Inflection Week Ahead

On multiple levels, the markets are poised for a major turn over the next month.  We get into some “nimbleness training” as events across the board are ready to “hit the blender.”

The checklist for this morning includes Biden’s suspect trip to the Middle East, and odd trading patterns in our ChartPack.

Then there’s the whole “War Thing” including the possible financial collapse of Europe touched on this week on Urban.  Where the “strength of the dollar” is a misnomer for the “grand weakening of European prospects.”

Your choices of “hot liquid caffeine’s include coffee, cocoa, or tea,  We’ll keep it short enough so that a single cup may suffice as we size up the close-in views.  Don’t want you getting “all jittery” from the bean.

Events will do enough of that, soon come.

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58 thoughts on “Inflection Week Ahead”

  1. USA – What a disgrace .

    The whole demonrat party, WH admin, bagman slo..repugnicans.

    Beyond the pale these greedy assholes – Yesterday he reads out loud every word on telepromter..”end of quote” -5 times,”repeat the line” 3 times!! Not once, twice or thrice. 5rd graders can read a teleprompter outloud without ever making these mistakes on something so f-ing simple. WH lies about it,double down on lie, changes transcript.
    – As everyone is laughing at US admin. and the feeble spectacle of braindead “leaders”. Check it fo yo self- this is current admin expert explaining energy policy

    This admin is so FUBAR.. we have become a international woke joke..wokejokejoe.

    How pray tell is this genius administration going think&work its way through a direct military conflict with Russia? Rainbow thong wearers miley&floyd gonna lead the charge into the maw of the Russian WAR machine? bwahahahahahaha

    “The West has and will further be getting a wakeup call from Russia. It will be a rude awakening. Lisping homosexuals and drag queens fail not only as role models for young boys but since gender confusion is a sickness, as defined in the West until just recently and as still defined in Russia, it spreads just like the disease it is. And it has spread in the West like syphilis in a whorehouse. Those afflicted with it consume themselves with envy for what they can never be a man. They turn society upside down and make cowardice a virtue and courage a toxin that must eradicated.

    To be a warrior is and always has been the pinnacle of a healthy young man’s aspirations. And to be a warrior, first and foremost, a man must be proficient with arms. Politics, philosophy, religion all aside what always decides the final outcome of every momentous event in human history is valor and martial skill. The West with its rainbow flags, transvestite admiral, and the director of MI 6 who says we must make war on Russia for the sake of fellatio, has lost its manhood to Hollywood and the New York Times book review.”-JH

    ..”The West can no longer exist in the real world except as a pool of slaves to the hard men of the East. This is how it ends for western man, an improper pronoun cowering on command and praying his Cossack master does not beat him again today…

    Mike Kay breaks down the metaphysics of the warrior for those who may find this fate unpalatable… – Jack The West can no longer exist in the real world except as a pool of slaves to the hard men of the East. This is how it ends for western man, an improper pronoun cowering on command and praying his Cossack master does not beat him again today…

    Mike Kay breaks down the metaphysics of the warrior for those who may find this fate unpalatable… – Jack

    ?The BIS is going to allow % holdings for BTC in banks reserves, but not Silver..things that make me go U Hmmmm?
    Nothing phyz to see here..
    The BIS – the central bank for central banks acknowledges BTC as bank reserve asset, but PN&urbsurv claims, swears, opines that BTC are worthless digital tulips ???
    Can an “enslaved” explain these egregious lies – like what kinda disservice & damage are U doing to the public spreading lies and mis-truths regards BTC blockchain, Ewe baaaaaaadboyz.

    • “To be a warrior is and always has been the pinnacle of a healthy young man’s aspirations.”

      HUH ….
      Funny I never ever heard that before.I know there are some that believe that but violence and warring only brings destruction, hurt, sadness and hate from the depths of the dark side. To be the BEST me that I can be has always been my aspiration..
      My parents were firm believers of the do unto others…

    • We are all going to Ceylon soonly. Funny thing is i visited Sri Lanka in 1974. Big sign upon exiting Columbo airport stated this facility is a donation from Canada. Waht?
      Told anyone whom asked what country was the best I had ever travelled and I said Sri Lanka. Prayers for the Sri Lankans. God help them please.

      • I am jealous.. I have always dreamed of visiting those places.. so much beauty out there..

  2. It may be that due to a long list of reasons, some of them seemingly small and silly, the U.S. is no longer CAPABLE of defending Taiwan. (If, indeed, we ever really were…)

    Let me humorously and ironically say, “some people” do not believe Joe B. would launch a “war” that would be so destructive. When CCP believes that sufficiently, the absorption of Taiwan will be done in hours. “Click-DONE!”

    They will strike fierce, hard, and fast.

    If Taiwan is isolated and abandoned by “The Great Powers,” it becomes a ripe apple, with little cost for acquisition.

    Weak, dithering “leadership” invites bullies to strike.

    (One of the reasons multi-national sudden decapitation is so attractive.)

    • “They will strike fierce, hard, and fast.”
      Look how long it took them to take Vietnam..six days.. but then they were just letting Vietnam know that attacking their border was not acceptable to them..
      We went for other reasons just like every other war.

  3. Twitter? What about that Truth Social…. By now everyone should see the SPAC was how Trump got paid for such things as proclaiming on TV he himself took the Vaxx along with Melanie and the boy. Remember when that was called ‘Vaporware’. But if you like Trump there’s a reason why.

    Trump Reportedly Leaves Board Of Truth Social Company—But Platform Denies Claim

    Former President Donald Trump was removed from the board of the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG)—the company behind Truth Social—on June 8, just weeks before the company was hit with subpoenas as part of federal investigations into its business dealings, according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, but Truth Social called the report “fake news.”

    Here’s the thing. Truth Social called it “fake news” but Trump really did leave.

  4. “1. Even if there is a change in the U.S. House/Senate in 2022, the Decider in Chief will still be (thanks, Hunter!) “China-friendly” ”

    Which causes me to ponder: What happens if Congress declares War against another nation, and the Commander in Chief refuses to commit men and materiel to prosecute that war?

    • I doubt congress will do anything.. remember they only work 26 days a year and refuse to read anything they vote on.. and there’s a few to many sitting at the feed troughs…

      • Barring inconceivably massive voter fraud, the Republicans will sweep into a huge majority in both houses, and the incoming Congressman and Senators will not have been gotten to by lobbyists or SIGs (yet.) I think the Republican gain in the House will be in the 70-seat range, but it could be as high as 100 seats, and nearly every one will support Trump policies, even if they don’t support Trump, himself. The races to watch will be all the Hispanics (especially women) running in Texas and Cali. The Spanish-Americans are starting to realize the modern American Conservative aligns much more closely with their personal and familial beliefs than the communist-socialists who’re driving the Leftist ideology in this country, and whose policies many of the true refugees are fleeing. Virtually EVERY Cuban and Venezuelan who enters the Estados Unidos will, if naturalized, become a lifelong Republican, because they’ve seen, firsthand, where the other fork in the path leads…

  5. A friend lives in Show Low, AZ, which is an out-of-the-way mountain tourist town about two hours from Phoenix. The population swells in summer with visitors from hot spots. She’s noticed that the traffic this summer is not nearly what it normally is. She recently attended a training for poll watchers, where several people presently in office and running for office mingled. They reported that the gov has been sending midnight flights of illegals to their little town (along with many others), and now Show Low has acquired Cambodian gangs, identified by the graffiti they’re leaving on walls. Some of the illegals are living in the forests, which could be a huge fire hazard. A significant number of the town’s hotel/motel rooms are occupied by illegals, which could be the reason tourist traffic is light—no rooms available for the usual summer crowd. I’ve previously thought that area of the White Mountains of AZ might be relatively safe when the SHTF, but now I’ve changed my mind. Cambodian gangs?!?!?!?

    • I always liked that area, just west of NM. It’s sad to hear of this. The area does have it’s share of “get er done” rednecks, and I’d not be surprised to see some of the invaders disappeared without fanfare. I don’t condone unnecessary violence, but I do see the potential for a “Red Dawn” type movement. Why are these flights not being met by the sheriff and other law enforcement? The sheriff is the power of the county and could presumably force such people to stay on the plane and depart immediately or be detained. Before departure, the sheriff and local law enforcement could certainly check out the aircraft, pilots, and passengers. Investigation of that paperwork might yield some very interesting and newsworthy data. One thing the locality might do would be to close the airport at night except for specific approved flights or emergencies.

    • Tumbleweed,

      Thanks for the heads up. Show Low qualifies for the federally subsidized “Essential Air Service” program. The most recent DoT award I see filed online effective this month for two years on Phoenix to Show Low gives a per seat subsidy of $118 to Southern Airways Express LLC. Typical published airfares range from $59 to $159 on Expedia. If they can sell a seat, bonus. If not, fly “empty” with no tsa clearance required and they’re still in the money? Gotta love capitalism in the Nuevo America!

      Hi, Brinks? Yeah, can you send a truck out to Sky Harbour. Late night bank run, thanks !…

      • Doesn’t Monkey report SAE as one of the government controlled airlines which does clandestine transport for da Prez and CIA?

    • Remember, Obama and his administration used the 2010 census to put brown butts next to every white butt in America. Yes, he said that. The census showed him the race breakdown of every hamlet, village, small town, city in America. He purposefully picked the majority white towns to flood with his illegals and criminals. You can bet your bootie they are there because that town has been targeted. Trump stopped that program/process, O’Biden just picked it right up. Whites are not allowed to be a majority anywhere in America, even though Whites are already a minority by the numbers, they will still be considered racists and the most racist thing of all is a white majority small town.

  6. Blue Bird of Twatter takes a shit, as Elon exposes their lies. It reminds me of The Amazing Rythym Aces song “The Beautiful Lie”,,,,, chorus
    “I’ll fly away to you
    Only pretending
    We’ll be like bluebirds too
    The beautiful lie”

    Is it storming,, yet? Q said in post 55
    “Look to Twitter:
    Exactly this: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”
    God bless.”

    I AM keeping an eye on the sky and “watching the water”
    Hell, I do not know. I am just stumbling through life, like the rest of US, but it sure is interesting, watching this historical event as it unfolds. Pass the popcorn , please.
    By historical event, I mean the whole shooting match, how we have been lied to , getting US into wars every since the Corporation got control of US by the Federal Reserve ACT.
    Twitter,, Federal Reserve Banks,, who really controls them, a hidden hand. you do not see the puppet master, during the show, a ‘secret’ society. Carry on my fellow debt slaves.
    If you don’t like my Q references, just ignore them like you do a sandwich billboard. Crap, now I am hungry,, what’s for lunch?

  7. It appears that the US government is making it’s payments to the Obamacare providers. Prices are back down into an affordable range for individual policies on the site. UHC is back in the market. I haven’t figured out if the policies are national or not.

    I’m not in the market currently, but I like having the option available. Qualifying for Advantage will be coming up sooner than I would like to admit. If I am interpreting correctly, then give Slow Joe a merit badge. Health insurance under both Obama & Trump was a national disgrace. Price gouging by providers is still an ongoing Texas tragedy. Without insurance, an individual pays 10x to 20x in Texas hospitals. Having UHC or Blue Cross in the corner is a defense against unnecessary procedures and certain bankruptcy.

    • I don’t know.. around here the lowest policy available with no pharmaceutical or labs and only 3 Dr. Visits allowed in a calendar year is only 15000.00 a year 50 for copay and 10000 out of pocket next one up the ladder fees cover labs and you can see a Dr. But can’t have a preferred Dr. Just shy 24000.00 50 co-pay 8000 for max out of pocket the next one up.. 32000.00 and change and you can have a private family physician co pay goes from 50 to 25. And a 100 to 50 for a specialist co-pay drops from 8000 to 4000

      • “Everything has changed on the site. Take another look.”

        I will @n____ I just hope the options are offered for the wastelands.. they keep this stuff regionalized.. they should open the borders.. on all of it.. insurances drugs etc.. there shouldn’t ever be a reason why the elderly make the yearly trip to another country for their medications because of cost.. or the price of healthcare..

    • I fail to see why it’s legal to charge self-paid medical and dental procedures at a higher rate than the insurance company or medicare rates! IMHO, it’s pure corruption, and the simplicity of paperwork for a self-pay person should actually demand a significantly lower rate, especially if by cash or other immediate payment. This is nothing short of insider dealing and an unacceptable level of coercion to buy insurance. The fact is that many people will never need the insurance because they die quickly or beyond the timely reach of medical services. The insurance companies also have the ability to deny certain drugs or procedures regardless of the beneficiary’s wishes. In every case, there’s no reason that a person cannot be given an accurate estimation of the cost in advance with a hard maximum quoted. Regardless of the difficult circumstances, people have the right and the ability to decide whether a medical procedure is worth the cost to their estate, even if it means certain death to refuse.

    • Having Samaritan Ministries, Liberty Healthshare, or Medishare, to name a few, is a must do investigation so as to comprehend your choices.

      Choose well.

      • I know.. I tried to get on with them.. the savings alone would be astronomical.. but I couldn’t get in because of my faith..

    • Isn’t it a bit strange that throughout this slow (decades long) roll-out exposing corruption within our financial / military industrial complex / healthcare industries the insurance companies have stayed off the radar for the most part? They have worked in the background for a century lobbying to get their product required by law and then narrowing the consumer choices creating monopolies and insane price structures where no one in congress questions these practices. They are very good at putting congressional children through prestigious colleges and arranging second homes in far away places.
      I would love to see this industry go through the equivalent of a full body publicly televised MRI. So many congressfolk would have to resign we would need a special election to keep the graft machine running.

  8. Sri Lanka has fallen. No food,no energy . The PM has resigned and the government has flown the coup. This is a preview of what red china joe and the communists in congress have in store for the citizens of the United States. But maybe, just as in Sri Lanka, the military and police won’t be the protectors of the elite.

    • Did you read the Sri Lanka Navy helped the current admin flee?

      Police and military will cling to current leadership until the very end. Their pay/pension checks depend on it. New .gov isn’t going to recognize the old bills so the police must help the old-way government win.

      That’s the way it is.

      “Germany starts rationing hot water and turning down the heating in case Russia cuts off its natural gas supplies”

      Are the Americans going to enforce the rationing rules or will the German police side with .gov and arrest scofflaws using too much hot water? German bureaucrats offer a steady paycheck Vs the hot water scofflaws.

      Police will side with .gov just like they sided with .gov Vs taxpayers during the Kristallnacht event.

      Don’t side with .gov bureaucrats and you will be destroyed.

      Army Cuts Off More Than 60K Unvaccinated Guard and Reserve Soldiers from Pay and Benefits

      “We’re going to give every soldier every opportunity to get vaccinated and continue their military career,” Lt. Gen. Jon Jensen, director of the Army Guard, told in an emailed statement. “We’re not giving up on anybody until the separation paperwork is signed and completed.”

    • I’d like us all to stop using the word “elite”, since there’s nothing special about them other than privilege. Elite implies special worth, and I fail to see any of that. Let’s just refer to them as “the privileged” or “the insiders”.

      • the self intitled

        ..thats prezactly what WE did when we broke off from saxe-gothe rule – self intitled ourselves. OG G our 1st President!

      • they deam them selves that.. better than everyone else .. exempt should be the word.. they are exempt by the dual standards…I wish I could find the book.. I had read a book that gave a quote from one billionaire that basically said he could kill a person a day and no one would care.. they don’t worry about legal systems play both sides against the other.. they own the system..

  9. I couldn’t give a flying f what happens to you veges. Screwed the world with your USD and psycho Fed . Animals / aliens / facists

    • a moment of clarity from down unda – what happened they adjust the meds a little bit for ya Lendog? or you still flashing back to Ure early acting days on Laverne and Shirley.. silver Lame’ suits, guitar,base tones..

      Dude, did you ever do any Do-Wop back in the day ? Love the du-wop !

      PS – You still stay in touch with Squiggy?

      • URE TWO talking to each other is PRICELESS, LD & CB!!!

        Keep up the SPORT, SPORTS!!!

  10. G, I guess you like skipping domestic news when it comes to mistreatment of women and children:
    The ten year old who had to travel from Ohio to Indiana to get her abortion (thanks Republicans!)

    China’s economic meltdown complete in Jan 2023, Japan’s War with China, 1937,1938, 1939 leaves traces in history that China will deal with in 2022, in 1938 America gave China financial backing to fight Japan:

    Japan’s war karma from 1939, stance against Russia:

    ‘Red Flag’ background checks needed for sales to Putin lol! NATO members
    France, Germany Italy sold arms to Russia until April 2022 (when loophole was closed), resisted ban on Russian energy imports (Neville Chamberlain deja vu?)

    • Fake News – 10yr old rape victim in Ohio.
      Busted AGAIN LYING .
      Not to mention the misdirect in the story – it is about SOMEONE exactly like Ureself/slo RAPING a 10 year old girl – hello. That violent Act is acceptable !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WTF is amatta with you people?

      Time 4 Ure ilk to crawl back under the rock from which you came.

      That is all this admin ever does – outright, bald faced lies..deceitful-decrepit- evil piece of sheisse . lieslieslieslies and more lies.

      sniffsniffsniff – I recognize that smell when I see it.

      • Leftists will frequently use “fan fiction” to make a point or justify a position. I don’t know if they don’t know the difference between fiction and fact, fantasy and reality, or if they are simply that stupid. Once the fanfic is used, it is spoken of like it’s a truth, and others with sympathetic mind and weak intellect will parrot it endlessly — occasionally Goebbeling it into acceptance. It still won’t be true, but it will be accepted as “truth” by the lazy and sub-intelligent.

        Trolls simply don’t care. They live to get a rise and a response from others, and will say anything to do so.

      • “sucks up the radical left press releases – because Joe Biden did – shit rolls down hill to her.”

        What is amazing.. is what they are doing and who it will ultimately affect.. has them in their sights to.. if they push for war.. and war comes.. you and your family will be in the hazardous effect zone.. No one is exempt.. and the DUMB shelters .. only have supplies for so many and the ones that are invited…. I know I am not on the list.. My guess is those in support of those pushing the agenda.. are not either.. only the select few..
        the oxy of this is.. those that are on the list.. are not realizing the fact that they need those that aren’t for their survival to..
        And after the SHTF.. they won’t have the skills.. our future lies in the actions of a man that has never had to work for a living..a life of power and influence..

  11. 25 years and never see a gold bull ? Yah retards go and f and jab yourselves real good .bye bye veg

  12. I misread the headline as: “INFECTION WEEK AHEAD”. Every week is ‘infection week’ here in a covid ‘hot-spot’. Hawaii infection rates remain high. Honolulu is one of the three hottest spots in the country for covid yet. With the easing of mandates and lockdowns, everyone has gotten comfortable going without masks, as if the pandemic is over. Health dept. reports are now weekly instead of daily. But on my island of some 200k people, we are averaging about 130 new covid cases daily. Many, if not most, are already vaxxed people. The real hot spot is crowded Honolulu. We just cannot live without those tourist dollars… disease be damned.

  13. Superpower? That’s a laugh !! Empire ? An insult to other empires . Just a bunch of thugs and bullies with a heap of hot tips .

  14. Comrades,

    The supposed new autobiography of Mr. Zelensky, “Zelensky”, that came out a couple of weeks ago is a rehash. It was issued a year ago in Ukrainian as “Zelensky without Make-Up”. A Cambridge, UK outfit whose specialty is translating existing foreign books and repackaging them new in English is behind the flim-flam. Mind you the 2022 English version apparently offers two new chapters: ‘ a preface, “Zelensky’s Political Oscar”, and an epilogue, “The President of War” –’ according to “New Statesman”. I think I’ll save £20 or us$25 for something useful.

    “Servant of the People” season 1 is still broadcasting in Canada on Vision TV. I understand Americans can find it on the tax free charitable Hispanic broadcaster HITN headquartered in Brooklyn whose broadcasting agreement is two subsidiaries down from Europe’s largest telcom 31% owned by the German state.

    My guess is we won’t be seeing season 3 on local airwaves anytime soon. Season 3 is set 30 years in the future. The Ukraine has regressed into 28 quarreling states speaking different languages. Mr. Zelensky is called out of retirement to rescue the nation. He offers instant translation services, concrete roads, and everyone gets rich sharing their gold in Independence Square. Wow. Paradise.

    Speaking of paradise, the same month, March 2019, that season 3 was broadcast in the Ukraine, “Servant of the People’s” admin were doing their Paradise Papers for tax reasons to offshore locales including Belize. Hopefully the ‘Urban correspondent in Belize can tear himself away from the beach sights. Sure would be nice to listen in on the local lore emanating from the seashells. Remember folks, don’t visit Belize without your Ukrainian phrasebook in hand!

  15. Really strange and interesting news snippet from “Anime News Network”

    Teppen—!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing ’til you Cry Anime Cancels Airing of 2nd Episode

    The official Twitter account for the Teppen—!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing ’til you Cry anime revealed on Friday that the staff has canceled the airing the show’s second episode due to “various circumstances.” The first episode will re-air on July 9 instead, and the show’s third episode will air on July 16.

    Update: The Bing search engine kept a cache of the anime’s web introduction to episode 2. According to the story introduction, the aspiring comedian Yomogi Takahashi was returning from a morning run when she comes across an ema wish tablet near her dormitory’s entrance. She tells her comedy partners Yayoi and Yuzu, and they discover text on the back of tablet that can be read as,

    “I’ve decided to assassinate the president tonight at 8.”

    I don’t know how long it takes to storyboard and shoot an animé series, but I’m guessing this episode was writ last year some time.

    Uncomfortably freaky…

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