GDP and UI Claims: Method Notes & a Kissing Ponder

Turbo Thursday begins with another “Kiss and Collapse” ponder.  This is ALL about making money, so listen up.

You see, there is some axiomatic thinking that many people “playing stocks” just never seem to figure out.  Not surprisingly, even with help, their “returns” are often in the range of annual inflation. Some simple ideas that have helped our “green” along:

  • Don’t hold a loss.  Not even for an hour.

People’s egos get in the way of their making money.  I was once so convinced  that “I was right” on a market move, that I stayed in a losing trade for several days.  At the end of which, I was about $3,500 lighter in my account balance.  Most of my thinking was good, but my “money management in the face of Reality” sucked out the money.

Ever since, when a trade goes bad it screams “Ure’s estimate of future pricing is bad – get out sooner than later!”  When that happens, I’m gone in 10-seconds.

The “grownup” part of investing is when you figure out that by limiting all your losses to “small” and “letting your winners ride” you tilt the casino odds in your favor.

  • There’s no clock in the casino.  If the assumptions behind a trade change, leave. Instantly.

Occasionally, a “long-term trade” will be held in my account.  “Long-term” is more than a single trading day.

The point I’m getting to is that mental discipline matters more than anything in technical day trading.  To a degree, you can forget the price and focus on well-studied indicators.  It must work.  Our account is up 16.2 percent from January 1st. Year to date.

We never offer investment advice but do enjoy (and write about) the entertainment value of playing with money. It’s a lot more fun (and productive) than being an old person gone-to-couch to await Death showing up.

In our simplistic view, it’s easier to play a lot of small, technical trades than reliably pick the “next Microsoft.”  Microsoft Stock Pops on Earnings. Is $320 the Next Level? goes one report.

Our case for lots of small, profitable trades argues against big positions in singular companies.

Still, MSFT ended 2022 at $239.82.  Closed Monday at $295.37.  Buying and holding Microsoft YTD would have nailed 23.16 percent. Which is better than our 16-something.

On the other hand, Berkshire (class A) was $468.61 at year end.  Monday it closed at $491.50.  That’s a 4.88 percent gain (on share price, no discussion on dividend impacts on total return).  Thing is, our very short-term technical trading (VST3) approach is in good company.

Less than one hour of market exposure Wednesday nailed (@1:10 pm) a move of Executed @ $18.239 with the companion sell at (2:02 PM) Executed @ $18.45.  Not a huge trade – a mere 1.156 percent gain.  On the other hand, it was only 52-minutes of market risk.

Now imagine you could do a trade like that just once a week for 48-weeks out of the year.  You’d be looking at 73.29 percent for the year.

To be sure, there is a downside to such an approach:  All the profits are taxed as short-term gains.  But (to me), it’s like Pappy used to say:  “Please, give me short-term profits to pay taxes on!”

So ends Ure’s view on Method, for now.

Kissing Thursday?

Our (strange) Aggregate Index view of markets busted below a major support area with the Tuesday decline.

chart (c) 2023

You can see the problem: We have failed out of the short-term advance channel and the bar which this morning’s rally is likely to cross will possibly be critical resistance (which sort of implies a Black Monday or Tuesday next week) OR (and this is entertainment, remember) we could rally through May all the way up to that overhead line from the left-hand large 4) and thus confirm this is the ending phase of Wave 2 (yellow scale, large).

IF this happens, we don’t get war until fall.  Or, if Taiwan is “taken” peacefully (however that would look) then we’d be on track for Putin’s removal from office and then nuke war by his successor.  Assuming you read G.A. Stewarts work and buy his new book when it comes out.

Go back to that chart and look for the white A and B notes.  These are “trading boxes” which is a simple visual reminder of a possible Elliott wave count.  We are bothered that Trading Box “B” hasn’t filled yet.  Unless we get an “all-time miracle rally” ahead of the Fed (and the big EQ May 10 to some seers) the odds of the trading box fill admittedly look low.

But that’s what we get out of bed to watch.

That and to see what fried bullshit the mainstream is serving.  But, not until passing some useful data.

Gross Domestic Product

Remember, this can be misleading because it’s all dollarized.

“Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2023, according to the “advance” estimate. In the fourth quarter of 2022, real GDP increased 2.6 percent. The increase in the first quarter primarily reflected an increase in consumer spending that was partly offset by a decrease in inventory investment.”

My skepticism of the GDP is further enhanced by the Port of Long Beach belatedly (after the 15th) getting its cargo imports posted:

While the Port of L.A.’s was:

Two important “Asia take-out’s” here:  Goods inbound are “fallish to suckish” which means shortages in critical goods is a reasonable bet.

Second note is a HUGE number of empty cargo containers seem to be stacking up on the Ameriside.  Son G2 is pondering what kind of house to build down here and besides buying a Harbor Freight sawmill, buying three containers and getting after ’em with the welder is still on his list.

The one other economic note, getting back to point, (gee, do we have to?) is the Association of American Railroads weekly traffic report:

“For the first 16 weeks of 2023, U.S. railroads reported cumulative volume of 3,693,811 carloads, up 0.5 percent from the same point last year; and 3,723,234 intermodal units, (containers-g) down 10.9 percent from last year. Total combined U.S. traffic for the first 16 weeks of 2023 was 7,417,045 carloads and intermodal units, a decrease of 5.6 percent compared to last year.”

I can hardly wait for the Pinocchio’s (*a Disney trademark, by the way, which we use in the traditional fairytale reference here not subject to their claims and preserve a prior art defense) in politics to come lying their asses off this fall based on “economic growth.”  Not everyone is stupid, though I’ll admit it can appear that way, often enough.

New UI Filings Data

Besides a Fed rate (likely hike) next week, employment figures are no.  Geppettos will love it. (Do you know there are 38-trademark claims on Gep[etto??? OMG, Everything -really is – a Business Model, like we’ve been saying!

Why, even “tits” is trademarked!  Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) (  Unfreaking believable, huh?  ONLY 22-claims using the term “tranny” so far…More than 50 include “queer” in some sense.

Everything in Remnant America is a MONETIZATION.

Speak of Which

Slop, popped for breakfast reading, anyone?

Cheating must run in the Biden family.  For this morning we’re appalled at the WH Press Corps for having no balls as the NY Post reveals Biden cheat sheet shows he had advance knowledge of journalist’s question (

And what’s this, CNN on Hunter?  Hunter Biden lawyers meet with Justice Department | CNN Politics.

Best advice money can buy?  Retired NSA director won lucrative consulting deals with Saudis, Japan.  This is, in our weigh-out of righteousness, an order of magnitude less egregious than “captive regulators” around the Fooled and Drugged Demonstration, but interesting to note the spread.

While we await China’s taking of Taiwan, the U.S. is blustering up a bit so Kid NorK doesn’t head south across the DMZ while we’re distracted. US reiterates security pledge to South Korea in Yoon visit – DW. Which, as it turns out, is not an idle boast, since US nuclear-armed submarines to resume visits to South Korea for first time in 30 years .

Is this g-code, or what? Watch: Moment South Korean President Yoon sings ‘American Pie’ at Biden’s US state dinner.

Ever see the movie Money Pit? San Francisco-based First Republic may not survive, even after two multibillion-dollar bailouts ( Say, you’re not one of those cheapskate taxpayers who doesn’t want to bail out the rich are you?

Our consigliere has the jitters. Been worried that before war over Taiwan we will see an uncorrelated to markets surge in Bitcoin as money tries to flee being trapped by conflict. “Indicator conflict is close,” is how he was thinking. Worth some study time: Bitcoin’s Negative Correlation With Dollar Index Strengthens Ahead of U.S. GDP Data. War coming or more hacker hold-ups?

ATR:  Yes, Wet

Just as I was getting comfy during the rain and lightning last night, Elaine comes in “George, Sam the cat is getting into it with a possum on the screen porch!

Standing on the deck, armed with bear spray (shooting the Lexus with a 9 would be bad form) and with more light than the Sun from a rechargeable blinder, the possum ran off.

Sam wouldn’t come in to eat but meowed his fool head off for treats.

Point of all this has to do with Climate Change.  We are now about 3-inches ahead of last year on rainfall YTD and about 3-degrees cooler for the monthly mean temperature.

Some readers like Egor have been reporting late snow showers in the past, week, as well.

We might very well make it to Memorial Day without hitting 90F this year. And maybe, just maybe, hell months will be limited to the 90-days from early June on.  We shall see. Hell’s always coming, but so’s winter.

Write when you get rich,

68 thoughts on “GDP and UI Claims: Method Notes & a Kissing Ponder”

  1. “Just as I was getting comfy during the rain and lightning last night, Elaine comes in “George, Sam the cat is getting into it with a possum on the screen porch!””

    I just about blew my coffee all over the monitor when I read that line.

  2. Have no fears regards heat and drought anytime soon, Gdude.

    Its all about a big blob of sulfur dioxide circumnavigating the globe..where it is hovering over is where you get 5-7 degree temp lose, and tons O rain.
    This is what happens when a undersea volcano loses its lid – record amounts of moisture get injected into atmospheric levels that are normally drier than a desert – a “fleeting” atmospheric enema as it were..”I gotta go, NOW!”

    No spooky actions, no bullscheisse, just mudda nature acting a lil bitchy..Women, cant live em, cant live without em..

    ? another guy who shared a same name wit Youse, you know the dude sticking his head out the window and flapping his arms regards onboarded clotz shotz – hears hoping he didnt get Jaime Foxxed. I know hopes’ not a strategy, but its all I got .

    the question to everyones answer regards BTC and grid down is eggzactly the same as EVERYTHING else in modern society.

    – Got breakaway civilization?, shiny silver disks? .mil cigar shaped…USS Curtis LeMay ?


    • Still waiting for it out here in West Texas. Everything has either passed over us and dumped farther East or just gone around us. Grass sure is gettin’ short but at least we’ve only run the A/C for a day so far. Probably headed in for some alfalfa tomorrow.

    • The biggest best indication of this was the Tonga Plume that reached into LEO. Check out the weather satelite that got its lens fogged by the plume.

      Start at 2:30.

      A certain AI insists the ejecta reaching LEO was fake news. OK, AI = a Digital Cramer Indicator. How about you home gamers? Seeing colder temperatures than normal? Enjoy the video, DuByne nails it. Seriously need pay attention here. And Occam’s razor, The Dust Bowl is to the Great Depression as a New Climate Minimum is to ? I think we are seeing volcanism activity that hasn’t been at these levels since the Dryas.

      Got Blockchain?

      Have your preps in order,

  3. George,
    Your comment about your local weather conditions reminded me of a news story out of Utah last week. The snow storm last week in the Wasatch Mountains brought the total snow fall depth at Alta Utah to 901 inches! I have trouble wrapping my mind around such a number. Snow Bird resort one canyon north of Alta has extended its ski season through May and will evaluate extending the season at the end of May. Anyone remember what All Gore said about snow disappearing?

  4. Commercial Real Estate Update to my post yesterday:
    Behind the WSJ paywall but you get the gist of the story from their headline.

    WHO is going to really “Take it on the chin”
    THE LENDERS that’s who!!

    “Fire Sale: $300 Million San Francisco Office Tower, Mostly Empty. Open to Offers.

    350 California Street was worth $300 million four years ago. It might sell for 80% less now, brokers say, in a market where office vacancy rates have soared.”

    The building probably is leveraged in the 75% to 85% range, say 80% … which means that while the owners lose $60 million the lenders will be losing $180 million!! OUCH!!

    AND … the on the ground reality is that most of that loss for the owners was probably in unrealized gains NOT in actual cash out of pocket since they most likely bought the building at a lower price and then “refinanced” when the value went up and have already taken cash out of the property to put into their pockets.

    Unfortunately for the lenders that type of loss situation is occurring for property after property in their loan portfolio!

    These kind of major losses are occurring EVERYWHERE, not just San Francisco, as excess office space has now shown up in most major cities. (ditto retail space properties and now starting to show up with large complex multi family rental properties)

    Who lends on these types of properties?

    Could be banks, could be pension funds, could be insurance companies, could be via bond sales to pension funds /investment funds. In any case HUGE losses, which because of accounting rules can be hidden from outsiders (ie: the general public) for up to 2 to 3 years. (which is why it takes these type of structural loan losses so long to show up in the financial statements and eventually cause the collapse of the outside lenders – ie: banks etc.)

    • Cities can be nationalized. Like zoos and art centers.

      I still can’t get over this ditty:

      “The Federal Home Loan Bank system—established during the Great Depression to help promote mortgage lending and now a source of liquidity for banks of all stripes—issued a record $495 billion of debt in March to fund loans, which are called advances, the system’s Office of Finance said. ”

      A closet door with a nameplate hung during 1933 suddenly has collateral to underwrite a cool 1/2 trill last month alone. And still writing strong this month. How many other hidden gems does .gov have for us?

      It’s a brand new quadrillion square $ warehouse called Federal Home Loan Bank est. 1933.

      This can go on forever.

    • (REIT) Vornado Realty Trust cut (they call it “delayed”) it’s quarterly dividend to …. ZERO!!

      AND … we are nowhere near Maximum Pain yet for Commercial Properties. A lot of leased property is now vacant but the tenants are still paying their leases. Come “lease renewal” times they will NOT renew and will cease making those payments.

      IF your portfolio has REITS in it those may be worth examining as to if you want to continue to hold them.

      “One tradeable real estate investment trust that has caught our eye is Vornado Realty Trust, an office, retail, and residential building owner, which slid as much as 13% in premarket trading, hitting a 27-year low.”

      “Investors are spooked by the ‘surprise’ announcement that Vornado delayed its dividend and authorized up to $200 million in stock buybacks. Analysts at PiperSandler said the move prompted them to downgrade the owner of offices.”

    • $300mln property will probably be sold for $3mln, then turned into apartments, either ALC or indigent (to get the shanty people out of their tents and get them crapping in toilets instead of on sidewalks…)

  5. Bank Bankruptcy Bingo!!
    The NEW EXCITING GAME that anybody can play!!

    The rules for this Bingo game are a little different from regular Bingo.
    What you do with this Bingo game is to Select the Row of 5 Boxes that will be filled in FIRST

    Once a 5 in a row set of boxes is filled in … somebody is a WINNER!! and you know what is even better? The game is NOT OVER!!

    The game continues ON!! and more boxes can be continue to be filled in so there can be MORE WINNERS!

    PLAY NOW …. BANK BANKRUPTCY BINGO … the game that Everybody in the 2023’s, 2024’s and 2025’s will be talking about!!

    Step right up, print out your game card, and claim the row you think will WIN!!
    (be aware game has already started)

  6. You Can’t Taper A Ponzi Scheme – by John Rubino

    During the pandemic, central banks discovered how easy it is to flood an economy with newly-conjured cash. The US, for instance, simply mailed checks to citizens and gifted “loans” to small businesses while tossing trillions in loan guarantees and direct aid at favored large corporations. Easy peasy.I

    When today’s Ponzi scheme starts to unravel, those same governments will be faced with a choice between letting virtually everything grind to a halt as trouble at the collapsing periphery starts heading for the core (that is, as small players die in ways that threaten JP Morgan Chase), or restarting the stimmy check machine, but on a much bigger scale and with a major twist:

    Instead of sending out paper or electronic checks to individual bank accounts, the Fed will roll out its much-discussed central bank digital currency and fund “free” account balances for everyone who it deems worthy of such a gift. The vast majority, traumatized by the disappearance of their jobs and stock portfolios, will willingly accept the free money. And just like that, the next financial system is born.

    Which, as always, takes us back to gold and silver. History says the first phase of this process will feature an equities bear market that takes precious metals down for the ride. But in the second phase (i.e., the CBDC introduction), people who prefer not to own “programable” currency that’s monitored 24/7 by the NSA will convert their Fed bucks to real assets.

    Shortages of gold and silver will ensue and prices will respond accordingly.

    Nostradamus Quatrain III-5
    Shortly after the default of the great luminaries [gold and silver]
    Which will occur between April and March.
    What loss! But two great debonair ones
    By land and sea bring relief [to] all parts.

    Is it March to April consecutively, or is it from April 2023? to March 2024? as written, or did Nostradamus write it that way just for the rhyme?

  7. “.., buying three containers and getting after ’em with the welder is still on his list.”

    Did you get my email with the photo of my design for a container-house ? Never heard back.

    • “Second note is a HUGE number of empty cargo containers seem to be stacking up on the Ameriside.”

      Hawaii has a huge container imbalance also. We bring in more than we ship out, so lots of empty containers are shipped back to the mainland. They can be had fairly cheap here. Lots of low income people buy a cheap patch of jungle and drop a container on it and live in it. Off grid solar, and catchment water supply. I know one ham operator who is manager of a medical facility. After a catastrophic divorce, it was the only alternative left to him for shelter. There are some real creative ways of building if you can get several containers. G2 would be wise to consider that. The sawmill and lumber are useful for roof supports around peripheral areas, decks, stairs, etc.

      • Structural steel bits won’t burn or decay from bugs. They may or may not be cheaper than wood. They tend to take longer to fit and install though.

  8. George
    Some notes on shopping conditions in my area.

    In the last 30 days I have had two cold food items from SAMS found to be in the initial stages of spoiling, (foul smell), when opened upon returning home from shopping. One was a gallon of whole milk, the other was a pack of Black Forest ham. These are item I have purchased many times before with no problem. The good by dates had plenty of time left to use the items.
    What going on at SAMS ? Are people not buying and the food rots on the shelf?

    I ponder what is the ratio of real price inflation versus gouging.
    As an example I occasionally buy a roll of 3M number 35 electrical tape at Home Depot. Old price about $4 a roll. Today’s price $7!
    How much of that price increase is just plain Greed?

    I wonder what is really going on with retail sale prices!

    • Tires keep inching up. BFG T/A KO2s, 275/70R18 are up a couple more bucks at $322 each at Discount Tire from when I looked at them last. Put 4 on the dual rims of my dump truck the day before yesterday but they’re 16s and a lot less expensive – $230 each. Hope the front tires last a little longer but that just means their replacements will get more expensive. Watch for the sales and deals!

      • If you have one near you, a Pull-N-Pay often can net decent tires relatively cheaply. I bought a car on Craigslist with a broken engine and windshield just for the tires.

        I could drag it to the scrapyard and get my money back.

      • Check out Tire Rack. If they have what you need, they’ll also have an installer in your area who will mount & balance for Tire Rack’s price (which was $12 ea for type “J” rims.) Might work, might not, but it’s another potential option…

        • Thanks guys. Have not heard of Pull-n-Pay before. I’ve ordered tires before through Wally World and it was a bit of a pain but that’s them. Gives me something else to look into.

    • Now that you mention it the last time I was in Aldi the large packs of chicken looked bad so I passed up. ‘The market is telegraphing people want bugs vs bug eating chicken.’

      A couple of weeks ago I bought McIntosh apples & they didn’t look/taste like American made fancy Macs. They were also kinda mealy like the South African oranges Vs Florida/California grown.

      • You’re spoiled.

        Michigan grows the best McIntosh apples on the planet (also Jonathan and Lodi), over north of Grand Rapids. Take a saunter up Peachridge, Appleridge, Fruitridge, or Alpine Avenues, into the land of Bull Brothers, Saurs’ Snappy Apple, and nearly any other brand of apple or cider you can think of, when they’re in-season, and see what a “pie apple” is supposed to taste like. Washington has their apples; NY has theirs, but the best cider and pie apples (also pie cherries and pie blueberries) come from that sandy-assed soil y’all have in Michigan’s LP…

  9. Are they, as G.A. Stewart would say, trying to “Immanitize The Eschaton”?

    Gunther Fehlinger, Chairman of the Austria NATO non-governmental organization (NGO), publicly revealed today, the West’s “plan” for Russia: Broken-up into 41 new, autonomous countries! There wouldn’t BE a “Russia” anymore. Russia’s response was simple: If there isn’t going to be a Russia anymore, then there isn’t going to be a Europe or USA, either. World War 3 is officially on its way.

    Here is Gunther Fehlinger and the West’s (suicidal) map of a world without Russia:

  10. The stock market is sure loving the fact that the GDP came in nearly half of what was forecast., and jobless claims were up.., guess they believe that will force “The Fed” to ease policy rate hikes.

    • The Leftists were f*cking up the State Department nearly 40 years before neocons even existed. I’m not a fan of Rove, Cheney, Vichy or Kagan, or Jeb, but understand, the Democrats trashed our foreign policy, long before the first meeting of the PNAC.

      With that said, we most-certainly need to get the neocons out of State, but we need to get the damn’ neocoms out, too…

  11. Fed Chair Jerome Powell got tricked by 2 Russian prank callers posing as Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. “It was a lengthy, cordial conversation regarding support of the Ukrainian people.”
    – Wow.., how dangerous was that ??

    • They can record your calls, have all your e-mail correspondence, track where you are from your phone and know what you are spending your money on – but no security to block a hoax call ………

  12. Re: “Asia Take-Out”
    feat. auspicious colours


    Both DW and France24 have noted the telephone conversation yesterday between Kiev and Beijing concerning the Chinese-styled “Ukrainian Crisis”. Mr. Z. is quoted as saying that the hour long connection was “long and meaningful”. France24 pictured Mr. Xi seated and reading from a prepared speech against a yellow, centre of the Earth, background. Mr. Z. had upgraded to an olive business casual golf shirt and was seated in a plush upholstered armchair featuring a green hue richly speaking to an easterly inclination. A notepad and writing instrument was at his fingertips for notation of any important Xi Thought offered.

    If a Chinese-brokered peace breaks out in Ukraine, will Nato members receive any war material returns or remuneration of monies?

    DJ George’s ‘Dialing Out the Hits’ phone request line is pre-empted this afternoon to make way for a “jungle drum” introduced few words by a speaker from State.

    • No.

      Also, understand, Russia and Ukraine are taking turns, blowing up bits of China’s Belt-in-Mouth initiative, in Ukraine, for which Ukraine, not Russia nor the EU will reimburse the ChiComs. Once this fracas is past (IF it is ever relegated to the past) Ukraine will pay double, should they want more Chinese BAR favor…

  13. The Trademark search database is a rabbit hole! Your adolescent search for tits produced results. My adolescent search for a famous movie title of an adult movie produced results including a court case involving Harvey Weinstein. Who knew certain activities could be trademarked.

      • Hey Chief,

        R U talking “beautiful East Texas with its abundance of giant pine trees, lakes, and rivers! conveniently located just a 2-hour drive from Dallas – you can enjoy the metro plex has to offer, but be able to afford much more. housing costs 50% less!
        -enjoy the mild winters of Texas with low cost of living and No state income tax
        -beautiful East Texas community thats only 2 hours from Dallas
        -micro metro city – with an Area Population of 217,000
        -top ranked schools (private and public) in the community -10/10 on
        -2 universities and 1 community college in the community
        -everything you need for day to day :target, Starbucks, Sam’s Club,Sprouts Grocery, 2 shopping malls , fine dining, breweries, preforming arts center, competitive youth sporting leagues and an active downtown
        -regional airport with daily flights to DFW” ?

        Above is just the community benefits listed on a recruiting piece sent to the coots household in effort to recruit coot jr. Who Knu?

        • A tyler smiler lol but yeah, this is the place, buddy.
          What cost us all of 98-thou years back has an appraised around a 400k now, so since appraisals run about half of market prices…yum. Clean air, and no passport hassles…

  14. ” There are some real creative ways of building if you can get several containers. G2 would be wise to consider that.”

    Just remember, the support structure of containers is built-in to their corners. Walls and ceilings aren’t worth crap, as far as “load-bearing” goes…

      • I don’t have any.

        I was surfing around and stopped to read at the (Canadian) Container Guy’s website (where, BTW, they have MANY building and floor plans) and I retained that bit about the corners. I was contemplating burying one, as a ready-made root cellar, and according to the Guy, would be burying my own death chamber…

        Ask BIC. He’s likely familiar with the website.

      • I have two 40 foot shipping containers and I wouldn’t put dirt on top of them without serious reinforcement. On the newer container I can feel the top flex when I walk on it. Walls and top are just sheet metal and all of the strength is in the corners just as Ray pointed out.

  15. 2 nuke reactors in Sweden go off-line due to electrical anomalies in their electrical grid and electrical fires and explosions go 8x and 5x over normal occurrences all due to the Solar storm this past week. In times past the level this storm reached would not have produced this number of problems but the weakening magnetic field of Earth allows it.
    S0 news: Nuclear Reactors Offline, Electrical Explosions | Solar Storm Impact

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