Markets Breaking Ice, Woo-woo

You could almost hear the ice breaking under the weight of bloated markets this week.  But the REAL trouble is apparent in this morning’s ChartPack where our rhymes with 1929 work says things are likely to go polyphonic.

Plus, we’ll kick off with a “woo-woo” commentary – first person – and tell you about one of Ure’s odd dreams. Which, if woo-woo means anything, the rest of the weekend in Ukraine is about to go to crap.

We’ll this on these points, but whatever “Future, actual” turns into, the results could be life changing.

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35 thoughts on “Markets Breaking Ice, Woo-woo”

  1. Biden goes to Poland after Ukraine and Putin responds …

    Which will cause problems for those who were given a loophole in sanctions …

    “The pipeline, which supplies oil to Poland and Germany, as well as to Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia, was excluded from sanctions to help countries with limited options for alternative deliveries.”

    So … that’s countered with …

    Which will be costly …

    “Shipments of diesel-type fuels from the Middle East and Asia are set to reach the highest since 2016 if all observed cargoes from East of the Suez Canal arrive before the end of the month, per Vortexa and Bloomberg calculations.

    Because of a “slump” …

    “At the same time, Europe’s imports of Russian diesel are set for a slump in February after the ban took effect early this month. Russian diesel shipments to Europe are estimated at around 282,000 bpd in February, the lowest in seven years. This month’s diesel imports from Russia compare to more than 680,000 bpd in 2021 and around 600,000 bpd for most of 2022.”

    intransitive verb
    To fall or sink heavily; collapse.
    To droop, as in sitting or standing; slouch.
    To decline suddenly; fall off.

    But in passive reading, “Slump” just doesn’t seem to accurately grasp the moment.

  2. “Perhaps Joe Biden’s decision will increase reliance on tanks: Biden won’t send Ukraine F-16 fighter jets ‘for now’ ( Like a football ground game.”

    Hmm.. maybe he is having second thoughts. I am sure some of his advisors are telling him what direction his actions are heading and possibly trying to slow it down …
    Or is it a slight of hand trick…….

  3. “Someone should tell the idiot congress and Slo that Climate is not the biggest problem in the world. Too many people is”

    I thought that was what the Ukraine escalations is all about.. reduce the population to a half million people world wide.. they keep doing what they are doing and it could become a reality..
    the thing is.. who makes it.. for those only use to getting it..

  4. George,

    I look fwd to your charts on patron side. The Friday close tried to get on the buy side but stumbled among a few extended channel lines (which formed the contracting triangle “flag” prior to break out) and … made what I deem to be a lower high. Make of it what you will. Either way, we need a little more woo-woo ’round here.

    BR, Egor

  5. With regard to your relative alignment discrepancy betwwn Real Life and The Realms:
    Kahn lost the battle with Kirk because s Spock said, “He is brilliant but inexperienced.”
    Kahn thought in two-dimensions as one who lives on a planet surface probably mostly will. True Space Cadets think in three (or more) dimensions.

    “Z minus 10,000 meters” was he winning move.

    You have oft said Dreamworld alignments are off 90 degrees relative to Realworld.

    Maybe it’s not compass (flat) plane bearing but in/out, up/down, climb/dive or some other non orthagonal differential that’s at work. Maybe not a conventional linear dimension at, but something in one of the others of the 11 dimensins.

    …for what this may be worth–

  6. Interesting details regards sound and fury of approaching tanks. Since you is a Murhican, would indicate Murhicans on the ground in kazaria..shocking detail, no? Can hardly wait for Ure next oil platform drama dream.

    ..Burn Like a Norwegian? Platforms, pipelines, crit. infrstructure, oh my!

    Zee red lines have been shit on, pissed and danced on – I wish the neocons (read kazarians) only the finest in painful, tortured death..nasty forms of Cancer would be poetic justice – less than worthless souls, will be VOIDED, soon enough…FINALLY small percentage of the PEEPS are actually seeing in the Light – what they R seeing is WAR on Humanity. We are under attacks from ALL Over – multi layer, multi levels..all leading back to the EVIL “mega” Kazarians, aint that right donnie tRUMP.

    Cheers, and YES that is a Target on Ure back and the backs of Ures” loved ones – All of them.

  7. “For all we know Putin and Xi may have been talking about that very thing this week – divide and conquer.”

    Or the poison PAWN.. Ukraine.. we are tossing everything into it.. in the last ten years we have seen Russia and China slowly work towards getting the support and backing from the countries we went in and forced ourselves upon to gain a few trinkets for a group that doesn’t need a few trinkets..
    we keep needling china.. using our reserves on Ukraine.. the best scenario we have that we can expect is.. a depression that will make the Weimar depression look like disney land..
    the worst.. only a half million in the world survive to rebuild society from the ground up.. If this lights up.. it won’t just be Russain or Ukrainian land and people that is affected by it.. we have the administration openly bringing people across our borders from lands that said this was exactly what they would do to gain access.. how many of them are warriors.. heck if one percent of one one hundredth was the number it would still be a sizable army already here..

  8. “Arizona, hey won’t you go my way?
    Come on, Arizona; take off your rainbow shades”
    big shit , hit the fan in AZ
    “SHOCKING: AZ Senate/House Elections Presenter Claims That Sinaloa Cartel Uses Bribes, Money Laundering, Election Fraud to Control Elected Officials and Traffic Drugs, Humans, Ballots in Arizona”

    the lady named many big names, including a US senator, who has seemly flipped to independent , recently
    jees I wonder why we do not here about this story from MSNBC, ABC CBS CNN NYT WASH-POST AND OTHER PERMANANT CAPITOL MOUTH PIECES

    and you wonder why a little rancher in AZ is getting pounded by AZ gov for shooting a cartel agent,,, because the AZ gov is controlled by the cartel and the lady tells you how the MONEY flows,,,
    follow the money,,, bribes, payola, blackmail

  9. “the F*ck is America to draw red lines”

    Siegfried and Roy called it ‘lion taming’.

    Speaking of Nikki, Vivek Ramaswamy is throwing out statements as if they were lifted right out of The 4th. Or as the CEO/management team when they are onboarding a company, “401K matches will be slashed”.

    “In a Wall Street Journal editorial published at the same time, he pledged to repeal civil service protections for federal workers if he wins, as well as work to eliminate affirmative action, including directing the Justice Department to prosecute “illegal race-based preferences.””


    “As U.S. President, I will end federally mandated affirmative action – full stop. I will repeal Lyndon Johnson’s Executive Order 11246 which mandates race-based quotas. Every Republican since Johnson had the opportunity to do it. I’ll do it on Day 1 without apology.”

    Vivek already has my vote.

  10. Since long before Paul Erlich wrote The Population Bomb (1970s?), various egghead elitists have quoted various (low) numbers for “Earth’s total carrying capacity,” or some such twaddle.

    What they all leave out of their simplistic concepts is that some vital functions will ONLY be provided by an extremely small number of ultra-specialized people. If the whole population is too small, there won’t be anyone at all available to actually MAKE some exotic chips. Or fish for oysters. Or do pediatric brain surgery. Or do effective space-based resource and strategic intel at a sophisticated level. Or grow asparagus. Or make mustard. Or make small parts. Or do any number of jobs that millions of others don’t — can’t — do.

    If too many of a small population are doing subsistence work, the more lack there will be to do the rare and subtle. How many sculptors does a civilization rally need? To function, would it not have greater need for enough electricians or plumbers?

    To staff up the rare jobs, a LOT of other general-purpose support jobs — making lunch or running an HR dept — need to be done.

    The “higher” the civilization, the more of the rare jobs must be filled. Could The Electric Boat division of General Dynamics in New London, Connecticut actually operate without office supply shops and lunch wagons? Who’s gonna do the Sound Head Integration and Alignment and Calibration Master’s job at E,B,? (There’s only two guys on the entire East Coast doing that job today.) Cut the population by eighty percent and will there be ANY?

    How many people REALLY know EVERYTHING important to making CPU chips? Or fast U-ARTS…

    To lose the Value of that work would be to condemn civilization to a slow-leak in crucial but (now) small necessities — and that such a civilization must, over some time, lose vigor and peter out.

  11. Tanks?

    This not WW-II.

    Today a tank is like a duck in a shooting gallery; easy hit.

    An individual soldier can take out a tank, drones takes out tanks, artillery take out tanks, not to mention planes, etc., etc.

    Spies in the sky say where they are.

    That’s why the U.S. / Ukraine / NATO often doesn’t send the good stuff.

    • One of the first shipments the U.K. sent to Ukraine was 17,000 anti-tank missiles. [ ..,of various sizes.]
      – It has been very hard to determine just what the Russians have in the way of anti-tank weaponry. It appears that they are a little behind the curve., but they might the have time., to buy / develop what is needed and get them, with sufficient quantities – to the front lines.

  12. hey George……………….

    heres one for ure dream collection…………..

    As I seldom have dreams of any length,

    “was sitting at my computer, reading away and all of a sudden there was this Huge cracklin sound and everything went black in the house, including the computer”

    ( and no, I haven’t even thought about EMP’s and solar flares in a good long while)

    Woke me right the heck up !!!!!!!!!

    use as you see fit mister

    • Know that recent past Wednesday ice storm caused lost power and closed operations even mail didn’t deliver, and all caused by numerous trees breakings taking out power lines. Transformers burst too.
      Many had lost power because of the cracking branches and no driving on ice covered roads.

    • I had a very similar dream about a year ago. I struggled to think what the after effect of such a hit would be (no heat, no hydro, no communication) on society and how we would assemble ourselves into the future. An EMP is likely very much at play in our enemies hands. Makes even more sense than a nuke to me.

      Came across this recent 25 minute video by another Canadian (we don’t all think like Trudeau up here) and it seemed worth sharing. I think he nails it pretty good.

        • He is right on I believe..its like the cities now..the big push to refund the police and take peoples guns.. that leaves neighborhoods totally controlled by the gang elements that are there now. then looking at the open border policy and what effects of a policy like that had on countries that proceeded the usa..
          brings the fight for survival to life .. we see that in a way now.. with the puppeteers and their what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine approach now..the I’m willing to have you destroy a country and people so I can get what they have.. this is disgusting and I do realize that they get the support of the leaders of the country to do that..simply by greed.. pay to play friends in DC and the world..

      • It is much more efficient than nukes. When you blow something up, there’s not really anything left about which to concern oneself. When you cripple something, your enemy is obligated to invest some time, effort, and resources, taking care of his own, and that’s resources he can’t use on you.

        The reason we went from .308 and 30-06 rifles (M-14) to .223 (M-16) is because the .30cal rounds kill people, the .22cal rounds cripple them…

  13. Re: Woo Woo, Woo Woo
    feat. all aboard !!


    Wow, I don’t think we’ve seen such a Festival Express train leaving the station since Janis Joplin and The Grateful Dead hauled out of Montreal heading to the Rockies. Thanks to DJ George for stoking the firebox while channeling us some “Two Faced World” by Orleans.

    Monday began respectably enough with a suit-attired Mr. Biden touring St. Michael’s Church, Kiev in the former Patriarchate of Moscow since 1686 until 4 years ago. As republicans condemned Mr. Biden’s Kiev Express trip, actor-turned-President Zelensky reprised his tour guide role the very next day on Tuesday with 3 Texan and 1 Californian republican congressmen attired as if ready for a brawl at the corner pub. The pastoral churchyard about St. Michael’s featured as a parking lot for 4 tanks as well as a bevy of American Beast 4×4’s acting as modern day replacements for the nimble donkey. Mr. Z. also posed in his Palace with the 3 smiling Texan legislators 2 of whom held up for cameras replicas of Republic of Texas “come and take it” flags from the Battle of Gonzales in 1835. All that was missing from the theatre was the serious-looking Mr. Z. adlibbing an Arte Johnson “verrry interesting” into the mix. The guests obviously didn’t realize the joke was on them as they hauled out of town with Mr. Z.’s shopping list asking again for the already-denied-by Mr. Biden F-16 fighter jets.

    Meanwhile, by Friday, Mr. Z.’s invasion anniversary speech looked east to China for intercession with Russia. Also taking flight, the parking aprons at Beijing Capital International Airport must have been in great demand as a steady traffic of European Nato mandarins went to seek an Emperor’s counsel. News of Uncle Sam’s $110+ billion dump in the Ukraine sinkhole had become so yesterday’s news.

    One imagines the Dr. at New Castle can best prescribe for what ails lost face. Perhaps Confucious would recommend turning the other cheek next week as homage to Chris Rock?

    Okay, back to the real Texas, and the how-to on chocolate chip cookies.

    • By the way: images from msm in Canada at yesterday’s Ukraine invasion anniversary demonstrations featured an unhealthy smattering of black & red UPA flags. Looks like the Banderas WW2 neo-nazi sentiments run deep amongst the newcomers. Just what nobody needs…

  14. Re: “White Men Can’t Jump”
    feat. Catbert, hr


    Jeopardy Daily Double –

    Wally, what cartoonist’s website server’s parent company is headquartered in New Castle, Delaware?

  15. “And that’s a useful context to watch going forward. Particularly if George Soros puts his financial thumb on the scales as Nikki goes to market.”

    You didn’t hear? Nikki Haley heads to fundraiser hosted by Wall Street executives.

    Haley is a darling of the WEF. Soros will absolutely adjust things — so will Schwab.

    The idiot Repug pundits theorize she has no chance of winning the nomination, so she’s angling for Trump’s VP.

    “We’d opine, if backed into a corner, that Soros needs a “shopping instructor.” Because if this is the “best money can buy” he really needs some tune-up of his shopping skills.”

    Soros’ shopping skills are at the absolute pinnacle of the game. He is actively engaged in the destruction of the United States, and its remanufacture as a fascist socialist cog in a world full of fascist, socialist cogs.

    The “Directors” believe (among many other attacks) they can use the army of invaders and non-disciplined convicts to help overthrow the U.S. from within, then remove them from existence after task-completion. They believe this WRT communists, Muslim fundamentalists, anarcho-terrorists, and dozens of other groups of generally, very bad people. I don’t say these things to see myself type. I have been watching this bastard for 30 years now and I’ve seen what he does, and how. He is not very high on the PTB list, but he’s considerably higher than anyone in D.C.

  16. “Shame and the Blame Game: Ohio train derailment: who is to blame? | The Week”


    Either Cleveland didn’t tell them to heave-to, or the Engineer ignored the command. The hot box sensor is in Salem. Salem is 13 track-miles from the derailment site. It is also enough of a town that it has a speed limit. The train’s brakes functioned normally. There is no way a mile-long train moving, even 70mph, could not stop within a mile or two. That train was likely moving 40mph or less. Therefore, the brakes were not applied until the axle broke and the braking system overrode the Engineer and forced the brakes on.

    Right now, this doesn’t matter.

    The commies at Politico and the neocons at WSJ and the National Review pointing a finger at Trump for bringing in bottled water doesn’t matter.

    Neither do the Repug pundits pointing fingers at Biden and Buttjudge.

    What matters is there’s a swath of CONUS which I would consider currently uninhabitable, and instead of trying to make political hay, or kiss up to Blackrock, the problem needs to be fixed.

    The teevee is still playing commercials from ambulance-chasers over the Camp LeJeune debacle. The crap in the water there was no worse than the crap that’s now in the water in, and downriver from New Palestine. I really don’t want to see ambulance-chasers in SE Ohio. I want to see stuff fixed. If Buttjudge can’t handle the job, the Administration should fire him and install a Transportation lackey who CAN…

    Blame (and liability) can be sorted out later.

    • I don’t think it really matters who’s to blame for the accident..
      where it gets sticky is ….WHY….there’s such a hesitation to react and fix..the situation..
      on the network..yea now that shocked me ..they interviewed the one that should have kept on this situation instantly.. and asked him the Why.. he didn’t have a comment said he’s taking some personal time off and will get right on it sometime soon.. then they showed Trump delivering water..So has the network negative propaganda express seen the light and will now start giving some credit to what DJT was able to accomplish.
      although the did have a push to give Ukraine more arms and money in a story after that..
      I am not sure how they will be able to clean up the ground water..

  17. Blame (and liability) can be sorted out later – That Rarely Happens

    Just Look At The ‘Plandemic’ – They Want ‘Amnesty’

  18. also note George and other kids present. Bill gates is a big pusher of the vaccine. Bill gates is known for Microsoft. Microsoft is home of the X box, where there platform game is called halo. in the abstract, the game halo has an enemy to face called “the flood’ and it is a borage of mutated humans.

    strange coincidence indeed

    all things considered…..

    que: ~ fight for your right to party ~

    beasty boys

  19. made you pause for a moment George. strange indeed. quite the ponder. is it not?


    well, I’m going to go have a happy day. haha..

    we have to consider it, because it is there. I had originally discounted it, considering how absurd the idea was until I saw a freinds kid playing the X box and remembered “the flood” was mutated humans. then all the pieces cascaded into place.

    and I thought deeply.


  20. I am behind in my Peoplenomics article reading. In response to January 11th’s column and the answer to the question of what leads people.

    Quoted from the column:

    “But what leads people?
    My consigliere cannot say WHAT this externality is that drives human behavior, then followed by markets including commodities and interest rates, but he’s convinced is one.”

    Elisabeth Haich, in her great book, “Initiation”, states the 2 greatest human instincts are propagation of the species and protection of the species.

    That is what I think drives human behavior.

    Race by any other name, and obviously worth fighting for when one’s race, culture, language, beliefs, and way of life are under genocidal attacks.

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