade [ bet ] only options.., and that is not for the faint of heart.
        Options trading can earn you a goodly amount of money – but, can also wipe you out at the drop of a hat. Time decay in options is something a lot of people can never figure out – thus they lose their lunch money rather fast.
        Sorry – I never., ever tell anyone what options I am trading., or about to trade – learn that lesson long ago. My favorite options are on the big indexes – NASDAQ, S&P500 and occasionally the DJIA. The Dow especially – when they set themselves up for short drop – it is usually quite fast – but they do it to themselves – sadomasochists., the lot of them.
        I highly recommend options trading – but., and it’s a fat girl’s “BUTT!”., you have to know what you are doing. If you have never traded options before – there are a lot of courses and books on the subject to get you started. I can’t teach you anything about options trading over a computer., except – start small.

        …, d’Lynn

  9. George,

    System Self-0rganization since 27 October 2023 into 1st and 2nd fractal series…

    The important nadir value dates for the current ACWI (global word equity index) fractal series are observable: 27 October 2023, 17 January 2024, 13 February 2024, and 5 August 2024. Whereas 17 Jan, 13 Feb, and 5 Aug 2024 rebounded off the daily lows and ended near the daily highs providing short term direction, October 27, 2023 ended near the nadir valuation providing a true north longer valuation direction for the March 2020 to August 2024 8-9/24/24 month :: x/2.5x/2.5x fractal growth series. 5 August 2024 concluded a 27 October 2023 to 5 August 2024 1st and 2nd x/2.5x :: 55/139 day fractal series with the characteristic observable nonlinear lower gaps near the end of the 139 day second fractal.

    The 74/163 day interpolated 1st and 2nd fractal series having nadirs 27 October 2023 and 13 February 2024 and a projected low on Monday 7 October 2024 has as its second 163 day fractal composition, a subseries of 47/117 days :: x/2.5x ending 7 October 2024. The self-ordering system is currently as of 5 September on day 96 of the 117 days second fractal and within the 2x to 2.5x :: 94-117 day window of an interim nonlinear gapped lower low collapse.
    The fractal mathematical prediction is an up day tomorrow with a nonlinear gapped lower low on next Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday is day 145 of an expected minimum 148 day growth of a 74/148 day 27 October 2023 1st and 2nd fractal growth series; and thus a sharp rebound should occur off the next Tuesday low. From the 5 August 2024 low a 12+/33 day 1st and 2nd growth fractal series is observable with a final intermediate major low on 7 October 2024. A daily proposed fractal pathway is provided.
    The BSE Indian highest-flying global equity market, the Shanghai property Index, the Bank of Shanghai, GBTC as a proxy for bitcoin – all have crash intermediate weekly fractal lows ending early in the week of 7 October 2024.

    • I am guessing it is a sweetheart deal as well.. the business is above the law .. hell no one in DC stuck around to get it all taken care of it doesn’t matter how much evidence they had come up with the deal will more than likely be similar to the one they wanted to get through in GA.. Trump will do more time in prison if he survives it.. ( my guess is something nefarious will happen while he is there. I thought they had gotten it passed so they could pull his secret service detail.. leaving him totally on his own in the most dangerous prison in the USA. Either way they have spent ten years and billions of dollars trying to destroy him they won’t ever allow him to sit in the chair again.. they can’t control him and I believe that control is what they desire.. )of course that is just my opinion on what I have read..

  10. almost 10 years ago, in 2015 Dr Steve1959 sent me 2 links to ask my opinion of these 2 websites. to have a look see.

    one was and the other was

    Les Visibles website aka the Dog Poet.

    so i told Dr Steve id have a look. when i went to Zengarden (which is no longer a website for reasons linked below) my initial assessment was the ’emotonial finger print’ of children scared and crying histerically. not what i expected for site claiming to be About Love and Light. Zen Gardners banner read, “Just wondering”

    i chose to comment under the Handle Q, instead of 0. on Zen Garden.

    on Les Visibles site i comment using the handle 0.

    which most know me on glp as that handle. not all posts on glp using that handle are me, but some are. glp is a sea of perversion with the truth scattered in places.

    i found Les to be very interesting. honest and refreshing in some cases. i could see why Clif High Liked him at the time. i still occasionally comment there as Dude. Les might not be right about everything. but atleast He is Honest. and that is refreshing.

    so i did what i do, moving things and thoughts posting inuitively and reported to the good Doctor my understanding of each.

    some people didnt like me on there and kept saying Fuck You to me. phonetically it was fu Q. because i was using the handle Q, and the Chinese manderine symbol of Fu means: One Breath in the Garden. (A refrence to Biblical Eden). everytime they said Fuck You to me, they were unknowingly Blessing me. it was an inside joke between. Dr Steve and I. Fuck you! ->>> fu Q.
    and i would reply. Thank You. Thank You! blessing those who cursed me.

    you know how on some sites i say, “I will never be back” and at some point i dont ever return. and its means way more than that. Jesus predicted his crusifixtion and rising on the 3rd day over and over and over.

    and to those who understand Re-incarnation i say, I will never be back.

    while, on Zen Garder i said, “Confession is good for the soul. frees ya from the shackles of the past.”

    over and over and over.

    and eventually the leader of Zen Garden, aka Don Fergusen had a melt down and confessed to being the enforcer for the The Children of God. Satanic Pedifile cult.

    it didnt matter who was the acting priest and what confessional he chose.

    it sparked the flame set the house of satan and pedefiles ablaze.

    prior to the confession, none of what you hear now was shouted from the roof tops was heard.

    as you can clearly see, almost 10 years later every one on epstines island and hollywood is on their knees praying to the devil, “gimme shelter”

    around that time, before the site was taken down,

    there was an individual in the Zen Garden who went by the handle Ariel. the name of an Angel. at the time of Don’s Confession aka Zen Gardner i asked Ariel Who do you choose to be the next President of the United States? i was asked to give to you, the power to choose. if you choose to not choose, an alternate will be chosen.

    so i said, at the worlds current trajectory Who do you choise? Jeb Bush or Hilary Clinton. Ariel replied Neither. i said a choice was given and choice was made. Donald Trump will be selected as the Next US President.

    here is 2 links confirming Zen Gardners ( posing as an online love and light Guru) Confession to Being
    being the front man for a Satanic Pedofile Cult, named The Children of God.

    now, some time after,

    Q drops then started in 2017

    siting wikipedia.

    “Their core belief is that a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic child molesters is operating a global child sex trafficking ring that conspired against president Donald Trump

    Followers believe the Trump administration secretly fought the cabal of pedophiles, and would conduct arrests and executions of thousands of cabal members on a day known as “the Storm” or “the Event”.[12] QAnon conspiracy believers have named Democratic politicians, Hollywood actors, high-ranking government officials, business tycoons, and medical experts as members of the cabal.[13]”

    here is the link again to my post about the Choice made.

    a few comments down further,

    “I was asked to give the angel in “the garden” a choice. He chose to give it 4 more years. In order for others to have more time to prepare. As the Elite know, it is The Divine that can change the rules and has absolute athority to shift directions without any prior notice.”

    as we know at the link above, Trump did become president. there was 4 years of prosperity. the world economy was shut down under the Who Flag, pandemic.

    as was stated in the comments I made using the handle 0. durring this dialog “So now, it will begin to unfold around 2019.”

    First COVID-19 case could have emerged in China in Oct 2019 – study.

    Biden was mentioned as not running for a reason. above Trump. and he is not running again. an altertive to Hillary was selected who was not named. we now know that is Harris.

    as both Trump and Elon in there conversation which hit over a Billion views many times “pandoras box”

    and in Trumps interview with Tucker Carlson? Trump Brings up Panama.

    ->>> humanity has found itself in a loop of sorts. a replay.

    not everyone who posted on thread as 0. thread is me. the original author of that Time Travel 2020 thread changed her handle from pandoras box to lucifer. and then after saying, “If i was satan id kill you” to me. shortly there after she became no more.

    now some time after among the comments of Les Visible an individual began posting using the handle 0.

    2025 marks the 10 year anniversery of that sequence. of the confession, and all that.

    i have spent a large portion of the last few weeks considering all these things. what was created and how it continues to unfold as it does.

    as i said many times about creating a povisional space, then allowing the answer to come as it comes and be what the answer is.

    i thought long and hard about posting all this. we all have a part to play.

    now i have moved. having recently lived in the Valley of Enoch, where there was a Cheriot of God dynamic expression, to a period of living in a Scaled Replica of The City of Gods, on Eagle Mountain to now living in a place nicknamed Eden.

    Fu- Q and a little less than 10 years later im sitting here in a place called Eden breathing in the garden.

    while Trump is doing what Trump is doing, Q is doing what Q is doing. 0. is doing what 0. is doing, biden did what he did, Elon is doing what Elon does, *as i stated later on that thread Elon is the probably the Anti Christ and there he is on his X profile wearing The Devils Champion Halloween Costume,

    and the whole world is in round 2. the replay. as the chatter in some circles ponders: What is the October Suprize?

    mindful this looms somewhere down the road:

    “They will be able to easily establish it as the world trading currency once the dollar collapses. The power elite do not want another country in control of the world’s estabilshed trading currency. This one will be controld by the worlds Federal banks. An estimated 80% of the countries in the world will accept it and promote it under the guise of “nation economic equality”.

    i saw clifs posts on X about meditation and breathing. good stuff. Clifs call once one awakens to the truth is to waken others to the truth.

    although Clif does site Reverand Alex Jones a few times. The Reverand Alex Jones who beats upon the pulpet of mainstream conspiracy church, is a perger of Milton William Cooper work, who wrote Behold a Pale Horse. Reverand Jones as he tends his koolaide bar, claims he was called “The Most Dangerous Man in the World.” a title given to Milton William Cooper by One President William Jefferson Clinton in his first term. and was never given to Reverand Jones. i do not care for Reverand Alex Jones. what so ever. because he plays off William Coopers work and Title as if it was his. even William Cooper said there would be a 9 11 attack then a few months later Jones stole that info and played it off as his own and built his info wars platform based entirely off passing someone elses brilliance as his own.

    i do find it interesting while i walk through Eden, the different trees that grow. Many of them around here, the branches are bending to the ground full of fruit.

    harvest time, comes soon. for everyone.

    when i consider the above tree.

    as a world content co- creater, the most difficult part is, ( like in meditation, which is giving a provisional space)

    leting it come as it comes, grow as it grows, to become to be whatever it is becomes. then letting it bear fruit. a full harvest in its ripe season.

    mindful of the wisdom, that within a single apple seed holds potential to grow into a thousand thousand orchards. (given enough linier or cycle time)

    it is my current understanding and assement that because of the delay, and the current replay of Trump verses Hillary subsitute Harris as it relates to my lee Iacocca k-car anology yesterday, Humanity will be afforded 8 more years of prosperity to prepare.

    we all will reap what we so. all the trees are full of fruit. what each has sowed they will reap a thousand thousand fold. there is no exceptions to this. not even Reverand Jones nor the judges in New York City will escape harvest season this year. I saw the bright Orange Harvest on the road before me a couple weeks back. just a little bit farther sitting right on the road.

    We are rapidly approaching The Grand Celestial Harvest Season.

    as i consider my own trees and that of others, like That Old Ubran Rocken Shamman, who once upon a time had a goat farm. one day while doing rim shots of El Don. he decided fuck these Goats! and them goats were no more.


    The Grand Rising,

    i sat for a long time in quiet meditation this morning. just breathing in and out. contemplating it all. then letting all thoughts rise and fall away. until the sounds and thoughts of the world faded into silence. that place, where i am centered, balanced and present. here and now. after a few hours. then the noise of the world begain to whirl around me again.

    i opened my eyes, stood up, walked over and i picked a ripe itallian plumb from the tree where i now live. held it in my hand and said,

    by their fruit, you shall know them.

    • and so it has begun,
      we saw the first patron of a long line of enter the confessional. Mr Mark Zuckerberg.

      although i dont think he is quite done yet. that is above my paygrade. the line has began to move. the punshiment is not for me to decide. that is also above my paygrade.

      you can look. or dont look. see or not see. hear it or not. it matters not to me. i said what i said,

      and that what came to be.

      i never wanted to be a big deal in this world. Im good with being just Andy.

    • well we dont want to rest on our laurals. the harvest is a busy time to be had for all.

      there is a difference between being a servant of The LORD of Harvest and being HIS friend and a tennant on His Ranch.

      *puts on work boots, gets on sadle. picks another ripe peace of fruit. looks off into the distance at the sunrise.

      turns to the Rocken Shamman. *tips hat.

      *kicks heals in stirrups,
      Go on now, get! Giddy up!

    • she probably didn’t know she was wearing the symbol.. its like my favorite coffee brands logo.. or many logo’s of popular brands.. many don’t even know what the graphics was originally intended for..


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