Does China Go for It?

Forgive our focus on odds of war this month over Taiwan.  But… A dark of the moon is at hand. Weather has started to move out of the potential battle theater.  And we see a high probability that China will make its move before additional U.S. arms land in the R.O.C.

This is an incredibly complex situation – far beyond the understanding of people who have not deeply studied the countries, people, and politics of what’s involved.

We’ve reduced some of it to a flow chart today, but more important is how China is on the verge of replaying the economic role of the U.S. during our Great Depression.

The situation becomes even higher stakes when we look at recent reports on how the semi-retired leadership of China has apparently increased pressure on president Xi in recent weeks.

The question – Will China Go for it –  is far from moot.

But then we have Consumer Prices just out today, too.  Which – along with anything that might happen between now and next Wednesday – will also feed into the pending Fed rate decision one week out.

A good time will be had by all, we’re assured.  But in case you’re not big on platitudes and false reassurances from a demonstrably crooked government, keep reading…

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40 thoughts on “Does China Go for It?”

  1. Chynah Smhynah,
    the decrepit pedo says they are too busy to be mounting any kind of invasion. We know EVERYTHING that comes out “its” mouth is the TRUTH!

    – not gonna happen, you peeps is nutz and I ought a know as I am one of the bigger nutz in the nutz tree.

    No, what really should be done around these partz is redefining what is MONEY. Ya know like national socialists did back in the day when they kicked Globalism/Globalists in their Ass.

    “Hitler withdrew Germany’s money system from the gold standard. Gold was the recognized medium of exchange for international commerce. Over centuries, it had become a commodity as well. Financiers bought and sold gold and speculated on its fluctuations in price and loaned it abroad at high interest. Hitler substituted a direct barter system in foreign dealings. German currency became defined as measuring units of human productivity. The British general JFC Fuller observed (that) Germany is already beginning to operate more on the concept of labor than on the concept of money…”- A. Burgess(a clockwork orange) Hmmmm

    “Hitler argued that the absence of sufficient state control in a Democracy enabled the wealthy class to manipulate the economy the press the elected officials for its own gain”-A.Burgess
    ..sound like anything We’se all familiar with today ?

    German National Socialism fought an apocalyptic war against to the death with Communism, while American and British Globalist Capitalist financed the later leading up to WW2.
    In just a few short years, the National Socialists dragged Germany from economic ruin to the pinnacle of power by merely following the precedents laid out by the great Adam Smith -without poisoning them like Asshole Hamilton did for USA.

    Mercantilism = Global Slavery .
    – postulates that wealth is Gold.

    A. Smith said that a countries Wealth was in the Labor it generate.

    Communism(current form govmint USA) introduced a number of thoroughly Jewish perspectives which have never been accurately described as Jewish, because organized Jewry has an aversion to being tagged with its invention. The primary example here is deception. Deception is the method behind double entry banking, and creating money via debt, it is the avenue by which mass murdering of the native inhabitants of the Levant is labeled self-defense, it is the lever by which blood and treasure is extracted from a people, and it is central to all communist endeavor.

    Contrast the path of knowledge with the path of deception, and one can clearly see why the tool of globalism is Communism.

    National Socialism defeated Communism in Germany because National Socialism was not Abrahamic, because it was moving in accord with cosmic forces and because it rode the invisible wave of destiny.

    Top of pyramid(aliens) been locking down civilizations for millions of years – very good at what they do – Trafficking

    Bitcoin – buybuybuy. Best time to Buy ? Answer: Yesterday, if you ask me tomorrow the answer will still be Yesterday!

    • BSN,

      The Pooh Team just has to sit out the US FRN collapse.
      ~Sun Tsu.

      Submitted for your review:
      Gen Slur is maestro of a Kabuki Theater Show on a size and scope to make the Ripple r3 corda UK suit back in 2016 look like the comming attractions that play out before the main feature.

      While you Home gamers were being gaslit and FUD’ed out of your crypto HOLDings LOLz… read with your eyes, all is never as it appears in the tee vee currated viewing edition.

      Got blockchain? Not advice do your own homework. Looks Like Larry Fink is in charge[ an XRP BTC whale], goodbuy Jaime Dimon hands.

    • NO NOT YET.. watch KIM in North Korea.. that is who I think they will let set it off. The oligarchs did so much to try and kill them starved the people that the dislike is now pure hate towards the USA and NATO countries… then all hell all over the planet at once…. even and old general was saying the morons in DC have got to get a brain.. my fear is there has been so much damage already not only to the economy and country… but the planet.. no one trusts anyone in any of the agencies.. they have lost the trust of the population..
      Ukraine is lost already… Taiwan .. China doesn’t want to destroy them .. or the people living there.. they want them to acknowledge that they are their parent country.. When this lights up.. we cannot defend them..
      then with the Biden port deals.. did they move in Club-K systems.. and in fifty million illegals that have entered.. what almost a quarter of a million children that have been enslaved and they don’t have a clue where any of them are.. how many of those illegals that we let in are actually warriors waiting for the go message.. and.. out of the trillions of dollars that no one has any clue where any of it went.. did this administration do what they suggested..

      I believe it is to late.. to turn it all around.. doesn’t matter who gets in office.. the damage is done.. we were on the edge of the cliff before.. now we have a moron that has never had a job.. push the country over.. in the real world they call it bankruptcy and if the country does go bankrupt on the debt there is a whole new headache.. what do they start back up..Its a fresh start… if he did allow warriors to enter posing as refugees and there are club k systems in the country.. oh my god.. we have a battle from within by the trojan horse and the nightmare of a global catastrophic war… then we have an enemy within and a government that only cares about is what they can get.. the other part that scares me even more than the war etc.. is ok lets say this doesn’t go up like everyone suspects.. just look at the countermeasures that are going to start going into action that this administration has put into place and a congress that doesn’t give two cents about stopping.. or can they stop them anyway…. those are horrifying and will affect absolutely everyone.. and a congress that has no power.. When the heads of agencies can smile and tell them to blow them or kiss their ass in an investigative hearing.. well that is pretty crappy stuff… they don’t have to do anything that congress wants them to.. oh my god.. how horrible is that.. and in a congress generates what a hundred and fifty thousand pages a year of crap that no one reads and will even come out and will give you as many pages of excuses as to why they don’t have to read that shot.. a tax forms that are over fifty thousand pages long.. it just paints up to the perfect storm of the late great United States of America..
      think about it.. they have four working days before all this crap about the corruption is dropped off of the sheets forever.. a tax group that will drag the regular citizen through the dirt for forty bucks.. but won’t touch someone because they are to big to go after over fifty million.. its the perfect storm.. and they know it.. there isn’t a thing that will go on..

  2. Ohh how the Bulls will rule the least thats where I placed my dinero today – naked baby – au naturale SPY 450 Calls at a whopping $0.04 per- ODTE.

    U can color the coot BULLISH, the trend is my friend and I cannot deny that I luv BIG BUTTS (and making money). You other brothers cannot deny..

    Andzo its back up to the area of last swing high of SPY459/460 in late July – for a kiss the double top before pulling back and consolidating a lil..then next push higher to higher highs. Yeah I like that, Higher Highs !

    Rock and Roll Chief – damm the torpedoes – full steam/ profit maximization ahead .

    * lil birdy mentioned something about “rocking the casbah” ..which sounds to me like Oil bout to be “shakin to the top” -Clash speaking of which WDS is paying <9.0% div on giant Australian Oil Co..

    Hey pedo joe – where did ALL our Oil go?

  3. Interesting how the stock market has seemingly ignored the recent inflation data.., yet oil is up over $89.20 a barrel., bonds are up.., are they waiting for a fed official to make some kind of comment on the direction of rates?
    McDermitt Caldera on the Oregon Nevada border – is a very lonely and empty place. Lots of wildlife if you take the time to look – but no humans anywhere near it.
    – One thing I did notice in all the articles I have read is the complete lack of the “Biden Factor”. He controls the EPA and if he decides that this discovery fits right into his EV For All agenda – there will be mining operations starting up as soon as physically possible.
    An awful lot of War Talk in the news. It’s all over the media outlets. And though you supplied a lot of great info this morning – I am still not convinced that Xi is willing to take the chance on his people and country being decimated in an all-out push-button war. Yes, he can blast the U.S. back to the Pleistocene Epoch.., so what? He could care less what happens to the U.S. and it’s population. What he does care about is his country and it’s people and their long history. And it would be just as devastated and in smoldering ruins as the U.S. One pissed-off nuclear sub commander could feasibly ruin his entire outlook on life.
    I just don’t see him doing it. It’s not a ‘chance’., or a ‘gamble’.., it’s a certainty of his home land destruction.
    I guess I must be missing some crucial / critical points., ’cause I just don’t see him doing it.

      • I agree with what you stated – and the facts – but as Doc Holiday said “I beg to differ, sir.” With that much turmoil, strife and possible open-decent at home, how can he justify creating massive economic and infrastructure destruction? Does he really have enough internal security to stop millions, possibly tens of millions from protesting? If he pushes., a lot of world powers will push back., not just the U.S.
        Yes, I know Stu’s work says he will., but not now. Not this month. As you stated he has to create and build stability, [ or loose it all.,] and ordering the opening salvo for World War Three [ Third times the charm.] is not the way to go about it.
        Also, I have been watching India and especially Modi. I do not trust him. And he is riding high on his successful G20 Summit.., Something in my gut says keep an eye on him. I just have a feeling that something is very wrong.

        • the problem is.. Xi and Putin are not the ones pushing..
          Xi doesn’t want to destroy Taiwan.. and Putin didn’t want to destroy Ukraine.. How many times did Putin BEG to get us to back off.. and we did what.. moved more in..
          and when this could have been resolved peacefully we pushed more.. even now we are building up in the border states.. its headed towards the good old ugly.. and I believe that in the next couple of years.. we all will have some form of ptsd…
          Xi already has us economically.. the USA hasn’t done a thing for the protection of the people.. the USA only built protection for a few thousand of the top one percent..
          look at what countries that are just waiting to go for it.. I believe the Putin and Xi are holding them back.. make the take over as painless as possible.. and if there has been what a hundred thousand of warriors snuck in we are screwed.. especially if we rush off to protect every one that we said we would.. who protects us at home.. it is the poison pawn trap.. we are spending our resources to protect the pawn..

        • d’Lynn,
          Lets count the ways.
          KeyStone Pipeline killshot. check
          Pipeline #5 killshot. check
          Norstream Theory. check
          petro$ handed to Pooh Team. check
          Killshot on active leases on proven Light Sweet and Light Thin Oil in ANWAR, Permian and the Gulf . check

          $200.00 bbl Oil is a given for 2024.

          Got Blockchain?

      • .., or – are you hinting that China will go for it, because of the problems they find themselves in? No better way to rally the homeland than a good ole fashioned war ?
        [ ., and hopefully keep it contained.]

        • 1. Sun Tzu said: In the practical art of war, the best
          thing of all is to take the enemy’s country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it
          is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it,
          to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire
          than to destroy them.
          2. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not
          supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.

          He won’t have to.. Look what has happened in the last two years.. the mishandling of everything.. just so some schmuck can make a buck the manipulation of countries for the dollar and direct contact and power with the leaders.. A government that is gone more than they work.. and even refusal to read the very bills they vote on..

          I believe that this has been a slow process of getting control of our own leaders.. they bet on greed and deviant lifestyles to gain access

        • just take a peek at our infrastructure.. its been ignored for over sixty years.. we do offensive maintenance and repairs rather than defensive maintenance and repairs..
          Our grid is designed to make a number for someone not for security.. So lets look at this as an opening to anyone that hates the USA.. we are letting in millions of refugees.. all of whom even if they came to escape will follow because of what they have lived through.. that will comply if these elements get into power.. an administration that wants to do away with gas and oil motors.. no changes.. stop coal production.. coal is at its cheapest right now because of what has been done so far.. a whole winters heat if you travel to the coal mine and pick it up for under fifty bucks..gas and oil pipelines being taken down or shut down.. a grid that is antiquated and set up for the profit of a few rather than the security of a country.. water pipelines that have been ignored.. I seen a video inspection of the one going to NYC.. and it was not good .. could collapse at any time..
          One little problem because of the demand of the grid and its positioning to be a major failing point in the USA.. IF you were a leader of another country that hated the USA and NATO.. Uk is an island.. they have already suggested if this goes hot there will be one huge radio active tsunami
          as for the USA.. playing the poison pawn trap.. we are pulled into the pawn.. all the major players have made their selection on who they are going to back.. security for a few made that as soon as it lights up they will head for safety but now is that safety?
          a hundred year freeze in Texas almost took down the countries grid.. NATO countries struggling to take control over african countries to replace what they lost with nordstream gas and oil pipelines.. that had a serious issues with heat last winter.. The USA wasn’t that affected because we had strategic we have been depleating those.. gas prices jumped fifty cents a gallon yesterday alone.. Saudi’s tied in with the Bric’s and the supply NATO countries and the USA had last year are going to be limited if this lites up..
          Refugees being put in govt. positions.. and paid well.. So if these individuals are part of an army.. knowing how fragile the USA is and the only thing driving anyone in power is the procurment of a number.. what would you do..
          let the pawn trap close.. the globe lites up.. then take down the grid.. since our administration closes the gas pipelines and our coal mines are reducing labor.. transportation.. the country would be in a deep freeze very quickly.. let nature do its thing.. and every thing.. look at our food production.. they have signed agreements with every country that we buy our food from.. even our building materials.. all come from forests that have been decimated by forest fires..
          Oil depletion.. whether or not this was planned or it is a natural thing.. we don’t know and never will the chance that things could go wrong are there.. it wouldn’t take much on the grid to get it to fail.. hell the whole NE went dark over a squirrel..the system would collapse and the country would go dark..
          I think the ceo of our power company suspects the same thing and is why they are suggesting everyone put in backup power for their customers.. the power company has been so busy putting them in at home owners homes that my kids have been waiting for six months for them to come by and hook it up… so what would happen if our grid went down in winter.. and NATO countries fail to get the gas oil and radioactive elements for their nuclear power plants.. what if the water and gas pipelines in the USA started to have a massive failure.. the loss of life and infrastructure would be massive.. with a potential army that has already been brought in by our own government.. the entrances and exists could be sealed for these bunkers of the elite.. easily to.. then in the spring come in as the savior of the remaining citizens alive.. that would be grateful for them..
          here is an old joke.. but a funny one and one that does share some truth to it.. would we be the dogs in the car is such a thing happened.. or would we be the wife..

          ” If you lock up your girlfriend and dog in the trunk of a car for an hour…
          which one is gonna be happy to see you when you open it up?”

  4. Great article, if a bit doomy. That’s unfortunate for my personal planning, but we all must face reality or deal with the consequences of not doing so. I suppose we’ll all find out in the next week or two.

    I do have one nit to pick, and that’s about the width of the human hair. It’s certainly not 2.5 nanometers, but perhaps four orders of magnitude greater.

    Per Wikipedia:

    This measurement is not precise because human hair varies in diameter, ranging anywhere from 17 ?m to 181 ?m [millionths of a metre] One nominal value often chosen is 75 ?m, but this – like other measures based upon such highly variable natural objects, including the barleycorn – is subject to a fair degree of imprecision.

    Some of us can actually see a human hair, though none of us can see nm lines with our naked eyes.

    • “That’s unfortunate for my personal planning, but we all must face reality or deal with the consequences of not doing so. I suppose we’ll all find out in the next week or two.”

      I believe that everyone around the wastelands is suspecting the same thing.. at all the grocery stores and malls around here.. it was similar to a b rated movie script where everyone was running out with toilet paper and supplies.. it has been a madhouse.. I couldn’t buy cream.. for god sake and we use a lot of cream in our home for cooking etc..and bleach not to be had.. so since I went to buy bleach.. and there wasn’t any any place I went to.. I am making bleach..
      one cup of salt per gallon.. shake it up until the salt dissolves then put it in the electrolysis system..
      you can make one simple enough.. or you can buy one..
      I always bought from the swim for him site.. bought several of them and gave them out..
      now I support the waterschool….please look them over and make a donation.. anything is good.. great group with a great mission.. why should anyone suffer or die because of poisoned water..

  5. More than 95% of economists, 94 of 97, in the Sept. 7-12 Reuters poll predicted the U.S. central bank would hold the federal funds rate in the current 5.25%-5.50% range next week. Only three of the 97 responded that they expect a rate hike.

    • 500 years ago, 100% of all scientists believed the Earth was flat and the universe revolved around it.

      (Gee, this is the same argument I use with “climate religionists…” Imagine that!)

      I don’t believe in “a consensus” WRT anything. I find my own answers and I try not to speculate. I appreciate history and constantly seek advance knowledge of the arrival of the rhyme, which ALWAYS occurs. With that said, I would speculate there’s a hike in the offing, because the Government and the Fed learned nothing in 1929, and have since failed to “hear” what George Santayana would say…

  6. BotB (bear-on-the-boat):

    Fast times (and mkts) of late so I have been Watergating (just listening in). Today time runs slow while I wait for a spinal injection to make me feel young again. [read: less old]

    The buzz is too much about what nominal rate the Fed assigns to our borrowing habit (*). From where I sit it’s equally / more about QT (quantitative tightening) forecast. QT is at least a doubler.

    My belief is CHN will remain patient until their massive military rules the Seas. Then, and only then, will the Panda roar at the “other” China. Even more likely they try to win without firing a shot.

    Farmers around here are ready to go harvest … once the fields dry out a tad. We continue to have crop “finishing” rains. Soon those ole boys will need lift kits for their combines.

    ATL: many here are pulling piers. I just got the last mast stepped 10 days down my wake so will dawdle and ponder forecast for October (and sail until the last day). Lake is low after the scorch but still in plenty.

    Last: as always, keep an eye on the TNX.

  7. ” Check our worksheets on this, but last time we ran the numbers wasn’t the risk of Death 100 percent for everyone? ”

    Indeed. The banner on says “On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero”. I’m just trying to extend my timeline. The prospects of China invading Hawaii are a bit disturbing. Maybe the population and military center of Oahu island. I don’t see them extending manpower and firepower to the volcano jungles of the Big Island… which appear to be well armed and feisty against invaders.

      • Yeah blowing permanent holes in Reality will just result in a sunburn, sure and G – doggydog is King of the World.
        This of course goes along the same lines as No Long term Side effects from cutting Ure Dick off and calling Ureself Sally looking out the box – SlOOB!

      • d’Lynn,
        Lets count the ways.
        KeyStone Pipeline killshot. check
        Pipeline #5 killshot. check
        Norstream Theory. check
        petro$ handed to Pooh Team. check
        Killshot on active leases on proven Light Sweet and Light Thin Oil in ANWAR, Permian and the Gulf . check

        $200.00 bbl Oil is a given for 2024.

        Got Blockchain?

        • WhTat would be nice is if they ever found the gold library of ivan the terrible’s wife is said to have ancient archives of the lost libraries in history.. the lost library of Alexandria and the sumarians.. now that is the treasure.. what I wouldn’t give to go in and just smell of the scrolls and ancient inks..
          I use to love that with the LOC to..the smell of history.. can you imagine the library at the Vatican..
          some of the really old scripts are stored in sealed rooms..the same with the oldest of old libraries all around the planet.. the true treasures of mankind..

    • While North Korea has the largest standing army of any nation (wanna eat? Join the Military!), China could still field an army of 100 million troops, should they so desire…

      There is no pressing need for China to acquire Taiwan, therefore, they’ll wait until the Formosan peoples ask to join them, or until a need arises for them to acquire Taiwan Semiconductor or the Mandarin orange groves, to move militarily. This means they very well may not ever do so. Every time they run a sortie into International waters off Taiwan’s coast, they cost the Island a bunch of avgas and fray a bunch of nerves. It’s a psyop, nothing more,

      • I don’t think there is that much fear in Taiwan.. my acupuncturist is from taiwan.. his brother from Bejing China.. anyway he is planning a trip to visit his grandparents.. and brother.. his brother was just over to visit him six months ago.. he has family in both countries..

        • Yes I read iron mountain lol lol
          and yes if there’s a crises.. but isn’t it better if the crises is on someone else’s shores..
          so keep them busy show of force..then let it lite up everywhere at once. Kim in NK starts with South Korea and Japan..if they were given a nuclear sub and the nuclear torpedos.. they can also strike the USA Hawaii the PNW .. Iran Greece turkey etc. everything goes up and the realization that no one is coming to their help..
          Right now the assumption is the NATO and USA will be there to rescue them. but if there’s an army that our present administration allowed entrance because they were paid to allow them entrance and the people paying for their support and jobs.. or the port deals that were made actually allowed Club-K containers to be placed..the military base off of Florida’s coast that was built because we told Cuba to suck wally we were not going to help them.
          let me see..I believe that the realization that help isn’t coming..and Knowing theres an overwhelming force facing them to defend against..they would fold rather than let the country be destroyed.. why let their country be destroyed because some corrupt perv. and oligarchs want what you have be the real reason for their families and friends their homes and businesses be destroyed while they only care about their homes and countries.

          “don’t shit in your own nest
          rude slang Do not engage in troublesome or dubious behavior at one’s home, place of business, or any location where one frequents, for it invites undesired consequences.”

          I believe that’s why they use the USA to do their dirty deeds..our politicians are easily bought our people dumbed down.. back look how easy it was for a few politicians to support the terrorist activities of BLM and Antifa and how it went global.. even if nothing else came from targeting the poorest neighborhoods they increased business opportunities in the other shopping g districts that weren’t targeted

  8. “U.S. has incredibly undefended…”

    We’re sitting ducks.

    Good synopsis.

    During WW2 the Allied powers used props like inflatable tanks, gliders, “paradummies” and the etc. Perhaps today’s China has a similar decoy invasion force that fights.

    Air drones dropping the machine gun toting robot dogs to soften the targets for humanoid suicide robots/human soldiers.

    MacArthur had it right.

  9. re: All the King’s Men
    feat: Humpty Dumpty


    Let’s tie one on for size. The CBC has been embedded on HMCS Ottawa during its recent sail a couple of days ago through the Taiwan Straits. They published an image of a Chinese fishing ship they passed by. It was suggested as being an undercover Chinese navy vessel. The name on the fishing boat bow was blurry in the picture. However it seems to translate out as “Balance Balance”.

    One of the coinkydoinks of history is that President Xi’s first father-in-law was Ambassador to Britain back in the day. The former Mrs. Xi apparently went to the UK to live following her divorce. President Xi’s only daughter meanwhile had been living around the US east coast as she pursued Ivy League studies. Is she still there or did she return to China? Maybe there will be a family roll call before China lights up any skies?

  10. you know George. some lady asked me what my love language is. she said there is this book on the 5 love languages. everyone speaks 2 of them fluently aparently. .

    I said ohhhh idk. my love languages are Probably Coffee and Cheesecake.

    and money.

    I guess are not in the book.


    • there are countless writings and philosophies on the five gifts.. books galore here it is below..

      1. the act of giving a gift as a symbol of love. A gift equates to thought, and to a person with this love language, that thought is felt as love. The type of gift is less important than the effort to procure it and the desire to give it.
      2. Acts of Service.Whether you act to remove a burden from someone’s life, help out, or provide space for them to do something else, these acts of service will tell them that they and their time are respected.
      3. Physical Touch signifies a person who feels love most through intimate contact. ( around here everyone gets a hug to let them know how much they mean)
      4. Words of Affirmation: compliments or kind words about a person and their actions. ( those I know or do business with.. I know if they changed their hair do if they dressed up etc. be kind and share a positive thought)
      5. Quality Time: dedicated moments of time spent with a loved one. (is life that busy that you cannot take the time and spend a few moments..have that cup of coffee and cake..)

    • The fire e gifts can be related to ancient philosophy..and broken down to one… Do unto others..

  11. funny. after I posted that last comment about regret. I was getting off the mining bus after work. the tipple operators name is george.

    he hit the button on the door to the bus as I was exiting and it slammed on my arm.

    now I’m a pretty easy going guy, but I turned around ripped the door open to the bus, jumpe up the three steps right quick, grabbed him by the coller of his shirt with one hand and lifted him off the floor of the bus and said what the fuck mister.

    he yelped like a little girl. he said sorry sorry I thought the door was shut and I didn’t see you there so I hit the button to open it and shut it on you. totally an accident. sorry sorry.

    all the other men said put him down Andy. put him down Andy. it was an accident. and in that moment, I remembered what you said to me a long long time Mr Ure. and I said no harm no foul. and set him down on his feet. fixed his shirt a little. said we good. he said yeah. sorry man.

    everyone said are you okay. I said I’m good. just had a moment there. ya all have a good weekend. tipple george got in his car fast and hauled ass. lol

    hope you all have a good weekend. :)

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