Feeling a bit compulsive, are we? You bet. We are in “field position” (to toss in some sports book lingo) to really drop – and hard – before whatever the Fed decision is coming Wednesday afternoon.
One thing the charts are telling us? I won’t say it – better that you should see for yourself.
But not without a break to look over our left shoulder first. Because we’re on ultra-high alert for “Left Field Events” this weekend. Our highest alert level of the year, so far.
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“We all die broke”
Seems to me that ruling party now wants to ensure we all die “woke” and “broke.”
Question for you George. You seem well isolated in the boonies from the raging viruses of the day. When you go to to town for supplies, do you wear a mask? Just curious.
Great question.
We minimize our contact with other humans to the highest degree possible. We order ALL groceries online and do a pickup. “Put ’em in the trunk” – and pharmacy pickup is via a carrier device so not anywhere near air of others.
At the gas station, we avoid 6- foot distance to others and so forth.
Heavy on zinc, Vit D, and we also have our anti aging kit (will send you this list privately). Lots of rest, CPAP and tons out healthy outdoor work, too.
About to begin harvest of Romaine from the lean-to grow room – which with grow lights and a diesel heater keeps the indoor soil temperatures 55F or so.
Moderate carb intake and red wine 8 oz at 4 PM daily. American Outback version of the Royal Navy run ration…
All good info. But the question was “Do you wear a mask?”
Inside public places including convenience stores – yes.
Thanks George. With all the controversy on masks, I just wanted to see if the smartest blogger I know wears a mask in the same circumstances as I do.
From beginning of plandemic I was frontline worker. Nite shift with 12 others. Because warehousing is exempt from masks and I also had medical mask exemption, none of us masked-up.
Cant put +/-1Million on display per week, retail and be restricted of oxygen.
Close contact and not one incidence of coof. Cashier/customer mandated mask, plastic sneeze guards at all check-out were in place and our provincial leaders’ printing co. did land office bis on floor stickers indicating social distance and one-way arrows for aisle.
Arrows subsequently removed as no-one followed arrows and made for customer conflict.
Myself, long standing regimen of quality vitamins and home-made food predominately from local produce. Oh yes, I was early in bi-weekly ivermectin.
Fingers crossed and eating popcorn almost daily. Har Har
Peeking at 70 years not too distant future; if there is one after
the weekend.
Having had Covid at least twice (the case last summer was documented), I only wear a mask around medical facilities and pharmacies, or places where it is mandatory. That is as much for flu as Covid. At this stage, my antibodies are a multiple of anything I could get from a booster, and I figure that if I catch another dose, I needed a natural booster anyway. Avoiding the more serious side effects can be handled with OTC supplements, so I am not overly concerned. `If I was ten years older, I would probably be taking more precautions.
I do to wear a mask.. not around the house but in places that I feel there could be a transmission…. but then I have always been a supporter of masks if you so choose.. I order groceries online to.. and pharmacy at the tube..
I stay nearly as isolated as George. I mask up for every public encounter out of the car. I will go grocery shopping, masked, and distanced from others. People have gotten very lax about masking in public now. Today the local ham radio club is having the annual Christmas ‘Pot Luck’ lunch for the first time in two years, with turkey & ham & other treats. I have declined the invitation to what could become a super spreader event. Damn I miss the food, though.
G, I appreciate your honesty.
But..but…Everyone knows masks are ineffective and just another way for Fauci and the PTB to control the sheeple. I read it here.
Seriously, I’m not casting any shade. I wear a mask selectively, but then, I’m one of the fools that got vaxxed and boosted.
Maybe the truth is somewhere in between.
Y’all do what you think you need to do. In the end, very few of us will get too sick or die, and we’ll spend the rest of our days congratulating ourselves on how smart we were, regardless of what we did or didn’t do.
Drink up, Shriners!
My son G2 was the chief covid officer for two counties in Wa. state and he was working with nursing homes and all kinds of places with outbreaks.
“We all die broke”
and unless you have a lot of numbers in a social class way above poverty.. the doctors take the rest… when my father and mother passed on.. there was almost a thousand doctors state wide that sent a bill.. yup the gynecologists were in on it to.. a consultation bill.. from the hospitals.. and both passed on from different hospitals.. to me that is saying they don’t intend on anyone leaving without getting their share..
end of life living.. the charge right now is about ten grand a month per person.. or for a couple a quarter million.. not including laundry, medical dr. visits and medicine.. your personal care.. they did up it to two hundred a month for personal expenses that you are allowed to have..
for medicaid .. they only pay out a couple of grand a month.. most nursing facilities are constantly having meetings about keeping it in the budget.. if they are down one to three beds.. everyone cuts a half hour.. if there are four to five beds down.. an hour off of your wages.. any beds over five the annual witch hunt begins and someone making higher wages is going home.. without unemployment.. the nursing workers concern.. everyone gets scared.. if they have been there over twenty five years .. they are pretty much safe.. because they can retire on the system.. my wife was downsized she had twenty years in.. they got rid of all the twenty year veteran nurses.. one year.. my physicians nurse now.. she was at a local hospital they got rid of all the nurses except about a hundred.. at one time.. no unemployment .. she and I worked long hours at the home.. she said they had a meeting to go to.. while she was in the locker room going out a maintenance man stepped up to her locker and cut the lock.. LOL so she gathered her things because she knew what the meeting was about..
its the job of short shifts.. after I was forced to retire.. they had me on the daily schedule for five years.. ( we called them ghost aides..)
I suggested they get blow up dolls LOL.. it is the way to keep in budget.. short shift.. I wish I had a nickle for every patent I took care of on a short shift through the years.. it was not uncommon to be the only one for a hundred patients.. now the va hospital system.. they are fully staffed.. the only issue about them is they don’t run it like a business but as a govt. position and they only work half the time a regular hourly wage earner works.. they have every federal holiday off.. and the govt.. asks them to take their vacation hours.. they cannot bank them.. ( they use to and then called it plus time)
that is the only problem with the va health care system.. they have the talent.. just no one has to work.. LOL they get the best retirement package the best golden goose tri care type health insurance.. and their school loans forgiven..
you are not going to leave with anything.. you go out as you come into the world.. there is one thing about security.. the other about over indulgence..
that half hour and hour.. was for daily hours.. if one to three you loose a half hour a day.. four to five you loose an hour a day.. you are still liable to do your work during those hours.. and..
You cannot go to lunch while at a facility.. you want a burger at mcdonalds. tough luck there.. you cannot leave the premises.. even though you are not punched in.. which is why I love wendys yup they make it your way.. put the burger on the side the lettuce on the side.. and the condiments on the side.. I will open the packet and warm the burger up myself at lunch.. chili and a baked potato..
it was the same way at the cabinet shop.. I had jury duty.. they go by points.. one hour is one point.. a fifteen minute quarter point if your five minutes late.. twelve years those points were still on the books.. we worked seven days a week..
I use to bring a grill and make burgers etc.. during lunch.. I was the most popular person there LOL everyone was bringing a raw burger to be cooked up..
simple basic physics hear folks, and what Kim Kardashian personally knows.. SIZE Matters! G-eniuses.
This has been a bittersweet holiday season for many of your readers. I hope all of you overcome the adversity in your personal circumstance, and find time to stop by and chat. Have a safe holiday.
The chart looks right. Whatever has to happen has to go before the end of this Q. Maybe Warsaw gets nuked or the U.S. ‘accidentally’ nukes itself.
All the world citizens in all the world cities will come out weeping over the demolition. The weepers will probably have the same color ribbons and came color candles (choreographed and scripted) while the news will show us the beautiful protest as ‘the world units tonight’. The marketing blitz will be 911 style on steroids.
In addition to NATO talking out of both sides add everyone. How many Teamsters are suckling from the bailout teat yet complain about the mall smash and grabbers?
Eddie did it right. Instead of taking a few skirts off a mannequin he took the pension plan and handed it to us.
On the other hand maybe the FED isn’t boxed but moving us to the next system. It’s time.
Evidence of scripting.
CRINGE: Karine Jean-Pierre Appears To Read Wrong Talking Point In Response To Reporter
It’s all scripted, even Fox’s Ducey is just there to make it seem like someone is holding them accountable. If you could just get the msm to change their scripted questions to the pedo , it could turn into a real shitshow.
“Also of interest is the latest Twitter outing: Twitter’s Chief Censor Met Weekly With U.S. Intelligence Officials While Trump Was in Office, Internal Comms Reveal |(legitgov.org). Did Trump know this?”
My belief is, HELL Ya. That is what the Q team has been telling US and many feel that Trump is Q+, with his many reposts of memes with the “Q” and his image in the meme. Q 571 says,,,
“Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/2018 14:25:40 ID:
8chan/greatawakening: 48
@Jack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, MSM, etc.
Do you know that we know?
Do you know that we see all?
Do you know that we hear all?
Jack Dorsey, Eric Schmidt, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk fit the initials. Things appear as if Elon has been flipped, not a free pass but now is providing the evidence,,, popcorn anyone?
Imagine back in ’63’ a few patriot General types saw their commander in chief assassinated by the CIA clowns, and saw the power in the deep state and formed a PLAN. Not a Coup but a preserve the Republic plan. Return power to the people that has been stolen, starting with the Feral Reserve Act.
Military Intelligence vs deep state owners, game on, moves and counter moves.
Remember, Trump and John Jr were best friends, birds of a feather flock together
Did you see that one of the now former Twitter employees is a niece of the pedovore satanist John Podesta? How many direct messages are stored in the Twitter servers? private messages between evil doers? Thing are being released in a slow fashion as if to torture the evil ones, like a chinese drip drip drip torture, to drive them insane, crazy people doing crazy stuff for all to see.
Ocean liners do not turn on a dime,
awaking human awareness takes a little time.
Come on , Napoleon, don’t tell me that is just an itchy wool uniform!
Elon says Twitter is both a social media and a crime scene.
I don’t think he likes the pedophile traffickers of children.
Yule Roth former Twitter security chief,,, was pointed out by Trump in 2020, that is another chapter, but these two links show Elon’s posts
Dec 9,2020 President Trump named Yoel Roth by name , the now former Twitter security guy, that was censoring our voices
a 1 min 17 sec video,,,
MSM I can figure out, but who does SH refer to?
If any NATO fighter fires upon a Russian aircraft – wouldn’t that constitute an act of war by the NATO alliance?
NATO fighter jets stationed in both the Baltic and Black Sea regions scrambled “multiple times over the past four days” to track and intercept Russian aircraft near alliance airspace, according to a statement posted by NATO’s Allied Air Command.
I was just going to ask that very same question..
and with american forces involved in Ukraine and actively participating.. would that break down into a first strike or an attack against russia by USA and NATO..
with the knowelege released this past few days.. about the USA having had planned the take down of russia long before .. the treaty we signed was just a put off while we prepared.. I totally see that this could escalate out of control..
My kids all think I am just over reading this stuff.. that we are safe from all involvement.. I on the other hand can see how this could play out where we are pushed ten thousand years in the past.. if they decide it is time to take on the ones that are supporting this mess.. we all could be in serious jeopardy..
the good news is they haven’t started the draft yet.. and they are not calling in the national guard..
Not necessarily. Remember when Turkyie / Turkey shot down the Russian jet over Syria a couple of years ago? Nothing happened.
In fact what I’m worried about is that Nato is about to turn Ukraine into the “New Syria”. For some reason Poland has just called up 200,000 soldiers. Why? What if Russia makes gains with the 300,000 soldiers it has mobilized on the Ukrainian border, and then NATO steps in to prop up the Ukraine forces?
Even more concerning is the transfer of modern weapons to Ukraine. NATO has emptied the store houses of obsolete weapons like the repurposed antique Garand “anti drone” system. They are being forced to ship newer systems. It’s concerning because the maintenance requirements of these newer weapons systems often require lengthy training schedules. Meaning that NATO trained “mercenaries” will have to be used.
An historical example of this is seen in a great autobiography by Lt. Colonel Gregory I Boyington, called Baa Baa Black Sheep. Prior to WW2 Roosevelt wanted to prop up China. So, they created a group of Mercenaries called the “flying Tigers” to fly then advanced American aircraft against the Japanese, because China didn’t have the skills at that time.
Russia doesn’t want a run-in with NATO. They can NOT defeat the Alliance without using nukes, but can defeat it easily by doing so. Therefore, it is in everybody’s best interest for Putin to turn the other cheek (until he can no longer do so.) It is also incumbent on everyone to recognize the fact that there will not be a conventional war with Russia. If’fn we get into an armed shoot-em-up with Moscow, it will go nuclear within minutes of its onset, not in years (or never).
You don’t get into a fight, to lose.
Russia can’t win against 30 of the top 50 industrial powers on the planet, without pushing the button, and he who pushes it first, is much more likely to survive as a civilization, than he who pushes it second.
Russia can also fire two torpedoes from 500 fathoms under the North Pole, and kill 200 million of us — predominately Leftist trash, but still Americans, and we’d neither see it coming, nor be able to do a damn’ thing to stop or mitigate the attack — no lasers or missiles required…
Equity Valuation lower high saturation curves …
Say when …
‘when’ ..
The Global March 2020 equity weekly second fractal valuation low may best be represented by the Nikkei chart … an absolute March 8 2022 low valuation vice an intermediate 24 January 2022 low.
After all, the valuation low nadir points are defined by absolute lows. Nikkei March 2020 first fractal: 33 weeks (6/15/14 weeks). Nikkei second fractal: 14/30/30 or 72 weeks with a defining nonlinear gap lower low between week 71 and week 72 of the second fractal. Third fractal: 15/?31-32/?31-32 weeks …
All of the above quantitative is under the conditions of qualitative US Federal Reserve ‘quantitative easing’ and ‘tightening’, the latter to control consumer inflation.
Why use the Nikkei? The reason is because the Japanese Central Bank has long ago thrown in the % GDP allowable central government debt accumulation towel, to rightfully support the local sovereign economy and maintain stability …
I too., jumped in on Friday – been going over the charts and my position this morning and got to thinking. We place a bet., in the hopes that something bad will happen., so we can make money. Seems a bit immoral., unethical and down right anti-religious and yet it is standard near daily, practice. What does that say about us ? Do we justify those actions because – “everyone else is doing it”. That way of thinking creates a bit of a dilemma, doesn’t it?
– Just sitting here.., watching it snow [ snowed all night ] and playing philosophical, esoterical mind-games. Oh well., guess i’ll stoke the fire, spike my coffee and get on with it.
– .., have a good one.
Fellows like you and mean would never bet on the short side except yes, it’s a shit show in denial. And if that’s where the money is…Making money short is just realization of how right we are on the sys be fkt.
Ure money does not know where it came from, where it is currently, nor where it it will be in the future.
Ure money dont F-ing care one single bit about You, Yours or others…
It dont care if it is invested in Alcohol, MJ, Guns/Ammo, Hollywood, whatever.
It does not “say” anything about you..
.. but does “say” something about Logic..
…, but “how” you get that money – does say something about you.., doesn’t it? Yes.., it does.
– It was just a “thought-question”. Something to play around with on a snowy morning.
Wrote about those who died … then died.
Homosexuals and sympathizers live dangerously, whenever they venture into an area where Islamic theocracy exists. The dude disrespected his hosts by wearing a gay pride advertisement, then dared the local followers of Muhammad to do something about it.
“Stupid” and “conceited” are not traits conducive to a long and prosperous life. Forcing blasphemy on people who take their religion deadly seriously is both.
A few grams of potassium chloride and Wahl would have a fatal heart attack, with no trace of foul play.
Give him a Darwin Award and move on…
Lettuce Review – monetary policy of days gone by, when real Men were MEN, and real Women were Real WOMEN..to the wayback machine..
lights blinking, sounds beeping, machine cranking….back the time of
NATIONAL CURRENCY, Secured by United States Bonds Depsoited With The Treasury of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or by like deposit of other securities series 1929. Signeed on the left hand sid by Cashier” and signed on right side by Govenor.
The federal reserve Bank of Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA will pay the bearer TEN DOLLARS on left hand side of bill. on right hand side printed over brown Seal “Redemable Lawful Money Of The United States Treasury or The Bank of Issue..sounds pretty good?
Silver Certificate from 1957 ” This certifies that there is on deposit in the treasury of The United States ONE DOLLAR in Silver Payable to the Bearer On Demand. sounds even better.
Today I give you the modern WOKE 10$ bill -” FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE (note = debt instrument) “this NOTE is legal tender for all debts , public and private” in other words,This debt is more debt to pay Ure new debts with both public and private. Printed in red on the background “We The Sheeple”
Long since Gone is/are the ASSETS – G O N E – why you r urged to only deal in PHYZ. This turkey been cooked to a crisp – dried out, tasteless gray and nasty. Which is why we are into the Tofurkey nowadaze.. Its all fake..the news, the president, military not on the ground in the kraine..on and on ad infinitum.
I romaine long index Puts (QQQ, SPY), Long Natty Resource Dividend Payers.
Got Soy, Goys ?
“no thanks, on the lookout 4 one of my legendary heroes to arrive shortly.. CRANK IT UP as HIGH AS CAN YOU STAND – this will de-seed Ure weed https://youtu.be/VMZwS0ZonEU
“Today I give you the modern WOKE 10$ bill -” FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE (note = debt instrument) “this NOTE is legal tender for all debts , public and private”
what you forgot to say.. was..(so far but for how long……)
Looks to me as if because of our involvement and pushing the Ukraine war that the efforts to hurt russia and china to the point that they pushed their own currency has the federal reserve in an abandon ship drill.. or maybe it is actually the real thing..Now can they spend their way out of this abandon ship image and stop the depression bigger than any in modern history … time will tell.. postage is doubling in two weeks.. and we just got notice that our utilities are going to go way up in January to..
the wifes boss is still waiting on uncle joe to release the funds .. it is going to get interesting I am thinking..
Don’t we see a sell-off every December as people transition to the new year? Whether or not such a regular sell-off would trigger “the big one” financially speaking isn’t knowable until it happens but the Left Field action like the Brunson case would definitely be a “pack it all up and go home to the pill box” kind of event. Cynicism has been de rigeur in personal philosophies for the past two years so we’ll see which way things go soon enough.
As far as masking up goes few out in public adhere to such around here. It’s the cold and flu season and you can NOT find generic Dextromethorphan/Guaifenesin preparations on any of the store shelves in town. Whatever’s out there worked its will on the wife for a while and now it’s having fun with me for the past week-plus. The infernal tickle down deep in your chest persists and plenty of phlegm is ejected with each cough. No fever, no aches or pains (outside of old age), O2 level has remained in the high 90s. I even went to the in-law’s place out of sheer boredom due to the inclement weather where the wife banished my weight machine a few years ago and put it through its motions a couple of days ago with no ill effects.
All that being said I finally got tired of the cough and accompanying crap and did an Albuterol treatment this morning and will probably finish off the last of the Cefdinir (that miracle antibiotic that worked wonders and was unceremoniously discontinued for reasons no one seems to know). I still celebrate an immune system that knows what it’s doing and has been well trained due to the events over the past couple of years. I did take a couple of doses of Ivermectin over the course of this bout of whatever it is and did feel better afterward but the tickle and chest congestion still persist. It makes a big difference as to whether you’re inactive, like sitting hunched over a computer or watching the boob tube, or up moving around as to how frequently the coughing occurs. It’s on its way out and I’ll be glad to see it go with no reservations but at least it hasn’t really slowed me down in any way, shape or form like wrenching my knee a few weeks ago which was was much worse.
Yo Bill,
suggest a ongoing “booster” L-Lysine 620mg x 4 a day – take full course/bottle..
“space herpes”
LOL. I’m surprised Robert Urich’s career survived that but, hey, it’s a job.
I take Lysine, Zinc, and D3 daily plus lots of others. Lysine has many benefits including keeping shingles at bay. Acyclovir tabs also work; I take one whenever I feel “itchy”(those who know shingles 1st hand know what I mean.}
Another OTC cure for Covid may be regular ol’ Pepto Bismol. Study is being conducted right now at U of L and the crew is hopeful!
These days, you’ve gotta be creative. Buy some Ivermectin and take a dose once a month. It helped my wife & I get through a bout with Covid.
Reason I opened this soapbox, though, is I don’t understand you smarter-guys-than-me who hang out here with George, actually wearing masks at this stage. It greatly puzzles me.
So could someone set me straight since it’s been proven in 150 peer-reviewed studies, that the virus is smaller than the mask. Were it dense enough to trap the virus, you couldn’t breathe through it. You guys must know this.
Which leaves me wondering if the compulsion to wear one isn’t a hangover from the Mass Formation Psychosis we’ve gone through with the Covid operation. I’m not being snarky here, I really would like to understand. https://www.nepsy.com/articles/leading-stories/what-is-mass-formation-psychosis-is-it-like-mass-hysteria-or-mass-delusion/
@Westcoastdeplorable: “So could someone set me straight since it’s been proven in 150 peer-reviewed studies, that the virus is smaller than the mask. Were it dense enough to trap the virus, you couldn’t breathe through it. You guys must know this.”
It’s NOT about total blockage of the virus. It is about ATTENUATING the percentage, thus decreasing the chance of infection. And as G2 noted in his studies, it is about intake to you, and also output from others. Masks on both ends are much more effective than single individual masking. No, masks are not perfect protection. But they reduce your odds of infection by a substantial percentage, and thus are actionable protection. Every little bit helps… so why not decrease your odds of infection? I will take every advantage I am able to.
Halls worked this week for us. Also zinc lozenge with vit C & echinacea generic altoma couple a day for couple days. Wife already back to work at local LTC homes.
The daughters are making xmas cookies today …
Sounds like a plan. I think I’ll buy stock in Ricola but may have missed the up move on it by now.
I love those vitamin c zinc tablets..
This sounds a lot like the ick I had, except mine DID slow me down. O2 dropped into the low 90s, but no fever, no achy anything — also no appetite. I did have 3 weeks of diarrhea (which caused my doc to pull a c-diff test) and I STILL have the cough, if only every couple hours.
At first sign, I boosted vitamin C to 12g/day, dropped PQQ, and did a 5-day Ivermectin / HCQ regimen + lived on chicken soup and DayQuil/NyQuil for the first week. No c-diff, COVID, flu, or anything else — just a really vicious cold…
I’m still working on the “appetite thing” – had my first bigboy meal since Thanksgiving, yesterday (breakfast.) I can’t yet string two adult meals (not even “senior citizen sized”) into a single day, but after nearly two weeks of not being able to eat two eggs and a slice of bacon, I’m okay with the baby steps.
Good luck, Bill. If it’s the same bug, it has a tendency to hang on forfrickinever…
“No c-diff,”
what NO C-Diff the gift that keeps on giving..
the diet craze of the nineties guaranteed to loose weight LOL LOL LOL
Oh man, you must have been miserable with all that going on! Where did you get pills or gummies to amount to 12 GRAMS/day? The gummies I have here are only 282mg so it’d take a good hand full to amount to that much intake.
The bug is everywhere, though. That last video I posted with 107 showed him crouping like crazy, too. He said he’d just come back from Morocco or some place like that.
Luckily the only thing that slows my appetite down in Winter is acid reflux. BEWARE of Sam’s muffins!! I ate the last red velvet muffin with real butter Saturday and thought I’d burned a hole in my gut. Pepto, acid reducers and milk managed to hold it at bay after a while but I thought I was dead for a while there.
I’m feeling much better today, though. Once I got over the coughing I go through when I wake up things have really smoothed out. I’m going to continue the Cefdinir till I get to the bottom of the bottle this time as there won’t be enough to make a difference the next time. Some articles on pneumonia say Doxycycline/tetracycline is what’s recommended now anyway. Don’t think the breathing treatments did that much, if anything, for me. I wasn’t wheezing/short of breath just dredging up lots of gunk. Luckily I didn’t keep myself up coughing when I went to bed, just when I got up a half dozen times a night to run to the bathroom.
“Where did you get pills or gummies to amount to 12 GRAMS/day?”
NOW C-1000 caps when I’m feeling lazy.
…and I’ll shop Amazon, Vitacost, Swanson, etc to see who’s cheapest.
5 kilogram bags from bulksupplements.com
when I’m not feeling quite so lazy.
Household wealth is down by $13.5 trillion in 2022, second-worst destruction on record., and household liabilities rose by about $900 billion. [ also, a record.] The losses during the Great Depression would ‘probably’ be number one., but we don’t have the actual data to prove it. So.., this year was the greatest destruction of individual wealth since Eisenhower., in 63 years.
(the data series begins in 1959)
“Household wealth is down by $13.5 trillion in 2022, second-worst destruction on record., ”
Yeah.. it is going to get interesting.. we were told that all our utilities are going up big time in January.. and wages are not going up.. ( I get it though he isn’t’ making enough to keep the doors open now.. if he ever does a facility budget he will close it up. the only reason he has it open is he is taking the mass and it is a total write off)
Federal payments are behind this month.. so paychecks have been delayed some sort of new paperwork or something.
Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks:
The “not-bailed-outs” cannot compete with the “bailed-outs”.
I posted Henies are going up 10.7% in January.
Better HVAC equipment will be worth 10% more in January, moderate only 8%.
“Trane Technologies’ Residential HVAC business today announced a price increase of up to 10 percent…. take effect on products that ship on or after January 9, 2023.”
“Allied Air Enterprises announced a price increase of up to 8%… effective January 1, 2023.”
“Lennox Industries will be increasing prices up to 8%”
I no longer see a difference between the Teamster “bailed-outs” and the person in CA rolling a cart out a door w/$900.00. The Teamster pension could be $3,600 a month. That’s four shopping carts to the ‘not-bailed-out’. While in this “realm of theft” call it fair. We’re all in the same $ soup.
Can’t deny the good boys at Pirelli.
“Pirelli says prices will go up by as much as 10%, depending on the tire line and size.”
As the cold/flu/bronchitis & pneumonia season ramps up, a reminder that using a nebulizer right off usually nips it in the bud, or knocks out what’s established. I usually use a few drops of Lugols iodine in distilled water, but a few drops of eucalyptus oil is also good. Sometimes just a tube of saline solution does the trick for an early head cold. Plenty of high-quality Vitamin C & D, zinc, Echinacea, raw local honey, L-lysine.
And as the New Variant Propaganda season kicks in, a reminder that we’ve all been played many times before (JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, Bobby, Watergate, Iran/Contra, everything they told us about Vietnam, Gulf Wars I & II, WMD, 911, Tegucigalpa, two weeks to stop the spread, etc.
Cheers, and good health to all.
Did anyone see anything strange in the sky back on November 16th? A Sierra Vista, AZ observer saw what looked like a dark sphere tracking the Moon at 2:15am in the East. The sighting lasted quite a while. I don’t usually listen to Mr. MBB333 but the title of his video intrigued me.
I didn’t see it personally but it was put out as a public notice by NASA that there was an asteroid that was heading in earths direction and could be visible as it passed if you wanted to go out and see it….
I don’t know if they have history but if you wanted to get a scary view of it.. just take a gander at the antarctic web cams LOL
I seen one that scared the heck out of me on the webcams.. LOL it looks like it is going to hit LOL.. if you can get on the nasa telescopes.. you can see all kinds of beautiful and scary things..
Been watching Russian(The Sheekoz Family)Vids for just over a year now on You-Tube. Very informative and family oriented about current life there.
Published Y-Tube three hours ago. Watch first two minutes of thirty.
He states all automobile manufacturers foreign, have sold there Russian factories to Government in the past week. Heads Up? Can these be easily turned for munitions? Anyone able to research this?
similar to other countries.. YES they can be retooled to manufacture munitions..
in war torn countries.. the USA hands out booklets to help people fighting make munitions in their kitchens.. hand out guns to children or anyone willing and able to carry one.. just what you want your child carrying hand grenades..
someon I am close to had a real problem with a war they went to in special forces.. the army was children four years and up attacking while the old men and soldiers sat safely behind.. it really affected him dearly..
the North vietnamese did the same thing.. vietnam veterans were coined baby killers..
suicide bombers.. lets see when did you see an old man carrying a vest bomb.. HMM never.. it was children and women and people of different ethnic backgrounds… because children and women don’t matter..they would give the family a thousand dollars and send their kids out.. hey they get forty seven virgins if they do it.. in the after life..
I should think so. They could also be retooled to make tanks, aircraft, or Lada, Volga, and Moskvitch cars. I’m not sure (and I’m too lazy to research it tonight) but I believe it was GAZ (Volga) which received the Soviet license to manufacture Jeeps during (and after WW-II…)
Russia is a super-importer of all things Chinese. A gen-u-ine Kalashnikov AK-47 is a damnfine paratroop assault carbine, but it’s not that much better or more-functional than an SKS which costs 1/20 as much for the Chinese to manufacture…
And, I can personally tell you, the sks’s in our armory shoot just as well (and better) at 100 meters and maybe better than the ak’s (hunting carbine, just the ticket in wild pig country). (I’m still working on bettering G2’s 8.5 inch grouping at 300 meters with his AR and trick optics (cost more that the base platform), but old men have to know their limits and respect youth.
Got a twenty dollar bill today, on the back near the picture of the white house , ” pedo joe lives here” written in ink !
simpleton. of course you’d admire the other one who wants to date his daughter, has been accused by dozens of women of everything from sexual assault to rape, had unprotected sex with a porn actress while he was married, been divorced a few times and is married to a nude model with a heavy eastern european accent. y’all insane.
Why do POS like KW receive publicity???????????
Actually, Nostradamus is very specific regarding the Balkans:
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-82
Amas s’approche venant d’Esclauonie,
L’Olestant vieulx cité ruynera:
Fort desolee verra sa Romanie,
Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura.
Nostradamus Quatrain IV-82
An army approaches from Slovenia.
The old Destroyer will ruin the old city:
He will see his Romania desolated,
Then he will not know how to extinguish the great flame.
It’s following the news too…
I appreciate your updates.
I read a bizarre statement yesterday allegedly made by NATO official Jens Stoltenberg which suggested that NATO was doing “everything in its power to avoid expanding the conflict in Ukraine”.
I think Nostradamus suggests something different.
The first casualty of War is always Truth…
” Why do POS like KW receive publicity??????????? ”
Not that I mind HIS PRIVATE opinion — but certain editors need to be put thru some re-education camp, and perhaps never be let out again, because they are worse than other criminals, IMHO
“While rumors are being fanned in the West that Russia leader Vlad Putin will be undergoing colon cancer surgery,
Let’s see… Say I have cancer. Should I seek treatment, or wait around for nearly a year, to see if it goes away on its own?
It was in March, that the rumors of Putin having colon cancer first surfaced.
If he had cancer, it is gone. If he recently acquired cancer, it is not terminal. The colon section surgery will inconvenience him for 4-6 weeks, but will eliminate the cancer.
Nothing burger…
It’s even less than that. I had a colon resection for infected diverticulitis. Laparoscopic surgery, minimally invasive. I was home and functioning normally in a week. My surgeon, incidentally, was a Russian immigrant with an excellent record.
“But while the hype about wider war continues, there’s NATO adding to its membership roster. NATO Membership for Sweden and Finland on Track, Officials Say.”
Lessee, where was that 1990 treaty line? Sweden is not that important, but Russia will have nukes, probably big ones, within rifle shot of the Finnish border, before the ink is dry.
Everybody thinks the market will crash this week ? Nah I still
Got multiple gold buy signals . Forget it . Fark Jerome Fark the FED . Fourth turning . Your so 4×2 george
Don’t take vitamin d g . Kills yah but you won’t listen . The sun is better monitored. Not 2 much . But you know everything. Moose hard training and psyops. And of course DNA/ genetics
That hunter biden evil looking bloke . Chip off the old block . The pedo sick woke dead in February potus . Potus !!! What a Farken joke dead senile turd . Slut missus 2. Doctor ? Doctor of evil . Like to meet that hunter bloke . Ohh yeah one on one
Biden’s EPA Prepares To Crack Down On Home Appliances
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new rules on Friday that would restrict the use of refrigerators, air conditioning equipment and heat pumps that utilize hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The EPA’s proposed rule would crack down on the manufacturing and importing of goods containing HFCs, which would restrict the use of HFCs in refrigeration units, air conditioning systems and heat pump equipment starting in 2025
NBC News Quietly Scrubs Initial Detail On Brittney Griner To Back White House’s Version Of Events
The story is titled “Family of Paul Whelan, American imprisoned in Russian, says it was warned about Brittney Griner’s release.”
Bout has served 11 of his 25-year sentence in the U.S. and will now return to Russia as part of the release deal.
The article initially stated that the Kremlin gave the Biden administration “the choice” between freeing Griner or Whelan in exchange for Bout. The outlet quietly changed the paragraph to state that Griner was the only choice the Biden administration could choose from.
Elon Musk And Jack Dorsey Clash Over Twitter’s Record On Child Porn
CEO Elon Musk and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey clashed on the social media site Friday over Twitter’s track record on dealing with child pornography. “It is a crime that they refused to take action on child exploitation for years!” Musk responded after conservative commentator Mike Cernovich tweeted at one of three people who resigned from Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council.
Reporter Confronts Jean-Pierre About Biden Admin’s Alleged Communication With Fired Twitter Employee James Baker
New York Post DC reporter Steven Nelson confronted White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the administration’s possible communication with fired Twitter employee James Baker.
On Tuesday, Twitter Deputy General Counsel (and former FBI General Counsel) Jim Baker was fired. Among the reasons? Vetting the first batch of “Twitter Files” – without knowledge of new management.
Musk said Wednesday that “important” data connected to the censorship of the laptop story was hidden and some parts may have been deleted due to Baker’s alleged actions.
I’m getting really tired of America-hating Clintonistas…
Election integrity volunteers ‘afraid’ to attend recount after Michigan AG threatens prosecution
An apparent threat by Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel to arrest and prosecute local activists promoting election integrity and anti-voter fraud efforts caused many of them to steer clear of a contentious monitoring effort out of fear of being targeted by the government, according to a Michigan attorney deeply involved in the situation.
University stonewalling release of public records on federal censorship collusion: lawsuits
The University of Washington is facing several public records requests in the wake of Just the News reporting on its Center for an Informed Public’s role in a Department of Homeland Security-backed private consortium intended to squelch purported election “misinformation.”
Rebel News is in Moscow: What do ordinary Russians think of Putin’s war?
This week, Rebel News will be in Moscow to find out if ordinary Russians support Putin’s war.
Are Russians afraid to speak out against Putin? Do they support the war? Are they afraid of “mobilization?” And are the sanctions hurting the economy — what’s it like for ordinary people?
We’ll speak to Ukrainians, Russians, soldiers, veterans, professors and others to tell the other side of the story. We’re not going in with any fixed agenda, other than to follow the facts wherever they lead.
Groceries & Gasoline in Russia: Soviet-style shortages?
In February 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, U.S. President Biden organized an economic sanctions regime made up of most Western countries. These economic sanctions are the strictest ever placed upon the Russian financial and business system. The aim of Western sanctions was to choke and constrict the Russian economy as to make it financially and politically unviable to continue their war efforts.
The New York Times reported that these sanctions are leading to essential good “scarcity.” The Washington Post went as far as reporting that Russia is facing “Soviet-style shortages” because of the economic sanctions. While in Moscow, I decided to go to a grocery store and document these supposed shortages.
IMO, if you live in Canuckistan and you don’t drop in on Rebel News, you’re missing out on a very useful home-grown Canadian resource…
I’m disappointed. I thought LOOB would click on that grocery store link before I was done posting it… ;-)
The memorable “Rebel News” always has a cause. One of the interesting coinkydoinks of this ‘Rebel adventure news series is its journalist-for-hire, Jeffrey Loffredo. Apparently he was a Washington-based news editor with RT America that was subsidiary to Moscow-headquartered TV Novosti owned by the Russian government.
On the other hand, Mr. Loffredo may have interesting perspectives on the future from time to time as seen with the recent “DealBook Summit” in New York.
“The memorable “Rebel News” always has a cause.”
Oh, I know.
It’s simply refreshing, seeing a Canadian news site which has a “Center-Right” bias.
The supermarket shelves in Moscow are better-filled than our own, and the Party no-longer runs things, but I benchmark half the Russian population as being near-Soviet-level peasants, and unable to drop 0.2% of their yearly income for milk, eggs, and cold-cuts. I know this is wrong, but don’t care enough to locate an accurate information channel, to find out what Russian peasants are living on, these days…
That said, the shelves certainly looked nicer and better-stocked than the supermarket shelves in Caracas, a couple years back. THAT is what we, and likely you, will go through, before we get back to the “Russian supermarket” level…
Some good discussion on masks over the past day or so. One last comment from me here and I will shut it down.
The size of the virus particle is smaller than the openings in the mask for sure. But when the virus particles are expelled by nose, cough, sneeze, etc. they travel on droplets that are larger than the openings in the mask and are trapped by the mask. The droplets fall fairly quickly and within a few feet of being expelled. Beyond this, individual virus particles may remain and be transmissible even through masks.
It is bsck to the time/dose relationship again. I think it is the reason most transmission takes place in intimate settings like family gatherings around a dinner table. It is why we see sharp increases after Thanksgiving and Christmas. 12 or 18 people around a table eating laughing or in a small indoor room together before or after the meal is a prime environment for transmission. For anyone carrying the virus, the time of contact is extended and the proximity is close enough for virus containing large particles to be transferred in the air.
So it seems to make sense in a doctor’s office or hospital setting that mask wearing will give protection from those in confined settings and who are usually there because they are sick, many with respiratory diseases. In addition, wait times in emergency wards here in Canada are up to 20 hours. The time/dose factor is high just as it is in the family celebration intimate setting. Droplets larger than openings in the mask would be caught.
I wear my mask when I go to a hockey game in. 10,000 seat setting for 3 hours. The truth is, I am probably best protected from the people within a short distance from me. If any of the other 9,950 people have COVID, any protection is probably minimal. At intermission, when people mingle in tight packed concession areas, the dose may be high but the exposure time is shorter. Still the mask makes sense.
Finally, the argument about oxygen deprivation while wearing a mask seems to have been scientifically addressed here.
The science tells me that masks outdoors or alone in your vehicle or in your home (unless a family member has a respiratory infection) are not needed. In a visit to a large and busy store for an extended period,
should be worn for protection. Large indoor settings in close proximity for long periods of time are an invitation to virus containing droplet transmission and spread of respiratory diseases.
I doubt I have changed anyone’s mind but this is the information that is directing my personal masking choice.
No more on masks from BIC.
And what about all the other routes of introduction to pathogens on the body? Eyes, hands to face, ear canals, etc. We’re covered in all the no-seeums all the time. If you’re going to get it you will. There’s worse things out there than Covid and the medical industry is about as trustworthy as politicians – who, by the way, I don’t see any articles on politicians who “Died Suddenly”.
Bill you don’t see politicians dropping like flies because they were exempt from the “Clot-Shot mandate” along with the White House and Congressional staff.
BTW aren’t they going to need to rename the “White House” because the name is “Rayciss”?
Which means all the grandstanding Bribem did getting his injections was either with saline solution or a Hollywood syringe with a collapsible needle.
“I don’t see any articles on politicians who “Died Suddenly”.”
An Indian.
Made a huge deal of getting the jab, to convince their GenPop to do so.
A few days post-vax, the dude dropped dead. It was shortly thereafter that India had its pharmcos assemble a couple billion $3 (ivermectin, vitamin-D, Zinc, N95, gloves), kits.
FWIW there was also an “A-List” Bollywood star who did the same thing at about the same time, with the same result.
There may have been others, but this one stuck in my head because of the co-incident Celeb death.
Should have been more specific and said “American” politicians. I think there have been some but you sure won’t hear about it unless you really dig for it. Obviously they weren’t part of George Carlson’s “Big Club”.