CPI, Fed, Anti-Aging

Yes, the money angles are important but Anti-Aging: a Shotgun Approach  is equally important.  If you are old enough to have faced off with your own mortality.

We have another one of those longish reports today, But we try to hold a balance between the money coming in on the one hand, and the sands of time sliding out from our grasp on the other.

Let’s start with the CPI data…

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62 thoughts on “CPI, Fed, Anti-Aging”

  1. Good morning George. Your ‘best’ ever on Health. Similar to what we do.

    On the Alzheimers front is this – – https://www.foxnews.com/health/reversing-alzheimers-exercises-make-brain-more-resilient
    Looks fairly interesting and of course exercise is not a bad thing.

    Blood Pressure is an indicator. I made it past 80 being “Med Free” and then contacted ‘Shingles’ which hurt like a bitch. What happened next was some ‘mini’ strokes. Seems like shingles raises your blood pressure and increased chances of stroke by about 30%. So if you get shingles I would suggest a baby aspirin each day. Heart test showed high blood pressure at night about the REM time of sleep. End of story is a low dose statin and baby aspirin.

    Cheers and hang in there.

  2. Buffalo man – Thanks for the post. Having followed the Lakota and Hopi prophecies along with Edgar Cayce it certainly seems that we have entered the time of ‘changes’ which can not be reversed. Looking at the predictions for the mainland of the USofA it is grim. Combined with the Deagel report and G A Stewarts inputs the SHTF event has started so hang on for the ride.

    Good luck

  3. Why is moderation so difficult at times…that last un-needed drink or extra cake?

    Do we really want to live long? Are we unnecessary after procreation?

    What does “death wish” mean? Why does the term exist?

  4. Good Morning ,This morning i woke up went out on my deck and said “Lord, show me a sign.”

    Then all the sudden One of the Big Stud horses broke the fence, ran down jumped the other fence started humping the shit out of one the Mare’s.

    I raised my coffee cup to toast and said, Cheers!

    Yes Lord. Yes!

      • Lol lol …
        like the story of the bull and the cows.. A rancher and us ( I worked scraper ) anyway we had coffee break and a bull just couldn’t get it in the rancher shook his head and said quick would someone get me a bucket to stand on..why.. well someone has to show that dam bull how its done..lol lol

      • oh i was on mu deck. by the time i got down there one of the lady ranch hands had lassoed him and brought him back.

        it sure looked like he had a damn good time tho.


        i am doing amazingly well tho. thanks for asking.

        lots and lots of really good stuff happening for, in and around me, all the time. all the time.

        i got stories for days since we last talked.

        ya know a while back i was looking at brand new Porshe 911 turbos. 0-60 in 2.4 seconds. so fun!

        i was out in the parking lot doing patrol at the south bellevue station. im northgate now. that parking lot is HUGE! Its a trek with 30lbs of gear on. we have these fobs ya have to scan to show ya did north and south and center.

        note: all of you who think ya gonna just slap on a ruck sack and walk it out when shit hits the fan. when is the last time ya walked 12 to 15 miles in a day with 30lbs of gear. now do it every day for 5 days. its an ass kicker.

        anyway, back to the brand new 911 turbo. i got down to floor 3 having started at 5. i thought im just going to sit a minute. my feet were sore. i sat quiet. i thought about that brand new 911 turbo. i said id sure like to own one of those. throw in a hot, tan blonde in white leggings.

        but you know DUDE, brand new 911 turbo, hot blonde in white thank ya DUDE and if not, Thank ya DUDE. Either wqy, Thank ya DUDE.

        now theee isnt a damn car at all on the 3rd floor. at all. it sunday morning. nobody is in the garage but me.

        About 3 minutes later a Brand nww Blue 911 trubo comes flying up the parking garage. parks right in front of me. out gets this hot tann blonde in her early 40s wearing ->>> white leggings and Blue sports bra that says winner on it.

        i bust out laughing and she smiles, gets out and say can you help me move this in my trunk. i said yes Mam. she bends over the front of the car in front of me and i damn near had a fucking stroke. i help her. move her suit cases around. she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. get back in her brand new with the paper tag on it, Porshe 911 Turbp and drives off.

        i sat back down and said Thanks DUDE.

        True story.

        what i get from all that is,

        its on its way. just wait for it.

        okay DUDE sounds good to me.

        oh look at that. the sun came out as i finished writting this.

        ~ La Dolce Vita ~

      • after my post i was almost in a fight. interesting. i mean daily im almost in a fight. but today is my day off.

        he back down quick like then appoligized. all good.

        every i see people die from fentanyl OD. did cpr and used the AED and brought two back on monday.

        but we found another in a wheel chair dead as a door nail waiting to get on the elevator.

        not everyone can do this kinda work.

        i get called names all day long. i get called the N word, C word, bitch, racist and host of other colorful names. daily…then when they over dose, i have to try to save their life. hopefully i get a hug afterwards.

        well the day is young and so am I.

        have date with my 80 year old mother who is in town, visiting from Alaska.

        hope all is well.

        ~ La Dolce Vita ~

      • dude, i havent had rhua mucg difficulty in a long time with communication issues in a long time. everyone wants to fight with me today. hahaha. im working my level like a mf.


        my bank app crashed. all kinds of shit. hahhahahaba

        whoooohooo! must be a Massive Blessing coming.

        there is always great difficultie, right before the break through.

        fuck i almost been in 3 fights today. i just keep smiling. hahhaa. because i know, when the whole world is agitated? everything is shifting into something new.


        im super excited!

        ~ LA DOLCE VITA! ~


      • its like you said above,

        “UrbanSurvival –
        CPI, Fed, Anti-Aging
        June 12, 2024 by George Ure
        Yes, the money angles are important but Anti-Aging: a Shotgun Approach is equally important. If you are old enough to have faced off with your own mortality.

        We have another one of those longish reports today, But we try to hold a balance between the money coming in on the one hand, and the sands of time sliding out from our grasp on the other.

        Let’s start with the CPI data…

        More for Subscribers ||| Master Index 2018 to Present ||| Master Index 2001 thru 2017 ||| Missing out? SUBSCRIBE NOW!!! ||| Subscriber Help Center |||

        author avatar
        George Ure
        Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/George-Ure/e/B0098M3VY8%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share UrbanSurvival Bio: https://urbansurvival.com/about-george-ure/
        See Full Bio
        NFIB, Fed Meeting Starts, Taking Down Canada
        28 thoughts on “CPI, Fed, Anti-Aging”
        The Tinkerer
        June 12, 2024 at 08:20
        Good morning George. Your ‘best’ ever on Health. Similar to what we do.

        On the Alzheimers front is this – – https://www.foxnews.com/health/reversing-alzheimers-exercises-make-brain-more-resilient
        Looks fairly interesting and of course exercise is not a bad thing.

        Blood Pressure is an indicator. I made it past 80 being “Med Free” and then contacted ‘Shingles’ which hurt like a bitch. What happened next was some ‘mini’ strokes. Seems like shingles raises your blood pressure and increased chances of stroke by about 30%. So if you get shingles I would suggest a baby aspirin each day. Heart test showed high blood pressure at night about the REM time of sleep. End of story is a low dose statin and baby aspirin.

        Cheers and hang in there.

        The Tinkerer
        June 12, 2024 at 08:32
        Buffalo man – Thanks for the post. Having followed the Lakota and Hopi prophecies along with Edgar Cayce it certainly seems that we have entered the time of ‘changes’ which can not be reversed. Looking at the predictions for the mainland of the USofA it is grim. Combined with the Deagel report and G A Stewarts inputs the SHTF event has started so hang on for the ride.

        Good luck

        June 12, 2024 at 08:55
        Why is moderation so difficult at times…that last un-needed drink or extra cake?

        Do we really want to live long? Are we unnecessary after procreation?

        What does “death wish” mean? Why does the term exist?

        George Ure
        June 12, 2024 at 09:10
        Those of us blessed with “some inner hankering to complete a Great Work” are most assuredly not going to find the time”

        i used a level for years to meditate. i still time to time.

        and someone is yelling at about something as stupid as how im washing a pan. when im doing their dishes. i know its not about the pan. its not even about me.

        when you have a seriess of those events. like i went into the dol and to some cdl stuff. there is only 2 people in the place, i needed to transfer some money. my phone reboots. all on its own. then bank app updates and crashes. so i go outside the my phone signal died. hahaha. then i get it all sorted out go back in the dol and now 30 people are there and im now number 222. im like laughing at the rediculousness of it all.

        then call ya say oh im sorry man. this and that and this and that. it wasnt about the pan or you. i laugh say, ohhh no kidding. well im glad you feel better.


        then i go sit in the car, pause. take a few deep breaths. thank You DUDE. wait, get back to center and move forward.

        as soon as the next day, it comes, that one really good thing ya been waiting a long time for and you wake up and whoooohooo!

        that is how it works.

        i dont know why it works like that. it just does.

        im grateful i know how the system works. and im grateful i didnt ring a bunch of necks today. hahaha.

        all is welll. life is good.

        100% all day.

  5. G.
    in this morning’s material you did not mention — but I suspect you know of — the work of Durk Pearson and his partner Sandy Shaw in longevity.

    Interesting (and weird) guy.

    I take a general Hi-Po vitamin with trace elements daily, 3,000 Vit C, 2,000 Vit D3, “slow” iron, 400 IU Vit E, CoQ-10, zinc, B-complex, Probiotics, and a couple of other minor things. I drink a lot of good water. (iced, usually)
    I avoid HFCS like poison (sometimes hard to do — it’s in a LOT of things)

    I like eggs, and I much prefer whole milk to “skimmed” (blue) milk. Breads in moderation; pastries, candy and similar crappe to a bare and rare minimum. No chips or high-processed Fake Food Plastic Krappe.)

    Some beer and wine — but not a lot. Never smoked, except for a rare cigar. (The smoke carries one’s thoughts up to God.) Almost as a meditation.

    Generally avoid shopping the the middle isles of the market, concentrating instead in the peripherals of “real” food departments — produce, meat, dairy, etc.

    I stay as serene as I can — get some strong sun (real Vit D) as possible daily.

    I’m 80 now, and have a few issues; but seem stable.
    (A-Fib, Asthma, congestive heart. BP averages 125 / 70, pulse-oxy says 95 or 96 most of the time. I can’t exercise much but have a treadmill I actually use — at a window, and with a radio to combat the intrinsic boredom of it. Blood sugar hovers at 95 – 105 in the morning. I’m on metoprolol and elequis, with diltiazem (“cardia”) for the A-Fib.

    So far, so good.

    • Thanks for sharing WORR. Like you and George, I follow a similar program and have made it to 82 with few creaks and pains. My first knee osteoarthritis showed up last week. Doc sending me off to a specialist. Two year wait probably here in Canada. I continue in a a seniors exercise program with one hour of cardio twice a week and one hour of weight training once a week. The social interaction is helping me as much as the exercise.

      I think this is one of the best columns George has written. A lot of self experimentation and a lot of common sense (drink lots of water, everything in moderation, etc.). George always brings the receipts.

      The Alzheimer’s/Exercise column that The Tinkerer pointed out today makes so much scientific sense to me and glad he shared it. Definitely worth a read.

      I continue to feel a sense of camaraderie with a number of folks on this website (George, LOOB, you, choices, Ray and several others). Maybe it is the age or just the wisdom you guys pack in but definitely helps my day.

    • “and I much prefer whole milk to “skimmed” (blue) milk.”

      Skim milk isn’t necessarily blue.

      Blue milk comes from Holstein cows. Farmers raise Holstein herds because they produce 10-12 gallons of milk, daily. Whole (~3.5% butterfat) Holstein milk will still be blue, and usually has chalk added, to make it appear white. This is why supermarket milk which begins to stale will acquire a chalky aftertaste before it actually turns.

      Jersey and Guernsey cows produce a white milk with a slight yellow tinge (from naturally-occurring beta carotene) when seen in the sunlight (hence the color “cream.”) Unfortunately, they only produce about 6 gallons per day. Skim Jersey milk is naturally white. Whole Jersey or Guernsey milk may run as high as 7.5% butterfat (4.5-5.5% typical) and has an amazing nutritional profile.

      Try it sometime…

      • wow.. I didn’t know they added chalk to make it whiter… LOL.. my daughter was just telling me that one of the local stores near her has milk that always tastes like milk of magnesia.. that would be the chalky taste..

      • Dad kept a Guernsey for family milk (while I was growing up) and vet fertilized with angus so calf was for meat. Loved the fresh milk (not pasteurized) and Mom made butter, still have the gallon churn. We had 5 acres clover to bail for hay. Dad milked the cow cause he said it helped his hand arthritis.

    • I read this book way back in the 80’s, possibly earlier. It made a lot of sense and I implemented what I could back then and since. I’ve been irregular regarding these things, though I tried to be somewhat consistent. It definitely helps to do this over the long haul, though kids and many adults are reluctant to consume more than the recommended(minimum) dose of anything. Reducing stress is critical, and we all have stressors in our lives. While I doubt I’ll live forever, I do hope to extend what I can of life, and “square the curve” in the sense of being fully functional until the end, or nearly so. It’s been impossible for me to find any MD that I can speak to as an equal and doesn’t sequester his or her self with just the company of other MDs or perhaps their necessary lawyers. MDs have the privilege of writing scripts for various useful things, but their “medical societies” frown on off-label use. Planning and doing most or all things from first principles won’t earn you much in society(unless your name is Elon), but for me it’s the only way to think and plan. Some of us are just awful at being followers.

      • You can search for “holistic MD” or visit orthomolecularnews.com and ask. There are a number of cegreed and practicing medical doctors who’re holistic practitioners, acupuncture or acupressure specialists, even a few who’re quackypracters.

  6. CPI – what a beautiful number to lower interest rates in order to continue the battle against inflation.
    Shelter uo 5.4%, transportation up 10.5%, food up 4% (yeah sure) and of course the benign number produced as a result of used car prices down 9% – I’m sure we’ll see revisions move higher in the months ahead. Powell should actually just leave numbers alone and of course monitor the all important data……

  7. In regards to UFOs there’s one line of thought that you almost never hear from anyone. That line of thought is there is absolutely no reason that intelligent life did not first arise in the oceans. The accepted view is that life started in the oceans and eventually made its way onto land and yadda yadda here we are as the pinnacle of evolutionary processes on this planet. Never mind the serious mathematical impossibilities with the modern theory of evolution.

    I think terrestrial life was late to the game and intelligent terrestrial life is practically just now beginning. Living on the surface can be tough and we have lots of examples of major setbacks to life here. I think that ocean lifeforms have weathered the hard times on Earth much better and intelligent species have been able to persist for much longer there.

    This idea solves a lot of logistical problems that have yet to be solved like traveling interstellar distances, etc, and why they are even interested in this planet. Them being FROM here makes a heck a lot more sense.

    • Interesting speculation. I suppose it is possible that the higher intelligence life forms there could have gotten together and booted all the developing human out of the oceans as unacceptable and made to go live on the dirt and take their chances breathing air…

    • Maj
      Read”The Sirius Mystery” by Robert Temple. Explains lots from the written history of the Dogon people and connects many thoughts about the same. We live aboard a small sail craft (have for years) somewhere in the South Pacific in the area that once supported the continent of Mu and where the Lemurian civilization prospered until about 12000 years ago when Mu was submerged. The Lemurians were displaced and migrated to all the surrounding ‘dirt’ and then over time made their way back into the old space in migrations from the larger ‘dirt’.
      Dirt people have no connection to the Mother, it is a strange and unknown space that covers 75% of the planet. Until you have spent a month crossing the vast ocean and seen the wonders there, it is nearly impossible to fathom that Earth is water and the dirt is just something that humanity struggles and wars over.
      We grow food on board, eat fish and other sea life, and get by in peace because other humans imagine us to be mad. A preferred state.
      I admire your interpretation of our evolution and believe the cetacean to be our superior. A mammal that lives without hands or feet has to have something going for it.

    • I have read speculation that the UFO’s are as much time machines as spacecraft. That would be in line with the MAJ13 postulate. The question is not where do they come from as much as when.

      • You know that is interesting.. the Bermuda triangle has always been known for having a great deal of ufo sightings .. and reports of people flying through electrical storms having an altered time event.. could that be because of the double magnetic vortex and the energized atmosphere.. is that a portal zone.. interesting to contemplate that

  8. Count down to June 18th …6 days and counting for the SHTF.
    Ask yourself did they get all the Terrorists ? News story today!
    Authorities nab 8 suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS in multi-city sting operation. They are spread throughout the USA. Thanks to JB and his policy.

    • I am willing to bet that this administration that has opened the borders has allowed in a whole lot more than Eight.. and they are paying them to stay here through their support system..
      the cloward piven strategy is full swing..

  9. My personal pursuit of understanding longevity has validated your list of actions, diet and supplementation. If there is a silver bullet or bullets, it maybe boil down to a gut bacteria and the elimination of harmful parasites that cross our body’s protective barriers. Looking at the Blue Zone data and the interplay of diet with gut bacteria and the research on “leaky gut”, point in this direction. At least for me.

  10. (“He is claimed to have lived the longest life, dying at 969 years of age. According to the Book of Genesis, Methuselah was the son of Enoch, the father of Lamech, and the grandfather of Noah. Elsewhere in the Bible, Methuselah is mentioned in genealogies in 1 Chronicles and the Gospel of Luke.”)

    if..the calendar year was moon phases as many of them used to calculate years.. Methuselah was 81 years .. well not quite..
    now I have known some pretty sort hundred year olds..one of our gents was 99 when he moved in..great guy.. he landed on Omaha beech.. he never talked much about it. he only liked to talk the good points.. like the French loved to dance drink wine eat bread and cheese..he was one of the liberators of Auschwitz.. I took care of a guard at Auschwitz.. A prisoner from Auschwitz and a liberator.. he made it to 102 ..loved the show little house on the prairy.. when they were first filming the first episode he started to laugh. Landon came over and asked him what was so funny..he said I told him he was using the equipment all wrong..how would you know that..because its the same farm equipment I used for farming.. so he taught Landon how to use the farm equipment.. great guy wonderful family that we got to know real well.. he had no place to go at 99..

  11. If you do-the-math.., the Federal Reserve has to raise rates to get to their magical two percent inflation rate.
    And what are the chance of “that” happening?
    And.., is 3.5 to 4.0 percent the new annual inflation rate for the country?

  12. Quite a few women in my family line have lived into their late 80s and mid 90s. Two got alzheimer’s and both of them fussed about their weight and dieted all their lives. So I think there is some truth in lack of vitamins and minerals in alzheimer’s.

    I know I have been complaining about my high fat /mostly meat diet but I want to mention how great my brain feels. I might still be in pain but I tend to have a sense of well-being and a mellowness. My brain is quite happy with itself.

    When I eat sugar and processed foods I definitely feel worse. I made 3 fruit pies yesterday for a yearly pie contest at a local nursing home sponsored by my women’s group. I kept one pie for home and had a slice last night. There is way too much sugar in canned fruit meant for pies. Ouch morning.

    • Good info and feedback! Are you noticing how much of your fat intake is saturated vs monounsaturated vs polyunsaturated? The brain(and nerves) need lots of cholesterol to be fully functional and that’s generally best synthesized from saturated fats like butter. No need to go overboard though. Dr Mercola actually recommends much more saturated fat intake for those with M.S.

      Unsaturated fats are more flexible and have their place during the colder months. Our bodies are much better at chemistry than our minds, so we can synthesize what we need to a large degree, but not completely. I was eating very little to no oils or fats at one time in the distant past and noticed brain fog along with other problems. Butter solved that problem over a few months, but unfortunately it also contributes to excess weight. For most people, I’m totally against statins since they limit cholesterol synthesis but don’t reduce desire for fats at all. Many folks that I’ve spoken with complain of brain fog and joint problems after using statins. Stopping the statins fixes that. There may be good reasons to use a statin in select individuals, but I can’t see it as a go-to approach for most.

      • Statins are another high-profit scam of the big pharma industry. The problem in your body is NOT how much cholesterol is circulating. The problem is WHAT MAKES IT STICK TO ARTERY WALLS. That problem is a stress hormone called homocysteine. Reduced stress, and supplements like TMG (trimethyl glycine) can reduce homocysteine levels and reduce the artery clogging by cholesterol.

        I had exercise-induced angina at age 40. Chelation therapy and now TMG for 30 years have prevented it from coming back. Pomegranate juice is also excellent at clearing out arterial plaques. Not medical advice… DYODD.

  13. That’s the second time in two days I’ve seen the term rocket surgeon. Hmmm….
    Stay away from soda.

  14. Comrade George,

    it is with happy heart that I inform you of 2 minutes time to Miami.
    What the what ?

    Thats right Frigate Gorskov can put a Zircon On Miami in under 2 minutes time from Launch. Time to Texas ?
    Can you say Poka-poka (Noka-noka)?
    – ByeBye!

    Not a mole, not a glider, just a slavic dagger.

    100 Knife strikes in 1 minute = Pass


    -what the german automaker said after being informed that Honda Japan built their 1st Car in under 6 months ; )

    Cheers Yanks!

    • re: sand in the hourglass?
      feat: a dromedary


      Perhaps now it makes more sense as to why President Zelensky delegated his authority to subordinates at the URC conference concluding today in Berlin. He has made an “unannounced” visit on the cusp of Hajj to Jeddah (city of hospitality), Saudi Arabia for an audience with Crown Prince MBS. The English page of the Saudi Press Agency pictured the event as lead item under “most important news”. The guest was provided a glass of water while his entourage contemplated tabletops bereft of tactile clutter. The corresponding Arabic language page began with a meeting between the president-elect of Indonesia and MBS. This visitor’s entourage had civilized provisions for personal hand sanitation laid out before them unlike the infidels. I looked to the end of the “most important news” Arabic page until the 23 winners of last Sunday’s camel races were listed. However, the Ukrainian delegation visit mention was multiple clicks away at the bottom of the “politics” page.

  15. Well., that didn’t take too long.
    Our local small town radio station has a morning program called ‘Second Cup’.., where anyone can call-in and talk about anything they want. ., and a lot of people do. Praise, complain, gardening, yard sales, tell a story.., anything. [ I never listen to it – kind of boring for me.]
    My misses just informed me that this morning a lady called in and wanted to thank whoever the “elderly gentleman” was that put that “rude and obnoxious ” security guard “on his butt !” . She went on to explain that she had never met anyone who seemed to enjoy bothering people., especially “older shoppers”.., ” He completely humiliated my Mom.” [Seems to be pattern there.]
    I guess there have been a couple formal complaints lodged against “Fat Bastard”. The radio host said that they didn’t know who the “elderly gentleman” was., but was aware of the “Loss Prevention Officer” and had heard about the scuffle at the front entrance. “Heard he had to go to the hospital.”
    So.., the event is already going around town., but my name hasn’t popped-up as yet. Though I do kind of like “Elderly Gentleman”. [ Elderly Gentleman – Mystery Avenger ! Think DC Comics will pick that up?]
    Since there have been complaints, he has been publicly bitched-slapped- and will be spending some personal-time in a cast.., I doubt he’ll return. If he does, I’ll be sure to go welcome him back.
    I do wonder where he lives, though. I have a feeling that he isn’t ‘local’.

    • I bet he will think twice before grabbing someone again.. LOL LOL LOL
      I only met the one nasty loss prevention I believe they fired him he kept hiding in the womens dept. and loved to keep an eye on the girls trying on clothes in the dressing room….

    • I seriously doubt he would.. I have more fear out of what the group in there is doing now …
      I get a chuckle out of those complaining about Trumps short falls.. all while supporting the administration that is allowing child traffickers drug traffickers slave traders and possibly allowing enemy army walk cross the border and giving them all fast tracked citizenship and financial support.. pushing us closer than ever to a nightmare war of wars and spending hundreds of billions of dollars on wars like there are no limits..
      They talk about Trumps failings but can’t see the insanity brewing up around us..

  16. Congress has voted to find the Attorney General in contempt. [ Refusing to turn over the video of the Biden interview – that he referenced in his statement.]
    – Has this ever happened before ? The highest lawyer in the government being held in contempt ?

  17. I’ve been using a CPAP for around 15 years now. I fought it, but finally went in for a sleep test. They woke me up halfway through the night and slapped on a mask. Later they showed me the before and after readouts – on my own I was waking up for pretty much every breath and never got out of stage one sleep. With the mask on I shot straight down to REM and stayed there the rest of the night. The scariest part was finding out my blood oxygen level had dropped to 37% without the mask. One can imagine what that does to the brain and all other organs.

    Yes, it’s a bit of a pain to travel with a CPAP, but I won’t go without it now. No more camping – but I’m getting too old for that anyway. The thought of organ failure due to a low oxygen level is a great motivator.

    • they didn’t show me the tests.. but did a sleep study on me and I was waking every fifteen seconds.. got done with the test they said it went good.. got home and the guy was here with oxygen tanks waiting for me.. he said didn’t they tell you.. my O2 sats would drop to 67 it was the worst they had ever seen.. been using mine about twenty years now… love the thing.. now if I fall asleep without it I feel like I am drowning.. LOL the only bad thing is you have to keep a bottle of water next to the bed on the bedstand.. it dries out your sinuses and throat.. and some ocean sinus spray..

  18. Looks like the local vigilantism is ramping up again. I bought a pair of boots online. The were drop shipped from London (and no, I didn’t know they were coming in international when I bought them). They appear to be hung up in between customs and USPS. I am getting strange texts, allegedly from USPS, demanding that I provide enough identity info to allow someone to steal my identity, which appear to originate from a USPS site. I called USPS national support line, and they denied knowledge, and advised me not to provide the info, and to reach out to the shipper, which I have done. If the boots had come from China, there would have been no delay.
    Some years ago, I bought a premium brand supplement online at a really favorable price, during a period of time when the vigilantism was raging. It turned out the vendor was in India and shipped it in via USPS. When the package arrived, USPS refused to deliver unless I came down and signed for it. The postal clerk delayed me for half an hour, under pretense of looking for the package. When I walked out the door, there appeared to be law enforcement from maybe 6 or 8 agencies and jurisdictions waiting to ambush me, all with rather blank looks on their faces. They were expecting my outlaw namesake. I gave them all the look, got in my car and drove away.
    I drove slowly, with maybe four cars in pursuit. I intentionally crossed several jurisdiction lines, where the pursuit gradually broke off. I ran an errand, and when I drove home. a couple of the undercover cops from the pist office were loitering in the neighborhood. They never stopped to chat, and I never was given anything I could use to substantiate a harassment incident. Secret police don’t answer to anyone, and you generally have no recourse unless you get kidnapped, and survive.
    I will try and talk to the local postmaster today and try to head off a new state-sponsored international ethnic cleansing terrorism incident.
    About a month ago, a wealthy brain-damaged psychopath who has demanded that I sell out to him previously and made threats, dropped by to suggest I sell land to him once agsin. I figured his lawmen buddies would be ramping up the vigilantism again to make him happy. My ag sub let me know yesterday he was bailing on me this year. I need a vacation from Texas gangs. Anyone who moves here for freedom, law and order has sh!t for brains. Texas is a brown shirt playground.

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