Event Arrows have been loosed that will shape the balance of 2022 and form our entry into 2023. We need to look closely at some of these. The Fourth of July has always been a good time to kick back, assess the year to date, and see where the “arrow of events” is pointing for the balance of the year. The bad news? Not too much is going as hoped. 2022 has turned into an historical turd, if you’ll forgive my directness.
Still, all work and no play is no good, either. With goodies on the men u like BBQ, maybe playing in water (if you can find it), and enjoying some well-deserved time off – that’s what makes for a good holiday.
This morning’s report will therefore be “not quite PowerPoint bullets. But we won’t mince words, either.
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“enjoying some well-deserved time off – that’s what makes for a good holiday.”
Lol lol this just came up in a fire pit conversation last night.. I use to whine about the holidays..for 40 years there hadn’t been a holiday that was free to enjoy after deregulation you work that shift or find another job…. the only ones that got to enjoy those perks were exec. And govt. Employees . Lol.. night and swing shifts IF they gave you any holiday it was either the day after or the day before. Holidays are the table conversation joke for the daily wage earner.. the same with television shows.. I botched and moaned that I missed everything.. then when I got sick discovered… there wasn’t anything on other than Jacques Cousteau
that was worth watching anyway..lol lol
Relaxation *(and breakfast sandwich are over) so on to work. Beats being dead, but dead do get to sleep a bit longer, lol
“dead do get to sleep a bit longer, lol”
My obituary will read.. left for an overdo vacation.. hope there will be moderate temperatures.. loves his family very much hopes to see them again in the future.. lol l have strict no funeral .. anyone that knows me knows I have never gone on a vacation and will ask..at that point if they want they can head to pizza ranch give each of the kids a roll of quarters and a keg…
Working in television broadcast 24/7/366… “What’s a holiday? It’s when the union negotiated overtime pay for just another work day.” And if you didn’t want to get called in for O/T, you had to fly to somewhere remote to get away.
Great column this morning George. Your subscribers are well served.
I think everyone, including your non-subscribers, should read this link in its entirety. It says a lot about the state of our youth and the future of Western civilization.
Thank you. Makes getting up on holiday weekends worth it!
“Many of the things that we used to offer, like the GI Bill, are offered by private industry today. So they’re no longer a benefit,”
I read that article and that’s pretty much misleading.. private industry does have that.. but not for those on the hourly wage..
Back when I worked making cabinets.. they really pushed college tuition assistance..keep your grade level to a grade average etc..no problem with that..so I had always wanted the coloring sheet for the wall to enhance my ability to improve my income position..
Did what they asked got enrolled took the paperwork to the office.. that is when they said.. “HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT YOUR POSITION WITH THE COMPANY”
I gave my side of being able to bring more for the company etc.. no..how will this improve your position… I was a seal sander.. if my position was hired as an engineer then as a member of the executive staff I could take a class or two..
It was the same for others .. one working at a hospital as a floor tech..wanted to get a nursing degree.. their job was bed pan and wiping butts.. how would a nursing degree benefit ass wiping lol.. they were put in their place..a grand child just had something similar..they assumed that the list of benefits included them..vacation at the hospital.. they hire point whatever.. a point 5 means the guarantee you five working days every two weeks..you have to work your scheduled weekend.. can’t take two weeks off. If you take five they didn’t pay..the reason you got your point five days working.. at the end they allowed banking hours to a point.. if you get sick you loose your job.. ( my last friend..his wife was a nurse.she got cancer and since she was sick lost her job and insurance..they took his farm, his rental home and his business to pay for her final cares..he came to live with us he only had a couple changes of clothes.. because he passed on all reimbursement for medical was dropped. He’s dead so he’s no lo get covered..the one bill I scoped out was 2 mil range lol hospital write off unleavened with nothing)
The last five or so years I had banked my limit of vacation time and sick time.. so they let us donate those hours to employees that were sick.. every year I would donate my 80 hours of pay to someone with a terminal illness..
That was one good thing they did do.. now that to has been eliminated as well..
From reading this I question whether there actually is a future for western civilization. They don’t even know how to run? Seriously!? .., damn !
Where to start…. Endless wars without purpose; woke leadership and poisoning of the ranks with social engineering initiatives that are un-American; threat of being discarded when used up; GI Bill- most college and University not worth it anymore; normal food and exercise bad vs. energy drinks, garbage processed food and vidya good.
Why volunteer to fight for your nation, neighbor and family when constantly told all are illegitimate, racists, evil and should be replaced. And recruiting command Is publicly at a loss?
Top leadership and the politicos know what is up. They was conscripted cannon fodder, not patriots who think and perform.
George, I am glad you share you insights and their ensuing comments. Extra incentive to get up and thinking more daily!
setting the stage for public service and conscription. Some of you might remember it as CCC and FWP…
“US military has problems ahead like Military struggling to find new troops as fewer young Americans willing or able to serve.”
The kids I know pretty much realize that we have Beavis and butt head at the wheel.. that’s bent on driving the country to war seriously why put yourself in a position to die for one of the most corrupt countries in the world and a group that from all angles looks like they aren’t much better looking for the fast buck .. killing the hopes and dreams of a normal life and love..
And seriously questioning whether they want to put their life in front of a bullet for a group of moral and ethical lacking people just.looking for a fast buck.. that make provisions making sure that their families are exempt from having to serve or being put in a dangerous life threatening situation.. during the feudal period it was the opposite kings led their troops..can you visualize Beavis ir the perv kid marching into battle.. hmm short answer no..long answer nope… there wouldn’t be a war if that was a condition..during the Vietnam war..there was the draft.. ( I don’t want to die yet in some God forsaken jungle so some idiot can get rich) after that they offered huge bonuses.. go to the jungle and I’ll give you fifty thousand dollars lol..free college.. I totally see a draft coming..
It’s the same with hospital insurance.. I had someone tell me once..free medical would over burden the doctors..
So did they assume that hourly wage earners love their families LESS than who they see as important people?
Lol the poor and middle class worry about and care for their families wellbeing and safety just as much as someone wealthy..
The tax man cometh..reminiscent of the 70s there was some joker in town taking photos of houses..then taking photos through the windows of the interior of the houses..opening up garden sheds and photographing the contents..
Taking fang for a walk and observing this.. I called the owner if one place to let him know there was a criminal potentially checking his property.. long answer nope .. they called the police who checked him out.. it was the tax assessment guy.. back in the seventies that was what they did. They would come into your house and count how many television you had couches fire places etc. And then assessment of your taxes would reflect what you had..
loob, of populous counties, TX has the highest medical debt rate, NY & CA the lowest:
There’s still 12 Republican states refusing to expand Medicaid coverage (TX & TN included). Seems those Republican Christians luv stickin’ it to their poor!
“Seems those Republican Christians luv stickin’ it to their poor!”
Its not just the poor @C unless your mega buck wealthy no one leaves here with anything even the moderately wealthy leave with nothing.. what little bit that you have is sold at greatly reduced prices to cover a debt.. the gent that lived in our spare room.. his final tab would break the bank and insurances only pay what they want to pay… in the end of our lives all we are left with is a couple boxes of assorted crap a few photos and the memories of what you stood for..if you live long enough for nursing home care.. it is just shy a quarter million a year per person.. plus your medications doctors visits etc.. medical facilities continually work short shifts.. mostly because it is the one factor that they have to control their yearly budget.. clinics turn away patients without insurance to send them to the ER where the bill is a thousand percent more.. only to see that bill passed back down to the doctors in rent etc.. the money has to come from someplace. cut one in the velocity of cash and it has a ripple effect all through the market…
just the shot for migraines… in canada it is 30.00 in the USA it is 10,000… one of my medications was 1250.00 a month.. yet in canada I could get it name brand with doctors visits communication and mail costs etc.. under two hundred.. and generic.. way under a hundred..
When the USA deregulated essentials..that set us on the road to higher prices.To keep an economy strong takes the velocity of money in a community we sent our industries over to another country in the name of profits and took the money out of our communities and local economies.. . an employee that makes a million.. has to get it from someplace.. an employee that makes seven dollars .. plus building costs.. federal hospitals.. or government run ones.. the workers work 1200 hours a year as compared to a regular hospital at 2400 hours.. to many days off.. they are ran like it was a government facility which is why it has such a bad rap..
We live in a country that would rather spend money to destroy than to builld and maintain.. our infrastructure is failing.. and rather than spend time and money on fixing the things here at home.. we spend it to destroy other countries and leave our borders open with a big come in no vetting necessary..
This whole thing is a real mess.. and unfortunately I think that those in the drivers seats have lived in the DC bubble to long.. without a history of having to work for a living.. they really don’t have a clue what the people do.. if it doesn’t affect them personally its not real in their life.. the dual standards keeps the gap of separation wide..
That coverage aids and abets the high prices on medical care and that industry has about as much compassion in it as a bombardier on a B-52. I’ve gone without and will refuse to take any up until I make my exit. If this past year hasn’t proven it to you nothing will. Even the coverage my wife gets through her employer is a joke and half the time won’t cover anything major that she might need. It’s a fool’s game to play and taking care of yourself until the bell rings is the only way you can win the game. All insurance does is point gullible people to the doctors that suck their wealth dry.
“that industry has about as much compassion in it as a bombardier on a B-52.”
I redid a surgeons parking lot.. by hand.. in exchange for his labor in the surgery room.. after we went through the free clinics.. the price was still ten times plus what someone elses bill was.. I worked a year in exchange for the hospital bill.. been there done that..
medications.. elderly rush to southern texas and canada to buy their perscriptions.. the savings on inhalers alone is a thousand percent less.. and even more if you get generic.. the trick is to find a good reputable pharmacy..
one college prof.. went to brazil to a surgeons clinic.. ( that teaches in the USA) to have a reconstructive surgery done.. the savings was in the tens of thousands.. the insurance company wanted to send me to India .. Thailand, Canada and one other place to get a surgery done.. the reason was .. it was cheaper.. I get medications from a govt. va pharmacy here.. that instead of putting it in their own bottles just forwarded the medication.. it came from india..
I had a boss that tossed all his employees under the bus gambling on stock market.. and I had a kid that fell from a tree.. bill was shy half million.. It still affects me today and that was in early eighties..
employer of last resort. Watch Stripes.
They want a draft so they can get to the women. Another way to further destroy the family.
They are bringing in millions of military aged illegal men that they will offer citizenship to in exchange for “service.”
They don’t need our boyz to menz.
The roof G , the roof is on fire…
We aint got no moar water, so its burn mother f-er, burn time. Seems like our collective consciousness have forgotten the promises made many millennia ago..
Not by water this “Time” around , but https://youtu.be/ChmUC0OysoU
Like a global fever – how high/hot we gotta burn to eradicate the slavers and “farmers” – the parasitical class ? Kinda like chemo – “we gotta kill ya – to kill the cancer” duh-ooh!
Yep, get those bathtubs topped off out Southwest ways, its gonna be especially “hot”, with NO respite to be found underground, especially deep underground .
Perhaps a good weekend to ponder how we gonna “phone home”, We Are ET’s.
– and its time 4 global pop 2 recognize our Equality .
PS – that was NOT civil war Gold that FBI stole out from unda treasure hunters noses recently- see Keckesburg Vinnamana in Pennsyltucky..and clouseau Ure way to Moon twp. Rabbits anyone ?
Some say the inflation rate for 2021 was 7%.
That means if you spent $100.00 on the 4th of July party last year, this year we’ll need to spend $107.00. Or, short the 2022 party a pack of hot dogs and an onion.
If you’re in the BAG (Boeing/Amtrak/GM) you got a COLA raise from the taxpayer so they will have the same amount of hot dogs and onions at our expense.
They have a name ? Who knew !? I’ve been making the Monte Cristo sandwich for decades., though with slightly different ingrediencies.., I add a thin slice of smoked gouda cheese., and sometimes a very thin slice of red onion. [ Have you seen the price of smokes gouda lately!?]
Next thing you know my three cheese, oven baked mac-n-cheese also has a name.
We save the gouda for wine time with apples….yum
A bottle of Mateus., sliced green apples., and smoke gouda – good times.
Gouda is really easy to make…
Whole milk un pasturized..heat it to 90 1tsp lemon juice and rennet tablet dissolved in water..let set until the curd firms up. Cut l red ngthwise then width wise then diagonally…then heat it up to 130 for fifteen to twenty minutes..remove and wash the curds in cold water.
Put cheese cloth in your mould .. press for 24 hours in the fridge at about 10 lbs..turn then press it again at 20 lbs give or take for another 24 hours.. now brine it.. couple of pounds of salt 1 tsp calcium chloride 30% and 1 tbsp. Of white vinegar.. brine it 4 hrs per pound.. let drain on bamboo mat .. put it in the cold smoker for 4 to 6 hrs.. dip it in wax let it age in the cool fridge.. 6 weeks to 6 months if you like the premiere gouda then a year
Cheese is pretty easy to make.
No unpasteurized milk to be found in 20 counties surrounding us. The regulators have run off the last farm to offer it. Where do you get yours from?
“Not a huge fan of gender confusion and plumbing-checks but if that’s a response to population pressures?”
That is the percentage of humans which have deviated from the species and societal norm of using sex as a means of procreation.
That number has been a constant for the last 7000 years, and includes ALL gender deviancy including transvestism, transsexualism, and all flavors of homosexuality. Therefore, I assume it to be a species constant — ex manipulation by the politically motivated.
6%… ~18 million CONUS residents, of which 8.3% — about 1.5 million CONUS residents (or 0.5% of total CONUS residents), are “trans” (which includes “questioning” and “fluid.”)
I can think of only three reasons to politically muck up those numbers (and “mess up” the people to whom they’re relevant.):
1) It adds to social confusion and aids the communist takeover movement in the United States,
2) it paves the way to normalize and force social acceptance, (and adoption of “protected status”) for paedophiles, (a much larger voting bloc than the “trans” bloc) and
3) it creates another sliver of society or “pigeonhole” by which votes and voters may be manipulated.
6%, and they get a month of our calendar, and many parades where various forms of social deviancy are placed on public display and celebrated.
I have no doubt pedo month will arrive as well. The baby boppers in D.C. need to be able to come out of the pizza closet to peddle their influence. I just never believed, until a couple years ago, that it would happen in my lifetime…
Yes, but at what point of (gender question marketing) does the birth rate drop to negative?
What females have (statistically speaking) lost a lot of interest in repop.
And males? With lawsuits galore, killer property settlements? DNA based child support?
Kinda takes the fun out of sporting; if you know what I mean.
This points to me that ‘repop or ‘pop’ of the earth has lost its appeal. Maybe it’s time for souls to find another frequency domain to inhabit – this is not our native frequency – just a stop along the way in an our evolutionary development. This frequency has become corrupted, or let’s just say does not serve the interest of someone trying to achieve a higher consciousness. Let’s just say the earth place is a go for some time to slum it, but when you are ready for a much upgraded neighborhood, it’s time to pull up stakes. There will be plenty of people who want to stay in the slums.
I did not have children and kind of always knew this was a stop along the way and not anywhere near a destination – it’s been pretty good. I have lived some great years in the last 65, but the neighborhood is becoming a little rough figuratively speaking. Remember – we live in a frequency – just like a radio station. Once in a while, we turn the tuning knob (old car radio analogy).
“The turn-around in national stupidity is getting traction. As 71 percent don’t want Biden to run for reelection: poll.”
I am definitely curious.. WHERE IN THE HELL DID THEY FIND TWENTY NINE PERCENT THAT APPROVED OF THE ADMINISTRATION.. sounds like no one really checked the real stats on that one..
I don’t know one person personally that approve of what they have done at all..
“I don’t know one person personally that approve of what they have done at all..”
LOOB – Did you check with “c” and Mark?
I know one person. She’s a PhD and retired. She’s a good friend for the most part, but she’s a true believer in her Demon party. Unfortunately, she worked for the government and has a huge pension, most of which she donates to radical lefty causes. She really thinks that she’s smarter than she is.
All the rest of my current friends, including a lifelong democrat, actually despise this loser who claims to be president.
I’m convinced that the 29% “approval” rating for Brandon is pure disinformation!
Among the Vaxxed population – “blind” (spiritual disconnect) dont know their ass from first base anymore..gobsmacked by the space-nazi clotz shotz.
4 outta 10 gonna get Myocarditis wit Moderna – gotta luv those odds..4 otta 10 ??
Give the coot 40% chance at winning big money, I am in – every single time. ?? Why would I gamble on such low odds ? Cause I got enough “juice” to root that “potential” across the finish line into 1st.
.. as U are prolly aware – Baby always needs a new pair of choes.
Going to lick my wounds, repack the holes in my financial ass – and regroup for battle order come 2sday. Oil, Gold and FoodStuffs – call it value investing for the criminally sane.
As alwayz – We Must FIGHT 4 OUR Right to party-FREEDOM -https://youtu.be/9oM3VMhbxN8
The person I’m most concerned about got the J&J a year ago – and very reluctantly. It’s not mRNA, but did have clotting issues, and I don’t know if it was capable of reverse transcription like the other American vaxxes. She had a weird acid trip like experience that night and nothing further so far. I think IVM at the time of the vaxxing may have helped. She absolutely refuses to get any boosters, and never got covid.
I’m surprised that the push for the injections continues! They seem to have had minimal positive effects, yet repeat injections are still required by universities and many others.
Still here. But of course, I was Pfizered….
@Another George – I’m still here, too. Unvaxxxed and took my Ivermectin. Fever and virus pretty much gone in 2 to 6 hours. Never had so much as a sniffle since. Each flavor of the virus was a one and dun (sic) thing but consider the fact there’s the 40% increase in all deaths over a single year’s time as documented by the insurance actuaries. This year isn’t over yet and people are still dropping dead for unknown reasons.
Expecting Adversaries ?
The first I read about this method was a few years back., I think it was Sweden that initiated the program., then a few weeks later there was a very similar report out of Moscow. Wonder why the U.S. took so long to test this out?
euro highways are designed with long straight stretches to serve as runways. some bridges have design elements for rapid demolition. there is a plan and purpose for everything.
The original Eisenhower Interstate system was designed that way, with a long straight stretch planned for every five miles or so where possible. I have no idea of the current status of that design criteria. Knowing Mr Butt(head)gieg, he’d probably order those sections removed as “racist”.
When Eisenhower authorized the interstate highway system, he specified that one mile in every 5 miles had to be straight and flat enough to land an airplane. No mention of overhead wires back then, but they would certainly be a concern now.
“The original Eisenhower Interstate system was designed that way, with a long straight stretch planned for every five miles or so where possible.”
And the seemingly silly curves (the ones which didn’t wend through mountains or obstacles) were intentional, to alleviate either dozing off or “white line fever” on long trips.
The Autobahnen are spec’d for a 68cm (27″) thick concrete roadbed. In most places the Interstates are spec’d at 12 or 13 inches. I’m not sure I’d want to land a cargo plane on the 495 — just sayin’…
Vegas is America’s rec room but America became bailout nation so the rec room has to go. Go to a pawn shop and see what’s pawned. There will be a wall of entertainment equipment, that’s Vegas.
Note Las Vegas was a reaction to the 1930’s make work programs. The Hoover Dam 1931/1936. Some years were spent building infrastructure through tumbleweed and coyotes from the dam to Vegas. The war was consuming resources during those days making internal infrastructure building slow at first. 1946 rolled around, the war ended and Vegas mooned into the great credit expansion.
The thing with Vegas is it will always be there.
Right now the average electricity rates in Las Vegas, NV cost 13 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh). When those rates jump to $1.30/kWH operating the fountains may become a budget buster. A few less pools. Every other LED lighted in the Fremont experience. Before we know it the new Vegas is in Mexico with the auto plants.
employer of last resort. Watch Stripes.
“That’s a fact Jack!”.
From the article: some people without diplomas or GEDs have been able to enlist in the past, “just on a very limited basis.”
Define limited. When I enlisted in the army back in 1983, my recruiter told me a HS diploma was a requirement for enlisting, so much so that we made two trips to my high school for a copy of my diploma (he lost the first one). My high school was on the south side of Houston, but I was living on the north side. This meant I had to ride in the car with him twice for a couple of hours on each trip while he tried to blow smoke about having recruit pizza parties and other things recruiters say. Anyway, imagine my surprise when I get to basic training and over half of my platoon didn’t have a diploma. I discovered this fact because they were sent to mandatory evening GED classes, which coincided with the time after chow where we spent quality time with the drill sergeants either cleaning the barracks or doing grass drills.
About a third of my company at NTC, San Diego could barely spell their names – and none of those poor guys were White. We were held back 3 weeks before they’d graduate us. This was 1978. The most difficult thing I experienced there was getting used to no dividers between the commodes. I dang near busted a gut before I relented and used one of them with all that Navy chow in me.
FWIW, it’s thundering and raining nearly every day of this rather early monsoon season. I can only hope that some of that rain gets to the upper Colorado drainage basin. It’s a nuisance, but the rain is sorely needed by the ranchers and others. I just hope it doesn’t get wasted by inept management. At least it will dampen the wildfires a bit.
Food for thought – Silver Lining Dept.
Could the cryptos collapse have sucked so much wealth from the economy (thereby decreasing demand) that future Fed interest rate hikes will not be necessary? Thanks, tulip mongers!
BTW, the Fed only suggests (effectively sets) one interest rate. The rest are set by market forces.
Arrows in the air – very apt G. What continues to amaze me is the lack of intelligent response to a multitude of game stopper level threats. Some, (many) of these arrows are self inflicted by duplicitous chameleons in a world scale version of ‘The Batchelor’ but others have been visible for decades but are treated as curiously entertaining tidbits and talking points for campaigns by sociopathic lizards. Gravity is in play, 32’/Sec/Sec is vectoring home right now.
Without true leadership in the next 12 months, several arrows are going to plow through our neat little suburban and urban cornrows like an alien saucer at Mach 10. Throwing fake money at it won’t help and the balance will be gone.
Is it too late? Probably. A series of desalinization plants on the scale needed to keep the southwest quenched would take half a decade to build after the politicos waste a year or two wrangling for extra influence. The Eurotards have consumed so much of their own Kool-Aid that no amount of EMS intervention can prevent Guyana II on a scale even Jorge Soros would approve of and the MOAB arrow, our own fiat digi hypnodollar scam is at terminal velocity fueled by $30 trillion in rocket fuel aimed right at the heartland.
Is intervention possible? I can’t see it with our (another arrow) finally exposed ‘election system’ that yields pre-arranged outcomes for the sheep. No, it’s going to take a strongman and an iron fist to pull the stick back and stop the dive. Good luck to us all and enjoy the 4th, maybe one last time.
Speaking of the effects of gravity on airborne objects, I saw an interesting demonstration many years ago. An M-1 Carbine was fired from shoulder height with the barrel parallel to the ground. The ejected cartridge case hit the ground at the same time as the bullet, but the bullet had traveled 300 yards downrange in the process.
The big crash could coincide with the LHC startup that’s making the rounds.
“On 5 July 2022, after over 3 years of shutdown, the LHC will return with a new energy world record of 13.6 trillion electron volts (13.6 TeV) in its first stable-beam collisions. These collisions will mark the start of data-taking for the new physics season, called Run 3.”
Readying for a new era of exploration
Pelosi saw the Pope. Musk saw the Pope.
I think they are all in on whatever is coming, together.