I lost money in a short position Thursday. My loss? $14.
How disaster was avoided was the diligent use of stops. Usually of the “on quote” variety. The core idea being every trade starts off being about a 50-50 proposition. (See Burton Malkiel et. al A Random Walk Down Wall Street).
Based on work by Samuelson (and others) this basically 50-50 decision (throwing money into whatever financial game you pick) is the easy part. The portion which takes a lifetime of self-discipline is learning HOW to cut the losers quickly and let the winners run. Pretty damn simple, when you get down to it. But, hard as hell in practice.
A simple rules-based approach actually works. But the line of asterisks highlights the warning “IF THE RULES ARE FOLLOWED.”
What makes the present BEAR MARKET so treacherous is that professionals wait until everyone sees the decline and then (presto!) Yesterday happens. Running of the shorts. Several people have asked me “Is now a good time to get in?” And “Are we back in a Bull Market?”
The answer is complicated, and both the bulls and bears won’t like it.
Because in Samuelson (and others like Malkiel) the truth is not found in “stock picking” – it’s in loser killing and winner running.
Crypto Madness
Our headline Thursday (digital bank runs, was it?) has not been resolved, yet.
Bitcoin traded overnight down to $16,843 and coming off an all-time high of $68,000 crypto of any stripe still sniff tests as a turkey. How would you like to be one of the CTB’s (Crypto True Believers) who poured life savings in at the top and has patiently waited for the ballyhooed Great Rally just ahead?
There is only ONE Truth in Investing. Your Account Balance.
Our amateur armchair scrawls tell us BTC could eventually kiss $7,000 – but depending how many CTB’s survive and how much they save, sure, a turn around $10,000 might show up.
Life Makes Its Waves
Bob Prechter is the honcho at Elliott Wave International. And he’s done a lot of good work parallel to finance with his Socionomics Institute website. A recent post or two (Building a Better Bomb and Mood Rules) offer the points that a) there’s a social mood and nuclear weapons and b) “a link between social mood and the fortunes of politicians.”
Childlike compared to Prechter’s work, we still think Wave III down in the major Bear market is upon us, but massive Bear Traps (like Thursday’s rout) typically last three days before petering out, reminded my consigliere.
We’ll have to look at things toward the close today, or after the open Monday, but at any rate, Wave III (3) (ii) seems working its way along.
“How Do You Figure?“
Easy: Wave 3 (2) is not going to be an a-b-c. Instead, we are now in a five-step a-b-c-d-e which will end (whenever). From there Wave 3 (3) down will be along. and it could happen at any minute.
Remember, as of this morning, our Aggregate Index (even with the small pop up at the open factored in) will likely trade around 33,498.82.
Since markets are semi-predictable, I told you a long time back how Wave 3 could unfold:
Since we hit the high of 36,696 level already (on August 16th if you were paying attention), we’re still on the Road to Perdition.
We believe that Elliott waves do make markets semi-predictable, since we have the beginning of BIG 3 down in the can already, we can use the top of 2 (36,696) down to the recent lows (30,181 on 10/12) it’s simple to calculate an upper limit for this move.
Top of Wave 2 minus bottom of 3(1) is 6,515 points, call it.
The typical Wave ii rallies go anywhere from 0.28 to 0.75 times the decline.
As of this morning’s “futures price” we can calculate this rally as 3,317 points.
Which means (compared with the 3(1) down of 6,515 that Wave 3 (2) has rallied 50.81 percent.
50 percent rallies are totally common. So are 61.8 percent (Fibonacci) rallies.
Where “The Turn” down will happen is unknowable. Life is a Casino. You make a bet when you drive, another when you go to sleep at night, when you are around sick people and, oh sure, when you have a penchant for day trading in retirement, too.
We’ll get deeper into the idea of “beating the House” in theory more on the Peoplenomics side tomorrow.
Been one hell of a “Statistically Interesting Week” so far. Sketchy PowerBall, sketchy elections, and now running of the suckers both in equities and cryptos. What a fun game this paper chase is, huh?
Facts Intrude
Delusion is still alive and well, in the meantime. The FACT is the 7.7 percent inflation report out yesterday is still three percent higher than what the Fed wants inflation to run. (Might be hard with a “sanctioning idiot” in the oval – separate discussion.)
Amazing to see the commercials run the (stupid, position bag holding bears) when right there in the news flow was Fed’s Daly, despite ‘welcome’ CPI data, still wants to raise benchmark rate above 4.5%-4.75% range.
Yes, kiddies: The smart bet is still on at least half a percent higher at the next Fed meeting – discounting of course whatever that “out of Left Field” event is that my consigliere’s work points to before the reindeer fly. We still (doggedly) hold to our “half off by Christmas” outlook.
Fire Up the News Shredder
Many are headlines. Few are worthy.
Not sick of hearing about politics, yet? Republicans Have Won 6 Million More Votes than Democrats in House Races, But Gained Relatively Few Seats. Neither party seems able to spell u-n-i-t-y consistently. Still need more? US Senate control a toss-up as vote counting continues.
Here’s why Governor Abbott won re-election handily here in Texas: Texas Gov. Abbott Says 300th Bus of Immigrants Has Been Sent to Democrat-Run State. More for NYC, baby! Give the Northeast some equity they’re always whining about.
Don’t stick me with the tab, department: A Texas judge blocks Biden’s student loan-forgiveness plan. Let the people in Dull-aware pay…teach them to follow their leader.
The other West Bank story continues to unfold: Kherson: Russian troops leave region west of the Dnipro River, Russian Defense Ministry says. Thing is, will Russia drop a super weapon to cauterize the line? More on this in a sec.
This is what happens when you don’t have enough inflation to paper over a recession: UK Economy Contracts In Third Quarter.
Crypto shell games: FTX may get saved, but another failure looms as FTX gets rescued by Justin Sun and OKX in billion dollar deal.
I gotta dust off my UAV ticket – maybe I can be an armchair pilot for hire? Amazon’s redesigned Prime Air delivery drone can fly farther than its predecessor | Engadget (Yeah, i really do have the commercial UAV license. Easy transition from ASEL.)
Now Something Serious
If you read Forbes and G.A. Stewart’s website (TheAgeofDesolation), this is huge. Revealed: NASA’s New Launch Date For Its Artemis-1 Moon Mission Is Next Week.
The reason this matters was outlined in a Comment section post here on September 8th of this year. Here’s what Stu warned us of back then:
“And there are several important Nostradamus’ Artemis prophecies.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-87
Earthshaker fire from the center of the earth
Will cause towers to tremble around the new city:
Two great rocks will make war for a long time
Then Arethuse [Arethusa] will redden a new river.
Arethusa was the virgin attendant of Artemis.
What you don’t know is that an attack on a key dam in Ukraine is possible and has been floating around in headlines for weeks. Just in the past day we read Explainer: Could Ukraine’s Kakhovka Dam Be Destroyed in Russia’s Kherson Retreat? – The Moscow Times.
More to the point just in the past few hours Fears Russia could blow up dam and flood Ukraine.
Blowing up a dam? You bet your ass that would fulfill the Nostradamus words about “reddening a new river.”
It’s not easy being one of the “old men eyeing future” around the net. But in the circle, there’s always some noise in predictive outlooks because until the talk of a possible attack on the dam got serious just ahead of the Artemis launch next week, the sequence was not clear.
We can’t say who will actually blow up the dam, but it’s on the watch list and when it goes, we wonder if the companion (on the timeline) [Arethuse [Arethusa] will carry a warhead?
If the dam in Ukraine is hit in the next week, we’d have to score it as an amazing “hit” for Nostradamus and Stu’s work, as well.
Write when you get rich,
Hey George – not sure if you still follow grumpy ol Clif High, but he put out a cryptic note last week about the 13th and his “processing predicting a very large rapid rise in building emotional tension that will tend to ‘flavor’ the events of the following 6 weeks. The building tension rises very rapidly in early morning on the 13th to a sustained level not seen in the last decade. In spite of the many release tension episode that follow, building tension dominates over the next 6 weeks.”
Seems like it might align with the Ukraine Dam theory or something similar. Curious your thoughts
I can’t respond for George, but I once followed Cliff’s predictions. I found his predictions sufficiently vague to allow any interpretation to be called valid. I am still waiting for the global coastal event he called for. Just my humble opinion
George has addressed this more than once. Seeing things in the future will always be fuzzy because future events don’t always have a familiar basis to relate to. This is why The Revelation has such fantazmagorical word pictures in its verses. Can you expect a First Century writer to explain flying machines, atomic bombs, World-wide political organizations, computers and space travel? Mother Shipton and Nostradamus were closer to our age and had a bit more insight into technological possibilities but still they only saw “through a glass darkly”. We are a very impatient people.
Don’t forget the I Ching and Hoffer’s The True Believer.
almost forgot,
tell clif, you know my favorite line from one my favorite movies of all time “the wolf of Wallstreet”. it is truly one my all time favorite movies.
this one of the most biggest truths in any movie ivf ever seen.
it’s when Matthew McConaughey is talking to Leo Decaprio about the stock market when the wolf is a pup.
he says and I quote,
” It’s all a fugazi. Do you know what fugazi is?
a Fugazi, it’s a fake…
Yeah, fugazi, fogazi. It’s a wazi, it’s a woozi. It’s…fairy dust. It doesn’t exist, it’s never landed, it is no matter, it’s not on the elemental chart. It’s not fucking real. Right?”
it’s like when I was a casino inspector for 8 years. it’s all fake. casinos spend billions on stuff to mind fuck you into playing longer. from the busy patern on the carpet to disoriente you and keep you from looking down to the plane ceiling with the black bubbles with cameras in them so some is watching you but you can’t see them, so it keeps you looking straight to the subtle pull on the slot machine chair to bring you back to the machine if you turn to the chick’s with their boobs on display saying cocktails, cocktails! to the no clocks to the tinted windows on the doors to see what is outside.
it’s all a fugazi.
it’s funny George is always ranting about the stock market and bashing bitcoin but both of them are not real. it’s all fake. it’s like bashing the guys on the black jack table while you sit at the roulette table. your still in the casino and it’s all one mind fuck to take your money and pay fees, taxes and everything else.
it’s not real. it’s all fake.
OK, I gotta get. fore realz
it’s finally time to start chapter 10. yeah. 10 on the 1.9 billion dollar jackpot. and I didn’t choose that number? when chapter 10 title is Truly, I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate.
I am. I didn’t win. and I’m still alive. I could have won. but I didn’t. someone did some shady shit and I didn’t die. good for them. they will reap a shit storm from hell forsure. have to savor those shit storms. part of life. hahahaha.
I mean If I win one now? I Wont die. that was my last chance to get out of life early. and leave all you fine folks to figure shit out yourselves. hahahaa
so now I’m here till 2088. thanks dick! hahaha.
Samantha … do NOT forget China.
Xi and the Big (10%) Man are to meet up Monday. China is looking to be at least an EQUAL now to the US, planning on being ahead of the US in the near future, and if Biden does the subtle and not so subtle put downs of China that he has done elsewhere Xi may move up his timeframe for confronting the US desire for complete hegemony in East Asia. (“Ahead of Xi meeting, Biden calls out China” … https://www.politico.eu/article/us-president-joe-biden-cambodia-asean-china-xi-jinping-g20/ ).
ALSO do not forget that if Putin suffers a major military loss the Hardliners in Moscow may just decide to replace him as “The Decision Maker”, while leaving him as a powerless “Front Man”, as they RAMP UP the Russian response in Ukraine and vis the US and NATO.
BOTH could happen nearly simultaneously … which would raise the potential of trouble for the US in both Eastern Europe and in Asia at the same time.
Risky Times is the only way to describe it. In Europe because the US WANTED IT that way and did whatever it could to get the current War there started and supplied … and in Asia because China has now become the manufacturing center of the world (created by greedy Wall Streeters who intentionally shipped our manufacturing there so as to make short term profits).
Good Morning George
Interesting choice
repeated attacks by uke nazi’s on aforementioned bridge IS main reason RF spec. op. strategic retreat. blown dam would have isolated RF ‘s on an island. Lil birds been peeping lately regards “captured” Nato weapons systems…saying something to the effect Ruskies be transporting those “confiscated” weapons systems to Iran. Talk about turnabout! Whoa Nelly!
War and rumors of wars, sure how about US Populace Vs. demonrat party ? At least 3 Senatorial Races were “setup” , traps set, bait taken (they had no choice-“turnabout”) Really hard to figure out which 3 races were part of the sting PA, AR, ?
Nah – above just the product of an overactive imagination..nothing to see hear, all on the up and up, move along.
re: if/when the dam blows. Providing Ukraine treads carefully their troops can avoid washout and hold high ground in what may be a Russian trap. Sans dam the Russians may be testing a Fallujah strategy (which is probably why Brandon flubbed with the Iraqi city instead of Kherson, he was briefed on this and it was “top of mind” – symbol tap).
The primary concern irt: Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant is possible disruption of cooling water to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. Blame game aside, the plant is ever a risk to the entire area and could cover a total Russian retreat.
Meanwhile, our markets look the other way trying to build on the Thursday surge. Who wants to hold through the weekend. Crypto kids? Tulips anyone?
Calla veteran today 11/11/22
“The portion which takes a lifetime of self-discipline is learning HOW to cut the losers quickly and let the winners run. ”
right now from my perspective George this two time lines manifesting simultaneously. it trips me out honestly. I’ve never seen it this much to this degree. make it hard for me and most everyone to navigate. honestly.
in my own path I see a life with that girl and all the stuff we needed to make an honest go. everything from I told her I’d get her a Sheppard puppy, and then someone messages me out of the blue, having no idea I told her that, my friend dog just had Sheppard puppies. to I’m getting laid off, so I backed out that house deal because max unemployment is great, but not enough to make a house payment on, then I run into an old boss and he says I will pay ya $35 an hour cash, 50 hours a week and you get your unemployment too. I hadn’t seen him in 20 years. he said Andy! the guy who never misses work, is never late, and never calls in sick. I said well I been late twice. once I ended up saving someone’s life at the end of the day and once I avoided dying on the freeway because I was late. so I’m not perfect. haha. that is alot of money. $2800 a week take home.
but I need a vacation. not many people grind as much as I do.
and I have 6 months of union medical, dental etc banked. to finding a good deal on a new car for her which I told her I’d get her a new car.
my buddy who you know they had a thing behind my back and I knew and I thanked him for being a man of integrity even though he wasn’t being one called me last night and we got on the Catholic confessional and he got honest. and said I deserve better. I said you are right I do. I forgave him and I forgive her. shit happens. every thing happens for a reason. he feels bad about it I could hear his pain and he feels bad, because she is crying because she lost me and the life of her dreams with me. and —> i could go back and forgive her and make a go. all the stuff we wanted is still manifesting.
however, there is also another path manifesting simultaneously and doors are opening that will lead to me winning the US presidency in after 2032. which I honestly don’t want to be the President even though it has been Prophecied 3 times by super gifted prophets said I will eventually become a US president.
honestly, I’d rather move out in the woods with a pretty girl and a couple Gernman Sheppards and have naked weekends. LOL.
so there is two time lines manifesting simultaneously right now. and everyone around me is saying go to California, buy a Harley and go surfing and golfing. have fun and enjoy life.
you do remember the last time I left Seattle and went to the place where 1/4 of the Nation’s Wealth Vacations between October and May?
two things to note:
#1. Covid began exactly 2 blocks from where I left last time. in Snohomish, Wa. the first incident of Covid in the US.
#2. The exact day I got to Palm Desert California at the moment I drove onto the city limits. Trump landed there on Airforce One. we arrived there at the same exact moment. I’m sure that is just a coincidence. because I’m privy to presidential schedules. as if. hahahah.
so, if i do leave and go Bell Air for new years eve, then on to Rancho Mirage it would be December 26 of this year.
I do have a planned week with the Shaman (I met at the Hopi rez) in the grand canyon, no cell phones, just a digital detox and bathing in the river and beat drums at night around the camp fire.
I wonder what will happen if I choose that path. to go to California and the Playboy Mansion, the Shaman, buy a Harley, go surfing, golfing and snow boarding. get my wealthy issued repblican wife and a fat paycheck job, do another website, podcast, rub Elvis with the wealthy again, in the world because last time. covid happened when I left.
or forgive that girl and live that life of a simple man. and just be a trucker and all that.
the whole world says go to California! everyone says go to California and have the life of your dreams. everything you ever wanted is waiting for you there. fuck that lying and cheating woman. the only problem is I love that chick. I hate that I do love her and I understand her. like nobody else does. I have a massive heart. certainly gets me in trouble.
and if I go to California, I can grab the corner piece to the hopi prophecy stone and compete the prophecy which they been waiting 5000 years for the trusted white brother to return and do that. and once the prophecy tablet is complete? the end of the 4th world begins and the beginning of the 5th starts. there is always a massive cataclysm when that happens. first earth, first fire, then ice, then Flood aka water and the 5th cataclysm is up to THE DUDE. plasma I presume.
there is 13 immortals on the planet who really are ready to finally die. who want me so much to compete the Prophecy stone. could you imagine living since beyond the dinosaurs till now. you would be ready to be done.
so I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers. so I wait for direction. I pause and wait. I have a little time to decide.
I think if I leave Seattle, there will be a massive EQ here. I also think that if I leave Seattle? and go to the land of the rich and wealthy the entire economy will turn around for a period of 4 years.
cause and effect. two worlds manifesting simultaneously. which path to choose. I need a vacation.
afa the Ukraine. that has come up again. I found some stranded Ukrainians with Texas plates in idaho and helped them find their way.
everything in my life is a reflection of the greater schema. and I wonder if me meeting all these Ukrainians is a reflection of the future of the west coast. like the Ukraine was invaded by Russia. if that is the future of Seattle. should I depart the pass gate and leave access open for anyone to enter. because while I’m there? nobody gets passed me.
everyone tells me, at some point in your life Andy, you have to do what is right for you without considering everyone else. because I base 99% of my decisions on how this will affect others.
sun, golf, playboy bunnies, a new Harley, surfing, snowboarding, fun, possibly marriage and a path to the US presidency? complete the prophecy tablet and let this aeon end and the cataclysm begin and the energeranc4 of the 5th world. podcast, fame and fortune and gain 2 free passes to enter into the golden age.
go on to France and be the great king from the west that ushers in the great Chastisement, bring eveyone to jesus and 4 years later the rise of the Antichrist etc etc.
dance in the court yard and then the comet will follow. I seen me doing that. the reason the earth goes through so much natral disaster is the Comet hits the Moon and move it off its current location causing great earthquakes and floods. massive natural disasters.
then the golden age begins with a world population of around 100 million people.
or stay and forgive that stupid girl and live a simple life. probably get my heart broke again. like my ex wife did, and taken to the cleaners.
but nobody would get past the pass gate. and the aeons end would be pushed back until my mortal death in 2088.
that is what I’m being shown. I don’t really want to be the President of the US. I don’t really want to be famous and all that. money?! yeah I like that.
as weird as it may sound. that is the truth of what I’m being shown.
so I will wait and see. I do not want to have contempt for either path prior to further investigation.
strange days. the whole planet is in limbo right now. make my decision by Sunday. which path to take.
I don’t know how I can be this important. everyone else thinks I am. and it’s alot of weight to have on me. I just want a good woman and a house. some land and forget about it all. LOL.
all our jobsites are postponed so I can leave the day after Christmas.
everyone is laying off. and I have a bright future in Cali. it’s like there is some grand Cosmic conspiracy to get me off my roost.
see ya old man. you will know what decision I make. I won’t need to say anything. you will know.
Great post. Much more interesting than George ever posts.
There is more than one reality at play here, and it gets quite interesting when we have a little bleed through.
There is the old school where everybody’s dream is to sit on their ass and get rich, winning only if somebody else loses. Then the new school that believes humanity deserves something better than that.
I don’t know what to do. and normally I do. I know without a doubt after atleast 500 close calls in my life where I should be dead. like almost going off the cliff the other day and 12 NDEs now. I am here for a greater purpose. that I know.
and as soon as I leave that girl? my life starts rocketing up in prosperity and abundance and material possessions and Opertunities galore fall into my lap.
the only problem is. she has my heart. fuck! and I can’t not love her. I don’t know how to not love her.
I will probably go to California. complete that path. even tho I don’t have any desire for all that fame or being a US president or any of that shit. THE DUDE knows best. and I want what HE wants. if that What HE wants? I will take that path.
and I was supposed to win that 1.9 billion dollar jackpot. i was. it was mine. I know it. I saw it. so I don’t know how I didn’t win it.
anything. that was mine and taken from me. woe to the person who took it from me. and the same equivalent will be provided in another way.
I was meant to win that. sometimes changer and I didn’t win. tripps me out.
“as soon as I leave that girl? my life starts rocketing up in prosperity and abundance and material possessions and Opertunities galore fall into my lap.
the only problem is. she has my heart. fuck! and I can’t not love her. I don’t know how to not love her.”
Boy.. this is a tough one.. I think walk away from both her and that supposedly really good friend of yours.. but then I think.. why not forgive .. you already knew her fragile state of mind.. was willing to work through it and build a life together..
Now.. I don’t know her personal story.. what her child hood was like or what she had to endure to survive.. BUT…from what you have told us about how others had treated her in the past…. she seems to have a low self esteem because of her past history. ..for some reason she feels as if she has to have her existence to gain validation or admiration and the only way she can is by throwing her self esteem deeper into the pit by giving her most precious gifts to someone else to gain this validation that she is someone that matters to anyone…
whether or not she was abused or if is she mentally stabile enough for a serious relationship.. or the reasons why she has these mental insecurity issues is the question….
I personally believe it is the same way with your endeavors.. the one reason why I believe that you switch jobs and relationships like I switch underwear has been a result of something from your history that has you moving on… believe me I don’t say this to degrade you or her.. you have a lot of insight into life and the joy of being able to reflect on life experiences with a religious innocence …And I do believe that you are seriously taken by this woman but is it love.. if it was something that you were serious about keeping together you would make every effort to work past the situation…. then you will seek the dude to help you work through this situation… and being quite religious with the Dude.. what would the dude say.. if you seriously love her.. then support her.. tell her that she has your support and committed to seek the help you need to work through this bump in the road.. or at least offer it.. If she is committed to working through this then she will try…… and that you both can work through the issues you both have to achieve a future together…The Riches you are offered to dump her.. is crap or a number worth it.. are there children involved.. kids take the brunt of it all…
My Ex had self destructive issues.. because she was raised in an abusive home.. the rights of women was only that as a cum bucket to the men.. they were beaten and belittled regularly.. they had no rights.. the women stuck with them not out of caring but out of fear..
I tried for seventeen years.. had psychiatrists and counselors etc.. always undermined by the falmily.. I was told at the very beginning the ex suffers from a mental condition of schizophrenia from the extended abuse as a child and my life would be hell which it was…. I thought I could fix it.. ( I failed) but if your significant other is only insecure.. then you can work through this..
the dude says..
Jesus said in Matthew 6:14-15 that if we aren’t willing to forgive others, He won’t forgive us. Aren’t we already forgiven by faith in Christ alone?Jesus said if we forgive someone, then the Lord will forgive us. Jesus equates the two types of forgiveness. God’s forgiveness of us is contingent on our forgiving others. As we try to understand Jesus’ words, we must first remember that we have no power over the eternal fate of another person, for the dude alone is our Judge:
So she had sex with someone else.. Sex is her most personal and precious gift to give.. it isn’t a right of anyone to expect or demand it.. Now.. IF.. you both work through this insecurity that she is having.. to a point where she won’t feel like she has to provide her precious gifts to others just to feel secure or validated as a human being.. then she will cease to do so.. NOW.. this really good friend of yours.. is another story.. he seen that fragility of hers and took advantage of it.. without any regard for your feelings or Hers.. that is not a friendship movement.. but one of disregard and only self..
The big question you have to ask yourself.. is can you forgive her.. and and work through this together.. If you cannot.. then walk away and never turn back..
(I was supposed to win that 1.9 billion dollar jackpot. i was. it was mine. I know it. I saw it. so I don’t know how I didn’t win it.)
I hear ya on that one to.. I was suppose to win that one LOL…
Now .. if i had won the one point nine billion.. LOL well I personally don’t need a number to be happy.. I am already happy.. Knowing me I would have used it to benefit someone else with the numbers.. or make changes needed to benefit the lives of others needing the help.. see there are people that need a number and value a number more than anything else.. would sell their souls for a number.. destroy homes and disrupt lives for a number and by our present system of living on a number.. a number is security.. but only until the realization that numbers are nothing more than a number..
the thing you don’t understand LOB, is winning the lottery, releases me from having to be on this planet. it was “scripted” if you will, that the only way I could get an early out and not live to age 118, is if I win the lottery. the same odds of me dying before age 118 years old by random miss hap, are the same odds of winning the a major jackpot big lottery. if I would have won? I would have 30 days after I received the money left to live. I been buying tickets every big lottery since my 9th NDE.
I would had fun for a few days, but most of the money would have went to various gospel missions and places like that.
I thought about it, I’d have split 10% with 20 differnt churches, gave each of 20 my closest friends a couple million each and made sure my kids were taken care of for the rest of their lives, and I would have donated $350,000 to 2000 different soup kitchens and food banks in the US. and spent a million dollars on me in 30 days.
that was my out. now i talked to THE DUDE and HE laughed and said, quit fucking around we got work to do.
I received a new spiritual weapon today. a new ability. I leveled up.
with that.
I bid you farewell.
“winning the lottery, releases me from having to be on this planet.”
A number.. is not a way out.. it is the crutch .. I believe that our destiny’s are written.. Your about the age of my oldest child.. patience is a virtue.. being happy is a choice..as is seeking peace..
the thing I believe is.. to teach and help others.. assist others on their journey and do it gladly.. gandhi was a prime example..
Andy, you were spared. And that girl is nothing more than biochemicals being run by your ego to prove (falsely) its importance in your life.
The ego runs a world of words and details, and as many words as you pour out it is obvious you are trapped in the cesspool of its power.
Your true path opens up when you reach the point where you genuinely do not give a f*ck about anything, the words and details are gone. Then only peace remains, and only clarity remains. Information comes in the forms of images and feelings.
Choices are simple if you have integrity. Get both decisions equally clear in your mind. Then flip a coin, and while the coin is in the air, you will get a flash of hoping one side or the other will come up. Do not even look at the coin, decide for that flash and DO NOT look back. If you do anything else, or screw around with this decision, it will stop working for you and your life will be pretty screwed for a while, a penance for not believing in that power that offered you guidance.
WHEN THESE FLASHES OF INSIGHT COME, YOU WILL BE SPEECHLESS. when you attempt to share or (attempt to) put words to it you are allowing the ego to take back control and prove its importance. You have a choice not to allow that. If you cannot stop the words, then you are not ready to live your life at that level.
Well., that’s it for me on using Fractals as an ‘indicator’., or forecasting tool. This is the third time a major market move has been predicted., and the exact opposite has occurred. Luckily for me I haven’t traded on the fractal ‘advice’ and sat on the sideline watching. Three strikes and you’re out ? I do believe so.
Does anyone know what Nostradamus says about the earth tilting? Famine, nuclear war, biological weapons, and the earth tilting, and civil war are too many things to worry about. Can we eliminate the massive tsunamis that come with an earth tilt ?
Eleanor. The last thing you should be worrying about is the earth tilting. I am more concerned about brain tilt of our leaders. Pole shift is a fact and it happens every few hundred thousand years. Here is an interesting article if how you to read about it.
Best to keep yourself concerned about things you have some control over like how you treat your family, neighbours and friends. I sense that you have those things well in hand.
I wouldn’t worry about a mass extinction event, but there could be satellite and aeronautics propblems:
the pole wanders 34 miles every 5 years, so far the only problem is readjusting navigation instruments:
George. Over the years, I figure that I have voted in a total of perhaps 50 elections here in Canada. This includes municipal, provincial and federal. In all that time, I can remember perhaps one election where I didn’t go to bed knowing who the victors were on election night. I didn’t always agree with the outcome but I never felt cheated out of my vote or that the election was fixed against me. Perhaps I was naive.
You know what great interest I take in your elections and the outcome as it impacts your country, my country and in fact, the world. On Tuesday night I went to bed knowing the results in the state of Florida. Five hours and it was done. Today, 3 days later, we await the results in Arizona and several other states as congress and senate hang in the balance. We will know maybe next week, maybe by your Thanksgiving and in the case of the Senate not until December 6 or several days or weeks afterwards.
This is raw meat for the conspiracy crowd and certainly a stain on the word democracy. Canada and our parliamentary system is not perfect and we seem to elect leaders that are a consistent embarrassment to many of us. I expect our current leader to come out in drag on the upcoming “Canada’s Drag Race” for its world premier “Canada vs. The World” on November 18. We’re making “herstory” according to the media.
The world I grew up in is upside down and I weep. When the final tally of votes is in for your mid-term elections, I can sadly predict that conspiracy knives will be out and we will have 2 more years of ugly American politics to watch unless cut short by some ominous world events that you constantly point to here on this site.
Ahhhcmon BIC..just a little while longer…before you hear..
” I’m Baaaack!”
Orange will be the new White, again.
Conspiracy or Crazy ?
Oh, no, IT IS BACK! Is it Jon, or Mark, or their SHADOW????
Shadow shape shifters….
Trolling, trolling, trolling down the river….
If I had a Hammer, I’d Hammer in the morning….H….:
If I had a hammer
I’d hammer in the morning
I’d hammer in the evening
All over this land
I’d hammer out danger
I’d hammer out a warning
I’d hammer out love between
My brothers and my sisters, ah-ah
All over this land
If I had a bell
I’d ring it in the morning
I’d ring it in the evening
All over this land
I’d ring out danger
I’d ring out a warning
I’d ring out love between
My brothers and my sisters, ah-ah
All over this land
If I had a song
I’d sing it in the morning
I’d sing it in the evening
All over this world
I’d sing out danger
I’d sing out a warning
I’d sing out love between
My brothers and my sisters ah-ah
All over this land
I got a hammer
And I’ve got a bell
And I’ve got a song to sing
All over this land
It’s the hammer of justice
It’s the bell of freedom
It’s the song about love between
My brothers and my sisters
All over this land
All over this land
All over this land
All over this land
All over this land
All over this land
All over this land
It ain’t conspiracy or cray cray, it is called HUMOUR!!! GOOD HUMOUR!!! UK//US/UKRAINE/NATO STYLE
I will leave you wirh this. last time I was in California at a very very super wealthy person’s house. not stock market rich like Elon. old money. I came over to his house and he had 5 books in a star on the table and he said choose. they were all auto biographies. I said choose all of them. I love books. he said you can have only 2. and one that us not on the table. he said this is a moment of fate my boy. choose 2.
I chose Ronald Regan and Billy Graham. he said excellent choices! then waved his arm. and said the sum total of their combined capacity, influence, charm, charisma and power is now belongs to you Andy. you will be greater than both of them combined.
I laughed. and he looked at me serious in the eye and said, it is so.
then he handed me a Bible and said that being said you will not forget the Lord your God and He will not forget you. he said do you understand? I said yes.
then he patted me on the shoulder and said you Have a great destiny my friend. I said ok man. if you say so. he said I said so. I’ve done my duty and the great forces will begin forming your way.
it was a moment I will never forget. and here I am driving truck in the mountains in cowboy boots listening to counrtry music drinking coffee and smoking a Marlboro red thinking some great destiny eh? hahahahah.
I will keep the next song for me.
Does this make you Christ?
Ukraine’s Kakhovka Dam – Blowing up a dam?
I did a little “look-see’ on the Kakhovka Dam – built in the early ’50’s and I can see two major ‘weak points’.., wouldn’t take a whole lot to drop a couple of sections.
– But what I don’t see is any strategic reason to do so., except possibly to create one hell of a lot of chaos and infrastructure damage – which sometimes can be used as part of an overall battlefield strategy. But that chaos and infrastructure damage also limits your actions in that AO as well.
Massive meltdown and flood? Two for the price of one. It’s been too public though, but could be seen by UKR as a way to deny Pooh Team their prize.
Many thanks. That’s a great interpretation considering the mythology behind Artemis, Arethusa, and the river god Alpheus.
“The river god Alpheus was in love with Artemis, but as he realized he could do nothing to win her heart, he decided to capture her. When Artemis and her companions at Letrenoi go to Alpheus, she becomes suspicious of his motives and covers her face with mud so he does not recognize her. In another story, Alphaeus tries to rape Artemis’ attendant Arethusa. Artemis pities the girl and saves her, transforming her into a spring in the temple Artemis Alphaea in Letrini, where the goddess and her attendant drink.”
The U.K. stock market – FTSE – since it’s October 12th low has slowly managed to work it’s way higher. With all the turmoil the government and financial sectors have had lately, it is up just over 7.5%., and now over their 280 DMA. Not quite sure where all this strength is coming from., and the British Pound has also been slowly rising against the dollar.
Wonder how long it’s gonna take before the results of high resolution come …
On Monday morning Bankman-Fried’s net worth was $16 billion, it has since plunged to $1 billion on Wednesday, before hitting zero late Thursday. He has stepped down as CEO as FTX files for bankruptcy.
– But remember boys and girls – crypto’s are safe.
LOL – good one dL
Do you still have those tulip bulbs for sale George?
Tulips still look pretty after their values go to Zero.
How pretty do electrons look after their values go to Zero?
Dont forget, geniuses – any commodity not held in physical possession – you do not own . risks associated with rehypothicating assets- staking Ure cyrpto.
How soon we forget USD/Candian dollar worthless, no backing, lot less safe than BTC. purchasing power to the moon with USD, stronger everyday – right G? Ure should be writing real estate adds for the recently departed PiSF. (“progressive”)
Cold hard wallets – no number of new/ old- middle aged, agents gonna be able to track down hard wallets, let alone get thru coin mixer legacies. Snarf!
In a Hard wallet – BTC is NON EXISTENT – Does Not Exist anymore..until brought out again from cold storage. Thats what their so desperately trying to uncover and shake loose, so far to no avail.
You anti crypto geniuses so soon forget – COMMUNITY wrote the codes, patches , new codes, upgraded programs, constant threats = constant upgrades = anti fragile G eniuses.
The friggin brains behind, in and in front of BTC.
Tween you U haters and the feds – surely you can come up with 3 or 4 competent “blockchain-cyrptologists” to figure out what we did 5 years ago..
Please , please please – any shred of evidence – one case, one instance of Bitcoin being hacked from hard wallets/cold storage..bueller?
crickets……………………still living in fear.
BTC – See Flipper/ https://youtu.be/-c1-Y6YWS1w
Haters – See Flupper
Ill see you there BCN.
PS your Trezor has an accessible JTAG interface.
Smarties will know what that means.
Does this mean if the mints go out of business my one lone gold coin is worthless?
Bitcoin was destroyed by all of the *ssholes that were scrambling to get rich, by sitting on their *ass and doing nothing. It was like buying a sedan and trying to do off-roading. Not the purpose it was created for. And they transferred out of their wallet into these unregulated ponzi schemes paying 17%, 39%, etc. guaranteed to be completely safe.
Here in Ecuador there have been several multi million transactions. They buy the bitcoin, transfer it, and the recipient immediately sells it.
Just last week a friend went into a USA bank and asked to withdraw more than a thousand in cash. Before they would give it to him, he had to tell them what he was going to do with it.
Did you know that when you (Americans) open a bank account in a USA bank you have to give them ALL your information, but a non USA citizen can open an account with a drivers license or a passport, no questions asked. The USA has become the ultimate tax haven/money laundering capital of the world. But if you are a citizen they treat you like a criminal.
And when you deposit money in a USA bank (or brokerage account), it is considered a loan to that bank, and if the bank invests that money and loses it or an employee embezzles it, you must go to civil court and attempt to collect a bad loan, not to the FDIC as you are led to believe.
You will understand what bitcoin really is when one day you go to the atm and don’t get any money for one of a dozen different reasons.
“Do you still have those tulip bulbs for sale George?”
Dang it anyway… LOL I totally forgot that the boss wanted me to get her some more tulip bulbs LOL.. I had better get them ordered…
U.S. military EMPing the Mothership but blaming Iraq would rhyme. Don’t forget Rapture 2022, 11/27!
If the dam blows –
The Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (351MW) rests next to the Kakhovka Dam. Ukie power loss for sure.
House of Vintage Brandys Tavria, one of the oldest brandy-making factories in Eastern Europe, is immediately down river from the dam and should be wiped out. The morning of buy all the then ‘collectible’ brandy w/the Tavria label.
A medical district is down river.
There’s a recreational fishing farm down river.
I don’t see much else. Looking at the terrain map the foot of the dam should be able to absorb a bust without the river moving. The river empties into the Black Sea right away so there can’t be any major river changes.
Did Nostradamus predict the Moon landings?
this follows The Great Chastisement which is the sum total of all the Catholic Prophecies
in the last 2000 years. King Charles is temporal marker from a prophecy dated 1200ad. placing yourself at the point of the book of Revelations and looking back from memory of how it all unfolds you can clearly see The Great King who will emerge is from the United States. because the lady is liberty who also has a twin in France. and wings of an eagle. also a reference to the US. in almost all of the Catholic Prophecies it days the Great King will come from the west to france. and win every victory against those who oppose that even China and Russia will become Christian.
please note. there is 12 statues of liberty in France. one in the uUS.
for a total of 13.
there is mention in some Prophecies of a lady with a crown and 13 stars. in reference to giving birth to a man who would restore peace on earth. after Great Civil unrest and all that. famin etc etc. and after him, the final anti christ comes.
also note that DC and the Vatican are extremely geometrically structured as similar. like the great seals on the one dollar bill. and both are extremely filled with corruption and self serving leaders.
it is my understanding this follows s the great Chastisement. and gives insites into where the Great King comes from. China etc etc
from the book of Revelations:
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night
When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.
But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the desert, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.
but what do I know? I’m a truck driver who’s eating a moon pie out on some dirt road in the mountains. I’m not that important. I’m just Andy. lol
you may just be Andy…
but you stir me strangely,
and much of it makes a lot of sense to me (once the tingling passes )
“maybe I can be an armchair pilot for hire? (Yeah, i really do have the commercial UAV license. Easy transition from ASEL.)”
do you realize just how cool and awesome that could be!!!!
YOU HAVE GOT TO TAKE PHOTO’S let us know how it works out….
George, you could make a lot of money remotely piloting cargo drones over the border bringing drugs into the USA. Who would suspect gramps in east Texas of doing such a thing.
Beats those zero-dark-thirty treks to the computer.
comes with a federal retirement program and housing if it doesn’t work out, too
I guess in the U.K. it’s “party ’til the house burns down”.., the Bank of England published a caveated forecast last week that the UK might be headed for an eight-quarter recession – the longest consecutive recession since reliable records began in the 1920s. Last quarter GDP shrank to 0.6 percent growth. That marginal growth was all from one sector of the economy – all other sectors of the economy where negative, or flat. But the Pound is slowly rising and their stock market is doing well, despite all the politics turmoil and financial reports.
Is it possible to deliberately blind-side yourself ? Sort of like – “damn the torpedo’s, full steam ahead”.
Two weeks ago the media declared FTX Founder and CEO, Bankman-Fried., “.. a crypto genius”. Guess no one was actually looking at the books. One California investment corporation [ name conspicuously missing from the report ] just wrote off $240,000 it had in FTX investments.
That investment corp – was Sequoia and it was $214 million that it wrote off. When all the cash is gone., why hang around for a bankruptcy settlement.
I wonder if there’s some losses being buried in the semantics. The lost $214-240 million is spoken of perhaps as an “in the last year” manner. So is that all of 2021 or simply November 2021 and forward. Are there residual mentions online that a $900,000,000 million FTX investment was made in July, 2021?
From the comment section (hold the laughter/applause):
Bill Ackman is another Piece of Sh**i**t.
Q (aka Trump?) went there today. There was a post on Truth and Q had started up again.
Nov 11th, 2022 at 8:45 am EST. Post 4962. StoppedAgo on Truth reposted it. Q talks all about 1913 and the Rothschild banksters. They bankrolled 1776, 1812 and endless other wars. They still control USA Inc through debt and control Wash DC as it is a separate country like Vatican City and City of London.
StoppedAgo also posted a link from Sept 6th that they posted of a video called the Rise of the Rothschild’s Central Banking Mafia on youtube. It mentions how JFK started returning the power of the US currency back to the Treasury on June 4, 1963 with an executive order. JFK was then murdered.
maybe this is why I always end up with Italian women? it’s a representation of the US and The Church. Christ and the Holy Bride. THE DUDE and The Holy Sprit. the uncorruptable femanin Spirit.
hmmmmm. I know I won’t rise to my full potential until I have a good woman next to me. I perform way better even intuitively with a woman at my side.
ahhhhhhhhhhh ha! to note that the last Itallian girl is a chronic liar and running around like the town bicycle same as The Vatican!!!
ahhhhh I understand now. why when I ended it my life started drastically improving.
thanks gestalt!
and the great confession and grear repentance follows after that. ahhh yes yes. same with her same with the Vatican. and all this confusion in the world. and that is why The Holy Spirit is upset with the Catholic church.
ahhhhh. yes yes I understand now. California it is. I understand now why and what.
Andy.., may I suggest something?
Shut your mind down. Just turn it off. You are overthinking this entire process. Kick your boots off., sit-back with a cold adult beverage., and just chill. Want to plan something? How about a great dinner? Seven course feast ! Focus on just that.., nothing else – let the day slip on by.
– “Don’t even try to understand – Just find a place to make your stand – and take it easy.”
I know alot more now. I told DUDE to do all this? I’m going to need a few things. a brand new mid engine corvette, 500 racks, 5 number 2 pencils, 30 more rounds of. 45 hollow point, a James Bond tuxedo, camo shorts, flip flops, a full bag of ping golf clubs, a hot blonde with republican political ties, a dozen blow jobs, bologna sandwich and throw in Tall quad shot Americano with 5 raw sugars and half and half. hot but not to hot.
and I will bring these dirty godless heathens to repentance for ya.
que: ~ Tube Snake Boogie ~
check this out George. on 11~11~22 I have 33 months clean and sober.
after I wrote the above, I heard a female voice in my head say, Paper or Plastic sir? I said out loud paper. this place has the best customer service. the female voice said thank you sir.
If you can’t sort out your problems, and are contemplating violence, then get help. Remember how David Berkowitz got where he is.
The Holy Spirit never talks, but can amplify your feelings.
seems like you so desperately need a piece..
Go get some Homeslice, what R U waiting 4..Gadot?
Good choice Andy. I fought your kind of battle for 15 years and finally had to let go and got a life. Trash is trash and sure hard if not impossible to change. They seem to behave until the next time
Creepy calm … (?)
Making me uneasy.
me too.. the news has been eerily quiet
Where there’s smoke… A true scandal is opening for the Biden administration. FTX Dem Money Laundering Scheme?
April 25, 2019: Biden announces his presidential campaign.
13 days later, Sam Bankman-Fried, son of Barbara Fried ( Stanford Professor and co-founder of political fundraising organization “Mind-the-Gap), launches #FTX crypto exchange.
The exchange is magically an overnight success. SBF becomes biggest donor to Biden.
Election day, FTX implodes completely.
If you think this scandal is done, it goes even deeper.
Gabe Bankman-Fried, brother to Sam (also a former Jane Street trader), is founder of “Guarding Against Pandemics”
He was a Legislative Correspondent for the US House of Representatives and an advisor to large political donors in the Democrat party.
Caroline Ellison: CEO at Alameda Research
She is the daughter of SEC Chairman Gary Gensler’s Boss
Her resume
Grad 2012
Counselor 2mth
RA Stanford 3mth
Trader Jane St 1yr7
Trader Alameda 4yr
Unemployed now
The family Aunt Linda Fried is a WEF member on the Global Agenda Council on Aging.
The father, Joseph Bankman is a Stanford professor who has lobbied on behalf of Hedge Fund managers before Congress before (film records exist).
FTX’ Head of Ventures & Commercial at FTX Ventures Amy Wu, started with the Clinton Foundation years ago.
Nishad Singh FTX Director of Engineering has spent over 8 million for Dem candidates.
And finally Obama’s Commodity Futures Trading Commissioner, Mark Wetjen was literally the head of FTX Policy & Regulation.
Reports were the organization wanted to spend over a billion dollars on the Democratic party for 2024.
A massive, massive money laundering operation has just been broken open.
Putting the pieces of the puzzle together
Great breakdown on FTX
‘Not sick of hearing about politics yet?’
sorry donny, that’s right, no fantasy landslide red tsunami… the Cook Report linked in the Breitbart article defines the shocking letdown, even with the Inflation scare and Biden’s low approval ratings, biggest issue is the economy, the ‘meh’ voters still had a functioning brain cell and voted Democratic…
“Not sick of hearing about politics yet?’
sorry donny, that’s right, no fantasy landslide red tsunami…”
The votes have been cast.. the people made their choices.. Now we have to accept their decisions good or bad we deserve what we get.. if they make bad decisions.. ( we all do one way or another at some point in time..) we need to accept and live with their decisions and pray for the best…
The show’s just getting started LOOB ol’ buddy. We ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
c has a point about the functioning brain cell, as being a shared commodity
The VIX has dropped below it’s 280 DMA. It has done this three times this year and each time it has turned around and shot right back up within weeks.
– Past performance is no guarantee of future results..,
– But…, it does look interesting.
Good one today 73 . Only took me 26 years but I have taken the emotion out . Only act on what I see . I can see clearly now. Thank you WD and thanks george
For you, Len, and Andy:
“I Can See Clearly Now”
(originally by Johnny Nash)
(from “Cool Runnings” soundtrack)
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is that rainbow I’ve been praying for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
Look all around, there’s nothing but blue skies
Look straight ahead, there’s nothing but blue skies
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Here is that rainbow I’ve been praying for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
Bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright)
Sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright)
Sunshiny day
Bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright (bright) so bright (bright)
Sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright)
Sunshiny day
Hey 73 you think the rat juice aka death jab makes em all do what they are told now . Like vote, for pedo, buy stocks before crash, be destitute but happy . 95percent people I know and see have lost it , can’t drive , can’t think der der der . Yep something in rat juice
Lettuce begin. Has last Tuesday’s mid-term…election… left you full to bursting with red and blue primary colors? Hereabouts, primary greens are coming into focus as being in short supply. It seems Canada is in the midst of a lettuce shortage due to drought and disease in the California crop. Where available, prices are up 400%. Respite is predicted next month with the Arizona harvest.
I am a little bit puzzled with the accounting for the latest USA armaments to Ukraine announced during this week’s US election. Msm reported a value of $400 million. A chunk of the shipment is hawk missiles apparently intended to intercept drones. I didn’t realize until now that hawks are vintage technology dating back to the sixties and currently kept in storage. So one could imagine those being “paid” for already. However I guess the current picture shaping up appears to be $160k per hawk missile chasing down each $20k Iranian-built drone. Is that a business model that makes sense? If Wikipedia holds water on this, the most recent appearance of hawks was two years ago in Syria and Libya supplied by Turkey.
The official WH schedule shows Mr. Biden was in Egypt for a quick touch and go at COP27 for 180 minutes before proceeding to the ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh. Maybe Air Force 1 didn’t have the range for non-stop. If my calculation is close, fuel is a bit under us$2 per us gallon in Egypt so it was worthwhile topping off the tanks? Bonus points that Mr. Biden could offer a few words to the COP27 group while the fossil fuels were pumping aboard. I imagine everyone is looking forward to hospitable times in the Kingdom of Cambodia under the watchful (more on watches in time) eye of its leader of 37 years Hun Sen which puts Mr. Xi’s decade as top gun under shadow. Perhaps global leader motorcades will sweep into Phnom Penh via its pre-eminent arrow-straight ten kilometer long main artery, Hun Sen Blvd, connecting gated suburbs with the city center. Russian Blvd. and Mao Tse Tung Blvd. can feature in the drive also.
The “Daily Mail” has reported the exciting news that PM Hun Sen will be gifting a total of 25 top end “Made in Cambodia” watches to visiting world leaders at the summit. The watches are said to be so finely crafted as to resist the forces of gravity. The watch maker is headed by a naturalized Cambodian of Chinese birth in charge of the Prince Group conglomerate. Luxury watch magazine “Revolution” suggests each watch could be valued in the six figures.
It’s that time. CNN primetime hours Friday again are featuring “Election Night in America (live)”. One can almost picture the voting tote board totals creeping miraculously under the gaze of Santa’s elf Blitzen. I tuned in just long enough to peruse the half dozen ad spots. They weren’t majors. Two were actually promos for CNN’s own morning show. One was an online financial planning app whose active smartphone screen display encouraged viewers to “cancel your subscription”. Ironically, a spot played for an online realtor site whose parent company is itself owned by media competitor Murdoch’s News Corp.
Try this one:
“You will see, sooner and later, great changes made;
Will cause to be reborn, terror of all mankind;
Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up;
Drinking by force the waters poisoned by sulfur.”
If you need more:
Really, guys (and guyettes). TL:DR
Sorry I’m so grumpy. Rain won’t quit. I need to find some happy juice. Hey, bartender….
I tell ya, people. Start checking your change. There could be some serious coin slipping through your fingers every day. People are buying error collectibles and odd number sequenced bills at a pretty brisk pace on Ebay and it’s a lot better odds at finding them than winning the lottery. Just another way people are finding a way out of FRNs.
Not sure if this qualifies as a “new river” but it surely “draw” a clear line.