Hit: “The Double-Top”

I want to take you back a ways.

November 8, 2021.  Dow closed at 36,432.22  while the S&P nailed 4,701.70.  Off to the side the NASDAQ rolled up 15,982.36.  Our Aggregate Index ended the day at 41,953.86.  The Yahoo Finance history notched an adjusted price of $67,566.83 that day, as well.

Then there was Monday’s action; January 22, 2024.  The Dow, S&P, and the NASDAQ lined up as 38,001.81, 4,850.43 and 15,360.29.  In our Aggregate Index calculations – based on equal dollars in each index back in 2000, the close was 41,960.28.  That’s just 6.94 points away from a perfect double-top.

Oh, and Bitcoin this morning? It was running $38,962.90. Don’t look too closely lest you realize Bitcoin has lost more than 42 percent of its value in two years. We think – pretty sure in fact – that this kind of decline was also noticed in past bubble-popping events.  Sure, tulips were still traded at the end of the 1634 period blow-off top.  But from a practical financial perspective, the passing was clear.

Ditto – as the excellent research by Andrew Odlyzko points out – even Big Brains (Sir Isaac Newton) got hurt in the South Seas Company bubble implosion.  When we inspect the data, we have to wonder if there isn’t some horrific rhyme off-key in historical replays.  Could the hearty endorsement of crypto have its modern analog in the virtualization dreams of Elon Musk?

Heady stuff, to be sure.

Still, numerical entrainments between windows of history are a fascination, around here.  Much like trying to understand the periodic (postulated) passing of micro wormholes in space-time, the cyclicity of the rhyme in times is a matter of intrigue offering the hope of breakthroughs of the financial sort to the diligent practitioner.

Let’s Play, Shall We?

These “entrainment windows” can be spotted, most often, only in the rearview mirror.  Nevertheless, the passing of a nearly precise Double Top in the Aggregate has us looking at historical change.

The day after the November 2021 top, Bitcoin dropped a fair bit, but then it kept on falling.  In the modern rhyme, would a drop of 0.7 to 0.7 percent in BTC pricing today be possible?  Looks in the charts like that – or more – is already in play.

Our benchmark first top – Nov. 8, 2021 – fell on a Monday.  Our double top this time also fell on a Monday.  In 2021 by the Thursday, the Dow had shaved more than 400 points – in fact close to 500.

Based on this, we look forward to the close today – and subsequent closes into week’s end.  Whether the market can move up from here remains to be seen, but it is an interesting speculation. It’s not an investment any more than a trip to Las Vegas is.

Still, if the Dow close today is 112.24 points low; if the S&P drops 16.45, and if the NASDAQ were to drop 95.82 or some combination such that our Aggregate is down 193.37 to near 41,760.49, then it would amuse us no end.

We emphasize this works of other cycles students should be closely read.  The original writings of Kondratieff and more recently Chris Carolan’s cycles work.  They are tricky buggers.  Just as the rings of a tree sketch out in detail how the preceding year’s growing conditions were, so too previous cycles offer only guidance.  The tree rings get bigger over time as trees grow.  And so too do variances from previous cycles, unless you look at them in a very precise manner.

I expect to be wrong.

By the way, Bullish Bob Bagley (B3) reminded me that if the testosterone goes really wild, one could margin 3X ETFs.  (I knew that already.)  Alas, I’m a student not wanting to play the role of “6-ball Bear.” If the market don’t turn down from here, I’d just as soon the “bear’s blood running in the Street” be someone else’s.

Would War Help or Hurt Markets?

This is another difficult area of speculation (and modeling).  Because while in the short-term, the LFW (long front war) which is doing its best to Rhyme on WW 1 will stimulate the Defense/Death Industries, in the long-term, someone’s going to get stuck with the tab.

We are at a point where measured escalation is running into trouble as the West/NATO forces have been found in Ukraine.  Russia escalates: Here is the list of French soldiers who fought (and were killed) in Kharkiv – Demands explanations from the French National Assembly.

Turkey, which has been playing the spoiler role, has finally cave3d to demands from NATO that they endorse Sweden’s entry to NATO: Turkey set to approve Sweden’s NATO membership bid after long delay.

Moving South down the Long Front, we see Jordan has taken to bombing Syria Syria: No Justification for Jordanian Air Strikes on Its Territory.

Southward more, Israel media are using the term “fools errand” referencing Lebanon. As in US-Lebanon Diplomacy ‘A Fool’s Errand’ but Still ‘Has Value’.  Only if it works, would be the asterisk.

Gaza is still a mess and not going well for Israel: 21 Israeli Troops Are Killed in the Deadliest Attack on the Military Since the Gaza Offensive Began.

Reports are swirling – ahead of the mainstream – that a two month ceasefire may be in the works: Egypt confirms Israel has proposed a 2-month ceasefire — Naharnet.  But, as always with these things, the devil is in the details.

Already – even as NATO surrogates of the Baltic are planning the Son of Maginot Line along the Russian border – the “picking up the tab” part comes into focus: Costs are heavy. Counter-mobility plan to be presented to Latvian government shortly – Baltic News Network (bnn-news.com).

Don’t get me wrong, war is a terrible thing. But it provides an interesting cross-fertilization of culinary pursuits, for example. Few remember the role of Napoleon in pom frits or the return of hamburgers from war in Hamburg, Germany, or that French Fries came to America from Belgium after WW1…I digress. Food and fashion based on war?  Humans are an odd breed to be sure.

War also brought us radar and other big communications improvements, so technically war is ALL bad.  Unless you live downstream or downwind from a nuclear power plant – then some residual worries might be understandable.

A more thoughtful reader due shortly as Scientists set to reveal if Doomsday Clock is any closer to midnight.

I’ve always thought the alarm clock was a kind of doomsday clock in its own right…


New Hypshire Primary roll:  Nikki Haley sweeps Dixville Notch’s primary, winning all 6 votes. But it’s a so-what? as Former President Donald Trump seeks control of the Republican primary in New Hampshire against Nikki Haley, his last major rival.

And then we read about stirrings of concern on the democrat side as Andrew Yang: Joe Biden Can’t Defeat Trump in November. Campaigning with Minnesota rep. Dean Phillips.  We wish them well…

Around the Ranch: After Cold, Rain

Abut 2 inches in the gauge from last night but most of it just in the last half-hour, or so.  Hell of a morning to be wheeling trash upriver to the street.

Write when it dries out,


70 thoughts on “Hit: “The Double-Top””

    • Doubt it. IDF uses all the same calibers as NATO: 5.56×45 (.223), 7.62×51 (.308), 7.62×54 (30.06), 12.7×99 (.50). They use the 8.58×70 (.338 Lapua magnum) as their principal sniper round, same as the U.S., and sidearms in 9mm, .40, and .45ACP. The Mossad shoots .45 ACP and LRN subsonic .22 Long Rifle.

      All of it standard, all of it common. All of it made in Israel.

  1. War fashion is a good one.

    After WW2 most of the world standardized on Western dress. Now-a-days around my area I see more and more women wearing head scarves. But they don’t talk like me.

    The Hugo Boss company is still around. They knew how to design a snappy uniform.

    I found a rankings for the company but rankings only go back to 2009. Ha!

    The Hugo Boss company


    • If we must do fashion, let’s do the female hippie fashion of the 1960’s, including the mini-skirts and mini-tops, along with the blissed out look from a touch too much of the enchanted window pane!.

      • The new look is long skirts/dresses that are very big and shapeless. Pants that are a few sizes too big are also in.

        Sorry, no sexy legs.

        • LOL LOL LOL LOL…. I have to share this story..years ago.. my father in law was pouring a slab of concrete.. I volunteered to help with it.. definately a two man job.. but .. in heading off to work.. I forgot my work jeans.. not wanting to run home.. I thought dam I will just go buy a pair of jeans.. so off to the store I went.. bought a pair.. ran to his house.. went in.. put them on.. dam they were baggy.. looking in the mirror.. the crotch hund down to the knees.. it was and the pants kept slipping down on my butt.. I didn’t know what to do.. it was for someone with balls the size of elephant balls.. LOL LOL LOL so I got some rope and tied them up to where they felt comfortable.. and suspender like.. went poured the concrete all of us laughing at these dam jeans.. then threw them in the trash.. the fad for the kids at the time was baggie crotch and having the ass crack exposed.. LOL LOL LOL LOL…

        • Maybe new look, but ain’t no Men Looking at that mess of a new style. Never understood the how and why of Women following what gay men say is fashion..looks good to the gay eye I guess..

  2. A G in Time saves nine..

    “Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future..” Stevie guitar Miller.

    G – da Time be acting wonky all of a sudden. First item Miami mall scene with rumored 9ft tall aliens..big emergency popo response. It was all over the national electronic opiate distributors channels(news). Lo and Behold the EXACT same Event happened in exact same place, on same date one year earlier. Simple google search’s yields msn channels archived news clips from last years Same exact event.

    Mr MBB3 (YouTube)has posted latest and greatest Time “slips” as Recorded most recently in past few days. Videos and pictures of shit that is Not there to regular Human eyesights/perception. The GS dog can see it, camera captured some wierd as scheisse leaking thru..with dog in frame staring at the woowoo object/entity/ thingy.

    ABC practitioners ..always be closing.

    ? Which bank would you prefer to have majority of Ure assets in.. Bank of the jews or the Bank of Karma? Think the Ferryman on river Styx accepts Gold/Silver/USD/Bitcoin ?


    Trick question – they are mutually exclusive.

    • I’ve always taken Dixville as a counter-indicator…

      (I’ve never done a serious history of it, however.)

      For many, many years I’ve heard the old motto:
      “20,000 Frenchmen can’t be wrong.”
      I have NO idea as to the origin of that, but I’ve
      heard it all my life.

      As a born-again Contrarian, I have always
      taken the position:
      “20,000 Frenchmen can’t possibly be RIGHT!”

      The Tao of Contrarian Wisdom seems to often
      be a better path.

      As The Great Zen Master Yogi Berra teaches:
      “It ain’t over ’till it’s over.”

      • wise master Bera once opined – if you find a fork in the road, take it.

        Wise man that Yogi..not a bad Catcher either..

      • wise master Berra once opined – if you find a fork in the road, take it.

        Wise man that Yogi..not a bad Catcher either..

    • How many electoral votes does Dixville Notch swing? Is this the location of another Sore OS enclave of alt employment in the ballot stuffing factories? LOL.

      • The nets need lots of pointless filler to cram in to space out the commercials more evenly.

        Gum-Flapping, modulated, empty exhaust…
        … from dozens of “strategists.”

        (Which I suspect means “currently unemloyed.”)

    • Other than President Donald J. Trump, there seems to be no presidential candidate on either side of the political divide that is not a warmonger! It’s sad to see that Nikki got this primary/poll. She seems to be similar to Hildabeast, without the long list(yet) of dead “friends”.

      • THAT is the problem with the old time Republican Party leadership … WAR MONGERS all. McConnell, Graham, and the rest of them are ALL Neocons who LOVE War. That is why DeSantis flamed out, he threw himself in with the Neocon Crowd.

        Going back in history much of the US at the Working Man Level has been ANTI War ever since the Civil War. Was that way wrt WW-1, why Wilson had to get the Germans to torpedo the Lusitania plus the Zimmerman telegram and all that shit and why Roosevelt had to push the Japanese to attack Hawaii (we were already actively fighting them in China via the Flying Tigers which we were providing the planes for, the pilots for, and funding).

        Than dynamic carried forward to LBJ’s Tonkin Gulf FAKE excuse for the Vietnam War. HW Bush’s enticing Saddam to move on Kuwait (Ambassador Gillespie’s cables) and the “made up atrocities” that HW Bush then laid at the feet of the Iraqis … his son’s (GW Bush) made up “Intelligence” to justify the US going to War against Iraq (again).

        WithOUT all of those made up or engineered events the US working people would NOT have been in favor of War. When put to an actual vote much of the working class of the American People have consistently been Anti-War if they have any option. The vast majority in fact wrt WW-1, WW-2, and Vietnam before we got involved in those affairs.

        As the ONLY Anti-War candidate that has a chance to Win (Robert Kennedy while also Anti War has NO chance) the working people of American are going to strongly move towards Trump … even if they HATE him and think he as much of narcissist as his detractors claim.

        Haley and DeSantis BOTH threw their lot in with the WAR NOW crowd, and much of the Republican Party’s new Working Class Base (a base tossed in the dumpster by the Democrats) totally disagrees with that Neocon policy belief/choice … which is CLONED on the Democratic side of the isle.

        The TV people are NOT and WILL NOT talk about the policy reasons why DeSantis and Haley are flaming out … since they are in bed with the NYC, Boston, DC crowd that is WAR WAR WAR.

        • I agree with Zephyr… why are we renting two multi million dollar mansions.. a full detail of security for the child of a president that should be in prison for all the corruption that has been shown already in congressional hearings at a fraction of the cost…

        • “THAT is the problem with the old time Republican Party leadership … WAR MONGERS all. McConnell, Graham, and the rest of them are ALL Neocons who LOVE War.”

          Neocons, not conservatives.

          You can name exactly one genuine Republican who got us into a war: Ronald Reagan, when he exercised the Monroe Doctrine, to answer a call for help by a bunch of Grenada’s neighboring countries. Some might claim McKinley, but if one looks at his policies rather than his ickypedia entry, they’d see he was the first “Progressive” (regressive) President: Imperialism and centralized authority are not tenets of either conservatism or republicanism. Some might also claim Lincoln, but before history books were revised, it was widely-known that the Civil War began in December of 1860 — before Lincoln took office…

      • Yeah, launching a 1000 Tomahawks at a Falsely Flagged Syrian city (ghouta – gas) in the middle of a state dinner with Xi, is in no way,shape or form an inclination into Warpigs mindset. Nope, no clues anywhere to be found of tRumps warpiggery”. The lying class hole who looked America straight in the Eye and said, repeatedly I am Draining the swamp, when every single appointment he made was deep dark denizen of the swamp. Turboed the Vax into US populace = killing millions, Locked down World = million more deaths.

        tRump is OTHER side of a very BAD penny . It is a shame that that illusion is working again..A terrible shame .

        • draining a swamp,,, does NOT remove the swamp creatures, it exposes them for all to see,,, we are coming to the removal process,,, like a little kid in the back seat, I hear you whininng, “are there yet, how much farther?”

          some day you will grow up and then you will have to act and be responsible for your actions or lack of action
          only morons took the vax, I saw Trump push other methods but the news media turned full force against alternative treatments as Pfizer lied about the safety of the vax
          Warp speed was about stopping the total shut down and isolation, the deep state wanted US in,,, while some non-thinkers vaxxed, war causalties, we are in an un-declared war against U.S.
          and you are too UNaware
          I AM a big Trump supporter and not a single moment did I ever consider taking the clot shot and advised everyone NOT to get it!
          DID you get the clot shot because Trump said to??? or are you like the New Hamp. democrats that voted for Haley in a republican primary?

        • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7685699/
          “From March 1 to April 30, 2020, Donald J Trump made 11 tweets about unproven therapies and mentioned these therapies 65 times in White House briefings, especially touting hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine. These tweets had an impression reach of 300% above Donald J Trump’s average. Following these tweets, at least 2% of airtime on conservative networks for treatment modalities like azithromycin and continuous mentions of such treatments were observed on stations like Fox News. Google searches and purchases increased following his first press conference on March 19, 2020, and increased again following his tweets on March 21, 2020. The same is true for medications on Amazon, with purchases for medicine substitutes, such as hydroxychloroquine, increasing by 200%.”

          bottom line is, Trump pushed FREEDOM of choice
          I have and still do take ivermectin, it works.
          lost another friend 2 wks ago, he was vaxed and boosted, got a lung infection and died in the horsepitol. he was anti Trump, a Beto voter back when that moron was running.
          Yes I do know and am friends with morons, they are still humans, not bad people, just misguided, most of the morons avoid me though, must be my ‘Trump mug shot’ coffee mug

  3. Hamas could have prevented all of the casualties if it really cared for it’s own people. Lay down your arms, disband, give back the hostages. Never going to happen.
    Where was South Africa calling war crimes on just on Israel, when Hamas still holds illegal hostages after their atrocities. Where is the world when the Muslim countries murdered over 500,000 of their own people over the last 5 years. Where is the media as Turkey has again begun slaughtering the Armenian Christians? But let a Jew kill one Palestinian and it’s headlines. The rest? Shhh, we have a narrative to fill.

    • Open air prison, and you expected an enslaved and abused population to lay down their only means of survival ?

      Wholesale slaughter of Women/Children and Hospital patients is not self defense. In modern times what they are doing is classified as Ethnic Cleansing/ GENOCIDE of the Indigenous Peoples of Palestine. Dark shit been going on since at least 1920’s.

      “These are a savage lot of people as exemplified by this revolting demonstration of what it really means to be an observant jew. God dammit read the Talmud and the Old Testament and grow a pair before you end up like Schlomos pet chicken: Kapparot – An Annual Orthodox Jewish Chicken Ritual that happens in New York Vity (bitchute.com)” -J. Heart

    • “Where was South Africa calling war crimes on just on Israel, when Hamas still holds illegal hostages after their atrocities. Where is the world when ….”

      They’re individuals with opinion that write the news.
      Countries don’t care because of too many opinions.

    • Somebody comes and steals your cow and horse … you don’t respond.

      Next they come and take over your pasture, you aren’t allowed to go there any more or plant any crops … you don’t respond

      Next they come and take your barn from you … you don’t respond

      Then they start shooting your kids when your kids throw rocks at the thieves … and when you protest your kids getting shot they shoot at YOU too

      During all this time they have kept you locked up in an open air prison where you can’t travel anywhere without their permission … and still you don’t respond other than complain

      Finally many in that group start talking about taking the REST of your land

      The Jewish people as a group left the so called “Holy Land in 80 AD, suddenly reappeared in the 1920’s and have been seizing the land and possessions of the people who had been living there for hundreds of years, Claiming that IT WAS THEIR’S and THEY ARE TAKING IT BACK … after being gone for 1850 years.

      A person, or a group of people, all hit their breaking points eventually. If you are so accepting of YOUR land and possessions going to someone who just walks up and DEMANDS them … “I” will be right over. MY “Holy Book” says your property belongs to me, so GIVE IT TO ME!!

      • Open Air Prison.. and the rocks… Hmm..
        I worked for a lot of different companies and doing day labor.. I never was able to take a vacation.. at the hospital.. I donated the vacation time after I had banked the maximum…
        the company offered cruises.. and the use of a vacation condo.. the issue was.. Not for the regular employees.. only for the execs.. How they did it.. is you are hired on a point something.. I was a point five.. which meant that I was guaranteed five working days a pay period.. the rule was.. you had to be there your scheduled weekend.. ( rotation shifts) and healthcare is the world of short shift long hours.. you aren’t going to find a replacement.. so if you took a vacation.. got back did your shift.. it was unpaid.. see they gave you your five days.. LOL LOL at all the other ones.. there was one week shut down week that you could take a vacation but not any other time during the year..
        I wanted to finally hang a sheet of paper on the wall.. and get a degree.. the company paid if you kept your grade average up.. no problem.. I would do it.. signed up to go to school in the hopes of getting financial assistance through the company because they offered it.. did the paper work.. was sitting there with the second man in command.. and he said.. so how will this degree improve your job.. I gave him the lists of things that would be improved.. he said NO how will this degree imrove your job.. like a slap of a hand full of cow shit.. it hit me.. the financial assistance was NOT for the worker to get ahead it was for those in the IMPORTANT jobs.just like the condo and the cruises.. nice thing to say hey lookie what we have.. but it had nothing to do with the average employee.. in all my years.. I have never taken a vacation just to go and have fun… the closest we get is a staycation at a local casino. I did have the choice to get to travel though.. a top notch rock band that had a father in law that needed constant care.. I was offered a job taking care of the parents while traveling all over the globe.. their villa in Italy or on the islands .( the casino has really good cold beer and the coolest water fountain I could look at all day long) Mostly though the average worker is basically a hunk of grey meat.. the prisoner or slave in an open air prison already..You make just enough to squeak by with federal assistance.. and you can change your slave owners on a whim.. but they could care less about your needs.. the benefits and the insurances are only offered to the ten percent at the top on average.. the few companies that exist in the usa that still care about the employees.. well someone has to die before they have a job opening..
        I am a mormon.. and they didn’t believe that I have any faith at all because of mandatory work schedules in a position that requires your presence.. LOL LOL LOL… even though I watch the services weekly now on zoom.. and have total faith.. many of the members of my very own ward wouldn’t give me the time of day.. it is what it is..
        And of course.. home teachers and that.. only visit the special people.. I had someone ask me about that once.. they felt left out.. I said so.. it doesn’t make any difference.. it is a two way street.. you know who they are.. so show up and share when you can give your testimony or pass on the teachings during the hours you have available.. instead of waiting for them to come and share , sharing is a two way street.. doing the right thing is always there to act on….

        • “I am a Mormon”..

          Why you sly ole fox you… ; )

          ..how many wives did you say you were keeping in that “box” you be looking out of ?

          I think I see a reality TV show in Ure future..

        • (“.how many wives did you say you were keeping in that “box” you be looking out of ?”)

          Hmmm….Peanut Gallery… let me see… Hmmm.. how many micro managers does it take to control one person.. let me as AI LOL…
          LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL well I asked the Genie in the box.. and it says…what i suspected…

          (“Searching for: micro managers control one person

          Generating answers for you…

          I’m not sure about the exact number of micro managers required to control one person. However, micromanagement is a management style where a manager closely observes, supervises and/or controls the work of their employees 1. Micromanagers often avoid delegating responsibilities to employees so the manager becomes the sole decision-maker”)

          Managers are basically worthless.. they delegate.. ( pass the buck ) onto the individual so once they make the mistake they can blame them for the mistake. that is why a CEO has the second in command.. and the second in comand has a department head.. let them take the blame. ( dam sounds like government ) so the answer is..how many do I want to be informing me of something that I do wrong.. (1… one is the answer for me ) LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
          When I worked at one factory.. the maintenance man put a lockout.. on an air exchange system.. the CEO and the Exec..wanted total control no plant manager etc.. so.. they see this switch turned off and directed someone to turn it on..
          they did flipping the maintenance man to the floor hitting his head.. he became dissabled.. and after several court cases.. almost owned the company.. they put the stupidest man around as plant manager LOL LOL LOL he hauled trash and was a human mule before that.. LOL LOL that way he takes the blame…. LOL its the same with marriage.. my wife said I could get a twenty five year old blonde that likes to garden.. even put it on the shopping list when she went into menopause.. .. LOL LOL but do I want two women as micro managers LOL LOL LOL nope the life of Andy comes to mind when I think of that endeavor..

        • [This is directed more to Peanut Gallery than LOOB, actually.]

          From Ambrose Bierce’s classic, The Devil’s Dictionary:

          bigamy, n. One wife too many.

          monogamy, n. See “bigamy”.

  4. Highs v no mention that trump treasuryfed consolidation during Covid and trump Biden printing of 10T plus resulted in homes at double prices. Same as Calif Silicon Valley funds inflows and calif housing but over a decade not a year period. So in theory us debt and stocks value 1/2 compared land value One reason for Brics currency if number 1 China housing doesn’t fail like number 2 and 3 did.

    • They don’t know about GX_P2V… you will all know it as SARS-Cov3..the mysterious disease X!, yet.

      Developed by mil docs of PLA.
      Lab experiments showed lethality of 100% in humanized mice
      * The authors have modified the study by eliminating any terrifying references to 100% mortality on humanized mice, two days after pubs of Gospa News investigation. First pub on December 18, 2022 in the specialized journal Emerging Microbes & Infections and on same date also on pubmed, the library of the NIH…only update made a few days ago mentioned the lethality of the laboratory genotype of SARS-Cov-2 called GX_P2V was made known when new research was relaunched the first time on Jan 4th in pre-print by BioRxiv..yet to be peer reviewed.

      It’s BOHICA time again, quick look surprised.

    • choices,

      The FRED blog requests that one proceed to the edit button in order to avoid the graphic shock that you may have experienced. Select ‘compounded rate of change’ instead of absolute-numbered ‘billions of dollars’ is their helpful, shepherding suggestion.

      As an aside, I wonder if the accumulated library of historical FRED website pages on ‘Internet Archive’ is either incomplete or has been weeded out prior to 2016?

    • In January 2020 there was $2.11 trillion in circulation and as of Nov 2023 there is $6.93 trillion in circulation.
      That is a lot of extra coin being tossed about. Explains a few things, doesn’t it..[ not really a question.]

      • If they had to print that as actual “Bills” (maximum being the $100 Bill), the US government would have had to build HUGE printing plants all over the country that would run 24/7/365 to print that many $100 bills.

        Obviously the US Government went to it’s own version of creating “Crypto” out of thin air long ago.

        • Its only an empty number.. currency use to be a marker for a good held .. and could be traded for a good.. a lb for a lb of what ever.. coins were mallable metals to trade for tools or other goods.. like a four ounce copper cup in exchange for one lb of copper.. today.. money is only a promissory note saying yeah its good for goods and services.. it unlike the days of old.. does not have any real item backing it.. paper is nice.. but what can you do with linen paper.. and an electronic number is just that.. an electronic number.. WE the people sold our souls for a number.. the mark of the beast we have turned it into our idol our master.. it controls us we cannot live without a number…. and every man woman and child has a number that they are for sale for..


      Seriously.. Do you really believe they would change it and let everyone know that the morons in control have lost control LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

  5. St Louis ‘FRED’ creates a whole new expenditures price index…,
    How in the bloody hell can you create an expenditures price index – aptly named – Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index, but exclude food, energy, and housing categories ? WTH is the point ?? The three biggest expenditures / costs for the consumer., but they aren’t going even consider them. Guess they were somehow required to hire a couple hundred more keyboard dancers. Assholes !

  6. Here’s an update on a MI school shooter.

    Basically a year or two back a student took his gun to school and shot the place up killing fellow students. The shooter’s parents bought him the gun and will face accountability. The mom goes first.

    The mother parent now faces involuntary manslaughter for supplying giving the gun tot he students.

    Parents of Michigan school shooter set for manslaughter trial

    Jan. 22 (UPI) — In a rare attempt to hold parents accountable for a child’s mass shooting, the parents of Oxford, Mich., school gunman Ethan Crumbley are set for trial on manslaughter charges this week.

    Jennifer and James Crumbley — charged with four counts each of involuntary manslaughter in the Nov. 30, 2021 shooting — will be tried separately, with arguments in one or both cases set to begin Tuesday.

    Their son, Ethan Crumbley, was 15 when he killed four fellow students at Oxford High School: Tate Myre, 16; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; Hana St. Juliana, 14; and Justin Shilling, 17. Ethan Crumbley pleaded guilty in 2022 and was sentenced in December to life in prison without parole.

    His parents, accused of buying him the gun and not doing enough to secure it, appealed their charges to the Michigan Supreme Court, which refused to hear the case in October. They have argued the gun was always properly stored and they could not have known their son was planning the rampage.


  7. George
    You mentioned that war brings us inventions. I recently read an article from the National World War II Museum in New Orleans.
    The article was about Andrew Higgins the inventor of the landing craft used by the Armed Forces in WWII. His company built thousands of them and also PT boats. He also built an aircraft factory in eastern New Orleans to build cargo aircraft for the military.
    What has recently come to light is that Mr. Higgins was heavily involved in the Manhattan Project. Yes, that little project that ended the war with Japan.
    The Higgins aircraft plant cease building planes during the war and started manufacturing parts for machines known as calutrons which are used to separate U238 from U235. The parts were stainless steel grates and carbon target blocks. These parts collected the U238 for use in A Bombs.
    Over two million parts were eventually built at this facility and shipped to the Oak Ridge plant where they were used.
    This facility eventually was acquired by NASA and is still used to this day to build America’s heavy lift rockets.
    It is known as the Michaud Assembly Facility. I worked there for 25 years but nobody knew about it’s use in the Manhattan Project.
    It is fitting that New Orleans has the WWII Museum by Congressional Decree as it played a huge part in the war effort in numerous way!

  8. I’ve read somewhere lost to the mists of time, that Nostradamus used a technique called, “scrying.” The staring into a black, endless void containg no reflection or internal feaures or light.

    I thought an interesting and I hope harmless test of this might be interesting., About the most UNimportant thing I could think of was the New Hampshire primary, which will supply little more than grist for the Talking Heads.

    So, around three this afternoon, I got a black plastic basin (pot, tub, whatever) dumped in a littlle black ink, into the water, and positioned iot to “see” no reflections.

    I saw — nothing. BUT! I got a distinct impression of Trump and the number “62.” I also got an impression of “12%” connected to “all others.” Doing the subtraction yields 26% for Haley — though I never got an impression as strong as the “62” or the “12%.”

    Over the yeqrs I’ve proven to be an especially poor prognosticator. So. We will see where it all tumbles later tonight, when the Real numbers emerge.

    First time I’ve tried this…

    • Don’t forget … with New Hampshire having an Open Primary people of any Party can request a ballot of any other Party, ie: Registered Democrats can request a Republican Ballot and vote.

      Reports I have read, but am unable to confirm, is that 37% of the Registered Democratic Voters requested a Republican Primary Ballot. I will make a wild ass guess here that most of those 37% did NOT vote for Trump (which of course would indicate that Nikki Haley’s finalynumbers were wildly inflated wrt her support from “Republicans” in the Granite State)

      Truely SAD that these are the two “best” candidates we can have running for President. Both should have been retired for several years now, letting a younger generation run the show.

    • Results: Poor. Missed on all points other than
      the media-favored “obvious” outcome.
      (I did not expect much: would have been amazed if there were any good hits.)

      My typical prediction record con-tin-ues to be Very Poor.
      (Which, I admit, comforts me, since I claim no “powers” or abilities beyond any normal person.)
      This comment written on Jan 24th, 2024 — the day after the New Hampshire primary — at 12:30 pm – “noon”)

  9. rememeber when i wrote a prayer in my prayer journal about someone named Kari. and i didnt know who it was.

    and it turned out it was Kari Lake from Arizona.

    i just saw her audio recording if a RNC fella trying to bribe her not to run.

    a d i have a hunch. i will meet her soon. just a hunch. i met so many people. im sure i will meet her too.

    they are pushing hard. they dont even want you to trust your own education. look hiw faith in the schools with shootings and liberal sexualizing children etc etc. and ivy league shools are anti semite and woke agenda.

    they want you to trust none of the institutions in the Land of rhe Free and Home of the Brave.

    they want it to be the land of the scared and home of the slaves.

    but they will fail. the thing i have, never lies. it always tells the truth.

    and i dont know how a fella like me could do anything about it.

    when im the only person out 8 billion people, and all who came before me for thousands of years who did what i did.

    i dont know why me. i just keep saying. okay,.well i think You picked the wrong guy. i have $26 in checking and drive a dump truck and im kinda getting too old for this shit.

    that being said,


    • Open up a capital savings account and do a fixed direct deposit to it every paycheck. Many people have the same problem with spending discipline with their primary checking. Put a portion of the money in an account that you only use for capital purchases on big stuff. Don’t get a debit card for the savings account.
      ATM card discipline is also a problem for many. I don’t use debit cards; it’s too easy to have your account cleaned out. Use an ATM card, and record transactions in Ure check register immediately.

  10. ohhh this ties in..

    remember when I was in Spokane and that girl named Mabus was flirting with me. only person I’ve ever met named Mabus.

    and 11 DeLorean dressed like Back to the future rolled by me at the same time. 11.

    and that when I relized that nostrodaumus quatrain,

    the line that says, Mabus will fall.

    Mabus = Mapus

    Map US.

    and I wondered how that tied into time machines.

    and the next line is,

    then the comet will come.

    and JC mentioned the Comet coming on the 4 year anniversary of when I went and stood as the living water and the monad.

    and it’s all coming full circle again.

    infact, how I drive my Tonka truck and what I wear to work in the mines, is alot like the dude in that picture outfit. I even wear those gloves.

    and how I was in a living expression of a merkabah. with 11s. and 11 delorian machines passed by me that day.

    how can that be??? how can this be?

    the thing that Rockefeller didn’t understand is the dude in the machine was very large and everyone else even Lenin was small. they were like little children to him.

    he was the same size as the statues. and it was him that was in the center. standing between both sides agendas.

    I studied that picture. I know why Rockefeller was so enamored by it.

    even the little Swirls below the atoms look like strings of DNA.

    I don’t know how this could be me. but all signs say yes.

    and it’s tying in like puzzle pieces.

    I wonder if, I advance in DNA. will the world follow suit?

    and that is the point of the jab. to stop that???


    but it something. it’s all tying together. and I just don’t know.

    THE DUDE knows the stuff i don’t. and So I’m just going to have to trust in faith. I never wants the whole world. At all.

    I just wanted a closer walk with THE DUDE.

    ya know?

  11. i dont care if ya post these comments or not. idk.

    if you look at the ball held by the center hand, at the bottom of the ball, it shows two cells splitting from one.

    above and bellow within the cell image you see the symbol of the flux copasitor. one above and one below.

    see for yourself.

    and here is the flux copasitor from the movie Back to the Future


    now the original panting of Man, Contoller of the Universe was made in 1933.

    back to the future came out in 1985.

    both have the same theme.

    time machine

    both have the same symbol on the mechanism that runs the time machine.


    and all the DNA refrences.

    if the father passes on a Y chromosome, the baby will be genetically male.

    idk. but i gotta get.

    you cant make a wilder story. you cant even make this stuff up. holy cow. it boggles the mind.

  12. “if the father passes on a Y chromosome, the baby will be genetically male.”

    ohhhhh as above so below…..

    the father above and the fathet below.

    God The Father in heaven as He is on earth.


  13. the time machine. he Father As above, and the Father So below,

    the beginning and the end.

    the alpha and omega, centered.

    molecular DNA.


    pretty fricken cool.

  14. Posted on Ultra-make last night.

    Planet X;
    Twitter renamed “X”;
    Announced by WEF; Disease “X”.

    Do you think all of that is a coincidence?

    Does “X” mark the spot?




    Robert Bauval – The Master Game:


    Agreed: You can now start to see the chess pieces put in play to remove all impediments to Trump’s return as President only to be used like a cudgel to destroy; can’t have what’s left of the American citizen really realize a rise again scenario; it is just not going to be allowed.

    This decline has been planned, it’s not coincidence, it’s not a bunch of people messing things up from one end to the other, it’s CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

    It’s a PULL IT, by the same ole people that have been pulling the strings for a very very long time.

    This is the CONQUEST; this is the CAPSTONE of the Pyramid; the Pinnacle of Success.

    More Excellent Planning:

    The Great Taking Documentary – well worth your time, it is a TRUE education of how we are where we are in the global roll up the scroll situation.


    The link to the free pdf book:


    Good conversation on what to do:




    And, lastly Henry Makow- he is raw.


    2nd story: Jan 23 – Prediction: Trump Will Lead US Into WW3

    • Do you really believe that the people that have done absolutely everything they can to destroy trump would allow him to sit in the seat again….

  15. “We are at a point where measured escalation is running into trouble as the West/NATO forces have been found in Ukraine. ”


    “Turkey set to approve Sweden’s NATO membership bid after long delay.”

    Doesn’t matter — Hungary isn’t. Orban isn’t a fool. He’s civil toward Putin but they ain’t exactly friends, and after Vlad puts Ukraine’s breadbasket into Russia’s breadbasket, Hungary and the Russian province of “Ukraine” will share about 100km of border. I don’t think ol’ Vik will let Sweden join the party until he gets assurances from Putin that Hungary won’t get steamrolled if Germany starts a dust-up.
    “Syria: No Justification for Jordanian Air Strikes on Its Territory.”

    Dunno… Maybe the one thing Trump and Iran have in common is their dislike for “recreational” drugs. While I don’t think Assad is running drugs, I have little doubt there are elements in Syria that are, and they’re probably allied with either the CIA or FSB (guess which one I’d suspect with a greater degree of likelihood?)

    “Gaza is still a mess and not going well for Israel”

    Oh, I don’t know. How many dozens or hundreds of Hamas terrorists and their supporters did those 21 IDF soldiers take with them?

    “Egypt confirms Israel has proposed a 2-month ceasefire — Naharnet”

    Don’t hold your breath. It will be commensurate on Hamas’ release of all remaining hostages. CIA and Mossad both privately believe there are no more hostages who remain alive. Expect Hamas to demand a permanent cease-fire as a stall…

    “Already – even as NATO surrogates of the Baltic are planning the Son of Maginot Line along the Russian border – the “picking up the tab” part comes into focus”

    Wasted money. Russia won’t have designs against the Baltics unless we load ’em up with battlefield nukes. If Russia ever DID want to invade, they’d do a massive airdrop on the Western side of the tank traps and minefields. Maybe Latvia should plan on accosting Russian tanks with a horse cavalry? You can’t fight a 20th Century war with 19th Century tech — you also can’t fight a 21st Century war with 20th Century tech… {sheesh!}

    “Nikki Haley sweeps Dixville Notch’s primary, winning all 6 votes. But it’s a so-what? as Former President Donald Trump seeks control of the Republican primary in New Hampshire against Nikki Haley, his last major rival.”

    There are 298,470 registered Republicans in NH.
    As of right now, with 91% of the vote counted, 300,098 of them have voted for 24 candidates and a bunch of write-ins.

    There are 303,060 registered Democrats in NH.
    As of right now, 105,957 of them have voted for 21 candidates and a bunch of write-ins besides Joe Biden. Biden has been declared the winner with 54,570 votes.

    The media 5th column will mention that Trump only won by 10% and that 20% of Haley voters profess they won’t vote for Trump in the General Election. They won’t mention that that 20% won’t vote for Trump because they’re Democrats, and they won’t mention that the majority of both Democrats and Independents stayed home.

    Don’t look at the numbers the commies want to show you — just look at the actual numbers, and let them tell you what the logical part of your mind says is true.

  16. uhem. deep purple prophecies. haha. you get the pictures.

    thats what she said!


    i have nothing more to add. really.

    im tired. and i have a life to live. see ya.

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