Maybe one more uptick to go this week before things get “interesting.”
See, there are many parts to the game of Musical Chairs – subtext “the Blame Game” – being played now:
- The GOP budget no-go-ciators are trying to unwind the Buy’ed Em madness hamstringing of America’s energy independence. The dim’s are going-along with the Global Socialists, neck-into-noose first toward One World Gubermint.
- Slo Go is in position to skip-over War with China over Taiwan, but we’ll get far deeper into that in the Woo-Woo report further into this column. He will do what crime bosses find successful: Bluster, threats, and (essentially) Bore-them-to-Death with pontification from the Pony Soldier in Chief.
- In the meantime, NUTO, tossing Power Plant Shells (depleted UREanium) into near-Russia is close to firing up the Great Stampede Light (mushroom) Kit. Which is the “global compliance from the sheep-0r-else” tool of choice while China, Russia, and the U.S. move the rest of the power-model from PBpCW (Previous Bi-polar Cold War) into the new and improved 3LMSCW (3-Legged Milk Stool Cold War).
Which is why we are all suffering through this dreaded kabuki of fake-issues conducted not by a brilliant musician (John Williams, say). Instead, we’re experiencing a kind of Spike Jones meets Victor Borge world with sides of Mengele, Manson and Capone.
While the typical (still in the 3-day trade penalty box) day traders are “played like a fiddle” – few in the studio audience see the duplicity of World War Three foreplay. With two weapons already used in the NuWar (crypto currencies and Covid), few notice that overall, the herd-not-heard is being sorted toward the slaughterhouse ramp. One Whirled government.
Velocity Vaudeville
Hardly enough can be said about the crippled (to the point of telethon-ready) performance of Velocity at M2. A financial metric that posits meaning from the relationship between money made-up and the GDP.
Ever run (or work for in a senior role) an airline? (I have, so to me, this makes sense) in aeronautical framing:
See, the chart may be thought of as a GPR (ground proximity radar) plot. We are – in effect – looking at an “Altitude-over-time” plot.
The Captain, played by a professional conman/lawyer (forgive the repetition) has noticed he may not be able to “take off again” if he can’t get this Plane of State back up to enough altitude to shoot an approach in 2024.
As a result, TODAY and TOMORROW, the back-end crew (Stu’s and Stewies) will be reassuring us passengers that all’s well and the crash risk is over. (Which it is not, because having pulled out of the M2 dive, we are at the riskiest point of all: The Secondary Stall.
As the F.A.A. teaches in its Mundo authoritative Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3B) Chapter 4 we clearly see the Buyed Em’s pilot’s intent”
“Return to the desired flightpath. Apply smooth and coordinated flight control movements to return the airplane to the desired flightpath being careful to avoid a secondary stall. The pilot should, however, be situationally aware of the proximity to terrain during the recovery and take the necessary flight control action to avoid contact with it”
This Administration has no altimeter in oh, so many ways. No compass, either.
The risk is that at the top of the stall-recovery (or the economy) we roll-over into a dive and the shit (or financial airplane) noses-in, having insufficient altitude. When corrected for now, the pilot will not have enough “control authority” to effect recovery.
Biden needs a crisis (Budget is in play) to get the damn wings to do something. Because in the once high-flying America, woke, new-racism, and invaded to death, the Plane of State is over-grossed which leads to the perfect set-up for “pilot error.”
Refer to my second aeronautical concept book choice, Wolfgang Langewiesche‘s finishing-school level Stick and Rudder for additional cautions. If this is not sufficient, an advanced learning about accident-chains – which we reckon applies equally to economics – is derived from Paul Craig’s savory The Killing: How & Why Pilots Die.
Which (mercifully) returns us to what the “back-end crew” will be talking about today and tomorrow. FedGov’s James Bullard, Thomas Barkin, Mary Daly, and Lorrie Logan will reassure the passenger public that “everything’s fine, but the trim tabs of interest rates may require adjustment at “top of arc.”
(We’ve been closely monitoring the news wires for word of Fed Governor Barkin to meet with the Treasury Secretary. More “Barkin and Yellen” to which us – clear-thinking seers of future shenanigans – seems, oh…inevitable.)
We offer only simple guidance today: When you vote, ask yourself “Would I get in an airplane if this guy was pilot?” My “Hell no!” list is easily derived from obvious headlines. President Biden and McCarthy to Hold Pivotal Meeting on Debt Ceiling.
Sure, sure: this is a different way of looking at the world. But it’s what separates humans from A.I.
“Meanwhile, keep your seatbacks and tray tables in the upright and locked position. The Pilot will have us in the ground, shortly.”
Stall Warning Indicators Continue
A check of the cockpit this morning:
What if they gave Peace Talks and no one came? India, China, Brazil should be engaged in possible Ukraine peace summit -Danish foreign min | Reuters. But wait! What about Russia and UKR? Besides the pastries, I mean.
Never wear a cheap suit. Fox News Layoffs Keep Coming In Wake Of $787.5 Million Lawsuit Settlement.
Rather Than an Instrument Scan…
Let’s dip the “back-end sheep” in subcritical issues instead of focusing on stall recovery and the idiots in the cockpit:
Most Americans are “shoes off” at home — CBS News poll.
Establishment media promote racism while trying to ruin people’s lives | Washington Examiner (Yah think?)
And we’re trying to decide if Anaheim Mayor Invites Queer and Trans Nun Group to Pride Night – NBC Los Angeles is about prey or pray…
A Side of Woo-Woo
Long-time readers will remember I every-so-often have precognitive dreams, and that I sometimes have lucid dreams where I “jump into someone else’s experience of life” while they are in crisis. See my novel DreamOver for a specific application example.
Next, remember that the effect (piercing the veil, as it were), in lucid dreams, seems to happen with a “just right” mix of high protein and sugar going into the sleep period. Last nights was leftover prime rib (‘waved to edible) followed by a dandy homemade apple pie from the neighbors who came over for a visit. (They enjoy a large “them-only” bottle of Jack we keep in the bar for ’em.)
The Dream
It began with seeing through the eyes of a government contracting “spook” of some kind who was at a two-story secure building somewhere (on a map) up around Pennsylvania. I knew this was somehow related to the Directorate 153 dreams, but the location was wrong. (Wasn’t Virginia.)
This “person whose eyes” had been sent in to keep an eye on a lanky fellow “spook planner” who was being involved in an upcoming “false flag” attack on America.
Turned out, after a day or two of “cat and mouse” the suspect was “cleared” but it was interesting because he drove a rear-engine powered 11-cylinder sports car. (Not here in the Waking World yet, but the notion is over in Dream Realm and it has made it as far as computer simulation over at This Simulated Inline 11-Cylinder Engine Sounds Like a Better V10 (”
Then things got interesting.
The dream jump target (POV) was told to read a dozen, or so, papers about the upcoming false flag.
The next day, there were meetings going in the security office building and everyone was gathered around a “plot board” where the FF Op would be “played out.”
The flight plan of the delivery aircraft would begin from the US Northeast (looked like Pennsylvania on the mental locator map).
Once airborne, the craft would fly south to the Kentucky/Tennessee area, dropping a conventional ordinance there, then fly southwest, dropping a Glassmaker over Phoenix, and then flying east to drop the last of its ordinance over Texas.
The impressive part of my lucid dreams is always the “effects/CGI’s). In this one, the “plot board: was like one of those WW II tables which was the size of a huge conference table. Secured to the table was a map and the military strategists would push around ships, tanks, personnel, and so forth, as they gamed outcomes.
The simulation I was watching has been christened named Mystic. The “out-west” target was code named “Mystic 2” while the Texas target was “Mystic 3“.
I wasn’t sure about the first target, which was presumably “Mystic 1” over the Ken/Tenn region. Because I was totally enthralled by the clever engineering in the False Flag Ops Center. (*the top floor of this secure building, which featured an ultra-secure server farm downstairs, through a separated outdoor entrance).
What they had done was take an 85″ flatscreen TV and laid it flat side up, so that it approximated a tabletop. As the simulation progressed, I was able to look down on the “theater display – topo map of US” and we could all watch the track of the Model.
The planned Mystic 3 target was very interesting to watch enfold. Because it played out first as a Yellow (meaning a conventional ordinance in their simulation display on the “board”) but in a second, or so, it turned Red – coding it as a fissionable device.
Somewhere, shortly after this as I left the building, I woke up and debated the better part of a half-hour whether I should share this, or not. Nutjob ravings.
Remember, this is All Totally Fictional (so far as I know) yet still – haunting stuff. But, when I tell you I have “screenwriter dreams” it’s good news, I guess, that the quality and entertainment value of being “Ure asleep” has not been impacted by the Writer’s Strike.
Where, for those paying attention, we see the real makeup of the onscreen performers of Tinsel Town: ‘It’s important’: Vin Diesel shows support for Hollywood writer’s strike | Important, sure. But the Theater of the Mind offers (mostly) superior content, once you’re able to plug into it with some repeatability. Another Ure book on point: Psychocartography. Mapping the Human Dream.
ATR: Anti-Alz Build Follow
Our weekend “out in the shop” project was “building a 30-Hz anti-Alzheimer’s flicker light” for personal experimentation. (read here).
I had all the parts lined up right after the Sunday column, so I set about drawing up the new enclosure in TinkerCad.
Which began going sideways when TinkerCad wouldn’t let me print the discrete parts in a parametric model. After first, downloading the latest version of FreeCAD and installing that… At last, I was able to “save only” the enclosure itself and – in a separate file – the enclosure lid.
Finally, I sliced it and took it out to “run the job” on the larger of our printers – a Creality 10V2. Which promptly failed because of a clogged Bowden tube (that feed filament from the feed driver down to the extruder hot end). Online to Amazon to start a couple of Capricorn feed tube replacements on the way. Tomorrow they arrived.
Well, hell. This is why we always like more than one tool. I turned on the smaller 8-1/2 inch square Creality Ender3. Having sliced for the CR-10.2 (12″ square bed) and because this would be a high-precision print, I resliced in Cura.
Which then told me it would not fit on the Ender 3 since my enclosure was well over 8-inches…
By just before our guests arrived for “happy, verging on delirious hour” I had found a suitable premade box on Amazon (chose this one). Which means tomorrow I can measure, mark, drill, and assemble for next week’s content.
All of which was been brilliantly anticipated by Reader Hank in Hawaii (our retired consulting TV engineer) who offered:
“OK mister time efficiency. You buy a ready-made flasher instead of brewing your own, but you still insist on taking the long way home to design a BOX? Good grief! Bud Chassis… metal or plastic!”
Now – call Ripley because Believe It Or Not there is an answer to Hank. Amazingly (for me) it’s logical and cogent:
The problem in “engineer think” is time to deliverable. If I had been able to print the box as planned, it would have been assembled Sunday. Now, using either (or both since I went order-crazy on the Zon) I will not be able to assemble until Wednesday at the earliest.
If I hadn’t had to…
- Attempt repair of the CR-10 Bowden tube (which needs to be done anyway since it will ripple into everything else in proto in the Ure Inventions arena…
- And if the part topology would have fit the Ender3.
- And IF TinkerCad had allowed busting of FreeCAD parametric files,
- And IF FreeCAD wasn’t out of date…
- And if the Bowden tube from the Ender3 fit the CR-10 right…
THEN the project would have been done on-time and on-budget. Before drinks Sunday.
As it is, I have a much keener insight into how shit runs off the rails in government in a cascading collapse.
Perfect frigging start to the week, huh?
Not all bad, though: Plenty of vodka for toddy-time today in our God-imposed wait-state.
Dow futures are up a tiny on Federal Budget blow, while BTC is defiantly above our sub $24,000 call (at $26,830).
But like me taking a “delay for parts” the collapse planners may have taken a delay for the delivery of additional money, debt, and a sheepherding “event.”
We oughta know later this week.
Write when I get rich,
George, if they can find pilots and crews to fly in thousands upon thousands of illegals to our country fully knowing the results of their actions there’s going to be enough people to collect and form ground crews (if they know what’s going down) and flight crews to bomb their own people. Obummer decimated the military on the basis of loyalty to the flag and Constitution and O’biden did his worst with The Jab. The only replacements being sycophants and derelicts being smart enough to fly but not land the plane – IF that’s even part of the plan. Self-destruction afterward may be more likely as it was when the details of the EMP attack was finally revealed, if I remember correctly, in Forstchen’s second book in the series, “One Year After”. For some reason in times like this current 4th Turning it’s easier to find real extremists on the destructive side than it is to find those willing to stand up for “Truth, Justice and the American way”. When the sets and props on the stage start to fall apart people become disillusioned.
To continue with the woo-woo-aero-theme:
“I think you have to say that recession is a possibility,” said (*) Goolsbee, cautioning “you do not land the plane nose down.”
(*) Austan Goolsbee, former economist/professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, Goolsbee previously served as chairman of the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors from 2010-11 under then-President Barack ObamaIs leading the Chicago Fed.
The quote is good and … I like the name :0) guy probably disagrees with everything I believe in but is an intelligent man.
Write when George gets rich,
A good Monday to you, George!
RE: Ure Woo! CBS News online coincidentally pushed out this interesting piece of info:
The progressive ‘all seeing eyes’ at CBS tie the measure to the likely need to protect our elected elite from wacko-right protesters possibly once again storming DC. It sucks being held accountable by those who elected you. But Ure’s truly, being raised on nukes for breakfast, saw some not-so-subtle hints at a preparation operation for a potential EMP attack against the nation. As time goes on, I’m inclined to suspect the now infamous Chinese balloon incident was very possibly a trial runs for detonating EMP warheads at high altitude to fry critical military, government and commercial comms in key areas of the U.S.
Nuts, you say? Call me paranoid. Call me crazy. And I may well be ‘all of the above.’ But it would be wise for Ure readers to start following some some of Urban Survival’s basic prep steps, and sooner rather than later. At the minimum, prepping will add a measure of personal security in unexpected natural disasters and/or economic turmoil situations. But one should always keep the ‘worst case’ in mind.
You stole my thunder. I actually think the Kentucky River area is too far south, because to kill CONUS properly, you also have to kill SE Canada, and I believe PHX is too far south to ensure SeaTac goes down. George could be seeing a tactical EMP strike, the elimination of our tactical nuke stockpiles, the elimination of many of our border-invaders, or lots of other things — or nothing, at all.
It sure would’ve been interesting if we’d captured that balloon’s cargo and sent it to a lab instead of blowing it to kingdom come. (That’s kinda like killing Osama bin Laden — You have the most valuable intelligence asset in the world, so what do you do with it? Why, you kill it and dump it into the ocean, or course.)
IMO our top brass numbers some really good liars, or some really stupid people who couldn’t stop shoving pawns in their ears long enough to learn how to play chess. After Obama’s housecleaning, you know in which direction I’d make my bet…
Yesterday’s Sitrep by Monkey gave a total for the LIDAR survey flights over the U.S. over 75 days to yesterday – 6,982 flights over heavily populated areas and the highest concentration is over Michigan. I don’t think that includes the flights over other countries like Australia and N.Z. either – AND they’re continuing, not slowing down. Do they want a BEFORE and AFTER portfolio of our country? It makes me wonder about the Czech-built trainer plane that went down after circumnavigating Goodfellow AFB for a while and military personnel came out and confiscated the photo equipment on the plane. Still, no one is talking about it.
STUFF is happening and when it finally does it will be sudden and complete.
“There here”
They were here, living a long time prior to the Human Foodsource/Workforce being first developed for the “fallen”.
Human 2.0/”Came After” – were created with royal kingu (royal whites- known as Tall Whites) genes, prior to that, it was Common Kingu genes making about 25-30% of our DNA/genes(darker skins). This is why the tall whites have such a”keen” interest in those that “came after”.
‘Free Will” Aliens have tried for millennia to Disclose the reality of Authoritarian Alien control of Earth & Human (ISBE) populations. This has not worked as Auth. Aliens have too much control over leadership -See massive Child Sex trafficking operations involving majority of political leaders/corp leaders/military/Banks leaders – all leading to Epstein-Wexner-MAGA – house of rothchild bloodline – Auth. Aliens and miserable tall greys – the Minninu.
See Farsight documentary Area51 -Access Granted, also see Dr Richard Allen Miller’s description of meeting with grays deep underground -area 51.
The same way you communicate in Ure lucid dreams – Telepathy=neural enegagement.
Mental telepathy is how everyone outside of our Earth/ Solar System communicates. Authoritarian type aliens even have “boosted” mental telepathy for punishment purposes, they are that serious and nasty.
Something changed very recently – No longer the will free will types work for gradual/eventual disclosure – it has failed. Immediate in URE face – shock the shit out you disclosure is on the way..
Will you fight for your own Survival, Freedom ? Without Humans active participation in coming “festivities” the slavers will keep on keeping on for foreseeable and foreseeable future.
As true Light is turned up on the Darkness/Reality – we will have choices; Faith/Prayer or Direct Participation being 2 main ones
Already can guess who will be counting their rosary, as well who will be leaping into the fray with a big fat smile upon their faces. Best of Luck to ALL.
* Sorry to hear bout ukey Gen Zaluzhny – seriously wounded in early May during Russian missile attack on HQ of Armed Forces of Pavlogard, Dnepropetrovsk. ?’s regards survival from several severe surgical operations…terrible shame, no?
You wanna put a religion-meets scifi – meets eugenics tag on this?
Boy Elroy,
They are here…
Thank you for bringing Courtney Brown, the FarSight Institute, and Remote Viewing into the discussion.
I call it the FarOut Institute.
I began writing a post two weeks ago after visiting Courtney Brown’s FarOut Institute website a month ago. I didn’t think it would turn into a book.
George mentioned something about Remote Viewers predicting a “Day of Darkness” a few weeks back and I went hunting for that story.
Remote Viewers and Web Bot Prophets, I still don’t understand the attraction given their track records. I’m still going with Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce instead of the Internet hustle.
It is all down to the wire now and Remote Viewers and Web Bot Prophets had their day and they are just another distraction for me.
Unfortunately, various Search Engines repeatedly brought me to Courtney Brown and the FarOut Institute. They seem to be getting their money’s worth out of Search Engine Optimization.
Roughly about two decades ago, I read two of Courtney Brown’s books “Cosmic Voyage” and “Cosmic Explorers”. I was not impressed. It was retreaded UFO Lore.
I do not throw books out, but only two months ago, I had to make room and his books went into the dumpster.
Courtney Brown is selling the same thing that Alex Collier was selling in the 1990s, and that was selling in the early years of the 21st century.
I consider myself an expert in UFO/Extraterrestrial Lore, and I also completely understand the twist and spin Business Model.
I have followed Remote Viewing from the beginning, including reading the work of Dr. Stuart Hameroff and theoretical physicists Dr. Hal Puthoff and Dr. Jack Sarfatti.
I think Dr. Stuart Hameroff is right and that cellular microtubules are the physical mechanism facilitating consciousness and this is what the COVID-19 Vaccine is all about.
I have been down so many roads, I cannot tell you, but I am way done with characters like Courtney Brown and pretty much most of the Alternative Media.
I read George to get a feel on when the economy is going to break and to also get some tech ideas, and I go to Hal Turner’s site to catch the breaking news stories. Why? Proven performance… Everything else is just noise.
Some time soon I will finish and publish my 20,000 word epiphany after having viewed some of Courtney Brown’s videos, but that is all noise too.
Be your own best expert!
D. Allgire & his Hawaiian Grp. et al track record speaks for itself.
Farsights’ track record of RV Projects speaks for itself as well, as does monthly Human News Forecast and monthly Alien News Forecast..besides being entertaining as hell.
They have done all the hard work and put it all out there for FREE, the training modules for learning how to RV. Back testing Ure skills is simple during training/practice, as Ure “targeter” tasks known historical events, which are obviously blind to viewer beforehand.
Accurate and Verifiable – that simple .
All other forms of information are Controlled Opposition, to control Ure imagination..
Got Free Will ?
its rhetorical
I am not selling Courtney Brown or Dick Allgire.
Show the goods dude. I mean the big stuff, not some cartoon drawings.
For instance… like coming up with the year 2019 and associating it with the Physician of the Great Disease, or the years 2011, 2014, 2022, or the names Obama, Erdogan, or Orban.
Nostradamus put out 1,321 prophecies and Edgar Cayce nearly 4,000 pages of material. They are the original Remote Viewers, and I seriously doubt that they were
Controlled Opposition.
…Oh wait… I think I understand what you mean by Controlled Opposition… you mean by “Them”.
Ever hear of Max Spiers? Here’s his last interview …
Sounds like you’ve been listening to Courtney Brown. Here’s his latest from this past Sunday:
Heck of a way to end your Sunday project but ain’t that always the way it goes, one thing after another? But you showed your resiliency and adaptability in the process. Well done.
Here on the ranch since the baler is not in its best shape where several very expensive parts and controls have reached their EOL. The Executive Committee met and discussed last week our shared predicament, being a combination of old equipment and old ranchers, we entered into agreement to lease a new baler for this year. My figgerin after some addin, subtractin, and finally some big ol gazzintas, is that we will be spending a couple large LESS by leasing new than it would to refurb our old equipment. Even with the lease to buy clause figured in case it is decided to retire again after this year. That’s where the gazintas came in.
“Discussing” this over supper the boss says, “What the Hell? So much for retirment. You all are a bunch of crazy old farts.” . In my best Ozzy Osborn impersonation I said, “We don’t fart, we pass weeend.”. And when I retired last year I ended up remodeling the house, so there.
Stay safe. 73
Ah…another wizard stuck in the “Breaking Bad” stage of development…
One of the Committeemen volunteered his old John Deere square baler for the project. Not a bad thing since those old JD balers are all PTO driven. No hydraulics or electronics, just keep the gearboxes greased and a spare pitman arm, and good to go. Then my consigliere Earl asked, “You going to be the one to pick up, haul and stack to store several hundred of those bales? Try getting a crew together for that nowadays.”. Oh, yea, didn’t think of that.
hot day – nice and humid – 85-90 degrees – need to wear long sleeves and jeans for baling – yeah there are a lot of young people today who would LOVE to do that kinda hard – sweaty work – Hay poking Ure ass through clothes all day..ya know Farm Work- bwhahahahahaha
Not many understand the Value of Sweat anymore in these younger generations. Let alone the increases in Value of the land that has Sweat and Sweat equity “invested”/input/injected..” into it.
“Oh I identify as a Furry, we dont do sweaty, hard work. A drag show sure, hard work..I dont think so, dont want to get my fur wet or dirty.” Love Ure coveralls though, like snake shedding its skin, way cool, can I touch it?”
Can you imagine sending a “furry” out into the field to gather some cat food? “Heres the shotgun – see that big ole Chestnut Tree over yonder- just point at the birds in the tree and squeeze the trigger..squeeze it..”
With an ‘elevator’ conveyor belt wheeling alongside the bale trailer, even one of today’s teenagers might be able to do the job. We had one in 1960’s. Then used it to move the bales into the loft for storage. My Gramps was in his 80’s and would walk along and pitch bales all day long then take Grandma out dancing that evening after milking. And then wake up and get in the cows, milk ‘em, change the irrigation, then go to the business of hay hauling. We made good money as kids sweating and laughing and if we were lucky to go to the swimming hole on Wednesday afternoons after work was done.
Spending one or two full summers on a working farm would be better than military service. No phones until dark, no work on Sunday (except for the two milkings and changing the irrigation)
Hey Man,
Long time ago, my sister found out she was allergic to (something) but we couldn’t find out what it was … turned out to be her body’s reaction to certain fluorescent lights. – strange but true. – Light/Frequency … hmmm. Effect. Whodathunkit?
Guess there’s good and bad in everything, even lighting and sound.
I’d like to Thank You for yesterday’s info. I loved your rant about 40hz stuff and tried some of it. – after all, I am the family test subject around here. My wife laughs hysterically when things go askew for me when I’m trying new things but, she listens intently when I have good results, and then try’s it herself.
We can’t quite put our finger on what difference was made by listening to 40hz sound but, there IS a difference and it feels good. – I had some congestion that disappeared by the end of a 30 minute session and, I didn’t cough. That’s weird to me … it’s just gone. – Also reminisced a bit and followed by listening to music I’d lost interest in, in recent years … and for a time, I felt as good as I did back in the day when I first heard those songs.
Looking into getting a 40hz light now. I live it when candles flicker, so the bulb should be a real treat. :)
Whatever, huh? Yeah, I’m a believer.
So George, Thank You for the Blessings. Good Medicine, as is Indians say.
Have a Great Day Buddy. :)
I wish I could take credit because, Brother on the Right Path, we poor humans with 40Hz are merely reinventing which Ma Nature and her cats have held out as purrfectly normal for eons.
All cats purr at a frequency of between 20 and 150 hertz with the exception of the cheetah. The cheetah purrs at 25, 50, 100, 125 and 150 Hertz. The cheetah chooses a very specific hertz at very specific times. Which raises a lot of really good questions. Certain frequencies have been shown to help heal tendons and build bone density., ease pain, help in breathing, build muscle and it seems the cheetah has this down to an “on demand” natural-science. Three different research teams are currently studying this “selective purr frequency” in cheetahs for medical applications
AI can make movies of your dreams…
I would own the boxoffice if HD or better.
“…Spike Jones meets Victor Borge world with sides of Mengele, Manson and Capone.”
I would suggest adding a bit of Herr Hegel, speaking of FFs…
I think there’s a lot of psychology to the market.
The debt ceiling cliffhanger. Don’t raise the debt limit in a fiat system and the system ceases to be. How likely is it this system will be gone by June 1st? Not at all likely but it makes the ceiling psychologically real.
Without the ceiling transfer payments wouldn’t seem orderly and limited. But raising the ceiling is all about adding more transfer schemes and increasing transfer payments.
Here’s some “Woo”.
“An estimated 50-70% of the population doesn’t have an internal monologue. The notion of living without an internal monologue is a fairly new one. Until psychologist Russell Hurlburt’s studies started coming out in the late 90s, it was widely accepted that everyone had a little voice narrating in their head.”
– Jan 25, 2023
Most folks are bouncing around around on impulse. I guess?
Wow, that’s a scary concept. Internalizing things should be natural for everyone. Kinda brings home how often people get termed as drones or real life NPCs and the reality that some of them really ARE that in their own heads.
TEF – T-minus 4
Re your dream, could the target in the eastern Tennessee/Kentucky area be Oak Ridge?
There are a few dreams out there about Nashville seeing a second sun … for wiw.
Re: “Another BRIC in the Wall
feat. Hui’s on First
“What if they gave Peace Talks and no one came?”
Msm has noted the displeasure of Brazil’s president who was left cooling his heels at 1515 Sunday afternoon for his appointed meeting at the G7 with the servant of the people. The latter was “delayed”. Interestingly the White House public schedule records that Mr. Biden and Mr. Zelensky were to meet at 1415 on Sunday. Not to worry, CNN has reported that the Chinese special envoy (and former ambassador to Russia) Li Hui completed a two day mission in the the Ukraine prior to Mr. Zelensky leaving for the G7.
Let’s rejoin DJ George in studio who’s tickled pink to launch today’s nooner with some Floyd-
“Welcome to the Machine”.
Re: “Pinocchio”, (2022)
feat. Jiminy Cricket
Thanks to someone is in order following a generous donation made Sunday at the G7 Summit. Here’s the presser from the White House Briefing Room concerning a $375 million contribution from America to Ukraine. More ammunition will aid a “just peace”.
Back to DJ George stacking the ’45s. Spin the platter and here we go with The Irish Rovers-
“Whiskey on a Sunday (The Puppet Song)”
If this is what is holding up a debt deal, then I am going to be upset:
I would side with Joe on this one.
What made Trump unique, after he became President?
He was a Republican with balls.
Repukes check their ‘nads at the entrance to the Beltway, whenever they go to D.C.
Whomever Biden’s puppet-master is, knows this, and believes McCarthy will cave, like every other candy-ass with an “R” after his/her name.
SOMEBODY is going to give in. If McCarthy caves, blame for any shut-downs or financial hiccups will fall on the Republicans, and Biden will be hailed as a fantastic negotiator — and much better than Trump. If Biden caves, blame for the crisis will fall on him and Republicans will get credit with the indie journos for stopping the bleeding, and blame from the mainstream for making poor old Joe squirm.
I strongly suspect, if McCarty caves, the House conservatives will remove him from the speakership…
Is this the year no one blinks? I don’t see either side negotiating from a strong position. We shall see shortly.
They will fold..
they put them both in a precarious position.. the old damned if you do…damned if you dont..
both actions has a serious are the lobbyists taking congress and their families to a 4000.00 A night resort again..
He will cave, the Republicans ALWAYS cave.
I rest my case…
The question is: Does McCarthy want the Power of the Speakership enough to stand his ground?
I hope so, but (like “Cd,” here) have little confidence.
Like I said, Trump was unique. Maybe it’s because he was a far Left wacko until in his mid-50s, and learned how to negotiate. Even Reagan and Ike caved on occasion. Part of that is postwar Republicans are the Party of common sense. When they make a proposal or counter-proposal, they make it a “common sense” proposal. The Democrats OTOH invariably ask for (and demand) “the Moon.” THEY know how to negotiate. The Republicans don’t. The Dems start at a “starting point” — The Repubes start at a “finishing point.”
This is why, while the Citizens of the USA are sociopolitically “center-right,” our representation has marched steadily Left, since the assassination of William McKinley, but at an accelerated pace since the death of JFK and the incorporation of every plank of Communist Party USA into those of the Democratic Party.
hmm..I wonder..if mixing graphene in con Crete can double the strength of any 28day cured concrete..what would that do for rammed earth..would it have the same effect..
I am contemplating getting out the earth ram and making my garbage can holder out of it.. get the styrofoam forms and go to town..
Well ….
G, you probably already caught this, but I figured some here hadn’t seen it. And perish the thought that the bank$ isn’t being helpful….
Of course it was the Central bank – why do you think they made such an abrupt move to sofr – its just now its coming to light …… and you can prolly assume that sofr will go to shit too ……
“As it is, I have a much keener insight into how shit runs off the rails in government in a cascading collapse.”
This is why I’ve preached multiple, redundant backups to you for damn’ near 20 years now. Murphy is a bastard. He has his vile little fingers in everything, and will absolutely screw up every endeavor in your life, great and small, if you give his law less consideration than any of your other planning…
“aware of the proximity to terrain…take the necessary flight control action to avoid contact with it”. “The Pilot will have us in the ground, shortly.”
IN the ground! I’m reminded of the Hawaii parachute jumper’s pilot who liked to thrill his passengers with steep climb takeoffs. He put all ten of them into the ground alongside the runway at takeoff. George’s pilot analogies of the economy are scary, indeed.
Then there is the ‘Box fiasco’. IF… then… then… then…. Surely one as life-experienced as you is well aware of Mr. Murphy’s ‘Laws’ ?!
Enjoy your ‘wait state’. Today the electric company is replacing poles across the road from me. According to their work letter, I am supposed to be without power already. Could happen at any time. Nothing like waiting to find out if my ‘forced preps check’ keeps me going when (not if) the power goes dark. Good practice.
Just getting worse the dribble and Ure I’ll
Make you money joint . Sad . Jabbed ? Shedding got yah ?